Video #3 – Creating Google Accounts Free SEO Training Roadmap Video Training Series Copyright – 2011 SEO Training SW 1 Do you find yourself in the position of trying to play catch up by learning, understanding and perhaps integrating Google, Facebook and other online services into your business and feel a little bit overwhelmed? If so I would like you to relax and watch this video on How To Create Your Google Accountshttp://www.seotrainingsw.com/howtocreategogoleaccounts/ as we walk you through the basics of setting up some of the accounts you will need to be successful online. And also I complement you on taking the initiative of having the basic understanding of online marketing. And I stress, even at some point if you decide that you don’t have the time to follow through with all this and decide to contract out with a SEO marketing company, it is critical that you have a basic understanding on how all this stuff works. Because if you make the wrong decision in hiring the wrong company you will waste valuable time and money and perhaps even get your site banned in Google, if they violate Google’s terms of services.

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Do  you  find  yourself  in  the  position  of  trying  to  play  catch  up  by  learning,  understanding  and  perhaps  integrating  Google,  Facebook  and  other  online  services  into  your  business  and  feel  a  little  bit  overwhelmed?    

   If  so  I  would  like  you  to  relax  and  watch  this  video  on  How  To  Create  Your  Google  Accountshttp://www.seotrainingsw.com/how-­‐to-­‐create-­‐gogole-­‐accounts/  as  we  walk  you  through  the  basics  of  setting  up  some  of  the  accounts  you  will  need  to  be  successful  online.    And  also  I  complement  you  on  taking  the  initiative  of  having  the  basic  understanding  of  online  marketing.    And  I  stress,  even  at  some  point  if  you  decide  that  you  don’t  have  the  time  to  follow  through  with  all  this  and  decide  to  contract  out  with  a  SEO  marketing  company,  it  is  critical  that  you  have  a  basic  understanding  on  how  all  this  stuff  works.  Because  if  you  make  the  wrong  decision  in  hiring  the  wrong  company  you  will  waste  valuable  time  and  money  and  perhaps  even  get  your  site  banned  in  Google,  if  they  violate  Google’s  terms  of  services.    

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   The  bottom  line  in  having  an  online  presence  is  to  make  your  business  more  profitable.    And  Google  has  made  more  millionaires  than  any  other  company  in  history.    And  the  most  amazing  part  is  that  85%  of  most  everything  Google  creates,  for  you  to  be  successful  online,  is  free!    


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 And  if  that  doesn’t  blow  you  away  think  about  this,  today  Google  is  the  largest  advertising  company  in  the  world.    They  make  most  of  their  money  selling  sponsored  advertising  and  they  have  never  raised  their  advertising  costs.  They  let  their  customers  decide  how  much  they  will  bid  on  the  terms  that  they  want  to  buy.    Now  don’t  stress  out,  this  session  has  nothing  to  do  with  paid  advertising,  it  focuses  on  the  free  stuff  that  you  can  use  to  get  your  business  the  exposure  that  you  will  want.    First  let  me  emphasis  a  few  key  points  about  creating  your  own  Google  accounts  and  having  complete  control  over  them.    Most  SEO  firms  will  not  create  accounts  specific  to  your  campaign  or  if  they  do,  they  seldom  if  ever  provide  you  with  access  to  these  accounts.    This  practice  can  be  fatal  to  your  online  marketing.    

   First  they  are  in  effect  holding  you  and  you  site  hostage,  so  if  you  ever  do  decide  to  sever  your  relationship,  they  can  delete  all  the  links  and  accounts  that  you  paid  for  at  a  press  of  a  button.    Secondly,  all  this  content  and  backlinks  you  are  paying  for  are  actually  benefiting  their  accounts  and  not  yours.  Here  is  an  example:    

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One  of  our  students,  a  dentist,  had  been  paying  a  SEO  firm  $1,800  a  month  to  promote  his  practice  over  the  last  12  months.    One  of  the  items  they  were  billing  him  $200  a  month  for  was  this  one  YouTube  video  that  has  had  only  26  views.    

     This  firm  never  created  the  doctor  his  own  Google  or  YouTube  account,  choosing  instead  to  upload  and  promote  the  doctors  video  within  the  agencies  YouTube  channel  alongside  other  videos  from  other  clients  such  as  landscapers,  heating  and  cooling  companies  and  God  knows  what  else.    So  in  effect  what  happens  is  that  the  SEO  value  of  the  doctors  video  is  diluted  by  being  mixed  into  a  bag  of  other  businesses  not  even  related  to  his  own.    Whatever  promotion  the  firm  had  been  doing  only  benefits  the  firms  YouTube  channel  and  not  the  doctors.    And  what  is  even  worse?    After  spending  over  $18,000  this  last  year,  to  have  all  this  content  created  and  promoted,  the  doctor  is  at  risk  of  losing  it  all  once  he  cancels  his  contract.    Therefore  if  you  do  use  the  services  of  an  outside  agency  insist  that  they  only  promote  your  site  using  the  Google  and  other  social  media  accounts  you  have  created  and/or  have  complete  access  to.    

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   And  if  you  do  sever  your  relationship  with  them  change  the  passwords  to  these  accounts  prior  to  doing  so.    So  now,  lets  get  down  to  the  basics….    To  access  many  of  Google’s  tools  you  will  need  to  have  an  account.    Even  if  you  already  have  an  account  please  stick  with  me  because  Google  has  recently  added  a  whole  bunch  of  new  features,  some  of  which  you  may  not  be  aware  of.    

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   Creating  a  Google  Account  is  as  easy  as  supplying  your  name,  password  and  email  address.    Your  account  can  be  created  through  many  of  Google’s  free  applications  such  as  Gmail,  Google  Places,  or  Google  Docs.    Now  one  of  the  basic  mistakes  many  businesses  make  is  creating  a  Google  Account  with  their  business  name,  forgetting  to  create  one  for  their  personal  name  so  in  this  exercise  I  will  ask  that  you  create  a  Google  account  using  your  real  name  or  nickname  if  you  don’t  already  have  one.    After  you  create  your  Google  Account  and  you  are  logged  in,  the  first  Google  property  I  would  recommend  that  you  update  is  your  Google  Profile.    Here  at  the  top  of  Google,  you  will  see  a  drop  down  arrow  with  your  photo,  if  you  have  already  uploaded  it.    Click  on  the  down  arrow  and  then  the  Google  Profile  link.    Here  there  is  a  blue  box  labeled  edit  profile,  click  on  it.    Here  on  the  top  left  you  have  your  profile  photo.  Click  on  this  link  to  upload  or  change  your  personal  photo.            

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   Next  spend  a  few  moments  and  write  a  bio  about  yourself.    Within  your  bio  you  can  link  to  some  of  your  websites  using  anchor  tags  which  are  keywords  describing  your  site.    Here  I  have  a  link  for  radar  detectors  going  to  my  website  radardetector.org  and  another  link  SEO  and  Internet  Marketing  Consulting  and  Training  going  to  SEO  Training  SW.com.    You  can  also  set  your  privacy  settings  here  allowing  your  bio  to  be  available  to  everyone,  your  circles  or  extended  circles,  just  you  or  custom  settings.    Under  your  introduction  there  are  other  areas  such  as  Bragging  rights,  Occupation,  Employment  and  so  on.      On  the  right  you  will  be  able  to  link  to  other  profiles  such  as  Facebook,  YouTube,  Twitter  and  any  other  websites  that  you  would  like  to  link  to.    When  you  are  done  editing  your  profile  press  the  done  editing  button.    Next  lets  click  on  the  home  button  of  Google  Plus  here.    We  will  spend  a  lot  more  time  reviewing  Google  Plus  with  you  in  a  follow-­‐up  video  but  in  a  nut  shell  Google  +  is  Google’s  new  social  media  platform  that  ties  in  to  all  your  other  Google  services  including  YouTube,  G-­‐Mail,  Google  Places  and  more.    

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Next  your  thumbnail  photo  there  is  another  small  drop  down  arrow  that  lots  of  folks  never  pay  attention  to  but  it  is  very  important.    

   Here  you  can  add  other  Google  Plus  pages  for  your  business  as  we  have  done  here  for  my  RadarDetector.org  website.    Now  one  question  I  receive  from  a  lot  of  our  students  is  how  to  set  their  privacy  settings  for  their  profile  and  Google  Plus.    Click  on  your  photo  on  the  top  right  corner  of  the  page  and  click  on  privacy  settings.    Here  you  can  edit  the  visibility  of  your  profile  allowing  it  to  be  visible  in  search.    Edit  your  Google  Plus  network  visibility  and  more.    After  you  do  these  simple  things,  here  are  a  few  other  tools  that  I  would  recommend  that  you  check  out  now  and  as  we  progress  in  our  training  series  we  will  go  into  more  detail  with  each.                  

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   Google  Alerts:    Any  time  an  interest  of  yours  appears  in  the  news  or  discussed  on  a  blog  you  can  create  an  alert  by  e-­‐mail.    This  is  a  great  tool  to  use  to  keep  up  with  what  your  competitors  are  doing  by  adding  their  business  name,  and  their  officer’s  names  into  your  alerts.  You  can  customize  your  alerts  to  be  received  hourly,  daily,  weekly  or  even  monthly.    


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Google  Analytics:  The  most  widely  used  website  statistics  service  in  the  world  and  used  by  over  57%  of  the  top  most  popular  websites  today.  You  can  track  your  visitors  behavior  such  as  where  they  came  from,  how  they  got  there,  what  pages  they  are  viewing  and  how  long  they  remain  on  your  website.    

   Google  Webmaster  Tools:  Provides  indexing  status  and  other  tools  that  allow  the  submission  of  your  websites  sitemap,  the  ability  to  check  and  set  the  crawl  rate  or  indexing  rate  of  your  website  by  Google,  the  ability  to  create  and  check  your  robots.txt  file  and  the  ability  to  see  what  keyword  searches  your  website  is  being  indexed  for.    

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 YouTube:  Another  division  of  Google.  YouTube  is  the  second  largest  search  engine  in  the  world  and  a  great  place  to  promote  your  business  with  videos.    

   Google  Docs:  A  great  document  management  system  and  our  team  would  be  lost  without  it.  We  use  Google  Docs  to  keep  our  management  team  and  our  contractors  updated  on  the  various  projects  we  are  working  on.    

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     Feedburner:  Google’s  RSS  (real  simple  syndication)  service.  RSS  Feeds  are  a  way  for  websites  to  distribute  their  content  into  other  platforms  such  as  a  subscription  service,  inclusion  into  widgets  or  gadgets  and  into  mobile  phone  applications.    

   Google  Insights  for  Search:  provides  insight  into  the  various  search  terms  people  have  been  typing  into  Google  search  along  with  rising  searches  and  trends  that  will  assist  you  during  your  keyword  research.  

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   Google  Keyword  Tool:  The  foundation  of  Internet  Marketing  and  SEO  is  keyword  research  and  Google  has  a  full  suite  of  various  keyword  tools,  which  we  cover  all  in  our  training  videos.  However  the  most  popular  keyword  tool  today  is  Google’s  free  Keyword  Tool.    

   Google  Places:  More  people  search  for  information  about  businesses  online  then  anyplace  else,  therefore  it  is  important  to  make  sure  that  your  business  ranks  high  

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in  Google’s  search  and  a  great  place  to  start  is  by  claiming  your  existing  business  listing  now  and  optimizing  it  or  create  one  now  if  it  is  not  listed.                                      

   I  hope  that  you’re  finding  our  free  SEO  Training  videos  educational  and  enjoyable  and  I  would  like  as  a  small  favor  from  you.    On  the  left  of  this  page  we  have  our  social  media  sharing  buttons.    If  you  like  our  videos  and  content  would  you  press  one  of  these  buttons?  

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 Also  if  you  have  a  comment,  question  or  suggestions  please  use  the  comment  area  below.    In  your  next  SEO  Roadmap  video  we  will  discuss  some  of  the  Basics  of  HTML  for  SEOhttp://www.seotrainingsw.com/html-­‐essentials-­‐for-­‐seo/.                                SEO  Training  SW  –  Your  SEO  Roadmap  to  Success    


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Video  #3  –  Creating  Google  Accounts  Free  SEO  Training  Roadmap  Video  Training  Series    

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Thank  you  for  watching  our  free  SEO  Training  videos  and  downloading  this  PDF  on  How  to  Create  Your  Google  Accounts.    If  you  found  our  videos  helpful  or  should  you  have  any  comments,  suggestions  or  questions  we  would  ask  that  you  let  us  know  by  sharing  your  thoughts  on  this  page:    http://www.seotrainingsw.com/how-­‐to-­‐create-­‐gogole-­‐accounts/    We  also  provide  more  advanced  training  through  our  more  advanced  online  video  based  training,  in  person  workshops,  teleseminars,  and  even  1  on  1  consulting.    For  more  information  about  our  training  and/or  consulting  services  please  visit  our  website  at  http://www.SEOtrainingSW.com  or  email  u  [email protected]