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MİLLÎ EĞİTİM BAKANLIĞI YAYINLARI....................................................................................................: 5949

DERS KİTAPLARI DİZİSİ ........................................................................................................................: 1633


ISBN: 978-975-11-3821-7

Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı, Talim ve Terbiye Kurulunun 29.11.2013 gün ve 162 sayılı kararı ile ders kitabı olarak kabul edilmiş, Destek Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğünün 10.07.2015 gün ve 3897207 sayılı

yazısı ile i inci defa 1 . adet basılmıştır.k 7 688

Mehmet Âkif Ersoy


Türküm, do ruyum, çal kan m.

lkem küçüklerimi korumak, büyüklerimi saymak; yurdumu, milletimi özümden çok


Ülküm yükselmek, ileri gitmektir.

Ey Büyük Atatürk!

Açt n yolda, gösterdi in hedefe durmadan yürüyece ime ant içerim.

Varl m Türk varl na arma an olsun.

Ne mutlu Türküm diyene!

Introduce the characters to the students.

Sing a song!Get students to listen to the song and point at the items that are mentioned in the song. You may use flashcards as well.

Activity IconsIntroduce the activity icons to the students with gestures and mimes.

Projects You may use the suggested projects found in the tables at the beginning of each unit; or you may modify them or develop new activities for the related units.

DossiersGet students to complete the activities on the “cut” pages of the workbook and add them to their portfolios. Portfolio page numbers for each unit are given below:

Unit 1, page 5Unit 2, page 11Unit 3, page 17Unit 4, page 21Unit 5, page 29Unit 6, page 35Unit 7, page 47Unit 8, page 53Unit 9, page 59Unit 10, page 65

WorkbookGuide students in completing their workbooks. There are some home-related activities in addition to pencil-and-paper work.



WordsUnit 1

Communicative Functions and Skills

Telling people what we know Listening • Students will be able to identify words that are common to both Turkish and English.• Students will be able to match written letters with the sounds produced. Speaking • Students will be able to use the correct word to identify certain objects, people or animals.

AmbulanceBalloonCakeDoctorFootballGorillaHamburgerHotelInternetKangarooLemonMarketPicnicRadioRestaurantSportStopStadiumTelevisionTrainZebraThat’s a/an ...... ambulance/balloon/cake, etc.

Texts Cartoons IllustrationsPictureDictionariesPostersProductsSongs and chantsTables Activities SongsDrama/Miming Drawing and coloringFlashcardsLabelingListening MatchingTracing

Project • Students look for English words they know at home, while playing with their friends, shopping with family, etc. They take a photo or draw a picture of the objects and share them with the class. Dossier • Students start filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

Ask students to look at the picture. Point and say the related items (university, hotel, restaurant, ambulance, train, market, stadium, hamburger, lemonade, balloon) in the picture. Ask pupils to repeat the words as a whole class.


WordsUnit 1

Listen and circle.This activity will help students to identify the “s” sound. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “s” in given words.

S is for star. Ask students to color the picture of the star and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Sing a song. Students will sing and point at the items being mentioned while singing the song. Prior to singing the song, introduce students to the names of the objects/items (balloon, cake, zebra, etc.) they will be exposed to in the song.

i d i l S i f t


WordsUnit 1

Listen, point and say. Get students to look at the illustration. Get them to listen to the audio script. Then point, and at the same time, say the sentences aloud. Then ask them to repeat and do the same.

Listen and act out. Get students to listen to the audio script and act out the words. You may get the students to play the silent movie and try to guess the word.

Match. Ask students to match the pictures with the words, and then point and ask them to repeat as a whole class.

Listen and circle. Get students to listen to the audio script, and ask them to circle the picture of the words they hear.

Audio Script: Balloon, kangaroo, gorilla, hamburger, cake, train.


WordsUnit 1

Draw and say.Ask students to draw five English words they know and say them to the class.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page. Remind them to do the same at the end of every unit.

Suggested song:Students will sing and point at the items they will be mentioning while singing the song. Prior to singing the song, introduce students to the names of the objects/items (ambulance, kangaroo, lemon, microphone, etc.) they will be exposed to in the song. Also, teach the word “word” and expression “I know” prior to singing this song.

Audio Script:

Look!That is an ambulance!And that is a kangaroo.That’s a lemon and that’s a microphone.An orchestra and that is a cake.This is a video and it ’s a yo-yo.These are the words I know!These are the words!


FriendsUnit 2

Communicative Functions and Skills

Asking someone’s nameGreeting and meeting people Making simple inquiries Listening • Students will be able to understand simple expressions used when greeting and meeting someone.• Students will be able to understand when someone introduces him or herself. Speaking • Students will be able to use everyday expressions for greeting and meeting someone.• Students will be able to ask questions to learn someone’s name and find out how he or she is doing.• Students will be able to introduce themselves. Intercultural Awareness • Students will be able to greet people in other languages in addition to Turkish and English.

What’s your name?— My name is ...— I’m Nehir.— Nehir. How are you?— I’m fine. You?— I’m okay, thank you. How are you?— Great, thanks. Hello!Hi! Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!Good night!Good bye!Bye! Salaam!Hallo!Hola!Guten Tag!Ahlan wa Sahlan!Ni Hao!

Texts Conversations IllustrationsSongsPicture dictionaries Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Communicative tasks Drama/miming FlashcardsLabelingListeningMatchingQuestions and answersGames

Projects • Students prepare masks to represent imaginary characters and then meet others and introduce themselves. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment


Ask students to look at the picture. Point and ask students to say the words they remember from Unit 1 in the picture.


FriendsUnit 2

Listen and circle.Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “m” in the given words.

M is for motorcycle. Ask students to color the picture of the motorcycle, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and say. Get students to look at the picture and listen to the audio script, and then ask them to say the speech bubbles as a whole class. You can talk to students individually, or you can get them to talk in pairs and practice these greetings.

Listen and say.Get students to look at the picture and then have them listen to the audio script and ask them to say the speech bubbles as a whole class. They may also change the names, substituting their own.

Li d i l M is for motorcycle

Li d


FriendsUnit 2

Listen and match.Get students to listen to the greetings and match them with the right pictures. After matching, you can get them to say the greetings altogether.

Listen, repeat and match. Ask students to listen to the audio script and match the greetings with the pictures. Guide the students in this process, giving them some clues. After matching, say the greetings altogether.

Say and act out. The teacher assigns each student one of the greetings at random. Students should not know which greeting is assigned to their friends. Students will then move around the classroom and greet each of the other students with their assigned greeting. As they encounter students with the same greeting, they form groups until all students have joined a group.

Listen repeat and matchLi t d t h

Say and act out

Sing a song. Students will sing and act out while singing the song. Introduce students to the actions they will be exposed to in the song (hello, shaking hands, etc.). Use some relevant gestures and mimes that accompany their questions and answers while singing the song.

Audio Script: Ling Ling - Ni Hao!Chio - Konnichiwa!Ralf - Hallo!Amir - Ahlan Wa Sahlan!

Supplement: Each group may then prepare a poster by drawing a character from their country, along with the flag and a feature of the country as shown on the previous page. They can write the greeting on their poster, and all posters can be hung in the classroom.


Listen, match and say. Ask students to listen to the dialogues, then say the dialogues and match the speech bubbles with the pictures. Get them to do a similar dialogue in pairs, or you can talk to the whole class and get them to practice the greetings chorally as well.

Make a puppet and talk. Ask students to bring the following materials to the classroom for this activity in advance. Materials: An old clean sock, two buttons for eyes and glue. Directions: Glue two buttons to the bottom of the sock at the toe end. Now it’s ready!

Say and go forward. Get students to work in pairs. One of the students starts the game by saying the English names of the items illustrated on each of the squares. When he or she fails to say the correct English word, the other student starts his or her turn. The failing student needs to start over again when s/he takes the next turn.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Students will sing and act out while singing the song. Introduce students to the actions they will be exposed to in the song (Good morning!-waving hand, etc.). Use some relevant gestures and mimes that accompany the lyrics of the song and get the students to do the same.

Audio Script:

Good morning! Good morning!Good afternoon!And good evening! Good night! Good night! Good night!

Good morning! Good morning!Good afternoon!And good evening! Good night! Good night! Good good good night!

FriendsUnit 2


Communicative Functions and Skills

ApologizingExpressing and responding to thanksGiving and responding to simple instructionsMaking simple requestsTelling someone what to do Listening • Students will be able to understand instructions and follow short, simple directions. Speaking • Students will be able to respond to instructions both verbally and by acting accordingly.• Students will be able to tell others to do things around the classroom. Compensation Strategy • Students will be able to ask for clarification by asking the speaker to repeat what has been said.

Can you repeat? Excuse me?I’m sorry. Excuse me. Open/close/shut... the window.... the door. Please Say… hello/hi. Sit down.Stand up.Thank you. Thanks. ColorCutDrawGluePaintPutStick... a/the mask.…it.Turn ...... left.... right.

Texts Illustrations InstructionsSignsSongsPicture dictionaries Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Drama/mimingDrawing and coloring FlashcardsGames labeling Listening MatchingTPR

Project • Students play a simple version of “Simon Says,” performingthe actions called out by the teacher: “Sit down;” “Stand up;” “Turn right;” “Turn left;” etc. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

In the classroomUnit 3

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


In the classroomUnit 3

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “t” in the given words.

Listen and act out. Introduce the words step by step using TPR. Ask students to listen to the commands and repeat them out loud. Use flashcards to clarify the meanings of the commands. Ask some students to act the commands out in front of the class and get their classmates to predict the verbs.

Trace and match. Ask students to trace the commands. Then get them to match the commands to the related pictures. Afterward, get the students to read and act out the commands.

T is for tiger. Ask students to color the picture of the tiger and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

d l

Li t d t t


d h


In the classroomUnit 3

Make a mask and talk. Before the lesson, tell students to bring paper, crayons, scissor etc. Then ask them to draw a mask and color it. The mask can be decorated with different materials. Ask them to put the mask on and talk. Students can work in pairs and give classroom commands to each other.

Listen and complete.Ask students to listen to the dialogue first. Then play the audio script again and ask them to complete the words.

Say a chant. Students will say the chant and point at the items they see. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items they will be exposed to in the song (open, close, shut, sit down, etc.). You can get students to accompany the chant with rhythmic hand games, or they can use pencils or similar materials for rhythm.

Audio Script:

Open, close, shut the door.Open, close, shut the window.Sit down and stand up.Sit down and stand up.Wave your hand now!And say “How are you?”


In the classroomUnit 3

Sing a song. Get students to listen to the song and match the parts of the song with the pictures. Students will sing and act while singing the song using the actions (open, shut, draw, etc.) we learn. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items they will be exposed to in the song.

Look and trace.Get students to look at the pictures and find the correct word to trace. Then you can get them to say the right words aloud as a whole class.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Get students to listen to the song. Students will sing and act while singing the song (draw a circle, cut, wear the mask, etc.) we learn. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items they will be exposed to in the song.

Audio Script:

Draw a circle and cut that now.Cut some papers and glue them around.Color it and,Wear it for fun.Tell your name and say hello now!Your mask is ready!


NumbersUnit 4

Communicative Functions and Skills

Describing characters/peopleExpressing quantity Making simple inquiries Naming common objects Naming numbers Listening • Students will be able to identify and understand the names of some classroom objects.• Students will be able to identify the numbers 1 through 10. Speaking • Students will be able to understand and say the correct name of a thing in a particular situation.• Students will be able to express numbers and quantities of things.

Bag, -sBoard, -s Book, -s Crayon, -s Desk, -sPaper, -s Pencil, -s ScissorsTable, -s Count Numbers 1-10 How many ... are there?... four (pencils).... five (bags).... seven (books). How old are you?— I am 7.

Texts IllustrationsListsPicture dictionariesSongs and chants Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Drama/Miming Drawing and coloring FlashcardsGamesLabeling Listening MatchingQuestions and answersReorderingTPR

Projects • Students are given a list of names of all of the members of their class. They ask and answer each other: “How old are you?” and fill in the number next to their friend’s name.E.g:Umut – sixNehir – seven…

• In pairs, students prepare a puzzle about numbers. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


NumbersUnit 4

Listen and circle.Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “b” in the given words.

B is for boat. Ask students to color the picture of the boat, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen, trace and say.Get students to listen to the audio script, and then ask them to trace and say the numbers at the same time.

Match. Ask students to complete the maze, matching the pictures with the numbers.

Li t d i l B i f b t


NumbersUnit 4

Sing a song. Get students to listen to the song and sing along. Students will sing and act while singing the song using the numbers we learn. They may use their fingers for numbers while singing. Introduce students to the numbers they will be exposed to in the song.

Listen and act out.Get students to listen to the audio script and act out the speech bubbles. Get them to act out a similar dialogue.

Say and draw.Get students to read the example and write their ages in the blank speech bubble. Then complete the birthday cake with the candles.

Say a chant!Get students to listen to the chant and say it together. You can get students to accompany the chant with rhythmic hand games, or they can use pencils or similar materials for rhythm.

Si Li t d t t

Match. Get students to match the pictures with the words.


NumbersUnit 4

Listen and act out.Get students to listen to the audio script and then get them to take roles and act it out.

Look and say. Get students to count the items and say the numbers.

Listen and color. Get students to color the items in the illustration according to the numbers they hear in the audio script.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Students will sing and act while singing the song, using the numbers we learn. Teachers should introduce students to the numbers they will be exposed to in the song. Ask students pairs of items such as “Are there three?” before singing the song.

Audio Script:

How many crayons are there?How many crayons are there?Are there six or are there seven?How many crayons are there?

How many crayons are there? How many crayons are there?Are there six?Are there seven?How many crayons are there?Audio Script :

Color two tables. Color five pencils. Color one bag. Color three books.


ColorsUnit 5

Communicative Functions and Skills

Describing characters/people Expressing likes and dislikes Greeting and meeting people Making simple inquiriesNaming colorsNaming numbers Listening • Students will be able to understand the names for colors of things. Speaking • Students will be able to introduce themselves by referring to the colors they like.• Students will be able to name the colors of things. • Students will be able to express numbers and quantities of things.

BlackBlueBrownGreenOrangePinkPurpleRedWhiteYellow Like Who are you? — Hi, I’m Superhero. I’m yellow. I’m black and white. I like red and blue What color is it?— Green.— It’s red. How many red crayons are there?— Three.

Texts CartoonsIllustrationsPictureDictionariesSongs and chants Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Communicative tasks Drama/mimingDrawing and coloring Flashcards GamesLabelingListeningMatchingPuppetsQuestions and answers TPR

Quiz or Exam Projects • Students prepare a color scale by cutting and pasting colored papers and then present it orally. • Students draw a picture of their room at home, then label some of the objects with the colors they know (e.g., BROWN table, BLUE books, etc.) Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment


You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


ColorsUnit 5

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “p” in the given words.

P is for paint. Ask students to color the picture of the letter P, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and act out.Get students to listen to the audio script and act the speech bubbles out.

Listen and color. Ask students to listen and color the words.

Li t d li d

Audio Script:

Purple, red, yellow, green, brown, orange, pink.


ColorsUnit 5

Match. Get students to match the pictures with the sounds. Remind the students to take the first sounds of the words into consideration while matching.

Say a chant. Get students to say the chant accompanied by hand rhythms or using materials such as pencils, as well as gestures indicating the questions and numbers used in the chant.

Color and say. Get students to look at the superheroes and act out the activity. Students may choose one of the superheroes and speak. Then ask students to color the superheroes according to the descriptions.

l dh

Listen and tick.Get students to listen to the audio script and tick the correct options.

Audio Script:

A green crayon - a purple star - an orange table - a blue paper - a red board.


ColorsUnit 5

Make a finger puppet and talk. Hand out the finger puppet prints to the students. Get them to color the pictures and cut them. Then get students to glue the edges of the paper and put them on their fingers. Get them to talk, asking questions such as “Who are you?” “What color do you like?”

Sing a song. Students will sing and point at the items they will be mentioning while singing the song. Prior to singing the song, introduce students to the numbers, the names of the colors, objects/items (star, bag, cat, etc.) they will be exposed to in the song.

Color. Get students to look at the numbers and colors. Get them to color each space according to the numbers.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song.In this song, students will have a chance to practice some statements or questions that are used for clarification. Therefore, introduce students to the compensation strategies such as “Can you repeat (that)?” and “Excuse me” before singing this song.

Audio Script:

What color is your paddy puddy?I don’t understand, excuse me?What color is your paddy puddy?Do you understand me?Oh, What? A paddy puddy?Will you say it again for me?I don’t understand what you say.Can you repeat for me?


At the playgroundUnit 6

Communicative Functions and Skills

Making simple inquiriesMaking simple suggestions Listening • Students will be able to understand instructions and follow short, simple directions. Speaking • Students will be able to invite someone to do things along with them.

Let’s ...... dance.... jump/skip (rope).... play (hide and seek).... run.... sing.... slide.... swing.... walk. Do you dance? — Yes, I do.— Yes!— No, I don’t.— Sometimes.

Texts Cartoons Conversations Illustrations InstructionsPicture dictionariesChants and songs

Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Communicative tasks Drama/miming Drawing and coloring FlashcardsGamesLabelingListeningMatchingPuppetsQuestions and answers TPR

Projects • Students take turns acting out one of the activities they have learned. Classmates guess and which activity they are demonstrating. • Students point to pictures and say the activities they do. “I sing.” “I dance.” etc. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


At the playgroundUnit 6

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “d” in the given words.

D is for dinosaur. Ask students to color the picture of the dinosaur, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and point to the related illustrations at the same time.

Stick the stickers.Guide students in this process by giving them clues with your gestures and mimes. Get the students to find the right stickers for the related games.

Talk with a friend.Get students to read the speech bubbles and act them out. Then, ask them to have a similar mini conversation with their friends.

Listen and talk with a friend. Get students to listen to the audio script, and then get them to act out the speech bubbles.

D i f di

Talk with a friendLi t d

Li d i l


At the playgroundUnit 6

Color, stick and speak.Get students to color the picture, and then ask them to find the right sticker speech bubbles for the pictures.

Ask and answer.Ask students to fill the related part of the chart by themselves and then get them to work in pairs and ask each other the questions and fill in the chart.

Sing a song. Get students to listen to the song and act it out at the same time. Guide the students in this phase. Introduce students to the actions mentioned (dance, run, sing, having fun, etc.) in the song by using body language. Students will sing and act as they hear and sing the song.


Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Introduce students to the actions mentioned (dance, run, sing, having fun, etc.) in the song by using body language. Students will sing and act as they hear and sing the song.

Audio Script:

Let’s all dance!Let’s all run!Let’s all sing and let’s have fun!

Let’s all swing!Let’s jump rope!Let’s play hide and seek for fun!


Body partsUnit 7

Communicative Functions and Skills

Making simple inquiries Talking about possessions Telling someone what to do Listening • Students will be able to understand the names of their body parts. Speaking • Students will be able to show and tell the names of their body parts.• Students will be able to tell someone to do things. • Students will be able to follow short, simple, spoken instructions, especially if they include pictures, by pointing and saying the names of their body parts.

Ear, -sEye, -sFinger, -s Hand, -sHead, -sKnee, -s Mouth, -s Nose, -s What is this?— This is my finger.— It’s my hand. Look at my nose. Point to your head. Raise your hand(s). Show me your knee. Touch your toes.

Texts Conversations IllustrationsPicture dictionariesPostersProductsSongsTables Activities Arts and crafts Chants and songs Communicative Tasks drama/miming Drawing and coloring FlashcardsGamesLabelingListeningMatchingQuestions and answers TPR

Projects • Students bringa photo or draw a picture to show/ write the names of their body parts. • Students play the game “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”: The teacher chants out “head, shoulders, knees and toes, eyes and ears and mouth and nose, head, shoulders, knees and toes.” The sequence is repeated several times, going faster each time. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


Body partsUnit 7

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “h” in the given words.

H is for helicopter. Ask students to color the picture of the helicopter, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and say it altogether.

Listen, point and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and say and point to the pictures at the same time.

Color and match. Get students to color the picture and match the words with the body parts.

H i f h li t

Listen point and sayLi t d

Li t d i l


Body partsUnit 7

Say a chant! Get students to listen to the chant and complete the chant. Then say the chant and act it out altogether.

Audio Script:

Shake your headBend your kneesJump three timesOne, two, three!

Audio Script:

A yellow and blue hat, a red nose, a pink mouth, green eyes, orange ears, purple hands, brown toes.

Audio Script:

Touch your nose,Close your eyesOpen your mouthAnd say goodbye.

Listen and color.Get students to listen to the audio script and color the clown.

Li d lSay a chant!

Say a chant!Get students to listen to the chant and get them to say the chant accompanied by gestures and rhythms.

Raise your hands. Show me your knees.Touch your nose.Point to your mouth.Raise your shoulders.Show me your ears.Touch your hand.Point to your nose.Raise your head.Show me your fingers.Touch your toes.


Body partsUnit 7

Match and say.Match the speech bubbles with the characters.

Sing a song. Teachers should introduce students to our body parts prior to singing the song. Students should have prior knowledge of the words nose, head, hand, knee, toe, etc., so as to sing and act at the same time.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page. Suggested song:Introduce students to our body parts prior to singing the song. Students should have prior knowledge of the words hand, head, foot, neck, etc., so as to sing and act at the same time. Use the parts of the song that come without lyrics to add words such as “neck” or “eye.”

M h d Si

Audio Script:

Stand up and show your hand to me!Stand up and show your hand…Stand up and show your hand to me.


PetsUnit 8

Communicative Functions and Skills

Making simple inquiriesTalking about locations of things Listening • Students will be able to identifycertain pet animals. Speaking • Students will be able to say the names of certain pet animals.• Students will be able to say where the animals are by pointing and speaking.• Students will be able to describe pets by using their previous knowledge and lexis.• Students will be able to follow short, simple, spoken, instructions, especially if they include pictures, by pointing and saying the names and locations of animals.

Bird, -sCat, -sDog, -sFish, -es Rabbit, -s Turtle, -s Where are the birds?— The birds are ...— There are birds ...... in the tree.... on the car.... (over) here/ (over) there.... (right) here/ (right) there.

Texts Advertisements Captions Cartoons Conversations Fables IllustrationsPicture dictionariesPoemsSongsSongsStories Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Communicative tasks Drama/miming Drawing and coloring FlashcardsGamesLabelingListeningMatchingQuestions and answersTPR

Projects • Students color and cut their favorite pet animal. They place them in different locations around the classroom, then ask and answer in groups: E.g., “Where is the hamster?” “On the table.” etc. • Students prepare big posters by drawing the animals they learned and writing their names underneath. They should also hang them around the classroom/school. Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


PetsUnit 8

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “r” in the given words.

R is for rainbow.Ask students to color the picture of the rainbow, and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and color.Get students to listen to the audio script and color the illustrations according to the numbers for each item.

Listen and act out. Get students to listen to the audio script and act it out.

R i f i bLi t d i l

Audio Script:

Color three cats, color six dogs, color five birds, color eight fish, color seven rabbits, color one mouse, color two turtles.


PetsUnit 8

Match. Get students to match the halves of the sentences. Guide the students and give them clues.

Listen and act out. Give students directions and ask them to act out the given pet. Guide them while they are acting it out.

Say a chant! Get students to say the chant and act it out. You can get students to accompany the chant with rhythmic hand games, or they can use pencils or similar materials for rhythm.

Sing a song! Students will sing and point at the items (red bird, tree, here, there, etc.) they see while singing the song. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items they will be exposed to in the song (birds, cats, happy, friend, dog, and turtle) and the colors (black and white).

Li t d t t

Si !



PetsUnit 8

Make a bird and talk.Get students to make a paper bird as shown in the book. Color it and stick it to a paper. Use this puppet for the following story time. Get students to say the story using their puppets.

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Students will sing and point at the items (red bird, tree, here, there, etc.) they see while singing the song. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items they will be exposed to in the song.

Audio Script:

There is a red bird in the tree. It ’s here, it ’s there. Let’s play with birdie!


FruitsUnit 9

Communicative Functions and Skills

Expressing likes and dislikesGiving and responding to simple instructionsMaking simple inquiriesTelling someone what to do Listening • Students will be able to recognize the names of fruits. • Students will be able to follow short, simple, spoken instructions, especially if they include pictures, by pointing and saying the names of fruits. Speaking • Students will be able to ask about and say the names of the fruits they like.• Students will be able to tell others to do things with fruits by pointing and speaking.

Apple,-s Banana, -s Fruit, -s Grapefruit, -s Grape, -s Melon, -s Orange,-s Peach, -es Lemon, -sWatermelon, -s Eat Do you eat/like apples?— Yes, I do.— No, I don’t. Show me the apples. Give me the bananas! Eat the grapes!Color the lemons! Cut the peaches. Smell them.

Texts Advertisements Conversations CouponsFairy tales Illustrations Instructions ListsMenusPicture dictionariesPoemsProductsSongsTables Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Cognates Communicative tasks Drama/mimingDrawing and coloring FlashcardsGames Labeling Listening MatchingQuestions and answersReal-life tasksTPR

Projects • Students draw a fruit garden to show and tell the fruits they see. • Students prepare their own super market brochures by cutting, sticking, drawing and writing with the help of supermarket brochures or catalogues they bring to class.

Dossier • Students continue filling in the European Language Portfolio.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment

You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


iven h the


FruitsUnit 9

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “l” in the given words.

L is for ladybug. Ask students to color the picture of the ladybug and then get them to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and say it.

Color and trace. Get students to color the fruits and trace the words.

L i f l d b

Color and traceListen and say

Li t d i l


FruitsUnit 9

Listen and tick.Get students to listen to the audio script and tick the chart.

Say and go forward. Get students to work in pairs. One of the students starts the game. S/he says the English names of the fruits till s/he fails, then the turn passes to the other student. Guide this process.

Listen and act out.Get students to work in pairs. They should ask each other questions about the fruits, as shown in the example.

Listen and stick.Get students to listen to the audio script and find the right stickers for the fruit tree. Listen and jump up.

Assign students fruit names. Say the name of a fruit, and those students who hold that fruit should stand up or perform some other action.

S d f d

Listen and jump up

Li t d ti k

Li t d ti k

Audio Script: Watermelon, grape, apple, melon,peach

Audio Script: Six oranges, three peaches, four apples,one watermelon, ve grapes


FruitsUnit 9

Sing a song. Get students to listen and sing the song. Students will sing and point at the items they see while singing the song. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items (fruits)and actions (show, give, eat, etc.).

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song: Students will sing and point at the items they see while singing the song. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items (fruits) and actions (show, give, eat, etc.). Use some relevant gestures and mimes that accompany their questions and answers while singing the song (time to eat- pointing at the clock or watch).

Audio Script:

Fruit basket, fruit basket, a fruit basket.Time to eat, time to eat, time to eat!Do you like watermelons?Yes, I do.

(Continue singing by replacing “watermelons” with “grapefruits” and “peaches.”)


AnimalsUnit 10

Communicative Functions and Skills

Expressing ability and inability Expressing likes and dislikes Making simple inquiries Listening • Students will be able to recognize the names of certain animals.•Students will be able to understand common expressions dealing with simple and concrete everyday abilities. Speaking • Students will be able to say which animals they like/don’t like.• Students will be able to say what they or some animals are able to do.

Chicken, -sCow, -sDonkey, -sDuck, -sElephant, -sHorse, -sLion, -sMonkey, -sSnake, -sSheep

Monkeys can jump. Elephants can’t jump. Chickens can walk. They can’t swim. Can you jump?— Yes, I can.— No, I can’t.— I can jump, but I can’t fly. I am a duck.I can swim. I am a horse.I can run. I like monkeys.I don’t like snakes.

Texts Advertisements CaptionsCartoons Conversations IllustrationsPicture dictionariesPosters Songs Stories Tables Activities Arts and craftsChants and songs Communicative tasks Drama/miming Drawing and coloring FlashcardsGames Labeling Listening Matching PuppetsQuestions and answersReal-life tasksTPR

Quiz or Exam Projects • Students draw, color and cut their favorite zoo animal and introduce it to the class, telling what it can and cannot do. E.g., “This is a monkey. Monkeys climb trees. Monkeys can’t fly.” After each student has a turn, all of the animals are placed in the classroom to create a “zoo.” Dossier • Students complete and hand in the European Language Portfolio. Keep the portfolio at school or instruct students to bring it the following year.

Texts and Activity TypesLexis/ Language Use Assessment



You may talk about the picture using the given lexis in order to familiarize students with the new unit.


AnimalsUnit 10

Listen and circle. Ask students to listen to the words and circle the sound “k” in the given words.

K is for kite. Ask students to color the picture of the kite, and then get students to trace, complete and write the word.

Listen and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and say and act it out.

Listen and say.Get students to listen to the audio script and say it altogether.

K i f kit

Listen and sayLi t d

Li t d i l


AnimalsUnit 10

Stick the stickers. Get students to find the right stickers for the animals.

Listen and act out. Each student chooses an animal. Call out a name of an animal. The students who have chosen that animal stand up and act it out with gestures and voices.

Listen and tick.Get students to listen to the audio script and tick the animal they hear in the audio script.

Sing a song.Introduce students to the actions mentioned (jump, walk, swim, sing, etc.) in the song by using body language. Students will sing and act as they hear and sing the song.

Li t d ti kSti k th ti k

Picture dictionary. Ask students to go to the picture dictionary page and prepare their picture dictionary using the stickers on the sticker page.

Suggested song:Students will sing and point at the items they see while singing the song and act out as they sing. Introduce students to the names of the objects/items and the animals they will be exposed to in the song.

Audio Script:

I’m a pink donkey.I’m a big donkey.I can sing well!Now, sing with me!Chickens and horses.Monkeys and elephants!Snakes and lions!We’re animals!

My Notes

My Notes