, .. LOCAL NEWS. None*..After having for many years printed the Hate of letter* remaining uncalled for In the poet office of thle city, (under the law authorlitnf their publicatioa In the newspaper having the largeat circulation within the usual delivery of the office,) the proprietor of the Star haa at length felt compelled to decline their farther insertion, becauae of the great space they have coma to occapy, and of the fact that for months past be has been forced to lay over on each occasion, when printing the lists, advertisements the Insertion of which would hav* paid at least double as much aa tLe law alioWed him for the letter list In addition to thla positive pecuniary loea by their laaartlon since those lists have coma to be as large as the New York city letter llata, they have entirely.on the day on which they were printed.defeated hla purpose of snaking the star always a aewspapsr.newa being its well-known speciality. ________ A Mrs SKIRT* TO-NIGHT. Tsutii .A fine bill.three pieces,with John P. Owens In all. CAHTsaairnT Hall..A grand Mil of novelttee, embracing the Rsvsl pantomime, 11 Les Amors dee Alpes," Ward's great Corde Volante feats, and all the favorites la spirited performances. Look out for the matinee and ellk dreaa to-morrow afternoon. Cheisty's . The attractive extravaganza of « New Ynr'a Calla," and a rich variety of aonga and burleaque. Don't miss the great skating scene to-night, by any manner of means. Kme's AxpHiTHSATxa .A host of attractions to-night.Dsn Rice, the blind steed Excelsior, ir., the dancing horse, snd " them mules.'' with he entire troupe In s grand dlsplsy. A daylight performance to-morrow afternoon. Lsst night the amphitheater waa crowded with ladlea and gentlemen, and some hundreda of peraons who came late were refuaed admission Mr Tom King requests us to say tbst he ha* 150 front seats that can be purchased during the day and held In reserve, at a moderate charge. Thk Hutchinson Family..Mount Zlon M. E, Church. Georgetown. A tine musical entertainment, embracing choice collections of ballads, sones and melodies. We advise our Georgetown readers to go, by all meana. Acadkxt or Music, Pa avenue, between Ninth and Tenth streeta .Free concerta every evening, with excellent refreshments, Ac. Doors open at three o'clock p. m Citt Couhcils. Jan. 6 .Board of Aldtrmtn _ In the absence of the President (Mr. Dove) the Vice President f Mr. Brown) presided. A communication from the Mayor, tranamlttlng a proposition of Z C. Robblna to lease for ten years or longer certain property of the Corpora* tion, on the north aide of C atreet north, between Four-and-a->-alf and Sixth sts west, was referred. Also, a communication from the same, making the following nomlnattona for police constables under the new law: For the 1st district. J Dowdk ney, 5th,C H Hurdle; 7th, WW Klrbv; 8th, J. M Bosher; 9th. E Summers; 10th, R. F. Magee; 2d, 4th snd 6th, M O'Connor Also, the petition of Henry Weaver and 48 other butcbera, praying that stores and private markets be taxed according to the charter, and prohibited I , from selling certain articlea. The nomination of B J Bowen for superintendent of sweeps In the Second Ward, was confirmed A bill providing for a secretary to the Board of Health, with a salary of 81,200 per annum, defining his duties, Ac , waa passed The petition of R H Gillet, In relation to the numbering of houses, was reported from the committee on police with Instructions that the secretary transmit tbe same to the Mavor. The committee on police was discharged from the resolution In relation to the erection and keeping of livery stables A bill providing for the payment of the fifth Instalment of the principal and hslf yearly Interest on certain guaranteed bonds of the Corporatlon wss passed A resolution instructing the committee on public schools to inquire Into the expediency of authorizing the Mayor to appoint a superintendent of public Instruction was adopted; and the board adjourned. Common Council .The journal was ordered to be corrected by striking out the action of the Board two weeks ago by which tbe Board adjourned over till thia evening. On motion of Mr. Emerson the order of business was suspended, la order that the members might take tbe oath prescribed for tbe two boards, and Justloe Thompson proceeded to administer the oath to the members In tbe following order: First Ward.Messrs Morgan, Turton, snd Emerson; Second Ward.Messrs Callan, Richards, and Raub; Third Ward.Messrs Lewis, Shepherd. end Stevens; Fourth Ward.Messrs. Edmonston snd Mohun (sbsent Mr. Bylngton); Fifth Wsrd. Messrs Mulloy, Grinder, and Hitx; Sixth Wsrd.Messrs McGrath and Peake (absent Mr. Talbert); Seventh Ward.Messrs. Murtagh and Given Justice Thompson stated to the board that Mr. Wilson, of tbe Seventh Wsrd, expecting to be absent from the board, called at hla office and took tbe oath yesterday morning. Mr. Csllsn offered s rssolution appropriating S10 30 as a compensation to the magistrate for his services, adopted The regular order was resumed. The petition of Bridget Grysn for the remission of a fine, wss referred Mr Lewis, from improvements committee, reported the Aldermen's bill providing for an Improvement of the City Hall, by tbe conatructlon of proper water closets In the west wing; passed. Mr Lewis also reported a bill to repair the bridge on New Jersey svenue; passed. Also, a Joint resolution relieving property ownera on Fifth street, from G to I, from the gas tax; adoDted. Mr. Grinder, from the police committee, re^ ported back the petition of Stephen Ballev for certain privileges in reference te a contemplated wooden bntldlng, and asked to be discharged from Its consideration; the committee wss dlschsrged A joint resolution from the Board of Aldermen, Instructing tbe committee before Congress to urge the passage of s bill for ths construction of street railwayedby the Government, from tbe Navy-Yard to Georgetown, was passed Mr. Morgan, by consent, Introduced a resolution requesting tbe joint committee on health of th« city to consider tbe necessity of recommending a system by which a more general vaccination throughout tbe city can be promoted; passed. The Aldermen's bill for repair of bridges over Rock Creek; tbe bill naming the bridge st the west terminus of Pennsylvsnla avenue; and a bill to prevent the use of exposed lights, were referred Tbe joint resolution Instructing the committee before Coogrees to urge the rejection of tbe bill before Congress to Incorporate the Washington Rsi lway Company, was sdopted. A bill repealing aa act making appropriation for lamps and lamp-posts on North Cspitol street; s bill to tske up and relay a gutter on Fourteenth street snd New York svenue; a bill authorising the placing of nsmes of streets on street lamps: and an act to provide for paying the principal and Interest upon certain guarantied bonds, were referred A bill authorising tbe Mayor to tender tbe fireSlugs now la the city pipe yard to the General ovsrnmaat for the protection of tbe public proparty, wss passed; snd the Board adjourned DiATHsaor SoLDiias .1The following soldiers have died since our last report Thomas Earner, company C 23d Pennsylvania volunteers, at camp. Msrkos Trlfooa, company G 96th Pennsylvania volunteers, st camp. 0 viva a us B Plersons, company B 2d regiment U 8 Sharpshooters, at camp. Joha Bolton Young, drummer-boy, company C 47th Pennsylvania volunteers, at Soldiers' Retreat, near the depot. Charles R. Heath, company H 53d Pennsylvania volunteers, st St Elisabeth Hospital * * Benjamin Llovd, company A i3d New York volunteers; J C R. aardson, company G 11th Maine volunteers; J. W. Nickeraon, company E vrtb Pennsylvania volunteers, st Colbmblan Col- ls'e Hospital J. L Foos, company I 11th Maine volunteers; M. H Hunt, company F 10th Massachusetts volunteers, at Eruptive Hoepttal. fc" Arratas ih AUxahdhia..From the Alezandrts Local ,Viwi we learn tbatAhe January term of the county coart met yeeterday; Messrs. Crupper, (presiding) Sldeoottom, Tucker, Penn and Noland on tbe bench The river flats are blocked, and the channel full of floatlag Ice, not, however, sufficient to Impede navigation. The 17 8 steamer Yankee passed op, sad tbe C 8 steamer King Philip (steamboat Powhatan) paid two visits to the U. » steamer Peasacela The U 8 transports City of Richmond Eagle and Hugh Jenkins are at the wharves Tbe Delaware has sold toe Cumberland coal shipped la her some months since to tbe owners of the steamer Jsmes Gny, and baa come up to Wssblagtoo to deliver her load. Veaterday, two men detng buslnees under tbe Arm of Voelshaw A Simons, got Is to a quarrel while at breakfast, the former eels lag a hatchet and cutting Simons about the bead eeveraly. The wounded man was carried to tbe hospital, and is not expected to live. The essellaat waa committed to jail, to await a further examination. Boswbll's MnoiCATan Coves Caanr . See ad veruaemaat elsewhere of this sxcedent medical preparation, \ * ' Cbiminal Coubt .Yesterdsy, Alfred Howard. Indicted for the larceny of sixty dollar* In gold from Robert Newman on the 4th of October last, waa found polity and sentenced to two year* and six month*' Imprisonment In the penitentiary. Edward Hanso*, Indicted for the lareenv of two piatola from Lieutenants Robinson and Mataon, in the month of September laat, was foond f;nllty, and sentenced to two year* and six months' mpnsonment in the penitentiary. Thomas Long, convicted on Saturday of an aaaault and battery on Patrick Crogan, was sentenced to pay a fine of 812 and costs % Augustas Mtstlen, found guilty of assault and battery upon hia father-in-law, Frederick Marshall, was sentenced to pay a line of 92 and costs. Dismssxc.Mr. Samuel Dalley waa arrested by officer Kimball on Sunday for having in his possession a pair of mules which were stolen from Dr. McKslg, of Cumberland, Md He was taken to the office of Juatlce Donn, and the can was postponed tin this morning, Mr. Dalley giving security for a bearing. Thla morning the Investigation took place, and the possession of the mules by Mr. Dalley, was shown to be honorable, and the caae was dismissed. Some months ago a Mr. Slough was charged with the taking or theae mules, and hia caae waa sent to the criminal court. After the dismissal of Mr. Dalley, be waa aent to the grand jury as a witness In the caae against Slough. AHrvuTn..The boy referred to in the Star yesterday aa having hia crushed on Sunday from being run over by the cara on Maryland avenue, waa taken to the Washington Asylum, and at night thecruahed limb waa amputated near the hip. The operation waa performed by Dr. Pooley, surgeon of the 6th cavalry, by invitation of Dr. McKlm, physician to the Asylum, who assisted Last night the little sufferer, who is but fourteen veara cf age, waa expected to die, but this morning ha is doing very well It seems thst when he waa knocked down, and the first car paased over his leg, he hsd presence of mind sufficient to keep still until the entire train had paased Abbbst a Soldibb..Yesterday afternoon, a colored man who was clad In a military overcoat, waa driving a wagon up Pennsylvsnla avenue, and when near Eleventh street he was ordered to halt by a mounted soldier, a sentinel on his post. The driver paid no attention to the order but drove on, when the soldier started after him, and in order to force the driver to stop atruck one of his horses with a saber, inflicting a smart wound. The soldier was arrested by patrolman Measford, but waa taken In charge by the Provost Guard. Policb .Yes'erdsv, the Fourth Ward policemen made the following arrests, beside those elsewhere reported: H. T. Klippish, for peddling without license; fined 820 50 Catharine Courtney, do ; do. 820 58. J. M Young, obstructing an alley; dlamtssed. G D. Heywart, peddling without license; fined 820 58. Thos. Sullivan, drunk; dismissed. Morris Quintan, fugitive from Juatlce; jail for court. The above were disposed of by Juatlce Walter. Tbos. Connor, abusing a female; dlamissed by Justice Barnaclo. Cbntbal Guaidhottsb Casbs .Btfort Justitt dark..John Williams, drunk; fined 81 58. John Riley, do ; turned over to the military. Alexander McKeever, drunk and disorderly; workhouse 60 days J. C McKowen, turned over to the military. Emanuel A. Ingle,disorderly conduct; fined 83. A. Hulman, do ; do. 82. Finb Tobacco.Llllentbai'a tobacco, sold here by Mr. F Cozzens, on E street, (old Constitution buildln?.) between Eleventh and Twelfthstreets, is something new in this market. Being perhaps the finest ever sold in Washington, there is of courae a rush for It. Shoplittins..Louisiana Young, colored, was arrested yesterday, for the larceny of a dress pattern from Carter's dry-goods store, Market spare. She was placed In custody of Officer Busher, and after a hearing of the evidence by Justice Donn, she was ser'enced to receive ten stripes. Fix* .Last night, between 6 and 7 o'clock, an alarm of lire caused a general turnout of the fire department. The alarm was caused by the burning of some woodin sheds on 1 street, near Twenty-first street west. The loss was inconsiderable. Abut Waoons .On Sunday morning, a train of one hundred army wagons reached this city from Perryvllle, Pennsylvania, each wagon belnj; drawn by six mule* The teams were in bad condition, and looked aa if they had been subjected to unnecessary hard treatment. Fouitivbs fbom Vibgthia continue to arrive in this city and report themselves to the Provost Marshal They are required to take the oath of allegiance, which they do cheerfully. Last night the oath waa administered to nine by Justice Donn. Db. F .A Von Moschzisks*..This gentleman haa opened his office* at No 8 Missouri avenue, where all person* requiring medtcsl or surgical treatment for the eye or ear can be successfully treated. lt« Thb Allisanians give us one more of their very pleasing snd satisfactory concerts, at Odd Fellow*' Hall to-morrow evening. Engagements prevent a longer stay. X Focbth WabD Station Casks. Btfort Juttit» Walttr..Thomss Kennedy, drunk: fined 81. John Dacv, do : dismissed Bernard O'Neal, do.; do. F. H. Bark, drunk; do. 81 94. Attbntion," Company !.Volunteers who expect to retain their health unimpaired during the campaign must see to It themselves. Do not trust to the army surgeons. Supply yourselves with Hollowsy's Pills and Ointment. Every English soldier's knapsack contains them. Only 25 cent* per box or pot. < 212 Whitbhubst, 434 Penn. < n ue, furnishes photographs from miniature tolife slse His collection of eartt dt eui(« likenesses embrace all prominent men of the country. Remember, Whltehurst received seventeen premiums In this country, and a medal at the World's Fstr at London: also, at the French exhibition at Parla. See his rancy cases for holiday presents, de 21-eolm* India Rcbbbb Goods. India Rubber Coats, white or black, 82 50 each. India Rubber Legglns 81 per pair. And all kinds of Rubber Goods, Including Rubber Boots and Shoes, Rubber Stoppers for bottles, Door Mato, Under Sheetings for beds In sickness, Ac , Ac , at manufacturer's prices, at H A Hall's India Rubber Warehouse, 308 Pa. av., between Ninth and Tenth streets. dec 18-tf Notic*..Bevy* of counterfeits and unprincipled dealers endeavoring to dispose of their own and other artioles on the repntation attained by HtlmbvLVt Extract BucAu, a positive and apeoifio remedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel. Dropsy, ko.. to., Ao. Ask for Helrobold's. Take ao other. See advertisement in another ool sran. ae 3d DIED. In 'hisoity, on the 2d instant. JOHN 8. WILLIAMS, axed 43 years, a native of Conneotiout, but for the last 14 years a resident of WsshiQgt u. On the night of the 6th ins'ant, ELV1E ELLSWORTH RICHbKbON, aged 12 months, only daughter of Marons and Lottie Rioherson. Dearest babe, thou hast left us. We thy loss most deeply feel; But tis God that hath oereft us, He can all onr sor rows heal Her funeral vill take plaoe oa Wedneeday eve nine at 3 o'oiook. The friends of the family are Invited to attend * On the 7th instant, STBPHEN DOUGLAS, youngest son of Dennis and Mary O'Connell, aged 1 year 2 week* and 6 day*. H's funeral will tak* plaoe at 3 o'oiook to-morrow. from his pareste' residence, No 292. oorner of isth and D sts. The relatives and friends of the family are respeotfally lntued to attend. * On the Tth instant, ot typhoid fever, Captain WiLLiaM C. Pa LMKR. of Dorohester oounty, Md . be.oveo husband of M. R. Palmer, in toe 3Bth year of his age. The funeral will take plaoe at S o'oiook on Thursday afternoon, from the residence of his fat^er-ulav, Jtme* B. Davis, on C street south, b tween 3d and 4th street east. The frieads and ao*uaintanoes of the (hmily are reepeotfuiiy invitea to attend. * f B at. mors, New York, and Cambridge, Md., papers oopy J la Georgetown, on Saturday evening. January 4, DEBORaH LEONARD, wife of Jndson MitohaU. CHOICE OLD HAVANA RUM, v/ In Demijohn*. MINERVA WINE-a oeieb rated Spanish Wine, VKRSfoTtH WINE.an Italian Wine, mnoh used as a tonie, CHAMPAGNES, CLARETS, CORDIALS, Ao., of various braads. B'aLIAN MACARONI and VERMIC1LL1, oiler's New \ ork Pat' nt Cat L< >AF SUGAR. Foraaleby C. G. DxGARMENDlA. Importer and D«aler in Havana Segar*. de3ft-lm* No. IS Commeroe at . Baltimore QLOVK8 BUCKSKIN GLOVES. INDIA RUBBER HATS. A large assortment for sale at HKTMfUlR'S. Annrtotevo R GORDON A CO.'d PRESERVES. BRAN dy Fruits, and Jellies. KING A BURCHKLL. del* oorner Fifteenth sC and Vermont av. Quartermaster general's ofF1CE. Washinston Citt, Dee tk 1161. The Secretary of War direets that ao more horsee be bought until all now beiongins to the Goyenuaent ars :n aotive service. The attention of all Qaarta'maeters of the alar and Volunteer Army oalltd to the above W%i. C. ME,OB, ds 37-eoiM Qaartermas'er General U. 8. f OLD AND UNCURRENT MONBY PURVT abased. Bpeois aad U. S. Carrenoy Aooounts opeeeaT^deggujrs t ^ co > Beakers, Ne. 'ii Penn nvaaue, j*8-lin near Brown * Hotai, | WANT8. W ANTED-A NURS^-at Washington Houee. " Apply to Mr. MARKS, at the Offioe. It* WANTED IMNEHIATELV. Several good PANTA>.0<»N HANDS'. None others need apply. E. OWK.N, 966 Pa.av. j>7-3t* WANTED MMMED1ATELY-A WOMEN, ' * to cook, wash, and iron. «ood references required. Apply at No. 448 D street, between 3d and 3d. it* \JLT ANTED. A nioe middle age or voung WO" MEN, »o do tbe work of a ima.l family. Apply at 'Mo. 491 6»h street, between E and D (treat. Ja7 2t* WANTKD-* handsome furnished omny y furnished HOL SE in the western part of the oity, for a desirable tenant. Addreaa "House" Star Office. j% 7 at* f^OOK WANTED . a first-rate Ccok oan find V> a situation by aeplying immediately at 399 New York avenne. between 9th and 10th at* *10 per month will be paid Ja 7 3t* WANTED.By a respectable « !. a permanent " HOME, to do chamber work and plat" sewing. Can bnn? good referencea. App y to 399 B treat, between 9th and llh. ja 7-2t* WANTED.A gentleman, wife, child, and "" nura«, wants BOARD and two ROOMS, in a private family; or Furniahed rooma, with the privi lie of kifohen. Address HENRY," Star Office. if A GENTLEMAN OF NEAT AND QUIET habits. wi*hes permanent board in a genteel private family, where he oan enjoy the comforts ef a home. A New England family prefered. Address Post Offiae Box No. 38K- Ja7 3'.* BOARD WANTED.For two gentlemen and their wivea. in a private family preferred: or where there are few boarders. Mu«t be witnin fifteen or twenty minutes walk from the National Hotel. Addreaa "Electro," Star office, stating terms, Ao. W\KX.ED.A young and h*a!thv WET " NL RSE for a ohild 2 months old. Noneneed apajy without being well reoommsnded. App v to 4 34 Sixth at ja6 3t* IVANTED-An aotive, energetic BUSINESS " M*N may hear of employment by applying to JOHNSON, FRY A CO., 476 Seventh st. ja6 6t* WANTED-A BOV. Wanted, Booka, Old v~ Documents. Old Pspers, Old Coins. Libraries purchased, Letters, Autograph", Ao. Overthe Hank of Washinr'on, where I have removed mv stock of Books and wll \ave them for sale, lo.nno Government Books, Reports, Ac. Cheap Books for pedlars. jafr-3t* ALFRED HUNTER. A YOUNG MAN of good education, enterpising and industriou*, desires EMPLOY M ENT at some respeotable business, in any oap«city *hat he could make himse'f useful. Has a practical knowledge of architecture and hnildinr.and wou'd theref'Te prefer a situation »a draughtsman cle>k of worka. Addresa "J. M. S care of W. Stewart, PoeU)ffoe. ja6-3t* \17ANTED.An experienced oolored COOK, at 286 north F street, between 12th and 13th. Ia4 3i* WANTED.A commodiona HOUSE in a cen* * tral part of fh« city, suitable for a boarding house. Apply at 886 north F street, betw-en 12th and 13th. Ja4 3t* WANTED TO EXCHANGE.Improved or unimproved lands in Indiana ani Iowa for real estate or merchandise in this oity. Address * J.," Star Office. ja4-3t* WAN TED-A WOMAN to 00k. wash and iron for a f-mall family. Good refwrfnoas or recommendat'ons required; none need apply without them. Inquire at No. 4S4 Eat, bet. 5th and 6tlK ja 4 tf VVT ANTED. A good WOMAN aa ohambermaid * T and to do housework generally (except 000kin» ) Any one oominz well recommended wiP have a «ood home and good wases. Apply at 4 39 Fenn. avocue. between 3d and 4H streets, south side. ja 4 3i* WANTKP TO RENT.< Unfurnished) either a smal , gentee. HOUSE of five or six room". orfourKoom* of a house, with convenience for cooking, and two rooms for servants..locatirn to be between C aud H street* and !4th and 8th sts ,. by a onrotuai tenant. Please address notes to " W.," Star Office. ^*4 1 w WANTED.I .adrug rtore.a YOUTH between lo and 20 years of age. Candida*as must give satisfactory reference as to qualifications and character. The preference will be given to one who has been engaged in the drug business six or twelve mouths. Address "A B C,' Washington City Post Office. ja 1 lm* A FEW MORE ABLE-BODIED MEN ARE wanted to fill up n>y oompany in the District President Guard Regiment. Those wishing to join a 0 mpanr of respeo able men must oall soon at Peter Dingrelder's. Penn. avenue, between 4X and 8th sU. CHS. A. KRAUSE, de 30-lw* Captain. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, at the U. 8. Navy Yard, Washington, a number of LANDSMEN. de26 Im WANTED.Every person to know that I am in the market, feady to pay ouh for all artioles in the housefomishing line. Those leaving tne city, or having a surplus, will do well to call, R. BUCHLV, 498 Seventh st., between Gand H sts., <-ast side,) Dealer in New and Seoond-hand Furniture; no 16 WANTED. TAILORS, TAILORS -X Tailors competent to work on military goods. Apply G.KOLP.at Wall. Stephens A Oo.'i. so 25 WANTED..We are now buying SECONDHAND FURNITURE, STOVES and BEDDING, for which we are paying the highest oaan prioea. Families declining housekeeping, or having a surplus of fnrniture, will find it to their advantage to give us a oall. BONTZ A GRIFFITH, Jel3-tf No. 369 7th st.. betw. I and K su, _ S. WERTHEIMER A CO., A a A xDtt No. 46a and 464 Skvk*th St., tDI Opposite the Pott (/fee, Offer their stook of WINES. BRANDIES, GIN8. CORDIALS, e»c.,also their targe assortment of 8KBAR8, TOBACCO, FANCY GOODS, etc., for sale at W holesale Prioes. They keep constantly on hand fine PHILADELPHIA CREAM ALE, in kegs and bottles, for bars or family use The public in general are requested to give them a call and examine their splendid stook of goods. 8 WERTHEIMER A CO , 469 and 464 Seven'n streA, de 21-3m oppo. Post Office. JMPORTANT TO LADIES. The subscribers have opened the store No. 16 Market Space. Pa av. bet. 8th and 9th sts. as a first olass Lace and Fanoy Dress Cap Depot, consisting in part of Point d'Alenoon. Applique, Mecklec ana Valenoiennes Laces, snoh as Collars, Sleeves, Handkerohiefs, Cape*. Flouncing, Caps, Caps, Coiffures, and made up goods of the finest quality, and at New York pricesCOHEN A DU8SELDOR P, from New York. N. B..All sorts of Laces washed, mended, and done up eq ual to new, at short notioe. de 26-1 m* OLD MADEIRA, SHERRY AND PORT WINK8. Imported, and Bottled by W, S. Corwin t Co., N. Y Wanderer Madeira, bottled 1832, Reserve " " 1840, South Side " " 1844, Imperial Sherry, M 1840, Burmerster Port, " 184<t, Harmony 14 '* 1844, IinpM White - " 1840. For sale by WM. CORWIN BUR6Y, 357 Pennsylvania avenue, deSO Entrance on 8ixth St. PEIRCE'S Army Game Casket. 1 have jnst published this beautiful and convenient mventioa lor the use and amusement of soldiers and others. It contains, in a neat, small paper box that you oan carry m your pocket, a good Chess, Cheoker and Backgammon Board, with men and diae for the three ga nes ; also, a set of Dominos and a pack of good Playing Cards. Put up in three styles, acd retailed for 38 cents, 62)k cents, and 75 oent" each package and the Board and Men for all tae games, without the box, for 18 oenU. A very large disoount to sutlers and dealers. fendjyour orders or a stamp f >r oircular. JOHN H.TINttLEY, Publisher, No 162H Fulton street. Jal-lw New Yofr. /^LOSING OUT SALE OF FIRST QUA LITY Vy (No. NEW YORK BUTTER..The un dersigned have on haod.in kegs of different si|*s, f.wo pounds of best New York Butter, which they will sell extremely low, to oloae it out. It will be to the interest of all purohaaers to oall promptly at theatore of F. B. HASTINGS A CO , under tiii.tiarmonio Hail, Penn. avenue, near corner of leveath st., next door adjoining the Star Offioe. do 21 lut IWATCHE8.WATCHE6» HEREBY Take pleasure m inrbrming the publio of my return to my old stand at W. Voss', Iv Pa. avenue, between 12th and 13th streets jf^) Having er joyed tne refutation of be:og an ex perienoed European Watchmaker. I am now prepared to repair Chronometers and fine Watches at short notioe, warranted to give en'ire satisfao ion. JOS. KULINSK1 Persons desirwus of obtaining Jewelry and Wa'ohes, will find it to their aavantage to examii.e my exoeilent stook. All kinds of Hair Jewelry neatly and promptly executed. de« tw W. voss, 486 pe'cVr;a tIUnh. 486 A choice seleotion of Paperhangings, warranted Gold aua imitation Gold Band Window Shades; also. Buff. Hreen, and Blue Holland, by the yard or nade into Window Shades; Pietore Cord and Tasae a, different uses and o- lors; Pioture Nails. Rings. 4to ; also tha ha .dsomeet assortment i f Oval Pioture Frames in the oity, from ihe best manufactory in the oouLtry; also. Passe; artouU and Card VisiU Frames. All artioles wariarted as represented, or no sale. Purchasing for oa«h, all goods will basold at the lowest remunerative prioes Allowing no old stook to aooumulate, persons needing the above goods will ind new and desirab'e artfeie*. A oail sclioited. tl T~ Rsmsmber the namber,_/~Tl dein-twif* I doors above Odd Fellow' Hall. PIANOS.PIANOS.P1ANO8 ! HIS Morning reoeiv-o again a supply ootase Roeew^od Piano*, amoug^ tnem eegg&| brated Bsotory of wTftnabe A Co., ssisS.' or to rent at my Piaao Room, No. 49S dV«Ma* F, & RICHENBACH. »' »* LOST AND FOUND. TAKEN up ASTRAy-oa Satnrday morning, I iioml horse about six years old ||\_~ The owner is requested to *ome forward, prove property.HT charges, and ttke him**' » awar. j. brenn*"«, ja 7 8',* Corner Beoona anc H st». C«TR AY ED, or was stolen from No. 41 Maat gomery street, Georgetown. on Snn-^v__0 day arternoon, a terrier PUP aboat si3taL^*Sk months old, black. with long ears and- tail; bad on ite neck a ooi ar with braei elate, bat no ntae. For the return of the dof to the above >Wre.» a libera! reward will be paid. lt_ £<TR*YED OR STOLEN.From the City Hall on M<ndyr evening,9th instant, about j?v__ Hi o'o'ook, a email bay HORSE; white mark in h'« face, interferes in front. Hai * op a new MoCMlan raddle, strrnps cohered with enamelled leather. The bridle was new and mace of white leather. A suitable reward will be paid if returned to the subscriber, or for auoh information ai will lead to their recovery T Ei)W. CLARK, ja T-3t* Va. av.,bet. 9th and loth »ta eaa'. STOLFN.A fine black HORSE. 15* hands hich; 6 year* o'd; entirely black ®xoept ooe hind foot, whioh was white op toark'e; jL^T* the property of Su-geon Loughran.of the^** H'h Regiment N. Y. S. M.. loo*ted a: I'ptou Hill, Va. Wm i to'en while tied in front cf the harness store of Jame* S. T^pham on Seventh St., on yesterday afternoon. H«»n traced by hie owner up Seventh atreet as far as the first toll gate, taming on the first road to the right, after which t" traoes oou<d be had of him He had oi when taken a military bridle leather halter atd eair of martinga'ea hanging l"ote from his neck. Any peraon having ("formation of the hor«e will bearrp'y rewaided by leaving it at the Polioe Headquartera, or at the ffioe of Brown's Hotel. ja7 St* LO*T OR STOLEN.From the Washington Depot Saturdiy. January 4th,1662, eole leather TRUN K. medium ai*9, marked with oard on one end, Geo. A. Parker; and alao, a tag wit* S. M Felton. A libsral reward will be given by re'urnlng the same to v»i I lard's Hotel. js6-3t Lost..A email Chihuahua dog. reJduhbrown color, white f=e», white stripe in the faoc. oropped ears. When loat hads^^^f on a dark plaid blanket. Whoever will r .^ return raid dog to No. 139 F atreet, will be well reward edJ j* 4 St LOST.On the Rockville turnpike, about two milea north of Georgetown, a GOLD PENCIL set in turquoise, in the shape of a key. with a 'old wat^h key and small chain attached. If left at JACKSON, BROTHERA Co'a, opposite Browne' Hotel, a suitable reward will be given. ja 4 tf <2S>£n REWARD.-The atore of the snbserib"r>, on Seventh street, near Odd Fellows' Hell, having b»en robbed on the n'ght of the 1st January. lB6i. and Watches and Jewelry to a large amount stolen, thy W>1' *'ve S250 for the recovery of the goodi. ana .$51 for the conviotion of the thief or thieves. G. W. BRAY A Co , 516 Seventh street. ja « lw* Cj C REWARD..Bioke looaefrom Ha*a' Stable, V J corner of Fourth atreet and Maaaa-jr\^^ nhusetta avenue, on the Si inst, a SOKRELMAREanda BAY HORSE. The'XZV ma e has a a tar on her forehead and one shoe missing on right hind f>ot. The horse has the skin rubbed off his right breast. The abo-e reward will be given by returning them to B HAYS.o^r. Fourth atreet and Massachusetts avenue. ja4 3t* District of Columbia, county WASHINGT05, to wit;.I hereb* oertify that there was brought before me as estray, bv C L Hart, trespassirg on 11* premises.a BAY HORSE, with all four b'ack feet; ne had on a Government Bridle and an open seated Saddle. He was taken up on the lstirst. Given under rny hard and sea', this 2d da* of January, 1862. THOS C DONN. Justice of the Peace for Washington County, D.. The owner of the above described h^rse, raddle ard bridle will pi- a«e come forward, prove proper'y aharges,and take them away. C. L BART, Fifth street, weat. ja 4 3t* IOST-On the 27th instant, in Georgetown, near u Seoor.d and !V1 ar« > -etr^eta, a brown^s__^^ and white colo-ed POINTER n«,p a ohain collar around his neek, and the name of "J. B Jo ej, Glymont. Md engraved thereon; a«d answers t-> the name or^'Tip." A suitable reward will be given, if left at "is ''cr.n, avanue, ope do.ir from Thirteenth at. de3! Iw | OST .A SLAL KING, and a FOX HEAD ij SEAL, attached to a ring, withc">rn;ahan set. .«5 reward will be given to whoever retnrna the articles to this office. , de2-tf KOK SALK AM) KENT. IT'OR RENT.Two large furnished ROOMS on F the eeaon l floor. Inquire at 460 Eleventh st., b twe*n F anJ G ja7-3 * URNISHED ROOMS TO LET. WITH B>>ard, to gentlemen; in a plearant location, near the Capitol. Inquire at Star Office. It".? FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT-A Parlor and two Chambera, communicating, on Eleventh atreet north, between E and F sts. Inquire at wm. B ENTWISLE'S drug store,oorner Penn, avenue and 12th at. ja 7 eo3t* PKW IN KPIPHANY CHURCH FOR SALE, being No. 100, central looat'on. Inquire of j*ME-» F. MALIUAY, 391 New York ay nue.or of the Janitor of the Churoh. ja 6 6t FOR RENT.With or without Board, a neatly furniahed and oomfortable SITTING ROOM and a fine BED ROOM attached, at No ASO Twelfth atreet, east aide, between G and H »». The location la one of the moat pleaaant and convenient in Washington. Al«o. the rooma are v jry desirable. No children in the house. ja6-iw 1 BURNISH ED ROOMS TO LET A FEW micutea walk from the Capitol, No. 12 North A atreet. ja4-3t* TWO LARGE PARLORS. TWO CHAMbera and Kitchen, nompletelv furnished oan be had by addreaaing E. M. B., Box u Stnr Office. ja4-3t* Handsome furnished rooms, next door to Wi'.lard Hotel.214 Pennsylvaniaavenue_ i*3-'w* FOR SALE.From 4.«v> to 5 oon cordi of WOOD standing within 2X milea of Beltrville. Inquire of J. R. STEVENS. Wood and Coai Dealer, No. 469 Firat at >a 3Jw*_ FOR SALE.An old establiahed RESTAURANT, well a ookrd and provided, aitnated on Pennaylvania avenne, in an eligible buainesa locality . Thia reataurant la on the first floor of a large and commodious three-atory brick dwelling, on which there ia t three year le»se and whioh will be includes in the aalo of the above. For further particulars apply between the houra of 9 and 9 o'o ook at No. 3S Louisianaav , near 6'h st ja3-1w» FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT.On Fourth street, between I and K streets. Inaui'e at No. 2S6 Fourth street. 31-1W OR SALE OR EXCHANGE .l.BOOaorea of aeleoted timber LAN D. in the North Weat, will be aold or eiohanged for property :n the City of Washington. The land is well timbered, containa water power, »nd ia a aure investment. Address Exchange,*' box No. 30 Waahington Post Ogee. de 19 1m FOR RENT.Two pleasant rooms, neatly furnished,in a firet-class resiiienoe in Georgetown, with boa d. To a permanent tenant terma will be moderate. Apply at 147 West at .George town. d«I7 " FURNISHED'APARTMENTS IN TH E FIRST WARD FOR RENT..A oomfort ably Fnrniahed Parlor and Chamber, communicating. Alao, one or two aeparate Chambera. Enquire at the premi'ea, No. 110 oorner of Pa. ave. and 2nth street, north aide, Firat Ward. deal eo5f COR R KNT.A neatly and well furmrbed PAR r LOR or CHAMBER, pleasantly located, in a private fami'j.460 New York avenue, onlvafew yards from the State Department, or K lggs k Co. a Bank, or the omnibus line from the Capitol to Georgetown. Rett very low, (by the week or month ) ja4 >:eo F^URNISHKD ROOMS TO RENT.a Parlor and Ch»mber, oommumoating, on first floor. Te-ma reasonable. Inquire at 334 C, between 4X and 6th ata ja 4-3teo* U ANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM8.II. Four handaomely Fnrniahed Rooma, supplied with gaa and water, and convenient to tin Pate> t and Poet Office Departmeuta, for rent. Apply at 490* Massachusetts avenue, north aide, between 4th %n<1 4th »t* KDU NATIONAL. (^HEGARAY INSTITUTE, . j 1S27 and 1529Sp*cc*Sr.,PHa*DXLPHia. Thia Inatitute, oonducte<l for two years paat in the city of Philadelphia tj madam* Cheoabay and her niece Madams D'Hxxvillt, upon the same principles as the oua in New York, eatab lished there in 1814, will reopen,after tbeChmtmaa holidays, on Monday. January 6th. with its uaual ample and complete provision for the education of Young Ladies, under the direotion of Madame D'Hervilly Ciroulara. and all requiaiU information, can be obtained on applioation to the Prinoipai. ]a7-lm J VIOLIN AND VIOLONCELLO. OHN K. GOODALL, Profeseor and Teaoher of the above, tenders his e rvoes to the pub ic. I erma 91 per lsaaon. References to any musio an in the oitv. Several o*his pnptlaare now the beat violin ists in the world Via: Le Petit Oie Buil. Fred. Buckley, Ao Ae. Aadr^ss Rullman'a UoH. Pa. avenue, near 4H strret de«i im* EDUCATIONAL. ROF. C. F. B\rnes' Dancing School at Temperance Hall, e atreet, b'tween »th and 10th, »ill commence TUESDaV, December jq S4th, and oontmue every Tueeday and Kn day.afternoon olaa^aa at 1 ( 'eiook, and eve-U> g nmg claasea at6H o'olook AH of the faahionab.e dacoe* will be taught during the aca-oii. The ba*t musio will be in at'.endan e under the diraotioa of Prof. George Arth. Call for aciroular. dell lm Madamelkontineblanchet, db Paris | j Q j PHITATE FRENCH LESSONS. Apply at IS 1 West street, Georgetown ; or 4«T F street, Washington. de 10-lm Come to the Clothing Store , Number Three Hand red and Fifty-four, tlJp stairs;) 'tis there yoa will ind Good aad oheap Clothing of every kind ! Great sacrifices fo* so days..my stock will be eolJ without regard to coet. oousisting of Coats, VesU aad Panta of the finest quality, made up and trimmed in the latest sty.es. Call aad see. No troubie to jW^tKjg-£j£p n,w """' o'ZMA NECE 1,88 VoM&5Ri; NECK TIES' A. J-M.P80N-8, GEORGETOWN ADTKBTMT8 LIST Or LXTTEM RCNllNINfl IN THE POST OFFICE. GEORGETOWN, D C , Far the MhU eadtaf Dwraktr SI, 1M1. fjy Ptnoii applying for letters id the following list will plea*® My thev ara vlrertised; otherwise they may not receive them. LADIES' LIST. Aabford Mitt Julit AHolItt Ado & Overton Mr* Maret Ager Mim Loam Hall Jan* C Order Mr* Mar* A BlancLard Mr* EllaHe*a Mr* C D OlWtr Rachel t V I Hall Mr* Cynthia A Pne* Mr* Hells* A Burrow, MiuAui Harmon Mm* liu Friii* Mr* H A Barker Mr* Br Hut; Ellen Peirta Mr* M A Beckert Charlotte Hon Henrietta T Prathar Mary E B-l; U«J Herbacd Lomea Qoern Mia* feuaao Birch Mr* SaaanaahHafman Mia* LitiieRitchie Mia* L E Brawn Mr* R P H;>:i Mirths E Ke<dMreFR Bole Mr* M E Hill Mart*. V 2 Rtid Miaa * rancee Banti Marftrtt Haamord Mirrii Roberta Miaa Hillta Carsai Mr* A 8 Hunt Mr* 8d*ah Ricard Mia* Marg % Car moo Mary Jan* Hooxr Mr* Barah LReely Miaa MargH Ccnan Bridget Hill Sarah A Robmgvoo La ara Cole Barbara Johnson Miaa 8 E 8il»er Miaa Sarah Carpenter Miaa IV Rata* Loot** Sterctu Miaa M E t Clamant* Mr* Jan* Kiaaj Mm Mar/ 8iardaa Mr* Mar* Cs'fctrtou ilai* Kiffan Mar* Aon Sag# Mr* Hannah Carry Mary Aaa Block M.a* Sarah Singltton Mrt H t Campbell Mr* M A King Mia* Sarah Bnotrdea Miaa P Coojhlan Mr* MaryRemeroa Mia* Baa Etoaa Mi** E.ita Connell Marr Keur-i. Miaa E Bhteler Mr* Cor4*a ChamberI in MarthaKtllogg Mr* Htnry Showsrs Locrttia M Crowell Nelly Loogfiu Eva T IHgge Mr* A 8 Linen Mary A t Tbonpaon Mr* Dr Darn Mr* Aon Murray Mr* Eliia T«rry Carolina Dare j Mr* Catka'e Mttchall EUan E Thotna* Mr* Jaa* Da.it Mr* HarrillP Metger Mrtitrtct Tkoau Mr* Jiaaf Dauria Harriat Mtridm Mr* Lidia Thomat Miaa MarV Does Mar* Jane Mulier Nina Thomat Mr* Aaa E E.under Therssa McBridc Msry \unWitkini Mr* Bouo Fratar Mr* E'lta'h Norton Mr* L S Werrar Miaa R Fleet Mr* HC Neele Miaa Stole Wilton Mr* Gorman Mr* Ntwjahr Mr* BridlWaahboro Mr* E Gtltv Mr* Margt Oglt Mr* Auna V Wright Mtt A Gibeoo Rati* Orion Mitt J tut Wilfiamton Mr* M Gladmon Andelia On Mr* Marnrit YaM Mia* Haget Miaa M A GENT LEMEN'S LIST. Acstrman Wm Gladmon 1 P O'Neal Ju F Adams Tboa Oilman Mr OUnllivan J F Arret Oacar C-9 Ghent W H Obirn* Jaa Armtb? Urom Grove Jackton O'Kant Capt Jaa Antt.n Makloo Gibbon* John O'Oea Jaa Appl*f*te J O Gnrnton Jchi* P Otiti Juo Aiken Aniel-3 Gorman Peter O'Count 11 L Allard Lt A A-4 Grie* N R O-Connell Miehl Buebecker Ab'm Gormen Wm l Olmatead 8utord Bubeck Jaeob Gune* Wm H Payne Euoe Brutt Albert Garrett Wm H Patridge Adit Bower BergCha*-3 Goucher Wm Fool* C 8 Buleen Cym* W Harru J W fegelt Chaa Barber Dr floorer Re* J W ParkrrCai'in E Baker DanIR Hill Jat Pierce Chaa W BiilersaOeo Holcropt Jno B-3 Pftertou Dannia Beebe Geo Homiller Jacob P«ynr Daaid O Bcewetl Hsrrr 2 Harlan Jeaate fowere Den&i* Blunt H W Hamilton Jat H Pa*co F Bailey Hester E Hanna Johu Paul F Bertoler H F Hower John A t Pierce J Frank Brown J H Houacr Jaa H Pierce Kraklia Bucktbtom John Hayden Johanaah Pearoce FerdinaaA B*ek A H off man Joa-t Peirce Gao W By*rly Jaeob Hawkint Benj J-3 Piraont Capt Q Brouner J>t H Howard C A Praul Henry Burke John Hali E J Poat Jno Btrigen John Harry E D Paul Jaa BulEngton larael Hootou Lt Harry Parker Jo* Byngjohu Hught John Philel Stml R Beak ft Lt Iaaac Haynard Philo Pendleton T K Ball R L Haub Louie Parker T B BucklyR HerbetLart Parker Wm H I Bortou Tho* J Hall M O Peteuaer Fmrd* W Ball T A Hemphill Htnry PtnntAll Wm Bogue Thoa Hair Rtbt Q.umly Frank J Bl.tk.ner N E Hnrlty K W R0yb Ambroae D Browu Wm Hatting i 8 T Root B F Babcock W m H Ha**lton Uriah Rilt* B Beorad Wm R Holeu Tho* Re*dy Calrm-t Bell Geo W Johnton Capt Rallondaon Alonao Broken Zachne* J,|«n John Roktr David R Bouwey W T John* Jo* jr Rum Dr E J Burne* Martin Jndtowa Ltwit Read Etli D Briggt Phillip Joh. touWmC R tdenbuuG W B^u vca Edward Johnaon Thoa T Rupert Geo Burloid y.i-i lehbioer Cbritloph Re d Horatio Curtain Mich'l Johctoo » u. C Retd H W ir Calahan inicb 1 Kenuey Aron H..|kman Henry Chamberlain A J Kt.iy Capt Rule Juo T-i Coleman B F Kmc Fr«r *ik Rider Jat Crocker Dtra Xeanard Jat B R ibertaoo Jno F Chandler Capt Rinching R E rieaMvJi.e C raey Edward Rent Capt Jo* lUfr'el Har Cor^ » Geo Kra<r*-!e bas Rum:'. Jo»l G C>«.ub»r!iu Gee jr n». ny John R. . PhilipG 2 Chamberh" «JaO W Kaller Iaaac Riukir 8a.. . o Carden Wm ^ Reliopg Henry Rofhenr-'ter Win "an W F KtlJoga Henry ivead Lt W A Callehoo Jua Keliy Ca^t Jaa R-2 Roehoy A Co Coade Joa Keppl* Levi Spohr Adam ^ rb9y W;.i Kelly Patk * »4er Cour.d Curr;r. J , Kelly Patk E Sprana.e David Culien Jaa G R«i"* oami blioor Cart Y. Ch "nbers John Kirhy Th<* A Simian Freak Calhown Joe Kelly Timothy Npearoariet Canleer M M Ke.iuic T a 8nule Geo W Conroy Patrick K >tt- .".anderMVE Schiuut Car.'. G A Clarke R H K«lly Win buved Hiram CuminintCaptRP-2 Kipp Warren-2 Swcaev l*auc W Cain Robt Laiidon Andrew Sa^ar )effe.aou Conrad 8 J Lombard Capt G WSrnaliweMd Jo* Cotirad Sointrfield Larkir Juo Snively Jno 8-2 Crown Sani Lake Jno 8 Strattee Jacob B Caton Timothy Laugoo** Jno Smith Jno of R Collin* Tho* Lewia Jo* T SlnppJot Coumm Wm Leufer Jno Sierr Paliut Crowley Wm F Lipont Letba Btnnerood J D Dnlaoey Caltb Lake L L fiaggrei CaptJaa Druce leaac W Leitinger L M Bchonter Juo W Dyer A mot Lower^ood M H-2 Sanderton Jo* Davit Chaa H Lairphere Wm Strong M A Capt Dill Cha* Lyon* P*tk heaPeter Douohue Oanl Laoaard Riehd 8teven* Paul Doworan Oanl-2 Leaihcr Wm Stoke* Patk Dueall E Leiaher Wm S^urdRantom Drell Franci* Linn Wm-J 8w*eneyTbo* Deniton Franklio Murphy Franeit Smith Tlio* Davi* H*nry Mauge F Shepperd Wm Dailjr H M Marrow Franci* Stulman Lt W A-3 Davi* J y Moore F L Smith Wataoo Dtrman John 2 Meek* Cha* E Htalferd Wm F Dibble J T Moore C W-4 Smith W L Douglaat Jaa Marcey Caleb Btuard Wm Dorceye Luer* McKeree B W Saltberry Hugh Doub Dr MUtoo Maawell Henry Thtmpaon Capt 8 Dultff Mr Muuy Hugh Trundle A C Durboran P N Mattouy Hoory-2 Thomptom Wm Duly 8 C-2 Mill. Hiram F-S TalmerThoe DremettTho* Miller Amoa 3 Town CaptTH DolanWmH Mulrreer Jno H Turner Saml Dolan Wm Macloliater Joaiah TaggMichl Davit Ja* W MurryJa* Terrell Jat Davit Lt Win D Mile* Capt J B Treun Jno Ir M D-3 Davie Wm * Murray Jno ThompaonBS Duun Wm Moorheart* Milton Thompaon Edwin Donolaon Wm Mack Michl Titlow Eogene 0 Doyle W in Mulcabey Morn* Vangordcn Wm Drialan W Mason Netll Wyeth Dr A R Day Wm May Stml W iiliame Abm Edmondeon Elijah May 8 Wileon C M ErwiuWmH McGuire Owen WalkeeChaaN Englebert J L-2 McGuire BenJ Watte Cooarod E'.tyne Jat McCarty Dennie Wilaon Cha* E-3 Edmondt Daii'1-2 McFarltnd Capt Will* Fredk ErertC McNollyJno Worl Geo M Ewing Wm B McKinney Ja* W ebater Gee W Engl* Jobn-2 McDonald Jat Wathiugtoo Htnry Edwardt A Adam* McDonald JaaACoWendee Henmat Freest:n Wru-2 MeGreehar France*Wha!a* H^nry Farmer Wm McOooald JeremiahW alter Henry Fanc*ttThoa8 McCamack Patk Wallace Jat-2 Fotter Thoe H McDonnal Richl Whilighan Jaa Fithman 8 McKinnty Rott W erkman Geo H Flynn Patrick McGrath Richd WardJno-2 Flanagan Peter McMurtrte 8 M Wharton J M Finegan Pat k Morgan Thot P Witt Jaa Folaoin Lt M M Moriarty Thoe-3 W huioy Lt J N Flagher'.y John Murpbey Jat Warren Wm W Fernwtlt Itaae Matloy Andrew W erkmeitterB Fortett Jacob Mucenbbin Thua M Welty Lt Z i FoluJettie MtLaurhlin W H Whaieor Maruu FranttJohuH Mason H m H Webar Peter Fox Jacob NabhJnoF-2 Welch Reete Peehelyjae Nolen Jno Weaver Saml A Fiuk Frederick Nelli* Henry Weaver Saml FowUr Edward Neltou Chaa Ward Wm H Fonda E H Nicbolton Ma) Yocng Jaa H Fink Alfred J Nicbuia'^uCaptAMrtYeoi.. nt A B Girham A 8-2 Nichol*oe> Capt A J Zollvi Capt H A Ir GrtySewellC Normine Tho* AJat Zernerman Ricbd Geer A M MISCELLANEOUS. B.; Colonel of the Columbia Guard*, High 8t. K7" Alt Letters (except " Soldiers' Letters") mu*(,ia every laataaae, be prepaid. % It HENRY ADDISON, Postmaster. !> UNION LKAGUE. GK^'RGLTOVVN~ Lll There will 6e a meeting of the Union Leigue THURSDAY EVKOili*G, January 9th, at 73a o'clock, ti j order of the President ja7 3t ISAAC ENTVVlSLE.gfc. nrs.LADIES' FESTIVA L..This Festival for LL3 tne benefit oi the Methodist Protestant Church, Georgetown, D. C . will to osfn THIS EVENING and TO-MORROW EVENING,and entertained by the Holy Hill Ba&d. It* |V^f» NOTlUE L 1C k N S E S ..AH persons LkJs whose licenses from the Corporauon of Georgetown expire on the 31st instant are hereby notified promptly to renew the same, otherwise they subject inemselvea to a fine, and the law is compulsory on the proper officers to enloroa aa>« law agsinstall deltnqueaU. dp 27 aiawtJsnio WM. LAIED, Clerk. CONCERT IN GEORGETOWN, D C. W ill be fiven by the Hutchinson Family, At the MOUNT ZION M. E. CHURCH, On TUESDAY EVENING, January 7th Admission SS can's. jag W POTATOES. B Have in store, aad for sale at lowest rates, a lot of prime Prtnc Albert and Peaoh Blow POTATOES. Also OATS, and a rma t lot of prima ONIONS. HU8EY A BAANARD, Bridge St., 3 doors west of Hirh. daSl-1w Ge >rgetown, D. C. ojfcf Military Bocts pni AT WHOLESALE. F \ W«have aowinst re. to cases Calf htitaUaU F namel I »g Boots, » Grain " a moh 40 * " Uuil'ed Bot. L. L. ** Sti » Cavatrr» inch ** 160 - « heavy duub. sole 16al8 inch " 5"Calf " - 16 inch 44 Also, a variety of Ca'f and K:; Boots, B ys'and Yocthe' Boots, and 1 shies' Baimorvs jTT. V. HITEHOU8E, No. 16 Market e paoe, de 88 1m* Penn. av^ between stn and nth sU. NEW MILLINERY. OW On haud anu oolsUli y reoeivtnt new supplies of WINTER BONNET 8, oompris-^T* int th»t ewest ard m<>»t d»«traMa of^Ksl theswsru.a'. HUTCHINSON A MlNRO'l^ t-anoy Store, 310 Pri^n. \v»iiue. between 9th and l< th streets wi ere Miss Thompson is prepared to axecuu promptly ail orders le.t with her. Also, just received, a new ccpply of Head Dreeees, Artihoiai Flowers. Pevhers, Ac., to whiok we invite the attentiou o: tlie ladies. da M ORSEe KO» SALE, or erery deecnption. jv Constantly on > ai.4-Louisiana aveaee, TJSR rar taa Center Market de U-ta* ATTahTI0N.&ly^gr,o»F10KaS al.0 A l.r,. .took of CAMP iVTOVEH, rniklaM and for sale at SSI Pennsylvania avaaae, near Center Marks*. de 11-n H.J. GRRGORV. 4a U corner Vermont av. and Fi/Uaati, »t. » - ~ ,n* t SECOND EDITION. THKH yCLOCl, f. M. OUR MILITARY BUDGET A ClVUtT MUl. There «u aa admirable dlvtsloa drill la-day t It o'clock, oa the ground* coo: o( tbe Capitol, of the regular cavalry, under Goo Cook. This remvkably Inr arm of tbe service have nek drllli twice fWj week-Tueadsys u4 Friday* Miim H'udqutrtrr' Armv of tk* Palsaasi, ) to Washington, Doe. Wit ( Gtntral Ordert, fit 57 The Commanding Urnortl expreeeee his tbanke t> Brigadier General Ord, and tbo breve troop* of his brigade, who ao gsllaatly repelled aa attack of an equal force of tbo enemy oo tbefiOth tout Tfce General taboo pleasure la obsarvlay tbo reodlneo* of toe rrm» ntag troop* of Macau's dlvtsloa. and tbe able dispositions of ihelr commander, to repel tae enemy la eaaa of too advaaea of reinforcements. Tbe General would alao acknowledge too 41^. ttngulshed eervleee of Col McCalaaoat, 1Mb lafan'ry, Pennsylvania Volunteer Reeerve Co** Col. Jackfon. $>:h Infantry, Pennsylvania V©leather Reeerve Cor pa. Lieut Col Kaaa, rite raftinent, Pennevlygnla Volunteer Roiom Ooraa; and C^pt. Eaaton. of Esatoa% Battery, wbiob contributed, In a largo degree, la too .ocss* af tbe day. By command of Major General McClellaa, 9. Witiiilia, iait Ad't Goal. THE LATEST BY TELEGRAPH FROM FORTRESf MONROE. Baltimoei, Jan 7..TbeOld Point beat baa arrived bore Tto Jameotown arrived bere alee oa Sunday night, from New York Tbe const ear vey acboooer Bibb srrlved on Monday Bight. We get aoutbern paper* by a tag of tntoe; (Ley contain no new* of any Importance, except diepatcbeo claiming tbat Federal troop* bare beea repulsed and forced to take refuge under cover cf tbelr gunboat* at Nortb Edlsto FURTHER BT THE BOHEMIAN. Lokdosdksbt, Dec. 27 .Advice* from Canton, Cblna, of tbe 15tb rf November, aay tbat Mr. Burllngsme, tbe American Mlnleter, bad beoo well received there, and tbat beaubeeqmatly loft for Shsnghae en route to tbo capital. A few foreigner* bad been Invited to vteit Pekla Tbe rebela were near Ningpo, and tbe Inhabitant* were fleeing to Shanghae, where tbe alarm had sub*1d>-d. Hong Kow waa reported to be Invented by tbe rebela. It was alao reported tbat tbe "Bravea" there had attacked tbefoeelgners la tbe street* and bouaea, and that placard* were pooled ap threatening tbe extirpation of tbe Europeene Lissom. Dec 26 .Great excitement la exlat'ng here In regard to tbe death of tbe late King Hie body is to be disinterred and analysed The public are greatly stl red up In regard to the matter and troops are patrolling tbe streets to preaerve order. LnxnoHDitaitr. Dec. 27 .Tbe advices from Amerlra are unfavorably construed In London, and the fund* *re 4*ooplng In consequence In Liverpool pec?**' . i? "pes preponderate, and cotton Is rl*1ng A number of gunboats have been ordered to tbe Mereey It is reported that the frigate Algiers baa been statloneu oB tbe Strslts of Glbraiter, to jreveat tut; message of privateer* The frigate* Lificy and Melpomene were to leave Glbialtar on (he 21et Inst., for America It I* rep"*?M Paris Kat tbe Orleans Princes are to return to Europe urtbwlth The Mngllah papers are discussing tbe Trent afld'.r in a hopeful view, believing tbat tbe rebel commissioner* will be given up by tbe Cabinet at Washington, and a war be tbu* averted Pending tbe receipt of news from America, In response to tbe L glisb advice* by tbe Europs, there is much specu.alion aa to whatdeclslon tbe United Stales Government will arrive at The result is being quietly awaited. The prevailing opinion, however, la In favor of peace War risks at Lloyd's have s downward tendency. 1 he English paper* calculate on tbe diapatch of the French Government reaching Washington before Mr Seward sends bis rrplv to Lord Lyons . In regard to tbe demand of tbe British Government The papers express tbe hope that tbo French diapatch will reach Waahington In time to influence tbe replyof Mr Seward The Pari* Preaae says tnat new southern commissioners have arrived at some German port, and are now en route to Paris and London The London Times has a crltlclam en Secretary C base's financial report, and expatiates at *omo length on tbe extraordinary extenalon of tbe borrowing system, declaring that it exceeds anything In England'a history. Franee Is sbout to arnd reinforcements to tbo squadron off Mexico, and also to the squadron off the northwestern coast of America It Is also rumored In Part* that a squadron of observation 1* to be aent to tbe eastern coaat of America under Admiral Uenand. Tbe Madrid correapondence says tbst Spain is to send from 6.UU0 to 7.0U0 men to Mexico, and tbat tbe Spanish squadron will sail la three divisions CONGRESSIONAL. XX TV 11 th COflGimV-ljeeoBd ftesslos. Tttbsdat, January 7. Sbn4TK . Mr. Sumner and others preaented sundry abolition and other petitions, which were referred. Mr. Powell Introduced s bill to sbollsh tbe frsrklng privilege, which wss referred Tbe bill to Incresse the number of cadets at tbe West Point Military Academy coming up, wa* advocated by Mr Grimes and Mr. Clarke, and oppoaed by Mr Trumbull and Mr Lane, of Kansas Hocsa.The Speaker laid before tbe Houas a communication from tbe Preaident, transmitting copies of tbe correspondence between tbe Secretary of State and tbe Governments of England and France in relation to tbe seizure of Mnaoa aad Slidell Mr Vallandlgbam condemned the action of the Administration upon tbe subject, regarding It aa a deep national humiliation, and predicted an Immediate war with England. Mr. Hutcbi"s '»piled, expressing bis Inability to understand bow tbe gentleman could no bitterly oppooe coercion of tbe rebela, and at the same t me warmly fkvor defiance to England 1 He regarded a recent article In the Richmond Examiner, In relstlon to tbe surrender of Msaon and Slidell, aa a counterpart of bis (Mr Vallandlgbam's) expression, and thought tbat bis remsrns vould bear tbe Interpretation of a desire to bring about s war wltb a foreign Power, reoultlng advantageousl to tbe rebellious States. MrTboma* addrea»ed tbe Houae, endoralag the action of tbe Government a* a matter of policy, and predicting future retribution upon England for tbe wrong done this Government la aa hour of weakness. The communication and papers were then referred to tbe Committee on Foreign Affklra, aad the House resolved Itself Into Committee of tbo Whole (Mr. Csmpbell In tbe cbalr) upon the bill making approprlat; ons for defraying the civil expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, and addlttooal appropriations for the flsca- year ending J une 30, 1864 AFFAIRS IN GEORGETOWN *f Ths Stm. GtoaesTows, Jaa. 7, INK Tbe first Mondsy In January being fixed by law as th* day for the annual election of Corporation officer* here, the Board* of Alderman and Coaamon Council aaeembled in joint ooavenOoa laat evening, Henry C Matthews, Eaq , presiding, and proceeded to elect o«oers to serve tbseneolag yfTbe Recorder, Hugh Capertoa, Esqwaa roelecSed on the first ballot He was 1 so mediately notified, and soon after entered tbe chamber, wbaa be was sworn in by Justice Reaver ^ Mr Caprrton, before taking bIs seat as president of the convention, returaad bis thaan la a brief and appropriate speech. . . . The following cMcers were then elected Clerk and treaaurer.W m. Laird, re-elected T«x collector.Cku 0. Welch, J** pec tor* and markers of lumbar.Charles Myers and Heary C Wingate, re-elected Flo. las pec tor.Geo Sboeanaker re-electod. Importer of salted provisions, butter, Ac .Jaa Robiaeoa Market maater-Haary B. Walker, re-elected Weigher of bay.Jtc ,.H G Kltter, re-elected. Guardian* of Georgetown school.Goo W Beall, Esaa Plckrell, W L- Dualop, W C Ms«eo. C D. Wel-ti, Henry King and Thomas Jewell, toa first lo^belog re^lccted. Pol^e (a new o*cr.) .H Reaver . J measure-*.H A Burrows aad W. R Collias. re-eiectad. Troetee of the poor.M. V. Bockey, In place of Tboa Know lea Inspector of fire oe_ cluea.John (4 Larma* re-elected Chimaey swoep.John Siloooe, ro^ lected J udgas ofeleetlon.first precinct-J F Barch, 8 w " J*i aw Jacob Kamaborg Water beard, (Mayar^ta^dorllaad bstsaslag a ea*4i«a lor r* eieauoo. * » t 9

LOCAL NEWS. WANT8. AND SECOND EDITION.aaaault and battery on Patrick Crogan,was sentenced topayafine of 812andcosts % AugustasMtstlen, found guilty of assault and battery upon hia

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Page 1: LOCAL NEWS. WANT8. AND SECOND EDITION.aaaault and battery on Patrick Crogan,was sentenced topayafine of 812andcosts % AugustasMtstlen, found guilty of assault and battery upon hia



LOCAL NEWS.None*..After having for many years printed

the Hate of letter* remaining uncalled for In thepoet office of thle city, (under the law authorlitnftheir publicatioa In the newspaper havingthe largeat circulation within the usual deliveryof the office,) the proprietor of the Star haa at

length felt compelled to decline their fartherinsertion, becauae of the great space they havecoma to occapy, and of the fact that for monthspast be has been forced to lay over on each

occasion, when printing the lists, advertisementsthe Insertion of which would hav* paid at leastdouble as much aa tLe law alioWed him for theletter list

In addition to thla positive pecuniary loea bytheir laaartlon since those lists have coma to beas large as the New York city letter llata, theyhave entirely.on the day on which they were

printed.defeated hla purpose of snaking the star

always a aewspapsr.newa being its well-knownspeciality.


A MrsSKIRT* TO-NIGHT.Tsutii .A fine bill.three pieces,with John

P. Owens In all.CAHTsaairnT Hall..A grand Mil of novelttee,

embracing the Rsvsl pantomime, 11 Les Amorsdee Alpes," Ward's great Corde Volante feats,and all the favorites la spirited performances.Look out for the matinee and ellk dreaa to-morrowafternoon.Cheisty's . The attractive extravaganza of

« New Ynr'a Calla," and a rich variety of aongaand burleaque. Don't miss the great skating sceneto-night, by any manner of means.Kme's AxpHiTHSATxa .A host of attractions

to-night.Dsn Rice, the blind steed Excelsior,ir., the dancing horse, snd " them mules.'' withhe entire troupe In s grand dlsplsy. A daylightperformance to-morrow afternoon. Lsst nightthe amphitheater waa crowded with ladlea andgentlemen, and some hundreda of peraons whocame late were refuaed admission Mr TomKing requests us to say tbst he ha* 150 front seatsthat can be purchased during the day and held Inreserve, at a moderate charge.Thk Hutchinson Family..Mount Zlon M. E,

Church. Georgetown. A tine musical entertainment,embracing choice collections of ballads,sones and melodies. We advise our Georgetownreaders to go, by all meana.Acadkxt or Music, Pa avenue, between Ninth

and Tenth streeta .Free concerta every evening,with excellent refreshments, Ac. Doors open atthree o'clock p. m

Citt Couhcils. Jan. 6 .Board of Aldtrmtn _In the absence of the President (Mr. Dove) theVice President f Mr. Brown) presided.A communication from the Mayor, tranamlttlng

a proposition of Z C. Robblna to lease for tenyears or longer certain property of the Corpora*tion, on the north aide of C atreet north, betweenFour-and-a->-alf and Sixth sts west, was referred.

Also, a communication from the same, makingthe following nomlnattona for police constablesunder the new law: For the 1st district. J Dowdkney, 5th,C H Hurdle; 7th, W W Klrbv; 8th,J. M Bosher; 9th. E Summers; 10th, R. F. Magee;2d, 4th snd 6th, M O'Connor

Also, the petition of Henry Weaver and 48 otherbutcbera, praying that stores and private marketsbe taxed according to the charter, and prohibitedI, from selling certain articlea.The nomination of B J Bowen for superintendentof sweeps In the Second Ward, was confirmedA bill providing for a secretary to the Board of

Health, with a salary of 81,200 per annum, defininghis duties, Ac , waa passedThe petition of R H Gillet, In relation to the

numbering of houses, was reported from the committeeon police with Instructions that the secretarytransmit tbe same to the Mavor.The committee on police was discharged from

the resolution In relation to the erection and keepingof livery stablesA bill providing for the payment of the fifth

Instalment of the principal and hslf yearly Intereston certain guaranteed bonds of the Corporatlonwss passedA resolution instructing the committee on publicschools to inquire Into the expediency of authorizingthe Mayor to appoint a superintendentof public Instruction was adopted; and the board

adjourned.Common Council .The journal was ordered to

be corrected by striking out the action of theBoard two weeks ago by which tbe Board adjournedover till thia evening.On motion of Mr. Emerson the order of businesswas suspended, la order that the members

might take tbe oath prescribed for tbe two boards,and Justloe Thompson proceeded to administerthe oath to the members In tbe following order:First Ward.Messrs Morgan, Turton, snd Emerson;Second Ward.Messrs Callan, Richards,and Raub; Third Ward.Messrs Lewis, Shepherd.end Stevens; Fourth Ward.Messrs. Edmonstonsnd Mohun (sbsent Mr. Bylngton); FifthWsrd.Messrs Mulloy, Grinder, and Hitx; SixthWsrd.Messrs McGrath and Peake (absent Mr.Talbert); Seventh Ward.Messrs. Murtagh andGiven

Justice Thompson stated to the board that Mr.Wilson, of tbe Seventh Wsrd, expecting to beabsent from the board, called at hla office andtook tbe oath yesterday morning.Mr. Csllsn offered s rssolution appropriatingS10 30 as a compensation to the magistrate for

his services, adoptedThe regular order was resumed. The petitionof Bridget Grysn for the remission of a fine, wssreferredMr Lewis, from improvements committee, reportedthe Aldermen's bill providing for an Improvementof the City Hall, by tbe conatructlon

of proper water closets In the west wing; passed.Mr Lewis also reported a bill to repair thebridge on New Jersey svenue; passed.Also, a Joint resolution relieving property owneraon Fifth street, from G to I, from the gas tax;adoDted.Mr. Grinder, from the police committee, re^ported back the petition of Stephen Ballev for

certain privileges in reference te a contemplatedwooden bntldlng, and asked to be dischargedfrom Its consideration; the committee wss dlschsrgedA joint resolution from the Board of Aldermen,

Instructing tbe committee before Congress to urgethe passage of s bill for ths construction of streetrailwayedby the Government, from tbe Navy-Yardto Georgetown, was passedMr. Morgan, by consent, Introduced a resolutionrequesting tbe joint committee on health of

th« city to consider tbe necessity of recommendinga system by which a more general vaccinationthroughout tbe city can be promoted; passed.The Aldermen's bill for repair of bridges over

Rock Creek; tbe bill naming the bridge st thewest terminus of Pennsylvsnla avenue; and a billto prevent the use of exposed lights, were referredTbe joint resolution Instructing the committee

before Coogrees to urge the rejection of tbe billbefore Congress to Incorporate the WashingtonRsi lway Company, was sdopted.A bill repealing aa act making appropriationfor lamps and lamp-posts on North Cspitol street;

s bill to tske up and relay a gutter on Fourteenthstreet snd New York svenue; a bill authorisingthe placing of nsmes of streets on street lamps:and an act to provide for paying the principaland Interest upon certain guarantied bonds, werereferredA bill authorising tbe Mayor to tender tbe fireSlugsnow la the city pipe yard to the Generalovsrnmaat for the protection of tbe public proparty,wss passed; snd the Board adjournedDiATHsaor SoLDiias .1The following soldiers

have died since our last reportThomasEarner, company C 23d Pennsylvania

volunteers, at camp.Msrkos Trlfooa, company G 96th Pennsylvania

volunteers, st camp.0 viva a us B Plersons, company B 2d regiment

U 8 Sharpshooters, at camp.Joha Bolton Young, drummer-boy, company C

47th Pennsylvania volunteers, at Soldiers' Retreat,near the depot.Charles R. Heath, company H 53d Pennsylvaniavolunteers, st St Elisabeth Hospital *

* Benjamin Llovd, company A i3d New Yorkvolunteers; J C R. aardson, company G 11thMaine volunteers; J. W. Nickeraon, company Evrtb Pennsylvania volunteers, st Colbmblan Col-ls'e Hospital

J. L Foos, company I 11th Maine volunteers;M. H Hunt, company F 10th Massachusetts volunteers,at Eruptive Hoepttal.

fc" Arratas ih AUxahdhia..From the AlezandrtsLocal ,Viwi we learn tbatAhe January termof the county coart met yeeterday; Messrs. Crupper,(presiding) Sldeoottom, Tucker, Penn andNoland on tbe benchThe river flats are blocked, and the channel

full of floatlag Ice, not, however, sufficient toImpede navigation. The 17 8 steamer Yankeepassed op, sad tbe C 8 steamer King Philip(steamboat Powhatan) paid two visits to the U. »steamer Peasacela The U 8 transports City ofRichmond Eagle and Hugh Jenkins are at thewharves Tbe Delaware has sold toe Cumberlandcoal shipped la her some months sinceto tbe owners of the steamer Jsmes Gny, and baacome up to Wssblagtoo to deliver her load.

Veaterday, two men detng buslnees under tbeArm of Voelshaw A Simons, got Isto a quarrelwhile at breakfast, the former eelslag a hatchetand cutting Simons about the bead eeveraly. Thewounded man was carried to tbe hospital, and isnot expected to live. The essellaat waa committedto jail, to await a further examination.

Boswbll's MnoiCATan Coves Caanr . Seead veruaemaat elsewhere of this sxcedent medicalpreparation,

\ * '

Cbiminal Coubt .Yesterdsy, Alfred Howard.Indicted for the larceny of sixty dollar* In goldfrom Robert Newman on the 4th of October last,waa found polity and sentenced to two year* andsix month*' Imprisonment In the penitentiary.Edward Hanso*, Indicted for the lareenv oftwo piatola from Lieutenants Robinson and Mataon,in the month of September laat, was foond

f;nllty, and sentenced to two year* and six months'mpnsonment in the penitentiary.Thomas Long, convicted on Saturday of an

aaaault and battery on Patrick Crogan, was sentencedto pay a fine of 812 and costs %

Augustas Mtstlen, found guilty of assault andbattery upon hia father-in-law, Frederick Marshall,was sentenced to pay a line of 92 and costs.

Dismssxc.Mr. Samuel Dalley waa arrestedby officer Kimball on Sunday for having in hispossession a pair of mules which were stolenfrom Dr. McKslg, of Cumberland, Md He wastaken to the office of Juatlce Donn, and the canwas postponed tin this morning, Mr. Dalley givingsecurity for a bearing. Thla morning theInvestigation took place, and the possession ofthe mules by Mr. Dalley, was shown to be honorable,and the caae was dismissed. Some monthsago a Mr. Slough was charged with the takingor theae mules, and hia caae waa sent to the criminalcourt. After the dismissal of Mr. Dalley, bewaa aent to the grand jury as a witness In thecaae against Slough.AHrvuTn..The boy referred to in the Star

yesterday aa having hia crushed on Sundayfrom being run over by the cara on Marylandavenue, waa taken to the Washington Asylum,and at night thecruahed limb waa amputated nearthe hip. The operation waa performed by Dr.Pooley, surgeon of the 6th cavalry, by invitationof Dr. McKlm, physician to the Asylum, whoassisted Last night the little sufferer, who is butfourteen veara cf age, waa expected to die, butthis morning ha is doing very well It seems thstwhen he waa knocked down, and the first carpaased over his leg, he hsd presence of mind sufficientto keep still until the entire train hadpaasedAbbbst o» a Soldibb..Yesterday afternoon,

a colored man who was clad In a military overcoat,waa driving a wagon up Pennsylvsnla avenue,and when near Eleventh street he wasordered to halt by a mounted soldier, a sentinelon his post. The driver paid no attention to theorder but drove on, when the soldier started afterhim, and in order to force the driver to stopatruck one of his horses with a saber, inflicting asmart wound. The soldier was arrested by patrolmanMeasford, but waa taken In charge by theProvost Guard.Policb .Yes'erdsv, the Fourth Ward policemenmade the following arrests, beside those elsewherereported: H. T. Klippish, for peddlingwithout license; fined 820 50 Catharine Courtney,do ; do. 820 58. J. M Young, obstructing

an alley; dlamtssed. G D. Heywart, peddlingwithout license; fined 820 58. Thos. Sullivan,drunk; dismissed. Morris Quintan, fugitive fromJuatlce; jail for court. The above were disposedof by Juatlce Walter. Tbos. Connor, abusinga female; dlamissed by Justice Barnaclo.

Cbntbal Guaidhottsb Casbs.Btfort Justittdark..John Williams, drunk; fined 81 58. JohnRiley, do ; turned over to the military. AlexanderMcKeever, drunk and disorderly; workhouse60 days J. C McKowen, turned over tothe military. Emanuel A. Ingle,disorderly conduct;fined 83. A. Hulman, do ; do. 82.Finb Tobacco.Llllentbai'a tobacco, sold here

by Mr. F Cozzens, on E street, (old Constitutionbuildln?.) between Eleventh and Twelfthstreets,is something new in this market. Being perhapsthe finest ever sold in Washington, there is ofcourae a rush for It.

Shoplittins..Louisiana Young, colored, wasarrested yesterday, for the larceny of a dress patternfrom Carter's dry-goods store, Market spare.She was placed In custody of Officer Busher, andafter a hearing of the evidence by Justice Donn,she was ser'enced to receive ten stripes.Fix* .Last night, between 6 and 7 o'clock, an

alarm of lire caused a general turnout of the firedepartment. The alarm was caused by the burningof some woodin sheds on 1 street, nearTwenty-first street west. The loss was inconsiderable.Abut Waoons .On Sunday morning, a train

of one hundred army wagons reached this cityfrom Perryvllle, Pennsylvania, each wagon belnj;drawn by six mule* The teams were in badcondition, and looked aa if they had been subjectedto unnecessary hard treatment.

Fouitivbs fbom Vibgthia continue to arrive inthis city and report themselves to the ProvostMarshal They are required to take the oath ofallegiance, which they do cheerfully. Last nightthe oath waa administered to nine by JusticeDonn.Db. F .A Von Moschzisks*..This gentleman

haa opened his office* at No 8 Missouri avenue,where all person* requiring medtcsl or surgicaltreatment for the eye or ear can be successfullytreated. lt«Thb Allisanians give us one more of their

very pleasing snd satisfactory concerts, at OddFellow*' Hall to-morrow evening. Engagementsprevent a longer stay. X

Focbth WabD Station Casks. Btfort Juttit»Walttr..Thomss Kennedy, drunk: fined 81.John Dacv, do : dismissed Bernard O'Neal,do.; do. F. H. Bark, drunk; do. 81 94.

Attbntion," Company !.Volunteers who expectto retain their health unimpaired during thecampaign must see to It themselves. Do not trustto the army surgeons. Supply yourselves withHollowsy's Pills and Ointment. Every Englishsoldier's knapsack contains them. Only 25 cent*per box or pot. < 212Whitbhubst, 434 Penn. < n ue, furnishes

photographs from miniature tolife slse His collectionof eartt dt eui(« likenesses embrace allprominent men of the country. Remember,Whltehurst received seventeen premiums In thiscountry, and a medal at the World's Fstr at London:also, at the French exhibition at Parla. Seehis rancy cases for holiday presents, de 21-eolm*

India Rcbbbb Goods.India Rubber Coats, white or black, 82 50 each.India Rubber Legglns 81 per pair.And all kinds of Rubber Goods, Including RubberBoots and Shoes, Rubber Stoppers for bottles,Door Mato, Under Sheetings for beds In sickness,

Ac , Ac , at manufacturer's prices, at H A Hall'sIndia Rubber Warehouse, 308 Pa. av., betweenNinth and Tenth streets. dec 18-tf

Notic*..Bevy* of counterfeits and unprincipleddealers endeavoring to dispose of their ownand other artioles on the repntation attained byHtlmbvLVt Extract BucAu, a positive and apeoifioremedy for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel.Dropsy, ko.. to., Ao. Ask for Helrobold's.Take ao other. See advertisement in another oolsran. ae 3d

DIED.In 'hisoity, on the 2d instant. JOHN 8. WILLIAMS,axed 43 years, a native of Conneotiout,but for the last 14 years a resident of WsshiQgt u.On the night of the 6th ins'ant, ELV1E ELLSWORTHRICHbKbON, aged 12 months, only

daughter of Marons and Lottie Rioherson.Dearest babe, thou hast left us.We thy loss most deeply feel;

But tis God that hath oereft us,He can all onr sor rows heal

Her funeral vill take plaoe oa Wedneeday evenine at 3 o'oiook. The friends of the family areInvited to attend *

On the 7th instant, STBPHEN DOUGLAS,youngest son of Dennis and Mary O'Connell, aged1 year 2 week* and 6 day*.H's funeral will tak* plaoe at 3 o'oiook to-morrow.from his pareste' residence, No 292. oorner

of isth and D sts. The relatives and friends of thefamily are respeotfally lntued to attend. *

On the Tth instant, ot typhoid fever, CaptainWiLLiaM C. Pa LMKR. of Dorohester oounty,Md . be.oveo husband of M. R. Palmer, in toe 3Bthyear of his age.The funeral will take plaoe at S o'oiook on Thursdayafternoon, from the residence of his fat^er-ulav,Jtme* B. Davis, on C street south, b tween

3d and 4th street east. The frieads and ao*uaintanoesof the (hmily are reepeotfuiiy invitea to attend.*

f B at. mors, New York, and Cambridge, Md.,papers oopy Jla Georgetown, on Saturday evening. January 4,DEBORaH LEONARD, wife of Jndson MitohaU.CHOICE OLD HAVANA RUM,

v/ In Demijohn*.MINERVA WINE-a oeiebrated Spanish Wine,VKRSfoTtH WINE.an Italian Wine, mnoh

used as a tonie,CHAMPAGNES, CLARETS, CORDIALS, Ao.,of various braads.

B'aLIAN MACARONI and VERMIC1LL1,oiler's New \ ork Pat' nt Cat L< >AF SUGAR.Foraaleby C. G. DxGARMENDlA.

Importer and D«aler in Havana Segar*.de3ft-lm* No. IS Commeroe at . Baltimore


INDIA RUBBER HATS.A large assortment for sale at

HKTMfUlR'S. Annrtotevo

R GORDON A CO.'d PRESERVES. BRANdy Fruits, and Jellies.

KING A BURCHKLL.del* oorner Fifteenth sC and Vermont av.

Quartermaster general's ofF1CE.Washinston Citt, Dee tk 1161.The Secretary of War direets that ao more

horsee be bought until all now beiongins to theGoyenuaent ars :n aotive service.The attention of all Qaarta'maeters of the

alar and Volunteer Army i« oalltd to the aboveW%i. C. ME,OB,

ds 37-eoiM Qaartermas'er General U. 8.fOLD AND UNCURRENT MONBY PURVTabased. Bpeois aad U. S. Carrenoy AooountsopeeeaT^deggujrs t ^ co >

Beakers, Ne. 'ii Penn nvaaue,j*8-lin near Brown * Hotai, |

WANT8.W ANTED-A NURS^-at Washington Houee." Apply to Mr. MARKS, at the Offioe. It*

WANTED IMNEHIATELV. Several goodPANTA>.0<»N HANDS'. None others need

apply. E. OWK.N, 966 Pa.av. j>7-3t*WANTED MMMED1ATELY-A WOMEN,' * to cook, wash, and iron. «ood references required.Apply at No. 448 D street, between 3dand 3d. it*

\JLTANTED.A nioe middle age or voung WO"MEN, »o do tbe work of a ima.l family. Applyat 'Mo. 491 6»h street, between E and D (treat.Ja7 2t*

WANTKD-* handsome furnished omnyy furnished HOL SE in the western part of theoity, for a desirable tenant. Addreaa "House"Star Office. j% 7 at*f^OOK WANTED .a first-rate Ccok oan findV> a situation by aeplying immediately at 399New York avenne. between 9th and 10th at* *10per month will be paid Ja 7 3t*

WANTED.By a respectable « !. a permanent" HOME, to do chamberwork and plat" sewing.Can bnn? good referencea. App y to 399 Btreat, between 9th and llh. ja 7-2t*WANTED.A gentleman, wife, child, and""

nura«, wants BOARD and two ROOMS, ina private family; or Furniahed rooma, with theprivi lie of kifohen. Address HENRY," StarOffice. if

A GENTLEMAN OF NEAT AND QUIEThabits. wi*hes permanent board in a genteel

private family, where he oan enjoy the comforts efa home. A New England family prefered. AddressPost Offiae Box No. 38K- Ja7 3'.*

BOARD WANTED.For two gentlemen andtheir wivea. in a private family preferred: or

where there are few boarders. Mu«t be witninfifteen or twenty minutes walk from the NationalHotel. Addreaa "Electro," Star office, statingterms, Ao. U»

W\KX.ED.A young and h*a!thv WET" NL RSE for a ohild 2 months old. Noneneedapajy without being well reoommsnded. App v to4 34 Sixth at ja6 3t*IVANTED-An aotive, energetic BUSINESS" M*N may hear of employment by applyingto JOHNSON, FRY A CO., 476 Seventh st.ja6 6t*

WANTED-A BOV. Wanted, Booka, Oldv~ Documents. Old Pspers, Old Coins. Librariespurchased, Letters, Autograph", Ao. OvertheHank of Washinr'on, where I have removed mvstock of Books and wll \ave them for sale, lo.nnoGovernment Books, Reports, Ac. Cheap Booksfor pedlars.jafr-3t* ALFRED HUNTER.

A YOUNG MAN of good education, enterpisingand industriou*, desires EMPLOY M ENT atsome respeotable business, in any oap«city *hat hecould make himse'f useful. Has a practical knowledgeof architecture and hnildinr.and wou'd theref'Teprefer a situation »a draughtsman cle>k ofworka. Addresa "J. M. S care of W. Stewart,PoeU)ffoe. ja6-3t*\17ANTED.An experienced oolored COOK, at

286 north F street, between 12th and 13th.Ia4 3i*

WANTED.A commodiona HOUSE in a cen** tral part of fh« city, suitable for a boardinghouse. Apply at 886 north F street, betw-en 12thand 13th. Ja4 3t*

WANTED TO EXCHANGE.Improved orunimproved lands in Indiana ani Iowa for

real estate or merchandise in this oity. Address* J.," Star Office. ja4-3t*

WAN TED-A WOMAN to 00k. wash andiron for a f-mall family. Good refwrfnoas or

recommendat'ons required; none need apply withoutthem. Inquire at No. 4S4 Eat, bet. 5th and6tlK ja 4 tfVVTANTED. A good WOMAN aa ohambermaid* T and to do housework generally (except 000kin») Any one oominz well recommended wiP have

a «ood home and good wases. Apply at 4 39 Fenn.avocue. between 3d and 4H streets, south side.ja 4 3i*

WANTKP TO RENT.< Unfurnished) eithera smal , gentee. HOUSE of five or six room".

orfourKoom* of a house, with convenience forcooking, and two rooms for servants..locatirn tobe between C aud H street* and !4th and 8th sts ,.by a onrotuai tenant. Please address notes to" W.," Star Office. ^*4 1 w

WANTED.I .adrug rtore.a YOUTH betweenlo and 20 years of age. Candida*as must givesatisfactory reference as to qualifications and

character. The preference will be given to one whohas been engaged in the drug business six or twelvemouths. Address "A B C,' Washington City PostOffice. ja 1 lm*

A FEW MORE ABLE-BODIED MEN AREwanted to fill up n>y oompany in the District

President Guard Regiment. Those wishing tojoin a 0 mpanr of respeo able men must oall soonat Peter Dingrelder's. Penn. avenue, between 4Xand 8th sU. CHS. A. KRAUSE,de30-lw* Captain.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY, at the U. 8.Navy Yard, Washington, a number of


WANTED.Every person to know that I am inthe market, feady to pay ouh for all artioles

in the housefomishing line. Those leaving tnecity, or having a surplus, will do well to call, R.BUCHLV, 498 Seventh st., between Gand H sts.,<-ast side,) Dealer in New and Seoond-hand Furniture;no 16

WANTED.TAILORS, TAILORS -X Tailorscompetent to work on military goods. Apply

G.KOLP.at Wall. Stephens A Oo.'i. so 25

WANTED..We are now buying SECONDHANDFURNITURE, STOVES and BEDDING,for which we are paying the highestoaan prioea. Families declining housekeeping, orhaving a surplus of fnrniture, will find it to theiradvantage to give us a oall.

BONTZ A GRIFFITH,Jel3-tf No. 369 7th st.. betw. I and K su,

_S. WERTHEIMER A CO., A a AxDtt No. 46a and 464 Skvk*th St., tDI

Opposite the Pott (/fee,Offer their stook of WINES. BRANDIES, GIN8.CORDIALS, e»c.,also their targe assortment of8KBAR8, TOBACCO, FANCY GOODS, etc.,for sale at W holesale Prioes.They keep constantly on hand fine PHILADELPHIACREAM ALE, in kegs and bottles, for

bars or family use The public in general are requestedto give them a call and examine theirsplendid stook of goods.

8 WERTHEIMER A CO ,469 and 464 Seven'n streA,

de 21-3m oppo. Post Office.

JMPORTANT TO LADIES.The subscribers have opened the store No. 16

Market Space. Pa av. bet. 8th and 9th sts. as a firstolass Lace and Fanoy Dress Cap Depot, consistingin part of Point d'Alenoon. Applique, Mecklec anaValenoiennes Laces, snoh as Collars, Sleeves,Handkerohiefs, Cape*. Flouncing, Caps, Caps,Coiffures, and made up goods of the finest quality,and at New YorkpricesCOHEN A DU8SELDOR P,

from New York.N. B..All sorts of Laces washed, mended, and

done up eq ual to new, at short notioe. de 26-1 m*


Imported, and Bottled by W, S. Corwin t Co., N. YWanderer Madeira, bottled 1832,Reserve " " 1840,South Side " " 1844,Imperial Sherry, M 1840,Burmerster Port, " 184<t,Harmony 14 '* 1844,IinpM White - " 1840.

For sale by WM. CORWIN BUR6Y,357 Pennsylvania avenue,deSO Entrance on 8ixth St.


Army Game Casket.1 have jnst published this beautiful and convenientmventioa lor the use and amusement of soldiersand others. It contains, in a neat, small paperbox that you oan carry m your pocket, a good

Chess, Cheoker and Backgammon Board, withmen and diae for the three ga nes ; also, a set ofDominos and a pack of good Playing Cards. Putup in three styles, acd retailed for 38 cents, 62)kcents, and 75 oent" each package and the Boardand Men for all tae games, without the box, for 18oenU. A very large disoount to sutlers and dealers.fendjyour orders or a stamp f >r oircular.

JOHN H.TINttLEY,Publisher, No 162H Fulton street.

Jal-lw New Yofr./^LOSING OUT SALE OF FIRST QUA LITYVy (No. 1» NEW YORK BUTTER..The undersigned have on haod.in kegs of different si|*s,f.wo pounds of best New York Butter, which theywill sell extremely low, to oloae it out. It will beto the interest of all purohaaers to oall promptly attheatore of F. B. HASTINGS A CO , under

tiii.tiarmonio Hail, Penn. avenue, near corner ofleveath st., next door adjoining the Star Offioe.do 21 lut

IWATCHE8.WATCHE6»HEREBY Take pleasure m inrbrming the publioof my return to my old stand at W. Voss', IvPa. avenue, between 12th and 13th streets jf^)Having er joyed tne refutation of be:og an experienoed European Watchmaker. I am now preparedto repair Chronometers and fine Watches atshort notioe, warranted to give en'ire satisfao ion.

JOS. KULINSK1Persons desirwus of obtaining Jewelry and

Wa'ohes, will find it to their aavantage to examii.emy exoeilent stook. All kinds of Hair Jewelryneatly and promptly executed.de«tw W. voss,

486 pe'cVr;a tIUnh. 486A choice seleotion of Paperhangings, warranted

Gold aua imitation Gold Band Window Shades;also. Buff. Hreen, and Blue Holland, by the yard ornade into Window Shades; Pietore Cord and Tasaea, different uses and o- lors; Pioture Nails.Rings. 4to ; also tha ha .dsomeet assortment i fOval Pioture Frames in the oity, from ihe bestmanufactory in the oouLtry; also. Passe; artouUand Card VisiU Frames.All artioles wariarted as represented, or no sale.Purchasing for oa«h, all goods will basold at the

lowest remunerative prioesAllowing no old stook to aooumulate, personsneeding the above goods will ind new and desirab'e

artfeie*.A oail sclioited. tl T~ Rsmsmber the namber,_/~Tl

dein-twif* I doors above Odd Fellow' Hall.PIANOS.PIANOS.P1ANO8 !

HIS Morning reoeiv-o again a supplyootase Roeew^od Piano*, amoug^ tnem eegg&|brated Bsotory of wTftnabe A Co.,ssisS.'

or to rent at my Piaao Room, No. 49SdV«Ma* F, & RICHENBACH.

»' »*

LOST AND FOUND.TAKEN up ASTRAy-oa Satnrday morning,I iioml horse about six years old ||\_~The owner is requested to *ome forward,prove property.HT charges, and ttke him**' »

awar. j. brenn*"«,ja 7 8',* Corner Beoona anc H st».C«TRAYED, or was stolen from No. 41 Maat

gomery street, Georgetown. on Snn-^v__0day arternoon, a terrier PUP aboat si3taL^*Skmonths old, black. with long ears and-tail; bad on ite neck a ooi ar with braei elate, batno ntae. For the return of the dof to the above>Wre.» a libera! reward will be paid. lt_£<TR*YED OR STOLEN.From the City Hall

on M<ndyr evening,9th instant, about j?v__Hi o'o'ook, a email bay HORSE; whitemark in h'« face, interferes in front. Hai *op a new MoCMlan raddle, strrnps cohered withenamelled leather. The bridle was new and maceof white leather. A suitable reward will be paidif returned to the subscriber, or for auoh informationai will lead to their recovery

T Ei)W. CLARK,ja T-3t* Va. av.,bet. 9th and loth »ta eaa'.

STOLFN.A fine black HORSE. 15* handshich; 6 year* o'd; entirely black ®xoeptooe hind foot, whioh was white op toark'e; jL^T*the property of Su-geon Loughran.of the^**H'h Regiment N. Y. S. M.. loo*ted a: I'ptou Hill,Va. Wm i to'en while tied in front cf the harnessstore of Jame* S. T^pham on Seventh St., on yesterdayafternoon. H«»n traced by hie owner upSeventh atreet as far as the first toll gate, tamingon the first road to the right, after which t" traoesoou<d be had of him He had oi when taken amilitary bridle leather halter atd eair of martinga'eahanging l"ote from his neck. Any peraonhaving ("formation of the hor«e will bearrp'y rewaidedby leaving it at the Polioe Headquartera,or at the ffioe of Brown's Hotel. ja7 St*

LO*T OR STOLEN.From the WashingtonDepot Saturdiy. January 4th,1662, eole leatherTRUN K. medium ai*9, marked with oard on oneend, Geo. A. Parker; and alao, a tag wit* S. MFelton. A libsral reward will be given by re'urnlngthe same to v»i I lard's Hotel. js6-3t

Lost..A email Chihuahua dog. reJduhbrowncolor, white f=e», white stripein the faoc. oropped ears. When loat hads^^^fon a dark plaid blanket. Whoever will r .^return raid dog to No. 139 F atreet, will be well rewardedJ j* 4 St

LOST.On the Rockville turnpike, about twomilea north ofGeorgetown, a GOLD PENCIL

set in turquoise, in the shape of a key. with a 'oldwat^h key and small chain attached. If left atJACKSON, BROTH ERA Co'a, opposite Browne'Hotel, a suitable reward will be given. ja 4 tf<2S>£n REWARD.-The atore of the snbserib"r>,on Seventh street, near Odd Fellows'Hell, having b»en robbed on the n'ght of the1st January. lB6i. and Watches and Jewelry to alarge amount stolen, thy W>1' *'ve S250 for the recoveryof the goodi. ana .$51 for the conviotion ofthe thief or thieves. G. W. BRAY A Co , 516Seventh street. ja « lw*

Cj C REWARD..Bioke looaefrom Ha*a' Stable,VJ corner of Fourth atreet and Maaaa-jr\^^nhusetta avenue, on the Si inst, a SOKRELMAREandaBAY HORSE. The'XZVma e has a a tar on her forehead and one shoe missingon right hind f>ot. The horse has the skinrubbed off his right breast. The abo-e rewardwill be given by returning them to B HAYS.o^r.Fourth atreet and Massachusetts avenue. ja4 3t*

District of Columbia, county o»WASHINGT05, to wit;.I hereb* oertify that

there was brought before me as estray, bv C LHart, trespassirg on 11* premises.a BAY HORSE,with all four b'ack feet; ne had on a GovernmentBridle and an open seated Saddle. He was takenup on the lstirst. Given under rny hard and sea',this 2d da* of January, 1862. THOS C DONN.Justice of the Peace for Washington County, D..The owner of the above described h^rse, raddle

ard bridle will pi- a«e come forward, prove proper'yaharges,and take them away. C. L BART,Fifth street, weat. ja 4 3t*

IOST-On the 27th instant, in Georgetown, nearu Seoor.d and !V1 ar« > -etr^eta, a brown^s__^^and white colo-ed POINTER n«,p

a ohain collar around his neek, and thename of "J. B Jo ej, Glymont. Md engravedthereon; a«d answers t-> the name or^'Tip." Asuitable reward will be given, if left at "is ''cr.n,avanue, ope do.ir from Thirteenth at. de3! Iw| OST .A SLAL KING, and a FOX HEADij SEAL, attached to a ring, withc">rn;ahan set..«5 reward will be given to whoever retnrna thearticles to this office.

, de2-tf

KOK SALK AM) KENT.IT'OR RENT.Two large furnished ROOMS onF the eeaon l floor. Inquire at 460 Eleventh st.,b twe*n F anJ G ja7-3 *

URNISHED ROOMS TO LET. WITHB>>ard, to gentlemen; in a plearant location,near the Capitol. Inquire at Star Office. It".?FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT-A Parlor

and two Chambera, communicating, on Eleventhatreet north, between E and F sts. Inquire atwm. B ENTWISLE'S drug store,oorner Penn,avenue and 12th at. ja 7 eo3t*

PKW IN KPIPHANY CHURCH FOR SALE,being No. 100, central looat'on. Inquire of

j*ME-» F. MALIUAY, 391 New York ay nue.orof the Janitor of the Churoh. ja 6 6t

FOR RENT.With or without Board, a neatlyfurniahed and oomfortable SITTING ROOM

and a fine BED ROOM attached, at No ASOTwelfth atreet, east aide, between G and H »».The location la one of the moat pleaaant and convenientin Washington. Al«o. the rooma are v jrydesirable. No children in the house. ja6-iw

1BURNISH ED ROOMS TO LET A FEWmicutea walk from the Capitol, No. 12 NorthA atreet. ja4-3t*

TWO LARGE PARLORS. TWO CHAMberaand Kitchen, nompletelv furnished oan behad by addreaaing E. M. B., Box u Stnr Office.ja4-3t*

Handsome furnished rooms, nextdoor to Wi'.lard Hotel.214 Pennsylvaniaavenue_i*3-'w*

FOR SALE.From 4.«v> to 5 oon cordi of WOODstanding within 2X milea of Beltrville. Inquireof J. R. STEVENS. Wood and Coai Dealer, No.

469 Firat at >a 3Jw*_FOR SALE.An old establiahed RESTAURANT,well a ookrd and provided, aitnated onPennaylvania avenne, in an eligible buainesa locality. Thia reataurant la on the first floor of a largeand commodious three-atory brick dwelling, onwhich there ia t three year le»se and whioh will beincludes in the aalo of the above. For further particularsapply between the houra of 9 and 9 o'o ookat No. 3S Louisianaav , near 6'h st ja3-1w»

FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT.On Fourthstreet, between I and K streets. Inaui'e at

No. 2S6 Fourth street. d«31-1WOR SALE OR EXCHANGE .l.BOOaoreaof aeleoted timber LAN D. in the North Weat,will be aold or eiohanged for property :n the

City of Washington. The land is well timbered,containa water power, »nd ia a aure investment.Address Exchange,*' box No. 30 WaahingtonPost Ogee. de 19 1m

FOR RENT.Two pleasant rooms, neatlyfurnished,in a firet-class resiiienoe in Georgetown,with boa d. To a permanent tenant termawill be moderate. Apply at 147 West at .Georgetown. d«I7 "


ably Fnrniahed Parlor and Chamber, communicating.Alao, one or two aeparate Chambera. Enquireat the premi'ea, No. 110 oorner of Pa. ave.and 2nth street, north aide, Firat Ward.deal eo5fCOR R KNT.A neatly and well furmrbed PARr LOR or CHAMBER, pleasantly located, in aprivate fami'j.460 New York avenue, onlvafewyards from the State Department, or K lggs k Co. aBank, or the omnibus line from the Capitol toGeorgetown. Rett very low, (by the week ormonth ) ja4 >:eo

F^URNISHKD ROOMS TO RENT.a Parlorand Ch»mber, oommumoating, on first floor.

Te-ma reasonable. Inquire at 334 C, between 4Xand 6th ata ja 4-3teo*U ANDSOMELY FURNISHED ROOM8.II.Four handaomely Fnrniahed Rooma, suppliedwith gaa and water, and convenient to tin Pate> tand Poet Office Departmeuta, for rent. Apply at490* Massachusetts avenue, north aide, between4th %n<1 4th »t*


.j 1S27 and 1529Sp*cc*Sr.,PHa*DXLPHia.Thia Inatitute, oonducte<l for two years paat in

the city of Philadelphia tj madam* Cheoabayand her niece Madams D'Hxxvillt, upon thesame principles as the oua in New York, eatablished there in 1814, will reopen,after tbeChmtmaaholidays, on Monday. January 6th. with its uaualample and complete provision for the education ofYoung Ladies, under the direotion of MadameD'Hervilly Ciroulara. and all requiaiU information,can be obtained on applioation to the Prinoipai.]a7-lmJ VIOLIN AND VIOLONCELLO.OHN K. GOODALL, Profeseor and Teaoher ofthe above, tenders his e rvoes to the pub ic. I erma91 per lsaaon. References to any musio an in theoitv. Several o*his pnptlaare now the beat violinists in the world Via: Le Petit Oie Buil. Fred.Buckley, Ao Ae. Aadr^ss Rullman'a UoH. Pa.avenue, near 4H strret de«i im*

EDUCATIONAL.ROF. C. F. B\rnes' Dancing School atTemperance Hall, e atreet, b'tween »th and

10th, »ill commence TUESDaV, December jqS4th, and oontmue every Tueeday and Knday.afternoon olaa^aa at 1 ( 'eiook, and eve-U> gnmg claasea at6H o'olook AH of the faahionab.edacoe* will be taught during the aca-oii. The ba*tmusio will be in at'.endan e under the diraotioa ofProf. George Arth. Call for aciroular. dell lm

Madamelkontineblanchet,db Paris| j Q jPHITATE FRENCH LESSONS.

Apply at IS 1 West street, Georgetown ; or 4«TF street, Washington. de 10-lm

Come to the Clothing Store,Number Three Hand red and Fifty-four,tlJp stairs;) 'tis there yoa will indGood aad oheap Clothing of every kind !

Great sacrifices fo* so days..mystock will be eolJ without regard to coet. oousistingof Coats, VesU aad Panta of the finestquality, made up and trimmed in the latest sty.es.Call aad see. No troubie to jW^tKjg-£j£p


NECE 1,88 VoM&5Ri; NECK TIES'A.J-M.P80N-8,


Far the MhU eadtaf Dwraktr SI, 1M1.fjy Ptnoii applying for letters id the following

list will plea*® My thev ara vlrertised; otherwisethey may not receive them.

LADIES' LIST.Aabford Mitt Julit AHolItt Ado & Overton Mr* MaretAger Mim Loam Hall Jan* C Order Mr* Mar* ABlancLard Mr* EllaHe*a Mr* C D OlWtr Rachel t

V I Hall Mr* Cynthia A Pne* Mr* Hells* ABurrow, MiuAui Harmon Mm* liu Friii* Mr* H ABarker Mr* Br Hut; Ellen Peirta Mr* M ABeckert Charlotte Hon Henrietta T Prathar Mary EB-l; U«J Herbacd Lomea Qoern Mia* feuaaoBirch Mr* SaaanaahHafman Mia* LitiieRitchie Mia* L EBrawn Mr* R P H;>:i Mirths E Ke<dMreFRBole Mr* M E Hill Mart*. V 2 Rtid Miaa * ranceeBanti Marftrtt Haamord Mirrii Roberta Miaa HilltaCarsai Mr* A 8 Hunt Mr* 8d*ah Ricard Mia* Marg%Car moo Mary Jan* Hooxr Mr* Barah LReely Miaa MargHCcnan Bridget Hill Sarah A Robmgvoo La araCole Barbara Johnson Miaa 8 E 8il»er Miaa SarahCarpenter Miaa IV Rata* Loot** Sterctu Miaa M E tClamant* Mr* Jan* Kiaaj Mm Mar/ 8iardaa Mr* Mar*Cs'fctrtou ilai* Kiffan Mar* Aon Sag# Mr* HannahCarry Mary Aaa Block M.a* Sarah Singltton Mrt H tCampbell Mr* M A King Mia* Sarah Bnotrdea Miaa PCoojhlan Mr* MaryRemeroa Mia* Baa Etoaa Mi** E.itaConnell Marr Keur-i. Miaa E Bhteler Mr* Cor4*aChamber I in MarthaKtllogg Mr* Htnry Showsrs Locrttia MCrowell Nelly Loogfiu Eva TIHgge Mr* A 8 Linen Mary A t Tbonpaon Mr* DrDarn Mr* Aon Murray Mr* Eliia T«rry CarolinaDare j Mr* Catka'e Mttchall EUan E Thotna* Mr* Jaa*Da.it Mr* HarrillP Metger Mrtitrtct Tkoau Mr* JiaafDauria Harriat Mtridm Mr* Lidia Thomat Miaa MarVDoes Mar* Jane Mulier Nina Thomat Mr* Aaa EE.under Therssa McBridc Msry \unWitkini Mr* BouoFratar Mr* E'lta'h Norton Mr* L S Werrar Miaa RFleet Mr* HC Neele Miaa Stole Wilton Mr*Gorman Mr* Ntwjahr Mr* BridlWaahboro Mr* EGtltv Mr* Margt Oglt Mr* Auna V Wright Mtt AGibeoo Rati* Orion Mitt J tut Wilfiamton Mr* MGladmon Andelia On Mr* Marnrit YaM Mia*Haget Miaa M A

GENT LEMEN'S LIST.Acstrman Wm Gladmon 1 P O'Neal Ju FAdams Tboa Oilman Mr OUnllivan J FArret Oacar C-9 Ghent W H Obirn* JaaArmtb? Urom Grove Jackton O'Kant Capt JaaAntt.n Makloo Gibbon* John O'Oea JaaAppl*f*te J O Gnrnton Jchi* P Otiti JuoAiken Aniel-3 Gorman Peter O'Count 11 LAllard Lt A A-4 Grie* N R O-Connell MiehlBuebecker Ab'm Gormen Wm l Olmatead 8utordBubeck Jaeob Gune* Wm H Payne EuoeBrutt Albert Garrett Wm H Patridge AditBower BergCha*-3 Goucher Wm Fool* C 8Buleen Cym* W Harru J W fegelt ChaaBarber Dr floorer Re* J W ParkrrCai'in EBaker DanIR Hill Jat Pierce Chaa WBiilersaOeo Holcropt Jno B-3 Pftertou DanniaBeebe Geo Homiller Jacob P«ynr Daaid OBcewetl Hsrrr 2 Harlan Jeaate fowere Den&i*Blunt H W Hamilton Jat H Pa*co FBailey Hester E Hanna Johu Paul FBertoler H F Hower John A t Pierce J FrankBrown J H Houacr Jaa H Pierce KrakliaBucktbtom John Hayden Johanaah Pearoce FerdinaaAB*ek A H offman Joa-t Peirce Gao WBy*rly Jaeob Hawkint Benj J-3 Piraont Capt QBrouner J>t H Howard C A Praul HenryBurke John Hali E J Poat JnoBtrigen John Harry E D Paul JaaBulEngton larael Hootou Lt Harry Parker Jo*Byngjohu Hught John Philel Stml RBeak ft Lt Iaaac Haynard Philo Pendleton T KBall R L Haub Louie Parker T BBucklyR HerbetLart Parker Wm H IBortou Tho* J Hall M O Peteuaer Fmrd* WBall T A Hemphill Htnry PtnntAll WmBogue Thoa Hair Rtbt Q.umly Frank JBl.tk.ner N E Hnrlty K W R0yb Ambroae DBrowu Wm Hatting i 8 T Root B FBabcock W m H Ha**lton Uriah Rilt* BBeorad Wm R Holeu Tho* Re*dy Calrm-tBell Geo W Johnton Capt Rallondaon AlonaoBroken Zachne* J,|«n John Roktr David RBouwey W T John* Jo* jr Rum Dr E JBurne* Martin Jndtowa Ltwit Read Etli DBriggt Phillip Joh. touWmC R tdenbuuG WB^u vca Edward Johnaon Thoa T Rupert GeoBurloid y.i-i lehbioer Cbritloph Re d HoratioCurtain Mich'l Johctoo » u. C Retd H W irCalahan inicb 1 Kenuey Aron H..|kman HenryChamberlain A J Kt.iy Capt Rule Juo T-iColeman B F Kmc Fr«r *ik Rider JatCrocker Dtra Xeanard Jat B R ibertaoo Jno FChandler Capt Rinching R E rieaMvJi.eC raey Edward Rent Capt Jo* lUfr'el HarCor^ » Geo Kra<r*-!e bas Rum:'. Jo»l GC>«.ub»r!iu Gee jr n». ny John R. . PhilipG 2Chamberh" «JaO W Kaller Iaaac Riukir 8a.. . o

Carden Wm^ Reliopg Henry Rofhenr-'ter Win

"an W F KtlJoga Henry ivead Lt W ACallehoo Jua Keliy Ca^t Jaa R-2 Roehoy A CoCoade Joa Keppl* Levi Spohr Adam^ rb9y W;.i Kelly Patk * »4er Cour.dCurr;r. J , Kelly Patk E Sprana.e DavidCulien Jaa G R«i"* oami blioor Cart Y.Ch "nbers John Kirhy Th<* A Simian FreakCalhown Joe Kelly Timothy NpearoarietCanleer M M Ke.iuic T a 8nule Geo WConroy Patrick K >tt- .".anderMVE Schiuut Car.'. G AClarke R H K«lly Win buved HiramCuminintCaptRP-2 Kipp Warren-2 Swcaev l*auc WCain Robt Laiidon Andrew Sa^ar )effe.aouConrad 8 J Lombard Capt G WSrnaliweMd Jo*Cotirad Sointrfield Larkir Juo Snively Jno 8-2Crown Sani Lake Jno 8 Strattee Jacob BCaton Timothy Laugoo** Jno Smith Jno of RCollin* Tho* Lewia Jo* T SlnppJotCoumm Wm Leufer Jno Sierr PaliutCrowley Wm F Lipont Letba Btnnerood J DDnlaoey Caltb Lake L L fiaggrei CaptJaaDruce leaac W Leitinger L M Bchonter Juo WDyer A mot Lower^ood M H-2 Sanderton Jo*Davit Chaa H Lairphere Wm Strong M A CaptDill Cha* Lyon* P*tk heaPeterDouohue Oanl Laoaard Riehd 8teven* PaulDoworan Oanl-2 Leaihcr Wm Stoke* PatkDueall E Leiaher Wm S^urdRantomDrell Franci* Linn Wm-J 8w*eneyTbo*Deniton Franklio Murphy Franeit Smith Tlio*Davi* H*nry Mauge F Shepperd WmDailjr H M Marrow Franci* Stulman Lt W A-3Davi* J y Moore F L Smith WataooDtrman John 2 Meek* Cha* E Htalferd Wm FDibble J T Moore C W-4 Smith W LDouglaat Jaa Marcey Caleb Btuard WmDorceye Luer* McKeree B W Saltberry HughDoub Dr MUtoo Maawell Henry Thtmpaon Capt 8Dultff Mr Muuy Hugh Trundle A CDurboran P N Mattouy Hoory-2 Thomptom WmDuly 8 C-2 Mill. Hiram F-S TalmerThoeDremettTho* Miller Amoa 3 Town CaptTHDolanWmH Mulrreer Jno H Turner SamlDolan Wm Macloliater Joaiah TaggMichlDavit Ja* W MurryJa* Terrell JatDavit Lt Win D Mile* Capt J B Treun Jno Ir M D-3Davie Wm * Murray Jno ThompaonBSDuun Wm Moorheart* Milton Thompaon EdwinDonolaon Wm Mack Michl Titlow Eogene 0Doyle W in Mulcabey Morn* Vangordcn WmDrialan W Mason Netll Wyeth Dr A RDay Wm May Stml W iiliame AbmEdmondeon Elijah May 8 Wileon C MErwiuWmH McGuire Owen WalkeeChaaNEnglebert J L-2 McGuire BenJ Watte CooarodE'.tyne Jat McCarty Dennie Wilaon Cha* E-3Edmondt Daii'1-2 McFarltnd Capt Will* FredkErertC McNollyJno Worl Geo MEwing Wm B McKinney Ja* W ebater Gee WEngl* Jobn-2 McDonald Jat Wathiugtoo HtnryEdwardt A Adam* McDonald JaaACoWendee HenmatFreest:n Wru-2 MeGreehar France*Wha!a* H^nryFarmer Wm McOooald JeremiahW alter HenryFanc*ttThoa8 McCamack Patk Wallace Jat-2Fotter Thoe H McDonnal Richl Whilighan JaaFithman 8 McKinnty Rott W erkman Geo HFlynn Patrick McGrath Richd WardJno-2Flanagan Peter McMurtrte 8 M Wharton J MFinegan Pat k Morgan Thot P Witt JaaFolaoin Lt M M Moriarty Thoe-3 W huioy Lt J NFlagher'.y John Murpbey Jat Warren Wm WFernwtlt Itaae Matloy Andrew W erkmeitterBFortett Jacob Mucenbbin Thua M Welty Lt Z iFoluJettie MtLaurhlin W H Whaieor MaruuFranttJohuH Mason H m H Webar PeterFox Jacob NabhJnoF-2 Welch ReetePeehelyjae Nolen Jno Weaver Saml AFiuk Frederick Nelli* Henry Weaver SamlFowUr Edward Neltou Chaa Ward Wm HFonda E H Nicbolton Ma) Yocng Jaa HFink Alfred J Nicbuia'^uCaptAMrtYeoi.. nt A BGirham A 8-2 Nichol*oe> Capt A J Zollvi Capt H A IrGrtySewellC Normine Tho* AJat Zernerman RicbdGeer A MMISCELLANEOUS. B.; Colonel of the Columbia Guard*,

High 8t.K7" Alt Letters (except " Soldiers' Letters")mu*(,ia every laataaae, be prepaid. %It HENRY ADDISON, Postmaster.

!> UNION LKAGUE. GK^'RGLTOVVN~Lll There will 6e a meeting ofthe Union LeigueTHURSDAY EVKOili*G, January 9th, at 73ao'clock, ti j order of the Presidentja7 3t ISAAC ENTVVlSLE.gfc.

nrs.LADIES' FESTIVA L..This Festival forLL3 tne benefit oi the Methodist ProtestantChurch, Georgetown, D. C . will to osfn THISEVENING and TO-MORROW EVENING,andentertained by the Holy Hill Ba&d. It*

|V^f» NOTlUE L 1C k N S E S ..AH personsLkJs whose licenses from the Corporauon ofGeorgetown expire on the 31st instant are herebynotified promptly to renew the same, otherwisethey subject inemselvea to a fine, and the law iscompulsory on the proper officers to enloroa aa>«law agsinstall deltnqueaU.dp 27 aiawtJsnio WM. LAIED, Clerk.

CONCERT IN GEORGETOWN, D C.W ill be fiven by the

Hutchinson Family,At the


Admission SS can's. jag

W POTATOES.B Have in store, aad for sale at lowest rates,

a lot of prime Prtnc Albert and Peaoh Blow POTATOES.Also OATS, and a rma t lot of primaONIONS. HU8EY A BAANARD,

Bridge St., 3 doors west of Hirh.daSl-1w Ge >rgetown, D. C.

ojfcf Military Boctspni AT WHOLESALE. F \W«have aowinst re.

to cases Calf htitaUaU F namel I »g Boots,» Grain " a moh

40* " Uuil'ed Bot. L. L. **

Sti » Cavatrr» inch **

160 - « heavy duub. sole 16al8 inch "

5"Calf " - 16 inch 44

Also, a variety of Ca'f and K:; Boots, B ys'andYocthe' Boots, and 1 shies' BaimorvsjTT. V. HITEHOU8E,

No. 16 Market e paoe,de 88 1m* Penn. av^ between stn and nth sU.

NEW MILLINERY.OW On haud anu oolsUli y reoeivtnt new

supplies of WINTER BONNET 8, oompris-^T*int th»t ewest ard m<>»t d»«traMa of^Ksltheswsru.a'. HUTCHINSON A MlNRO'l^t-anoy Store, 310 Pri^n. \v»iiue. between 9th andl< th streets wi ere Miss Thompson is prepared toaxecuu promptly ail orders le.t with her.Also, just received, a new ccpply of Head Dreeees,Artihoiai Flowers. Pevhers, Ac., to whiok we

invite the attentiou o: tlie ladies. da MORSEe KO» SALE,

or erery deecnption. jvConstantly on > ai.4-Louisiana aveaee, TJSRrar taa Center Market de U-ta*

ATTahTI0N.&ly^gr,o»F10KaS al.0A l.r,. .took ofCAMP iVTOVEH, rniklaM

and for sale at SSI Pennsylvania avaaae, nearCenter Marks*.de 11-n H.J. GRRGORV.

4a U corner Vermont av. and Fi/Uaati, »t.» -

~ ,n* t



There «u aa admirable dlvtsloa drill la-dayt It o'clock, oa the ground* coo: o( tbe Capitol,

of the regular cavalry, under Goo Cook. Thisremvkably Inr arm of tbe service have nekdrllli twice fWj week-Tueadsys u4 Friday*

MiimH'udqutrtrr' Armv of tk* Palsaasi, )

to Washington, Doe. Wit (Gtntral Ordert, fit 57The Commanding Urnortl expreeeee his tbanke

t> Brigadier General Ord, and tbo breve troop*of his brigade, who ao gsllaatly repelled aa attackof an equal force of tbo enemy oo tbefiOthtout Tfce General taboo pleasure la obsarvlaytbo reodlneo* of toe rrm» ntag troop* of Macau'sdlvtsloa. and tbe able dispositions of ihelr commander,to repel tae enemy la eaaa of too advaaeaof reinforcements.Tbe General would alao acknowledge too 41^.

ttngulshed eervleee of Col McCalaaoat, 1Mb lafan'ry,Pennsylvania Volunteer Reeerve Co**Col. Jackfon. $>:h Infantry, Pennsylvania V©leatherReeerve Corpa. Lieut Col Kaaa, rite raftinent,Pennevlygnla Volunteer Roiom Ooraa;and C^pt. Eaaton. of Esatoa% Battery, wbiobcontributed, In a largo degree, la too .ocss* aftbe day.By command of Major General McClellaa,

9. Witiiilia, iait Ad't Goal.


Baltimoei, Jan 7..TbeOld Point beat baa arrivedbore Tto Jameotown arrived bere alee oaSunday night, from New York Tbe const ear veyacboooer Bibb srrlved on Monday Bight.We get aoutbern paper* by a tag of tntoe; (Ley

contain no new* of any Importance, except diepatcbeoclaiming tbat Federal troop* bare beearepulsed and forced to take refuge under cover cftbelr gunboat* at Nortb Edlsto

FURTHER BT THE BOHEMIAN.Lokdosdksbt, Dec. 27 .Advice* from Canton,Cblna, of tbe 15tb rf November, aay tbat Mr.

Burllngsme, tbe American Mlnleter, bad beoowell received there, and tbat beaubeeqmatly loftfor Shsnghae en route to tbo capital.A few foreigner* bad been Invited to vteit PeklaTbe rebela were near Ningpo, and tbe Inhabitant*were fleeing to Shanghae, where tbe alarmhad sub*1d>-d.Hong Kow waa reported to be Invented by tbe

rebela. It was alao reported tbat tbe "Bravea"there had attacked tbefoeelgners la tbe street* andbouaea, and that placard* were pooled ap threateningtbe extirpation of tbe EuropeeneLissom. Dec 26 .Great excitement la exlat'nghere In regard to tbe death of tbe late King Hiebody is to be disinterred and analysed The publicare greatly stlred up In regard to the matterand troops are patrolling tbe streets to preaerveorder.LnxnoHDitaitr. Dec. 27 .Tbe advices from

Amerlra are unfavorably construed In London,and the fund* *re 4*ooplng In consequenceIn Liverpool pec?**' . i? "pes preponderate, andcotton Is rl*1ngA number of gunboats have been ordered to

tbe MereeyIt is reported that the frigate Algiers baa been

statloneu oB tbe Strslts of Glbraiter, to jreveattut; message of privateer*The frigate* Lificy and Melpomene were toleave Glbialtar on (he 21et Inst., for AmericaIt I* rep"*?M Paris Kat tbe Orleans Princes

are to return to Europe urtbwlthThe Mngllah papers are discussing tbe Trent

afld'.r in a hopeful view, believing tbat tbe rebelcommissioner* will be given up by tbe Cabinetat Washington, and a war be tbu* avertedPending tbe receipt of news from America, In

response to tbe L glisb advice* by tbe Europs,there is much specu.alion aa to whatdeclslon tbeUnited Stales Government will arrive at Theresult is being quietly awaited. The prevailingopinion, however, la In favor of peaceWar risks at Lloyd's have s downward tendency.1 he English paper* calculate on tbe diapatchof the French Government reaching Washingtonbefore Mr Seward sends bis rrplv to Lord Lyons .

In regard to tbe demand of tbe British GovernmentThe papers express tbe hope that tboFrench diapatch will reach Waahington In timeto influence tbe replyof Mr SewardThe Pari* Preaae says tnat new southern commissionershave arrived at some German port, andare now en route to Paris and LondonThe London Times has a crltlclam en SecretaryC base's financial report, and expatiates at *omolength on tbe extraordinary extenalon of tbe borrowingsystem, declaring that it exceeds anythingIn England'a history.Franee Is sbout to arnd reinforcements to tbosquadron off Mexico, and also to the squadron off

the northwestern coast of AmericaIt Is also rumored In Part* that a squadron ofobservation 1* to be aent to tbe eastern coaat ofAmerica under Admiral Uenand.Tbe Madrid correapondence says tbst Spain is

to send from 6.UU0 to 7.0U0 men to Mexico, andtbat tbe Spanish squadron will sail la three divisionsCONGRESSIONAL.

XXTV 11 th COflGimV-ljeeoBd ftesslos.Tttbsdat, January 7.

Sbn4TK .Mr. Sumner and others preaentedsundry abolition and other petitions, which werereferred.Mr. Powell Introduced s bill to sbollsh tbefrsrklng privilege, which wss referredTbe bill to Incresse the number of cadets at tbeWest Point Military Academy coming up, wa*advocated by Mr Grimes and Mr. Clarke, andoppoaed by Mr Trumbull and Mr Lane, of KansasHocsa.The Speaker laid before tbe Houas a

communication from tbe Preaident, transmittingcopies of tbe correspondence between tbe Secretaryof State and tbe Governments of Englandand France in relation to tbe seizure of Mnaoa aadSlidellMr Vallandlgbam condemned the action of the

Administration upon tbe subject, regarding It aaa deep national humiliation, and predicted anImmediate war with England.Mr. Hutcbi"s '»piled, expressing bis Inabilityto understand bow tbe gentleman could no bitterlyoppooe coercion of tbe rebela, and at the

same t me warmly fkvor defiance to England 1He regarded a recent article In the Richmond Examiner,In relstlon to tbe surrender of Msaon andSlidell, aa a counterpart of bis (Mr Vallandlgbam's)expression, and thought tbat bis remsrnsvould bear tbe Interpretation of a desire to bringabout s war wltb a foreign Power, reoultlng advantageouslyto tbe rebellious States.MrTboma* addrea»ed tbe Houae, endoralagthe action of tbe Government a* a matter of policy,and predicting future retribution upon Englandfor tbe wrong done this Government la aa

hour of weakness.The communication and papers were then referredto tbe Committee on Foreign Affklra, aadthe House resolved Itself Into Committee of tbo

Whole (Mr. Csmpbell In tbe cbalr) upon the billmaking approprlat; ons for defraying the civil expensesof the Government for the fiscal year endingJune 30, 1963, and addlttooal appropriationsfor the flsca- year ending J une 30, 1864


*f Ths Stm.GtoaesTows, Jaa. 7, INK

Tbe first Mondsy In January being fixed by lawas th* day for the annual election of Corporationofficer* here, the Board* of Alderman and CoaamonCouncil aaeembled in joint ooavenOoa laatevening, Henry C Matthews, Eaq , presiding,and proceeded to electo«oers to serve tbseneolagyfTbe Recorder, Hugh Capertoa, Esqwaa roelecSedon the first ballot He was 1 somediatelynotified, and soon after entered tbe chamber, wbaabe was sworn in by Justice Reaver


Mr Caprrton, before taking bIs seat as presidentof the convention, returaad bis thaan la abrief and appropriate speech. . . .

The following cMcers were then electedClerk and treaaurer.W m. Laird, re-elected

T«x collector.Cku 0. Welch, J**pector* and markers of lumbar.Charles Myersand Heary C Wingate, re-elected Flo. laspector.Geo Sboeanaker re-electod. Importerof salted provisions, butter, Ac .Jaa RobiaeoaMarket maater-Haary B. Walker, re-electedWeigher of bay.Jtc ,.H G Kltter, re-elected.Guardian* of Georgetown school.Goo W Beall,Esaa Plckrell, W L- Dualop, W C Ms«eo. CD. Wel-ti, Henry King and Thomas Jewell, toafirst lo^belog re^lccted. Pol^e(a new o*cr.).H Reaver

.Jmeasure-*.H A Burrows aad W. R Collias.re-eiectad. Troetee of the poor.M. V. Bockey,In place of Tboa Knowlea Inspector of fire oe_cluea.John (4 Larma* re-elected Chimaeyswoep.John Siloooe, ro^ lected J udgas ofeleetlon.firstprecinct-J F Barch, 8 w " J*i

awJacob Kamaborg Water beard, (Mayar^ta^dorllaad

bstsaslag a ea*4i«a lor r* eieauoo.

*» t