14B Horticultural Responses to Light Notesheet

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  • 7/28/2019 14B Horticultural Responses to Light Notesheet


  • 7/28/2019 14B Horticultural Responses to Light Notesheet


    12.How does a wavelength differ from the wave height?

    13.The smaller the wavelength, the the frequency, causing energyto be carried by that light

    14.The longer the wavelength, the the color. The shorter the wavelength, thethe color

    15.A taller wave, shorter wavelength would be what color:16.A shorter wave, longer wavelength would be what color:17.What substance in plants detects light?18.The color of the pigment is determined by what?

    19.Which pigment is found in all plants?a. What colors does this pigment absorb? And

    20.What pigments are found only in some plants?a. What colors do these pigments absorb? And

    21.What is the Action Spectra?22.What structure in plants detect the presence and quality of light?

    a. What type of light do they detect?23.How will phytochrome change in response to changing light conditions?

    24.What structure causes small seeds to germinate in response to light?25.What structures detect blue light?

    a. List the changes these are responsible for:

  • 7/28/2019 14B Horticultural Responses to Light Notesheet


    26.Flowering only occurs under what kind or kinds of light? &27.Below, draw what a plant under only red light will look like on the left, and under only blue light on the right

    28.How did Dr. Kasperbauer increase fruit production in tomatoes and strawberries by 20%?

    29.Which is more important in regards to light duration length of day or length of night? Explain:

    30.What is photoperiod?31.What are the three kinds of photoperiod? List and describe

    32. In fall, Mr. Kohn becomes concerned when the library lights are left on, especially considering that their upperlevel windows are near the greenhouse. What might be the cause for his concern? Hint we start growing

    poinsettias in September.