1 CS 501 Spring 2003 CS 501: Software Engineering Lecture 2 Software Processes

1 CS 501 Spring 2003 CS 501: Software Engineering Lecture 2 Software Processes

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1 CS 501 Spring 2003

CS 501: Software Engineering

Lecture 2

Software Processes

2 CS 501 Spring 2003


• Project statements now on Web site

• Team size 5 to 7

• Wednesday evenings

3 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Concept: Biozon

4 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Concept: Cornell University Library

5 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Concept: EPOCHS

6 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Concept: Legal Information Institute

7 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Concept: National Science Digital Library

8 CS 501 Spring 2003

A Classic Book

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr. The Mythical Man Month. Addison-Wesley, 1972.

9 CS 501 Spring 2003

Variety of Software Products

Software products are very varied

--> Client requirements are very different

--> There is no standard process for software engineering

--> There is no best language, operating system, platform, database system, development environment, etc.

A skilled software developer knows about a wide variety of approaches, methods, tools. The craft of software engineering is to select appropriate methods and apply them effectively.

10 CS 501 Spring 2003

Software Process

Fundamental Assumption:

Good processes lead to good software

Good processes reduce risk

Good processes enhance visibility

11 CS 501 Spring 2003

The Software Process (Simplified)


Operation andMaintenanceImplementation


Feasibility andPlanning

12 CS 501 Spring 2003

The Waterfall Model

Requirements Analysis

System design

Unit & Integration Testing

System Testing

Operation & Maintenance

Program design


Acceptance Testing

13 CS 501 Spring 2003

Project Presentations

Requirements Analysis

System design

Unit & Integration Testing

System Testing

Operation & Maintenance

Program design


Acceptance Testing




14 CS 501 Spring 2003

Requirements Analysis and Definition

The system's services, constraints and goals are established by consultation with system users. They are then defined in a manner that is understandable by both users and development staff.

This phase can be divided into:

• Feasibility study (often carried out separately)

• Requirements analysis

• Requirements definition

• Requirements specification

15 CS 501 Spring 2003

System and Program Design

System design: Partition the requirements to hardware or software systems. Establishes an overall system architecture

Software design: Represent the software system functions in a form that can be transformed into one or more executable programs

• Unified Modeling Language (UML)

16 CS 501 Spring 2003

Programming and Unit Testing

The software design is realized as a set of programs or program units. (Written specifically, acquired from elsewhere, or modified.)

Individual components are tested against specifications.

17 CS 501 Spring 2003

Integration and System Testing

The individual program units are:

• integrated and tested as a complete system

• tested against the requirements as specified

• delivered to the client

18 CS 501 Spring 2003

Acceptance Testing

The client carries out independent tests before accepting the system and putting it into production.

19 CS 501 Spring 2003

Operation and Maintenance: Software Life Cycle

Operation: The system is put into practical use.

Maintenance: Errors and problems are identified and fixed.

Evolution: The system evolves over time as requirements change, to add new functions or adapt the technical environment.

Phase out: The system is withdrawn from service.

20 CS 501 Spring 2003

Discussion of the Waterfall Model


• Process visibility• Separation of tasks• Quality control• Cost control


Each stage in the process reveals new understanding of the previous stages, that requires the earlier stages to be revised.

The Waterfall Model is not enough!

21 CS 501 Spring 2003

Feedback in the Waterfall Model

Requirements Analysis

System design

Unit & Integration Testing

System Testing

Operation & Maintenance

Program design


Acceptance Testing

This is better!

22 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement(Evolutionary Development)

Concept: Initial implementation for user comment, followed by refinement until system is complete.

• Vaporware: user interface mock-up

• Throw-away software components

• Dummy modules

• Rapid prototyping

• Successive refinement

Get something working as quickly as possible!

23 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement





24 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement









25 CS 501 Spring 2003

Phased Development


A simple system with basic functionality if brought quickly into production (Phase 1).

Subsequent phases are based on experience gained from users of each previous phase.


• Pay-back on investment begins soon.

• Requirement are more clearly understood in developing subsequent phases

Example: NSDL

26 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement + Waterfall Model:

Graphics for Basic

Outline Description: Add vector graphics to Dartmouth Basic.

Phase 1: Extend current language with a preprocessor and run-time support package. (1976/77)

Phase 2: Write new compiler and run-time system incorporating graphics elements. (1978/80)

27 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement + Waterfall Model: Graphics for Basic

Phase 0: Iterative Refinement

Design Issues:

• Pictorial subprograms: coordinate systems, window/viewport

• User specification of perspective

Design Strategy: (Iterative Refinement)

• Write a series of prototypes with various proposed semantics

• Evaluate with a set of programming tasks

28 CS 501 Spring 2003

Iterative Refinement + Waterfall Model: Graphics for Basic

Phase 1: Implementation

• When the final specification was agreed, the entire preprocessor and run-time support were coded from new.

• The system was almost entirely bug-free.

Phase 2: New compiler (Waterfall)

Phase 1 was used as the requirements definition for the final version.

29 CS 501 Spring 2003

Observations about Software Processes

Completed projects should look like the Waterfall Modelbut ... the development process is always partly evolutionary.

Risk is lowered by:

• Prototyping key components

• Dividing into phases

• Following a visible software process

• Making use of reusable components


It is not possible to complete each step and throw it over the wall.