1 Allegiance

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  • 8/8/2019 1 Allegiance


    Akademiet To Veje

    v. Randi Green

    Tutorial 25.02.10


    When all reset and placed in your new seats, classes and status, you are to

    receive everything, you have learned in a new way.

    The means are the same, the teachings differ somewhat.

    This Academy of Higher Thoughts and Replacement functions after simple rules:

    Watch, listen and learn and then act upon the teachings in the outer realms. You

    are now attending the classes, which only a few are attending in conscious state;

    mostly humans come here in their sleep or in deep meditation. You are all

    newcomers, a part of our new ways of effectively participating in the building of

    the outer realms. You will learn quite many things and most of you come from

    planets in the outer dimensions; the earthly planets, which presently summarize

    up to 21!

    You will partake in this experiment a great deal of your time and being here is an

    all day event, not just a few hours of your present timeframe, which differs

    planets in between. It is a sort of direct contact with the central base, where we

    and you are able to debate whatever is needed and yes, there will be

    interruptions from your fellow humans, which are not in this contact. This is

    accepted. We will try to supervise you in every aspect of your life, in order to

    help you change the old ways into new ways. It is, as always, a matter of how

    you want to use our guidance; you can close down any time you wish, hence

    some of you will be here and others will disappear in the midst of out teachings

    so be it.

    You will train new perspective and new tools will be handed to you, during your

    outer work. You partake only to be able to change your ways, because you have

    wished so; not because we say so.

    The connection between inner and outer realms, are highly vulnerable and

    something you choose yourself. Not everybody wishes our help.

    You have chosen to incarnate in the outer realms due to certain skills, you have

    wished to learn to manipulate. This class is scientific whereas other classes are

    more related to human performance, interplay and interconnections in various

    ways. You have all attended those classes and are now in the upper scale of

    earthly experience.

    Earth is a school of managing energy and how to transform various degrees of

    density and their Mindfields into presence of Art of Justice. This sounds funny in

    your way of thinking because Justice in your world is somewhat a different



  • 8/8/2019 1 Allegiance


    Akademiet To Veje

    v. Randi Green

    concept of power than ours. Justice is Rules of Engagement, which means the

    rules of how to connect Mindfields into their correct sequences, in order to create

    living beings and other life forms. The Art of Justice is creation according to the

    Laws of Creation and has nothing to do with punishment or other things of thatsort.

    Justice is a primarily order, which emanates from the Jupitorian System. You find

    it hidden in your archetypes of the planet Jupiter, the Greek god Zeus and all

    other forms of Kings; rulers over the realms. Kings rules over their Kingdom or

    more correctly they process the Laws of Creation in order to create wealth and

    prosperity; to sustain and give sustenance to the country, e.g. the Legend of


    So, the attendance of this class is to become Kings, or those who wish to learn

    about the Rules of Engagement; the Art of Justice.

    On Earth it is a bit more complicated than it were on the other planets, you have

    been to, because Earth is a collaborated society of different realms, which is

    unique. Earth consists of various kinds of higher life forms including humans.

    Perhaps it is time to reveal the true meaning and names of the devis!

    Deva, devi, ahura, suras and all the other names, are old conceptions of thought.

    It has very little to do with reality (a Deva enters the classroom).

    You see; they resemble very much yourself as light beings. The only reason you

    see me and others here as humans, are because your brain recognize the

    energy pattern as human, and therefore uses that image. If you could see

    yourself, you would look very much like a deva!

    The deva only has another type of energy and this is why your brain cannot

    create a correct form to it. Devas are humans; they are made of the same

    concept but from other sources than yours. Their fathers and mothers where of

    another class of beings and we travelled to Earth together with other beings from

    different systems. Earth consists of quite many humanlike species all

    constructed the same way, but with different parents (sparks of high vibrated

    source energy).

    So, what about just calling them humans as yourself? Your visions of humans are

    quite new and only conceptualized on Earthly planets. The old lines of humans

    were conceptualized on inner planets and many of you have existed there,

    learning and evolving your Mindfields in those environments. The old lineages of

    humans especially partake in your evolution, in order to teach you the means

    and the necessary skills to promote and manipulate the grounds of Earth.



  • 8/8/2019 1 Allegiance


    Akademiet To Veje

    v. Randi Green

    The outer lines of human evolution are more complex and consist of all the inner

    lines of human evolution, hence the collaboration. They are the sum of the inner

    evolutions and part of an inherited energy pattern, which is new. You only find

    these patterns in the outer realities.

    Note: Elementals are different Mindfields consisting of minor classes of

    intelligence and beings, not devi lineage, but more like the atomic life forms.

    Little sparks of creational energy placed in groups in order to create Mindfields; a

    field of certain qualities and concepts.

