17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH Progress Review of Progress Review of NHM & AAP 2008-09 NHM & AAP 2008-09

17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

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Progress Review of NHM & AAP 2008-09. 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH. Yearwise Release & Expenditure. Amount in Crore Rs. Clearly it indicates that 2.5 times more achievements have been made during 2007-08 as compared to 2006-07. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

17th April, 2008Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi


Progress Review of NHM & Progress Review of NHM & AAP 2008-09AAP 2008-09

Page 2: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Yearwise Release & ExpenditureYearwise Release & Expenditure

Year Outlay as per AAP

Released by GoI Exp.

2005-06 115.19 53.40 5.37

2006-07 123.98 15.00 38.20

2007-08 210.47 94.26 96.94

TOTAL 162.66 140.51

Amount in Crore Rs.

Clearly it indicates that 2.5 times more achievements have been made during 2007-08 as compared to 2006-07.

Page 3: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Present Status of Horticulture in U.P.Present Status of Horticulture in U.P.

S. No.

Item Ach. of Xth Five Yr. Plan

Proposed during XI Plan

1 FruitsArea (Lac ha.)Production (Lac MT)Productivity (MT/ha.)



2 VegetableArea (Lac ha.)Production (Lac MT)Productivity (MT/ha.)



3 PotatoArea (Lac ha.)Production (Lac MT)Productivity (MT/ha.)



4 Growth Rate 6.57 10.87

Page 4: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Impact of NHM in the StateImpact of NHM in the StateArea in lac ha,Area in lac ha,

Prod. In lac mt.Prod. In lac mt.


Fruit Vegetable Potato Total

Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod. Area Prod.

2005-06 8.86 99.36 15.56 254.49 4.58 102.3 29.00 456.19

2006-07 9.14 103.00 16.67 276.90 4.71 104.6 30.52 484.54

Increase 0.28 3.64 1.11 22.41 0.13 2.30 1.52 28.35



9.77 112.27 17.81 301.82 5.03 114.01 37.61 528.10

Page 5: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Salient Achievements under NHM (2005-06 & 2006-07)

Component Unit Achiev

Model Nurseries No 3

Small Nurseries No 12

Vegetable seed production Ha 761

Area expansion

Perennial fruits Ha 9634

Non perennial Ha 1470

Flowers Ha 2364

Spices,Medicinal & Aromatic Ha 6062

Rejuvenation Ha 703


Page 6: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Component Unit Achie

IPM Ha 1700

Bio-control labs No 1

Leaf tissue analysis lab No 1

Organic Farming Adoption Ha 11509

Vermi Units No 452

Skill Upgradation No 17772

Pack Houses No 13

Onion Stotages No 394

Salient Achievements under NHM (2005-06 & 2006-07)

Page 7: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Physical Progress during 2007-08

ComponentComponent UnitUnit TargetTarget Achiev.Achiev.Model Nurseries No 13 13

Small Nurseries No 48 48

Rehabilitation of existing tissue-culture unit

No. 2 1

Rehabilitation of T.C.Lab & related units in SAU’s

No. 6 5

Vegetable Seed Production Ha 1418 791.27

Area expansion

Perennial fruits Ha 9928 8473

Non perennial Ha 2354 2502

Flowers Ha 4509 3989

Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic Ha 11812 12803


Page 8: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Physical Progress during 2007-08ComponentComponent UnitUnit TargetTarget Achiev.Achiev.

Rejuvenation Ha. 3460 808

Protected Cultivation (Other Farmers) Sq.M. 400 300

Green House Hi-Tech (Other Farmers) Sq.M. 400 300

Green House–Normal (Other Farmers) Sq.M. 16500 4330

Mulching Ha. 1878 1400

Shed-Net Sq.M. 168100 96850

Plastic Tunnel Sq.M. 237550 83300

Promotion of IPM Ha. 7355 6520

Bio-control labs (Pvt.) No 1 1

Plant Health Clinic (Pvt.) No 3 -

Organic Farming Adoption Ha 7400 6001

Vermi Compost Unit (Pvt.) No 1209 589


Page 9: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Physical Progress during 2007-08

ComponentComponent UnitUnit TargetTarget Achiev.Achiev.HRD- Two days Training of Farmers No 18800 15885

HRD- Six days Training of Farmers No 5484 2139

HRD- 7-Days Trg. & Visit of Farmers No 3656 1151

Pollination support through Bee-keeping

No. 12065 8280

Training of farmers in Mushroom Cultivation

No. 762 516

Pack houses No. 28 87

Cold Storages No. 34 20

Whole-Sale Markets No 1 1

Page 10: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Adoption of Organic Farming-NAFED

Components Target Ach.

Farmers Training 5000 4500

Trainers Training 250 38

IPM 5000 ha -

Adoption of Organic Farming 3300 ha 3300 ha.

Organic Certification* 15000 ha. 15150 ha.

* Inspection of farmer’s field for Organic Certification is being done by INDO-CERT.

Evaluation of this adoption and certification programme is being done by National Centre for Organic Farming, Ghaziabad.

Page 11: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Annual Action Plan 2008-09


Page 12: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

The Project – At a Glance


S. No.

Component Outlay (Rs. lac)

GOI Share (85%)

State Share (15%)

Department of Horticulture & Food Processing, Uttar Pradesh

1 40 NHM Districts 16965.81 14420.94 2544.87

2 Project based proposals approved during 2007-08 to be included in AAP 2008-09.

1211.55 1029.82 181.73

3 Project based proposal submitted in 2007-08 but not approved, to be considered AAP 2008-09

4113.79 3496.72 617.07

4 ICAR Institute 35.00 29.75 5.25

5 Project from SAU's and other ICAR Institutes

5000 4250 750

6 Spill over Works 837.66 712.01 125.65

Total 28163.81 23939.24 4234.57

Page 13: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

A- Plantation Infrastructure & Development1- Production of Planting Material

a- Public Sector

Component Phy. Outlay (Rs.in Lacs)

Model Nurseries (4 ha) 4 72.00

Small Nurseries (1 ha) 13 39.00

Rehabilitation of Tissue Culture Labs

1 8.00


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A- Plantation Infrastructure & Development1- Production of Planting Material

b- Private Sector

Component Phy. Outlay (Rs.in Lacs)

Model Nurseries (4 ha) 10 90.00

Small Nurseries (1 ha) 90 135.00


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c- Vegetable Seed Production


Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Public Sector

Vegetables 168 84.00

Potato 159 79.25

2. Private Sector

Vegetables 1200 300.00

Potato 895 223.75

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d- Seed InfrastructureComponent Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Public Sector 1 12.00

2. Private Sector 4 12.00


Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

Perennial Fruits 9553 1074.72

Non-Perennial 3605 270.38

Maintenance 13555 721.18

2. Establishment of New Gardens

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3. Flowers

Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Cut Flowers

a- SMF 575 201.25

b- Others 164 37.88

2. Bulbous

a- SMF 1449 652.05

b- Others 619 183.84

3. Loose Flowers

a- SMF 3070 368.40

b- Others 312 24.96


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Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

a. Spices 13435 1511.44

b. Medicinal 967 108.79

c. Aromatic 5200 585.00

5. Rejuvenation of Senile Plantation

1675 251.25

6. Creation of Water Resources

110 1100.00


4. Spices, Medicinal & Aromatic

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Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Green house (Hi-Tech)

a. SMF 0.85 27.63

b. Others 0.09 1.94

2. Green house (Normal)

a. SMF 1.85 23.13

b. Others 1.25 8.38

3. Mulching 4210 294.70

4. Shed net 13.90 9.73

5. Plastic Tunnel 17.45 8.73


7. Protected Cultivation

Page 20: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Component Phy. Outlay

(Rs. in lacs)

1. Promotion of IPM 8370 ha. 83.70

2. Bio-Control Lab.

a. Private Sector 1 40.00

3. Plant Health Clinic

a. Private Sector 1 20.00

9. Organic Farminga. Adoption of Org. Far. 9980 ha. 998.00

b. Vermi Compost Unit 3281 No. 984.30

c. Certification 119 Clusters 95.00


8. Promotion of INM/IPM

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Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Training of Farmers (2 days) 20800 312.00

2. Training of Farmers (6 days) 6035 150.88

3. Training/Visit (7 days) 4370 109.25

4. Training of Resource Persons 500 12.00

5. Mushroom Training 920 4.60

11. Pollination Support Distribution of colonies 15969 127.76

12. Technology Dissemination Front-line Demonstration 4.50


10. HRD

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Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

1. Pack House 200 125.00

2. Cold Storage 50 25.00

3. CA Storage 1 400.00

4. Ref. Vans/Containers 7 42.00

5. Mobile Processing Units 7 42.00

6. Market Intelligence 1 10.00

7. Buy-back Intervention 5 50.00

8. Rural Market 13 48.75

9. Functional Infrastructure 28 105.00


13. Post Harvest Management


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Component Phy.



(Rs. in lacs)

10. Extension, Quality Awareness, Market led extension activities

40 500.00

11. Turmeric curing 26 18.98

12. Distillation Unit – Small 134 167.50

13. Distillation Unit – Large 2 10.00

14. Onion Storage – 6 Ton 405 4.75

15. Distribution of Plastic Crates 5000 3.13


13. Post Harvest Management

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Component Phy. Outlay

(Rs. in lacs)

14. Mission Management - 807.90

15. State Intervention

Intercropping 500 ha. 112.50


Page 25: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

S.No. Crop/Varieties Area expantion (Ha.)

40 Districts1 2 3 6 7 8 9

1 Mango 2990 100 Plants 2.99 5.52 (+) 2.53

2 Guava 3252 277 Plants 9.00 3.8 (-) 5.2

3 Anola 1445 100 Plants 1.44 1.39 (-) 0.05

4 Litchi 1100 100 Plants 1.10 0.38 (-) 0.72

5 Bael/Ber 330 100 Plants 0.33 0.23 (-) 0.10

6 Citrus 436 277 Plants 1.20 1.74 (+) 0.54

Total 9553 16.06 13.06

7 Banana (10% by T.C) 360 3700 Plants 13.32 1.3 (-) 12.02

8 Banana (Suckers) 3245 3700 Plants 120.00 - (-) 120.00

Total 3605 133.32 1.3

9 Tuberose 739 1 Lac. Bulbs 739 - (-) 73910 Gladiolus 2068 1 Lac. Bulbs 2068 - (-) 206811 Loose Flower

(Marigold/Desi Rose/Jasmine)

3382 1.00 K.g 33.82 qtls. - (-) 33.82 qtls.

12 Spices

a- Turmeric 2690 20 qtls. 5380 qtls. (-) 5380 qtls

b- Chillies 8060 0.25 kg. 2.01 qtls. (-) 2.01 qtls

c- Garlic 2685 06 qtls. 16110 qtls. (-) 16110 qtls

Avalibility at Govt. Units*

Gap/SurplusRequirement (per ha.)

Requirement (Lacs)

Annual Action Plan for Planting Material 2008-09Annual Action Plan for Planting Material 2008-09

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Annual Action Plan for Planting Material 2008-09Annual Action Plan for Planting Material 2008-09

• The above table indicate that Planting Materials of Mango and Citrus are available at the Govt. Units of the Department.

• The planting material of other crops will be managed from the registered private nurseries of the state, which will be identified by a constituted committee having scientists from ICAR Institute/SAU”s as per norms fixed by GOI.

• State Level Committee is being constituted which will manage the Inputs by suggesting the quality resources, optimum rates.

• In case of bidding procedure, technical & financial bids will be invited separately and duly approved by the constituted technical committee having Scientists from ICAR Institutes/SAU”s.

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Spill over works of 2007-08Spill over works of 2007-08

Activities initiated but not yet completed - Rs. 837.66 Lacs

during 2007-08

(Details given in the AAP 2008-09)

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Provisions for projects approved in E.C. meeting Provisions for projects approved in E.C. meeting held on 18.02.2008 and 13.3.2008 for which funds held on 18.02.2008 and 13.3.2008 for which funds

could not be released during 2007-08could not be released during 2007-08

A NHM E.C. Meeting 18.2.2008 597.51 Lacs

B. NHM E.C. Meeting 13.3.2008 562.735 Lacs

C. SLEC Meeting 18.3.2008 51.30 Lacs

Total 1211.55 Lacs

Page 29: 17th April, 2008 Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi STATE HORTICULTURE MISSION, UTTAR PRADESH

Details of Physical Programmes approved during Details of Physical Programmes approved during 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 for which funds were 2005-06, 2006-07 and 2007-08 for which funds were

released and activities initiated but not yet completedreleased and activities initiated but not yet completed

Amount (Lacs) Year Project Details Project Released Balance of funds

available with SHM

2005-06 - - -

2006-07 (i) Establishment of whole sale market by Mandi Parishad, U.P. (Released during 2007-08)

701.22 525.92 175.30

(ii) Organic certification 1500.00 1200.00 300.00

(iii) Adoption of Organic Farming.

460.00 368.00 92.00

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Details of Project based activities for which funds were released but projects not yet approved by EC

(viz. Pack Houses, Distillation units etc.)

Govt. of India has authorized SLEC of SHM to sanction the

project based proposal of pack houses etc. The E.C. of SHM has

approved 87 proposal of pack houses (Rs. 54.36 lacs) on 18.3.2008

(Copy has already been sent to GOI). GOI share demanded in

AAP 2008-09 as per (VI) Rs.51.30 lacs.

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