
11:11 · 11:11 WisdomHappiness com 6 I would like to express my very great appreciation to Tony Robbins Inmate Empowerment Program & The Edgar Cayce A.R.E.'S Prison Outreach Program

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Peace Love

Wisdom Happiness


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Printed in the United States of America.

First paper edition 11-11-2019

Book design by Shannon Giles

ISBN 978-0-578-53698-9


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I would like to express

my very great appreciation to

Tony Robbins

Inmate Empowerment Program


The Edgar Cayce

A.R.E.'S Prison Outreach Program.

Their generosity to the prison changed my life.

Knowledge is Power Making Me Superman!

Uncle Sam

For activating me for war.

Paying for my college.

And throwing me in federal prison.


Since we are living in a computer simulation,

GOD will always be my programmer.


Because without her, this would not be



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Every moment of your life has the potential to shape you. To teach! To inform the rest of your life. The key is whether or not you’ve been paying attention. And whether that moment might have needed to hit you with enough frequency to get its point across.

It seems my life has been an abundance of moments, and while that is not the point of this book, I wanted to discuss some of them with you to see how important it is to pay attention to each and every one.

So how does a veteran of Desert Storm, industrial engineer, pharmaceutical sales rep who found himself on the wrong side of the law create a life with balance and purpose and meaning? Taking in all that life has thrown at me has allowed me to process and gather some gems of inspiration. I have always tried to take away something positive from every experience.

Much of what I will share in the book came from studying during my time in prison. A “sponsored sabbatical” if you will. I got access to many self-help books, influencers (CEOs,


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investment bankers, CIA agents, professional athletes, congressmen, conspiracy theorists, pump-n-dump experts, drug kingpins) and to ways of thinking that probably never would have caught my attention in the hustle and bustle of daily life on the outside.

Some of what I learned was very scientific.

● How quantum physics and the

metaphysical connect.

● That all humans on this small planet are

connected subconsciously.

● How Dr. Emoto's water crystal

photographs prove that thoughts, sound

and intention impact the living

consciousness in water.

● And how these abilities can be used for

prosperity or as a weapon of destruction.

Some of what I learned was very mystical. Learning about the connections that run between us all and link us, known and unknown. Feeling connected and part of a global community is the beginning of creating solutions to so many problems.


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Some of what I learned was very shocking. The expression, “We don’t know what we don’t know,” makes a lot more sense when you spend time reading about theories of those who have gone before.

We still have a lot to learn!

“The more I learn, the more I realize how

much I don't know.”

~ Albert Einstein


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Like many, I had what most would call a

“dysfunctional” family. A strict, authoritarian

father that ruled through operant conditioning.

My dad had only a few rules:

1. Don’t drink.

2. Don’t smoke.

3. Don’t do drugs.

As a kid, I tried to figure out what I could get

away with. Disobeying the rules had severe

consequences. And when I broke the rules,

Pops used the shiny part of the belt to beat

Satan out of me. He was also a telephone

engineer at AT&T who had the ability to listen

to everyone’s phone calls. I finally understood

why I could not get away with anything. His

frequency was eavesdropping and pain.

I wasn’t the best student due to the physical and mental abuse at home. After the morning beatings, I believe the teachers fed off this negative energy I brought to school.


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One night when I snuck out of the house to attend a Mardi Gras parade, and I guess my dad overheard my plans while eavesdropping on my phone calls. He was awake when I returned and then the pain began. That night he decided it was time for both me and my mother to get out of his house. This move lit the fire in me to graduate high school as soon as I could and move on to better things. The frequency of those experiences helped me move on to a life that would better serve me down the road.

After graduating high school, having been voted “Least Likely to Succeed,” I decided to enlist in the Army. Two weeks after high school graduation, I was at basic training in Fort Sill, OK. When getting off the bus, the drill sergeant started to yell about how we were scum. I started to laugh. When asked why, I said I joined the military to get away from all the yelling. The drill sergeant put me in charge.

August 3, 1990 was the day our platoon graduated from Basic Training. It was also the day Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. Everyone loved the military then. I was not yet


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18 and our Louisiana Army National Guard 1/141 F.A. battalion got activated to deploy. Being the youngest soldier activated for war made me grow up quick. I ended up serving six years active and two years inactive. Anyone who has ever served knows that the military is all about frequency!

College isn’t for everyone, and after my rough road through high school, I wasn’t destined to go. But my GI Bill and bartending job covered most of the cost while I attended college. Without the mental and physical abuse that I experienced from my father in high school, I was able to obtain a BS in engineering in three and a half years, graduating on the Dean’s list. I learned that the absence of abuse was the key frequency as well.

I’ve been in the pharmacy industry since I graduated college in 1995. And the mid-90’s was a booming time in business. It was the start of the dot-com. Pharmacy sales were no exception. I started my career as an implementation engineer for a pharmaceutical robotics company and moved my way up to being responsible for all robotic sales for


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government accounts. For a guy in his 20s and a veteran of Desert Storm, there was a lot of money and opportunity. Multiple companies and “dot-coms” galore were the frequency that existed at that time, but that wasn’t necessarily the good kind…

Sometimes more can be a temptation that can’t be resisted. And as we know, Ecstasy (MDMA) is not legal. I want to be up front about this because this is where I learned so much about what has become the lessons I know now. Like the military, incarceration is all about frequency. But it is also about redemption, I did my OWN time allowing me this experience and so many opportunities. The 7.5-year sentence empowered me to read thousands of self-help books, watch a plethora of videos on the power of manifestation, experience different religions while on the road to enlightenment, learn forbidden trading techniques, and listen to guided meditation and motivational audio compilations daily.

The prison also had a meditation room that allowed a complete disconnection from the current surroundings. Daily deep meditation


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was the first step on my way to enlightenment. Also, an outside therapist would come behind the fence and teach dream interpretation, meditation, and self-hypnosis. Courses that would have taken much time and cost in the thousands of dollars.

I am grateful for the time I was afforded to read and learn and grow while being away from the clutter of life outside of prison. I would also like to thank all the self-help gurus but especially Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, and Edger Cayse’s Association for Research and Enlightenment who graciously donated their entire collections to the prison. The rest of my life will always be better informed.

Their generosity changed my life, allowing me to change my frequency.

After being released from prison, I spent eight months in Brazil. I wish everyone could have the opportunity to experience the immersion in another culture. To get away and experience what the locals describe as, “Where GOD was born.” The Brazilian people are incredibly spiritual, philosophical, and they like their


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parties! I believe their frequency exists in their balance in food, faith and fun!

I’d spent all of my career in the pharmaceutical industry, but when my mom got sick in 2016, I’d never felt so angry. When my mother was in the hospital, I saw how the healthcare system tried to maximize the bill at the expense of my mom’s health. What happened to the Hippocratic Oath? I could not believe the healthcare system I’d worked in for over 20 years could do this to her. The physical abuse and overbilling were astonishing.

After experiencing the outright billing fraud that high-price pharmaceuticals led to, it made me give up my job after she died. I would no longer be part of the problem but search for the solution. I had to move back to my hometown where I hadn’t lived in years to sell the house and settle her affairs. The frequency of always being a son no matter how old you are shapes you all your life.

I now live in Florida, and I love that I am still learning and growing and changing. I am trading options/futures working to help


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veterans by providing funding for chelation therapy to treat heart disease. This treatment is part of a holistic approach and greatly reduces the need for surgery. My focus is on helping veterans who have already endured a lot and many times don’t have resources for expensive medical procedures. I still look for the frequency in everything, every day.

This is a little of my story. I hope it will help you to understand where I learned some of what I am about to share with you in my book.

“You can't connect the dots looking forward;

you can only connect them looking backwards.

So, you have to trust that the dots will

somehow connect in your future. You have to

trust in something—your gut, destiny, life,

karma, whatever. This approach has never let

me down, and it has made all the difference in

my life.” ~ Steve Jobs


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What can someone expect

from reading Frequency?


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So, you’ve heard the phrase, “We’re all

connected,” but in these days of smartphones,

iPads, Netflix, and 24/7 entertainment, it

seems as though we’re isolating ourselves from

each other more now than ever. We’re dating

online, having meetings online, even going to

funerals and weddings online! It is very hard to

figure out where our connections might exist.

That’s because you can’t see them, at least not

with your eyes.

Now if you’re a parent, or a twin, you might

have experienced that phenomenon where your

child or sibling has an accident or gets injured

somehow and you just know it. You feel their

pain; you have a sensation that lets you know

they’re in trouble. And you call at just the

precise time that it happens because of what?

The connection. Some sort of cosmic, other-

worldly bond between the two of you that

allows you to share the experience even from a

distance and react as though you both went

through it equally. But how?


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To answer this, we need to learn about string

theory, the work of Albert Einstein in the area

of quantum mechanics and what he called

spooky action at a distance (no joke, his


In the simplest of terms, quantum mechanics is

the study of the micro-world. Understanding

the movement of atoms, electrons and so forth

that are the building blocks for humans as well

as every other thing in existence. Now while

human atoms may be structured a little

differently from plant atoms, they are all

basically the same and all vital for the survival

of the planet. And the planet doesn’t make the

same hierarchical distinction that we do.

The next thing to consider is string theory. This

is a relatively newer concept which essentially

states that there are tiny particles like strings

running between these atoms which make up

the universe and create how we experience it.

Back in Einstein’s day, before string theory was

a thing, they were trying to understand how


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“spooky” these entanglements were. And they

came up with the “assumption” that the

universe is nonlocal. That when something

happens to entangled objects they are affected

even if they cannot communicate due to the

limits of spacetime.

Einstein coined the phrase “spooky action at a

distance” to explain what he couldn’t about

what we might call love. Why people who have

ever once been connected still feel a connection

regardless of their distance or the level of their

connection over time. Why we can pick up the

phone and talk to a college roommate or high

school best friend years later and it feels like


Lastly, it helps to think of ourselves as

participants in the universe, not creators of it.

When we step outside our role as controlling

everything that we see, hear, feel and do, then

we can view the world as an enormous field of

energy in which we participate, and our energy

contributes in ways we may not even be aware.

Once we see the world in this way, it is easy to


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see how we are all connected not only to each

other but to the universe. And because of this,

we can have an impact on those connections we

have and the universe around us. But only if we

stay open to it. So how do we do that and, more

importantly, what does all this have to do with


What if you made a commitment right now to

stay open to seeing yourself as being in the

world, not closed off from it? What if you

opened yourself to everything in your mind,

your imagination, the past, the present and the

future as all potential? When you begin to

understand how all these ideas are connected,

you can begin to open up to the relationships

that you may not have seen before. It’s the

willingness to be open to love that creates the

miracles in our lives. Do not deny it.

The book can be boiled down into four small but incredibly powerful words:

Peace Love

Wisdom Happiness


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These words will be used as the interface to connect to the human collective subconscious.

Think about this. A first-of-its-kind report in

Nature Communications earlier this year

revealed that like-minded people are

subconsciously connected. Based on brain

patterns alone, scientists could guess which

participants in their study were friends and

which were not. The scientists concluded: “We

are exceptionally similar to our friends in how

we perceive and respond to the world around


So, if it is proven that people who think the

same are all connected, my design of a

harmonious human interface will allow the

world to collaborate as one. A collective Think-

Tank of like-minded individuals.

It is like Elon Musk’s goal to connect humans

to supercomputers with his NeuroLink project

by implanting a microchip in the brain. I will


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be connecting humans to humans via a

quantum connection using specific

frequencies of specific words.

Think about the difference between a stand-

alone computer and one connected to the

internet. I believe if we begin to subconsciously

network our abilities and start to think

collectively rather than individually, mankind's

knowledge will grow exponentially. This

sharing of knowledge will allow us as a species

to evolve to our full potential.

“The whole secret of a successful life is to find

out what is one’s destiny to do, and

then do it.”

~ Henry Ford


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The Power of Frequency


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In ancient times, many therapists used

frequency, such as music therapy, to treat

people. They used music to improve and

maintain physical and psychological health.

They discovered that various frequencies of

music can affect many areas of the brain,

including the regions involved in emotion,

cognition, sensation, and movement. 528Hz is

known as the “miracle” tone. It was proposed

by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. He believed that

528Hz is the median of all mathematical

calculations of music. 528Hz is the "frequency

of love," and it’s the center of all things. He

proposed that this frequency was widely used

by ancient priests and healers. He believed that

the music played out using this frequency could

repair DNA.

Another essential frequency is 432 Hz. Music

tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving

greater clarity and is easier on the ears.

Meditation music tuned to 432 Hz is relaxing

for the body and mind and also more harmonic


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and more pleasant than 440 Hz. 432 Hz works

at the heart chakra and also has an excellent

influence on the spiritual development of the

listeners. Continuously listening to music

based on 440 Hz blocks the positive energy,

whereas lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz makes

the listener joyful & relaxed.

Sound frequencies build everything in reality.

If you take a vibrating metal sheet and put sand

on it, and you vibrate it at 432 Hz, it will make

a different shape than it does at 440 Hz. The

shape it makes at 432 Hz is a bit more coherent

with geometry and Phi ratio, which is 1.618,

which is what everything is based off of in

nature: how your hair knows how to grow, how

your body knows how to grow proportionally so

you look like a human, how trees know how to

grow so that every leaf gets the maximum

amount of water and sunlight. There's a ratio to

that. Supposedly, Phi is the divine proportion,

the perfect proportion that we're trying to get


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close to every single day of our lives with

whatever we do.

Certain paintings—like the Mona Lisa, all these

different things, Da Vinci, all of these people—

they knew about these proportions. So, the

shape that gets created when you vibrate it at

432 Hz is closer to the proportion of Phi ratio,

and harmonically with your brain, it works

better. The original people that discovered how

the frequencies work—like in Ancient Greece,

they would say that 432 Hz is the vibe that we

should be tuning everything to. People say that

it changed in different wars—like it apparently

changed during World War II—I don't know

what the real story about it is when it got

switched to 440 Hz. But I just know that 432

Hz is more coherent with the frequencies of

humanity. So scientifically, you can look it up.


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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency

and vibration.”

“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3,6

and 9, then you would have a key to

the universe”

~ Nikola Tesla


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The Frequency Conspiracy


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The Great 440 Hz Conspiracy

Most of the conspiracy theories about 440 Hz,

of which there are many, draw on an essay by

Dr. Leonard Horowitz called “Musical Cult

Control: The Rockefeller Foundation’s War on

Consciousness Through the Imposition Of

A=440 Hz Standard Tuning.”

The essay is very long, but its major premise is

that the Illuminati, founded by the Rothschild

family, funded research into “musical

weaponry” and that the Rockefellers and

Rothschilds employed Nazi party propagandist

Joseph Goebbels to convince the British to

adopt A=440 Hz in 1939. It was eventually

adopted as the standard concert pitch (ISO-

16:1975), and is used almost universally by

musicians today.

The music industry features a 440 Hz imposed

frequency that is:


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● ‘Herding’ populations into greater


● Psycho social agitation

● Emotional distress predisposing people

to physical illness.

According to preliminary research, A=440 Hz

frequency music conflicts with human energy

centers (i.e., chakras) from the heart to the

base of the spine.

This is perhaps much more important than

people realize. It’s about mind alteration,

manipulation and keeping our vibrations

distorted in a successful effort to disconnect us

from the Multiverse and Cosmos in general. I

want to reiterate that this is a HUGE

conspiracy theory but I include it to point out

that a lot of really important people have spent

a lot of time, energy and money studying the

effects of these frequencies on the human body.

So, to some extent, it must matter a little bit. If

you’re interested in learning more, I suggest


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you do some more reading on the subject. It’s

quite fascinating.

“The only time I commit

to conspiracy theories is

when something way

retarded happens. Like Lee Harvey

Oswald acting alone.”

~ Joe Rogan


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The Rife Conspiracy

Dr. Royal Raymond Rife was an extremely intelligent inventor and a pioneer in curing cancer. During the 1930s, he designed several optical microscopes that could observe the virus. In 1934, with the help of those microscopes, he invented the Rife machine based on his frequency theory, and successfully cured cancer in human bodies.

As we know, 16 hopeless cancer patients accepted treatments conducted by Rife at the Scripps Institute in La Jolla, CA in 1934. In the first three months, Rife cured 14 out of 16 patients with his theory of frequencies. Another six weeks later, the remaining two patients were also cured. A team of medical specialists assigned by the University of South California confirmed this big achievement.


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Dr. Emoto and

Water Consciousness


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Dr. Masaru Emoto hypothesized that emotions

can affect inanimate objects. If you are “nice”

to water and then freeze it, it will make pretty,

happy crystals. If you are “mean” to water and

then freeze it, it will make ugly, unhappy

crystals. He wrote:

“The result was that we always observed

beautiful crystals after giving

good words, playing good music,

and showing, playing, or offering

pure prayer to water. On the

other hand, we observed

disfigured crystals in the opposite


~ Dr. Emoto


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The extraordinary life work of Dr. Emoto is

documented in the New York Times Bestseller,

The Hidden Messages in Water. In his book,

Dr. Emoto demonstrates how water exposed to

loving, benevolent and compassionate human

intention results in aesthetically pleasing

physical molecular formations in the water.

However, while water exposed to fearful and

discordant human intentions results in

disconnected, disfigured and “unpleasant”

physical molecular formations. He was able to

show this through Magnetic Resonance

Analysis technology and high-speed


His research also showed us how the molecular

structure of polluted and toxic water, when

exposed to prayer, can be altered and restored

to the beautifully formed geometric crystals

found in clean, healthy water. Photographs of

the contaminated water in the Fujiwara Dam

metamorphically reshape after the Reverend


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Kato Hoki, chief priest of Jyuhouin Temple,

offered an hour-long prayer over it.

Dr. Emoto also studied how sound affects

water. The Emoto music studies demonstrate

how certain types of sound, like classical music,

generate beautiful crystalline patterns, while

heavy metal music generates ugly and distorted

crystalline formations. There is a stark

difference between the crystalline formation

resulting from water being exposed to Mozart’s

Symphony No. 40 and what the water crystal

image looks like after listening to heavy metal


Emoto expanded his research from water to

rice. He filled jars with rice and added water for

the rice to absorb. He then left them for days to

see how much mold and fungus they grew.

Some jars of rice were exposed to positive

emotions, some to negative emotions, and

some were ignored. Unsurprisingly, he found

that the rice exposed to positive emotions grew


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less fungus than the rice exposed to negative


“Don't get set into one form, adapt it and

build your own, and let it grow, be

like water. Empty your mind, be

formless, shapeless — like water.

Now you put water in a cup, it

becomes the cup; You put water into

a bottle it becomes the bottle; You

put it in a teapot it becomes the


~ Bruce Lee


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Creating A World Where

Peace, Love, Wisdom &

Happiness Connect Us All


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So, what happens next? The great scientists

and thinkers of the world have shown us that

our minds have potential far beyond our known

capabilities. Not only that, we have awesome

power even at a subconscious level to affect our

environment, both physically and emotionally.

The bookstores are full of how-to instructions

on harnessing these useful brainwaves to help

yourself. Everything from making you smarter,

to curing cancer. If you are having a personal

issue that you need help in solving, I guarantee

there is a book out there that can give you some

direction on using the power of your mind to

fix it.

But that’s not what this book is about. Not even

close. Not to say that I don’t want everyone

who reads it to be wholly well both in physical

body and mind. But I want us all to come

together and use our incredible abilities to turn

outward on the world. Here’s how it happens.


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The Words

For seven years during my “sponsored

sabbatical” in federal prison, my daily mantra

was Peace, Love, Wisdom and Happiness.

I focused on these words as a way to invite

these things into my life. Now this was a period

when I had no control over what was

happening in my life. Everything I got, ate or

wore was at the mercy of the prison system.

But I believe that focusing on these words

landed me in a facility that gave me access to

the books, the therapists and the courses which

brought me to the place I am now. The power

of these four words is undeniable.

● Peace: Peace is one of those words that

is usually attached to stay-at-home

moms with screaming kids needing a

Calgon moment. Or a word used in

church. It’s hard to define; kind of an, “I

know it when I see it” thing. Or when

you feel it.


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● Love: Would it surprise you to learn

that the word love is used 530 times in

the NRSV version of the Bible but faith a

mere 264? And if you search “love” in

the Books section of Amazon you get

90,000-plus titles? Seems like we have a

handle on that one. Or do we?

● Wisdom: If you gave a random group

of people my resume prior to the

moment of my arrest, they would most

likely rate me as an intelligent

individual. However, that rating is likely

to drop drastically if you add in the

arrest, conviction and prison time

because it isn’t something an intelligent

person would get themselves mixed up


● Happiness: Charlie Brown says,

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” And it’s

hard to disagree with that. Some think

happiness means wealth and status.

Some think it’s a cornfield in the middle

of nowhere. Much of what this book is


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about is learning to define happiness

without the use of objects.

So, we know the words, but how can we use

them in a way that the universe will hear us

and resonate in reply?

The Challenge—Meditation

The first part of the challenge is to meditate on

Peace, Love, Wisdom, Happiness. Some of

you may never have meditated a day in your

life and that’s OK. You don’t have to be an

expert. Meditation is what works for you. It

doesn’t have to be a perfect Lotus position with

incense and candles and darkness. I promise if

you find a quiet (relatively) comfortable space

where you can be with yourself and focus, the

rest will come. Maybe it’s when your eyes first

open and you repeat the words to yourself one

or two times before you get out of bed. Maybe

it’s right before you go to sleep, just before you

drift off. Maybe you can find a quiet time

during the day to center yourself and realign

from the chaos of your busy world. Whatever it


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is you find to do, start small and work up to a

time that feels good to you.

The Salutation—Taking it to the Streets

The next part of the “connection” involves

bringing Peace, Love, Wisdom and

Happiness into the world. What if the next

time you left your house, instead of saying, “See

ya!” to your partner, you said, “Peace, Love,

Wisdom and Happiness?” How much more

special do you think they would feel? How

about hanging up the phone with a brother or

sister? Or a parent? Again, start small with

people you trust, who won’t judge you and who

might give you the opportunity to explain. And

maybe you can encourage them to join you. As

you gain confidence from the positive

responses you receive the challenge expands to

using this salutation with strangers. Try it

when you check out at the grocery or say it to

the customer service rep on the phone (who

probably needs it!)


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The Alignment—11:11

Connect like-minds and change the world. This

may not seem like a very practical solution but

I assure you it is possible. Calm people are

much less likely to start arguments and wars,

don’t you agree? Just as the cost of this book is

$11.11, I am asking that you take this number

as your time to center yourself on our Peace,

Love Wisdom and Happiness mantra. At 11:11

am or pm (hopefully both!) spend a few

moments in the quiet, however you are most

comfortable, meditating on these words. You

will be connecting to the universe with others

who are also doing it at the same exact time. As

we join forces around the power of this

collective, we will begin to shape a world with

more calm and less anxiety.

More order and less chaos.

Our bodies are 80% water. Much of what

happens when we get sick or injured has to do

with something affecting the fluids in our

bodies. It can’t be surprising then that


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following the meditation, salutation

and alignment would cause a reaction

of the water in our bodies, much like the

work of Dr. Emoto explained earlier.

Don’t worry, it won’t hurt!

This reaction of crystals will create a

subconscious connection with all of us who are

following this creation connection. Think back

to the quantum mechanics, string theory and

spooky entanglements of Einstein I discussed

in the beginning. We will have achieved it!

What’s next is harnessing the power of the

collective. Imagine the good that people

pulsing with that much happiness and loving

energy can accomplish! Not bordered by time

or space, gender or ethnicity, social class or

age. Just a mass of humans striving for Peace,

Love, Wisdom and Happiness superseding

everything else.


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The next time you take an exam, complete a

project, or desire positive motivation, simply

meditate on the words Peace, Love, Wisdom

and Happiness. I promise you will tap into a

plethora of omnipotent omnipresent resources

GOD gives everyone at birth.

The science supports it. All it takes is the

willingness and the dedication to make it


“The whole secret of a successful life is to find

out what is one’s destiny to do, and

then do it.”

~ Henry Ford


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I Keep Seeing

11:11 Do You?


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Taking Our Frequencies

Into The World


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Nothing we do makes any sense if we do not

share it with the world. Nothing you have read

makes any sense if you don’t apply what you

have learned. Include others in the pursuit of

common frequencies and the understanding

that comes from focusing on Peace, Love,

Wisdom and Happiness.

But how to integrate all this into our daily lives

and how to bring it into the world is the

question. Here is my list of how I hope we will

begin to bring Peace, Love, Wisdom and

Happiness as a joyous outpouring of our joint

efforts at using our frequencies out in the


1. Hashtag it! I know this seems trite

considering all we’ve talked about in this

book but it is the reality of the world we

live in. And it is a messaging that works.

So, in your tweets, your Instagram posts,

your snapchat, and all those social

media platforms that allow us to connect


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with the world, start spreading the


hashtag! Also, think about adding these

powerfully uplifting words to the footer

of your email messages.

2. Join our social media pages. I don’t

want this to be a one-sided conversation.

That’s certainly not what Frequency is

all about. It’s about connection. I want

to meet you online and hear your stories

of “spooky action at a distance.” Where

have you found Peace, Love, Wisdom

and Happiness? When have you been

able to share it? As we create this

community online, we will develop those

connections by sharing this with our

own online connections to make an even

larger web of Frequencies.

3. Visit our web page. There you will find

more stories, ideas and ways to connect.

Get information about where and when I

will be talking about Frequency and

the next steps in my journey. One of the


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most important things to remember is

that our journey together doesn’t stop

when you read the last page of this book!

4. Change your goodbye. When you say

goodbye, how intentional are you? Has

it ever dawned on you that this

interaction may be the last one you ever

have with that person? Maybe it’s a

business associate that you don’t have a

very deep relationship with. But maybe

it’s a loved one or close friend. How

important would the last thing you said

to them be? I propose you leave them

with a message that has no regrets. That

if it’s the last words you’ll ever say, it

encompasses all you wish for them and

more. Look into their eyes and say,

“Peace, Love, Wisdom and

Happiness, my friend.” What more

could you want for a special person in

your life? Maybe they will laugh. Maybe

they will ask you why you said that. And

it will give you a chance to explain. Try


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it. I think you will both be blessed with

the result.

So, there it is. Your marching orders. As

soldiers of Peace, Love, Wisdom and

Happiness we are all connected with me

along the same frequency to bring a fresh

new healing to our worried, pessimistic world.

The power is within us. All we have to do is

unleash it and commit to making it happen.

I wish you

Peace, Love, Wisdom and Happiness.

With great Frequency.




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