1. Headquarter of World Tourism Organization is situated in (A)Switzerland (B)Greece (C)Italy (D)Spain 2. There has been many areas and people struggling to pursue independence such as Kosovo, Chechen Republic, Barcelona, Scotland, East Timor, Aceh, and Tamils. How many of them has succeeded in becoming independent countries? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 B 3. Caviar, Vodka are the traditional cuisine of (A) Spain (B) France (C) Italy (D) Russia 4. Which is NOT the territory of the UK? (A) Scotland (B) Ireland (C) Wales (D) North Ireland 5. Below are the buildings and characters symbolizing their county, which statement is true? (A)Victoria Harbour—UK (B) Pont Alexandre III--Greece (C) Manneken Pis- Ireland (D) Jean Sibelius—Finland 6. An ethnic group with a comparatively large population is most extensively spread in the territory ofIran, Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. (A) Palestinians (B) Romani people (C) Chechens (D) The Kurds 7. The North American Free Trade Agreement is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United States in 1994, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America for the future trade negotiations with 8. Areas that share culture traits in an area of the world; Ex: Latin America (A)culture region (B)culture trait (C)multicultural l(D)culture 9. When cultures exchange traits it's called: (A)globalization (B)culture region (C)westernization (D)easternization 10. The belief in one God is called: (A)monotheism (B)polytheism (C)monarchy (D)totalitarian 11. The belief in more than one God is called: (A)monotheism (B)polytheism (C)socialism (D)communism 12. Which religions believe in the God of Abraham? (A)Judaism, Christianity, Islam (B)Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism (C)Judaism, Buddhism, Islam (D)Confucianism, Shinto, Christianity 13. Which religions began in the Middle East? (A)Judaism, Christianity, Islam (B)Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism (C)Hinduism, Confucianism, Shinto (D)Hinduism, Islam, Christianity 14. All religions have: (A)a Holy Book or sacred writings that teach them how to live a good life according to their beliefs. (B)a belief in one God (C)a holy building called a church or synagogue (D)a religious leader called a monk or priest 15. Which statement is relevant to “the clash of civilizations”? (A) Many countries sent out the warships to The Gulf of Aden for protecting the cargoes from the robbery of the pirates of Somalia. (B) Japanese prime minister’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine caused protests across China and South Korea. (C)The cleavages between Israel and the Muslim world in the Middle East (D) North Korea’s missile tests causes the sanctions imposed by UN. 16. The popular religion in Latin America is (A) Islam (B) Christianity (C) Catholicism (D) Eastern Orthodox Church 17. A country in Latin America was rich by petroleum exporting. Its late president promoted Oil Diplomacy to united the other left-wing leaders to resist USA. (A) Honduras (B) Cuba (C) Nicaragua (D) Venezuela 18. The % of people in a country that can read and write. (A)literacy rate (B)life expectancy (C)Human Development Index (D)Infant Mortality Rate 19. How long the average person will live (in years). (A)fertility rate (B)life expectancy (C)Human Development Index (D)Physicians Density

Headquarter of World Tourism Organization is situated in

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1. Headquarter of World Tourism Organization is situated in (A)Switzerland (B)Greece (C)Italy (D)Spain

2. There has been many areas and people struggling to pursue independence such as Kosovo, Chechen

Republic, Barcelona, Scotland, East Timor, Aceh, and Tamils. How many of them has succeeded in

becoming independent countries? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4 B

3. Caviar, Vodka are the traditional cuisine of (A) Spain (B) France (C) Italy (D) Russia

4. Which is NOT the territory of the UK? (A) Scotland (B) Ireland (C) Wales (D) North Ireland

5. Below are the buildings and characters symbolizing their county, which statement is true? (A)Victoria

Harbour—UK (B) Pont Alexandre III--Greece (C) Manneken Pis- Ireland (D) Jean Sibelius—Finland

6. An ethnic group with a comparatively large population is most extensively spread in the territory ofIran,

Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. (A) Palestinians (B) Romani people (C) Chechens (D) The Kurds

7. The North American Free Trade Agreement is an agreement signed by Canada, Mexico, and the United

States in 1994, creating a trilateral trade bloc in North America for the future trade negotiations with

8. Areas that share culture traits in an area of the world; Ex: Latin America (A)culture region (B)culture trait

(C)multicultural l(D)culture

9. When cultures exchange traits it's called: (A)globalization (B)culture region (C)westernization


10. The belief in one God is called: (A)monotheism (B)polytheism (C)monarchy (D)totalitarian

11. The belief in more than one God is called: (A)monotheism (B)polytheism (C)socialism (D)communism

12. Which religions believe in the God of Abraham? (A)Judaism, Christianity, Islam (B)Hinduism, Buddhism,

Sikhism (C)Judaism, Buddhism, Islam (D)Confucianism, Shinto, Christianity

13. Which religions began in the Middle East? (A)Judaism, Christianity, Islam (B)Hinduism, Buddhism,

Sikhism (C)Hinduism, Confucianism, Shinto (D)Hinduism, Islam, Christianity

14. All religions have: (A)a Holy Book or sacred writings that teach them how to live a good life according to

their beliefs. (B)a belief in one God (C)a holy building called a church or synagogue (D)a religious leader

called a monk or priest

15. Which statement is relevant to “the clash of civilizations”? (A) Many countries sent out the warships to

The Gulf of Aden for protecting the cargoes from the robbery of the pirates of Somalia. (B) Japanese

prime minister’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine caused protests across China and South Korea. (C)The

cleavages between Israel and the Muslim world in the Middle East (D) North Korea’s missile tests

causes the sanctions imposed by UN.

16. The popular religion in Latin America is (A) Islam (B) Christianity (C) Catholicism (D) Eastern Orthodox


17. A country in Latin America was rich by petroleum exporting. Its late president promoted Oil Diplomacy

to united the other left-wing leaders to resist USA. (A) Honduras (B) Cuba (C) Nicaragua (D) Venezuela

18. The % of people in a country that can read and write. (A)literacy rate (B)life expectancy (C)Human

Development Index (D)Infant Mortality Rate

19. How long the average person will live (in years). (A)fertility rate (B)life expectancy (C)Human

Development Index (D)Physicians Density

20. The number of babies that die for every 1,000 babies born. (A)Life expectancy (B)Physicians Density

(C)Infant Mortality Rate (D)Fertility Rate

21. The number of children the average woman has. (A)Infant Mortality Rate (B)Gross Domestic Product

(C)Physicians Density (D)Fertility Rate

22. The number of doctors for every 1,000 people in a country. (A)Physicians Density (B)Fertility Rate

(C)Gross Domestic Product (D)Gross Domestic Product per Capita

23. The total value of all goods and services produced in a country in one year. (A)Gross Domestic Product

per capita (B)Human Development Index (C)Literacy Rate (D)Gross Domestic Product

24. The GDP divided by a country's population. It helps to show how wealthy (or not) a country's people

are. (A)Gross Domestic Product per capita. (B)Physicians Density (C)Infant Mortality Rate (D)Gross

Domestic Product

25. Another way to compare how well the people of a country live. It uses a country's literacy rate, life

expectancy, and how much their money can buy to rank the world's countries. (A)Urban (B)Human

Development Index (C)Gross Domestic Product (D)Rural

26. A country that is not yet rich, but no longer poor. (A)Underdeveloped Country (B)Developed Country

(C)Developing Country (D)Not-yet developing Country

27. A country that is among the world's richest. (A)Developing Country (B)Developed Country

(C)Underdeveloped Country (D) Not-yet developing Country

28. The poorest countries where most of the people still work in farming or mining, and where industries

are few. (A)Underdeveloped country (B)Developing country (C)Developed country (D) Not-yet

developing Country

29. A custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice (A)taboo (B)culture (C)proverb (D)superstition

30. Don't carry all your eggs in one basket is an example of (A)proverb (B)taboo (C)superstition (D)diffusion

31. Opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck. This is an example of (A)proverb (B)taboo (C)superstition


32. Cultural diversity is? (A)Having a variety of cultures in one area (B)A region with a specific culture

(C)Having one culture (D)Having your own opinions about everything

33. Shaking hands when you meet someone is a common _________ in the United States. (A)Custom

(B)Value (C)Culture (D)Diversity

34. Which of the following is NOT a negative effect of globalization (A)terrorism (B)loss of culture (C)illegal

drug trafficking (D)cheap food

35. NAFTA was made among...(A)The U.S., Canada, and Mexico (B)European Countries (C)Developing

Countries (D)The U.S., Russia, and China

36. An important force that is driving globalization are multinationals, which are...(A)UN peacekeeping

forces (B)Large firms that do business in many countries (C)Organizations that promote conservation

(D)Made up of business leaders from developing countries

37. Which organization provides loans to developing countries for capital projects? (A)The IMF (B)The WTO

(C)The GATT (D)The World Bank

38. Pocahontas is a 1995 American animated epic musical romantic-drama film. Pocahontas, an Indian girl,

sang to the white man officer, “You think the only people who are people. Are the people who look and

think like you. But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger. You’ll learn things you never knew you never

knew.” What the lyrics intends to express is (A) cultural diversity (B) mainstream culture of the

world (C) refined culture (D) marginal culture

39. In 2015 the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to four organizations of a country in North Africa. This

country is (A) Libya (B) Tunisia (C) Morocco (D) Egypt

40. An area held an independence referendum in 2014. The government there published a white paper in

November 2013 which sets out to answer voters' questions on every aspect of independence. (A)

Scotland (B) Ireland (C) Barcelona (D) England

41. The religion owning the most believers in the world is (A)Islam (B) Buddhism (C) Christianity

(D) Judaism

42. The Torah, Bible, Qu’ran, Vedas, Sutras, and Guru Granth Sahib are all (A)sacred writings (B)religious

leaders (C)religious symbols (D)different names of God

43. Rabbis, Priests, Imams, Monks, Nuns, & Guru are all (A)sacred writings (B)religious leaders (C)religious

symbols (D)different names of God

44. An important city in the Middle East to Judaism, Christianity, & Islam is (A)Jerusalem (B)Mecca

(C)Medina (D)Bethlaham

45. Which organization is an intergovernmental military alliance? (A) EU (B) NATO (C) OECD (D)WHO

46. If the government cannot protect its people, the international society can take actions to protect them.

This idea which we call it (A) P2R (B) R2P (C) D2K (D) K2D

47. Which one is NOT a “state within a state”? (A) Lesotho (B) Vatican (C) Monaco (D)Morocco

48. Which country is NOT involved in ASEAN Plus Three (APT) (A) China (B) Japan (C) Korea (D)USA

49. Which disease is NOT the disease GFTAM assigned to fight? (A) AIDS (B) smallpox (C)tuberculosis


50. An example of a human barrier to culture is (A)The Great Wall of China (B)The Gobi Desert (C)The Rocky

Mountains (D)The Aral Sea

51. What's the name of the object in a wedding to symbolize the union and protection of marriage: (A)el

lazo (B)las arras (C)a full mass

52. During Catholic ceremonies in Spain, Panama, and Mexico, the groom presents the bride with _____

gold coins, known as Arras, to represent his ability to support the bride. (A)12 (B)13 (C)15 (D)10

53. What's the object the father gives to her daughter on her quinceanera to symbolize the last gift as a

child? (A)high heels (B)a crown (C)a doll (D)candy

54. What's the most popular sport in Venezuela? (A)soccer (B)baseball (C)tennis (D)golf

55. What's the name of the common drink in Uruguay and Argentina? (A)Tea (B)Mate (C)Coffee


56. Which country is the smallest Spanish Speaking Country in South America? (A)Monte video (B)Uruguay

(C)Venezuela (D)Chile

57. Which country refuses to participate in AU because AU accepted The Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic

as the member. (A) Algeria (B) Morocco (C) Egypt (D) Tunisia

58. Regional organizations has been established all over the world for the purpose of (A) setting up FTA (B)

promoting the unification of nearby countries (C) using common currency (D) making visa-free access to

member states

59. Which organization of UN is to help countries to evaluate the sites they provide whether they qualify as

World Heritage or not. (A) UNEP (B) WIPO (C) IMF (D)UNESCO

60. Kashmir is the conflict area between two countries. These two countries are (A) India and Sri Lanka (B)

India and Bengal (C) India and Pakistan (D) India and China

61. What's the currency of Spain? (A)dollar (B)peso (C)euro (D) mark

62. What's the most popular sport in Spain? (A)soccer (B)baseball (C)golf (D)basketball

63. What's the name of the Cathedral in Barcelona that will be completed in 2026? (A)La Sagrada Familia

(B)El Puente de Dios (C)El Carmen de Familia (D) Cathedral of Bilbao

64. This is NOT one of the world's six major religions. (A)Christianity (B)Buddhism (C)Islam (D)Lutheran

65.The distribution of resources in a country (A)Economy (B)Government (C)Religion (D)Dialect

66. Type of government where power is limited by the people (A)Monarchy (B)Democracy (C)Dictatorship


67. A type of government with a king or queen (A)Democracy (B)Theocracy (C)Monarchy (D)Dictatorship

68. A type of government where one person has unlimited power (A)Monarchy (B)Dictatorship

(C)Democracy (D)Anarchy

69. When nations, cultures, and economies become mixed (A)Global mixing (B)Harmony (C)Globalization


70. The term ethnocentric means...(A)The amount of people from ethnic minority living in a country. (B)The

idea that all cultures are the same. (C)The idea that one culture is superior to another. (D)The idea that

cultures have differences.

71. A country is situated in the Upper Rhine valley of the European Alps and is bordered to the east by

Austria and to the south and west by Switzerland. Economically, it has the third highest gross domestic

product per person in the world when adjusted for purchasing power parity, after Qatar and

Luxembourg, and the highest when not adjusted by purchasing power parity. This country is (A) Belgium

(B) Netherland (C) Liechtenstein (D) Monaco

72. Which state is not included in NFTA? (A) Panama (B) USA (C) Mexico (D) Canada

73. Abenomics is based upon "three arrows" of (A) anti-terrorism (B) fiscal stimulus (C) monetary easing (D)

structural reforms

74. The organization, known as Rich Countries Club, is (A) ECSC (B) OECD (C) GATT (D) ICRC

75. Which country did NOT attend the ASEAN Plus Six? (A) Australia (B) Russia (C)New Zealand (D)India

76. When you celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, you are celebrating which element of culture?

(A)Food (B)Religion (C)History (D)Music

77. A father passing down a pocket watch to his son, which has been in the family for several generations is

an example of (A)Tradition (B)Pride (C)Heredity (D)Culture

78. In some places it is a _______ to shake a person's hand as a greeting. (A)Custom (B)Requirement

(C)Obligation (D)Proper gesture

79. This is the Bible, the Holy Book of (A)Christianity (B)Judaism (C)Islam (D)Shintoism

80. Siddhartha Gautama founded which religion? (A)Hinduism (B)Buddhism (C)Sikhism (D)Judaism

81. The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was created in response to the (A) Belgium

(B) 911 (C) Pearl Harbor (D) Paris attacks.

82. It is an interest group of 20 agricultural exporting countries and seeks to liberalize global trade in

agricultural produce. In particular, its members aim to abolish export subsidies and trade-distorting

domestic support for agricultural products and seek to improve market access for agricultural exports.

This organization is called (A)The Cairns Group (B) Hamas (C) ASEAN (D) NATO

83. Panmunjom, or we call it “the 38th parallel” is a military zone that splits (A) Balkan Peninsula (B) Korean

Peninsula (C) Crimean Peninsula (D) Yemen roughly in half a dangerous place

84. Fighting with the windmill is the most distinguished folly of Don Quixote. What country does this

character Don Quixote belong to? (A)Netherlands (B)Spain (C) Germany (D) France

85. This movement’s slogan, "We are the 99%", refers to income inequality and wealth distribution in a

country between the wealthiest 1% and the rest of the population. This protest movement is called

(A) Occupy Wall Street (B) Jasmine Revolution (C) Umbrella Revolution (D) Sunflower Student


86. Which religion is based on the teachings of Jesus? (A)Christianity (B)Islam (C)Judaism (D)Hinduism

87. This holiday, sometimes referred to as, "the Festival of Lights" is celebrated by those who practice

(A)Judaism (B)Christianity (C)Islam (D)Buddhism

88. This is the process by which businesses or organizations develop international influence or start

operating in other countries. (A)Globalization (B)Nationalism (C)Consumerism (D)Closed market

89. Behaviors done according to religious or social laws or customs. (A)Rituals (B)Values (C)Cultural

Components (D)Cultural Hearth

90. People who move from one place to another rather than settling permanently in one location

(A)Nomadic (B)Cultural Change (C)Cultural Hearth (D)Cultural Diffusion

91. Short-lived, highly popular and widespread activities, styles, objects or ideas (A)Cultural Trait (B)Cultural

Hearth (C)Fad (D)Taboo

92. To see all other cultures as inferior to one’s own (A)Ethnocentrism (B)Taboo (C)Mores (D)Cultural


93. According to Mao Zhe Dong, Third World is (A) USA and the Soviet Unions (B) allies of USA (C) allies of

the Soviet Unions (D) countries that is not allies of either USA, or the Soviet Unions

94. Hyper-aged society is a society in which (A) 3% (B) 7% (C) 14% (D) 20% or more of the population are 65

years or older.

95. The country with which USA broke off diplomatic relations in 1961 and resumed diplomatic relations in

2016. (A) Nicaragua (B) Bahama (C) Cuba (D) Venezuela

96. One of the objects that made China establish AIIB is to resist three financial organizations controlled by

USA. These organizations are (A) World Bank (B) Asia Development Bank (C) European Central Bank

(D) International Monetary Foundation Which is NOT true?

97 The Red Cross flag is the colour-switched version of the Flag of (A) Switzerland (B) Denmark (C) Sweden

(D) Iceland A

98. What word means a feeling of sadness, anger, fear; bad feeling that immigrants may have in the first

years of living in a new cultural group? (A)Culture Shock (B)Comfortable (C)Society (D)Native

99. A culture that is created to go AGAINST mainstream culture is__________? (A)Mainstream Culture

(B)Subculture (C)Counterculture (D)Less Culture

100. A culture that MOST of the people in a country/area are a part of is _________________________.

(A)Mainstream Culture (B)Subculture (C)Counterculture (D)Less Culture

101. How would you describe American culture being practiced in France? (A)Mainstream (B)Subculture

(C)Counterculture (D)None

102. Native American culture is best described as which in America? (A)Mainstream (B)Subculture

(C)Counterculture (D)None

103. Neo-Nazis fit under which type of culture in America? (A)Mainstream (B)Subculture (C)Counterculture


104. Which of these things ARE NOT cultural? (A)Mona Lisa (piece of artwork) (B)Judaism (C)Tornado


105. Bastille Day celebrated on July 14 commemorates ...(A)Mardi Gras (B)The French Revolution

(C)Francois Hollande's Presidency (D)Napoleon exiled to Elba

106. Which of the following is NOT a French Landmark? (A)The Eiffel Tower (B)Versailles (C)Louvre

(D)Plateau de Frommages

107. What animal is the Symbol of France? (A)French Bulldog (B)Rooster (C)Lion (D)Cardinal

108. A Francophone is ...(A)a French iPhone (B)a person born in France (C)a person who speaks French (D)a

person from Paris

109. Currency used in France (A)Euro (B)Dollar (C)Franc (D)Mark

110. Where can I see the painting Mona Lisa? (A)Louvre (B)Musée D'Orsay (C)Sacre Coeur (D)Hotel Des


111. This museum used to be a train station (A)Louvre (B)Musée D'Orsay (C)Musée Rodin (D)Loire

112. Built for Napoleon, the tomb of the unkown soldier is here (A)Hotel des Invalides (B)Chambord (C)Arc

de Triomphe (D)Taco Bell

113. In many Latin American families it is a cultural tradition to have a special celebration for a girl's

quinceañera which is her...(A)graduation (B)15th birthday (C)wedding (D)engagement

114. Which of the following is not among the top 5 languages spoken in the United States?


115. Opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck. This is an example of (A)proverb (B)taboo (C)superstition


116. If there are a variety of cultures in the same area, people would say that this area has (A)dynamic

(B)interdependence (C)cultural diffusion (D)cultural diversity

117. The Mahayana School...(A)is a school for shipbuilders. (B)teaches that everyone can achieve

enlightenment. (C)trains Zen Buddhist monks. (D)centers around bodhisattvas.

118. To Japanese, a kami is a holy being that...(A)has a war-like nature. (B)was only worshipped at certain

times of the year. (C)is central to Buddhism. (D)represents an aspect of nature.

119. Zen Buddhism became popular in Japan in the 1100s. It placed importance on (A)observance of rituals

and wisdom (B)faith and good behavior(C)sacrifice and ancestor worship (D)self-discipline and


120. Udon __ are a popular food in Japan. (A)POPCORN (B)NOODLES (C)SUSHI (D)RICE

121. What do Japanese people find disrespectful when communicating non-verbally? (A)Being on their

phones (B)Looking someone in the eye (C)Shaking hands (D)Being silent

122. The organization of UN is set up for the settlement of investment disputes. (A) OECD (B) ICAO (C) WTO


123. Since September 11 attacks the world has been becoming more and more interdependent, even

USAcannot do without the allies’ assistance. Such a world structure is called (A) Many Super powers

andmany powers (B) One super power and many powers (C) one super power and no other powers

(D) many super powers and few powers

124. Before the Soviet Union broke up, the Soviet Union was represented by three seats in the United

Nations. In addition to the Soviet Union itself, two of the Soviet republics had seats: Ukraine and (A)

Byelorussia (B) Georgia (C) Turkmenistan (D) Armenia

125. "Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu" is the name for the Republic of

China (ROC) to attend (A) UNESCO (B) ICAO (C) WHO (D) WTO

126. Which area is NOT governed by the United States now? (A) Guam (B) Panama (C) Puerto Rico (D)

eastern Samoa

127. In Japan, if you want to eat food off of your friends’ plate, what should you do? (A)pass it to them with

your hands (B)pass it from your chopsticks to theirs (C)let them take it from your plate using their own

chopstick (D)none of the above.

128. Which religion or philosophy was not created in China? (A)Confucianism (B)Shintoism (C)Legalism


129. What religion became popular in China after spreading from India? (A)Hinduism (B)Christianity

(C)Buddhism (D)Shinto

130. What code of behavior were Japanese samurai warriors expected to follow? (A)Bushido (B)Filial Piety

(C)10 Commandments (D)Chivalry

131. What religion spread from China to Japan where it mixed with Shinto practices? (A)Hinduism

(B)Christianity (C)Buddhism (D)Taoism

132. Which one was not invented by the Chinese? (A)gun powder (B)compass (C)mosaic (D)wood block


133. The organization to international trade barriers is (A) UNESCO (B) ICAO (C) WHO (D) WTO

134. Dubai is located in (A) the United Arab Emirates (B) Oman (C) Qatar (D) Bahrain

135. Since 2000 there has been four countries, whose number of emigrants are the top four of the sending

countries. They are India, Mexico, China, and (A) Japan (B) Russia (C) Korea (D) Philippine

136. Which country in the Middle East do Indian people like to emigrate to? (A) the United Arab Emirates

(B) Oman (C) Qatar (D) Bahrain A

137. After the death of Muhammed, Islam spit into what groups (A)caliphs and Sufis (B)Shiites and caliphs

(C)Sunni and Shia (D)Hatfields and McCoys

138. What piece of land is between the two Korean countries? (A)Korean Peninsula (B)Demilitarized Zone

(C)Meiji Restoration (D)Mount Fuji

139. What would most likely be on a menu of a restaurant in Japan? (A)Corn, tomatoes, and olives

(B)Hamburgers, bacon, and meatballs (C)Rice, sushi, and fish (D)Spaghetti, pizza, and garlic bread

140. As merchants traded goods along the Silk Road, many ideas, cultures, and inventions were exchanged.

This is called (A)social trading (B)divine exchange (C)cultural diffusion (D)gossiping

141. Siddartha Guatama was born a prince but after seeing people living around him, he searched for a way

to (A)end suffering (B)gain more wealth (C)overthrow the king (D)escape from India

142. Discrimination means...(A)Treating a person or group differently from others. (B)Not playing by the

rules. (C)Letting someone Cheat on a test. (D)Acting nastily towards someone because they hurt you.

143. What is correct order for the stages of intolerance? (A)discrimination, prejudice, xenophobia

(B)Prejudice, discrimination, xenophobia (C)Xenophobia, prejudice, discrimination (D)Prejudice,

xenophobia, discrimination

144. Which form of migration will cause Brain Drain? (A) technology migration (B) labor migration (C)

investment migration (D) study migration

145. Which Southeastern country didn’t participate in TPP? (A) Thailand (B) Singapore (C) Brunei (D)


146. Which sport added its name on UNESCO's intangible heritage list in 2015? It was proposed by South

Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and the Philippines, gained status as UNESCO-recognized traditions of

Humanity during the 10th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for Safeguarding of Intangible

Cultural Heritage held in Windhoek, the capital of Namibia. (A) tug-of-war (B) badminton (C)Volley ball

(D) basketball

147. On 7 November 2015, Ma Ying-jeou, president of the Republic of China (Taiwan; ROC), and Xi Jinping,

general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and president of the People's Republic of

China (Mainland China; PRC), met in (A) Hong Kong (B) Singapore (C) Macao (D) Shanghai

148. _______________ is breaking down the barriers that separate ethnic groups. (A)Xenophobia

(B)Tolerance (C)Segregation (D)Desegregation

149. _________________ is a condition in society in which many groups coexist within a common

civilization while still keeping their individual traditions. (A)Pluralism (B)Multiculturalism (C)Diversity


150. ___________ is the fear of and hatefulness toward foreigners and/or strangers. (A)Xenophobia

(B)Racism (C)Ethnophobia (D)Assimilation

151.America is known as a "melting pot" because (A)people come from all over the world to live here and

bring their cultures with them. (B) we like to eat queso dip. (C)it gets so hot in the summer. (D)people

from France brought fondue with them when they immigrated.

152. Blue jeans originated in (A) the US (B) the UK (C) France (D) Germany

153. Hagia Sophia is the crystal of the Byzantine Empire’s history and culture. Its buildings do not involve in

the construction form of (A) Greek architecture (B) Roman architecture (C) Etruscan architecture (D)

Persian architecture

154. Gothic buildings was not only popular in the middle century but also revived in England and the

European continent. Which building was the Gothic Revival architecture in the 19th century? (A) Notre

Dame (B) Cologne Cathedral (C) Milan Cathedral (D) Houses of Parliament in London

155. The Ruins of St. Paul's, originally a church, is now a noted UNESCO World Heritage site. According to

the colonial background of Macau, it should be a church of (A) Christianity (B) Catholicism (C)

Orthodox (D) Islam

156. A big trait of the culture of Latin America is the ethnic diversity and the cultural integration. A person

of combined European and Amerindian descent, regardless of where the person was born, is called (A)

Mulatto (B) Metis (C) Amish (D) Mestizo

157. A country in East Europe owns the ethnic group Magyars, who have a little descent of Turks. (A)

Hungary (B) Macedonia (C) Estonia (D) Albania

158. Borobudur is a tremendous Buddhist temple remnant in the central part of Java. It was established

around the eighth and ninth century and was abandoned for having encountering a disaster. This

disaster might be (A) an avalanche (B) an eruption (C) a hurricane (D) a torpedo.

159. In which country the restaurants have both family dining areas and male dining areas? Even the fast-

food restaurants there also set up both counters for families and males each. This country, you think, is

(A) Peru (B) Cambodia (C) Romania (D) Saudi Arab.

160. Located in Petra of the southern part of Jordan, the rose color city, a location where the movie

Transformers and Raiders of the Lost Ark had shot scenes, was registered in the list of the new World

Seven Wonders. What would you see if you travelled there? (A) a tropic forest (B) cauliflower-like olive

bushes (C) men in Arabic robes (D) horses eating grass in a wild meadow.

161. “Influenced by China for a thousand years, by India for four hundred years, by France for a hundred

years, and by the United States of America for twenty years….” Which Southeastern country can be

depicted as such by a writer? (A) Vietnam (B) Myanmar (C) Cambodia (D) Philippine

162. Which is not the main alcohol of French wine culture? (A) Wine (B) Whisky (C) Brandy (D) Champaign

163. Borobudur, the famous historic architecture in Java, Indonesia, is the remnant of (A) Buddhism (B)

Hinduism (C) Christianity (D) Islam.

164. The parade held for celebrating the birthday of Siddhārtha Gautama in Korea is called (A) Golden

Buddha Festival (B) Lotus Lantern Festival (C) The Great Buddha Festival (D) Bodhi Festival

165. In the Silk Road Economic Belt, a company is devoted to create a Culinary Delicacy Belt through five

provinces in the northwestern part of China. What kind of food will this company product for the local

residents and tourists there? (A) Han Ethnic Group cuisine (B) Islamic cuisine (C) Indian cuisine (D)

Buddhist cuisine

166. Which is not on the list of the World Nature Heritage site? (A) the Great Wall of China (B) Mt. Tai of

China (C) Mt. Jade of Taiwan (D) Fujisan of Japan

167. Which is not on the list of Muslims’ Dietary Habits? (A) alcohol prohibition (B) pork prohibition

(C) beer prohibition (D) seafood prohibition

168. Which is not acclaimed by President Trump to drop out or review? (A) NATO (B) TPP (C) NAFTA


169. In North Europe, which country is not the member state of NATO? (A) Iceland (B) Norway (C) Finland

(D) Denmark

170. Which country is the member state of TPP as well as RCEP? (A)Indonesia (B) Vietnam (C) Singapore

(D) Malaysia

171. After the Sino-America Summit of Xi Jin-ping and Trump, Both China and the US declared to establish

four high-level dialogue mechanisms. Which one is not included in? (A)Diplomatic Safety Dialogue

(B) Comprehensive Economic Dialogue (C) Joint Fight against Crime Dialogue (D) Society and Humanity


172. Which one is not among the founding countries of NATO? (A) Germany (B) Norway (C) Portugal


173. Which king of England established Anglicanism just for the purpose of divorcing his spout? (A) Henry

VII (B) Henry VIII (C) Mary l (D) Elizabeth I

174. An award for achievements in newspaper, magazine and online journalism, literature, and musical

composition in the United States is (A) Emmy Award (B) Golden Globe Awards (C) Grammy Award (D)

Pulitzer Prize

175. Special drawing right is composed by a basket of currencies. Which currency is not in the basket? (A)

RMB (B) JPY (C) GBP (D) franc

176. Which ancient civilization was located in South America? (A) Aztec civilization (B) Inca civilization (C)

Maya civilization (D) Olmec civilization

177. The theme of The Last Dinner by Leonard da Vinci should originate from (A) Old Testament (B) New

Testament (C) Torah (D) Upanișad

178. Which one is not among the characteristics of Notre Dame? (A) dome (B) flying beams (C) gothic

castles (D) mosaic glass

179. International Sand Sculpture Festival has been held in (A) Yunjianan Binhai National Scenic Area

(B) Northeast Coast National Scenic Area (C) North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area (D) East

Coast National Scenic Area

180. Bolivarianism is to resist imperialism and achieve the national straw political participation, economic

self-sufficiency, the infusion of patriotic ideas, and the elimination of corruption through participatory

democracy and popular vote. What continent does Bolivarianism prevail in? (A)America (B)Europe (C)

Asia (D) Oceania

181. The five major religions are :(A) Methodist, Lutheran, Baptist, Protestant, Mormon (B)Confucianism,

Judaism, Buddhism, Muslim, Catholic (C)Presbyterian, Orthodox, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism

(D)Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam

182. What area in Asia is the Shanghai Cooperation Organization centered on? (A) Central Asia (B)Eurasia

(C) Pacific Ocean (D) South China

183. Big Ben is located at the north end of _____(A) the Palace of Westminster in London (B) Buckingham

Palace in London (C) Westminster Abbey in Westminster (D) York Minster cathedral in York

184. The statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from the people of _____ (A) England (B) France

(C) Spain (D) Ireland

185. This ivory-white marble mausoleum is in the Indian city of Agra (A) Hagia Sophia (B) Alhambra (C) Taj

Mahal (D) Sagrada Família

186. One of Rome's most popular tourist attractions, it could hold up to 80,000 spectators (A) the

Colosseum (B) Sagrada Família (C) Alhambra (D)Hagia Sophia

187. Which country took advantage of Pope Meridian to have the chance of occupying Brazil? (A) Spain

(B) Portugal (C) France (D) Italy

188. “The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” (the Belt and the Road) is the

initiative of (A) ASEAN (B) TPP (C) RCEP (D)AIIB

189. which of these is NOT an example of cultural diffusion (A)McDonald's in China (B)Mexican restaurants

in Texas (C)Sushi bars in California (D)storms in both Canada and Brazil

190. The way people eat in their country such as with forks, chopsticks or fingers is an example of

(A)cultural trait (B)ethnic group (C)cultural diffusion (D)cultural region

191. Gold and silver coins are placed inside a bride's wedding shoes in ________ . (A)Malta (B)Armenia

(C)Turkey (D)Sweden

192. Inemuri is a ............. tradition. (A)Chinese (B)Portuguese (C)Japanese (D)Cantonese

193. Morris dancing is an ................. custom. (A)Greek (B)American (C)Australian (D)English

194. ................... is the colour of the traditional Chinese wedding. (A)White (B)Red (C)Pink (D)Yellow

195. Spanish and Catholicism in Latin America is a result of (A)literacy rates (B)civil rights (C)assimilation


196. What was a consequence of the Columbian exchange on natives? (A)disease (B)food shortages

(C)peace treaty (D)FTA

197. Spanish is spoken by most countries in Latin America except in a country. People speaks Portuguese in

this country. (A) Finland (B) Morocco (C) Brazil (D) Mexico

198. Although a country located in the Middle East, it regards itself as a European country and adopts a

pro-Western diplomatic line. (A) Turkey (B) the United Arab Emirates Romania (C) Malta (D)Saudi Arab

199. The six basic elements of culture are (A)religion, technology, arts and crafts, geography, facts and

opinions, language (B)arts and crafts, dance, government, food, clothing, archeology, language

(C)language, religion, government, foods and clothes, technology, arts and crafts (D)unicorns,

rainbows, sunshine, cotton candy, happiness, soda

200. One way to avoid problems between cultures is (A)to ignore other peoples' opinions that differ from

yours(B)to separate society by ethnicity in cities (C)to teach about the different cultures that exist

(D)create schools that are ethnic specific

201. A change in popular culture can change as a result of (A)the creation of a society (B)the creation of

technology (C)the loss of a political figure (D)the loss of a business that affects the economy of an


202. There is not one single and uniform religious situation in Europe. There are multiple, very diverse and

ambiguous religious situations and trends throughout Europe. Which one is NOT a Catholic country in

Europe? (A) Spain (B) France (C) Denmark (D) Italy

203. The main mountain range in South America is (A)the Atacama (B)the Andes (C)the Amazon (D)Sierra


204. The members of this religion believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and the promised messiah.

(A)Buddhism (B)Christianity (C)Islam (D)Judaism

205. What country announced on September 26, 2017 that it would allow women to drive, ending a

longstanding policy that has become a global symbol of the oppression of women in the

ultraconservative kingdom. (A) Libya (B) Saudi Arabia (C) Syria (D) Egypt

206. In what country has appeared the oldest prime minister in the world since May 10, 2018? (A) Malaysia

(B) Japan (C) Austria (D) Australia

207. What agreement did Japan sign with the US in 1985 and sunk into a long term economic recession

since then. In 2018, the US are launching a trade war to play the same trick on China and trying to

force China sign such an agreement again? (A) Plaza Accord (B) Treaty of Versailles (C) Peace Treaty

with Japan (D) Kyoto Protocol

208. On 7 April 2018, in what country did a chemical attack happen in the city of Douma reportedly killed at

least 70 people? (A) Saudi Arabia (B) Iraq (C) Syria (D) Lebanon

209. There are now three countries having not yet attend AIIB in G20. Which country is not among these

three countries? (A) the U.S. (B) Mexico (C) Canada (D) Japan

210. What does the first I in “AIIB” stand for? (A)Information (B) Investment (C) Insurance

(D) Infrastructure

211. What organization did Taiwan attend under the name “ROC”? (A)WTO (B) SICA (C) ADB


212. On May 14, 2018, from where to where did the U.S. Embassy in Israel move? (A) from Istanbul to

Damascus (B) from Damascus to Istanbul (C) from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv (D) from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

213. What declaration was signed by South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un, top leader of

the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the 2018 inter-Korean summit which was held on 27

April 2018. (A) the Panmunjom Declaration (B) the Seoul Declaration (C) the Pyongyang Declaration

(D) the Mount Kongō Declaration

214. On May 8, 2018, Trump declared to withdraw from a Nuclear Program. This program was signed by the

western countries in 2015 to restrict the nuclear proliferation of (A) Iraq (B) Iran (C) Israel (D) Syria

215. The U.S. government reproached China used “Orwellian nonsense” to change the way United Airlines

and United Airlines to refer to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau on their websites and other materials

within 30 days. “Orwellian” is an adjective which used to describe a political system in which the

government tries to control every part of people's lives, similar to that described in the novel

(A) Nineteen Eighty Four (B) Animal Farm (C) Homage to Catalonia (D) Politics and the English


216. According to the statics of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of China, Taiwan has been an

(A) aging (B) aged (C) hyper-aged (D) super-aged society since April 10, 2018.

217. The German court rejected extradition of former Catalan leader on rebellion charge, because the

German court said the rebellion charge Puigdemont faced in Spain was not a criminal offence in

Germany. Even so, Germany has also a state which is now struggling for independence. This is the

state of (A) Bavaria (B) Saxony (C) Hamburg (D) Baden-Württemberg

218. In the process of expanding the territory of the United States, land has been purchased from many

countries. The target of land purchase in the United States does not include __________? (A) Russia

(B) Canada (D) France (D) Spain

219. With reference to the ancient Sumerian cuneiform and ancient Egyptian pinyin symbols, the creators of

pinyin in various European countries are: (A) Cretans (B) Phoenicians (C) Carthaginians (D) Chaldeans

220. Which of the following is not a country participating in CPTPP and RCEP at the same time? (A) Malaysia

(B) Vietnam (C) Thailand (D) Brunei

221. A social activist once said, "I have a dream. One day, this country will stand up and realize the true

meaning of its creed:" We believe that these truths are self-evident and that all people are born equal.

"I have a dream, my four children will live in a country where people judge them not from their skin color

but from their character." What did he say, "We think these truths are self-evident and everyone is born

equal"? (A) Communist Declaration (B) French Declaration of Human Rights (C) British Bill of Rights

(D) American Declaration of Independence

222. Which district in Taipei is AIT located in now? (A) Xizhi (B) Nangang (C) Shilin (D)Neihu

223. In what country was an actor elected to be the president? This candidate never promoted politics in

order not to disappoint the voters? (A) Belarus (B) Ukraine (C) Austria (D) Kazakh

224. What date have 27 members of the EU come to a conclusion to extend the deadline of Brexit?

(A) 28th of July (B) 29th of August (C) 30th of September (D) 31th of October

225. Borobudur, the famous historic architecture in Java, Indonesia, is the remnant of (A) Buddhism

(B) Hinduism (C) Christianity (D) Islam.

226. In the 8th century AD, which countries formed the "East Asian Cultural Circle" centered on China?

(A) Korea, Japan, Vietnam (B) Okinawa, Myanmar, Philippines (C) Xianbei, Huns, Jurchen (D) Tibet,

Nanzhao, Cathay

227. Which of the following countries' borders or sea conflicts are most likely related to the struggle for oil

resources? ①Bahrain and Kada ②Iraq and Afghanistan ③Kuwait and Iraq ④Lebanon and Turkey ⑤

Israel and Syria (A)①③ (B)③⑤ (C)②④ (D)④⑤

228. The range of Sahara Desert in Africa stretches from Mauritania, passes through Africa, and extends to

_________? (A) Black Sea (B) Red Sea (C) Persian Gulf (D) Mozambique Channel

229. Utopia is the work of an ancient Greek philosopher whose name is _________ . (A) Aristotle (B)

Socrates (D) Plato (D) Thales

230. In the Middle Ages of Europe, Holy Roman Empire was mainly evolved from _________. (A) West

Gothic Kingdom (B) Saxony Kingdom (C) East Franconian Kingdom (D) West Franconian Kingdom

231. If you want to understand how the ancient Egyptians of the New Kingdom allowed the soul to enter

the underworld and pass various tests and trials, which document should be read? (A) Exodus (B)

Pyramid (C) Wisdom Literature (D) Book of the Dead

232. Which country in Europe passed the Slave Trade Act in 1807, and other countries have followed up,

and the black African trade has gradually been cut off? (A) Germany (B) the United Kingdom (C) France

(D) Spain

233. The scholar who published the book "On the Origin of Species" and proposed the theory of evolution

is ________. (A)Adam Smith (B)Freud (C)Nietzsche (D) Darwin

234. The person who was known as “the prime ministers of iron and blood” and led the Germans to unity

is: (A) Gafur (B) Bismarck (C) Metternich (D) Garibaldi

235. In the 1960s, American college students launched the "Free Speech Movement" in order to fight for

freedom of speech. Where did this movement first start? (A) University of California Berkeley (B)

Columbia University (C) University of Chicago (D) University of Alabama

236. What event has nothing to do with the determination of the 13 North American colonies to seek

independence? (A)Encouragement of the success from the French Revolution (B)No need for British

protection (C)Development of European Enlightenment ideas (D)The United Kingdom passing the

stamp tax law in 1776

237. After the Second World War, the United States provided economic assistance to Europe to assist

democratic countries in post-war reconstruction, with a view to resisting the expansion of the

Communist Party’s power with social stability. What plan was this aid called? (A)The Dawes Plan (B)The

Marshall Plan (C)The Young Plan (D) The Manhattan Plan

238. The US president who put forward the motto “that government of the people, by the people, for the

people, shall not perish from the earth.” is _______. (A) Washington (B) Jefferson (C) Lincoln

(D) Roosevelt

239. The book “Zhen La Feng Tu Ji” narrates the history of Cambodia during the Angkor Dynasty. Who is the

author of this book? (A) Fan Chengda (B) Zhou Daguan (C) Qiu Chuji (D) Zhao Mengfu

240. The Dutch established the Dutch East India Company in 1602 to conduct trading activities in the East,

and set up their headquarters in Batavia. What is the name of Batavia today? (A) Singapore (B) Malacca

(C) Jakarta (D) Bangkok

241. The following four places are the World Heritage Sites of Japan and South Korea. Which one has the

closest background to climate? (A) Changdeokgung Palace, South Korea (B) Historic sites in Gyeongju,

South Korea (C) Shinto shrines and temples in Nikko, Japan (D) Shirakawago, Japan

242. Among the countries in Southeast Asia, _______, the entrance and exit of the Straits of Malacca, is the

most conducive to the development of re-export trade. (A) Indonesia (B) Vietnam (C) Thailand (D)


243. Of the following five World Heritage Sites in Southeast Asia, which ones are located on the Indo-China

Peninsula? ①Halong Bay ②Borobudur ③Sabah Mountain ④Remains of Angkor ⑤Huehua

Forbidden City (A) ①②④ (B) ①④⑤ (C) ②③⑤ (D) ③④⑤

244. When taking a cultural tour in Africa, which of the following countries is most likely to see the cultural

landscape of Austronesian interaction with Bantu black people? (A) Niger (B) South Sudan (C)

Mozambique (D) Madagascar

245. A piece of lyrics in the popular song "Christmas in summer": "I want to take you to travel together,

follow me to the south to stay away from the sky in the northern hemisphere. Let the sun shine

directly on your face and enjoy the Christmas on which you can go surfing. "If you want to enjoy the

experiences written in the lyrics, what city should you go to? (A) Marseille (B) Venice (C) Brisbane (D)


246. If you want to experience the fun of snorkeling during the tour, and appreciate the underwater coral

reef ecological landscape, which of the following countries is the most suitable? (A) Sweden (B) Greece

(C) Argentina (D) Australia

247. The recovery of business in Italy and the rise of cities have become the main drivers of the European

Renaissance movement. Which of the following is not an important and influencing city during the

Italian Renaissance? (A) Venice (B) Naples (C) Florence (D) Genoa

248. Before the Age of Discovery, Asian commodities were mostly transported by Islamic merchants to the

east coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and then mainly transferred to European markets by __________

in that region. (A) Greek businessman (B) Italian businessman (C) Spanish businessman (D) Portuguese


249. Which of the following statements about religious beliefs in ancient Egypt is wrong? (A) People

worship of natural phenomena. (B) Officials highly respect the belief in the sun god. (C) Folks are quite

popular in the Pluto faith. (D) People do not believe in the existence of the soul.

250. In 2015, the United Kingdom hosted the 800th anniversary of a document about the beginning symbol

of restriction to the British kingship in medieval times. What is the document referred to above? (A)

Magna Carta (B) The Petition of Rights (C) The Bill of Rights (D) The Treaty of Union

251. A tourist visited a church in Europe and saw a fresco on the theme of the Bible "Genesis" on the

ceiling inside the church. Which church did this tourist visited? (A) St. Peter's Basilica (B) Sistine Chapel

(C) Milan Cathedral (D) Florence Cathedral

252. Which of the following car companies was the first to introduce a production line to improve

production efficiency and mass-produce? (A) PEUGEOT (B) FIAT (C) VOLKS WAGEN (D) FORD

253. Which ancient civilization originated in South America? (A) Mayan civilization (B) Inca civilization (C)

Aztec civilization (D) Indian civilization

254. Headquarters of the World Tourism Organization is in (A)Switzerland (B)Greece (C)Italy (D)Spain

255. Caviar or Vodka is the traditional cuisine of (A) Spain (B) France (C) Italy (D) Russia

256. Which is NOT the territory of the UK? (A) Scotland (B) Ireland (C) Wales (D) North Ireland

257. The religion worships one God is the religion of (A)monotheism (B)polytheism (C)monarchy


258. The religion worships more than one God is the religion of (A)monotheism (B)polytheism

(C)socialism (D)communism

259. Which country in the Northern Europe is not the member of the EU? (A) Sweden (B) Norway

(C)Denmark (D) Finland

260. What part does the former communistic countries like Czech Republic and Poland now hold that they

are located in Europe? (A) northern Europe (B) eastern Europe (C) southern Europe (D) central


261. Which country in the central Europe is not the member of the EU? (A) Germany (B) Switzerland

(C) Austria (D) Luxemburg

262. The Statue of Liberty in New York held up the torch representing freedom in the right hand, and held a

document with a name engraved on the left hand. What is this document? (A) Jefferson's "American

Declaration of Independence" (B) Montesquieu's "French Intention" (C) Locke "On Government" (D)

Paine "Common Sense"

263. the other two largest economies on Earth such as (A) China and Russia (B) Japan and Korea (C)China

and EU (D) Japan and ASEAN.

264. Which country took advantage of Pope Meridian to have the chance of occupying Brazil? (A) Spain

(B) Portugal (C) France (D) Italy (B)

265. Which country is not located in Latin America? (A)Venezuela (B) Argentina (C) the United States of

America (D) Columbia (C)

267. Which produces Blue Mountain Coffee in Central and South America? (A) Columbia (B) Jamaica (C)

Honduras (D) Venezuela B

268. The members of NATO are distributed over Europe, America and Asia. Among them which is located in

Asia? (A)India (B) Pakistan (C) Iran (D)Turkey D

269. Which doctrine states that further efforts by European nations to take control of any independent

state in North or South America would be viewed as "the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition

toward the United States." (A) Cairo Doctrine (B) Florida Doctrine (C)Havana Doctrine (D)Monroe

Doctrine D

270. The rebalance demonstrates that the Obama administration is giving priority attention to the

Asia-Pacific region following U.S. pullbacks from Iraq and Afghanistan. What percent of its naval

assets will the U.S. plan to deploy in the Pacific by 2020. (A) 50 (B)60 (C)70 (D)80 B

271. Why did the U.S. say that China was provocative and would further raise regional tensions with

Vietnam in May 2014? Because China (A) took control of Scarborough Shoal (B) took control of

Mischief Reef (C) reclaimed land from the sea (D) moved an oil rig to an area in the South China

Sea D

272. What country of Europe Xi Jingping visited in October 2015 to bring more than £30bn of trade and

investment deals? Xi was given a rousing welcome and got 103 guns as a salute. (A) UK (B) France

(C) Germany (D)Italy A

273. What city is the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization located in? (A)Moscow, Russia

(B)Beijing, China (C)Shanghai, China (D) Tashkent, Uzbekistan B

274. Western media observers believed that one of the original purpose of the SCO was to serve as a

counterbalance to (A) UN (B)EU (C) NATO (D) ASEAN C

275. What was the regional organization formed by the former Soviet Republics during the breakup of the

Soviet Union? (A) The Warsaw Pac (B)Europe Union (C) NATO (D) CIS D

276. If Taiwan participates in this regional organization, it can be regarded as being the member of the


277. What regional organization vanished as soon as the Soviet Union broke up? (A) The Warsaw Pac

(B)Europe Union (C) NATO (D) CIS A

278. A kind of cleavage in human society, which will form a balance status, is a somewhat harmless one?

(A)horizontal cleavage (B) vertical cleavage (C) cross-cutting cleavage (D) reinforcing cleavage C

279. Which statement is NOT true about the EU? (A)It has the European Parliament (EP). (B)It has the

European Central Bank(ECB). (C) It has the Eurozone every member state of EU must join in. (D)

Citizens of the EU and their family members have the right to move and reside freely within the

territory of the EU. C

280. G7 (Group of Seven) is a group of seven industrialized nations of the world, formed by Canada, USA,

France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and the UK. The Group of Two (G-2 or G2) is a proposed informal special

relationship between the United States of America and (A) China (B) Russia (C) India (D)Australia A

281. G8 (Group of eight) is a group of seven industrialized nations of the world, formed by Canada, USA,

France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and (A) China (B) Russia (C) India (D) Australia B

282. The regional organization was created to aim at starting the dialogue between Christianity civilizations

and Islamic civilizations. (A) the UFM (B) the EU (C) the AU (D) the ASEAN A

283. Which state of the Western World is now the most strongly interfering in the disputes of the South

China Sea? (A) UK (B) USA (C) France (D) Germany B

284. What civilization did Samuel P. Huntington classify UK into? (A) Western (B) Orthodox (C) Sini

(D) Hindu A

285. What place is NOT regarded as one of the three Islamic holy cities? (A)Mecca (B) Medina

(C)Jerusalem (D) Damascus D

286. After the Soviet Union broke up, NATO began to expand eastwardly. Which two former Republics of

the Soviet Union had the intention to participate in NATO to irritate Russian. (A) Georgia, Ukraine

(B)Uzbek, Kazakhstan (C) Azerbaijan, Armenia (D) Tajikistan, Turkmenistan A

287. The Caribbean Crisis or the Missile Scare was a 13-day (October 16–28, 1962) confrontation between

the United States and the Soviet Union concerning Soviet ballistic missile deployment in (A) Panama

(B) Columbia (C) Haiti (D) Cuba D

288. In 2007 USA also deployed antiballistic missiles in Poland and Czech Republic to irritate Russia. But

USA explained that they would protect Europe from the missiles of “rogue” countries such as North

Korea and (A) Iran (B) Iraq (C) Syria (D) Libya A