Level 1-1 -Teacher s Guide- <Series 1-1 > The start of a new adventure

-Teacher s Guide-yjwajean2.cafe24.com/web/company_down/Teachers_T.G... · 2016-10-31 · - To take an interest in learning English through magic kits and rhythmic ... Check student‟s

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Level 1-1

-Teacher’s Guide-

<Series 1-1 >

The start of a new


Level 1-1

Level 1-1

Monthly Schedule

1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period 4th Period


Students will build up new

vocabularies and skimming

through the new story to

predict the new magic


Students will read the comic

thoroughly with the given

Key Words and start to

learn the Magic trick in


Students work in groups

/ pairs to make their own

rhythmic motions to the

magic chant using the

magic tool.

Students learn the

manners as a magician

and an audience.

Students give presentation

individually / in groups.

Warm up

- Greeting

- Greeting

- Manners for the


- Greeting

- Manners for the

Magician. - Greeting

- Manners for the


▶ Cover Talk

- Character Study

- Predict the

comic story

▶ Review Study

Comic Words

< Flash cards >

< Activity B. p7 >

▶ Review Study

Magic Words

< Flash cards >



▶ Comic Study (I)

- Watch the

Video Clip

- Story Reading

< Comic B.p 4-10 >

▶ Comic Study

- Watch the

Video Clip

- Story Reading

< Comic B. p 11-17 >

▶ Comic Study (I)

- Watch the

Video Clip

- Story Reading

< Comic B. p 18- 29 >

▶ Fun Activity

- Word Activity

- Self Word Study

< Activity B. p14-17 >

▶ Comic Study (II)

- Comic

Words to Know

< Activity B. p2 /4-5 >

▶ Magic Chant Study (I)

- Magic

Words to Know

< Activity B. p3 >

▶ Comic Study (II)

- Comic Reading


< Activity B. p10-11 >

▶ Presentation

“Show & Tell” Time.

▶ Magic Chant Study

- Listen to the chant

< Activity B. p6 >

▶ Magic Chant Study (II)

- Sing along

< Activity B. p8-9 >

▶ Magic Chant Study

- Sing along

< Activity B. p12 >

- Preparation for

the presentation

< Activity B. p13 >

▶ Speaking

- Role-play

< Activity B. p22-23 >

▶ Speaking

- Role-play

< Activity B. p24-25>

▶ Speaking

- Role-play

< Activity B. p26 >


Book p 4~6 / p22~23 p 7~9 / p24~25 p 10~13/ p26 p 14~18

Wrap up Teacher‟s special

Magic show I O,X Quiz Time

Teacher‟s special

Magic show II


Be a magician in front of

your family!

Level 1-1

Lesson Objectives

Level 1 Book Series 1



- To take an interest in learning English through magic kits and rhythmic chants.

- To enjoy reading the story of comic series and learning how to do magic.

- To get confidence to speak aloud in English and show magic tricks in front

of audiences.

- To learn the manners as a speaker and an audience.



♣ Noun (Naming words)

wizard / cabin / wood / cape / knight /map / brooch / magic trick

/queen /card / king /

♣ Verb (Action Words)

play / read / fall down / clean / attack /look /show /change

♣ Adjective (Descriptive Words)

shine / tired /worry /messy/ big/ small / heart /diamond / clover /spade

Period Procedures


Warm up

1. Greetings & Magician Manner 5 mins

2. Predicting / Review Contents



1. Study the "Words to Know"

30 mins 2. Comic Reading & Comprehension Check

3. Magic Chant Study

4. Speaking – Role-play

Wrap up

1. Review Lessons ( O. X quiz, Speaking Book)

15 mins 2. Magic Show – Teacher‟s special magic show I

3. Closing

Level 1-1

Week 1

Students will build up new vocabularies and skimming through the new story

to predict the new magic trick. (새로운 어휘 확장 및 새로운 스토리 예측 해보기)




Objectives To get ready for today‟s class work in English. (영어 수업 시작 준비)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

Sing a “greeting ” song

Good morning? /

Good afternoon?

How are you today?

How‟s the weather like today?

What day is it today?

▶ Cover Talk

- Predict the story with the cover page.

Predict with the picture to imagine

what is going to happen.

(겉 표지를 보며 만화 내용 전개에 있어 앞으로

벌어질 읷에 대해 예측 해보기)

- Character Study (주읶공에 대해 알아보기)

What do you see in the picture?

Who do you think the boy is?

Who do you think the girl is?

Who‟s that grandpa?

What kind of adventure do you

think they will go to?

Material(s) Comic Book Estimated Time 5 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Make a repeatable (rhythmic) daily greeting with students.

(아이들과 함께 호흡 맞출 나만의 읶사법부터 만들어 보자!)

◈ Using Cover Page of the Comic Book

Ask many question as possible so the students able to imagine and predict the story and to have a great

interest about the lesson. (내용에 알맞은 다양핚 질문을 통해 아이들과 함께 Brainstorming 해보며 내용을

예측해 보며 아이들이 관심을 가지고 흥미롭게 참여핛 수 있도록 이끌어 주기)

◈ To extend the lesson or to have lessons twice a week,

Build up “Daily Class Talk”

- Teach them to ask questions and to answer the expressions about weather, feeling, days of the week,

month and classroom talk.

( 아이들과의 호흡이 중요하며 다양핚 교실 영어 회화 학습으로 수업의 시작 이끌기.

읶사말, 날씨, 기붂, 요읷, 교실 규칙 등 읷상생활화 된 기본 문장으로 Daily Talk 확장해보기.)

Level 1-1



Comic Study


To skim the story of the comic book and have a comprehension checks up.

(만화 이야기를 들으며 전반적읶 내용 파악하기)

To learn the new key words. (새로운 어휘 익히기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Watch the Video Clip: „Story telling‟„ part

of the Comic Book. (스토리텔링 들어보기)

Show the video up to the Comic Book page 10.

- Using Activity Book to learn new words

Read aloud with Activity Book page 2.

Practice the New Words study with

Activity Book page 4-5.

Let‟s watch and read the comic book.

Remember the Key words.

Listen carefully!

What is the story about?

Who are in the story?

Where are they?

Let‟s open the Activity book on page 2.

- Introducing / practicing the Key Words from the

story. Make a special magic box to hide and pick the

flash cards given.

Play a Word Game for the student

To recognize the words in the comic.

( For better understanding of the story )

Check student‟s individual skill through Comic words

In Comic book! (어휘 확장을 통해 만화의 내용을

잘 이해하며 흥미롭게 인을 수 있도록 만들어 주기)

Let‟s learn the Key Words.

Look at the word and picture.

Repeat after me. “_____”

Say aloud with me.

How do you spell “ _____” ?

- It‟s ~

What‟s this?

- It‟s ~

Material(s) Flash Cards / Comic Book /

CD / Activity Book Estimated Time 15 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Playing a Word Game (Using a secret box)

- Put the picture cards on the board.

- Put the word cards in the box.

- Shuffle the card in the box.

- Make a turn of each student to come out and pick a card

from the bag.

- Say aloud the word and match to the picture on the board.

Level 1-1



Magic Chant Study

Objectives To chant along and learn the new words and expression for the

magic trick. ( 챈트 리듬에 들어가는 어휘와 문장 익혀 챈트 부르기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Listen to the chant ( 매직 챈트를 들으며 배울 마술에

대해 예측해 보기)

- Go over the Key words and expressions to begin

the magic trick by using Activity Book on page 3.

- Students use Activity Book page 6 to recognize the

key words and expressions once again by cut and

paste the picture from AB p19. Then, chant along.

Please, turn the comic book,

page ___ .

Let‟s listen to the chant together.

Let‟s chant along together.

Look at the word and picture.

Repeat after me. “_____”

Say aloud with me.

Let‟s open the Activity book on page ___.

Material(s) Activity Book / CD Estimated Time 10 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Do not forget to organize the flash cards neatly in packs using a pretty pocket or a box while showing to

the class. Same for the students, organize a holder or a pocket to pile each student‟s flash cards.

<링 / 봉투를 만들어 아이들 플레시카드도 정리 해주기>




Objectives Select a section from the comic book to play a role out with classmates. ( 코믹

캐릭터를 정하여 반 칚구들과 함께 role-play 짂행해 보기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Work in groups or individually on

Activity Book page 22-24 which is a Selected

section from the comic book to Role-play out

or changing the part of the story of own.

Let's have a role-play time.

Select a character that you like.

Who wants to be ______?

Let's try to change the story as you like.

Material(s) Activity Book Estimated Time 10 minutes

Level 1-1




Objectives To end the lesson by showing a special teacher‟s magic show 1 and announcing

the next lesson. (강사 마술 1 보여 주며 학습 마무리 하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Go over the Key Words by using flash cards

- Show a special Teacher’s Magic Trick (1)

- Announcing the next lesson.

* Give a little expectation for the next class.

Let‟s go over all the Key Words.

Look and the cards and read aloud with


You have done great today.

I will show you a special magic trick.

Next class, we will learn ____ .

Material(s) CD Estimated Time 10 minutes

▶ Teacher’s Magic Trick.

◈ You can download the video clip from http://www.englishmagic.or.kr

Level 1-1

Week 2

Students will read the comic thoroughly with the given Key Words and start to learn the “coin” Magic trick in

steps. (코믹북 내용 파악 해 가며 인고 마술 전개단계 익히기)




Objectives To get ready for today‟s class work in English and talk about the previous lesson. (지난

수업 복습 및 영어 수업 시작하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Sing a “greeting ” song.

- Teaching the manners for the magicians.

Look inside the back cover of the Activity Book

Good morning? /

Good afternoon?

How are you today?

How‟s the weather like today?

What day is it today?

- Review the last lesson (지난 수업 복습 하기)

- Ask Ss about characters and main parts of

the story in comic.

- Talk about things done in last lesson.

- Chant Along

- Work on Activity Book page 7

Do you remember the story?

Who showed a magic trick in the


Who were the boys fighting?

Why were they fighting?

Where did they go?

What happened in the cave?

Material(s) Comic Book / Activity Book Estimated Time 10 minutes



Comic Book : Study Key words & Expressions

Objectives To memorize the key words of the Comic book. (어휘 익히기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Watch the Video Clip: „Story telling‟„ part

of the Comic Book. (스토리텔링 들어보기)

Show the video up to the Comic Book page 17.

- Read aloud the comic book.

Today, we will ____.

Let's watch the comics again.

Let‟s read the comic book.

Listen and repeat the sentences.

If you find the key words, make a circle.

Make a circle around the word ______.

Material(s) CD / Comic Book Estimated Time 10 minutes

Level 1-1

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Reading Comic

- Stop and play the movie clip for shadowing the story aloud. (동시에 인기를 목표로 따라서 인기를 반복하기)

- While watching, let students to focus listening by asking them to find the key words or to specify a word

“ _____” .Ask students to speak out the word that they hear or to clap. ( 영상을 보면서 익힌 어휘가 들렸을때

큰 소리로 단어를 외치거나 박수를 치는 방법 등으로 집중케 핚다.)

- While reading, find the Key Words in the book and circle the words for more concentration!

( 아이들이 집중하며 코믹 북의 내용을 파악하게 하기 위해서 함께 인으며 핵심 어휘를 찾아 동그라미 하기)



Magic Chant Study

Objectives To list up the order of the Magic Trick steps. (마술 전개 단계 익히기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Watch the Video Clip: „Magic Chant „ and

chant along. <마술사 챈트 영상 감상하기>

- Go over the Key words and expressions to begin

the magic trick by using Activity Book on page 3.

- Work in groups /pairs to complete

Activity Book page 8-9.

- Page 8 : Match the pictures to the correct

sentences. Talk about the order of

the Magic Trick steps.

- Page 9 : Trace and chant along.

※ Extension : Make own rhythmic motion

in groups / in pairs.

Let‟s watch a video clip of “Magic Chant”

Let‟s chant along.

Can you list up the right order of the Magic

Trick steps?

Let‟s compete to make own rhythmic motion

for the chant study.

Material(s) Activity Book /

Movie clip (storytelling 1-1) Estimated Time 15 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Chants

Make rhythmic motions to motivate the students to follow the Chants aloud

and memorize. (익힌 어휘와 표현을 가지고 아이들과 함께 율동 만들어 보며

내용 익히기)

Video Clip: „Magic Chant „ (1-1)

(You can also download the video clip from http://www.englishmagic.or.kr )

Level 1-1




Objectives Select a section from the comic book to play a role out with classmates.

( 코믹 캐릭터를 정하여 반 칚구들과 함께 role-play 짂행해 보기 )

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Work in groups or individually on

Activity Book page 24-25 which is a Selected

section from the comic book to Role-play out

or changing the part of the story of own.

Let's have a role-play time.

Select a character that you like.

Who wants to be ______?

Let's try to change the story as you like.

Material(s) Activity Book Estimated Time 10 minutes




Objectives To end the lesson by playing O.X game to have a comprehension check up

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Go over the Key Words by using flash cards

O, X Quiz Time (Yes! No! Question)

To have words and comprehension check up!

- Chant Along

Let‟s have a (O, X) quiz time!

Listen to the sentence carefully.

If you think the answer is correct, move to (O)

If you think the answer is wrong, move to (x).

Material(s) Activity Book / CD / O, X cards Estimated Time 10 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ O.X Quiz Time

- Teachers should prepare things like stickers or stamps

to challenge the Ss to compete each other /in groups.

※ Ask the school rules and permissions before you set a rule and give away any candies and chocolates.


Q: (Show the flash cards or real object) This is …… (O, X)

Q: Maro is the Penguin Prince. (x)

Q: Maro and Penguin Prince are happy in the cave. (x)

Q: Hani is a wizard who can do magic. (o)

Q: Maro and Penguin Prince think they are the hero. (o)

Q: Hani think Penguin Prince is handsome. (o)

<Try to make more questions for the class to play the game >

Level 1-1

Week 3

Students work in groups / pairs to make their own rhythmic motions to the magic chant using the magic tool.

(짝 /모둠 별로 챈트 모션 만들기)




Objectives To get ready for today‟s class work in English and talk about the previous lesson.

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Sing a “greeting ” song.

- Teaching the manners for the magicians.

Look inside the back cover of the Activity Book

As a magician ....

As an audience ....

Review the last lesson

- Talk about the order of the Magic Trick steps.

- Teacher shows the magic trick and chant along

with students.

Let‟s list up the right order of the Magic

Trick steps.

What do you remember?

I will show you a magic trick.

Who is ready to chant along with me?

Material(s) Activity Book / Magic tool Estimated Time 5 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Some useful site to download or to play the daily songs.

www.simplesongs.co.kr / www.youtube.com / www.amazon.com



Comic Book Study

Objectives To check Ss‟ individual skill through try out the question by themselves.

<개별적읶 학습 체크 해주기>

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Watch the Video Clip: „Story telling‟„ part

of the Comic Book. (스토리텔링 들어보기)

Show the video up to the Comic Book page 29.

- Comic Reading Comprehension

Complete the Activity Book page 10-11

Let‟s read the story together.

Repeat after me.

Find the correct answer to the questions.

Material(s) Activity Book / CD Estimated Time 10 minutes

Level 1-1



Chant Study

Objectives To Chant along with rhythmic motion and give a presentation.

(어떠핚 챈트 마술을 보여 줄 것읶지 이야기 해보는 시간 가지기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Use the magic tools to make own rhythmic motion

in groups/ pairs.

* Extension: Have a contest in groups/ pairs for the

best dancers.

- Complete the Activity page 13

- Choose a word among the give hint and

complete the sentences.

- Memorize the sentence to be prepared for the


I am going to separate you in groups /

pairs .

I will hand out the magic tools.

Turn the books to page 13.

I will give you 5-10 minutes to make

special own motions to chant along.

I am going to find the best group and

give a prize.

Material(s) Activity Book / Magic Tools / CD Estimated Time 10 minutes




Objectives Select a section from the comic book to play a role out with classmates.

( 코믹 캐릭터를 정하여 반 칚구들과 함께 role-play 짂행해 보기 )

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Work in groups or individually on

Activity Book page 26 which is a Selected

section from the comic book to Role-play out

or changing the part of the story of own.

Let's have a role-play time.

Select a character that you like.

Who wants to be ______?

Let's try to change the story as you like.

Material(s) Activity Book Estimated Time 10 minutes

Level 1-1




Objectives To end the lesson by showing a special teacher‟s magic and announcing the next

lesson. (강사 마술 II 보여주고 다음 발표 수업 예고하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Go over the Key Words by using flash cards

- Show a special Teacher’s Magic Trick (2)

- Download movie clip from


- Announcing the next lesson.

Be ready for the presentation!

* Set in groups or pairs to present

Let‟s review once again the Key words

for the Magic Chant

Since you have done a great job,

I will show you a special magic.

Be ready for the presentation!

Material(s) Activity Book / chant (1-1)mp3 Estimated Time 10 minutes

Week 4

Students learn the manners as a speaker and an audience.

Students give presentation individually / in groups (개별 또는 그룹으로 발표하기)




Objectives To get ready for today‟s class work in English and talk about the previous lesson.

(발표 준비 하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Sing a “greeting ” song.

- Teaching the manners for the magicians.

Look inside the back cover of the Activity Book

As a magician ....

As an audience ....

Review and get ready for the presentation

- Chant all together

Are you ready for the presentation?

Remember to be ……. (manners) .

Material(s) CD Estimated Time 10 minutes

Level 1-1



Fun Activity

Objectives To have little fun time reviewing the study. (복습하며 발표 준비하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Complete Word puzzles and self word studies on

Activity Book pages 14-17

- Ready in groups.

Shuffle and choose the group to go first and to

go last fairly.

<짝/ 그룹 별로 Fun Activity 를 짂행하게 하며

그룹 별 발표 짂행 사항을 준비핚다.>

Let‟s complete the Puzzles with your


Be ready for presentation.

Material(s) CD Estimated Time 10 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ To keep the audience busy if necessary (such as you can't control the class)

Let students to complete the activity book while presenting other groups.

◈ Teachers should ( 마무리 수업에 앞서 선생님이 해야 핛 읷):

- take pictures(attach it on Activity Book p 18 would recommend) or video clips of each group.

- pile up their work and send them together to show off how much you had fun with Ss in class.



Show and Tell – “Let’s be a magician!”

Objectives Overall check up time to be a magician! (챈트발표 하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

Make a little formal presentation time

- Teacher should be an audience with the rest

of the class to give points or scores.

Make sure Ss to be mannered!

<매너를 잘 지킬 수 있도록 지도하며

그룹 별로 지정하여 순서대로 나와 발표 하기>

Let‟s get start!

____ group, come to the front.

Remember as a speaker, speak up loud and


Remember as an audience don‟t make a


Give a big hand.

Material(s) CD Estimated Time 25 minutes

Level 1-1




Objectives Finish the lessons with great applause. (칭찬하며 수업 마무리하기)

Procedures Teacher’s Talk

- Hand out and send home

(Book and the magic tools.)


Be a magician in front of your family!

Well done everyone!

See you next week with a new magic

story and tools.

Material(s) Comic & Activity Books / CD

Magic tools Estimated Time 5 minutes

Teacher’s Lesson Tip:

◈ Teachers should

- Check the books for the students' clear and neat work.

- Put a stamp or a sign for making sure that you have checked.

- Do not leave the empty pages in Ss activity book.

(Make them sure to do it in class even though Ss miss the class before or to give as HOMEWORK.)