[] Transformer or Transformerless Ups[2003]{Koffler}

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  • 8/12/2019 [] Transformer or Transformerless Ups[2003]{Koffler}







    otal power loss can be one of the most

    devastating events for any business.

    Critical systems can no longer function,

    manufacturing ceases and, perhaps worst of

    all, crucial data is at risk. The solution is at

    T and however, by specifying a suitable

    uninterruptible power system


    But, with so

    many different alternatives to choose from, which is

    most appropriate for your circumstances?

    Nowadays, the traditional transformer-based on-

    line UPS is being usurped by the latest transformerless

    design, at power ratings below 40kVA. The advent of

    sophisticated microprocessor controlled electronics

    and advancements in power electronics have allowed


    manufacturers to produce ever more capable

    devices at lower costs. And, because the latest breed of

    transformerless on-line UPSs dispense with

    conventional bulky and heavy transformers, they offer




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  • 8/12/2019 [] Transformer or Transformerless Ups[2003]{Koffler}


    Power management

    a highly compact and cost-effective solution for many

    modern power protection environments.

    Make no mistake, in most circumstances these

    smaller, lighter and lower cost UPSs offer an ideal

    solution for any organisation looking to provide back

    up power for the ir computer and telecoms equipment.

    As with most things, however, there is a trade off

    between certain characterist ics, some of which are an

    essential consideration for particular applications,

    while others assume a lesser importance.

    An average transformerless on-line UPS with a

    reasonable specification can provide adequate power

    protection for a wide range of crit ical devices. Because

    of the recent proliferation of t ransformerless UPSs,

    most customers will be able to find a suitable device

    within their budget, boasting a specification that

    appears to meet their needs. However, comparative

    specifications can be misleading and users that operate

    in high risk mission critical sectors such a s telecoms

    and military environments, o r those operating highly

    sensitive equipment such as mobile communications

    base stat ions and file servers, should examine exactly

    what they require from their UPS, before committing



    particular technology

    Briefly, a transformer-based on-line UPS boasts

    several intrinsic advantages compared to the more

    recent transformerless technology For many years,

    experienced electrical engineers have been aware of

    the fact that transformerless UPS devices are

    susceptible to interference from spikes and transien ts


    by a

    variety of devices such as photocopiers,

    laser printers and motors. The dirty mains that this

    produces can be transferred through



    and feeds the connected load. This

    installations (BS-EN 60601 and 61558-2) require that

    critical devices be connected through a Galvanic

    Isolation transformer, rather than directly to the raw


    Any electrical installation that requires the utmost

    reliability needs to deploy proven solutions to

    minimise the likelihood of potential equipment

    failure. One of the major advantages of transformer-

    based UPS devices is their higher mean time before

    failure (MTBF). Because these devices use traditional

    electrical engineering principles instead of a high

    concentration of electronic components, they are

    inherently more reliable than a corresponding

    electronic c ircuit board assembly

    employ sophisticated electronic

    circuitry to mimic the on-line

    characteris tics of a transformer-

    based device, as well


    providing suitable standards

    of mains filtering. As such,

    they can be more prone to

    failure on sites where

    By contrast, transformerless UPSs

    it can do nothing to improve the quality

    of raw mains tha t can be variable to say the least.

    In contrast, because the transformer itself



    physical barrier, a transformer-based on-

    line UPS completely isolates the load from the worst

    vagaries of the mains supply Therefore, in

    circumstances where th e load is likely to be affected


    a very large variation in its power supply, a

    transformer-based UPS provides a safer and more

    robust solution than transformerless technology-

    simply because its size and construction affords some

    inert ia between the input and output waveforms, with

    no additional electronic filtering required.

    Also, because transformer-based UPSs inherently

    contain Galvanic Isolation, the power supply fed to the

    load is invariably superior to the mains supply itself.

    This attr ibute alone can be a major consideration for a

    number of crucial applications and installations. In

    fact, the latest electrical standards for medical

    within industrial and/or critical environments such as

    medical and transportation infrastructure.

    However, it should still be noted that, because

    transformerless designs use plug-in circuit boards,

    they are actually quicker to repair than transformer-

    based units. In contrast, faul ts with transformer-based

    designs can be more difficult to diagnose on-site.

    Of course there a re some very compelling reasons to

    specify a transformerless UPS. Among these is the fact

    that conventional transformer-based uninterruptible

    power systems are significantly larger than their

    transformerless brethren. The main reason for this is

    that th e transformer itself t akes up a large amount of

    space within the cabinet, which results in the

    transformer-based UPS being significantly heavier,

    and therefore not as convenient or portable as the

    transformerless variant.


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  • 8/12/2019 [] Transformer or Transformerless Ups[2003]{Koffler}


    Moreover, transformer-based uninterruptible power transformer-based device. This is why several

    systems operate typically


    less efficiently than transformerless on-line UPS manufacture rs offer

    their transformerless stable mates, as the transformer additional cabinets to house filter s and isolation

    itself causes heat to build up within the vicinity of the transformers so that their systems can approach the

    device, leading to greater care in terms of airflow and benefits required for industrial and heavily polluted

    air conditioning. Some transformerless on-line UPSs environments.

    also incorporate an extra economy mode to further In addition, a traditional transformer-based UPS

    boost efficiency up to

    99 .

    will prove more reliable over an extended period than

    The potential anti-soc ial character isti cs of the sophisticated but sensitive electronic component based

    transformer-based UPSs are heightened by the noise filters. This makes the transformerless UPS more

    they can make -frequently a loud and intrusive suitable for circumstances where the incoming mains

    hum- which can often be compounded by thei r cooling supply is less polluted. Equally, they are more suited to

    fan noise. In practice this means that moder n office-based environments

    thi s type of UPS is often unsuitable for


    where cost and footprint are more

    siting in an office or small computer and

    significant considerations, and where

    telecoms rooms, particularly where the

    TO BALANCE the UPS may be likely to be sited in full

    levels of noise and heat emitted might

    view of employees and visitors alike.

    cause a problem for staff.


    Of course, there ar e certain situations

    Transformerless UPSs are quieter in


    where a transformerless UPS will have

    operation, and ru n considerably cooler.

    an advantage. For example, where there

    Conversely, the heat and noise generated

    by transformer-based UPSs makes them significantly

    less efficient in operation than transformerless

    devices. This makes them more costly to run, with a

    higher current drain than the electronic switching

    circuitry in a transformerless UPS.

    Although transformerless UPSs are more complex

    in design, because the majority of components are

    electronic, they are cheaper to manufacture than the

    transformer-based variety Rather like mass-produced

    electronics, many transformerless UPS manufac turers

    can take advantage of significant economies of scale in

    their manufacturing processes, further reducing the

    costs of designing, developing and producing this type

    of uninterruptible power supply. Transformer-based

    UPS devices differ significantly, in that they a re more

    specialist electrical items, and therefore cannot benefit

    to the same degree from mass produced off the shelf

    electronic components. This makes them typically

    up to 30 more expensive to purchase than

    transformerless devices.

    What this suggests therefore is that, while the

    transformer-based UPS might be the ideal choice in

    certain circumstances, economic considerations,

    together with issues of space and environmental

    impact, may sway the decision towards a

    transformerless model. There is no doubt that

    transformer-based devices are ideal for sites

    that experience heavily polluted mains supplies -

    particularly industrial, rural and complex

    infrastructure locations, such as hospitals. In these

    circumstances, any UPS would be expected to offer

    dependable long-term protection from repetitive

    transients and electrical noise.

    Despite containing sophisticated electronic circuits

    tha t smooth out such anomalies, transformerless UPSs

    cannot fully isolate the load from the mains, unlike a

    are sudden step load changes on the


    a transformerless device can react immediately while a

    transformer-based unit will take a little time to

    respond. Whether this dynamic weakness affects

    the load depends very much on




    In addition, a transformerless unit can provide

    input power factor correction capabilities as an

    integra l part of its electronic circuitry This is a major

    advantage for certa in types of load. In this case, power

    factor leading or lagging can be caused by the

    connected load, which a transformer-based UPS tends

    to delay As such, this type of


    requires a separate



    power factor correction device.

    The corollary of this is that -because of the

    principle of Galvanic Isolation

    - a


    uni t is incapable of generating DC current tha t might

    be passed to the connected load. In contrast, a

    transformerless UPS will pass on the DC current.

    Because DC current causes up to a lox heating effect



    an alternating current, this inevitably

    stresses the unit. Additionally, a transformer-based

    UPS will allow


    load that has a high neutral current

    requirement to take such a cu rrent, by simply passing

    this through from its input.

    In summary, therefore, choosing the most suitable

    UPS for your needs is rather like deciding between a

    diesel and petrol car. When selecting the right

    technology to employ, the user has to balance short and

    long term benefits against budget an d overall life cycle

    costs. Consultation from a supplier that can offer an

    impartial recommendation from both technologies

    should lead to the adoption of a secure and robust

    power solution.

    Robin Koffler i s general manager of UPS manufacturer

    Riello Galatrek R.koffler@riello ups.co.uk






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