i 2 F T I + o 1 t r J r ff- f 6- aA > y ftffifc t THE OCALA EVENING TAR WEDNESDAY EBttJARY2i90B u r- a i + kl M + rv ENING STAR C L BITTINGER r CO I r C L Bittingtr and R R Carroll I t i Proprietor and Publishers- C L BITTINGER y J Editor and General Manager 1 X t R R CARROLL f City Editor and Business Manager 4 w J iI Y f WOOD GETTING SCARCE i It t J We all note the scarcity of wood by J the price asked in comparison with i I t the price of twenty years ago It is t getting HO scarce that the phosphate f men who in years past were sur j 1R ounded by forest find it difficult to get wood to dry their rock We note in 4j c the Tampa News that a company has J R been formed in that city to supply the r phosphate men in the various sections i of the state with coal for fuel One or J remarkable thing is that the coal will f f be brought from West Virginia and Pennsylvania as it can he had cheaper t from these states than from Alabama- A coal dock has been erected in Tam ¬ pa to handle this supply as the coal r chutes by schooner from Baltimore tr The editor of the Star has been im- f ortuned to become a candidate for the legislature What he will do time will have to determine He knows he w t- rr s a candidate two years ago and polled a flattering vote but with three others dropped by the wayside and there the i matter ended but the good time and + the good work done for the Star dur ¬ ing the campaign remains fresh in his mind One thing is certain he didnt i squander a fortune promoting his can- didacy nor importune the public to trust him at the polls arid was the on ¬ ly man in the campaign running for the office that made his expenses 1 while ho was giving the glad hand to 4 the sovereigns of Marion and if he r failed in his ambition he had as much good nature for himself and the world the day after his defeat as he did the r day before when he believed as all candidates do that he would get there s sure Sufficient unto the day is the T evil thereof e Hon W K Zewadski a former bar ¬ rister of this city and a leading citizen Of the community has favored the + r Star with a copy of the Springfield Register one of the staunch democrat- ic ¬ 1 papers jfthe state of Ohio which gives a glowing account of the recep- tion ¬ I tendered Hon W J Bryan and l Jils address before the democratic press of the state who are a unit for his nomination for and election to the presidency of the United States Ten thousand people crowded Into the col- iseum to hear him and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed Bryan is the York I Ocala Banner may say against his nomination- J Arthur Griffin cashier of the Ex- change ¬ W National Bank Tampa made I quite a hit at the State Bankers meet ¬ ing in St Petersburg in his address on kW Progressive Conservatism tho I Bankers Platform Arthur is a son I of A R Griffin the prosperous An ¬ thony merchant and trucker All the r old timers in Ocala remember M- riGriffin who when a young man was a clerk in the First National Bank and will be pleased to hear of his prosperity He always was a bright I boy and is making an enviable repu- tation ¬ J as banker- Mr and Mrs C F Benjamin of Alexandria Bay N Y arrived Monday and are guests of Mr and Mrs Mc I Clymonds They expect to remain In Ocala several months and return home I via Atlanta to visit Mrs Benjamins- sister I Miss Annie Sharpe Mrs Ben 4 jamin Is pleasantly remembered by our c people when in connection with her I sister she established the Ocala Kin- dergarten ¬ School which was so popu ¬ lar with the citizens of this city and did such a splendid work under the 1 c management of the Misses Sharpe It is also pleasantly remembered that I Mrs Berjamin was the favorite of all Gt the little tots of the school and was zy indeed their patron saint Mr Ben jamin is the Presbyterian pastor from the city from which he hails The Star wishes them a pleasant stay x Mr and Mrs E M Hawkins of Del plios Kan and Mrs Ernest Gifford af and two children of the same state arrived Sunday morning to visit Mr fir and Mrs Charles Murphrey ricer Anthony The former parties expect to spend some time but Mrs Gifford h and children returned home today as- her pretty baby was taken sick and not being able to get the pure meson f fp r here on which it lived at home she thought it was best to return anti got its accustomed dirt Mrs Hawkins is 1 Mr Murpbrys sister who ho had not soon in thirty years and the meeting- was I a joyous one ir i The best 2Sc box of paper wo have ever put across the counter Danish Cloth a the Postoffice Drugstore 5 I 1 fJA MOST SUCCESSFUL SALE I After the sale has been under way I three days Manage A iier Frank of I the Boston Store save that the big I 15day sale that id row being held at I that popular store 5s oue of the most successful of the rmny sales held by I him and a steady strcrn of well pleas- ed j customers are talking advantage of the great opportunity lo lay in a pup ply of staple gone at cost prices The proprietors of the Boston Store through their big Newport News I house have bought the largest and I best stock of spring and summer goods I that the Boston Store has over carried These goods have been shipped and there is no room for them so the store i is giving the people an opportunity of taking the present stock off their hands at these astonishingly low prices to make room on their counters and shelves for the mammoth new I stock which will be placed in the store I immediately after the closer of this sale Saturday night week I Mrs M Handelsman herself is here for a month or two and is receiving I visits from all of her old and many new customers These people know that Mrs Handelsman always has big values for their money and are pat ¬ ronizing this sale most liberally The- i Boston Store wishes to impress on the I public that everything being offered is new clean and stylish goods and ie just as new as can be bought anywhere- in the land until the spring and sum- mer ¬ stock arrives Be sure that you pay a visit to the Boston Store at some time while their big sale is going on You will get a lot of good merchandise for a little money Dow Beck one of the successful and worthy farmers of the Cottage Hill section was in the city yesterday and placed the Star under obligations for- a very fine head of cabbage Mr Becks friends are trying to persuade- him to become a candidate for county commissioner from his district the fifth and mighty good timber would he make He is a man of intelligence- and possesses a level head The advertising carnival to be pull ¬ ed of at the armory Friday and Sat ¬ urday nights is to be one of the big ¬ gest things of the season There will be an array of some of the best and most attractive local talent and those who miss it will miss a good thing Mr H H Whitworth the energetic proprietor of the Hiawatha Lake Stock Farm in back from shoXving his Duroc hogs at the Tampa fair where he gathered a handful of blue ribbons for the best exhibit of fine hogs and pocketed a wad of greenbacks in premiums besides selling nearly all the hogs he took down Whit has no kick coming if he did catch afine as ¬ sortment of colds that laid him up Sunday and Monday at his home The Berlin Theater had a full house- all last evening and everybody was well pleased A most interesting set of pictures is on this evening as you can judge by consulting the program- In another place- H A Atwater the capable manager- cf the log department of the Wilson Cypress Co at Green Cove Springs- was in the city yesterday He was a former resident of Anthony and a fine citizen LOSTA black ribbon watch fob with small gold charm attached Re ¬ turn to this office and receive reward Eye Troubles That Cause HeadachesC- an be corrected so that the head ¬ aches disappear- That is a simple truth but many still doubt and hesitate You do not take any risk with me I guarantee to do what I say If your eyes cause headaches I can relieve the strain and give you per- fect ¬ comfort t r a y DR D M BONEYEY- ESIGHT SPECIALIST OCALA FLORIDA I I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail ¬ ing Vision Where Others Have Fail ¬ ed Satisfaction guaranteed or Your Money Refunded Office Hours S to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical Office and Labatory Rooms 2 and 4 l Gary Block t S I SOME FANCY SHOOTING s ir off Several hundred persons men and women were present yesterday after- noon ¬ to witness the fancy and expert shooting of the representatives of the nion Metallic Cartridge Co and the Remington Arms Co who are Mr and Mrs Frank Butler Col Tom Marshall- Col I T J Anthony Geo W Maxwell and Win H Hurr the latter being the wuilds champion marksman in his class Mrs rank Butler better known- as Annie Oakley having been connect- ed ¬ for years with Col William Codys Wild West Show as the champion wo ¬ man shot of the world began the ex ¬ hibition by all manner of difficult and wonderful feats of marksmanship- some of which had to be seen to be ap- preciated ¬ The most difficult in our estimation was to shatter the swinging ball and with a single bullet shatter four balls thrown into the air changing guns after breaking two and then break the other balls before they fell to earth Also smashing eggs thrown into the air and almost out of sight Again lying across a chair and with ¬ out taking sight smashing balls in the air Many of her feats were mar ¬ velous After her performance trap shooting was indulged in by the men et the team including some of our home shots namely Harry Leaven good Mason Tison W P Edwards and Dr Rice of Texas Several of the local team made ninety out of a possible 100 the rest below that Of the experts Qeo W Maxwell the one armed man shot 97 out of a possible 100 and when you take into consid ¬ eration his handicap is seems incredi ¬ ble Hurr the worlds champion- never missed a shot out of his hun ¬ dred Guy Ward hit 97 The others fell below this record The entertain ¬ ment was certainly a good one and greatly enjoyed Among the ladies present were Mesdames Arthur Cobb Edward Helvenston C E Taylor M A Wishart John D Robertson D W Davis C E Foy S S Savage and I several others who the reporter did not know Of course all the sports were on hand including Louis Lang Ed Carmichael Marshal Cleveland- Sid Whaley and a lot of the high school boys One of our local good shots speaking out the remarkable shooting of Annie Oakley said by comparison she did not do as fine shooting as did Mrs Topperwien who shot with another team here last sum ¬ mer that her marksmanship was about perfect clipping off the ashes from a cigar held in a mans mouth and snuffing out a match held in her husbands hand All the same the aft ¬ ernoon was enjoyed and the ammuni ¬ tion and fire arms used by these peo ¬ ple were well advertised PROFESSOR WALDEN Everybody who saw Walden the ma ¬ gician on his visit here last year will be gladto see him again and many who clidnt see him have regretted I missing the opportunity He will be I at the armory Wednesday evening March 4th and you dont want to let it escape your memory WILL DEDICATE A MONUMENT Martel camp No 132 W O W will observe Sunday March 8th for the unveiling of a monument to Sovereign J L Beck Jr- STOPPED I EXCAVATING- Arthur Cobb who has the contract- for excavating the foundation for the new government building received a I dispatch from Washington this morn ¬ ing requesting him to stop the work All kinds of rumors are rife about what it means Some say the build ¬ ing is to be faced to the west others that it will be placed in the middle of the lot > Uncle Pat Norris of the O K Grocery went down to Candler this afternoon for a few days hunting He is a good shot and will get his share- of what is going- Dr and Mrs T K Slaughter of Levon were in the city yesterday af- i ternoon and took in the shooting con- test ¬ I at the driving park I Mr E L Stafford i in town to ¬ day shopping He saul the way some of the tourists were hunting quail was I ja caution as that is the only diver Jsion that sleets tit views of some of I them The Pensacola News invites the press boys to come and have a good time I with them during Mardi Oras time I This is all very flue but how about the I i transportation That is off now and editors must walk- I I The editor of the Memphis Tenn Times writes urn my opinion Fo loys Honey anT Tar is the best rem ¬ edy for coughs colds and lung trou- ble ¬ and to my own personal knowl ¬ edge Foleys Honey and Tar has ac- complished ¬ I many permanent euros that hive boon little short of marvel- ous ¬ Refine any but the genuine in he yellow package Sold by all dealers I i i i 7 cy t I T T 1 n SPECIAL FOR MONDAY AND TUESDAY i MARCH 2 AND 3- We i 4j Will Pat On Salt x 1000 BOXES MENNENS BORATED TALCUM POWDER AND MENNENS BORAT- ED ¬ VIOLET TALCUM POWDER j at 13 cents a box r By the Do en at J50 This Powder Is put up in the new style box The Box that Leax Remember there is only one Mennen n look for his picture on the btx Sample packages given free for the ask- ing f f f Mirrors and Bookmarks given away as1onVtnirs J- t t rrF j if- I i 01 A LOOK AT THE WINDOW S v The Variety St41cI- t I r J f > t J r j I a 1 tH JAMES R MOORHEAD B J POTTER DAVID WOODROW J President General Manager i i ratari- f + t- Woodn ar Sand and Stone 4 Companv i BUILDERS OF CEMENT SIDEWALKS Dealers In t 1 Lake Weir Sand Manufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Posts etc Es timatea and Plana Furnishd cnd Contract JT Ktn fj FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES S Western Feeft Vea Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Ar motifs Stat Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cab ¬ bage Rutabagas 1 urnlP s Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish r Potatoes Spanish Onions W P EDWARDS i HONE 108 i CITY MARKET A J IMPROVED SERVICE I VIA I ATLANTIC COAST LINE JACKSONVILLEOC LAST PETERSBURG I t I No 37 No 39 No 40 No 38 130 p m 935 a m Lye Jacksonville Ar GHO p in 730 a m i 242 a in 245 p m Ar OCAIj A Leave 125 p m 135 a m 85 a m 900 p m Ar St Pet frMmrg Lye 630 a in 700 p m Pullman Bullet Parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40 i Pullman Bullet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38 I For Information or Rates call on Atlantic Coast Line Agents or I J W CARR T P A TAMPA FLA J G KIRKLAND D p A T C WHITE G P A WILMINGTON N C W J CRAIti H T M NOTICE The arrivals and departures shown are not guaranteed t i l l r y > > a tt f4

1 6- f aA t S T kl I M ENING STAR fJA I 1ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00781/0386.pdf · T J Anthony Geo W Maxwell and Win H Hurr the latter being the wuilds champion marksman

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Page 1: 1 6- f aA t S T kl I M ENING STAR fJA I 1ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00781/0386.pdf · T J Anthony Geo W Maxwell and Win H Hurr the latter being the wuilds champion marksman

i 2F T I + o

1 t r J rff-





r-ai +kl




r C L Bittingtr and R R Carroll I

t i Proprietor and Publishers-

C L BITTINGERyJ Editor and General Manager


t R R CARROLLf City Editor and Business Manager





t J We all note the scarcity of wood byJ the price asked in comparison with

i It the price of twenty years ago It is

t getting HO scarce that the phosphate

f men who in years past were sur j

1Rounded by forest find it difficult to getwood to dry their rock We note in

4jc the Tampa News that a company hasJ R been formed in that city to supply the

r phosphate men in the various sectionsi of the state with coal for fuel One

or J remarkable thing is that the coal willf f be brought from West Virginia and

Pennsylvania as it can he had cheapert from these states than from Alabama-

A coal dock has been erected in Tam ¬

pa to handle this supply as the coalrchutes by schooner from Baltimore

tr The editor of the Star has been im-

f ortuned to become a candidate for thelegislature What he will do time willhave to determine He knows he w t-


a candidate two years ago and polleda flattering vote but with three othersdropped by the wayside and there the

i matter ended but the good time and+ the good work done for the Star dur ¬

ing the campaign remains fresh in hismind One thing is certain he didnt

i squander a fortune promoting his can-didacy nor importune the public totrust him at the polls arid was the on ¬

ly man in the campaign running forthe office that made his expenses

1 while ho was giving the glad hand to

4 the sovereigns of Marion and if her failed in his ambition he had as much

good nature for himself and the worldthe day after his defeat as he did the

r day before when he believed as allcandidates do that he would get theressure Sufficient unto the day is the

T evil thereof

e Hon W K Zewadski a former bar ¬

rister of this city and a leading citizenOf the community has favored the

+ r Star with a copy of the SpringfieldRegister one of the staunch democrat-ic


1 papers jfthe state of Ohio whichgives a glowing account of the recep-tion


I tendered Hon W J Bryan andl Jils address before the democratic

press of the state who are a unit forhis nomination for and election to thepresidency of the United States Tenthousand people crowded Into the col-iseum to hear him and the greatestenthusiasm prevailed Bryan is theYork I

Ocala Banner may say against hisnomination-

J Arthur Griffin cashier of the Ex-change


W National Bank Tampa made I

quite a hit at the State Bankers meet ¬

ing in St Petersburg in his addressonkW Progressive Conservatism tho I

Bankers Platform Arthur is a son I

of A R Griffin the prosperous An ¬

thony merchant and trucker All the r

old timers in Ocala remember M-riGriffin who when a young man was

a clerk in the First National Bankand will be pleased to hear of hisprosperity He always was a bright I

boy and is making an enviable repu-

tation¬ J

as banker-

Mr and Mrs C F Benjamin ofAlexandria Bay N Y arrived Mondayand are guests of Mr and Mrs Mc

I Clymonds They expect to remain InOcala several months and return home I

via Atlanta to visit Mrs Benjamins-sisterI

Miss Annie Sharpe Mrs Ben

4 jamin Is pleasantly remembered by ourc people when in connection with her I

sister she established the Ocala Kin-dergarten


School which was so popu ¬

lar with the citizens of this city anddid such a splendid work under the


management of the Misses Sharpe Itis also pleasantly remembered that

I Mrs Berjamin was the favorite of allGt the little tots of the school and waszy indeed their patron saint Mr Ben

jamin is the Presbyterian pastor fromthe city from which he hails TheStar wishes them a pleasant stay

x Mr and Mrs E M Hawkins of Delplios Kan and Mrs Ernest Gifford

af and two children of the same statearrived Sunday morning to visit Mr

fir and Mrs Charles Murphrey ricerAnthony The former parties expectto spend some time but Mrs Gifford

hand children returned home today as-

her pretty baby was taken sick andnot being able to get the pure meson

ffp r here on which it lived at home shethought it was best to return anti gotits accustomed dirt Mrs Hawkins is

1Mr Murpbrys sister who ho had notsoon in thirty years and the meeting-was


a joyous one

iri The best 2Sc box of paper wo haveever put across the counter DanishCloth a the Postoffice Drugstore





After the sale has been under way I

three days Manage A iier Frank of I

the Boston Store save that the big I

15day sale that id row being held at I

that popular store 5s oue of the mostsuccessful of the rmny sales held by


him and a steady strcrn of well pleas-ed


customers are talking advantage ofthe great opportunity lo lay in a pupply of staple gone at cost prices

The proprietors of the Boston Storethrough their big Newport News I

house have bought the largest andI

best stock of spring and summer goodsI

that the Boston Store has over carriedThese goods have been shipped andthere is no room for them so the store i

is giving the people an opportunity oftaking the present stock off theirhands at these astonishingly lowprices to make room on their countersand shelves for the mammoth new


stock which will be placed in the storeI

immediately after the closer of thissale Saturday night week I

Mrs M Handelsman herself is herefor a month or two and is receiving


visits from all of her old and manynew customers These people knowthat Mrs Handelsman always has bigvalues for their money and are pat ¬

ronizing this sale most liberally The-i Boston Store wishes to impress on theI

public that everything being offered isnew clean and stylish goods and iejust as new as can be bought anywhere-in the land until the spring and sum-mer


stock arrives Be sure that youpay a visit to the Boston Store at sometime while their big sale is going onYou will get a lot of good merchandisefor a little money

Dow Beck one of the successful andworthy farmers of the Cottage Hillsection was in the city yesterday andplaced the Star under obligations for-

a very fine head of cabbage MrBecks friends are trying to persuade-him to become a candidate for countycommissioner from his district thefifth and mighty good timber wouldhe make He is a man of intelligence-and possesses a level head

The advertising carnival to be pull ¬

ed of at the armory Friday and Sat ¬

urday nights is to be one of the big¬

gest things of the season There willbe an array of some of the best andmost attractive local talent and thosewho miss it will miss a good thing

Mr H H Whitworth the energeticproprietor of the Hiawatha Lake StockFarm in back from shoXving his Durochogs at the Tampa fair where hegathered a handful of blue ribbons forthe best exhibit of fine hogs and

pocketed a wad of greenbacks inpremiums besides selling nearly allthe hogs he took down Whit has nokick coming if he did catch afine as ¬

sortment of colds that laid him upSunday and Monday at his home

The Berlin Theater had a full house-all last evening and everybody waswell pleased A most interesting setof pictures is on this evening as youcan judge by consulting the program-In another place-

H A Atwater the capable manager-cf the log department of the WilsonCypress Co at Green Cove Springs-was in the city yesterday He was aformer resident of Anthony and a finecitizen

LOSTA black ribbon watch fobwith small gold charm attached Re ¬

turn to this office and receive reward

Eye Troubles ThatCause HeadachesC-

an be corrected so that the head ¬

aches disappear-That is a simple truth but many stilldoubt and hesitate You do not takeany risk with me I guarantee todo what I say

If your eyes cause headaches I canrelieve the strain and give you per-









I Make a Specialty of Correcting Fail ¬

ing Vision Where Others Have Fail ¬

ed Satisfaction guaranteed or YourMoney Refunded

Office Hours S to 12 a m and 130 to430 p m Optical Office and

Labatory Rooms 2 and 4l Gary Block






Several hundred persons men andwomen were present yesterday after-noon


to witness the fancy and expertshooting of the representatives of thenion Metallic Cartridge Co and theRemington Arms Co who are Mr andMrs Frank Butler Col Tom Marshall-Col


T J Anthony Geo W Maxwelland Win H Hurr the latter being thewuilds champion marksman in hisclass Mrs rank Butler better known-as Annie Oakley having been connect-ed


for years with Col William CodysWild West Show as the champion wo ¬

man shot of the world began the ex ¬

hibition by all manner of difficult andwonderful feats of marksmanship-some of which had to be seen to be ap-


The most difficult in ourestimation was to shatter the swingingball and with a single bullet shatterfour balls thrown into the air changingguns after breaking two and thenbreak the other balls before they fellto earth Also smashing eggs throwninto the air and almost out of sightAgain lying across a chair and with ¬

out taking sight smashing balls inthe air Many of her feats were mar ¬

velous After her performance trapshooting was indulged in by the menet the team including some of ourhome shots namely Harry Leavengood Mason Tison W P Edwardsand Dr Rice of Texas Several ofthe local team made ninety out of apossible 100 the rest below that Ofthe experts Qeo W Maxwell the onearmed man shot 97 out of a possible100 and when you take into consid ¬

eration his handicap is seems incredi ¬

ble Hurr the worlds champion-never missed a shot out of his hun ¬

dred Guy Ward hit 97 The othersfell below this record The entertain ¬

ment was certainly a good one andgreatly enjoyed Among the ladiespresent were Mesdames Arthur CobbEdward Helvenston C E Taylor MA Wishart John D Robertson D WDavis C E Foy S S Savage and I

several others who the reporter didnot know Of course all the sportswere on hand including Louis LangEd Carmichael Marshal Cleveland-Sid Whaley and a lot of the highschool boys One of our local goodshots speaking out the remarkableshooting of Annie Oakley said bycomparison she did not do as fineshooting as did Mrs Topperwien whoshot with another team here last sum ¬

mer that her marksmanship wasabout perfect clipping off the ashesfrom a cigar held in a mans mouthand snuffing out a match held in herhusbands hand All the same the aft¬

ernoon was enjoyed and the ammuni ¬

tion and fire arms used by these peo ¬

ple were well advertised


Everybody who saw Walden the ma ¬

gician on his visit here last year willbe gladto see him again and manywho clidnt see him have regretted I

missing the opportunity He will be I

at the armory Wednesday eveningMarch 4th and you dont want to letit escape your memory


Martel camp No 132 W O W willobserve Sunday March 8th for theunveiling of a monument to SovereignJ L Beck Jr-



Arthur Cobb who has the contract-for excavating the foundation for thenew government building received a

I dispatch from Washington this morn ¬

ing requesting him to stop the workAll kinds of rumors are rife aboutwhat it means Some say the build ¬

ing is to be faced to the west othersthat it will be placed in the middle ofthe lot >

Uncle Pat Norris of the O KGrocery went down to Candler thisafternoon for a few days hunting Heis a good shot and will get his share-of what is going-

Dr and Mrs T K Slaughter ofLevon were in the city yesterday af-

i ternoon and took in the shooting con-



at the driving parkI

Mr E L Stafford i in town to ¬

day shopping He saul the way someof the tourists were hunting quail was


ja caution as that is the only diverJsion that sleets tit views of some of



The Pensacola News invites the pressboys to come and have a good time


with them during Mardi Oras timeI

This is all very flue but how about theI

i transportation That is off now andeditors must walk-



The editor of the Memphis TennTimes writes urn my opinion Foloys Honey anT Tar is the best rem ¬

edy for coughs colds and lung trou-ble


and to my own personal knowl ¬

edge Foleys Honey and Tar has ac-


I many permanent eurosthat hive boon little short of marvel-ous


Refine any but the genuine inhe yellow package Sold by all dealers

I i i i7 cy t







Will Pat On Saltx






at 13 cents a boxr

By the Do en at J50This Powder Is put up in the new style box The Box that

Leax Remember there is only one Mennen n look for his

picture on the btx Sample packages given free for the ask-



Mirrors and Bookmarks given away as1onVtnirs J-

t trrF j if-






The Variety St41cI-t

I r J


t J r j I a 1 tH


President General Manager i i ratari-f+ t-

Woodn ar Sand and Stone 4 Companvi


Dealers Int 1

Lake Weir SandManufacturers of Concrete Blocks Paving Material Fence Posts etc Es

timatea and Plana Furnishd cnd Contract JT Ktn fj


Western Feeft Vea Florida Stall Fed Beef Mutton Armotifs Stat Ham Armours Pork Sausage Cab¬

bage Rutabagas 1 urnlPs Beets SweetPotatoes Irishr Potatoes Spanish Onions







130 p m 935 a m Lye Jacksonville Ar GHO p in 730 a mi 242 a in 245 p m Ar OCAIj A Leave 125 p m 135 a m

85 a m 900 p m Ar St Pet frMmrg Lye 630 a in 700 p m

Pullman Bullet Parlor Cars on Trains No 39 and 40

iPullman Bullet Sleeping Cars on Trains No 37 and 38

I For Information or Rates call on Atlantic Coast Line Agents orI J W CARR T P A TAMPA FLA J G KIRKLAND D p A


NOTICE The arrivals and departures shown are not guaranteedt


l l r y> > a tt f4