C"": !:;; ., ~, " :~ f ;; I 1 1 'C J. ~ C~j;~LE;S FILLJ,.O}1~, Si_TND_-'iY , SEPI'E1i~E:E:R 14. 1930. :f ..\- ".1; l TIIE FULL .J\~.['.Su""RE Ctf ~AITH I -~ ~ -11 t Jer. 1:4-10; 31:27-34. i ~ i ' . ' .I fj ~ ,.1 ...I. .\, I a, .c-" . ., : UNiTY SCHOOLOFCHRISTIANtTY UNITY ARCHIVES

, I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

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Page 1: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

C"": !:;;.,






C~j;~LE;S FILLJ,.O}1~, Si_TND_-'iY, SEPI'E1i~E:E:R 14. 1930. :f..\-



TIIE FULL .J\~.['.Su""RE Ctf ~AITH I-~ ~


tJer. 1:4-10; 31:27-34. i

~i' .' .I



,.1...I..\, I

a, .c-"




Page 2: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat



CHi,llThS FIL1,I.:C}ili, SUliDJi.Y, SbPi':;l.'E;;!~ 1 ~ 1 "-70 ~":i, "'-' ~ ,;'~

r~' t;..U - ' ~." CT,-" .--~.! ~~ I 'l.,L l":'!:.-,iuLJ tiE C"E' F P.J.Tf- f,j~!i


Jer. 1:4-10; 31:27-34. t;~"xi

rr'ne lessc!n this mOl'Yiinc is JereJr,iaJ:-l the prophet. !;'o~t i""~1

of us have thc.ught about Jel'elni&h as a joy-killer: but the ~i


lesson trlis n1c:i:'r:.irtL seems to bring cu. t the hopeful side of ,,I: .1 I" ,;

}-"is teac:lir.Lg. He r"ea.l1y did see sorr,etl:ing v,1or'th v~hi:e in Israel I:~f;;

EtYlc) that theJ7hca a futur"e, but that they had t-o be punished f'or f


, 1.~~"-2 -"


.' !" .,~ j

.-.;" .'. ~

." ~ f

their srlor.tcoming;s., their sirls. iLTld he made it yer-s plain that ~""t

they cou.ld not lay it to trleir ancestor"s; that the 010 ide~ ~


the.t tl"le SOUl" grapes vihich the f'athel"s hac eaten should set ~+¥!tr

tl'le c}:-lildrer.' s teeth on e6f~e Vias no longi-:r a truth. A neVi J;;c',~

covenant v\'as going to Ch&Il£e thi~ ant: r:ake ever'Y !i:an respons ilale t:;i

f ,,' .fOT. .l.llS 0\'1'"11 S 1.n s .t,f;,~

T11is i~; good doc tririe, .and V;6 car~ seE: tPL tit is capable I11 ~of proof. Jerer"iarl begins his boo}: by sayinf that the Vloro .'cJ";~


Page 3: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat




the ].,01'0 caI!le

urito" hinl.


cioesn't explairl

hay," this cam

e -i~tt



of us

a.r-e curious

to 1rnO

\.. in just

\\-hat. w

ay he

got }~~.

his revelation.

In this

day \',e h&

"e cone

to a

better under'-


starJ.6.ing of


tual and


lav.:s, and


ar'e queE

tionine J'j...¥

and anE

:.lyzing the

differerJ.t rethods

of G

oo, iT~

cor;:-;D.,unica ting


" .f.

?'i t11 liis

people. '-,-e fir:.o

thi,- t G

od is

riot confirled

to an:}" ce!-.tair;.


ethod; E

e ooesn'

t necessar-ily


to corr.e

iri a

vision or






a voice

out of

the ether.

It h1ay cor"e

in a


'iety J

.,;;; ;


.; ~tj~,

4 I


' .

., .,

" ~

" .0



" r

Cof' ViriyS

., tl-lis


tion. :J el"em

ialJ. S

& id



or ~


, ,



tithe Y

iOrc.' of'

Goc: cam

e~! to

hirr!; linG


along iT

: the



lessorl this

z:;orninr.: he

tells about


hand reachirlg

out &



touching his

li)s, liP


thi:Jt trle!'eafter

tlle W


of G

od expressed



'' ,-


or spa :e.

m ougn


" c'




l resee.rch

and experience

by the


as w

e ~,1'...,~,..

, i

call the!]'";,


' those 'v..ho get.

th6 rev6l~


I w

ould say


l"ight here

that v"e

are all

capable of

develo]:Jir:.g this




Page 4: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat


Page 5: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat


Page 6: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat


Page 7: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

5 ~~~

.,~; --~ -,' !

0 ;~0 ~.


~...;. f [ 'et. .L i ~(C revelatioIl 6 irect ttJ'c'u£,h the liv ing Viord. It is ~0 .'v .',-,. .~

-, !i

~..:~ plainly taug,ht ir~ the F,ible that theroe is a ~','orD v.'hich i~ ~.

0 "'

-.~:.. ~." , '

ipresen "- t '""'"t rev c-al "' t l-.e l r'ir l o' 0 of' the creative Source of' :

". or""- l- "iJ. '"- u ""~ '..' --'".' , --!~~ ..~. j." §

~' -:0 ,~~ all existerJce, a~d tha~ all thi's creE:. tion cor'es illtc .n:arlifest- t

..~~ ;:

.;.: .'::. f;...~,.;;,c atiorl tr.:.r'Ollgrl the povvel' of this v..ord--the VJord of' God. It is §:

:;~ '0 r.

called the iioly Spirit, or the Sj:ririt c,f Truth, in t11e f:1;;;." ~..~

ScripturesJ ariD it is also called 'the Logos, which has been ~.'"


z;.: ~~";;..." translated"the v!ord." It is said th&t all creation too}.: place .I

,,;~~~ .'-~~. .-t' ,

-~';~.. c~".~o ttJT'oughthis v\'ord, and that this Vvoro still spea].;:s to !!lan. ~

..o'...~.~~;: .~ -~;~J i..' ,;t;;' Then the QU6stj.on corres, nor,' d oeE' it speak? Ro..' C:oes i t ~

.~ .",,' .0" .~. -i-

.~ ~.;'::"c, ;..marlife-;st i .lcself? Eo-If; did ,..1 ey"eniiah get the wo!'d of J er-lovah? ;

; "

.' .E'

--'" He may have gotterl it in a variet:\T of v.rays. He I!:ay }-1..ave gotten I'.~~:;: *:~., [~~". it in the s arre ',\'&Y th!?t s OT:.e of you v;ho aloe Ii sterling: to me ~',. j

,.'.' "":- ;; Let yom"' revelation: tr..r-oup:l'1 a stror1f::, vibratory erlergy set i


up an;:} r:.&Tlifesting in your consciousness. l\":arlY of us have 1

f.,had t::.Jis experience, and marlY of us have felt that hand of f



Page 8: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

r. "'", ~, -.I "



God uron cur liJ:ls. 'Ih& t means the }:;ovJer of God I1i&Ce !~.~,"

itself marlifest in intelligence tr...at v.'e u_se iTJ speakirlg tI-t" '"

v;:ords, ano there, you k_t1ov;, has been in our ccnscj.ousness ~Of

~..a cul-'l-ent of' intelligence e);:press'E:d. J"

trr'h .. f .-. t J, .I. ..lS In IT!.le, orr,nipresent ',".-ora car1 throvi its v.ord or }

, «T$

its univers&l intell.i[;ence, i!lto this ir.telJi~:ent prirJci pJle !-?i ""-

tp..at v;e r.lave developed, and V1e solY~etirrjes have difficulty in t~ ~


D"iaking the dig tllJC tion betvveerl o~ tllO'J.g}-lt and \'iOl'd and this I



8 i!IiI:

i~0. 1 -

...f. tuniversal, spirit.ual VJoro. l1any of you have ~d ej:periences J


:;;: 't

of tllflt .1-:ind. People have very freCJu~ently told Dle, "I heEtl'd ~;', .:Ii

..4 ~,'$,-,

VJol'ds out of the Invisible. Vias tllat. trle v\'ord of God?'! I ~i

~"'alv;a y s sa y , "You J1.;u~t deterlliine that by the r-esult. V:as ita i



:V;Ol-'C" that you \'?oulc. crecit to the ul-liver'sal !;ind cf good? a ~0::""'i

£:'".000 !r:i!lC? Or ¥!as it just a rer-e person&l \fJord tl)2.t Jright -,v l'

f~" -""-


con-,e f'ro)T a T\sychic source? you vvoulc have to (~eterr::ine this. J i--' I

..Jereniiar.. V,' as of a hiE.h type, spiritually, and rle evi4ently I

I':."., "

Page 9: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

c"':~": 91~"."-

.' ~iJ


jhad & develc'prr!erlt of soul that mliue hirr:. II.ore or less of an :;


a6ept ill handling thesE invisiblt forces, ano he kne"! tllE.t t,(


it \'ias the ol"'igirl&l v;ora of God. And .1 v,'ou.lc, say that this ~

.~;. S ' Iorie;inal, cree.tive Viord, 01" t~is Jiol'jT pirit Vic,rd, carl be :¥


ap~rehendea by man. P.ll you have to do is to cultj,vate tr~t ~::'!;.'"


iT;.r.er' consciousness, that inrltr, spiritual n~ind,\':hich VJe ~0or


teveryone of us have at the very corE; of our being. Talk to t..


iGod, think abo'lJ.t God; and you ViTfll rind that the urliversa1 i


" ~!"i

~10 Ii


.-.Id will begin to make its in;pact u.porJ. your mirld and ~

.~~..t .'

."'COLSClCl1Sness. ~



.,:. " --i

c it .So VIe ta~e f.or gl"antea th& t vvha t Jeremiah said abo~. t the *c:-.-:. :~_-s i

';- , .' f

\'I'ora of God vIas true; but v.-hen this v.'ol"d, or this divir:.e influ.x, f!(;f"~

this infin:. te !..-ino, btgins to con-~e into ~an' s conscicusness, ~,,."


there it neets the persorlality, 01"' it meets the rir:.a that the '!)'.~


irJoiviau,al r...as set 'up. ;';e corJ:pare that mirlC1 v,'it11 tfle prisrr: f

tthrOllgl"J. v:hicl"J. the v:hite ray is filtered, arid tr..at pr'is1iJ, or f

.UNITY SCr100L OF (-,Iit-{,;;:) flANITV ~


Page 10: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat


11 t~~~iI'"

0 {

that individual

r;-:in6, takes

on the

character of


universal ~

0 ~~t


il.t the

S8.!!:e tille,

it interpl"'ets

it after

its oV

-'n education, !f~


aftel" i t~




you C

2.n see thIlt

IT'.an al\'.'ays

liIrli ts


, j1

the uni\'ersal



doesn't give

it alv:ays

perfect expr'es~

icn; ~~



it is


vii th 11.:1s m

ind. S

o the

1£1\'.' of G

oo as

given by



-' \0

J\"oses w

as tirlctu.l-oeo

by the

"pr'evious education,

thE:; cultuy'e,

and jC





of },1oses.

\':ith Jel"err;iah,

the sam

e thing.

t:oses j"~'t


the faculty

in m

an °v;hiC

h inter'prets

the lav,',

the f,-~

" ,

:. .-~

; -.'-

;::::- r1


.12 ...,

..'.: c.


.',." "


'. ,;'- ..r

, syst~

nJ, the


of thirlgs;

the lav;

that lays



the".. .1

...,-. .,t

.'. ti,

.'., .

.'- "

actfi of



t ciion't

interpret love;

it 6


t interpret.


:.. .~



erltllusiasri;; it

d1:dn' t

irlterpl"et altor,ether

the pov,'er'

of G


. -.~

.,-; 0



'Ih:i.s y,'as

left .to:

.the developm

ent of

other prophets

ant other


" .'.1

';people ...'0"110

\.;ere close

to tlle


Ct t..ilia.



" 4;



Jererniah renllv


thl!: freedor:

of G

od f:"ina.

It is

trie !'{{

.., ;~~~.J.

lifting up;

it is

the G

od 1.'iJ-lo ir:.

its enthusiasm

, in

its zeal.


30 v.'e

cou.ld sa'j"

that Jerer;,iah

r(-;presents the

faculty of



Page 11: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

13 t:l, ,


deve lcpj};!.g in the }(;an cons ci ousness. Therl the question cO!!'-es, ~::;c

." ...;

To what extent did JeT'en'iah give eJ;:pressiorl to zeal? Zeal, 1..~

"1 .t,;;

under divine" irlspil'ation, should alv:ays be to build up, to ~f;

0. -.i" ; " ;" it

;~~ constr~ct, to make gooc; but \Alherl it str'uc1;: this mil-1o of i,"~..

sav:" the iniquity, rle say; the" failures, he saw }"

J." ?" l:c

the ioolitr"\T , of Israe.l , theI'e a"gain it didn't carry IJ -'"

i$igr.l of 'the infipite J~'lnd. He v,'as a pessimist; f:; I.;d&f'k side of things and judged according to "" I

~"'"" t" -' i

~...14 iI.'; ~

l' ..; "

l'~ii-~~ .-,. i .I.:.,-~"~:..fd~"'-:, "ca:ppe~"ance, arid ~he result V,ias that v.e have lin-J.itations, ~

~'".'f "

ave a prophet of sor'rov", wherJ if r...e had carried out the 1-'

; ii1-1e lavi as stated irl OU1" lesson trlis l'JOrr)irlg, he sait: he t

;, '¥;;;

lIto plucl; up' and bl"eak dov.'11 , to destr'oy arl(! to over trli' ov; , §

t-;;; ~

bll~ld 'I)-p' aha- to '!:lant.t' !j-"

" " ~Here' ",'ere two pro;o"si tions. 'l'rlere is tl"le c1erlial, trie ".. 1


eraser:"~ent c.f' U"lc old errors, the forgivErless of sin; orl the 1

other hand, there is the building up of the nevI I::a.n. Vlhen i


, ..Ci'a"'"

Page 12: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

l5 1;..,



tlJe se tv..o proposi tions con-Ie into man" s cons ciousness he i,~~~

-.~must, throu gri his highel" judgrr!ent, oeten~!ine v;hicrJ. he ViiJ_l f


give hit, erlthusiasm to, v:hich he v.'ill give 11is zeal to. ~i,"

,- ..~ -" .t:'."" f~:e f:.na, \'l~lerl V:6 get this concept of the lr:.J. lnl te splr- ~


i tual !;'iJ1Q arid of ho'~: v"e e-"ery one of us have access to it, f,,


and 11;aJT become its propl-.:.ets arJ.d speak trJ.ese vioY"ds of Truth, ;,~tot

it gives us a great deal of enthv_siasI!l. Vie v;arit to go to our !"

neighbor and say, f'Jehovah gives you the Ty-uth; Jerlovah teaches t


.-.c~- _1--- 16 ..

...: It:

Y OU .and I all:, the rr:issj onal"y, or I aF~ the exponent, of this ,., .,"

tJ :c."Jehovah l'.~irld. ~


But trle Lora, or this Viord, sa i6 to J erer;dah, "I~o1"-, I if;Ct~:f

make a nev.' covenant, &nd that covenant is triat VIe shall no ~f":f"

longer' sa".)' eve!':,\, !JJ[;lT:, t;o rJ.is neighbor, f Hel"e is Jehovah,' but ~


each shall see hiT;' ar-,cJ hear him. Eacl-i shall hfive his la1'i t

1.y,'ritten upon }-;.is heal..t and v_pc-n 'this in";aro parts., 'I that is,

upon his subconscious mind."-",;t-it:

Page 13: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

17 lfi


Eov,- does the Lord Jerlovuh \';r'ite r.is lay: upon t}1e ir;.ner' ~"";c'"

conscJ ousness of marl, upon his heart? Througr.l this subtle !it,~,~

.activity of Villat Vie call the psychic tt.iings. 'l'his is v.'hy every t

r.student of Trutt..., every Christian, shO'.lld kr.o.; sop"ething about i


the min::1, about .his OY"J1 n;ind. i",~,,

.'i!~hat j 5 the clja.l"'acter of the mind? Vihat do Y°'.l k:no.\".. abou.t ~tf"~

.your mind? V:hat do you knOV! about the supercc,nscious !:r!ind? the Ifj1.corlscious n;ind? arld the subconscious? You. viill never" };:nOy.'"v~hat ..


~.~ -.~_c ,;.-.,.,---}

18 1

-I: i


the s.oul is ".1ntil you h.--nOYJ sorr:ething about these diffel"ent ~.k

..~ "t

departments of your mind, and t11is is eszential in the under'- ,.! ~



standiT!g of the s~r':iptures; it is e.s~entiE.l ill the undel"'standiTlg i


.of Trlall; it is es sential in the analysis of v:rlat the se prophets i,~~',;"

-ta-llght.. 'I'he~" t al:t5l-:.t in p:::. rab1es, iT! fir-ur'es of spee.cll., irl i


Oriental i~agery; but they taug,ht the truth, in tt.lese fig:~res i":~."it

and iT! these syrr;bo1s, of marl. lJot just t}-;.e ordir.lal"'Y I!,an; thE:L t 1

is, the conscious ~inc and his physical body. That is a very I


.~ "c&

Page 14: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

'1I '"' ~., ~'i!jti,T..

small part of l!iarl'. 'I'he)T tal1~ec about Jr,e.n as SJ,.iri t, as sub- ~

i.conscious mind, the soul; and v;hen \'ie kriO'l! about oUl"selves in i

..t:. "these departrr.er!ts' of our minas, then v~e can properly irlterpret t

~:.'.'. 4-

and discern and USE in tbis constructive ~iay all VIe hbve "J"~"i

taught and all th~t Jeho\'al-.. is teaching us, bec8,use 'lIe re~en~ber ~

;. .-,.', .-' ," -~~ I.th8.t this ne\v covenant Vias to co!!:e. It \i'[~S not, accordirlf!; to t;


J,eremiah, active in his day; but it. carr:e thl"ough the advent ii1IiYl, ,.

f-' of .a rlighel'" realn.:~~f spir.itu~l rni:~cl; an inte~jection ,or a urJ.icn 1"', .-, ~

~" I., ~'-; ~; I'

",,"," f\, ,,~"~, ~

-I i

~'"- -" I i .' ",. "" "'." ~ 20 '.' ,: .

D ..; ..,.. ic- .'.,-:', ..",.-

' ., .:

j";... fbetvv{{en v:hut Vie call the celestial realms and the 1!1ino- realms t

:i:- 1c, f t r.l~ E: ar t1f ; in ~_t'her ,'\' ora s , the 1rIt ell 6.C tua 1. Irian rka s so c o\.'ered J

'j,,~. "' i

.his mind, or f'J.i~ '1i-~ought., v.;i th materiality ,that the high activities ~., t1\: ..;

of Spirit don't f::1cJ ready access to .l-lim. It required a ne"v.. .j~1~

kind c.f rr,entality .to apprehend and ma}.~e this conjunction c-etvieerl t'"' .,

:i\iL"" G -TW." ., th ..-} 1..;..8 00 Jllnc; ana .e !:Jan !::~na..1

, t


Jesus C:!'1.1'ist fulfilleD this ne"", covenant. You Imoi'!, the 1~

l~ev,' T6staI!lent really nlearlS a nev' cc,ver.ant. In tllat agreement I

." ~!~

Page 15: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

.21:-1 ., \


~ .'= f

between t:he God ']."in6--the C1"'ea ti ve I::iJ1o--and the T!lan J!jind. l,.c


~V.Te are the C)1ildren .of Jsrael; don' t separ&te yourselves. l

...~ ~

rOF, th&:t far-~v;"ay- time. Jel"'emiah lived siX rlundr-ea and fif'ty !~ ,'..

": 1

years b~fore 9hr~t, and Christ taU[ilt two thousand year"s ago. ~""'-';""- ,,' -.' ." !

". Rer'e vve have a v/a¥ of nla}.:ing 6. sepa1"8.ticill bet\"leen oux".selves, ~

!,'" -,"':;" , ...: ~

;"~'\' becausE: °i t is t)1E:~ self of all the race th,; t ;Lives and moves r,,~""' ~

::.~.-c 7~"~::~c- ,,' thas i"'.:;s being; and it. cann('t be separ&ted. V:e canrlot say !

;~;, '" ~. ,- I

i',r that Jere!J~iah 11 V~d~ 2650 years ago; j el'en,iah may be right in J..

c.: :r

~ , " of

;:!:: f;:'..~:c: .',. .,~" Vie are oft"ell asked ","{hat proof Vie ha"\7E; in the E.ible j;

.;, ~


of reirlcarrlation'f V:e rr,os t often quote thO~f:; vi'ell-kno¥,'n ones '!


v'vhere J eSUE. told 'His fo] lov..ers that JOru-l 'the Eaptist V,'[tS the ~Cj:C"",~;

.reinc6.rnat:i~O}1 of Elijar~ trle pl'clp}-let, aflo a fev, otl1ers. But 1'" ~ """':; i,

..."'~,.'I-. t " f\ t ... t ."T - tb ,\c ; 11ere lS one _1:1.8 r"'orl-llne; \"~.11&'I: eaC~E;S reIr:cB.!'nu Ion. .L'1 Joe ",$-:f ~~c".;. . t 1., 'l- t ' f T".' t -.,. -"' o '"'d Ive1"'Y Degl!lTilflg, ~J.rc,ugll ne po','o:er 0 J:'..lS v,arc:, ne J.JC2'l: v .l.

Jerer::1ah that He °f",e" bin: before he v;as forrrE;o in the v:om'bj" I,;, -

"---~._- .~"..

Page 16: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat







he ";,'&

5 a livil-J[;

soul ~

nd G

od v,as acq'Llaillted

v:itr- :!'-lim



b6f'ore he

can-Ie- ir..to physical


as t"ht

prophet i~£

J ere-nliah .t


,. i

If that

v.'as true

of ..,el'er1iah

it r:ust.

be tr1.1.e of

all persons.




is no

r espectel'

of pe:'s


. H

el'e is

gooc prC


of T

,'hat w

e ;"

, r~

call the

l' t; irlca1'na tion;

arld you

viill find,

if you

read betv:ee-n


the lines,

all tr~



e B

ible the


at least


trJE se

peo:;;:-le are

going to

live again.



tc.ld, at

his I,:\it't'"



,._c_.., ;.-,;;',.;;;;---:,.--

.-, ,.-"-'








.lust &

J:;})6£l1'ar!c6, "D

aniel, J-O

U sr..all

stand aG

air! in




lot &

t tr16

end of

trJ.6 G

ays"; at

the 6rlO

of a

certairl ~cc;:;.~


or d:!.spc:nsation.



\1e all

r:.a\1E, to

take up


rrobler:s thr.t

v,'e al'E- v.'or-J.?"ing





.!...:ir;.K i'or

a ~


tr_s.t by


:!.rl[ jou- &

:r'e [CinL


get av..a~

" or bE

, reliev"E:d

of tIle

r'espons ib:1li

tie 5

of the

\:;ork Ji





you a1"e doing.


\-,or}':: ".'ill h::ive

to be


L J. e


is a

co!}tinueo story,

al-:.Q v;e

6.:'6 1-'1[11t nay,

i1J the ,,-eF

J nicst



Page 17: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

-;,25 ~;!;\:.,...,~~i" """--' .+".L.' i ~ .'

, ---, "O.i 1..;;(; ;:rc'posJ.v.J.cns L-I.l:.t; tJey'er[lan ":'C1lG uc,v;r:. rlere. ~

c~"~!V.'e are tcld thC:it tllis nev; coven&nt v,'hich v{e are to f

, 1

-{: Tclrla\:"e is \':1 th thE': r"ouse of Isy'ael. 1tI v:ill put 73' laY" iTl ;


t ' ..0' t -o tl .- t " ~ ,t~ , ., """Jl l " -:}~\..a:r' (j """,'r' Sa r l '~ 1 '" .-l -=-"" '-""",." rrr. I ""1 1 "'m.t~e .. :""'- -i'(;;j. .I-'~-, , v~.1 i_,-'~'" , Ci-'\..i -"-., -.l. \.- -.l.u t


it UpOrl theil"' tl.1rlQS .11 It is sorr:etbi.rit:~ thatv.'e -a)'6 to become f


so intimate Viith that v-:e s1"',-E.ll realize, as Jer'etial~i fcr'etold, f

i"1:that Vie are the people of God ("They are !r:y people, and I a1r: .i


i..'f.,.. ,. ,tr.elr l.7od. J. .



~~T~-~~- 26 C~"1


..: -I

--.I ~ 4.." "".. bt L- i .L hG --'., 0,,6 lU"'~S.. .;ecorrJe e ,l,E;1' [~cquall'.lueO \"; L' Od; &na YO'u can J, ji

~ 1become be"Ltel" aCC;Uall}tec' V..l th God only '[,):-J'ougrl YO'c.1-T' T:;lTlCt. .;

.S "'

fV,:e FU:::t cu,lti"i'f:i.te this orleness 'J:ith God; in othel' ','lares, .,ve i

:;"~rtlU~,t pray, and Vie !J1U.St %ve OU1' p:"'ayei's &nsv.ered. ~'je n:us'[:; i

~..believe thut GOQ i::; a li l11B realit:v; tllE,t he is ri£_ht r"EY'e i'


"iT! OU1' Dna s -t a tall t i1::es , all'; it is t,O5 si iJle i-Ol" eve.rjT one f


;~!of us to CO)"i:r;iUr.Licate ...,i trJ. God. Nc..w \:,'e so!!:etir18 S t'hinJ.~ Jl:.hi:.t ...

'1'Ihese old prorihets f..lld OU1-- illuJ':ll"ed, C,y' 0-':':: .'Saviors ana OUl" f



Page 18: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

2 rl t.,.i~~~~""

-i"" t ..'1 .".f t ' G ~ r hSeel"'S O.i ::;2$ u&y, call c01:!:rx...~2c,£"L: e .,.,' rl 00; OUC .L .[?-ve ;..;

~..lleV61" had any experience of th~t kind i';herl I T;[,S S.llre thut ~


f;i""- ...,.." -II~. "'L "

liOQ V,ilS [lVll'lf'; n:e ..'1:1.S v,'or.a. lOll Ca.l" llL:VC L11&t. assurance. ,


'I':-Iel'e is riO co}"'yrig11ted ccrrle:r" to .this cor1r!U}1icating v;ith God. i.,


It is open to everyone c,f His children; jt is vj:6n tc you and. i;(:i;'


to me. 'l..8 have .to t'r'&in cur TJ1irJ.Qs a t.it; '~'el1E,ve. to E~t in ~T ~,


~closer contact "lit}! trlL".t Spil'itual. entitv v,itrJ.in evel"y one 1,

~fa,f' us i

-.1: .1;;




28 IIti


:The l"'easori tl1at we are not constantl~" }"eceivi~g com-., ;.' }

.;t.,.. ~.. ,{rr,u.11icatlons f'ro!!, Goo srlOY,,"lrJ.b us all: eV(;l'Y day J-l1st V;!le,t Yie ';


--."sl!c-i:2l.d do, if;, trJ.ut .,'~ 11.[;.ve igl-lore6 the spll-:ltl.:tal rr:inc: in ~


r.our'selves. ~';6 h::;;e c...:;,lti"Jut,eo. the intellect-u&1 marl &11C tIle f

(" ~

'""'p}:.!:~~s ical JYiarl, unC:: lc.o};.ed to thoSE-,' to, C E.VblJ-u.,sS of CCYlsci OlJSness!


, ,".. ~.. ./..' ..."~s trlE; 01,1..' "'ve.'-ue" t[.i"\"O~"'-:"" \".'-""'1 cJ6r,ov&!'- or- L'le (;l-.e"'L've ..'" '-"-.J a ..l -' -" ..-c--- " ..~~, ---, -~


l-i;'1d, has use tb e':.:;'")l~eSf:, us. 7ne fe.ct i~ t:~&t ri[~ht ",ithin !I.,,. ---~ ,., ,..., ;~.,~"r;" !C"i( ' v,~"'r' "'""f.,..t i':'llC"J. 2S voC.t' SUbCCJ.lSC-,-OI.-LS.. ~O,l V,_l-l.J -'-", ~..' .' -"~- ...'- A- , ~. ~ i

¥t I

Page 19: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

2 r. ';,:, ,..,


-~.t ,-, .L'~~' 1.1 1 '."\7 ill f '. ~..l ...n" v':..l.:' f3}).LJ' Lua J.u .l OU VI -1J10 trl!:tt 1 L nae, been ;

0 }.. ,

1.vJri t terJ. thel'e fl'O1'r; the ver:-i be[;innirlg, find you have the se 'f


.0 ~

lE.tent po-o',:ers; YOu have thf- CQP,~city- a::.,;;athE;-pO\7er to express ;-

, '~-,. ~~-.." .-the f'ullness of the (TOG I,~irjd just irl the sa!!-~' way trlat Jesus, ,~

~ f.

.~-"-no"",'" .c: '

v-l! J.- l- expre..; sea l v .r

C' .0 .., ~:

I.? ,jest1s Ch:!.'istv.uS a b.uil6.e!'ano constr-uctor. He 6idn't ~-.c


i :"1001:- on the 6GrJ-: side c,i' Ti}an 1 s life, but He 100ke6 on the .t


~ f

.~ ,-~;.,:.- bri[;l'lt sid-e. He had the hOj:e tilat made faith. It is tr.IJ'ough 1-'i.-,

.-::. "'-"- ~

~(~~~r;~: :--=-.:~- -:o_-_:'~~;:: ..';b-::~';;". :-~- -..: 1


;~ .-!

~ .c:"';,;-; ., -'-n "~,' .-~"'"h 0'",; 'r Q'-, Q'" .f' ,-, ,0 ~ -~-~ '- OUI l~u}:-e tn,.t fC\.1.v... becvlT,es t.J.e ~ub_ta__ce 0,). OU! n-:l.rlQ. First, "


,:. -;:""~' i\'Je start \':i th [-lope; Vi6 firlally cor~e 11"ltO ,a rec-l consciousne.ss ~

i,.: .i',.-' "

:~ "': 01' tr..."3_t divirie, i!lYJer J(;8.11, thut spiritual mar.., t:ilit. man t:l&t l" :r

, :', ~t


~ - r '.' , t .'. " 1 " fG . t °...,"t ' ~Goo .mace. "1:11-1.'" aDOu l:.:-;.E, lli~ge &!'.Q J.Keness, (; 00 ;...co lS... r.?!


."at +'n e f 'o.'

n""' t. .; o" of ~Tr" r" """-~n l:" I c r c '" -4n'- t J."m;:,c;-c ,.,.~c-, .,.L i',~"~ es '" "'...1; UJ.vc.,-.l ,'1,,-1,-,- '-,"":".c' "'J,:.'" ct.. --'-"C-"""'-':' _.!""-'~-

-,..A " ::o. ,', .'1.-, -" ..~

,. ",~",,~,"' ,l ;;o Of' ."..e c"";ivil1~ tr~e V;'orc) of Goo? It cel'tai)-!-l"; is: [::.no it t"'~.-J-'-' ~. ...". '-' .-.~~:-o"::'7' .; ..~ i

is ;u:ot a Jrl&.ttel-. 0:;:" C'Jlture. '~ie ha"'Jf:; to cultivF~tl'J t:lese ~

Sl-\i:itu".l qua~itiE:s, -j-..:;.st as v"e c...:lti\Tate the intellE,ct'.1~l i;!


Page 20: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

'7 1 ~.;.) l



--l "

~t'1;..'-' 11--~ f t '-; d 1 ql1.ct.L ,2f~ 0 ,ne n:~n ..!,


~t is not at all stranp:e t,hat SO~6 peopl~ have a i'- ~

qbetter UhoerstarldinE: of spi1"'itual "t.r:..in,:s tpAn otrler"s. You 1" '-' ~


iriquire into tile lif6 pi' thos6 people, f:.no you. T;ill find J

Ii1,~,-'thE. t t~1E.;Y rl&ve bee?l a. prb.yir;.[., ~,eople fror1 the bef:~ili"li1;)g. ~


Their n-:others t[cl.:g~.1t tlien "co 1-'1"a)7 at a vel':;' earl}'" &ge, and ~,t~

they have follov:ed trlat -Lockin;: to God has 1Iade this com- !..~ i

murJ.ion; and if v,'e have not been praying, let us begin7} J



32 i1i:~


.I...;:f~Not ~'Ylly p"'ay, but se£: ti'lat our. prayers shall COllie true. ~,}

.{The~" ,::ill corre true. Eve!':.: p:~b-yer' th~,t 1TO.11 118.ve eve1' "J_ttered f


!-las Y.':.thin it tri6 c:::;'D2,cit:\~ foro :r"1.1.11~illn)ent. It doesn't, lfiake &..~ , '".:,~j'.

an"y ciffer'ence vJhat, ;;:"ou py'ay for'; -.v-Oil can havf:: th&t thiYlg ~t

if ~70U v.rill c'n17.~ 11ave that iJ;.}-.el', Spi1-'itilal union- If you

~"have stirred UT' erlo'J.gh r-"ith ir, yoilr SOUf to 1'!":&.}.::E~ ccx:tact ~,;

.~ v..itl: t~f: uYJi-ve::"'s;:;.l l;~ind, ';)'"011 C&lJ't hf::lj-) but gf:;t tJle r'es-l1lt i


of t~&t. i.,."Ii,1:


Page 21: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

,.'7 3 'ifv Ii


f'"This is hct 1(iar"veloU8 , it is Y'!.ot rniraculous. It is 1~

-inlIir\'elous and rr,iraculous that VJe can listen to the :01'08 of ~

.*J~",'man tpJ-ougrl the et:1er, carried in thlit invisible soJEethir,g J

t"tt:-l8.t v,'e lcrlOYi so little about. Isn't it just as reasonable that t


" r(jan could, trll"ough~& spil"itual ether, get the v..oros of Jehovah, !

' "


the ;Ji;Ol'ds of Goc? It is. Thousarios, acCO:l"oi11g to this Bible, t.~

.~ "have had this expe1"ience; and thousands today 6.1"'e testifying i.

ttrlo.t th~y do k11ovI' God; not the fu1lrless, not as Jesus Chr-1st .I


34 1I"~".

.s;.;j; .- j,,

Y..ne\"J .i t; but tll:J t. they aY-e on the ,;..'aJ~ to a better unaer- ~~ '"

.,o~.L ~O r,.I" G -_0 -~S t-anc.1TiE 0;. c~~e 00 l"lna. ~

~,Th&t is ...,"hat the v.'hc,le v,"ol"'ld needs: the conscious u.nion .~

4;~rof t::e infinite l-ina, 11'1 Sril"it. Let us rer:!e~ber, as ;;er'emiah ;:~'ii." ,

snid, that tlli$ lav.. of God is \'.'l'itten upon YOUl" :'"leal"t; it is ~


"vr'itten upor:. "':.hat iru-.er,. sr:,irj,tual, all-1Q\ovJ:ine; ir::~gE: arId ,

~i;:liJ.:er.less of' Goo .1Vl1icr~ is YOU}"' Hither- SE:lf. It :is thel"'e, viai ting i


YOU1" r&c ogriition. Just acquiesce, for a fe-v; r1oments every day, .I


Page 22: , I · .3. i-i, " " ~. t of the ].,01'0 caI!le urito" hinl. He cioesn't explairl hay," this came -i ~ t t Ana many of us a.r-e curious to 1rnO\.. in just \\-hat

35 1




"chis irll;er

1:in6. G

ive ycurself

up to

thLtt In':le:r'

1~:arl; have



tll in

it, arlc

.you \,;ill

get the

revelatjcrl. I

canhot tell


just ho-,": the

viora of


..,;ill co".e

to you"

It m

ay com

e .~


.,,:. ~"



tau m

ay' h2.ve visions;

01"' it n:.ay be

the.t you



villI heal-'

t21e vioJ;'d;

or it


be that

you v;ill

get a

great,: !



inr"er ur'ge

~ T

'rlD.t "is

't:le .urge

of' tl1is

one Inf1rii

te 'l:ind,

that. *"


urgillgus onv,'a,r:c arlo

up,'.'ard. T

hey call

it, in

the business





a hunch;



call it

irltuition. B

ut"it is

one of


:0 t;~~~..


' .C




. ..36




-'. ..



, ~--.,


, ;i

the avenues


v:hich tr-lis

.Infinite 1\~

ind is ~

eeking access'

f, "


i " .



" "



0 1.1e

J.nl e


. f;1

"' t,~


of yourself

as a

spiritv.al beirl£';;

thinJ: of




as trle

111~ !"'e a!.:.o .::likeness

of G

oo ",anc


U will

aen:onstr.s.te" L

(:c "




\-;111 touch

your lir's

and let


"\'!c,rd flo\":' into

your ,;


ord, and

you V

Jill beconJc

a prophet

of G

od as

Jere!1:iatl w

as. ~



hope th;:;.t

you V

;ill not

be Jel-elm

ah the

joy-killer, D

llt ;i

Jere!fliah the

joy-giver. ,U

















I -It'
