08 ILiA Lesson07

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  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    Lesson7: Imoerfect. Participles, PrepositionsPart1:The imperfect form of the verb indicatesactionsnot yet complete,and so can oftenbe translatedwith the Englishpresentor future. t also expressesmodal nuances,which are communicatedn English hroughcomplementary erbs should","would", "could", etc.Its form is characterized y a combinationof prefixesand suffixes in contrast otheperfect'sexclusiveuseof suffixes).Again,predicting he correct ormsof theverb n the variousstemss easy f you know theroot, the themevowel, and heseriesof prefixes/suffixesor eachperson/number/gender.Thethemevowel is the vowel that appearsn the lastsyllableof the 3ms mperfectform. For theD- andH-stems,everyroot has he same hemevowel el ( ..), unlessit hasa guttural N, ;1, n, IJ) as a third-consonantor a resh), n which case he /e/( ) shifts o lal ( _ in accordance ith thephonologicalulesof Aramaic see heabovenote o -lnN [Les.5, part I ]) .In theG-stem, he hemevowel s lesspredictable. he mostcommon s theshort/u / vowel.This s foundwith roots ike lif ("to write"). Other ootshavea shortlal,llke the root connectedo speaking lDN), or theroot that ndicatesdressing$Jlr), or theroot ndicatingwieldingpower E)U). lJsually, ootswith a perfectlike E)tp *ith lel ( ) as he second owel, have mperfectswith an al themevowel.Consideringhe following paradigms,wherever llJ hasa /u/, theseverbs ake al.Theyare otherwisecompletelyanalogouso lllf . A very few rootshavea themevowelof lel( ), roots itce 5: ("to fall") and ill) ("to give"),which will bediscussedater.

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 53

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    The ollowingparadigmsolateshedistinctive uffixes ndprefixes f eachormof the mperfect.3ms3fs2ms2fslcs3mp3fu2^p2fpl cp

    - t F - t . iJ I ' I JJ t ' t J t ' l

    - j t ' i J t ' lr t | t - \F -FI J l ' r J r ' l

    tn:$. i ' :. r \ q F - . tl ' r - , l i ' r Jt : :. r - F q !I J r ' r Jl r : : 'r . i - t F - FI r J t ' r J t ' rt : :|' rr F-rFI J l ' l - J l ' ll r : :

    1 . : '

    Jl ,J ri

    :N: R=n?Fr r t J t i J FI i . l," \

    11 lFl! rI1 :n: rl vr i r l -r r_ j Fl ' r ' r . lr t J t l J FI ' l . llFl r

    Introductory Lessons n Aramqic by Eric D. Reymond 54

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    Exercise a.Understandingheprefixes ndsuffixes ttachedo theG-stemmperfect ndunderstandinghebasicprinciples f vowel eduction, llowsyou o predictwhattheverbal ormswill look ike in theD- andH-stems.Fill out he ollowingchart or theverb [1], consultingheAnswersAppendix sneeded. G-imperfect D-imperfect H-imperfect Alternativeform of the H-

    stemwith no iJ


    2ms2fsl cs


    2mpzfpl cp

    a . :

    t t t - - hI J l ' l J l ' l

    ]F]:N, : f

    t r ; :

    t l q F r r Fi ' r J i ' r J i ' l] J i ' r J y r

    r t t F - Fl - l l , l - J l ' l



    ' ' : _ :

    lFl:ir$_ : - - it t - F t ! tl ' l - r l ' l J t i

    Note healternativeormsof theH-stem Haphel), alled heA-stem or,Aphel),sincet lacks hedistinctive ehprefrx.TheA-stemoccurs poradicallyn BiblicalAramaicandeventuallyupplantsheolderH-stem n laterdialects f Aramaic.Exercise b.Parsehe following forms,describingstem,person,gender,number,and root.lnln Thishaswopossiblearsings.j ' :nlrl

    [ntroductory Lessons n Arqmaic by Eric D. Reymond 5s

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    r r hnn| | / / t - t , I' l tnl 'l r - i - :ui)n:: - :NlUNPart2'.The formsof theD- andH-participlesare easy o learn,basedon your familiaritywith thepatternsof theperfectand mperfectverb forms. Theyare distinct romthe G-participle, ecauseheybothhavea memprefix.As with the G-participles, heD andH-participlescan be usedasnounsor aspredicates.Theirmostcommon ormsareqivenbelow:

    D-stem H-stem(Haphel)andA-stem(Aphel)ms lFrfn :n:iln lF:Ef s. illFfn ;l:i:]:;ln nlli:Em.p T':Fllb l ' :Fl:i lD l ' lFfDf.p. ] lF:n ] lnfnn l:F:n l T : - : l T : : - : l r ; : -Part3:Like nouns, repositionsan akesuffixed ronouns.heirparadigrnsentirelypredictable:Exercise c.In the ollowingchart,heprepositions and are ike ) in their orm.TheprepositionslD andEIJaresimilar o each ther n that heybothactually aveadoubled econdadical i.e.,minnand imm),somethinghat s only ndicatedntheorthography y a dotwhena suffix ollows hem.Theprepositions9- andEIP both akesuffixes s f theyweremasculineluralnouns.

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    , ':1 =1 1n F t,t lr lt 4 t l . ,l cs ,? 'r.1l'\ t ) t l , /- ' J Y :2ms 1,t :l2j\ f 't' l ' ln2fs t:. ' )l J3ms n, r - i A - -| | t ) t l )' t l t :3fs e2 : '?lltl cp N))t - N)tn2mp E: , E:'r9Zfp l + (3mp Eil) F - h t t


    3fp t i r)" :

    Fill out heblanks n the ollowinschart.

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond ) /

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    Part 4.A final few nominalpatterns an be studied,as heyare occasionallyound nAramaic exts.Therearemany nouns hathavea prefixedmemor taw at their beginning.Nounslike "l!JJB "work" are ormed rom thebasic oot -lJp "to do" or "make."Similarly,JUn "bed" rom :U G: "to lie" andnl'lp ("altar") romnlT G :"to sacrifice". hesame atternits with the aw-prefixedords ike 'T[i]Ui"praise, lory" romn:U D : "to praise."Other,moreconfusing atterns lsoexist:singular Nouns hatend n gentilicsendingn Ay)etymological y (These reusually ames f ethnic,liTll"1;ltT[il",H,il":

    lud.unor Jew.)abs.: NQ-l? (throne) ;1:-ll3 lion) ':ltl;J'

    ( , : lo l )const.: NQ-l? ?) il:-f$ 'Jl;' l]emph det.: N]Dl? N]:-llt (?) N"'T:l;'l'

    pluralabs. : ] ]D-l ! T ' ] ' - ]N ]"J: l ;J ' / ] 'N - l : l i l 'I T T : T I T T : - | r : | ' ? iconst.: nlpl! nll-]lt ':ltli'l: / 'N:f:li'].lemph./det.:[r]?l? Nfll-lls N'J:li'T'' T tNote n relationo thegentilicnounshatoneoccasionallyinds orms n which heoriginal odhhasbeeneplacedy an 'aleph.i'NJ:l;l' for]".]ilIil] *d'NJ:li'l'n t t a t - tI O f l ' l t l .

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 58

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    Exercise d.Fill out the chartbelow,accordingo thepatternof ']l:li'T'sing. bs . sing.cstr. sing.emoh./det. pl. abs. pl .cstr. pl.emoh./det.r : ' f it i t("Babvlonian"r. :?Dt:(Chaldaean")

    Thereare,of course,many morepeculiarnouns,but thesemust be learnedindividually.Especially mportantare he formsof fatherand brother,both of which areattestedonly with suffixes,making heir other ormsa matterof conjecture.Consider he suffixed orms.singular' lt3Jr:x. ' : l :$'i]:llt_\ilrl|lN::I]NE::I]N'l::llNt "Ei']:llNj i lrr$plural'nF?|-\:Tnill$

    I T T T - ietc.For heword"father"note hat hepluralhasa feminine nding. or"brother",note hat he l in theplural orm s virtuallydoubled.

    't_'I|s(?):j'F$ $his is theonly ormattestedn BA.)

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 59

  • 8/3/2019 08 ILiA Lesson07


    Exercise e.Translatehe following passagerom Ezra 4.14-15,vocalizing he six formswithout vowels.For wordsyou do not know. use he vocabulary ist that followsthepassage.

    N:n7n N7f'; 't n7n -"':T?lD-?l ]JJ!t : : ' " l r : r | - :NInF);?l'- 'XN?N?In ::rp1*r)n) *:piintN:n)ul:r-rIJ]nill$ 'T N',:]:J--tlD3 -'lPl' 'Tijl: n''lN: -lf ':l--llo= nlu*iln']j':)F npTl;tnlll-lD ill-li?1l Nflri? "':TI : - ' T T T T : ' INotice hat n line 4, the nitialverb s 3ms n formand eferso thePersianing,while he ollowing erbs re2ms orms, lso eferringo thePersianing.Theinitialuseof the3ms sperhaps ut of deferenceo theking'ssuperior tatus.Vocabulary:Nouns:jl:l : "record" do[rdn) pl.emph./det.:t!'l:T) rnl?'it : "palace"sing. mph./det.:f!'il; mn ?n : "salt" sing. mph./det.:ll )F) rnir]:! : "dishonor"sing. str.: ]:W) f;11-lP "city"f.Adjectives:-jt-tl-t : o'propf"'T-ln : "rebellious"

    Introductorv Lessons n Arqmaic bv Eric D. Revmond 60

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    Verbs:fP! : D-stemto seek";1i[1 G-stemto see" G-inf.: l]lJF)JJ]] : G-stemto know","to understand"G-impf.9fl]) ,H-stem to makeknown" H-perf.D-]'1;1n ?n : G-stemto salt" .e., o donate alt,or to eatsalt.Pj! : G-stem.to suffer"H-stem: to injure"nlU : H-stemto find"Particles/Adverbs:I : "in" ---Note hatwhena shewahat epresentsmurmuredowel sprefixedto a word hatbeginswith a murmuredowel, he irst munnured owelbecomesshortil , and hesecond ecomesilent: flD + J - -'llD3* ---' l!Of (bispar).: : _ : :L- - - L-)=P-)1 : "correspondingo""-ThP- )3 : "because"l!! : "now"

    Note the threesetsof "near" demonstrative ronouns,all identical n meaning("this"/"these").Sing. "this") Plural ("these")FirstSetmasc. ;1)? l '?N (and'l?N and N)fem. N? T',N

    SecondSetmasc. :T1 1?||fem. :.il 1?NThirdSetmasc. ' l :1?l + . l XXXXXfem. ?-l? XXXXX

    Introductory Lessons n Aramaic by Eric D. Reymond 6 l

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    There s only onesetof "far" demonstratives"that" "those"),houghonly hemasculineormsareattested:Sins. ("that") Plural("those")masc. N:IiT T1,]N*fem. $'lJ* T' IN*

    Introductorv Lessons n Aramaic bv Eric D. Revmond 62