© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 1 Groupe de Travail JERIP 03 mars 2006 John Gabriel GODDARD IMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine) <[email protected]> Marc ISABELLE IMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine) & CEA <[email protected]> Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

© Goddard & Isabelle 20061 Groupe de Travail JERIP 03 mars 2006 John Gabriel GODDARD IMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine) Marc ISABELLE IMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine)

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© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 1

Groupe de Travail JERIP03 mars 2006

John Gabriel GODDARDIMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine)

<[email protected]>

Marc ISABELLEIMRI (Université Paris-Dauphine) & CEA

<[email protected]>

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 2

Outline of the presentation

Introduction– Public research and industry: the context

Overview– The survey– The sample– The collaborations

– Extra resources are effectively leveraged

Conclusions and perspectives

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France


– PROs’ patents and licenses: the visible part of the iceberg?

– Traditional outcomes outstrip IP-related ones

– Labs’ activities significantly impacted by collaborations

Results– Probing into the invisible part of the iceberg

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 3

Public research and industry: the context

Shift since 1980s, first experienced in US (Bayh-Dole act)

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

– more collaboration between public research and firms

– increase in patent filing by public research organisations

– increase in licensing agreements from PROs to firms

double purpose =

In France, loi de 1999

– speed the innovation rate in the economy

– increase leveraging of resources from their activities by PROs

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 4

PROs’ patents and licenses: the visible part of the iceberg?

Most survey-based studies focus on PROs’ patenting and licensing activities (Thursby et al., 2001; Thursby & Thursby, 2003)

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

Very few address the issue of other channels of K&T transfer to firms (Cohen et al. work with Carnegie-Mellon survey, Levin et al. with Yale survey)

– fit with linear model– involve codified knowledge– transfer embodied technologies

Possible reasons for this bias =

– two-way interactions– involve tacit knowledge– technologies issued from PROs are embryonic

– substantive: patented inventions expected to be commercially useful

– methodological: extensive record of information / databases associatedwith patents

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 5

The survey

Focus on IP issues (protection of intangible assets, transmission / diffusion of knowledge)

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

Questionnaire sent to 1800 lab directors 1st semester, 2004

Questionnaire similar to Cohen (1994)

Large French government labs (CNRS, CEA, INRA, INSERM, INRIA, Institut Pasteur, Institut Curie)

Selected S&T fields: chemistry, life sciences, ICT

Targeted on public research labs

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 6

The sample

146 responses 130 labs have collaborations with firms

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France




S&T fieldsnumber=146

7,200 personnel wide variation, long tail (4 megalabs over 250 pers.)

fairly representative of PROs’ size (except INSERM)

life sciences dominant, ICT marginal

dominance of IDF, probable bias in favour of PACA (many chemistry labs of CEA there)

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 7

The collaborations

874 collaborations of every nature (6,9 per lab on average)

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

localisation of partnersnumber=874

location of collaborative worknumber=130

number of partnersnumber=130

duration of collaborationsnumber=130

weak correlation with size

mostly national, significant regional drive

predominantly long-term

essentially done in public-lab (87%)

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 8

Probing into the invisible part of the iceberg

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

14 pre-identified modalities of collaboration

Answers on a 4-point scale Distribution of responses for each modalitynumber=130


– prevalence of informal / knowledge-targeted / two-way modalities

– IP-related K&T transfer through license agreements at a distant 2nd place

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 9

Extra resources are effectively leveraged

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

9 pre-identified benefits of collaboration for the public lab

Answers on a 4-point scale

Rate of “Yes” for each benefitnumber=130


– perceived benefits closely connected to tangible / intangible inputs obtained

– development of technology transfer activities and mobility towards industry again at a distant 2nd place

“Significant” + “Decisive” “Yes”

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 10

Traditional outcomes outstrip IP-related ones

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

14 pre-identified outcomes of collaboration

Answers on a 4-point scale

Rate of “Yes” for each outcomenumber=130


– … related to dominance of research-type modalities

– patents & copyrights, licenses of all types 2 to 3 times less frequent than publications or theses…

“Frequent” + “Very frequent” “Yes”

– however, embodied technologies (new products & processes + software) as frequent as publications

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 11

Labs’ activities significantly impacted by collaborations

Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

Significant impact on research programmes and themes (rate of “Significant” + “Decisive” = 58%)

number=130 Impact on research style answers on a 3-point scale


Impact on research practices 7 pre-identified practices answers on a 4-point scale “Significant” + “Decisive” “Yes”number=130


– stands out against secondary importance of IP- and technology-related modalities / benefits / outcomes?

– firms’ preferences shape collaborative labs’ activities

– exposure to skewing problem (Florida & Cohen, 1999)

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 12

Conclusions and perspectives


Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

Lack of IP culture in French PROs (OST)

Perform in-depth comparison with Cohen, 1994

Mirror survey with subset of ERIE database

Identification of cluster effects

Collaboration build-up capabilities on top of (rather than?) transfer technologies

Collaborations revolve around knowledge production / transfer / diffusion rather than technology

Technologies transferred are embryonic require two-way interactions and tacit knowledge transfer

© Goddard & Isabelle 2006 13


Modalities and Outcomes of Research Collaboration with Industry: A Survey of Public Laboratories in France

Agrawal A., (2001), “University-to-industry knowledge transfer: literature review and unanswered questions”, International Journal of Management Reviews, 3(4), 285-302.

Cohen W.M., Florida R., Goe R., (1994), “University-Industry Research Centers in the United States”, Report to the Ford Foundation, Mimeo, Carnegie Mellon University.

Cohen W.M., Florida R., Randazzese L., Walsh J., (1998), “Industry and the Academy: Uneasy Partners in the Cause of Technological Advance”, in Roger Noll (ed.), Challenge to the Research University, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

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Thursby J.G., Jensen R., Thursby M.C., (2001), “Objectives, Characteristics and Outcomes of University Licensing: A Survey of Major U.S. Universities”, Journal of Technology Transfer, 26, 59-72.

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