Your Life Is Your Legacy... Your Life Is Your Legacy... How To Live Rich How To Live Rich & Pass It On & Pass It On By KIM HARRIS - The Legacy Creator™ By KIM HARRIS - The Legacy Creator™ Licensed Agent/Certied Business Development & Cash-Flow Consultant Licensed Agent/Certied Business Development & Cash-Flow Consultant

& Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

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Page 1: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Your Life Is Your Legacy...Your Life Is Your Legacy...

How To Live Rich How To Live Rich & Pass It On& Pass It On

By KIM HARRIS - The Legacy Creator™By KIM HARRIS - The Legacy Creator™Licensed Agent/Certi�ed Business Development & Cash-Flow ConsultantLicensed Agent/Certi�ed Business Development & Cash-Flow Consultant

Page 2: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s


“When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing, but“When I was young, I thought money was the most important thing, butnow that I’m old, I know that it is”.   ~~ Oscar Wildenow that I’m old, I know that it is”.   ~~ Oscar WildeOur life is our legacy.  Yet, most of our adult working lives is spent dealing with issuesaround our money. How we feel about it? How we think about it? How we use it? And,how we earn it.  We rarely think about legacy at all, if ever.

More than 90% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings. Most would even be facedwith a devastating �nancial crisis should an emergency happen.

More than 76 million Baby Boomers (those born between 1954 and 1964) living in theU.S. today according to the U.S. Census Bureau. More than 10k Boomers turn 65 everysingle day.

Only 27% of Boomers believe they will have enough money for health care expenses whenthey retire. That is a very low number and those Boomers who are tasked with caring forelderly parents, and in some cases, grandchildren, they are going to feel the severe �nancialpinch even more.

So what are the solutions to having enough money that will last the rest of your life?

My passion for sharing this information came from my personal realization that I simplywas not prepared for retirement. I knew I did not want to work until my 70’s and yet, hereI was mid-40’s and very little savings for my “golden years”.

While life was happening, the years were slipping away. When I once thought I had plentyof time to save, I was now facing the reality that time was getting away and my window ofopportunity to create the wealth I desired was closing.


Page 3: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

I had to act fast and use the resources of my �nancial experience, education, and theknowledge I accumulated over the years to protect other people’s money using taxregulations, whole life insurance policies, living trusts, and annuities to implement myown legacy plan.

Today, I enjoy the bene�ts of that plan and help others to realize their dreams for a wealthylifestyle during their retirement years. Eliminating the worry of whether they will haveenough money — In fact, they will have more money than they will ever use, and have awonderful wealth legacy they can pass on to their heirs. [By the way, all TAX-FREE]

It is my vision to empower you to become more �nancially capable, and teach you what Ihave learned over the years to help you cultivate wealth using resources that are easilyaccessible, will provide a solid stream of income, and all with little or zero-tax impact.

Let’s talk legacy!Book your Legacy Consultation with me, today…

Kim Harris – The Legacy Creator™


#createwealthlegacy #letstalklegacy #masteryourmoneygame #yourlifeisyourlegacy

Page 4: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Wealth - 7 Timeless PrinciplesWealth - 7 Timeless Principles

The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the �rst books I read on thesubject of wealth.  I was fascinated by the storyteller’s simple principles to acquirewealth and riches and I thought, “this is too easy”.  Yet, all those years ago with theknowledge held within the pages of this simple book, I did not take heed.  It would bemany years before I understood what the story had foretold and I, like many others, wouldlearn the hard way about building a relationship with money, and ultimately building mycash reserves.

With our economy in such a state of in�ux and the uncertainty of our country’s future, itis prudent to teach our younger generations the importance of establishing a strongrelationship with money.  So many books have been written on the subject of moneymanagement and yet 8 out of 10 households have credit card debt in excess of $15,000.

Why haven’t we learned the simple rules of building wealth?

Where did we miss the mark?

Lack of discipline and respect for money has caused much of this country’s default status. A small portion of blame can be placed upon the educational system.  That’s right…thecurriculum is not inclusive of �nance and money management.  Our children are learninghow to count, but not how to spend or save for that matter.  Parents should take a moreproactive role in teaching their children about the realities that lay ahead in the real worldconcerning money.

The lessons are simple; the action is di�cult for those who have never systematicallyimplemented a plan.  However, with commitment and a goal bigger than your immediatewants, you will achieve your �nancial goals with ease.  The following is a rudimentaryoutline of the seven prosperity principles as this author has interpreted them from thefamous book:

Principle 1 – Pay Yourself First – Take a percentage from your net earnings to keep foryourself.  The best use of this money is to invest in your future by placing it in a secureinstrument that can grow tax-free, be distributed tax-free, and can be passed on tax-free.

Wealth - 7 Timeless Principles

Page 5: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Wealth - 7 Timeless PrinciplesWealth - 7 Timeless Principles

Principle 2 – Create a Spending Plan – Unlike budgeting, a spending plan allows you toplan how you will spend your money.  This includes all your bills and all the “extras” youwant.  Whatever you have left after you create your spending plan should be invested inPrinciple 1.

Principle 3 – Make Your Money Multiply – This is where, again, Principle 1 can be greatlybene�cial.   Think of the extra money you have left in Principle 2 as employees.   Youemploy these employees to work for you in Principle 1.   Believe me, they will work harderthan you ever will!

Principle 4 – Avoid “Get Rich Quick” Schemes – This is self-explanatory!  Everything isnot a great opportunity, but rather, a great down-fall.  Be mindful that every “new idea” isan old one, regurgitated.  Pass on it.

Principle 5 – Own Your Own Home – This one, I have learned needed a little tweaking. Yes, own your home, but then rent it out.  There is a saying that states, “Rent where youlive, and own what you rent.”  Mortgages are liabilities until you own the deed.  In oder tomake the best of that situation, generating pro�t income on a rental to handle themortgage until you own it is a way better plan.

Principle 6 – Insure Your Future – I can not stress enough how important it is to have aWhole Life Policy working for your �nancial.  You can build cash reserves to use while youare still living, and leave a �nancial legacy for your family.  The earlier you acquire yourpolicy, the better!

Principle 7 – Increase Your Ability to Earn – Hone your skills!  You can do a lot of thingswell, so why not earn money with it.  That hobby enjoy so much can be a money earner to�ll the gap in your �nances.  You’re doing something you love, and making enough extracash to invest or spend on yourself so that you don’t disrupt your goal in Principal 1.

Wealth - 7 Timeless Principles

Page 6: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Wealth - 7 Timeless PrinciplesWealth - 7 Timeless Principles

The old cliché “it’s not how much money you have, it’s what you do with it that counts” istrue and there aren’t enough of us doing what we should with our money.  The downsideto this is we are in a race against time, never knowing when we will run out.   Each of theseven principles outlined here gives you the foundation for establishing a �nancially securefuture.  You can choose not to be a statistic of the working poor, or worse, never reachingretirement age.  Start right where you are; it’s never too late.


Wealth is a mindset.  At least that is what the gurus will have you believe.  Just for the sakeof argument, let’s assume that it is ~ what are some of the ways you need to condition yourmind to be accepting of wealth?

I happen to believe the statement that wealth consciousness is something that is cultivated. The repetition of thought, no matter the content, is what shapes our beliefs and habits.  Money consciousness, or wealth consciousness, is the shaping of our thoughts to be inagreement with the idea of money, and more importantly the idea of possessing.

Universal principles are absolute.  They are as absolute as math…you’ve heard the saying“numbers don’t lie”.  Well, whether you are aware of universal principles at work or notdoesn’t matter; they are still operating.  The question becomes:  How do you want thoseprinciples to work in your favor?

The attainment of a wealth consciousness begins with the ideas that surround money inour lives.  They take shape in the form of things; fancy cars, big homes, designer labels, spavacations, expensive jewelry, etc.   However, what we all want to experience is time-freedom to enjoy all the things I just mentioned.   It may seem like it is unachievable formost people, but in reality, it already exists for us to experience.

Here are �ve concepts to help you achieve a wealth consciousness:

1) Thе Power of Dеѕіrе

Wealth - 7 Timeless Principles

Page 7: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your MoneyGameGame

Thе starting point оf all wеаlth сrеаtіоn іѕ dеѕіrе. Nаturе always wrарѕ uр іn ѕtrоng desiresthat ѕоmеthіng whісh knоwѕ nоthіng of іmроѕѕіbilities and ассерtѕ no such thing аѕfailure. Thеrеfоrе, іn уоur ԛuеѕt fоr wеаlth сrеаtіоn, уоu fіrѕt nееd to desire wеаlth bеfоrеуоu сrеаtе wеаlth. If you dо nоt desire it, you саnnоt hаvе іt. It simply cannot come toyou.

Wishing is nоt thе same thіng аѕ dеѕіrіng. Yоur wіѕh fоr wеаlth is not thе ѕаmе thіng аѕуоur desire for wealth. Thеу are quite dі�еrеnt. Whеn уоu desire wealth, уоu аrе willingto burn all bridges іn your quest for wealth creation аnd cut о� all ѕоurсеѕ оf retreat.Wіѕhіng will never bring уоu wealth. Rather, іt іѕ the burning dеѕіrе thаt bесоmеѕ аnоbѕеѕѕіоn whісh mаkеѕ planning for wауѕ tо асԛuіrе wеаlth possible, аnd bасkеd bуреrѕіѕtеnсе thаt makes wealth сrеаtіоn rеаlіzаblе. All thоѕе who have ассumulаtеd greatwеаlth dіd ѕоmе аmоunt оf dау-drеаmіng, hoping, wishing, desiring аnd fіnаllу рlаnnіngbеfоrе they acquire their wealth.

2) Faith & The Law of AttractionHеrе are ѕоmе ѕtерѕ whісh уоu can take tо brіng more wеаlth into уоur life uѕіng thе lawоf аttrасtіоn:

 Remember, that your creation рrосеѕѕ dоеѕ nоt vаrу іn аnу аrеа оf уоur lіfе. Yоurbeliefs mаkе your еxреrіеnсе аnd wealth сrеаtіоn is nо dі�еrеnt. Exрlоrе уоur �nancial іѕѕuеѕ. What dоеѕ mоnеу mеаn tо уоu? How dо you feelаbоut mоnеу? What is your relationship with money like? Do уоu enjoy havingmoney? Dо you fееl rеlаxеd wіth mоnеу? Does mоnеу feel ѕtrаngе tо уоu? How doyou feel without money? Explore thеѕе questions. All thеѕе thоughtѕ are critical tо thеpath tо wеаlth creation. Make a соmрrеhеnѕіvе list. Allоw your thоughtѕ and fееlіngѕtо ѕіmрlу �ow оntо thе раgе. What you focus on, grows. Thе lаw of аttrасtіоn іѕ аbоut соnѕсіоuѕ mаnіfеѕtаtіоn ofthe things you focus upon. Yоu muѕt аllоw уоur mіnd tо undеrѕtаnd whаt you wаnt,оthеrwіѕе уоu wіll nоt rесеіvе it. Create a clear picture in your mind of the amountof money, the lifestyle, the feelings associated so that you can activate the universalprinciples to attain it. Being crystal clear about what you want is vіtаl tо thе lаw оfattraction рrосеѕѕ.

5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money Game

Page 8: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your MoneyGameGame

Fоr еxаmрlе, a�rm daily that you are worthy of wealth.  Statements such as “Moneycomes easily and e�ortlessly into my life, everyday in every way.” Or, “I deserve the bestand I accept the best now.”

One �nal important point to make when focusing on wealth creation:  Your desire to havewealth is never about the money…it is about what the money can do to change your life,situation, and circumstance and the feelings you will have as a result.

“Directed faith makes every thought crackle with power.  You can rise to limitless heights,impelled by the lifting force of your mighty new self-con�dence.”~ Napoleon Hill

3) MеntоrіngFіnd good mentors and аdvіѕоrѕ to fоrm a mastermind alliance. A good mеntоr іѕ lіkе amар аnd соmраѕѕ in uncharted tеrrіtоrу. Unlеѕѕ уоu аrе аn еxреrt аt еvеrуthіng, you needсоmреtеnt аdvіѕоrѕ, like CPA, lаwуеr and/or a �nancial planner. A good mаѕtеrmіnd wіllсоvеr уоur blіnd ѕроtѕ, аnd kеер you fосuѕеd аnd mоtіvаtеd.

 4) Goal ѕеttіng

Wеаlth buіldіng requires dіrесtіоn. Whеn уоu hаvе a vision tо ассumulаtе wеаlth, уоumuѕt fіrѕt dесіdе оn which direction you аrе hеаdеd. Yоu wіll then have tо trаnѕlаtе уоurvіѕіоn іntо ѕоmе dеfіnаblе ѕhоrt tеrm gоаlѕ. Thеѕе gоаlѕ will bе іn a series оf еаѕу tоассоmрlіѕh ѕtерѕ whісh you hаvе tо рut іntо wrіtіng. Wіth thеѕе clearly written gоаlѕ,wealth buіldіng becomes easier tо ассоmрlіѕh. Having сlеаr goals therefore provide fосuѕаnd direction tо one’s vіѕіоn of wealth сrеаtіоn.

Goal setting іn wеаlth creation іѕ lіkе a map. It ѕhоwѕ us thе dіrесtіоn we must tаkе tоассumulаtе wеаlth. Without it we bесоmе ruddеrlеѕѕ. Aссоrdіng tо Og Mаndіnо, “Thevictory оf success іn аnу еndеаvоr is half wоn whеn оnе gains the hаbіt оf ѕеttіng gоаlѕ аndachieving thеm“.   The rісh hаvе acquired the hаbіt оf ѕеttіng dаіlу gоаlѕ and асhіеvіngthеm. Wіth thеіr gоаlѕ they set directions аѕ to how thеу will achieve thеіr drеаm of wеаlthассumulаtіоn. Yоgі Bora соnfіrmеd this by ѕауіng thаt “If уоu don’t knоw whеrе you aregоіng, уоu аrе nеvеr gоіng tо get there.”

5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money Game

Page 9: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your MoneyGameGame

5) Hаvе a Strong Reason tо Become WealthyYоu need a stronger mоtіvаtоr thаn the mоnеу. What іѕ thе real bene�t thаt you wіllrесеіvе frоm bесоmіng wеаlthу? How will your lіfе change fоr thе better? Unlеѕѕ уоu hаvеаn еmоtіоnаllу strong rеаѕоn tо bесоmе wеаlthу, уоu аrе unlikely tо do what it takes.

Remember, mеdіосrіtу in thе wеѕtеrn wоrld іѕ a рrеttу gооd lіfеѕtуlе, and іt’ѕ еаѕу tоасhіеvе. Yоu nееd ѕоmе ѕресіаl potential bеnеfіt to gеt уоu tо gо thе extra mile and асhіеvеwеаlth.

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5 Mindset Hacks & Habits to Master Your Money Game

Page 10: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Money Strategies to Build a Strong Financial LegacyMoney Strategies to Build a Strong Financial Legacy

“Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without �nancial intelligenceis money soon gone.”  — Robert Kiyosaki- Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad

When it comes to the matter of money in this harsh economic climate, ignorance is notbliss.   Most people are glad to end the holiday season, and are not so much when theyrealize the crazy amount of credit card debt they racked up in just a few short weeks.   I takeit, you didn’t indulge  in my article Hold Up! Don’t Be a Hostage to Holiday Spending…

It’s okay…you can still recover with your dignity in tact.

The New Year will bring opportunities for you to bridle your wallet and tie those pursestrings with a few wealth creation strategies to help you building a strong �nancial legacy.  I have always known there is a distinct di�erence between �nancial literacy and �nancialcapability.  I have shared this distinction on several occasions, however, in this post, I willfocus only on how to enhance your �nancial capability with solid strategies for wealthcreation.

First, I want to share a short story that I hope will resonate with a few of you to help you inyour process of building a stronger relationship with your money.

When I was in my late 20’s, I had the opportunity to invest in YAHOO! (Rememberthem?) A friend came to me and told me about this online company that was going to takethe internet by storm.   If I had taken advantage of the opportunity when presented, Iwouldn’t be writing this blog post.     Later, I was approached to buy into two othercompanies, APPLE and VERIZON before their IPO.  I didn’t hesitate because I remembermy investment faux pas with YAHOO.   I had limited cash, and I needed $1,000.   Iborrowed the money to buy my 5, yes, 5 shares of APPLE stock.   VERIZON shares Iended buying much later, but it still was a stock I wanted to own.

I remember thinking at both times of buying the shares, I didn’t care how many shares Iowned, as long as I owned them.  I didn’t know much about investing and I was terri�edof losing my money, but more than that I was terri�ed of never gaining because I didn’tinvest.  The lesser of two evils…no matter how I looked at it, I was afraid.

Money Strategies to Build a Strong Financial Legacy

Page 11: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

Money Strategies to Build a Strong Financial LegacyMoney Strategies to Build a Strong Financial Legacy

Much has happened since those early days, and the markets have wiped me out like a manyother people, but I have learned some incredible lessons about investing that I never wouldhave learned otherwise.   I own many more than 5 shares APPLE and VERIZON, andmany other Bluechip stocks in my retirement portfolio and I have a strategy to add moreeach year.

I want to share a few of my most prized tips for building a strong �nancial legacy andbecoming more �nancially capable.

Patience — you cannot predict what the market will do.  You have to have the guts to waitit out and not panic when it seems like its going to hell in a hand basket.

Strategy — you must have a diverse strategy to play your hand in the markets. Gettingexpert advice from someone who knows the �nancial game, inside and out.

Education — you must learn how money works in our economy.  No, that doesn’t meanyou have to have a �nance degree to master your �nances.   I took to online sites likeMorningstar.com, Motley Fool (one of my favorites), and Fidelity Investments to learn theinvestment game.

Diligence — you MUST be prepared to leave your money alone!  Never to touch it, evenin the most dire of circumstances.  I know this is unfathomable to most folks, believe me —I have been there. But, I refused to bail myself out using what I had so diligently saved andgrown.  I would �gure out other ways to make my life more palatable.

World A�airs – Our global economy is a great indicator of what’s to come in the marketplace here in the U.S.  Look for cues and clues as to what trends are prevailing and then goback to the point of getting expert advice on how to leverage this for your bene�t.

Buy What You Own — well, that sounds strange!   Let me simplify…if you own an iPhone,iPad or any Apple products, buy the stock.  Even if it’s one (1) share.  Why?  Because yourpurchase put money back into your pocket.  It becomes a two-way transaction, in favor ofyou, too.  If you’re spending $200 or more on Air Jordan’s, buy shares in NIKE…  You’reon Facebook 8 hours a day… you get the point.

Money Strategies to Build a Strong Financial Legacy

Page 12: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest When5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest WhenDisaster StrikesDisaster Strikes

Hurricane Harvey, Irma, and Jose have demonstrated the power and wrath of naturaldisasters.  Millions of people have lost their homes and precious valuables.  And sadly, somehave even lost their lives.

I couldn’t help but wonder as I watched the news and the unfolding events, “how many ofthem were prepared?”  Sure, we do our best to prepare for things to happen, but most ofthe time we are not prepared for that level of devastation.  The main reason, in myopinion, is we don’t really want to see our lives as dispensable or temporal.

When Hurricane Katrina hit, 1833 lives were lost and costing $108 Billion in damage,which they are still today recovering.

The �nancial devastation to those hit by natural disasters compounds when families whoare living paycheck to paycheck are left displaced, or when a primary earner is lost as aresult of the disaster.

Often, I refer to unexpected disasters as “black-swan” events and the preparation strategiesto curtail the impact of these types of occurrences are strategically planned over time.

One strategic way to prepare your family for any black-swan event is to ensure the assetsrequired to attain basic needs are in place.  This means taking a hard look at where you aretoday, and make preparations to insulate your succession plan in business and life.

You can start by creating a Legacy Chest™, a place where you keep all important papersand mementos.  You will need to store your chest in a waterproof / �reproof safe with acombination lock, or for enhanced security, �ngerprint recognition. If you have time toevacuate an emergency situation, remove the box from the safe and take it with you.

Here are few suggestions of items you will need to begin building your Legacy Chest™…

5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest When Disaster Strikes

Page 13: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest When5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest WhenDisaster StrikesDisaster Strikes

1. Last Will & Testament – A staggering 64% of Americans DO NOT have a will.  Youcan go to eForms and download a template for free, complete it and have it notarized. No attorney necessary.

2. Insurance Policies -8 5 percent of consumers agree that most people need lifeinsurance, yet only 62 percent say they have it according to the  Insurance BarometerStudy, LIMRA.  You can start by getting a FREE QUOTE.   With your policy youwill want to make sure that the contact information is right on top where your lovedones can see it immediately.  A helpful tip is to hand write your instructions for them.

3. Birth Certi�cates/Social Security Cards/Passports

4. $1,000 – $5,000 Cash – Small Bills, preferrably, no larger than $20

5. 1 oz. Gold Coins/Buillon –   The Gold Standard may be obsolete, but the value ofGold is still invaluable.  It is the only appreciable asset that can be traded as currency.  Having gold coins in your possession during a critical crisis where the �nancialsystem is crippled, will protect you. Have as much as you can on hand.

Optional items to include in your Legacy Chest™ …

Heirloom Jewelry – Mementos / Pictures placed in waterproof bags.

Your Legacy Chest™ is a place to keep what is important and to have a reserve of cash inthe case of a black-swan event. Your cash and gold will help you to secure basic needs in theevent the �nancial institutions are unavailable or ATMs are non-functional.Here’s to your remarkable life & legacy!


5 Things You Must Have in Your Legacy Chest When Disaster Strikes

Page 14: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

P.S. – Go Here to Get a FREE Whole Life Insurance Quote – New Clients Receive aFREE Legacy Chest

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

Page 15: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

I have often stated that “Your life is your legacy...”, and it’s true.  Everything we do, all thework we do, every business we created both online and o�, is  a part of our legacy.  Howwe live our lives, what we acquire in our lives, our homes, and material possessions are all apart of our legacy.

We get to enjoy these things while we are still among the living.  But what happens whenwe are not?  Where does it all go?

Most people, sadly, don’t want to entertain the thought of not being here; among theliving.  But, we must.   I’m a licensed insurance agent and the reality is people don’t wantto talk about death.  It’s frigthening to them and it is easier to just go on the hope that theywill live another day, rather than think about “what if I don’t make it another day“.   Thereality is we are all heading in the same direction whether  we think about it or not.

The most loving thing you can do for your family is prepare yourself for the passing on ofyour legacy.  It is the most sel�ess act of love you will ever demonstrate in your lifetime forthem.  You are telling them through your actions that their futures matter to you and youare still going to be there supporting in their dreams.

As you sit down today to “give thanks” for all you have in your life, look around you, feelthe love of your family and friends, and think to yourself, “What part of my legacy do Iwant to leave for them?  How can I show them how much I love them, even when I’m nothere?

I know today is all about being thankful, and so is this post.  Being thankful is more thanjust saying “thank you”.   It’s about showing thanks, and here are three simple steps totake to “show” your loved ones how much you appreciate them through your legacy.

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

Page 16: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

1. Most people don’t have a basic will.  This is the starting point for making sure all your�nal requests are ful�lled.  Take time to create a list of things you want to assign anddistribute no matter how great or small.  Making this list is less formal than going toan attorney’s o�ce and makes the experience more personal.   It will give you sometime to digest the process of preparing, but it will also �ll you with a great sense ofaccomplishment that you are protecting your family from bickering over yourbelongings after your demise.

2. Make sure you have insurance on your life.  You insure your car, home, sometimeseven phone, yet most people don’t regard lives as important as everything else. Youwouldn’t dare drive your car uninsured, why live you life uninsured?   While yourcar, home, and sometimes phone or other inanimate objects are protected ifsomething happens to you, what about your family?   Do you think leaving themwithout a �nancial safety net to make sure that their loss is less devasting to them isnot as important?   Get insured.   It actually could cost you less than your carinsurance.   And if you don’t know how to go about doing that, I’m here to helpguide you.

3. Formalize your will by having it notarized and then have a family discussion.  Yes, it’stime to have the dreaded talk.  The talk worse than talking to your teenagers aboutsex.  Talking to your family about your legacy arrangements is di�cult, because noone wants to imagine their own demise and the absent in the lives of their loved ones. But what this conversation will do is bring a level of connection and intimacy thatyou could never dream.  It opens dialogue about the reality of life and that death is apart of it.   Showing them you care enough to protect them will empower them tovalue you more while you’re here.

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

Page 17: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

Every year, I make modest modi�cations to my will and my insurance policies.   Why?Because the previous year may have included some business growth, life changes, personalacquisitions, and I want make sure they are all included for my son when I pass my legacyto him.  I have a sit down talk over dinner about the changes and where he can �nd all thedocuments.   This has become a tradition with us, and as a young man, he comes tounderstand the importance of building a legacy to pass on with his future family.

Life gives us so much to be thankful for…because we are alive.   Life also gives us anopportunity to prepare for the inevitable.   Don’t squander your time by taking it forgranted and being unprepared.  Your family relies on you.

3 Steps to Packaging Your Legacy to Pass it On

Page 18: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s


Melding her skills, knowledge, and talents with more than 20+ years experience in the corporate andMelding her skills, knowledge, and talents with more than 20+ years experience in the corporate andnonpro�t sectors, Kim Harris has established a reputation as being The nonpro�t sectors, Kim Harris has established a reputation as being The Legacy CreatorLegacy Creator ™. ™.

 SBA Women in Business Champion Certi�ed Business Development & Cash-�ow Consultant  Tax Overage Specialist Certi�ed in Nonpro�t Management Licensed Insurance Agent  Financial Capability Expert

Kim empowers clients to become �nancially capable, so they can live remarkably and havea legacy worth leaving behind.  By sharing her broad experience in �nancial matters, alongwith her signature 5-pillar wealth creation strategy, the SILK STOCKING METHOD™,she provides guidance, information, and education that help others to master their moneygame using TAX-FREE instruments and revenue generating assets.


Page 19: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s



Page 20: & Pass It On Your Life Is Your Legacy · The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason was one of the rst books I read on the subject of wealth. I was fascinated by the storyteller’s

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Certi�ed BusinessDevelopment & Cash-Flow ConsultantLicensed Agent / TX, CA, FL, MI, MO, OH

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COPYRIGHTSAll information contained within this electronic publication is copyright protected byKIM XI LEGACY ENTERPRISE LLC.  Any copying or editing of this information isprohibited without the expressed permission of the owner.  Distribution of the material inthis electronic format is permitted without any alterations of any kind with attribution forthe author and owner.  

DISCLAIMERInformation contain herein is for educational purposes only and not intended as advice on�nancial matters. To ensure that this information will work for you, please consult withyour tax professional, certi�ed �nancial planner, attorney, or licensed professional.