Write to Hope's men in service this vacation; see addresses, page 3. LVII-6 Hope College Anchor Up on the "Big Ten" champion- ship, Army-Navy game? Read Kibitzer, page 8. Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland Michigan Goal Reached In Stamp and Bond Drive; Hope Personnel Purchaies First Jeep December 8 f 1944 True to tradition, Hope's person- nel has reached its goal in the Bond drive and purchased a jeep. The sales to date, December 2, total $1281.65. One $500 bond was sold this week as well as five bonds to students plus innumerable stamps, making tht total this week $575. Helga Sawitzski, chairman of the Bond and Stamp project, has sent in for the plate which will be displayed here in the near future. The duplicate plate will be at- tached to a jeep and has print- ed on it: Purchased by students of Hope College. "Another jeep" is the new goal! Hinga Speaks to Alumni At Muskegon Meeting "The Place of Hope College in the World of Tomorrow" was the sub- ject discussed by Mr. Milton Hinga at a Hope College Muskegon Alumni meeting December 1. Forty-five alumni were present at the meeting which was held in the Fifth Reformed Church of which Rev. Chester Meengs is pastor. Dr. Harold Dykhuisen is president of the group. On November 28, Mr. Hinga spoke in the Calvary Reformed Church of Grand Rapids to the Mens' Brotherhood and Sons. His subject was "Christian Sportsman- ship". During the past few weeks Mr. Hn.ga has also been speaking at various places for the fith War Loan Drive. Thanksgiving Homeless Enjoy Wichers' Humor About 35 out-of-town students enjoyed a buffet supper Thanks- giving Day evening given by the perfect hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Wich- ers and Dorothy. The theme of the party was the calendar with ap- propriate signs about the home de- picting the various months and holidays. After the supper a clever game was played for each month. For April the guests were told to search for a box of candy, and in the midst of the hunt Dr. Wichers in his best humor announced the immortal words, "April Fool." An- other highlight was the December feature with gifts under a toy Christmas tree. Singing around the piano closed the delightful Thanks- giving party. o We Interview Ev Everse Hope Choir, Glee Club Sing in G. R. Festival Last Thursday evening Hope's choir and glee club with the com- bined choirs of the Reformed Churches of Grand Rapids pre- sented a Sacred Musical Festival at the Mel Trotter Rescue Mission in Grand Rapids. Mr. Robert Wing, director of public school music in Grand Rapids, directed the choir and Miss Angeline Smits was the accompanist. Norma Albers, pre- sented two piano solos: Scherzo Op. 31, Chopin; Waltz Op. 64, No. 2, Chopin. The numbers sung by the choir and glee club were Prayer of Thanksgiving (Folksong of the Netherlands), E. Koemser; Rejoice, The Lord is King, L. Keating; Chorale from Church Cantata 147, Jesu, Bond of Joy Abiding, Bach- Treharne; A Song of Thanksgiv- ing, Aiblinger-Goldsworthy; Now We Sihg Thy Praise, Tschesnokoff; A Song of Thanksgiving, Allitsen- Treharne; Now Thank We All Our God, Criiger-Mueller; Onward Christian Soldiers, Sullivan-Nilsen. Chapel one Tuesday morning,! with a dramatic gesture gives her Marge Prince grins as A1 Staver'the mission pledges. 'pactaUef on conteinporary a f f a i r s Brimful of friendliness and effi- ciency is Eleanor Everse, Grand- ville senior. Miscreant members of the class of '48 especially will long remember her capable handling of the student council presidency. "Ev" has been particularly active in speech work—debate and group discussions. She is debate manager and a member of Pi Kappa Delta, national honorary forensics soci- ety. In addition she has kept a high standard of scholarship while taking her college course in three years. Dorm girls happily plying an apple in one hand and a donut in the other at an all-dorm spread can attribute much of their enjoy- ment to this busy senior, for she is also social chairman of the houseboard of the dormitories. Other activities on "Ev's" list include English major's club, of which she is secretary-treasurer, a Red Cross Nurses' Aid class, and, of course, supplying fan mail for a certain be-uniformed interest in Philadelphia. Asked for her pet peeve, she had to rack her brain to find an answer but finally confessed good- naturedly that she did wish there were a few more hours in a day— for things like hot fudge sundaes. She likes nothing better than curl- ing up in an easy chair with a book on a rainy day. Fancy work is an- other of her hobbies, and she is rapidly building up a collection of such items as Everse-made lunch- eon cloths. An English and economics major, "Ev" plans with characteristic de- termination to do social work this summer, and to find a position later as a personnel worker—all as a prelude to owning and pub- By Laura Boyd What are we going to do with Hitler? What are we going to do with the German people after the war? These questions and many kindred ones are on the lips of all men. Before we can answer such questions with any degree of ac- curacy we must first answer an- other. How did Germany "get that way?" Before we can apply the remedy we must know the cause which has produced the result. The German nation is ill, mentally ill. The disease is nota new one but it has been evident in German life for at least five generations. Four aspects of German thought show this deranged thinking. The German feels that he and his race were born to rule the world. This is not a new idea. It did not originate with the Nazis. Listen to Emanuel Giebel, 1861, "German character may yet become the salvation of the world." Or Fichte, the philosopher who in- spired the Germans during the days immediately after Napoleon with words like these, "If the Ger- man people sink into the depths, the whole of humanity sinks with them without hope of eventual res- toration." Ernst Meritz Amdt, a poet and historian, said in 1814, "The Germans are a royal race, even a race of High Priests." Kaiser William II echoed Arndt when he said, "We Germans are the salt of the Christian world." The German feels the need to dominate. He must put into action this superiority which he knows Continued on page g Pledges Top Goal; Medical Missionary Expresses Gratitude With a gain of $26.00 over the last stated figures Hope College student pledges for the Mission Drive have reached a total of $1023.50. Already $150.50 has been paid toward the pledges. When asked as to her feeling for the drive. Dr. Eva Tysse Mc- Gillvray, missionary at the Medi- cal College Hospital, Velore, In- dia, made the following reply: "When I was at Hope College the Mission Drive for one object or project had not yet come into being. It seems to me a construc- tive and educative idea. "We in the mission hospital at Velore are thrilled with your gift of a telephone sen-ice, not only because it is such a royal gift, or even only because it will save so much needed energy and therefore life; but also because you are now a part of us, and you c a n n o t Know- how much, that the active interest of a young intelligent group can mean to us there. We expect and welcome your further interest in the form of question and criticism. We say all the India "Thank-you's" "Salaam!" which means also "greetings!"; "Stotirum!" which means also "God bless you!" and "Numas Carum" which implies also "You are noble, and so am I!" Hope College students owe Dr. McGillvray a "thank you" for her contribution of ten rupees in In- dian money. The Y Cabinet and the Mission Drive chairmen also wish to ex- press their appreciation for the fine response made in this drive, and they want to urge all the stu- dents to pay their pledges to Miss "Millie" Schuppert in the office as soon as possible for the deadline is January 15, 1945. Soprano Presents Concert In Chapel Miss Josephine Tuminia, re- nowned coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, pre- sented the season's first concert in Hope Chapel on Monday night. This young and beautiful singer delighted the students and towns- people at the concert with her se- lections from operas and other concert numbers. Miss Tuminia is well known in many countries. She was born in St. Louis and moved to San Fran- cisco when twelve years old. There she made her musical debut with the San Francisco Opera Company. Then for several years she sang in Italy, Jugoslavia, Switzerland, and South America. As soon as she returned to this country, she was engaged by the Chicago Opera and appeared several months later as Gilda in "Rigoletto." Later she sang leading roles in "The Barber of Seville," "Lucia de Lammer- moor." and others. I>ast season she was the soprano of Columbia's All-Star Quartette. On one occasion she sang "Lu- cia" on three hours' notice and was awarded an eight-minute ovation for her performance. Messiah By Handel To Be Presented In Hope Chapel December 19 Four Soloists Have Appeared Before In Messiah In Hope Chapel The eighteenth annual presentation of the Messiah by George Fredric Handel will be given in the Hope Memorial Chapel December 19 at 8:00 p. m. The chorus of two hun- dred and fifty voices under the baton of Miss Trixie Moore, director of the Holland High School Chorus is composed of townspeople, members of Hope College and Holland High Student bodies. Soloists for the oratorio are Miss Thelma Von Eisenhauer, soprano; Miss Pauline Wright Higgins, alto; Mr. Harry Friesema, tenor; and Mr. Hardin Van Deursin, bass. Miss Von Eisenhauer makes her sixth Thompson to Speak At Alpha Chi Meeting Next Monday, December 10, Al- pha Chi will hold its first meeting of the year, with Dr. Thompson of Grand Rapids as the guest speak- er. At this meeting Alpha Chi will elect a new vice-president, who will serve along with the present offi- cers, Dick Hine, president, and Bill Haak, secretary-treasurer. Alpha Chi is an organization of students who are taking a pre- seminary course. This year Rev. Paul Hinkamp has replaced Rev. Henry Bast as sponsor. Hawcs Organizes New Teachers Club The new Elementary Teachers' Club was organized last week by Miss Carolyn Hawes. The club is composed of freshman and sopho- more girls to acquaint them with the qualifications necessary in the field of education. The senior members of the Ele- mentary Teachers Club will meet at the home of Miss Hawes Decem- ber 8 at 3:30 for a social hour and to discuss student teaching prob- lems. A president for the organi- zation will be elected. Blood Can Be Donated To Holland Red Croft The Ottawa County Chapter, American Red Cross, is having a Blood Donor Unit visit Holland during the week of December 18 to 22. Those who wish to donate their blood must be over eighteen and should register at the local Red Cross Office, 6 East 8th Street. A physical examination will be given each applicant. The blood plasma made from these blood contributions has been hailed by General Mark Clark as one cf the greatest achievements of modern medical science. It has been credited with saving more lives on the open battlefields than any other medical apparatus. For those college students who consider their physical contribu- tions to the war effort as nil here is an opportunity to serve your country directly. appearance as soloist in Holland this year. She is a member of the American Oratorio and Concert Quartette and has sung with the Chicago Civic Opera Company. Miss Higgins is soloist in St. James Episcopal Church of Detroit. This is Miss Higgins' second appearance in Holland. Mr. Van Deursin is a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan. He was soloist for the "Messiah" in 1941. He was also soloist of "Ballad for Americans" presented in Hope Chapel during Tulip Time in 1941. Mr. Friesma appeared as tenor soloist in 1942. He is a graduate of Hope College and his appear- ance will be of special interest to the student body. Accompanists for the concert are Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, teacher of organ, piano, and theory, at the organ, and Miss Frieda Grote at the piano. Handel's famous work was writ- ten in 1741 and presented for the first time the following year in Dublin. The two hundredth anni- versary of the first hearing was celebrated in 1942. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sunday, December 17, 1944 Vespers — 4:00, Hope Memorial Chapel. Tuesday, December 19, 1944 Messiah — 8:00, Hope Memorial Chapel. Wednesday, December 20, 1944 Dorm Faculty'Party —8:00 Voorhees Hall. Thursday, Dec. 21, 1944 Christmas recess begins at 4:00. Alcor Expects To A d d To Koffee Kletz Alcor has announced plans for further decoration of the Koffee Kletz. They are looking for a way to alleviate the dead whiteness of the walls. Miss Lichty entertained the "In- tel ligensia" at a waffle s u p p e r in her apartment. Alcor girls also ushered at the first concert of the season given last Monday night. "Y" News Dr. Mulder Speaks At the Y.M.C.A. meeting last night Dr. John R. Mulder spoke on the subject "Speaking Christians". At the meeting of November 28 the YM enjoyed a message pre- sented by Dr. Simon Blockner. His subject was "I shall not be moved," presenting first the non-Christian, then the prosperous Christian and finally the believing Christian. Dorm Girls and Faculty Await Santa lishing the GrandTille Daily! She is a member of Alcor, sen- ior girls' honorary society, and is among the Hope seniors whose names will appear in the next edi- tion of Who's Wke ia American UniTersities and Colleges. Winter is in the air — but some- thing else is brewing, too. The fleecy snowdrifts, the store win- dows in holiday-trim, and candle- stick lamp posts on 8th Street tell us Christmas is coming to Holland — and to the dorms. The Emmie house is buzzing with who wants what from that little old man with the white beard. Van Vleck is all aglow with Holiday Spirit (Leave it to those sopho- mores to cook up a surprise before vacation rolls around.) In Voorhees, Christmas and term papers reign. Mrs. K. set the pace by decorating her door with pine boughs and bells tied with a big red bow. But something else is awaited in Voor- hees. You've guessed it — the Dorm Girls' Faculty Christmas Party. General Chairman, Ev. Everse, reports that this year's party will really be something. Under the skillful hands of Jan Bogart, Voor- hees dining room will be filled with j mas Carols and songs will be in festivity and color. It's crowning | order some time during the eve- glory will be the gifts for every- one. Jan promises a roaring fire in the fireplace and oodles of Christ- mas spirit Everyone's looking forward to that big Turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings. Later in the evening Alice Laughlin and her committee will burst forth with more of that delectable substance we call food. Entertainment for the Profs and girls is planned by Harriet Stege- man. Knowing the usual trend of the program, I'd advise everyone to have his own little bag of tricks handy because plenty of talent will be called forth by Elaine Meeusen and Joan Rypstra daring the course of the evening. Prepare to have fun. Profs, because we're bubbling over with enthusiasm and chuck full of surprises. Wait and see! Rath Ellison tells me that Christ- mng. Singing always gives a lift to things and Christmas songs full of gay spirits. Miss Litchtey and house prexie, Janie Smies, will be on hand to see that things are running smoothly. Something tells me someone's going to do a takeoff on you, dear dean, so be prepared for fun. No party would be quite com- plete without a few of Dr. With- ers' jokes. Wonder what new ones he'll have up his sleeve this time. Hope you're feeling full of things to do, Professors, 'cause I have a feeling youH have to be on your toes. The climax of the evening will be the appearance of that good old man, Santa Claoa and his bag of presents. So now, until then, in Saint Nidi's own words, "A Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good- night." Welmers Guest of Y.W. Last night Professor Thomas Welmers spoke to the members of Y.W. on the subject of "Whose Are You?" He stated the ideas that we are all in the possession of some one and that the only true and good possessor is Jesus Christ. Lois Van Wyk played a flute solo, an arrangement of "Nearer My God To Thee." Mr. Milton Hinga spoke at the Y.W. meeting November 28. He stressed the fact that we are prone to take America and its advantages for granted. His three main points developed the ideas that we should appreciate more our home, our school and our church. Velma Glewen was in charge of the devotions and music was pro- vided by a quartet consisting of Connie Crawford, Elaine Meeusen, Marian Dame, and Rosemary Fin- law. They sang "Beautiful Sa- viour" accompanied by Ruth Hoff- man. Prognm To Center On Gorman Christmas German folksongs, special Christ- mas music, and the Christmas stery told in German will be the out- standing features of the German Club meeting to be held at the home of Miss Boyd on December 14. . ; Marge Gysbers will be in charge of the program, and Helga Sawit- zky will provide the special music. Plans for future meetings have been made, which include an inter- esting schedule of a cultural na- ture. , . .


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Citation preview

Page 1: 12-08-1944

Write to Hope's men in service

this vacation; see addresses, page 3.


Hope College Anchor Up on the "Big Ten" champion-

ship, Army-Navy game? R e a d

Kibitzer, page 8.

Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland Michigan

Goal Reached In Stamp and Bond Drive;

Hope Personnel Purchaies First Jeep

December 8f 1944

True to tradition, Hope's person-

nel has reached its goal in the

Bond drive and purchased a jeep.

The sales to date, December 2, total

$1281.65. One $500 bond was sold

this week as well as five bonds to

students plus innumerable stamps,

making th t total this week $575.

Helga Sawitzski, chairman of the Bond and Stamp project, has sent in for the plate which will be displayed here in the near future . The duplicate plate will be at-tached to a jeep and has print-ed on it: Purchased by students of Hope College.

"Another jeep" is the new goal!

Hinga Speaks to Alumni

A t Muskegon Meeting

"The Place of Hope College in the World of Tomorrow" was the sub-ject discussed by Mr. Milton Hinga at a H o p e College Muskegon Alumni m e e t i n g December 1. Forty-five alumni were present at the meeting which was held in the Fifth Reformed Church of which Rev. Chester Meengs is pastor. Dr. Harold Dykhuisen is president of the group.

On November 28, Mr. Hinga spoke in the Calvary Reformed Church of Grand Rapids to the Mens' Brotherhood and Sons. His subject was "Christian Sportsman-ship".

During the past few weeks Mr. Hn.ga has also been speaking at various places for the fith War Loan Drive.

Thanksgiving Homeless

Enjoy Wichers' Humor

About 35 out-of-town students enjoyed a buffet supper Thanks-giving Day evening given by the perfect hosts, Dr. and Mrs. Wich-ers and Dorothy. The theme of the party was the calendar with ap-propriate signs about the home de-picting the various months and holidays. Af te r the supper a clever game was played for each month. For April the guests were told to search for a box of candy, and in the midst of the hunt Dr. Wichers in his best humor announced the immortal words, "April Fool." An-other highlight was the December feature with gif ts under a toy Christmas tree. Singing around the piano closed the delightful Thanks-giving party.


We Interview

Ev Everse

Hope Choir, Glee Club

Sing in G. R. Festival Last Thursday evening Hope's

choir and glee club with the com-bined choirs of the R e f o r m e d Churches of Grand Rapids pre-sented a Sacred Musical Festival at the Mel Trotter Rescue Mission in Grand Rapids. Mr. Robert Wing, director of public school music in Grand Rapids, directed the choir and Miss Angeline Smits was the accompanist. Norma Albers, pre-sented two piano solos: Scherzo Op. 31, Chopin; Waltz Op. 64, No. 2, Chopin.

The numbers sung by the choir and glee club were Prayer of Thanksgiving (Folksong of the Netherlands), E. Koemser; Rejoice, The Lord is King, L. Keating; Chorale from Church Cantata 147, Jesu, Bond of Joy Abiding, Bach-Treharne; A Song of Thanksgiv-ing, Aiblinger-Goldsworthy; Now We Sihg Thy Praise, Tschesnokoff; A Song of Thanksgiving, Allitsen-Treharne; Now Thank We All Our God, Criiger-Mueller; O n w a r d Christian Soldiers, Sullivan-Nilsen.

Chapel one Tuesday morning,! with a dramatic gesture gives her Marge Prince grins as A1 S t a v e r ' t h e mission pledges.


o n c o n t e i n p o r a r y a f f a i r s

Brimful of friendliness and effi-ciency is Eleanor Everse, Grand-ville senior. Miscreant members of the class of '48 especially will long remember her capable handling of the student council presidency.

" E v " has been particularly active in speech work—debate and group discussions. She is debate manager and a member of Pi Kappa Delta, national honorary forensics soci-ety. In addition she has kept a high standard of scholarship while taking her college course in three years.

Dorm girls happily plying an apple in one hand and a donut in the other at an all-dorm spread can attribute much of their enjoy-ment to this busy senior, fo r she is also social chairman of the houseboard of the dormitories.

Other activities on "Ev ' s " list include English major 's club, of which she is secretary-treasurer, a Red Cross Nurses' Aid class, and, of course, supplying fan mail for a certain be-uniformed interest in Philadelphia.

Asked for her pet peeve, she had to rack her brain to find an answer but finally confessed good-naturedly that she did wish there were a few more hours in a day— for things like hot fudge sundaes. She likes nothing better than curl-ing up in an easy chair with a book on a rainy day. Fancy work is an-other of her hobbies, and she is rapidly building up a collection of such items as Everse-made lunch-eon cloths.

An English and economics major, " E v " plans with characteristic de-termination to do social work this summer, and to find a position later as a personnel worker—all as a prelude to owning and pub-

By Laura Boyd

What are we going to do with Hitler? What are we going to do with the German people a f te r the war? These questions and many kindred ones are on the lips of all men.

Before we can answer such questions with any degree of ac-curacy we must first answer an-other. How did Germany "get that way?" Before we can apply the remedy we must know the cause which has produced the result. The German nation is ill, mentally ill. The disease is nota new one but it has been evident in German life for at least five generations. Four aspects of German thought show this deranged thinking.

The German feels that he and his race were born to rule the world. This is not a new idea. It did not originate with the Nazis. Listen to Emanuel Giebel, 1861, "German character may yet become the salvation of the world." Or Fichte, the philosopher who in-spired the Germans during the days immediately a f te r Napoleon with words like these, "If the Ger-man people sink into the depths, the whole of humanity sinks with them without hope of eventual res-toration." Ernst Meritz Amdt, a poet and historian, said in 1814, "The Germans are a royal race, even a race of High Priests." Kaiser William II echoed Arndt when he said, "We Germans are the salt of the Christian world."

The German feels the need to dominate. He must put into action this superiority which he knows

Continued on page g

Pledges Top Goal;

Medical Missionary

Expresses Gratitude

With a gain of $26.00 over the

last stated figures Hope College

student pledges for the Mission

Drive have reached a total of

$1023.50. Already $150.50 has been

paid toward the pledges.

When asked as to her feeling

for the drive. Dr. Eva Tysse Mc-

Gillvray, missionary at the Medi-

cal College Hospital, Velore, In-dia, made the following reply:

"When I was at Hope College the Mission Drive for one object or project had not yet come into being. It seems to me a construc-tive and educative idea.

"We in the mission hospital at Velore are thrilled with your gif t of a telephone sen-ice, not only because it is such a royal gift , or even only because it will save so much needed energy and therefore life; but also because you are now a par t of us, and you cannot Know-how much, that the active interest of a young intelligent group can mean to us there. We expect and welcome your fur ther interest in the form of question and criticism. We say all the India "Thank-you's" — "Salaam!" which means also "greetings!"; "Stot i rum!" which means also "God bless you!" and "Numas Carum" which implies also "You are noble, and so am I!"

Hope College students owe Dr. McGillvray a "thank you" for her contribution of ten rupees in In-dian money.

The Y Cabinet and the Mission Drive chairmen also wish to ex-press their appreciation for the fine response made in this drive, and they want to urge all the stu-dents to pay their pledges to Miss "Millie" Schuppert in the office as soon as possible for the deadline is January 15, 1945.

Soprano Presents Concert In Chapel

Miss Josephine Tuminia, re-

nowned coloratura soprano of the Metropolitan Opera Company, pre-sented the season's first concert in Hope Chapel on Monday night. This young and beautiful singer delighted the students and towns-people at the concert with her se-lections from operas and other concert numbers.

Miss Tuminia is well known in many countries. She was born in St. Louis and moved to San Fran-cisco when twelve years old. There she made her musical debut with the San Francisco Opera Company. Then for several years she sang in Italy, Jugoslavia, Switzerland, and South America. As soon as she returned to this country, she was engaged by the Chicago Opera and appeared several months later as Gilda in "Rigoletto." Later she sang leading roles in "The Barber of Seville," "Lucia de Lammer-moor." and others. I>ast season she was the soprano of Columbia's All-Star Quartette.

On one occasion she sang "Lu-cia" on three hours' notice and was awarded an eight-minute ovation for her performance.

Messiah By Hande l To

Be Presented In Hope

C h a p e l D e c e m b e r 19

Four Soloists Have Appeared Before

In Messiah In Hope Chapel

The eighteenth annual presentation of the Messiah by

George Fredric Handel will be given in the Hope Memorial

Chapel December 19 at 8:00 p. m. The chorus of two hun-

dred and fifty voices under the baton of Miss Trixie Moore,

director of the Holland High School Chorus is composed of

townspeople, members of Hope College and Holland High Student bodies.

Soloists for the oratorio are Miss Thelma Von Eisenhauer,

soprano; Miss Pauline Wright Higgins, alto; Mr. H a r r y

Friesema, tenor; and Mr. Hardin Van Deursin, bass. Miss

Von Eisenhauer makes her sixth

Thompson to Speak

A t Alpha Chi Meeting

Next Monday, December 10, Al-

pha Chi will hold its first meeting

of the year, with Dr. Thompson of

Grand Rapids as the guest speak-

er. At this meeting Alpha Chi will elect a new vice-president, who will serve along with the present offi-cers, Dick Hine, president, and Bill Haak, secretary-treasurer.

Alpha Chi is an organization of students who are taking a pre-seminary course. This year Rev. Paul Hinkamp has replaced Rev. Henry Bast as sponsor.

Hawcs Organizes

New Teachers Club The new Elementary Teachers'

Club was organized last week by Miss Carolyn Hawes. The club is composed of freshman and sopho-more girls to acquaint them with the qualifications necessary in the field of education.

The senior members of the Ele-mentary Teachers Club will meet at the home of Miss Hawes Decem-ber 8 at 3:30 for a social hour and to discuss student teaching prob-lems. A president for the organi-zation will be elected.

Blood Can Be Donated

To Holland Red Croft The Ottawa County Chapter,

American Red Cross, is having a

Blood Donor Unit visit Holland

during the week of December 18

to 22. Those who wish to donate their

blood must be over eighteen and should register at the local Red Cross Office, 6 East 8th Street. A physical examination will be given each applicant.

The blood plasma made from these blood contributions has been hailed by General Mark Clark as one cf the greatest achievements of modern medical science. It has been credited with saving more lives on the open battlefields than any other medical apparatus.

For those college students who consider their physical contribu-tions to the war effort as nil here is an opportunity to serve your country directly.

appearance as soloist in Holland this year. She is a member of the American Oratorio and Concert Quartet te and has sung with the Chicago Civic Opera Company. Miss Higgins is soloist in St . James Episcopal Church of Detroit. This is Miss Higgins' second appearance in Holland.

Mr. Van Deursin is a member of the faculty of the University of Michigan. He was soloist for the "Messiah" in 1941. He was also soloist of "Ballad for Americans" presented in Hope Chapel during Tulip Time in 1941.

Mr. Friesma appeared as tenor soloist in 1942. He is a graduate of Hope College and his appear-ance will be of special interest to the student body.

Accompanists fo r the concert are Mrs. W. Curtis Snow, teacher of organ, piano, and theory, at the organ, and Miss Frieda Grote a t the piano.

Handel's famous work was writ-ten in 1741 and presented for the first time the following year in Dublin. The two hundredth anni-versary of the first hearing was celebrated in 1942.


Sunday, December 17, 1944 Vespers — 4:00, Hope Memorial Chapel.

Tuesday, December 19, 1944 Messiah — 8:00, Hope Memorial Chapel.

Wednesday, December 20, 1944 Dorm Facu l ty 'Par ty —8:00 Voorhees Hall.

Thursday, Dec. 21, 1944 Christmas recess begins at 4:00.

Alcor Expects To Add

To Koffee Kletz Alcor has announced plans for

fur ther decoration of the Koffee

Kletz. They are looking for a way

to alleviate the dead whiteness of the walls.

Miss Lichty entertained the "In-tel ligensia" a t a waffle s u p p e r in her apartment.

Alcor girls also ushered at the first concert of the season given last Monday night.

" Y " News

Dr. Mulder Speaks

At the Y.M.C.A. meeting last night Dr. John R. Mulder spoke on the subject "Speaking Christians".

At the meeting of November 28 the YM enjoyed a message pre-sented by Dr. Simon Blockner. His subject was "I shall not be moved," presenting first the non-Christian, then the prosperous Christian and finally the believing Christian.

Dorm Gi r l s and Facul ty A w a i t Santa

lishing the GrandTille Daily! She is a member of Alcor, sen-

ior girls ' honorary society, and is among the Hope seniors whose names will appear in the next edi-tion of Who's Wke ia American UniTersities and Colleges.

Winter is in the a i r — but some-thing else is brewing, too. T h e fleecy snowdrifts, the store win-dows in holiday-trim, and candle-stick lamp posts on 8th Street tell us Christmas is coming to Holland — and to the dorms.

The Emmie house is buzzing with who wants what f rom that little old man with the white beard. Van Vleck is all aglow with Holiday Sp i r i t (Leave it to those sopho-mores to cook up a surprise before vacation rolls around.) In Voorhees, Christmas and term papers reign. Mrs. K. set the pace by decorating her door with pine boughs and bells tied with a big red bow. But something else is awaited in Voor-hees. You've guessed i t — the Dorm Girls' Faculty Christmas Party.

General Chairman, Ev. Everse, reports that this year's party will really be something. Under the skillful hands of Jan Bogart, Voor-

hees dining room will be filled with j mas Carols and songs will be in festivity and color. It 's crowning | order some time during the eve-glory will be the g i f t s fo r every-one. Jan promises a roaring fire in the fireplace and oodles of Christ-mas sp i r i t

Everyone's looking forward to that big Turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings. Later in the evening Alice Laughlin and her committee will burst for th with more of that delectable substance we call food.

Entertainment fo r the Profs and girls is planned by Harriet Stege-man. Knowing the usual trend of the program, I'd advise everyone to have his own little bag of tricks handy because plenty of ta lent will be called for th by Elaine Meeusen and Joan Rypstra dar ing the course of the evening. Prepare to have fun . Profs, because we're bubbling over with enthusiasm and chuck full of surprises. Wait and see! Rath Ellison tells me that Christ-

mng. Singing always gives a l if t to things and Christmas songs full of gay spirits.

Miss Litchtey and house prexie, Janie Smies, will be on hand to see that things are running smoothly. Something tells me someone's going to do a takeoff on you, dear dean, so be prepared fo r fun . No par ty would be quite com-plete without a few of Dr. With-ers ' jokes. Wonder what new ones he'll have up his sleeve this time. Hope you're feeling full of things to do, Professors, 'cause I have a feeling youH have to be on your toes.

The climax of the evening will be the appearance of tha t good old man, Santa Claoa and his bag of presents. So now, until then, in Saint Nidi 's own words, "A Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night."

Welmers Guest of Y .W.

Last night Professor Thomas Welmers spoke to the members of Y.W. on the subject of "Whose Are You?" He stated the ideas that we are all in the possession of some one and that the only t rue and good possessor is Jesus Christ. Lois Van Wyk played a flute solo, an arrangement of "Nearer My God To Thee."

Mr. Milton Hinga spoke at the Y.W. meeting November 28. He stressed the fac t that we are prone to take America and its advantages for granted. His three main points developed the ideas tha t we should appreciate more our home, our school and our church.

Velma Glewen was in charge of the devotions and music was pro-vided by a quartet consisting of Connie Crawford, Elaine Meeusen, Marian Dame, and Rosemary Fin-law. They sang "Beautiful Sa-viour" accompanied by Ruth Hoff-man.

Prognm To Center

On Gorman Christmas German folksongs, special Christ-

mas music, and the Christmas s tery told in German will be the out-standing features of the German Club meeting to be held a t the home of Miss Boyd on December 14. . ;

Marge Gysbers will be in charge of the program, and Helga Sawit-zky will provide the special music.

Plans for future meetings have been made, which include an inter-esting schedule of a cultural na-ture. , . .

Page 2: 12-08-1944

Page Two Hop# College Anchor

Hope Col lege A n c h o r M e m b e r

Associated Coteeidte Press

Editor-in-Chief - Helen Wilhelm Business Manager Peggy Cross Associate Editors Ruth Joldersma, Joyce Van Oss Assistant Business Manager Elaine Scholten

S T A F F Feature Editor Rose Seith Society Editor Marie Jenkins "Camp to Campus" Editor Polly Naas Typists Vivian Dykema, Helen Wagner, Harr iet Haines Circulation Manager Verladyne Saunders


Pyle V. Dykema Meuaen J . Muelendyke L. Muelendyke Gertrude V rede veld Decktr M. IUub Van Wyk BieleFeld Vander Heuvel

Hubers Walbrlnk M. Schoulten Elaine P r i m B. Bilkert T. Boeve Walbr ink Kile Van Tamelen Bosman

KinKsfield Shlffner BarenM Danhof Witemnn Smallegan Fredericks Gyabeirt

CIRCULATION C. Schoutten Ellison Dame M. Young P i k w Hospers F. Voi. Bruins Mastenbrook Bult L. Muelendyke Ripstra J . Muelendyke V. Hemmes Ritaema Schippers

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan


Posf-War Netherlands Eternally Vigilant

While leafing through a magazine, a series of lovely pic-tures caught my attention. They were pre-war scenes taken in the Netherlands; but all too quickly I was aware of their significance, for all these places are now in ruins. The little farm along the dike had been burned; the aerial view of Arnhaem's industrial section — a flattened, smoking, twisted mass; the cozy little seacoast town washed out to sea when the protecting dikes were blasted; the park Nijmegen now a huge crater hole. Ruins cover the Dutch homeland.

Because distance suffered an untimely death, because dis-tance has ceased to exist, because the very significance of the word distance has been lost, we are keenly aware of the fate of all the other peoples on earth. Now as never before the boundary of each country touches the boundary of every other country. We must learn quickly that everything on earth is just next door and therefore not to be avoided. The Dutch ruins of towns, villages and farmlands border our own back yards.

It is the most noble of human emotions that Netherland-ers of this side of the ocean follow tensely the disasters that grip their ancestral Home. They visualize with pride the large polders that have been reclaimed from the sea water of the Zuider Zee and made arable through Dutch persist-ence; then grieve just as genuinely when this life blood is washed out to sea again. Then they know that all this will have to be done over again, but it WILL be done. No ruins can ever temper the determination of those who survive to restore all material losses. Then they will prove to their children by their acts as they have been trying to prove for so long by their words that there is such a thing as a home-land, and a home town devoid of Nazi persecutors. Their little children who manage to survive the terrible deficiencies of diet and natural comfort will have to be shown that the bestial oppression of the Nazis has not been going on for centuries, that these Germans will not always t ramp through their homes to kidnap the men of the family and confiscate the last piece of bread.

The Germans will go down to their own ruin. They have followed Hitler too long to escape the final disaster of doing just that. But the Netherlands will rise again above the flooding and starvation to build and rebuild. The bodies of the allied soldiers resting in liberated Dutch soil will keep vigilance over their Ideal. Out of the still flaming ruins of their common burial plot grows the irresistible strength of this IDEAL, defended by the young men who died for it, because they believed in it. The name of this Ideal is DE-CENCY, hated brand to the foe; flaming torch of these — the indomitable Dutch. C.M.K.


wishes for Hope College and The Anchor

the Success it Merits


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Portrait Photography

Remember: Service Men are Served First-SoCOME EARLY!

I Remember By Andre Maurois

Andre Maurois is a contemporary

French author. In this book he has

at tempted very successfully an in-

timate account of his life. It is

not a book of the political revela-

tions that have characterized con-

temporary l i terature, but it is a

book of intimate memories and

reads like a novel.

It is fascinat ing to watch the young boy grow into matur i ty as a result of constant association with Hugo, Lamartine, Balzac, Taine and Musset. It is intr iguing to watch his mind grapple with Locke and Kant in the Year of Philosophy Course at the Lycee de Rouen. The influence Maurois re-ceived f rom his professor, Alaine, made him aware later in life of the duties of leadership, and to this day he remains a liberal.

He entered his fa ther 's mills and at 23 was his own boss and head of a vast industrial domaine. He seemed destined to be caught here the rest of his life.

During the World War he was a French liason officer. He then wrote his first book and achieved immediate success, and thus se-cured freedom from his factories.

In his quiet and efficient manner, Maurois is one of the most effi-cient defenders of the civilization which is being attacked today. As a reviewer s ta tes : "The pat tern of his life and the nature of his work show a subtle relationship." That is why one feels that his autobiog-raphy is motivated by deep beliefs and fashioned with an inner sense of beauty and truth.

Grandma wasted a lot of boiling water on sponge cakes, and her results weren't as good as if she'd used ice water.

Hi, gang! A f t e r an absence of several weeks Whoozit is back in its usual place to bring you all the latest dope.

Not hot off the wire, but still good news, is the fact that mid-semester exams are over. N i n e weeks' grades were a blow to some people, especially the Freshmen, who just can' t get used to the college marking system!

Lucille Teninga 's absence f rom Education Class was due to an ex-citing event in her life. Glance at her third finger, lef t hand, for the answer. When asked for a state-ment she said that she was Toren between two desires.

Norma Albers' engagement to a Navy man is also a topic for re-joicing.

Did you know that Mrs. K. and Jack lived in the same neighbor-hood when they were kids? He was her hero and really a "lady killer."

We still feel the influence of the A.S.T.P. fellows. Particularly Phyl Barense whose gorgeous orchid from Freddie marked the year 's anniversary of their first date.

The "Open in April" sign hang-ing in Mills' window brings great joy to one Hope co-ed in particular. Cleo won't be so lonesome now that P.K.'s t ime is more his own . . . or will the Navy take care of tha t?

The Choir's t r ip to Grand Rapids resulted in only one casualty. Mr. Vanden Borg, chauffeur, sat in a d ra f t and picked up a stiff neck.

Mary Ellen Brower is taking on the Seminary single handedly in snowball fights, and Milly Ver

Meer a l m o s t committed man-s laughter by stuff ing a snowball down Mr. Haines' throat!

Ask Glenna Gore where she got those charming "dusty pinks."

Dr. Wickers, prexy of an almost girls ' school, gave a warning to all men in Chapel one morning by an-nouncing— "My soul, stand on your guard." The inference was— against women.

Note found in second floor phone booth: If there is a message for Pa t Macomber, contact me no mat-ter where I am — that is, if it's f rom my fa ther .

That nutrition course that Vera Pennings is talking is wearing on all of us. Every t ime we turn around, there 's Penny saying, "I t ' s Thursday morning, what'll we have for b r e a k f a s t ? "

In Digestion

By Edna May Richards

There has been much activity on all f ronts since last spring. Here's hoping you've been keeping up on all the news.

Our canine friends, f rom all reports, are doing their par t toward the war effort. The Coast Guard, alone, has trained 5,0(M) dogs since the war began. Most of these are used as sentry aids around ammunition depots and overseas supply stations. Others are serving as scout dogs and trailing aids.

Among the new uses of war dogs in the European theatre is tha t of trailing enemy parachutists. If parachutists land near Allied lines during the night, trailing dogs are used to follow their route and find them. Also, dogs in the Pacific theatre are put on the trail of Japanese scouts who approach Allied lines on night patrols. Coast Guard dogs, used by sailors and marines on reconnaisance patrols, have saved hundreds of lives by-detecting enemy scouts and snipers. They use for the most part German shepherds and Dobermann Pinschers.

Diplomatic sources in Buenos Aires report a generally un-noticed growth of munitions manufactured in Argentina with German guidance and assistance. German technicians and mili-t a ry experts are believed to be reaching the country incognito by various routes. Members of the Graf Spee crew, who did not escape from the country are reported to have been released from concentration camps to aid in the munitions programs. Small arms and tank manufacture is being greatly increased. These movements are regarded as an answer to Brazil's military' might, built up with U. S. aid as a hemisphere defense measure.

Although Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt have not met to draw up plans for the occupation of Germany, substantial agree-ment has been reached on one point. The policy will be a joint one. Each government participating in the occupation will appoint a high commissioner. These will sit together in a central spot. Jointly, thev will establish occupation policy which then will be applied by the military commander controlling the part icular zone. Austr ia will also be occupied jointly, but con-trolled by a separate commissioner.

Before leaving Paris , the Germans not only stole the original Treaty of Versailles, but also the key to the Treaties Room at the Quoi d'Orsay. This room is a huge steel safe and French Foreign Office officials haven't yet been able to open it.

It seems that one thing leads to another south of the border. In Caracas, Venezuela, the seventh Amateur World Series in baseball has been on for the last six weeks. Part icipating teams are from Mexico, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Pan-ama, Nicaragua, Colombia and Venezuela. The people are so interested, business establishments, banks, and government offices closed af ternoons because they couldn't get any work done. ^

The difficulty seems to be that political issues arise f rom the sport ing problem. In 1941, baseball led to a rupture of diplo-matic relations between Venezuela and the Dominican Republic. This breach was healed only last year.

This year the Dominicans threatened to leave because of the Venezuelean t rea tment — such as a s torm of beer bottles on the players when Panama was beaten by the Dominicans . . . shades of Brooklyn!

Next to announce they were going home were the Cubans, who said their game with Mexico (which Mexico won) shouldn't have stopped at the seventh inning because of rain. Even a promise of a favorable press campaign failed to move them. What the outcome will be is anyone's guess!

Star of a recent football game at Michigan State College was a pret ty blonde, age three, t rudg-ing industriously up and down the steps of aisle F at Macklin Field. Applauded by avid track fans, she removed her coat, and with her unmentionables drooping, labored to the top of the stands. Cheers for her accomplishment directed all at-tention to the stands until a lone football fan asserted that the game was on the field.

Associated Collegiate Press o

As the water temperature was lowered, the cakes increased in size and tenderness, and the largest and tenderest of them all was pro-duced with ice water ! Dr. Steven-son suggests the substitution of

"Sleigh bells ring, snow is glis-

tenin ' ." Yes, much to our g rea t de-

light Christmas t ime is here again.

From the musical point of view,

what does this bring to your


How about Chris tmas vespers?

This year our annual Chr is tmas

vesper sen-ice will be held on Sun-

day, December 17 in the college

chapel. The choir and glee club

plus solo numbers will consti tute a very inspiring service.

This year, as usual, the college

students will dress snug as bugs

in rugs and sing carols to some of

our city's "shut- ins ." No doubt a

gay time wall be had by all — as usual.

To all members of the Musical

Arts Club, here is an announce-

ment of a meeting to be held Tues-

day, December 1£, a t the usual

time. An evening of record play-

ing is scheduled. P.S. The meeting

is classed as a "social event."

Af te r long hours of practice the

Messiah will be given in our col-lege chapel on Tuesday, the 19th of December. The townspeople and our college students will partici-pate. The soloist will be: soprano. Miss Thelma Van Eisenhower; alto. Miss Pauline Wright Higgens; tenor, Mr. Har ry Fr iesma; bass, Mr. Hardin Van Deursin.

We hear some GI Hopers are anxiously awai t ing the Glee Club Movie — maybe tha t ' s what has

. . ... 14 . ^ speeded up the advance into Hol-iced milk, as results are just a S ] a n ( j good, and food values are increased.

College Professors Recommend Books

Essential to Well-rounded Personality All too soon, college days are

over, and then wha t? You can write your own ending — you, either a misty-eyed idealist or a stern realist. Whether realist or idealist, your fu tu re will include the pastime of reading. Here's an-other s ixty-four dollar question — what will you read?

In an a t tempt to answer the un-quenchable question, each faculty-member was requested to recom-mend five books he considered es-sential for Suzy and Joe Hope to read to i n s u r e comprehensive knowledge.

The old adage that time never re turns was renewed to some co-eds' memories when they bemoaned the fact that they had not retained the titles of books and their authors suggested by professors in classes during their college days. We've come to the rescue with suggestions of the best books for that well-rounded glow.

The list is wide and varied, but is merely a beginning to the books available through the literary achievements we have reached to-day. These books were selected because they are valuable from the point of view of definite principles. Some are characterist ic of a certain

1 field — History, Economics, Phil-' osophy, etc. — while others are ad-visable for enjoyable vacation read-ing, s tandard foundational truths, development of cultural periods, in-terest or beauty.

So the challenge is yours! Here's an excellent reading list — for a beginning — and some day in that not too f a r distant fu tu re we hope you will be able to devour the words and ideas f rom these accept-able l i terary compositions. A n d here 's a crown of laurel to the stu-dent—plus who is able to report tha t he has already consumed more than half of this "Best Book List ." It 's yours — for the read-ing!! Bible Plato 's works Shakespeare 's works Wordsworth A Moliere Play The Great Design


for Christmas Presents


I Iliad or Odessey, Homer

Paradise Lost, Milton

Divine Comedy, Dante

Ben Hur, Wallace

Pilgrim's Progress, Bunyan Vanity Fair , Thackeray Les Miserables, Hugo Tale of Two Cities, Dickens Faust , Goethe Confessions, St. Augustine Madame Bovary, Flaubert History of the English People,

Green Inaugural Addresses, Lincoln Federalist Papers, Hamilton History of Rome, Livy Liberal Education, Van Doren Outline of History, Wells History of Science, Dampier Story of Philosophy, Durant French Revolution, Carlyle The Star Gazer, Haryana Development of American Phil-osophy, Muelder & Sears War and Peace, Tolstoy-Das Capitol, Marx Human Physiology, Mathews Decline and Fall of Roman Empire,


Advancing Front of Science, Gray-Advancing Front of Medicine, Gray-Science and Social Needs, Huxley Age of Fable, Bulfinch The Robe, Douglas Christ of the American Road,

E. Jones

The Screwtape Letters, Lewis Philosophy of Christian Education,


Varieties of Christian Experience, Norborg

Watchers of the Sky, Noyes The Lost Island, Hall

The Steep Ascent, Anne Lindberg A Goodly Fellowship, Chase Yankee f rom Olympus, Browen Thrill of Tradit ion, Moffat t New Europe, Newman Persons and Places, San tayana Winter Wheat , Walker

Marr iage and the Family, Becker and Hill

Loom of Language, Badmer Wind Blew f rom the East , Nuhn Dr. Hudson's Secret Journal ,


The Netherlands Atlantic Monthly

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Page 3: 12-08-1944

Hope CoIleg» Anchor Page Throe

Addresses of Senficemen Who Have Attended Hope' College Since October, 1940



[ •


- •



. I




SRt. Willmrd G. Alderink 36400124 Btry. ••B." l l J t h A.A.A. Bn.( S.M.) A.P.O. 887, c /o Po«tn»«iter New York City. N. Y.

T / 4 Wendell Anderson S64&8228 Medical DeUchment. 810th I n f a n t r y A.P.O. 78. c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

T /Sg t . Lewis C. Ard 89246269 714 S.A.W. Co.. Srd Platoon Suffolk County, A.A.F. Westhampton Beach New York. N. Y.

Cpl. Chester H. Arnold 16060273 Sect. G-2 Pavls-Monthan Field Tucson. Arizona

Corp. Jack F . Clark 864S4964 Co. C, 671st T.D. Bn. Fort Knox. Ky.

Sirt. Charles W. Claver Sqd. A., 340th A.A.F.B.N.

.C.T.S.-F. Barton A.A.F . Barton, Fla .

U . Gerard Earl Cook 0-714886 2nd Ftr . Sqdn., 62 F t r . Group A.P.O. 520 c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Sirt. Herbert Cushman Section A-l Army Air Field Herlmtton, Kan.

B Enslxn R. Jack Baas, U.S.N.R. V.T. 83, c / o Fleet Post Office New York. N. Y.

Cpl. Homer Barber Headquarters Service Co. S8l Enidneer Combat Bn. A.P.O. 17508. c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

SK 2/c William E. Baremnn U.S.N. Supply Depot Navy 135 c /o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.

Sxt . Jack V. Barendse 16I1903S 364 Sqdn.. 305 Bomb Grp. A.P.O. 557 New York, N. Y.

O/C Robert Barkema 16115071 28th Co.. 3rd S.T.R. F t . Benning, Ga.

Philip H. Baron. H.A. 1/c Dispensary 2909. Camp Green Bay Great Lakes, III.

S /Sgt . Gerald A. Bax 46th General Hospital A.P.O. 419, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Pvt . Bernard Becker 36417178 1848 Enlisted Det. Dispensary 14 So. Camp Hood. Texas

Cpl. Lawrence Beltman, V.S.M.C.R. M.A.G. 94 M.C.A.S. Cherry Point, N. C.

Gordon Berkel, Mus. 2/c Band Dept.. 1113 U.S.N.T.C. Great U k e s . III.

Lt . Fred S. Bertsch, J r . 2417 Pi t ts field Blvd. Pittsfield Village Ann Arbor. Mich.

Pfc . James H. Bevler. U.S.M.C. V.M.F. 211. M.A.G. 12, 1st M.A.W. c /o Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calif.

L t . Raymond T. Biel 0822357 393 Sq. Wendover Field Wendover, Utah

Sgt. Louis W. Bixby 16044745 1424th Ordnance. S & M Co. A.P.O. 959, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

John Blaauw 36454899 1624 S.U. Med. Co. Station Hospital Camp Ellis, III.

Ens. Gerald Blaauwkamii, U.S.N.R. U.S.S.L.S.T. 546 c /o Flwt P.O. New York, N. Y.

Ens. Donald Bocks U.S.N.A.T.B. Bldg.. No. 204-175 L.C.T. 5954, Solomons Branch Washington, D. C.

Wendell C. Boerscma. Mid'n U.S.N.R. Mishipman School Johnson Hail. Biiiett 903 A New York 27. N. Y.

Pfc . Max Boersma 36461S1S H. 2 A.—2nd Bn.. 3H6th Inf . 97th Div., A.P.O. 445 San Luis Obispo. Calif.

Alvin Bonzelaar A/S, V-12 1541 Washtenaw (U. of M. Med. School) Ann Arbor. Mich.

Marvin Bonxelaar A/S . V-12 1541 Washtenaw (U. of M. Med. School) Ann Arbor. Mich.

Floyd Boon. U.S.N. V-12 Wayne University College of Medicine Downtown Y.M.C.A. 2020 Witherali Place IHftroit. Mich.

S /Sgt . Euttene W. Boot Medical Dept. Station Hosp. Camp Polk, La.

Ens. Alfred G. Borgman, U.S.N.R. U.S.S. L.S.T. 645 c /o Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Pvt . J ames N. Braddock 36r.66399 Hq. Com. / o n e . Sig. Sec. A.P.O. 750 New York. N. Y.

Sgt. Gordon Brewer 16167461 375th Fighter Sqd. A.P.O. 558, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Pvt. Harold Brink 16119432 31st A.T.U. K.A.A.F. Kinsman, Ariz.

Richard A. Brown, 9 / l c S.S. John Wanamaker Isthmian S.S. Co. c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

S /Sg t . Richard P. Brown 32H09788 H. & S. Co.. 256th Engr . . C. Battalion A.P.O. 17115, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Sgt. Glenn Bruggers 16167465 Det. 10th Weather Sqdn. A.P.O. 487, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

1st Lt. Lawrence Bruggers Med. -AUS 0-1756423 St. Mary s Hospital Grand Rapids, Mich.

Mid'n A. J . Bruggink. U.S.N.R. U.S.N.R. Mid'n School Billet 834A. Furnald Hall New York 27, N. Y.

Gerrit O. Bruins. Mo M M 1/c U.S.S.L.S.T.G. 18 c /o Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calf.

A / S Glenn H. Bulthuls, U.S.N.R. 108 Lloyd. West Quad. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Pfc . James T. Burger, U .S .N.R. Class 8B, 44P (C) ^ ^ c / o Flight Brigade. Bldg. 679 U.S.N.A.T.C. Pensacola, Fla .

P fc . Howard M. Bush 16160067 Hq. Sqdn., 59th A.D.G. Kelly Field. Texas

Aviation Cadet Harold J . Buter Section O, V.A.A.F. Victor villa, Calif.

Pfc . Harvey J . Buter Btry. A, 914 F.A. Bn. A.P.O. No. 89 Camp Butner. N. C.

P f c . Clarence B. Buurma 16115068 Co. I . 414th Inf . . A.P.O. 104 c / o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pfe . John Buunana, J r . 34402702 Hq. Det.. 576th Q.M. Bn. A.P.O. 6983 New York. N. Y.

Sgt. Robert F . Camp ie08«988 206th Station Hospital A.P.O. 988 Minneapolis, Minn. Ens, R. W. Cavanaugh U.S.S. L.C.I . (L) 7«« e /o Fleet Por t Office San Francisco. Calif.

Pvt . Paul W. Dame 15th Q.M. Tng. Bn. 84th Q.M. Tng. Co. Camp Lee, Va.

George Dalman, S 2/c Gold win Hall, Room 125 U. of Pa., V-7 Philadelphia 4, Pa .

Pfc, Norman Davis 36467429 Co. G, 3651 S. U. Vaughan House Ann Arbor, Mich.

Ens. Roy Allen Davis L.C.I. (G) 455 Fleet Post Office San Francisco. Calif.

Lt. Willis H. DeBoer 0-774568 Box 388 Hobbs Army Air Held Hobbs. N. M.

Ens. Donald M. DeFouw U.S.S. L.C.T. No. 992 c /o Postmaster (Fleet) San Francisco, Calif.

Ens. Kenneth Paul E. DeGroot Fleet Sound School Bldg. 128, Room 108 Key West, Fla.

Lt . (S.G.) Willard G. DeGroot. USNR Mat. Redistribution & Disposal Office 210 West 7th St. Los Angeles 14, Calif.

P f c . Paul G. Fried A.P .O. 7508 New York, N. Y,

A / S Julius M. Frlesser Co. 2, Platoon 2 Navy R.O.T.C. Uni t 1210 West Michigan St. Milwaukee 3, Wis.

Lt . J . Dale Frls 0-704879 87th Ls., 10th Air Base Sq. A.A.F. 682, A.P.O. 686 c / o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Lt . Henry D. Fylstra 0-827686 A.P.O. 16596—L.Q. 86 c / o Postmaster. New York. N. Y.

John Jacob Geary. J r . Ph . M. 8/c, U.S.N.R. U.S.N.H. Staff, School of Trop. Med. Treasure Island, San Francisco, Calif.

Ens. Robert James U. Geldart A.V.N. U.S.N.R. V.O.F. c / o Fleet Postofflce San Francisco, Calif.

Cpl. R. K. Goodwin Hq. S.C.U. 4419 Prisoner of War Camp Fort Jackson, S. C.

Pfc . Harold Groendyk Btry. B, 113 A.A.A. B.U. A.P.O. 512 c / o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Pvt . Jacob N. Groeneveld 36880023 Co. A. 26th Bu., 1st Regt. For t McClellen, Ala.

P fc . Otto W. Groe'nlng 36160438 97 C.A. (A.A.) ban A.P.O. 954, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Cpl. Dwight N. Grotenhouse 3766S936 Med. Det. 96th Gen. Hospital A.P.O. 121. c /o P.M.. New York, N. Y.

Lt . J . Eugene Hoover 0-1188886 Trng . Group Hq. L .A.A.F. Laredo, Texas

Pfc, G. H. Hospers 82886750 Co. B, 46th Tank Bn. A.P.O. 263 Camp Bowie, Texas

Capt. Robert S. Hudson. U.S.M.C. Marine Barracks Co. " B " U. S. Naval Station, Navy No, 129 c / o Fleet Post Office San Francisco. Calif.

A / S Arys Hultenga Naval Training Uni t Co. G. PI. 1 Bks. 2 Room 217 Western Michigan College Kalamaxoo 46D, Mich.

P f c . Ray Hulsenga 736 Signal Aircraf t Warning Co. A.P.O. 948, c /o Postmaster Seattle, Wash.

Pvt . Alexander M. Humbert 36466702 Sec. K, Brks. 408 Chanute Field, 111.

Cadet Gerrit Levey A.S.T. Unit 4771, 6th Pi t . N.S.T. College Aberdeen, S. D.

Pvt . John W. Ligtvoet 36466064 Co. E. 415th I n f a n t r y A.P.O. 104. c / o Postmaster New York, N, Y.

Cpl. Kenneth R. Lincoln 12169982 327th A.A.F.B.U. Sqdn. S. Crew-10-82 Drew Field, Box 968, Fla.

u Frank D. Lokker 820th F.C. Sq. c /o Postmaster A.P.O. 709 San Francisco, Calif.

Mid'n Richard Loomls, U.S.N.R. Billet 428, U.8.N.R.M.S. Furnald Hall New York 27. N. Y.

I Ensign R. G. Lucking S.C., U.S.N.R. Receiving Barracks, Naval Station Pier 91, Seattle 99, Wash.

2nd Lt . George W. Hutchinson Headquarters, O.C.S. A.P.O. 928, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt . Warren L. Huyser U.S.S. Colorado Box 7, Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.


Cpl. Robert A. Luldens, A.S.N. 16060050 321st Transpor t Sqdn. C-M A.P.O. 744, c /o Postmaster

0-287336 | New York. N. Y.

Ens. George J . Lumsden, U.S.N.R. , U.S.S. Gladiator, c /o F .P .O. I San Francisco, Calif.

[Pvt . Clarence R. Luth 16118947 | Hq. 5th Army, A.G. Section A.P.O. 464, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.



Henry De Leeuw, A/S , U.S.N.R. Medical 6052 Ingleside Ave. Chicago 37. 111.

Ens. Warren DeNeve, J r . U. S. Navy Amphibious Tra in ing Base Camp 4 Fort Pierce, Fla.

Capt. Edward l>e Pree 0-499404 16 T.A.D., 96th Repair Dept. Squad A.P.O. 149. c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Pvt. John J . DeValois 36400137 8 General Hospital A.P.O. 502. c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Pfc . Russell B. DeVette 515265 " C " Co., 2nd Pit . . O.C. Bt t . S.R.T.C. F .M.F. Camp Lejeune. N. C.

A/C Albert DeVoogd 1611899S Scjd. 3. Class 44J Napier Army Air Field Dothan. Ala.

2nd Lt. Donald R. DeWaard U.S.P.O.W. No. 5635 Stalag Luf t 3 Germany

Russel De Valois. A/S, U.S.N.R. V-12 Unit, Oberlin ColleKe Falcott Hall Oberlin, Ohio

F / O Earl W. DeWeert. F, 4316 461st A.A.F. Base Unit Sq. T-2 Lemoore Army Air Field Lcmoore, Calif.

W. A. DeWitt A.S. V-12 (S) Medical 521 Walnut Ann Arbor, Mich.

W. A. DeWitt, Ph. M. 3/c U. S. Naval Hosp. Barracks H23 (Staff) New River, N. C.

Cpl. Edward DeYoung 42028703 9th Q.M. Tra in ing Bn. 51st Q.M. Training Co. Camp Lee, Va.

Eugene E. DeYoung. A.S. Butterfield 208 Dartmouth College, V-12 Unit Hanover. N. H.

Lt . E. J . Dibble Hq. Squadron. F.A.W. 14 c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Cpl. Leonard J . Dick 1608852 325th Base Unit . Squadron D A.P. A.A.F. Avon Park , Fla.

P fc . Richard V. Dievendorf 16060265 74th Bomb Sqd. (H) A.P.O. 662, c /o Postmaster New Orleans, La.

S /Sg t . Joseph Di Gigiio Co. C. 303rd MTB A.P.O. 78. Camp Tutner Dunham. N. C.

Ens. Ward J . Donia LCT Flotilla 12 (Staff) Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Pvt. Henry Dornbos 36885712 Btry. C 62, FABN Camp Roberts, Calif.

P fc . L«urence Dornbos. J r . 36466186 776 Eng. Pet . Dist. Co.. A.P.O. 6H9 c /o P . M.. New York, N. Y.

Pfc . William H. Draper Co. C, 2nd Platoon O.C. A.-S.R.T.C. Camp Lejeune. N. C.

Lt. Wesley Duiker 3rd P.F. Replacement-Barksdale Field, L«.

Cpl. Harold Dykema Co. C, 341st Inf . . A.P.O. 450 Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif.

Lt . Harriet H. Dykema, U.S.M.C.R. 8-G-14 4th Dlv.. F.M.F. c /o Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calif.

Allen Dykstra, M.O.M.M. 3/c 855-12-71 Uni t A-21 M T B R T U. Portsmouth (Melville), R. 1.

Ens. George 1. Dykstra. U.S.N.R. U.S.S.-L.S.T. 379 c /o Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Phil Dykstra, Aer. M 2/c Aerology-N.A.B. Navy 60, c /o F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.

P fc . Robert T . Dykstra 36450110 Sqdn. 7, A.P.O. 12490, B.P.-A. c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Lt . Baster J . Elhar t 0-2058749 Sec. K . - A.A.F.N.S.—S.M.A.A.F. San Marcos, Texas

A. S. Franklin Essenburg, U.S.N.R. 218 Michigan House West Quiid rangle Ann Arbor, Mich.

P f c . Ransom W. Everett 16167906 Co. 74-46, Bepl. Bn. 6th Repl. Depot A.P.O. 711. c / o P . M. San Francisco, Calif.

Cadet Claudius S. Finger Co. O-I , U.S.C.C. West Point. N. Y.

A / S Melvln Folkert Room 202, Michigan House Weat Quadrangle University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich.

Pvt . Gerald Haadsma 36452364 Co. C, 407 Th. Inf . . A.P.O. 102 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Lt. Harold M. Hskken U. S. Naval Reserve Box 43. N.A.A.S. Boca Chica, Fla.

A / C Howard Hakken 10-E 44 P (C) c / o Flight Brig.. BldK. 679 U.S.N.A.T.B. Pensacola. Fla.

Ensign Wm. T. Hakken U. S. Naval Reserve P.O. Box 1057 Oak Harbor, Wash.

A / S Robert Stuart Hall Co. 1357 U.S.N.T, Uni t Great Lakes, III.

T / 5 Willis E. Hall 36408160 1782nd Engr . Par ts Supply Co. A.P.O. 17811 c /o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

A / S Albert Hamel Navy Quarters No. 9. U.C.L.A. Los Angeles 24, Calif.

L t . Peter Hamel Guiter Field Montgomery, Ala.

Dr. La Mar James Hankamp. M.D. Duke Hospital Durham, N. C.

A / C Robert L. Hamm. U.S.N.R. Aviation Cadet Regt. U.S.N.A.T.C., 5C-44C (C) Corpus Christi. Texas

A / S Clinton Harrison. U.S.N.R. 606 N. Broadway Baltimore 5, Md.

A / S Roger Heasley. U.S.N.R. Co. H. Pit . 1 Bks. 2 Room 30S Naval Tra in ing Unit Western Michigan College Kalamazoo 45D, Mich.

A /C Ray Heemstra U.S.N.A.T.B.—CI 10 C-44C (C) Cadet Regiment Corpus Christi, Texas

Pvt . James R. Heersma, U.S.N.A. Co. Pit. 2 Bks. 2 Naval Training Unit Western Michigan College Kalamazoo 45D. Mich.

Pvt . Harvey R. Heerspink 36950440 69th A.M. Lng. Co.. 13th Bn. 2nd Group, Brk. T-346 Camp Lee, Va.

A /C Wesley Heinen 16115798 Class 43-18, Fit. B2 M.A.A.F. A.A.F.B.S. Midland. Texas

Pvt . Robert J . Heise 36597439 A.P.O. 15012. c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

2nd Lt. Raymond J . Helder 01062817 A.A.A.O.R.P. A.A.R.T.C. For t Bliss, Texas

Pfc . Irving HellenRa Medical A.S.T.P. 3651st Service Unit Co. G.

Victor Vaughan House Ann Arbor. Mich.

Pvt . Wayne Kieth Hellemra Co. C, 5th Bn., A.R.T.C. For t Knox, Ky.

S 1/C Douglas E. Hempstead U.S.C.G. U.S.S. Harveson O.E. 316 c /o Fleet Post Office New York City

Capt . George Heneveld 0-437421 468th B. Grp. . 795th Sqdn. O.P.A. 493, c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pfc . Lowell Dean Heneveld, U.S.M.C.R. 1 " Casual Co. Marine Bks. Treasure Island. Calif.

Mid. Gobert G. Heneveld 300 North Ingalls Phi Rho Sigma House Ann Arbor, Mich.

Cpl. Harold C. Henrickson Btry. A, 756 F.A. Bn. A.P.O. 322, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

J . Townsend Hertel Hospital Attendant 1/C U. S. Navy Air Station Medical Dept. Minneapolis 6, Minn.

Lt . ( jg) John T. Hletbrink 01281906 116th Fin. Disbursing Section A.P.O. 115, c /o Postmaster New York. N . Y.

John D. Hlller, A.R.M. 8/c Barracks 56 Ships Co. N.A.T.T.C, Memphis 16, Tenn.

Pvt . Paul E . Hinkamp Co. F. Bt tn. 2 3660 S.U. A.S.T.P. 4740 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich.

Pvt . R. L. Hoebeke . 36474820 Co. C, 83rd Bn.. 16th Regt. Camp Fannin . Texas

Mid'n Earl Holkeboer, U.S .N.R. Midshipmen School. Room 1028 820 Tower Court Chicago 11. HI.

Lt . Benj. Hofmeyer 0-721087 Det. Crew 7610 A.A.F. Casper, Wyo.

R.T. 2/C Henry Hoft le ier Quonset Huts No. 2 U.S.N.M.W.T.8. Solomons, Md.

Cpl. Robert L. H o I f c m a n _ _ i m « 4 8

Pv t . Jack Homan 86748468 528 Engineers Maiot. Co. Camp Bowie. Texas

Sgt. Jack Jalving 1259th M.P. Co. (Avn.) A.P.O. 133, c/o Postmaster New York, N. Y,

Pvt . Howard A. Ja lving 988th Treadway Bridge Co. A.P.O. 230, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Ensign Paul W. Jekel. U.S.N.R. U.S.S. Burrows D.E. 105 c /o Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Sgt. Helge Jesperson 32920244 Hq. Det. Force Hq. A.P.O. 887 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Pvt . John H. Jesser Hq. 177th Bn. 97 Regt. Camp Hood, Texas

Pfc . Howard L. Johnson Sq. 808 13 K.S. 628 A.S.N. 36454740 A.A.F.T.T.C. Sioux Falls, S. D.

Lt. Willard D. June 3rd A.F.R.D. 1st Detachment Plant Pa rk . Tampa, Fla.

Ellis R. Kammeraad, S 1/c (kt) Co. 1788 U.S.N.T.S. Great Lakes, III.

S /Sg t . Har ry S. Keller 12088673 Det. 5—150th A.A.C.S. A.P.O. 709, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

A/C Anthony Kempker 16115070 Group 3B, Sqd. D, Fit . 3 Bomb Wing Ellington Field. Texas

R.T. 1/c Bert. J . Kempker Navy No. 230 Radio Lab. F .P .O. San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt . Ar thur Kerle 12093867 Station Hosp. B.A.D. No. 2 A.P.O. 635 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Pfc . Everett Kleinjans 16119525 253rd Inf . . Co. " M " 63rd Div., A.P.O. 410 Camp Van Dorn, Miss.

A / S John H. Kleis 16118997 Sec. I, Sqdn. 29, Fi t . C. S.A.A.A.B. Santa Ana. Calif.

Lt . Charles E. Knooihuizen 0-832830 Ser. E. Dorer Army Air Field Dorer, Del.

Lt . ( jg) Delbert S. Knooihuizen, U.S.N.R. Barin Field B.O.Q. N.A.T.C. Pensacola, Fla.

Owen J . Koeppe. S 1/c E.E. & R.M. U.S.N.T.C. Bat. 14-44, Pit . 2 Gulfport , Miss.

Pvt . Roger E. Koeppe 36471544 Co. A. Brks. 1505 3587th S.U.M.D.E.T.S. Fort Benj. Harrison Indiana|>olls. Ind.

Pvt. Carl H. Koning 11138303 Sec. I, Block 600 2627 Base Unit, S .P .A.A.F. Lubbock, Texas

Ens. Harvey Koop Batt . 2, Co. E, 2 Bks. 12 N.T.S. (d) . Camp Macdonough Plat tsburg, N. Y.

Sgt. Howard J . Koop 16167897 38th Photo Reconnaissance Squadron A.P.O. 17732, c /o P.M. San Francisco, Calif .

S /Sg t . Gary J . Koopsen 16012991 156th Ln. Sq. Cmdo. L.A.A.F. Lakeland, Fla.

L. F. Koranda. S 2/c U.S.N.R. Midshipman School Section No. 22 Notre Dame. Ind. Ensign Edward H. Koster, U.S.N.R. U.S.S.Y.M.S. 405 Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Vernon Krooi, Aer. M. 3/c Fleet Weather Central Box 182 Commandant Navy No. 128 c / o Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.

T /Sg t . A l thu r J . Kronemeyer 16014709 7th Weather Sqdn. A.P.O. 244. c /o P.M. San Francisco. Calif.

2nd Lt. Lois J a n e Kronemeyer 2010 Basic Tng. Class 9 Englaied General Hospital Atlantic City. N. J .

Ens. Jack K. Krum. U.S.N.R. Commandant 12th Naval District San Francisco, Calif.

P fc . Wal ter Kulpers 12825 Cherrylawn Detroit 4, Mich.

Pvt . Howard Kuiper 36156509 404th Eng. Co. (C) Moore Gen. Hospital Swannanoa, N . C.

Donald L. Ladewlg, A / S V-12 (A) Uni t , U .S .N.B. Co.. 1 P i t . 1. Smith Hall Normal, HI.

Cpl. John H. Maassen A.S.N. 36406023 113th Slg. Rad. Int . Co. A.P.O. 230, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

. Cpl. Robert L. Major . 36460690 27th Troop Carr ier Squadron 69th Composite Wing A.P.O. 627, c /o Postmaster

| New York, N. Y,

Sgt. Chas. N. Mallory, J r . A.E.S. 41-S-62 U. S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, N. C.

Louis Mancinelli George Manting, J r . , S 2/c Sec. F 7-1-Brks. 406 U.P . S.S.C.—U.S.N.T.S.

| Great Lakes, III.

Lt. Emery L. Marquardt 0-835798 815 A.A.F.B.U., Sec. G M.A.A.F.. Maiden, Mo.

Pvt. Charles D, Martlndale Hq. Brittany Base Sec. Cz., E.T.O. A.P.O. 517, M.T.P. , Postmaster New York, N. Y.

. Albert R. Maxbauer T /Sg t . Ist Radio Operator

| Stalag Luf t I, Germany United States Prisoner of War

Pfc. Ernest J . Meeusen 36888133 Co. F, 342 Inf . . A.P.O. 450 Camp Cook, Calif.

A / S Jack H. Meeusen, U.S.N.R. Bks. 2, Co. H, P i t . 1, Room 318 Naval Tra in ing Uni t Western Michigan College Kalamazoo 45 D, Mich.

Lt . Har ry H. Meiners 0-2050103 Regiment School. Co. F Quartermaster School

| Camp Lee, Va.

2nd Lt. Albert J . Meulendyke 0-773754 Sqd. T, 440th A.A.F.B.U.

1 A.A.F. Santa Monica, Calif.

Pvt . Willard J . Midavalne 12130058 A.A.F. Overseas Replacement Depot

| Greensboro, N. C.

Pfc . David Middleton 2111—Air Base Uni t Blythvilie A.A.F. , Ark.

Walter F. Milewski, Phm. 3/c U.S.N.T.C., Dental Clinic No. 3 San Diego 33, Calif.

Dale E. Miller, A / S U.S.N.R. Billet 32314—U.S.N.R.M.S. Fort Schuyler New York 61, N. Y.

Cpl. Donald Miller 36423392 466th Amphibian Truck Co. A.P.O. 159. c / o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Kenneth Miller Lt. Raymond L. Miller 0-881759 1340th A.A.F. B.U. A.T.C. A.P.O. 627 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Cpl. James R. Mooi 16115076 Crew No. 8913 A.A.F. Mountain Home, Idaho

Sgt. J . R. Montgomery 36190017 Bks. 210—1135th Sqn. Camp Luna, N. M.

Ens. Charles E. Moolenaar, U.S.N.R. U.S.N.A.A.B. Navy 423 c /o Fleet Post Office New York, N. Y.

Lt . E. E. Morgan, 3-g-14 4 Div. F. M. F. , c /o Fleet P.O. San Francisco, Calif.

Cpl. David Morrison Sqdn. 6, Sec. C-4 Yuma Army Air Force, Yuma, Ariz.

Lt . Jacob E. Mullenburg 0-1825409 Co. I . 10th In f . A.P.O. 5, c /o P.M., New York, N. Y.

Lt . Don G. Mulder 10th Tact . Recon. Group Esler Field. La.

Harvey Mulder Co. 1039 , N.T.S., Hugh Manley School 2933 W. Polk S t . Chlcngo 12, III.

Pvt . Gerald J . Hoodama Co. 4 Bks. 18. A.8.T.B. University of lUlnoia Champaign, TO.

Jamerf Mulder

Pfc . Wm. D. Maclnnes 32408107 Hq. Hq. Co.. S.O.8. . U.S.A.F, , C.B.I. A.P.O. 885 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

Adam C. McClay. S 2/c 756-8-45. Bldg. 210 B North O.G.U.. U.S.N.T.C. Great Lakes, III.

A / C Cornelius E. Lampen . asp Brks. . Rm. 829 67tH Bat t . U .S .N.P .F .8 . Athens. Ga.

Ens . Maurice C. I « u g . U.S.N.R. Com. Adm. Comd. Phlbs. For Pac . e /o Fleet P.O. San Francisco. Calif .

Ens . Alvin Leenhouts U.S.S. Kyne (D. E. 744) c / o Fteet P.O. f a n Francisco, Cal.

Ph . M 2/c Herber t Le^fa-Manoeil 21 Repl. Bn. , Fleet Marine Force c /o Fleet Post Office Ban Francisco, Calif.

^8 _Uoyd.Len«*n. U.8 .N.R.

Mad. Det. 1881st Ser Uni t -Station HoapHal Camp Gruber, Okla.

Cpl. Seymour K. Padnos 8 U l h A.A.F, Base U n i t " A " Stout Field, Box No. 476 Indiar.npoUs, Ind.

Pn. Joe Palmer , J r . 16116074 Co. C. 266th Inf . A.P.O. 410 Camp Van Dorn, Miss.

S /Sg t . Ralph H . Parsons 36184827 Co. A 688, Slg. A. W. Bn. A.P.O. 822, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Capt. William Pelon. U.S.M.C.R. Hdq. Sqdn. Mag. 85 U.S.M.C.A.F., Corvallls, Ore.

Rc-bert Persse, 8 2/c Class 10-45 Yoeman U.S.N.T.C.. U.S.N.R. , San Diego 38, Calif.

Roy Wm. Petersen, A.S. Sect. No. 13226, U.S.N.R, M.S. For t Schuyler, New York 61, N. Y.

Cpl. Frederick R. Pfe l fe r 16119431 317th Sta. Com p. Squadron A.P.O. 149, c / o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Kenneth Poppen, U.S.N.R. 24(< Iroquois Ave. Detroit, Mich.

Ernest Post, J r . , A / S U.S.N.R. V12 A Wlnchell House 214 Univ. of Michigan Ann Arbor, Mich,

Pvt . Everett C. Potts 36157260 Co. I, 123rd Inf . , A .P .O. 33 c /o P.M., San Francisco, Calif.

Stft. Wayne L. Purchase 879 Sqdn.—499 Bomb Gp. A.P.O. 17177—RZ—169 c /o Postmaster. San Francisco, Calif.

F / O William Reay 114th A.A.F. Base Uni t Syuad E. Chatham Field. Ga.

Robert P . Resch II, A.S.—V-12, U.S.N.R. Platoon 5. Rowland Hall DePauw University Grecrcastle, Ind.

Lt. E. Charles Ridenour c /o E. J . Zwemer 39 W. 17th St . Holland. Mich.

James Martin Riekse 1252 Alexander, S.E. Grand Rapids, Mich.

Sgt . Robert J . Riemersma. U.S.M.C. S.M.S.—14 M.A.G.—14 F.M.A.W. c /o Fleet Post Office Ssn Francisco, Calif.

Cpl. Roger Rietberg 16119166 A.P.O. 16696 A.T. 4 c /o Postmaster , New York, N. Y.

Lt . Nathan J ay Roelofs Co. B, 44th Bn. Camp Howze, Texas

Ens. L. A. Roggen 359120 U.S.S. Navarro, A.P .O. 215 Fleet Post Office San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt . George Damveld Romeyn 36406033 113th Slg Radio Int . Co. A.P.O. 230, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Lt . Eugene A. Rothi 0-700985 49th T.C. Sq. 313th T.C. Group A.P.O. 133, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Kenneth Rotman, Mid'n U.S.N.R. Midship. Sch. Rm. 603 Tower Hall, 820 Tower Court Chicago 11. III. Robert Rottschaefer

Alexander Apts . No. 119 1640 W. Adams St . Chicago, III.

Pvt . Jay G. Rutgers Co. C. 99th B.U. 19th Group. A.S.F.F.C. Camp Clalbourne, La .

L t . Norman L. Rutgers 0-1112950 Hdqa. 821st Eng. Avn. Bn. A.P.O. 719, c /o Postmaster San Francisco. Calif.

Lt , ( jg) Jeanne t t e N. Rylaarsdam U.S.N.R. 5814 Nevada Ave. Chevy Chase 15, D. C.

1 Alfred Rypstra, Midshipman U.S.N.C.H., Arrowhead Springs San Bernardino, Calif.

I A / S John B. Rypstra , U.S.N.R. Naval Training Uni t V-12 Stone Hall Room 16

, Denlson University I Granville, Ohio

War ran t Officer Donald G. Sager Hq. 286, 2A Obsn. Bn. For t Bragg, N. C.

U . LeRoy A. Sandee 0-2068019 708rd Bomb Sqdn., 445th Bomb Group A.P.O. 658. c /o P . M. New York, N, Y.

I Ralph E. Sanford , S 1/c U.S.S. Montank L.S.V. No. 6, Dlv. L c / o Fleet Post Office Mew York, N . Y.

Lt . David W. Saxton 0-866101 —

18th Weather Squadron A.P.O. 639, c /o Postmaster

1 New York, N. Y.

Pvt . Carl H. Schaf tenaar 36471617 Co. D. 172nd Bn. (Sep) I .R.R.B. Srd Plat . Camp Hood. Texas

A / C William G. Schanck 42006034 l Class 45-A, Box 210

N 0-865675 Lt. K. E. Newendorp

Liaison Weather Office Base Weather Station H.A.A.F. , Hondo. Texas

Lester Nienhuis. A.S. V-12 (8) U.S.N.R.. Phi-Chl House 1641 Washtenau Ann Arbor. Mich.

Lt . Edwin J . Nieusma 0-778668 464 Bomb Squadron 823 Bomb Group. A.P.O. 140 c /o P . M., New York. N. Y.

Pvt . Joseph J . Noprthoek 86428888 612th Tng. Group. 68rd Tng . Wing 682nd Bks.. Sheppard Field. Texas

A /C R.P . , Nyboer. Class 6a Av. Cad. Reg., Barr . 2. Room 8 U.S.N.A.A.8. , Klngsvllle, Texas

A /C Robert Nyboer Pro-Flight School Bat. 86—Hornet 2nd Deck St. Mary's College. Calif.

o Ena. Wm. G. Oonk, U.R.N.R. Fleet Records Divlslor. 661 Brannan St . a . . «« •

I .A.A.F. . Independence, Kan.

T / 4 M. C. Scheerens 32685688 8019 Co., 142nd Ordnance Bn.

j A.S.F.T.C.-M.O.P., Jackson, Miss.

T / 6 Robert H . Scheerhorn 86420178 Co. Det. »64a.B, A.P .O. 17410

j c / o Postmaster, San Francisco, Calif.

I Pvt . Wallace H . Schermer. U.S.M.C. M.D.-V-12, Room 18 Monomy Hall, Denlson University

| Granville. Ohio

Pvt . Donald J . Scholten 16176200 Co. G. 428 Inf . , A .P .O. 448

1 Camp Otterbury, Ind.

Pvt . Don Schrlemer 51S844 | U.S. Marine Corps. PI. No. 666 1 Recruit Depot. P a r r i s Is land. S.C.

. P fc . John Wm. Schot 16174257 710 North Lake Shore Drive Chicago 11. III.

Ens. G. L. Shoemaker U.S.S. Henrico, A.P .O. 46 c /o Flaet Poat Office. N . T .

Cpl. Ar thur Slager 16116078 1611 Fighter Bomber Sq.

406 Fighter Bomber Group A.P.O. 141. c / o Poatmaster New York, N . Y.

| Ens . George 8lager U.S.N. Hospital (88 N)

I G n a t Lakes. 111.

; L t . Thomas Slager 0-1291188 I Co. B, 1st I n f . , A .P .O. 46

c / o Postmaster . San Francisco. Calif.

Ena. Willis W . Slocombe U.3 .S . Pickens, A .P .O . 190 F .P .O. , San Francisco, Calif.

I Dayton Smith 12096721 191k Fighter Sqdn.


1st L t . Corneiiua Har ry Snail I nap. Sect. W.P .D, 8686 Beverley Bv Los Angeles, Calif.

P fe . Ernest OverBaek A.S.T.P. Mad. 8661 S.U. 60S Thompson St . Ann Aibor , Mich. Pfc . Robert Snow 16167896

Co. C. m a t Kn>. C. Bn. A J » . 0 . 889, e / o New York City, N . Y .

A / S Harokl B. P^PPjnk, U.S .N.R Marvin J. Overway

S188rd S.S.S.—A.E.S. Pine Camp. N. T .

V-12 U n i t Stone Danlaon University Granville. Ohio

Page 4: 12-08-1944

Page Four Hopo Colloge Anchor

Kicth SoderberR. S 1/c Uivimon ' l i , wiHconHin U. Mftdinon, Win.

Lt . R. J . S.KK)nKtrn. U.S.M.C.R. Co. O. 40lh R.O.C. Marine liarrnckx M.C.S. Qunntico. Va.

Pfc . Leon H . SparlinK 3 2 9 4 3 4 3 9

4 1 4 5 H O H P U H I P lant A.P.O. 204, c /o PoKtmanter New York. N. Y.

Pfc . Robert Spauldin^ 3816 CaHtleman Ave. bt . Luuia 10, Mo.

Ph.M. 3/c Frederick Winnlow Stacks U.S.S. Bountiful (H. Div.) He«i Pont Olfice San Francisco, Calif.

Ens. Harry StelTenn, U.S.N.R. Comm. 7th Amphib. Force* c /o K P . O . . San Francinco. Calif.

Pic . PreBton Stexenxa 95 Q.M., A.P.O. 95 c /o Postmaster. New York, N. Y.

Kenneth StekeUe, A/S Dental Prosthetics Bld»{. 7118 U.S.N.T.C. Brks. 607 Bainbridite, Md.

Pvt. Glenn A. Stokdyk 36H46738 4th Platoon, Co. A, 90th Trn«. Bn. Camp Roberts, Calif.

Lt. Wilbur H. StolU 0.7186M1 •133 Bomb S<|d.. 381 Bomb Grp. A.P.O. 657. c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Ens. A. I). Stopp:ls, U.S.M.R. Room 3099, Baker Hall Naval Tr. St., Ohio State Un. Ohio State, Columbus 10. Ohio

Robert J . Strabbini;. A/S Sec. 1506. Billet 564 U.S.N.R.P.M.S. Asbury Park. N. J .

S^t. Robert R. Taf t I'ith General Hospital A.P.O. 361, c/o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pfc. W. M. Tappan 16106337 Co. G. 36.'>lst S. U. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Lt. Arthur Taylor 0-814442 775 Bomb S<idn.. 463rd Bomb Grp. Maskdill Field Tampa, Fla.

C p l . ROIKTI L . T h a d e n 36159994 Uth Repair Sq.. 12th Air iK-pot Grp. A.P.O. 922, c /o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Lt. Arthur R. Timmer Oen. IMivery Jacksonville. N. C.

Pvt. Ward E. Toner Station Hospital. Ward 24 Lamp Polk. La.

Pvt. Robert F. Topp 26»78625 t i c . A, 3018th A.A.F. B.U. Kinsman, Ari i .

Pfc . Chester J . Toren 16127033 S71st SIr. Co., 23rd A.D.G. Tinker Held. Okla.

Pvt. George A. Toren 3677OHO.", Co. A. 16 Bn.. 4th Pltn. Camp Wheeler, (ia.

Ens. Donald E. Van Farowe 2004 HillslH>ro St. Raleinn. N. C.

Lt. Wm. C. Van Faasen S<jdn. T, Box 399, Chico A.A.F. Chico, Calif.

I-t. Harold Van Heuveb-n ' l .C. O.C.S. Bid*. 7.io N.O. A.A.B. New Orleans. La.

Cpl. l ^onard T. Van Horn A.S.N. 36191^911 Hq. Co., 53rd Inf. Re»rt. Camp Switt. Texas

Cpl. Allan J . Van Huis 3<>450I74. 24hth Ba-*«- L'nit Sec. E. Walker Army Air Field n ictuna. Kan.

Ist 1-t. Williaai V. Van Klt-ef 1262nd A.A.F. Base Unit N.A.F.D.-A T.C. A.P.O. 4a?*. c /o Postmastei New York. N V

Pvt. Dale E. Van l-ente Co. B, 2nd Pit. . 2.">."> Cavannu^h Marine Det.. V-12 Unit Notre Dame. Ind.

A/C Donald Van l^-nt»- 36413264 Class 44-44B. Pit. F. Sect. II 2509th A.A.F. B.U. Bitt Sprinir, Texas

Ens. Harold Van Lente U.S.S. Y.P. ".'4 c /o Fleet Post Olfice San Francisco, Calif.

Maynard H. Van Lente. Ph.M. 2/c N.A.T.T.C. NNard Island Dispensary Corpus Christi. Texas

Cadet Clarence W. Van Lien-Co. B. A.S.T.S. C.U. 4763 Sec. 143 Colorado State College Fort Collins. Colo.

Pfc . Ray A. Van Ommen S"i9 Kinjtsley St. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Ens. Gordon L. Van Oostenburu Navy 3205 Boat Pool No. I.', c /o Fleet Post Oifirr San Francisco. Calif.

Ens. Willis B. Van 0»h U.S.S. New Orleans c /o Fleet F'ost Olfice San Francisco. Calif.

Midship. Lloyd H. Van Raaltc U.S.N.R. Midshipmans School Billet 832A Furnald Hall New York 27, N. Y.

Pfc . Gerald Van Single. U.S.M.C R Btry. B. 12th A.A. Bn. c /o Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Calif.

Pvt. Harold Van Ton«eren. U.S.M.C.R. Marine Detachment., N.T.U. Denison University Talbot Hall Granville. Ohio

T-Sirt. Andrew Van't Slot 36459335 466th Bomb Group 787th Bomb S<|d., A.P.O. 558 c /o Postmaster. New York, N. Y.

Cpl. Theodore Van VIlet 361 <<0034

2-6 Station Hospital Camp Carson, Colo.

T/S»rt. John Wienen 16062101 Det. A 1C2, Co. H, Ist E.C.A. Rejft. A.P.O. 658, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

A /C Chester Van Wieren Batt . 7. Co. N. Plat. 3 U.S.N. Fliirht Prep School Delaware, Ohio

2nd Lt. Gilbert J . Van Wieren 401 Stone Ave. Monroe, La.

P f c . Harold Van Wieren 18 A nice Brookley Field, Ala.

Pvt . Louis Van Wieren Co. A, 4th TraininK Bn. In fan t ry TraininK ProRram Tent City, Camp Lejeune New River, N. C.

Pfc . John W. Van Aali t , A.S.N, 12072747 S l l th T.C. Sqdn. 349th T.C. Group Pop# Held, Ft . BrauK, N. C.

A / S Hunh Van Order J33rd C.T.D. (Aircrew I Si|d. A George Peabidy College Nashville. Tenn.

Lt. Donald Van Ark 3303 San Juan , Apt. 3 Tampa 6. Fla.

Alan Van Bronkhorst, S 1/c Co. 2029, U.S.N.T.C. Great Lakes, III.

Pfc. Tom Van Dahn 36461816 4^3 Siltnal Co, (SP) A.F. A.P.O. 633, c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y

Pvt. Lewis Vande Bunte 16168086 Cias.4 44-42 SS No. 2. L.V.A.A.F. Las Vegas, Nev.

A/S Kenneth VandenBerg U.S N.R. V-12 (S) Med. 1541 Washtenaw Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich.

Pfc. Merle Van Den Berir 515277 C ' Co., 6th Pit.

O.C. Bn. Sch.. Reir. Tr. Comd. Camp Lejeune. N. C.

A/S Jay H. Vanden Bosch, U.S.N.R. S.-ction 160S rre-Midshipmen's School Ashbury Kark, N. J .

Sgt. Leonard J , Vanden Bosch 36187149 Hq. Co.. 103rd Division A.P.O. 470, Camp Howxle, Texas

Dale Vanden Brink. H.A. 2/c Co. 1525, U.S.N.H. Great Lakes, III.

John Vander Broek, S 1/c U.S.S. L.C.I. (Ll 492 Meet Postotfice New York, N. Y.

2nd Lt. Harold (J. Vanderlee D-875114 A.P.O. 4171 c /o Postmaster. New York, N. Y.

Pfc. Alfred Vande Waa 36190082 H"|. Co., 1st Bn.. 355 Inf . A.P.O. ,19, Camp Butner. N. C.

Cornelius A. Vander Woude 3645363.' Base Det. W.A.A.F. Waycross, Ga.

Clarence A. Vandervelde A.S.V. 12isi U.S.N.H. 3035 West Wisconsin Ave. Milwaukee, Wis.

Pvt. Robert Van Dis 36463125 A.T. Co.. 417 Inf. A.P.O. 76. Camp McCoy, Wis.

Pvt. Paul Van Dort 16118992 3505th A.A.F. Base Unit Sect. L.. Bks. 829 Scott Field, 111.

Albertus H. Van Dyke. R.M. 3/c C 1 205 Brks. E Noroton Heights, Conn.

Lt. Donald J . Van Dyke 225th Bomb Unit Sec. 3 Rapid City Army Air Base Rapid City. S. D.

; Pfc. H<irold E. Van Dyke Med. A.S.T.P. 3651 S.U. Co. G

j Victor-Vaughan House j Ann Arbor, Mich.

| Lt. Robert Van Dyk I A.A.F. S.A.A.T. i Orlando. Fla.

Lt. Elmer Van Esmond O.S257I9 George Field Law renceville. III.

Pvt. Robert J . Van Zyl, A.S.W. 16115075, Btry "A." 983 F.A.Bn. A.P.O. 565 Unit 1, c/o Postmaster San Francisco, Calif.

Ens Charles Van Zylen, U.S.N.R. U.S.S. L.C.S. (Ll 131 9 c /o Meet Post Office, New York, N. Y.

Pfc. Gerard Veenschotten 3902 Field. Detroit 14. Mich.

Lt. J . Robt. Vetrter i jm U.S. Marine Corps. Base San Diego. Calif.

[ Cpl. Harold Ver Berkmoes 16O60O96 B.M.I No. 3. Sec. K

; Boca Baton Field. Fla.

I Pfc. Arnold J . Vermeer Ward B- l l . Room 21

| Reirional Hospital j Camp Swift . Texas i

Pfc. Gerald Viening 36453645 I Det. '•A." I26n M P. Co. (A.V.N.I ! A.P.O. 559. c /o Postmaster

New York. N. Y.

' E/C Eugene A. Vis ; Co. C, 3h72 A.S.T.U.

A. and M. College j Stillwater. Okla.

, 1st Lt. John E. Visser Co. H. 39i Inf . . A.P.O. 447 c /o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

I i Lt. W. L. Vlieger 0708768

4H2nd BG.. 715 Sqd. A.P.O. 55i. c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pvt. Jay H. Volkers Co. B. 670 Tank iH-st. Bn. Camp Shelby. Miss.

Leonard Vos 36459324 Company B. 29th Rep'l Batt. A.P.O, 464. c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pvt. Theodore J . Vredeveld Co. C. 270th Engr. C. Bn. Fort IX-onard WO<M1 A.P.O. 461. Mo. Pfc. Wesley Vryhof 17th A. B. Div. 224th Med. Co. A.P.O. 452, c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.


Cpl. Robert Van Zanten 16167464 Hq, A Sv. Troop 85th CAV. RCN. SQD. M.E.C.Z.

-0 . 255. c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

- ' " i Raymond B. Van Zyl 0-717306 A.P.O. 834, 652 Bomb Sq. 25 Bomb Gp., c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

f*}- A. Valleau 38457870 408 Bn. Sq. A.P.O. 889, c /o Poatmaiiter New York. N. Y.

A / S Fred Anthony Valuaek, V-12 Marquette University School of Medicine KllwaukM (8), Wis.

T/5 Clarence M. Wagner 161 18944 241st Q M. Depot Co. A.P.O. 556. c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

Pvt. Glenn M. Walters 65th A.A.F. Tech Train, Dept. Amherst College Amherst. Mass.

Ens. Leslie H. Watkins, A-ViN> L. S. Naval Air Station Banana River. Fla.

Pvt. Earl Weener 16119421 t o , E. 262nd Inf . a .P.U . 17803, c /o Postmaster New York, N. Y.

Pvt. William E. Wells 38457885 Co. E, 309th Inf . A.P.O. 78 Camp Butner, N. C.

Pvt. Wm. Westrate. J r . 36471546 Co. A. Bks. 1505 3587th SU. M.D.E.T.S. Ft. Benj. Harrison, Ind.

Pvt. Byron E. White Maint. Div. BADl Sec. 14 A.P.O. 835, c /o Postmaster New York. N. Y.

1st Lt. Joseph W. Whitinorth 4th herr ing Group Memphis. Tenn.

1st Lt. Ar thur A. Wicks 0-694989 Sect. 1, Class 44-17 A.A.F. B.L.S.. Midland, Texas

Pvt . Henry J . Wierenga 2nd Bn. Hq. 477th Q.M. Regt. A.P.O. 724, Seattle, Wash.

Richard Wierenga Alexander Apts . No. 119 1840 West Adams St. Chicago, III.

Pvt. Jeffery Wiersum 38471543 Plat . 4, Co. C, 82nd Bn., I5th Regt. Camp Fannin . Bd. R.L.C., Texas U. 8. Army Roster No. 195

Pfc . Kenneth N. W W t n a 18187488 A Btry, 855 F.A. Bn. A.P.O. 78, Camp McCoy, Wis.

Pvt. Karl P. Wildermuth U. S. Marine Corps Naval Tr . Un i t Marine Detachment. Room 88, Talbot Hall Denlson University. Granville. Ohio

Sermani Voted to War For those " fa i r -minded" indi-

viduals who a r e all fo r making a post-war set t lement with easy terms for Germany, a f ew fac ts might be an enlightenment. In the first place, when the Allied mili-tary authorit ies enter the Reich they are going to find an astonish-ing number of persons disclaiming any connections with, or support of, the Nazi par ty . The t ru th is tha t as f a r back as 1933, 44% of German voters gave their ballots to Hitler — knowingly voting for war, even then.

The horrors suffered by the French people under four years of Nazi tyranny prompted the mayor of one French city to say, "Iji America people still believe in good Germans. Oyer here nobody believes in good Germans any more."

Af t e r 1918, the peace commission allowed Germany a s tanding army of 100,000. This army was the parent of Hitler 's Wehrmacht. C o m p l e t e demilitarization and strict control over all production and imports would seem to be only two of many ways of dealing with the warrior nation.—Daily North-western.

Dear G,I. Hope:

I have just chased the last un-patriotic moth out of my dear Cor-ona's keys, and here I am in the good old Bastille of Voorhees pounding out another letter. Be-lieve it or not, there was mail in the Camp to Campus mail box.


Pres. Stegenga wrote via V-mai "As for ray present work here •Soraewhere in France, ' 1 find it very interesting. I have had nu-merous opportunities to apply the language t raining I've had both in German and French. There have been occasions to interrogate Ger-man prisoners and also times for interpret ing with the civilian popu lation. I have visited and seen many historic places and cities, in-cluding the French Capitol, "Gay Paree. '

Associated Collegiate Press

^^ ^ ̂ j-uxA,nj*i_ru-u-L

Pfc . Fred Wight 32777384 Co. A, 388th Engineers A.P.O. 350, c /o Postmaster

; New York. N. Y.

; Pvt. Karl Wildermuth 533324 I Platoon 566, U. S. Marine Corps

Recruit De|K>t, Pa r r i s Island, S. C.

| Cpl. Robert B. Wildman 38481720 , Co. B, 536 Amph. Tract . Bn. ; A.P.O. 956, c /o Postmaster ! San Francisco, Calif.

I Lt. Donald K. Williams A.P.O. 16639, G.J. 9 c/o Postmaster, New York, N. Y.

I Lt. Donald W. Winter 01548340 : Ordnance M.A.M. Co. I A .P .0 . 706. c /o Postmaster

San Francisco. Calif.

I Lt. (jK» Fred H. Winter. U.S.N.R. U.S.S, Texas Fleet Post Office. New York, N. Y.

Ted O. Wisner. S 2/c ; U.S.S Bonita, c /o Fleet Post Office I New York. N. Y.

^ Master Sgt. Jay A. Wit{e ! Finance Dept. Air Corps

Mitchell Field. L. L, N. Y. ! Lt. Robert B. Wolbrink 0-777072

Box 513, G.A.A.B. C.C.T.S. I 329th A.A.F. Base Unit . Sqd. S

Greenville, S. C.

Everett W. Woodworth, Ph.M.3/c U. S. Hospital Staff

! Great Lakes. III.

Pfc. Edward J . Yeomans, J r . Ist Detachment (Hq.) N.A.W P.LA.A.F. Presques Isle. Me.

Lt. Charles J . Zoct 111 W. DeSoU Ocean Springs. Miss.

1st Lt. Jacob J . Zuidema 5520 Ellis Ave. Chicago 37, 111.

Theodore Zwemer Alexander Apts. No. 119 1640 West Adams St. ChicaKo. 111.

"It certainly will be a great day when we can re turn to the States and to Hope. Until that happy mo-ment, hello to all f rom 'this s i de . ' "

More news f rom Les Soldats en Francais. Pfc. Fred Wight, '46. was among the general service en-gineers who laid important rail lines to speed General Pat ton 's rapid advance on Paris. Shat tered railroads to the f ron t needed re-storing and the work was given A-l priority. Which all adds up that Fred is r ight in the thick of things.

By the way, we had some visi-tors on the campus. Pfc. Louis VandeBunte was "d ra f t ed" into singing for chapel. It was great to hear hira again. He has just fin-ished gunnery school at Las Vegas, Nev., and is going to Lincoln, Neb., to be assigned to a crew and under-go fur ther training.

Pfc. Chet Toren, '41, was r ight at home in Prof Kleis' physics class last week. Chet is " t inker ing" with something at Tinker Field, Okla., but it is a deep, dark military se-cret.

stationed at Mitchell Field, L. I.,

with the administrat ive branch of

the Array Air Force. Lt. ( j g )

Thurston Ryanbrandt, *41, is the

head signal officer on his boat or

ship — I never know which is which, so won't some Navy man correct me? — Thurston is some-where in the Pacific near the Phil-ippines.

S/2C Harvey Mulder, 43, is pa-tiently waiting in tha t windy city of Chicago to be blown out of the pre-radio school he is now at tend-ing and into primary school — and the work he has been doing isn' t kindergarten ei ther!

Ens. Harvey Koop has just fin-i s h e d Pla t tsburg indoctrination school and is spending a few days in Holland. He is going back east for fur ther t raining but the exact location will be revealed later — it s another one of those military secrets.

Van Alst, Scott

This column wouldn't be com-plete without a little news f rom our WACS, Hoppy and Scotty. They write: "We've been doing four lours of practical work a day in

the clinic and wards for the past month. We still have classes four hours a day, but the lectures are much better now because they are being given by the doctors on the lospital staff. Our doctors' lec-

tures have covered dermatology, orthopedics, general medicine, psy-chology, mental and nervous dis-eases, and a few other classes. Pathology and general surgery are the next courses coming up. Of course, anatomy carries on as usual."

Green-frosh story of the semes-

ter : Shafer house girls, at West-

minster College hear ing one of the

famous Musser chime concerts for

the first time, rushed to wake up the house director. Miss Austa Ho-jer, screaming, " I t ' s the armistice, it's the armist ice!"

WE H A V E . . . The Place The Service The Food

Hoffman Restaurant


Pfc. Gerrit "Hoppy" Hospers hopped home for a short leave. When he gets back to Texas it will be "good-bye" because he is going for a ride. His problem is — what is the best cure for seasickness?

Owen Koeppe has been trans-ferred from Gulfport , Miss., to Navy Pier for fu r the r t raining in the a r t of controlling the ether waves. I II bet he hates being stuck in Chicago for the next seven months — am I kidding? ? ?

Master Sarge Jay Witte, '42, is

He's A Private He's Pvt. in the Army, And he's Pvt. there to say, And no mat te r wha t they do to


They can't take his stripes away.

He'll do K.P. in the morning And do drilling all the night, And no mat ter how they handle


They can't make him do it r ight.

He'll goldbrick f rom his duty And he l l make his day off, too, And no ma t t e r wha t the verdict is. The sentence isn't new.

Bill De Witt has joined the Hope medicos at Ann Arbor. Lt. Donald Mulder has really taken to the air. Duty brought him near home so thanks to an R.O.N, (remain over night) he flew home, and had his Thanksgiving dinner there. Ens. Bob Lucking is stationed in Seattle, Wash. At present Bob is a "land sailor" since he is working an a supply officer in port.

Kerle, Wagner

Here s more news of Hopeites meeting in f a r a ^ a y places. Pvt. Art Kerle met T-5 Red Wagner in Manchester, England. They had a wonderful gab-fest . Ar t has been t ransferred from clerical work to a hospital lab. The days just fly for him because he likes the men he is working with, and finds the

work unusually interest ing. Red is really learning the German lan-guage; however, his work is strict-ly hush-hush.

Basic t raining was ra the r tough on Arney Verraeer. He injured his hip and is now in a hospital in Texas. Arney is in Paris , but it is the plaster variety, because his hip will be in a cast for eight or ten weeks. That ' s a tough break, Arney, and we hope that you will be ambulat ing again soon.

Ens. Robert Cavanaugh has left sunny Mexico fo r the sal ty seas. His destination is unknown as yet, but we hope that he will like the warm climate because he seems to be headed in that indefinite direc-tion.

Good news comes f rom Bob Snow in the Netherlands. The liberated Hollanders have opened t h e i r homes to the boys and are giving them plenty of good Dutch hospi-tality. Some homes have provided recreation rooms for the boys' off-duty hours. The t rea tment of the boys in France and Belgium seems to follow the same hospitable trend.

Joe Deneve, USN, is another one of the "mike and earphone" men. He is in radio school at Miami, Fla. Lar ry Beltman, USMC, is waiting for overseas orders at Cherry Point, N. C.

Bill Poppink, '37, former basket-ball s tar , and president of student council, is stationed in Alaska. He says we might think that it is cold here in Holland; but think of hira!

Trumpets and f a n f a r e — intro-ducing a new member to this elect column. A / S Paul Kleis is taking his boot training at Great Lakes. Bill Lamb, '46, is a flight officer piloting C-47's a t George Field, III.

Cpl. Jack Yoemans is at Harmon Field, Newfoundland. He visited Corner Brook, a lumbering town. This is what he writes about that Newfoundland town: "The beet fea-tures of this town as f a r as we were concerned were the women, they seemed just like American g i r l s , g o o d conversationalists, smooth dancers, smar t dressers, and as you can imagine, very good morale builders." It sounds as though he really likes it up there!

I guess this is the end of my line, G.I.'s, and if I don't get this in the mail bag soon, it will miss the boat. Speaking of mail bags— how about jot t ing down a few lines for Camp to Campus mail bag. We want to know what you are doing to keep out of mischief.

Your obedient correspondent,


^ i i a o n ' s ftrrrtmga

f r o m

' ' D i c k ' ' t h e Shoe Doctor


I. G. A. Finer Foods

He's been on the dirt iest duty And he's made the guardhouse


But no ma t t e r where you find him. He's a member of a crew.

He's a member of a number And his name is G.I. Mike, But he's doing more fo r peace' Than a civilian in a strike.

His pay is fifty dollars And they take back forty-nine, But I'd ra ther wear his G.I. shoes Than be shutt ing down a mine.

The wages of a s t r iker Is more than twice as high. And still with no restrictions You can always hear him cry.

"I want one-ten an hour And t ime off to go to town." The th ing tha t you need, mister . Is a dress of G.I. brown.

With brown you'll be a soldier And can str ike and be a bore, But youl l suffer with the r e s t , of


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WHHHUIHIHWIHIIHIIUHMM T h e T a v e r n W l t h B e 8 t l n Cmaine — Pleasing Surroundings

Page 5: 12-08-1944

They Say Wishins Wi l l Make It So

So Keep That Shining Star In Sight Do you remember the first time

you noticed the sky as a thing of beauty? You were watching a s tar break through the blue curtain of the evening sky and you wished on that s tar . You were very young then and your fondest desire was that Mom and Dad would take you and Bill, the kid next door, to the circus that was coming to town. That s t a r was your lucky s tar and you loved the circus.

The next time you wished upon a s ta r was about three years ago. it was the night of your Freshman class par ty . The air was clear and crisp, just right for a hayride. Everyone was s truggling to find seats in the prickly hay when someone plopped down beside you. You glanced up and it was only Hill, but as you looked into his face, he ceased to be the kid you'd known all your life. He was a new Hill, different and exciting. H i s hand found yours and you knew that he, too, sensed the change in your relationship. You looked up into the sky, the moon brighter and your special s tar seemed to wink at you.

From that night on "your" lucky s tar became Hill's, too. It's shared

all the dreams you two have spent evenings planning. It 's shared your unhappiness, too. Remember your first quar re l? I guess both of you realized that its magic unless you were together, so Hill called you the next day and things were won-derful again.

The days that followed were filled with doing things with Hill. All the ordinary things became special because you and Hill shared them. One of your favorite memo-ries is the night of his f ra terni ty party. Hill brought a corsage of yellow roses, your first flowers from him. The party was perfect and you had loads of fun.

The happy days drifted along and I then suddenly the world became a different place — America was at war. Other s tars entered your life then to separate you and Hill. The s tars of our country's flag called i Hill to fight to save your cherished dreams.

You'll never forget the week be-fore he left for the Air Corps, will

i you ? One night he reached up into the sky. took down "your" s tar and placed it on the third finger of your left hand.

Tonight you're alone as you gaze

L O O K M O W P O P U L A R k

M E L E N I S . S H E U S E D T O

BE S U C H A W A L L - F I O W C P


Arc Young People Irreverent In Attitude?

Take A Look About You and See

Page Five

Everybody likes these poised, smarf,

frim-looking young women who have

gone all-ouf' for Victory.

at the s tars in the heavens, but you know that somewhere Hill is sending his love to "your" star , confident that it will tell you how much he cares. You breathe a pray-er that some day Hill will In- here beside you again and you will wish on a s tar together.

Criticism is often heard concern-ing the non-religious, sometimes almost irreverent a t t i tude of the young people of today. Those who make s u c h criticisms frequently have not stopped to look around them and take account of the ac-tual situation.

In Lawrence, for example, the buses are crowded every Sunday morning with university students on their way to or f rom church. These young men and women do ; not have their parents around, urg-ing them to attend — they do it because they want to. A large per-centage of the two dozen churches in this town also have regular Sun-day evening meetings which are composed almost entirely of young people.

1 rograms for both these vesper meetings and for Sunday School classes are planned by young men and women of university age and are truly inspirational at times. I hese same young church-workers, in addition to teaching Sunday School classes regularly, also com-pose a large part of the church choirs and voluntarily at tend choir practice once a week.

The Army and Navy are still i issuing pleas for more chaplains.

to fulfill the religious needs ex-pressed by the service men. Three or four church s e n i c e s are held each Sunday morning at most army camps to accommodate the crowds, for the skeptical, the soldiers' fa-miliarity with the words of hymns and the service's ritual might prove a revelation.

Even with their limited pay checks, service men are exception-ally generous with their donations,; perhaps because they, more than those who remain safely at home, can appreciate what the modern religion accomplishes in a material way and how fai th in an all-pow-j erful Heing can carry them through j in times of need. This feeling is I demonstrated by the requests o f i men on the bat t lefront for hymns, | ra ther than the shallow "popular" ' music, whenever camp shows come I around. Fhey also read an amazing amount of l i terature, such as daily I devotional booklets and new Testa-1 ments, which various religious or-gan izat inns distribute.

Maybe tlie young people of today can t recite Hible verses by mem-ory maybe they don't believe in sitt ing home on Sunday afternoons .md meditating — but the religion they do have is a much more vital

Quotable Quotes New Wilmington, Pa. — It may-

be only one optimistic note in this war-torn world, but if the names of the new college generation are any sign, brighter days are on their way. Among the f reshmen regis-tered at Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa., are three young ladies named Joy, Gaye, and Cheer-ful. The co-eds are Joy Redmond. Akron. 0 . ; Gaye Jordan, Pitts-burgh; and Cheerful Petti t , Wash-ington, Pa,

• • »

"Whether or not the Dumbarton Oaks proposition will work de-pends little, if a t all, on the past performance of the i 1 1 - f a t e <1 League. Instead, the results will rest upon the actions and coopera-tion of the participating nations. In this the United States no longer can refuse to act; she dare not."— The Syracuse Daily Orange empha-sizes the need for American par-ticipation in the post-war world.

It 's an old tradition at Grinnell College, la., NOT to have a date for the Friday night basketball games. "Hasketball games are not for dates; they are for crowds."

Associated Collegiate Press



i t





f #

I f f f

I m

thing — one they can and do apply. — Daily Kansan.

Associated Collegiate Press



W e

i l K c r r y C h r i s t m a s

ait6 i f a p p y • • X V i u l l r a r

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Page 6: 12-08-1944

Page Six

Christinas Shopping Is A Headache!

Tough That It Comes Once A Year like rolls and I'll miss

them during "Chrtstmas-vacation.1-

stood looking in Brink's new win-

dow till I finished the roll and then

went in. Af te r reading the flaps

of a hundred different books, I

found one that would suit Aunt

Maggie's rather dry taste. A real

accomplishment, 1 thought, as 1 crossed her name off my lengthy list.

On down the streel — picked up some pictures at du Saar's, found some bright paper and holly rib-bon in the 5 and 10 for THE pres-ent. Then over to Jeanne's for a sweater for my sis — (it 's her birthday two days before Christ-mas, so 1 have to get her some-thing especially nice). I had to walk in with my eyes closed, lest I spend the Christmas budget on some little blue number, or those red plaid sox.

At this point I had quite an ac-cumulation of bundles. 1 was look-ing for a magic wallet — the kind that opens and you put the money in and then open it the other way and . . . well, you know. But no-body seems to — in fact one clerk said, "If you find one, come back and tell me where! I want one, too."

1 detoured to Myers to listen to records, and came out with a bow and arrow set from their toy de-partment. I waved at Hetty as I passed Sears, and made a bee-line for Pros', with all-the-packages-so-far in one arm and the little ( ? ) bow and arrow set under the


-I- maneavefed" myself down" thfe

narrow aisle to the rear of the

establishment, leaving in my wake,

three indignant ladies who had

been jabbed ever so gently in the

ribs with my packages, two Christ-mas cards, lying in the aisle, sent there by my small little package, and a badly shaken statuette priced at $5.25 (I looked later.)

I bought my roommate's present and fought my way back to the

Maybe it was the first snowfall. Maybe it was the candles on Eighth Street. Maybe it was the Christ-mas spirit. But whatever it was, ita got me, and I bundled up to go Christmas shopping. I remembered some little advice in the paper about doing your Christmas shop-lifting early.

I sauntered down t i g h t h Street whistling I'll Be Home for Christ-mas and dreaming about that happy day when we all pile onto the Wolverine and head for New York, New Jersey and all points east.

I stopped at the bakery for a front of the store with no notice-able casualties, except my shat-tered nerves. I decided then and there to unburden myself, and stumbled completely exhausted into the Model.

In another half hour I had gained enough strength to continue. One look at the Tower Clock told me I'd belter forget the shopping and get back to the campus for a WAL meeting. Oh, well, there's still sev-enteen shopping daze till Christ-mas.


GROSSMAN'S Successors to A. Steketee & Sons

Holland's Most Progressive Department Store Phone 1)736

20-22 East Eighth Street

For Your Christmas Cut Flowers Plants, Corsages, Mistletoe


Warm Friend Flower Shop I n t h e

Warm Friend Tavern Phone 7634

TO Best Wishes for a

fflprry (Cliristmaa

and a

Happy Sfciu ^}rar



m f e r r y

A l l Mary Jane Restaurant

WAVES Solve Jig-Saw Puzzle to Aid Navy's Fighting Men


These WAVES are working on a jig-saw puzzle — the most important jig-saw puzzle imaginable. On duty at the Navy Hydrographic Office, they are helping construct a chart by use of aerial photographs. In its finished form the chart will guide the Navy's fighting men in operations in the Pacific zone. In existence two years, there's still a«need in the WAVES for thousands of patriotic young women 20 to 36, without children under IS*— whose starting pay, counting food and quarters, will be $141.50 a month, plus many "extras" and post-war advantages.

Brush Up On Your Cooking, Girls . .

Reach Men's Hearts Through Their Stomachs "Men's hearts are more easily

reached through their stomachs," a home economics freshman at Iowa State Teachers' College said when asked why she had chosen home economics as her major. Her face was tinted a deep pink as she went on to explain her belief that almost any man could be interest-ed in a girl that could replace his usual cold breakfast food with hot rolls and grape jelly.

The sudden doubling of fresh-man enrollment in the home eco-nomics department might be the result of girls believing that the training would make them better wives for GI Joe in a post-war marriage, believes Dr. Elizabeth Sutherland, head of the depart-ment. Again she points out that

the increase may be the result of

the intensive college publicity pro-

gram of the past three years.

"Gee, everyone used to think that homemaking was a sort of a drudg-ery connected with washing dishes and cooking spinach," exclaimed a home economics major inter-viewed in Lawther hall this week. She went on to point out that she believed that violinists or painters were no more artists than is a good cook. She also thinks that a girl taking home economics first has a wonderful chance to enter such fields as dietetics, designing, institutional cookery or interior decorating upon completion of her home economics courses.—Ruthann Hermanson.

Associated Collegiate Press

Livingston Dormitory

Restored to Owners Livingston Hall at Columbia

University, New York City, has been given back to the College. Once again fellows will drape out of windows and lounge around the lobby. Lights will no longer go out at 10:30. Nobody will ever again get up at half-past five in the morning to do calisthenics. There will be radios blaring, water fights, and penny-pitching. There will be complaints about all of them. Dorm life is on its wonder-ful way back, as it is on many cam-puses throughout the nation.


t H R l 5 T M « i 2 K

TULIP RESTAURANT 59 East 8th Street

You are always welcome at the Traditional College Restaurant


Christmas Cards See The

Old News Printery 32 W. Hth St. P h o n e 2020

Ahovt- ( T h o m a s Store

Have a"Coke"=IAdelante con la musical (GET IN THE GROOVE!)


...or getting along in Guatemala Music and Coca-Cola spell friendship among our Latin-American neighbors just as they do here at home. Have a "Coke" is an invi-tation of welcome as quickly understood in Guatemala as in Georgia. In many lands around the globe, Coca-Cola has become the same symbol of friendliness that it is in your own living room.



A n Apple for Teach«r

or What Do I do Now Oh, it 's a great life if you don't

weaken — you guessed it — prac-

tice teaching! The first day you don a dress (not a sweater and a skir t ) , heels, roll up your hair, and try to look intelligent. All you lack is a pair of goggles! You walk gracefully with your nose a bit raised into the assigned room, but the teacher isn't there. You sit impati.ently wondering why you ever todfe. Education courses. All of a sudden"k^student yells, "Hey, are you the teacher?" Such an en-couraging beginning!

The first few weeks are spent in observation. At some time or other without fail, the teacher is called out of the room during your "green season" and here comes your big moment to rise and shine. Your mother never told you about this! Your stomach takes an in-ternal slide; your throat is dry; your eyes bulge. Thoughts race through your mind. What did that pret ty ( ? ) Education book say about class management? You-vaguely remember reading a chap-ter in Johnson's book about disci-pline. Another flash — psychologi-cal moment for what — oh, that 's right — for the assignment. Flash! Flash! Transfer of training — "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." How true — how true!

Time marches on and you ex-change places with the real teach-er. Then comes the fireworks! It 's valuable to know something, but to be able to explain it — well, it 's a horse of a different color. Ques-tions are numerous — some point-less, some pointed! An excellent example — "What is the definition of a f l i r t?" asked an innocent ( ? ) male. You answer, "If I winked at you, I'd be a flirt." So he winked! Smart kid, eh? You criti-cize their themes and say that some of them would pass in the dark and someone mumbles, "You would, too." To laugh or not to laugh, that is the question!

Then there's always a problem child who knows your nickname and your past! Students' papers are always amusing — added at-traction — drawings, such as sub-marines, delivery trucks, airplanes. Something new each day to break the monotony. Yo-yos and pea shooters are very popular annoy-ances. You make the guilty hellion get down on his knees to pick up wads of paper. Guess it didn't do much good — he was only compar-ing ankles at close range!

One day just before a test a "freshie" asks, "What are you do-ing Saturday n igh t?" Your hands itch to give the student a good whack across the face, but your better judgment prevents you.

Such is the life of a so-called practice teacher. Haven't you no-ticed a be-draggled look on our faces — fallen arches — and wrin-kled foreheads? It wears on one's brains, hose, shoes, nerves, ward-robe (such as it is), and the red pencil. Sometimes you wonder — Is it better to be in f ront of a desk or behind i t? Urgent — a book — "How to Hook a Man" — but quick!

"Coke"=Coca-Cola It's natural for popular names ID* acquire friendly abbrevia-tions. That 's why you heat Coca-Cola called 'Coke".



11 East 8th Street

Wade's Store


Box Candy Bunte - Gales - Schraff's

. Assorted Chocolates

$^.00 and $i|.50

Select Yours Now

Hansen's sm!






1 I




Page 7: 12-08-1944


Hope Page Seven

Reflections In a Mud Puddle, or Why

the Four Muses Joined CIO Local No. 4 Nature 's verdure having gravi-

tated somewhat hopelessly from the campus shrubbery to that adorning the skulls of some 200 old neophyte Hopeites leads one to ponder over goings on and to adopt a sort of turtle 's eye view of hap-penings such as Dr. Wichers' busy fall days (and nights) . In addition to the enormous task of directing Hope's administrative technicali-ties, turning off the lights in the science building, directing the plumbers, putting out leaves which have caused mysterious conflagra-tions, gathering jokes for the next Mixer, he arrived home to find tha t he has been scheduled to act as Grand Marshall a t a nocturnal "Pa jama Parade" held during the wee hours on the athletic field.

Saw a sign in the lower hall of Van Raalte the other day, "Stamp Shack" . . . "Blondes for Sale" . . . tried reading the second sign over again . . . someone had changed his mind and removed the 1 . . . I know, Joe, there are lots around, but must we be so brusque about the condition ?

Advertisement appearing in De Graff's English Survey Outline: PAIR 0 ' DICE LOST!!!! . . . J . Milton . . . Hear tell they put his bones in Westminster Abbey . . . I wonder . . . !!

People are beginning to get over election blues . . . "All this and Eleanor, too?" . . . But I wonder if my kids will like the New Deal? . . . I should live so long!!!

We wonder will Coach's Advice to the Lovelorn Department suffer now that he's got rank? Been try-ing for ten years to get on his approved list . . . he knows the family.

Someone ought to write "Varia-tions on the Excuse for Not Writ-ing a Theme" some day.

Classes not to cut: Doc Kuypers' Bible; his "Pound of Flesh" Do-

mestic policy is rugged. Then he lectures on "How to Win Wives and Influence Women" (Let 's not get piggish, Bub!!) in this day and age, too.

Places not to visit: The science building in the P. M. . . . volatile odors of a most unpleasant sort . . . it stinks!

Freshman Last Words: "Green?" . . . "No S i r ! " . . . "You mean grab my ankles?" . . . "I 've found the cutest way to wear my beret" . . . Pictures we would like to preserve: Upperclassmen worrying about the Frosh at t i tude when told to pot. "Jack" laughing himself into an pretzel over feminine football tac-tics. Looks on faces when Prof. Edwards read "Daniel" to us.

Post-war Aims for Hope Co-eds: (things we would like to see around again) Men . . . Nylon . . . Men . . . Candy Bars . . . Men . . . Trips to . . . South of Holland . . . Prof Cavanaugh . . . Steaks . . . Men . . . the chapel three-quarters full again . . . with . . . men . . . etc. ad nauseam.

Notice!!! Diamonds: all sizes, shapes, descriptions bought, sold or hocked . . . Izzy Finkleheimer.

Close we must, with a solemn philosophical tidbit to leave to the frosh from Philly Willy Nilly, the thought provoking stimulus to so much that is unprintable. He says, "Dear Lowly Ones: To listen at-tentively to Upperclassmen's dis-course and to keep one's trap shut, is to have the knowledge that you know in the great finality all that you already know plus what your superior knows." This, in the final analysis, is nothing since four years of college serve only to in-form one that he is an ignoramus capable of looking up the right an-swer in a book written by someone else who has looked up the an-swers in a book someone else has written.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS R o b e s - G l o v e s - S c a r v e s

N e c k w e a r - B i l l f o l d s S w e a t e r s

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Sears Order Office G i f t s f o r

t h e E n t i r e F a m i l y

Call 3148 19 W. 8th St.

Knooihuizen Shoppe

Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Gloves

Slips, Gowns,

Robes, Gloves, Bags

SNYDER'S SHOE STORE Wishes a Merry Christinas to

HOPE COLLEGE and Suggeits

Bedroom Slippers Make Good Gifts




Deposits Insured up to 15,000.00


Miss Josephine Tuminia, Metro-

politan Opera star , who ushered in

Holland's Columbia Concert Series.

Amid nature's winter wonderland

scene an enjoyable joint meeting of

Thesaurian and Tri-Alpha was held

December 1 at 7:30. The theme for the evening was "Thanksgiving Leftovers".

Sarah Jack and Paul Tanis opened the meeting with devotions, a f te r which President Hine ex-tended a hearty welcome. Then Ruth Ann Poppen, the Thesaurian president, rendered "Jesus, Rose of Sharon", accompanied by Nellie Mae Ritsema. Next came "Hash" a la song style Wilbur Brandli. To add tartness to the festivities Harold Des Autels provided the "Sage Dressing" in the form of a serious paper entitled "Excerpts on Mahatma Ghandi". Surely a fine dressing excellently presented. A quartet composed of the Misses Timmer, Meulendyke and Young sang "Walking in the Winter Won-derland". Had there been sufficient wish bones for all, I am sure the unanimous wish would have been for more of that singing. Tim Har-rison provided the indigestible dish, scalloped field com or a humor paper entitled "Football, or Don't Look Now But Grandma is Play-ing Drawback".

According to the master critic, Alan^Staver , and the chaperons,

Mr. and Mrs. Vander Borgh, the meeting was a huge success and those "Thanksgiving Leftovers" were still plenty good.

S o r o r i t y h i g h l i g h t s - - -


The Delphi meeting Friday night

centered around a winter theme,

especially emphasizing snows and

all that it symbolizes. Pledge Joan

Rypstra opened the meeting with the reading of devotions. Norma Albers supplied the musical tal-ent with "The Chopin Waltz."

Peg Bakelaar followed with a very informative and interesting paper on The Physical Make-up of Snow. Delphians learned many new things about the familiar fall-ing white or translucent ice crys-tals.

Je r ry Rynbrandt presented a clever pantomime which portrayed feeling among the four seasons of the year, and pointed out many amusing incidents which could and did befall the Hope co-ed in the dif-ferent seasons of the year.

The meeting was brought to a pleasant ending with Delphians singing several winter songs led by Connie Crawford. Carol Mep-pelink and Irene Lundie were in charge of the program.


"Ping, ping, ping" went the nickles as pledges Rosemary Fin-law and Jean Watson went back to Brooklyn with the Juke Box. The first selection featured Betty Brinkman singing "Say A Prayer For The Boys Over There." The versatile Bunny Goff reading a serious paper entitled "I'll Walk Alone" against a background of the popular tune by the same name, was their second choice. Number three coming up: Helen Van Dyke singing America's number one hit of the week. "The Trolley Song." A tap routine featured Lorraine Ver Meulen. Spike Jones with his "wash-board band" played "Jingle Bells" a f te r the Brooklynites de-posited the fifth nickle. Their last choice, of course, was the record of all Dorian girls l if t ing their voices to the Lavender and Gold. Lor-raine Ver Meulen was the program chairman.

The officers for Dorian's second term are : President, Elaine Schol-ten; Vice-President, Bunny Goff; Secretary, Edith Wolbrink; Treas-urer, Ronnie Finlaw; Reporter, Dorothy Weyenberg; Keeper of the Archives, Betty Kingsfield.

DU SAAR PHOTO & GIFT SHOP Photo-finishing, F raming

and Gif ts 10 E. 8th St., Holland, Mich.






For Your Foot-wear Needs

BORR'S BOOTERY 21 W. 8th St. Phone 2821

We Wish You AH the Season's Greetings and Hope You Enjoy Your Vacation





Cleaning and Steam Pressing

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9 East 10th St. Phones: 4337 and 9231

Holland, Michigan


The Sib-Sorosis joint meeting Friday night was a success as usual. Sib president, Mike Kleis, welcomed t h e Sorosites a f t e r everyone was more or less settled in the Commons Room.

The meeting opened with the reading of devotions by Marion Reus, followed by a paper entitled "Christmas Card" by Rose Seith. This eventually developed into a song fest ranging from popular songs to Christmas Carols.

Next the Sorosis freshmen en-tertained and rather outdid them-selves with a presentation of "The Fantasy Follies of '44" given by the Fourteen Flops. Dorothy Boot as the girl and Mary Lou Williams as the boy were shown engaged in controversy finally won by Mary Lou. (how did ya do it k id?)

Norma Vader, the master of ceremonies, next introduced the Lee sisters, Homely, Beastly and Ghastly. They appeared on the stage in costumes fitting their names and gave forth with "Let Me Call You Sweetheart".

Then again back to serious things, Mary Liz Aldrich read "The Titian" by Benjamin Kavem. The story was taken from the Novem-ber issue of the Atlantic Monthly and had a beautiful outlook for the future which all of us could well acquire.

Last but not least by all means, the Sib freshmen presented "Pa-rade of the Pajamas". Styles of any size, shape or color were modeled and explained by Cleo Vander Molen with expressive mus-ical background. Shrieks accom-panied all variations as the Soro-sites recognized their own paja-mas exposed to the public eye. I'd still like to know how they got the pajamas unobserved!

The m e e t i n g adjourned but everyone stayed for hamburgs (with everything) a n d c o k e s . Everyone had a swell time and here's to more Sib-Sorosis joint meetings.



Triumph In COJOFRTT TRIOMfHE b ENCHANTING t h t ' U lev* Its ttulf lotiiBff, odvtaturaui l i a f t a a e * . ta « «tun-nlaa bottl* . , . . . f g

Spicy, Chvtf-fmk y THE YANKY

CLOVER SET TeiM Watoc Duatiaf Powduoad tMfcM • « « la AU A a t t i o o a m * tono-brHudnui.*!


On Friday, November 17, the Sibs met in f ron t of Voorhees Hall where cars were waiting to take them to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sligh's home on Lake Macatawa. Mr. Sligh is the National Amateur Water Skiing Champion of the United States and we all looked forward to this meeting.

Devotions were led by Evelyn Reus. Rose O'Day introduced our host for the evening and some of Mr. Sligh's students of water ski-ing. Two of his skiers, Ike Boer and Phyllis Van Lente read a poem about water skiing with all apol-ogies to Mr. Longfellow and Hia-watha. In keeping with the theme of the evening an original song "We'll Always Ski Together," was sung by Screwball (Jean Snow), Ike Boer, Phyllis Van Lente and Rose O'Day. The rest of the eve-ning was turned over to Uncle Mort who showed us the uncen-sored beautiful technicolored mo-vies of water skiing which were taken last summer on Lake Maca-tawa by a camerman from Warner Brothers Studios. Highlights of the movies featured Mr. Sligh ski-ing and ski jumping on one ski, and Ike Boer falling very grace-fully head first in the sand. Water skiing looks quite easy and a f t e r the movies were over we all felt as though we could put on a pair of skiis, hitch up to a speed boat and perform the various feats with no ( ? ) calamities. Af te r the refresh-ments and the singing of college songs we agreed that it waa a worthwhile and well-spent evening.

N * S e t * ^


r u « - M i i u * 4


Model Drug Store 33-35 W. 8th St.

"Meet Your Friends at The Model"

Martin Stores Gills for Christmas

Koep worm • • . and took wonderful —in this WHITE STAG 4.SEASOM JACKET, Zt lon water-proofed. Tailored shoulders, ad-justable wbist, hip length, leather buttons.

p COlOftS; Som I , Tobacco, Orojr.OrooM, Fotar f l o o

Wear it with WNUI STAG'S

V Export Slocks We hove them in a range Of fine worsteds and

. •oon ty i colors^.

tjeane's Shoppe

Eighth at Central

Page 8: 12-08-1944


P o g t J Q g h ^

" W * Rcgrtt To Inform You", To Hit Memory

H o g ^ C o U s g ^ A n c t o r

Time plays tricks with the imagi-

nation, fo r i t seems as if it were

years ago t ha t I got this telegram

I am now holding in my hand, and

as if a decade had passed since I

read the words, "We regre t to in-form you . . .** Yet it seems like only yesterday that he was home on his last furlough, standing tall and s t ra ight in his uniform, looking very "out of place" amid the peace-ful surroundings of our home.

A smile played on his lips, the same smile tha t was his as long as I knew him. The first memory 1 had had of him as a child, was watching him play by the creek tha t wound around the field in back of our house. He was playing with a fleet of "leaf-boats ," all of which were carry ing an important cargo. Sand on one was sugar, dry leaves on another was tea, and flower petals on a third was silk cloth. He had jus t caught a small, green f rog , which, he said, was a large, very dangerous alligator, and had • to be kept on a lonely island.

Through school, he never really j "grew up." He remained a child with his imagination always gov- j erning his life. He was very dif-ferent f rom the other boys, and while they played and fought and

had their good times, he got much more pleasure out of a book. The minute he entered the house his hands would, out of habit, pick up a magazine or book or newspaper, anything that was handy, and his eyes would drink in the words, as a starved man would eat food.

He would have come out all r ight in normal life, but the Army is no place for a temperamental person. I couldn't tell whether or not he really did like it, in his own im-aginative way, for I never saw him in his surroundings there. His letters, of course, were cheerful, but they never told us what he did. He only talked about what he would do when he came home again. He was so overwhelmingly happy when he was home tha t I could tell that he was t rying to enjoy his entire life in those few days.

When he left for the last t ime he whistled a tune, but I couldn't tell whether it was to keep up his morale or ours. Perhaps he knew, what our hearts wouldn't let us think, that it might be the last time he would see us. Now, look-ing at the telegram, 1 can see him yet, walking tall and s t ra ight down the path. Walking out of our lives, marching into war and death.

TOBOGGANS $ ^ . 5 0 to $ « | y .95

Skis - Skipoles - Pads

We Have Your Size


Nies Hardware Store 43-46 East 8th Street


W l i th

C a s h u n c i C a r r y

Michigan Cleaners I. HOLLEMANS, Prop.

232 River Ave. Open Saturday Evenings

Magazine Baskets - Hassocks Table Lamps - Book Ends

What Not Shelves - Stuffed Animals

DeVries & Dornbos Co. "The Home of Good Furn i tu re"

Choose Your Christmas Gifts At

The Book Nook

Current Novels - Biographies Children's Books - General Literature



Forum Continued Continued f rom page 1

he possesses. The Pan-German League which was established in 1866 and reorganized in 1890 shows this at t i tude. The purpose of this League was to fos ter "Germanism" in every part of the world and it oven went so f a r as to demand German hegemony for the ent i re world. Von Treitschke was the great leader of this movement. All his writ ings are full of the doctrine that "The greatest moral duty of the s ta te is to cultivate its might ." "Smaller states," said Joseph Lud-wig Reimer, "must sacrifice as much of their independence and language as may be necessary to the unity of the new empire."

The German has a persecution complex. It arises f rom the fact that because his own superiority is so clear in his own eyes he feels sure that all people are jealous of him and hostile to the idea of their inevitable submission to his supe-rior intellect and power. Because of this jealousy all the world schemes and contrives to prevent the accomplishment of his mission. His suspicions are unlimited and apply to any one who dares not to place himself under the absolute control of the superior race. From this feeling arises the talk about "encirclement, "I>ebensraum," and the complaint over the Versailles t reaty.

The German is given to "retro-spective falsification." German his-tory texts assert that Germany has never been defeated in a war. If they may seem temporarily to have been defeated it is owing to the scheming of plotters who are al-ways ready to injure this great na-tion. Af t e r the World War the word defeat was forbidden in Ger-many and if the idea must be used the word "collapse" (Zusammen-bruch) was allowed.

With such a. train of thought fos-tered during the past centuries it is futi le to say that we shall have peace with Germany, if we punish the war criminals and exact retr i-bution for the wrongs they have done. The entire German nation must be re-educated in the way of life which allows for no super-race but which teaches that all men are brothers and that " the . s t r o n g ought to bear the infirmities of the weak."

Ben Van Lente All kinds of

INSURANCE 177 College Avenue

Our Engllfh Training

Cause df Poor

Background in Histo.y Wincing at the deplorably ragged

background in American history of the average — and the above-aver-age — college graduate, E. C. Drake, in the October Harper ' s Magazine, absolves history depart-ments of some of the blame and suggests that the responsibility of the English departments needs looking into.

The l i terature of American t ra-dition comes within the ken of the English departments, Drake ar-gues, not primarily in tna t of the history departments. Besides, he adds, "They have the time . . . The English departments are teach-ing nothing."

The former advertising rr an con-demns the college English faculties for str ipping their courses to com-position and general surveys of l i terature. He claims tha t f a r f rom "preserving the life, which is thought, they have kept only the bones of the composition." As for the surveys, " they intend to be a panorama and succeed in being a hazy horizon on which nothing worthwhile may be seen . . . ( they) neither accomplish anything distinctly American."

Associated Collegiate Press


Visscher-Brooks INSURANCE

No. 6 East 8th St. HollandL Mich.



Hollami S ta te Bank Bldg.

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F. T. D. Wire Service


_y d i m t m a s (gi f ts

For Him A t


The Kibitzer . • . by Viv Dykema

The big game of. the y sa r was the Army-Navy clash December 2 in

which Army won 23-7. The first quar te r was a batt le of the lines, but

Army broke through in the second quar te r fo r i ts first touchdown. Ac-

tion followed with a blocked kick and sa fe ty which put Army f u r t h e r in

the lead 9-0, a recovered fumble for Navy, and an intercepted pass by

Army all happening in a couple minutes. Army led in first downs 11-8.

Davis, Blanchard, and Hall played bril l iant football with Davis bringing

his touchdown total to twenty for this season. One-hundred fifty pound

Hal Hamburg was the sparkplug of Navy. Hats off depar tment : To

Dick Walterhouse who made a new collegiate record when he booted his

45th, 4r»th, and 47th extra points to pass the previous record of '44. .

News in the field of baseball concerns the death of Judge Kenesaw

Mountain Landis who was baseball's high commissioner for twenty-four

years. The 78-year-old commissioner is remembered for his fa irness to

all, and as a friend of the underdog. Judge Landis, fo rmer federal

judge in Illinois, took over as baseball ruler in 1921 as a result of the

Black Sox scandal in 1920, and he has ruled basball with an iron

hand ever since.

The Big Ten tit le was decided in the Michigan-Ohio S ta te game be-

fore a crowd of 72,000. Ohio State showed its superiori ty by defeat ing

Michigan 18-14 with each of the five touchdowns made f rom within the

one-yard line. Les Horvath led Ohio to its first undefeated and untied

season since 1920. Chubb, Ponsetta, and Culligan stood out for Michi-


Flash!! Harold Newhouser, Detroit southpaw mound ace, was chosen

the most valuable player in the American League. Newhouser beat his

righthanded teammate Dizzy Trout by just four points, 236-232. Ver-

non Stephens of the Browns was third with 193. Newhouser became

the fourth pitcher to be so honored in the history of the American

League. He is the first member of a non-pennant winner to be selected

the most valuable since J immy Foxx in 1938.

The men on Hope's campus have been practicing basketball with an

eye to forming definite teams in the fu ture , let 's have a game!


^ r a a n n ' s ( H r p e t i t i g B

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