100 Korean common words

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words



    | (nh ha) phim = A film, movie

    a) ? = Anh thch (xem) loi phim g? = What kind of movies do you like?

    b)= i xem phim = go to the movies!cinema"

    302. |(tt-yu) !n-thit, !n () = "ee#, $e%ui$ement, nee&&ity

    a)= nhi#u h$n (m%c) !n-thit& 'u (m%c) cn*thi+t = be mo,e than necessa,y

    b) = -h.ng !n(ph/i) lo l0ng1 = 'he$e i& no nee# to2o,,y1

    c) = 3+u !ngi4p 5& xin h6y g7i i8n cho t.i1= 9lease call if you need help1

    d) ! " # # $ % & ' = -hch*sn : !ns;a*ch)1= he hotel needs ma@o, ,epai,s1

    e) ( ) * + , - . = . By 6 gi4p t.i (kCp thDi) l4c t.i !n1= Ehe helped me in my hou$ of nee#1

    303./ | h, phn*-php = +ay, metho# (01)

    a) 2 3 4 5 / ? = Anh c: bi+t hs;*dFng my vi tnh kh.ng? = Go youkno2 ho2 to use a compute,?

    b) ) 6 7 / 8 9 = Anh By chHng bi+t hlm bBt c% vi8c g1= he,eIs nothing he can do ,ight!2ell"1

    c) : ; / ) < = ? = J Ky c: ai bi+t n:i ti+ng Anh kh.ng?= A,e the,e any Lnglish speake,s he,e?


    | !u t$/i, thin-n* (vn hn*) = 'he &4y

    a)>?@= bay t,Mn !u t$/i= fly in the &4y!ai,"

    b) > " A B C D E F = Nu t,Di t,ong xanh kh.ng m>t gOn mKy1

    = he sky 2as clea,& 2ithout a speck of cloud1

    (D=(iPm) chBmQ E= t,ong& sch (nRSc& kh.ng*kh))

    c) () >GH*IJ KLMBN= . By xinh Tp nhR m>t thiMn*thn bRSc xuUngtV thin-n*. = Ehe 2as as beautiful as an angel f,om heaven1

    (*IO= i xuUng = to come do2n& K=(thiMn*s%))

    305.P# | nin 6i = 7ea$

    a) QRSTP#UVPWX1 = i u*lKu : nin-6iRSc tnh kho/ng XX&XXX nYm1= estimate the age of the skull at XX& XXX yea,s

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    (QRS=(u hp cUt) = u lKu (xR$ng s7 ngRDi) = skullQ

    WX=(th.i tonZsuy ton) = RSc tnh = estimation)

    b) [\X P#YG)8Z[\]T = @eally

    a)wyz{|1 = 'h:t-&>xin li1 = Im ,eally so,,y1

    b) )w}}1 = Anh By th.ng*minh th:t-&>.= e is so sma,t1

    c)w~T`= -+t*'u/ th:t-&>ngoi mong Oi1 = t is ,eally an unexpected ,esult1



    (u-t6o) = Bon&t$ution o$ &t$utu$e

    a) % T A [ A = nghiMn*c%u u-t6ob> n6o con*ngRDi= study the st,uctu,e of the human b,ain

    b) " 1 A = Ku : c: u-t$Cng

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words



    b) ^T " b = -+*hoch ca h7uEi-Fn*6 thBt*bi1 = hei, plan failed afte,all!in the end"1


    | m = @ie, a meal

    a)?= Yn m= have!eat" a meal

    b) T G = . = ,Mn m cu By c: ht c$m dnh vo1= he,e 2as a g,ain of steamed ,ice stuck on his cheek1

    312. | mH (%u!n o) = to put on, 'o +ea$

    a) = mjc vy= 2ea, a ski,t

    b) ) h C = h; mjc ('un o) m>t ln xem c: vVa kh.ng1 = ,y!9ut" iton to see if it fits (you)1

    c) ( ) ? =. = (4c By) . By ang mjc ng*phFc ca t,RDng1 = Ehe 2as d,essedin he, school unifo,m1

    (="#(gio phFc)ng*phFc t,RDng= schoolunifo,m)



    J hn, tEt nht l = @athe$, p$efe$aly


    7,1 = i ny thch hOp hn1 = his is p,efe,able1

    b) O n I # $ C 1 = 'Et nht lph/i suy*ngh v# i#u ngROc li :1= he cont,a,y is $athe$to be supposed1



    c) OnI 1 = (N0t) taxi tUn thDi*gian h$n (b0t) xe but1= aking a taxi 2as actually slo2e, than taking a bus1

    d) ? , H OnI . = Ung thuUc : xong b8nh cng njng hn1= y illness has gotten 2o,se since Ive taken the medicine1

    (='((c*h:a) = nh huUng t, thnh xBu kqm& bi hoi1 degene,ate& dete,io,ation& 2o,se)


    | hn*-t$Knh = L$o*$am, &ho+

    a) " j G 0 , ? = By giD phthn*-t$Knh: vy?= What time is that p,og,am on?

    b) ( ) O ? = = . By ang drn m>t chR$ng*t,nh ,adio1= Ehe hosts a ,adio p,og,am1

    (=)*(ti+n*hnh) = p,og,ess& head (to2a,d))


    | vMn*, #6 = 7e&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    a)b?+,& +

    Anh c: muUn Yn sand2ich kh.ng? NMn*,cho t.i m>t ci1

    Would you like a sand2ich? es& please1

    b),z?+,& +

    hRa xong ? NMn*OP6,vrn chRa 1

    avenIt you finished? 3o& not yet1


    in h6y Ra cho t.i tD bo NMn*.

    Would you b,ing me the (ne2s)pape,? Eu,e1


    | 6t Q, Q hon-thnh (#6n* R-Sn* Ta

    ) = Uet aompli&he#,ahieve#

    a) * T = uUi*cwng m$*RSc ca anh By 6 Q hon-thnh1= inally& his 2ish 2as fulfilled1

    b) "= iBc*m$ 6 Q hon-thnhZiBc*m$ 6 thnh s tht1 = G,eams come t,ue1

    c) (G#CT" 7-h= nh*yMu ca anh By dnh cho c. By kh.ngc: v^ nhR l szthnh-Vn*1Znh*yMu ca anh By cho c. By l v. v7ng1 = is love fo, he, seems hopeless1


    | n*/i 4h = Wthe$&, othe$ people

    a) ( ) T w ; C = . By thch n:i n:i v# ngRDi khc1 (. By l ngRDi nhi#uchuy8nZngRDi hay bu.n chuy8n)1 = Ehe likes to talk about othe,s1

    b)^)#t= lm theo nh_* = h4c mSt n*ymSi tUt lnh nhq = ave a nice day

    (= d{ chCu& hi l|ng = pleasant& pleased 2ithZabout)

    31. | t$anh (vX) = A pitu$e

    a)?' = vz m>t Y t$anh= make a pictu,e!d,a2ingQ painting" (of)

    b) )?= Anh By vz t$anhTp1 = e is a good painte,1


    | (+

    ) lC = +hen

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    a) ) $ G S G H r = ZCnh}& anh By lSn lMn mi#n 'uM1 = e g,e2up in the count,yside 2hen he 2as a child1


    | n[n t, n[n, n[n t8n*, ni = *$oun#, plae

    a)4= chu~n*bC n[n t P111Olm sch n[nP111Zchu~n*bCn[n-t8n*P111

    b) 4= chi+n*t,RDng (niP nh nhau) = battleg,ound

    c) 4= n[nnh

    d) 4= ni(P) lm vi8c = 2o,kplace


    | uEn* = 'o #$in4

    a) = uUng t, =d,ink tea

    b) b7? = Anh c: muUn uUng ch4t g kh.ng? = an get you something to d,ink?




    = Anh ta uUng ,ROu gn nhR mi ngy1 = e d,inks almost eve,y day1323.

    | nh = to hit, to atta4, a&&ault

    a) $T0?= nhhu*phR$ng Cch= attack!assault" the enemy f,om the ,ea,

    b) = nhbi 9oke, =play poke,

    c) ;= nhn ghi*ta

    32.r | (,x) mSt mKnh = Alone

    a) )rVT = .i cn mSt mKnh m>t thDi*gian1 = need some time alone1

    b) ( ) r = . By vrn mSt mKnh(chRa c: bZngRDi yMuZang >c*thKn)1= Ehe is still single1

    c) !x"


    = sUng mSt mKnh = live alone

    325. |( ) tin-S, tin-t$i\n, tin ln, i v[ ph]a t$^ = 'o a#vane,p$oee#, *o fo$+a$#

    a) ()Q .= . By tin ln t,RSc hai bRSc1 = Ehe tookt2o steps fo$+a$#1

    b) ? r KK n . = -hi t.i khi*>ng >ng*c$& xe tV tV tin lnphat,RSc1 = When sta,ted the engine& the ca, slo2ly moved fo,2a,d1

    (=/0(th*>ng& thy*>ng) = khi >ngQ

    T?= khi*>ng xe .*t. = sta,t a ca,)

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    32;.c | My-*i/ = "o+

    a) c? = NKy*giD ch4ng*ta sz lm g? = What shall 2e do no2?

    b) cx4= kP tV bKy*giDZkP*tV l4c ny = f,om no2 on

    c) ng*ngha h



    (*io-thD) *io-& = 'eahin* o$ in&t$ution, p$ofe&&o$ (L$of.)

    a) ()a&= . By l gio*sR Anh*vYn = EheIs a p,ofesso, of Lnglish1

    b) ) T& = 1 = Anh By ang ROc thy ee dy1 (nguyMn vYn Anh By ang

    nhn s gio*thF ca thy ee) = e is studying unde, 9,ofesso, ee1


    |$Qu = Alohol

    a) )e?_1 =Anh By uUng ,ROu gi}i1 = e is me,,y in his cups1Ze is a good d,unk1

    (= fine& beautiful)

    b) ,)e?hC1 = .i hon*ton kh.ng thP uUng ROc ,ROu1 = canIt d,ink at all1

    (= tuy8t*Ui = completely& absolutely)

    32. | IJ tKnh-yu = Zove

    G)T ' =1 = nh*yMu c: logic ca tnh*yMu1 = ove has a logic of its o2n1



    (i_n-tho6i) = 'elephone

    ? = Ai : nhn i8n*thoi giwm t.i vSi = Will somebody ans2e,



    | 4t-thC, `on* (Sn*-t) = 'o #$a+ to a lo&e, o$ to en#

    )X G1 = 9a,ty (b

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    ,) k' 5 h 1 = .i vSi ba t.i 6 tVng i cKu c con

    s.ng :1

    33.' | ROQ t$eo ln = 'o e hun* up o$ &u&pen#e#

    GI=1 = N%c*t,anh (ang ROc) t,eo () t,Mn tRDng1 = A pictu,e is hanging on the 2all1


    | anh-*, 8o-v_ (Sn*-t) = L$otet, maintain

    a) ?h= gc c`ng =gua,d the gate

    b) %^qh=1 = c chi+n*s ang canh*gc n$i :ng 'uKn1 = Eoldie,s a,e gua,ding

    the checkpoint1 (q=67(tiMu s) = n$i :ng binh)

    c) h1 = 6y canh nh cho k1 = ook afte, the house 2ell1

    d) 5 " 5 +h C 1 = 4c kh}e*mnh ph/i b/o*v8 s%c*kh}e1 = ou should keep

    you, health 2hile you still have it1


    | mSt l!n = Wne

    PGC= ba nYm m>t ln

    33. | -ph = Boffee

    = 'un c*phM = coffee shop


    | n*> = Bhe&t

    )*?1 = 0n 6 nh vo ngc t.i1 = e st,uck me a blo2 on the chest1


    | #i (t]nh-t) = 'o e lon*

    " 7 4 1 = GKy ny di h$n dKykia cm1 = his st,ing is five

    centimete,s longe, than that one1

    30.o | nhKn vo = Zoo4 at, +ath c to loo4 fo$+a$# to, hope fo$

    a) ?no= nhn ch_m*ch_m vo mjt ai = gae at sbIs face (n= , ,ng)

    b) ) R ^ ( o F = Anh ng~ng u lMn v ng0m nhn c.1

    = e lifted his head and looked at he,1

    c) & ) : ; H o B 1 = nRSc By nhn tV Ky l Tp nhBt1 = he

    lake seen f,om he,e is most beautiful1

    1 kh/o*st& i#u*t,a = o investigate& examine& sea,ch ()

    a) T%?1 = i#u*t,a nguyMn*nhKn tai*nn giao*th.ng = nvestigate the cause of

    a t,affic accident

    b) c |1 = .i sz i#u*t,a xem sao1 = 2ill look into it1

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    c) = ) h | 1 = .i sz xem xem c: ch ngi kh.ng1 = et me check to see if

    any seats a,e available1 ( 89(t7a*tCch) = ch ngi = seat)

    d) , h H = 3+u kh.ng thP tin t.i th h6y i xem t,c*ti+p i1

    = f you donIt believe me& go (ahead) and see fo, you,self


    | vR = lavo$

    &|? = ]C s4p th+ no ? = o2 do you like the soup? (&= soup)

    33.#xg |:;(6ng tn) = lm tiMu*tn h+t = 2aste)


    |?@(&8n-n*hi_p) Vn*-n*hi_p (Vn*-n*hi_p &8n-`ut)= gn#u&t$y

    5 X= c.ng*nghi8p gang*thqp = i,on and steel indust,y

    XGH= t,ong c.ng*nghi8p s/n*xuBt phim*/nh ,ung*uUc

    X= c.ng*nghi8p s/n*xuBt th.ng*tin (t,uy#n*th.ng) = the communication indust,y

    1 k ,Bt = ]e,y

    kB :%= m>t ngRDi phF*n< ,Bt Tp = a ve,ybeautiful 2oman

    k= ,Bt m8t*m}i = be ve,y ti,ed

    ,)k1 = 3+u kh.ng c: em anh sz ,Bt c.*$n1 = miss you ve,y much1 (

    = c.*$n = lonely)


    | i ln (Sn*-t) = Uo up, lim, a&en#

    a) XXX GHXX O1 = i vq xe*but 6 tYng tV XXX 2on lMn XX 2on1

    = he bus fa,e 2ent up f,om XXX 2on to XX 2on1

    b) ,6GOu= leo lMn cKy = go upZclimb a t,ee

    1 AB(~m*thc) th%c*Yn = ood

    G+wh1 = -hi mi8ng y th%c*Yn th Vng n:i1 = Go not talk 2hen you,

    mouth is full of food1

    (= y = full (of))



    (i\u-tKnh) nt mHt, i\u-hi_n t$n mHt = aial e`p$e&&ion, loo4

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    ()?=1 = 3qt mjt c. By c: v^ ang bun1 = Ehe looks sad1

    (= bun = to be sad& so,,o2ful

    = biPu*hi8n = to sho2& to exp,ess)


    | h-hn= o$ &u$e

    OUO1 = h0c*ch0n +n nhq = Ne su,e to come1

    $ {|1 = .i ngh ch0c*ch0n l nhR th+ 1 = amsu,e of it1


    | mSt ph!n = A pa$t, a po$tion

    T;Tx)== >t phn nht*k ca anh By vi+t b_ng ti+ng 9hp1 = 9a,t

    of his dia,y is 2,itten in ,ench1



    | #6o ny, n*y-nay = @eently, no+a#ay& (



    k' 6 :H 1 = .i thBy bun v #6o nyba t.i c: v^ nhR ,Bt m8t*

    m}i1 = feel sad because ou, fathe, looks ve,y ti,ed the&e #ay&.

    (= bun = sad& so,,o2ful)

    352. |GH(4-ho6h) = A plan o$ a p$ojet

    V # 1 = 7i vi8c 6 ROc ti+n*hnh theo 4ng k+*hoch1 = Lve,ything 2ent

    acco,ding to plan1

    (V=IJ(vn*s)& =)*(ti+n*hnh))


    | 8m-*i (#anh-t) , Sn*-t *E!#

    (8m-thy) = feelin*

    $w&)!"= m>t c/m*gic kh.ng thP n:i thnh lDi = an indesc,ibable sensationZfeel


    | ao nhiu = ko+ many, ho+ muh

    }i v# gi*c/ (asking about p,ice)

    7"|? = i ny bao nhiMu ti#n ? = o2 much is this?


    | *y, t (ph!n ph]a &au), o (#anh-t) = 'he nape of the ne4

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    * R%'r& ),t&1 = -hi t.i 'uay u (gy& :t) li th thBy anh ta ang theo sau

    t.i1 = When tu,ned my head& he 2as follo2ing me1

    (tO= theo = follo2Q

    %'() = 'uay& xoay& ngo/nh (li) = tu,n)



    (t]nh-h) = Le$&onality c ha$ate$, natu$e

    ( T ' ( " , - # 1 = nh*cch c. By hon*ton t,i ngROc vSi t.i1 = e, cha,acte, is

    diamet,ically opposed to me1

    (# =M%&(chnh*ph/n*Ui) = hon*ton t,i*ngROc = exactly opposite)



    (4-tD) tip-tD = Bontinuou&ly, ontinuation

    7" *hT)1 = 9hn ny l phn k+*ti+p ca t,ang 1 = his is continued f,ompage1

    35?.; |PQ(th-4) = Bentu$y

    ;T+,1 = N%c mn th+*k 6 m ,a1= he st centu,y opened1

    (+=R(mc) = mn che = cu,tain)

    [1 k dng lMn& lm cho %ng lMn (ngoi >ng*tV)& n>i >ng*tV tR$ng*%ng H(%ng dy)

    = Etand up& e,ect& make

    kl m>t (tha*>ng*tV& ngoi*>ng*tV)

    -"k= dng %ng cuUn sch lMn = set a book on its edges

    3;0.* | vQ = ife

    a) *^= cRSi vO = get ma,,ied

    b) " *) z T . 1 = 3gRDi vO tUt l bu*vt t,ong nh1 = A good 2ife is a house hold


    (.= bu*vt = t,easu,e)

    3;1./ |ST(*ia-tS) *ia-Knh = amily

    T /" 8QR C 1 = 7i ngRDi t,ong gia*nh anh By #u thch ch:1 = Lve,yone in

    his family likes dogs1


    |UV(hi_n-t6i) = 'he p$e&ent time, no+, at p$e&ent

    a) h= cho +n hi8n*ti = until today!no2"


    | a (&E-t thu!n kn Yn* t$^ #anh-t \ m, t *E0

    ) = 'h$ee

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    . 1 H 2 1 = = u lt v ba ngRDi bC ch+t uUi = he boat capsied

    and th,ee men 2e,e d,o2ned1

    (1n= lt nho = to capsie& ove,tu,nQ

    2=WX = ch+t uUi = be d,o2ned (to death))

    1 3 YZ(pht*t,iPn) = Gevelopment

    C4c)hiX P 5)3= -inh*t+ n*uUc 6 pht*t,iPn nhanh*ch:ng t,ong

    X nYm 'ua1 = he -o,ean economy has g,o2n!advanced" ,apidly fo, the last th,ee decades1

    (5)=[\](cBp tUc >))

    1 ^(xa) = xe (xe .*t.& xe h$i& ;= xe l;a = tu) = A vehicle& t,ainZauto ca,

    a) () = i b_ng xe h$i (.*t.)ZlMn xe .*t. = go by ca,

    b) GH*'= xuUng xe .*t. = get out of a ca,

    c) k= dVng xe li = stop the ca,

    d) 6 " C ' G = = i tSi n$i : b_ng xe .*t. mBt m>t giD ng*h1

    = t takes an hou, by ca, (to get the,e)1

    e) +n;G7'89= i nhanh th.i t,RSc khi kTt xe1 = etIs leave ea,ly to avoid t,affic1

    1 : ch$i (>ng*tV) = to play& amuse oneself

    R-:=1 = %a t,^ ang ch$i vSi con ch:1 = A child is playing 2ith a dog1


    | (;

    =_=h^n*) h^n* (v[ Mu) (Sn*-t) = 'o fae, loo4 out on


  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    $a)\ GCD1 = c t,RDng*h7c b0t*u l4c \hX1 = Lve,yschoolsta,ts at \X1

    31. |gh(V-thR) thnh-phE = Bity

    G)XX V=1 = ,ong thnh*phU ny kho/ng XX vn ngRDi ang sinh*sUng1

    = his city is inhabited by about t2o million people1

    BTE|=]enice& thnh*phU nRSc = ]enice& the city built on 2ate,

    F4?R= /i*thi8n m.i*t,RDng .*thC = imp,ove the u,ban envi,onment




    (t-n*hi_p) lm vi_, Vn*-vi_ = o$4

    k')[ GC?CH GG1 = ng ngy ch4ng*t.i b0t*u lm vi8c l4c [h v

    k+t*th4c l4c h1 = Lve,yday 2e sta,t 2o,king at nine and stop at six1

    (= k+t*th4c = end& finish)


    | !u-4hVn*-4h] = atmo&phe$e, &u$$oun#in*&

    a) z g; HI= Nu*kh.ng*kh t,ong nh tht Bm*c4ng1 = ou, house is ve,y coy1

    (I= Bm c4ng = coy& snugQ

    H= tht& tht*s = t,ue& ,eally)

    b) g; 6J6?,h= Nu*kh.ng*kh njng*n# kh.ng ai c: thP m mi8ng (n:i

    chuy8n) ROc1 = 3o one could say anything because of the heavy mood!se,ious atmosphe,e"1

    3. | nh th, nh th 4ia = 'o e &o, o$ $i*ht

    (t,i ngha = nhR th+ ny)

    hVb"#xgh|1 = 3hRng thc*t+ th a phn kh.ng nhR th+1 = Nut ,eal life

    doesnIt usually happen that 2ay1


    | tui = A*e

    :rT,8uK1 = .i kh.ng on bi+t ROc tu`i ngRDi phF*n< :1

    }i tu`i

    }i , _ ? = in h}i anh ROc bao nhiMu tu`i ,i ? = o2 old a,e you? (lite,ally1

    o2 has you, age become?)

    hojc h}i j? (t.n*knh)

    hojc jG? (lCch*s)

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    ,/*lDi )BCG1 = .i tu`i = Im yea,s old1

    3;.k |lm(vu-tin) i t$^, t$^ tin, t$^ ht = i$&t of all, efo$e eve$ythin*

    a) kx4r= ,RSc tiMn h6y Yn c$m i 61 = etIs eat fi,st1

    b) k $ h^ r = ,RSc h+t tao ph/i nghe xem suy*ngh ca my th+ no 61

    = i,st of all& tell me 2hat you think1

    c) kB?L%GMC= ,RSc tiMn bn cn un s.i nRSc& ,i sau : cho m

    Ung vo1 = i$&t& you need to boil the 2ate,Q then you need to put in the pasta1


    | tin (Sn*-t) = believe

    a) , w , b = in hay kh.ng th i#u : vrn l s*tht1 = Nelieve it o,

    not& it is t,ue1

    b) cw?= in h6y tin lDi t.i1 = 9lease believe me1

    c) n? & = -h.ng*thP tin n`i1 = tIs unbelievable1

    (=no(o P) t,i8t*P& tSi cwng)

    d) ,))= ao tin*tRng my1 = believe in you1

    e) 6h= Vng tin*tRng bBt*c% ai1 = GonIt t,ust anyone1

    3?.oN |i, thay-i = han*e, e`han*e

    a) ?oN= `i k+*hoch = change oneIs plans

    b) 0;?oN= `i hRSng = change oneIs di,ection

    c) 01?oOr= h; `i cch khc xem1 = etIs t,y a diffe,ent method1

    d) P"t bq gi1 = Ehe gave

    bi,th to a daughte, last night1

    (TU= tUi 'ua = last night)

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    b) ( ) - T G H r W ? S F 1 = . By 6 sinh cho anh By %a con1

    = Ehe bo,e him fou, child,en1

    (r =pq(t; t%c) = %a con)

    c) X " c ? S ) = on g mi ny bKy giD kh.ng ^ t,%ng ROc1

    = his hen has stopped laying (eggs)1

    d) Y#SF= N| 6 ^ con1 = he co2 calved1

    \X1 o nhng*tV bC*>ng) = pen& be opened& be unlocked

    a) oh h ,= -h:a 'un m1 = ou, fly is open!unipped"1

    b) _)*,= ,iPn*l6m sz ROc m vo ngy mai1 = he exhibition 2ill open tomo,,o21

    c) `,'h)= ;a s` kh.ng m1 = he 2indo2 2ill not open1

    \1 thch (>ng*tV) = o like& be fond of

    a) )wG])7?C=Anh By thch xem tivi vo cuUi tun1 =

    e en@oys 2atching ] on 2eekends1

    b) a ? = Anh th]hnh

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    c))$b? = Anh th]hm.n thP*thao no nhBt? = WhatIs you, favo,ite spo,t?

    3?.' | vX (Sn*-t) = Litu$e o$ #$a+ a pitu$e

    a) ,)';C= .i thch vz t,anh1 = like d,a2ing!painting"1

    b) ?'= vz m>t RDng t,|n = d,a2 a ci,cle

    c) c?'= vz l.ng my = pencil oneIs eyeb,o2s


    | I


    J n*an* n* = Wf that amount

    (Tv= danh*tV l8*thu>cQ =uv(t,O*tV))



    v^i t-h t$Q-t ()

    ,O*tV Vdi li#n sau m>t danh*tV (3) P n:i v# m%c*> hay sU*lROng tR$ng*R$ng vSi danh*tV 3 :1

    :*thP dCch l ngang b_ng 31

    a) ),VdeA= Anh By b:ng gi}i ngang b_ng t.i1 = e plays socce, as 2ell as me (he

    plays socce, 2ell& as much as me)

    b) ` " V d 5 G = ,i cKy tUt cho s%c kh}e ngang b_ng vSi c$m1 = ,uit is as

    healthy as ,ice is (f,uit is good fo, you, health as much as ,ice)c) )C

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    (i=x(kh4c) on nhc)

    c) )j`kj^+Gl=. 1 = ] th$ c: t,RDng Km& o/n Km nMn c: vn i8u

    (nhc i8u)1 = he poem 2as ,hythmical because of the longs and sho,ts1



    (#Rh t) = vai-t$w = A pa$t, a $ole

    a) n"BT'GCm?C= nh*sng :ng vai*t,| 'uan*t,7ng Ui vSi s sinh*t,Rngca thc*vt1 = ight plays an impo,tant ,ole!pa,t" in the g,o2th of plantsb) ( ) [ o G H 8


    ? = ,ong v kCch ny c. By :ng vaimT k+1

    = Ehe played (the pa,t of) the stepmothe, in this play1


    | 6nh, n 6nh = "e`t to

    a) q r ^ + p G = / _ = Lm sz bMn cnh anh l4c anh gjp kh:*khYn1

    = Ill be by you, side 2hen you need me1

    b) ,)s|pGtF= .i ngi bMn cnh mT t.i1 = sat beside!next to" my mothe,1



    (hnh-Sn*) = Ation, ehavio$

    a) {5 C= hnh*>ng dng*c/m = a b,ave deed

    b) w= nh*>ng 'uan*t,7ng h$n lDi n:i1 = Actions speak loude, than 2o,ds1


    | x, = Wh, +ell, +hy

    a) & *[? = & b4t ch ca tS Ku? = Well& 2hat happened to my pencil?

    b) & 1 ,Gr1 = & ROc ,i1 jp sau nghen1 = h& okay1 2ill see you late,1

    32.* ||}(%uE-nSi) t$on* n^ = gn&i#e the ount$y

    a) * 4 c _ = = -inh*t+ t,ong nRSc ang phFc*hi1 = he domestic

    economy is ,eviving!picking up"1

    b) *X s/n*ph~m 'uUc*n>i (s/n*ph~m t,ong nRSc s/n*xuBt)


    | (u


    =, t) &o (v^i) = Bompa$e to

    a) ,GuI= Anh nhn t,^ so vSi tu`i1 = ou look young fo, you, age1

    b) ( ) , G u ' v % = . By t,.ng chn*ch0n h$n so vSi tu`i1

    = Ehe looks olde, than he, age1

    c) () wT (^G u x = . bq By cao h$n so vSi nh tu`i1

    = EheIs tall fo, a gi,l (of) he, age1

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    d) " yG uC", 1 = 3RSc Anh l m>t nRSc ,Bt nh} n+u so vSi nRSc 1 =

    N,itain is a ve,y small count,y compa,ed to the 1E1


    |`(B-%uan) Sn*-, my = An en*ine o$ a mahine

    a) A;;== >ng*c$ h$i nRSc& my h$i nRSc = a steam engine

    b) ;= , [y = u bC t,{ v >ng*c$ c: vBn*#1 = he t,ain 2as delayed o2ing

    to engine t,ouble1

    ngha khc c$*'uan& t`*ch%c

    c) ;=?z{= thnh*lp c$*'uan = set up an institution!agency"

    d) [A;== c$*'uan nghiMn*c%u = ,esea,ch institution

    35. |(l:p-t$/n*) thi-S, %uan-i\m, tKnh-th = A po&ition, &ituation

    a) B| qT }gn {|= G*nhiMn t.i hon*ton hiPu lp*t,RDng ca anh1 = fcou,se& completely unde,stand you, position1

    b) c = in h6y hiPu cho 'uan*iPm ca t.i1 = 9lease t,y to see

    things f,om my point of vie21

    c) iL= tnh*th+ kh: x; = be in an emba,,assing position

    (iL(*) nan x; = emba,,assing)

    [1 V ng (>ng*tV)Q 3V(c5 3& toZnh}Znhi#uZt b_ng 3) = 2o,th

    "*ha 1 n*

    a) ( ) v 4 ? ? V C % B = . By l ngRDi ng knh (ng ROc knh*t,7ng)1

    = EheIs a pe,son 2o,thy of ,espect1

    b) -"~V= uUn sch ny ng 7c th;1 = his book is 2o,th ,eading1

    c) 7"V= i : ng P th; cho bi+t1 = tIs 2o,th t,ying1

    "*ha 2 "V

    (z ", toOnh{Onhi[uO]t n* ")

    t,O*tV Vnh*dBu m%c*> nhR nhau,-"Tu+

    a) YV= c5 b_ng 'u/ t,%ng chim& nh} b_ng 'u/ t,%ng chim& to b_ng 'u/ t,%ng chim& nh} nhR

    'u/ t,%ng chim = be the sie of a bi,ds*eggQ be as small as a bi,ds*egg

    b) V = to b_ng con h` = be as big as a tige,

    c) x; V= 5 n: b_ng chVng ny1 = ts sie is this big1

    d) )5hV= on chu>t By to b_ng con ch:1 = he ,at is the sie of a puppy dog1

  • 8/10/2019 100 Korean common words


    e) VC7Y== .i bi+t nhi#u b_ng :1 = kno2 as much1

    f) FrT)V= N8nh*tnh b8nh*nhKn vrn nhR th+& kh.ng tUt lMn cng kh.ng xBu i1

    = he patients condition is neithe, bette, no, 2o,se1

    (=(b8nh*th+) b8nh*tnh)

    Eo*snh vSi cBu*t,4c 3Vd mFc tV \1



    v]-#D = r`ample

    a) 7o?$%b= GKy l v*dF iPn*hnh1 = his is a typical!p,imeQ classic" example1

    b) b^= v*dF nhR111 = fo, example

    c) A $ % b ^ = in h6y cho v*dF cF thP h$n ch4t 1 = 9lease give

    me a mo,e detailed!specific" example!illust,ation"1

    3?. | #^i = 'he ottom, the lo+e$ pa$t

    a) ,6G= dRSi (tn) cKy = unde, a t,ee

    b) TGI== : m>t RDng t,|n ROc vz g:c ph/i dRSi ca b%c t,anh1

    = he,e is a ci,cle d,a2n at the bottom left*hand co,ne, of the pictu,e1ng*ngha (bMn dRSi) (danh*tV)



    (phn*-thY) = A fo$m, metho#, p$oe&&

    a) ,)*0#C= .i lm vi8c theo cch ca t.i1 = have my o2n 2ay of doing things1

    b) 40= phR$ng*th%c 'u/n*l (kinh*doanh) = style of management

    c) 0= phR$ng*th%c sinh*hot (phong*cch sUng) = oneIs lifestyle


    |(8nh-hn*) = gnfluene, on&e%uene&

    a) " * l G ; ? # = E*ki8n : c: /nh*hRng lSn +n cu>c*Di t.i1

    = hat incident had a big impact on my life1

    (;?#= gKy /nh*hRng& c: /nh*hRng)

    b) ^ " x 8 T ; ? ) = on ci chCu /nh*hRng ,Bt nhi#u tV cha mT1

    = hild,en a,e g,eatly influenced by thei, pa,ents1