61/29057/162310 7 November 2017 To Sharon Arena, Animal Plant Mineral Copy to Paul Burton, TNG From Adam Osbaldeston, Robert Virtue Tel 6222 8469 Subject Adverse Materials Supplementary Investigation Job no. 61/29057 1 Introduction and background The following information provides the necessary information to address the comments made by the Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority (NTEPA) in response to the submission of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Mount Peake Project. The information provided addresses comments made to the submitted technical report: Mount Peake - Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment of laboratory results (GHD, November 2016). The following sections address each of the comments made by the NTEPA. For reference, the NTEPA comments are included as Attachment 1. 2 Sample information 2.1 Dates of sample collection Samples for Stage 1 and Stage 2 were taken from core and percussion drilling samples recovered from various stages of resource drilling completed between 2009 and 2015. This is summarised below for each stage. 2.1.1 Stage 1 samples The stage 1 assessment was based on the following analyse Laboratory X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF): Assessment of TNG’s laboratory XRF database was sourced during exploration and resource definition drilling (2012 Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling and 2015 PQ core drilling). The laboratory XRF dataset consisted of a suite of 20 elements on a total of 5301 primary samples. The 2012 drilling data was analysed in 2012, on a total of 5002 samples, and the 2015 drilling data was analysed in November/December on 299 samples. XRF Assessment of select chip tray samples: In order to provide additional assay data on waste material (in particular sulfur data at low detection levels), a full ‘soils’ suite assessment was undertaken on 1023 primary samples. This was completed in December 2015. 2.1.2 Stage 2 samples All Stage 2 sampling was completed by ALS laboratories. The samples were sourced from the 2012 RC drilling and 2015 PQ core drilling.

1 Introduction and background - NTEPA

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Page 1: 1 Introduction and background - NTEPA


7 November 2017

To Sharon Arena, Animal Plant Mineral

Copy to Paul Burton, TNG

From Adam Osbaldeston, Robert Virtue Tel 6222 8469

Subject Adverse Materials Supplementary Investigation Job no. 61/29057

1 Introduction and background

The following information provides the necessary information to address the comments made by the

Northern Territory Environmental Protection Authority (NTEPA) in response to the submission of the

Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Mount Peake Project.

The information provided addresses comments made to the submitted technical report: Mount Peake -

Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment of laboratory results (GHD, November 2016). The following

sections address each of the comments made by the NTEPA. For reference, the NTEPA comments are

included as Attachment 1.

2 Sample information

2.1 Dates of sample collection

Samples for Stage 1 and Stage 2 were taken from core and percussion drilling samples recovered from

various stages of resource drilling completed between 2009 and 2015. This is summarised below for

each stage.

2.1.1 Stage 1 samples

The stage 1 assessment was based on the following analyse

Laboratory X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF): Assessment of TNG’s laboratory XRF database was sourced

during exploration and resource definition drilling (2012 Reverse Circulation (RC) drilling and 2015 PQ

core drilling). The laboratory XRF dataset consisted of a suite of 20 elements on a total of 5301 primary

samples. The 2012 drilling data was analysed in 2012, on a total of 5002 samples, and the 2015 drilling

data was analysed in November/December on 299 samples.

XRF Assessment of select chip tray samples: In order to provide additional assay data on waste

material (in particular sulfur data at low detection levels), a full ‘soils’ suite assessment was undertaken

on 1023 primary samples. This was completed in December 2015.

2.1.2 Stage 2 samples

All Stage 2 sampling was completed by ALS laboratories. The samples were sourced from the 2012 RC

drilling and 2015 PQ core drilling.

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Stage 2 static AMD testing was completed by the laboratory in June/July 2016.

Stage 2 kinetic and leachability testing was completed by the laboratory on a sub-set of the Stage 1

samples in July/August 2016.

2.2 Sample handling and storage procedures

2.2.1 Stage 1 samples

Samples were collected during RC drilling completed between 2009 and 2015 from the rotating splitter

below the sample cyclone. All samples were sampled in the field into 10” x 14” calico bags.

Samples from PQ core drilling (as core) were cut with a diamond saw by TNG. Core and RC chips

samples were then dispatched to the ALS Alice Springs laboratory for preparation. ALS then air-

freighted the pulp packets to Perth ALS for analysis.

The XRF sample analysis that TNG conducted in late 2015 was on the RC chip trays that were collected

from the RC drilling program in 2009-2012 and stored in TNG’s storage shed in Alice Springs. The chip

trays were then pulled and used to generate some 1200 XRF analyses of ore and waste.

2.2.2 Stage 2 samples

For the Stage 2 laboratory assessment, samples were taken from stored material held at ALS Adelaide

and Perth and sent to ALS laboratory in Brisbane for assessment. These samples were generated from

the coarse reject material from the 2012 resource drilling diamond drilling. Full PQ core was sent to Perth

in December and 1 m intervals were coarse crushed (jaw crusher) to about 6 mm size for 12-18 kg/m.

This was split down for analysis (1 kg) and then a split was taken to give a 2 to 5 kg sample for storage,

while the rest was crushed and composited into the pilot plant testwork.

There was sufficient material to generate the 2016 testwork (NAG/NAPP etc) samples representing the

ore body (209 samples). Samples representing waste were lacking in this sample set, so samples

representing waste were sourced from geotechnical core drilling completed in 2016 on hanging

wall/footwall waste material. This generated a total of 196 samples of various waste-types (gabbro,

granite and alluvials). Samples representing the tailings stream (total of 4 samples) were taken from

storage at ALS Balcatta where they had been stored since mid-2013 when a trial process-plant

experimental works was completed.

As a general comment, all material used for all the analytical work had been stored in dry warm

conditions and so would not have broken down appreciably, even after up to 6 years (e.g. 2009 RC

drilling chip samples used in late 2015 XRF work) of storage. Firstly there was little sulfide to

degrade/oxidise, and secondly the samples were always dry and under warm and low humidity

conditions (Perth or Alice Springs).

2.3 Detailed and exact laboratory methods used for analysis and raw data results

The laboratory methods used by ALS are summarised below in Table 1 for static testing and Table 2 for

kinetic testing.

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Table 1 Stage 1 static testing - laboratory methods

Method Description

pH (1:5) In house: Referenced to APHA 4500H+. pH is determined on soil samples after a 1:5 soil/water leach. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 103)

Net Acid Production Potential

In house: Referenced to Coastech Research (Canada)(Mod.). NAPP = Acid Production Potential (APP or MAP- Maximum Acid Potential) minus Neutralising Capacity (ANC). NAPP may be +ve, zero or -ve.

Electrical Conductivity (1:5)

In house: Referenced to APHA 2510. Conductivity is determined on soil samples using a 1:5 soil/water leach. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) (Method 104)

Net Acid Generation

In house: Referenced to Miller (1998) Titrimetric procedure determines net acidity in a soil following peroxide oxidation. Titrations to both pH 4.5 and pH 7 are reported.

Acid Neutralising Capacity (ANC)

In house: Referenced to USEPA 600/2-78-054, I. Miller (2000). A fizz test is done to semi-quantitatively estimate the likely reactivity. The soil is then reacted with an known excess quantity of an appropriate acid. Titration determines the acid remaining, and the ANC can be calculated from comparison with a blank titration.

pH (Saturated Paste)

In house: Referenced to USEPA 600/2 - 78 - 054 - pH determined on a saturated paste by ISE.

Moisture Content

In house: A gravimetric procedure based on weight loss over a 12 hour drying period at 103-105 degrees C. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Section 7.1 and Table 1 (14 day holding time).

Sulfate as SO4 2- Total

In house: Total Sulfate is determined off a HCl digestion by ICPAES as S , and reported as SO4

Sulfur - Total as S (LECO)

In house: Dried and pulverised sample is combusted in a high temperature furnace in the presence of strong oxidants / catalysts. The evolved S (as SO2) is measured by infra-red detector

Total Metals by ICP-AES

In house: Referenced to APHA 3120; USEPA SW 846 - 6010. Metals are determined following an appropriate acid digestion of the soil. The ICPAES technique ionises samples in a plasma, emitting a characteristic spectrum based on metals present. Intensities at selected wavelengths are compared against those of matrix matched standards. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite X

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

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Method Description

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Y

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Metals by ICP-MS - Suite Z

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Total Mercury by FIMS

In house: Referenced to AS 3550, APHA 3112 Hg - B (Flow-injection (SnCl2)(Cold Vapour generation) AAS) FIM-AAS is an automated flameless atomic absorption technique. Mercury in solids are determined following an appropriate acid digestion. Ionic mercury is reduced online to atomic mercury vapour by SnCl2 which is then purged into a heated quartz cell. Quantification is by comparing absorbance against a calibration curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Table 2 Stage 2 kinetic testing - laboratory methods

Method Description

pH by PC Titrator In house: Referenced to APHA 4500 H+ B. This procedure determines pH of water samples by automated ISE. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Conductivity by PC Titrator

In house: Referenced to APHA 2510 B. This procedure determines conductivity by automated ISE. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Calculated TDS (from Electrical Conductivity)

In house: Calculation from Electrical Conductivity (APHA 2510 B) using a conversion factor specified in the analytical report. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Exchangeable Cations on Alkaline Soils

In house: Referenced to Rayment & Lyons (2011) Method 15C1. Soluble salts are removed from the sample prior to analysis. Cations are exchanged from the sample by contact with alcoholic ammonium chloride at pH 8.5. They are then quantitated in the final solution by ICPAES and reported as meq/100g of original soil.

Alkalinity by PC Titrator

In house: Referenced to APHA 2320 B This procedure determines alkalinity by automated measurement (e.g. PC Titrate) using pH 4.5 for indicating the total alkalinity end-point. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Sulfate (Turbidimetric) as SO4 2- by Discrete Analyser

In house: Referenced to APHA 4500-SO4. Dissolved sulfate is determined in a 0.45um filtered sample. Sulfate ions are converted to a barium sulfate suspension in an acetic acid medium with barium chloride. Light absorbance of the BaSO4 suspension is measured by a photometer and the SO4-2 concentration is determined by comparison of the reading with a standard curve. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

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Method Description

Chloride by Discrete Analyser

In house: Referenced to APHA 4500 Cl - G. The thiocyanate ion is liberated from mercuric thiocyanate through sequestration of mercury by the chloride ion to form non-ionised mercuric chloride.in the presence of ferric ions the liberated thiocyanate forms highly-coloured ferric thiocyanate which is measured at 480 nm APHA 21st edition seal method 2 017-1-L April 2003

Major Cations - Dissolved

In house: Referenced to APHA 3120 and 3125; USEPA SW 846 - 6010 and 6020; Cations are determined by either ICP-AES or ICP-MS techniques. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3) Sodium Adsorption Ratio is calculated from Ca, Mg and Na which determined by ALS in house method QWI-EN/ED093F. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3).

Hardness parameters are calculated based on APHA 2340 B. This method is compliant with NEPM (2013) Schedule B(3)

Water Leachable Metals by ICP-MS - Suite A

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, AS 4439.3, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Water Leachable Metals by ICP-MS - Suite B

In house: Referenced to APHA 3125; USEPA SW846 - 6020, ALS QWI-EN/EG020. The ICPMS technique utilizes a highly efficient argon plasma to ionize selected elements. Ions are then passed into a high vacuum mass spectrometer, which separates the analytes based on their distinct mass to charge ratios prior to their measurement by a discrete dynode ion detector.

Acid Buffering Characterisation Curves (ABCC's)

In House Method: Referenced to Miller and Jeffery (1995) Determine the portion of an ANC value of a particular sample is readily available for acid neutralization.

Net Acid Generation - Kinetic (K-NAG)

In House Method: Referenced to Miller (1998) Titrimetric procedure determines net acidity in a soil following peroxide oxidation. It involves monitoring the temperature and pH of a material at set intervals, as it reacts. Variations of these parameters over time, gives an indication of how a material will behave in field conditions.

2.4 Detailed outline of the criteria against which AMD was assessed and the basis for this decision

The following sections provide a summary of any criteria used and the basis for this decision

2.4.1 Relative elemental concentrations

Section 2.3.1 of the Mount Peake - Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment describes how a

Geochemical Abundance Index (GAI) was used to compare the elemental concentration in a sample to

the crustal abundance.

The purpose of comparing results to the GAI is to provide a relative indication of any elemental

enrichment that may be of environmental importance. It should be noted that the GAI only considers total

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concentration and does not take in to account solubility/mobility or bioavailability in the environment nor

does it take in to account the toxicity of the element.

2.4.2 Sulfur concentrations

Section 2.4.1 of the Mount Peake - Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment summarises the sulfur

concentrations, and makes reference to those samples that were over 0.2% sulfur. A value of 0.2% was

used as this equates to a calculated Maximum Potential Acidity (MPA) of 10 kg of H2SO4 per tonne.

The 10 kg value was initially chosen as a general indication, as it is commonly used as an upper limit of

PAF LC, in the absence of any ANC. In this case however, it is also approximately equivalent to the 5th

percentile for ANC and 3 times the 99th percentile of MPA, hence it is highly unlikely that, even allowing

for some overestimation of ANC as indicated by the ABCC plots, that the NAPP would be positive with

an MPA below 10 kg/t H2SO4.

2.4.3 Leachate criteria

Section 2.5.3 of the Mount Peake - Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment outlines various criteria

against which the Australian Standard Leachate Procedure (ASLP) testing was compared. The criteria

used were:

ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water

Quality. Guidelines for protection of 99% of freshwater aquatic ecosystem species (FAE99%)

ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water

Quality. Guidelines for protection of livestock watering

Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) (NHMRC & NRMMC, 2011). Most composite-lined

landfill guidelines, such as Guidelines for the Siting, Design and Management of Solid Waste

Disposal Sites In the Northern Territory (NT EPA, 2013) use an upper limit of 100 times ADWG,

assuming a 100 times dilution between the waste storage and the receiving environment. Unlined

burial guidelines such as ANZECC (1999) apply an upper limit of 10 times ADWG, therefore for

conservative purposes a factor of 10 times ADWG has been adopted for this assessment

Guidelines for incidental contact are on Primary Recreational Contact guidelines (nominally 10 times

the ADWG).

The results were compared to the above hierarchy of guidelines in order to provide an assessment of the

relative risks posed by any potential leachate that may be generated by the operations.

2.5 An explanation of the cause of NAG pH values >9

NAG tests are aimed at assessing oxidisation of sulfides, and they are not designed to predict the pH of

non-sulfidic waste with only slow-weathering silicates (which should be assessed with ASLP tests and

other kinetic water leach tests).

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Reference to relative high pH in NAG results is discussed in Charles et. al. 20151, in which it is noted that

the use of the NAG test method on samples with elevated carbonate content can result in excessively

basic pH conditions, due to the driving off of carbonic acid in the boiling step, which may be misleading

and result in uncertainty in interpretation.

Further analysis of the laboratory data for the Stage 1 assessment indicates that approximately 34% of

values recorded a pH (ox) of above 9, most of which were from the alluvial material. This is presented

below as Figure 1.

Figure 1 Laboratory pH of samples by rock type

In addition to the tests presented, TNG have commenced on-going barrel leach tests on various samples

representing waste and ore. To date these samples have demonstrated relatively neutral pH, with the

median pH over two rounds of sampling (8 samples) being 8.1. A summary of the laboratory results for

the barrel leach tests are summarised in Attachment 2. The data presents the laboratory results taken

from 109 and 209 days since the establishment of the tests. All results are for simulated rainfall. To date,

there has been no leachate generated for samples under natural rainfall conditions due to lack of rainfall.

2.6 An explanation of how ANC values of 399 kg/t H2SO4 for a granite sample might occur

A single sample returned an ANC value of 399 kg/t H2SO4. The laboratory result has been checked, and there has been no error in the reporting process. As presented in Section 2.4.3 of the Mount Peake -

Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment, this anomalous result was from a granite sample (sample

1063 – EB1615818063 - 11MPRC042). The sample was taken from a depth interval between 10 to 20 m

and the lithological weathering descriptions is of a mostly oxidised sample (MOX).

The reason for the high ANC is unclear, but could be related to possible mineralisation within the original

granite or from high concentrations of micas and clays and residual bicarbonates in the weathered

1 Difficulties of Interpretation of NAG Test Results on Net Neutralizing Mine Wastes: Initial Observations of Elevated pH Conditions

and Theory of CO2 Disequilibrium, Jessica Charles, Andrew Barnes, Julien Declercq, Ruth Warrender, Christopher Brough, and Robert Bowell, 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference, Conference Paper, April 2015

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granite. The high NAG pH of 11.3 is consistent with high carbonate content in the sample. As other

granite samples within a similar profile (shallow and oxidised) did not show such high ANC values, the

overall ANC of this waste material is significantly lower. It must also be remembered it was only 1 sample

out of over 400 NAPP analyses, so its result has little impact on the overall ANC and NAPP of the waste


2.7 X, Y and Z coordinates (in UTM or GDA94) for all samples collected

A summary of sample locations used during the 2015 and 2016 AMD assessments is presented as

Attachment 3. All coordinates are presented in MGA Zone 53.

3 Assess the potential for alkaline mine drainage to occur. Discuss the potential impacts of highly alkaline mine drainage and expected solubility of metals at elevated pH values

Based on the ASLP results, drainage is likely to be neutral (pH between 6.5 to 8.5), with a range of 6.7 to

9.4 and a median of 8.1. This range corresponds with the minimum solubility of most commonly

environmentally significant metals, including amphoteric elements aluminium and arsenic.

Consequently the material represents low risk of dissolved metals, reflected in the relatively low

concentrations within the ASLP leach solutions. The occurrence and significance of alkaline NAG results,

which do not indicate alkaline drainage, are addressed in Section 2.5.

4 Discuss potential seepage from Waste Rock, including review of baseline groundwater monitoring data.

As presented in the in Section 2.5.3 of the Mount Peake - Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Assessment,

leachate analysis from the ASLP results indicates that metals aluminium, arsenic, boron, cadmium,

copper, iron, lead, nickel, selenium and zinc exceeded FAE99. Of these aluminium, arsenic, copper, iron,

lead, nickel, and zinc exceeded the FAE99 level by a factor of more than 10 in some samples. Only iron

and aluminium exceeded more than 10 times ADWG, although as they are both relatively insoluble in

circum-neutral oxidising conditions they are unlikely to be significantly elevated in actual waste rock

leachate. Based on the above results, the waste rock is within the acceptable limits for unlined storage.

Since the completion of the 2016 reporting, groundwater sampling has been completed on a bore

(09MPRC001) that is located within the pit. The bore is a vertical RC hole drilled in 2009 that has been

cased with 6 inch PVC to around 30 metres below ground level. Groundwater ingress to the bore is likely

from the upper weathered zone and minor seepage from the alluvial cover. This bore has been used to

provide minor water supplies used for drilling operations. Sample results from this bore, together with the

nearest pastoral bore (Boko’s Bore, located 15 km from the proposed pit) are presented as Attachment


The groundwater quality data for the in-pit bore is presented to demonstrate baseline groundwater quality

in the area of the mine. The baseline water quality for the pit bore indicates that metal concentrations are

generally elevated, both with comparison to the nearest stock bore (Boko Bore), and the assessment

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criteria. For example, copper, lead, zinc and boron all exceed the FAE99%. Lead also exceeds 10 x

ADWG criteria, and zinc exceeds the 10 x FAE99% criteria.

The in-pit water quality data was compared to the leachable concentrations, and it was found that

concentrations of boron, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and zinc in the in-pit bore were greater than

the median leachable concentrations.

The hydrogeological conceptual model for the project area has been presented in the Groundwater

supplementary report (GHD, 2017). The report describes the mine site hydrogeological setting, noting

that groundwater flow within the area of pit is minimal, and overlying shallow alluvial sediments (up to a

depth of 20 m) do not offer significant groundwater supplies.

Any potential seepage from the Waste Rock Dump, if not captured by drainage infrastructure would likely

eventually migrate to the pit. Given the lack of users of the groundwater within the area of the minesite

(see supplementary report), and the general poor potential to utilise the groundwater given its relatively

high salinity and elevated metals, impacts from any potential seepage from the Waste Rock (expected to

be minimal) are unlikely.


Attachment 1: NTEPA Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment report

Attachment 2: Current results of barrel leach tests

Attachment 3: Sample location data

Attachment 4: In-pit bore water quality results

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Attachment 1:

NTEPA Comments on Environmental Impact Assessment report

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Note: Advice on the [priority] should be considered as a guide to the amount of detail that may be required in responding to each. For example,

[high] priority may require a significant amount of new or detailed material, while [low] priority may require an issue to be clarified.

# Issue Comment Further Information Required [Priority]

1 Commitments The draft EIS and Supplement contain many statements / commitments regarding how the Project will be designed or conducted in future.

Provide a complete table of commitments so that they can be incorporated into management plans and implemented according to approvals. This is to include performance indicators and timelines for delivery [Medium].

2 Surface water The draft EIS (Vol II App F, s8) and Supplement (E36, E51-E54) provide general details on potential contamination in surface water runoff. These include listings of potential contaminant sources and pathways, mention of sediment basins/ponds, pollutant traps, response to spills, etc. However, much of this detail is dependent on the location of mine infrastructure, as noted: ‘the assessment of the fate and transport of contaminants of concern will be updated once project design is finalised with results incorporated in the final Water Management Plan’ (Supplement E36). This updated information is needed in order for the NT EPA to assess the full range and extent of environmental impacts, and to provide advice with sufficient certainty. Whilst it is understood that these details are ‘not yet developed and will be provided to support the Mining Management Plan’ (Supplement E87), an updated design for infrastructure layout would better enable assessment of potential contamination and erosion risks.

Any contaminated surface water flow off the mine site has the

Provide a site surface water flow model to illustrate where stormwater runoff from the mine will originate and travel to. This is to be based on an updated design for infrastructure layout [High].

Provide a discussion of the potential impacts on riparian habitats close to the Project from altered surface water (and/or groundwater) quality that could arise from the Project [Medium].

Provide commitment that surface water from the mine site will not enter the catchment for Mud Hut Swamp without first being filtered in sediment ponds and pollutant traps [Low].

Commit to a baseline water quality survey of Mud Hut Swamp (following rainfall), and provided details of a monitoring program to detect potential future impacts [Medium].

Provide a map of the sites where surface water samples were obtained (Appendix J of Supplement)

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# Issue Comment Further Information Required [Priority]

potential to impact downstream environments, including riparian ecosystems and lands on pastoral stations with current or intended organic certification (Supplement section 3.4, E38).

Baseline water quality conditions have been obtained from the Hanson River in January 2017 but not from creeks near the mine site. The Supplement (E60) states that further water and sediment sampling will occur prior to operations commencing and be monitored during operations – details to be incorporated into the adaptive site water monitoring and management plan.

The Supplement (#18) states that the Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (DESCP) will be updated following detailed Project design.

The Supplement (E49) notes that due to new flood modelling, a flood protection levee will be needed to the east of the pit.

A comment on the draft EIS requested showing the proximity of Project infrastructure to water features and flow directions. This was not provided, rather the Supplement (E63) referred back to multiple maps in the draft EIS.


Provide details of the planned water quality and sediment sampling program [Medium].

Commit to updating the DESCP following project design and have this DESCP reviewed and approved by a Certified Professional in erosion and Sediment Control [Low].

Provide details of the flood protection levee (size, location, construction material) [Low].

Provide a single map that clearly represents all features (Wood Duck Swamp, Stirling Swamp, Mud Hut Swamp, Ti Tree and other aquifers, waterways, water control district boundaries, and water flow directions) on the same map. Include indicative water flow directions for surface and groundwater. Include all project infrastructure including the bore field [Low].

3 Waste Rock

Characterisation and potential leachate from waste rock and tailings

The conclusion that the waste rock, ore and tailings produced by the TNG Mt Peake project is not AMD producing has not been adequately justified.

Potentially 20-30% of the samples analysed would produce AMD, acid mine drainage initially and alkaline mine drainage later in the mine life. This material will require encapsulation, or other management procedures, to reduce oxidation.

Incorrect waste characterisation can lead to designs for water /waste management infrastructure and closure strategies that may be ineffective or unachievable with the materials available.

Include the following information on the laboratory waste rock data [High]: o Dates of sample collection; o Sample handling and storage procedures; o Detailed and exact laboratory methods used for

analysis and raw data results; o A detailed outline of the criteria against which

NMD was assessed and the basis for this decision;

o An explanation of the cause of NAG pH values >9, which are highly irregular;

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# Issue Comment Further Information Required [Priority]

If robust results show that AMD is unlikely, there remains a possibility that AMD will occur at some time in future. As noted in the Supplement (E13), there will be continual barrel leach testing of stockpiled ore and stored waste to confirm the absence of AMD. In the case that AMD is detected, it will be necessary to have a reactive management plan in place based on predefined trigger values. This plan was requested but not provided in the Supplement (E21).

Results show that waste rock may be sodic and cause soil dispersion if it comes into contact with local soils (Supplement E6). The Supplement states that this can be managed by capping waste rock dumps with non-dispersive soils and diverting runoff and treating leachate or affected soils.

Supplement item E29 requested information on each component likely to be present in seepage at levels above baseline groundwater concentrations. This was not addressed.

o An explanation of how ANC values of 399 kg/t H2SO4 for a granite sample might occur;

o X, Y and Z coordinates (in UTM or GDA94) for all samples collected.

Provide a detailed outline of potential impacts caused by highly alkaline mine drainage, including details of metal solubility at elevated pH values [High].

Provide details of a reactive management plan (including trigger values) if AMD is detected from waste rock, ore or tailings [High].

Discuss the implication of sodic leachate (or the

management of it) in waste rock to be used for

construction (waste rock to be used for mine-site

construction) [Medium]

Identify any substance that may be present in

seepage at levels above baseline groundwater

concentrations, and discuss the following [Medium]:

o Potential concentrations in stormwater runoff and seepage into underlying aquifers.

o Mobility, bioavailability and toxicity. o Potential pathways to sensitive receptors. o Include consideration of arsenic, lead, selenium,

Fe, SiO2, MgO, Al2O3 and TIO2. o Management of any identified risks.

4 Groundwater drawdown at borefield

The Supplement (E41, E42) states that phreatophytic vegetation in the borefield area (along Hanson River) may be impacted by groundwater drawdown. There is uncertainty around the extent of this effect. It is suggested that trees may be impacted by a drawdown of 10 m or more. According to the modelling, this would affect a 6 km length of the Hanson River, including riparian and Corymbia woodland. Impacts could

Consider options to decrease the water demand of the

project to reduce this risk to vegetation. Much of the

water demand for the project is lost at the Tailings

Storage Facility (TSF), so consideration of alternative

TSF options is paramount – see issue # 5.

Provide details of a monitoring program to quantify the

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Non AMD comments blanked out
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Attachment 2:

Current results of barrel leach tests

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TNG Barrel Leach TestsLaboratory Results

(after two rounds of testing)

B1 B3 B5 B7 B8Ore Material Trailing Material mixed Waste Material Gabbro Waste Material Granite Waste Material

Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfallMPWS 17006 MPWS 17007 MPWS 17008 MPWS 17009 MPWS 170010

8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017109 109 109 109 109

Client - Matrix: WATER REG REG REG REG REGWorkgroup: EP1704773 EP1704773001 EP1704773002 EP1704773003 EP1704773004 EP1704773005Project name/number: Mount Peake 8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017 8/05/2017

MPWS 17006 MPWS 17007 MPWS 17008 MPWS 17009 MPWS 170010

Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs

Analyte grouping/Analyte CAS Number Units LOR

EA005P: pH by PC TitratorpH Value pH Unit 0.01 8.05 7.39 7.39 8.12 8.11

EA010P: Conductivity by PC TitratorElectrical Conductivity @ 25°C µS/cm 1 780 85 4450 1330 624

EA016: Calculated TDS (from Electrical Conductivity)Total Dissolved Solids (Calc.) mg/L 1 507 55 2890 864 406

EA065: Total Hardness as CaCO3Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 1 71 25 1150 66 38

ED037P: Alkalinity by PC TitratorHydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 DMO-210-001 mg/L 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 3812-32-6 mg/L 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 71-52-3 mg/L 1 61 27 33 85 123Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 1 61 27 33 85 123

ED041G: Sulfate (Turbidimetric) as SO4 2- by DASulfate as SO4 - Turbidimetric 14808-79-8 mg/L 1 207 8 604 343 98

ED045G: Chloride by Discrete AnalyserChloride 16887-00-6 mg/L 1 82 5 1110 144 46

ED093F: Dissolved Major CationsCalcium 7440-70-2 mg/L 1 12 5 255 18 7Magnesium 7439-95-4 mg/L 1 10 3 124 5 5Sodium 7440-23-5 mg/L 1 148 8 547 281 132Potassium 7/09/7440 mg/L 1 21 7 51 14 14

EG020F: Dissolved Metals by ICP-MSArsenic 7440-38-2 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.006 0.011Beryllium 7440-41-7 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001Barium 7440-39-3 mg/L 0.001 0.019 0.003 0.112 0.007 0.019Cadmium 7440-43-9 mg/L 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001Chromium 7440-47-3 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001Cobalt 7440-48-4 mg/L 0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001Copper 7440-50-8 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.006 0.01 0.003Lead 7439-92-1 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001Manganese 7439-96-5 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 0.003 0.013 <0.001 0.001Nickel 7440-02-0 mg/L 0.001 0.011 <0.001 0.005 <0.001 <0.001Selenium 7782-49-2 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 <0.01 <0.01Vanadium 7440-62-2 mg/L 0.01 0.06 0.02 <0.01 0.05 <0.01Zinc 7440-66-6 mg/L 0.005 0.006 <0.005 0.025 <0.005 0.012Boron 7440-42-8 mg/L 0.05 1.03 0.08 0.42 0.66 0.22

EG035F: Dissolved Mercury by FIMSMercury 7439-97-6 mg/L 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

EK040P: Fluoride by PC TitratorFluoride 16984-48-8 mg/L 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.6 1.1 3.6

EK055G: Ammonia as N by Discrete AnalyserAmmonia as N 7664-41-7 mg/L 0.01 0.06 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.06

EK057G: Nitrite as N by Discrete AnalyserNitrite as N 14797-65-0 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.07

EK058G: Nitrate as N by Discrete AnalyserNitrate as N 14797-55-8 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5.98 2.29 0.19

EK059G: Nitrite plus Nitrate as N (NOx) by Discrete AnalyserNitrite + Nitrate as N mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 5.98 2.29 0.26

EK071G: Reactive Phosphorus as P by discrete analyserReactive Phosphorus as P 14265-44-2 mg/L 0.01 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 0.02 <0.01

EN055: Ionic BalanceTotal Anions meq/L 0.01 7.84 0.85 44.5 12.9 5.8Total Cations meq/L 0.01 8.4 1.02 48 13.9 6.86Ionic Balance % 0.01 3.42 ---- 3.76 3.69 8.41

Days Since StartSampling DateTNG Sample NumberRain typeTypeTNG AMD Barrel Number

Sample Site:Client sample ID (Secondary):Client sample ID (Primary):Sample date:ALS Sample number:Sample Type:

\\ghdnet\ghd\AU\Perth\Projects\61\29057\612905734 - AMD assessment\BARREL LEACH\AMD Leach Data 2017_11.xlsx

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TNG Barrel Leach TestsLaboratory Results

(after two rounds of testing)

B1 B3 B5 B7 B8Ore Material Trailing Material mixed Waste Material Gabbro Waste Material Granite Waste Material

Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfall Simulated rainfallMPWB 17011 MPWB 17012 MPWB 17013 MPWB 17014 MPWB 17015

16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017209 209 209 209 209

Client - Matrix: WATER REG REG REG REG REGWorkgroup: EP1704773 EP1708816001 EP1708816002 EP1708816003 EP1708816004 EP1708816005Project name/number: Mount Peake 16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017 16/08/2017

MPWB 17011 MPWB 17012 MPWB 17013 MPWB 17014 MPWB 17015

Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs Alice Springs

Analyte grouping/Analyte CAS Number Units LOR

EA005P: pH by PC TitratorpH Value pH Unit 0.01 8.5 7.78 7.67 8.35 8.25

EA010P: Conductivity by PC TitratorElectrical Conductivity @ 25°C µS/cm 1 278 443 3250 734 315

EA016: Calculated TDS (from Electrical Conductivity)Total Dissolved Solids (Calc.) mg/L 1 181 288 2110 477 205

EA065: Total Hardness as CaCO3Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 1 18 93 648 23 18

ED037P: Alkalinity by PC TitratorHydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 DMO-210-001 mg/L 1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 3812-32-6 mg/L 1 5 <1 <1 4 <1Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 71-52-3 mg/L 1 70 34 56 157 98Total Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 1 74 34 56 161 98

ED041G: Sulfate (Turbidimetric) as SO4 2- by DASulfate as SO4 - Turbidimetric 14808-79-8 mg/L 1 52 136 637 159 25

ED045G: Chloride by Discrete AnalyserChloride 16887-00-6 mg/L 1 9 29 666 24 8

ED093F: Dissolved Major CationsCalcium 7440-70-2 mg/L 1 4 19 144 6 4Magnesium 7439-95-4 mg/L 1 2 11 70 2 2Sodium 7440-23-5 mg/L 1 47 45 425 138 62Potassium 7/09/7440 mg/L 1 8 12 47 6 7

EG020F: Dissolved Metals by ICP-MSArsenic 7440-38-2 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.01 0.01Beryllium 7440-41-7 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001Barium 7440-39-3 mg/L 0.001 0.002 0.014 0.038 0.004 0.006Cadmium 7440-43-9 mg/L 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001Chromium 7440-47-3 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.001Cobalt 7440-48-4 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001Copper 7440-50-8 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.006 0.006 0.003Lead 7439-92-1 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001Manganese 7439-96-5 mg/L 0.001 <0.001 0.004 0.006 <0.001 <0.001Nickel 7440-02-0 mg/L 0.001 0.003 <0.001 0.004 <0.001 <0.001Selenium 7782-49-2 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01Vanadium 7440-62-2 mg/L 0.01 0.05 0.01 <0.01 0.07 <0.01Zinc 7440-66-6 mg/L 0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.019 <0.005 <0.005Boron 7440-42-8 mg/L 0.05 0.45 0.15 0.47 0.47 0.11

EG035F: Dissolved Mercury by FIMSMercury 7439-97-6 mg/L 0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001

EK040P: Fluoride by PC TitratorFluoride 16984-48-8 mg/L 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.8 1 2.3

EK055G: Ammonia as N by Discrete AnalyserAmmonia as N 7664-41-7 mg/L 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.03

EK057G: Nitrite as N by Discrete AnalyserNitrite as N 14797-65-0 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

EK058G: Nitrate as N by Discrete AnalyserNitrate as N 14797-55-8 mg/L 0.01 0.04 0.01 8.04 0.68 0.25

EK059G: Nitrite plus Nitrate as N (NOx) by Discrete AnalyserNitrite + Nitrate as N mg/L 0.01 0.04 0.01 8.04 0.68 0.25

EK071G: Reactive Phosphorus as P by discrete analyserReactive Phosphorus as P 14265-44-2 mg/L 0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.02

EN055: Ionic BalanceTotal Anions meq/L 0.01 2.82 4.33 33.2 7.2 2.7Total Cations meq/L 0.01 2.61 4.12 32.6 6.62 3.24Ionic Balance % 0.01 ---- 2.5 0.81 4.22 9.01

Sample Type:ALS Sample number:Sample date:Client sample ID (Primary):Client sample ID (Secondary):Sample Site:

TNG AMD Barrel NumberTypeRain typeTNG Sample NumberSampling DateDays Since Start

\\ghdnet\ghd\AU\Perth\Projects\61\29057\612905734 - AMD assessment\BARREL LEACH\AMD Leach Data 2017_11.xlsx

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Attachment 3:

Sample location data

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Mount Peak - AMD 2016 Laboratory samples





AMD1001 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD15192227/327301 12MPRC044 322,578 7,605,600 0 15 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1002 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 12MPRC045 322,503 7,605,705 0 15 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1003 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC046 322,603 7,605,705 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1004 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 12MPRC047 322,449 7,605,800 0 11 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1005 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC049 322,536 7,605,900 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1006 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC051 322,680 7,605,900 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1007 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC052 322,549 7,606,000 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1008 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC055 322,536 7,606,100 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1009 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC056 322,636 7,606,100 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1010 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC060 322,560 7,606,300 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1011 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC060 322,560 7,606,300 8 14 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1012 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1013 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC081 322,557 7,606,500 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1014 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC081 322,557 7,606,500 7 17 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1015 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1016 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 7 22 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1017 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 22 37 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1018 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC085 322,801 7,606,600 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1019 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC085 322,801 7,606,600 10 30 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1020 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC085 322,801 7,606,600 30 54 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1021 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC087 322,690 7,606,700 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1022 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC087 322,690 7,606,700 7 27 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1023 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD15192227/327301 12MPRC087 322,690 7,606,700 27 44 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1024 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC091 322,875 7,606,800 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1025 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC091 322,875 7,606,800 7 22 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1026 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC091 322,875 7,606,800 22 37 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1027 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC092 322,650 7,606,900 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1028 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC092 322,650 7,606,900 7 27 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1029 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC092 322,650 7,606,900 27 47 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1030 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1031 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 5 25 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1032 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 25 40 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1033 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 40 55 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1034 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC100 322,950 7,607,300 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1035 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC100 322,950 7,607,300 5 20 SOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1036 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC100 322,950 7,607,300 20 35 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1037 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 12MPRC102 322,814 7,606,900 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1038 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC102 322,814 7,606,900 5 20 SOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1039 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 12MPRC102 322,814 7,606,900 20 40 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1040 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC023 322,600 7,605,800 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1041 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC025 322,450 7,606,000 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1042 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC026 322,675 7,606,200 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1043 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 0 9 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1044 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 9 14 SOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1045 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1046 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 12 22 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1047 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 22 32 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1048 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1049 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 7 27 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1050 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD15192227/327301 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 27 47 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1051 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1052 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 5 15 SOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1053 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 15 25 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1054 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 25 35 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1055 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 35 45 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1056 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 0 3 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1057 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 5 15 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1058 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 15 25 WOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1059 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 25 35 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1060 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 35 45 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1061 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 45 48 WOX FLT W RC_COMPAMD1062 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1063 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 10 20 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1064 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 20 32 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1065 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 32 36 MOX FLT W RC_COMPAMD1066 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 36 50 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1067 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 50 60 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1068 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD15192227/327301 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 60 70 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1069 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1070 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 6 16 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1071 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 16 26 WOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1072 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 26 36 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1073 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 36 46 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1074 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 46 56 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1075 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD15192227/327301 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 56 62 MOX FLT W RC_COMPAMD1076 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 0 4 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1077 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 4 10 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1078 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 10 20 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1079 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC014 322,951 7,607,399 0 2 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1080 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC014 322,951 7,607,399 2 12 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1081 1 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD15192227/327301 09MPRC014 322,951 7,607,399 12 25 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1082 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC022 322,525 7,605,600 0 15 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1083 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD16071486/308070 11MPRC021 322,600 7,605,600 0 15 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1084 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC031 322,300 7,606,400 0 11 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1085 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC024 322,400 7,605,800 0 15 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1086 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC019 322,499 7,605,800 0 14 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1087 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC048 322,408 7,605,900 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1088 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC050 322,586 7,605,900 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1089 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC018 322,499 7,606,001 0 9 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1090 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 0 9 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1091 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC057 322,680 7,606,100 0 12 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1092 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1093 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC090 322,553 7,606,800 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1093 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC065 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1094 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 0 13 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1095 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1096 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 0 10 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1097 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 0 13 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1098 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC084 322,450 7,606,600 0 13 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1099 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1099 2 EB1615818 27/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC032 0 8 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1101 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC086 322,575 7,606,700 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1101 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC089 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1102 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC020 322,604 7,606,796 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1102 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC034 0 7 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1103 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC093 322,764 7,606,900 0 4 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1103 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC094 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1104 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC036 322,825 7,607,000 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1104 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC095 0 6 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1105 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 0 3 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1105 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 0 3 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1106 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 0 5 SOX QSP W RC_COMPAMD1106 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC101 0 3 SOX QSP W RC_COMP

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AMD1107 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1108 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 100 120 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1109 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC011 322,402 7,606,598 120 136 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1110 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 31 40 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1111 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1112 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC013 322,853 7,607,228 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1113 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC014 322,951 7,607,399 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1114 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC014 322,951 7,607,399 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1115 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC023 322,600 7,605,800 10 22 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1116 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC023 322,600 7,605,800 22 40 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1117 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC023 322,600 7,605,800 40 51 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1118 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC025 322,450 7,606,000 22 35 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1119 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC025 322,450 7,606,000 35 55 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1120 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC026 322,675 7,606,200 20 32 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1121 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 14 25 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1122 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 25 39 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1123 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 39 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1124 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1126 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1127 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC027 322,475 7,606,200 100 120 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1128 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1129 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1130 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 100 113 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1131 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC029 322,690 7,606,400 113 126 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1132 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1133 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1134 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC035 322,660 7,606,800 90 102 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1135 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1136 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC037 322,750 7,607,000 70 88 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1137 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1138 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1139 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC041 322,850 7,607,400 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1140 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1141 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 90 105 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1142 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC042 322,350 7,606,200 105 120 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1143 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC044 322,578 7,605,600 15 25 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1144 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC045 322,503 7,605,705 17 33 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1145 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC045 322,503 7,605,705 33 45 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1146 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC046 322,603 7,605,705 13 23 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1147 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC049 322,536 7,605,900 11 30 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1148 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC049 322,536 7,605,900 30 47 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1149 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC051 322,680 7,605,900 14 30 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1151 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC051 322,680 7,605,900 30 48 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1152 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC052 322,549 7,606,000 12 29 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1153 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC055 322,536 7,606,100 10 30 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1154 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC055 322,536 7,606,100 30 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1155 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC056 322,636 7,606,100 12 24 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1156 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC060 322,560 7,606,300 30 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1157 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC060 322,560 7,606,300 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1158 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 10 30 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1159 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 30 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1160 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1161 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1162 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC069 322,438 7,606,400 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1163 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC081 322,557 7,606,500 24 36 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1164 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC081 322,557 7,606,500 36 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1165 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1166 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1167 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 80 94 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1168 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC082 322,662 7,606,500 94 108 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1169 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC085 322,801 7,606,600 54 68 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1170 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC085 322,801 7,606,600 68 82 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1171 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC087 322,690 7,606,700 44 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1172 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC091 322,875 7,606,800 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1173 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC092 322,650 7,606,900 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1174 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC092 322,650 7,606,900 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1176 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 64 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1177 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC097 322,850 7,607,100 80 96 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1178 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC100 322,950 7,607,300 40 55 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1179 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC102 322,814 7,606,900 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1180 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 26 40 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1181 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1182 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1183 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1184 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC008 322,401 7,606,190 100 120 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1185 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1186 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1187 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1188 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 100 120 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1189 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC010 322,601 7,606,403 120 140 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1190 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC018 322,499 7,606,001 10 30 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1191 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC018 322,499 7,606,001 30 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1192 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC019 322,499 7,605,800 14 30 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1193 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC019 322,499 7,605,800 30 46 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1194 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC022 322,525 7,605,600 24 38 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1195 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC032 322,700 7,606,600 52 66 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1196 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC032 322,700 7,606,600 66 82 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1197 2 EB1615819 29/06/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 15 35 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1198 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 35 55 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1199 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 55 75 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1201 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 75 95 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1202 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC033 322,500 7,606,600 95 115 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1203 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC034 322,775 7,606,800 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1204 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC034 322,775 7,606,800 70 85 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1205 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC036 322,825 7,607,000 48 65 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1206 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1207 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 110 125 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1208 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 125 145 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1209 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC050 322,586 7,605,900 12 32 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1210 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC050 322,586 7,605,900 32 52 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1211 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 13 32 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1212 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 32 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1213 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1214 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1215 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC064 322,498 7,606,350 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1216 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC065 322,523 7,606,350 12 30 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1217 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC065 322,523 7,606,350 30 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1218 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC065 322,523 7,606,350 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1219 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC065 322,523 7,606,350 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1220 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC065 322,523 7,606,350 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1221 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 20 34 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1222 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 34 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1223 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMP

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AMD1224 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1226 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1227 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC072 322,525 7,606,400 110 124 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1228 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 54 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1229 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 70 90 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1230 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 90 110 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1231 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC084 322,450 7,606,600 35 50 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1232 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC084 322,450 7,606,600 50 70 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1233 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC086 322,575 7,606,700 19 35 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1234 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC086 322,575 7,606,700 35 50 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1235 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC094 322,864 7,606,900 34 56 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1236 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC095 322,875 7,607,000 34 46 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1237 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 322,925 7,607,200 66 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1238 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 20 40 MOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1239 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 40 60 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1240 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1241 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 80 100 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1242 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC099 322,850 7,607,300 100 116 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1243 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC101 322,900 7,607,400 26 40 WOX ORE O RC_COMPAMD1244 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC101 322,900 7,607,400 40 60 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1245 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC101 322,900 7,607,400 60 80 FR ORE O RC_COMPAMD1246 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC036 322,825 7,607,000 6 20 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1247 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC036 322,825 7,607,000 20 34 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1248 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC036 322,825 7,607,000 34 48 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1249 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 09MPRC020 322,604 7,606,796 6 22 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1251 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC031 322,300 7,606,400 12 22 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1252 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC031 322,300 7,606,400 22 36 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1253 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC031 322,300 7,606,400 36 52 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1254 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC031 322,300 7,606,400 52 68 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1255 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 4 14 MOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1256 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 14 30 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1257 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 30 50 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1258 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 50 70 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1259 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC039 322,725 7,607,200 70 89 FR GRN W RC_COMPAMD1260 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC038 322,875 7,607,200 6 24 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1261 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC038 322,875 7,607,200 24 40 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1262 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC038 322,875 7,607,200 40 54 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1263 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC038 322,875 7,607,200 54 66 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1264 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 14 34 WOX GRN W RC_COMPAMD1265 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 & 2A AD16071486/308070 12MPRC101 322,900 7,607,400 6 26 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1266 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 322,925 7,607,200 4 22 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1267 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 322,925 7,607,200 22 38 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1268 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 322,925 7,607,200 38 53 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1269 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC098 322,925 7,607,200 53 66 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1270 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC093 322,764 7,606,900 6 26 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1271 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD16071486/308070 12MPRC093 322,764 7,606,900 26 36 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1272 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC093 322,764 7,606,900 36 51 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1273 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC025 322,450 7,606,000 13 21 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1274 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC095 322,875 7,607,000 7 20 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1276 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC095 322,875 7,607,000 20 34 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1277 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC094 322,864 7,606,900 5 20 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1278 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC094 322,864 7,606,900 20 34 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1279 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC028 322,300 7,606,200 14 40 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1280 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC028 322,300 7,606,200 40 60 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1281 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC090 322,553 7,606,800 6 30 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1282 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC090 322,553 7,606,800 30 50 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1283 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 10 22 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1284 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 22 36 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1285 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC083 322,812 7,606,500 36 54 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1286 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC080 322,599 7,606,450 10 30 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1287 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC075 322,840 7,606,400 10 30 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1288 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC075 322,840 7,606,400 30 46 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1289 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC073 322,574 7,606,400 10 28 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1290 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC073 322,574 7,606,400 28 41 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1291 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC062 322,837 7,606,300 10 30 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1292 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC060 322,560 7,606,300 14 30 WOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1293 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC058 322,780 7,606,100 12 30 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1294 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC048 322,408 7,605,900 10 28 MOX GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1295 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 12MPRC048 322,408 7,605,900 28 44 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1296 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 34 54 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1297 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 54 74 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1298 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC043 322,350 7,606,400 74 90 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1299 2 EB1615820 04/07/16 Stage 1 AD16071486/308070 11MPRC028 322,300 7,606,200 60 80 FR GABBRO W RC_COMPAMD1301 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH011 322,548 7,605,800 20 21 MOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1302 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH011 322,548 7,605,800 30 31 WOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1303 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH011 322,548 7,605,800 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1304 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH011 322,548 7,605,800 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1305 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH011 322,548 7,605,800 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1306 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH012 322,453 7,605,900 30 31 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1307 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH012 322,453 7,605,900 40 41 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1308 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH012 322,453 7,605,900 50 51 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1309 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B 12MPDDH012 322,453 7,605,900 60 61 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1310 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH012 322,453 7,605,900 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1311 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 10 11 SOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1312 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 20 21 MOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1313 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 30 31 WOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1314 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1315 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 50 51 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1316 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 60 61 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1317 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1318 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH013 322,455 7,606,100 80 81 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1319 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 10 11 SOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1320 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 20 21 MOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1321 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 30 31 WOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1322 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1323 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1324 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1325 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 70 71 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1326 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 80 81 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1327 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 90 91 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1328 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH014 322,586 7,606,100 98 99 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1329 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 20 21 SOX GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1330 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 30 31 WOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1331 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1332 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1333 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1334 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1335 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 80 81 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1336 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 90 91 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1337 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 100 101 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1338 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 110 111 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1339 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 120 121 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1340 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH015 322,565 7,606,200 130 131 FR ORE O DDH_1m

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Mount Peak - AMD samples





AMD1341 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 20 21 MOX GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1342 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 30 31 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1343 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1344 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1345 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1346 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1347 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 80 81 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1348 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 90 91 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1349 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 100 101 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1350 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 110 111 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1351 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 120 121 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1352 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 130 131 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1353 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH016 322,610 7,606,300 140 141 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1354 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 20 21 MOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1355 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 30 31 WOX ORE O DDH_1mAMD1356 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1357 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1358 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1359 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 100 101 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1360 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 130 131 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1361 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH017 322,374 7,606,300 160 161 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1362 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH018 322,651 7,606,400 80 81 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1363 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH018 322,651 7,606,400 120 121 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1364 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH019 322,548 7,606,400 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1365 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH019 322,548 7,606,400 130 131 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1366 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH020 322,450 7,606,500 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1367 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH020 322,450 7,606,500 130 131 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1368 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH021 322,552 7,606,600 40 41 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1369 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH021 322,552 7,606,600 80 81 FR GABBRO O DDH_1mAMD1370 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1371 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1372 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 60 61 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1373 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 110 111.2 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1374 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 50 51 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1375 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 70 71 FR ORE O DDH_1mAMD1376 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH021 322,552 7,606,600 19 20 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1377 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH021 322,552 7,606,600 21 22 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1378 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH021 322,552 7,606,600 23 24 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1379 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 38 39 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1380 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 40 41 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1381 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 41 42 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1382 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 42 42 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1383 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 44 45 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1384 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH022 322,651 7,606,600 46 47 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1385 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 39 40 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1386 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 40 41 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1387 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 42 43 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1388 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 43 44 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1389 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 45 46 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1390 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1, 2A & 2B 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 46 47 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1391 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 48 49 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1392 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 49 50 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1393 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 51 52 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1394 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH023 322,717 7,606,800 52 53 FR GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1395 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 28 29 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1396 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 29 30 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1397 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 31 32 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1398 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 32 33 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1399 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 34 35 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1400 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 36 37 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1401 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 38 39 MOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1402 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 40 41 WOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1403 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 42 43 WOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1404 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A 12MPDDH024 322,825 7,607,200 44 45 WOX GABBRO W DDH_1mAMD1405 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A TAILS001 TAILS T TAILS_NMAMD1406 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A TAILS002 TAILS T TAILS_NMAMD1407 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A TAILS003 TAILS T TAILS_NMAMD1408 3 EB1615512 23/06/16 Stage 1 & 2A TAILS004 TAILS T TAILS_NM

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Mount Peak - AMD samples - Stage 1 - 2012 and 2015 Assay only

HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing09MPRC011 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 6 7 MOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 7 8 MOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 8 9 MOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 9 10 MOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 10 11 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 11 12 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 12 13 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 13 14 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 13 14 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 14 15 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 14 15 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 15 16 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 15 16 SOX CGR QSP W 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 16 17 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 16 17 MOX CGR MOG O 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 17 18 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 17 18 MOX CGR MOG O 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 18 19 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 18 19 MOX CGR MOG O 322,503 7,605,70509MPRC011 19 20 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC045 19 20 MOX CGR MOG O 322,503 7,605,70512MPRC091 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 12 13 MOX CGR QSP W 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC046 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,603 7,605,70512MPRC091 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 0 1 MOX CGR MOG W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 26 27 WOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 27 28 WOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 28 29 WOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 29 30 WOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC047 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,449 7,605,80012MPRC091 30 31 WOX CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 34 35 FR CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 36 37 FR CGR MOG O 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 37 38 FR CGR MOG O 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 38 39 FR CGR MOG O 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90012MPRC091 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,875 7,606,800 12MPRC049 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 20 21 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC049 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 21 22 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC049 11 12 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 22 23 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC049 12 13 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 23 24 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC049 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 24 25 WOX CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC049 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,605,90009MPRC011 25 26 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 26 27 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 27 28 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 28 29 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 29 30 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 30 31 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 31 32 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 32 33 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 33 34 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 34 35 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 35 36 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 36 37 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 37 38 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 38 39 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC051 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,680 7,605,90009MPRC011 39 40 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 40 41 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 41 42 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 42 43 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 43 44 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 44 45 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 45 46 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 46 47 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 47 48 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 48 49 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 49 50 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 50 51 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 11 12 MOX CGR MOG O 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 51 52 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 12 13 MOX CGR MOG O 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 52 53 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC052 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,549 7,606,00009MPRC011 53 54 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 54 55 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 55 56 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 56 57 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 57 58 FR CGR GRN W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 58 59 FR CGR FLT W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 59 60 FR CGR FLT W 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 60 61 FR CGR FLT O 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 61 62 FR CGR MOG O 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 62 63 FR CGR MOG O 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 9 10 SOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 63 64 FR CGR MOG O 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 10 11 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC011 64 65 FR CGR MOG O 322,402 7,606,598 12MPRC055 11 12 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC013 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC055 12 13 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC013 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC055 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,536 7,606,10009MPRC013 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 4 5 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 5 6 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 6 7 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 7 8 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 8 9 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 10 11 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 11 12 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 12 13 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 13 14 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 11 12 MOX CGR MOG O 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 14 15 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 12 13 MOX CGR MOG O 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 15 16 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC056 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,636 7,606,10009MPRC013 16 17 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 17 18 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 18 19 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 19 20 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 20 21 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 21 22 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 22 23 WOX CGR GABB W 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 23 24 WOX CGR MOG O 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 24 25 WOX CGR MOG O 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC013 25 26 WOX CGR MOG O 322,853 7,607,228 12MPRC060 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 2 3 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 3 4 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 4 5 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 5 6 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 6 7 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 16 17 MOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 7 8 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 17 18 WOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 8 9 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 18 19 WOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC060 19 20 WOX CGR MOG O 322,560 7,606,30009MPRC014 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 9 10 SOX CGR MOG O 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 20 21 MOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC069 10 11 MOX CGR MOG O 322,438 7,606,40009MPRC014 21 22 MOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC081 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50009MPRC014 22 23 MOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC081 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50009MPRC014 23 24 MOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC081 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50009MPRC014 24 25 WOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC081 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50009MPRC014 25 26 WOX CGR MOG O 322,951 7,607,399 12MPRC081 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 11 12 MOX CGR QSP W 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 12 13 MOX CGR MOG O 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 18 19 WOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 19 20 WOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC023 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,600 7,605,800 12MPRC081 20 21 WOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,500

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Page 23: 1 Introduction and background - NTEPA

Mount Peak - AMD samples - Stage 1 - 2012 and 2015 Assay only

HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing11MPRC025 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC081 21 22 WOX CGR GABB W 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC025 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC081 22 23 WOX CGR MOG O 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC025 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC081 23 24 WOX CGR MOG O 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC025 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC081 24 25 WOX CGR MOG O 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC025 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC081 25 26 WOX CGR MOG O 322,557 7,606,50011MPRC025 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 9 10 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 10 11 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 16 17 MOX CGR MOG O 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 11 12 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 17 18 MOX CGR MOG O 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 12 13 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 18 19 MOX CGR MOG O 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 13 14 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC025 19 20 MOX CGR MOG O 322,450 7,606,000 12MPRC082 14 15 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 15 16 SOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 21 22 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 22 23 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 23 24 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 24 25 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 25 26 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 26 27 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 27 28 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 13 14 MOX CGR MOG O 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 28 29 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 29 30 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC026 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,675 7,606,200 12MPRC082 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 34 35 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 36 37 FR CGR MOG O 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 37 38 FR CGR MOG O 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 38 39 FR CGR MOG O 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC082 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,662 7,606,50011MPRC027 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 14 15 MOX CGR MOG O 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC027 15 16 MOX CGR MOG O 322,475 7,606,200 12MPRC085 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 27 28 MOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 28 29 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 29 30 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 30 31 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 31 32 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 32 33 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 33 34 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 27 28 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 34 35 WOX CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 28 29 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 29 30 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 36 37 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 37 38 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 39 40 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 40 41 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 34 35 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 35 36 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 36 37 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 37 38 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 38 39 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 45 46 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC029 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,400 12MPRC085 46 47 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 0 1 FR CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 47 48 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 48 49 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 49 50 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 50 51 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 51 52 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 52 53 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 53 54 FR CGR GABB W 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 54 55 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 8 9 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 55 56 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 56 57 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 57 58 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 58 59 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC085 59 60 FR CGR MOG O 322,801 7,606,60011MPRC035 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 7 8 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 8 9 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 22 23 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 23 24 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 24 25 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 25 26 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 26 27 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 27 28 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 28 29 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 29 30 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 34 35 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 36 37 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 37 38 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 39 40 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 40 41 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 27 28 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 28 29 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 29 30 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 45 46 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 46 47 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 47 48 FR CGR GABB W 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 34 35 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 48 49 FR CGR MOG O 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC035 49 50 FR CGR MOG O 322,660 7,606,800 12MPRC087 36 37 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 0 1 FR CGR MOG W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 37 38 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 39 40 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 40 41 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 6 7 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 7 8 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 8 9 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 45 46 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 9 10 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 46 47 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 10 11 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 47 48 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 11 12 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 48 49 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 12 13 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC087 49 50 FR CGR MOG O 322,690 7,606,70011MPRC037 13 14 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 14 15 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 15 16 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 9 10 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 10 11 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 11 12 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 12 13 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 26 27 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 13 14 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 27 28 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 14 15 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 28 29 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 15 16 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 29 30 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 16 17 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 30 31 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 17 18 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,900

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Mount Peak - AMD samples - Stage 1 - 2012 and 2015 Assay only

HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing HOLE_ID FROM_M TO_M WTHG GSIZE LITHCODE WASTE/ORE Easting Northing11MPRC037 31 32 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 18 19 SOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 32 33 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 33 34 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 34 35 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 35 36 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 36 37 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 37 38 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 38 39 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 25 26 WOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 39 40 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 26 27 WOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 40 41 WOX CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 27 28 WOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 28 29 WOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 29 30 WOX CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 45 46 FR CGR GABB W 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 32 33 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 46 47 FR CGR MOG O 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 33 34 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 47 48 FR CGR MOG O 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 34 35 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 48 49 FR CGR MOG O 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 35 36 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC037 49 50 FR CGR MOG O 322,750 7,607,000 12MPRC092 36 37 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC041 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC092 37 38 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC041 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC092 38 39 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC041 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC092 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,650 7,606,90011MPRC041 3 4 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 4 5 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 5 6 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 6 7 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 7 8 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 8 9 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 5 6 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 9 10 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 6 7 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 10 11 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 11 12 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 12 13 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 9 10 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 13 14 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 10 11 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 14 15 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 11 12 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 15 16 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 12 13 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 16 17 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 13 14 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 17 18 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 14 15 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 18 19 MOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 15 16 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 19 20 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 16 17 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 20 21 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 17 18 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 21 22 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 18 19 SOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 22 23 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 23 24 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 24 25 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 25 26 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 26 27 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 27 28 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 28 29 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 29 30 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 30 31 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 27 28 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 31 32 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 28 29 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 32 33 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 29 30 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 33 34 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 30 31 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 34 35 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 31 32 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 35 36 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 32 33 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 36 37 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 33 34 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 37 38 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 34 35 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 38 39 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 35 36 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 39 40 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 36 37 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 40 41 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 37 38 MOX CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 41 42 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 42 43 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 39 40 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 43 44 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 40 41 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 44 45 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 45 46 WOX CGR GRN W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 46 47 WOX CGR FLT W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 47 48 WOX CGR FLT W 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 48 49 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 45 46 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC041 49 50 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,400 12MPRC097 46 47 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 0 1 FR CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 47 48 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 48 49 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 49 50 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 50 51 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 51 52 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 52 53 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 53 54 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 54 55 FR CGR GABB W 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 55 56 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 9 10 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 56 57 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 10 11 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 57 58 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 11 12 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 58 59 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 12 13 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC097 59 60 FR CGR MOG O 322,850 7,607,10011MPRC042 13 14 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 14 15 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 15 16 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 16 17 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 17 18 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 18 19 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 5 6 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 19 20 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 6 7 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 20 21 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 21 22 MOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 22 23 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 9 10 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 23 24 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 10 11 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 24 25 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 11 12 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 25 26 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 12 13 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 26 27 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 13 14 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 27 28 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 14 15 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 28 29 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 15 16 SOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 29 30 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 16 17 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 30 31 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 17 18 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 31 32 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 18 19 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 32 33 WOX CGR GRN W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 19 20 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 33 34 WOX CGR FLT W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 20 21 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 34 35 WOX CGR FLT W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 21 22 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 35 36 FR CGR FLT W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 22 23 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 36 37 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 37 38 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 39 40 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 40 41 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 27 28 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 41 42 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 28 29 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 42 43 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 29 30 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 43 44 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 30 31 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 44 45 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 31 32 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 45 46 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 32 33 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 46 47 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 33 34 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 47 48 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 34 35 MOX CGR GABB W 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 48 49 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 35 36 MOX CGR MOG O 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 49 50 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 36 37 WOX CGR MOG O 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 50 51 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 37 38 WOX CGR MOG O 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 51 52 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 38 39 WOX CGR MOG O 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 52 53 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC100 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,950 7,607,30011MPRC042 53 54 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 54 55 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 55 56 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 56 57 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 57 58 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 58 59 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 5 6 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90011MPRC042 59 60 FR CGR GABB W 322,350 7,606,200 12MPRC102 6 7 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 60 61 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 7 8 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 61 62 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 8 9 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 62 63 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 9 10 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 63 64 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 10 11 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 64 65 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 11 12 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 65 66 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 12 13 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 66 67 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 13 14 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 67 68 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 14 15 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 68 69 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 15 16 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 69 70 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 16 17 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 70 71 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 17 18 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 71 72 FR CGR GABB W #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 18 19 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 72 73 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 19 20 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 73 74 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 20 21 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 74 75 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 21 22 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 75 76 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 22 23 SOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 76 77 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 23 24 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 77 78 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 24 25 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 78 79 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 25 26 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC042 79 80 FR CGR MOG O #N/A #N/A 12MPRC102 26 27 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 0 1 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 27 28 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 1 2 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 28 29 MOX CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 2 3 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 29 30 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 3 4 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 30 31 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 4 5 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 31 32 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 5 6 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 32 33 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 6 7 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 33 34 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 7 8 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 34 35 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 8 9 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 35 36 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 9 10 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 36 37 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 10 11 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 37 38 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 11 12 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 38 39 FR CGR GABB W 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 12 13 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,600 12MPRC102 39 40 FR CGR MOG O 322,814 7,606,90012MPRC044 13 14 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 14 15 SOX CGR QSP W 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 15 16 SOX CGR MOG O 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 16 17 MOX CGR MOG O 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 17 18 MOX CGR MOG O 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 18 19 MOX CGR MOG O 322,578 7,605,60012MPRC044 19 20 MOX CGR MOG O 322,578 7,605,600

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In-pit bore water quality results

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CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSISWork Order : Page : 1 of 4EP1710779

:: LaboratoryClient TNG Limited Environmental Division Perth

: :ContactContact Mr Kim Grey Customer Services EP

:: AddressAddress Lvl 1, 282 Rokeby Road

Subiaco 6008

10 Hod Way Malaga WA Australia 6090

:Telephone ---- :Telephone +61-8-9209 7655

:Project Mount Peake Date Samples Received : 29-Sep-2017 12:55

:Order number ---- Date Analysis Commenced : 29-Sep-2017

:C-O-C number ---- Issue Date : 05-Oct-2017 20:20

Sampler : AARON MOSS


Quote number : EP/341/17

2:No. of samples received

2:No. of samples analysed

This report supersedes any previous report(s) with this reference. Results apply to the sample(s) as submitted. This document shall not be reproduced, except in full.

This Certificate of Analysis contains the following information:

l General Comments

l Analytical Results

Additional information pertinent to this report will be found in the following separate attachments: Quality Control Report, QA/QC Compliance Assessment to assist with

Quality Review and Sample Receipt Notification.

SignatoriesThis document has been electronically signed by the authorized signatories below. Electronic signing is carried out in compliance with procedures specified in 21 CFR Part 11.

Signatories Accreditation CategoryPosition

Efua Wilson Metals Chemist Perth Inorganics, Malaga, WA

Indra Astuty Instrument Chemist Perth Inorganics, Malaga, WA

Jeremy Truong Laboratory Manager Perth Inorganics, Malaga, WA

R I G H T S O L U T I O N S | R I G H T P A R T N E R

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2 of 4:Page

Work Order :



Mount Peake:Project

TNG Limited

General Comments

The analytical procedures used by the Environmental Division have been developed from established internationally recognized procedures such as those published by the USEPA, APHA, AS and NEPM. In house

developed procedures are employed in the absence of documented standards or by client request.

Where moisture determination has been performed, results are reported on a dry weight basis.

Where a reported less than (<) result is higher than the LOR, this may be due to primary sample extract/digestate dilution and/or insufficient sample for analysis.

Where the LOR of a reported result differs from standard LOR, this may be due to high moisture content, insufficient sample (reduced weight employed) or matrix interference.

When no sampling time is provided, the sampling time will default 00:00 on the date of sampling. If no sampling date is provided, the sampling date will be assumed by the laboratory and displayed in brackets without a

time component.

Where a result is required to meet compliance limits the associated uncertainty must be considered. Refer to the ALS Contact for details.

CAS Number = CAS registry number from database maintained by Chemical Abstracts Services. The Chemical Abstracts Service is a division of the American Chemical Society.

LOR = Limit of reporting

^ = This result is computed from individual analyte detections at or above the level of reporting

ø = ALS is not NATA accredited for these tests.

~ = Indicates an estimated value.

Key :

EA016: Calculated TDS is determined from Electrical conductivity using a conversion factor of 0.65.l

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Work Order :



Mount Peake:Project

TNG Limited

Analytical Results

------------Mt Peak BoreBoko'sClient sample IDSub-Matrix: WATER

(Matrix: WATER)

------------27-Sep-2017 11:0027-Sep-2017 11:45Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1710779-002EP1710779-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EA005P: pH by PC Titrator

7.45 6.78 ---- ---- ----pH Unit0.01----pH Value

EA010P: Conductivity by PC Titrator

8200 1590 ---- ---- ----µS/cm1----Electrical Conductivity @ 25°C

EA016: Calculated TDS (from Electrical Conductivity)

5330 1030 ---- ---- ----mg/L1----Total Dissolved Solids (Calc.)

EA065: Total Hardness as CaCO3

1780 238 ---- ---- ----mg/L1----Total Hardness as CaCO3

ED037P: Alkalinity by PC Titrator

<1Hydroxide Alkalinity as CaCO3 <1 ---- ---- ----mg/L1DMO-210-001

<1Carbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 <1 ---- ---- ----mg/L13812-32-6

186Bicarbonate Alkalinity as CaCO3 16 ---- ---- ----mg/L171-52-3

186 16 ---- ---- ----mg/L1----Total Alkalinity as CaCO3

ED041G: Sulfate (Turbidimetric) as SO4 2- by DA

1120Sulfate as SO4 - Turbidimetric 108 ---- ---- ----mg/L114808-79-8

ED045G: Chloride by Discrete Analyser

2390Chloride 457 ---- ---- ----mg/L116887-00-6

ED093F: Dissolved Major Cations

365Calcium 44 ---- ---- ----mg/L17440-70-2

211Magnesium 31 ---- ---- ----mg/L17439-95-4

1220Sodium 196 ---- ---- ----mg/L17440-23-5

53Potassium 18 ---- ---- ----mg/L17440-09-7

EG020F: Dissolved Metals by ICP-MS

<0.001Arsenic <0.001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-38-2

1.16Boron 0.33 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.057440-42-8

0.028Barium 0.036 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-39-3

<0.001Beryllium <0.001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-41-7

<0.0001Cadmium <0.0001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.00017440-43-9

<0.001Cobalt 0.001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-48-4

<0.001Chromium <0.001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-47-3

<0.001Copper 0.003 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-50-8

0.002Manganese 0.202 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017439-96-5

0.002Nickel 0.006 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017440-02-0

<0.001Lead 0.115 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0017439-92-1

<0.01Selenium <0.01 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.017782-49-2

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Work Order :



Mount Peake:Project

TNG Limited

Analytical Results

------------Mt Peak BoreBoko'sClient sample IDSub-Matrix: WATER

(Matrix: WATER)

------------27-Sep-2017 11:0027-Sep-2017 11:45Client sampling date / time

------------------------EP1710779-002EP1710779-001UnitLORCAS NumberCompound

Result Result ---- ---- ----

EG020F: Dissolved Metals by ICP-MS - Continued

<0.01Vanadium <0.01 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.017440-62-2

<0.005Zinc 0.144 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0057440-66-6

EG035F: Dissolved Mercury by FIMS

<0.0001Mercury <0.0001 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.00017439-97-6

EK040P: Fluoride by PC Titrator

2.9Fluoride <0.1 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.116984-48-8

EK055G: Ammonia as N by Discrete Analyser

0.64Ammonia as N 0.03 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.017664-41-7

EK057G: Nitrite as N by Discrete Analyser

<0.01Nitrite as N 0.02 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0114797-65-0

EK058G: Nitrate as N by Discrete Analyser

0.01Nitrate as N 0.42 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0114797-55-8

EK059G: Nitrite plus Nitrate as N (NOx) by Discrete Analyser

0.01 0.44 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.01----Nitrite + Nitrate as N

EK071G: Reactive Phosphorus as P by discrete analyser

0.01Reactive Phosphorus as P 1.59 ---- ---- ----mg/L0.0114265-44-2

EN055: Ionic Balance

94.4 15.4 ---- ---- ----meq/L0.01----Total Anions

90.0 13.7 ---- ---- ----meq/L0.01----Total Cations

2.41 5.92 ---- ---- ----%0.01----Ionic Balance

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Mercury Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Manganese Arsenic Nickel Selenium Beryllium Vanadium Zinc

Unit mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.001 0.001 1.2 0.0008 0.008 0.005 0.002410 x ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.01 0.01 12 0.008 0.08 0.05 0.024

ANZECC 2000 Stock Watering 0.002 1 1 0.5 0.1 0.5 1 0.02 20ADWG 2015 Health 0.001 0.05 2 0.01 0.5 0.01 0.02 0.01

ADWG 2015 Aesthetic 310 x ADWG 0.01 0.5 20 0.1 5 0.1 0.2 0.1 30

Boko's <0.0001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.002 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 <0.005Mt Peak Bore <0.0001 <0.001 0.001 0.003 0.115 0.202 <0.001 0.006 <0.01 <0.001 <0.01 0.144

Barium Boron Cadmium pH ValueTotal

Alkalinity asCaCO3


Solids (Calc.)


@ 25°CFluoride Chloride

Sulfate asSO4 -



as P

Ammonia asN

Unit mg/L mg/L mg/L pH Unit mg/L mg/L µS/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.09 0.00006 0.03210 x ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.9 0.0006 0.32

ANZECC 2000 Stock Watering 5 0.01 4000 2 1000ADWG 2015 Health 2 4 0.002

ADWG 2015 Aesthetic 600 250 0.510 x ADWG 20 40 0.02

Boko's 0.028 1.16 <0.0001 7.45 186 5330 8200 2.9 2390 1120 0.01 0.64Mt Peak Bore 0.036 0.33 <0.0001 6.78 16 1030 1590 <0.1 457 108 1.59 0.03

Total Anions Total Cations Ionic Balance Nitrate as N Nitrite as NNitrite +

Nitrate as NCalcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium

TotalHardness as

CaCO3Unit meq/L meq/L % mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L

ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.0038 1.210 x ANZECC 2000 FW 99% 0.038 12

ANZECC 2000 Stock Watering 90 9.1 1000ADWG 2015 Health 11.29 0.5

ADWG 2015 Aesthetic 0.1 18010 x ADWG 112.9 5

Boko's 94.4 90 2.41 0.01 <0.01 0.01 365 211 1220 53 1780Mt Peak Bore 15.4 13.7 5.92 0.42 0.02 0.44 44 31 196 18 238