03mayalumni (03 May Alumni - Covenant Keepers, Inc.)

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  • 7/28/2019 03mayalumni (03 May Alumni - Covenant Keepers, Inc.)


    Brought To This Place

    Families Are ForeverConferenceJULY 18-20, 2003 Downtown Doubletree Hotel Tulsa, OK

    Special Activities for CouplesJoin other restored couples for dinner, fellowship and a message from Phil and Cindy Waugh on

    Saturday, July 19, from 4:45-6:30. Phil & Cindy head up the Covenant Marriage Movement(CMM). Phil says, As pastors, Cindy and I discovered an increased personal need for marriage and

    family enrichment. Providing enrichment experiences for couples and families is the best preventative medicine for warding off marriage and family counseling.

    Cost of the dinner will be $10 per person. Individuals who have a healed marriage and who attend the conference without their spouses are also welcome to attend.

    You are invited to participate in a renewal of vows ceremony at the Saturday evening session

    Craig Hill will be officiating.

    If you would like to attend the dinner or participate in the renewal of vows ceremony, pleasecomplete the enclosed card and return it to the office, or you can contact us by phone at 918-74.0365.



    Covenant Keepers, Inc. Spring 2003



    HOTEL: Special conference rate is $76/night (1-4 per room). Call 1-800-838-7914 and tell them you are with Covenant Keepers. One

    night's deposit or credit card number required to confirm (refundable according to hotel guidelines).

    DEADLINES: Register for the conference and make hotel reservations by Friday, July 4. Special room rate may not be available afteJuly 4. Make reservations early to insure you will have a room. Conference registration includes lunch on Saturday and breakfast buffeon Sunday. If you register for the conference after July 4 you will not receive meals.

    REGISTRATION:ADULTS/TEENS (13+):$75.00,PRE-TEENS (10-12):$45.00.Mail/fax the form below or e-mail [email protected] LEADERSHIP TRAINING: Contact your Regional Director if interested in leading a Covenant Keepers group. Leadershitraining is on Thursday, July 17th. You must be pre-approved by your Regional Director by June 13th to receive training.

    IMPORTANT: Conference registrations are not refundable. If you register and cannot attend the conference you may transfer your reistration or make your registration available to someone with special financial needs.



    NAME __________________________________________________________ VISA/MC# ______________________________

    ADDRESS_______________________________________________________ EXPIRATION____________________________

    CITY/STATE/ZIP __________________________________________________ COUNTRY______________________________

    # OF ADULTS @ $75 ________ # OF TEENS @ $75 ________ # OF PRE-TEENS @ $45 ________ TOTAL INCL____________

    Pre-Teens (10-12) and/or Teens (13-19)

    NAME __________________________ AGE _________ NO CHILDCARE IS AVAILABLE (Please do not bring children

    NAME __________________________AGE _________ under age 10 unless you provide your own childcare)NAME __________________________ AGE _________ SEND TO: Covenant Keepers, Inc. PO Box 702371

    NAME __________________________ AGE _________ Tulsa OK 74170-2371 FAX 918-743-0484

  • 7/28/2019 03mayalumni (03 May Alumni - Covenant Keepers, Inc.)




    ADULTERY?Handling the Hurt

    Deal honestly with your emotionstell God just what you are feeling. Release your hurt to God so Hishealing can be released to you. (Matthew 11:28-30, 1 Peter 5:7, Psalm 55:22, Psalm 34:18-19)

    Encourage yourself in the Lord. (Psalm 119:49-50, Psalm 119:107, Romans 15:4)

    Avoid Satan's trap of judgment. Only God has the right to judge others. Allow the Holy Spirit to be yourjudge. You can come to God with confidence because you have the righteousness of Jesus. (John 20:23,Deuteronomy 32:35-36, James 4:11-12, Proverbs 20:23,24,27, Romans 8:26-27)

    God commands us not to criticize but to forgive. We must forgive quickly and repeatedly. There is no limiton what we are to forgive. We are to conform to God's nature, which is one of forgiveness. (Matthew 7:1-5,Matthew 18:21-22, Luke 23:24, Psalm 86:5)

    Deal with any hidden area of unforgiveness. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any events that you have not for-given someone for. As an act of your will, verbally tell the Lord that you do forgive them. Ask Jesus toreach inside and bring inner healing. (John 16:13a, Matthew 10:26, 1 Corinthians 11:29-30, Luke 4:18)

    Weapons of Warfare

    Use the weapons of spiritual warfare to remain victorious and help your spouse get free of adultery. (2 Co-rinthians 10:3-5)

    God has provided weapons to use against Satan's attacks on our minds. Take control of your thoughts byrefusing ungodly thoughts. Satan flees when we resist him. (1 Peter 5:8-9, James 4:7)

    Meditate on the Word of God to build faith within (Psalm 119:99). Meditating on God's Word helps us con-trol our tongues and avoid strife and we gain wisdom and understanding on how to deal with difficult cir-cumstances. God's Word gives us peace. (Isaiah 26:3)

    The mouth is the launching area for spiritual warfare. (Proverbs 18:20-21, Psalm 107:2-3, Ephesians


    Apply the principle of binding and loosing. Identify the spirit to be bound (by name or by action).

    1. Use your authority in Jesus.

    2. Address the spirit.

    3. Bind the Spirit.

    4. Loose the person from any residual effect of the spirit and loose godly qualities. (Matthew16:19)

    5. Trust God, remember that what happens in the physical realm often lags behind what takesplace in the spirit realm. We act on faith, not feelings.

    Pray and speak the Word of God. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in praying God's Word. If you do nothave direction on what to pray, ask the Lord for direction and pray in the Spirit to strengthen yourself.(Isaiah 55:10-11, Joshua 1:8, James 1:5-7, Jude 20, 1 Corinthians 14:2, 2:11 and 13:1)

    Remember to pray God's Word for yourself as well. (Ephesians 5:19)

    Breaking of soul ties is also an important part of spiritual warfare. For more teaching, we recommend thebook Seductions Exposed:The Spiritual Dynamics of Relationshipsby Dr. Gary Greenwald. This book

    includes an informative chapter on Soul Ties and can be ordered from our office .

    USA $9.25 CAN/MEX $12.50 INTERNATIONAL $17.75

  • 7/28/2019 03mayalumni (03 May Alumni - Covenant Keepers, Inc.)



    Beautiful Ozark Mountain views

    Silver Dollar City: theme park with Ozark artisans & craftsmen

    The Great Passion Play

    Broadway, A Star-Spangled Celebration

    Shopping in a beautiful Victorian village in the mountains



    Covenant Keepers now has a professional quality cotor printer, so you will seemore color in this and future issues. This printer, worth over $4,000, was availableat no cost through a special promotion from a major printer manufacturer.

    Any non-profit organization or small business employing at least two people iseligible to apply. Covenant Keepers will receive $100 for each accepted applicanwe refer. To learn how you can have a free, high-quality color printer andhelp Covenant Keepers at the same time, call or e-mail for more information.



    I look forward to seeing many of you at the conference. You dont realize how much your presenI look forward to seeing many of you at the conference. You dont realize how much your presenI look forward to seeing many of you at the conference. You dont realize how much your presenI look forward to seeing many of you at the conference. You dont realize how much your presenmeans to all of us. Whether or not we get to visit with you personally, just seeing you together,means to all of us. Whether or not we get to visit with you personally, just seeing you together,means to all of us. Whether or not we get to visit with you personally, just seeing you together,means to all of us. Whether or not we get to visit with you personally, just seeing you together,knowing God reconciled the two of you iknowing God reconciled the two of you iknowing God reconciled the two of you iknowing God reconciled the two of you is such an encouragement. We look at you and realize ts such an encouragement. We look at you and realize ts such an encouragement. We look at you and realize ts such an encouragement. We look at you and realize tif God put your marriage back together, He can do the same for us.if God put your marriage back together, He can do the same for us.if God put your marriage back together, He can do the same for us.if God put your marriage back together, He can do the same for us.

    I want to encourage you to renew your marriage vows if you have not done so. Every couple whoI want to encourage you to renew your marriage vows if you have not done so. Every couple whoI want to encourage you to renew your marriage vows if you have not done so. Every couple whoI want to encourage you to renew your marriage vows if you have not done so. Every couple whoparticipates in the renewal service saparticipates in the renewal service saparticipates in the renewal service saparticipates in the renewal service says it has changed them and their relationship. Please dont ys it has changed them and their relationship. Please dont ys it has changed them and their relationship. Please dont ys it has changed them and their relationship. Please dont shy about standing in front of several hundred covenant keepers. We love being witnesses and shy about standing in front of several hundred covenant keepers. We love being witnesses and shy about standing in front of several hundred covenant keepers. We love being witnesses and shy about standing in front of several hundred covenant keepers. We love being witnesses and lently praying for you and thanking God for what He has done in your lives.lently praying for you and thanking God for what He has done in your lives.lently praying for you and thanking God for what He has done in your lives.lently praying for you and thanking God for what He has done in your lives.

    I also want to encouraI also want to encouraI also want to encouraI also want to encourage you to support the ministry financially if you are not already doing sge you to support the ministry financially if you are not already doing sge you to support the ministry financially if you are not already doing sge you to support the ministry financially if you are not already doing sSo many covenant keepers are having a difficult time right now and many are without work,So many covenant keepers are having a difficult time right now and many are without work,So many covenant keepers are having a difficult time right now and many are without work,So many covenant keepers are having a difficult time right now and many are without work,which has affected their support to the ministry. Without your prayers and support, we wouwhich has affected their support to the ministry. Without your prayers and support, we wouwhich has affected their support to the ministry. Without your prayers and support, we wouwhich has affected their support to the ministry. Without your prayers and support, we would nld nold nld no

    have the influence necessary to carry the message of marriage healing and restoration all arounhave the influence necessary to carry the message of marriage healing and restoration all arounhave the influence necessary to carry the message of marriage healing and restoration all arounhave the influence necessary to carry the message of marriage healing and restoration all arounthe world. See you at the conference!the world. See you at the conference!the world. See you at the conference!the world. See you at the conference!

    The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the

    voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for

    the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the

    sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. For I will cause to return the captiv-

    ity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD.Jeremiah 33:11 AMP



  • 7/28/2019 03mayalumni (03 May Alumni - Covenant Keepers, Inc.)


    INSIGHTS: ADVICE FROM OTHER COUPLESSome of you answered our couples questionnaire and shared the following insights God has given to

    you in the healing process.

    1. Persevere and do not give up when things go wrong.

    2. Persist in working towards healing and also in praying.

    3. Be unselfish in putting your spouse first.4. Dont argue over petty grievances that arise from day to day.

    5. Do spiritual warfare rather than getting into strife when problems arise.

    6. Always continue to pray and ask for God's help on a daily basis.

    7. Communication is a big factor. Keep the doors of communication open. Be sensitive to really listening toeach other. What is said by you or your spouse does not always convey what is meant. If you don't under-stand, always ask, I hear you saying this, but what are you really trying to get across?

    One wife shared that the greatest need in their marriage is how to deal with issues of drugs/alcohol, adultery

    that occurs while reunited and how to deal with children (they have three teenagers.) In future newsletters, we

    will try to share information that will help in dealing with these and other problems that reconciled couplesface. What Can I Do When My Mate is in Adultery (page 2) is a lesson from curriculum that is taught in our

    groups. The principles are applicable to all couples experiencing this painful situation, whether separated or


    KEYS TO MARRIAGE HEALING AND GROWTHSix tape set by Michael and Marilyn Phillipps

    For newly reconciled couples, or any couple seeking sexual healing, soul healing and family healing.USA $30.00 CAN-MEX $31.50 INTL $36.00


    XVIIRules For a Happy Marriage From Gods Great Book

    Here is the last in the series of 17 nuggets of wisdom mined from the life experiences of Alvin Garner forwarded tous by his daughter Tomeka Garner. Thanks to Alvin Garner for graciously allowing us to present these to you. If you want a copy of the entire series, send $1.00 and ask for 17 Rules. We will mail you a copy.

    XVII.TALK THINGS OVER AND COUNSEL TOGETHER FREELYIt [love] is neither anxious to impress nor does it cherish inflated ideas of its own importanceIt is not touchy.1 Corinthians 13:4,5, Phillips He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul.Proverbs 15:32 Seest thou

    a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him. Proverbs 26:12

    Few things will strengthen your marriage more than counseling together on all major decisions. Changing a jobor purchasing a home, an automobile, a boat, furniture, clothing (major items at least), and all other items thatrequire money involve both husband and wife; the opinions of both should be considered.

    Talking things over together will avoid many blunders that could ruin your marriage. If, after much discussionand earnest prayer, opinions still differ, the wife should submit to her husbands decision. Scripture is clear onthis. (See Ephesians 5:22-24)

    Bonus: Pray that your home will be a place where the angels of heaven feel welcome.