04.27 CI 402 Portfolio Entry 5

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  • 8/7/2019 04.27 CI 402 Portfolio Entry 5


    The Rise of Nazi Germany

    Name: Will Walsh

    Class/Subject: 8th Grade Social Studies

    Student Objectives/Student Outcomes:

    -Students will weigh the aftermath of World War 1, such as the implications of the Treaty of

    Versailles and evaluate the affect it had on the future of Germany and its people.

    -Students will imagine the life they would have as a Jewish or German child during World War 2

    and explore the various experiences relating to German society.

    -Through discussion, students will assess how they and others develop trust and the possible

    consequences this has on society.

    Content Standards:

    16.A.4a Analyze and report historical events to determine cause-and-effect


    16.B.4b (W) Identify political ideas from the early modern historical era to the present

    which have had worldwide impact (e.g., nationalism/Sun Yat-Sen, non-violence/Ghandi,


    16.C.4c (W) Describe the impact of key individuals/ideas from 1500-present, including

    Adam Smith, Karl Marx and John Maynard Keynes.

    16.D.4 (W) Identify significant events and developments since 1500 that altered world

    social history in ways that persist today including colonization, Protest Reformation,

    industrialization, the rise of technology and human rights movements.

    Social/Emotional Learning Standards:

    2A.3a Predict others feelings and perspectives in a variety of situations

    2B.4a Analyze the origins and negative effects of stereotyping and prejudice




    Youtube videos:





    Diary Entry Assignment sheet for each student

    Teachers Goals:

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    To convey the process and background of the rise of the Nazi Party in Germany

    between the first and second world wars.

    To allow for students to take on the role of a German or Jewish schoolchild in Nazi

    Germany in order to share the experience of German youth.


    Start of Class:

    -Teacher will ask students to take a few moments to think about who in their lives they

    trust (ie. parents, teachers, government, friends). After two minutes, the teacher will

    ask students to share their answers with the class and a rationale as to why they

    believe these people are trustworthy.

    -The teacher will then ask students to personally reflect and share on how they feel

    about racism, as well as how our modern society views racism. Follow up questions

    will be asked as appropriate to encourage deep thinking. Then the teacher will ask the

    students to consider how they would respond to someone they trust telling them that acertain type of person is inferior, or even less human.

    Introduction of Lesson:

    -The teacher will verbally review the lesson objectives with the students which will be

    written out on the chalkboard at the front of the room.

    -The teacher will identify the topic of todays class as being how World War I contribute

    to the rise of Nazism and what that meant for different groups of Germans living within

    Germany during that time.

    -The teacher will add that because the information in todays lesson is sensitive to

    some people and will require students to think in a way that they may not be

    used to and that all discussion should be kept appropriate and honest.

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    Lesson Instruction:

    -The teacher will ask the students to share what they know about Adolf Hitler and

    the Nazi Party in Germany. Teacher will supplement the discussion in order to ensure

    that students have all necessary information for the lesson.

    Teacher will share the following summary:

    Adolf Hitler was an Austrian-born German politician and the leader of the Nazi Party.

    The Nazi Party (from the German Nazi, abbreviated from the pronunciation of

    Nationalsozialist), was a political party in Germany between 1919 and 1945

    -The teacher will ask students to keep in mind their answers to the question of

    who they trust and why while they watch the following recording of a speech

    given by Adolf Hitler at a Nazi Youth Rally.


    -After the video clip is complete, the teacher will ask for students to share theirgeneral reactions and will ask them to consider and answer the following questions:

    What type of rally do you think this is, why are all of these people (especially you

    gathered in this setting?

    What type of things was Hitler saying, and in what way was he saying them? Do

    think he is an effective speaker?

    In your opinion, was anything that Hitler said offensive? How does this speech

    compare to what you previously believed about Hitler? (Teacher will guide the

    discussion to point out that this speech did not emulate many racist sentiments.

    -Teacher will ask students if they know what the Treaty of Versailles is and its impact o

    Germany. The teacher will then provide the following facts about the Treaty while engastudents in a reflective discussion throughout the presentation.

    Impositions on Germany include:

    Trial of Willhelm II and many other German citizens as war criminals

    Sole responsibility for the war placed on Germany and her allies

    The Rhineland (a historically-disputed region between France and Germany)

    would be occupied by Allied forces for 15 years

    Several military limitations and restrictions

    Territorial changes, including the loss of overseas colonies and significant Europ


    Germany was required to pay $442 billion dollars for war damages in addition toproviding materials such as coal and steel

    Creation of international organizations, including the League of Nations and the

    International Labour Organization

    Teachers will then ask the students what effect these punishments had on Germany

    possible answers include:

    damage to the German economy

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    slower reconstruction after the war

    instability within the new German government

    sense of isolation and hostility against the winning powers

    -In addition to the negative effects of the Treaty, Germany also suffered from the Great

    Depression during the 1930s. From this background, Adolf Hitler rose to power with

    promises of food, work, and glory as seen in the youtube clip. Part of this was because

    of his oratory, or speaking skills, while another part was through his effective use of


    -The teacher will then ask for a volunteer to define the term propaganda and for

    another student to give an example.

    -While some of the Nazi propaganda was used to show a strong and efficient

    Germany (such as the YouTube video) and to inspire the German citizens to feel strong

    physical and emotional ties to their country, much of it was also used to discredit someown citizens.

    -Once the teacher has established a background of the events contributing to the rise o

    the Nazi Party and Adolf Hitler, The teacher will then put the following document on the

    projector. The teacher will tell the students that this document is a product of Nazi

    Propaganda and ask students to read through the questions and answers it presents.

    Once the class has read aloud through out the text of the document the teacher will tell

    the students that this was part of a book that was distributed to German schools and

    taught about in classrooms throughout the country.


    The teacher will encourage a class discussion on this by presenting the following ques

    What surprised you when reading through this document?

    is this the type of text that you learn about in school? How is it different?

    Think about the video we watched earlier as well as this document and where b

    these messages were coming from. Are these sources you would probably trust

    How would this text make you feel if you were a German student? What if you w

    Jewish student?

    How would this propaganda affect the lives of young Jews in Germany? (ie.

    friendships with German children, daily activities, etc.)--If time is still available, the teacher will have the students read through the following di

    entry of a young Jewish boy in Germany: http://www.wattpad.com/558123-short-story-1

    Assessments/Checks for Understanding:

    -The teacher will distribute an assignment that requires students to take on the role of

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    a German child or a Jewish child during this time period in order to write a personal diar

    entry about their day. The students will be provided with detailed expectations in regard

    length and style and told to use the factual information presented to them in todays les

    They will also be encouraged to use creativity and imagination when writing their entry.

    will be given the rest of the class period, as well the evening to complete the assignmen


    Between the two world wars, Germany experienced a period of drastic social, political

    economic change. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party were able to exploit the sentiments

    German people who were desperate for a return to glory on the international stage. T

    changes that the Nazi Party pushed through the German state affected everyone in th

    country. People that identified as German people became a part of a bigger picture of

    superiority. Other races were targeted as treasonous and even subhuman. Adolf Hitle

    the Nazi Party helped to shape the Nazi German state into the military powerhouse th

    would later start World War II.
