本院成員數學系吳恭孚教授獲頒榮休教授名銜,由 2014 4 9 日起生效。 College member, Professor Ng Kung-fu, Department of Mathematics, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 9 April 2014. 本院成員信息工程學系信息工程學講座教授李碩彥教授 獲頒榮休教授名銜,由 2014 8 1 日起生效。 College member, Professor Li Shuo-yen Robert, Professor of Information Engineering in the Department of Information Engineering, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 1 August 2014. 本院成員法律學講座教授鄔楓以兼任方式出任研究院院長,任期三年,由 2014 9 1 日起生效。 College member, Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff, Faculty of Law, has been appointed as Dean of the Graduate School on a concurrent basis for a period of three years with effect from 1 September 2014. 本院成員研究計劃獲撥款 College Members Received Research Grants 本院成員 College Member 學系/學院 Department / School 撥款機構 Sponsor 王保強教授 Professor WONG Po-keung 生命科學院 School of Life Sciences 創新及科技基金 Innovation and Technology Fund 陳啟明教授 Professor CHAN Kai-ming 矯形外科及創傷學系 Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology 健康護理及促進基金 Health Care and Promotion Fund 劉永昌教授 Professor LAU Wing-cheong 資訊工程學系 Department of Information Engineering 創新及科技基金 Innovation and Technology Fund 沈建法教授 Professor SHEN Jianfa 地理與資源管理學系 Department of Geography and Resource Management 經濟與社會研究委員會 Economic and Social Research Council 王昌淩教授 Professor Charlie C L WANG 機械與自動化工程學系 Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering 裘槎基金會 The Croucher Foundation 馮海嵐教授 Professor FUNG Hoi-lam 心理學系 Department of Psychology 國家科學基金會 National Science Foundation 新任研究院院長 New Dean of Graduate School 榮休教授 Emeritus Professors 吳恭孚教授 Professor Ng Kung-fu 李碩彥教授 Professor Li Shuo-yen Robert

新任研究院院長 New Dean of Graduate School

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College member, Professor Ng Kung-fu, Department of Mathematics, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 9 April 2014.

College member, Professor Li Shuo-yen Robert, Professor of Information Engineering in the Department of Information Engineering, has been awarded the title of Emeritus Professor, with effect from 1 August 2014.
9 1
College member, Professor Lutz-Christian Wolff, Faculty of Law, has been appointed as Dean of the Graduate School on a concurrent basis for a period of three years with effect from 1 September 2014.
College Members Received Research Grants
College Member
/ Department / School
Professor CHAN Kai-ming
Professor LAU Wing-cheong
Professor SHEN Jianfa
Economic and Social Research Council
Professor Charlie C L WANG
Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
The Croucher Foundation
Professor FUNG Hoi-lam
Department of Psychology
National Science Foundation
Emeritus Professors
2014 6 11 2014

A tea gathering hosted by the College for the organisers of the College Organisation Camp 2014 was held on 11 June 2014. College administrations expressed thankfulness to the student organisers for their effort and devotion, and wished the activity a great success. Professor Jimmy C M Yu, College Head; Professor Barley Mak, Associate Head and Dean of Students; Mr Wong On-tung, Convenor of the Advisory and Working Group for College Orientation Activities; Mrs Christina Li, College Secretary and Mr Tony M H Chan, Assistant College Secretary, attended the gathering. The organising committee members pledged that they will spare no pains to organise a memorable orientation camp for the new students.
2014 4 15

College member Professor Li Duan, Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, delivered his inaugural lecture on 15 April 2014 as Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professor of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management on the topic “Taking the Challenge in Coping with Time Inconsistency in Dynamic Decision Making”. The Patrick Huen Wing Ming Professorship of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management was established by Mr Patrick Huen in July 2012 in support of academic research on systems engineering and management science at the Faculty of Engineering.
College Member Delivered Professorship Inaugural Lecture
2011 2014 5 16

The Graduation Dinner organised by the 2011 Class Society was held on 16 May 2014 at the Crystal Ballroom of the Cityview Hotel in Yaumatei. About seventy fresh graduates and College staff attended the dinner.
2014 UC Graduation Dinner 2014
Tea Gathering for Orientation Camp Organisers
Report on International Conference Grant Scheme
2013 2014
In the third round allocation of the International Conference Grant for 2013-2014, the College granted subsidies for fifteen College members to attend international conferences as follows:
Staff Member
The 5th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and Chinese Language Instruction
Professor CHAN Chun-wai
2014 Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society 2014
Professor Joanne C Y CHAN
The Nethersole School of Nursing
29/5-1/6/2014 Osaka, Japan
Professor CHEN Yangchao
Special Conference of the AACR on Pancreatic Cancer: Innovations in Research and Treatment
Professor Alan C K CHEUNG
Department of Educational Administration and Policy
3-7/4/2014 Philadelphia, USA
2014 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association 2014
Professor Anthony Y H FUNG
School of Journalism and Communication
1-4/7/2014 Tampere, Finland
Professor KWAN Hoi-shan
17-20/5/2014 Boston, USA
The 114th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology
Professor Cindy H P SIT
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
21-24/5/2014 San Diego, USA
2014 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 2014
Professor H Christoph STEINHARDT
Centre for China Studies
17-19/7/2014 Singapore

Conference on Critical Diversities: Policies, Practices and Perspectives
Professor TO Kin-wah
School of Pharmacy
18-22/5/2014 Stuttgart, Germany
The 20th International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO)
Professor WANG Feng
The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
24-24/7/2014 Chicago, USA
Professor Helen WISE
13-18/7/2014 Cape Town, South Africa
The 17th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology
Professor Stephen H S WONG
Department of Sports Science and Physical Education
21-31/5/2014 San Diego & Orlando, USA
2014 Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA) 2014 & The 61st Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
Professor Phillip S C YAM
Department of Statistics
2-6/6/2014 Brussels, Belgium
Bachelier The 8th World Congress of Bachelier Finance Society
College Member
74/ College alumnus, Professor Gabriel H C LAU (74/PHYS)
Professor (by courtesy), Institute of Space & Earth Information Science
Research Professor, Department of Mathematics
Professor of Mathematics
Professor, Department of Statistics
Professor of Information Engineering
Professor Ignatius T S YU
Professor, The Jockey Club School of Public Health & Primary Care
7 31 8

3943 8654
The first round of application for International Conference Grant and Resident Fellow Schemes 2014-2015 is now open for submission. The closing date will be 31 July 2014. The outcome will be announced in late August. Guidelines and application forms of the Schemes can be downloaded at “Applications and Results” section of the College website. Successful applicants are requested to submit a report to the Committee on Cultural Interchange and Research after attending the international conferences or research collaboration with the resident fellows. For enquiries, please call Ms Amy M Y Luk, Senior College Development Officer at 3943 8654.
Staff Publication Scheme
3943 8654
The United College Staff Publication Scheme is now open for submission. The main purpose of the Scheme is to encourage the staff of United College to actively participate in research activities and to publish their findings. It is hoped that such publications will enhance their professional and academic standings with recognition.
Applications are welcome all year round. Guidelines and application form of the Scheme can be downloaded at “Applications and Results” section of the College website. For enquiries, please contact Ms Amy M Y Luk, Senior College Development Officer at 3943 8654.
20142015 International Conference Grant & Resident Fellow Schemes 2014-2015
/ Resident Fellow / Institution
/ Nominator / Department
Professor Nelson L S TANG, Department of Chemical Pathology
15/4 – 14/5/2014
Mr Tobaron WAXMAN, Tobaron Waxman Studio Katrien JACOBS Professor Katrien JACOBS, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies
9/5 – 8/6/2014
Professor Christopher H K CHENG, School of Biomedical Sciences
1/7 – 31/8/2014
College Alumnus
Adjunct Professor, Department of Social Work