E‘. W. :UT POSTMARK SERIES No 2 MIN-Y-N,*NT. .LD3 2SY \i\lO' JAMAICA CURRENT POST OFFICES AND POSTMARKS by S.G. BALLEY JUNE 1966 O S.G. Ballay. 59 Heol Nant Castan . Rhlwblna. Cardiff. S/» Ij

JAMAICA...Silonh Skibo Sligovillo Smithville Somcrton Southfield Spaldings Spanish Town Springfield Spring Garden Spring Hill Spur Tree Stewart Town Stonehengo Stony Kill Sunning Hill

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  • E‘. W.:UT P OS T MA R K S E R I E S No 2


    .LD3 2SY\ i \ l O'


    byS.G. BALLEY

    JUNE 1 9 6 6O S.G. Ballay. 59 Heol Nant Castan . R h lw b ln a . Cardiff.

    S/» I j

  • I N T R O D U C T I O N

    As stated in ray first booklet "St.Lucia", the main purpose of the scries is to provide collectors with a basic list of Pont Offices in current operation together with clear illustrations of as mary postmarks as possible.

    BRIEF FACT3Jamaica is situated in the Caribbean Sea, south east of

    Cuba and was discovered by Columbus on 4th May, 1494• It remained in Spanish occupation from 1509 until 1655 when Cromwell sent out an expedition under Admiral Penn and Genoral Venables to attack the Island and. take possession. It was formally ceded to England by the Treaty of Madrid in 1670. On August 6th 1962 Jamaica became an independent stato within the British Commonwealth.

    It has an area of 4243 sq.miles and is divided into three counties (Surrey, Middlesex and Cornwall) and fourteen parishes. The population is at present approaching two million.

    In all, there are over 700 post offices and the collector of Jamaican postmarks has much of interest to occupy his time.The degree of co-operation on the part of postmasters in cancelling stamped addressed envelopes is extremely good.

    1Postal rates to the U.K. are as follows

    Surface' mail - Letters - 3d. for 1st oz.lvrd. each additional.

    Postcards - 2-jgd.

    Airmail - Letters - l/6d. per -£■ oz.Air Letterfori:i3 - 6d.Postcnrds - 9d.

    One of the main attractions in collecting Jamaican postmarks lies in the wonderful and intriguing names of towns and villages.A glance at the list will reveal a host of these, such as Bessie Baker*, Peggy Barrio, Cousins Cove, Joe Hut, Prickley Pole,Comfort Cn3tle, fruitful Vale, Giddy Hall, Halls Delight,Magotty, Wait a bit. Incidentally, Wait a bit is derived from the name of certain shrubs of S.African origin with reference to their hooked and clinging thorns.

  • THE POSTMARKS:-Metal star ins: - Typo I

    Type II , Type III

    Type iv

    Type v

    Type VI

    iypo v i i

    Typo R.l

    Type R.2

    Single circle, small counter type hanctetanp, figs. 1, 3 > 6, 9 etc.Single circle, large, fig. 12.Machine, with or without slogan, figs. 31> 33 > 3^ and 58.(All major post offices are equipped wit h c one clling machines).

    The slogan shown in fig. 36 is an "oldie" 3till in use.Double circle, thin rings.This i3 an interesting typo which has been in use far many years, figs. 2, 11, 24, 30 etc.These vary in size.Double circle, thick cancelling arcs, figs. 8, 10, 40, 45 etc.Double circle, thin arcs, figs. 1 5, 18, 19 etc.Double circle, no arcs, figs. 57 and 60.Oval Registered (Luoea)

    Single circle Registered (Port Antonio).

    Rubber stamps:-Typo VIII

    Type IX

    Largo single circle - used on bulky packets, but occasionally on official mail. fig.34.The well-known Temporary Rubber Date stamp - oval, usually struck in purple, occasionally in other colours.Actual example attached to illustration page "S - Y".

    V/ith reference to Type IX, these are used when a new post office is opened. Generally speaking, they are eventually replaced by metal stamps which have to bo made in tho U.K., but this usually takes a long time, the rubber stamps ore then withdrawn and never used again.

  • \These snail offices appear to ho run in shops and odd comers and I have had several interesting letters from the postmasters which are given below:-

    From CHANTILLY"Hello Collector, Indeed sorry pould not respond before now, was short of date stamp ink l This R.A. is located in N. point of Manchester, was opened 19 6A- Oct. founder the M.P. William McLaren and Irene Denton. Its opened 8 a.m. - 10 a.ra. re-opens 2 p.m. to 5-p.n. The Cleric lives on the premises. If any other necessaries (sic) contact me, I'll be pleased to do so,

    ByePostal Agent."

    From ALPS"This is only to inform you that my office is in the Parish of Trclawney. It is on my own building the office is on. The only thing is because the payment is small, but I decido to make myself1 comfortable until better comes.I an occupied with chest to keep ry little earnings arid 3omo other offlco untcncils (sic)

    Postmaster Alps."

    In conclusion, ry thanks to Mr.T.A.Stokes of Discovery Bay, Jamaica and to Mr.H.M.Williams of the Mails Planning Branch, Kingston.


    These are all full-size and have been reproduced by offset litho for clarity.


  • A.• Aberdeen Above Rocks Adelplii Aenon Town Airy Castle Alb any _Albert Town Alexandria .Alloy‘'Alligator Pond Allman Town Alston

    t/Anchovy Annotto Bay Arawak Askerdsh Auc htembeddie

    B./balaclava Balcnrres bamboo Danana Ground Bangor Ridge Bartons ^BathBcckford Kraal Beeston Spring Bolfiold Bellas Gate Bonoonton Bethel Town


    B.^Black River

    Slacks tonedge ■/Blucficlds

    og Walk Bonny Gate Border Borebridge Boscobel Bowden Braes River Brainerd Brighton

    1/ Brooms Hall Brown's Town

    ^‘Buif Bay Bull Boy Bunkers Hill Bushy Park

    C.Calderwood Camberwell

    o'Cnmbridgo Carron Hall Cascade Castleton Catadupa CaveCave Valley Cedar Valley Cc3snock Chalky Hill


    C.Chapelton Chester Castle Christiana Cloremont

    •/Clark's Town Cloncal Coleyville Colonels Ridge Comfort Castle

    ̂Comfort Hall vy Constant Spring

    Cornwall Mountain Craighead Crofts Hill Crooked River Cross Keys Cross Roads

    D.Dallas Dalvey Dorliston Deeside

    ^Denham Town Devon DiasDiscovery Boy Duan Vale

  • E. Cr» J.Elderslio Green Island Jackson TownEllen Street Gregory Park James KillEnfield Guanaboa Vale JerichoEpworth Guy’s Hill Johns HallEwarton / Jones Town

    II. JunctionP * Hagley Park

    Fairy Hill Hagley Gap K.^alnouth Half Ylay Tree KirlcvinoFollo'.vship Hampden KeithFour Paths i Hampstead Kellits

    >//Fronkfield Harbour View u KnockpatriclcFree Hill IlarcwoodFriendship Parkers Hall L.

    yFrore \ Hnrmon3 LabyrinthFruitful Vale Harry Watch Lacoviaiyffe3 Pen Hartlnnds Lambs RiverFranklin Town Hatfield / La30ollcs

    Hayes LaughlandsG. j Hectors River Leamington

    Gayle Highgate LiguaneaGibraltar Hope Bay Lime HallGiddy Hall Hopeton LincolnGinger Hill Hopewell LinstoadGinger Ridge Lionel TownGlengoi’fc I. Little Londoi

    1/ Gleni3lay Inverness Little RiverGolden Grove Ipswich LlandewcyGordon Town Islington Lluidas ValeGrange Hill LodgeGrantham .. Long BayGreat Valley . Long RoadGreen Hill Lorrimers

  • L.LotteryLuceaLucky Hill

    M.Maggotty Maidstone Malvern Manchioneal Mandcvillc No.l Mr.ndeville No.2 Maroh Town Maroon Town^ Maryland Mavis Dank May PenMiddle QuartersMile GullyMilk RiverMochoMonaMoncngueMontego Boy No.l Montego Boy No.2 Montpelier Moore Town I.! or ant Bay Mount Iloreb Mount James Mount Poto Ilountainsido Munro Collogo Mycrnvillo Myers Y/harf

    M.Myrtle BankMercury House




    O.Ooho Rios*

    , 1 Old England Old Harbour

    v Old Harbour Boy Oracabessn Orange Boy Osborne Store

    P.Pear Tree Grovo Pembroke Hall Pepper Fetcr3field PointPoint Hill Port Antonio Port Maria Port Morant Port Royal Porus Pratvillo Priestmans River Prior Pork

    E.Race Course

    ^-Ramble Reading Red Hills Redwood

    (/Retreat Richmond Richmond Park

    • Rio Bueno ivRi vers dale »/Rock River Rose Hall Runaway Bay

    S.St.Anns BaySt.LeonardsSt.Margarets BoySt.PctorsSalisburySalt RiverSandy BaySanta CrusSavanna-la-morSawyersSenforthSheffieldSherwood ContentShooters HillSignSilonhSkiboSligovilloSmithville

  • Somcrton ✓Southfield Spaldings

    ✓Spanish Town Springfield Spring Garden Spring Hill Spur Tree Stewart Town Stonehengo Stony Kill Sunning Hill iSwift River


    Thomps on Town iToll Gate Top Hill Tower IsleTreasure Beach \Trinityville i,Troja Trout Hall Troy

    U.’Ulster Spring Union Hill


    V.Vineyard Town

    Wait-a-bit Wakefield Waldcrston Walkers Wood •'War sop Watermount

    oWatsons Hill Watt Tov/n Welcome Hall Whitehorscs Whitehouse Whitesands Beach

    '-Whitfield Town Wild Cane /Willi atn s fie Id Wilmington Windsor Castle

    • Windward Road• Woodford Woodhall


  • A.

    Abouicir* /dry Prospect

    Albion>/Albion Mountain 'S Aiderton* Aleppo

    .oilman Hill /dpsAlva Arcadia Arlington Ashley

    , Ashton Axe and Adze

    B.Baileys Valo Bakers Hill Banbury

    * Bannister ^Baptist HillBarbery Hall Barnstaple Mtn. Barking Lodge

    * Barrett Town Bath Mountain Baulk

    ' Beacon Hill Beecher Town Belfield Works

    ST J^lJPOSlAl AGENCIES Sub-Agencies indicated thus *

    B.\ Beribow

    Berry Hill Bessie Balcer Bothsalera\Beverley Bickersteth Big Pear Tree Big Wooda

    j Birds Hill Black Hill Blairs Hill Blaolcness Blenheim Bois Content Bog Hole Boguc Bohemia Bombay Bennett

    * Bottom Jackson\ i,\ Boulevard Boundbrook Bounty Hall Bourb on Bowens Boyne Park Brae Head

    w'fcraeton Brandon Hill Brixton Hill

    B.Broadgate Broadleaf Bromley Bull Head

    -'Bull Savannah Bunka Tree Burnt Savannah Buxton Town Bybrook Byndlos3

    C.Cairn CurranCalabash BayCaledoniaCanterburyCarisbrookCarmelCarrick Poyle Castle Hyde Cauldwell Caymanas Bay Cavaliers Central Village Chambers Pen Chantilly Charles Town Chatham Chatsworth Cheltenham .

  • c


    * Chigwell Chudlcigh

    * Church PenCl averty Cottage Clay Ground

    ' Cliffords Clover Hill Clydesdale Coffee Grove Coffee Piece ColcaColcgate Coley Mountain Content Gap Constitution Hill Corletts Road Cornpiece Cornwall CopseCottcrwood

    * Cox Piece Coxwoin Craigmill Crawlc River

    * Croncent* Cromwell Lands

    Croton Cousins Cove

    D.Dalton Daniel Town

    i Danvers Fbn Davy ton

    Dean Pen Denbigh Delveland Devon Pen

    v/Dignum .DrapersDraaBlkieDumfriesDuhaney PorkDundeeDurham GapDuxes


    * Eglington Elgin Ellicress Epsom Essex Hall

    F.Fnirbum Faiths Pen Farm FlngamanFlamstead Gardens Fla.gstaff Flint River Flower HillFont Hill Fort George Frazer

    F.Freeman's Hall Free Town Fullersfield Fullerton Park

    * Fustic Fustic Grove

    G.Galina Garden Hill

    ■ Garlands Gedde3 Town

    ^Georges Plain Georges Valley

    1/ Glastonbury Gloucester Golden Spring Golden Valley Good Intent Gordons Crossing Goshen

    * Grant s Pen Granville Gravel Ilill Green Pond

    ^Greenwich Town* Greenwood '

    \Grey Ground Grovo Town


  • I3.

    H. K. L.Haining Kalorama LongwoodHalls Delight Komnay * Lower Cash KillHalse Hall Kensington Lucky ValleyHamilton Mountain Kentish LumsdenHampshire Kentucky LydfordHarmony Hall Ketto LyssonsHarmony Valo KilmarnockHayfield ICingston North West M.Hoathfiold Kingsvalo Macca TreeHermitage King Weston MadrasHo3sen Ca3tle Kinloss MohagaHaywood Hall Kitson Town MahoeHighland Head * Knollis Main RidgeHounslow Malcolm SquareHuddersfield L. Mango ValleyHuntloy Lancaster Mark Hill

    Lawrence Tavern MarlboroughI. ^ Laws on Marley Hill

    Inn3wood Lances Bay Mason HallIrish Town Latiura May DayIrons Mountain Leeds MaverleyIrwin Leicesterfiold McNio

    l Leinster Mcors

    Jacks HillLemon Hall Mende3Lewisburgh Meylesfield

    Jacks River * Liberty Valley MiddlesexJnck3on Taylor Lime Tree Gardens Mike TownJeffrey Town Linton Park Mitchells HillJoe Hut Litchfield Mitchell TownJohnson Mountain Lloyds MongraveJ oyland Look Out MontrealJubileo Town Long Look Moores

  • M. N. P.Moravia Newton PetersvilleMorgan’s Pass \ New Works PhiladelphiaMount Airy Niagara PikeMorgan’s Fo re s t Nine Turns PisgahMount Edgecombe Norris Pleasant ValleyMount Felix , Norwich


    Mount Industry Plum TreeMount Lcbanus Porters MountainMount Moreland 0. Portland CottageMount Moriah Old Dot.tom Prickly PoleMount Peace Old Hope PrincessfieldMount Pleasant 0’Meally PrioryMount Providence Old Mountain ProgressiveMount Regale Orangeficld ProspectMount Rosser Orange HillMount Salem Oxford Street (60-g-) Q.Mount Sains Vjj. •■••• - Queen’s HillMount Vernon P. Quick StepMount Waddy PadmoreMount Zion Paisley R.Muir House Palisadocs RaymondsMuirton. Pen Palmers Cross ReachMulgrnve Papine Red Bank

    Porottee Red GroundN. Paul Mountain Red Valley

    * Nnggo Hoad Pear Tree River Refuge* Ncgril Spot Pcckham Reserve

    New Green Peggy Barry Retirement* Ncwleigh Pcnlyne Castle Retrieve

    New Forest Pennant's RevivalNew LonGville Pcnwood Richmond Vale

    * New Road3 Porth Town Ritchies

  • \ 5R.

    Rio Grande Robino Bay Robin3 Hall RockRock Hall


    Rock Spring Rocky Point Rcohr.r.pton Rose Hill

    * Rosc-and Rosewell Rowlands fieId Ro3C3 Volley Ro3c Town RU330ll3

    S.St.D'Acre St.Faiths St.GregorySt.Jolin's Road St. Paula' Salisbury Plain Salmon T o m Salt Harsh Salt Spring Samuel Pro3pcot Sandy River Sanguinetti Snntoy Scarborough Scholefiold

    Scotts Hall Scott3 Run Scotts Pass

    * Seafield* Sedge Pond

    Seven Mile3I Shirley Castle Shortwood Shrewsbury Silver Spring

    \ SimonsSlipe

    * Snow Hill Somerset

    I Spicy Hill Spot Valley

    * Springmount Spring Bank Spring Vale Steer Town Stewarton

    * Sunderland Strathbogio Strawberry Sturge Town Success Sumracrfiold

    * SydenhamI

    T.Toymount Thatch Walk

    T.ThorntonTime and PatienceTop MountainTorringtonTower HillTown HeadTranquilityTreadwaysTi' opicol PlazaTurnersTweedsideTy dixon

    U.Unity Unity Vale

    V.Valley Piece Victoria Town

    W.Waltham Gardens Woroika Warwick Castle Watchwell Water Lane 'Waterloo Water Works Westphalia West Prospect

    u White Hall

  • vr.'

    V/liitc River Whitney

    i Wire Fence V/hi thorn Wilson's Run Windsor Forest Woodlands.

    Y.Yarmouth York Castle York Pen Ythanside

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