1/21/11KHS Health1 PERSONAL HEALTH. 1/21/11KHS Health2 BODY & SKIN CARE KEEP IT CLEAN Shower Regularly Wash face every morning (more if skin is

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1/21/11KHS Health3 TEENAGE ACNE  Why does it happen? –Enlargement of pores –Oily skin –Multiplication of bacteria  How can I prevent it? –Wash face twice a day –Use medical lotions & creams as needed –DO NOT pick or squeeze  Spreads infection  Causes scars

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1/21/11KHS Health1 PERSONAL HEALTH 1/21/11KHS Health2 BODY & SKIN CARE KEEP IT CLEAN Shower Regularly Wash face every morning (more if skin is oily) Eat a balanced diet Get plenty of rest Exercise Use deodorant Select cosmetics carefully Keep hands away from face 1/21/11KHS Health3 TEENAGE ACNE Why does it happen? Enlargement of pores Oily skin Multiplication of bacteria How can I prevent it? Wash face twice a day Use medical lotions & creams as needed DO NOT pick or squeeze Spreads infection Causes scars 1/21/11KHS Health4 FACTS ABOUT THE SUN Two types of ultraviolet rays Shorter Rays Most intense in the middle of the day Cause sunburn Longer Rays In the morning and the late afternoon Not as strong 80% of rays penetrate clouds Can be reflected from sand, water, ground or snow Sunburn does not appear until two to eight hours AFTER you are out of the sun 1/21/11KHS Health5 NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF THE SUN Ages skin prematurely (hard, leather) Damages DNA (cause of cancer) Effect build up over time and are not reversible 1/21/11KHS Health6 SUN PROTECTION Avoid the sun during peak hours (10 AM 2 PM) Apply sun block of 30 SPF or greater, year round Use lip protection Limit exposure time Wear a wide brimmed hat Use an umbrella during peak hours 1/21/11KHS Health7 SUN PROTECTION VIDEO CLIP YouTube - Elevated Tanning Bed Risk YouTube - Elevated Tanning Bed Risk 1/21/11KHS Health8 EYE CARE Get annual check-ups at an optometrist Use corrective wear if prescribed (glasses/contacts) Take breaks from reading & computer (every 15 minutes) Use good lighting Wear sunglasses (with UVA/UVB protection) Wear protective eyewear (sport & occupational) 1/21/11KHS Health9 EAR CARE Clean them regularly - avoid putting small objects into the ear Protect from weather - especially cold Avoid loud noises - under 90 decibels Wear ear protection - occupational Have regular hearing test - bi-annually 1/21/11KHS Health10 HAIR CARE Wash your hair regularly Brush hair daily Keeps build up of dirt down Distributes natural oils Dandruff Wash often with anti- dandruff shampoo Prevent Lice Dont use other peoples brush, comb, hats or towels 1/21/11KHS Health11 NAIL CARE Keep nails clean and evenly trimmed Clip hangnails Cut toenails straight across, just above skin Dont cut nails too low because it adds risk for infection and ingrown nails 1/21/11KHS Health12 DENTAL CARE Brush at least twice daily Floss twice daily Use Fluoride rinse Visit dentist at least annually for cleaning Make good food choices Avoid smoking 1/21/11KHS Health13 HEALTH & WELLNESS DIMENSIONS 1/21/11KHS Health14 DIMENSION EXAMPLES EMOTIONAL- MENTAL Share Feelings Positive Stress Management INTELLECTUAL Go to school Read for information PHYSICAL Play a sport Eat healthy food SOCIAL Make Friends Join Clubs at School SPIRITUAL Establish Values Go for nature walks 1/21/11KHS Health15 HEALTHY LIFESTYLE BEHAVIORS Regular physical activity Eating well Managing stress Avoiding destructive habits Practicing safe sex Adopting good safety habits Learning first aid Adopting good personal hygiene habits Seeking and complying with medical advice Being an informed consumer Protecting the environment 1/21/11KHS Health16 PRIORITY AREAS FOR GOOD HEALTH Physical activity Nutrition Stress Management Exercising regularly Eating properly Managing stress 1/21/11KHS Health17 CRITICAL REASONS FOR PRIORITY AREAS Each area affects the lives of all people People of any age can make improvements Even small changes can have a major impact on individual and public health 1/21/11KHS Health18 PHYSICAL FITNESS BASIC COMPONENTS Body Composition Flexibility (Sit & Reach) Muscular Strength (Push- ups) Muscular Endurance (Curl- ups) Cardio Respiratory Endurance (Mile Run) 1/21/11KHS Health19 F.I.T.T. Frequency How often to exercise Intensity How hard to exercise Time How long to exercise Type What muscle groups to use 1/21/11KHS Health20 WORKOUT COMPONENTS 1.Warm-up 2.Workout 3.Cool-down 1/21/11KHS Health21 BENEFITS OF THE WARM-UP Prepares Cardiovascular System Prepares Metabolic System Prepares Musculoskeletal System 1/21/11KHS Health22 BENEFITS OF THE COOL-DOWN Reduces blood pooling in lower extremities Promotes recovery Minimizes muscle soreness 1/21/11KHS Health23 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN EXERCISING IN THE HEAT Avoid high heat/humidity Replace fluids often Gradual exposure (acclimatization) Dress properly Rest frequently Watch for heat illness signs 1/21/11KHS Health24 HEAT ILLNESS VIDEO CLIP YouTube - Heat Means Danger for Athletes YouTube - Heat Means Danger for Athletes 1/21/11KHS Health25 HEAT RELATED ILLNESS Heat cramps Heat exhaustion Heat stroke 1/21/11KHS Health26 HEAT CRAMPS Symptoms Excessive sweating Muscle spasms in arms, legs or abdomen What to do Stop activity Sit in a cool place Drink cool juice/sport drink If more than an hour, seek medical attention 1/21/11KHS Health27 HEAT EXHAUSTION Symptoms Heavy sweating Paleness Muscle cramps Tiredness Weakness Dizziness Headache Fainting Nausea Vomiting What to do Drink a cool beverage Rest Take a cool shower or bath Wear lightweight clothes Get into air conditioning 1/21/11KHS Health28 HEAT STROKE Symptoms High body temperature No sweat; hot & dry flushed skin Rapid pulse Difficulty breathing Strange behavior Hallucinations Confusion Agitation Disorientation Seizure Coma What to do Call 911 Remove clothes Get to a shady area Apply cool or tepid water to victim Place ice packs in groin & under armpits 1/21/11KHS Health29 EXERCISING IN THE COLD Consider the wind- chill factor Replace fluids Dress in layers Keep head, hands & feet warm 1/21/11KHS Health30 R.I.C.E. R est Time to let injury heal I ce Helps to keep swelling down C ompression Helps to re-circulate blood E levation Helps to prevent blood pooling 1/21/11KHS Health31 GUIDELINES FOR SETTING PHYSICAL FITNESS GOALS S.M.A.R.T. goals Be realistic Focus on exercise Consider heredity Consider maintenance Set lifestyle goals Put goals in writing 1/21/11KHS Health32 SUMMARY TOPICS Health & Wellness Dimensions Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Hygiene Physical Fitness