台台台台台台台台台台 Health Promoting Schools in Taiw an 國國國國國國國國國國國國國國 國國國國國 Song-yuan Huang, Ph.D. Professor Department of Health Education National Taiwan Normal University

台灣健康促進學校概況 Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan

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台灣健康促進學校概況 Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan. 國立台灣師範大學衛生教育學系 黃松元教授 Song-yuan Huang, Ph.D. Professor Department of Health Education National Taiwan Normal University . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 台灣健康促進學校概況 Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan

台灣健康促進學校概況Health Promoting Schools in Taiwan



Song-yuan Huang, Ph.D.Professor

Department of Health Education National Taiwan Normal University 

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The Historical Background for Developing and Implementing School Health-Promoting

School Programs in Taiwan

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1970s 健康促進與疾病預防觀念開始發展,              正式進入健康促進時代 Development of the concept of health

promotion and disease prevention,

indicating the beginning of the era of

health promotion

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1978 世界衛生組織發布「阿拉木圖宣言」 The Declaration of Alma-Ata

was issued by the World Health


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1986    世界衛生組織發布「渥太華健康促進            宣言」,涵蓋下列五項行動策略 The Ottawa Charter for Health

Promotion was issued by the WHO.

The Charter includes the following

five actions

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1.訂定健康的公共政策 Build healthy public policy

2.為健康創造支持性的環境 Create supportive environments

3.強化社區行動 Strengthen community action

4.發展個人技能 Develop personal skills

5.重新定位健康服務的方向 Reorient health services

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1995 世界衛生組織西太平洋區署發布                「健康新水平線」 The New Horizons in Health was

issued by the WHO Regional Office

for the Western Pacific

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1996  世界衛生組織西太平洋區署頒布            「地區健康促進學校發展綱領─             行動架構」 The Regional Guidelines﹝for the ﹞ Development of Health-Promoting

Schools—A Framework for Action

was published by the WHO Regional

Office for the Western Pacific

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1997     教育部修訂頒布「學校衛生工作             指引」 The School Health Guidelines was

revised and published by the Ministry

of Education, Republic of China

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1998 世界衛生組織修正頒布「世界衛生              組織學校衛生新創舉:協助學校              成為健康促進學校」 WHO’s Global School Health Initiative : Helping School to Become Health-

Promoting School was revised and

issued by the WHO

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2001     我國教育部開始推動「學校健康              促進計畫」 The School Health Promotion Program

was launched by the Ministry of

Education, ROC

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2002 1.我國行政院衛生署開始推動「學校                健康促進計畫」 The School Health Promotion

Program was launched by the

Department of Health, ROC

2.「學校衛生法」公布施行 The School Health Act of the

Republic of China was promulgated

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2003 教育部與行政院衛生署聯合舉辦             「健康促進學校國際研討會」 The International Workshop on

Health-promoting Schools in Taiwan

was conducted jointly by the Ministry

of Education and the Department

of Health, ROC

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2004       健康促進學校計畫繼續由教育部和

                衛生署合作推動 Health-promoting school programs

are being conducted cooperatively

by the Ministry of Education and

the Department of Health, ROC

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The Steps to Implement Health-Promoting School Programs

in Taiwan

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1.編印健康促進學校工作指引 Compile and publish the Health-Promoting School Guidelines

2.成立健康促進學校資源中心 Establish the Resource Center for health- promoting schools

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3.成立健康促進學校諮詢委員會 Organize the Health-Promoting School

Advisory Committee

4.宣導健康促進學校理念 Disseminate the ideas and concepts of health-

promoting school

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5.遴選健康促進學校輔導員 Recruit the counselors for health-promoting


6.培訓健康促進學校輔導員 Train the counselors for health-promoting


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7.遴選健康促進學校試辦學校 Select the schools to engage in the pilot study of

health-promoting school programs

8.舉辦健康促進學校輔導員與試辦學校溝通會議 Arrange the meeting for the counselors and schools to strengthen their communication

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9. 輔導試辦學校規劃與執行各項健康促進工作    Assist the schools to plan and implement the

health promotion tasks

10.充實健康促進學校資源中心網站服務資訊        提供與交流平台 Improve the Web Site Services and Information

dissemination offered by the Health-Promoting

School Resource Center

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11.定期召開輔導員會議 Arrange the routine meetings for the counselors

12.進行試辦學校之評鑑 Evaluate the schools

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13.辦理健康促進學校試辦成果發表    Conduct the presentation and sharing of the

outcomes of health-promoting school programs

14.推廣健康促進學校計畫至各級學校 Implement the health-promoting school

programs to all the schools

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健康促進學校工作指引內容要點The Key Components of the Health-Promoting S

chool Guidelines

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1.健康促進學校之意涵 Definition of Health-Promoting School

2.世界衛生組織及主要國家推動健康促進  學校概況  Implementation of Health-Promoting School

Programs by the World Health Organization

and Countries

I. 緒論Introduction

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3.我國健康促進學校之建構與推動方向   Construction and Implementation of Health Promoting School Programs in Taiwan a.健康促進學校工作內容    Contents of health-promoting school program b.學校衛生組織與人員    School health organization and personnel c.需求評估    Needs assessment

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II. 學校衛生政策

School Health Policies

1.需求評估    Needs Assessment

2.學校衛生法令規章    Legal Aspect of School Health

3.學校衛生政策之制定與推動    Development and Implementation of School

Health Policies

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III.健康服務Health Services

1.需求評估 Needs Assessment 2.工作項目 Major Items of Health Service a.健康檢查      Health examination b.體格缺點矯治      Correction of physical defects

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c.特殊疾病學生之照護     Health care for the students with specific


d.學生健康資料建檔管理 Establishment and management of students

health records

e.校園緊急傷病處理 Emergency care on campus

f.學校傳染病管理 Communicable disease control in schools

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g.學生體適能之增進 Improvement of students’ physical fitness

h.教職員健康促進 Health promotion for the school personnel

i.健康中心功能與工作之提升與落實    Functions and administration of school

health center/ service

3.健康服務方案設計   Design of the Programs for Health Service

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Health Education Curriculum and Activities/ Personal Health Skills

1.需求評估   Needs Assessment

2.健康教育課程及活動工作項目   Major Items of Health Education Curriculum

and Activities

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a.國小及國中「健康與體育」及其他相關學     習領域    The Integrated Course of Health Education

and Physical Education and other related

domains in primary and junior high schools b.高級中學「健康與護理」科   Health and Nursing curriculum in senior

high school

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c.運用多元化的策略實施健康教育課程    Utilize the multiple strategies to implement

health education curriculum

d.健康教育活動    Health education activities

3.健康教育課程及活動方案設計  Design of the Programs for Health Education

Curriculum and Activities

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V.學校物質環境The Physical Environment

of the School 1.需求評估 Needs Assessment 2.學校物質環境工作項目 Major Items of the Physical Environment of the School a.提供安全環境 Provide a safe environment for the school community

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Provide proper sanitary facilities and water

c.推行環境保護計畫    Implement environment protection programs

d.鼓勵學生愛護學校的設施    Encourage the students to take care of the

school facilities

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e.提供完善的學習環境    Provide the students with a suitable learning environment f.建立健康的飲食環境    Establish a healthy eating environment g.建立無菸、無毒校園    Build a tobacco- and drug- free campus

3.學校物質環境方案設計 Design of the Programs for the Physical

Environment of the School

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VI.學校精神環境The School’s Social Environment


Needs Assessment

2.學校精神環境工作項目 Major Items of the School’s Social Environment

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a.建立學校良好人際關係 Create good human relationships on campus

b.建立相互關懷、信任和友愛的環境 Create an environment of care, trust and

friendliness in school

c.為有特殊需要的學生提供適當的協助與輔導    Provide appropriate support and assistance

to students who are at a particular disadvantage

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d.營造彼此尊重的環境     Create an environment in which all students

are valued and differences are respected

3.學校精神環境方案設計   Design of the Programs for the School’s

Social Environment

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VII.社區關係Community Relationships

1.需求評估 Needs Assessment

2.社區關係工作項目 Major Items of Community Relationships

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a.學校與家庭的聯繫與合作 Communication and collaboration between

the school and the students’ families

b.學校與社區的聯繫與合作   Communication and collaboration between

the school and the community

c.可資運用之社區資源   The availability of community resources

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   Evaluation and Award of the Health-Promoting School Programs

1.評鑑    Evaluation a.評鑑的目的       Purposes b.評鑑的時機       Timing c.評鑑的場所       Settings

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d.評鑑的人員        Personnel

e.評鑑的方法        Methods

f.評鑑的工具及內容        Instruments and Components

2.獎勵    Award System

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IX. 健康促進學校之永續發展 The Sustainable Development of Health-Promoting Schools

 1. 我國健康促進學校發展之願景   Perspectives on the Development of Health-

Promoting Schools in Taiwan

2.健康促進學校國際接軌   International Linkage for Health-Promoting


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健康促進學校工作指引第一版已於 2003年 8月發行,預定於 2004年加以修訂。 The first edition of the Health-Promoting

School Guidelines has been published in

2003. It is expected to be revised in 2004.

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健康促進學校計畫實施現況The Present Status of Implementation of the Health-promoting School Pr


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1.學校數目: 45所 (國民小學 13所、國民中學  5所、高中高職 15所、大專院校 12所 )

Number of schools: 45 (13 primary schools,

5 junior high schools, 15 senior high schools

and 12 colleges and universities)

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2.計畫內涵:主要依據世界衛生組織西太平洋          區署於 1996年訂頒之「地區健康促進學校發          展綱領—行動架構」和台灣地區之需求 Major components of HPS programs: Mainly

based upon the “ Regional Guidelines 〔 for the〕 Development of Health-promoting Schools –

A Framework for Action” published by the WHO

Regional Office for the Western Pacific in 1996

and the needs of Taiwan

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3.推動的機構   The organizations responsible

for the programs

a.教育部 Ministry of Education, ROC

b.行政院衛生署衛生教育推動委員會 The Health Education Implementing

Committee, Department of Health, ROC

c.行政院衛生署國民健康局 Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of

Health, ROC

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d.國立台灣師範大學衛生教育學系 Department of Health Education, Nationa


Taiwan Normal University

e.中華民國學校衛生學會 National School Health Association, ROC

f.縣市教育局和衛生局 City or county departments of education

and health


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挑戰與展望Challenges and Perspectives

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1.落實學校衛生法及相關法律 Promulgate the School Health Act and related laws and rules effectively

2.修訂健康促進學校工作指引 Revise the Health-promoting School Guidelines

3.強化學校衛生組織 Strengthen the school health organizations, including public and private sectors

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4.充實學校衛生人力資源 Reinforce the school health personnel

5.寬籌學校衛生經費  Raise the budget for school health programs

6.加強學校衛生專題研究 Reinforce the academic researches on school health

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7.增進學校、家庭和社區的互動 Improve the interactions among the schools,

the families, and the communities

8.促進國際接軌 Promote the linkages with international

NGOs and countries / areas

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