Jublisl'l'lI ill tI,l' 31l1tl'rrst of tl,l' mrnt lfirgillil.t (!lolorl'lI 3ltlntihlfr -- VOLUME III Institute, W. Va., March 1910 );['MIlER II THE IMMUT ABLE LAW OF PROGRESS MY HUNTINGTON VISIT The following nrt.icle taken from the current issue of the l'oplilar JlIcrhon;cJ contains milch that is worthy of ser-ious sober-minded thought by those 111 every vocation of life, 8f1l1 especinlly hy those in the tenching profession. SO 111ATI)' fnil to realize that the wor-ld is goinR' Icward , So many fail to under- stnnlt that the customs of to-clay are hut the chrysalides of tomorrow from which Kt:utlt'IIlCTI us ever enure together to honor the stranger within UIl(,S gall". idem; :t1111 thol1ght<;, mort' hca~tlift11 flllIl The c'-'\'cnil1g' from 14 1010 was spent ill l'prightly r-onvcrsntiou, ill whic-h 1\lr. r\ 'II ' I Washington di-;tingl1ishcIl himself as n f:lscillllting rncouteur. His inimitable more use 11 WI nnse. From such enn come nothing' new, tunuucr of 1Jrillgill~ out the humorous sides of ser-ious aspects of Soutuern life, uothiug of benefit, 1I0thil11{ that serves ~kept nl l inteutlv li~tenil1J! to ever)" word spoken. hut f\S nil obstacle to progress. ! At teu o'clock, led hy Mr . Wnshington and Miss n.nhank, the guests filed to Teachers let us exaurine oursel c es, to' the clining room on the first floor. Here, the preparnttons had been made by the nscertniu whether we hnve stopped g-row- Students or the Senior cooking class. The table, with its SIIOWY white Iiuen. i:1g- ill ener-gy AI1I1intellect; whether we spnrk liug sf lver , gluss n ml china offset by becomiug tlccomtions of cut Ilowcr s, re- have strive», even nt a sacr-ifice, to adll neciC111110re thnn word •• to the credit or the students HlIII teachers of this .tcnnrt- new knowledge to our meager stock: meut . Tl~e Menu. tnstefu l :11111110l1ntifill wus ~l'r\'f'd with perfection hy severn! whether we are sntisfied with our stntus , )oullg \;l!llt'!'l-. Tile hnud lms written I1pOIl tile "fill. Arter the d('c::in' •• of the inner mnu hn-l bce-u giveu recognition, President I'rill- We 11rHljust ne; well resolve !lOW to he crtunu prcvnih-d I1pOIl Prof. S. H. C1t<:s to ext end ~rcetillg's AmI nppreciation 011 better 11(\Wthnn we ever have been or gel hchnlf of the f'1cl1lty 1111(1Sdl001. to lite guest of the c\'cnillJ,r out of the huviuess. This 111e.,n~ )'on, Mr. Washington modestf y ncce pted Yl{" e-s pressions of sentilll~lIt in a. few the self-satisfied, uou-prog ressive teach- wordw.nud nftcr fur thcr desultory couversauou, the guec;tsd!'pnrterl, feehng grntified er-, wherever yO\1 are fot11;r1. for the ple:t<:ure<; of the p\·c n il1g. "1\11111\' teachers nre rend,' to clnmor '!'hose present we-re: J'rcsirh-ut I'rillcrmnn Supt , J. ~T. Cnnty, R('\'. \V. P. for hi~h~r wnges, but arc ;loil1g not a Rot.iueon, fltr .:l11rl flt •. s. A. \\'. Cnrt:s, Mr-. 11I1I1l\Jrs. E. M nurgf'~s, Mr. nll·ll\frs. blessed thiuu to make themselues better Joseph Lovette. 1I1r. and Mrs. S. It. GuS-'1, Mr. nm! Mrs. \\I. If. 1"f)WI,V, !\h-sllllll'~. teachers." Maude Jac.ksf)ll, Jessie Embrv, Lewelf yn Spriggs, Vir,Q"inir Cle\'elnl1t1, Chn.rlotte "Th~tllmaIl11111~11I10\'erowanlorhl!('k- Cmnpbe-ll , E. A. Dorsey, Messrs: J. R. Pnttou , 1\. G. ltrown , and Bus. Mgr. C. E. wnrd, tlntt he cannot stand still :11111hold Mitchel. Mdms. Prillcruinn nnd Clll1t)' were nnnhle to be present. his place in n progressive world. is fin The President, Inculty, nud invited guests were uumuinrous in their expressions axiom, which np~lied in an ubstrnct of pleasure for the courtesies that the Bortnl hntllhus <:0 gcnerott!'=l}, giHTl them. manlier, is ensil y understood. The --- ".=~:--:~:.' -- - _._.. -.. - . -- 1- - ._, ---- wor-ld moves nlrend nuder tile feet of the snme 0111 wny, dny after .In)'. No man I nppreutice mn rk 111111 then 1 wns rated man who is making time, and whose can take this ntt.itude nud not retrograde. II and misc.l accordiugly. hack 1'; tur-ned to mlvancemeut , "You see, :}ou hnve <1011C nothing I nm instructed h~' nnvnl engineers and No nr11ly ever WOII n bnttle by IIltlrking that sctiousf y unfits )'011 fo- t he position' muchinist , petty officers ill my trade nud time illuefinitely. F.\·er)' thing in the )'011 so long- fillC'(I, IJut ill line with my. hy the Illtcrnntionnl COrresponrlence \\'orhl must 81h-nn('C or retroRrllc1e. e11l1e:\\or ron do not recognize or np- School in nrithmelic :11111other ~tn(lics. The AppJicnliol1 of the law was hrollRhl preciate the eHort •• I :t11l IIHtkillg' here to I fir~t WC'lIt the tmining slation in Nc\\,- out ill n strikhll{ denr lIlnl111er rccC'ntly keep thillg:c; I1p to the front,nnd you do port Rhode 1~11l1l(1,for two months nnd h)' the 11HtlHIgf'r or [l Jarge :t11fIsl1('ces<;fnl l1oth;"g- '1long this l;l1e sll(1icicl1t1y to J wnstrnl1~fcrrclll0 tlleU. R. S Mis!'Ouri hostclry, nc('onling to the !Iolrl ll"orld. gl\'e TIle co,operation, 3';si<:t:tl1ce :11111 first class h~tth'ship in the Unit.,1 Stntes The I1HlI1Ager h:ul succeeded in 111nkillg support which J 111USt ha\'e (r0111 the N:lv~' whcre I tun now. . for the holel a repntntiol1 !'=econd to none. hellfls ofthe the \lepnrtments." "'(. h:wc been r1rilling I'll the ROl1thern Bis ino\'atiot1s wcre crithed by some of 1\111.1 the chief clerk knew the mnnnger drill g-rolll1ds jusl off the Virginia Cnpcs, his hea(ls of depnrtmcllts, hut the lIIal1- WitS rig-ht.-ro/,u/m· ;lfcrhrwirs. auh we It'lt lhere December 2J~t (ur New ngcrt t1l1der<:lnor1 hi!" hn~illee;s. JIis ('hi('f Vork, nl1cl spent Christlll"~ nurl New clerk had he"l his pO!'=itiol1 for fi,'c ycars \"f';I1·... On Jf1I111ary 9th we It,ll to S<I11II)' RIllI W(l.';n faithrul, reliahle, allli hut S('1f- '•. I A LETTER lie Ik \\'llcrc we jvilwd tI,t' fleet nile! <:nti••tiec1 (,l11plo),£'e. st: ll'U~'or 'r. 11;\111 011:11110nay, ClIl).1, where Ilis self-sfllil'fnctinll was his 110\\'11f:ll1 (;U:111tlll1:1I1'O Bny. Cuha, w •.. n-ri'·(,ll.Jal1l1:ln TIth:11111are :111r-hored lie "'tiS rli~rh:,rg:ed. January 26, 1910 in thc n .~. lI'l\\,. We arc here for tnrgcl "VOI1 hn\'t" heell fii1il1K the pl) ••iliol1 HOlTon 1~~'rITIIT'~l\lo:-lTJII.\':-Itg-ht,!; pr:lC'li('C' :tilt! Inlllt' p1:ll1nil1~, which "ill with nhility find fidl'lily, s:ti,1 th(' 1":'11- 111('grent p1e'1••nre t!lat, ~int'e h':l\'i111~ tilt" 1:'1 .•t 1Intil May I~t, \\'111'11w(' 1"""C' ht'T(' :loger in clislllie;"illg him, "Yol1 nrc nlt,,"t Institute. I CHlI \\'ritl' nt thil'ili .•tallt tilllt' fl)r thr ~t Itl.'<I.. The N:1\')' i~" fill('tllil1/o! :1S gl}oll a in yOl1r 1>0<:iti1)1I :10; ('\'('r, Imt 1111 "ith a <:",,,11 hfl)l(' ••f clnillC! some KO(lfl f(lr the light <:01'1of ~l}l1l1g 11\('11_ hetter, r:"erdhill,!,with)Olllm<;h('('01l1e n11d ~ho"inJ.! 111)' ;Ipprecinlinll for the 1,:Jl'tRlIl'rll}'f1<: I W:1" C''\plOlillg SOIllC a 1H"ll~r of hahit. You lire like nil :l11~ Roo.l d"l1t" 11'(' fllld the fl'ie l1f I"hip that t nf Ilit:' Cuhlt!} w(t ll!•.• I fOI1I1.} n whole t01l1:1ton, n 111'1d,ille, nll,1 Ihi •• rnC'l 1I('lp" Illacle 111I1111w11('11'irC('f'in'tl \~'hil(' llH'I'(". I trlll11.: flf pellifie,l \\,';0.) rrolll which we to l1lake yflll rf'liahl(". It i<: of gl'(";lt ."'.fter 1c;l\'illq- <;c-hool I w('111 h01l1(, ;11Id 11 "c t:lk"'11 ~oll\'C'l1ir~, :111I1 :lS 111:111\' "nlne to this hno.:jl](""S to 1m\'(' :l. lll:1n S') got \\,nr':, flllll \\'~lrk("1 tlntil 11f':lrl)' time of III" ~c"nO}I1I·\tC'J';h:l\'1"':11('\'cr se(,11 petri- rclinhl(' 111111 trtl<:twflrthy ill <:0 impOltallt for <:t'1tnfll to 1)f'~I1I. \\11('11 I It;lrpCI1('·1 10 finl w(."d. I rim s{"l1dillg _"011a pi{'('(' for :1 positinl1. gel ;tcqnailltc'd with a IHI":II (Jnicc-r w\to, tlt!'ir hl'llt.fit to C'sPlt·.';o.:my :lppl'(,t'i:1tillll "But l:tlll il1ll"fI\'ing till' Itllll'l, illlrn- :Ifkr hcarill.l!' thal I hn.l ;I liltl(' kl1(J"I- ftlr whnt thc' ill!';titute 11:I~ ,1011(' (or IIlC. ,1l1cing lie\\, fe"hITe<:, new nu'thl>fle; orl ("'lgc of mt1r-hi n cry nml hlllc-k<:lIIitlting, Alld if I filul :lIIy olher little ~;."ell1il1g- 1Il1111agcmell1. I mllst h;wc :l Illall who pcrsl1:l.rlc f lmc to <'l1li<:1il1tht" 1I<l\'~'wll1're ('111io...ilil'<; I will !';('llCl"'elll nlso. is 1I0t Ihe ~at11CInti,,), ns h(" WitS fi\'(' years r ('0.n1d fil1i<:h a ~oursc liS n medt:111i('al l'1c':1<;(" ~i\'f' m)' rC'g"rcls 10 the teochers ago. 1 need :1 mnll who joil1s il1 the engllteer and ~tlll not lose ",)' other ami to 111) formcr school. spirit whi('h I ftl11 trying to 3rouse. You ~h1flles. I 3!'kCfl papnnbout it anti he roll- 1 rellmill your hrotlH'r in Christ. are 110t. You are 110t welcoming lIew 5-ented. Ro today 1 am a third-class nlR- RAvMoNn II. PR\'OR, ic1ctls, 1Iot tnkillg the illilinth'c ill all)' chillist in the Unilell Sintes Nn\'Y, recei,,- U. S.~. Mh:~ol1ri, Care of Postmaster, new line of thong.ht or endc:1yor that 1111{a po)' of forly dol1llrs n mouth. 1 Nl'w York Cit)', N. Y. mennsilllpro\'emenL Youareallogelher had to start with a pay of thirt)-thrce too satisfied, willing to go Along ill the dollars a Itlonth until I recei\'ed 111~' An You Preparing 10 A1tendthe Summer School? REGENTS' BANQUET TO MR. J. H. WASHINGTON AT INSTITUTE :\ trip to 1111l1tillgt(JIl a Iew weeks n~.) for the p"qlO<;t" flf ,i"iting' i\I:m:h~l1 Cullt'ge anll the puhlic !o'l·hOllll' (If that city was a source uf in<:pirfltihl1 10 n·(, writer. Th11rs1by IIInrlling was speut nt ~I.<!.r- shnl l College. Through the ki"(II1t'f~ of the principal. Prof. 1... J. Corbfev , I ""I' malic welcome :lllll introduced to )lis!'= t Inrr-iet Lyon, pr iucipal of the (If!'- p.u trucut of ('du('alilln, who (''1rrfull) ex p lnin ed the d('t:tiJ~ I)f the work nf Ih1\ dep .. u-tm e nt. The day was spent in compnny wit'" Miss Lyon observing the work 111 tbe Teacher!" Tr:1ini,,~ Department from the kinrlergnrtt'll to the Rth grnde. t found )'Iiss Lyon :1 tIl'l~t intf'rc!'Oting, ear neut , encrgcuc tear-her whose ideas of method were prnctical. \\'e :11'e \\11.)('1' l:lstin,.: grntilt111e to hfT for courtesies •• howu us clnring our visit to Mnrshnll Colif'g-e. Mis<: Lyon t(l('l\; us to vi ••i<:l the Xlnuunl trnining dr-pn rt- mcnt which i~ under Pmr. Mevcr n... work of this ,1rpartment :::.l\,e me p:n, tir-nl-rr plt',,<:nrf' bernv-e 1 nru ('<:p('ri:l1l), intercstr-I in it r:.J1f1 firmly believe th..,l this is the liuk tlmt must ('OI1l1('ct the school work wit lt [ife , uud mnke it 1'011- crete al1ll more practical. 1 found Prof. M("~'er, the same spirit of kindness ;11111 helpfulncss thnt I fOll" I from the moment that J entered Mnr , shall Collc-goc till I left it. l/ridny. n , m. \\'";ISspent with Prof. Meyer At the Burl- ington HlIilr1il1~, one or the whitt" cit~( schools. Miss »1.")'1011,the principal of the building, received us verv cC'Tdia1J:'I And expressed a desire to hove u!'isee the work of 11,•• <:('1 ••..,..'. 1 snn 1I!lIdl Here t 1 plense :1;;rl inspIre lilt'. The orrl('r. the work of thf' school ~en("rnll)' nn·1 the ~pl("l1r1icl f:lcili\ie<l. wer(' '111 v('n help(ul to 111(>. Among the mall)' e11l'onrngill,l{ thinge J S:1\\' while ill Hnlltington, the ol\e th ••• t ga,'c me the ~reatcst pleasure an·I /1- caused 111)' h('nrt to swcll with prhle w:;<: .•• the \'i~it to the DOllglass S('hool wh(>rr : Prof. J. \V. S('ott, principal. :11111hi~ IIhIe a~~t~t:tllt~ ~ll\'e liS nlhC''1rly wt'1co1ll<', illlked the ('opportunity to !'=ee~o mne'l " of the work of th(' puillic school w:t<: Iln' to 11.,. ""'''efllI pl:tllnin,l? of rrf'lf. ~cnll. ' who is one o~ "1(> 1Il0~t enrn('<:l proQr('<:~ J h'e ~1'hol\l 111en it! file ~l~ftf'. 1_ 1 AT the in vitntiou of the Board of Regents, the Inr-ult y of the School, "11'1 a few invited guests presented themselves nt J)aWSOtl I1n11, and were us l••.. n·fl iuto its spacious parlor by Miss :\Inry Eubank head of Domestic nrts nud ecieuccs, to ,10 honor to I\1r. Jo1111 II. ,,'ashillg-toll, to whom refervuce has been mude elsew here in our issue. 'l'he parlor was beautifully decorated with azaleas, rhododeudrn.cut Americm beaut)' roses, n1111hyacinths. The room wns flooded by the soft rays of the iucnu. descent lights, ami their beams shone over ns fnir nit nsscmhlnge of lndiN' mul 11''''1;1. \:;5 lh·I'.I""J:. Oil (IIt1IillJ.,!lI1l' IlIlilelill": hl1('i<;jr:l prc!"~efl "itlt 1<.t tile g-elleTlII denlllillf'<;;; of thc Illilcling' ,ltI·l tilt.> ('\';rlel1('('Q tl1;11 most (''(ccllcHt (':1r(' ha!'= 11("(>11 Iakrl1 of the illtcrinr :1:111the fumillln>. 'fi'l' j:II'_ itor. "hu \\':15 olle or the fir~t pC'r<:()l1~ Imot ('Ill f'lIteliHg "'Oil l11y r<.><:lwct :'!I 011('(' fpr 11(' \\:lS 011(' of till' ft,\\, p('r!"nll<: nllc lII('dq who h:ls 1(,:t1Iwd to do ('0111- 1II01l-pl:h-e things well. eM(' RllII ('I(,:'In lillcss were e\'cn witeT(" e\·:•.lel1t .A spit.·;,t 01 ~~tnl'Sln~<:s :lnd ('nf'TJ:D seemed to per\'nrle the buildillg. in lilt' hn.11 ways were iml11ense pallllS ill ('\'CI) room was n profusion of pllltlts--Jlot '" few poorly tenC'letl plal1t~. in C,lltS, hu! nice \ i~orolls health), pln"ts in pot!'=, adding cheerfulness Rntl gi''';llg t1:e (Continued on &oond rnge.)

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  • Jublisl'l'lI ill tI,l' 31l1tl'rrst of tl,l' mrnt lfirgillil.t (!lolorl'lI 3ltlntihlfr--

    VOLUME III Institute, W. Va., March 1910 );['MIlER II



    The following nrt.icle taken from thecurrent issue of the l'oplilar JlIcrhon;cJcontains milch that is worthy of ser-ioussober-minded thought by those 111 everyvocation of life, 8f1l1 especinlly hy thosein the tenching profession.

    SO 111ATI)' fnil to realize that the wor-ldis goinR' Icward , So many fail to under-stnnlt that the customs of to-clay are hutthe chrysalides of tomorrow from which Kt:utlt'IIlCTI us ever enure together to honor the stranger within UIl(,S gall".idem; :t1111 thol1ght0

    The day was spent in compnny wit'"Miss Lyon observing the work 111 tbeTeacher!" Tr:1ini,,~ Department from thekinrlergnrtt'll to the Rth grnde. t found)'Iiss Lyon :1 tIl'l~t intf'rc!'Oting, ear neut ,encrgcuc tear-her whose ideas of methodwere prnctical.

    \\'e :11'e \\11.)('1' l:lstin,.: grntilt111e to hfTfor courtesies ••howu us clnring our visitto Mnrshnll Colif'g-e. Mis

  • THE INSTITUTE ~10NTHL\". MARCil '9'0


    work' :1111tryillg" to 110 ill this iustitu-11(111and I realize lII(Jn~ thnn ever per-hnps. tlurt :1 teacher ill \\'t'! r;,,\' of t.:xpl'nel\(-c'llt';~"h~:rs :11111scholu r- III,tllt'l! "a n,]:-;, :\ftn I hOld "t'(·11 ~'''tl·r. rutlu-r t hnn profess: n 1111t,) tJ"I,,frnft OUI'IH,jJ.,!ITh"r;lI),!J..:'ro\'c aud leve-ls buve he en I Iy educators. ,,110 will uupart the best tniued ~hy ttn- ch~ldn'" (1'(111\tl,lt' prlllla.r~· c-luistiuu pl'i"dpk~ with the ad~ nf tif{'.s~l !tIJllrt rr;r the ~ir1'" cxcl usive U"'t.' llHlught of the tiurcs. Agniu TI1E l\tOll'- gra~lc ,to the 111.t:h ~('h_o(J1 WIth IIIUSI{',

    . .. , ., TIll.\' urges the importance Ilf This SUIll- recitnttous. :wd quctutious, I 11:111HI."IIIt:r School to the te~IIt'rs or the Stnte,llittl(' talk,

    nv 1'111': 1:,,~'r.\I,I.\'l·Tn:" PI-' THE :"J',\\' The d:ly Iorflu- teacher with n trustee I l'o:'\Flml'::"('J': \\'1'1'11 'J'!~.U·I-IF.I~S\\,It,'r !'),Sl('lII, IIlron' !'t'Cllrily frolll the pull, Ill'!' ,·rtll;~hell. 'rite (·l1i,l I lilt h'..:lnl'~ witlllile h!nchcrl' rorn I;ltle cOllfl'rcll('e lhe pr;(icnf thept'oplchc scn'ct'. 111111t-

    • i whi.-h of cour~e 1 10okc foe, hecAuse lhe prillcipnl pnid look hack ll»OIl it as H Inost ,11'lightlulIll-''-:~ will ell"lIle nil)' 111:1\I·~ pel'lll!\l\clll 1'!J at\1'1l1inll t(lIllY :1I1l)(,1I1for all eXCllse round ofplell~urt:,,,"'';;Ii'l'' '\\' \'. C. I. hat' hilt \'cry sel.1 ilnd 1 \\ilO{\l0t "'on\·. 1 '~hfl\Illt have heel1 T Saw 1IIut'h III t'I1('I)uraK"

    1:"\'11 tktnh('1' In. IR~H, l1;t·oI \Tan'lt l,;19111, :l,l!·t'rl (,It'\'t'll Y"II1'S, finA IlInllth~1I11rl t \\'('nly Ihl."!'. Tlw~c nl'(' the hare"orris with ",llieh the preac1u!"l', ht',!{nllllis Plllllg), (111 the t]';ln"it (If ;1 111111I


    1\'11".W. 11. l\Il)rri~ ufll.1I1illlolC, IIICUU-polita •• SCl:n:lur) of the Y. !\l. L'. ,\.,MCS3rs MHILiII !J lcstou, \\", \'.1., 1)11Eri.luyFclJJ'uaJ')' II, 1910 (or the tliSCII:.~i\J1I ofiUlprudllg' ilgrintltun: ill the :.talc.TIII,;,e prescllt Hl thc coufcr cuce were:Gm'cillor \\'111. K Gla:-;!'oC'uck, (Jr. A. C.True uf \\TashillgtulI, Director of tin: U,S. Experitneut Stalioll:o.; !\'I!.:':.~r:. M, I'.Sha\\ k cy, C. S. Lanlley , !\l)'COIl C••.rtetonLowe, J. n.Fillley ami n. H. Northcot t,mcurbcrs of the UO'lfduf Rq:('lIh; i\le .•srs.J, S, Lnk!u, T. E. Hudg-IS nud J, A.::;h(:l'hanll1l~lulx:rs 01 the Sture Board ofControl; Dr. U, B. I'uriuton, President ofthe- Stnte Ulli"CISil.r; Professor 1'. C.Atkerson, Dean of the Eolf egc uf Agt-i-culture; J. I-I. Stewnrt , nirtt:l~r of theExpclilllellt Station. and IJ. W. Work-ing. ill charge of the .-\gricuhurall.;xten·tiou Work of i'lorgautowu; Priucipnls ofNormal Schools: Messrs, I., J. Corbl y,of Huutington ; C. J. C, BI!IIJ1c":.l. ufFnirtnont ; C. ]1. Beures, of Athens; johnC. SIH\W, of Wt:ol Liberty: 1'. C. l\lilltr,of Shepherdstowu ; nud E. G, Rohr-baugh, Glel\\'illc; Archibald l\loorc, ofl\laltlliltglulI; I'residcut (I( Slate Board ofAgriculture; Hou . Stuart F. Reed, Secy.of Stutc: Col. Freel Paul Grosscup, JudgeGrnut P, Hall; 11011. Virgil A. Le •.••.is:ll. S. l\lorgn::, of Chcr-"ice th.lt shuuld dmractcril..t:' a iIlodelIlillilig ruflili.

    Oil lilt: Si:l:Ullti floul \\ ill hc fllulIll litertxllll:. fllr plaill :.t:\\ ;lIg. llIillilu.·I'), ,1\111tlrcs!' IIlUkillg'.

    \\'hcli a girl Itl:gill~ Ihe illitiati\'c \\urkill sc\\ill~ itS i:. tilllgiit ill lhc cli\i~i'~u ufplaill :'l:will!-!. alld illlclliJ.;cllti}, 1t:.1I11:.tolIlakt: lhl: nu-iuu:. :.lildles illill M.::t1I1S,\\ hieh ;Irc taught ill !>;III1PIc wurk, :.he 1t.ISa fOlilitialiull 1t1 Succl:s:.fnl wurk uf lhe:o.Cttlllstr(:ss or (Ir~ss·IIUtkcr. :\ 1111il is lrlll.:'lhat tltis ft1l1l1dntiull \V(lJ.\:. I,f :o.t:\\ill~ is:·"pidly \\urkillg ib·:..clC illlO III&': plli,lil'M.:lulul ctlrrinll:t!oo, I)u lIol Illulcr!>t,11I11thall'oalllJlh:: wllik is tl\t:cxlcill of lilt:: workof thi .• \li\'i~iulI, fllr \\1;: Sy:.tcllI.llic.dlyIIICal'olll'l' .111111II.I},:e le,lI J.;,lrlllt:llb III 'ull,i/c ;Iud grt:;11 lIUll1hel!oo (1'0111dlll"It:IISdtltll\.!oo t" tlit, lilli:.itt:l\ gaClIlt:llb for IIIt'lI.11111\\lIllIell IIchlie ,I :.ludcllt ,·,111ellkrlhc di\ isillll uf Ilrc:.~ lIIilkillg, sht: 1II\I:.t!,:Olllph:tt: the Will k IIC tllc di\ i~iull of pl1lill:.c\\ill!-: ur gi\\: (·\·idcllcc I,) lc:.l (.( SlIrfi·cicnt kIlO\\ It,tlg"l: Ilf phtiu st·"itt!-: 11,llcOIIII..:

    10 "" Ihc work,111 drcssllwkiug- \\e hcgiu \\iliL thc

    drafting ;11111lIIakilig Ilf plaill \\.Ii!o,b aud!>kirt. .• all,1 ,1I"aIiCIi: ).:radual1y :1::.the aLiI·itr (I[tllc illlli\ idual dClllilillb to tht..: morediflit·tdt alld p ••ill~takill~ \\ork,

    The ,·uur:.t..: ill IIII11illt:r) is c1c~i,,:IIt:" tu~i\e a tl\l,rou~h kllll\\le,lg uf lhc .I\t ofhutlllal:.illg-. triulllliug :lIul n:lIunllilig :l1111tu ~Ie\·t:lop lllc IIti:.lic ta ....ll.: alltl :IIUII!>Clalenl .Ibilily.

    'J'\\U of thli: hc:,l Itlagal.illc:" 1111 Inilli·IIcr)' crc:lliollS art' Hl lhe disl'UNlI IIf thehtutlclltS.

    :\11 lI\att:rilll~ (or i,raClicl' \\UI k arcfurnblle.:11 fur c:lch IOf lhc di\'i\!!iulls;cook-illg. p1.1i1l scwing- ;lIId lIIil1illt:'ry, nlill "IIIIll1lt:rial is furnished for 111t~pluin wurkin Ilress-l1Iukill~. FaliCY llrcsses and t.lil·Ort:,! suits are 1IIo1llc frnlll lIIaterialsfUClli~ht:d by P:1lfCIIIS,

    The sewing ~1i,-i3iulls art furui:.hetlwilh :'lIIall tables, which will uccolllodaletwo g'irls Lu II table, large lIIirrors l.IlIll~illgcr sewing Jltachilles.

    III 1\ later issue we hupt: tu gi\'e ~omeaCCOliut u( the wurk bcing (lollc II)' SOme\\ ho It.n't: ;u'ailed thcmselvcs o( lhe mJ·\,:llltHg"Ii:S we oUcr.

    Fnirruout , \V, ,' n " Fd,rllary IX. IfJlO,

    P}(OF. 11\ KO l'kll,I,I~,'t.\S,DI':.~K Slle 1 have ju~t rct:ci\·cd.,cul'}

    of lht: J.llluary IIUlllllt:r of thc lll:.litille!\IOXTIIJ,Yalid fiud tllli: n:r)' gl'.1tif)':u).;II~\\,S ill it of yuur prulIlotioll .,1 thcPre:.illt:llcy uf the \\·t::.t \'irg-illia Culnl t:(1lll~tilute. I had },Ct:1I \\"aitilll-{ to Icafllwhat (:oulll ht: 110ilC to IIs!'>ist in tht: lIIal-lCf, a~ !'III'. Fmllk J;Il:L:~1l (I( litis Citytolll IIle lhi.ll rou Itad 1)1!t:1IlelllporarilrIWllled fCII'the pl;\\.·e .dtcr tht:' dcath ofPrc~illcllt JOIlt:s.

    1 C{lIIbr'llnll~lt: rOll 1111your 1ic..•cl vcdprol1lutilJlI, J-:lluwiug' )uU as lImn: forsu lIIall)' -' car:.. I fcr.:! ,'ulilidcut 1h.11 )'lIUColli rl!lIdcr tlte Sl..tlc J:;rcilt ~cn·ice in;lIlht· po:.itioll. alill ~lIn: }uur 0\\'11 l>t!oplewill find YUIi ah\aY.>i llll thc right si.lt::O( all thl! qUc:o.tiulis lh.lt l·ulJlt: up forllit:i!' LcltcClllcnl.

    1.1111gl'llt to klhJ\\' tll,lt )UU lIa\'c hllttlilc carly lCBillill~ IIf .1 l"nllt::r's ho)' liSIIiU!>\ ultlte t:ullln;:&! pcuple nCl!d ••to fecithe \·aluc uf lhi~ trnilllllg". aud our (nrlll alIII:.titlitc uf(els lhe ul'Portlillil\ ill mostallrm:ti\'t: ",nil, \"uur :Is~iatiull withtht:" J lI:.titulc irol1J it:- f!luud.llion givt.':,\n" ull"~\I.il :ilhanl:lg'c:' ill it:- fulure;lI.III.,;';l·IIIClil. \"ou kllow its lililitutiun •.•d:> \\1.:1101:-' i1:o. opportunitics, \'UII 1t.1\I:Idl It:. :oliurt •..·'mlil1!;:. as well as rejlliecilI,., ,. 11~ :-oIlC'· ••.·"" ill lht: I'OI:.t. \"UIII"lIh~CI-\'"liull 1t,1':, l·lIl1\ II'Lcd ) lJU of whal i:-.'....I(\..•t .11J,II.t: .•l h,ribpcI'IIl:tIlt"U1l::·I,,\\lh.Yuu h,I\'(: le.lnlt·li ~!1••1 t"ulI""ldllt..tlh. 1.'111'!.:':.tCUUIt-., .•i1!IIJlI~l, UUll'-C"I\III,!; 1'''' '0:;11111rC\\.ll"d ,II lilt: liuII", .It I 11111J:;u .11I1t:'·wanled, \'UIIi 11\\11 lift.:: is till tll.:':.tc:\...tlllpll'1 kllu\\ of, Ihe 1'\.0\\

  • Noticet T eachersl


    .IrillullduFirst \\'C