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14 Reasons Why Narendra Modi Won

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Lok Sabha Elections 2014: 14 Reasons Why Narendra Modi Won

Modi Lehar

It was written Modi Modi Modi all over from tea stalls to TV sets... The Gujarat 'magic' model of developemnet and 'good' governance took precedence over key election 'issues'. He was shown as an efficient administrator who introduced policies that encouraged development and prosperity in Gujarat that could be reproduced nationally.

Vote For Lotus

One individual was given precedent over the party, seniors, and local candidates. Modi asked voters to vote for BJP if they wanted to see him as the PM. He became the demigod who could bring India to prosperity with a magic wand. Local candidates, their background, their character certificate became irrelevant as all voted for BJP (Read Modi).

Anti-UPA Zehar

There was massive anti-incumbency 'zehar' in India. UPA was seen as arrogant and indifferent to public concerns. A more aware janta wanted the next best option. Narendra Modi pledged to focus on reviving the flagging economy if he became the PM.

A Dumb Rahul Gandhi

UPA’s campaigner-in-chief was a disaster. When he opened his mouth in rallies or at TV interviews, he made a mockery of himself and caused a lot of damaged to UPA. Naturally then, Rahul Gandhi was a stupid option in front of Modi.

AAP Ka Tamasha

When AAP spoilt BJP’s party in Delhi in 2013, everybody thought that between Congress and BJP they had a third option. AAP was a revolution – it made people aware, it made people stand up for their rights, it made people walk together against oppression. In the end, AAP’s stupid ways of functioning, sole focus on Varanasi, and in-fighting, proved costly for the party and the mass hysteria turned to a ‘stable’ Modi.


PM ManMohan Singh was the titular head of India. Oops I thought it was the President??? There were many instances where he should have taken a stand, when he was insulted and humiliated by Rahul Gandhi, when there was mass outcry over gang-rapes, when opposition was butchering him for being a robot. But he remained silent... People voted for aggression, people voted for Modi...

Congress’ Focus On Modi's Communal Image

Page 2: 14 Reasons Why Narendra Modi Won


Congress, TMC, SP, BSP, and other regional parties were unanimous that social peace will be threatened by ‘divisive policies’ designed to fuel communalism if the BJP is elected. Critics saw Modi as a polarizing figure who failed to stop anti-Muslim riots in Gujarat in 2002 when he was chief minister. However, this instead of denting his image, strengthened his Hindu base in the country.

Modi’s Core Team

BJP Chief Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley, Amit Shah, and Nitin Gadkari stood with Modi like a rock. The close confidantes of Modi were instrumental in keeping the ‘party seniors’ away and building a strong base for Modi.

Campaigning Style

Modi's election campaigning portrayed the nation was under threat; as if India was doomed if UPA-II returned to power.

Personal Attacks

Bull’s-eye! Modi kept attacking Maa-Bete ki sarkar personally because of which the 2014 general election became 2014 Gandhi Hatao Andolan.

Social/ Media In Overdrive

Initially it was all about #Pappu vs #Feku jokes on social media. Later, the jokes were used to get free publicity on electronic, print and web media for Modi’s slogan Abki Bar Modi Sarkar.

No PM From Congress

While BJP decided on its PM candidate in 2013 itself, there was ambiguity on Congress’ side. While Rahul continued to refute speculations of him becoming the PM, the confusion only added to the party’s woes.

UPA’s Own Blunder

It’s not that the Congress or UPA in general had not done any constructive work in the past 10 years. It is not that there was no growth or development. But it failed to pat on its back and eventually lost in the dark shadow of corruption.

Inflation, Corruption, Depression

Dwindling economy, rise of essential commodities, falling Rupee, unemployment, major scams coupled with policy paralysis crippled UPA's chances. Voters were fed up with corruption, worried about jobs and price rises, and ready for a change of leadership after 10 years of rule by Congress. Modi promised change.