121 II PO IT .. THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!- of post offices in the United States at the close of the year ending June 30, 1849, wasl6,i47-there having been 9"21 established and 333 diaeontinued widlin the year-making an increase, within the year, of 588. rrhe number of postmasten appointed within the year ending June 30, lst9, was 6,333. Of that number, 2,i8'l were appointed in conse- quence of resignations; 183 in consequence of deaths; 284 in conse- quence of changes of site of office; 2,103 in consequence of removals; 11 in or commissions expired ami not renewed; 26 in conse- quence of commissions renewed; Zl in consequence of becoming dential by income $1 ,000; 921 in consequence of new offices. In 1st5 important changes were made by law in the postage and mail service of the United States. One of those was a large redn'!- tion or postage. Another, and almost equally Important one to the pecuniary condition of this department, consisted in directing all mail service to lte Itt to the lowest bidder, irrespective of the mode of convey- ance, and abolishing the previous regulations requiring the new eontl'l\Ct- or to ·take the stage-stock of his predecessor. This single regulation redueed the contracts of lt;45 in New and New York, the fint section let under that law, more than Another law of 1845 was that requiring!\ dassification of the railroad service, and fixing the maximum price ot those classes. 'rhe effect of these laws greatly dimin- ished the price of mail transportation, and aided in bringing so soon the expenses of the service within the income de-rived from the reduced postage, so that now, though the amount of service is very greatly en- hanced, its expense bears no conesponding proportion. 'rhe mail con- tr:tcts, whieh are f<,r four years, are made one section in each year, 10 that the whole suviee had undergone the process of reduction under the operation of those taws in June, 1 H4". Therefore, the condition of the department is, as it was expected to be, fouud most favorable, as to its cxpenAes, at the close of the year ending June 30, lf:i4H. The actual cost for each mile the mail was transported in the yenr prt-,ceding June, was eight cents one mill; and under the operation of the laws of 1845, the cost per mile af the mail transportation m June last was five cents six mills-making a difference of two and a half cents per mile, being more than one quarter. The number of mail rflutcs in the United States ou the first day of July, 1849, was 4,943, and tho number of contraetors 4,1 00. 'rhe l«mgtk of these routes was 167,703 miles. Ou those routeJ the mail was tr.1nsported miles, at the cost

121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

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Page 1: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …



POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!- of post offices in the United States at the close of the

year ending June 30, 1849, wasl6,i47-there having been 9"21 established and 333 diaeontinued widlin the year-making an increase, within the year, of 588.

rrhe number of postmasten appointed within the year ending June 30, lst9, was 6,333. Of that number, 2,i8'l were appointed in conse­quence of resignations; 183 in consequence of deaths; 284 in conse­quence of changes of site of office; 2,103 in consequence of removals; 11 in con~uenee or commissions expired ami not renewed; 26 in conse­quence of commissions renewed; Zl in consequence of becoming pres~ dential by income exceedin~ $1 ,000; 921 in consequence of new offices.

In 1st5 important changes were made by law in the postage and mail service of the United States. One of those chan~s was a large redn'!­tion or postage. Another, and almost equally Important one to the pecuniary condition of this department, consisted in directing all mail service to lte Itt to the lowest bidder, irrespective of the mode of convey­ance, and abolishing the previous regulations requiring the new eontl'l\Ct­or to ·take the stage-stock of his predecessor. This single regulation redueed the contracts of lt;45 in New En~\and and New York, the fint section let under that law, more than $~50,000. Another law of 1845 was that requiring!\ dassification of the railroad service, and fixing the maximum price ot those classes. 'rhe effect of these laws greatly dimin­ished the price of mail transportation, and aided in bringing so soon the expenses of the service within the income de-rived from the reduced postage, so that now, though the amount of service is very greatly en­hanced, its expense bears no conesponding proportion. 'rhe mail con­tr:tcts, whieh are f<,r four years, are made one section in each year, 10 that the whole suviee had undergone the process of reduction under the operation of those taws in June, 1 H4". Therefore, the condition of the department is, as it was expected to be, fouud most favorable, as to its cxpenAes, at the close of the year ending June 30, lf:i4H. The actual cost for each mile the mail was transported in the yenr prt-,ceding June, 1~, was eight cents one mill; and under the operation of the laws of 1845, the cost per mile af the mail transportation m June last was five cents six mills-making a difference of two and a half cents per mile, being more than one quarter.

The number of mail rflutcs in the United States ou the first day of July, 1849, was 4,943, and tho number of contraetors 4,1 00. 'rhe l«mgtk of these routes was 167,703 miles.

Ou those routeJ the mail was tr.1nsported 4~,547,069 miles, at the cost

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Dee. No. I.

or 82,428,515, which makes the average cost o( transporting the mail last year five cents six miUs p!r mile. To this should be added the transportabon of the i>reign mail, by Soutbampton, to Bremen, and the mail &om Charleston and Savannah to Raftlla; and alao the transpona­tion of the mail across the Isthmus of Panama; all which is done at the eXJ!ense of this department to the amount of a255,692.

The extent and cost of this aemce of tJ,, past year, as compared with that of the year lftCeCiing, will be ~een by the tilowing tabUlar sta&e­ment, and by releren~e to the report of \he '(o,irst Assistant PostlllUter General, belelo appended.

JJ.Iail ~e of 184.8 a1ul 1849 compnred.


------- I Mi!e•· Coet.

----Length of post routes • ~ . .. 1&3,208 .. Annual transportation-mode not specified . .. 17,774,191 .751, 500

Do do coach . . .. 14,555,188 794;,m tJo do steamboat . ... .. 4,3~5,800 262,019 Do do railroad . ..

4,327,400 584,192 . Total annual transportation within the United States . 41,012,5791 2,394,703

Route agencies and mnil messengers . . - I 54,0631

--- -


---· I

Miles. CoFt.


18,573,364 $777,415 15,025, :)5:l ;:m, 710 4,083,976 27H,G50 4,861,177 63.15, 740

42,544,069 2,42~,515 ; =-==-=---=-===

- I 61 '5l;J ~ I -

I I -----·- ---

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Doe. No. I.

The grnss revenue for the year endins June 30, 1849, amounteli to 84,905,176 28, deriw>d from the IOUowiDg IOUJCel:

From lettt!r-postage, including stampe10lcl • 83,882,761 62 Frcm m·wspaper and pamphlet postap • 819,01'> 20 Jo'rom ~ues 43 75 ~rom miscellaneous items 3,2M 21 lo'rom dead-letter money sold 99 50

Prom the appropriation made by the 12th section of the act of ad March. lM7, for mail senices to the govern­ment

The expenditures dunng the year were-For transportation of mails • $2,67i ,407 71 Jo,or compensation to postmasters - 1,320,921 3;1 }'or ship, steamboat, and way letters 36,174 45 1-'or wrapping-paper 23,936 03 Por office-furniture 4,219 69 1-'or advertising 61 ,813 3~ J:o,or mail-bags 20,276 3S F··r blanks 20,R02 11 Jo,or mail-locks, keys, and stamps - 4,586 50 For mail depredations and special agents 21 ,2'.l3 eo Por clerks for offices (the offices of post-

master(') For miscellaneous pa~ents -For pot;t office laws and regulations

317,218 36 70,437 IS9

31 75

Excess of gross revenue for the year - - · -The appropriations under the 12th section of the act of 3d

.March, 1847, remaining in the treasury undrawn, ex­clusive of the appropriation for the past year already nouced, amounted to •

4,705,176 28

200,000 00

4,905,176 28

4,479,049 13

42o,127 15

265,5;}5 55

691,6~2 70

Thus showing the sum of $G91 ,682 70 unexpended of the revenue of the past year, iucluding the former appropriations granted to this depart­ment for the transportation of free matter of the departments.


The Jlrovisions of the laws of 1845, for reducing the cost ot mml ser­vice, having produced their entiro cftert on all the eontractR (as all have now }'flssed under their influence) hciorc the corumeurPmcnt of this year, it was expc<'ted that in the further contracts a clear awl decided advance of cost would ensue. 'l'hiu expectation WUR in some measure verified by the letting to contrart, last spring, the northern section, indnding New England and New York. The t.aggregote cost for the service was, at Lhac

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le~, much inenued. The whole ~ .. .me. m•that -.:tion under the oontracta made in 1845, includin« 8pftciM, wu - 1531,411 Tbe whole coat mr sen ice in that ~eetion bJ 1be contnell

of 1849 is • • - • - • - 618,3a

Jlaking an increue of . 96,981

One cause of this is, that more service ia now contracted i»r, there to be 'done: instead of 10,91!\,174 miles of tran8p0rtation per year, 11,568,IBI miles is perfonned-being an inCNUe of 649,651 miles per annum. AD­other cause, and the greatest, oerhaps, is cnrin~ to the ~hange of mail service from coaches to the many nc\\·1)• finishro railroads in that section, whick is a much more expensive sen·ice. The sen·ice in that aection in carriages, or on horseback, which 1\·ns open to free competition, has now been let at even a more redu~ed rate than befOre, and amounts only to about three cents for each mile the mail is transported. On the other hand, in the railroad nnd steamboat service. where monopoly excludes competition, the expt!nse is increased, and the transportation amounts to nine cents for each mile the mail is can'ied, even 1pder the law of 18-15 fixing a maxi.uum of price to the classes of service.

'fhe expenses of tho service of the department for the current fear ending with June next v:ill, therefore, be increased by the amount o in­crease in the eastern secticn, ~,9~1; also by the cost of new routes in other sections, ordered by Congress, $57,333, and by extensions and improvements ordered by the dep&!lment, about $28,083; to which must be added a probable sum of 850,1Ml0 for Callj,mia, and a sum to meet other contingencies of $25,000. These additions to the expenses of the service of the last year will constitute the amount of the t'urrent expenses of this year, as thus ~tated: Bxpenditures as last year · . . • Additions- -excess of cost of service in eastern section New routes let in other sections . New service ordered Expense for California Expenses of mail across Jsthmus . • Publishing new edition of post office laws Other miscellaneous items

. $4,479,049 13 96,981 00 57,333 ()() 28,083 ()() 50,000 00

5,692 ()() t;,OOO 00

25,000 00

Whole expenditures of the service of the department for current year - 4,7 50,138 13

------To meet this expenditure in addition to the 8200,000 appropriated by

virtue of the tweltih :·>ection of the act of 1847, to pay for the frau ked matter of the departmtmts, the entire reliance is on rece1pta from postage. It becomes necessary to estimate that amount. 'l'hi~t cannot with safety be done by taking tlw income of the past year, and adding thereto the same per cent. of increase that year shows on the preceding. 'l'he effect from reduction of postage had passed, and the two preceding yean f;howed little more th:iln the regular and natural increase-keeping pace with the growth of tho country. ''fhc great increase of the las& year was ttnnatural, and owing to temporary causes of disturbance which have passed by; aome more aafe bWIJI of estimation muat be found.

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Die. Jfo. I.

It will be observed that th~ Ieber postap increased in the past year IJh per cent., and that lb,, aareP~e increase is 14}. The rate of in­creue upon letters being extieOnfinuy and much beyond the natural pnrth of our populatf>n and buainea, and being double that of the pre­vious year, it ~..annot be expected to continue, especially aa the causes to which it is mainly attributable have ceased to operate. These were ~e nttaliatory postage act of June 27, 1848, which was supeneded by the poctal treaty with Great Britain in February, 1849, and the greater fre­quency of correspondence iDdoced by the Presidential canvass in the an of 1848. In estimating the n.enue S>r the current year it will, theretbre, be necessary to aaaume something lite fhe natul'ill increase of the reYenue u the basis of calculation. To aacenain as nea.-ly as may be what is that natural rate of increase, I take the aggregate rennue from postages, year by year, since the reduction on July 1, 184.5, and show what has been the llllllUal rates of increase, thus:

I. Poemgea llD le&- : Al'DOut of ia- Bale ef in-

and pampble1a. ren, newapa,.,.,, c:naae. c:rua.e.

------------------------·I---------$3,443,M0 I

3,832,117 $388,277 4,117,639 285,622 4,7Wl,778 584,139

Year eading Jnne 30, 1846 Do. do. 1847 Do. do. 1848 Do. do. 1849

Average of the 3 yeuw from 1846 -

Average of 1847 and 1848 •

Per Cftll,

The average of the yean 1847 and 1848 appears to be 9//w per cent., and of the three yeart ending June 30, 1849, nearly eleven Pf!l cent.; but

· as it has been shown tha& there were temporary causos operating to in­crease unaatmally the postages of the year e.uWng June 30, 1849, it is deemed safest &o take r..ine per cent. u the rate, onutlillg the fr&ction, and

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Doe. Jro. ·-the ...... ol18t8, ........ - ............. --..... ,_ .... Jue 30, 1810, dtu.: ~ewn .. ftoom ,...., ,_ ....ua, Joe 30, 1848 Add Dine per ceaL - - • •

llnenue k ,_- 18tl by aatunl iDCNIII Add Dine per ceaL - - -

Probable revenue b par ending Juoe 30, lSSO To this add balaDee oa band June 30, UMt -

- 1',117,881 09 110,18180

- ., •.. 401,tto•

- " 891, Ill, 01 ltl,B TO

A.,-oJJriation b he matter b deputmenta a,- .... mgJune 30, 1810 - - - - • a»,ooo oo

.. T83,S.S 70 Deduet ezpendituee bei>re sta-.d • 4, 110, .• :.8 13

t,«m, no 57 Thia amount will be sn~t to a still fUrther Ndaetion of

about $175,000, payable to Great Bri&ain k the balmce of postage collected for the put and C11118nt year - 115, IJOO 00

Lea'ring a balance ~n June ~' 1850, of - 858, no sr uTB or POBT.&cm.

It t'eems long to have been the re<-eived pineiple in this d8Jl!llanent that its expenaes should })e alwaya kept within the income fumasla• ld by )I08ta8e, and all exertions at the improTement aad extension of ~ 1181'· 'rice are to be limited to and &II within aueh receipts. The opinioa of the community withoat the departmeat ia belMnred to be, that the General Post Otice, being fur the disaenriaation of intllli8ence and advancement of business, is not a proper subject of ta:Dtion--daat no burden for pub­lic aemce should leen upon it, aad that the rate of postage should only be such as will pay the expenae of the eare, coDveyance, and delivery of the matter on which tile poe~ is laid. The.e viewa are in DO way in­compatible, aud may both be succeufuUy reprded, prolided a ru..ona­ble compensation be !Mde to the de~ent i>r dle eerrice it pr.J.(orma, lty tllose for whose ~t:nefit such servace ia required.

It must be quite obvious that there can be no practicable meLhod of ascertaining the expense of mail servi~e on each particular letter or paper, as it fluctuates with the coat in each diJferent MCtion of tbe-eountry; but what is the proper proportion of each claas of service may be 1ettled wi&h a good degree of justice, if, when ascertained, it ia to bear ita wr protlc>r­tio• and that only.

The classes of service now required are three: the oare, transportation and ielivery, 1st, of letters;~' of newspapeP and pamphlet."; 3d, matter carried without compensation. It i!( by postage Oil the two iirat ~lasses of lf!"iee that the whole expenses of the department are now sustained.

The whole number of letters charged with postage passing through the mail1 dle past year, reckoued on the postage reeeived,aareeably to a buia beretobe approved, amounted to sixty-two millions. On all thete letters the pottage collertetl was $3,88'l,76!; on newspapen and pamphlet~ tt'19,016. It is well known that the po11tage on the newspapers amf pam-

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780 Doc. No. S.

phlct. ... in propor.tion to their W('i~ht and numbers, is in a VP.ry ~at lle­l?'J't'(' less than the lf•tt('r pnstagt:; so that they do not pay f!('ir proportion of the expense of ttaP. sPni,·t~. It theref<'re k•llows that th•~ lettl'r postage pays uow not only filr its own cost. but also fi1r what the paper postage f.'tlls short of ats pn,portinu, and also for all tha other opcr • .ttious awl ser­\'ic•·s of the dt•partmcut, including the expense of all tlw umttcr earried fi1r the public without 1"1.Y frnm government. This brings us tn inlptire what is the cxumt of this class of scrviee r('nJ.ered without pay from the cn.ploycrs.

1-'irst, what is the nature and amount of this franked matter? The h£'ads of the ditfNcnt dt_·partuwuts fra11k all the mail matter sent

from tht'ir Tf'Silt'r.tive departnwnts, and recl'i\·c trel' all to them directed. Uuder the ad t•f 1 S45, an account was kept hy the pnst office of the rity of WtL-.hinJ.?ton of all surh DHttter n·Nict'f/ hy the dep .. ·utmcnts fi)r the }'l'ru'

t'JHlitJg June 30, 1H-1ti, hut 110 a(~couut of the matter sent from them. Tlw postabrc 011 that recci\·ed :tt tlte pre~eut r:•.te was 82:iO,:J~3 S3, and th" amount as then estimated at the trt•asurv on the matter ~t·nt would be fully equal; so that the s:une then amouutcrl to $500,itii tit). (Ex. Hoc. t).j, :M session !?Yth Congress.) In IS-17 th!s anode of paymt•nt was abol­ished, and the only provision since fi>r this sen·il'e rendered to the execu­tive departments is an lppropriation of 8:l0li.IHIU per annum. It is al­way:-. to be recollected that uo amount of appropriation, however larg•·. h> pay for franked matter, will , ver iu any degree rPlien• the letter or paper postage, so long as such postage actmtlly pays the whole expeuse of the clepartmeut, whereby such appropriatiou remains as surplus undrawn from the treasury.

But the priucipal part of the franked mattf'f, for which no payment is made to the departuwnt, consists in the letters, papers, and doemneut1 fr,wked hy the memhers of tlw Sl'natc and Hou.!.c of Rq>risCJJtatives. The amount of this matter f'annot be asrertained with entire acenracy, as muda is f<mvarded of which 110 arl'ount is kept. By a report from the Clerk's office 11ithe Hous~ of Hepres1~11tatives, it appears that during the two se~sious of the aoth Congress, ending in Mareh last, tlw I~Xtra 1111111-

ber of public documents fclr distrihntion wa.~.> 37o.:~:m, and tlu~ir W£"ight was ,1fi7,76~ pounds. Print•~d sp1•eehes folded j(lr rrwmhPrs to frauk, fi,t;l-l,t,500, whic-h are estirnatf'd at one ounce each, .411 ,:;:u ptJUIHls. 'l'lw our-half of this shows the annual amount of this matter from tho House ot Rt·pn~smltative..; the two past years. 'J'his does not illl'lwh~ the writtnn rom•spon,J(•nr.e of the mernh('rS or th~ mail rnattl·r hy thelll re­l~Pi\l!d. 1\in wport dirt•rt from th'l Hmmtc is ref'(•ived; hut hy a n·port from thP post ollie1~ iu this city, it appears that during tho year endiug .fun(· :m, J!-o\.1~1, 'J'Iw rmrul>er of fr«!e writtf'll mail-matter .'ff!nt was

Do uo do rt•crit•l'li

!\1al(ing Pnuto<l ~t!WLk sp<!ll~heR

Do J, doetlllWflf~·

lluw·a! dot·urnr~rats

:~~~~. fi~m 170, 71!1

tj.l.\.1, ~10


1 ,:m:J, ;;o:J

r;I;H,:~ j;; :J, ·11S, i;'}U

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Hoc. No. 6. 781

The letter po~ta~ and fk'\lnphlct po~tage to whi<"h this matter would have been suhjcrt, if not fr:u1~ t'll. is rnmputt•d hy that report at ~i9:!.iO~t.

1r should he rcroller.tt-d thai tJw Post ( )Jiit'e Department is not nuly rt'·

qnimd to mail aru\ transport this matter, often requirin~ tht• hire of addi­tioual coachf's nncl tPams. but is also suhje~t to tht! w·tual payn~t•nt of motu•y contributed eutirt•ly hr tlw lettt•r J)•lst~c-in this nt<Ulll''r: Br law. two cents t>at•h is allo-.vtd t'\"NY postmastt•r ltlr the dt•livery oi a in•e lt'ttt-r or pae-ka~t·. if his income d·H'" uot eX!'t~cJ $~,04NI pt•r annum. The prnp•1rtinn of tht~sc free paper~• th•li n•red by postiUaste-rs of B:! ,000 int:mue will not t'X•'l't>d *-Hie-tenth. 'l'wo cents t>ad1 on the ton·~nin~ nmnher. detlur.ting n:Je-t,•uth. was $9.) ,lfH, which is artually paitl to po~stmasters. f.,r lh•livcrin!{ this fn:f~ matter, out nf money rc~ein~d ti•r [ .. ttcr Jll)st;lgP. 'f'ltus it appt•ars, that l~>r tht~ uefin'T)' of llillC-tPiltfts of tht' llHJliou..; of priutt~d :-p\·•~du~s franked and transported in the maib without t:om!"'nsa­tlou, (tlw priuti11g of which cost about ow! n•nt each. 1 tlwre is paid tw•• ceuH each, not IJy the person who sends or hy tlw pt•r.snll who rw't•in:s it. ••r hy tlw couutry as ft•r a :mblic sa\'in·, but Ly thost• who pay postag(' ou tht•ir pri\·ate correspondew~e.

It rests eutirclv in the w stJom of ( ;,,u~r .. ss to tlct·idP wlll'tht>r this fraukiug by its Jll;~mber.-; is a valuable puMi•: sen·icr', propt~r to continn .. ; and it is not iutewled to ma~.l' any remark 011 that topic. Were it abol­ished, tlll'n~ w.,t.JrJ prolJably he very m1wh lt•ss of sUt·h matter priutt•d: but the postage n11 the reu1aiwler, tn!{etlwr with that 1111 till' corrcspnnd­CIII'C of the members, awl th ~ relif'f of tht~ l!XJlCIIS(' of tlw trausportatiou and Jdi\·cry of this franked matter, would enahlt> tlw dt·partrlwnt to sus­tain itself, though tlw postag·~ were maH-rially redw·etl on h~w~rs. But it Cougrcss cflntirnw this fraukin!,!, as a valuable puhlie sen·ict>, it is hut just and proper that th~ lettPI' t~orresJw>nd••we, by a redw·tion 011 its 111>st­age, be relievc1l from its SUJ'fMt, a11d that pro,·ision be made tlterdi,r i11 the same mannl; that other hr<1.ll'lll'l: of public· service arc sustairwd.

Auotlwr ~real <tdditioual 1 .entand of pul•lit: serviee by the Post ( llli;·(· Dt~p<tflllll'llf. without ~ompetsaliou' is IUath~ tlris p~ar: tlrat is, rlw traus­llli;,;sion uf all tllf' blank1,, retums, ar~tl•·orn~sp••ntlerwe requir"d in taki11:,: the census of 1~;)0. Two t lollsawl n~arus ot' these hlawks art> already eugagt~d.

It ltas been ~ai1l that tlr·~ Jlt·wspnpN a111l paiuphlet pos~a!{t~ is 11ot in proportion to tlw t•ost of tf.Pir traii~JH•rtation; but it is not 111 lw tlwrdi•n! u udcr . .;tootl that au y iunt•as ~ of that posl<l.~c is prnpma~d. It has I on::: ht)('ll r·pgardPd a..; sound public: poli1·y to promote the t·ir•·ulatiou of tllPM' pnblica\rnns hy <"ht•:q~ post:t~~~; and it 111ay !J,~ advisahl•: to pr<~l'l'"d furt!wr in tlris poli1·y, w;p•••·ially j11 J•I'OIIIIItin·; their t~ireulatiou ill l':w VI• ioity of tlwir plnc·t:s of p11l,lir·atiorr, 1 rovidl'd 1111 dt~•:idml iujustict~ Ill' dont: 111 tl11.: po:.;tllwslt•rs witlriu that !':tllln vi~·illlty.

It woultl l11~ dt~siraldt~ to lrart~ a lixr·d sum grantt~tl l'r••ll' tire· tn•:1 ... ury fi>r this pui,Jj,~ st~rriro as to fn~~· ruatll'r, a1rd tlwu tlr•~ p• ·~ta~· · so n·dll•·•~;l a.r.ul arraug•·d as to provid" fi•r til•~ rt~lrrarrtdt·r; l111t that ,.,,,H~t· i-. irr,pra•·ti­cablt!1 as tl11: mnJwy from tir'l tn!a~ury •·aunot I)() drawn rtrilrl tlrat frorn post~'g'" is fir~t (•xhaustl'd; 11111, tlll'ft•(.,n· tlw cJIII)' ~ali·\\":«}" is !u ruak•· rodw·lions of' postaw·, frour tiurtl to tilllf~, IIIJtil justi•'tl 1~ pr•drwt·d. 1,~ leaving a !,al:lll"t~ to !11• utrrr11:dly drawn frnrn tl11~ trt·asury t'IJiri\'alt·nt '" the pwbli~· :-;urric.~ P''rt(Jnrwd; auJ uo 1:.~t··ut of rudw:twu wludr Jew:-~ ur,t

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'78! Doc. No. 5.

produc-e thi!ll effect is sufficient, so long os puhlic service is required to he perfcmnt>d fn-e o( f'•Stage.

What should be the d<>!lree or mea~ure of the rf"dttrl:iAn of postaae at this time, is entirely a que:'tion to lw M'ttl••1l hy Con~ress; hut it is. pro­pn~ed rt's~tfhlly to suhmit what would Itt! the probable etr.·~~t ol one mcasu~· of wdurtion.

'l'lw run~t ohvious and promirlf'nt ft•arure nllw ir or!r jlOStn~, is the douhl:• l•rire, tt•n <'P.nts, rhnl"lrf'd on all sin~l(' lettt>rs carrif'd (l\"t!r three hundn•r mill's. 'l'ht> redurtinn of this ten <'('llf post~, mul rhar:ring all 8inglt• l!'ttt>r.; at fh-e <'t•nts each, woulil murh simplify the llllllllll'r of nr­cnutttiug. and r«•ndf'r the same both more facile and perft••·t-would n~rwwe the dis~ati:-;fill'tinu arising from the great difference in the pn~ta!!" in dif­ferent offices, C\"t'n in the same Yirinity, hut sf'pnrated hy tl11s arhitrary line; aud would prt)I1!nte and t•nrourage the correspot·•lt•tw(' and iutt·r­course hy mail t;.etween til<> most distant parts of thP ··onutry whidt 11rost need and dt•mand it, in prt>risc proportion as their otlwr lllt'an~ of inter­communication are slow and unfrt~qnent.

'l'hc n~xt inquiry is, what would be the effer.t of this n•<hwtinn nn the rcct>ipts from postage, and lww would it afT;~rt the tr('as'HY?

It i~ nnt possihle, from any returns or data in the drparliiH'nt, ttl asrertain with murh pn·ei~ion the number of IPttrrs passinl! annual! r i11 tlw Jll:tilulldl'r thischar1~c often reuls. En·n iftht'lllllllheroftml <'tmt lettt'rs \\'l·rt~ actually known, it would still he impnssihlf' to dt•tt>rminf' how tuany of tht>m were t1m Cf~nt lt>ttt·rs, from bt>in~ douhh'. l11'J1!'<' <tri:-;(•s the :~·rcat ditl't•rcJwe in the estunatP of loss of re\'Pntu~ from snrh a fedurt ion a:·: was prescntPd in the report of the Postmaster General last year, tn wit: SiJ:),ll"i; allli that of the First Assistant, :::-:ltlli,73H.

Frorn a careful examination uow m;liJe of tlH' data in the dt'JKtrtrncnt, it is estimated that the whole number of char2"•~d letters sent thron~h the mails the past year was G~,IHHI,OOO, and of this numhel' ahout I :),:)OO,UtiO wen• suhje1'\ to the ten ceut posta~n on a~~onnt of dista.ncl'. H. tlteu, the reductio11 were to hriug no more lt•ttt•rs into tht• mail, the diminution of revemw ttwr~frnm the fin>t year wnnld he $77:),000."

It is nlreadr shown that the surplus on the fir~t day of July last wa~ $mH ,fi~·~ 70, and that 1111 the first of July uext will he ;::i"i;)~,71 t1 :H, wltirh willurrdouhtPtlly iucrease in future years Ly uatnral acculllulation and by increas1~ of th~ nurnlwr of lcttf!rs arisi rrt.{ from this red uc tio11. It tlren~f(lre follows that su~h reduc:tion will, in th1~ first y('ar, occn.sion no charge on the trcasttry, and it is extremely mwt~rtain wh·~thnr its op<•ration f'<lll ev(·r prodw·p that rffect. A hrief trial of tlris CXJK•rillrent will shnw its ctf~ct; and if it shoulci not(rodtH't~ nny i.nportnrrt draught on tfw tn·asury, then fnrtlwr n·drwtinns o posta~c should h(' m:u!P. Whctltt~r any fmthnr m­<llwtion ~·lroultl he madt~, awl a f~orn·~qwmdin~ provisio11 f:·ont tlw treasury ad.,ptPtl, nnt:l aft<'r this has hr>Pil tf'stnd by expcrirnf'irt, is r""l"'''tfully ~uhrrJJII1·d. Hho11ld ttu~ rP11lwtion rrow n~rornrneuded prod Ill'(', 1 ·II PXpl·ri­lllf'lll, a ~~~~f'f~ssful rt·sult without. ltPavy ~harg•~ ou tlw trt~as~~ry, tlw JH~xt step ~llould prohably hP a n!thwtion of the five to three C(•Jlt po~tag•~ on siugl•· lt~llers, if prrpaid.

H.\II.IIOAU 1'41mVICI•:,

Tlrio.: is a ('onstantly iwr,~asirrg sPrrire. lr1 thP r.nrr,•nl \'f':tr tllf' l•·11~th of railroad rout,·s 1s li,J:J~ !lJilt~s, !wing arr iwn·as1•, witl11.11 '"'" J'"ar~, ot

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Doc. No. o. '783

1.1·19 mil<"s; and it i!l' ~lrnn~t daily incrt·n~inll, n~ tww roads are hcing rnmpktl'd. On thf'sP rout••s the mail is now tr •. m~portt·•l :i.7 I~UIIO miles ruwmallr. It is tn11~ thnt this ~ervi•·e i~ dou" with 1nnre cJ, ... ,..,,h•h than t!w sn111<' amnttnt of s•·n·i,·t• in auv odwr W:l\', \'l't it 1s at umdt arcnter mst. 'l'h(' la\\'nf l~-1.) rt•quiril!;!.this St'f\'11:,. i•• h(' l'lassPd, muJ-fixing tlw nmximnm rnmp••nsation, has in snulf~ dP~Tt'f' r<>dw···tl tlw l'ost. Tlwre i~ nue fi.•atnrc of this scn·if'c whidt frt•qw·ntly t'Jnharra""•~s tlu· flJl''r'.tlluus of the dPpartnlf'nt. In all the oniinary mail Pnutraf't:--, pro,·ision Is rnaliH that the tillll' of arri,·al anti dt>partnrt• and ronrwxinn ,If till' mad" i~ Mth­.i~'~'t tn tlw onltor of tlw ti''Jl:trtnu~nt. Thi!! fi·atun~ ha~ llt'\'f'f lu••·u admit­It'd hr tllf' railru:ul prnpriPtors to lw insPrtt'(l in tlwir f'n!IIT:Il·ts. It is pro­vidPd in tlw111 that if anv ehange is marie without tlwir t'oll:-of'lll. tlwv may abandon tlw f'ontra•·t. This oftf"ll deprin•s the clt·partuwnt of the powt·r to ru:tkt· ~111"11 chau~Ps and imprn,·errwnts in ''''~ tiu,,. o( tlu• traw;. pnrtatinn pf 111ails ns the puhlif' ('1111\'CIIit•twt• rt•ctuin~s, ami s•lhjt·cts It \&J ccu.sure hy thn~e whn know not this ('ircumstaw~e .

• 'oiHEJC;:-t 11.\IL SF.H\'ll"E.

The mnil S('f\if'e l•y the way of Snuthampton to Bn·nwt. lt~s lw~n, 1111d•~r tht• contrart with this dt·partlllf'IIL carri<'U the pa~.: y .. ar hy the stc:t!nships \\ ashinztnu and Ht•TJIH\1111 ti1r tlw SHill of two lnlllclrt•d th1111Sallll d·t!lars, aud till' l'rnss aiHollllt rPaliz<'d in (Xlsfa~•· fro~ru that scr­ric't', ti•r tlw Y"ar t>11din~ 'l•·tnhc·r -L wa-.; ~til ,1 J -1 211. 'l'lll' gru;-;s amount frn111 J:.-1 JIll If', I ,.._j7, to t l,·t,lll'r .j, I'-' 1.~. was ~29,11"1~ ;';I.

~otict• has n•,·c•Jltly ht'l'll Tf'f'l'iYc•d from the prnprit·tnrs that this service will J,.~ susp•·nded until J.'t·hmary rwxt, in order to mal.;e the necessary rqmirs nnw n·•jllirt•d t:•r the sat(~ry of t~w~e stt·amships.

The 111ail fro111 Charl••ston, via Savanuah, tnllava11a, uwlf'T thf! f'ontract with this dl'pariiiH'Ilt, has lwt~n earricd sinf'e the I ~tit ( ldolwr, I:-- 1~, in the stemrwr Isaht>l, with a good d('f.!rt~c of n·~ularity, at the f'(tst of S;:~;),0.'-1() ~U. .:\o other fc1reign mail is l'arri1·tl by coutra~t with this de­parltt!ellt.

By a ro11trart with the .\ary l>t•parfm(•JIL rnadc· J,!. dir•···tittll of law, provisiou \\'a-; tltad" f(Jr I' trrv111~ a mail twi'''' in f'2t'h Jllctl!th lti'!Wt1m 1\{jw York and ;\,~,,. ( 1r1,~a11-;, \'ia (:harlt~ston, Saraunah, awl II a\':'" :1: :11ul also ti •r likt• tr;ursp"rtatior, lwt\\'t't'll llarana and Chazrt·s. This\\""' •·1rtt-rt·d upon inJ),.,.,.n,ht·r, 1"'1~~ and has bePnpart;;tlly pt~rfc•nrwd. l't~t!tra likeeon­trart \\'itll tl11: \':t\'y lkpartiiH'IJt, stf'arnsilips are t·arryitl!! tl11· 111alls on the Pa1·ifi•·. 1)1'1\\'t't'll Panarna and Califi•rtlia, Olli'H in •·a1·h It~< 111tl1. By a tn~aly, till' 1!<>\'<"rlllllt'tlt of :\•·w (in~JJada is '"''111d to tr;ursport tlw 1nal! arrosM tlw i«tlttllfl'<. 'l'l1;s :-.l•rric·<·, 111ort' p:~t·twrd:trly 1111 1tw :\tl:tnti1· :u1d <ll'rmc~ the htltlllfl,, h:ts lr:·(•IJ \'t•ry ittq~~"rfi·r·tl:.· r~~·ri.HIIwd, :tnd tlw ''"ltii"Xinns have ltt~'ll \t'l)' liiiSf'l'l't's•·flll. Till" th•· dt·J•:Irfllll'llt has 11111 lw•"tl :ddt~ t•IJIIff:ly

to l'l'lill'd\' -\111' l'tlllfr:tl'lors II"' 111'11'..! Within its t'.tlllrol. l·:ltTII"Il" fm~·~·, III)W•·r~·r: llf•t·'!' t'nlltiiiiJI'd, and ~~~~·11 arr:•lll!•~lllf'ill~ hav•· l•1·1•11 ;r,adt·, a11d ll:->~llf:IJII'I'<.; l'f'l't:i\'t•d, :IS to !!i\'H il !/!Ill" •lf•!!rt'f' o( f'llllfj~ll'll''f' tl,;tf, With tl~t· ,.,,·I•Jwr.,ti"ll of tlw :\av~· llt·i•:•rllilf'llt, tlw llltll's wtll r,..,,.alll•i' fl:­

,.,.1\'1' r··~~lliar dl·spatrh thrtttqlt tl1i-.. •·11t1r" routt: .,f llrt"at and llll'rt·<t~-o•n~;

illllKII't:llll'f'. Jr tiw pt't:SI'Ilt org:llliz~tti"ll of tlw P"At ( IJii··•: I lt'Jt''rfllll'l11. •·:-tabli~hc·l

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784 Doc. No. 6.

in J "::1;, the• mail S('n·ic-e of tJw t:uitt>cl Rtalcs is sustained by ~.ppropria­titms cutirdy from lhe IJIIIIH'Y d .. rin•<l from postag-P.

Con~n·o..s, hy th«> ~rt of .\lard. :~, I foi.Jj, eutitlt•d "An art prm·i,}iug fi,r tht- huil<liu!.{ I.Uill •·quipuwut of lllltr IH.lYal steaUlships," entt·rt!d on t 1u! poliry nft•w·oura~iug t!w t'rP•·tiou by imli\·itluals ofwar-siPa!lwr~, :o-n tLat, on tlw cllwr~t·twr .. ,-a war, tlwr tui~lrt Le rt·:Hir ,;,r puhlit· usc. ( 'ou­tn.t••ts \"ere onJ.·n·tl aud J,mtlt• hy tht• ~a\)' I )Pfl;lf"llllf'lll li•r thn·e liucs t~t' wur-~lt':lllll'rs--une fro111 :\•·W Ynrk, via llaraua, to :"'t•w Orlt ans, awl fn•111 Harana to ( !fHlUTI'"; one from Pana111a to ( 'alifc,mia ant. A:-;toria, awltliW Lt•t\\'t't'll \1'\\; York and Lin•q,. .. d; all whit·h, n·quiri111~ thirtP<'Il war sh•<lllJslrips, -.n·n• to ntrrr th(' 111ail, awl to rcc<·in·. wlit'll t>JIIIJ'It•lt'tl. tllf' s11111 of .;.,"'i-l.Oill) 1wr aollllllll frulll tilt' tn•asury. \\"llt'tlll'r thi.; polit·y is tn Itt' <'nlltiuut•tl or PXIt•tJtlt:•J is eutir•·ly a tptesti••ll l;•r t't•ll:!lt~·.s; hut it 1--eellls propn to olt:o;l'n··· tha~ auy <'h:tll:.!"t' hy \\'hiclt this ~hall It~• liPdan•,l .,,,,;! .-;,,.,.,,., .. a11d this ::n·:•t ::dditio11al dt'lltntlll bt• lll:tdt· a dai111 Jll tht· in­~otw• from posf:t!!t', will ~r··:•tly l'illh:trr:t~s and d<•r:tllg<' tiH' "l)(rations ,,f ttw dt•parllllt'lll. ~n gr.·:tl j, t!tt• ~'•"I nf huildinv at~tl ~ll~lall ill!! tlw-..(• n•ss•·l ... , and so small tit" I' •-..t:t,:_:-•· to Itt• tl"rin·tl tllenofrnlll, tltat it will. tf sn ordt•rt!J, (klt·at tht> pr•''-•'111 ~!''''Ill ut' su ... ttillill:_:- till' tll:tils wllhiu this C"OUIItry; put all end to all t'Xlt'llsion of its :lt't'OIIllllndatiuus, all redtlt'tion of po:-.tagt!, aml all itttpnt\"<'llll'llt of irs Cttlltliti"n· It is lllll<4h It· )1,. hopt•d that 111> prnpo..;ition so disastrous ill its l'tliJSt'tjllt·Jll't'S will Itt· t'llh'rtaiuel'!. Ju auy <'ours•~ ( ·~~ll~n·ss w:ty thiuk pr•'l"'r to pur . .;up itl rdation to tltt•s•· war ~lP:uuers, tlwir suppntt, whil•· ,.,,ntiuu<·d, must lte dra,·.-u from tltt• trea~ury, as prnvidt•d wht•ll adllptl'd, awl as is How dow•.

The transportation of tilL• lllail an·•~s the istllllltts, !will!! i11 :1 fc•rl'i!!ll couutry, is t!w proper subjt•t·t-lllalt•·r ,,fa treaty, a}lll is llPt wit !tin tlu~ J)llWI'r of this dt·partllll'lll. It is, htt\\'crt•r, rt•spt•t'tllllly :-.tr!.!!2t~stt·tl tltat this st·n·i\'t', now do1w hy th1~ gon•niJtll'lil of :'\t'\\' ( irt'llatla, is \'t•;y tar dily :utd car··h•ssly pt·rl~ll'ltll'd, and till' couql{'llSatittn lllldt·r tht• t,·,.aty proh:ti~ly in uiPquat•~. Rt·lialtlt~ illf;trtllation has ltt•eH rt'<'t'i\·ed. tltar tit<')' would williu~ly yil'ltl up this s•·n·i··~·. A Ill'\\' arr:llt!_!t'IIH'Ilt should itrl­JIWdialt·ly Ill' •uadt~ by twaty. if pr:wti•~altlt•, pl'rtllittill!.! this st~ni(•t• to Ill' p•~rtimtwd hy ottrst·l\·,~s, llltl :.(lrarantying tis prott···tit~lr tlwn·, and plat·in'! it 1111tlt'f tltt~ din•t·tion of tlris do•p:ntllll'lll. 'J'fl,· :tlllllttlll n·qllirt•tl lty tl:t· tr1~aty to ht! pairl to :\t~W ( irt•llada ,;,r t·arryiu~ tlt:tt tu:til, I will~ in 11u 11tlwr war pro\'ided t;,r by Cougn·ss, has !wt~ll paid by t)li .... tlt-parlllii'IJt up (ol

this tillJt•. l'lo ~~~~:uuship ltas yt•t IH•t•IJ dPspatdu'tl ou tlw tnail sPrn•~" from :\cw

York to I .ivt·rpool uudt·r t!w colttral't with the :\ary I )''J•artlllelll) hut it i~: eXper•{l•tf SIIOII to !11: tft•lll'.

Siwc llw last St~ssiou of ( 'oll!~rt~S.S tlw postal tn·aty witlt nrr·at Brit:tiJt has ht~t·ll t':trried iult• full OJu•ratiuu, hy n·gul~11i"rrs st·ltl•·d itr pur:-n:llw•· of tltl' tn~aty by this dt>pnrtllll'llt a11d tltt~ l'ost ( llli1·t· I '''l•:trllllt'tlt 111' tlr:tl oouutry, whil'lt l"l'g"tll.llit•IIS ltav•· '"'t'll prttlltlll,g-alt·d. Tlw lt-arling li·atm•· of that arraugt·tltl'lll is, that Idler:-. ou wlti,·lt !Itt! I'"SI:t~l~ is wh•olly ('rt' paid. or Oil Which llttiW is p<tid, p:rs.s tl•r•lll~lt tfw IIIHils lwt\Vf't'll till' two ~~oulllrit·M, a111l an• dt•sJiitlt•.ltl'tl uml dt·ll\t't't'd 1ft tl11· ~:•!ill~ ll!:tlilll'l' :• .... il tht,..t' t'lllllllrif's Wt~r•• Olll!, aud au a<'l'•oltllt is l;<·pt iu ~·~wlt ol' tlw tutst:~:~~~ eollt•t'1t•d litr tlw otlwr, whi,·lt is pvriodr•·:dly ~t·ttlt-d. '1'111' f'!f,.,., of tltt.•. il4, that \\lliln tlw ~oa-:·wrvil'o is alrtrttsl t'llllrcl~· pt·tt:•nrlf'd l•y tl11~ Brit; .. lt »t•·aur~hips, th<! Sf'tl f•ostllg't! lwlouging In lltt•Jrr lllHIIt',, tltt' ltnlnlWt' iu U!'

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Doc. No. 6. '785

counting lar~ly :t!f<Uust u~. Tht"' opl'ration pf thi~: is no injury, a' we artnally re<'t!i vc all Wt"' pay; hut it is stated, in order to 0xplain, that now all this {ll'stage go<'s into the aeeouut of (X'St:l~c rcct~in·d in thi~ depnrt­mcnt, and to~ swell its apparl'Hl amount, wlwu It i" snbjt•t'l always tll the annual n~ur~tion of this balance para!tle to <_;n~at llritaiu. Wheuen•r our mail steamships shallJ,.~rt;~rm !'f•rvii.·t• hetweeu Xew York and Lireq.l(l(ll, which is soon expected, it will tt>ml to r•orrcct this balance.

The (•Oorts to extend this arraugt·mt·ut through .1-~ugland to 1-,raw:c ha\·c not ~n successful.

By the third section of the a~ nf CongrPss f>ntitlctl " An art hJ c~tab­lish <'f>rtaiu pnst routes, appro..,·eJ August 1·1, HHH," th«' p,110tmash·r Gen­t"'r:tl was authorized to appoint postmasters at places on the Par·iti··, in Calif..m1ia, and to appoint ngenL" for making arnmgcments t\>r till' e~.tab­lishHH'Pt of post otti<'es ::md com·eyan'=e of mails in Calfi•ruin a111l Un·~on. l'ndt•r this act, as early as ~o,·e••ber. 11'\4~, a pos·.mastcr w:L" appointt>d filr San Francisco, and agents were appointed and sent on that husinf·s~. That posmastt-r enten•d on his duties, ami t\lr a time attempted their c.lis­chargt·; hut finding, as he writ•·s, no sufticicut income from the l)(lstage to :pay the expense of room and assistance, or even tor his support, he res1gned. No report from tllnse a~cllts has ever b• .~u recein'1l. In :\pril last anothf'r agent was st·Ht, wh11 immedi .. ttdy dqJ.trtcd and «>J:tered upon his duties, aud also auoth•·r pm-tmastN fifr ~au Francis•·o, who has al~) arrived there; and frcm iut«•nuHtion rr·cein~d troll! tl1c1n awl otlwr.,, there is good reason to bdien· that all n•asonahle <·x·~rtious arc !win~ 111arl•· to give to the Jx>ople there all the lllail Cte·ilitil·~ tht' iimited lllf'allS l··~.dly avpli­cahlc will atforJ. The laws regnlatiJJ:.! thP post ofike dutil's awl s('rvice are in· many n•spccts ill adapteJ to the cin·uuJ~t:twt·s and eowlitinn of that country. Mnny letters han~ J,CI'Il scut thl'n' t;>r persons p lssiil!! the O\'erlanJ rot! te, and if tl w ~<III It' \n·re to be treated as dead lcttt-rs at the eud of tht- ,,('C(,nd quartt'r at\er th•·ir arri,·al, they would be St'llt back be­fcm~ those persons '''onlJ arrivP then·. JuJecd, the sending as dt·ad ldh~rs to the dPpartmcnt here those kttt·rs tll:til•·d from one ottirf' hl another in Calitimtia would l1c worse thau useless. ~o s\ttlicicut pe,·uniarr JJH~aw-~ an' at the commauJ of tlw dt'jKlrtllwut j;, .. this :-iervicc. Tlw pri··; ,,f la­bor or personal sen·ire awl tlw wut rr·quired ti1r o1fi•'f! room ar•· surlt that uo allowance uow authorized hy law t':tll s1~:·1m~ a J"'st otfi;e in ( :ali!;•mia. Nor r·au thr mails bo twu+Ht•·d withiu the couutry t(,r anr t'nlllJif'liS:'· tiou whid1 the postagn n·~~~·in·d thew will furr;i~h. ~~~ sllfli'it·ut rl'!urus have hcen rr>r.:<·ivcd by whit"h to dPtl'rllline the expeus(' of what ha.~ ai­Tf'ady heC'll douP, hnt it fully appears that provisiou nntst ht~ lltail•! mtwh lu•yond tlw yield of tlw pnsta::" tlwr,.., to meet the t:ost of 1'\'1'11 a vt·ry lilllitP(\ !-Hpply t:f mail a•·•·oJntllotlatiou in that country. 'l'his sul•j•~~·t re­<tuin·~ th•· early :.tttPJJitllll ~~~· Cou~ws~, and at tlw s:uw~ tune prov:t!!-ion t;}wuld be madt' for •·xt•'IHIJng IIJalls to Ort•gnu ami :\r!W ,\t,_·XI•~o. -

III'EH ~TW'\~ Wl'l'IIIS TfU: 111:1' \HT~H:'\T.

As our r.ou11try •·xpauds in dim,..nsion!-1, nnd nur ~wttl•·Bwut~; ••x1YIId 1r1

arca-m; our populatiou i11rwase..; iu d•:usilf, nml lm-siucs-; iu ar:tir1ty, tho 5U

Page 13: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

'786 Doc. No. 6.

~t>nict> of tilt' mail mnsl lo~w a <'•lm~sponding ruhnnf'Cill('nt ; aud it fol­Io una,·oidahly, that the hiisirws~ and lahor within the dt•JliU1nwnt art> ·~very yt-ar r.tpi,lJv au~mf'lltin~. dc•manding from time tc time add_iti•lll of f.m·e for th .. ir ~rfommuc·f'. lu 1~6 the dt>partm··nt wr.s rc-orgamzcJ, and hy law :.\ muf'h less numbt·r of <'lerks provided fc)~· th:u1 had tht>wtnftlre been ust'd. In putting that organization into open1tior~. it wa." imn.edi­att>ly ftmml impra.-ti<'ahle to proct-cd with ~ul'h n·du<'t>d f.m·e t'lll}· ~ami temporary clerks to the number of eight w~r,. employ('d in lKli. The~t! were coutiuued by tempor.tf}" appropriation~ until l~t~, wl1en br law they became pcnuanent. But no pro\·isiun ha:-< ht•t·n tnace l~•r any additional clerks :;;iurc l~i. Such in tile naeau time has bcf'u the prngr('SS or the sen·icc~, and ~nch the incrNlSt' of bnsincss, that the pressmc on tlw clerks has be<'ome so great, and delays so mmvoidablc. as ab~.olutclr to retpwn· uow additional t'l)rce, or the publk sf'n·ict• mus"t sulfer. The pressure is on all the bnl't'aux of tht• dt~partment : in the Contraet Office~ wher•' tfw <'arc and arraugt>.ment nf tht' mail !'t•n·ice is extending iu daiiy demawl, and where thE' ~~x·.ent of correspondence is pem1anently the !;reatt'~t. In the Ap­pointment Otlke. business increases with the incrt·a..-.c of tht• nuraber cf -oftkt>s. In thf' finam·ial bureau, under the Th rd Assistant, the Ja­bf,r is nmrh innca~cd, .as to that brnnch falls the ·~are of the dead let ler ofti•·e, and the r('ceipt and charge of the quarterly returns. lu the iast year thPrc were rccei\'ed 2,100,000 dead letters, all which ha,·e heen opened and t'xamined. Of thesE', .1,964, ~ontaining money to the :unount ~f :~:!~,067, ha,·e been registNcd, aud the same sent out ft)r dcU,·ery to the ownt>rs, am199H letters containing other enclosures of \'alue.

rrh,. In:-per4inn Office, whose duties include. all matters relatinar to the perfimnaau·c nr lailure of mail !'ervice, all drpreda1ions on the nl:til, and a.l~o the supply of mail bags, locks and keys, is a branch iucrOBsing in di­rect rntio with the general sen·1ce. In this otlire alone, during the past year, theff~were receivetl 134,436 communieations. The number of sup­posed Je~redations report('J was 1 ,2'~6, which were supposed to include $169,107. Twenty-nine dep~dators were arrested, and the wnount of money reclaimed or otherwise accounted for was :~ii,7i9.

'ro show the gr~at increase of service, ami the conse<tnent demand fi>r ·dw increase of force in the depanmeut, the followiug comparative stP.tcment is made:

In 1837 the number of 'post offices was 11 ,ifi7 -now 17, lfi.t, four hun-·dred and SCYf'nteen having h<>cn estahlish('d f'illf'C Jmw last.

Number of dud letters in lt-1.17, ~00,000; now, 2, 100,000. Nnmber of quarterly roturus in 1 ~:37, 4H.~ ; now, 73,000. ~umber of mail contractors in JK~7. I ,6Eo\2; no·.v, 4,190. Lf'ngth of rnnte~ in 1837, Ul,~l~ milr,'l; now, Jt17,703. Annual mail transportation in 18:~7, :~~,·>~li ,006miles ; uow, <J~,:».f.t,06CJ. 'I'Iw rmmbN of conuaunications rcceirod at the departmeut aunually,

~nuot h(' less than 370,t'Ol. 'ro pPrfill·m this l'crvir:.-t• the prcs('nt ft,rrn is inadt•quate, mul it has been

ft,Hml ah .... olutt>ly llCrl'ssary \1) Pmploy t('fllponrrr ell'l'k servi•·•· ; ''llllljMmsa­ti,)JI li1r whil'h l'houhl IJp nwc}e, an<l which nt'•'es~ity it is )lf,l'''d will lw pre\'t•Jltl'li by ~n1ne lM:I'llWllijllt pr•JYisiPn li1r ~IIJ ply, that the pul,[w st·r­'t'i!'P wny not ~utl'··r.

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Doe. No. I.


A mol't impt)n&Dt branch of the Po.t Oflke Department i"· by i~ •. · or­pnization of lf~M, eomm.itted to the Auditor; not ooly that uf auditin;.: all claim.~ ~r aenice, ~t mr•re ..,Ueularly that of keepi~a~ the mrcount"' nnd colle(ting all .moneys dr.~rivi!Cl Crnm ~ or o&herwise. The RJann~'r in whif'h this hu been }X:~nned, u .,._,. by his report hN••to anneaed, ia ll8tit~~ftlctorr eYidenec DS Welt of the edieieocy of the !lfStem, as of eDP.f'U .aud stlccess in itJ execution.

I have the honor w be, \Wf respectfi11ly, your obc~iem suvant, J. l'OLI.AlU;tt,

PNilltiUter Gtmn'Gl. To the Pusro&~iT oF THE l7srTED Sr.\TES.

AcoiToA'a Ovnc& P. 0. O&P.\RTII&tn',

···~ 19, 1849. SIR: In S'lbmitting to you, u I have now tile honur t.o do, my IMt

.annual report, I am happy to be able to state that the opaaiou of &be -department for the last fiscal year, as maaihted by the accouata and JIIO" ceedings of this office, have been of the most faYOrat.fte and ptilyiag ch3J'aCter. The balance of re\·enue at the credit of the department en

the lst of July, 1848, as shown by the boob of this offic~. was *-111, ~45 fil

The reeeipts from all aourees G>r the year were - - 4, 70.;, 176 28

Making togelher - - - - i, f~, 001 8'J The expenditures ix object~ of all kindt

i>r the year were - 14,479,049 13 But ded u~ t :1ver..l!C of entries-!ay, To •·suspe~tse·' inform of credit $6,500 .U To ··bad deltts'' in i>nn of debit 5,165 00

I ,385 41 ------------------- 4,417,~1 72

IA'lving a balant-e oa July J, t S.S9, ()( - - · 600. 3..1-.., 17 1fh,: h balan··e is compounded of, and results from, the

entrie~ of every kind, and the debit u well as the credlt bai3n~~-

Besld~ this balan~e of$6fJ6,33'3 lj~ there u:cru~ t-"JJune 30. 1 ~19. in the treasurv. but ntJt drawn ther~frr,•, ander &h~? art of )larch 3, 1~7', br ~per ... "'.!.•in~ the Post Or1i ... e lkpartment ;: (1)1' S11ch maillle'I'Ti~l!s .,. Ul3Y be P.'")r.JlP'J ti-,r ttN> ~vera! depart~~~ttnu o( tho! ;')vern· n:fnt. ·· rh~ ~um of .jfl.S. 5.j.j M

~bk:n~ :\n ~'iizr.·;ro~t•: ~it ~the df!Tl8:tmer.t 2t the cltnJe oit\!'"Y~·~:.ot- • • - . - l.f'I71.Wf."~i2


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Doc. No. 6.

1n th.- )·.-ar ('luling Jmu· :Jil, I S.C~t. fi\·e thousand !liX hun­dn~ · . .uu.l ~f'\'t•nty pustmnstNs \\·•mt out of oftkt•, by deatt,, n-~iutaation, or n•moml. ''r the discontimumr'f' of lhcir offiet•!. the halan•·•~ dnt· from "·hom, after aetlitiug vout~heN suh~tuently pn,du,.c>d, wa." • - $3:29,414 43

Of this sum, tlu.·fe w.t.s rnll"t'lt'fllll da,. renr ~~1'4.6';'.1 (rl Then• has l~t.>cll t'nlk>t·tt!d sinn~ ihe dose of

the p•ar - :! & .2:Ji :::,;; Clnst'tl hy ftmnaJ t!ntfi('s I~ 60

Leaving uncou~"f'tt'<l

By my annual l'f'port o( :\nwmht~r ~1. H•-ls. it w~~ ~h '''~ll that on the arrotntt'> nf pn~tmastrrs who h:ul ~lilt· t>llt

of C)ffire in tf1e Vf'ar endin~ Jmt,. 30. IS.It), th1·n· n·­maim.-d uucollectl'd nt the hcginnillf{ of the last fist·al year - - - - - - -

Ot those l\·ho had gone out in the yt'<li ending June 30, 1847

And of those who had gone out in the year ending June 30, 1 8-ts -. - . . • •

Making a bnhmre of This amouut has been increased in adju~tmcn:, hy esti­

mate; !ransfer, eorrcction, t.\:c. -

Maki.ng in the aggregate - -Of this sum there has been coll<>rted in the

year, without suit 'l'here has been collected hy ~uit -Cr~~ditt·d ou vouchers produced -Hy ti•mml entries By bad debts

I.Paving ':mrollcctc<l

t-~:2. 861 6:) 1' 4;)t 39 ~,720 1:l

i6 76 2'~~ so

Which added to th~ Lni~!Hrc uncollectf•u of Lhc la .. -;t y,car, of

·-· ---­-~----·-

$l;. 162 31

i,055 71

2G, 7ltl 66

37,932 69

2, t)59 26

.iiJ, 5~1 95

27. ~:~r. 72

J :;, ~;);) t3

i~, ;;,,,, 46 -----

Lear,•s au aggrf'gato ouly of - - • • 8.J, j'J<J 69 Ull!"ollertcd out of the whole revenue for the rour years, whidt amounted to i16,243,7~H 23. 'l'hn umouut to Lc collertcdJi)r the year C'n<liug Jmt(' :w, 18·1~, was

$fii ,fi~l OH, of whieh there remuincd uncollcrtt·d at tltfl <late ot my rc·port ti)r that ynar :s;~~W,iJ ~t tiH. The amouut to ho coller1.PU li•r tho last fiscal y1~ar wus $:~:t~l,1 it ~1:1; of whidt ttwn~ 11ow rnrnain~ tllwol!f·~t<"tl, as heforc stal«'d 1 $i:l,!'JH 4fi; so that although th«! halawr· 111t··ro!: •. ,.lld r·f tllf' pnst y•o.ar j"( ~n·atr-r thau the pre•·cdi11g at the •·.orrt•spolHiiltt;' period, th1o, ~·ollec­tious liH' the last yt!<H Jmv<·, neverttu~l•!ss, fH., • .,,, gno,atn 111 l·r"porllt.Jl than tlwy were tiJr the Ji,J·uwr. 'l'he great..r p:q·tJoJJ of tlw lnl •w:· td ::::"·i,7~1~1 69

Page 16: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No. 6. '789

will prnh."lhtr. with OJ\Iin~~· r>!Tt,rt. f,.. ,.,,11,.,.,,.,, within thr ""~' ~i~ months, and I tla llilt belif'Vf> that ~n.•MJit will. in all. h(' uhinmt,.h· lo~t.

In my l"t'J)()ft brft,rt• rt•li•rn>d to, it was ~hown that thf' ·lmlt•!l~'f'" clu•· nn Julr l, IS.I~. from pn..;trna~k~ who had ~nnt' out ul•'lfi"f' pri•'r In July I, lt'\.15. wa~ ~~).l,tl.i7 j~l: ~n·l I th••n .-xpr•~"s.-d th·~ opilii•lll, thai althnu~h tlw f'lf;,rrs tn rnll~t wnnhl lri• ''mttil!r!:-t!. !! wa.~ nnt pn•hahl~> th•·\· wnultl r".'"" ~•w•·cssful to nny c-un~i!lf'r.thlt· arwmnt. 1'h·· stah•mt•nb o( tht• f'nl­aet·tinns from thi~ source not hn¥ilUl a.o; yN lw-•n t'tl111plt'INI in ,).,tail, I can onlv now sav, that {cl.),OO:! 63 hn~ hc'('n J't'ali7.••cl frnm thf'se h:lhuart•s bv suit ·:tlort•' within d:f' \"t'llf; aucl $I.Uti"'i itl sinr-f' the d••st• c•f thf· ,.,..,r. Durin!? the la."t f('ml of ih" ~upretn(' t 'nmt. two (':t"'t's welt' dc>t·td;·d i:t favor t)f the dt'pnrtment, in one of whirh :thnut fiw thntt,and dnl1.1r" will ccrtainlv lM> <'olle•·ted within dw 1\f'Xt ~i~ mnuth~, nn•l in the c1th··r :dl()ut twenty."fhc thous:uul dollars, at a fM"ri,l<f S4•mcwhat later. Tht> halatl•'t's due tn late postmasters hlr the p:t~t ti.lUr r":·•~.

aril'ill!.! from •·han~s in thf' rntr of cnmpt·n~t•linn, frnm rl"ra~ti111r their :b'<'nuuts, under th" aet uf May 1 i, 1 !'.1 -.:, nnd nth~n\ri~<', as the arcnunrs :tppt•ar upon the hc.){)ks •)~ ha\·e ~n adju~h'fl, nmonnt to - $fit. til) 41

Of this sum there has he.·u paid within the Yt'ar - $17. 3fi.'\ :39

Dispos~d of br ti..rmal l'Utries Hl7 ;;S

Leavin~ awaiting sutficicnt proof ii•r their proper adjustment and paymt"nt.

The balances dne from late rontractors, ari!iin~ from o-r~'r· coilt·ction or payment-from damages accruinP and charged upon lililures, &r.-amountf'd to

Ofwhich there has been collrcted, or othenvisc settled

[JCaYing due at the rlosc of the year

17. !')t).'; ')j

~f>-1. 4:J; 59 :!J. "~~ o-~

'rhe numhcr of suits pet~~ling-, or on which tlw h:danrr:s due ,h•r,· unt collected on J\Jiy 1, JH.ts, was .J.17. In the p~ar t·11diu;~ .Jnn~ :~a. IS-19, eighty suits wuro dircrtl.'rl to he instituted fhr halawrs amountiug to $tl,1 II fll; awlnincty-s:x han~ he:t•n clo~··d },y the eoltpc•ti••n of balan<·<•s amouutiu~ to $1 i 1:115 u:J.

'l'ht• g('neral opt•ratiou~ nf tlw ollic•t> ft•r the year have <•mhrarr>d withi11 thrir ample fielcl-'l'he :tdjHSliJJf~ll~ of the rrtlll'ltS or postrna-..ki"S fitr the !ill If f)llllf-

tt•rs, lliiiJtllf'rill~ ill all - r,ti.o:~n Tlw adjustmt•Jit of tlte iH'•'ollrth olcot1trar·t"r." Misn:lhuct"HS arc•ntwts · 'I'he :.upervisinu of tlw pro('l't·dings in ~oll .. ni~tn or pnynu·;tt ol

accollillt; of late pol'truastt·rs tllJSPttl.·cl tu Jurw :w, I:-.; Hi tu .l11tw : ~~~, I "-· r;· ~') JUIH~ :~0, J ~.~~~ tc.t J uue :~1), H•·l ~-

Late (;ontraetors -

I I ,o:1~ 7~7

1._,, ,,,,

1. OO'J ~. 17;') :) . /jj.l


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'790 Doc. No. IJ.

besidP.S •hose JK>stmaste~ !lnd contractors whose accounts wore _yrior to July 1, }, ·.u;, and cases in suit of the one period or the other. The set­tlf>ment o( rostmasters' q .larterly returns involved th(~ transmission of 10,2'l'2 notices nf errors corrected. The settl~ment of contiW'tors' arcounts invoh·cd on th<! one h::md the issue of 50,5~J orders of collection on post­masters iu part, nnd preliminary ::-11ym.-nt to ~id contrat>tors; and on the otht-r ~ the req_uisition (or, aad reception of, 2~,004 certificates of service from the temuual offices of the respec:tivc mail routt-s. The correspond­ence of the otfke arising out of these and other details of its busii'"SS has amounted to 71,2i4 letteN> and packages sent, and 86,20i recciv' The whole busines8 of the oftice of evP-ry kind, in its multiooisus and diversi­fied functions, has, with great labor and pains-taking, been faithfu!ly :1nd punctually tlischarged:-.summing up in few words its aims and efffllrts, to wit: to colleet with one hand the revenue of the departmeut, and with the other to pay it out in discharge of the obligationfS you may haYc con­tra.cted for its ~cn·icc. Wl1ilst the results here recited appear to show a remarkable SU•IIeess in the former, the entries upon the hooks 1md the general voice of the contractors and other creditors of the department be­speak, I trust, au equal punctuality in the latter line of ib exertions.

The 'Jaluable clerks in my office, through whose agency these happy results have bE::eh achieved, will, I ti1ndly hope, receive the ample share of cr~Jit to which they are largely entitled. )ly predominant sentiment in leaving the office is that of gratitude to them fi,r the sPrviees they have rendered, primarily to the goveTIJUl('llt, lmt secondarily to me. 'l'heir number is not greater now than it was in 1S41. In the ci~ht years that have iutervened, the business of every kind has greatly inrrPased; and, notwithstandi11g every expedient to lighten and facilitate their labors, it had at tlte do~e t'f the yt:ar attained to the full mcast're of their utmost capa<:ity and exertions. Of course, an immediate augmentfttion of the forcP- iH ind;speJJsable. J[n taking my official leave, I considN :. a duty to them and the public to ~.ay that they require relief in this particular. The }'riuciple of promotion ac<~nrding to merit, is of th~ grontm.t importance to the puvlic. 'rhc salaries of many, nay most of the clerks, are whfllly inadequate. No~ to ~peak of the iHCil~srmt nnd cheerl~ss toil requimd, or of the ~xptm~>'~s of liviug and supJIC•rting n. family iu Washington, tho ff'SJll'Hsibilitie~• of the ..:INks arP mnc: 1 heyo11t.l tlw allowances tlwy receive. 'rtw dan~wr ot' this iuaquality, if it has not alrcudy becu rea!.i:wd, is not. thn les~>. to l,,. apprt~lwudtlfl by rllly culightt•uPd stateAman.

With rlw l1(•st wistws [;,,. yo11r offir-ial aud Jl(!rsonai huppiucss, I have th\l honor to bn ynur obcdit~llt ~·,~rvaut,

Hou. J,\<:MI CouAMJ:n, l'(A'~Irua.o;tt·r Umual.

P. G. WA811ISG'rO~, Auditor.

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Doe. No. 5. '711

PM~T 0FFICF. DEP 'RTNF.!\-r, Contr-act OJ!ice, }\orembrr 1t, 1~9.

Sra: A careful compilati:m from th<' n-conl~ of this uff.·t· t•nahles m& to lay lwlore you the table •>f mail st'n·icl'. for the year l'IHtin~ :~Oth June, 1849. It is hereto annext.-<1, marked A-1. The ~llowin~ an• the princi· pal results which it exhibits:

Length of pMt routes in the Pnitcd St."\tf's -Amount of annual transport..'ltion thefe()n -

ltii .711'l :nile.s. - 42 .a.u.ut;~l ·.

Cost of srunl' for the ye.ar f'uuihg 30th Junl'. 1 ~9 Annual co~t of route ngcncio;:t and mrul me~sf'n~N U>n~th of the routes connecting i.his with f(ln'ign

countri<>~, t'o\•ered with regular Unitecl Stat<'s mail ~on Vt"fance - - - -

Annual cost of same, chargeable fo this d«.>J'l..'utm<'nt

2 .. ·1~~, ·n;, dollars. til J;;l3 "

11 , 1 fi9 miles. 2i5,69·l dollars.

The distance from Xew Ytlrk to Cha~s. and from San f,ranci~co to Panama, is embraced in this statt>ment, bnt not the cost of that service, as it i~ pr,widt•tl fi1r by navy contracts an•l appropriations. 1-~xclusive of these, the length llf foreign routes is -1,529 miles.

The fi.neg,liug service, u·itlti~t the Uuitcd St.ltes, was composed of-

4,R6t ,Iii milesofannualtransportati('n, and ~6.1.5,i40cost, on railroads. 4.0R3,9i6 " " ·• · 2i~,6.:m " by steamboats.

15,0"lll,aa~ " " '; 736,710 " in coarht's. 18,5i3,:Jti.t " " " " .. i77,.tJ5 '' by mode of

COIIW\'UilCC not specified.

42,544 /)t;9 trtilcs of annual transportation: $2,.(28,515 annual cost.

The comparison which the service of the last contract year holds with that or the preceding is as ')llows: It is greater in t?!e length ,.,f rot!tes in the United States by 4,4~~.; miles. It i~; greater in the annual transportation Ly - 1 ~;;:J) ,100 mill's. It i:. gwah·r in the anuual ('(t~t lty 3:J,t:·H~ dollarsL It is gn·a~er in the cost ot' agt·wi•·s, rollnccted with

traH~P"'rtation, by -It is grer.tN in the lr·ugth of ft,n·ign routes hy It is greater in the •~ost of lilwigu snrvicc by -

i .~:')() dollars. i ,:Jo~• miles.

I;);), l«J2 dollars.

'rhe annexed tnhl•', mmke<l A--2, will show the nunll)('r of routes in operatioa; also, tlu~ 1111mlH~r of contnwtors, routf' ng<'uts, ltH'al agPnts and mail meRS~tmgers, ill tiro <.'''l)'loyuH!Ill of tlu~ dc~pnrlmenl at tlw do~e of the laHt year.

The rnait si~rvi•·n (If the year is prrfbnr1ed, thrN··filllrths nf it under old rontracts thnt havt· hN·o~ in npnrntion previously, and oJw-fi,urth under ne\V rontraf'ts. Awl tlw same nre modified, in tht• couN• oftht• year, lty ord(•r!'l f•nlnrgiug", curttili111:, or otlu•nvise altering th11 sNvicc•, It)' the puhiie wauts mctuirP. In ndditi· 'II to whic·fl, tfll'rf' mny ht! JIC'W rnHtf.:;s c·rflutmi ),y rec·c>ut f\C'l:-4 of f'ongrN;s, ruh·c•; !i!f;Pd unci lf't to f•ontra('t. It i~ til•! ,·ost nnn t•xtf'nt of tlw!'m arran ~t·lll('llts, as tlll'y stawl nt tlw close of th•· y•·ur, that nw plarl•cl in ti1P. 1 ·hlc·s, nncl the·~· c·xhihit. r•ousP'l'h'lltly, not thP nctual, amo11ul p:,tid, h11· ·.w· mwwd prkt· cr rn:•· r•f pay. Heforc the tatJl,·s

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'712 Doe. No. 5.

are dmwr, up, a new letting tu contrart of aii th(' ~··n·ice in one oftht' lour s•~tious takes phu•t', and the new c'nlltrac·t~ undt•r tht>m ~rc put in opt.•ra­tion on·r n rpmrtt>r of the 1 'ninn. It lwc'ola!f'!' llllf'rf'sting tel st~f' laow till' ..-ost of the ~n·ice in thf' st>rtio!l pta .... d llllllf'r new rontrnl"ts ct•uap.·m·s with that which wa.tt last pt•rfimtwt! t111tiPr thf' ('t'Jllrn•·ts that have just t•x­pir••tl. 'l'his rompnrist"m i~ au irnpc,rtant irukx to the eottr.-e of t'XJM'Ildi­tuw ill the priuripal l•rara.·h of tlw op•·ratitlOi of thf' clf'p.'lfllll('llt. It poinL" out whethf'f it is dit.lilli:-.laiug or enbrging, awl whether the in­•·rcrts~ of expenditure is in proper pruportiou to the increase of the ~t·rvice.

'I'Iu~ last lettings •-~mbmce the l\ew Englawl Stalt•s, aml that of ~ew York. 'fhis section is distiuguished t;n the multipliratinu of its railroads. '. t these lettiug::\, horse and coach transportatitlll, at low prices~ has been,

to an unprt~cdt•uted extent, !'Upcrscded by couveyawc on newly <'(lll­

stru,•ted r.tilroad:-, at wudt higher rates of COlll)X'Hsatio:t; and railroad~ previously cmavt·ying mails have been in some inst::m~t·s raised from lowN to higher gr:uks of mail pay, in cnusc'll'l<'ll<'t' of the char:wtcr oi tlwir sNvicf' ht•iu~ chan~ed from the tmnsport of mere local to great through-mails. by r£•ason of tlu~ir bt>ing f'Xtend<'d to distant populous re­gions and cOillW('lt'd with other extensh·e thoroughtiues. And the extt>n­sion ol' tht~ railroad se1Ti1•e has led to the multiplication of route agents to travel with th1~ mails, and titail messengers to ..?om·~v them from the de­pots to the ollices. 'I' he con seq ucncc' has been an· increase of cost in the :\tw England and New York section, fnr the current year, in a greater ratio than the increase of mill's of alllmal trausportation.

The annual transportation ill th3t s(·t~tion, muler the expired contracts for the p!ar r~ndiu~ :JOth June, lS~t~, was 10,Ul9,li'1 miles. As the w~w coutrads stalid, on the :mth September,

1H49, tl•e aununl transportatif1n the ~·urr.-nt year will b1 11,568,825 miles.

Increase 64~l,ti5l miles, or about {)per cmtt. 'rhe rost undf'r the nxpirnJ ~'Ontraet.~, fi)r

the year w": · Pndcd on :30th J uue last, was:

On contracts For routo agf)Iwics and uwil n;e~sPngPrs

According to t1cw contracts on tlw :wth ~cptemlwr, I ~49, the ro·st iru)iented fur the yp,ar to end :mth June, lt)50, will be:

On coutrar~ts Route ugeucies nnd mail messengers

liH1fNISf! of cost $9fj,~!'ll' or LH rl(~f l'f!IJI.

$501,935 00 29,.177 ou

5b~,95:~ no 45,'110 uo

$531,412 00

Tho uwil contrurts ill a ~oction that is up {;lr Jettill~, (lfl! of two kinds: 1st. ThosP nwanlcd, nuder rowrK~tition, to the lowPst bidder; this em­brure.s ull }IOrsdw·l< and coadr trausportatiou. ~d. 'rhose tor scr\'it·e on liuus of •'.OttVLy'llllce where trau~.portatiou is IIIOIIOJIOlizf'd, us in tlw ('asc of railroad~. 'flwSf) aro giVI'll at prir.os withiu tlw li111itatinus presc·ribfld by hw. It hus l'iO happened, that the stoorul)()at::; rarryiug thn mail in New Euglaud nml New York hold the mouopoly ot their resporti\·o tuutt>s, mul have obtained their muil c·onm1ct~<t, :.lt the IU.!ft lcttiugs, ru; fwo from competition as tho railroad~:~.

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Doc. rio. 5. ?91 'l'iw lwr1'chad~ and ''oad1 ~t>n·i··e in ~t'W Eu~land aud ~ew York,

lwill!.{ that whkh was suhjt•ct to competitinu, is less in the runHUUl of arwual tra!lspnrl:ttinH thau Ja..,.t ~·ear l1y i I ,:?tiU JuiiP."i, It is a redtwliou of one pN ·~,_·nt. But the c·ust (lf that spn·iet•, which is $2':t~iat) IPss this }'ear than last. i~ n-..!ul'eu tt•n pt•r Cl'llt.. showiug- that the coa.tr:wb sub­Ject to rnlltpt>titi(ln Wl'rl' c.li~JXISCU nf la:-t spriu~ on the mo~t favorai,Je tenus l•l thP c.lepartuu:nt. But the milr 1;ul alltl stt•amLoat ~en-ice i11 the l'iew England rutd :\cw York scl·ti•'ll rt'\"t·rst·s the comparison and re­sults.

\\'hilst this sen·ire, from its cxtt•nsinu. i-. g-r(•atN iu amount of annual transpr)rtation this year than last, Ly i:!ll,~lll miles, l.eilll! au iwr•·a.-.c of 231 per rent., it is higher in C~}~l hy -1'--A per cent., Lt·iug au aJ.v~n,·c of $110,77 .t. over the cost of like scn·i·:e of last year i.n that :-cetion. t~xdu­sive of the iuerea.se in tlw cost of agt'Jl('ic•s nt" .-::15,V~J. The an.:ragt' l'ost of transpnrting the mail iu :\ew Engluwl auc.l :\~w York, on ruut•·s ~uh­ject to rumpetition, is 3 cent:-;, on those uot snLject to competition 9 cents per mile.

Do these statistics show a disproportionate share of the rd·t>ml•~ ahsurlwtl by railroad and stPamhoat service? lf so, it is important to nLsl'f\'t' tht~ tendency of that disproportiou tn increase, and :dso its etl'cct in intt·rler­ing with tlw claims of less favored communitit~s to the u-;e of thl' mail, and with the claims of the entire puhlic to the incalculable benefits of cheap postage.

Of tlte C"Urrent rear which ends with the month of J tllle, I ~50, a quar­ter has transpired. The operations of the department, thth far, indi,·<tte the fi)llowing ad vanccs over the expenditures of the last y•~ar, tt.1r mail transportation:

Greater cost per annum of Xew England nnd New York contrnrts - $9ti,9~1 00

New routes~ nnder Llw 11f'W route bill, in thf' other sections - 5i ,:333 00 Increased sPrvice and additional agents in the

other seetion:; $4~,4~3 00 Dedtu·t r.urtaihncnts ordered ~J,.tOO 00

2~,0q:} 00

This e~'{~ec;s of J!::l ~~,:~~ti J4Jr t!H~ pn~s•~ut ovN the last year will he en­larged still further by the natnrfll iw~n~asB of servi:~c, to be ordered through the remaining three quarters of th(' y~"'ar.

Also, by the cost of the mail st•rvic(~ iu ( -'alilomia, w}wu the samn shall @c ascertained. It is uwlerstood therP will be a thircl st"a"•~hip a'ldt•rl to the llrruu·11 lirH·, agreeably to coutnu·t, at thP rate of t~7 r,,uoo 1wr annt11n, but not f•atly t'IIOIIHit, probably. to !'I!<[ Hire auy paymeut witltiu tlw ('urrent year.

\\"ithin tho last p·ar. n nu•asun~ lias hc•m r.nn!.Hmnmt•~d that has ~n~atly cnlan!Prl till' spl1r·n· of ;wtion and till! t!tlidt•Jwy of our dr·partlli"llt, aud givPu, lwsi<.ks, li1 the nse (>t' Ar11crir.un citizm1s tht• post amlllL(emf'rJl.'f of unoth(.'l' goVf!rtllllf'lll, •~xwudin~< in tlu·ir ag•·rwy 1c1 t•\'Pry part ol th•~ J{iobe. I allude to thr~ pn:-1..1! treaty with nn·at Britain, and the s•~ulcuwut. of tho ·dt.l~ailtltnd,cr it. Arrangements of a kiuured charueler had bccu pre=•iouNly

I I I 1 1

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Doc. No. 5 .

.-fl'.-rtoo with the German State~. in 184i ~ by the imdersigned, as the a1~t·nt of the Pos.,aster GPneral. Thf'se were as eft'ectual, considering tlw <l ifl(-rence in the relative circumstances of the two countries, in ac­comrti~hirig a free intel"'ommnnication by mail, with or without prepay­mf'Jil of posta~. But the "ffi1rt tnen made, through the same a~nry, 10r " likf' nrmngement with the British post office, was tat«'d to e!wmmt<>r l' hnstile pnliry on the part of Great Britain, and did not pJ'('vail until after th(~ Po~tmaslt•r (~e11entl had waged an a<'th·e: resistanre to that policy, und..r the cPtaliatnry legi-.lation of Ct1ngress, and a succt•ss1'ul ne~otiatiou had hannonizro the views of the two goverRments. 1,he agreemPnt for t\ mutual intPrchaugt• of sen· ices hetwt-en the post departments of the two ('onntrics, fc.,r the recipnl<'al usc and equal adv·antnge of the citizens of both~ was at last condudf'd in December, 184S. The conn~ution of IA~nd.on settled the principles; the details were adjusted by tlw commis­sioner representing the British post office and the undcrsig.1ed: in behalf of this department, in May, 1849.

These,: witl\ the official approYals, and the tables and forms, are herew annexed, marked A-3. Thi~ ~cheme of co-operation betw<'en the two departments enables the

citiz£·ns of Great Britain and the Pnitt.•d States to correspond with each othrr, through the mail, as directly and as free from all impediment as the inhahitants of diff'ercnt States in our own couutry; and it yields to the citize-ns of both nation~ an equal participation iu the facilities of ~ ach for mail interc~urse with distant provinces and foreign countries. It imposes no additional burdens f()r this purpose-calls for no more steam packets, nor even requires the continuance of those employrd by th{; United States, hut simply combines for the benefit of both what is peculiar to each. In this spirit, it admits Great Britain to the equal use of our land routes con­necting the Atlantic ports with her Canadia11 frontier, and gives the United States like privileges in her lines of mail packets, extending to every shore· in the eastern world where American commerce and enterprise are known .. In le~s than two years, since thi"' measure was proposed, the hostil~ policy that it encountered has given way; a liberaJ reciprocity has succeeded; just and satisfactory terms have been obtained; and our df'partrnent has enter('d upon that enlighten,~d and skilful career whkh ~"'WthlPs it the hettPr to ··e:rvc .Arnericnn intflrests at tl(lme by becoming also the handmaid \0 those ahroad-uot alone, but in sisterhood with the postal iustitutious of othf•r l'c:tmtrie~.

But the convention of Df'r~mher 15, 1R1R~ gave no authority to adjm:t a prar.tkahle uniform rate of P'lRtnge, within a rcasouablc arnount, for the lJnih!U States and British North American rorr,.spondf'nrf• --that is, letter~ passing from either of thf'se rnnntries to the othP.r. And thf' cxp,~rtation of a r•nncurrence iu an iu ffmnal proposition made to the Bri' .;h postal commi!-.:-.ioner in May last, fixi··~ a practical \mifi,rm ratf!, that mi~ht be prepaid or not, at tho optiou the writer, ha~ not bc1m reali?.Pcl. 'rhe eonMmt of the Canndilu. •utlwrities, as well aH of tlw anthoriti1!s at Lon­don, was to be hnrl; and thiR may have lJeen prevr·ntnd lJy the di~'>turbcd f!tnte of nft'nirtt in thosn provirH·f>s. A~ I have heretofore stated, grPatcr facilities, at Irs~ r.ost to tiHlsr r~on­

C('rrwd, could be scrutf"J to thr! rorrm~pondenrn hr!tWeen ttw {;uiwd StatPS nnd thf' itdands in the West Indies n.ot belonging to Great Britt.ijn, by propt!r urrnngcmf'nts with thnt ~ovet:rmwnt., Its commi~o~sionr!r, when

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Doc. No. 5. 791 he~ last spring, had not authority to enter upon the ailjnstment of them. Witht•ut them, this department cannot collect and accc.•unt for the pm;tage due the nther ~vernments. hs mails are a\·oided. as not <'Ollip«'t('llt to perftlrm the duty desired. Prh-ate agt•ncy is re~nrtcd to, at greatN rHst to the p.'lrti•·s. And tlt:tt a~ncy sends tltt> ictters hy the vt•ry ships that lotOYNillllt'Hl t'lllployo.:. at larR"e expc.•ns(', for the ... onvevnnre ni its 111ails. An arrnn~<'luent beyoaid what the lan~ua~re employt~ in the trt'aty war­rants, Lut withiu 1ts obvious snirit, shou~d be made. \'iz: ~cw York and MoLilt:>, on our part, :u:d Kin~stot~, in Jamaica, on the part of lir<'at Britai•l, shot~ld be made offices of l'Xrhansr~~ for the West India mails, with an cngagcmeut on the part of the British aud l'niu•t! ~t.1tt•s tlepartments <>ach tn collect antl uccount fclr the other's pt1stage-not only the direct postage between the United States and the British West India islands, but the transit postajre to the other ;sl~tnds also. Aml to euahlt· tlw :\ rner­ican mrullines now in operation irom ~cw York and Charleston to Ha­\'aua to perform their due share of this sen·icc ~ ~nd l'arn for our tlPJI31't­lllent tht: revenue arisin~ from it, the conrurrencc of ~pain should be jnvited to the arrangement, in r.nlN to ohtaitt the ri~ht nf tilrwanling the correspondcneP. beyond Cuha through tht' English or Anwrican ~·,,n~ut.

It wnuld add to the benefits and the ;·<~veJ;ue of the expensi\'P line of mail service betw<'Cn New York and Panama, if postal a~rt-elll('nts were effected with the ~ew Grenadian awl Chilian governm£•nts to enable the direct mailing of letters through to Valparai~o ~tnd Lack-the whole dis­tan~·e, cxeept across the isthmus, heing covered hy ~team transportation.

The earrying ~ut of the foregoing suggestions will iuvuh·e uo addi­tional cost, Lut will add materially to the revenues of the tlPpartment, and emiuemly promote tile convenience and interests of our citizens in their rrausacuous with other parts of the world.

Before cl0~ing this statement of our foreign lllC\ils n·quiring uew or im­proved arrangements, I wiil advert to those with France. Tht~ postal treaty with England contemplates another c..onv(>ntion, into which France is to Lc invited. The ol~j,~rt is the rednrtiou of the En~lish and l<'rf'n~h f.IORtagc, in COI:.JlllWtiou WJth tht• introduction of a combined ratl', dosed mails, and optional pr('pnyuH·nt 011 tl.·! American llnd .fo'ren(·h l'orrt!spond­ence which pas~es throu:;h E11gland. 'l'hat postagP, as fixPd in the English und Frewh trl'atiPs, is l'tJHal to twl•r.ty-two ccut!'l OH cnd1 :~inglc letter, in addition to the tw:)nty-fimr cents fc,r Unitc•l 1'4tatcs and British post<tgl~, and is higher than the transit ehargc 111.1dcr the trf'aty tn any other 1wighhoriug country. Our late IIJiuistl~r at Londoultatl tnkt·n 'l<'tive preliminary steps in his w·gotiations with th1~ authorities a.t P:m,.;, :md obtained their cowamt to rcdur.c their share to fiv1: l'f!lllr;; per lt·tt.-r, if the Britisll departrrwut would abate theirs to six t:('Jitl'l. Jl.u that po!o.iti•Jll tfw matter stands, the r.clllsi~Jit of <treat Britai11 not b"ill~ yr!l l.;'i\un. \lud• d€sire is cxprm•sed hy a portion of our eitil.ells f«•r n n~dwt•·•n , .1 this OllNOlls charge, and tlw privill'3'C of paying tfH: t•1111n: postal!~" 111 thiS COUiltrr.

'l'ho li•n~igu JIHtil arraugrrnent is uot the only rww :uul pr,lmitu:nt ft~a­tnre addPd to our postal sy.;tmu within d1r> pa:--.t y•·:•r. 4 )JI tiJtl 11hores of the l':w1fi1· or·t·r~n. I ,iOO milt·s lll'yowl our an~a of po~t rout1·s, by ttu! mo~t cJjrt~d eoursH t·xplon:d. a11d ;i,~I~IO rnii1:s hy tlw u··tual 1'111111: of mail c~on· veyaueo fro111 our pri1wipal port of dr·barkation, r.~ .. ~ ~-.pn111~ 111to •·li..;hmr.o a IJrauch ~f (IUr c•tahli~lullt!JII, witlt dlar:ll'teristi•·H :tlld d··v' ;,,p11u:11t~

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796 Doc. No. 6.

:peculi:•rly 11:- owa1. ILo; ~•:pplr ,,f mail h:1s lw•'H mndl· (>Xclusi\···lr hy .na•·al ~ll'illll'hips, l.f•ff,lru:ill~ •unuthly \'uya~ws. lt.-; rates uf rc··:.l:l!ll' are (411ty •·cut" a :-.iugl~· le·tt··r un ··"rre: J••lul•·w·•· wllil the mnthcr ,•utmtry, and lWd\'c aud a half t't•nt:s fn·m )'lan· l•l l•lac,. wnhi1a it~ own rN:i••ll. lt.s •::hic:f o)!it-cr ct•:uhint•s iu lai .• '1\\'il hand~ tlw ' .. lltWt'l·makiug, tlw ap­poiuring aud ren1n\·iug po\\'t r, lw:-.it.lt•s that of ;u:•JM''•'Iilll! st·n·irP, :.Pttli11~ accounts, collcctiu~ n·w;.ut's, aud maki11:~ tli:-.hm:·t•nwHts--:-.uhjert, howc\'er, to the :mpt~r\'i1'it~H awl ~·u··ticm of t), .. tlPp:artuwnt :1t \\'ash­iugtml. The first majls llt~:-patdat•tl to it, wl.ich lf'li .\ew York un the :4<1 Octul)(>r, l~t~. ci~ll'llllt.l\·igalt~d t':,llC Jlnna. ami tn\··~llt·tl a distance of 1 ~•,uou mil~s. 'l'lw sub:-"•JIWilt n.u·s t.'l'll"st•tl the ronti­tincnt at the isthmus ur' PaJ&ama. 'l'itt• Caliti.•mia mails f1c•m \t·w York ulc;Hc awmt,rc pt•r uwuth on•r 10,0011 H:·~~: uwll~,INMluewsp.'l}lt'rs, with au i~u·re~L"il,~ tPI!ol:'uer, sn tlwt, in t •et·•l~t•r la:-.t, tlwy Huruht•n•d l3~~(}~ lcltcr-. awl 15,.');' I uewspap••rs. The rel11rn mails tn 1\~w Ynrk fali but littlP :-h"rt of this an~rage lllllltht'f of leth~rs. :unuunting to l:!~O()tt in tlte last 1110 •nth. The 11umbt>r of w·w:o;paJK'f:' iu the r.•turn lll~til is about ~l,3110 lllollthly. BPsiJPs tlaust· fwau .:\"cw YPrk. separatl' wails am tlt·s­()Qlched h • :-; .. 11 Fr~uw isco ti·om ( 'harlest•m. ~a vaunah, and l\cw ( •rleaus.

In mitlitinu \f) 1 !te l•lliees of ~an 1-'ranc·isco aul Montt>rev, cstablislwd hy yom pn .. •deeL'SsDr, it appears IJy the ugent 's (l.-.t report, that north('ast 1)f San Frawi:-co~ uu tlH~ :;traits of Carqninos, lac ha.~ established Benicia, and uorlh\\'<'l't of that :-)ouomu, in a valley nn tlw Borthen• sid.~ of Pablo bay. Further tc~ tlw IIPrth, on the Sa~nuncutn~ at tlw mouth of Feather river, he !w.s created tlw otlice of Vernon; a11d :oouth o~that, at the coll­ilueuc•~ d' the :\met i:·an ri\·er, Sa..-.rameuto city; c:-tablishiug cast of that Cullo11ta~ upou a :-ite up the valley of the Amerit'an rin•r East of San f'nmcisco, awl a ~lwtt di:::.t:mce east of the ~an Joa~hi111, he has oj)('lli'U an ofJke at Stoektnn, and another a 1i.·w miles south nf th~ soutlt•~ru f'X­

Uernity of :;au Frawiseo bay, at San Jose; and was about to n·pair sf,llth 1~ ~anta Barb:.rm aud s~m Diego, Oil the coast, awl I ,tiS AugPins, iu the interior, to establish post otlices at those places. He has wiv·~rtis!·!l filr proposals to earry the wails onr.e a week on eight dilferent routt-s to supply the places above uau11'tl, tendering contracts tor o1w year frmu thn I st ( )r.

tobcr; and lw conjectures tho serv ire will eost from (!i :;h~ y to 11111~ iauudretl thomnmtl dollars per am mrn.

Where priu.s an~ earrie..l so extra\·agantly ht•yorHl all ~tandanls that elsewlwrt~ prr.vail, l!IU!?h difiiPitlty mnst be e"<pm·inrH''·d in rt!g:ml to the or<linary ite!lls of pol't olli<·e di~hurscments, as th·~ law ha:;; suhjet'l"d thmn to specific limitations. At Sa.'l'<Uil~llto l'ity, allnw:uwc at tiH· rate of $:~,0UH n year is dcJWllllled t(•r du~ hin~ of '' siugle clerk; wl•~~~~ th•~ t'OIIllllis~;ions on the post;t:,!:PS collPdt~d (whif'h is tlln ouly fuLtl out ,,f wltif'!J this and all the :'XJlf!lJl'C:S of tlw ol!ir.n c~a11 lm paid) t~dls mmh st.wrt, probably, nf the half of thai ~;uur. 'I' he rnnt of art ollke-rnom at Sau l•'raw·i'>t'o, quitn inadequate, ·.vas. at tlw t•otmllt~IJCt~r~H·Ilt, ut tit•' m:o of$1 ,tJOO a y,r~:.u. 'J'hn office was !'hang•·d to ollter quarl,'rs--al wllill rost do•·s 11ot .lJ•f>:~ar; but the r•w•ut ::tatt•s iu :111 otlkial r·oJnltti!IJit:tttion, that suitahlt! aplli'IIIIPflls f,11· the po~toJlit:e aud t!11~ ag•·t••·y would t'tllllllHIIIII au allllllitl ll!ltt of ~I ~,1101).

It may wt•l! J,n apprdt~·11dnd tllar tho 111ai! ~"XflfHHiitHws in CalifiH'IIia will cXrPed tlw post olti•··~ rr~Vf'IIIIPs, tlto11gh thn a,!~~~nt is it&sli'III'Wd torr!­:-;IJ'irt tlwm to tho uet proc·et!ds uf tltt ~ "llir•t.•:.;; ll: uJ it is n ppamn t that tlw :\ctioll of Cougress all moJifyin:I, tho existi11g law:-~ 111 tlwir app.li,·auon to

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Doc. No. 5. 797 the Cnlifcmtia !'~'rYir.(', will bf: Oef"('~~arv II) cn:.LIP thr. ncrount..; "f the postma.~tr·r.o to oo ~cttled. The fel('flttnn of lett,.r-; remaiuin:z on hand in tht> ( 'alit;,!"nia post otfkl"c: ft•r u ~nn~·r r·ri•l<l tfmn tht> t~me now ti"tNI by tht· a~t of 1 '-'tfi,llf'ltH"f' rt•!llfllf'd tn tlw fl:•:ul ll'lkr i•tlirP, should tlf· author­izt'<.l, otht·r"·isc mauy t!rui::r.tuls, «lr·l~tin('d n11 rlw un•rlaud n>Ut(', will sus­tain gwat c.li~tJlJX>intu,t•nts 111 IH.·In~ ,ll'j•fi\"ed of tht·tr f~Xp«>t"tt•tl com•spnnd­(.'Jl<'r~.

In a territory recent I~· tknntninatccl lk:o:Pn>t is n post f•lfi··~". at Salt lak~, snpp!iet.l with the mail frnm th,. Wt>stern bordc>r~ of I '\\·a. a disaanc-e of ahuut l.O:Jo !'tilt.·~, the £:xp~·nst· of which is tldrap•d out of the pm<'l"('ds of said ollir,.; Ull\l in the tt·rritory of 0J"('~lll. IH·sides thP pu!-1 otlirt"s of As­toria anti On·;-,"'11 l'ity. r·staltlished in I '-.47. Portland ami Salt!ln ltave ~n n:•centl}· ereatt•d by the :-;pel·ial a~nt fi1r that I"Pflion; hut it dncs not appear that :mr ~tatt·d means nf supplyiug them with the mail ha\·c bet~n pro­vidt>d hv t.im.

W uh ·a rt•ferenec to the nnlli~Xt•tl table~, mark,.d A--1. :), nnd t), SJlef'i­f,·in!! the ~temnboat anrt railn•~ui ~~·n·il'c within till' t "nitetl Statt•s, and thr litailtr.tlti'J)()f"tation abroad. whid1 are in operation t;•r the current yPar, 1 dose thP anmtal t'xhihit it dt:voln•s on me a.~ the ottieer in chal"1!e oi tltP. l•u,iw~s~ of maii arran!!enwRts to present. ··

It \\"t uld L~ heynnc.l my pro\'inet• to say mure, hut f.•r the reqnPst with which you lta\·e honored me, to PXprPss in this n'J)(lrtmy llJ!)nion upon tiw question of pro\·iding more clerks tor the husiness of tiH· f iew·r:tl Post ( tlli•·t·. WIH'n· a !It'\\" tluty has h•·t·ll crcatul ~or tlae hid dmy Ita." pro\·ed too oJJNIIIIS filf the tiJr:-e ah-.•ady empluy~~d, a Je~itJrmH•~ twcasion is prt·­s•mted li•r providing additin1wl dcrl;s. Lon!.! siwt· th<· assi!!HIIIl'lll ofthe present numlwr nf c-lt'rks to the oificc in charge .,f the uudersi!!twd, the ·~outral'l J,t:rPall, the area f<.u m:til arr..tngenlP!IU has ht!t•ulargely t·xtt·ndod hy t'·" at11wxatina of Texas, til~ opening of the new 'l'erritnry "i ~llnn•~­:sota, mal tlw tH'<'Hpation of Galitornia and ( )regon; and its correspnnd,..ur.e is Jllllr.h irwn·ased hy the bnsine~~ of fon:.'ig-n mails. In rofcrcwe tu thPqe mattf•rs, ii. would h1: proper to appoiut two· IICW ckr~s.......c,t~c'to JlOSS('ss the uhil ity j~ 1r gnnp•·ai business aJHI ~;orresp·•Jitience, and the oth~>r to he quali­fiPd 1i>r a rceord rl•~rk. 1 ru:~ht. in respe~t to the origin11l du!it•s of the otfi;·i~ existing when the present fim~e was prm·idt:>cl, speah ,,f tlwir great incn!ase sinr.e, as incli,'atcd by the filet thai: tltf' uunual transportation of the llt:til..; within tlw l iuited States, for whirlt this olti•·(• lm~ lt> pro .. ·ide tlw arraH~PIIH'Ilts,lta.o;; swelled from :i~,5'J7,00tillli1Ps to-1:!.:lU,tJtj~J milt's. But us no mort• than tho ;uldition of wh:ll j~; 1111\V iudisJif'nsa~>ly rwr.c•!'sary j!'; t:olltt•JIIftlrttnd, as I supposr, I will li111it till' f.>~c·ifir·atJon 1;1r thP c·ontraet oflir·•~ to tl11~ two df'rks abovn nat ned, thou a-Ir n gn•awr llii!II!Jer would l'llahl•~ its dutit·s to be pt•rfi>rtll(•tl with J11or•~ t!asn mad dl!~patr·h.

Till' fi•n•ig11 ruail St•rvit·~ has t•nst a ur•w duty nu the dead IHttr•l' office. ~ol tfw r:llual•l" l<·lt('J"S only, hut f'VN~'ltllpaid h!tlN f'oiuinqto us throul(h tlw British ~liHI ( tl'rHHlll mails tltat i:-. :o-l'llt ''' tft,.. d••acliPttf'r ollir·r·, IJIUst lw n·t111"1wd with a clai111 f(lr l'rt~dit of tlw fi,n·tl!ll sham of th,. postngn t·.lnn·,t~d against our dc·partlllf'Ilt. c.tlt•·rwisf' a loss ts ~ll!:taiucd. 'l'wo 111 \V

clc·rks 1\uniliar WILli till~ c•nrJtrm·lltal langllagf's of EnrnJ)(', nt l••a't tlu~ l·'n·wh and Hc·nw:11, slwulrl hr• prH\'idt·tl tl1r tl1i ... d11ty, aud (ll·,,t,.,.bly 'lll" or two opt'llf'l'!;.

But tfw dr•nnod fi•r rwm~ r~INI;s is gn~atn in tiH~ inspt•t·tion oflh•, whnre the, waut of q rt·quisi~r: t<,rcr~ nmst be wm;t appttrerlt, t•J the Po~tltiUI~tcr

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Doc. No. I.

General, under whost> chit•f clerk those chill''~ arc rNainPtt, in!-'tead o{ being a!ISisrm.:d to eitht>r of th .. Assistant Po!ilJll:bter C..ient>r:tl~. It is the funrtion ol that otti~e to see that the :urau~ments made in the contl':lr't bureau a~ f:tithfuily perfonncd, and to dett..f.t depl"f't..ations in tilt' mails­ha\ing, r;,r that purpose, s~ial ngent" in the ditft•retlt s«>rtinns nf the l:nion. Aud in that office the Postmaster GPneral f:'Xt•rc!.;t•s his St·mi­judit-ial authurit)' nf SUSJlf'llding and dffincting pay and impnsi11~ p••nal­ties. I an& S:lti:-;fied that, at any time "within :.;evt.•rnl Y''"-:"'1 r:~-:t, llw dPrks in that olik~ han~ bf:'en too few, by the number nf two. to p.-rlimn thr dutirs <'nntt·J~lplated by the act of lKI6; and I am con"·ifll·••d that, in ,.it•w of the rrc~ent state of things, nt least fin• nddition:tl cl.erks, ncnrly dnuhle tht> pres-•ut fcm·e, will he uet'dffl in that otlh·e.

'fht> failures of mail contractors Ctlllstitutf', rroba'bly, bnt a minor por­tion of the dt·rnngemf"nts most complained o :x.t this time. The rases that Cl'f'atc the most disappointment ami vexation are when the mail con­l'eyancc arrives in time, and all connexions hne ht"t>n duly madt'. ltut the f'Xpe~'lt•d letter or newspaper, or the t>ntire mail, is missing-ha\·in~t beeR mniled to nnotlter office, or bagged to the wrong rnute, or di6tributed &o a d1tferent st>etion of the rountry. The increase nf derk:, may assist in clll'l'king these irregularit!es; but measures should be taken for their entire prevention. And if we will con~ent to learn from tile experien•·e of older nation~, we will see the remedy pointed out in the successthl ex­:unple of the most enlightened of them: the evil lies in our system o( business at the post offi~es.

1'tw immense and intrir-ate business of intcreonunnnication between 1 i ,OOt.• post-offices is cnnied on in the processes of mail in~, bagging, dis­tributi11g, &c., through the judgment and action of the postmasters and clerks CDl}Jloyed. Considering the vast fidd of opt•ra1inns, the thousands ofrrsons ~ngagcd, how different in their juth.rment, skill, and attention, an how manr, from time to time, are fhwg into the work without knowledge or experience of its details, nume:ous must be the mistakes and irregularities, even where they bear but a small proportil)n to the whole duties performed. In reference to such a mass of agentq, and of minute lal:tors, what is wanted is, a plan tha~ ~·ill leave the h•ast possible amount of the dutit>s to the exercise of individual discretion, and will carry the labor forward to completion throt:gh foiuccessive stages, aud in such suhdivisious a.'! will not retard the work, uor overtask tho:-e t•m­ploycd nt the time; in short, a machinery of arran1~emeuts, nccc.~arily complicated where there is so mur.h detnil, but ,,.,,rl~ing out a,irnple :md uniform results. 'l'his being •substituted to a larg<' I'XtPnt f":r indh·idual discretion, it remover. the liahility to mistakes and prodtlC'•· . ..; despatch and regularity. Arra;igements ot this rhnracter our sy~t('rn nover pos­SOI~cd. 'l'o adopt tll('m would rrq11ire a re-nrraRgmnem of dutins at the lknern! P~st ( >ffirf', a r.lassificatiuu of the JlllRt o!lil'es, their a~ju:-.tmcnt thron~hout the whole t:uion into rorrcspouding eirch~s or CI)Uilcxions, the <.lesignation of the forwarding offirp~ tor uar:h •·irele, witlt Jllllllerl,tl',

rsgulatiow: ditfercut from thf' pm . ..:'wut, wachiug tf, (~\'CI)' itl'llt ,)f f:l'f·

vice P"'rfi,mlrd by n pw.twa.stor, or hi" rlcrlc 'l'l1is woulcl 1\lunuut r:. a radkal elHIIIW', ~mJ (•nuld uot he mHlntakPII

without tlat• w·tiou of ( !ont;r~"ss :lllrl furtlwr l'rov;...,j,,:J~: hy law. lu a r-orn· muniPntion to your pr~Jt., . .,.~._or, whid1 lw laid IH•fi,r·~ t'otJ~rnss nt Its I:L..,t sessiou, I pwsenl,;u thi8 subJ,t'<:l m,ur:h uwru at l:ll':~r: tlwu it would be up-,

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Doc. No. 6. 199

proprialt' to do in lllis report; but I shall bt~ happv ,,, ru:1k•· any fur­ther expo~ition that mny be tlesired. Thf' ht>u·•fit., to tlt>w ftHm rhi., r··­fonn it is difti~ult t•l f'stimate. 'l-hen we C"nn~iut•r tilt' '-ac-t iut•·r•·'·" L' nnw and for thf' future involvt•d in the n•gulanty of thf' mail~. anti ti.•· llllJl•'r!.

ant improvemtonts to !Oilow in its tram. This i:; simpl)· sayir1~ tL:LI \\ n owe it to ourseh·es to <>ffoct th" ac~omplishment ui this· auol ktwlr.·J measures. We owe it, aJso, to ~he progress of improvement .ud tht.• •'1\'­

ilization of the day, to giv~ to tht> postal institutions in out OW II ,., •uutry ns high a characler, at l~t f~_,r skill a11d beneficen('e, a.s they Jkl:'"'·-·s:a in auv other.

kcspl'C'tfull)· suL•ni!t~:

Hon. J.\COH Cnr.L\~ER, Postm~sl•r Ge1u:ral.

S. R. HOBOII·:. Pint A8silta111 Po!'tmaster t,;~,-n'!ral.

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Ta6le of rMillm1ict for 1/w JNI' tmliltlf Jtme 30, 1 ~9, tU er/tilittcd by lit~ 8/nlc of lilt fiFTtlngt'mf'1tll at tht ciNe of t/tt !Jl:dT. •

Anr.u.J 1rans1 "'' oon and rate of C'o.t.

tMrllol ....... I Moilaot .,.aw.


lu CGetb.

Tot..\ annual Total annu•.l ---- ---· -~---·---- tnnepottaLIOo. rateolcoet. . •• -•'-L ; a, ra&~n.d.

Maine ........... . !'i•w llampeiliN,.,, \'cnn<>nl. .......... . Ma.• ... ~h~••· ... . llbodcl• .. n~ ••••••• (~•"n~ticut. ........... . :'\(cw Yo<ll ••••••••• N~wJ•-Y· ...... . ~nn ... yh:a:•=· ••••.• lk'••·•re .......•••

t~~!~~=~::::::.::: !'i••r•h t'a•ol•"• ..•.• S.oulb C.rohna ......

~~~'X'&- .. •••••••••• f.'MMia ••••.••••••• (lhiO ,,. .......... .

~!!·.~·:::::: :::: 111mo•a ............ . \V!J'C<•aain ......... . lo ... a .............. . Mi&••oun .......... . 1\euludry .......... . Ttnne•er ......•••• Alai.Jc.ma .......... . ~IU1S8ipp1 .. , , , , , , • .I

llite.. 4.9JU 2.il3 i..St9 3,141

434; 1. itiO

J:t.548. i. Iii .

10,7U -· 1,2'71 ; lt,634 •• ;'18 ~.:W9 &.s~.

"";' 12,\HI 4.Ut I

6,964: 8.910 I

3, lt13 3,254

9 '" i s:~· 1,1t&l 1, urr .. 747:

Mi .... Dnllua. ! 3,410 r.,l3ll 1.111 1.115' 1,4d 1,1ti7 i .. 11. 7i4 :

140 Jt.9r.' 1,110 16,465 1,971 7ll.4~0

101 6,., c..n< I 3ii.~

.. ::, ll. ~:.t I

l:l.~ I

fl.9ll :;;,~;I ~ill 3ll,9Si I

3,551 31.~6. ... 39,4SJ l,i04 13,.5lltl 1,390 ~.161 3,01)1 15. ClU8 i ~851 ~i,508 1 s,;s; 31,341 I 3,24i 15,039 I t,I!Utl 9,i69 ' 6.3itj ~.442 S,6i7 35,433 : 5,lltl5 :tl,8i1 ! i.Ml U,l40 · 3,93S 34,U8 I


71'0 96'l

J,II'J1 1.443

146 3i4

3,Sii'Z 1.1133 3,!'!\01

!HI I Si6

l.911i i,Slli

li'il 5.'1<1 :&.t •

3,~ 1!61

J,OlMi 3, 1!'3 ~I 446

1,3'.29 . 1,li'JI 1,ti41 1, llll.t


Dol lartt. ,liS 9

)II 16 ~

• :!~:! .~1 ,U9i • i:!l ,1.19':' . 9\li .G.~ ,1'-"6

I tl ~ I~ Iii

2:. ~t-!'>6

. ·~-" ,flit! l'l

3:! .~ li

.14 .~ ·so

~S:.2 i4 , itO 11 ·!:S !Ill ,,.21 i s 4


5. iO.S .'i2!1 'lll

,:H' ,t•!•7 '";'l•i • il\1 ,841

:Itt 39 S:l ~

Milt9. ; Dollau. 1 fdileoo. Dollartt. ~~· Milca~ -~ .. ................. ! ,. 6,8j3 1 ~ta511 • .................... ! l:J:l 10.* • 744,04ti

.~ !l,t!: 1 .... ~ .... i»:ss~· 2.:~:: • • .. .. .. .. • .. • .. • .. • . 4tS .S.r-50 17'l. 640 . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. ~... ll'J, ·~ ;~. 4i3 i

1. 1M ~ 4!. 311 9tll ti6.1!i2 s. I!RI. 41:!'i I :lt! :too :!10 r.. 4~l 9'1'.!,39-J I

.................... , 3tS 39, U3.S I 3, t 13. :."'J.t I' • • u;:., ti~:l , ::· .:::::: ::::::::)· "4is' ··;~:Gi·.· !lit; :Ht~ I

514 24,504 . m SI.IUi :l..51Jt.:•ll' : ~J 39,!100 ::ti 46, ;uo , l,liU. 6t'O I!IIIU 18,1W 247 41.~l 1, l:lli, tQI ~ 7,500 W5 I ili,Ol'; l,S:l'..!,4M ~ 4,100 ' ........ :..... .... • :10l:1,360 ~· 19, i98 l 1t10: 19, ilO 3,4l9,6ll6 tllt s.ouo; 344 I' ~ ~~ l,Ofli,bis

.................... 1 tn 3,ii9 1,36l,Sli

:::::::::: :::::::::·,::::::::l:::::::::: i,~~:~~ ""i:~· ... ,~:ii.o·::::::::: :::::::::: t.ffl:~~=

1. ;6; M:k,et4:i : ........ •.......... 2.~.:i90

...... i9 · .. ; ... ii, ., .. ··i05·: .. · ii.'843 · ~:~::::: 1 iS i 1,975 4G i 4.600 ~,94-l

Dol lara. U.136 !.'&,961 11.543

110,413 9.t98

4!1, '::04 !!311,S30 ~':30 13i,t~

l',liO': 131, ~J'J 166. );If; 1:0~.145 1~.904 13i, i:!O :JG,l60 t:.:~.•~ M,_. 57,009

107,016 21,761 l4,6M) afi,Ul

lUll, 3i!l b~.Sl8

147.485 89,564

t,"~ftfl•• .. · ........ i s. 463 4, ao . i6, fo:>B · 41Y.i 1 ~ 7 • .•• 1 • , U"'a!lll ... , ....... , 3,~: ~.!1~ ~ ,..H )'j~ :• 4,, -•~' 8,~77 ........ ~....... j8J &2!3 • frxa,,.,.,, ........ 1 6 334 . 4 <.,7 1 , ·


· • :.!, 9311 1.1~1:, j 2:1,4714 . . · ·. •-·.'"" .,I, 380 ~ ,., ..

1 ••;) . 7:.!7 · )j,!f~!J ·"'-'. 1 'l5ll ....... .......... "'•>,u~G 55.~2

1 167,703 ~:----i--~------:-- : __ _:_~_:.:._·..::.:..:..: .......... 6U,!!~t Jt~.c:;t; Route e&tn .. end I ' ; 1


: • 17,41~: 36,~ 736,110 9,~~<!1 ~i'~,6,';1l 5 497 tii7t0·~-:-------.nwul N-1118'1. ............. ' .................... : I • ' i ' .,aH,06!} ~.i:l~,5J.S

J?orc•cn mall• ........ j~j ......... '; 5,69'lr ::::::: >~: ::::: :::~::::: ::::~ "250'(,00' ...... ..1.. .... .. .. .. ... ......... ti),,',lJ I tlt ~ • I li8,812 1~:---~---·---'---~·.:_:_:_:.:::J··....... .............. ~'\5,6'J."!

.... --~ ______ : 1~~S:~-u~L.~~~~ r_ ~36,7KJ/ s,1;~:J / s~.G50, 5,497 ;w:74042,'5«,069~7;o

• Th_e tnt ire le"iee end pey are •• ·Jowo to the &ate und h' . . -- -- -- . ---- -· Soale. m _whH.'ileoeh portion o( It lire. rr w tell It :t numbered, though extending into other State~ inllead of be' d ··I d

t Th1e •• for n:pre11 aeniee; the rec••lar eteamboa . . . ' wg lVI e among the ; !h~ laltl•ollo Wil .. incton,ud Phtladelphta rat\=•~• o~~~Lttke ~hampla•n bsm; performed IJy a :-lew York route. ~ .fh!• embra0lll1be ateamboat llllfVICI from St. Louie to Ne'!r o~:.~. •ryland num!Jor. ~ rhll ltnbraOtl the IIC!Illlleoal Mrvlell fro Lo . 'lie • · .

Tlait illllla:f• the rou .. f":m Mobile to Nr.w ~~i:!na.to l:•nclnnau, nnd from !Auinillc lo New Orlr.anll.

s. R. 1108BIE Ffr~ .'luislanll'OIIr1'141tt;. (imeraJ.

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8&2 Doc. ~o. I.·


Number of mutes, mail t·onlm,.lor.~! fVIU/( u_:,:t:llls. local 'tt,t•t.t ... , mzd maU fllt83f!llgers inll1e .Yrt't·n-11 $trlions u11 Juur :m, l~l~'-

----------- ---- ,--· -- -----------Section~. l'!.out<.,. !Conua.~tort·.: 1!.-u&e

New Englawl l\cw Yor!i Middk South~'i'll North Wt'!'teru Southwcstcm -


13 11 13



l.nC3I 1 Mail ~~ent11. : ~•enaera.


:-i. R. Ht mBIE, f'irst A::si.-;lrwl Ptlsfm, ;tlr·r GcnP.ral.


'Nt~, lJiic John, marquis and earl of CJ:nui<':ml(•, &•·., "\: , .. , &e., Iter Britannic Majesty's Postmaster Gctwral, iu \·irtue of tl1e power whidt has boou inlmstcd to us, tlo thwlarc that we have anthnri.r.ed, and we uo authorize and appoint, by the:-.e pr•~l->Cilts, Hcury Bourne, e:-.quire~ one of the presideuts of thf' Inlaud O.•partml'ut of the (~encral Post Otlirc, Lon­don, to draw up, arrange, <'onelmle, and sign, on h{'hulf of the (:f!lleral Post Otliee of tile United 1\illri•lom, with an officer furnisht'u with fuU pnwers to ai'l 011 behalf of the lieneral Post Oftice of th<! t:uite<l States, such udditiounl :trticlt:Js to the cnuveution hPtween her ,\lujt!sty and the t:uitr.d :-;talt•s of America, f.1r the illlprnYcmcnt of th(' <'Oflllllllllication by post hetwc•<•JI th<'ir r£'sprwtive krritories, signed at Lomlnn, December 15, J MH, as nre n·quisitc fill· determining thl) forms iu whidt the accounts bctW('f'll tlw n·spcetive post o1}kc~. 1i,r tl1P trausmissiou lllHl eom·cynnco! of letters, an~ to h<' made out, the tiuw uuu modr iu whidt vnymcut shall be mad<! hy f'itlwr pof't •. mr~r. to tlw other, together with ull other lltoasmPs of tlntail arisiug out of the stipulutionN of the ~nid conYcutiou, in accord· aw:e with tl1t1 provi~ions of articltJ .X X I of tJw <'oun:utiou, whi1·h de· clart's that !'IWh matten1 ~;!;all hn Sf!tliPd bciW0<'n the Briti!'h Post ( Jfikt~ UIHl the Post Oftice of tlw l 'uited Htates. 'rlw whnl" to bu couJhrmahly to the purtintlur instneC. ~ which we lmYc t;ivcu to th<· said Henry Uourtw, tUHl ouhjert to (IJ1f npprobatiou.

In wit1wss whereof we han: signod these pre~uts, whi('h Wl'l hav•J senled with our scnl Gf ollii'('.

Doun in London, tho uightlt Jay of lo'ebruary, one thoUflillll.l eight hun­dred and {iJrty-nino.

[1 •. ».] CLA.r,ltlOARO~:.

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Doc. No. I. 803

Her Britnnoit· ~ajt"~ly'5 Po~tnmster ( :P.ut•rnl havin~ \jnlllmi:.:-io•,cd Ileury Bourne, f's4 .. one ,,f the pl't·~itlcnrs nf the lnlarul H•·p:mrwut of lhc lit!n­erul Post Olfi~e. London, to nrr.au~l' awl cxl:'•·ua.· with ~udautlh·r ''-' shall be appointed tn N"Jll't'-"ent tlw PllSI Otlh• I kpcu·uw·nt nf tl"' L uitt•tl :O:tatt·:. the nddi1ional articlrs coutemplatcd :fnd autlauriz•·cl t.r the ~bl articJ,. "'. the-postal eoun-ntiou lx-tween hf'r IJritannk llajt•:-ly's go~n·ruJn•·nt :.anti the govununcnt of the Vniwd ~lalt·~. whirh was :-.i~ucd at l.nudun uu the lath day of !~ember, 1St!"\, I hrr•·hy a)•poiut a11d C'PIIIIIti:-:--: .. n S.·lah R. Hobbit•, f'~q .• 1-'ir.-\t .bsi~tant Pustma-.:•·r (ft.•tkr.a! of tllf' t'ni~t-.! ~lalt'.l\, l8 pn-r-.are, draw up, conelndt! :uul ~i~u, with~.~,\ H.·ury Bnunw,t·~q., I'Udt

ndtliti•mal nrti•·lt•s as saul :!I~~ artid·· t~f t!lt' , .. ,~ t d ,.,,11, •·111; .. 11 al;·n~said authoriz('s, :lnd as sh:tll l~t• t;•nnd ue~·~·~~m-y aud ,.~Jit'til•·ut l•l bring th•~ pnwisinns of said postal trc:lly iut•l full mul l•·rli···toper;lti .. •l. l.,·r··lty •·nu· ti·rriug upnn lum rumph·te :\lltl ampi\· pow~rs 1~·r th•.• pnrp.·~·· ahow. dt·· dared; su('h :ldditional artidt•s. hnwcn.•r, to l.x.• ~u!~jet'l lu rat:Jk,:tiou b\· the Postmaster Gcncml of tl:t• Puitf•tl States.

Given under my hand and the ~cal uf the p,,st Offirl' Uq~ntmcnt •>f [ ] the Uniterl States, this :!ith tlay uf 1-\·ku:•:-r, 1 ~.t~t. at thl' t ft.·ut'· '··

8' rnJ Post Office, in the city of Wa:sbingtuu.

< '. JOH~S< l:\, Postma.~!,.r Gertrrtd of the United ~t61.tcs.

Articles a,:reed upon betur·eu tile Pn.~t f!ffic 1· of th" U~tilul Ki11udmn of Great Britain and lrf'lmul rmd tlu• Post f~!lict.• f!_( th~ f'nitcd ·~ales of America fvr carryi~ into ex~·ut1'on the cmu·t'1tti.m uf IJu:emiH:r 15, 1~8.

In pnrsmmre of nrtirle 21 of the conv('ntion t'lf Dcee1ubcr I 5, I 848, belween the United Kingdom of Great Britain :tud Ireland awl the United States of America, which lca,·es to the two post o1lir:es the n~gulation, as soon as possible after the exchange of the mtifir.atio11s of the ;>aid con­vention, of the tl>nn in 1.vhich the lll'l'OUUts ti•r the trawnnis~ion of c·orrtt~ spondence arc to be made up, as "'~>ll us of all otiwr utatltm; ,,f dclciil, which are to be :.:rranged hy mutual Clllli~('JJt, ti•r iusnrinl( thfol •~xecuuon of tlw stipulations rontained in tlH' ~aid r·um·entiou, the undersig'Ucd, duly autht>rized 1i•r that purpose by th(·ir resp<•ctirc ollices, ba\'tJ agreed upon the following article.:;:

() 11.\:P'rER I.-Regulations hclltr!C1l !Itt rf'dJHH·I iN f!fftce.v rif t>:rclumgf.•.

AuT. J. 'l'ho following shall be thc rt!tpthi\ious fcH the cxclumgc of JJ1ails hctwecn t~w tTnitncl Kingdom UtH.l tlu~ lJilit<:d States:

TIH'rP shall llf' au (•xrltangn of mails bt:tw•·1·11 tlw li>)),,wiJJg offico5: L Uetwm:n London nwl Boston, by way of L!\-·crpool aud Boston

dircr.t, nnd nlso by way of Liverpool aud ~cw York. :!. Between '"'"dnn aud New Yorl<, J,r way pf Liv,.rpool n»d New

York direct, and also by way nf Liverpool ami BosiAitt. :f. Between Liverpool nwc.l BoHt.uu uiroct, and al~(l !Jy wuy uf Nvw


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804 Doe. No. I.

4~ Betwf'en Liverpool ami ~ew York direcc. and al80 by way of Roslflrt.

!i. Hf·tW~'"ll London nnd ~f'W York. hy way of ~outluunpwn. G. Hctwt·t'll Soutlmmntnr, a111l ~ew York dirt>Ct. AkT. :l. \\'hf'n t\w Jl:tdi"ts m~· llcsJXlldled fnm1 Liverpool to Boston

•1irtY't. t~ll' mails tilrwmlll•d from dw utfkes of London and Liverpool to tiH" nftirt• of Huston st.:tll c~1mprise tht> cor!'f'spnnt!!'!H'c ft,r n!l parts of the t?uit•·d Statt•s, 1\\ .th the exception of :\cw Yc1rk.) nnd f.,r countries in tran!i:it thrungh the t'nited Stntc~.

'I' he mails fi1r ~cw York shall comprise all the correspondence fOr that city .

• ~RT. 3. \Vht>n tlw packets are despatched from L.i,·erpool to New York direrr. tlut m~ils torwardetl from the otiir.f'~ "f' London and Liverpool to the C~flice of :\ew York shall comrtri.se the corresptlndenet" for :lll parts of th(' lTnited ~tatcs, <with the exc(_•ption of Boston,) and fc.lr oountries in traw..;it thrnugll thf' l~niteJ States.

'l'lw mail~ 1;1r Boston shall c·omprise all the eor"'spondence tOr that Cit·; .

.\ ~~T. 4. Rt'cipr.lcally! when the packPts are dt .. >patehed from Boston or fr .~n :\.·w Ynrl.: to Lin~rpool, the mails t;•rwarded frnm the offices of Bn~tnn and ~e\\ York to the (1ffice of J.in-rpool shall comprise the cor­n•sJlllllth~nrc ti1r all parts of the I ~nited Kingdom. with the f.'xception of tl.• c·itv of I ,nudt·ll aml its suburbs.

Tht: maib ,;.r I ,ondou shall comprise all the corf('~pomlcnce ti1r that c;,ty and its Mlbltrhs, and for c:ountries in transit through the United Kingdmn .

. .ln·r. 5. When tho ph~ket~ arc desp:ttched from Southampton to ~cw Yor!'. tiH' mails fi1rwardcd ti·,1m the offiec~ of I mulon and Southampton :-:k.JI,· .. mprisc~ tlw <'<•rrcspondence fi,r all parts of the Cniwd State~, aud for ·~onntries in tran~it through the United States .

...\ 1~-r. H. Wh(•n the packets are deRpatched frem \ew York to South­nrnpton, the mails fim\·arded fro10-: the office nf ~cw York tn the offie~ ol Lond,)n ~hall <'omprise the correspondence for all part~ of the United Kingdom, (with the exception of South8mpton.) and ti>r toreign r.ouu­trit~s) f Fran"~ nw\ countrie!!l on the continent l•f Europe addressP-d via ~onthan•pttm and Huvre exeepted,) and tbr British r.olonies and poR!Ie!'·

sions iu tranl'it through the lJuited Kingdom. 'l'he wails for Routhampton shall comprise all the l'OTT<'spondence for

that towrt, and for France and fur counlries on the continent of Europe ~.o~per.ially U(ltln·:..;sed via Soutkampton and Havre.

ART. 7. If, hereafter, it should be d~emed necessary to make a direct f!XehnM!!P of mails between otlwr oflk.cs than thosn mPntioncd in artide l of the' pn·s .. ut artides, otltt~r offices of exchange may he established l'f mutual ~r<·cmf~nt betwtJen the two offices.

Cu o\!'T :n II. R(gtdntirJn.' reap~tiHg tltc f'.uharl.{!e nJ r,~Jrru~we., progrt•sive rales uf po:tagt·~ ~~.:.

A~t·r. It 'I11c respective offite.~ shall mutually aceount so eech other (or the portion of tho poatage of the correspondence exchanse<f betweea Uwm whkh ii <.luo to ench, both ~r that of thu le'Ltar: not prepaid, aSJJ ~t~c' ~·r thHS rf 'It': !~ner~t whicl• aro pr~p:ud.

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Doc. No. 6.

On all prepaid letters ~ent from one oBice ofuchan~ to another, cl1ere !'hall be diauncdy marked, iu -:-ed ink, in dle upper right-hMd <'omer of each letter, the anwunt du,. tn the l'ountrv to which sent: anJ, in lik~ manner, on all unpaid lettel'8, there shaH 'oo marked, in bl11rl.· ink, dt•_! amount due to the couutry from ·which ttlf\Atardctl.

\\'hen e.ithcr country is entitled to the parkt>t nr sea rate of p~~tap, in atldition to its inlaud, the two r::Ucs shall be combined and nu.ukl'tl in OIM:J sum on e.ach letter.

ART. 9. \\'ith respt....:l lu !•·tt~rs ahn\·e thf' wei~l of a sin'fl£' 16tler, which is fixed at hal( an ouu~c in either country~ the re.'4pective otlk-~, in al·rouuting to each otht•r, shall employ the tt.•llo"·mg scale of pn•g~~­~ion:

For eYery letter not excrerling half an outtl'e in wci~ht. on£' single r:1te. Above half an ounce, but nl>t exccedili~ one ounct", two mtt>s. Above one ounre, but not exreeding two ounc", tOur rates. Above two ounces, but not exceeding three ouuecs. :-ix ratt~. Above three ouncE's, but not exceedin(l four ounces, t-ight rates. And 10 on, two rates being added fo1 e\·ery "'~"ce or fr.ction of an

ounce. ART. 10. The correspondence, of avery d~criprion, which may be ti>r­

warded from oue office to another, shall be enclmed iu sealed or Jock.t ba8s; and each class of correspondence shall be tied up IC}XU'&tely, and distinguished by a label showing under what artidt! in 1he lcttt>r hill such correspondence is comprised.

ART. 11. \Vhen closed mails are forwanit.>d under the ~tipulatiou~ coa­tained in articles 5, 6, 7 ~ and ~ of the convention of December 15, ls.tl, from the Uni&ed Kingdom throu~h the United States, or fr01n the liDiaed States through the Vnited Kingdom, the otfiee which despatches the mails shall insert the net weight of the letters aud the number of ne....,.._r.. containej in such mails in the letter bill, in the table prepsred j:.r that purpoae; and, in like man•er, when closeci mails are reeeiftd ia the United KinadOIR chrough tbe United !tare., or ;,. thE' Unilld 8la&ea through the 1Jnitecl ~inadom, the office which recei;·es the rwa. ..Wl insert the net =~ht of the letters and the number of newspa,._.'D coa­tained in such · a in the ackDowlt-dgment of receipt, which is "> be re· tumed by the Aext post.

AR'P. 12. When cloBed mails are forwarded from one part of the lJmted States to another part through the ll\rritory o( Briti~ .:"iorth Anwrica, or from one part of British North America to another~ through the terri­tory of the United States, the e11ice whieh despa&chCf'l the mails ahall aend a leuer bill, itt which shall be entered the net w~it · the le*lerl aud the number of newspapers contained in such nmils. 'l'he latat~ bill thall be addrealed to the post otliee of the country throuah which thtt mail is forwarded, and shall be ar.r.ording to the form A, annexed to dae present article• .

.Aa'l'. 13. Letten originating in the United States and addrUMed .., tM foreign countriea and Britith colonies nnd po~~~e~~ioua contained in \able B, (see atatement 3, appeDded,) and leuera originatiag in the Uni&ed Kin~dom and addreued to the ~reip countries and United State~ po»­aentons contained in table C, aaneXecl &o the present a~les, (.ee sta&o­me!lt, 3, appenaed;) and, t.V. ,. .. , Ia~~ originatina in aueb IOreign

· oounuiea, Briti.tb colonie• and poueuittDI, and Cui&ed Staaea ~iow.,

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Doc. No. 5.

nnd addres.~ rn the Uniwd Kh:gdom or the Uaited States ahllll be tle­livcrt--d by one office ff) tho oUwr frt·c of all poeta~. whe~ f*"k~t or inh!fld.

ART. J:l. '\Virh rr·:.J){••·t rn ll"fl,·~; p:t-.~in~ thmugh citht.r ('OOntry, which ratJJlllt h•_• r:~rw!\rd!..."l t!!ilt•:-:" !he Jkl:r.t:t~ he paid in rulvance, the ollie-e of the { !nitod :-itnt\!S shall pay to the Uriti~h office thr. rates of British ·and "foreign JlO"la~e ~t against the narne1« of the reSJ«live fOreign countries ru1d lJriti~h eulonics and I)()SSt~,:;~ious iu l~tblc I;, annexed to the present artid('s, (see statcm<>nt .t, appended:) anci, iu like marmr.r, the Uritish otfiee shall pay to the otlit·c of the Unitr.:l ;-itaws the mtes of United :States postage set again~t thf' nam<'s of the re.specth-e l\1rcigu <'ouutries and Unitf'tl Statl'S pos~<·s~ions amf tcrritorit•s in table I·~~ nnncxed to thl~ rre~­ent nrticles, (see statement G, appended.)

Cu.,PTER 111.-/Attcr Bi/U, AcknoWtigm~nta '!{ &ct-ipt, Aceount.t, 4-t-.

:\ RT. tr.. Every mail passing between the respective offices of exchange in the United Kingdom and the United States ~h~ll he accompanied by a letter bill, specifying the amount of pt ..;tngc due to ench otlice on ~h clua of corrcspondt>nce. The office to which the mnil is addreiSed shall return by th~ n<>xt post an acknowledgment of receipt to the oftice from which it was transmitted. The letter bills and :u~knowledgments of re­ceipt shall be made acconling to the fonns !-' ~Htd G, agreed upon and ann~xcd to the prescllt articles.•

ART. 16. If it should happen at the usual period for making up the mails there should not be any letter, or other t.~nrrc~pondence, fiom eithef of the offices of exchange, a blank ktter bill shall, nevertheless, be for­warded to the corresponding office.

AllT. 17. The letter bills and a<'knowledgments of receipt, indicating tiM! COI'J'e(,"t amount of postage due to each office, shall sen·e as vouchers to the quarterly accounts. If, in checking the mails transmitted to the respective offir..es of exchange, the amount of postage o! any of the orticleR shall be found to difter from th"lt entered on the letter bill by the des­patching office, such &rticles shall be checked by two officers, and the corrected amount, which i~ entered by them on the verificatioh _,tde of thn lettar bill, shall be accepted as the true a'llount.

ART. IS. Accounts showing the result~ of the mutual trallsmiSBion of corresponden<'e bf'twecn the l'11ited Kingdom and dle United States shall be made out at the end ofcvuyf{Uartcr bytheGeneral Post Otfice in London, uwl, hnving been examined, comvared, and settled hy the Gen­f'ral Po:qt OJfke in Wnshiugton, the hnlanc!• shall be paid without delay hy that ~tlif'c \\·hic:h ~lu.II}H~ fi,1111d indehtcd to the other. 'l'he c1uart··rly ar,couuts shall be mad~ out according to the fhrms H and I, armexcd to the prc!rent articles.

Gu.H>TJm IV .-lh,rrrl. Mi:; .~·ettf, and RetJtrned l..etterH.

AnT. l~. Ocnd '''ttorf-l, rw\\'~r~~r,.r~, &~., whieh rn11not hn ddiven:(1, frnm wl•ntf'\'r'r f'.!l·w:r, ~:l,nll lhl ll!li'•;~·!f .. ~"'"''f!t;rl uHt~ ttw t;"pir-.ttiou nf every month, or ntlwrwi~e, RS th( ~uJar!ou~ of earh nHi('f' will ndrnit. Ru('h nl' thn~t· l~'tt~. l't/r.., ns ,..,~It ,,av~ fWf'n<'h:trgeri in th1~ ncr~nunt shaH

' hfl r~'tnnr~l for thf" !fll!V· urnf'\lllt ,.,(Pf'~t!'gc whkh wa!'l originally eh"T'ftod

Page 33: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

.D8c. !lo. 6.

by the ~"'tdin::: dfi•'f·. atal shall be uliOWC'U iu clischa~ of the n•·"••llnl of the of&~·· to which ~tey Wt·n· tr.Uismin~i. Th·~ fi'nns (K an•l 1.) to be n~cd in daiuaiu~"tlu: return (If pt,stu~·, and to ar.cowpw1y s•.1.:h dead let­ter.;, m~wsp•'l":~"". ~:..c., arc m~Ul'~cu "> the pn::-cut. :\Ridc:-;.

ART. :=u. \\ uh ll..''lK."t'l to llc&l if!Ut'~, ,\:c., which may haw l~t.--en re­«'lli\·ed in dm-et! m:til~, nr whic:h crumol he JWOCluet'Cl by the nOi•:c whieb ha..- bl daira1 the aJU•'UJit, tltc}· ~hall be admitted iv the sanu· u·,·iuht and aJil(lllllt uf pusL.l~t· whid1 was originally char;,-cd upon such d('ad Jette~, ,\,· .. in thP au·nunt~ ,,f the rt'sll('.:ti\·c t•llkc.,, on 3 c.lt..•darJ.Lion or ou liat.s vouching tl1r tlw amnuut n( posL'lge demawlccl, siga1etl by tht• inspector of tht• dead lcttt•r ollie(', (If other oJfi ·er duly :.uthorized for that purpnse.

AKT. ~). Letters misdil'\•ctt•J ur mis·M'lll. or whidt may ret)uire the pre·paymcnt of tho post.-u:;t•. ~hnll he reciprocally rctumed without delay through the n•spt!cli\·e otlkcs oi exc-tmngc, and \.retlit taken in the letter bill f<•r thf' au~ouut of post.1~ (lrigiuall}· ch~ upon them. Rl'clire<'tcd lettt·rs. o1 il'lh'rs addressed tn pe~us who have changt'tl tl:··ir r£'sidences, shall he mntuallr I'Plllrned hy tlac fir;t post. dtargt~d with the r.ttei of postage' which would ha\·c been p;.,jt\ J.y the parties to whom they are ad­clr""~t-11 .

. \nT. "l'l. Lctt<'r~ S('llt forth<' purpn~c of ;amoying or iujuring the pruties to whom they are ntldre~se.l. (the postage on whieh eitlwr otfice may think p.·opl'r to !'('turn,) ••n•11 1lwu~h th<'y may have been opened, are to be in­ch,dctl and admitted with tht• deatl lettt>rs .

• .\n:r. t3. Wht•n•ao;, hy artil'lc• 13 of the conl'ention of U(_"'r"mber 15, 1 S4H, it is stipulat(_ld that l<'tters pnst"d ia the United Htate~, addressed to the British ~orth -\1ucrican pnn·itwc:-;, or t•icc vusa, s!tall he ,•ha~ at:eordin!r to the rates of postage which are now or which shall ht~rea1ter he in operation in the United St.'ltes and in the British North Atllerican prnvin<'cs ti1r iulantllettt•rs; an~l whcl'('as, hy arti<.:te 1-1 of the said con­wmiou, it is fmt!l<'r stipulated that the ratf's of post.~c fix~d hy the prc­('.fJdiu!f artil'!e shall h<~ combiued into one rate, of wh1~h payment in ad­\·anre shall be optional, hoth in the United States and in the British North Auwri,·all }ITII\'inc<· . .;, all<l that it shall not be permitwd tn pay less than the wholt~ rate; and as, owinu to the \'arioU!> mtPs nf posta~" now in ope­ration in tlw two rt;nutri<•s, whid1 nrc goverm·d by the distanrf• that let­kr~ han~ t0 b(· roll\·t:yt'd iu ca~h, de}l(mdillg upon the poiut of iutercom­rnnuicatiPn when~ tlu~ rnrr1•spondeuce passes from one t·oulltry to the otht·r, it willnnt :"' p·~·;~ ildt· to deterruiuc hy pre,•ions fl'!.{lllatiow; tile tme ··olllLiw·d rat<:~: to wlticlt ldtNs will hn liabh:; nud as, tlwrl'f;,n•, it will uot Jt,~ {'ra··ti,~ahln '" pres1:rwe su·:IJ ti,russ and s1~ttle su.-!1 c!c·tail.-: as will r.arry tiJ•~ said artic·k·:~ iuto dw• 1·Hi·c·:, it is agrel'd that fmtlwr df11r1·~ fi•r t!w wl,iu~o,ftnt·Ht td' ~n::lt f<,nw• aiHl ddails ~~r c·arryin~ i11'o tiiii'Wiicoll arti­rjp..; I:; a11d 11 of tlw c·nnn:ntiou of! )c:·t•lftbc·r L), I H.1H, sh:dl lot! postporwd d!• il ~~~··lr ;dl1·nti• 1:' b1! 111ad,~ i!t tlr;: nt,., of p:1<.;t:t:.:;t~ n:, will aile,\\' ofttm prt~\'J'-i"r;·: of ti:t• ~-lid ;Jrti··l,~s !win:.. dli::·ttwll)' c·;ul:•·d t.tlt a.·~Tnll!tt:; tn tlf•• !J'IJC· il!lt•JJI ;;ncl ll!l'iUti:l~ of till' ~;:11111'.

,.•,t:T. :~I. Tit(: pn:~'.>:st iti'lid,•s, ~·'' li•r as tf,('Y an: Jlt•t :dw:11ly in li,n:P,

:;hall l'••:t:c· ild'l r•r ·:·.,ti''ll tdl tlw find d:::; of July Jlf'~l. l;,j,,_ lil d!•il;: ·;.;,.,ill diP riiV j,;' \~.hlllJI';I•tll. 1!11' j(,iii:t 'i;;', d:1y ilf

J\b~'· t :J•· :!. 1: ':u·l 1·i::l:! l!1••H'r··;1 ~·nt! t;·rly·ltisw. ..; '?. ltf IHHJI·:. H. BOI'H:\1·:.

Page 34: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. Ko. I.

Gu&JUL Pon OPPic&, ~,Jr.,31,1849.

Ravin' ewuninecl and eonaidered the twenty-itur addi1ional arti~le3 for ~ mto exeeution the poetal conwmtion between the Unit~ States or &neiica and the United JUnadom of Great Britain and J.reland, which W8l~ 8p'l"d upon and si~ on the 14th May instant, by Selah R. Hob­bie eaq., on behalf of the Post Office De~ent of the United States, and Henry Bourne, esq., on behalf of this deportment, the same are by me hereby ratmed.

Ira witness whe1e0f, I haft eaused my seal of oftice to be hereto affix­[L. 1.] eel, this day anti year first above written.

ClANIUOARDE, PMwtuter Gtw~.

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Boe. No. 1.. .. A.

Poay Ot•~ea, • --., f{ --. 18-.

[Par.Kulus or cloeed .. &U fOl'Wal'IW )aerni&Ja.]

~- INu--ofbona · N.rftilhtoi ... N..._.t ..... 01' bap. ' 111'1 ill ouoca. · .,...,._


ToaaL ..................... .

------............. Te Clae PolltmMier ol --.

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810 Doc. No. 6.

n. List o/foreigt~ cotualrie~ ad Bntish <'olon~s and p08M'.uion.~ to or from.

whlcla ktlers passing i~J transit tltrougk tlw U11iled Aingdom must he multJIIllv delim-ed by cme office to tlu: other free from all )103lagt:, 1rltether pgr.ket or i1aland.

Aienaclria, city or, •ia Maneilles. A ~ceria. AMlria. ucliM AIIISiiu &.lee. &den. Bavaria. Belgium. flre~en, free rity of. Brunawic.k. Beyrout, r.i•.y of, •aa ManeiU... Daldanellu, tlle, v.ia 1\laneiJJa. Denmuk. Fruce. German States. Gibraltar. Greeee, -.ia MarseiUea. HambuJ1h and Cu:a:bavea. Hanonr. Holland. Hon, Kongt (China) island or. Ionian i1dam1e. Lubec, free eity o(. Malta, island of. MecldeDbui'Jh ScAweria. Meeklenburgh Strelitz. Moldavia. Naplu, kinpom of, fia l\1ar'Mill•· Norway.

Oldenburcb. Poiand. Pruu1a. Roman, or Papal Statta. Ruui1. Saxony. Seuum, ~ c· . f. . Maneillel Smyrna, S auca 0 ' .,,a · Sweden. Switzerland. Turkey in Europe. Tuscany, via M11raeilles. Venetian Statetl. Wallachia. W urtemburgh. W eat Indies, &e., Britiah, vi:~:

Antigua, llarbadoea, Bahamas, Berbiee, Cariaeou, Demerara; Dominica, Eaequibo, Grenada, Hondllnltt, Jamaica, Montserrar, Nevis, St. Kitt.ll, St. Lucia, Sr. Vineent, Tobar,o, Tortola, Trinidad.

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Doc. No. 6. • c.


List of Jorrigtt muntru!~ am! Amerirm& po..~rS.~Q~~ to or froln 'ftlllid& letters pa.'~si11;_: in tramtit tllrw~lt tltt: United Sta/e!l uwst be mulually flcliverN/ by om• office la tltt: otltr•r Jn·~· from all postag<, wltetller packet or inkmd.


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-1-~~ ......... .- .... i-::~weea "'"'' .... ....... u.... ! ___________________________ !

I . Roulft, portl of arriftl itl, or oepar·

: ., Bdlilll peelle(. a, UDII .. ita&ea pecket., lure from, the UDiiH ~-

Not exceedulc Mlf a11 OWICe.

- -· .. l. t'mA. ,_ d. CnoJ•

:~::::::~::::~::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :·:::: I 8 en i u ~4 s 'i!hamJ•Inn. ~ i 0 4~ I 4 :rJ SoulhampiOII and India ~

~?.:Siiii+FiiiEEHEEH: I 4 3:! 0 fl 16 \"arioua. !) s 18 I ~ t'.! Southampton and Laabo11. P' i 0 48 4 3'J &utham;rton and India.

3 5 H'l :1 9 66 Falmouth.

5. ~~~~-~·:-:-::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :J 3 3 78 j 7 ~ Do. i 6 60 I 10 44 Do. t 6 610 I 10 u Uncertai'1.

~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I 8 40 I 0 tt Southampton. I It 40 I 0 !H Do.

~~.;:·:.-:··:.~:.:::::·:::;;:.::;:: ·:::.::;!. i !l t sa I 6 36 Do. 1 i ~ 0 6 12 London. I 8 4Q I u ll4 Southampton.

I 0 48 l!l Southam:>ton and India.

I I !Mi () 5 10 v .. Fran~ II • 60 I 10 44 SouthampM•-

~~-..................................................... I A 40 1 n 24 Southamrton and lnd1a. Molu~ ...................................................... 'l 0 411 I 4 J:.! D" uo. M011• Vid~ .••••••••..•••••.•••..•.•.••••••.•••••.•.••.••... 3 :t 7H !.! 6'.! Falmouth

~:: ~:~;i~::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::: 1 8 40 1 0 :!4 Soutlutmpwn. 2 0 .g 1 4 3:2 Southampton and lnr1aa.

~ew South Wal•, by pri4"alc alup .............................. J 4 3:.! 0 R 16 \'.1W>U8

;'\lew 7..ealancl .................................................. :l 0 48 I ~ 3:2 Southampton 11nd lndaa. New Zealand, by priva:.: ahip ................................... 1 4 :tl 0 tl 16 Vauous. Parma and Placentia .•••..•••.••.•••••.•.•..•••••••••••••••.•.. I 1 i6 u 5 10 \'aa r'rauee.

~i~~.r:t~~-~.:_:_: _:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:,:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_:_· ~. ~ ·. ·.· .. :::::. 1 8 40 I 0 24 Southampton. 2 !i .58 I ~ 4:.! Do . 1 , 40 I 0 21 Unr~rtam.

:::,~: ·i~ia"r;ci ~r: ::: ~:: :::::: ::: ·.::::::::::: ·.:: ::::::::::: ~:: :l 10 G8 !.! 2 5:.! Southunpton. 2 0 48 J 4 ~ S:>uthampton and lnd1a.

~:oi~~~~·.;·~~d:: ::::::::: ·. ::::::::::: :::·.: ::::::::::::::: 2 ~ IIi 1 6 36 Southampton. i! u 48 1 4 32 So11thampton and lndaa.

Venezuala. .................................................... I I 8 411 I " ~· Souu•'l.mpton. t:!f Wut Jn.tiu, foreicn, '1'1&: Cuba ••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••.••• , 2 II 70 2 3 !i4 Du. ~ Oaudalou~, fJRyti ,Mar•illiqut, Porto Rieo, Ht. I :roix, St. Eu-

••tlua, St. Martin, St. Thumu ............................ :l 50 34 Do. An~ Briti•h eolonl or foreign eeuntry, when ron,·ryed to or from

Hi VniouK. ~

1 e United Kine en by prtnte ehip• .......................... 32 li ? --. ------·----- ----- ..


Page 39: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …


lale ~ .._.. lluu, when ~"l:'.,.btt._ j 0.. .... ud 1M UJUr.d I

----- ------ ---- -1 8)' Brilielli -•ec. . 8 Ullitfd 11a1 ! lkut-. jiOIU ohm'tal "'· or .Mpet-,_..

1 1 ,.. r-ter.. ture rroca, tJilt UIUIN Kmcd-.

..------__;____ -·1 Vader a fourJa vf aa c:uoce.

------·- --------- ---• (8111. •. J. c ..... I ~~~_:::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::: l .. .1.

~ ,illaad.r .......................... ~-.. t

~~:-~_::::::::::::::::::::: ·-=-::::::::::: 0 : : :: : : ; :

T................................................. • • I .. ' I .. I .. ~::::::::::::·::::::::::::::::' '==~~=~'~ -~ .:..... Die=a:l'a l.u;;l. · · ...... · ...... · .. • • · ·lan 11 ~~::·.::::·::::·.:::·.:·.:::::::jr,:.p·_:::::::::: : ~ ~ :: : Or .. , ociMr :=ia' ;h~ -~~~-i",;;ia;~,,;: J

Tocal. ........................... , .............. ,, __ i_~l •

~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::tto':~·.:::::::::: ~ 1~ Tocal.. .... .. .. . • . . ... , .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . --J-.--

:W.':: .. :::::::::::::::.: ·. ::::::::::::::' Briu.h ........... .I I 1 0 10 Sic:aly, t.land of ......................... , "J} Foreign ......... ,.

Tunas, Africa ...................... , .. ... ~-----

" !0

5I -·


1 J i G 5


0 5 0 10

I \


10 10 ----fO

10 1.!\1



•r ... "l 1 ll 1

i -

~~:::::;:·:~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;·;;,;::::;;;;:)~T' ; t=~~-'-=:--~~= ~ Vid'•~" Total............................................ 1 6 36 I 010 ~0



Non: - Tlte /.,.,;,, portion .• r the ulJO\·o ralu i.a tu be charged ntrurding to the following; ac.llle, viz: W~ighir>:: undtr vOJf'-~v ... th uf an ounce, onr rl\•~; wetehml{ one· fourth uf an ounce and under hal£ an ouncf', two ratea; weichin& half an llUnte and under three--founh• of Pn ounr~<, ll•rc•· r111r"; wra.-:hmg ll.rt•·· fourth~ of an oun~e and undrr one ounce, fuur ratel; weaghinc one ~unee nnd under one and one-fourth ouncr, fin rntc"; and ~nun, ~All ad.Iatiou.,l r111r b•·u.~ ~;haJ'Ied for rack quar\rr of an oun~r.

Page 40: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …


Lt~! of Jureig" c9111&lries and UHilcd Stales po&."cs.qOI"" Gild lerrilfltW zrhich, by lAc law nf the Unii«J &alu, are beyoml tlte limil of tltw ul11bli.~~d p&t rout~, tr-illa t~ mtu of po.ta,.,rre o,, lrtterato and fl\.'tiA tiUJ lhaitecl Kir.gdcm v·lt{'ll co~ ria tire Unitetl Sialea; tl'lticl& rata Me !o 6e )Xlid ltv the }?~ O.ffcce of the ll11iitd Kit£g®tn to tlw POll f!ffici of tltc lt~&iled Statu.

Na ... of countries, &c.

: -------- i Rate per .anc1e ld&er i

1 when coneJtd be· 1 tween tile U. 8ca&ell ! and Great Bn&aia.

: Notneeediac half an 1 o1111ce.

·t~-:--- :-- --.. -I Cntt~. : Ct'Ns.

Cfl.nadn .•••• ·:.......... •• • ••• • • • . •.... ? I 2(; ' lO .New BroDIWJck ••••••••••••••••••••••.• S I }f~tnula .................................. \ ~i 12i

California .................... • • ........ ~ : 56, 40 oregon ................................ ~ Punuma .................................. · 46 30

~~;~i~~- i~ ·:·h~ ·w~;·i~di.;.· ~;·a~1r ~, .. I, ~~ ~ Mexico.

Any p:ace in \Le W t st lnrlil!'l or Gulf of , 2ti 10 Mexico.

Jlootte, po11a of arri-.1 ia, or departure Ctea, the UDited S&atee.

By the general mail •

Bv U. States ~ 'froua -:·harle..toll.

, ( fty U. States pa&kec 1 t frnm .New York.

By British packet from : NewYork. 1, By Briliah packet from



Page 41: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. No. L • 811·


Ltll~ IJill for tiN corraporul~rtee ~ 1M UrntM K~ tntd IAt URited &ea. . ... , ___ ,. --. ., ,., --,..,.

PoST Ornca, ---. "'--of--. l@t •

The following 1\;·!idea are smt hunrith, the m:eipt of wbicll it ia rte!llMtell _, be IICbee&. ~dged, vi&:

nited Kincdom for tbe ta the single rate •••••.•• n counlriea, UMl Brililh

1. Unpaid lettera from the U United Sta~s, at- cen

~ Unpaid lettera from foreig t'oloniea and po18e88iona 1J nitecl Kingdom for the U

• in tranait tbroup tbe nitad 8~ •••••••••••

rough the United King-3. Newapapera in transit th dom ror the United Statea

4. Miaaent, redirected, and from the united Sta~ .••

, at two rentl each ...••• returned lettera receaved

······················ ted States office in tranait 5. Cle.I mails for the Uni through the United Kingd om .••••••••••••••••••


!.,.._.tZetbe Britida 0 •

V eritc:ation bJ tile u. 8. o8ke.

A moue. ~


--------DoUan. Centa. DollaN. Ceall.

I I I The weight of let• Net •. ht Num'-

terw and the num- oflettera orne ... her of D~W:n· in 0'111· ,papeNo per• eontalll to eeL the c:lo.ed maila are to be l::red in tbe1tri lion ~ rolumn by the 0. S. oflc:e. 1o-


Page 42: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

.. Doe. No. I.

F -Continued.

_1~---A-mct:--::!_. __ I I Amount.

~ --.. Paid let~~,. ft,,m d1e United Kin(dora tor the 1 Dollu~. Cue. Doll.ue. Cen&.

UaiteJ &atee at-- ttoa. the •incle ,... •• • • .. • • • \ 1. Paid lcrteu fur f,,reran c.ountriCII, United &attt~

~~~·- ~~:·. :·:. ~~-.~·~~. ~~~. ~~.~~:~~.I &. Paid llC:W8f&(!Crl for fo~i;n eout•lrin, Unittd i

..._ .,o-taiona, Ae., in trartlil ttlrou:b tho I U.Ukd Statett, attwe reot• eadl ••••.••••.•..••••

S. Cto.rd I'Yiaila frnm the Britiall oSc-.e in transit lhroulh th:~ United &. .................... -.... -

DU~ .. &noX. Nt-t Wfieht or let- Number or newe-tera in u.:ncta. per.era.

tm. Ldlm, •nrfl'.,,lte., n wAith :h~ Br~ti,la pos!IIS{t ••• bw' p•itl, Cllfl ttlricll/117'111 .,. *"' &trt«na lie IWo '!~/feu.


10 •. Lettttl from r,,,..j~ eoun\rin,~ .• in tmmit through the United King· dom (or the Uniud Statea •••••••••••••••.••....••••••••....•••••••••

11. Letter• from the United ltiftldom for (ore;gn countriu, &e., in tranait tluoach the United Statea ••• : •••••••••••••..•••••••••••••••••••• 0 •••

U. ftawapaptn, periodical workl, pampbletl, &c ...•..••••••• o •••• : • ••••

· 8tgi.tttrtcl llClm ~ed It tAl P'"'"' frill, ancl indtuled fft 1M /.rquing arliclu.

----. ~ Prtrilltftl,twP.......,..

Page 43: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Die. Ko. 6. .. F-OoDtiDued.

l'ctt OF"c-~. • ·--tl---.l!St .

The mril frum -- t:. --. Lr tt..> -- pctket, ol &M--et--, IN • 11u bcco rttti,eJ, COht,ium: the ful:u•a"' an.C:c•. 1'.&:

• \ 1.-l·"~iJ ldltrs, ~-. I• ~ p~cul lo IAt t:a& -J t\t Uai!ci Slain f#t:.t.

l&atcmeat by the U ai­l tesl S&aa.- oJM& I


l. Un,·aid lf'll(~ from the Uui:rd S:.tu for the '

~~~~-~-~~·:~~~~·-~~~-~~.~.~·~.:~.! 0->l~ars. I Cents. D.:lt.u·e. I O.ca.

2. Uq•aitllettt~ 'r"m f<Jrr~n counhie•, Unitrd I ~l.l!rR ro'ltf!'S.OO!I. «:t., in tnm:<rl throuch I the Unli~ !'llllea fvr rhe United Km~dnm ••

3. l'\naper~rs 111 hanait rhn ~h the Unitt'd .1 s~ates for tl.e United Krncdcm, at I C4n ...

eao:.h •••••• _. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ··I 4. M1s~ent, n<!J!Tcled, aml ~tu..-ed letter., re- 1

ceived fu•rn 1l11: Urwetl King~ .. lll ••••••••• •' S. Close•! mcil~ (nr thl' Brai1h c ftlre, ift tlan•it I

tbrot~'l& lhe Gutl.eJ Suuea •••••••••••••••• ,

OIUGUI. ~~- ••i!!h•l Nnabar or lettrn, .r ..... ia ouoeea. ..,...

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Doc. No. 3.

F -Continued.


--------1 6. P~tid let&en from the United S&atea for the j

United Kingdom, aL -- ttl1UI the single I rratt ..•.•.•••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ·1

7. Paid iellus f::r fofticn c:ountrita, aRd Britiah


. colonies and f• ,....iona, in transit through the U11ited K•D&t~orn •••••••••••••••••••••

8. Paid r.ewapepen for forei~n eour.trita, &.c., in tranail Lbro•b 1he Unated Kiflldom, a\ i 1 centa..U .............................. j

9. Cloeed. maila from the U!'ited ~tale& office, io 1 tranaat throqb dae Umteii.KW&dom •••••••


Dollan. ; Cent•


Net weight oflettef8, Number of new .. in ouncea. papera.

_________________ ,__ _________________ _ \ UI.-LtUm, tutll!papm, ~c., on tcl,ich the Unittd Statu JH)Slagt h.a been paid, and wlricJI /flf'fll M

chaTge beltcee" the two officu.


--------------··-10. Lettef8 from forei~n countries, &.c., in transit through the United

Statea for the United Kingdom •.•..•••••••••.•.•.•.•••..•.••.•. 11. Lette,. from the United States for forei,n eountriea, &c., in transit

throu,h the United Kinpom .•••••.•.••••••.•.••.••..••••••••• 12. New•paper8, periodical worka, pamphleta, &e .••••••••••••.•••••

-----, Potlmaeln'•

Page 45: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. No.'· •• G .

.Wail from-- to-- by the-- packet. Pon OrrtcE, ,

1M--•1---. 184 The fllllo,·ing articlea ftFe Bf!nt herewith, the ..... ipt or which it is reqoeated may be aekDowl­

ed~ed. \IZ:

'i 1.-l.7npaicllelkn, ~·e., to br plaud 1.1 tAt crtdil ~r the Unihd St«ta ojJice.

-------i Statement by the Uni-1 Verifir.ation by the

ted S:a:ts offire. I B,iii•h office •

. 1. Unpai,Jlrt!rrs from the United Statts for the Dolbu. I CentA.

Unitt>d K~ll~'uom at- cents the single rate .. i Unpaid letters from ft>rci~n countrite, United

States rosFr;:sions, &:r., in lrdnl-it through the United Statc11 f,,r tl1c UJ;itrd Kingdom ..

3. Newspsprr3 in trar,Fit thrvugh the United Stale!; for the Unitd Kingdom at 2 cenlB

Dollars. 1 Centa.

each ...••.. , ........•.••••••••••••••.•• 4. Mist:rnt, rdircted, and rcttArncd letters re­

ceived fr0m the lJ t.i~ed Kingdom ••.••••••• 5. Closed mails for the Uriti h office in transit

throu::h the Un:tctl States ............... .

ORIGIN. The weight of lrtterH !Net wri~ltt and the llltmhrr of: of lettcrJ, newspapers contain- in ounets. ed in the closed

NumbP.r of ncw&­


l'llltihi are to hf'en- 1----·1----­tw~t..! in lhe terili-ruti"n column Ly the llriti~;h office.

Page 46: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. .No. I.


I I. Paid ltUctl f1om tl.c United S&atu fnr the :

United Kiflgdonl at- cer.ta the 1irgle l't\te. ·I 1. Paid lcllrn filt· forei~n rnunttiu and BrititOh '

culonlu .,, rlpo;;~··~~~i·.;~;s, in tr.u1sit tlw·u,;h


, the United Kt gtlom .••••••••••••••.••••.

8. Paid neWJt~~ra for forl'i«n countrict, &to., in lr~itlhrou!h the United Kin~om, at :l

•. ci::d ==~(;~.;; th~·u~i~~~is;~~·~m-:..· i~ ·ll &rulait through the Umted Kincdom ....... .


Dilllara. I ~nta.


Doll.arr:. I Cente.

~ 111.-l..tllcn, flttr~l'nptrs, ~c., en 1rhirh tht Uttiletl Start~ ro!'a.;e•luu bma paid, and srhic.~fonn ao .:.\v.rge bei\OCtt\ 11\e hco •ffi.cu.

------------------ . -

10. Lr.Urrt fromiurrign rountriel'l, &c., in tronait through the Unitd Statu for the Uniretl Kin!!dom ...••••.••.•.•......•...•••••••.

11. Lt'itrre from the Uni:rd Sta\(S for foreign eountri~>e, &.e., in uan-~ eit through the Uniterl Kmgdom ............................ , •.

1~. Newepapert, periodtcal works, pamp~leta, &c •••••.•.•• ·••· • • • · .1


------. Post1114Sitr of ---.

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Doc. No. 6. 811

G-Continucd •

. .fci.-Mwlc.l~:.; mwt of rrrrr"pl fur lftt u•Ti"' ·'~ ,w!nt~ bd u:cm t!t.c (],,i[,U Ki11gdom a11d the Ut~ile(l Sial~•·

Pon Orrrc-E, -----lk --- cf----., 18. .

Ti~r rr.:.:l rtHn -- Ill -·-- 1 Ly tl.c ---- l"" }.ct of the -- o~ --, lbl 1 hi been n:cti\'t•l, conwiuing the {i,IJo•un~artidrs1 Yi&:

1.-Unpaid u!ftrs, ~-. to bf plaet4 to tAl C'f'tdit tJf lA• BrilUA offk•·

Unl'airl lelle:a from the United K•n!!dom for ;!.t~ Un;tr•l Stnlu1 nt- cents tht: !!Ill~'• I'IIW.

2. Uupaul !tttt·r:~ r ... ,m (tlrl'l~ll rountru·s Rhtl Bnt­is!l c.,lu,,j 11 r.n•l f·OII~r~!liuull, in tnu 11 l •hrc·u~h the U• .. tetl Kir•gdom fpr the U11i•ed ~-1\(f'"·' ••• ···--- ••• '.- •••••• -' ••••••••• '

3. ~t>\\lli"'f'er8 rn trar~~·t thr••ugh the Uni·td l(lll~rlo:n f,,r t'•e Unitrd Stnlt111 nt 2 t'ents t"adt. .. - ..••••••• •••••· ··• ••• ••• · ·

4. l\f•st.rnt, rr·ll.:•·~,rtl, ••··d rH••rnt:d lettcra re­r~i•• d frc•m t' ~ U11t!t>d Sta.te11 ..•••...••.••

5 Clo~tt'd '''"''ll f,,, tlw Unitt·d 8•a•e,. r,flhc iu tnu:till t' r.-11;;. the Unuetl Km~•lom ..••

I S:.stemrnt by the Brit-~l Veni,..t=on by tM

1ah office. U ruud Staid oflle.

I Amuuut. - --~ Arncunt.

f Dol!:u~. Centa. Dull .. •"· C( rlU.

I Tl,,. 1:• t wei:.:bt of ~et- 1:'\e• ,,...,!-:.t

ll!rll, 1AI1d tl.e III!ITI• 1 oi lt tl• IH

l·cr of ne"'''l'lif-ers :in <•ur•<.t~-·. COiliDillell in thr. l cloat·d n•tlllfl, are to be rnttred m 1tw ventira1ion ce~lumn

l.v "''" c .. ired ~; .• lt:ll office

Nuonbu t•f llt" ....


Page 48: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. No.5.




.. Paid letlln rrom the United Ki~I)ID ror t.he Uni!Mt @tA!e!", at- rcnti ilte ain'ie rate •••.

'1. l'lid let~ra fN rorei(n countri•, Unit..S Stat• poue-io1111, lh., in traneit t.hrouch the Uni-ied Stab-a .............................. .

II. P•id n~wsp:~pt"ra for r.1reip countrie., United &lata pouea.,ionae, Ac., in t.rarWt tllrough the UnitN Srat~!l, at 2 ce.,~ e.eh ••••••.•••••••

9. Clo~~c:J mllil~ from the Britieh oftice in tranait Chrough tile United Statel .••••••••••••••••


Dollan. I Centa.


Dollars. I Ceata.

I Net ":eight or letters I Number of news-In ounces. papers.

------ -~---- ----~~=--=-~-:i-- .. -- ---' ni.-Lettm, ntiDJJHtjltTS, t.·c , oo trMrh tlat Briti~~ pr;.~fngt la113 ~ttn paid, t!•HI tchich form ttll

chargt btl1Dttn tht two vf!ius.

10. Lrttcra from foreia-n r.ountrie~, &r., in transit through the United Kingdom fr•r rhe United Srttles .••.•••.•••....•••••••••••••••••.

11. Lerte~ from thfl Unrted Kingdom fur foreign c~:untr;ea, &c., in traneit thron:.{h the Uni!ed Sratea .•••..•...•••••.•.•.••.•••••.•.

li. Nurapapwn,'periodical worltJ, pamphlets, &r. ..••••••••.•••••••..


-----., Po1tmt11tn of

Page 49: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …




TI~£ GE~ERAL POST OI<'FICE OF THE t;:-;ITED KI:-\'Ul>0.\1 A~D THE GE:'\ER:'..L POST OF~-IC~ m~ TilE U!'\lTt:D ~T "LT['~,


Page 50: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

821 Doc. No. 6.


All acrou11l br!trf.'en tlce G(·lteral Post (!Jjice of /i,.: {.:,ilt-ri l\ingd01" a1Kl ~zcna11grd lxllcctn til~ ?f!ircs of aud

~ 'iii E ... e 3 c

J84 •


To t/ic credit l!f lite CJ.ffice of the U~Cit«l Kul{!dom.

1\;r t~.c Uni·~·l Sulcf' r IJh•, in rra~,;it through the Uni<td Kingdom.


Lertere. Nt'\l'"r.tprrP, at 2 cculllt.ach.

Page 51: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No. 3. 811


tile Gnlcrtd P~ Q'fic~ of t/,c L"1•itrd •':\lairs, fur tlct Ct;l7"tsj.Jflllfltllc•

duril1g tllr qunrlrr t:m/cd the tif IS •


To tlu! credit of tlae f!fiice of the U,iled &alt"3

----- ------------


, .. ,. ,1\l't



i I I

(7.) :1.)

~--: • I ~ ~~ "' I .: ~ I -' :.:J l 0 ._. r_.




I j --------1 I I

i- r•. rn t!'.e C11'1"'-t otlirr, iu t: n!lfl'. 1br. 11gl:l the U111u:-J Sr.'"~-


N ~·~·~P":'er~, nt 2 len hi euch.

--- -,-,-~--------·-[ l I I I

Page 52: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

-~ l _! _____ • --~

I 1 Dollnra. I ... 1 fi h U . S " L U · _ -;:::: Unpaau rt~era rom t e n.trd Ia~ '"' tne na-., I C ..:...- ted Kmgdom. at - ~nta the amgle rate. cnts. . .

j I Dola;;- -=..-~ U~paid~~~ra .rr~;;(;~!t:;-l!ou.ntriee, Uniled ,:, Statu poean•aon•, &: r., 111 traneu throu,;h the I I Cents. '-' United States (or the United Kinldom.

--,-- I Oollara. I • ·-. r -h -· L. ·h·-·-u--~ _d_S_-- 1 New1papen tn tranaat t rougn I t• nile tate1

--~ ~-C-- ~ fnr the United Km,dom, 111 2 e!nta each. cnts. ·

I I Dolhtrs. ----:;;:: I' Mia~-sent, redirected, and rtturned lrtten, receind ..:...- from the United Kingu•Jm.

1 I Cent,.

I .. , .. We_i.ght in1

(:unces. I

., I Ce;ts pe;-1 ounce. ---------1 I ·I Dollal'll.

! ,-c~l

I I Numu~r. __ f___ 1 ooners.


t' J

~ g ~ .. 'i -~ n ;a g..

-~- -~---i- -I ..,


. ;. "' ~ !:

e:::o g.~ ,. It c:a.• cr.S'

~I. r;. a c:

t J

--- _-------·--:-------~ Ce••~~----_._1 ___ ____,;:.,___ __ _;,__ ___ _ ~ 1.:>

~ ;. "'

~ s;. ,. I")

~ ::... ~


~ 1-0

~ ~

" ~ ~ ~ l

~ ~

IC ... ~ ! iC

;;! "' ~ :1 "" Q



f ~ ~

Page 53: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. No. s. Continued.

8TATE3 FOR THE U!iiTt:o Kl~GDO~.

To tire credit of tlte #fJ aJ tlu: U11ilcd Kingdom.

-r---- ---- ---- ---------



Page 54: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

880 Doc. No. lJ.


R{·su/J of the preceding accoiUII.

Page 55: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No. 5.


Rt·sult of tlw prrr:r.rliug arrmml.

~t. ·:: u rl:: .. .c . •-:;::l Ji ~ ~ Da.-The office of the Unired Kingdom to:heo~:e oft:1t t'n\td S'.l''"·; - t!t-==1 • "'c :....~ • . e: 1 c . -. ~ .. -;.,

-! 2




U.·p·,:J l~ttrra irom t 1 :~ liu;ted S·rn:'l f,>r t 1rf Cr:i!ltl 1-:~:1;.: I :11, r: -- :

u ,· ;,'~!~ \~~.;;.~ ~;:,.',;'·.:~:. ;.i· .• ~ ~~;,·~~·~; :· ~-: '\;:;,;,·,i s·.~;~.;: ~~ ;;,;:i: ... ~; &~:. ·j ltl t•.lll··l l 111uJ.!'rllrf' Curttli S·.•to·a for tl:~ Ullt'nll\rl'~·d"lll ....... j

l'iewsp.l ,,~ 11 r,,,.,,.,t t~>rt~ugh 1:1! u,,, cIS a:~" f11r t:r~ l'nn· I 1\. n~- i <1\llft' :l.. J ,~. tlt; f .t . 1}......... • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • •••• - • • • • • • • • • • •• i

l\1 ,i':~';;:'· .' ~:~~:· .':. , .. ! ~ ~'-·~ .r.f~~ :~~~ ~·:~.~~!.~.' .r.' ~~~Y·c·J•t~.-~~.~~ ,: ~~~ _u ~~~·~·d· ~-i~·~~, I c:u • ..t~ n:a:IJ f.;r t'le Utiash oflk·, Ill tr .• t.s.l lhrl:l;!h tile Untted s.n·~:o. I


~:.~:,r;i~·,p-~.',.::: •:: ·. ·.:::.::::::::. :·:.:::::::::::.:::::::I

.Mail•funrt tht lirtiltd Kin::durn.

G . p,j 1 :.·;·,~ •. r,o.n tl.c e:.itcJ Ktdgdom fur the l~ni:ed St:tes, at--~ cent>~ the s;,...dc rn!c· ...•..•••••••.•• , • , • , ••••••••• , ••••.•••• , ••.

7 Prtld le:rcr.-c f, rr t,>rel;!tl l:rlll'l'r ie ·, Uui cJ s ale• posses~i HI!', ~tc., in tranlllllhrnugll lh·~ Uo~i•e,J Stat~il .•.•..••• , ••••• ,, •••..•.••...••. r

8 p,,_id "e"'~.•npt>n. for fure·'!n COIIII't if'!l, Uni ~d S'lllra poa~ea~i 101, &r., j Jn I r.ll\'11 hrOul!!i d1e U nrt"d St.• I··~, at :l •:ent,; CJdr .....••........ '

1 Clo.tetl maala fr,,m the Bri i::sh utlicc, in trundi: thr.Jug:: •he Uuiatd St~tu, I

9 I ~rrera ••• , ••••••••• • '·:~ .: •••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••• \ A:\e~·apaper1 .......................................... ·I

_l__ -- -- -- I


Amrant •

i n ... : .. p , c~ •. I

Page 56: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

H-Ooat' ... .

....... ~· ~~-lk ............ -f/-_-.11 .

Da.-TIIt ollre ollhe 'UDitccl Slala 10 die oa. ot tM VaW Kiltt-........................................................ Da.-'l'lle .._ fll&U Vlli1ecl Jtiacdom 10 1Mo&ct or tl-.e Voited 1b11D

8alua ill fiaYOI' or ..... olhe or -- ............... .

GUDALP•·T~ ,..... ... _.,_,11,


General account between tllr p08l '![lice of the United. Kingdt~m ami the past f?.ffi•·e of the l"nitt>d States, relating to the car. re.<pouclt·m·e bt!twen the lll'O ojfi•·et~Jor the qtlflrler mtled IM --of---, IS-.

Ol c.-------

Da.-Tbe office or the U:.i~-~~:~~ ~~-the olllce of the United Kingdom. -11--~~-Tbo ob oC "" Uoi"d Ki,.dom "_""_'m~ ;, <bo U .. i: Bouo.

Dollare. I Cent•. , ; Dollars. 1 Cents. ______ !! ------

Rect:~~~o=r.~f ~~=~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ... ••. .. . .... 'i'l ~i!',~~:~i~~do~~~~o~~~.~~~. ~~~~~~ ••••••••.••. l.oe•lnn and New York, via Liverpoor. ... • ... • .. London and :Sew York, via Livt'rpool ......... . London and Ntw Yurk, vra Southampton........ ) Lnn~un ond New Yo, k, Y!a 8outlusm1•ton .• , ••.. ' L•verf"'OI and Buston .......................... f I Li~"rpool and Bo>Um .•• ••••••.•••••.•••••.••. LtVUflOOiand New Yurk ...................... ~ 1 Livrrpooland Nttw York ................ , .... . &llthurnl''"" and N••w York .... ,, .. ,, ••• , •••• ., 1 Southamplonan•l New Ynrk ................ , •.

Tl•ad lru~,. r"t".'fiPd II\ 'Vaahing1on., ... ,,, .... , , , 'I i Ornd Ieneta return•d tn London .•. , , •.... ,, , •..•. 1 Bala11ce of error~ rrr thr preo:edmg account ...... , , , • , .,_. I &l•nce or errora an the prerrdwg arcoun! ........... 1

' 1-----.Bdlauce jn fayor of the United Stales ............... ·~------·- I Dalanu in ra .. or or the United Kingdom .•.••.•••.•. '-------

-- --, Au011t\llllll 01ftlf'al. '18-.


Page 57: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …


Atf»ttlll of .,_ /IIIUn rtltlntMI to Wo\illgt011 from Lmu/tm, MIIR' l~IIUI rectired ill tAl detMl ,_,. t#cf t1vr11w tM moHIA of--, IS-.

OliPa fll ... •• I t•ee ol '"'1 -.mpUoa.

,._u.,.w .... 4 ....

a .•.•...•••.•.•• c.n.n ..... u.w .... ,. .... u.wK~ ...... . 1 •.•••••••••.•• , .....,.._,.,.....,. •• ,... u.-......_ ,.._.-.Ac, .

. lordiiUaiMliiC;...,t .................................. . a ............... , ... .....,....._ •. ,,. .... u-...K...-. .............. . I. ••••••••••••••: CIIIMII....._......,_ ,...;te~~ bf,-ou-, aa- ,_,

t --., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

I \ n.-r.w..,........;t . .... 1 .......... Ltun. f'or 1M ~ailed _Ki~ 81141 (or 1\.ftip CM~ttrile;

,........,.. &Jo• u .. ,,..e Kanallom ........................... ; •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • Na..,.,..tot r-..-rn. UonM~flt IM Uaile4 ~--· i

' 111.-c.n 9 nn /nl ft-. cA.rp.

10 ud II • • • • • • • Lruen (:w tlta Uoit2d KinJdom ud for fortip eoaantriee lhroucb the Unaord Koncdom ......................... ..

111... ..... •• • .. • Na.....,.... pario4aca1 woab, puapb&eta, &c. ............. .

Nu•berolltu ... , Amoantd .. totiMof. I .... .. .. ~ i lee o( the u ... i pen. i ~· :


DollarL 1 C..ll. I

Otawao ·~

----. ,...,.,. GlliE.LU. Pon Orrau, UU.., tAt- t/--1 18-.


Arcotntl of dead ldler1 T6iurMd to l...tmdon from jJ'Q.tl,ington, being ktttrl reeeirYd '" IM dead kller njice druin,-1116 rnont/1 of , 18-.

Obeernl.iooa. Number oflbeanieiH OriJin of &he eomepondeoce uf every deacription. I Numbf'r (.(let• Amount due to in whoch the correll- t•r• aru.l new•· the ol'fiee of poudenre waa orici·\ ' p:>pua. ; the U. :S'-tel. nail)' mcluded. :


1 --1 ----·-1--, 1.-t'npoid rl1fT11poflfltnee. : . Dolls. I Cte.


II and 1


I Letten from the Unite•! K1nrdom for the lir.1ted Statre .•••• • • • •• • • • •. • • • · .1:

Lettere frnm fore•rn Clluntr~ea, Brll.lab c:c>lonaee, po•~~••tona, &:e., for fbe : United S•atea ................. • · .. • .. " .. • • • • •"" •"" • .. " ... """J I Nrw1p11per1 from d11to (nr the United Slatee ... ,.......... • .... • .... • •••. , 1

Cloeed mail•.-Lettel'l receaud by, -- ounue, at- -per ounce. • • · ·1

' 11.-Paid ~u.

LeliPI'I for the United Sratl'l end fnr r~reirn countritJ1 and United St..,. poa•naio111, throurh th:~ t~nia~d S·alf'a, ................... •• • ........ .

Newepeper• for fore gn eoumraee through the United Statu ............... .

\ m.-c.rr.IJH'Wft-/rtt.fr"' U...rr•· 10 and 11 ' Lettrr1 for the Unitod Statu and for foreip c;ountril'l through tl11 Untied

t11a1.t1 •••••• , ••••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• ,, , •••••••• ,,, •• ,, •• ,,, , • 111 Newepepen, periodical work•, r-1mphleta, •e ••• ,, •••••••• • ••••••• , •••• • •

r1n Ontea Dauu•u·t, ,._..,.,,,..,1M- tl--, 11-,



Page 58: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No. J.

Pon OFFICE Dr.P.\RTMKn, Ha.!Ai,.!.'lu,, .1uM 19, UU9.

\Vheroos tlw postal ronvention betwt•rn her Rritannir ~ajt>sty n111l the United Statt•s of .lnwri[·a, sif?nt~ at Lu111!on on the 15th of f)(~~(•rnbor last, anti cnnfiruwcl t,y e:<rham .. rc of rntific·atious nn thf' ~ith J:~!lnary, required that :dl nwa~nn·s of dr·tail arisin~ fltll nf it.'i stipulatiuus shunl•l be settkcl nnd a~n>t•tl upon hy tht• Po!ll Ottic•~ I kp:trflll<'llts of tlu~ two ualiou~ in tlm ft,nn nf :uhlitinnal artirh•s; anti S\\l'h adtlitinnal nrtidt>s, tluly pre­pnrecl awl ~i:.nwd hr tJ11· "~'(' nHk~rs nf then ~pt!rtin• dt•JKtrlllwnt~ atnre­laid, •·ommtssioned li1r that Jlllllll'se, h:n-iuu h•>t•n apprnn'll hy me un the 14th May last, haw now fl'l'l'in:cl the ftmlll'r apprcl\·al nf thf' Po~tn:ast.:r Gcner:.tl of the tTnitl'"cl Kin!!tl••lll--tlw puhli··atinn of th.- s:mu• is hc·reby t.lirt..'(.'tcd to be mml<', as inli.lflnation to those whom it may concern, aud as instructious to aJI po:stmasl<:rs.

J. ( 'ui.L.\)IER. Po:~lm~lt'T General.

In lieu of the fon11s and tabh•s, the fi>llowin~ Jtnt,•s were published:

The tables to the fi1rcgning-, prepared by the commi~~ioners and fully ap· proved, art• exact aJHl autllt'utic expositious of the trPaty, as nduptetl tn prat · tical opo!""...tlions by the additinli<•l art ides. The wost valuable of the tables for geueral infonuation will be fumished to tlH' pos1masters and otfif'Prs tin whose u~c they are pn•pared in the shape of prilltPll hlanks; their ehief contellt'i nn·, howerPr, Pmbodied into the fi•llowing statemt>uts, and ap· peuded fu•re in lieu of the tahlcs themscl\'es, })('cause, in this form, they can be more generally published, and will uc more ea~ily understood by the public:

1. Bf:twecn any offirc in the United State~ (Orc~on nnd Calif.m1in ex­cepted) aud auy olfi,·t~ in Ur<'at Britain and lrl'lalld, the entire JX>I.;t:~~e i~ ~-1 em1ts the singln )('ttt·r, whi<'h 111ay be pn·paid or seut unpaid. 01' thi~ amount, the British post otti:>c: when it <·onvt.•ys the letter by it~ own padwt and. collects tlte pnstagr, acr-ounts to the United States fi•r 5 c·cnts; "'"'~11 it colh·l'ts tlw postage without ~onvcying the )Ptt<·r, it a~couuts k')r 21 rents. '('he l!uitPd Statt!s po!\t office arconnts to the British ti)r 3 cents tlw letter when it can-ics and collects, and thr lH CPnls when it edl1·cts ouly. Pay111ent hy tl11~ party of anything b;s than the entire postage got•s fur uothiug. 'l'he <~1lkes of exchange will treat such )dtf:rs as wholly ttupaitl.

2. Hdw1·c~n tho office~ of Califim1iR and Ort"~on and thoRI~ nf t:rcat Britain aud Ireland, the c•Jitirr, pr·staw~ is tm l'!'rtts tlw sin~le IPtkr, whi~h may l)(' pn·paid or sent. llllpaid, allCl of whkh tl1P- British slllm~ is :J or liJ ccuts, d: 1'•"11,:;11;.,; 011 th.! •·itt.Uilt~~atWtl wtwtlwr couveyed hy tire Luitt~d SltWs ol' Bnt1sr1 pa1'l"~'; aud tile ifniteLl ~tales ~llare is,;(; or 'IIJ , . .,ut:o~, dqK't:dill.~ ''I' tirt! Hrllrw ,.;r,·urm.latH'I'.

:L On :dl ,·orn·.,poud,·rwP hetw,·e11 tiH~ 1Jnitc!d l'ltatc!>l nn<l tlw fi•llowin~ murlt'd crnl!rli"i"s, thr~ l'rtitt•:l State!~ Jll';;t:rt;,., nnrl that only, mu."t f,(~ ••.of· lectcu iu the l 1llited SLlli'!:l hy pn·p••Yilltllt wlrt•n SClll, and ()II u··livery

Page 59: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doe. No. 6 .. 811

'W''len rel'eivf"(l, at the rate of 6 (cnts the single letter when conveyed bf Brith•h parkt•r, fuult>Ss from or to Orrgon or f'alili•rr-ia, th,.n -SO cents,] and ~I ··cuts tlw smglc letter when t•onveyetl by t 'nilt'll ~tale·~ p•tt•kt•t, unit'!"'~ ru; aft•rPsaiJ from or to On•gnu or California, tht>n 56 cents, ltJ wit: Alt>Xatlilria, ("ity of, \'ia ~larseilles. Al~riOl. . ~ustri:t, amlthc Austrian States. Budc>n. Bav11ria. Uelgiurn. llremcu, J:o"'ree Cit\· of. Bnms\\·ick. • Beyrnot, city of. via lbrseiUes. Dardanelles, tht, do. Denmark. Prance. (iermau States. Gibraltar. nrec.~c, via Marseilles. llamhurg and Cu:tha\·en. Hanover. Holland. Hon~- Kon~, (China,) isl. of. Ionian islamls. l.nh('!', 1:-'u•e Citv \lf. Malta, island of.' Me..,l-;lt>nburgh-Schwerin. .Mcrklenburgll·Strelitz. Molda\·ia.

~aples. kingdom of, via Marscillea. :\orway. Ol(le11 bn~h . Poloutd. , Prussia. ltnmau, or Papal States. Russia. Suxouy. Sr·utari, rilv of, via :\la~eillos. Smyrna. do. t.lo. Swetlen. Switzerland. ~rurkey in Europe. 'fuse any, \'ia llarseiJlcJ>. \' eut•tian Scates. Wallachia. WurtemLurg. West Indies, \t , .. , Rriti~h, viz:

.~ntigua, Bar!Jad.ws, Bah~unM, HerLief', Cari:u·o11, D•~nwrara, IJomini ·a, E:-~t'\)Uibo, ( ;renadn, llouduras, Jam~u··a, ~lout:-crrat, ~evis, St. Kitt~, ~~. Lw·ia, St. l' iuceut, 'l'ubago, 'l'orlola, Trin­idad.

Tftis leaves, in those rases, the British and r.m~ign post~g~ to b~ rol­!ectcd at the other end of the route; but no Briti~h inland postage i:i to be charg-t~d in sudt rasPs.

[ Mr·m.-Tltt~ tim~!!nin~ provisi,•n docs not Sll}~r!'ede th·~ prt•-Pxisting arraugemt·••ts ti•r seudiu~ •·orr<'l-jl 'lldt~u~c to the ( ~~·nn:m Sra!f•s, aut! the couutries ea"t and south of tlwn1, by the ..\uwrir·au liue t·,) Bwuwn, Ly whir·h the I'Jllire postag-n t11 dr~sti11ation oil tl11· (],·nuau •··•rrc.-.pomlcnoo may he prepaid or lc·Ct uupaid, at the "filion oftlw !-.l'lllkr.J

4. Uu all corrr·spowl•·twrJ hr:tWCI'1& tlu~ lJ 11itcd :-itatr·s ( ( )n·~oll nud CaJ. ifimtia I'Xel'(lll~ti) au1l the f(,llov,.·iuK natswtl r:ou11tries thrnuglt the (;nitcd Kiu~dot11, :sud hy llw routPs hem spet·ili•~d, tllf'm mu.vt ht! pn·p:tirl w!J1!n sent, a11d l'oll"''l•·d wltt>11 rcl'f•i\'t•d, tlte ti•llowill;.{ r:•lt~s, (uf wl1il'l• the 1Jnitl·d Stat1·s Jx,st otlil'4l will n''''•llltt to ftw Br.t.i:.h f(,r all hut tire •·t·uts the :-.i11gle lf'l!t'r, uniPss it United 1'-itates pa('ket r~o11veys it to or fr11111 E~tg­laud, and tiH~Il ti>r all !Jut tw(;uty-oue •~cuts:)

Adcrr, Asia, via ~outltan•pton -Australia, via s,uthaltlptoiJ Ullll India AustraiHt, by pm·nr1~ ship Azores, island.,, vi:t ~;outharnpton nnrl Lisbon -Uour~mn awl B"rtwo, islauJs of, via Southampton ~ud JJraz.ils, via Faluwu th

Tl.,. ,.,,.I,',.J,tt~r.

L; •·•·ut~. .... ;, .. " :;7 " 1):~ '~

lwlia :;:~ " b1 "

Page 60: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

888 Doc. No.5.

Buenos Ayn'~, via Falmouth - 83 ceata. Canary i!<lrmd", dn. -Gape de V t-rde islands - -(Jeylon 1 island of, ,·ia Southampton Ghina, do. Jo~gypt, fil"'O('t>, do. Helignland, hland of, \'la London Indies, .. ;a .. ,, ,·ia Southampton J11va and l.abuan, ,·in SouthRmpton and India Lucca aud itlodena, Yia Jo'rauec -Madeira, island of, via Southampton . Mauritius, via Southampwn and l'lldia Moluccas, do. do. Monte Video, via J.'almouth New Grt'nadn, ,·in Southampton New South Walt·~. v!.t ~outhampton and lmh:1 New Snuth Walt·~, l•y pri\·atP !->hip New :t.cahud~ via :-\outhampton auu India New Zealand, by private ship Panna and Plact'utia. Yia 1-'r::mt"c Philippine islands, vi .. ~outhampwn PortuiOll, do. Sierra Leone -Spain, via ~outhampton Sumatra, island of, \·ia Southampton and lutlia Syria, via Southampton - - -Van Dieman's Land, via Southampton and India Venezuela, via Southampton - - -

• 66 " - f55 " - 45 "

45 " - 57 "

aJ " -1:)

- r.:J - 31 - t).')

45 !l:J ~~ 41)

!l3 =~i !i:J :.rr 31 -15 (j3

" " " " " '' " "

" " " " "

West Indies, r. .. wigu, vi~: Cuba, via Southampton Uuadaloupe, Hayti, Martinique, Porto Rico, St. Croix, St.

45 73 53 57 53 45 75

" " " " " "

gustatins, St. Murtiu, St. Thomas, via SouliHuupton " Any British colouy or tim~ign country, when couvcyc.d to or

from the Uuitell Kingdom by private ships - - - 37 " For 11in~:le lei!Pr«, whirh must

J.den~ A!'ia }~a.qt Indies Cf'ylou, i~laud of China Hong Kong, islam] of .Mauritius

·1 be lws thun ~ t•z. )n \\'t•ght. Ctnls.

Uritish and st:a 50 l•'oreign 10

J Arncricnn inlauu 5

Philippine islands By dose~ mail, via Marseilles.

Australia New z,~alaud Van I); ~~man's I .awl BourtH.ll, Bon11•o Java, (.alliin" Moltlt'«"as, Sulllntm Or hllY otlu·r plw·c iu the fmliun

Ardlipl'lagn Uy clos(~U mail, ·du !\brseillcs.

Total 65 -

British and sea !I~ Forei~n - JO


'l'ota.l - 1::

Page 61: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No. I.

J.~-pt • - - • } ~:~~-ad ... :inia • - · · Amencan inland

·By dosed mail, via Marseilles. Total •

:-;yria - - - Foreign • ~irily, i~land of - - • American inland rl'uni~. Afrira - - •

.. H.

10 5

- 61

F.gypt - - - • }British and Mill

By 1-'rcUt·h p.'lckct) viaMarseiUet. Total • - 51

Rardinia -~pain

\" ia France.


}~~~~:..and sea_ • :

AmeriCan inland 5

Total - - 41 -

N oTF..-The fordgll portion of the above rates is to be charged accord­ing tu the ti•llowing scale, vi:r.:

W l'ighiag under a 1 ounce - - • - 1 rate. Do ~ ounce and um.ler ~ ounce - 2 rates. Do do do - 3 rates. no do do - - - 4 rates. Ho do I! do - - - 5 ratea.

And so on, an additional rate being charged for each qtJIII'Ier of an WIIC'-. Where tile corr,~sr>t'tndence with the countries in the ioregoing list ia

from or to ( ht'gon or Califim1ia, the single letter r..tte, to be collected by prepaynwut or ou delivery, is to be in f'~ • ..:h instance :~;j cents more thaD. the amou11t..; ~tatf'd in tlw preceding table, of whieh the United States ia to ~r>com1t to th•~ British post t)ffil'(~ fi)r all but ·lU ceuts, unless its packet conveys tlae lf'ttrr to Englaml; aud, in that ~a.o,;c, k1r all but 56 cents.

[~h:MoH.\:\Ht:!\1.-There is a dirc~t conveyanec to CuLa, by United ~taws paeket, Letwc~'n ClmrlC'~tou, l!aited ~tates, and llavaua; the uni­timu r:Hc of pnsta~n I~~ cents the siur,~e letter. There is also conveyance by British pad;et lwtw(~eu l\'ew York a11d J\lnb'lc, in the lJuited States, nud tile \\'e:-t lwlia islauds, 5 cent.s beiul:{ lJuited Stlltes postage, to be prcpai<l wlteu s•~ut fmru s:~!-.1 JX•rts, and colleet•!d when rccci\·cd in tho Uuited Stau·s, uuh·s~ mailed ti·oru or to a post o:Jicc more than aoo mi.lea from port, tlw11 10 c·,~uts--English awl ti,reig'l JlObtage unknown, Lho :scrvico not h1!iu:; ctubracml iu the treaty.]

5. On :tli corwspoud<!JW<: passin~ throu~h tlH! l"nili!U States, between thn United 1\.iul{dom aud tlw fllllowing-wuued ro\llltrics, the Hritish is to 'lt'.l~l•nnt awl pay to tlw l:uit<!d. States post c•flic~e tlw following sta&ltd a.mr•unt~; per t·aeh siugle lr·tter, to wit:

Page 62: 121 II PO .. IT THE POSTMASTER GENE.I!L. POST 0FncK DEP.,RTME:n": ~ 3, 1849. S1R: The numlw>!-of post offices in the United States at …

Doc. No.6. --~------- ------


Canada and New Brunswiek (by the general mail) Havana (by United States packet fron1 Charleston) California and Oregon - ! Panama (by United States packet from Ne\v York) -Chagres do. do. do. Any place in ihe West Indies or gulf of l\lexico (l)y

British packet from Ne'v York) - - -Any place in the West Indies or gulf of ~lcxico (by

British packet from Mobile - - -

Wh•n ••nt I When oenl Ly U. S. I! by British packet. packet.

CttltS. Ceftts. ~fi 10 ~H~ 12! 5ti 40 4t) 30 36 20

21 5

26 10

---- ~---~ ---

6. On all letters conveyed by closed Jnails bet\\?ecn thP lJuitcd King­dom and the British Noi:th Atncrican provinces, (the san1c being trans­ported by British steamers,) the British is to ac.connt C"·ud pay to the United States post office at the rat~ of 12& cents for each ounce, net weight, and 2 cents for each nc,vspaper.

7. On new~paJWrs trans1nittcd bct\vccn the IJnited Kingdom and the United States there is a separate postage of 2 cents per uc\vspapcr, (or stamp duty in lieu of postage,) \Vhich is to be paid. separatt~ly iu eacH CGUDtry.

8. But newspapers may be sent in transit through the l Tnitcd States, and also through Great Britain, to or fro1n foreign ('ountries, &~., at a transit charge of 2 cents per newspaper, to be paid by the post office of one country to that of H1e other. 'rhe postage to he paid hy the party !ending a ne\v~paper to or receiving it fron1 a foreign country through Great Britain is 4 crnts (\ach.

9. Periodical works ~uul pa1nphlcts arc not entitled by thfl trr·:1ty to tran­Bit c.onvcyancc; but they 1nay be sent fron1 the l!nited l(iug-dnrn to the United States, and ~ice 'lH)rsa, at 2 cents of lJuitcd States posta~;e each, if they do not exceed t'vo ounces in \Vcight, and at 1 ('Pllt pf\r ounce, or fraction of an ounce, 'vhen they ex('cetl that \vc:•zht, tn he collected in all ca8cs in the United States; and the san1e 'vill be snhjt·et to an addi­tionallike charge in the United Kingdom whet~ nnt excecdiHg t\VO ounces; but the third ounce raises the British chargf' \f) 6 pence, \vith un addi­tioual ch~e of 2 pence for each additional oun~e.

10. All British and foreign letters and all forc~rrn ne,vspnpers remaining on hand, refused or not called for, ar~ to be returned l)y the posttnasters 88 dead letters and newspapers to the General Post (_)ffi('c, und('r address to the Third Assistant Posttuastcr C.eneral, st~parately frou1 all other letters, and as frequently as regulatious require. 'rhis is uce'cssnry v, enable the tJnitctl States post office to reelai1n the atnount with \vhieh it stauds deb­ited upon each letter and ne\\T~paper.

11. Until the impracticaLility of fi1nning a conthincd ratP nf postage upon the principles prescribed iu the treaty is obviatPu by a chall~(~ nf the Canada and New Bruus\vick rates, (\vhieh chaugc is cvufidcutly CX}X!ctcd.)