1 the Science of Psychology Chpt 1

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  • 8/14/2019 1 the Science of Psychology Chpt 1


    The Science of Psychology

    Chapter 1

    Myers 7th ed.


  • 8/14/2019 1 the Science of Psychology Chpt 1


    The limits of intuition and common


    What makes something a science?

    Intuition and common sense are often wrong.Hindsight Bias

    People often think something was obviously goingto happen AFTER it happens. After people knowan answer they will look for reasons to explainand justify it, even if its the wrong answer theywill become more convinced its the right answer.

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    The limits of intuition and common


    Overconfidence People tend to

    think they knowmore than theydo.

    Even afterpeople areshown to bewrong they ofteninsist they wereright or partiallyright

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    The Scientific Attitude

    Being skeptical but not cynical

    Being open but not gullibleHaving humility

    Valuing the truth over being right

    Critical thinking examining the evidence SHOW ME THE EVIDENCE!

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    The Scientific Method

    Scientific Theory An evolving explanation that accurately predicts

    and organizes observable phenomenon. Ascientific theory is only as valuable as its ability topredict outcomes accurately.

    The ability to predict an action is proven through

    experimentation controlled and logical testingthat can be repeated by anyone so they can seefor themselves the theory works.

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    Operational Definitions very specifically

    describes critical concepts in an experimentso that people will be able to replicate it



    A testable prediction

    An experiment can be very valuable and provide

    critical information even if it fails.

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    Psychological Research

    Psychologist try to gather information

    using case studies, surveys, and natural


    Case studies Provides in depth information on one subject

    Good: provides a lot of detailed information

    Bad: information only definitely applies tothat one person and might not be valid for


    Skull of Phineas Gage,

    famous psychological case study

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    Psychological Research

    The Survey

    Gathers information on many subjects but withless detail.

    Good: Can be used to easily gather a lot of

    information on a lot of people

    Bad: Information is not that in depth, resultsmight be tainted by wording effects, or sampling


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    Sampling issues

    Surveys are a very common powerful tool for

    research but they can often give misleadinginformation due to sampling issues.

    You must find the correct population to draw

    your sample from.

    Within that population you must use randomsampling. This avoids the false consensus


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    Naturalistic Observation

    Observing subjects in their natural setting

    without trying to control anything. Simplywatching.

    Good a lot of information can be revealed

    about how subjects actually act.

    Bad limitations of observer and physicallywhere they are and what they can see.

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    Psychologists use statistics and correlation to

    show the strength of a relationship betweentwo things.

    However, there are illusionary correlations

    and cause and effect are still

    undeterminable.Correlation does NOT equal causation.

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    Illusory Correlations

    When we believe there is a relationship

    between two things we are likely to recall andnotice instances that confirm our beliefs.

    For example, perceiving order in random

    events lottery, exact change etc.

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    In order to determine cause and effect an

    experiment must be done. To find cause and effect experiments attempt

    to manipulate factors of interestand control

    all other factors.

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    Experimental Factors

    Bias the double blind procedure provides that

    neither the participants nor the scientists are not

    aware of who is actually being tested to remove allbias.

    Placebo effect a well documented effect in

    humans, if a patient believes he is getting treatment

    around 30% of the time he will get better even if heis not. The placebo effect always wears off and is

    unusable for long term effects.

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    Experimental and Control groups

    Experimental subjects are randomly selectedto be part of the experimental group (thegroup that will get the experimentaltreatment) and a Control group (the groupthat will get a placebo)

    This procedure shows the results of theexperimental group in contrast to the controlgroup and make for a reliable study ofeffects.

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    Independent/Dependant variables

    Independent variable the thing that will

    be changedin the experiment between theexperimental group and the control group.

    Dependant variable the thing that will be

    measuredin both groups to determine the

    effect of the independent variable

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    Basic Stats.

    Stats are used in almost every psychological

    research paper so they are important to know how to

    read and interpret.

    Measures of Central Tendency

    -Mode: Most frequently occurring number

    -Median: The number at which half the numbers are

    above it, and half below.

    -Mean: The arithmetic average of all numbers

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    Standard Deviation: A

    computed score that tells

    how scores vary around themean score.

    Statistical Significance: A

    statistical statement that

    tells you how likely a result

    was made by chance (asopposed to actually affected

    by an independent variable

    in an experiment.)