This week at MQOA: Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers Pg. 4 Learn Spanish at IC Pg. 5 Be healed at MQOA Pg. 7 Instructions for all Mass ministers WELCOME Thank you for joining us for Mass today. We hope that you find us to be Holy Spirit-filled disciples of Jesus Christ, centered in the Eucharist, striving to offer welcome and healing to all. Contact us soon to find out how you can be a part of what MQOA is building here in Salem. JULY 28, 2019 www.MQOA.org 978-745-9060 [email protected]

1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the

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Page 1: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the

This week at MQOA:

• Pg. 3 Today’s Mass readings and prayers • Pg. 4 Learn Spanish at IC • Pg. 5 Be healed at MQOA • Pg. 7 Instructions for all Mass ministers


Thank you for joining us

for Mass today.

We hope that you

find us to be

Holy Spirit-filled

disciples of Jesus Christ,

centered in the Eucharist,

striving to offer welcome

and healing to all.

Contact us soon

to find out how you

can be a part of what

MQOA is building here in


JULY 28, 2019


978-745-9060 [email protected]

Page 2: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the



As we say goodbye to Fr. Jay, I want to say thanks to all who were there to say farewell and all those who helped to make the morning a nice event. Fr. Jay is a wonderful priest, and we have been blessed to have him with us. We wish him well as he takes up the new task given to him by his order (the Salesians of Don Bosco). This week we welcome Fr. Remy Matadi SMA, a missionary father originally from the Republic of Congo, who presently serves in Kenya. We officially welcomed him this past Monday, and he will be with us during the month of August, which will allow me to take a vacation and then a retreat. He has been helping to cover a parish in Needham and has been waiting to come here to begin to serve. It is always good, I think, to get a perspective from another country in a different part of the world. Father Gabriel, who was here last week, told me that one time he was let off a bus and had to walk 12 miles to get to his village. It was late at night, in the forest. As he walked, he prayed the rosary in a very loud voice — which scared off a leopard that was following him for a part of the journey. This puts into perspective that barking dog who jumps up on the fence but can not make it over, when I am walking in his neighborhood. I have heard many such stories from some of the missionaries and remember a few myself from visits to Ghana, Malawi, and Zambia. They bring a different perspective and help us appreciate more deeply all that we have. I preach on the themes of discipleship and mission fairly regularly. The Pope focuses on these themes, too, so I feel that I am in good company. The Holy Father has challenged the Church to be a “field hospital,” a place for the wounded to come and know, see, and feel that Christ is calling them to relationship and to healing. There is a lot of damage in the Church, both worldwide and locally, and I am proud of how we have begun to address these problems. Our parish mission statement, which is the message on the front of the bulletin, states our identity and purpose as a parish: we are disciples of Jesus Christ, centered in the Eucharist, who seek to evangelize and heal. This means that we need to go and find those who are wounded and invite them to receive Christ and His healing message and Spirit. For those who do not know Christ, or those who have forgotten Him, we are called to go out to them and share the Good News. The Church is a mission, and everyone is called to use their gifts to help advance the mission. Our local mission is to go and find everyone in Salem who has not heard of Jesus or has turned away from Him, and invite them back. The big question is, what will they find when they come here? Are we a welcoming, hospitable, faith-filled community? Are we poised to grow in a way that allows our guests to experience authentic community, prayerful discipleship, and active practitioners of our faith, both within the church building and out in the “field” of Salem? These are our big challenges, and we need to ask how we can make ourselves better at all of these. Thanks, again, to the Catholic Heart Camp teens who were here this past week. It was wonderful to be with them, and we are grateful for the work they did, which included organizing the basement of the rectory, and for their work on the lower church at IC. Peace, Father Murray





978-745-9060 M-F 9:30AM-3:00PM

Page 3: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the



Al despedirnos del P. Jay, quiero dar las gracias a todos los que estuvieron allí para despedirse y a todos los que ayudaron a hacer de la mañana un buen evento. El P. Jay es un sacerdote maravilloso, y hemos sido bendecidos de tenerlo con nosotros. Le deseamos lo mejor, ya que asume la nueva tarea que le ha dado su orden (los salesianos de Don Bosco). Esta semana damos la bienvenida al P. Remy Matadi SMA, un padre misionero originario de la República del Congo, que actualmente sirve en Kenia. Oficialmente le dimos la bienvenida el pasado lunes, y él estará con nosotros durante el mes de agosto, lo que me permitirá tomar unas vacaciones y luego un retiro. Ha estado ayudando a cubrir una parroquia en Needham y ha estado esperando venir aquí para comenzar a servir. Siempre es bueno, creo, obtener una perspectiva de otro país en una parte diferente del mundo. El padre Gabriel, que estuvo aquí la semana pasada, me dijo que una vez lo soltaron en un autobús y tuvo que caminar 12 millas para llegar a su pueblo. Era tarde por la noche, en el bosque. Mientras caminaba, oró el rosario con una voz muy fuerte, lo que asustó a un leopardo que lo seguía durante una parte del viaje. Esto pone en perspectiva que ladrar perro que salta en la cerca, pero no puede hacerlo, cuando estoy caminando en su vecindario. He escuchado muchas historias de algunos de los misioneros y recuerdo algunas de las visitas a Ghana, Malawi y Zambia. Aportan una perspectiva diferente y nos ayudan a apreciar más profundamente todo lo que tenemos. Predico sobre los temas del discipulado y de la misión con bastante regularidad. El Papa también se centra en estos temas, así que siento que estoy en buena compañía. El Santo Padre ha desafiado a la Iglesia a ser un "hospital de campaña", un lugar para que los heridos vengan a conocer, ver y sentir que Cristo los está llamando a la relación y a la curación. Hay mucho daño en la Iglesia, tanto en todo el mundo como a nivel local, y estoy orgulloso de cómo hemos comenzado a abordar estos problemas. Nuestra declaración de misión parroquial, que es el mensaje que aparece al frente del boletín, expresa nuestra identidad y propósito como parroquia: somos discípulos de Jesucristo, centrado sensato en la Eucaristía, que buscamos evangelizar y sanar. Esto significa que debemos ir y encontrar a los heridos e invitarlos a recibir a Cristo y Su mensaje sanador y Espíritu. Para aquellos que no conocen a Cristo, o aquellos que lo han olvidado, estamos llamados a salir a ellos y compartir la Buena Nueva. La Iglesia es una misión, y todos están llamados a utilizar sus dones para ayudar a avanzar en la misión. Nuestra misión local es ir y encontrar a todos en Salem que no hayan oído hablar de Jesús o se hayan alejado de El, e invitarlos de vuelta. La gran pregunta es, ¿qué encontrarán cuando vengan aquí? ¿Somos una comunidad acogedora, hospitalaria y llena de fe? ¿Estamos preparados para crecer de una manera que permita a nuestros huéspedes experimentar una comunidad auténtica, discipulado orante y practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el "campo" de Salem? Estos son nuestros grandes desafíos, y tenemos que preguntarnos cómo podemos mejorarlos en todo esto. Gracias, de nuevo, a los adolescentes del Campamento del Corazón Católico que estuvieron aquí la semana pasada. Fue maravilloso estar con ellos, y estamos agradecidos por el trabajo que hicieron, que incluyó la organización del sótano de la rectoría, y por su trabajo en la iglesia inferior de IC. Paz, Padre Murray


The readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

in year C can be found starting at number 978 in

the Journeysongs book. The prayers for the Mass are found starting at number 140

(grey section).

Page 4: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the



At Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish, the sacrament of marriage is a sign of God’s invitation to unimaginable intimacy with Him and one another. If you are an engaged couple and want to get married at Immaculate Conception or Saint James Church, please contact our pastor, Father Bob Murray: [email protected] to set a date as soon as possible. Father Murray will also connect you to our marriage ministers, Martin and Stacey Walsh: [email protected] who will help you with marriage preparation and wedding coordination. Please Note: Weddings are scheduled at least nine months to one year in advance.


Solemnity of the Assumption of

the Blessed Virgin Mary 8/15/19

9:00 AM at IC

5:30 PM at IC

7:00PM at IC en español

SOCIAL MEDIA FOR MQOA Check out our parish website at www.mqoa.org and visit it often for information and updates. Stay up to date with our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/MQOASalem Find us on Twitter at twitter.com/SalemCatholics

Our weekly e-newsletter is a great way to keep in touch, and get a sneak peek at our bulletin each week. Sign up by emailing us:

[email protected]

If you’ve spent much time here at MQOA, you’ve probably heard about ALPHA. But did you know that Alpha is for you, even if you’re a lifelong, faith-filled Catholic? Save the date and plan to come and see what Alpha is all about, Monday, September 16 at 7:00 PM at St. James lower church hall. You’ll be glad you did! You can find out more about Alpha at our website: www.mqoa.org/alpha or at alphausa.org/try

NO HEALING PRAYER SERVICE IN AUGUST Our monthly bilingual Mass with healing prayer will not be held in August, to allow for vacation time for our healing team members. If you need the sacrament of the anointing of the sick, please call our office to schedule a time with one of our assisting priests. Our next Bilingual Mass with healing prayer will be held on Tuesday, September 10 at 7:00 PM.

SPANISH LESSONS AT MQOA Learn Spanish from a native speaker, get exposed to the language and culture, practice your rusty Spanish skills, and meet new people. Register Saturday, July 27 from 1:30-2:30 PM at IC lower church hall. Classes will be 1:30-2:30 PM on Saturdays, and the cost is $14.00 per lesson. Need more information? Call Maria Jose Suarez at 781-584-2497 or email her at: [email protected]

FRAUDULENT EMAILS Please be aware that fraudulent emails are going around, purported to be sent by our pastor, Fr. Bob Murray. If you receive an email, check the sender’s address. If it isn’t from @salemcatholiccommunity.org or @mqoa.org, it’s not from Fr. Bob — and he would never email you for money or gift cards. Don’t respond to the emails — just delete or mark them as spam.

Page 5: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the


HEALING AT MQOA Pope Francis reminds us that we are to be a “field hospital,” calling in the weary and wounded —bringing the message of hope in Christ to comfort the afflicted. With this, healing and evangelization are at the core of the mission of our parish. We offer many paths to healing and reconciliation, all rooted in the Gospel. Check this space weekly for information on what we offer. Unbound (The Five Keys), by appointment Brought to MQOA by Fr. Murray, Unbound is a safe, loving, and effective prayer model that helps people deeply embrace the Good News of the Gospel. In these hour-long prayer sessions, the person is guided to make five prayerful responses to Jesus (called the Five Keys) that release the power of the Gospel into their hearts. Each key helps to access God’s grace and unlock the door to freedom from sin and emotional bondage. Those who have experienced this (including a growing number in our parish) testify to the life-changing healing that follows. To learn more, visit: www.heartofthefather.com/about/the-five-keys. You can also learn more by emailing [email protected].

Healing Mass, the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 PM As Catholic Christians, we believe that God still heals in practical and visible ways today. Join us for this bilingual (Spanish and English) Mass, followed by a prayer service, where our priests and trained lay ministers guide prayers for healing of physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. Learn more at: https://tinyurl.com/cathhealing.

Anointing of the Sick, available every Healing Mass and by appointment Jesus specially anoints his priests to provide this ultimate healing sacrament of the Church. In the past, more reserved for the dying, today this sacrament is returned to its place as a source of grace for all who suffer in any way. It serves to strengthen the person through the time of trial, and reminds them that the Church prays for them:

“...when they are afraid, give them courage, when afflicted give them patience, and when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people.”

Reconciliation, every Saturday at 3:15-3:45 PM and by appointment Many shy away from this beautiful sacrament, often noting that they express their sorrow directly to God. It can be difficult to admit one’s faults to someone else. But those who do get the sacramental grace of Jesus’ mercy expressed

directly through another human being (the priest) and get to hear the beautiful words of forgiveness which closes the sacrament:

“…through the ministry of the Church, may God grant you pardon and peace. And I absolve you of all your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

Has it been awhile since you’ve received forgiveness? Check out this simple guide: https://thelightison.org/guide-to-confession For more information on any of these: [email protected] or 978-745-9060

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MONDAY, JULY 29 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room TUESDAY, JULY 30 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 7:00 PM La Misa en español ― IC WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception chapel 6:30 PM Bingo ― St. James church hall THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 8:30 AM Rosary at Immaculate Conception chapel 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM AA meeting ― St. James conference room 6:30 PM First Friday Prayers en espanol — IC chapel SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 5:00 AM Hispanic Intercessory Prayer Group ― IC 3:00 PM Confessions at ― IC chapel 4:00 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception Baptism: John Joseph Ankiewicz Jr. SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 7:30 AM Mass at St. James Church Memorial: Giuse Nguyen T. Khiem 9:00 AM Mass at Immaculate Conception Memorial: Annie J. McKenna Baptism: Elliot Thomas Williams 10:30 AM Mass at St. James Church 12:00 PM Mass at ImmaculateConception Church en español. 6:30 PM Mass at Immaculate Conception

July 20-21, 2019 Offertory: $4,408.50 Online: $1,188.07 In mail: $503.00 Total: $6,100.17 Archdiocese of Kenya collection: $2,351.00

PLEASE REMEMBER TO WRITE YOUR CHECKS TO “MARY, QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES PARISH.” Mary, Queen of the Apostles Parish relies on the weekly offertory and other donations to serve God and God’s people. By giving $10 or $20 in our weekly collection, you help make Masses more beautiful, ministries more personal, service to the poor more possible, and opportunities to grow in faith more plentiful. Thank you for your financial and prayerful support.

To request a Mass in honor or in

memory of a loved one, please call the

parish offices at

978-745-9060, or email

[email protected]

COMING SOON: A NEW WAY TO GIVE ONLINE When a winter storm comes on a weekend, it leads to a lower collection that can cause problems with parish budgeting. Online giving allows you to automatically give to the parish on a schedule. If you’re not signed up to give online, please consider signing up. Watch this space for more details and to learn how you can make single or recurring gifts from your phone.

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PLEASE NOTE* Where you see asterisks in the schedule on this page, that means additional ministers are needed. If you are able to serve, please add yourself to the schedule on our google doc (see “scheduling” below), or sign in to help when you arrive.

NEW MINISTERS ARE NEEDED If you’d like to be trained to serve as a lector, greeter, Eucharistic minister, altar server or sacristan, please speak to Fr. Murray to find out how, or email our office. Your help is needed!

PLEASE CHECK IN Eucharistic ministers, lectors, altar servers, please check in in the sacristy when you arrive to serve for Mass. There’s a log book in each of our churches. Also, please come early and greet our guests at the church doors before Mass. Thanks!

SCHEDULING Greeters, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, and all liturgical ministers can access the schedule via the link in the email sent on 4/24/2019. If you have lost the link, email Margo Morin at [email protected] and it will be re-sent to you.

SATURDAY, July 27 4:00 PM IC Greeters:* Lectors: James Fouhey Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy Roney Kathleen Galvin* SUNDAY, July 28 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Sean Leonard Eucharistic Ministers Judy Quinlivan* 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Carol Collins John Wilkinson Lectors: Jerry Collins Kate Sousa Eucharistic Ministers: Sue Sirois Mark Carmody Jo-Ann Gates 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: Karen Pelletier* Altar Servers: Ryker Taguiam Azriel Taguiam Lour Drick Valsote Lectors: Aida Oquendo-Nieves Eucharistic Ministers: Glenn Bergevin Patrice Bergevin Mary Ellen Abodeely Philip Abodeely Diane Lewandowski 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Karen Hayes Christine Williams Eucharistic Ministers: Lynne Cunningham Millie Bergeron * ministers needed

SATURDAY, Aug 3 4:00 PM IC Greeters: *greeters needed Lectors: *lectors needed Eucharistic Ministers: Nancy Roney *ministers needed SUNDAY, Aug 4 7:30 AM SJ Greeters: Beth Griffin Lectors: Patrick Dooley Eucharistic Ministers: Richard Poisson * ministers needed 9:00 AM IC Greeters: Victoria Jackson Ted Kobialka Lectors: Lloyd Ternes Kate Sousa Eucharistic Ministers: Philip Moran Darlene Willnow David Henry 10:30 AM SJ Greeters: David DeVoe *greeters needed Altar Servers: Aisling Hinchey Lindell Dre Valsote Lectors: Eileen Luddy Karen Pelletier Eucharistic Ministers: Susan Laperchia Anne DeVoe Mary Ellen Abodeely Patrice Bergevin Glenn Bergevin 6:30 PM IC Lectors: Millie Bergeron Margo Morin Eucharistic Ministers: Christine Williams Lynne Cunningham * ministers needed

Page 8: 1142 immaculateconception salem 072819 · practicantes activos de nuestra fe, tanto dentro del edificio de la iglesia como en el ... for our healing team members. If you need the

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