FILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*<e 10 clip II. (in It oBt. rold lonf waiUoc point rmUonlst rcjIitrmUon next *e*k. A Regional Newspaper Serrinc Nine Irricited Idaho Counties LATE BULLETIN W.iSHINGTON, rrt. II 810 — Tfc* hoBM mlUUrr attain U4tj appnnd a bUl br Rrp, raal X KlkU?. t). Trx. ts cnni dtaft dcttrant prtw> llln to fatbm. TIm n U n a n U S. VOL. 23. NO. 265 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. THURSDAY. F^EBUUARY 18. 1913 PRICE S CENTS NAZIS SMASH AMERICAN LINE Axis Forces Drive To Within 14 Miles Of Algerian Border Red Army Rushes Through German Caucasian Lines By KDDi' GILMOHE MOSCOW. Feb. 18 (/P)—The red urmy i.-? smashing we.st- ft-nrd nnd widening' its wcdKC in the Kharkov and Kursk rc- Rions nt the northern end of the active Russinn-German bat- tlefront, and ita column.s have picrccd deeper into Donets basin territory in drives threatening the Germans retreating from Ro.stov, the Ru.ssians announced today. & m e of the ac'tiona were described as cleaning out the remnants of German Btrong- holds left in the rear of Soviet troops which had swept around them for speclacuiar gains. "Weal of Kharkov our troops con- tinued Uiflf. sueccsjJul offensive, liifllcllng heavy blows on Uie rcm- iiiuita of rouuxj Oeniian units," the nu.-ulans iinltl. ‘Tlic Hitlerite piiUi of rcUcat U covered wllh the btxllta of dend enemy offlcera and men as veil US wlUi aUnndoned Oerman hea\7 and light orms." 100 Tank* Dettroyed Tlie dMlrucilon of 100 aermiin tanka nnd oUicr c«emy wur sear In u town norm of Kharkov wiu re- counKd In the Xlusslnn noon com- munique tui rccordcd by Uie London Soviet radio monitor. (Tlic armlM of Col. Oen. P. I. Oolllcov which had taken Kliarkov were pu-ihlns fonvard on the front nnd a floiik altnck carrlcd a column Into B loviii where II fell on the enemy's maKrlel. the RumIoiu nald. (London Inform.-tnu said th e IhriLU from Kharkov appirenUy marked tlie «tart of a race for the upj)«r rcftche.i of Ui« Dnieper river, where HUIer'a tJnllcrcd InvMlon armies arc expccicd to make Uielr nwt major aland. Other A<lT»Bce« Betwrtn fChwb^v, and Kurtk. a column Ipparurtiy opcrntlnj Irom ' Uie newij'-cftpturcd bue at Kursk, took Oralvoron, only 30 mllei norUi of Sosodukltov, the Riuslana taUl, and then advnnced Into another un- IdenUtled city after bentlng down fierce coimter-attflckJ- North of Kur.ik n number of towns were captured nnd northwcjt of the city and went of Faterli Soviet units forced a water crorJln« nnd slonnctl Into miother large town. It was nn^ noimccd. (Powlbly the latter city was Dmlt rev. which lle.i acro-M n tributary of the Seim river. Tlie otfenslvo In UiLi rerlon ihre.ntcns to fa.i!ilon a plncer.i from Uie r.ouUi about Orel. Uie lait rrmalnliiK Oerman (itronRliold on the line from which they launched iMt summer's otfemhe.) On the ioutherii front the Oennnns left In the Donel-i basin, Uie Hus;ilBns nmiouncfd the recapture of Slavj-ansk. a rail cen t#r about 30 miles north of tlio po- Mtlona where RuMlan tnillj prcV' lously had Uiruit to KramatorsJc. Other towns abo aecc taken In the Kmmatorsk necter. rxtendlns n clamp to be laid about Etallno. 0.S.F0iS6IH M IN p m WASHINOTON, Feb. ]8 <.7V-Tlic nrrlval of LleuL Oen. Wnltcr Krue- ger In Au.%trulla to Uike commaml of a new field army of American irootw, the slxUi anny, to be formed of unlta nlrea<)y in the MiiUiwc.it Pacific, wa.s announced today, by Sccreury of War Stlmson. Kruestr, formerly commnmler of the Uilrd army wllh headquarters nt Snn Antonio, Tex., went to AiiUrulln nt the request of Oen. Dougli's Mac- Arlhur. Stlm.ion wild. becnu.ie ,the Btrrngth of American forces In Uie .louUiwe.-il Pacific has reached such proportions Uiat Uie organliatloo of n (Icid army there npjiearcd deilr- able, MncArthur rctalna his post n; commander-in-chief of allied forcc; In the .NOuUiwest Pnclflc. and Stlm- son siiUI Also that Krueirer's new as- Rlsnmcnt would not affect Uie stA- ’ tui of Ufut. Oen. Robert L. Elcliel- berger. Elchelberger, Uie secrelar>' Aald, Is a corjM commander, , Stlm.'.on added that he ha.i had *'a Tcrj- gallnnt record" In Uit field command of troops diirlnc the Pa puan campaign In New Guinea. Krueger Is succeeded In the Tlilrd fttmj- command by MnJ. Oen. Court' ney H. Hodgts, who becomes n heu' tenant gencml by virtue of hU nc« Job. • By AI.EX It SINGLETON WASniNOTON. Feb. 18 (,TV-A $2,610573511 appropriaUon.1 bill. bearUiB the clear Imprint of the house economy bloc's new domin- ance, was turned over to the r,cnat« today minus the lunda souuht by President noosevelt for Uie national resources .planning bonrd. A last minute attempt to presen-e the board's framework by changing lt.%name and providing it wlUi tllS, 000 (o continue lU work ran Into ft parliamentary snaif Just before hou.«e poAjjge of U»e meaeuxe. Chalrmnn of the board 1* Frederick Delano, Uie Pre.ildent'a uncle. "Did Fair lab- ile move to aart the board ku mode by Rep. Magnuson. D.. Wo.'th.. ho declared "thU agency haa done grand Job, a conitrwUve Job." Rep, Tfcbtf. B, n; V.. ranking lnorl{y ijjembff of the-appropri- -.lona'eommitt*t. countered that the board not only Wo-"' "absolutf- ly u-'velesa" but a “menace Uie country- as well. .It wai not the only setback for the chief eiecutlve. who earlier in the week had chided congress for eliminating the funds and maln^ tnlned that. Uio.ic who would abol, W» long ranse planning ''frc likely to prove to bo the spendthrlfu. Cut Dudgtl Bartau Tlie hoiue. on a party vote wllh Republicans pre.«lng the iit-iue, cut J10O.OOO from the budget bureau'* allotment iner Uie prole.st of Rep. Woodnim. D, Va.. Uiat it wa.i the only executive agency the president has to supply him with confldenUal fUcal facta "In these tremuloas tlme.i.' DevildoKS and Tlieir Dogs i Through ytr.tfrdaj'n debate tiie Ilepubllcan minority had Uic votes on the floor and kept them there, while Uiere were neverol absentees 1 the Democrntle ride. Biggest cut In the approprlaUons bill, which bundles up the fUcal needs for a score of Independent {fdttft\ ^stMlfs. one of »3Ml.- 460 in the »i:,H2,000 allotment for the federal home loan ndminlstra- tlon. Burley Aviator Awarded Medal Gooding Sergeant . On Wounded List WASHINGTON, Feb.’18 M>-Tlie war department today released a list of American army personnel wounded in action in the north African area. Some of tlie wounded on the Ifst-have reco«rcd and re- turned to duty.. Among the 440 toldlen on the Ibt were Pfc. Harrs' R, Vaughn, hujbajid of Mrs. Dorii J. Vaughn, Goodins. Ida LONDON, Feb. 18 (,D—Among the 200 United Siatc.1 airmen who re- celved air ffifdiili for bravery In action was Sti\ff Sgt. Bums RJcliard Dayley. 23, Durio', W»-. the U, army headquirters announced. BURLEV, Feb, IB - Staff Sgt. Dum.1 Rlchtinl Dayley, known here Dick D.iyley, ts a wn of Mr. and •s. Enoch Dayley, famieni living southeast of Burley. Dom hero May 31. 1020, Sersfant Dayley'woii grad- uated from Burley' high school In 1030, and was Inducted Into the army March 23, IB», waA tent to England last Oc- Cober. A gunner in a bombardment group, he has been over Germany number of times, 'l!li parents last heard from him Mversl weeka ago. Tired U. S. marines, heading for a m t In an tinnamed raelflo pert after monlhi of bitter fighting on nuadalcuial. lead their clogi down the gangpUnk with them. Uie of dogi In ether war theaters had beta asnoanetd. but Ibtlr on Guadalcanal had b « n Void- State Appropriation Shows $200,000 Cut /' * / . By JOHN CORLETr ' BOISE, Feb. 18 (U.R) — If the Idaho lo;ris!ature npprovos appropriatioiiA ns submitted by the joint finance committoe, approximfttely $200,000 would be saved as compared to propriatlbns'made two years ago. Remainder of the appropriation bills was iniroduced in the house today. Total figure for all (including the ",‘;ch()ol” bills introduced yeslerdny) is about $13,290,000, ;u: conii)arecl to the §13.500,000 a!>i)roi)riattd SA D FLASHES of LIFE Gandhi Condition Growing Weaker BOMBAY, Feb. 18 (U .R>—Mohnn- da.1 K, Oandlil, 13-year-old Indian nationalist leader. Is growing stead- ily weaker In heart and mind In the nlnUi day of his fast against internment, a government bulletin aald today. The morning medical bulleUn said; mentally alert. There Is oUier evidence of uremia which is pro- greMlve. Heirt acUon « feebler. Anxiety for his condlUon deepens." , SLICED HOUSTO.V, Tex.. Feb, 18—Sliced 3read reappeared — briefly — in Houzton, and housewives almost trip le d each oUier in the rush. The illees-Jusl two In a packet— were distributed aifree sample by a baker, ^ Customcra tried vabily to buy them by the dozen. CHANGE BALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 18-Un|. verslty authorities dbllked Uie cove) picture for Unique. i,tudent maga- sine, 11 .showed n couple In an ar^ dent embrace, Tlie cover was ehnnged. It'« the .-.amc couple-but .'he Is gazing austerely from a picture frame, and he Ls Mnndlng nearby reglsterlifg great Interest. RESULTS DENVER, Feb. 16-Dog Catcher Anton "ncky ihought he heard barks, over his police radio. Tlien Uie dbpatcher asked Him to hurry to headiiuarlcrs, A female scouie (log had wander- ed in, and was ylpplng into the mic- rophone, DJBRACK \ PORTLAND, Ore.. Ffb, 18-Mrx. George Roberts, 33, met lier broUier, Just home from ovrrsens iervlce, Hb enthuilasUc hug irviured a rib. out of the gt‘i iy -11 legis! It «-as noted ui to heed Gov. C, , que.li for a for old age >prlated I al fmni l)v tiie aiul 1 approximate years apo. The cormnlttep .ni';>rovrd department of . ivlm appropriation of l.l.'H.'.Ml.Si pared to Uie total lor two v of »4,475.:iO. The approprlsllc:-.-, f..-f fiscal biennium fri);n .'uU- lo June 30, m s, tvi’. .- .vt- ccn to the 1041 nnprf>;:n!i.-'ti'. 1541-43 biennium Ti-.e MX approprlatloiu fcir all covering the perlcvl Uvxn J, June 30 h.ive nirrn;!:.- t>frn r The deparUneni o! publU ance received i.> the flr?,i three of 1 will receive an n.;c!ln-r,nl ) carry it to Jv.v.r n.' The tllLi inirr-'ic-M! ; ercd all Mate drr.iri.-iir; insUtutions no: pn-i:: ..-a- Bmall .savinw were denartments. ivlng-1contem;i'„>!'^l m tl 25 per cent cut.-. 1:: Ir's ln.Mltutlons ol l;;v!','-r iCtnllnW ,n Tx* :. ('•Ion m u iP isH R O l ’ ByOPA WASllINGTON. Prb, 18 (U.PJ - Canned meat ntiil fbh »tock.s, the latfit objecihe of hoarders, w •'froten" on groccry-nore slielves day. All sales were ordered .suspended wlUioul vnnilni; nl 12:01 a. m„ until ruUonlng of nie.u goes into effect, jirobably,about March 28, or for a maximum of COday.i. The emcfgenry cratk-down on “lunlc-buyUiK" wiu ordered by the office of price udmlnbtraUon nt the request of t'ood Administrator Claude R. Wlrkard. Offlclnb said sales of, canned meni and fLsh had .‘Jy-rocketed In Hte [uuit few w unUl there sas dimmer Uial not thwe Items uuuld be left by Uic Umt meat railoiiUw begins. CiTtUan Supplies tlalted Civilian auppllei of canned meat and fLsh are \ery smalt and OPA officials tald tlie ••frceie'' was de- .^lgned to prevent hoarders from get- ting more than iJielr share, Uiidei rationing all i>cn,oiis will have at eijual apixirturjiy to share In Uie limited supply. Rrlatlvely Hiall amounls of can- ned meat and ftli will be available for civilians even under rationing. Milliard’ and lend-leue ordeni will take 75 jier cent of the canned meat, 80 per tent of the canned sardines and mackerel, and CO per cent of Un canned udmon in 1543. Tlie ''free:e'' ua.% slammed down with Uie same suddenness as Uiat which marked Vnuoducllon ol shoe rationing two week.\ago. Price Ad- mlnLitrator PrrnlL'-s M. Crown •amed then that tJie same teclv Ique would be used whenever pos- sible In tlie luture. Held Up Order Emergency ronferenees were held : OPA, and a decision taken late ycjlerday to impose a freese a l 12.-01 lodiy, Tlie announcement diccret until 11 p. m.. E\VT, l.vt nUlit to i>.'event a last-minute panic riiili before grocerler, and dell- iter.-.rn stores cloied. All meat, fish and shellllsh pack- I 111liermetlcally waled containers of any tyjx- and sterilised by use of heat, are covered by the "fr«efie" order. Pigs feet, pig's foot tidbits, dried berl In aiirJ oilier Items which aie not .-.enled ajid heat- trea;ril .ire nui Included. Phiirma- ceuUc.ll produri.^ abo are exempted, alom; uUh products conlalnlng some me.n or lUh, .'uch ns pork-and- br.ms n.-.rt clam and fi.\h chowders. v.!iicli :ire tc> be raiionrd Under Uie rej;uhr canned goods raUoiilng rhill t neat chiefly affected a , loaf. ;, Vienna r.ausage, bulk flinpped luncheon ineat.i. iiid poUed meal.s. Tlie prln- h Items Bffectrd are -can- iiuiii. sardines, tuna, tuna- r\ntid mackerel, are "froien" at all leveLs. WMttholesaler.i may atfiuire .1 cnnned Ibh, Whole.vilers I'.IUil 1&days, report to the r each wholesale establl.sh- leir Inventorle.s of canned d fl'h held on Feb, 17. 1943. Africa Fight Film Will Be Rc;leased HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 18 fUP;—"At ic Front." a 41-mlnute technicolor film iJui-ms netuil battle .srene.n on the nnrlh African front, will be re- !ea;.e<l M.uch 25, it wius dlsclor.ed Fll.iied by nrmy and nnvy ( iiinrii, tlir picture shows comba.t acUon 111 .Mgeria and TunLila. Nominated EX-GOV. CHASE A. CLARK « ¥ * * Chase A. Clark Nominated for U.S. Judgeship WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 H’f- Chase A. Clark, former governor of Idaho, was noinlnaUd by President Rooatvclt tdday M be Utrifrd fiutoa district. Judge-for IdalwT - If confirmed by the sena(«. Clark wtmld replace Judge C. C. Cavanah who uked to be reUred more than a year ago, but who haa ser\ 'ed mucli of Uie time since. Clark, a Democrat, was defeated for reelecUon last fall by Repub- lican. Gov. C. A. BolUilfsen, lie Is Uie uncle of United Slate; Senator D. Worth Clark, D„ Id#. BOISE. Feb. 10 .,i’—Cliaw Addl- )H Clark, nomlniiird today b> President RouM-vclt to be U. S. db- trJct Judge for Idaho, wiui'elected governor of the stale in tlic fall of 1040 and ,^en•ed one term. Before bclnK Herted govei Clark served as m;iyor of h Frills and pracUred lax In .Muekny id Idaho Falls for , . Clark w.xs admitted to the bar In 1004 and prior and miner. .......... born Ai!K. :i. 1B83, at Had- e>'. Ind.. married Jean Burnett, Inn. 15. IDOQ. and I.i tlie father of me daughter, Je:in Iletliene. Judge Charles C, Cavanah re- dgnp'l llie federal bench in Janu- ir?'. ISC. but has conllnued to serve It the re^ueil of the circuit court of ippeaLi al San Franehco. Clark Is a Democrat and a Pres- byterian, aliO u member of the Ma- ■sonlc. Elk.v E.'»«le.\ . Moa^c and Odd Fellows lodk-es. Madame Ghiang Kai-shek Raps Plans to Beat Germany First By PEGGY POOIl WASHINGTON. Feb. 18 AJP,)— Madame Clilang Kai-shek today denounced Uie "prevailing opinion' Ui^t Uie defeat of Japan L< le.u important Uian the defeat of Ger- many and urged congress to lead the way in formulaUng one cor- porate body of all naUons after the ar. » It WBs her flnu dramatic appeal to Uie American people- for more aid for CTilna "which has bled and borne unflinchingly the burden of war for more Uian five and a half yenn.” Before a hushed ‘ and crowded house diamber in her first publlip appearance, she praUed America as "nci only Uie cauldron of demo- cracy. but the incubator of demo* crr.Uc principles." She hoped that Uie congre&s of that America would help make a post-war world in whicli. It will be imposjilble for an>’- one t0 plunge future generations "Into another orgy of- blood." The addre.'j of the famous Amer- ican-educated wife of tlie Chinese eeneralltjJmo was In Impeccable English and woven Into it were the saylogs of old Chinese philosoph- ers to illustrate Important points. 6h« cooduded witti tha phUoaoph* vlnced that It U Uie belUr part of wl.\dom to accept failure Ignomin- lously, but to rbk it gloriously. ■We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, America and oui oUier gallant allies will not be ob- 'slTMCted by the mirage of contin- gent rea.^ons of expediency. “Man's metUe is tested both* In adversity and in succerj. Twice is U\ is «Mt M the loul ol a nation, Mme. Chlang left no doubt that her mt'Jlon here, now that irratment for on old Injuo' has been pronounced succe.ssful, Ln Ic convince Amerlcaas that the Jap- anese are no less a dangerou-i foe than the Germans. She prefaced her review of Ja p - anese ttrrngUi with this Chine.'e saying; "It takes UtUo-effort to watch the oUier fellow carry Uie load," Tlie' prevailing opinion now. alie added, wems to consider the de- feat of the Japanese as of relative unimportance and Uiat Hitler is our first concern. •This Is not borne out by actual facta." slie .^aid, "nor Is it to Uie kal ftd'ilet Jran a iiailon ton? tom SnVertJis ol the United NaUonii as by war to one barely Initiated In |a whole (o allow Japan to continue, ita hardililps: ]not only as n vlUl potenUal threat 'From five and a tialf years of but as a ualting swoni of Oemocles, Bperleace. « la CWaa a n esm- • (CMUat*4 r*n i. c^iaaa l> MADAME OHtV.tritAI.SHEK OOIAGEWIW p , noUe, of I field «SUce Ion, will f^t T'vln Falls •rre Friday office a Chamber n( morning for tin inc commerrlal meeting pro\Mor.s nf the ODT or- tfcr for ceriUicalfs nf war neces- sity. He will remain there through; oul the day. While In this trrrllon', Webster. ilio Is I Will ,', Sho- vlslt Ooodlng. Jerome, Halli slione, Burlry and Rupert, He may he contacted as follows: Gooding. Feb. 20; Jerome. Feb. 21; Hailey. Feb. 22 from 2 to 5 p. m.; ShoslKine Feb. 23 from 0:30 to 3:30 p. m.; Burley. Feb. 24 noon on 'In 5 P- m.. and Rupert. Feb, li from 0 u. m. to 1:30 p. m. Farmers to Get Gasoline- Supply WASHINOTON, Feb. IB (« — Prcnll.ss Brown told Sen. Wieeler, D„ Mont.. today Uiat ihe office of price administration Is preparlnj to ls.sue gasoline for non-highway ptirpojea to farmers for slx*taonll\ periods. •.Brown, director of OPA, «Tote Wheeler in response to the senator's qiiery as to how farmers are going to be supplied with fuel for their farming equipment under • present eondlUons. , is not Uie IntenUon ol the pro* Eiain.* be uld, "to cut down on neeetsarr allolmenta of-gasoline (or use by fanners but we must not r v Ux our vlgilaDBt over Uie use of mMwr for unseceuary purpotea.** ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. NORTH AFRICA. Feb. IS (U.PJ— German armored forces, .ibshinj: to within 14 miles of the AlKcrian border, have driven American tnx»ivi from thrw more towns, and the Berlin radio broadcast an announce- ment today that the hijrli command now considers the Tu- nisian offen.sive ended. The first reaction here at allied headquarters to the Berlin announcement wa.-5that Mar- shal Envin Rommel was not willing to risk a further ad- vance westward in faco of the threat of the Britbh cisbUi army, which is rolling up ti>- ward his • flank from Ihe .^outh. Amerlcan !W{vj, erar-^iUng the towns of Kassenne. Fntaaa ar.d SbeltU. rtUrtd to strw.j defeasjtt pcrjtlons la the <000-foo( hU^s west of the iri.-.nr> foftned by the thrre communlUrs. L^led SUi^s cascal- ties were rrpowd to hive been heavy and our foerea aere beUfxtd to have ahandcBed a cocoUeratie amount of e<julpmeat. imumm LNEEO WASHINGTON, Feb. IB (^1 — MaJ. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. selec- tive aervlce director, told a senate agriculture subcommittee today he believed It would be poaslble to maintain 11.000,000 men in the arm ed scrvlcea wlUiout disturbing 1, 800,000 pliyslcally qualified men c draft age on Uie farms. However, a Mnate bloc Of mor. Uian 30 memben, disagreeing wllh Hershcy's tesilmony, drafted tw( bills intended to relieve the agrl- cultural manpower shortage. ITould Be^slrc Reieate Both Introduced by Senator Bank, head, D , Ala., one would require re- ICBAo unUI Jan. 1, 1»H. of all sol- dletTi now in the-Unlted States who were ■ engaged In agrlculturo prior to Induction. Each man furloughed , Kou^d luive.to agi« U> do f wplc ul prcvaIU'!.{ «ra|i ntai or’ foriuu- pcusaUtn’c^ralent to anny pay. whichever Is higher. The ottter proridet that no draft registrant nuy leave an agrlcultur- al Job unleis his telecUve serrlce board determines he should engage in (somo other employment la the best interests of the war effort. ♦33,000 Single Fartntta Hcrr,hey csUmaled that by next Dec. 31. there will be 435,000 smgle farmers classified In the deferred 2C llstlnK and 2.527.000 married fnrmcn In the 3C cl.tulflcatlon. A .^eri.Mc agriculture suh»mmlt- tee, meanwhllr. voted to demand an explanation from nillllary authori- ties of tlir necd.1 for an armed force of 11.200.000. Chairman .Smith. D. S. C.. said Cen. Oforge C. M.Uihall, war de- (urimenl chief of .^uff, would be summoned early next week. -We ore going to find out who fixed thW figure as Uie amount the army, nftvv and maritime commt^- iloii u-111 have to have." Smllh as- serted. WARSIAiSIO OP DOLLAR OAY Sale of war i.avlngs .'tamps will be •atured by the mercliants parUcl- patlng in Uie T«ln FalLi Merchants bureau's "victory dolUr d » j' sale here Saturday. Anderson company, J. C. Penncv, Idaho Department store. Oambie'.i. Newbcrrj-'.v Van En- gelen'.f. Hudson-dark. Woolworth nnd Sears Roebuck will l;;ive :,:amp boolli.s, while most of the otheni will feature the stamp sales at th cashier's de.^k or at cash regl.'te.-s. boothi will be manned b women from Mrs. Frankie Ala-orth' •onimittce of the counly war bend .;.Tle.s orBanliatlon. They ulll he hand In the booths from 2 p. unUl elacng time. The Merchant.V bureau co.-nmlttee pointed out thal customers will have an opportunity to complete the filling oul of partlally-lllled stamp- books during the day. The Jaycce b.)ndwllers. w-iU make Ihclr appearance on U;e main strerU' tn a .'.tamp nelUng drive at 3 p. ui. and will be available to purcha.M:r5 for an hour, the lime given them by the bureau to rell 1100 In stamps. The bondodlera who will lake part ore Shirley Smith. Ruth Bilbao, Ruby CnrLson, HlLna Sweet. Helen Jane Olln and Becky Victor. IC«nllna>4 r^»« IS. TaloiB 4) The drlre which rtauHed to Lh* eapiure of rvrtaaa ecahied t.** Oef- mans almost to cut clear tt* waist of TunbU. F*tUma Is 14 siUes fnaa th* Algertia bcrter. Sane Asiericaa trcops have reached the ti::» « « : o( I'er- lana. I: wa» said, and now arr busy regrouping thdr foctts far a deter- mined stand on the bl,sh gmuae. "FUhtlcs ca a irdo»d aca> yesterday." tfte cocjauaHw and. -Leading e'eojenta of the eatsar oc- . cupled Fe.-laia. Kasxlqr aad S>«1U la. •Oar tifktea out the da« cnrr n TiaSita. Our hearr aad ts*d:3=» baaXn af- tackfd enray alr^Vlds !n SanUaia. At ene airfield bcca^ bent cks« to a Dumber of pocnded aarraTV eneay^ fighters and <ne Italian *m- plane we» *h « dawn Iff ow I and their Rsater esuarta. •Plre of car aliwaft a:v b !J3!:ic troai theie opetatlcrv Dctc* laa night a few er.e=y ateraft drepy d bcmtjs In the Alite.T irete C: nus»er cf casialUa was »a:d thal the Assrficvii ? U;t:e.,U any. alte=?s '.odtlerJ Fertana. Kaiwr.ne x=sl Sbel'.:i. Rather. It wis an evar,ati.ii desUn- ) le; Uie V. S. L-.to a bet- defcn-sive T^e thTre town.' Ue at t.^e ftvi cf which rUc to tsort t-'ian 4.COJ fee: a s=ue places. The American l;=e now r^r.s ro-jghty fr«n P-h«i ard TWiesxi. hislde A.-nerlcan comba: leama nor are b^lni. ccceentratfd cn l^.• eisttm ' and western side of an ta>-«ir,t Pi-.s L-v.lhe mo«jpUlrj be.hlsd K i — fenne, I.t fr:r.: of them ihe Gc- i ccc-jp> a w*dest.-T'.;h cf tJiiZe- lard whleti Is and. iwlev. asd al- unmhablted. in Uvkt pal'.l.o are wiUiln rir^e cf A=er.aa U.S.SUBSBOOS' JAP S i LOSSES w\sHINGTO.S*. Ftli. U •y*'— e L-. Uhe pU’ i: hate F*i'htd the Los Angeles Has Air Attack Alert .UJsjANOtlXS. Feb. 14 Ql»- Los Anceles underwent a 33<mlnnta yellow alert Ust nllht. OffleiaU of the aouihem Mctor of the ncAtera defense cocmana announced'the alert began at p. m. and ended it 9:30 p. aL. wbta the unidentified tarset to be Mendlr- It vas alnt ot nr here. Ttio lu t it»t called Dae. IT. Radio (Utlons teirrlsed on tha air. a l U w u g ^ r ^ ae|iB»uUct u d M leading r isslr.-r, n-,a3ter c, , l*aemc since Pearl Harto.* l.i J J i Tt^e tarr's diiclca-irv l^Jt fir- uui'irx unrier:e* bca's had a.-- ccur.'ed for five mere <r.em.v »ux- Uiarlea p^rvhed tevcr.d t.“- .e ir.art the tc:al of ai: Japar.ri^ .’.Mra buried Li th» Pac-Jtr tTaTTjxrd. That fU'A*r con ir_*X-de ah:? sinkings claim'd Irt' airmen at:r.g und«r Oea. DcugUi Mac.M- Uiur. ^ ns TOT wa.-?.h:» aAl nw-sVCT.hi’-ar.t. The latest cf .\=eri,-wa rsV marlne5 l.'icl'Jtlfd tw^> E:ed;-i:=.al.-ed cargo shJas, a', medl'.^m-^'cd taritr. a trarjpert apd an escct*. Tex-fL They also ianiajed and icciab.'T sank a cn:l>er aaa darsaged a cargo vefsel. Safc.-narlr.es alece have ju n i * 3 ahlp^ arrro^lsiatelr 48 per cent cf Uie tclal. Th A la the n--saber Te^se!s aetuaUy sent to the boKcu sufcmarcies a: ' ' wllh alirrwTt pon. Surface rJixa counted for of Jaran'k :«« kefe,— - . Ohserro tje' wc<^Mt of CiadakaaU n v lw* tide the thiitfd sate Kttt a w ^ laartne base f-em to tfae teaKjli aouthwea: Fad.'te elUi.i'jtw^'H. IS * deep water ai by OedjIcacaJ fa mold b* UeaJ ta- «aann« Ines. • •»* . BTOCK .1 IM.haln4 OmM fctac a( a tad tue th*’4

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A Regional Newspaper Serrinc Nine Irr ic ite d Idaho Counties


hoBM mlUUrr attain U 4 tjappnnd a bUl br Rrp, raal X KlkU?.

t). Trx. ts cnn i dtaft dcttrant prtw>

llln to fatbm. TIm n U n a n U S.

VOL. 23. N O . 265 TW IN F A L L S . ID A H O . THURSDAY. F^EBUUARY 18. 1913 P R IC E S CENTS

NAZIS SMASH AMERICAN LINEAxis Forces Drive To Within 14 Miles Of Algerian Border

Red Army Rushes Through German Caucasian Lines


M OSC O W . Feb. 18 (/P)— The red urmy i.-? sm ashing we.st-

ft-nrd nnd widening' its wcdKC in the Kharkov and K ursk rc- Rions n t the northern end o f the active Russinn-German bat- tle fron t, and ita column.s have picrccd deeper in to Donets

basin territory in drives threatening the Germans re trea ting from Ro.stov, the Ru.ssians announced today.

& m e o f the ac'tiona were described as cleaning ou t the

rem nants o f German Btrong-holds le ft in the rear of Soviet troops w h i c h had swept

around them for speclacuiar

gains."Weal of Kharkov our troops con­

tinued Uiflf. sueccsjJul offensive, liifllcllng heavy blows on Uie rcm- iiiuita of rouuxj Oeniian units," the nu.-ulans iinltl. ‘Tlic Hitlerite piiUi of rcUcat U covered wllh the btxllta of dend enemy offlcera and men as veil US wlUi aUnndoned Oerman hea\7 and light orms."

100 Tank* Dettroyed Tlie dMlrucilon of 100 aermiin

tanka nnd oUicr c«emy wur sear In u town norm of Kharkov wiu re- counKd In the Xlusslnn noon com­munique tui rccordcd by Uie London Soviet radio monitor.

(Tlic armlM of Col. Oen. P. I. Oolllcov which had taken Kliarkov were pu-ihlns fonvard on the front nnd a floiik altnck carrlcd a column Into B loviii where II fell on the enemy's maKrlel. the RumIoiu nald.

(London Inform.-tnu said the IhriLU from Kharkov appirenUy marked tlie «tart of a race for the upj)«r rcftche.i of Ui« Dnieper river, where HUIer'a tJnllcrcd InvMlon armies arc expccicd to make Uielr nwt major aland.

Other A<lT»Bce«

Betwrtn fChwb^v, and Kurtk. a column Ipparurtiy opcrntlnj Iro m ' Uie newij'-cftpturcd bue at Kursk, took Oralvoron, only 30 mllei norUi of Sosodukltov, the Riuslana taUl, and then advnnced Into another un- IdenUtled city after bentlng down fierce coimter-attflckJ-

North of Kur.ik n number of towns were captured nnd northwcjt of the city and went of Faterli Soviet units forced a water crorJln« nnd slonnctl Into miother large town. It was nn noimccd.

(Powlbly the latter city was Dmlt rev. which lle.i acro-M n tributary of the Seim river. Tlie otfenslvo In UiLi rerlon ihre.ntcns to fa.i!ilon a plncer.i from Uie r.ouUi about Orel. Uie lait rrmalnliiK Oerman (itronRliold on the line from which they launched iMt summer's otfemhe.)

On the ioutherii front the Oennnns left In the Donel-i basin, Uie Hus;ilBns nmiouncfd the recapture of Slavj-ansk. a rail cen t#r about 30 miles north of tlio po- Mtlona where RuMlan tnillj prcV' lously had Uiruit to KramatorsJc.

Other towns abo aecc taken In the Kmmatorsk necter. rxtendlns n clamp to be laid about Etallno.

0 .S .F 0 iS 6 IHM I N p m

WASHINOTON, Feb. ]8 <.7V-Tlic nrrlval of LleuL Oen. Wnltcr Krue­ger In Au.%trulla to Uike commaml of a new field army of American irootw, the slxUi anny, to be formed of unlta nlrea<)y in the MiiUiwc.it Pacific, wa.s announced today, by Sccreury of War Stlmson.

Kruestr, formerly commnmler of the Uilrd army wllh headquarters nt Snn Antonio, Tex., went to AiiUrulln nt the request of Oen. Dougli's Mac- Arlhur. Stlm.ion wild. becnu.ie ,the Btrrngth of American forces In Uie .louUiwe.-il Pacific has reached such proportions Uiat Uie organliatloo of n (Icid army there npjiearcd deilr- able,

MncArthur rctalna his post n; commander-in-chief of allied forcc; In the .NOuUiwest Pnclflc. and Stlm- son siiUI Also that Krueirer's new as- Rlsnmcnt would not affect Uie stA-

’ tui of Ufut. Oen. Robert L. Elcliel- berger.

Elchelberger, Uie secrelar>' Aald, Is a corjM commander,, Stlm.'.on added that he ha.i had *'a Tcrj- gallnnt record" In Uit field command of troops diirlnc the Pa puan campaign In New Guinea.

Krueger Is succeeded In the Tlilrd fttmj- command by MnJ. Oen. Court' ney H. Hodgts, who becomes n heu' tenant gencml by virtue of hU nc« Job. •


$2,610573511 appropriaUon.1 bill. bearUiB the clear Imprint of the house economy bloc's new domin­ance, was turned over to the r,cnat« today minus the lunda souuht by President noosevelt for Uie national resources .planning bonrd.

A last minute attempt to presen-e the board's framework by changing lt.% name and providing it wlUi tllS, 000 (o continue lU work ran Into ft parliamentary snaif Just before hou.«e poAjjge of U»e meaeuxe. Chalrmnn of the board 1* Frederick

Delano, Uie Pre.ildent'a uncle."Did Fair lab­

ile move to aart the board •k u mode by Rep. Magnuson. D.. Wo.'th..

ho declared "thU agency haa done grand Job, a conitrwUve Job." Rep, Tfcbtf. B , n; V.. ranking lnorl{y ijjembff of the-appropri-

-.lona'eommitt*t. countered that the board not only Wo-"' "absolutf- ly u-'velesa" but a “menace Uie country- as well..It wai not the only setback for

the chief eiecutlve. who earlier in the week had chided congress for eliminating the funds and maln^ tnlned that. Uio.ic who would abol, W» long ranse planning ''frc likely to prove to bo the spendthrlfu.

Cut Dudgtl Bartau Tlie hoiue. on a party vote wllh

Republicans pre.«lng the iit-iue, cut J10O.OOO from the budget bureau'* allotment iner Uie prole.st of Rep. Woodnim. D, Va.. Uiat it wa.i the only executive agency the president has to supply him with confldenUal fUcal facta "In these tremuloas tlme.i.'

DevildoKS and Tlieir Dogs

■ ■ i

Through ytr.tfrdaj'n debate tiie Ilepubllcan minority had Uic votes on the floor and kept them there, while Uiere were neverol absentees 1 the Democrntle ride.Biggest cut In the approprlaUons

bill, which bundles up the fUcal needs for a score of Independent {fdttft\ ^stMlfs. one of »3Ml.- 460 in the »i:,H2,000 allotment for the federal home loan ndminlstra- tlon.

Burley Aviator Awarded Medal

Gooding Sergeant

. On Wounded ListWASHINGTON, Feb.’18 M>-Tlie

war department today released a list of American army personnel wounded in action in the north African area. Some of tlie wounded on the Ifst-have reco«rcd and re­turned to duty..

Among the 440 toldlen on the Ibt were Pfc. Harrs' R, Vaughn, hujbajid of Mrs. Dorii J. Vaughn, Goodins. Ida

LONDON, Feb. 18 (,D—Among the 200 United Siatc.1 airmen who re- celved air ffifdiili for bravery In action was Sti\ff Sgt. Bums RJcliard Dayley. 23, Durio', W»-. the U, army headquirters announced.

BURLEV, Feb, IB - Staff Sgt. Dum.1 Rlchtinl Dayley, known here

Dick D.iyley, ts a wn of Mr. and •s. Enoch Dayley, famieni living

southeast of Burley. Dom hero May 31. 1020, Sersfant Dayley'woii grad­uated from Burley' high school In 1030, and was Inducted Into the army March 23, IB»,

waA tent to England last Oc- Cober. A gunner in a bombardment group, he has been over Germany number of times, 'l!li parents last heard from him Mversl weeka ago.

Tired U. S. marines, heading for a m t In an tinnamed raelflopert after monlhi of bitter fighting on nuadalcuial. lead their clogi down the gangpUnk with them. Uie of dogi In ether war theaters had beta asnoanetd. but Ibtlr on Guadalcanal had b « n Void-

State Appropriation Shows $200,000 Cut

/ ' * / . By JOHN CORLETr

' BO ISE, Feb. 18 (U.R) — I f the Idaho lo;ris!ature npprovos appropriatioiiA ns subm itted by the jo in t finance committoe, approximfttely $200,000 would be saved as compared to

propriatlbns'made two years ago.Remainder o f the appropriation bills was iniroduced in the

house today. Total figure for all (including the ",‘;ch()ol” bills introduced yeslerdny) is about $13,290,000, ;u: conii)arecl to

the §13.500,000 a!>i)roi)riattd



Gandhi Condition Growing Weaker

BOMBAY, Feb. 18 (U.R>—Mohnn- da.1 K, Oandlil, 13-year-old Indian nationalist leader. Is growing stead­ily weaker In heart and mind In the nlnUi day of his fast against internment, a government bulletin aald today.

The morning medical bulleUn said;

mentally alert. There Is oUier evidence of uremia which is pro- greMlve. Heirt acUon « feebler. Anxiety for his condlUon deepens."


HOUSTO.V, Tex.. Feb, 18—Sliced 3read reappeared — briefly — in Houzton, and housewives almost tr ip le d each oUier in the rush.

The illees-Jusl two In a packet— were distributed aifree sample by a baker, ^

Customcra tried vabily to buy them by the dozen.


verslty authorities dbllked Uie cove) picture for Unique. i,tudent maga- sine, 11 .showed n couple In an ar dent embrace,

Tlie cover was ehnnged.It'« the .-.amc couple-but .'he Is

gazing austerely from a picture frame, and he Ls Mnndlng nearby reglsterlifg great Interest.

RESULTS DENVER, Feb. 16-Dog Catcher

Anton "ncky ihought he heard barks, over his police radio.

Tlien Uie dbpatcher asked Him to hurry to headiiuarlcrs,

A female scouie (log had wander­ed in, and was ylpplng into the mic­rophone,


PORTLAND, Ore.. Ffb, 18-Mrx. George Roberts, 33, met lier broUier, Just home from ovrrsens iervlce,

Hb enthuilasUc hug irviured a rib.

out o f the gt‘i

iy -11 legis!It «-as noted ui

to heed Gov. C, , que.li for a for old age

>prlated I

al fm n i l)v tiie

aiul 1

approximate years apo.

The cormnlttep .ni';>rovrd department of .ivlm appropriation of l.l.'H.'.Ml.Si pared to Uie total lor two v of »4,475.:iO.

The approprlsllc:-.-, f..-f fiscal biennium fri);n .'uU- lo June 30, ms, tvi’. .-.vt- ccn to the 1041 nnprf>;:n!i.-'ti'. 1541-43 biennium Ti-.e MX approprlatloiu fcir all covering the perlcvl Uvxn J, June 30 h.ive nirrn;!:.- t>frn r

The deparUneni o! publU ance received i.>the flr?,i three of 1will receive an n.;c!ln-r,nl ) carry it to Jv.v.r n.'The tllLi inirr-'ic-M! ;

ercd all Mate drr.iri.-iir; insUtutions no: pn-i:: ..-a- Bmall .savinw were denartments.

ivlng-1 contem;i'„>!' l m tl 25 per cent cut.-. 1::■ Ir's ln.Mltutlons ol l;;v!','-r

iCtnllnW ,n Tx* :. ('•Ion

m u i P i s HR O l ’ ByOPA

WASllINGTON. Prb, 18 (U.PJ - Canned meat ntiil fbh »tock.s, the latfit objecihe of hoarders, w •'froten" on groccry-nore slielves day.

All sales were ordered .suspended wlUioul vnnilni; nl 12:01 a. m„ until ruUonlng of nie.u goes into effect, jirobably,about March 28, or for a maximum of CO day.i.

The emcfgenry cratk-down on “lunlc-buyUiK" wiu ordered by the office of price udmlnbtraUon nt the request of t'ood Administrator Claude R. Wlrkard. Offlclnb said sales of, canned meni and fLsh had .‘Jy-rocketed In Hte [uuit few w unUl there sas dimmer Uial not thwe Items uuuld be left by Uic Umt meat railoiiUw begins.

CiTtUan Supplies tlalted Civilian auppllei of canned meat

and fLsh are \ery smalt and OPA officials tald tlie ••frceie'' was de- . lgned to prevent hoarders from get­ting more than iJielr share, Uiidei rationing all i>cn,oiis will have at eijual apixirturjiy to share In Uie limited supply.

Rrlatlvely Hiall amounls of can­ned meat and ftli will be available for civilians even under rationing. Milliard’ and lend-leue ordeni will take 75 jier cent of the canned meat, 80 per tent of the canned sardines and mackerel, and CO per cent of Un canned udmon in 1543.

Tlie ''free:e'' ua.% slammed down with Uie same suddenness as Uiat which marked Vnuoducllon ol shoe rationing two week.\ ago. Price Ad- mlnLitrator PrrnlL'-s M. Crown •amed then that tJie same teclv Ique would be used whenever pos­

sible In tlie luture.Held Up Order

Emergency ronferenees were held : OPA, and a decision taken late

ycjlerday to impose a freese a l 12.-01 lodiy, Tlie announcement diccret until 11 p. m.. E\VT,

l.vt nUlit to i>.'event a last-minute panic riiili before grocerler, and dell- iter.-.rn stores cloied.All meat, fish and shellllsh pack- I 111 liermetlcally waled containers

of any tyjx- and sterilised by use of heat, are covered by the "fr«efie" order. Pigs feet, pig's foot tidbits, dried berl In aiirJ oilier Items which aie not .-.enled ajid heat- trea;ril .ire nui Included. Phiirma- ceuUc.ll produri. abo are exempted, alom; uUh products conlalnlng some me.n or lUh, .'uch ns pork-and- br.ms n.-.rt clam and fi.\h chowders. v.!iicli :ire tc> be raiionrd Under Uie rej;uhr canned goods raUoiilng

rhill tneat chiefly affected a

, loaf.;, Vienna r.ausage, bulk

flinpped luncheon ineat.i. iiid poUed meal.s. Tlie prln- h Items Bffectrd are -can- iiuiii. sardines, tuna, tuna- r\ ntid mackerel, are "froien" at all leveLs. WM ttholesaler.i may atfiuire .1 cnnned Ibh, Whole.vilers I'.IUil 1& days, report to the r each wholesale establl.sh- leir Inventorle.s of canned d fl'h held on Feb, 17. 1943.

Africa Fight Film Will Be Rc;leased

HOLLYWOOD, Feb. 18 fUP;—"At ic Front." a 41-mlnute technicolor

film iJui-ms netuil battle .srene.n on the nnrlh African front, will be re- !ea;.e<l M.uch 25, it wius dlsclor.ed

Fll.iied by nrmy and nnvy ( iiinrii, tlir picture shows comba.t

acUon 111 .Mgeria and TunLila.



« ¥ * *

Chase A. Clark Nominated for

U.S. Judgeship

WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 H’f- Chase A. Clark, former governor of Idaho, was noinlnaUd by President Rooatvclt tdday M be Utrifrd fiutoa district. Judge-for IdalwT -

If confirmed by the sena(«. Clark wtmld replace Judge C. C. Cavanah who uked to be reUred more than a year ago, but who haa ser\'ed mucli of Uie time since.

Clark, a Democrat, was defeated for reelecUon last fall by Repub­lican. Gov. C. A. BolUilfsen,

lie Is Uie uncle of United Slate; Senator D. Worth Clark, D„ Id#.

BOISE. Feb. 10 .,i’—Cliaw Addl- )H Clark, nomlniiird today b>

President RouM-vclt to be U. S. db- trJct Judge for Idaho, wiui'elected governor of the stale in tlic fall of 1040 and , en•ed one term.

Before bclnK Herted govei Clark served as m;iyor of h Frills and pracUred lax In .Muekny

id Idaho Falls for , .Clark w.xs admitted to the bar In

1004 and priorand miner.

.......... born Ai!K. :i. 1B83, at Had-e>'. Ind.. married Jean Burnett, Inn. 15. IDOQ. and I.i tlie father of me daughter, Je:in Iletliene.

Judge Charles C, Cavanah re- dgnp'l llie federal bench in Janu- ir?'. ISC. but has conllnued to serve It the re^ueil of the circuit court of ippeaLi al San Franehco.

Clark Is a Democrat and a Pres­byterian, aliO u member of the Ma- ■sonlc. Elk.v E.'»«le.\. Moa^c and Odd Fellows lodk-es.

Madame Ghiang Kai-shek Raps Plans to Beat Germany First


Madame Clilang Kai-shek today denounced Uie "prevailing opinion' Ui^t Uie defeat of Japan L< le.u important Uian the defeat of Ger­many and urged congress to lead the way in formulaUng one cor­porate body of all naUons after the ar. »It WBs her flnu dramatic appeal

to Uie American people- for more aid for CTilna "which has bled and borne unflinchingly the burden of war for more Uian five and a half yenn.”

Before a hushed ‘ and crowded house diamber in her first publlip appearance, she praUed America as "nci only Uie cauldron of demo­cracy. but the incubator of demo* crr.Uc principles." She hoped that Uie congre&s of that America would help make a post-war world in whicli. It will be imposjilble for an>’- one t0 plunge future generations "Into another orgy of- blood."

The addre.'j of the famous Amer­ican-educated wife of tlie Chinese eeneralltjJmo was In Impeccable English and woven Into it were the saylogs of old Chinese philosoph­ers to illustrate Important points.

6h« cooduded witti tha phUoaoph*

vlnced that It U Uie belUr part of wl.\dom to accept failure Ignomin- lously, but to rbk it gloriously.

■We shall have faith that, at the writing of peace, America and oui oUier gallant allies will not be ob- 'slTMCted by the mirage of contin­gent rea. ons of expediency.

“Man's metUe is tested both* In adversity and in succerj. Twice is U\is «Mt M the loul ol a nation,

Mme. Chlang left no doubt that her mt'Jlon here, now that irratment for on old Injuo' has been pronounced succe.ssful, Ln Ic convince Amerlcaas that the Jap­anese are no less a dangerou-i foe than the Germans.

She prefaced her review of Jap­anese ttrrngUi with this Chine.'e saying; "It takes UtUo-effort to watch the oUier fellow carry Uie load,"

Tlie' prevailing opinion now. alie added, wems to consider the de­feat of the Japanese as of relative unimportance and Uiat Hitler is our first concern.

•This Is not borne out by actual facta." slie . aid, "nor Is it to Uie

kal ftd'ilet Jran a iiailon ton? tom SnVertJis ol the United NaUonii as by war to one barely Initiated In | a whole (o allow Japan to continue, ita hardililps: ] not only as n vlUl potenUal threat

'From five and a tialf years of but as a ualting swoni of Oemocles, Bperleace. « la CWaa a n esm- • (CMUat*4 r*n i. c^iaaa l>



, noUe,

of I

field «SUce

Ion, will f^t T'vln Falls •rre Friday

office a Chamber n( morning for tin inc commerrlal meeting pro\Mor.s nf the ODT or- tfcr for ceriUicalfs nf war neces­sity. He will remain there through; oul the day.

While In this trrrllon', Webster.ilio Is I Will

,', Sho-vlslt Ooodlng. Jerome, Halli slione, Burlry and Rupert,

He may he contacted as follows: Gooding. Feb. 20; Jerome. Feb. 21; Hailey. Feb. 22 from 2 to 5 p. m.; ShoslKine Feb. 23 from 0:30 to 3:30 p. m.; Burley. Feb. 24 noon on 'In 5 P- m.. and Rupert. Feb, l i from 0 u. m. to 1:30 p. m.

Farmers to Get Gasoline- Supply

WASHINOTON, Feb. IB (« — Prcnll.ss Brown told Sen. Wieeler, D„ Mont.. today Uiat ihe office of price administration Is preparlnj to ls.sue gasoline for non-highway ptirpojea to farmers for slx*taonll\ periods.•.Brown, director of OPA, «Tote

Wheeler in response to the senator's qiiery as to how farmers are going to be supplied with fuel for their farming equipment under • present eondlUons.

, is not Uie IntenUon ol the pro* Eiain.* be uld, "to cut down on neeetsarr allolmenta of-gasoline (or use by fanners but we must not r v Ux our vlgilaDBt over Uie use of mMwr for unseceuary purpotea.**

A L L IE D H EADQU ARTERS. NORTH A FR IC A . Feb. IS (U.PJ— Germ an armored forces, .ibshin j: to w ith in 14 miles of the A lKcrian border, have driven American tnx»ivi from th rw

more towns, and the Berlin radio broadcast an announce­

ment today that the hijrli command now considers the Tu­nisian offen.sive ended.

The f ir s t reaction here a t allied headquarters to the Berlin

announcement wa.-5 that M ar­shal E nv in Rommel was not

w illing to risk a further ad ­vance westward in faco of the threat o f the B ritbh cisbUi army, which is rolling up ti>-

ward his • flank f r o m Ihe

.^outh.Amerlcan !W{vj, erar- iUng the

towns of Kassenne. Fntaaa ar.d SbeltU. rtUrtd to strw.j defeasjtt pcrjtlons la the <000-foo( hU s west of the iri.-.nr> foftned by the thrre communlUrs. L^led SUi^s cascal- ties were rrpowd to hive been heavy and our foerea aere beUfxtd to have ahandcBed a cocoUeratie amount of e<julpmeat.


WASHINGTON, Feb. IB (^1 — MaJ. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey. selec­tive aervlce director, told a senate agriculture subcommittee today he believed It would be poaslble to maintain 11.000,000 men in the arm ed scrvlcea wlUiout disturbing 1, 800,000 pliyslcally qualified men c draft age on Uie farms.

However, a Mnate bloc Of mor. Uian 30 memben, disagreeing wllh Hershcy's tesilmony, drafted tw( bills intended to relieve the agrl- cultural manpower shortage.

ITould Be^slrc Reieate Both Introduced by Senator Bank,

head, D , Ala., one would require re- ICBAo unUI Jan. 1, 1»H. of all sol- dletTi now in the-Unlted States who were ■ engaged In agrlculturo prior to Induction. Each man furloughed

, Kou^d luive.to agi« U> do f w p l c ul prcvaIU'!.{ «ra|i n tai or’ foriuu- pcusaUtn’c^ra lent to anny pay. whichever Is higher.

The ottter proridet that no draft registrant nuy leave an agrlcultur- al Job unleis his telecUve serrlce board determines he should engage in (somo other employment la the best interests of the war effort.

♦33,000 Single Fartntta Hcrr,hey csUmaled that by next

Dec. 31. there will be 435,000 smgle farmers classified In the deferred 2C llstlnK and 2.527.000 married fnrmcn In the 3C cl.tulflcatlon.

A . eri.Mc agriculture suh»mmlt- tee, meanwhllr. voted to demand an explanation from nillllary authori­ties of tlir necd.1 for an armed force of 11.200.000.

Chairman .Smith. D. S. C.. said Cen. Oforge C. M.Uihall, war de- (urimenl chief of .^uff, would be summoned early next week.

-We ore going to find out who fixed thW figure as Uie amount the army, nftvv and maritime commt^- iloii u-111 have to have." Smllh as­serted.


Sale of war i.avlngs .'tamps will be •atured by the mercliants parUcl-

patlng in Uie T«ln FalLi Merchants bureau's "victory dolUr d » j' sale here Saturday.

Anderson company, J. C. Penncv, Idaho Department store. Oambie'.i. Newbcrrj-'.v Van En- gelen'.f. Hudson-dark. Woolworth nnd Sears Roebuck will l;;ive :,:amp boolli.s, while most of the otheni will feature the stamp sales at th cashier's de. k or at cash regl.'te.-s.

boothi will be manned b women from Mrs. Frankie Ala-orth' •onimittce of the counly war bend .;.Tle.s orBanliatlon. They ulll he hand In the booths from 2 p. unUl elacng time.

The Merchant.V bureau co.-nmlttee pointed out thal customers will have an opportunity to complete the filling oul of partlally-lllled stamp- books during the day.

The Jaycce b.)ndwllers. w-iU make Ihclr appearance on U;e main strerU' tn a .'.tamp nelUng drive at 3 p. ui. and will be available to purcha.M:r5 for an hour, the lime given them by the bureau to rell 1100 In stamps. The bondodlera who will lake part ore Shirley Smith. Ruth Bilbao, Ruby CnrLson, HlLna Sweet. Helen Jane Olln and Becky Victor.

IC«nllna>4 r^»« IS. TaloiB 4)

The drlre which rtauHed to Lh* eapiure of rvrtaaa ecahied t.** Oef- mans almost to cut clear tt* waist of TunbU. F*tUma Is 14 siUes fnaa th* Algertia bcrter.

Sane Asiericaa trcops have reached the ti::» « « : o( I'er- lana. I: wa» said, and now arr busy regrouping thdr foctts far a deter­mined stand on the bl,sh gmuae.

"FUhtlcs ca a irdo»d aca> yesterday." tfte cocjauaHw and. -Leading e'eojenta of the eatsar oc- . cupled Fe.-laia. Kasxlqr aad S>«1U la.

•Oar tifktea out the da« cnrr n TiaSita. Our hearr aad ts*d:3=» baaXn af- tackfd enray alr^Vlds !n SanUaia.At ene airfield bcca^ bent cks« to a Dumber of pocnded aarraTV eneay^ fighters and <ne Italian *m- plane we» *h « dawn Iff ow

I and their Rsater esuarta.•Plre of car aliwaft a:v b !J3!:ic

troai theie opetatlcrv Dctc* laa night a few er.e=y ateraft drepy d bcmtjs In the Alite.T irete

C: nus»er cf casialUa

was »a:d thal the Assrficvii ? U;t:e.,U any. alte=?s '.odtlerJ

Fertana. Kaiwr.ne x=sl Sbel'.:i. Rather. It wis an evar,ati.ii desUn-

) le; Uie V. S. L-.to a bet-defcn-sive T^e thTre

town.' Ue at t. e ftvi cf which rUc to tsort t-'ian 4.COJ fee: a s=ue places.

The American l;=e now r^r.s ro-jghty fr«n P-h«i

ard TWiesxi. hislde A.-nerlcan comba: leama nor are

b^lni. ccceentratfd cn l^.• eisttm ' and western side of an ta>-«ir,t Pi-.s L-v.lhe mo«jpUlrj be.hlsd K i— fenne, I.t fr:r.: of them ihe Gc-

i ccc-jp> a w*dest.-T'.;h cf tJiiZe- lard whleti Is and. iw lev. asd al-

unmhablted. in Uvkt pal'.l.o are wiUiln rir^e cf A=er.aa


w\sHINGTO.S*. Ftli. U •y*'—

e L-. UhepU’ i:

hate F*i'htd the

Los Angeles Has

Air Attack Alert.U Js jA N O tlX S . Feb. 14 Ql»-

Los Anceles underwent a 33<mlnnta yellow alert Ust nllht.

OffleiaU of the aouihem Mctor of the ncAtera defense cocmana announced'the alert began at p. m. and ended i t 9:30 p. aL. wbta the unidentified tarset tobe Mendlr-

I t vas alnt ot n rhere. Ttio l u t it»t called Dae. IT. Radio (Utlons teirrlsed on tha air. a lU w u g ^ r ^ ae|iB»uUct u d M

leading r isslr.-r, n-,a3ter c, , l*aemc since Pearl Harto.* l.i J J i

Tt e tarr's diiclca-irv l^Jt fir- uui'irx unrier:e* bca's had a.-- ccur.'ed for five mere <r.em.v »ux- Uiarlea p rvhed tevcr.d t.“-.e ir.art the tc:al of ai: Japar.ri^ .’.Mra buried Li th» Pac-Jtr tTaTTjxrd. That fU'A*r con ir_*X-de ah:? sinkings claim'd Irt' airmen at:r.g und«r Oea. DcugUi Mac.M- Uiur. ^

ns TOTwa.-?.h:» aAl nw-sVCT.hi’-ar.t.

The latest cf .\=eri,-wa rsV marlne5 l.'icl'Jtlfd tw> E:ed;-i:=.al.-ed cargo shJas, a', medl'.^m- 'cd taritr. a trarjpert apd an escct*. Tex-fL They also ianiajed and icciab.'T sank a cn:l>er aaa darsaged a cargo vefsel.

Safc.-narlr.es alece have juni *3ahlp^ arrro^lsiatelr 48 per cent cf Uie tclal. Th A la the n--saber Te se!s aetuaUy sent to the boKcu sufcmarcies a: ' ' wllh alirrwTt pon. Surface rJixa counted forof Jaran'k :«« kefe,— - .

Ohserro t je 'wc<^Mt of CiadakaaU n v lw * tide the thiitfd s a te Kttt a w ^ laartne base f-em to tfae teaKjli aouthwea: Fad.'te elUi.i'jtw^'H. IS * deep water aiby OedjIcacaJ fa mold b* UeaJ ta- «aann« Ines. • • » * .


IM .haln4 O m M fctac a( a tad tu e th * ’4

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

U’wo TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, February 18,1043


• r>n 0tr.c'cifr.l'*rtjdi' lo dr:-«r.d

noUcf . . .■J»pan»« Kllilary c ljM tr.uil

be »J » fuhixns Jc.t«bf!or« 111 UiTMl t© fiuUi»Uc.T u mnOTfi"

She pr»L-p<l tlif Arr.r:ifa.n r.aT»l viciorifi *v Mm»»r »«> >a thr Cor»l iM. bui tmphwiwd U jI •■Ujrr trt rom lj in lh« rUM <llrKllon." Thf 51* ttcr.thi baiile of 0'Jii»lean*l j.lie i*ld. iftit the tfeffil c l f'U iorttt. "ihoufh l?nc lad artf'-ou.v »i!l tln»Ily « a * to P**5."

Dut, *he rojin^i*:"LtJ u» not {crtfi J«r»!

lier ocmplfd •m » tod»y h** c«*»* fr rrsourrrj «l hff crr-.n-.»r.d thar Crrmany.

"L»l UN f.f. li'rtf. U■. the I'-aif' ff Janan Irtt Ln ur.dL'pci^ ?«• ffvlon of I'Mit r^wv3?r». Iht simiijff lle mu'{ bftfcatf. Il*fh

<lav t»ko mcrr loll Ir ll\rj nl both Arr-fncirj ar.U Chi-

Mrj. Chlar^ l» thf (laustiwr Of Ch1r.»‘» faneui Soer^ fsnUly, As ihe fL-?t Uc!t pf China • lip mould. In tinrm»l tlmn, be th<

of jiiurh Iiiifarr anrt pan cnilv 111 1111? carnal. Hrr chara »tyl f.miUiriiT *iUL Uip .\.-nen.'«> urme mould orfinkrtlf m*kt h»r tlio :r.»i-sou{hl t- a•. cl hoaor by tlif fsplial'ii MvUllt»v-ln tncdwn liLMor>.

But tvtrr l.icS;c*lU>n u U ui Mn. Chbns hfff 'strtetly on b«il-jipv“ and h»r rol» will be Him' '* f.UlMTomim ralh»r than icfl4l lior. IiilrmaUcnal |x>3tlu ut> peelfd to aiJairr lop Importance both In public and m her r ' rnn\Trialit'!'.' «lih her hf»>t hr»lf»-PrtJident m d Mn. Roo»r» %tlt.

Mr». CWars arrlvwj jTstenlay from Hyde Park, K. Y , «here »h« spent tlx dsn at the Rao«enlt home. Allhoush ahe U not here M

. . in ctllctal rtpmthtaii’re oX Ih* republic of Chin*. Mr. and Mr*.' Hoo!<rtU p#ld hfr th* honorOf tnKtlnt hrr at Union a u t ^ — a certmany UAually mcrxrd only lor vbllors ot iialc.

Communities to

Set Own Hours

Of Registration

AlUiouth the T»m Fall* cccnli' ralloiUnt board has the r<rt«l for rnlslfrtr.* for point r^UonUte u tRKn 4 p. m. to 9 p. to. eacA dtj- ntiX «efk except Sxmday »*d Baturtaj. idmlnWrttto« In the ra- Tlous comraunlUrt rxaj set thtlr oum prrlcds. Carl N. AnSerscn. chief clerk ot the board, a^id Thursdar.

nestitnllons will be coniuctrt In all lh« Khool buUdinn of the county with the prtndpala u ad> mlnUlratora.

“A-n inm« ■ of the tfWrlcts arr wnall. there touM b« op pcvist tn their keeping oprt lor t t i nin ttae ■ set b.v the ccnucltte»“ AnierKoi dcclirtd. !

He Mid that Ihe MurUush ad- I mlnlairaior h u umcunced t^at resbtratioM «culd bt ecc.diKled there from 3 lo # p. tR. on MccxUy. T\je»d«y and Wedneaday.

Andcnon dated lhal roewbera of Hie xherlffa office hate bep.in the dellTeiy of auppJlf* lo the buUdlnss.

Keep the WhJfe Flag 0/ Sa/etv F lving

A'ou' 37 dam w ithout a

tra jtic death m our ISagic VaUev.


WASlllNOTOS. reb. 1» (OB — M.T.e. O-.Unc Kal-ahrk received pro* 1j.".c«1 and rtM jnK ovatlo!« in con- srtw today from mrmber* arid p*cJt- ed talienti.

VKe•PTe^KJ^nl Itenry A. Wallac« pfTVTitrt hrr nm to the aenaie. «hrtr Nhf tpoke briefly and eitem- pcranrouilj.

ijlir laid lhal »he »aa o\er*.helm­ed by ber rtccpUon. She aald aht tiad not knon »he n u to .'peak to ttte aenate u-iUl flie « u noUfled of the pUn by ^^^^mrnl nooserelL

>; a »rri- tood aix-aker.“ »he »aW u her llMenen amHed. "A* a matter of fad I am nol a apcaker a; all."

She took couraf*. ho»«Tr. from her eiperitnce at Hide Park, where alie rUlteJ Mr. Iloo-'eMlfa- Ubrwy and .’.av ux Mparale drafU of one s;xrch. PfTjJdfnt lUwerflt told her that aameUmei h« make* 13 dralU ; an addre«.a.

AltrnUre Senate -J )ir?* }t>o »-JU not expect loo

much ot me." ahe uid .Mcie, C&iar< i;>oke clearly and

ihf iuj^ied aud atten-

"Thert U a Iradlllonal friendship between yotir countt?- and mini." flie uid . ' I feel lhal there are a treat many >OmllMllle» between your people and mine. ‘nicae.ilmUarttlrj a » the baiU of our tncndahip."

Ttt lll'jjtrate, »he told ihU »tnr}-. '\S-hen General DooUtUa and his

mlialon «*ni lo bomb TWyo. aome of your boy* had to ball out over Chinv I had lunOi wlili aon« of t cot boya.

"One of ihoat boyi lold me a 111- U« atory of hU parachute Undln*.

Kdcw One Word 'He cinl.v kne* one weed of Chin*

e»e. That wa» ih« Chlneie word for ■Amervan.’ When he »aw iheae peo­ple runnlnc up lo him In China he n iMd h u hand* and ahouted It.

' ^ e Chirwie lauched and srtel«d him like a ton* k»l brother.

He lokl me that he fell lhat he had «<«!• hacne. but It wu the lin t tme that boy lAd erer been In China.

"1 came to your country as a lit- tte clrL 1 apent Uie fomaUro yeara of 7oy ]tfe tn ^our.counur- I apeak your lanruce. '

~ln coming here today, 1 feel like alM c«r.f heme,"

Twin Falls News in BriefPerUasd Wvman Her*

Mra. J. w . Babcock. Portlaod, O rt, u a fu u t at the home cf Mr. and Mri. Charlra P. Unen. <11 Slioahoni north.

I'fileti Meet Rel Women'* Chrbtlan union, a fed­

eration of mUalonary aoclctlcs of th« elly. yn\i meet at ttie Imtne of ' 'H. L. Dod«m. 338 Terrace drive, at 3;J0 p. m. Friday.

Iralru at rarracvtKenneth Robert Ha*Una. »on ot

Mr. and Mra. C, K.' JUwkliu. 03 Second avenue eui, U nu« tralnlnc at the oaral itailon i t fa m iu l, Ida.

Betomi U MIchltan Ur*. Raymond ll. Courtier, whOM

husband U stniloiifd ulih Hit mill- taiy police ot Hunt. Mil return to her home nt Lanalnk'. Midi., where ahe wilt be encaged ii> «ar work.

Stear* Urena*Jame* Taro Takliakl. :iO, a:

Chrl.iUne Mhao >Uya^J1lda, 19, boUi of Hunt, obtained ^ mnrrlaje llc^n^e Wednesday from Uie county re­corder.

Al Nerfelk BmZRobert \V, Guik1tv)!i, p^lty ofll'

.tt third clttj*. has been u.«lKncd lo' the Norfolk. Va, natal bate, lurconl- Irg lo Word rrt-elved by hla imreiiLi, Mr. and Mr.v N. A. Wiilwtiuri, 1563 Jeffenon. He U a snujimte o; tvHalion maclilnlsfj courjc nl Novj' pier, Chicago.

tMt Article* Held •Police today were hoMInc n p.ilr

of fur millen.1 anti n (luitcn.’.e con- '.alnlnt rarloui 'articles which had been found and turned in for the o»Ticn to claim, Tha finder of thi aulUaae lald lh« conienu airuns aloni Blue Lakes boulevard north In the vicinity of Washington school.

21-Day-OId Baby

Dies at WendellWDJDELU Feb. l»-Ji3i.TJe Lecn

Lehman, St-day^ild infant »cn cf Mr. and Mrs. KenneUj Leh.tia.i. died at his hc.-nf, rocle one. F»b. IT. The baby *a.i bom Jan. n at his home.

Jimmie Leon li lurriTed by his parents: hi* paternal craadmoiher. Mrs. Bmle Lehman. Wendell; his maternal erandpareota. Mr. and Mr*. WllUa.m Chlihaa, B-iV. and aCTeral aiinu aaJVwieln.

Orareslde .'«rrT)m wi!! b» helS at 2 ^ m. m dar at the nier I. O. a T. cemetery with roaower* of church offlclatl.-*. BurtU wl'.l he under the dlrecUoa of the .M>e.nsca funeral home.

Dr. Ross Speaks At Jerome Church

JITtOUE. Prb. IS—Speakers at the PrtJbyterlan church tonUhi wtU be Dr. William Croaby Rosa, Sail Like City, an e*ecuUvc of th# Inier-moumaln area of the church, a.nd Dr. R. C. Shupe. Caldwell pas­tor and secretary of the United Mi.'^ons procram in th i BiTiod of Idaho.

T^ert aljo »U1 be » mtetlne cf ih<- of the church precedingthe :c*s:>x) of »peaker«.

Driver Fined for

.M * " l . ^ l% l? :C a n i iU i Decides

Thirteen Hurt in Utah Rail Crash

CtJyiRfTELD. Utah. r»b. IB COW —Thineen persons were injured.two cnti.-allj-. today »hen iwo Dam- bercer electric railway train.' col­lided fceadoa at ihe Cleartleld aU- ti.'.i.

Mar.acrr Julian M. Bamberser fc’.aaed the early momlni rra»h of he wax workrr-ladrjv electric can m al:rr>'7 tfafkt. but aiat* and lo- •»1 aaihorttJe* tmmedUlelj- aurled k fuU InmUfaUon.


Car, Trueii Crash

On Canal BridgeTwo motor car* received damage

estimated al tlOO each when they crashed on llie low line canal bridge two and a half miles south of west fir« polnu al 12:1S p, m. Wednesday, according to a report by Sheriff Warren Lowerj-.

The two car* were a light sedan driven by Lea\-on Buchanan, route one, which waa going north, and a light pickup truck driven by Dei- mond Humphrey. SM Ramage. which Was going .souiti. It wai Uie lett front of both cars ihst wrvs damn^ed. Indicating, It was luilil, that one or the other, or both watched the bridge rail clwer than the other car. TTie trMCk U o*-ned by Alex Humphrey.

Sheriff l^owery u ld both drivers reported a apeed of approxlmateli- 30 mile* an hotu'.

the nishl of last Oe« a.-4f>itd a fme cf c j a.-.d cccn cojts amounting to li&eo when he appeared brio.-? Proh*:e Ju ig , c. A Balliy Wednesday ca a charge of rrckleti dnvlnj.

Alvin Jenkins and Wayne Gard­ner, the ln]-jT*d rtderj. wtrv w«. neafts at the trial.

To\Quit Baseball 1^

The Hospital

Caerjtncy beds c.-Cy * t r e _____able at the Twin r il lj cou=:t ha-p iu i Thunday.______

ADSItTTED\ B. a Hutchi.".ss. itr*. ___Ryaa. Mrs. Jehn L Han«a Bonaie Jean Bro«a. of T«: rVU. and Iva Jean Di:it. nier.

DISMISSED Stacy Diets, s ieunj, Xta.

BerJia Uwin and.flU&ert y;T--h~-i. all of Twin Pallj; Mrv Oe.-U Mjctt. “ *1, and Mn. Richard Br«’


m ia. at th*Whl leow lBKy chapel fcy BCT.K. U ■Whiw. BuiUl » ia b* Ja th* Twta Fall* eemeteiT.

HABERER — Ust rtt** fcr 5tr». Oeottia Mae Babcm^ win b* hc» at 3 p. m. Satuidar u the White mortturr ctaApcl with Rer. Mark C. CroDenbeTfcf oKldatte*.

WEATHERTwla rate Tklnlt7>-UUle

Chaag* la f f i j i n t w lada? •>« UelghL BIgk jmuttky O. ‘ “

UI-iTDNVUAE, Calif, Peb. J8 :ax— Do:ph ■ CaisUll. «ieran firtt baaen-.u tor ihe Bnwki.vn Dodger* and cRc of the best bauers in the bo^ess. sau today he had decided defuillrly lo <;ut baMbalL

CarjLi. 31. and the father of fl>'e f.MUl.*en, said he was conalderlng l.^e poMlilllly of entering the D. S. fenr *m v* aa a pilot.

Masons and OES To Meet Tuesday

OCIfL. fVb. I>^The Masoos and Eastern Star* wiu celebrate Wash- L-<tca'j tinhday wuh a patrtoUo pageant Tjr?4ajr evening a l the Ma.\cc.ic hall. There will be a speak­er aa w»a »a the renew in costume.

Indians Will Aid

Food ProductionFORT HALL. Wa- Feb. Ig -Red-

=;ea of th* T w Hali reserraUon w ^ ^ t to *et a record in food pro-

Supertaleadcat C. U Ora'Ts said the Intlasi had nude plan* to plant TTCcrd •eragn fee IMS lo «ld la the war pre^m . Efforts wiil be aadt, too. to iocrease the number of -‘m tock produced thi* year.

Old? (iet Pep, VimwWibai,talclon,Vlt>nilnB,

Man, Woman Held On Morals ChargeFrank W. Pearson. St, and Mr*.

Ellcen Mathew*. M. were lodged In the county JbH after their arrest al 13:30 a. m. Thursday In a house on the Jets r«nch two and a half miles west of Buhl. Sheriff Warren Lo»er^- Mid th* two would face morala charges.

Pearaon, a farmer and trucker. Mid he came to Buhl In Auguat, I84J. from Cot4d. Neb, Mr*. Maihews came to Buhl la.'l September from Portland, Ore.. where Mie had llve«l three weeks, coming orlglnallj' also from Coud. Neb, Mr*. .Mathews' huiband Is In Portland,

The couple waa arrested by Sher­iff Warren Lowery, Deputy Sheriff Ed Hall, and Ha] Cunningham, Buhl night marshal.

No Jerome Epidemic, Dr.. Berry Believes

BOISE. FrU. IB WV-The dlph- therla situation at Jerome u '-well In hand." Dr. E. L. Berrj’, state di­rector of public health, said todaj-. TJirre may be « few more ca»e« but Immunlxatlons wilt prevent an epi­demic, he beUeves.

“We look culture* from 230 chll- dren wltli infected throat*," Dr, Berry .'aid. ••anil local doctor* have immunlred most of the children In the area.” There were eight cases of diphtheria at Jerome, he said, "some of them adulus."

DloQtr Sleeting Regular dinner meeting of the

Prest^tertan Men's club will be held in Ihe church parlor* at S:30 p. n . Friday, Feb. 19.

Attend* CraduaUen'Mrs. A. B. Uen»n h u Just

turned from Loe Angelu where she attended Uie graduation of her eon. Paul Heawn, ^rom'U. C. L. A. Mr. Henson rccclvcd a B. 6. degree end U now employed at Long Beach.

Colenel \1slt*Lieut. CoL Vaughn A, Price, Mr*,

Price and daughter Sandra Jean have been tn Twin Fall* a* (ueste of Mr. and Mf*. C. Ivon Price, par. cni4 of Colonel Price, The family left Wednesday .to return to the colonel'a post cf duty.

Ration Books Stolen Tile theft ot two "C" gn^fillne n>-

llon book*, a ration book folder, and a Ka.\ollne credit book wae reported fo police Wednwday evfnlnjf by Miick Bright, who llvr.i on Filer ave-

-, K* said the articles were Uken fn>m his car sometime during the previous 7S hour*.

Tnick Ablase Tlie price of a fan belt wai sold

lo be the extent of da^lagn to a » :0 modrJ pickup Lryck ceuied by a Mnall blaie which called Die llrr department to the 100 block of Tenth avenue north at 8 a, m. Thur^day. Th* truck belongs to the Benson Coal company. Firemen uere unable to determine Uie rauie of the small blace, which wu quick­ly extinguUhed.

Parked Car StruckA coupe driven by Harrj- L. 6trad-

ley. 17. 337 Walnut, struck a aedsn belonging to H. J. L«nen. 411 Sixth avenue eut. which w u parked In Uie too block of Blue Lake.t boule­vard, at 13:20 a. m, Thursday, ac- cording to a report to police. Dam­age WM confined lo the right front of the coupe and left rear of tha sedan. Including a damaged tire on the litter, 6tr*dley « u uninjured.

EB(Fna r«<( Ori)

lion, were eaten up In a bill to provide an addlUonal »500.000 u common achools.

Both houses convened today as of the 4Sth legislative day, and after the IntroducUon of the appropri­ation bills, adjourned lo start the 48lh flay at about noon. The clock wu slopped last night to allow a porUoo of today to become the 45lh day, deadline for Introduction of approprlnllon bill*.

I t can be eki>ected the *cheol bill* will be subject to conlmveray when they arrive on Uie floor for pu-vuKe. Bom* senators have ex­pressed opinion Lewiston and Al­bion normals should be cloved lor the duration and other* feel the common ichooli thouid get les« Instead of more than two year* ago.

The house yest«rd»y In committee of whole killed a mcature which would cloic nightclub* and beer taverns on Sunday and force them to dost at midnight on week day*. The enacting clause wa* stricken by amendment and the bill was later laid on the Uble.

Otheru-lse. legislative action was routine. The senate pasjcd and eent lo the governor, bill* providing for dale of sute tmiber by *callng, rather than by cruising and to al­low the land commt'aloner to sel' dead and doan Umber for commer­cial purpo. es,

il*we> r«lkil rtrtM

Mt I. »« . Mr«

M*rTK/«nlr*rMl »»f» Ik<klfh CAN'T l^se U fcr OL......V. (i. W«B KAVINCt BOKPa. t<i(- n<I Ek »htl!


-.MISSISStFTI GAMBLER' and •■Seeret of ih* Cndergreund’

T O M O RRO W and SAT.!

* mg ruAinir' 1n«*ll>it DMik Julk* ■Ur J«k» Mil


I “Arisflna SUgtceach'iL—



1(E • I D> B 01S

Today - Friday • • •

1 Great S lamBellrDAVIS \




—ru's—"At The Dor Show*


“Rainbow Rhjthtn"

NOW! Ends Friday!

O R P H E U m


Charlea Casey *H1 b* manager In charg* of. sales of the Davidson Wholceale compiny. a new com­pany ahlcti \r;'erday abiorbed Simpson and Co.. for 31 yearn one of Ihe Magic Valley's leading whole­sale eoiicem-i- Cs.-py waa formerly aaiocUted with thf Simpson firm.

ALv) aA.'«clatrd ttltli the I>avldson company as partner and manager will bo J. R. D»vld.'on. formerly of BoUc. v.ho liis brtn manager of the Depriidsblr Wliolesale company here for the la»l five year*. The Dependable company will continue lt« operations here.

An erroneoiM pre;-v announcement ye.Mcrdny «uld Ui« Dependable w u belnK merged In the new firm.

Tlie fornintloii nf the n*w com­pany Involved the sum of 1130.000. according to 11. O. Fortner, who will bcconie wio of ilie partner* and manager* of the firm.

Tlio Davidson Wliolexale company wilt be a paritirrshlp Including Davld*on; Fortner and hi* wife. Mr*. Dorothy S, P\wtner; Alvin Cuey. W. M. filmpson. R. E. Simp­son and Eff* U Btmpeon. W, M. Slmpion, R, E. Slmptcn and Cuey were auocUted with the Slmpeon concern.

W. M. <BlUy) eimpson h u been a colorful business figure In the whole­sale food buslneis'tnroughout Magic Valley for m*ny years.

Charles Cuey hu been active In management of the Simpson firm, whoee big warehouse here U one of the largest luch ....................the tute.


HUl. wife of the psjtor of the Jer­ome Church ot i.'ie Naurene, h u gone to Seattle, W**h., for a vlsll with relaUvti, The time she will stay 1* Indefinite, as her dxtor h u ordered an extended rest.

Seen TodayCourthouse custodian climaxing

hi* private 'retreat" by (moothing Uie flag on Uie ground before fold­ing i t . . . Bervlce etaUon attendant fJio*ing oldtlme sip as a car wllli a C tUcker comes Into the driveway . . . Ttt-o Hna.ihcd bicycles on floor at probate court u exhibiu In pros- fcuiloii . . . Overalled fellow cbcer- fully m.trThlng dou-n Mala avenue with gun and fUlilng rod . . . Hal- iDveen draftings .Mill on windown of oiirtune trieiihone building . . . El­derly pedestrian waving oan v m vig­orously u lie Ulk* to hlm itlf while walking along Shoahone itreet . . . Tnxl starung out from pvUng spot wiUi grest skidding of rear wheel rubber . . . Judge BUI Bailey »ol- rmnly acnjilalting a green dress, draped over liU desk, u he pcnder* court >utl Involving a s ^ t«d dam­age to said dress . . . Ken Barclay Uiumblng ride with Clmrlry Lorsen . . . nrv. O, U Clark ieoklng rlghl comfortable In an InfomiiU Jacket . . Ami lit was bound to come*pret-

ty won) couple of robin* flltung about In garden of the Jack Dtmond home at 303 Fourili avrnup casi

Court Will Rule

On Dress DamageProbale Judge C. A. Bailey took le cue cf Florence Loving \i. the

Royal Cleaner* under advisement after,hearing the evidence. He will return a decision later.

The plalntlff'conunded that the cleaning company used scissors to remove a ipot frcoi a dress, without her authoriaUon. and aaked Judg­ment for no.

The defense InsUted that tht plaintiff lulhorited such action u might be necessary to make the dress wearable, and that alteraUon

u found necessary.Judge Bailey said he planned to

examine Uie dress, which he had In his office, before coming to a decUlon.

Mrs. McSherry

Rites SaturdayOLENNS FERRY. Ffb, 1»-Fu-

neral servtcci will be hrld here 8al- •unliy at 1 p. m, for Mrs. Mary Ser- lid* McSherr)', 33, * l’o home Wednesday.

flite.i will be conductcd by Rev. Brooks Moorr. pastor ot tlir Burley MetliodUt churdi. Mr*. McSherry's fonner pastor.

Jirs. McSherry wu.v bom June 13, ItSl at Adicn*. Ore.. and caaiv to Glmns Ferry In IKO. Surrlvlna ore one daughter, Mar>’ Ellen. Glenns Ferry; four si.\ters, Mn, O. H. Par- *cns. Sidney. Mont.: Mr*. P. M. Hu*- tofl, Lindsay, Cillf.; .Mr*. H, B. D»wion. Dayton. Wash.; Mre. George Dousla.1, Albion, Wa.Oi.. and t»o broUiers, S. P. Banks, Dayton,

Wash., and Uoyd Dajikj. Auburn,. Wash.

Inlerment will be at the Cloi-er- ; dale Memorial park, near Boise, un­der direcUoQ or Zacher-Bey funer­al chapel of Glenns Tttrj.

A giraffe's neck h u *oen verte­brae; a 5parroWs h u H.'

Now Many W ear

FALSE TEETHW llh More Comfort

rASTZmi. a plraMni alkalln* fooa-

flnnlr Ts ral and talk la mar* corn* tort, juit •prtakti a itiUe rASnXTR

r; s ; .r.'s.SidiDtuxt brrami. 0«l PAfflXCni at any dm* •tori.



B O B B U R N S S H O WBob Bumi feo mlied up with George B«irni aod Grad* mixes (I uri with them boih. SFtXI JONO .nd hU Oiy Slicker* will make with the music ss usual.


VOUMUSUtSO «T U ai C S S iS ) o f J A *



2 5 c SizeGLYCERIN

S apped io r ie i

la fa a t o r A d u lt



Is q pnpY J


1 7 '


G fooai* H a jf

7 9 <(Llmttl}

Cartott SOBOOK

MATCHESFor H om o Use


OIUETTE 8hav« CxcamRifglir or Rmihliti

2 5 «


onH tavr-m Ut

2S33‘ r” °H




NEW t n n n iT T K Jcnm s


lFanious“linc-np” .rifle-Di>'». SiviU>, Abtoii,Upjuhn, Lillj. Wj.ih «ll^h.4. fimoui nitnes an'l minj' elhm «r« to be Tountl in our pmeiipiion de

They ir# pajt ol >ftuf a»- •uiinee ll'«1 cnlj- fine. ff«h diugi art u»«i in Walfttfn'ftlW (itmni'- lioni. R'fflfml-ft Ujletrrn’i for—

i Pr*»trlfllom SfrrtcM

Dar«kl» Kn!ur ■





Jtn. enV . 0 9 Oata-a-y**)' efftrl

OtfpUa SltllwHryf

12 Sheets! Envelopetl

Qc. ■ O

Eac^lienal raluaf

1 R E A L V A U U e S 1

75e BAYER A v ir ix . lOO', 5 9 ®TINCTURE IODINE. 7 ®

fiOoURGUEimilE. / e rja m . 4 3 ®75e PEPSODEIT. Anln»prlt 5 9 ®

SOeMDRINE F ^ r E y . . 4 9 ®

25c EX-lAX . . 2 1 c1.2S PEm OGAUR..t«ni/(^ 8 9 <VlUunlaa A-B-D-G. W i . 1.7'»

SOeJERBEMS t o , i ,n . . . 3 9 ®

EPSOM SALT. )•!». Cfaiiyar 1 2 ®

S1J 0 ANUSOL^«^/>Mri*''«* 8 9 ®60ePERTUSSIIIc«.gAj>r<» 5 1 ®

25e C0TlCUIUO.v>r.i>.( . 1 7 ®HAREE W o p ,S * i. . 7 ®

P.D. IRRAOOL-A, //•«*. ■ 7 9 ®

FROST] L U . . 2 9 ®

HttU Pno! G/Jjjf


8-cup 5/»e •• 3 9

N.'« f


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Old NerthSut*

Box 12BOTEXSaaitery




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, ACID SYSTEM7>1 ntUel with AUcodeae-

Aclloo AlkoUxetl

fee ieerfec^t «W ■her



TABLETSCoacora OuiD /oe


Use H For


3517'(Limit 3}

1 00 —3 ma.VITAMIN Bt Tablets



Larffm Tub*Lifebuoy

Sb a v iD gCream27 '

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Tliursday, Februwy 18,134STIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Three ,

SINCIAIRFAW RSNEW YORK. Feb. 18 (^ O ilm a n

Harry P. eincliir today h*d-rlr. lually inriifd Uie Boveminenl lo IS' sue a dlrecUve ccnMlldatlrg the oily tiiilmto' and sutomallcally clos-liis lao-Uilrdi ol the g « Kr>-lee •lailons In lh« niUon.

cxp«llent U neceuary lo “umnlng of ihc war." SlncUlr said in » preparrt HaUmtnt rtltoseo licre by an assbiant. D. T. Pierce, *ho laid Slncblr beUeved Ihb ww

• Uir only -ouV Jm U« oil Industry »nd *ns—wUllnn lo Icl Oie chips Xall »liere Uicy may."

ClaMng or nil bulk pUiita. supply outleii aiid scnlce staUons nol es- serllal lo liie Umlled n«d.n ot eacn Riatf and community would Ixnmcd- Utfly cicaw a manpower Rroup Tkhlci) ii nol al pns.et't' ivaipible tc

h wur lnduiL-lf3 and Uie "problem cai ■ not Ibe ilde5ieppe<i longer.

Sinclair's iUWrnrnl »alil. .He r.ald the Industry had recom-

mendfU towoUdaUon of marketlns Inclllllca and lud bff« un:eU by n dlrccUve from Uie petroleum nd- miniiinvUon S^pwn^ber Wc<-onomlM on bbor and malerlal.% bv "Jolrt uie ot faclllUev but that ••nraclleally noUilnK" had been done by Uic industry In Uils direction.

Sinclair clt/\l ;.iirvrys lo prove 1 Uicor)- thut oil sUlloiu and ten’lces should be c!om\1 up. except Uie mln- Jmxitn iirctr-1-My to prciWe central oullct.i In each canmiunlty.

In California, he .%alcl, a marketer ,-Jind advbrd ihiil 1,070 bulk planl.i coiild bp reduced lo liO plants and thill 15.940 prlmar>' and tfcondao’ rrt.ill oulflla could be reduced ' oii<--ttilr<l Hint number.

etnclalf's fptAeimeii i.aliJ lib r nnimeiidnllon^ were being wnl lo Maiipow.Tr CommLvOoner McNutt. Prirolrum Cocirdlnaior Icke.<, WPD Chief NVl-.nii, OPA Chlff llrown and DciKily Petroleum Admlniitrator DavJt?.

• Hagerman Youth High in Air Test

JIAOKRMAN, Feb. IB-OiP two snni of Mr. and Mr.i, Harr>' Le- Mo.Mir. llftKfrninii, alio are In nmitd JorcTs, have made good ord«.

•I'he eltlrjt. Harry F.. hn.i been promnlrd to first llciilrimnt nnd h laMfucllnK bomber fIit^^ at Wll- llniiw Held. Chandler. Arlz.

■ni» .'.ewnd .'.on. Jolin R.. ha.n riimrd the hlRhe.'t .'JTore poi.',lble 111 cadet arronnuilcnl IMI, accordln;: to nn niinouncement made by the Seattle naval l»anl. Tlie record 1.'. nmle hy onlv one of eveo’ 500 tn1;lti? the leM,

noth bnjs Krnriuatrcl from naper- msn hleh r.chool nnil nilendcd tjic M.iie iinlverjlly at Moscow.


l^iiLi FltlredKc l.i .spending a week «iift frlcndj nnd rrlatlvM In Carey bef'Ve pnterlMK the

^ Mr?- NV. U Adanvion ha.i left lor • ' n rJiort vult In Salti

rflotlvr. and fclcnai. Fm:n Snlt L.1):* City she has planned to go on to Tria^ lo vlr.li her Aon. Jack, iiho L-i In tlip army nir cnrp*,.

Albert KtnnfnnI, who has been 1 1 1 fnr two Tvpfk r b Imprnvpd, ■

\S'nrri Vim been tecelved by rcln- tl\p.< of the death of Clnrence Kl- drrdie In Rii|yrt. Mr. Kltlrcdge nnd lia.'N family wrre once re.ilrlent. of Carey nnd were relive In maiiy rUlr Mid rhiireli affairs. Mr, nnti Mr:. Ira Klilredur and Mrs. Liilix r,irt niiendrd ihr funeral In Rup-

'"' Mr. and Mr.- O. A. M, Olsen have rrcfhfd word thftl Llielr son, Dfl- nmr. a candidate for volunteer of-

(mlnlnc. wa.i ,«fiit on to Salt l.ike Cliv Immeillalely ujxin Induc- Unn Ul DoL'c,

\V. U Ailrvmson, nialne slake prr'lrtrnV was .iprnVer al the fun­eral ot Clarcncc ndrcdcr in nup-

Mn. Martel Cooper and dnuRh- ler. Annclie. who have been vlslt- l!ii{ for .'.everal wrek.' wlih her ixire;it'. Mr. nnd Mrs. Anio.i Darton.

^ have lefi for Eolv.9 Mtv'' Margaret-nnrton nnd her

councfllort have been relear.nl from \ t)ie p.-e.'ldenn- ot Hie Y. \V, M. I. A. \nnd a new group sustained. Mrs. D. 'K. Ailam.'.on was clio.'en ns president wiih Mr.v Ke.ll Severe n% first n'.vl3l.->nl nnd Mrj. R. E, Adamr.on secnpd a.'.U<ilant. Deana Kirkland was nnpolnled fet-rrlar>-.

Keith Justen.seri nnd Calvin S;xirk. have left fnr Bobe where Ihey plnnnrxl to cnlL't In Oie nav>-. Kritji Is n son of Mr. and Mrs. l.av.ir Ju.sifion nnd Colvin n ron of Mr. and Mrs. .sinnley Sparks.

!>■. n. H. WrlKhl. Unlley. ejtam- tnrri Mwdtnls aV Uie Msh sc>ioo\' for physical educnllon nnd mllltarj- tralnlni; whifh will be started soon.

noniln Hunl wm Injured when hl.s Jiarid became caught In a far belt. ,

lyyi Vork. son ot Mn. Alla* York, Is rrcoverlnc from a sprained ankle.

norothy r irb broke her wrln In a full while scnibblng the floor. She Is the dsuRhler of Mra. Cora Prels school teacher, j

RlflinrvI Patlerson un i Ocne

• Dodge, members of Ihe hldh school ha.vkelhall team, are from snralned nnkle.s.

Dickie 'Brttn, Jour.);ptr-oW sor ot Mr. and Mrs, Les^Crten. tuf. ferrd a head Injiir)’ /4'hen he tell Willie running. JIU head struck the riincp rornrr of a meUI bed.

l(\xe Dnuchlcn of the Utah Plo- neen met .it the home of Mrs. Fred Philips in honor of her birthday «nnlven4>T>\ Mr. and Wrs, PhlWr», pioneer residents of Carey valley, a few years ago celebrated their cnlden wedding (innirerxarv. The le.vcut was >*senled bv Mrs, Ada Palrrl and Mrs. Maud Iverson •'Qualm Pioneer Customs." Tlie

' pmgmm coniWed of two musical numbeiT. "My Sunday Olrl" and -DonT Trrnd on Ihe Tail of M>- Coat." by Mrs. T, C. Stanford.

Sacramenlal fen’lees conducted at Ihe I . D. S. church w-erc under the direction of tlie bishopric. Speakers were Ir»'ln Cook, who.se subject was -Comtnandnifnl.s." and Bliliop R. T. Adanwon. who spoke on "The Po«-er of Prayer,*

Tlw second Red Cfosi alMay

• cbw was held at the L. D. S.cluiPdu Women from all over (he vnlley gathered to tew on hospital toulfTOitnt.



WASHINGTON, Feb. 18 urp-Mrs. Roa-.evelt. telling her press confer­ence of lier weekend U'lp to WAAC training centers at D « Moines, 1», and Kansu City, said the thins Uial Impreued her most was -the general allvene.ss ot all Uie woaiea." She also noted thtat many at thosf enlbled were between the ages ol 30 and 40, irulead of younger as she had expected.

Mrs. Roojcveit asserted UiM she sUll thinks there should be i tionwlde registration of wome;Uielr lillLs to "help In efllclenUy using your womanpowers."

She said she had been told such rrglatratlon is opposed on the ground Uial women -would expectto have Jobs immediately," She.wrled tliai slie was not at all ;Uiat would be the result.

Mrs, Rooicvell reiterated opinion, that a year of ser\lc« to their fouiiLry should l)e required of nil young people and that couM liKlMde "Mittie shorter period ot ba­sic military- training." But that doesn't mean conjcrlption. jJie said.

Groups Selected By Navy Mothers

COODINO. Feb. 1»—The Victory Navy Moihtrs club met with Cotn maniifr Pearl Perkins prrsldtng. Ijxyelle.s and afglians were turned In by members lo be sent out at

c fnr navy relief. Ttio dollar* ftillerled toward Uic Pearl lUr- rellef fund, new member. Mrs. Letha Tes­

ter. was accepletl Inlo the organisa­tion, and two officers were Installed. Mrs. Mar)' Judd. Dllss. was ln.sulled OS .second vice commander and Mr^. Joxeplilne Diirkhardl. Bliss, chajv laln. Commnndtr Perkins acted as ln.MaIllnK officer.

Standing eommltteea named for the year were; Welfnrt. Delena Al­ban and Ruth Reiieye. Goodlna: Mary Judd. DIK.', aod Iva Kate Olb-vm, Wfiideli; ways ai^d means. Nannlr Crane. Ooodlnc: Ixu Peti in. DlLy, and M)Ttle O’-T.siead. k’enilHI: 5pon.-.ordilp. Alda Bird.,

Ooodlnc: membcr?hlp. ntlajitlne I.lbbrechl, Oorxllng, and Flo ,^mc«, Wendfll: publlcliy, Letha Tester: liLslorlan Mid wrnp book. Kath­erine Brlnlnn, and finance. Hodla Smith, Gooding: Cora Frith. Wen­dell: Jftsephlne nurkhart. niL-.s.

Plans were made for entmal.-i. ment of llu^bands. Tlie pnrty wa; tentatively set for March IS at I pjn. for a covrrrd dLsh dinner.

Special tribute was paid Mrs. Cora Frith, who Ivas five sons In the navy, anil spetUl mention made ot the daughter ot Mrs. Peler-

MUs Eva Lena Prlerjon, who ti taking her boot training In the \Vaves at Cedar Falls. Iv Both women are from Wendell.

group, of Gooding members went to Shoshone, where thev n.vsi'ted witli the Installation of o.'- ficen and helped organize a Nary Mothers dub. Allcr.dlnc troa here

Mrs. rrrkliu. who »ct*d in.sLnlllng otflrer, nnd Mrs. Burk- hardl. Mrs. OlIr. le.1d. .Mrs. Judd

Mrs. n«ieje.


Hasierman Legion Plans Ronor Roll

HAOFIR-MAN, Feb. 18 — The Le­gion and auilllar>’ met at (he cion hall wlUi I'j members and four guests present. Guest.\ were Mr. and Mrs. Hosard Marsh. Mrs. Ward MarrJi. and Glenn Parsons.

Tlie Legion and auxiliary arr planning to moke an ho--ior roll containing the names of the boys from Hagermsn valley In the serr- Ice. Information on the senlcr men's place of birth, where they obtained thtlr education, the date of their entry In the service and me branch of Uie serrlce they art in. Li sought, Tliey asked that the pAfcnis of Ihe boys learc thb In- rorrnatlon at Owsley'a Ortjcerr.

The Legion aad auxUUry i__sponsoring dances at the haU em r other Saturday. The n « t dance will be Feb. 30.

Itostfjses wen Mrs. Lyle PoUer and Mrs. p. A. Kennlcott. «r. Th« next meeUngjxlll be March 11 at the halL Iloste.vo will be Mrs. Arthur Justice and Mrs. I lo w ti Conklin.

In Australia Outsells All Other


Widow Asks for

Estate AuthorityA petition ter lellefa testamentary

In csu;e ol a&mr E. McMur— tty. who died July l>. IWl! has be»n lUed la jirobate tourt by KeU Mc-

Murtrey. Castltford. the widow.The esute b s*>d to cor.ii:t of

M acres of IrrlgawJ Und and a quantity of ho«jeh6ld Iitmlture. with a total value of cot in excess of «iOO,

Heirs hited. In addition lo the widow, are Mrs. Alice M. Ilankln. daugiiier. ilounuin Grove, Mo, aotf

Mrs. LUflle Conrad, daughter. Cas- tleford.

Judge C. A. Ualtey set Uie hearing for 10 »■ m. Feb. 27.

U has been estimated that CO per cent of whoohclilldren alio lail t merit passing Jbndts In school liat deftcUreeyeslshL

Gais Masks Come

For State GuardForty gas masks have been re­

ceived by cocnpanjr K . Idalio Mate guard, to be used In company cnili.

At the last meeting. Sgl. Ontn A.

Puller gat« a talk on elementary map reading. TTie company Is plan­ning to obtain films to use in con­nection wUh lecturra on rarloui phases of mlUtary tnUnliig. A pro­jector has already been obtain^

nSEMCN nOLO BALL BUiru Feb. 1»-Thfl nrm an’* *n-

nua] ValtnUne ball was held at U>« Legion hall. Twenty dollars In war' stamps were given as door prizes. "Hie ticket aale was the larjesl In many years. To.’n Trrdy and his orchestra lumlilitd the music.


Special Purtha.se of 500 New

HandbagsTWnk of It. . . chocce from 500 of t. ie leo-wn's tiewrst. most colortul and imartc.M limulb.-vKs of the new scosm. . . and at a scnsatlotially low price. Dcma wait. Get here earl} —


Special Porcha.sc of


Ju s t in titr.o for thus liiR -s.i!o. Fu ll sire crili

blanket.'^. J ii pink or blue. Jvitvon liimliny.

B uv lo r vour?c\f, for KifL''. cach—


A Gmnd Group o f

Rayon BlousesCh«x).<e from while or j^istel lotu-s in this in 'nnd jrroup of tailored nlnuso.-;. J iis i ritflil for your ^prjop suits. —




Special purchase Rtoup o f W om en 's Spring

COATSSrr_irt new ficoco.s in jx ipular boy coat or vrrap around p<ilo co.nt .'ilylc-.'s. N ew spring

colors in fu ll miiK’c o f nii.‘<sc.s, woiiieir.s siie.s. Get here i-arly—

Cottage Sets and PanneSs

$ 1 3 . 0 0

HriKhtun up your home, n t

ri.':il s;iviriK.s. CottnRe set, or O

nKiniuisetle paticl.s. now J it^ ^ )

llii.-< .•'pi'ciiil .siiviiiK I’ricc


SUPSSatin with lace trim, or popular

tailored models. White or tea

rCTse colors. Sizes 32 to 40.


.' perlal .‘?rlrfili'n »f H’omrn'ji FasJ Color

House DressesS;i\r ni'.d slock up nou' on those cool, fast color Uttili ilrcii^-s you'll need all summer lone. Choose from hundrr<l5 of our irciiUr IliO brand new 'lyletl drrsica, tuo tl.iyj only. ^ « A A NOW ___________ _____________ 9 * * W U

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Wc’ll be triad lo arrange con- venienl terms for you. 4 Pop , uUr »-ays lo pay. Ask> about;; II, no obligttlfon. • ■, :


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Page Kour TIHES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursday, Febniary 18,1043

>• Twlo r«lli N«»». m

hrw iKMlii. ---


Undoubtedly the beat answer given to those who tallc about a SIO.000.000,000 lo u to the Kovcmmcnt If the Rum l pay-aj>-you-carn In­come tax proposal Is adopted was Mr. R um l’i

own.His plan would benefit the trea.'iury, Mr.

R um l contends, by substituting hvc Income

for dead assets.I t Is the money In one’s pockeU tha t pay;>

/o r purcliascs— no t the "nccount-s due."Perhaps by accident—thouRh It would Ap­

pear to bo by deliberate In tent— the Ruml p lan has been made to appear complicated.

I t Is not. Tlie m any hcilf-conaidcred alternn- Uvcs are. But the Rum l plan lU^clf Is .so simple, th a t any taxpayer can understand Jt.

Beginning whenever congrcss m ay decide

— provided public opinion wins this tax war — we taxpayers w ill have Income tax pay­m ents deducted weekly from our pay enve­lopes or other sources of incomc.

M arch 15, 1944, and annually thereafter, we w ill report to the treasury on our year’s

Income. Most of the U x w ill have been paid.

I f there Is a balance due. either way, the ad ­justm ent w ill be made.

That Is a ll there Is to it, Tlic rest is a mas.?

of complication Introduced either to befog the Issue or from honest inab ility to ace through a clearcut proposal.

To avoid w indfalls—to see tha t h igh In ­come persons do not profit from the setting ahead of the tax clock—when such a person

dies there would be a special death tax to recover w hat otherwise m ight have been lost,

The public understands these things. O ther­wise the public would not be so nearly unan i­

mous in its dem and that the Rum l p lan be adopted.

The public realizes that few persons can pay two years’ taxes from one year's Income. »he public, knows tha t few persons actually saved, o u t 'o f 1B42 Income, the money with •which to pay the ir tax this year, bu t that

m ost of us, ra ther vaguely, thought tha t wc

would manage to dig It up somewhere.W hat the pub lic understands so well con­

gress Is ccrtaln to comprehend If the people continue,to let congrcs.5 know how they feel.

Have you told your representative and your .-jenators how you want them to act on a pay-as-you-earn Income tax?


W H IR L IG IGTBAOING—The Ruplclon Uut Wtshlngton iJid

London hive »lre«ly «nga«e<l In prellmlnBry eonver- aaUon on pcetvftr ptrceUne ot the vorld't commercial

and n*tuf»l reiourcej lies congreulonal demandj. down prior lo rrnsvtl of Uie lend- IcaM mrrtnifmtnta which expli on June 30.

DlalftuUul of private pourparlers between President Roosevelt artf Prime MinliUr Cliurchlll and mind* ful of p u l dlplomaUc Icr e. In slm- l lu negollaUoni, the legislator) wtnt » deflnll* underaiandlns »boul Ai)glo-Anterle»n supremacy right

___ _________oow. In TleV of TD.H.’s habit otBAT TUCKER miklnf tjreemenii which do not

rc(}ulre lenjste lutetlon. contreu (Uures that lu only controlling weapon U Ita power to modify the con­dition.? under which we ahall conUnue to forward !ood and munlUoiu to our i^les. There Is no dlspo- iiuon to-wiUihoId further,,<ld but realbtlc memben iMlit on ft 50-M break, -T

Clare Luce was the Ursi to dare publlclte Uils altitude when she dUeuised the quutlon of freedom o( the air with all Its Impllcatloni. Amiough a loyal supporter of Uia administration's foreign pollcj’. Mil­lard Tyaings of Maryland thlnkai we should obtain perpetual leases of British baiies In ihls heml«phrre In return for Uie hllllonA of dollari' v,orth of nup- pllfi we are furnishing Uit empire. And Eccreury Knox, wiui amazing audacity for a cabinet member, declares that we riiould put In a bid for retention ot I'teillc Islands wJilJe Uip trailJiiy la rixx}. Ferlinps no one hu expressed capltol hill's |K>Int of view more forcefully or graplilcally than the Connecticut consreMwoman,

•'When two men ride a horte." ilie told the writer, “wmebody im-i to ride in front, I Uunlc r.iiglnnd nnd the United Slntea must work logeliirr In any postbel* liuii universe. But I think tliat Uncle S.-im ought to ill nearer the horse'a r^etk."

hM iJten tcverely lec- i[] Republican;, nl recent

pjecijijve seMJona oi ujp flouje apprDprlntlon-i aub- ronirntttee which handle.i naval fuiirts. Clmlnnan Harry R. Sheppard of Cnllfornlii oiiil J. Wllllain o u ­ter, a.wLitnnt Republican Icsder, have warned him that he must aecounl for every penny he receives from them.

Hul Ihe boys softened their ultmwtuiii by congrat- ulntliiK him on 'hla |>erformance nj .•.rrretnry. h'Vsr one tiling, he Ixaj clwen capable men for key poiis. Ho (lid not hcjiltale to supplant Admiral Siliirk o.i clilef of naval operations with a more a«gres.ilve figure— Admiral King. He backed King In ^»l.JUtutlnK Vice Admlrnl William F, Habey for Uic nonllghtlng Vice Acliiilral fteberc I* OhorinJey In the Soiomniu area. He relied on the opinion of hLi rxprrt-i when they recommended on all-out attack on Jnpans pcrlpheo' of Wands, even though failure mliclit have co,-l him his official head. He delegated command ^ j ia v y yards to Asststanl Secretary Bard, who ha.vT]iiletly smooUied out difficulties with the unlonii.

•Hie Chicago publisher get.i nlong well wlUi the prcM. He la accessible nnd Informative. reKardle.vn of the fact Ujat he did not tell the whole truth aboul Pearl H;>rbor In hia original report on that disaster. But lie gave all the deUlta a year laier, despite pro- icjts by amer Davla of OWI. He hadepudlat I l)leiiire<l nipjwnejtmovemeau as portending a major attempt t ture Quadalcnnal. Within the llmliallQns lmt>o ril by strangle needi and the White House he has plajcU fair with the public,

GRATUITY — Antl-Roojevell Democrat In Uir home luiTO hit upon a technique for hnr.liiK ihr President wlUiout appearing lo be nccmorlrs to a parly muuny. They simply step aside when Re­publicans aim a blow at P.D.R.

Most spectacular, demonatrallon ot the new method, staged the day the loarr body voted


Perhaps you were one of those who, ll.sten- Ing lo early m orning news broadcasts lh( other day, heard one major chain announcer repeatedly speak of the 48-hour m inimum work week ruling as a "new law."

He was wrong, of course. The expression was Just a slip. I t is Important only because

It betrai's a trend which m any regard as u n ­fortunate—an Increasing tendency to for­get that In a democracy congress makes laws and the President enforces them.

The 48-hour work week order announced by Stabilization Dlreblor Byrnes was no more

th an a presidential dk^ree In pursuance of Bcneral powers conferred upon the W hite House by congrcss to facilitate pro.secution of the war. m ilitar ily and Industrially.

The criticism is that iC^'leavcs a ll excess work OTCr contract maxima— u-sually 40 hours b u t sometimes as low a-t 35— to be compen­sated at tlme-an-a-half and even double time rates.

This has the cffcct of raising avcrngc wages _per hour by a t lea.st 8 1''3 per ccnt at a time

'when Mr. Byrnes Is worrying about how lo siphon Off excess Income w hich is contrib­u ting to inflation.

Tlie only feasible way th a t w ill be found, Judging from past history, •»•!» bo higher taxe.5 anc|new compulsory .saving.'! measures, which w ill be applied equally to the beneficiaries of the prcmlupi pay schedule and to the greater num ber who arc struggling to get by on in ­comes frozen a t lower levels. \

So once again, to prcscn-e *'labbr’,s gains,’’ everybody else Is going to get squeezed. ' '>

That Is one of the things th a t happens when democratic processes are discarded In

favor of broad grants of power to an cxecu- tiPc who without pressure of public opinion formulates and proclaims major public policy.

The current illustration Is not so good as the 525,000 net Income celling order. But it does serve to show that we still are in an

— «re of "admlnlstratlve-lftwr'’-ftnd-lt-ralsc8 thequcsUon whether we get as good law In that

w ay as through the orderly processes estab­lished by the constitution.

Keete aihendment to Uie trcaiurj'-poiiottlcc iipproprl- atlon bill. Thh' provided that federal ngcncir.i must pay for Uiolr postage Instead ot sendhig out releasej, pamphlet* and bookletA under Uie trank, a practice which costi taxpayers millions of dollars annually.

Tlie Wlscon.Hn a.uoclatc'a propoalllon win bl’.lerly fought bj' administration helmsmen. With 1044 not so far distant they want to retain the lirlvllcge of flood­ing Uie country wlUj departmental propagcmda. Hut

i'as carried by four votes. It would have been de­led but for the absence of three lmport.int maj­

ority collFogues from the south wfio are cholrmrn nt weighty commlitees. They did not Imve sufficient In­terest In the Issue to walk a hundred yards from their offices to the chambw.

nie bar to free maUInic may be ellmUiated before final iios.\aKe. Hut Ua temporar>‘ acceptajicp as a notice to lavish users of this gratuity that tlie eyes of congre.is are upon them.

EXTttAVAGANCt-Stuart Godwin, former Wash­ington newspaperman now- nuoclated with the Re­construction Finance corporation, sent Uie following telegram to Bddle Rlckenbacker After hLi rcscue In the soutliwestem Pacific:

"You are a lucky bum. You will probably live to be a hundred and t*n and be hanged tor disturbing the peace.”, "Yes." replied tlie man wlUi the cliormed life, "yot are probably right. I have no doubt that I .-shall comc lo some subeommonplace end." \

X avUtor'a old acquaintances report .th\t his har- experiences hare traniforrocd hlm\He haa

becotne an evtingellit without knowing It. lliere -l' an unworldly pAam In hla eyes and a quaver In hLi voice the.ie days.

But admlnlstraUon friends wL\li that .luch a dra- mailc tlgtire would emphdslu other subject.i Umn what he calls govemmentaj extravagance and meftl- cleney In the conduct ot the war. It Is doubtful wheUier he »1U ever again be sent on an official mis­sion by the war department.



POT Sh ot s


GREAT-GRANDFATHERSPol Shot.i gave you ye.Mcrday lli ifnrmatlon tlmt Wll! Norrl.i, ih

G7-)ear-old telegraph mes-icnKfr boy ■ 1 Twin rails, b n grcatftrand- ither. Now tte noyco tho foIlowhiK n Uie A.i.vxlated Wc.is wire;

SALT LAKE CITV, Feb. 18 lAt~ rwiem Union offlclali hero heard lUi a.nnised grln.i that Twin Fulls aimed :.ome ?.ort of record by em­

ploying ft 67-ycar-oUl grcat-KrwuI-

•That's nothin :. War. "We have t

'boy.i' over 70. Their

•'boy." itald Bupt

Other \Points of View


_ have explained officially that trooja In Stalingrad were destroyed by

"th e BUpcrlor power of the enemy” Russians,

Thla, obviously, la the explanation of what happened.

It- becomea Intrigu ing, however, when one I'remembers th a t more than a year ago the Germ ana "oW lclolly’' had completely destroy­ed the Russian onn lcs, and needed only to

- m op up tfuerlllfl remnants.

• Somebody In u e r in iin y m us t have been-an optlmiap In those days. Are there any left

n ow in the relch?.

MORE nORSE-PLAY AT BOISEThe leglilatureW.agaln giving conslderaUon to two

perffcUy Insan# preposab — the prohibition of to- ' icco adrertUlng on outdoor signs and Uie prohlblUon ! all wine and liquor adverUslng In any form.Wille It Is inconceivable that elUier measure wlU

pass, or will be signed by the goremor. It does seem ridiculous that the time of our lawmaker* and Uie loney of the taxpayers should be wasted In argu- ■rnts over Idiotic propositions lucli As Uiese. Magailnes and out^de newspapers circulate

throughout the stale; Idaho clUiens hear programs over oul-of-«Ut« radio sUllons. As we have said Ume and time again In oppo-iing such leglslaUon, we can't hope to build a wsU around Idaho ar>d build, within our boundarlej, an> sort of a UiUe Cinderella Utopia. Why not <jull trying?

If not already, then certainty wlihin a few days. >me nlt-wU wUl suggest a tax on tobacco. And he'J

probably be a pouto raiser who would moan to the high heavens If Virginia, North Carolina, Kentucky— or any of the other tobacco-raising sUtes—would even'COiiildfr ■fc-UX‘'im akh6"RUi«U.---------------

We lay no clalA lo any great amount of Intelligence, but we taU to undenund why It seems Impossible to have a metUng bt an Idaho legLilature uncluttered by an ava:anche Of this ij-pe of silly legislative pro- posali,—Pocatello 'Wbune.

n t w CAN HAVE ITIn Joe Qoebbels' recent speeclt. battling for Hiller,

the natl yes-man (aid: •‘All Uiai has been done since IS33 In Germany under the new leadership In economy, culture and social development. Is so unique that noth­ing In a dtmocrallc country can be compared wlUi It*

Thank Ood for that I \"Only fascist Italy," he continued, 'has done any­

thing comparable in Its internal eonstnicUon, thanks lo Uic duce.* Thank Ood «lso tor that.

Seeing what» criminal and hopeless mess those two naUons, under their wonderful leaders, have made of thenuelves and all the rwjt of_Uie_»ortd_ttm_Hlg- could reach, Ihe free naUons are more convinced than ever of the rightness and wisdom of their own jj'S- lms.-CaldweU News-Trtbune.

reply that the Sail Lfvke Krnt.1 mlwed the |>olnt. I t ’s not Wills C7 jrni.i whrrcot we boxit, but the foct Uiat Tviln FjUU ha.i a


IMrilOVKMKNTar Pot:Hie (Ilmult | tle couldirt pass the imlnMlon to be a moron) com'

plained that her eyes hurt, and hei .iLiter said. -Well. Oertle, close your

you have money they’re »or' Brent deal."

‘ Somid.H r.crewy to me."I'U li ncrcttT—cr, aliem. J i

Uiere I.in't anyUiInj aereu7 n If you have money, i

have pohii then youcaniifil (lood.'..’

"You « m got 10 huh?"

•'Certainly."'■’What If you run o •T lin ’s the iwlnt."

-Can f trade poliif.i wl body else?"

"Well-iim-m. I'll havi OPA about thul.’'

'Annthcr ihliiK, who's d up all Uir pohit.i pli:

money for the stuff I buy my point

"Hiiimm,".'ald Qi ni feel belter."An hour later the

-Ic. "that make

ister noticed into things,

amlnaUon, discovered 111 hn<l her eyes ahiit. e commanded, "open


rvit siioLi 1 peet.1 the'<e vo ers'- who\»|i raUonlng \ma stores eomi* M a merrj' time.


sure but he fW :eer lady "esplaln' ear up Uie poln

in the grocery 1 are going to ha'

.. crj-.stal ball wc see hint of uhat mlshi happen.•■Well, first of all you can't buy nyUilng If you don't have points.- "Oh. how much do they cost?" They dnn t co'l anyUilng. The

government gives them to you."•'Wliat, the Kovemment Is Ilnally

giving somelhliiK away?"■■Certainly. But of course, they ent worUi anythlnK If—""I Uiought there was a catch In

It. The government never has given inythlng away If It was worUt omethlng,""No, you don't understand. Points

rr worth a lot.”•'But you Jait :..iid they aren’t

rortli anyUiltiK.’"Please let me flnlr.h. They aren't

worth-g-nltkcl- by Uiemstivcs;-U

■The will."'Poor guy. Is |he OPA exp.md-

Ing faclllllci. at Uie nut hoa*n for grocers?"


Dear Pol Shot.i:Our sheriff. Wnrren Lower>', weni

down lo Tonopah, Nev., the of day to bring back a p.-boiirr. t the word’s klnda going aiouiid that he spent a night at the JmI.

Personally, I dont think; sheriff Lowery looks like a suspicious ch acter, but I suppose the Toiiop.ili sheriff U a better Judge of .wplclou? characters tiion 1 am.

n i bet It goes plenty hant n-lti him If he ever gtl.i up to Twii rails.

—A. A. P. A. PS—They are also saying i .

p»h Is so crowded that the sheriff wa.1 lucky to gel even a co: li courthouse tor a bed. but ih probably only a rumor and oughl to be squelched.

CONCISE Sl'MMARV Dear Third Man:

Welt, after the big tplurgc about Uie <a-hour week. I find as f - lows:

I won l mean a blamed thing, as more production goes.

I'll mean more money /or so , . •kers, which won't ea;e Uie In­

flation headache.V\nd-It ■KlU leave i:o liour:i I

wlijcli workers earning atiywhei :om m to 1120 In « hours ca.. •rlJe to iM-hour a week soldier

boys who cam maybe «0 to j;b.‘-Saarpass

FAMOUS LAST LINE Charles, did yen sneak one <

the gas eonpeni out at this bMkr..T IE GENTLEMAN IN - TUE-IIIiaD EOW




When someone gravely, w heavy emphasis iinnouiices, •Tliat child w.-is bom to be lunticd, ................... In his tlcM of

IBISU—While Hooter and WiUkli faeUcns of Uie O-OP. drift apart, Franklin D. Roosevelt appears t« be Inching his way nearer to James A, Tarley In a supreme effort lo overcoine most formidable oppo- slUoa to a fourth t«nn nomination.So far bo answer­ing gleam can b« dlseemed U» Ui> frank eyes of U«D e m o e ra tlc party’s ace or- tfanlicr.

FaUlng a recon­ciliation Wth his erstwhlls cJUef lieutenant. P. D. n.^s strotegy-and It h u been known to work before^wlU aim at ticking the props from under ilr . Parley In his own bailiwick. PresUge and eminence on one Imnd and plain Jobs on the oUier are dear to the heart of any poUUcal group. And those are what the Presldtal • offer.

It Is In Uils Ught that Insiders InUrpret a recent spurt of admlnls traUon appointments and teeleri Tlie old musics! show hit, “If You’re IrlsJi, Comc Into Ihe Psrlor," seems to be tho theme song at U:« White House Uiese dayi

POLITICS—’Hie maneuvers began when Big Jim split the Empire stale machine from top to bottom by running Attorney General Ben­nett In last year's gubemaUirlal slakes In the face of sharp disap­proval of the squire of Hyde Park.

First. Admiral Leahy and former Justice James P. Byrnes were given tacUcal quarters in a new wing of the execuUve mansion, shared only by the omnipotent Harry Hop­kins. Next csme reporta of sldi door vLiits by Ed Flynn of the Bronx Collapse of the ambassadorial prO' Ject perhaps was not Uie fiasco eomi people think, fihren'd Semocrats argue this way: Millions of. voUr» In New York. Chicago. Boston and other big clUes know that the big boss wnnled to do something for a guy named Flynn and the Republic-

stymied It.-lother unpubllclted vLillor to the

Roosevelt parlor is William CDwyer, ex-dlstrlcl attorney of Kings county, a comer man In tho Farley Brook­lyn stronghold and onco a police officer on the beat. Tlie former D. A., who smashed Murder, Inc.. and roji ft close rice against Florello La OuardlA In the 19U mayorailty contest. Is now a lieutenant colonel In the army. As he called upon the President at a high pressure moment soon after Mr. Roosevelt's return from Casablanca, credence ho.i been ;lven to a report Uiat the talented awyer nnd former Judge wm of. fered Uie Australian Job which Mr. Flynn had Ju.it rclucuntly declined. A safer bet Li that Mr. 0'D«ier soon

111 sit at a newly InstAlIed deslt Jur.tlce department probing

or •’He c. . lug a bare living." wbe licopie take the prophesy with a handful of .salt. Nobody’' on UiU earUi, be ht ever so wise, ever so earnest, evei to devoted, can fofuteU the fate ol a child, any child.

E;ery child bom Into the world differs from every other. Every

if them has h

xrmy supplies An lmpres.ilve switch, concerning

*'hlch rre-ih hints have been drop­ped. ts the ixjsslble resignation of ilenry L. Stimson.and hts replace- Tient at the war depwtment by Justice Prank Murpliy. The veteran

Republican probably will remain In the cabinet but Mr. Murphy, fresh trom a mllllary tour or duly, U considered by his friends well qual­ified for the exacting secreU^yshlp.

Mooted also is the promotion of Asslstjoit Secretary of War John J. McOoy to a whale of a new poit in bojUi Africa as special presidential representaUve to work In conjunc* lion with Uie sUte departmenfn Robert Murphy. HU chief aide most likely win be Patrick Hurley, mln- bter to New Zealand and one-Ume member of Ihe Hoover cabinet.

The list U practically unassail­able. E ’en where there U no direct link with parUsan politics the sig­nificance of such a Ilne-uj>-and other names might be added-wUl not be lost In great melropoliun ccntOT n'Wch leaders and voUrs of Irish extraction donUnate.

UPBIBlVaB — One of Hitler's - greatest blunders Is not recognised by most people because It was spread over widely separated space and Ume. Yet historians may rate the mlsUke as one of Ihe decblve errors of the war. The fault Is der^ fuehrer’s utter failure In dealing with LaUn peoples. He needed them badly and tried flattery, bribes and force to win them to his ctmp. Sptlp and Portugal evaded him, and he was outwitted by France. lu ly let him down end now Is a liability, tor the Inhabitant* hate Uie nails.

InfluenUal Spaniards In New York point out that the Wimelnutrasse was foolish to dicker with these European naUonallUes because Ger­many Is a land power and they are

ilonlal empires. Mus.io]lnl alono vallowed Uie bait and thereby lent

his overseas po,»esslons. Madrid and Lisbon were too smart to heJp the relch ogalnst the United States and BrlUiln, who between them r\ile the waves. Berlin wanted to aelse TunLi, Algeria and Morocco but since It did not have either shipping or navy

had to bargain with Vichy. Pe- in sUlled until Elscnhowef‘'de-

barked; then It was too late.When U. S. troops woded ashore at ran a rvmor spread through the

Iberian hllb that the Americans had landed In Spain. Immediately old ' civil war veterans dug out hidden

I nnd commenced shooting co's gendarmerie. The uprLi-

Ijtgs were quickly subdued but they ive el caudlllo a preview of what light happen should he unlock tho

P>Tenees door to Uie Germans. Spanish parish priests now openly denounce brown shirt niUilessnts.1 in Belgium and labor lenders rago igalnst the harsh Teuton business vays pracUced upon U duce'j work-

NOVELTY — Almost every day sf lentists produce new mar 'els. Smokeless powder Is being made

wood pulp Instead of cotton, a process which Increasen output 20

ent and reduces operaUng coits. manufacturers have dL-.coverrd

, bsUtute for Un plsUng. Dehy­drated baby foods are the latest noi'elty. An Inventor has captured the odor of freshly ground coffee

concentrates It In on extract. Steel In springs 1 being replaced by ' wood.

I Uiat power

(ilii the child til

I hidden mi Uie

lay I;.- work.vhat r Held h

Chlluren of all their niici of each of liLs lln

strange mixture tors. Somcthinii Is In him. When

c Is ripe, the comrlljutioii . The cxpreuloii may last t

quarter of nn hour, or It may JjsI lifetime, It may persist lor monUis,

years, or days, but nobody can fore* rll lLi effect or Its duration. Time tid experience alone bring the an-

Trstj Show Temporary StatusThat ti why an I. Q. m the handi t inexperienced, untrained pcopli 111 work

C L A P P E R ’S O B S E R V A T I O N S


ncon.iWeraf<* to be axklng Prtikjent Roosevelt to do more Uian he U do- ing. Yet sonieUilng Is batUy needed

which only he can do. Tlie country needs to have put Into focus Its

Tlic ■ shov . th<


15 iXARS AGO, FEB. I*. f« »Construction of a new business

block in Twin Falls was Indicated In the announcement ye.itcrdny of the purcha.<< by W. H, Burkholder of two loui at the comer of Shoshone street and Second avenue east.

Plans for, the addlUon of IS rooms w jth^aa^r and baUis In Uie Park botel by raising the height of Uie main itructure to Uvee stories, were announced yesterday by Mrs. Anne fCfstlnf. cwmer.

H. BuUer went Salt Lake

t1 YEARS AGO—FED. ii, JJisConstruction of a Wc. tem I'hcUI

branch line from Wells, to Twii FalU, Uius affording a new ani more direct rail outlet from Twii. Palls to the southern Pacific coast markeU.ls a possibility held out by reorganlwUon plans of the Western Pacific company.

In » furious high school basket ball game at Filer la.it night Twin FalU decisively defeated the Pllei team. TTie Twin Falls team *r»s ac­companied to yUer by a tralnload-of to sU>dent.'<. Tlio score was Twin Falls « , FUer U.

:hlld Is at the moment, on Uie basU of his experiences, under Uie Influ-

af environment of the mlnuw. It may hold for a day, a hfetlme but nobody really knows. Tlie besi wc can do ts guess, hope,' and wait, meaiiumc offering every acceptable e.tperlenco po-islble to the child. Th< lln we commit ogaliut Uiese clill drcn Is our cut and dried sentenci passed upon Uiem wUhout any rca understanding.

When we say. -nils child Ls i genius and must be prepared for his responslblUtlcs,^ we make a guess. SomcUmes wc are right, sometimes not. The best we cni do is to train the child hi Uie hopi Uiat we are right but always, anc here Is where Uie cauUon must bi u.ied, always without making Ih' child feel himself a traitor, a foil- ure, should we have guessed wrong. Leave the door .open for hLi cscai>e with honor and no liarm done him but close that door wlUi finality, there is always the danger Uiat we hove wronged the child.

Leave Leeway for Changes What about the backward

the one who does not leim on t who rebels against Uie set coune of study, who finds home control hard to bear. Oo slowly. Test cach step. Take tho results of the tests a; helpful but not complete, useful bui not binding. Leave tho door oper for this chUd's growUi upward, and

wlU be less chance of doing him a lasting Injur} .

Often the expert in child train­ing gue-ises right but there Li al> 'ays the chance that Uils child

-111 in lime. sJiow new power and provision must always be made for that Joyful happening. Life follows no pattern accurately and nowhere Li It more cnaUc Uian In the de­velopment of children. Go slowly, n-alt and hope but be careful to keep Uie door of your mind and that 3f the child’s mind, wide ojien for :lianges.

No. SSS. To obuin (hU lwl;>tul |uM> IS cmU and • thrT*-c*nl aump lo I r*ul. of TImia.K*w>. r. 0. I, fiuUoi) 0, York, N. Y.

Tlie United fiutes array air fore* has fcccJvfd » DtK i3lvo bomber that

Lgraatirr.speed, range and strik­ing . jjower than any oUser dive bomber.

of commons di

Uiliiklng what Is to come out of the war.

'A babe] of UUk Li creaUng dan* gorous confiwlon an d mlsunder< standing.

Here Rep. Clare Luce warns In the house of repre- sentntlves t h a t our government

l^ndon members rise In Uie house

...... .ndlng to knowwheUier Uie Brltlsli government Is surrendering ILi air rlghUi. Vice- President WoKace WTltes a magatine nrUcln about freedom of Uie air al- Uiough Uierc l.m't yet a ghoat of i government policy about any of thLv Nor about much of anything els( a.ilde from the military program. El­mer DnvLi has an enormous propo- gnnda setup but he has nothing nu- Uiorltfttlve to Uilk about except the four freedom.1. becouse Uiere Lm'i any government policy aboul whai Is to come out of Uie war.

I am not Uj'ing to be capDom Mr. Roosevelt has more to do In 2« hours Uun a human being should,be expected to do.'And on the mlllUio' ilde he has done It well. This Is not » piece about how eveo'thlng Is go-, ng wrong, because I don’t thlnl er 'Uilng is going wrong. On Uie trary most of It Is going exceedingly well,

’Tlie war Is moving fast and favc ibly. I iion’t find victory- m-er G« nany expected thU year, but It considered very likely next ye

Russians are wounding I... Germans deeply but another wallop

may be left In the Gcrmar . ind nlr force. Hitler will nevei

get Uic Cauca.111.1. Tills year proba­bly win bring fome other big victor,

over Germuny. Tl^1:(ry“ m^J^ • Into Uie war on our slde-lr- isonablfl hope at least.

--.e Germans are going to be knocked out of Africa. Tunisia may be all ours In another six week.v Secretary of War BUmson says wi mu.1t be prepared for casualut •' :re ver>' soon, which Is anothci

y of sailing Uiat we are about idy to go into acUon. The power*'

fully equipped BrlUsh eighth army will provide Uie central blow, but we will be In It plenty. We e x ^ t the Germanj to light savagely In norUi Africa but we are confident Uiey

>‘t got what It Ukes U> stay there. The Japs seem to bo held Ja Uie Pacific,

home, producUon Is In good

delay hereBut there Is a harmful d hi preparing for w . . .of the war. That Is not a dlstont problem. The ls.-iues are already be­ing discussed In the leglsloUve bod­ies here and in London. The ad- mlnbtraUon here Is not yet In n por.Itlon to tnke the leadership In any of this dl.wis.ilon. or to guide it wisely. Various admlnlstraUon offl- clals shoot from the hip In all di­rections and Ifiive the public morn dbturbed at>out the peace than about Uie war.

Public opinion Is being confuied ln.itead of educated.

The BrltLh acceptance of Ofn-ral Elsenhower a.i r.uprrmc com­

mander In Africa Is a fact tlmt could be made to conU-lbute mighUy to­ward belter feeling ond stronger mutual confldencc among Uie allle<l natlon.i.

But beyond the flghUng people .see developing only the early sprout.i or poiftvar rti'alrtftj. u-)ai no line!- opments toward anyUilng to bin<l Uie winning powers togcUicr. Tliat Is whnt makes them cynical to the extent that a recent poll Ahnwed CO per cent believing anoUicr big war would follow thLi one.

Tliftse are harmful conscfiucncc.s. and the signs of dlslntegraUon Uiat come from the odmlnl.itratlon's neg­lect to prepare for what Is to come out of Uie war. Purple worAi Imve done nbout all they can do toward bulldhig a better wori/1 after ihl.i war. Tliey are rapidly lo ihig their force, 'Action and leadership by ' Pre.ildent Rootevelt are needed Iti UiLs fle!d-Uie kind of nctlon nnd lender.ihlp Uiat Wilson gave hi the last war and that Mr. Roar.evelt hlmielf gave during Uic period lead- ’ng up to Uils war.

District Goyernor Lions Club Guest

GOODING. Feb. 1&-H. H. Eberie, governor of district No. jg of the Lions was n special guest at tho regular Lions dinners meeUng held. ALSO present were Deputy DlsUlct ” • imnrJlarryJahrh. Twin FalU;

ice Holmes, president of Uie Twin FalU club, other Uons of Twin FalU, Boise and Jerome; J, E. Farmer, president of the Good- Ing Roury club, and Lieut, Bolton, formerly of Gooding.

President MeJvJn Beck presided. Gov, Eberie commended the Lions for the success of the recent victory bond drive which brought more Uian S46.000 It. war bonds. Beck ex. t«nded thanks lo the Rotary club for Its asslsUnce In the drive. Parmer responded In behalf of Uie dub.

Lome Lauder showed colored films showing the posslblUUes and pleasures derived from modem photogr«phy.

Arnovnteasent v u mide eor;- e«mlng the cliarter night meeting, ,'hich will al.v> be ladles night, to e held early In March.

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A.—i4>uay,feuruai> 1», IsW TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Five

^ a ? » i ^ ? » V I C T O R Y S A V I N G SV . j , e . p K H m x r c o . , fM p . — — —— ^ - _ . .


Brint: your fam ily and your nciRhbors w ith you to' this communitv event Satunla,v. The ?lop:m is SAVK. . .

Save in every \ini\Ks

you need.

n ich W ilh Fhiffy-TufJinEJ

Chenille Spreads

Flower Iwutiucls oti soft, cronm

Rroumi.s! Floral niotils cn justol biickKroiinils! Low •'IkiIjv" chc- nillu and liijih pile tiillin>: are

clercrly comliiiied to form these

cxcjuiyite iie.<i ’ns. Sinjrlo or double sizes.


$4.9SE.tlra value wid tiol'Inr -vivltiKs I'.r.'f Lnrsr. imily quftllty fur yc.ir: wiirmlll niitl f \lcc.

7-ixSt:.0 '. w «>i


$6.90Ihistcl tonfi In clftp rirh w-ool, Idral for ar.J triicjt roo.-r-v Cliooif r.ov lor luxury nl loa- ccs:.


Tlic first we’vo had lo offer in six nuin ths . L iirpe .s

KorK'eoiis coloring's and sturdily niaiie

for auto robc5. c tc ... $ 2 .7 9

fffom FOR vil ^Community Dollar Day, planned to help the residents o t Magic Valley to pet the most £or their dollar and save dollars to buy war bonds and stamps. No need to make three or lo n r trips to town to r specials. All mer­chants cooperated to offer all specials on one day. SATURDAY, YOUR DAY, so that you can make one trip to town do all your trading and save t^me, rubber and eaxoline.

/2 7 ^ -N O W — T H E FAM OUS



b 2 7 0Yd.

Jir\ :s ]>icccr, of Uils famouj W i.;tiarr {xrcalf. And Ihcy'U fd l tn a J-.uny. The asT«rt« tiw.1t ol pattcma la more thia «T tlaml to rxpccu 30'* x iie and f.v't «>!or of coune.


A ll Th is Week



$ 1 . 2 9Dvttee frocts for «we !n «’J benie «euviar'. Slrtprs, chtcks and ncmOi. Fust color r « ’.i or eourar. I.1 a larj# u a a.-scrtment.


b l a n k e t s

$ t o o

3 P o u n d C » a * ® *



z r:.- - - —

$ 1 0 0‘“' t t

3 OT hPir;. Mr. and Mn. f Includpil In this Rroiip

ot luxurloivily nnljrolilrrid f.% In ft Dolln.' D;iy M»*


Mcr.lhs or tTTls; tu; «:• ' fin.iUr rrcrivri o-,;-

Vu Vt

tt;;h dpr>. .Ml I-..-

I m :3 rjv lo\Vr;i r.iadc and taM

f.Cir Uia .M’. ihlj m tf.i to ;K: « for »t.00

llrr.lird QUJiitlly lasts.



$ 1.00A Iftli Bhlpmtnl of u-an nannel pnjsmn.i to fro r barcnln price for Dolhr Day. All .utt.i for clrls. rinlc, pfnch and.blue.

b r ig h t P IA IDS

m e w s

f l a n n e lSHIRTS

$100V, iiinltf J t»nd no

r a y o n p a n tje s

3for $ 1 0 0Mii-ouu Dainty

C Jl:.t4ndlnK

.Mcn'.s 12-1'ound

3 Season UNIONS

$ 1.00I^nu or fhort slfcvcs and long IfKs in tills favorite unlonsult for men. Ecru color and Just the *rlRtit for now UU summer. SltfJ

M en's -Linfd


$ 1 . 0 0 pr

lined cap< il.T £’j> n a buekT 1K"« cvme? Ju.- a daltar day i

i'ro tec l Your llnnds


i >;r«U bur mikra IhU crtcr paalh’f. You know

I t ip and quality. Buy

I Child-s’ sturdy


$1i } Pr............... %Cotton nnj rayon nntl

cotton. Ix>ns horo monthi of wear. Sl;c.i for {Irlx. Bome with double j knee. Doa-ns!alrs ftore.

1c a y COLORED

l u n c h e o nCLOTHS

$100r „ , color,

hftVlnK halt a do-cn o«__AU in one blB

■"t ,;nc low prt«.

M E N ’ S _

a n » g o a t _ I

WORK sox I

f»r«. s ? 'S “S. ”

tv-c 3wr mK- pnw.


For th e pcrKon who liclp.i snve mo.st, a free bond. Ask

nny m erchant for particulars fibout the share a rido

prirc.s. Kc;:ister at Chamber of Conimerce, Radio Kon- dcvoo building'.


H A T Sfor MEN

$ J9 8

Top o f f th a t wcll-dre.Hscd

appearance w ith one of

these liKhtwclRht fu r

felt hats . Perfectly styl­

ed for .smart aprintrwear.


J A C K E T SMade fo r work, w ith leather elbow patchcs and leather trim Oh poekut.s. Heavy weifrht blue melton cloth. You

save II dollar a t Icu.Ht on 6 >i A O thi.s special ...................................................



$ 2 ’ *Includlnft Prcncli boclc worsteds for wmr and line ovpcarance. Onberdlne and twill pniUi for »porl3 wear and comblnnUoni of rayon and cotton for all kinds ol wear. M l slws Included.

Here Are Spring


$1.98Enjoy spring from the flr»< brlpht <loyJv Sport shlru ca. lore In no\-elty wcavr* and itaple fobrlc.1 for men. “aash proof colors lo harmonlM ttim (iporta npporel jou ai» ready have.

A ll Wool S L IP O VER



Penncy’H Boys’ Store



Coat and Jackct style.r Knitted and ft-ovcn fabrics Included In tlili 1;itko croup at a populnr price. Buy now for-*prUic days to come.


N ew Slock of


PANTS $2.98

You know Uic quality. We have * large choice of colors. Caster, blue, brou-n and crcam. and all &liu now. 0 to J8 yean.

Capeskin Leather

JACKETS, $7.98

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Page Six TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursday, February 18,1943

J ., .-

1108 [SEENE»V yOJlK. Ftb. J» - Dr.

'V. Darkff. jpfclnl r-uUUhI

10 the secretar)' of Die nav;. sftld lait nlslil ihM parily bccaa'p of prrsisKnl bombins by ' DrilUh- 6»i«l planc.i intlrr brcaa AURUsl to move jtrntfsic faclorlrs In western Europe Inlo ft'Scm Oer» many. PolantJ »nd CitchaaoratlB.

In a si)fech al a dltinfr mtellnc ef Uie Amrrlfnn In'limtr of Mln- liic and MeUllurglcal tnKlnctn. Dr. Darker iiald this Indusirlal eiorius by the nail* w m l nol only the movement of fKioo' e<iulpmrnl but In many Irut.mcM tlie uorlciiitn tin

'Referring to the dirilcully the naxLi had in rfcrulllrE wnrkmrn in Hie conqyered counlrltr Dr UsrkerRnld: 1

“But llie n a ij had » Jolutlon for lhl.1 dUIlcuIty, too. When cfler* of employment tttV* made tn llr()fc - iloiial mm or iWItd WDrkrrs and

. were refiuM .Ih'e afrmam confb- rated thp food c»rd.i of tlime who defllned."

neferrlnir lo the iiroblenu th nation wlU fice when llir wnr I concluded. Dr. Dutktr lald nne n Ihe most importniil tasltA will Ijt dr mobilliiiis 10,000,000 men under

lie «usge»ted that dtmobllliAtloii b« at ft conUoUed rale similar to ihat u»ed to Induct men Into the armed *er\'lcej.

Funeral Services

Held for SoldierSHOSHONE, Pel), II - Puneral

(lervlcM for PvL Thomw Victor Ulya. 21. wtiD died Feb. 11 of *pot- ted fever In the Snatelle ftatlnn hojpiral In Callfomlii, were held Tue.vlny afternoon at the Diirdett funeral homr with BL liop Andren- don of the Dlelrfch L.D.S. dmrch In charge. BhosJioii* •’SlnglnB Mother*" provlrted inimlc, and l.DB, ladlea were In chsrge of the flowers,

- Members of Uie Shf^ione Week.*- Yftden American Uglon poet held prave-slde «crvlees with pail com* mander. Lambert Erpelcllng. actlntf a$ Chaplin, J, J. Loekie ftrd E. C. lUhn folded the fin* which wa.s prewnted to Ui» mother, Mr*, Evik Ulya Wllllanvi, Tape were blown by ROM Floj-d.

Pallbewera Included membfr.i of the local post. Ollle Dates, B. C. Hahn. J, J, U>ckle, Pred Winters. A1 Butterfield wid William Floyd. Interment wm In the Sh»honc cemeteo',

n ie body WM accompanied Shnshone by Corp. Michael Votla and by Mra. Wlllliim.i who lind Kono to be with her wn, but who had arrived too late.

Pvt. Lilya wai bom Auc. H, 1Q31.In Oannctl. Ida. He received his rchooling in Qannell, He entered the Bmiy two years ajo and wa* wtih tho anti'Rlrcratt regiment with headquarters at Bnglfwood, Calif., when he wa.s jtrleketi wrelu ago. , .

He U survived 1)7 hU wife, Mr*. Yvonne Taylor Lilya, ncdlands. Calif., whom he married In Yuma, Arlr.. In December, 1941. and by an Infant eon who wu born on th dny of hl9 fatlieri death. A lu tiir vivinj are hU moUier. Mrj. Ev Llb'fi Willlanu; two brothers, Olio and t«onanI. Jr.; and a aUter, Beii> eva, Shuhone. and hi* grandpar* eutj, Mr, and Mrs. T, D. Hunt. Shoshone. His father, Uennrd Ulya, preceded him In death.

Out-of-town relaUves who at­tended the aen-lce* were Mrs. Hom Dench. Lo* Angeles; Mr*. Ulllan ■nijjor. Bun BeroanJo, CflJJf.: Jfrn. Don Porter, Portland; Mr. and Mr?. Cecil OentJT. Baker, Ore, and Mr.i, Earl Hunt, Baker, Ore.

U. s. Sul) Lends Helping Hand yjf Qf

lO E R E S T R iC e

•Someuhfre on the hruad f»|ian»e iif Ihr I’ailtlr. Ilir ,\iiiprlraii marine «'»hoo, on patrol duly In eiiemy-eonlroiled walen, ha* time lu Irnd aid to rrriv mrmbrri nf a unall, becalmed flililnc huat. t'ooil and water ro over Uir »iar of the mb to six lurvlvora of the original party of nine aboard (lie i>mall rrad. |Of(lclal U. ti. navy photo)


Tlie high *011001 faculty entertain­ed Ihc (itutftnt council at ift Vnlrn- tine's twrty kt the achool. Oiitne.' were plnyrd and prlrei were won hy Dorl.s Kuhn and Jimmy Dostwlck. Oiic.vt* were Glen Harlow, Oracr O^enneu. Llia Lee 8evey. aeortln Piismire, Trr.m Mae Cendlt, nilile SKtntier, Fnlry Barlogl. DorU Kuhn. Cniyin Mnr.sh. Jimmy Boatwick. ^^altl)ew Wfcch. I5enn Roeers luwl

■ • VorU' Conyrr!!. ntfrtshmcnta were aen'cd. D«or»Uons were red mid while with table coven of tlie Mme color.

Mr. i\nd Mrs, Henry Clnrk nnil dauiihtern, Dernlece and Mn. Hob Crawford, Nya*». retunir<I Irimi Oaklaj)d. Cftlir, where Uiey vWInI Uiflr son, Keith, who 1j In the im- »al ijDspltnl therB sulffrlnc fmiii wounds rrcelved In action in No­vember. He U now ftbic to be on crulfhes. Mrs, Crawford rctiirnnl tn her hanie. aa did Mr, nnd Mn>. W. E. Clnrk, Qoodbi:, who -<Uiyrd nt the home of hla parents clurin Ihclr ab. fnce.

Mr*. Keith Collier, Loi Ancrlc.i. and Laura, Janie and Clayton Cllf- Xord y w returned from Ball Lake Clt)-, W fy Mre called there became of thfllllneaa of their father. Uw- rencP'Qlfford. Mrs. aifford re- mtilned in Salt Lake Cliy. Mrs. Col­lier will remain at the home of her pnrent.s. Mr. and Mrs, Lasience CUf/ord. Her hulband will lenv »oon for tho arroed sen’lce.

Miss Bieen Billiard v u hostess at a Valentina party at the homr of her parents. There were eight cuc.sts. The evening was spent play­ing gomes. RefreshmenU were urv- ed.

Mrs, Frank DickersoQ entertained at dinner in honor of the 18th birth­day of her daughter. Oeorglannn OUC.SIS were Mrs, Stanton Boyd. Wendell, and Eunice and Twsa Mae Coiidlt.

Tho W. S. C. 6. met at Uie home of Mrs. Oui Conrad. Mn, Jack Woodhcfld waa eo-host«si. Twenty- three ladies were present.

Mn. Xfary NorUirop v u cuest of Aonor at a birthday partyhome of Mr«. Ward Marsh. A:___ant hOAlesMS v en Mn. Van Herfner ■nd Mrs. Ed Ovsle;. Eight friend* •hip club membtr# u d Ihxte iumu were present. ProBratn aiunbcrs in­cluded rtcitnUoni bjr Un . Alice Bo}’cr and Mrs. Mu7 Northrop. Ilndlnei were Elren br Urs. Nena Orldley, Un. AUes Jo&ej and Mrs. 'Cecilia Jacobson. Luncheon wu Wrred wiUi it blrUidaj' cake as cen- Urpiece folio#ln» which Mrs. North-

opened £lft«. Thfl next meetlnc,. wlU be at Uie home of Mr*. Nenal 'W aty m Tbb. 30. I

Thurman Burch

Oakley’s BishopOAKl.Ey. Krb. Ifl ~ llie Miikr

pr*■. l<len y. Chnrlr.-, H. Cliitk, Mo-.r:i S. Martin and OrorHc H. Brirre al- Icndcd the third viaril .sacramfii'. TvicM lo liuinll II nt;» bUliuprlc. nWiop I.e»,-|s n Crllchflfld uUli Li coun-.ellors, GcorKe ll. on and

Tliiirmiin Durcli. were iclpued, Tliurman Biirrh wa.i . ustnlnfd tw

ir new bishop with Rcm Adani.i nd Clifford Rurrli n.-s roun-.rllnr.-.. m.O)0p Crltclillrlil hiid :.mrd 23

yearn In ihe bKlioprn.', nine ytar.s

St;il:r qunrlrr rtm/iTfiirc will be hfltl J'.itiirday »i'.<l !iuii'l:iy. i:Ulrr

<>• i'lnlUi, u'M’.lanl til ilir -r ;;i,' Twdir. \vlll be pres­

ent from Rnlt Liike City.

DKIVKlt UNKI) S;0 JI3...V'-. jtrU. •* virull P, Lar­

sen. 20. JiriiiiW ti' iilciii, ua;. fined *r>0 Wfdnr;,dav after lie ciitcrrd u plea of tciilH 111 11 cliRTKe of recklrss drivlTK 111 J'rolmte .ludiie Williflm 0. ConuiocI:';, coiiri. i.nr.ien'.i 11-

rcvoked viiiill July 1, 1D«.

WAEHINOTON. Feb. 18 W’,-T5ie war production board today restrict­ed Ute w.e of cattle hide and cnU and kid skin leather to t)ie niariu- facture of shor', meclinnieal belu, work glove*, ntlilelic Rnotls, and number of other artlclrs cio-wd - rx.’.entlal to lieolih and Industrial •afety,

A number of common civilian product*, it woji provided, may be made from llElitu'clght leather nnd under certain specified conditions. Among these are dress dlnves. liiK- KSKr, brief ea e-:. uphol.iicry, pocket books, hand ban*, golf ba«s, clitar and clgarclle rn*ei, key ca*rs. to­bacco pouches, dog collar.i and walch Blrapi.

Upholstery leatlier may be used for the repair of automobiles, rnli- road coaches and bu.i c<)ulpnieiit. and for office and rommerclai fur­niture, it was specified. Bindings, corners nnd handles or luKifi Ke also may be produced v,ltliout roslrlc-llOJl.


will be very ii'.iccc.'--.ful in your ii'-'v pojitlon." Fortune Teller Shay. 40. lolil one of l»o women rlli'iit.'i. He didn't know liow right he wn-i. He had lot<l tiic fortune of Anna Sla;i>, a sludeiit policewoman; the oilier clifnt wo-s a vcWran jwllcrwomnn ->hi)'»lnK MU* ellivs how to rcI rvl- denrc- Shny pleailed guilty to for­tune teUlng in court.


Klne Kurnllure /BKIIT A. SWKUT 4 HON <

> Ufaln Ave. K».%t 5

“ U.«d Furniture Bouulit nnd J» T Sold. Bajcment Blorc, >

i Convenleal Terms, I’hone 1105 y.


Fairfield Minus Highway Outlet For Eiffht Days

FAmnELO, Frb. 18 — After belnB b!ockr<l by liute enovr drifts tor eUIit days, tiie Fair- fleld-Ooodlng lilKhwoy ho* been opened by hravy equipment brought loKctli'T M Gooding. Several alW-inp'-' had foiled lo ojien the ro;ui previously,

Canioji Prairip rtsldenU wel. corned the tiinll truck which foU lowed the .'.miwplows. brlnRlng them the flr.M Mrillen and print, eti new* in mniL- lhan a week.

Trl-weekly tr^iln Lcrvlce was uninterrupted during that time, but mall is brniiKht from Good­ing by truck a:id could not be traiuferrrd lo the train becauie of i»*t.-il reR«l;itlons.

Only Three in 750 Show Diphtheria

JEROME, Feb. 18 — Only Uiree pupils rlKiwed pre.-,cnce of dlph- ilicrla orBanlsms durlnfr thro.it ciil- lure* ti;ien of 150 elemeninry school pupils in the Washington and Uncoln schools. It wjui an­nounced toilny by Mrs. J . J . Struck- K. county health nurne.'rreniment of ilio tiircc will bcsin

Immediately.Tlie tlitnnl ex.imiiialions were

made bv siaie nnd county public iii'allh offirliiLi and wcro dtaunn^cd at the dlJirlci iiciilth unit In Tttln Full.'.


OLYMPIA. \Vo.Ou Feb. 18 (,l Publlcly-oa-ned power had become

tlie policy of the state of Washing­ton today when a measure, desicned lo enable Uie people lo take ovei private uililties In tJicir entirety, be­came Uia-.

The measure, mo.it important Is­sue before the 28lh regular session of the :.lat« legislature, passed Uie iiousa by o vote of 82 to 37.

The ,'en.ite earlier passed the nre. 25 J 17.Gov. Arthur B, Langlle did not

Imve lo sign it as tlie inlllative wa.s presented to tlie legislature by a pellilon from volers.

Solens n.ild Uie me.osure sounded Ihe deuUi kiiell of private utilities nnd would Involve an estimated »309.000,000 of properties.

Tlie new law Rives public Utillly dlstrlcLs'the right lo Join one aji- ithcr in condrmnlng, buylni; out ii'.d ruiiiiiiiK n private power cnm- li.iny. lock. .<tock and b;vrrel. Heri’- lolorc, under the law. a public utll- Ry duirlct went Into tlie courts la candcmn only a certain p u t of

ixjxcr company.

Hi -suANi)8 k.nti:rt a in i;i)DUHI^ Feb. 18-Members of U:c

Mentor r(iib entertained their hus­bands ttlth a poiluck dinner ot the Dr, John W. Wurstcr iiome. Father Mulveiilli. Wendell, was the fuc.-it .six-aker. Cards were playwl.

112 Attend Fete

Of Hansen GrangeHANSEN, reb. 18-One hUEdred

and twelve plates were arrang«d for fathers and tons a l the Hansen Grange hall for Ihe annual banQuet sponsored by tlie Omnffe- Ten younit women of the community J'enrd a* wallrr.Vie.s. Patriotic colors were uied in the table decorations with clever program piacec*nls mn«ed by Mrs. Donald DIeti.

The speaker, E. W. Thooipeon, rellRlous director al the Minidoka relocation eimp, took the audience on a mental tour of Japan. e«er- inc the religious life of 114 young ~ien. He also told of the family life f the colonists of Hunt.Otlier numbers on the program

announced by Bill WUeman, •'block baster” for .the evenlnu. included the dedication of the banquet to the boj-a ovrr^cfts by Kenneth Nay­lor; “A Word From A Fatlier" bv Haro’ Prior and "Now Listen To A Son'” by Roland Arment. x

A surprife number was a dance by Ihe -nld gray mare"-with Nora May Tesgue nnd Mildred Miller, Kimberly, as characters and .Mrs, Art Holden at the piano, MLis Lola Slyter sang -'Roses of Plckardy" and -rhls Is Worth Fighting For."

$10 0,000.00 TO LOAN ON



:02 Bhoshone 8L Eut

Miss Maude Laycock played tcft piano music dunnc the supper. Ar­rangement cocmnlttet included Mr. and Mrs. Earl Banes. Ur. and Mn. Kenneth Naylor and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scott. Jr.

6,000 Dressings

Shipped at BuhlBUHL, Feb. 18—T lie ‘lied.Cross

surflcal dressing class has sent out Its first ahlpmnit of mor» lhan 8,«n dressings. Tlie class was or^anlied a week ago under, the supenrislon of Mr. John W. Wurster. Any ladj wishing to help may call Mrs. Wur- ster.


If rm b IY« 4S «>na of la Toor Ua>l Jyva IS tnllM el Uda*r mi/ ba otv

‘HiiM tlar tlun uxl tuSa »» rat-tef <ur Ud alabt to b«lo Nua* nd

of ttnm mcUt lad do»cbo<b «m«. ffbu dixtnlar d Udur luAKisa s<mJ;a

jwbosou* m»iUf to la your tW . I*gayau—MntaaUeWbt.rhxiggii-ftto. W MiB*. ka* c< pep tad CBwnr, (MUas fp

V a n Engelens.

N E W B E R R Y ’ S S A L E !


• For l^ o o r or outdoor woilc. Sturdily knit, strong

roioiorco^.heols and tooa. No ridgos io ccium die-

“ w m ftn . SUfltchy tnio ribbed knil lopa fit anugly.

doa'i bind. You'll find maximum cooifort and long

MTVlce in those »ofl, cbsorbent Cotlon S oda . Sisei

10'/} to 12.

35c pair

3p a i r ^ m e n s

for »l00 ^ mssA n i e « . < D A V A M u A e c ^L A D I E S ' R A Y O N H O S E

• s*rrle* wilohi Boyca lor UUlltr wees, n i tilmly el aakl.*.Topi oad iMi rtlaloreed. Thsy look tmon cod {Ml M ' "An «xc«U«el steeUao let gisirol w»ca. Bm uUIuI m SiSM Bt* lo lOit.

l a d i e s * r a y o n m e s h h o s e* Populcn tDMb suieb—dttlTud for ocuv* «*or—Us* <rpi to nm. You'll w*« Uxa wlih lailered or sport eloihss; w*n Hum to work. Will) nlld lep* end ImL n*lalen*d All the Bew*«

39c pair


• Good quollty Col- loa Roree hOM. Ha* ffouge f« evsa iis-

b 8su0 iitUng ead■uaiehr rtbbH ksU

•top* !d QSM(1«) p«n. tana. Come'a la iIms lOtt lo 12 . . . ,

5-10-25c S T O R E S



Towel Ends4 BIG







Lace Hose

Tlie.-.c nre sllsiht IrreKHlnrs of 11.65 lace ho. e. If you .’.hop early you will Iliid an excellent selection of We nrc pleM-

' ed lo have these to offer at this com- oiunliy event.

---- New Shipment----

Printed Jersey

Dresses$ 8 9 0

You'll nilore Ilirsr brlpht, clever nea' srrtvalf. iitid when you ;.ee »iem j'ou'll want lino lor wciir now nnij, far into ^prlnE. \

Sizes 9 to 15 38 to 44 12 to 20



Work ShoesNow, that you want ttie best you can buy in. work shoes, you'll find these brloK tlie KTeatest,return on your investment and for yonr ration stamp.







Regular 98c and $1.15 Pair





slipsS tie s I I lo 17, 3 2 \o 4-1

KNIT SL IPS ...............




PEBBLE CREPE, Tailored $ J . 2 9

BLANKETSSllRht IrreRulurs of a fnnious mill, but the irrctfulnrlly will not Impair the wenrlnj quality. Beautiful pat-

Icrtvi of rayon and cotton content.

DO .................. $5.90

BLANKETSSIlKlit IrreRUlara in all-over patterns. The.'-e ore exceptional v.-tlues'and you

may buy your neeil:i on by-away If

you wL-li.

55"’:... $4.98

BLANKETSBeautiful blnnlccts of Mr. wool. cotton nnd S0% rayon. Our MiUne prlec on this number In thp first qualiiy Is 10.45. Come In ind ie< them.

Wool ........ $ 4 . 9 8

SAVE DOLLARSB u t B uy Only W hnt Yoa Need

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Tbunfiv. I'ebruln- IE. TIMES-XEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven

0 ('W F [ S *URNS Appendectomy—Aboai’d a Sub

ACCUSEOSLAyERiL-\S VEO.^S. NfT. Peb. 18 (•5>—

Nt-.rr i x i WaJlcr Dun-

car. »»ss to hrr iliTOcm hus-

£;;f lo;j Dur.cin »o »hca Ihry sirt »; the cou=;y tSur she ci.-r.f to Lm V pw to Uhc r«- 2-JU.-J c.' 'BuckI Cort. 37.n.-ti= cr the Ihocuis la:.l 5und*i'

01fr_t Jones liltl Mrr, D-iT.c»n. JT. rrfu:<<l to rmtiricc her C*-’ fa.'-c:d M-J-.uitMSd «!«*c-.x~ j-1p l;.-?p<2 r.f>fr to w him

« ho ilT id r l:»d * an<l i: » U-.-rAr.i to L « VcR;!.'* to T ft tx-c-tta. T5ify to'k ltxJKtn£3 •c"f-.fr » *“'0 *jt-'i.-.cr rTU!«rv\h:? «hcm n il>e clirr tTAn ^ r-

~ > d Z ' tc;i the .•-hrrlfj that »!!rr rir »r.d Car;f h»rt obl-v.nrd dl- \atT5 thfr p ihiK-c! lo niarrv-

!: r;n :o thf>' “tiiiir care oft.’if oM r-an. «:-;o «-o:i;dr.1 be able

DV.rtr: Aliomn' '•’■ Grv' Gub- '.f- }il>l k m-itln th irst -louVd be :^ec »;i_ '^t l>jr.ran-


DrL N orm :.

m>^-h tr.ipi r a

•OTT. K.VITT i»;d t.\i»r.»J lx '.x^ IVrt

j; Uv^sr.lj^n M.vr.- itscr.5e>l the arrt^t »»

; %~ryc<l k c»r tfn ira tr" r !v.vtr> «<u23

a ;i.Tr.vto C . T I> ; N.-r-.i,

f.rir r».-ri ahead an- jjx-.l •..'.rtcsh l> : S.-r:e »• JO

Spring Fashion Newsfrom the


Program Given at

P.-T. A. MeetingSJiOi^HONE. m . 18 — The P.-

T.A. r'.etriben ar4 s\:p5tj enjoyed a ci»r:i by :he trade t

.\ lirjr fTCic! » is attendar.i T if :r»dp b»nd u

dfr thr C:x.-.S:n c! EJlrtnO^^^Zir. prr-rr.trd Kvei^l num­bers a.-..1 Fnr.re^' TaOaka .•jntr. *G<x! n;M .\.-:;pnra" Paula Marte • r.. Dn;r Lee Phrlin and Mamery Ki;-jrt 'ar.K tuo three-part ^lar- s-.~r.T -vWUa-.t

ihort plivtr:, "The Golden n»"hr;." nr..'i D;rttf Tlioma.'' Ifarrl S:h'«anr. fhlrjey DriikeU I.«>;5 Jtisx Tro--.. JLT-mle Mey^ry. F(idie KL-.r<-r, Ua.T Dean WiUUnv*;, F'-;ser.:» S^mrta aal liillv tiarfei

»er.;nj. CLTcted t f HelenCoc-«e;i ar.rt Ml v Deth Wtmmer.

TBthf £i;b pmer.ted tap dar.c- lr.X r.us'-berv Cirrcted and accont-rar.lrt fcT Mlij Co{5rsrcl!. A bopi's-.e c:.;S 'Ar-i tt-.uh Mr. Ber.t. tnuxlc i.-.-tr-rtor. ai eL-ector.

Prewl;n» the p:rvram a >.horl bu?ir.«s rrwt.-.K a-ti held « i:h Mri. Jrr Tho-T.aj. pr»5.1dfr.l. tn cJ-ATt». P'.xr- »TTt tr.*dc tor a

. rr.iiJcal ta itarc.h lo ral-'< ffioney fer the hot lu:;;h fu.~.5. CommJttec

t a a Tar.^e nenL In- Mr?. Piu! Phr;a.i. Mrs. n-an

Cv-y and Mrx Ar.tcnU Vrscul.M.” . AtTves Str-.i.-.k rfsd a ^hort

tr;bu:r to M.-j. Allr^ MrLcllati Blr- r.*<. fr.;:xir7 rr P.-T.V

It Ulei plenty ot etuicentraUea and ether lUnr* t» f »U!» It t» perform an apprnderlomy aboard a iBbmarioe. eiperuQr «b«n the <r» »el U iBbmerirt In enemyt«*itnJlfrf walerv Ilerr are rharavn tl Mate Iflnt rlau) "nxam^i .K. Moorr. left, ef C h iu VaDer. .UU. aad bearded. thoBxhtrni Chief tUdlonan Rkhard StrtaQ prrfonainf th* epervtleo on rrew tnembrr Oeortr M. rune r abnard ibe palr«l dot}' In the Famine. (Oinelal V. ^ aat? pb«i»i

Songs of 2 Wars

Sung at MeetingJEROME, Feb. 18-Soncs popul I World ttar one and U-.e preren'. ar a.nd a patrloUe iklt were pre-

rented under the direction cf M w IVra iWmaiiit at the tVajJilnstrei- Lincoln Parenl-Teacher as-ioclalion rifetlni: tn t ie Wa.\hlnKton school'i recreation room. Ttie mertlhi »as In corrjn«nofnUo.T of Fcunderj IV. A ipeclal candlellRhttsiK ecrt- iniiy wai prefenicd.Three \Va-'Jil.'isloii pupils. Joan

Tmppen, Dolorej York atid Htte- tn:ir>' Humphries jang “lt> a Lor; Way to T)ppemr>-." Memberi or fltih srsde and one iixth srade pupil prc.ented the jilt . "School For Vicior)'." Hie ca^: L c:Lde l Charle.% Capp'. J ot Lee GlDion. D- Nnel Nnnee, Dlene MevcrN. Esiscne Mlllrr, Jack Arii-TV. I4ov(J Tanker^- Iry and Guy C.illen. Ttie c.Mt f.mi: the ••DccibartSiera SohK," "Army .Mr Corps” and “Marines Hvctn." Others partlclpaunc in the jlr.sins were Dlfkle Hnu-Iry. LloycJ f.T.lth. Joan Trtppen. Rfveni.ir>' Hum­phries. Betly Ann Coatj and Dolorei York.

A Jarsf hlrlhflay e.ike wa.i Jencd. The ca.'jdlcliRtmni cerrir.i.T.y vas

rer.ducieJ tv Mrs- \V.2yti O Pi;c><T.li, M r. Mar»U“. Co>. M.•

Gaartr.fv. Mrr- J. .V Mrs. y.oyi H.'.'. Mn. The:=L» and iIr^- Llc^d Clilscire. Thr-. oere a.v_::ed bv iL-j. IXM Mr^ J. D- NcCxTi. IL-v O rrj Grj- flth. M.r.- .V W. Har.. Mn. Lrc CecU an i M.- Macde

«rrr Mr' .V. .V fard. Mrs. E. E. .kla=i a=J Mr Eari Daty^.

.\Tj-.ou.-.cct:;rn: «i\ aiai* ila;, harjDtte Babocv-SI siiUi

Book Club .Meets -AtShepherdHome-iZ'.C"CS. Felv B.V*

r-T=>TT» a; the h.'se ct ii--' C-tr’.r-.iij SS^r^rrvi The e-.iT-- ryr--. rv-^^r t w t -S< I'trTT. Pr.-.i- fvirc^-e ' rr«2e»ri t.' I ilr? . XV'..;u:r. Pr;er^

T - r.-v-. =er-_'.r '•u: tr ht •.'^ h ive C-: OfOfTT .V Ou.e?-r M.- JJ U Oti;.-.cTr «-.U re- x.-» ;■*.> KvHt-. -'Oiaia.l.rar- rxi.-T- ir.1 ' l i r i i IJur.-.--.; ui t."


To Help I Prevent I

from developmgPut a frc *rps e' VlOs Ta-sr>.=:-’ t-p each cjMtti at the xerr fins ciTe. t ic ta cr iJsa c: aaal eruatis. Ta quick actloa atda - Nature’* dttr.isei w|#«ie ‘ -9

e rw ta sa la r=Jder. V A T tO -ffO l

EEHEStJ3? C im-ROirT

vi.-r-. ^ c -w>S. Ces.r. a

x?n .... ..



Tiiv.'^l U\r y>v\ir thirin;; Twhi Tails

Gr.-at N’ict.iry I)OI.I...\i: \).\\. . . DupIcT'.-^ i.n*-

.■-•.•jit ;in uiit.-taiKiin;: .■ I'lcotinti of F ine Fur

Coats. Fur? likv lhe.-*c may not be nvuilablo

much lonfrrr. . . Make your solcction N O W n iiJ

“ Clean up” i neat jm if it in :^avinp.'<.. .

I\vcd Skunk • Squirrel I-ocko • M iiik-Dy«!

.Mu.-krat • Silvortoiic-Dyi'd Mu,‘<knit • Pony

• K rin inicr Dycii L;imb • Silvered Fox Jackets

• W olf Jnckct.<; • JJcavcr Dyed Coney • Coco

I>yt\l E rm ine • Salilc Dyed Mu.>;krat • Dyed

Fitch • Sku iik Dyed Opo.'.>iim • I’cr.-^ian U im b

$85 to $695


Ti -j'n Falls

C. Anderson Co.

Largest Exclnsfve

Furriers in

the West

T O M W i


bags by park lANE

S P O T IIG H T>Hi..IK IS., „i,t, #r ■ / , / m ^ l


$3 9 8

C O ST U M E c ' i ^

I t ’s

Jus t rcceivi'ci! A shijinivnt o f

tlio newi-.st si)riiiK’ styled fabric

kIovc.h. .1-bulton length, .-iliii-onH.

Double woven fntfric. Sizes G-8.



All orders filled



$ 1 . 9 S

I * . ...west II,ins

' in bead wear . . .

U'lli koc]) t l i o

biiir in place ns

• well as prolec*

lion. A .s s o r te d


The Idaho Dept. Store




$3.98Colorful jia tlcm .s in smart

wrap-around styli'-' . Three-

quarter .>ileL-vi'S. Sizes M

lo 20.




CLOSE-OUT Special II10 coat..<; . , . Sizes 10. 12, / j ^

I J . 16 only.Tivccd.s bcr- ' ^ ^

rinRbones. fiecce.s. Box (,

and t ic model.'?. Most of

thc.ie coats nre nil wool.

Repulnr values ?.18.95 lo






Shoei franVIy daiignad lo ffloli* fi«l prtll]' and

oppeoling a«v»' ol lhe«« PEACOCK <Je»ion«fj ond

wiie ol ihttn lo ooll ihtm wilh tuch (int pnciiion.

' Ninon


$1.29r.r.e qtsaUty saiUn combined

t:uon manjulielte. Ad- ju.'Ub3e r i b b o n ihoulder

»tr»pi. Stos 32 to J8. Colon Thi’.e uid ' tea ra t.

Lunch Cloths

N K W S H IW IE N T J • Vounc Jlcn’yi . .

T SHIRTSCnlore ~ wlilte. bliip ahd bPlKc.-i. Slic>—Small, tutdluw ivnd larfc.



Step in today — see this amnrt selection of fine !up-

,, gnge — priccd r iR h t too. Pieces fo r both men and Printed by hand on a pood iiQimiiiy Mil cloth. 5txM sise. ;‘! women, inc lud ing dre.ss trunk.s, .steamer trunks, stcam-

doU™"'"pic-^uro '^L n un ^ :^ ' ■ ladic.V ovcrniRht cases and men’s Icpther

rt&dy Jot use. Gladstones.

Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

“^ a g r E i ^ t T IM E S-N E W S. T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O Thursday, Februaiy 1943

PUSH HOPE , FOR A i l S T I C E, Bf GLENN DABDI Hide World Wxr Analrili Pln\t.nd l» UUlfts U« 'i.-orW ' Jorthrlchtlr as »lic darrs tliat

Js ]U!t about ffady to drop out of thF'sar And that Ahe hopes the Unltfd RtatM can help Uer come lo term* wllli her thief enemy. Soviet Ru'ila.

' ■ Her ipokerjiirn have JnsUted time and «ntn Hint r-lir 1' hnvlnR no pirt of Hlllrr'i mrKalomnnlnc utlejnpt in »cl up n nrw order In

I Europe. 61'e liM not Joined tlie ' luls and fhf liv'bti that rlie lia*

not been flKhtlni: the nu.'.ilnnii nny ' where ejcriit nlnnK her o«ti fron- ; lien. She cnnJldera henelf free

to make » ^epa^ate peace at any Ume he Jind.i Jt atlvnntaKrous.

Ch«M> Wrenr Hide ' 'Tie. PUiM have felt for i I time that Ihey choie the »ninc side 1 l»clt In ll)<l »'hfn ttiev elected to j tnurrh Into n i^'ia a* Hitler’s tide, ! nier are »euj> or their two wars

»1th HU.-J1I and near t*e rnd of ] their rejoufCM ot manpower and \ wealth.

A brenkms of her tlea to Ger­many ol) lou ly WfHjlrt be difficult. She IsNarjelv dependent on Ger­many eroiionilcalJy. c.ipeclally for

) food, and many Oennnn dlvWon.v perhap.' nmrr than 100,000 men.

• an* believed to be allll encamped ! on her mH,

■Wlial Finlnnd aanti as the peace of laylnc dnwn her antw U Riiaran- toc.i of hrr mrvlviil a.', n free na­tion. TliLi. lirr prfM ilrclare.-(. can

,^ b e a.«ured only If other povten,. le an ing the Uiilled Si.-vU-s, obtain ' the necessiry pledftes from Soviet

Ruula.: nifdeuK Aipeeif

}lerc 1» hlKhllKhlecI one of Uie ’ most dllllcult o-ipccu of the Inter- I Allied relallOHs. \Vh1le there Is com­

plete unanimity cm the primary ob- Jectlre of destroylnir Hitler, tmpor*

j tant differences perslii with re- ) 5pect lo other members of his coal­

ition.Ru«la lhu» far. undenlandftbly.

I hM luicl no help to offer u.i In ; our war with Japan. We remain at I peace with Finland alUiotiKh con- \ lulftr, not diplomatic, relation;? have

been broken, IJnth the United . • State.n and Britain look forward

with to ll\o problfmI rrdmwlnt Uie frontiers of eastern

Europe when Ihe war l-i o'; U'.*lilnrton reld

Wa.’ihlnKion thia far 1* cold to the Plnnlih overliire.v Oiir minister, II.

j r. Arthur Eclioenfeld. recalled for I consullatlon*. remains In tills conn- , trj’ and late. t WashlnRion word Is ' Ihat tliere are no Immedl.ite plans

for hLs return. !lut Flnland'a moval from the war would be wortliYihSie *«cccm lor Ihe \3nlUd Nntlnns, It »ould morlc the flnit brenktnK away from the Hitler coal­ition: It would free the Ru.^*lan nrmle* renulred to sunnl the lOO- mlle Flnnlih frontier; U would be a hopeful Indication ot the ability of nuvla and her allies to settle some of the que.tlloai liiat atlll divide them, Tlie surface chilli­ness In Wajhlngton doubtless cov­ers some vto' careful study of th«« poMlbllWrs and perhaps even some action already In train.

Portrays Hero

tiarx CMper. nsmlnatrd for an academy award for hl» work In “Md# of the Yankee^.- rurrrnt- ly b at work on a war hero film porlrayfnf Ihe artien ol Dr. Cory- doo WaucU In Jara.



Norman McHan, son of E. J. Me- Han has Rone to Welscr where he enrolled In an NYA tralnlns .school He Is a senior In the Fairfield hljh school.

MlM Frenets Mllltr was r weeV. end (Oiest ol Mr. and Mrs, Don Daiischer at Ihe Seltjy ranch,

Mr, and Mrs, W. D. nea«an and Infant son, L,vnii Kendall, have re turned from Vale, Ore.. after 3;>end Inc several weeks wilh her par­ents there,

Mrs, C. D, KfcrrlU has arrived by train lo be wltli her son. mil. who Is 111 wlUi measles.

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carpenter have relumed from an eltht-day vL'lt In Salt Uke City, where they were called by tlie deaUi of a nephew,

Blalr and Don Manwill spent sev­eral days In BoL e. where the latter received medifal attention. Tlipy #L*.o vijlied relatives.

Janies Wokerjlen, Unlveriliy cf Idalio jlulcnt. left for Bol.sp where' he will be liiilueie<I into the tirmy. He U the eldest M5n of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Woker-sien. Fairfield.

WASHINOTON. Frb. IS rjr>-%Var Mau|>ower Chlrf l-.iul V, McNutt hu- siKned Uie rcKuliitlon.i liiiplenient- Ing Pre.ililrnt itno.-evell's 40*hour work week order In 33 arew. but will delay announclnt them to em­ployers until Sunday. l i was said today,

Tlie reKulatlon-i were approved late yeterday and distribution regional and area WMC dlrrcton iKKsn Immediately. Asked why ployers were not belns told immed­iately of the provisions of Uie re«- ulatlons. a WMC offlcljU explained Uiat directors' heretofore had been proteitliii public release of orders before Uiey wrre apprliM of their content and effect.

However, the principal provUlon of the regulations Is Uiat employers who cannot lncrea.se production relea. o workirs for other Jobi tUtouRU tomi>Uauce will he exemvit/- ed upon provlnn ihelr ca.\e to directors. Addlilonall.v. employe p.'jienUal liidu.sirica with .'evei left.s workers will be exempted, and It Is extx^ted that rmployers In noii-- rs.sentlal Industries employing lesj than 25 nl.«o will be exempted.

Stalin, Cliiaiig Didn’t Want to

Meet Each Other, Speaker Says


Two From Area in

Famous SquadronTtto wiiitli Idahoans were mem­

bers of (he famous 19Ut bomba.-d- ment group which dlsUnKUljhe<l It­self In Hie noutlj Pacific flshtlne. 11 •as leanwl today.Ono U Set. Aiuon E. McMurlrey,

son of Mrs. Nell McMuftrey. Gas- lleford. After tmlnlnj nt Chnnute field. Ill, Lowrj- Ilrkt. Colo., and Sperry power turret rchool. lie sen’* ed a year and a half In Jara, 10 montlu In Amtnilla and two weeks In Nen- Guinea ns chief nrmorer mid power lurrrt mrui,

Tlie other member of tlie famed r.<3unOron from this area Is SUff SkU Harold \V. TliomNon. .snii of Mr. and Mrji. W. A. Tliomson, Duhl. He went ovcrM-ns on Nov. 21. im i nnd parUc- Ipnted m the c.ampnlgns In Java nnd Australia.

Hl.i father and only brother are In Uie service.


By SICnVIN .SHOE.'iI.\KCR Frank Drake Davlion df>rsn't

blame lloosevelt ami Cnurchlll be- cause 8Ulln and Chlunir Kal-ihek tUfln'l tlrop 5ii to make tt a 5o\it- some at CA-sablancs. a-s !cme of the columnists do,

-rhose two men rstalln Chians' Junt didn't want lo meet each other." Davl;oii rolemnly told a Town Hall audlrnce Wednr%day nlKht In the Twin Falls hlRh school auditorium, "and I don’t mlsht have hapr-cned If they had."

Ttlls Qsrkfreund It 8oes back, the speaker

plained, lo the rtrslh ol Dr. Bun Yat Sen. China's first pre.'ldent, who had elevated Chians Kai-shek from the ranks of the army, thouih the two had had mn less of a worktnK asreemeiil communists up to that time. CliUnii became a counter-revolutionary and antl-communlst when he took o’ the Rovemment. Sun Yai Sen's w 'led to iianculary In .Ruula. and ilxjut the lamr time her younner sliiter married the new head ot the Rovemment. beconilns the well known Mme. Chltng Kal*shek,

"And did you notice," inquired Davison, "that Mme. Chlanit ar­rived In this country shortly before Roosevelt left for Ca.sablanca7 You

set that noosevelt had a k(xm1 Idea of what ih ' generall.•. lmn •anle<l when h# went to the liLs-

lorlc conference."Speaker Davison was

ces-sful In entertalntnK and Inform­ing his audience ttmn lie wa staying on hl.s ^ubjert, which advrrtl.sed a.s 'The Ten Men Wlio Lead In Remapping the World," marking Uiat he would leave three Americans till the discussion per­iod. In order to avoid even the suspicion of politics In applylnir the designations of grealne.u. Tw’o of the men he did not refer to aealn. and the others were treated between teamed—and InterrsUns-dlscour- sei on natloai aixl peoples and polltlral fyMfin-y

The -Creali- Tlie ■•(rreals” he niuned were

Churchill. Eden and Hevan of Eng­land. Stalin of Ru^'la. Oandhl and Nehru of India, and Generalls.slmo and Mfne. CTilang Kal-sJiek of China. Eden and Bevan were not brought up again, excepting In an <itf-hat\<l pstvpUtey that Churchill, DIen and Cevan raleht go place* by forming « new political party In England,

Churchill WM eharaeterlTed as “a throwback to the Whig stnlp.snien of the elghteentli century.'' Davison said It was Uie lasplralinn ot Churchlirs personalliy that stiffen­

ed England In lU lime of direct peril, and hLs natural capacity for leadenhip in such a time tliat catised him to be made prime min­ister.

"Cliurchlll would not be Uie type to become great In creaUng some­thing new." asserted Oavtjon. "He Is the type to rise to the helghu of grealneti at the prospect ot los­ing something precious."

Stalin was Introduced lu the mo<lem counterpart of Oliver Crom­well, another eold. ruthlevs realLst who would let no obstacles stand In the way of the endi he sought. Davl^on iJild thM October, lon . the dale Uial "nstloni.llsl" histories were Introduced In Ru-s.\lan fchooLs, marked U)e beginning of SUhn'* ef- fort^ to meet what he recognised ns a rising rail menace. His sole aim, DnvLioii esplalned. Is lo •'save Hurjla."

India nig rrobirmGandl and Nelini were handled

lOKclher—with ’ Gandhi gettlrxg somewhat the wont of It—In an expofiHlon ol the Indian <5ue\Unn to which the speaker gave' more alt^ntlan Uian any other division of his lecture.

"India." declared Davison, "Is the world’s blgge.'t Blngle i>ollllcal problem."

Confllel of race and religion Is blamed tnonilv foe Uie problem pre- sentrd.-Tlie Hindus, who coiislllute a majority, will accept Rrltaln'a of­fer of Independence only If It In­clude* all India. Tlie Moslem.s will accept no Independence plan w’hlch does rot neparate them completely from the dominant Hlndas. Tlie ••untouchables" agree with the Mo.s- lems. becau.se they are considerably belter off under weslem domina­tion. they reason, than under the oppre.islon Uiey otherwise would suffer.

DnvLson pictured Gandhi as cap­italizing on the Hindu's love for mysticism and simplicity,

"Gandhi didn't wear a loin cloth ■hen he was a lawTcr In Cape

town. South Africa." jaid D:ivUon, ■He wore a frock coal an'd a top hat. the same as any other lawyer. He say* India should return lo the primitive, but he had no such Idea -weral yearn ago when an arr surgeon removed hl.s appendix In modem hospital, and he wa.s nursed back to healUi by a Scotch ■

Call* Nehni Tsrsdox Nehru, president ot Qie Hindu

pirty. wa.s portraye<l a.i a collection of puizllnit paradoxes, but never- Uiele.vs the best bet for the large.st voice In Indian affairs, from the Da­vison i>olnt of view.

Educated In Knclatid and well

qualnted with British leaders. Nehru wantj Jodla to have the Improrc- mentj of westmi clvllluUon a* soon as possible.

Jn dlscusslnc tlie Chlanc Kal- iheks, DavLson « ld probably the grtatcsl problem of Chin* Is hun­ger. and tliat great Uilngs can be expected If It throws off the Jap- ane.se aeKrevjsr. and finds a way to te«l tta hutidredA of tnllllotvi of cll- lie-ns. He praised Uie efforU of the genrralhslnio and tils wife In Uiclr work tcmafd uniting China, as well as defenic agaliul the aggretsor.

Going tjrlefly Into the world pic­ture. Davuon predicted a ffreat In- crea.10 Jn world travel after Uie war. because of Uie development of air­planes. and stressed Uie netd of "understanding and good will' among the United States, RussU,

Chin* afid Britain If pran li to be ttaltilalncd In szuiler world.

Darlson left his serena hundred listeners hangln< by a queaUon inart when he fumiihed no “why- with hli diplomatic answer to the ocij quesUoo asked in ibe discirsslon period.

Who are the three Americans the -great- tlstT

President Franklin D. Roosrrelt, Henry J. Kaiser and Wendell WUl- kle.


BUHU Feb. Junior Danc­ing club entertained the Senior Dancing club at Its regular meeting last tUghU Muilc was furnished by the Tom Trrdj orthestra.



Mrs. Irn Coleman and two chil­dren. r.iul. have left aftrr vLsltIng Uic A, H. Ilouer* family and her brother, Ruw ll Rocera. who home on furlough from Texas.

MT>vj3*T. McGauRhey has been receiving medical treatment In T»'ln F.ills for three weeks and vWtlng relatlve.s,

Leon Moreland hivs been tran.s- fcrred to the Kimberly Trl-Stnta lumber yard where he will be man- ager, Mr, and Mrs. Moreland have moved to Kimberly.

Min wa.s bom to Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles .Moore at the Patrick nurs- inK home.

Carl raul.'on UnA returned Irotw the -hlpsards nt Richmond, Calif. He will work for his tipele, Andrew PauL'fin, at the lambing -sheds until

farmlnc .se.vnn oiiens.


Big ^ c k ODDS & ENDS

V A I.U ES TO S7.9r>

This group Includes .sweaters. , blouses, Urevsc.s. and many other cleanup Itenw, Olds and ends from our entire store, all marked down for this one blK day clearance.Shop Saturday In Twl.i Falls popular style sliop. ilie May­fair Is famous for fiualUy.st a modenite price.


a i fSHOP




Men’s Dress

SO XA nkle or

3 for $1 0 0

Shirts or Shorts 3 f o r $ 1 0 0

Values Throughout the Store




Garden Master Seeds

Shrubs Discussed

At Club MeetingJCIOUE. Feb. 18—Garden club

laemben met at Uie home of Urs. Occvre Petrte. Mrs. Estelle lUcketta aAd Urs. Julian Ricketts dlscuswd ahnihs which ar« adapted to Idabot cUnatc. ColorwUon la the garden, dvlnc emphasis to blending cf jtl- lows, was also discussed.

The club Has undertaken the pro- motloQ of a campaign for more lUacs aixl ijTUiga shrubs to Improve the appearafice of Uie elty. Mrs. Georce Peirl* axu3 Mrs. A. L. De- wtilm were named as a cos'Alllee for the project.

The questlcns of dehydntlon of wsetablM from the summer car- den* also w«e cotiildered.

Resigned Police

Chief Is HonoredBURLEY. Feb. IS—a iik c Rlrrr

Valley patrol memben met at Cai- sla county cou.-t house for a buji-

sesilon. Sheriff Lee Johr.son, Jerome county, the presldeat prc- slded.

A dinner was held at the Orrfon Trail cafe in honor ot Clarence Phillips, who ree»nlly rrilcaed as chief of police at Durley. Saul CUrk. ilierlff of Cassis county, was nameu director from tl-Js county. BiU Groves, chief of police at Jerocie. Is secretary and treasurer.

Thirty-four pesre orfl.-ers at­tended. They rtpreseniet) the eifhi counties of wu^Jiem Idaho.



SPECIAL!One Group of

House Slippers(No Ration Stamp Required)

$1.00• Values to $2.49

• Wedges, high heel, low heel

• Soft soles, hard soles

• Good sizes

• Variety of shades


ihuUm-CiatkD.\Y V A LU E S S


GrtJwn In the wc.sl for 'I.T plnntin^r— Full weight — Full Sclcctlon. 1





Buy the Best




Brins: the Most Retiirn

on Your W ork Shoe



CAMPBELLS CAFEJo in W ith Twin Yi\hi in n




Another VICTORY DOLLAR Day Value!



100 to Pkg. 1

Buy and Save on VICTORY DOLLAR Day

F A L K 'S , Scllin;r njfcnU for


$4.95 .nd $5.90

Van Engelensf DAY .VALUES I BUT BONDS > DAY VALlffia



Cunpbell’s rim I famous dlnnrr spfclnt. flow as A feature for onr da; only, planned lo help feed ttie liuiidredi of ritra itiopperi on Twin PalU Vlctorj’ Dollar Day. Make up a party and lake advan­tage of 3 ChaUenrtr Dinners for tl.OO.Served U a. m. to 3 p. m.

Try a Delicious Cup of


DOLLAR COFFEEYou'll aerte IhJa U the finest coffee any- — where, neally "Dollar Coffee” for a Nickel...

•‘One ef Amtriea'i BeU<T P la tn to Eal"

CAMPBELL'S CAFE|Between Roxy an d O rpheum


M EN! Here’s Your 0>vn Special


S P E C I A L !



• J . « . mtHmmr « 0 . , « ee .



Doarj of patterru lo V choose Irca SatLr- ' day.

Beautiful flora l de.iijfns to briRhtcn your m c.iltii:iM and oh so easy to wash . . . 52''x52" size and fast color o f coune.



A Year’s Supply of

Razor Blades75 B la d t t F it Gem or G illette.raiors. R c r . $1.50 vnluci

Poultiy Raisen SpecialsBuy a Full 16 oz. Can of-


Roost Paint ^Rcfr. $1.19 Value for

Full Line of Poultry Remedies & Supplies





HOSIERYReg. $1.35 pair. Rayon in

shades of newest Victorious,

Glorious. Sizes 9 to 10*4.


* 1A N K L E T S )Phoenix! All popular shades.

Reer. 29c and 35c values

Sizes 8’s to W A


ihidim-Clai t? D A Y V A L U E S « B U Y B ON DS » D A Y V^VLUES 5 J D A Y V A L U E S S B U Y BONDS S D A Y VALUES »

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Fclinii.'T IS. TIilES-NEWS. TWIX r ALL^, IDAHU Page Nin«


VICTORY DOLLAR DAYj Save Dollars to Bu\- BondsI Visit Twin FalL*; Saturda_v. Feb. -(V Yictor\‘ Dollar Day

Special Featured Values All Day # One-Half Fare Rate City Bus All Day!

On This and the Facing Page arc Scores of Dollar Day Value.- Bu,v Them—Spend the Difference in War Bonds

and Stamps'. Let's All Get in and Help R^huUd the Cruiser BOISE! .

War Bond Awards• A t s bead lor the a r «hleh

Uit aoslnumbfr of niU« to Twin Fiili.

• A UJ bond lor itae car m crd. Uit ihc next U it « t nuaber ot *si*n niilta.'

• A K i ba-id Zoi the penoo tnr* t'.lns ifce iswt ts'jTftbtr oJ ex'in 'Qirtct rouie) lo T*u»

• A bor.d for the c&r bnsstas Ihf KicM tiumbef ot pejscns frcm any point brr«3d thrrf r\l>j or T»ln Falls.

Coi'.'.ftar.t-' tor thfw boniJs sho«Jc be prrparrd to rtjblcr Ihrtr tu s n and naniri of pa.v^n£c« » l UV C JTT.brr of Ccn-.mmr befwt 5 P. M. Sjiurday afleraocn. OltGVCIZE VOVR SEIGIIBOCS

5 D A Y V A I- I ES $ BL Y BONDS ? D AY V A L U E S J 5 D A Y V A L I ES S BUY B O N U S S DAY V A L V E S J S D A Y \ A M LS $ B U Y B tlN H S S P A Y V A l. l ES 5 S » A Y V A L I ES S B I Y BONDS $ D A Y V A LU ES 5

SAFEWAYoffers hundreds of


Shop S i.’.u n i jy — iT r.ny day for ir.;x>rtaj\:

xi\:r.V'' s t your fa\critc Scfcway

.-ton-; Y .'-'!! rrt-'fi'. t'vcryday lx\:^u5i' Safo-

u _ y • ri-v.-- i.:v lov. evcr}da\- in ihe v>.ock!



Money for War Bonds

Shop Tw ia Falls Satorday— W in W ar Bond Prixes!

s ? A ! T JE w f l :sr


SHIRTSfor VictorTi' Dollar Day

$1A cor.-.i'!c:o ir. ;iPlain Mhitc.s bl-^^ ;.r.u :‘_:.cv rA-.UTr-‘ .

S iics to 17.

f u r A s r / M S / i : K i T t i n s >

23'- WOOL


$498A IXM lA R n V Y

S rE H A l. AT

Jl' T

P L l S T H IS BK; v i c t o r y SAVIN (i>:

O R EG l'L A R o9c


Choose Now! A Rescular $1.1S Value!

F A L K 'S , Selling »s«nLs fo r


c-.'f.on a r j

:-0 - 0*_r r'n th is r u m W r in

Save Dollars But Buy Only W hat You Need

Van EngelensT W IN F A L L S PH ONE l i f l . '

S D A Y V A H ES $ EL Y BON IiS S O.VY V A L U E S S S D A Y V A LU E S S BUY Bt>Nlfcs ? H\Y V A L U E S 5 $ D V Y \ VU V> > lU V 5 P A Y V A LV l_^ $1

f o r




the remaining stock of the




listed below->S D A Y V A L IK S S B I Y BONDS S DAY V A LU E S $ $ D A Y V A LU ES $ BUY B O N D S DAY V A L U E S 5 $ D A Y « B U Y D l'N D S S D A Y VAl-Ut:S 5 5 pA Y V A L U E S S BUY BONDS $ D A Y V A LU ES S

S P E C I A L F O R — ^


* Your Choice—Spccial .Vsf<>rttatnt

Ikcaotifally Framed



Oven WaresetI

t wuimcfimnms!

s m c L W .

Victviy Dollar Duy


I ,


™ B IL L F O L D S

■ m m m

Lace Hose$ 1 0 0


The^< Are S lic h lly In rs iaL irs cT

S1.65 Lace Hotsierr


A Good Selection o f Sizes

Sove Dollars But Buy Only What You t eed

Vou Can't Lose at These Prices!


RINSO (?iand 4 BARS OF 0 |

S W A NAll for Onb-

Ar.other Bi:: Moncy-Savin? Special

K A L S O M I N EGamble's BestI A ll shades!

... 3 for $1.00


$ D A Y V A LU E S s\ b U Y BONDS $ DAY V A L U E S 5 S

i '


D A Y V A LU ES 5 \lUY

$ ? D A Y VALUES 5 BUY' B O N D S ? D.VY V A X A F ii

B O N D S $ DAY \ ALUES $ ? D A Y VALUES $ B U Y B l^ N l^ D A Y V A LU t:S $

m W A M T m i n m u i m t


. TOWEL ENDS10c-15c

1 9 c and 2 9 c

"■ • A ll Colcred ReT«rsible P itte ras !

• M any FuQ T ow tl S iie !


, Van Engelens\ DAY VALVES 5 BUY EOXBS % DAY VALUES s l?

o k g f m U t o .SAVE DOLLARS FO R W AR BONDS,


Coats and Dresses$ ^ 0 0RED U C ED n tO M K E lv P R IC E

WINTER COATS% priceB a h n c r o f O ar Slock

RetJortd to

S p r in s B a c s O f t B L O U S E S . SCO C « 9 0 n p f r o m _____to c l s c c s e £ t « = ^ l * ^ “

NEW SPREsG ^H A T S $ 1 - 9 8 , , $ 4 - 9 8



GROUP 1One Large Groyp of Ladies

Dress ShoesRc:,;ul:ir v?,lue.< in this jjroup up to St.03>

0 ;ir jirici' "a.< — now you can .'till more on tins V ictorj’ Do llar Day

SjHvi;il. A ll hot.‘l heijrhls in im mps and t i c i



Lots of narrow widths

$ 1 . 0 0 , . .


GROUP 2One Group Ladies Fine

Dress ShoesThhiV o i h — there arc fhoc.'s in Ih is i;ix>\ip

that would 5cll up to $S.93 in a rcjrular

^ a y . ChooiC from jnvbariline^, r iilcn t? .

'fu<>dC5 an d k id leathers.

Lots of narrQw widttis

$ 2 . 0 0


i ^ g i ^ P U R C H A S E

I Limited Quantity

I White Cotton Sheet

Blankets■-i.3 O-f Dv N-vu-.vii

Cm: C5S» heiTT x:.-:?

*>-•« bljitr*:-

i-'a rC N.-TI,-.

r/rrtT- ;

is,: ;

I S ' r c v a a .

1111 g ^ u d e ^\ D A Y y . a u E >

Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Page Ten T IM E S-N E W S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O ITiuTBday. February 18,194


nUPEHT. Ffb. Ift-Tlie :0U) «n. nu«l mftllns of Ihf Ruptrt Nation, a) Form Loan ft.vwltiilon was lifld ftl ilie U D. 8. iBlxTiiaclt In nup- cri, *llh M7 prfirni.

E luy Oamcr and J. n. Cullcy Tirre flrclctl dUrctors.

S«crfWry A. C. DeMw's report iho«'«J llio flnnnrM of Uif o.v^U nllan in bf in rxrrllrnt condition will, n totftl of ovrr M.OOO 5urplu5. Tlie RMOclstlori li no«' -■'cnliiK C37 lund bank anil commlr.«lonrr luar. lolalliiK over a jnllltnn dollnrs. llic dtllliqurncli'j nl Itir nrrsriit tliw rnlv rrprPM'lit OU P<T c total bnnJ. Ni> forccloMirc —nplntfd fur thr romliu .

•" 1)C for ralf

t of Uie

Official Form—Fill It out

orA it>nnyo.r> i

UBTXS ST»ni V *«i«u i r ^Sf «S™rL'*kf* «S*

C«*NM ^ *•<•«•< f»r •«»>»l IM U - - '

only < latr.

p prnii11 thP

intlntiil, vlcc-iirrsldfiJ, C. MCC of (hr laiul b.ttik:Usurps on the bAiit.' cxcrll cUtlon.

IMnnId W, PiirrHI, Rol; jtijyrvlsor n[ Hip Inrin spci liilnl'trntlon. was «!'<> a Ri rniplio\liMl ll'P I'ffd fw mi produrtlon llili jmr to m'P war rtfnrl.

Atirr ndjourmnnit the dlrpclors mrt nml orsariirrd fur tlir romlns )pi\r hv tJic plrrllnn of llir follow- inK offlmn: Arlliiir T. SmlUi. prp'l- (Irnt; Roy D. Uinr, vlcp-prr lrieI)V. C, D« Ml

J. Fruit, nctltifc' TliP loan comtnl

pri'pd of (llrrrt'ir' Hr.v W, l4> Uiip Handy ullll dlrrr Cullry n' nllprnnii

Pino-, niid Floyd

Play Feature of

P.-T. A. MeetingCOODINO, fpb. IB—Tlie PnrriH-

Traclipr n-v.oclntlon nifl for Found­er'* day ob5prvntlon ItJ the Junior hlRli icliool gymnx-.lum. A play. •'PloiiPPM Forcvpr," ttn<i presented Jiy mfmbers of tlir lilnh irliool ilrn- niatlM eliu'-i under thr dlrpcllnn of Mrs, Ellrnbctli Mlllpr. Tlie piny iIp- piclpd Uie ever prp.'pnt por.'lbllUlPj of plnnrerliis wlilcli was In keeplnK

h ilip fotindlns of tlie P.-T.A. or-Kftii atlnn.

I>irlnK llie bifliip;.' r.e.v.lon pre- ulilrd ovrr by Mrs. Frank Varln. pre ldent. plans werr coinpli'led lot n cake -mle to be lirld Salurdny, beRlnnlnu nt 11 n.m. at the OocxllnK Standard KaniKe. Proceeds will st toward the i>cliool milk fund. Pav ters for the lu-vle were made b> crade m IiooI Miidrnls. Alt nipiiibprn of P.-T.A. are a^kpd to bakp n

A nomUinllns committee named by Mrs. Vnrln. coiniioied of Mrs. F. E. narrelt. clinlrman. M Haro' Edliolm, Mm. J. V. DumKi iier wid Mm. Lelaiul FleUclimi m e committee will rejjort at. I Mareli meellriE.

A.n a war effort project riembem were w.ked to brine wa-ite fat nnd nylon tind piirc silk ho« to tur nt the next meMlnB.

A larRt birthday cake, baked by Mm. Vnrln and decorntrrt wliu "Fmmdcr'# day," wm r«ned coffee. A silver oflerlnc wnx U


Procctjcd Food» end Coffee

I HEnEDV CEimn' l»>»« l •ulbori*rd lo appljr for »nd• r « r Rttiom 0«oJb Tao fcr tatk pmeti liM(d below *l>o It ■ mrjttbcT of my familr onl«. » tfc* Mhtr fm o a or p « ^ for «bom I an ac ll^ «boM V«r Ration iJooJi^M I luia........... . JO tbe______

Thai ibe MOM of raeh pmoa koi numW of hla or her JTtr Ruion Book Om art aenntrlr tiurd brio«;

T1»l Moc of th«M txnoaa U <oa£a«d cr r«^dml in an liulllu- tkm. or U a nrtnbrr of Ik* Ana«4 Form n rr ii Inf (uImUI- coco is klo4 or m la f U •rpania bmmc* undrr m.oir»xT*a cyBUttamli

rhai no other ■ppUniloa for B*«r AaiioM DooJi Tiro for lb<M

bal the foUowlnc UiralarT MlrrDenli art Ini* and inelud# aU Indicalrd food* o««(d by aU pmon* Included In lUt DrtUratioa:

C«V««1. Potuida of colTr* otqicd on NotnnW 2S, 1912,

minus I pouad for««rh pmoo ladodwi in ihia DrcUnlion ohow a(« a* lUtrd on Var RationBook One U 14 yean or o ld t r . ....................

t Number of p e m » lacUded la lUa D<«lanlloa «bo*e act at »UtH on Tar Ralioa Book Oae U 1«year* or older............................ ...................

C «aa«d r*»4« ln<lu4, an tommereltUr eanani fruU* (inrluci

canncd> ................................

Uulmd* niUMd o iitn i aaned neal and Rthi pickir*. trlUhi Jrlllea, Jama, and pmer<rti (pashetli, macaroni, and no^Ieat or bon»e-rannKl food*,

5. Number of rana. bollle^ aad i.ra <»^mne« aUe or larser) of eiMumrrciaU? paclitd frulla, »ettt»- Ue*. liUre* and aoupa. ekili aauec and rat.up owned on Ftbruarr SI. 194S. minut 5 fureaeh peraon included in ihli DeclaralJon..............................

4. Number of penona Incladed (a tblaDeclaraUon.................... .... . __________

. .le nai number o


MIAMI, Fla.. Feb. 18 (.V,-Dewllt Marketizie, Awociuled Prr'- virltei whDfr eoluiini nnaljiiii;; work eveiit.1 h iiiiUil'.hcil tl;illy In mort tlinli BOO l',pw. llal>crs, liiis rpturiirp from a IciiKUiy tour nfiroad v.iili Hit airenRUienptJ conviction tliat Cer- muiy wlIJ be beaten In I943.

"1 am more than ever eonvlnce<l," lie rcpor!ra;>n liU arrival lirrr altrr a four and b liaU niontli trip wlilrti took lilm as far pilM ili CliunKkliik', China, -tliat Hiller's back 1-. broken —as a m.itter of fact It wa- broken lait full when he fallMl to .•.m.a.'h UiroURh InU) the loser Cniicii-'.u — and thnt we ought to di'iia'.c of the narl nil-highest by the end of

Japan In 19tt•'Ma-it observers and mlllt.ir^- \xo-

ple with whom I have tiilked feel Uiat Japan should fall by (he end of 1544. If not sooner,"

■ veiernn aimlyst niid forrlgn •pondpnt left Nr# York ln.M

September, and lie*- aero:.-. Itie north AUiintlc lo Ireland. He .spent Jive weeks In Ejiglnnd. then went lo Lbbon and do*n the we. l coa;.t of AfrlCft. nylnK acroi.n Afrlra lo C;i he remained five week.'* in Knypt

the Libyan front will Brltlih elKhUi army. En rou ChunRklnc. he paiued In Pali and In India. After three weeks in Indln. on tlic return route, he vL lied Ir;in and Iruq.

MiicKenile, who cabled Uinely re port.'i to hl-1 reader.", durhm hU loii: win Blvc a dplallrcl sumin.iry of hi lUidlnKs in a .-series of column?, be

:iS next week,

Terrflfle HIrlklnr Power le of the IhhiKS Ihat lniiirc;.'P 10.SI.- he s.ild In an iniervlei • Is the lerrUlc flriklnK ixjhp piled up by the United auic:

Ore.-»t Urllaln and the other alllr' id the rapidity wltJi wlilcli it i

Second Attack Spelled Doom

For Chicago, Heavy Cruiser

growlMacKenzle wld th.U the bit: ii.-.k

remiilninK for the UnUed Ni>1.S 10 -.■;m.T-.li JlUlcr'.i .•.:rt'iiKr;.i

ii li armtfd, «R*ch ii

xnd ihut inu't bi field. To iL'.e'a

:T hlmrell 1.

•mill-ihe Oerninn for.-es int. thorotiKhly cnwlicd ihat not flKht again. Cftplurc o

n.% iiolhlns-destriictli; inllll.ir)' slrencUi b cv


Brothers Finish Gunnery Courses

T»o brothem who are Rraduutes of T»-ln Falls lilRh r.cliool have re­cently been Krndualed from ^rrvlcp schooLi. accordlnfr to word received here. Tliey are Howard O. Feay. nvlntlon radio iniin third cla'v , nml Staff. S«t. Marc E. Feay. wns of Mr. and Mrs. Je.vvlle M. Feay. Boise, former Twin F.ill^ reslilent-v

HownnI, whn flnWied hU:h stliool In 1037, received hLs diploma from nerlnl Bunner)' .'chool Feb. R and expccU to be a-vlnned lo aclUe navy duty koon.

sersennt Feay ha.s. bei-n n.','lcned to a coastal patrol unit after coni- plctlnc a . Ix-werk co\irr.e In aerbl Kunnery nt Harllnnen. Tex, A member of Ihe 19<0 KradiinllnR cln>- of Tttin Falls hUh srtio.il. .■prKc.inl Feay will be spen In an army mnvlp ^hort made at thr Trxas .icliool

- which ti soon (o be relpnspd.

At a special »er\lre lo lit readrrv tbr Tlmn-Nrnt prlnti alxivp Ihr form which muxt be ItUed sal tor rxerr man. ««man and rUild makinc an application foe war rttlnn book No, • ThU form m»» be eomplrlpd at home and Ukcn lo local ntlonlnc board retUtralinn place* ilorint Ihe week of Feb. SJ-tft. When rerlttrrtnj. ration book No. l-now nved for »0(ar and relfee—mm( be taXrn le Ihe irctalratlon place ullh Ihr form above. FUllnc In IhU form at home wilt aa\e time and avoid atandinc In line dudnc reihtratlnn. 0P.\ tirxn that jou clip anil u\r ttie form.

Speakers, Toastmaster Named

For Communitv Award Dinner

Osburn Wtitlely. a second llriiK In Uic iirmy air corp. was h furloiigh from Callfonila. «,ln ms been In training. Hr e,-.i*at the home of ‘ ' anil Mrs. rj»rl J.

Ill leave for tils new [>o\t at Ho- veil. N. M,

Mr.-!, Velma Peck Li vMllni;


,5 Hr w.

hew f he; Mr. I 1 .MrsWilliam WtillllP. .Mrs, IVpk

P. Peek, arc t at Uic (luarlcrmasier attle.

Dick Cnllatmn w;is thro*n trom hh hor;.e and sulferpil n Ipk Injury.

Kliijor.s mill frlend.i mrt at thp of Mrs. Dean M.slnlosh anil

I a brick clitmncy and shhiRleil •oof of her house, s. Ch.irlr.i s. Clarl; b recoverhiK

front lllne.s.AillierU Hnrdv hn. rciurneil


J. ilaiInK her nnd other

, Hit


W rnf THE UNITED STATES H.ECT IN THE S O im i PACIFIC. Jun. 30 iUP~iDfluye<i)-Tlie hear)- crul'cr ClilciiKo, battle-.%CBrred vcS- oriui of wuUi PuclflcUlghUnc. sank In (he tepid walers aouUi of Ouadal- canal lust nUhi after a furious Jap- anr.-.e aeri.il o vju ll with bomba and lorjtcdoe.-..

Tlie ChlcJ^o and her flchtcr plane con ;.t.’ispd a gallant battle In the nal ntlark at i p. ni. yesterday.

flioolluK doR-n 13 out of 13 enemy torpedo plaIl . that m--«de runs ■ ;alIl t hrr batterect hull- Seven!

lines were kmxked out of the aky fore rcachtr.K the cruiser but six TP able in launch their torpcdoe: 1(1 one or more hit tJie Chicago.A .Md-eypd r.ailor of her crcw said e 3JOO-inn Clilcngo had been rojKh "IniA of hell- and yet al ij.i r.ime buck. Tlll.1 time her luck n out.

Had IW n ItrpalrtdIt wan the Chicago';! flr.U battle ire leiunnn,- lo tlie fleet after a p lo iiie navy yard to havo her -pcdOTl|>i> l lujll patched. Slie <1 brpji -Mruck by a torpedo on

Aus. 9 In Ihr [ir.ll batU“ of 6avo l.sliind 111 whi.-li the Amrrlcan erul- .•crs tjiilncv. Astoria, Vincennes, and

crubpr Canberra


■ had been virtually a !•:. patrolllne between •iralla nnd New Ouln- lailv she came within inr r bombers and was ly times. Tlie Chicago tiandle herself or she

ve survlvetl.t acllon .-Oie was with

i rubenand destroy­

ers guardluj a aucMsaiful expedlUon lo rruiforce Guadalcanal In the Sol­omons when t.'ie Japones.e swooped out of the murk, clevertjr uMng the qulck-comlng darknesa of Uie tropics, and dumped a load of bombs near her fanUll stern on Jan. Zi.

SeaTOP.i mannwl their battle at. Uoiu a: the .ihrlll wrhlstle to general quarters and fought the Japoaese planes a.i iJipy |xi.ued over. Dut or turo of the rnemv bombers duck­ed Uirough the anti-aircraft ftre in Uie dtuk and scored hlU whldi brought the Chleaso to a dead halt.

D im ije control crews got to work ind the crul.^er was tjikrti in lom-. Cie debris left by the booibs was .tripped from her decks and throm )verboard. A tug. hoping to save the itrlckcn a-ar.'hlp. took hr: In tow ind puUfd southward at slow speed.

Goes Down Dujr the Japanesi* j.eemed deter-

nln«l Uiat thr Chicago would not ur»lve. Uiie ye. lerday afleninwi a orp«o plaiie .-qitadron found her. Iieylflanimed ihpir tin fi'li aei

her tllileied sldrj aa thr Chicago allowed almosl helple^-.ly m tin aella.Tlie chunied Uimujli ihp gap­

ing holes III her hull nnd tlie Clil- cago icllled.

•■fm Jinking,- she r.lgnalrd the circling destrojcrs.

Ttie de.strojen cla-.c<l In to take off .survivor:!, Mo't of the <

b(viib and torpedo poundini:. Atxxji 95 per cent of them

.ivctl.h he;

a sickening roll i tie txjilonTl^ ^ was tier ll.l^t4<fft and she a n sa.-nely.

Luther Jones Is

fif^nge SpeakerK.VUf-I., Feb. 18 — The Knull

CiranKP met at the -ichool hou.ie vini l.:ithpr Juiip.v of the USDA war bonrd, the chief speaker. He i-;.|)lnlnrd the pclni rationing tya-



•t.i Mrrp made by tlip agrt- coinmittpp, Plaii.n were rrad C. F. (irlpve and Mr*. C. W,

>n Ihe Itvrs of Oforge Wwh- and Abratiam Lincoln. ‘

iny t byfar

IV. J. Mallby Tmi> poems. •Ilationlng'

Cdii'PrvlnK Kul)l>er." were read by vUs Fny lliillnuay. F.. M. Dos.?ell i|x>ke nn the Washington monu- nriii nnd M n e 'o la memorial. ■J*lr<l*!e nf Allrgtnncc lo Uie Flag" vn.s leil bv tao four-year-old boy.i. la-kir Hiiiln»i*> and Oar>- Dos.vetl.

A group r.f. •'sweetheart" aongs >crp sung h/ itie entire group and

mine presented by the r lo each one present.I . I.. Holloway woji winner

ilpnllne quis on "Bible Sweet- ■■ ,nd Mrs. C. E. Stewart


I hoiir. eritng «U1 be held

Missionary Union

Discusses PrayerHANSEN. Feb. Ifl-TliP n.iplLU 'Dmcn's Mlsilonarj' union met nt tp tiome of Mr-1. D. K. Siwdn npsr

Klmbrrlv wtlh M women ntlrndltlg- Mrs. npn Knyborn. vlcp president of h- union. W/L1 in chnn;e..Mn. D. K. Spain leil the dp.

•oilnnals. Ulble topics on prayer

Pupils Sing Tune

Teacher ComposedHANSEN. Feb. 18 — A p.itrlotlc

pft)grum. arranged by Mrs, .Mary Zllkey, teaclier of the inialle)

s prexe ceUngof the Excelsior PnrcnLs-Tracher a.vwclatlon.

An original compo-.ltlnn by Mrs. Zllke.v. was .lujic by Uir puplb. It xa-\ a "thank you" :jivc lo Mr.i. Eble Henr i-. P.-T.A. picsldetit, for Ihe many free lunches preparM for Khool on various cold days this winter.

Forming a "V Ihe puplLi hum­med "America- while Jerald Dough­ty led in a pledge to the flag. Oroup singing of .several numbers followed.

Foundtn d.iy will be observed atle next meeting.Mrs- Harold Hanning led In a

dLsciLulon of •'Ilace Prejuillre. Several women agreed to appear a Ihe school hou:e on Red Crois work days.

Mn. I/mls Presnell and Mrs. Harold Banning arranged retreih- ments.

Radio Technician Course Will Open

:i5 Pierce, who

•Tills will 1)P courrr. the cla.-.: three nUhi.s a w

iilKhl. for a to

mdlo technician', to open in the nea:

ounred by F. V. Cox ) will be the liulruc

an Inten.'Jve study ineetlnu proB:\Slr

•ek for three hours al of U4 hot

111 be KU Idaho at .Moscow, under the r.jxjn- ■orr.hlp of the U. S. office of «luca-

Firm Founded ill 1901 Closes Doors

SHOSHONE. Feb. IS-Keefer nnd \%Tilte grocpr)’ conccrn. pstablLshpil In 1901 by O. n. Krpfrr, Shoshone, nnd the late J. F- White, hiui elo'cd li.i doon. It wn.s d.imarcd liy fire 111 Oulv, 19<2. and ll.s prrr.ent own- er.i, E. E. Chrl-snmn niul Hnrrv Ktoner, Shoshone, nnd Ollhert iinil Wnltcr White. Jerome, h.itl hrpr holding a closing out -s.ile .-tnri thnt time.

Sionpr has emplovnipiit wlih the M.ite highway .lepartmeni Clirlsman has gone lo I/«Kcles nnd vicinity in look over ncM posssjbllltles.

FBI Subject of Jerome Address

. JEnOME. Feb. Itl-Hnw the ernl bure.tf of Invcstlgatlnn Is ellml- nallng crime wa.i the r.ubjecl of an nddrcs.1 by Arthur Webb, 'I'wln Fnlli FBI agent, al a mpctlliK ol tli notao' club.

Oilier KuesUi Includrd O. A. Pou cr. Chamber of Commerce secre t-ao': Leon Weeks of the N-F.UA. office. Gooding: Donald Mnt.-;on, Scout tenderfoot; Bill Groves, chief of police, and Sheriff Ue S. John

LOSTGREAT FALLS. Mont.; Feb. 16 01

—New.ipapermen aren't the cynlcn , bla.-.o cliaraclers the movies would hnve you believe.

When a young woman entered the city room of the Qreal FaJb Tribune and took off all her clothlnc. Uie porter* were starOed and even t barTaiied.

BlaOilnc tike schoolboys, they called Ihe police.

The officers wcro flustered too but Uiey wrapped the girl In a blanket and led her off to the jitaUon.

The girl. klenUfled a.i Miss An- tolneltc Daniels, 30. said she hod mistaken the Tribune buUdln; Xor her hotel

She vai booked on a drunkenness cltATge until she could recover her

■ acrue of direction.



WASHINGTON. Feb, It (,P>-Sec. reiary of war Etlnuon u id today that American forces In eentml Tunisia had suffered a "serious local wtback" which "ahould not be mlnlmlied. but still less should It be exaggerated."

Uepons are Incomplete, the aec* retary told Ills press conference, but the American forcei Bpparcntly have suffered rather heavy caiual- tlea In boUi perRomiel and e<iuli>- ment, wtlh A number of tanks de* stroyed by German dive bombers In the fighting of Uie last four days.

BUmson said the axis attack igaln.ll Uie relatively llgliily-hpld Amprlcan lines in centrul Tunl.--lft «m e while the Brllbh 8th nrmy In Trlpolltanla was occupied in reor- ganlzailon nnd the BrltiAh first nrmy In nortb Tunl.da «’a,i “mud bound." but apparently wu Intrnri- fd only to widen the corridor along the coa.ll betwpcn Gprman forccs In northern and .viulhpm TunLsla and wa.1 not Uie beginning of any Inrse -•eale offen.slve by the axis force.i.


George Anthony. Jr.. IS, has been a.islsned to Reed college, Port­land. Ore.. where he will enter i. meteomloglcal tralnlnc course for the ftmiy air force. Alter two month.-i bft.'.lc training he will be rev.slgned

■lllirr University of SouUiem California or California Tedi, from which hp will be comml.v loned ond lieutenant. He was acUnff .. . poral of a group of draftce.i from I*ocntello. where he enlisted volun- tarlli'.

Junior Schnell has returned from Honolulu, where he had been ployed by MorrUon-Knudienp.iny In war work. Hl-i p.irenta.......and Mrs, Homer Schnell. Flier and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and diufffifer, AnnabeUe. KlmbcrJy, mo- torpd lo Dolio lo meei him.

Gerald Haag, who has been a stu­dent at the state university. Mos­cow. has returned home lo remain unui he la called Into the service.

Mrs. O. C. Kelley ha.i relumed to reside wlUi her pwenLi. Mr. and Mrs, John S. Ooiirlpy. She recently rrcelved word that her liu.sband. First SgL O, C. Kellty, h u arrived ifely overseas.Aviation Cadet Frank (Bud) ayes hw left for Buckley field Jt from Denver. Colo.

Jerome IVR to « Sponsor Dance

JEKOME. Feb. 18-Idaho volun­teer resene corps members will Eire a dance next Monday e\-enlns at Uie Moose hnll pavilion. He* celpta will be itied to carry on tho work of the IVR In Jerome.

Company 3 drill teislon wt.s In choree of officers of the mlllta.T police tUUoned at Hunt. Clark U Helas has been appointed drill cer- seant.

I f your dog likes hii food in I meal form, he'll love this new I CRO-PUP. It’s made from the

mo successful formula used for the ribbon form CRO-ruP. Its ttre.ll for dogs of nil OKCS.. . provides every mineral nnd viinmin needed for Rfowih nnd vigor. Moncy- Mvinj. too! Fed as directed, 2 boxes is all you need buy to last nn overoge IS-pound doR s full week. Get CRO-rui* nt your groccr's today.

Ma4* kr KtUn'a >■ ■•n>< CrMk

CORNGnrdcnpfitch Golden Ban­

tam Whole Kernel 12 oz. Can

2 fo r ________ Z 5 C

CRACKERSN. B . C. Prem ium Wafer.*?

«% Pound * 9 ^ ^Z B o x ....33cCRISCO

The A ll Piirpose Shorleninp

3 P o u n d s ......79cShredded WheatN. B. C. Re^rular Size

3 or 35c14c







D rip or Perco- <9 ^ ^

la lor, Potind .... J4C

Walnut Meats ........ 40cBaking Powder '.S'":'"™ 16c/ ^ I A D A V DLilnfecLi, Ble L L U A U A Clean*. Quart

iichrs, 17cAEROWAXSU™r.''«„„...:...... 45cMATCHES 23cCLEANSER S t 14c

Palmolive SoapRcRiiInt* Size Bnr

.. 21cGranulated Soap

Pecta, Giant Size

PnckaRC 50c

Crystal White SoapG ian t Size Laundry Bar

6 for... 28cSuper SudsLjirk'c Packnjie

65cUse our free delivery service . . . To all parts of the city. Grocery phones No. 0 and No. 1.

IDAHO DEPT. STORE“I f It Isn’t Right, Bring I t Back”

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Thursday, February 18,1013 TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Eleven

Will Marry Soon

M ia Vslfria Gair* will lifcomr the bridp of Cliacl Klllmorr al » Frb. 27 ftrrniony. (SUff Knsrar-'

Fillmore, Gates ■

Betrothal ToldMr. and Mr*. O. A. Ontw, Twin

KalLi, nniifiuiicc Uic ciit;;iKcmrnt ot \lvtir riivuRWtT, MLVi VnJtrU 10 Chad Klllrpirt-c. non of Mr. nnrt Mfn. O. E. ^llmore, tCso of TnUi Fall*.

Tlift wcrtdlnic hti.'' befii utl for Baiiirday, Feb. 27. Mr. Ktllniore Li a Twin ToJls IiIrIj tcliool grsduate anil li 01 present «iiplo.v«I at the Orm SlAlp IlcllnSiiK cnmpfiny. 'Hir hrlrtt-lo-hp ultciidcd T\\la Fnlb *cticK)U Biul Is now ft .•.turttni ni tlic Tftln Kails nuslnPM iinlvenlty.

Company Dinner ,

Dance ScheduledApproxlmntcly a Imndred.pcrrons

are fxp«tcd to nttcnil a dinner duiCP Inr fniployrs of ilie Amnlnti- niftifd SuKar comp.iry factory here, and their wlvc.c, uhlch «lll be held al ":30 p.m. I-'rldny nl the Pnrk hotel.

MiLilc for dajicinc «1H be fur- nWifd by Will WrJRlit nnil hli clif.-.lra. Solon Lewis of thr m. company U clialrman of the cc mltiee In charge,

¥ ♦ ♦

Group to Stage

Army-Navy BallScrd sorter.', of T«lii Fnlb

cniiipletliii: plan:. lor nii urmv-t hciietlt l);ill to bo atnned Feb. 27 in the Amcrtraii LcrIoh hall.

The piihlk liivllfd ttriul, Mr.?. Lillian Kof.-.cll iinil Ruth Btcven' arc In chnrKe d ranjemenL , Tom T\ti1v nml hh or- fhr.iirn will fiiriil.^Ii tlie nui^lc. IVk- ati limy be oblnlnrd at niiy ae«l home and will be .'iokl nl the hull tlial evenliiK.

Marian Martin


Lions Honor Governor At Charter Night Meet

More th iin jjnrKoiis attondcd the Lion.-* club churtcr iiiui

Imiic.s’ nitrlil Wednesday iit the Purk hole! in honor of the o ffic ial v isit of H . H. Ebcrlc, Boi.sc, L ions district Kovcrnor.

A huRC .silver V bordered in red. rcjichinjr from the floor to the coiiinf:. w'fLS set o ff w itli a wuvinK’ flojc und a picture of Uncle Sam in the background. G o ld curIos and patriotic pos-

ters were placed throUBhout the room.

Horacp Holmr^, presldfnt cf the Twin Falli club, liilioduced Mr, Kbcrle. Other DoL'o gue. t.i Ollberl atnnton. pa t dlitrlcl emor and ch.ilrmin of the I

,b05i«l drive, Frank l>n'«Lvon and PlQ.vd I'cterson.

Joe Weldon, pre’ldenl of the Hur­ley club. Ui’roducNl 24 Buest' Iroin hL< club. Prejldent Charles Andnu. Jerome. Mrs. Andnii and Plrhard Pomeroy, wlucailonal dlxectoi

Buhl Bride

.Mr*. Sfaurlre Capju. who wa» .'tIKii Veva Uetle Hart prinr to lirelluhl marrlate bundiy. iKUff KntravlncJ

Maurice Capps,

Miss Veva Hart

Exchange VowsB U H L. Feb. 18 — The

Charles H a r t home in Nortli- ■icw (hslrict, Huhl, wa.i the

scene of u lovely liome wed- (linjr a l :$ p. m. Valentine’B

day, Feb. M , when Mi.s.s Vovn

Belle Hart became the bride of Maurice Capp.“!, son of Mr. and

H arry .Tapp.‘<, Twin Fall.n. Ii(-v. G. L. Clhrk, jiaslorof the

F irst Pre.sbytcrian church, Twin Fall.-<, read the niiptiiil

vows before a backjrtouiiil of llRhtcd tnpcra and floral ban- kelH.

llie tltlnn-h.ilred l.rlde, K'v In ti two pircc rtltenifMn dre: robln-cRK blue, cnrrlpd an nmi quet of inlhmnn ror.ebuds and licnlM. Menrtelvvilin’a "Wrddlng March" wa,i plw«t> by Ml.w Helen CnpiVi, sijter of tlie trrooin. Procecd- inn (hr reremony Mlsa Cojipfl play­ed ••ndlx of .Si. «nd .Mr,<. Muiirlcc CurrlnKlon tauK "O, Prom • e Me."

•Mr.i. Omer Olbwn. Emmett, ilf- icr nt ihe brtrif.'wnfl matron ot honor, imd n coailn of the brlile, Ml.vi Mayme MtNclly, was brld«- nmld- Ultlo Leona Rae MorrLi, flnwer Rlrl: Omer Clly.on, nncl Cilenn Hart, brother of Uir brldi' and sludeni at Mowow. conipleled ilie bridal party,

Tlie tp’j Kiii'M.i remained lor a rec('i)llnii fdllowlnff the ccrniioiiy. A tlirci- tier ttcddlntf cnki-. miidc by Mrs. Klvlii Noll, and pink inix-rs I cryr;tiil holdom centrred the din-- IK room table. Weddlnc i;Uts wero n dhplay durhiB Uie ulltnioon. TJie bride rho:;e a broMi tweed

dre.vininkpr Mill wltli Rold bloine ,n<l kellj-nm-ii aeee.-.sorle.i for her

SOhiB awny cn:cmblc.Mm, Cnppi, It grudiiAle nt nnh!

hiRh fcliool, iiitindcd the 'iVln Kall.1 Uu;.lneM imlvtri.lty and pre­vious to hrr Iii:irrliu;e wn employed nt the Union ^!olo^ company. Twin, mils, She V.1U-- a memlxr ot Drtn Oammn chib. Mr. C.ippi Rrndunird from tJie T»-ln Fall.' hlRh iwlirwl and hM been prominent In F, F. A.- work In the wcMern tiren,

Fcillowlnc a ;liori wcddlnj.' Jour­ney ihp coiipli- will re.ilde on a Inrro


Pythians Slate

Annual Banquet..le Ttt'lii Fnlls Icxine of the

KniKhtt ot PylhI.K will otaerve the Itilh nnnlvefsnry fit the order at n bsiiri'icl to the IdahoPower Rudltorlum nt 0:jo Tliu r.'.dny.

Tile bnnQUPt will be fervrxl by the Pythian Shtcj-«. ICnlRhU nnil ibters are Invited to attend.

Te»« ot f»Tnp»Jtn Fju-1 K, Walker, elialrman of the

local bond nctlvitlM commlti made a detnlled report on uo during thf bond eimpalKn and t nounred that the drive was still In progre?.! nnd would end Feb. 23, Mr. Walker expressed liLi appreel- nUoti lor the work done by hi" mlltee.

Mls.1 Tenjka Akad, axcomplWied vlollnlil, ajid M l« Oraee Hala, »e- rompiinl.'l. both of Hunt, pre^ented Uiree selecMon.'.

Mr. Kberlo wm reintroduced by Harry BtjI.ich and npoke on "Annl- ven.arlt.i Are Milestones," bIvIhk brief addrr.w outllnhiR activities of the Twin Fall* club and Llonl.-.m In Idaho, He mentioned lluil tilne of the rliiirter iiirmbtrs are still acilv

ncal oritnnlzallon. Mr. Kbrrle of drmocrnllc Ideal.i and the

pfarc tiint Uon/ini hoWs In Uie effort. He told of r.tnle activities nnd the proirres of thp-enmpalRn 1 rebuild the cnil.*e "IJoke."

PlMue Prewnled Mr. Balsch presented Mr, Ebetle ii!ilt]ue mirror plaque made by

Eamer.l JelU-'on’. from Uie loenl :lub. In Vppreclatlon of tho dls- rlct Bovernor'n work,At the close of the meellnR Hud

Fiilicr. public rclBllon* repre.'entn- Ive of the StnndartI Oil company, [ireirtited two films for the irrotip, 'Wofnen's Work In War Times," \nd "Commando Allnclt on Nitr- w.Ty." Tlie Inltcr film showed nci- ual pictures of tho commando al­ine!:.

J. M. Merrill, wft.? ceneral chnlr- man of the event. Il.^ Uled by Vicinr FllflcL and Jwnea Bowden. Arthur Dockwltz and Frnest Jflllson plan­ned" tho decoratlon'i.

Bickel P.-T. A.

Observes Annual Founder’s Night

Annual founder'* day wai o!J'e:v- ed We(Ine.'<Iny cvenlnij nt tho Illckel .'.chool P.-T. A. .'.c;.?Ion with n silver lea. proKratn And addrencs. Tlie .ilxth trade chlldri'ii pre'enk-d ibe p.itrlotlc ijrogram wlih "Victory for Freedom.'’ a playlet, ly William F. Illem:in',i room. A minuet dance offered by MLi*. Maxine Walker’.s ■ room nnd tlic r.klt 'Tliu Doy Whn TIioukIU Hr Knew," by ML'.J Velma Mor.ic> flliidrnta.

Jamie Goff cave a rcndlna. "l^etle Grorce W.u.lilnKton," and Colleen Paddock played a piano eolo. 'Die harmonica band played "FlaB of tlie Free."

Al the buslneM meeting 170.70 an reporiKl cleared from the rum-

rnaue sale*. Ttie money will bo used for Uio liot Junch proRram, Oormin Mlrnclr re.id a founder's day mes«aR(* « id "Memory In Mar­ble" wna Riven by Mrs. Floyd Un­coin.

Guest (ipcnker for the cvenln* was Mrs. Roy J. K\'ans who Kave a tri­bute to Alice McLfUaii Blmcy. founder of tho orcanl.-jillon. "A Tribute to Mr.'. >>llre Mcl.<llan Blr- ney. Mv .Mother," tvns re:id by Mrs.J. M, .Merrill. The state presldfnl'* jne.wage wa*. read by.Mrs, Leiter Ward. NomlnfttlnK commlliM nt M>«. L. n. mvH, .Mr. Morris Moore, nnd Mr.v L. M. Jensen was np- iwlnti-d.

Tlie tea tnbla decorations wer( carried out In patrJollc colors. .Mr.v Chm-les YounS and Mr,'.. EUiel H. Gray poured.

At Lions Session

Shnnn i l Ihe pmrntatlon of a plaque from (lie Lloni elub Is H. II. Kbrrle, diMrIrt sovrmoj, far rlRlil. are Harrr nalieh. Irtl, and Horaee ItnlmFi, president of the local orianlutlon, heldln; (he plaqne. (.Staff rbolo-rnmrlnt)

Board Officers

Chosen by YWCAOlllcern' names pre;,eiilcd by Mrs.

K. h’iauiier, ihivlrmun ot the twni- iiiatlri: cnrr.mliter, were unani- rroii-ly el"Clnl when 'lie hnnrd of (llreclM (If the V. W. C. A. mri

day sfirrnooii in the. .Mr'. W. U. Ctui tlie

Idenl. Mrs. Kennelli Hen- denon, vlcc-pre.ildent, Mrs, V. U', Edmw.dj in, fcctrtary tvnd M:», 11. U. Uuriilinrt, ireaaurer.

Plain weti; made for n covered dlih liinchenn honorlnc MK' Bl'''- Uih .Ml rarbiid, national V. V.'. C. A- i-ccrriarv of tli'- furelKn <llv- Won, In the "Y" rooms March 1.

llllnin Dnker »i>oi<r on ra- tlnnius Mid thp new >y?.-rm of buvliik’. New members wi-;e I'lrniiK'd by the prc.’-ldent. Mrs, A.

C. Frnrlrr lr;l the <trvntl(in;ilii. !rii:lo:i W.1.S mntl.' of Ihe WAAC. •tli;s tor all Intere.sted pcrioiis he " V ro-inis Moiitinv, Feb. 33, .ill:iry Si.'lla Do;:*, will preside.

Four New iMembers Welcomed b.v LenpueMeinlms of the Inimaiiiiel IcaRi;

f the Liither;\ii churdi nnd their SiirfW eiijDVcd a iKitluck dinner :trr ehurrh ;rrv!ri-i .Stiiuhiy, Mr.

..lid Mr;., yinmilnd Hi-l!ikc .'‘lid Mr, and Mrr.. H.Tmi Hi'mliie were i cepted Rs Jp.ifciie nirmbcru,

le Krtmp ri :ui;j .cil letters fiimlller. fi-r;:irrlv belontinir

•tr., f:;

the le.iKUP, Wesner, Uira Mrs. Pre<l U'

Home Ivcnt;(im'". :i':.i'.-l.itlo:i will meet iit fl p. m. Frulnv the home of Mrs. Ili".-:ell .MUkt, " ’.J Kl;;nth iivcmip north.



Uin G, A, R wUl be held a Tuesday nt the H.invn churdt. ProRmi by th cles.

All women Interested are Invited to atlenif n dL;cti'K>;|on on uie of Uie second rntlon c iid at 2:30 p. m, Frldav In Uie music room of the Wftshlngtcn school.


by .Marian Martin Is a really charm- Inj exnmple—you'll U’Car It right Ihroiijfi to summer. There's figure- flatter)' In a w fi bodice; a front- paneled skirt, Have the Jabot and collar In eyelet batb.tel

Patlem 0323 may Bo ordered only In uwtvcM's tlzes 34. 39, 38, « . « , « , « . and 4a, size 30 requires 3\ yarxis 39-lnch; yard contmat.

Send SIXTLJ-N CK.NT.S In coins for this Marian Marlin pattern. Wrlle plalnlv KIZK, S.\ME. Al). DRESS and STYLE NUMBEIU

Order n copy of our Spring 1043 Pa««nv Hook NOWt Everj-ooe in tho family will find styles for a imart fconemlcol wanlrobe, pliLi make-ow designs. Pattern Book,

L ten centa.' Send your order to 'Ttmu-Newi.

Pattern Department, Twin Palh, tdtho.

CalendarGem State .Social club will ;

at 1:30 p. m. Frldny for n ilc.'-rrl luncheon at the home of .\trs. J. Berry.

BETTER SHOEr e t i r i n g

Wo have the machinery for all repair jobs,


N e w undtT'am C re a m 0eodorant

ufii] ■

S tops Perspiration


C reow s

sgoo {««.) ■

3U Don nnc tot dmiei of mra'i •hittl. Does not ifiilifr »kin,

2. NowiitinBtoJry, OnUuifJ tifilit ifitt sliivias.

Z. Intun i(Oj.»i>cT»ri.itinofor

H AL^’ SOLES .. 8 9 «

H E E L u ' ^ ....._...25^l(Dl> r Hllihllr IKshtr

Shoes Dyed BUek----Sfltf

FALK'B, SeUlnr AtenU


4. A pule, wliile. ..............luintdi viniihinf; ciciri.

5. Aw«f<led Aprtoul Jeil of Amrrion Iminuieot bundto

le for beint htrmlcii lo

W* are pleased

nouneo wo hnv fcpp«nltil asrti

the efltlre line of fam' out Tusty ProducU


.1 loi


enmm trp*)-fer tMnnW w iU#i«ly dry »to. Wirfr- Ht4rt...r*f«»»r»


Classes to BeginHome nll^ lnf• cln**n will be-

j;ln lit a ji. lu. 'JiiijiMlay, Feb. 35, lit. it\e Rov.etion htitel, It <i>rol- ment. warrnnir:. "Tho**! Inieresied should irRbter i.ooii, nccordln* to Mr^. Uiysl PerT>', 7?rd Ciavs htmie nurslnx’ rh.iirmnn. .Mrs, Jo-<ephlne Ho'A'ell will be the in- i,tructor.

Camp Fire Asks For Leadership

"Today Is far from perfect, hut deep in our hearts is tlie hope tliat tomorrow will bo more nearly so. Tliat tomorrow U In the hands of cur young people. To give that op­portunity lo youth Is not the ta-Us of the tew who have chosen to work iliircily V.WV Uie yuvniic i*ople-lt b ihe tx'k of every nUuU."

6o ilates llie naUonal Comp Flrr officials In an appeal for le.ndcr-ship.

Twin Falls has a number of grouiis workhiK toward Camp.Fire idesls. but many ClrLs are atlU left out. be* cau.'e ot the lark of leadership. Tlie very girls who need Camp FL-e mo.n, atfcordlnK to Mrs. Dlancho Teu.->lty. loral rxfcuuve, are those aim are left out Tlie Ko.ll In Twin F;ilM b lo make Camp Fir« available to llirfto Klrlv

If you are a nomnn. you are want­ed and needled as a Camp Hre KUirdlan or a Blue Bird leader, Tlie girls need the friendly guidance of an ndtill who, while NharlnK llu-lr fun. will hulp thi-ni get the gre.neu s.itlstncllon from their Cunip nre actlvllles, TJie qualifications arc few, n ie moM Important Is u ulnc imderstandlnti of younu people jjid.the desire lo help them,

U you do not hn'o Hm*' to be a KUnrdlan, ^tated Mrs. Tensley, re«- l^ter at the Camji Fire office to be a rc.-crvL’ corps leader, voluutccrlni; as wlillnc to aisume partial re:.poiis. IbUUy tot 4 grou^ already iJi e - Litenco.

'Die Twin Fall'! exlcnslnn commit- lee, who may be roiilarlnl in ihH uork are; .Mrs, Harry tlli'ock. prrM- dcnt ot the executive vouncll; M.'*, N, O. Johwon, cliy wide P.-T. A, Cftnip Fire chairman; .Mrs. A. \V, Mursan, Vr’ar.hlnslosi ^chooV. Mrs, Ralph Elliot. Lincoln school; Mrs. J. L. Berry, Junior-Senior hl£h schoul; Mrs, Tom Speedy. Bickel r liool, and Mrs. John Dolton. St, Edward’s.


Club Elects OfficersITie Hock Creek WorUmhlle club

met last-we<k #t tlie home of Mn, Carleen Pomeroy for elecUoti of of. fleers. White elephant was won Mrs. Thersa Cline. A game was conducted by Mia Ann Lanen. Mrs, Emma Ounlap and .Mrs. l)or- oUiy Custer were awarded prlies.






W ill Be In Our Store



T}ii.» will be Mr. Oibsci'a last vli!; to T»in Fills tefcre lit

leaves toC tlie 6ir. m t^U W

markr:. Take advw.taje cJ sprelsl red'-ctloij .S'OWI


C0.4T NOW .A.T



(;iN G E K U K E A D

If your family likes QlnRcr- bri-nd, Uicy'll ilko U even bet-

r with a Bwcel Checi.e lop- . ng, .Melt a smiill packane of cream chceic and blend in

tiiblespoons r.hnvcd maple ut;ar. Spread Kcnerotuly over

hoi glrKcrbrc.id.


Hnve you tried molvjes cookies lately? They recjuire

3 suKar. nnd arc delicious 1th a lull Rians ot mill: for

mid-afternoon snack or with apple sauce lor a lun­cheon dessert.


Canned fruits, vegetables and Julce,i are FTtOZEN next week. Don't Iward, hut MtUel- patc your needs and stock up --1 what you'll need to tide . 'U over. Fresh fruits and vegeUble* will help stretch i your rations.


Olve the kiddles dellcloa sandwiches of', peanut butter for Ihelr nfiernoon snack, but r.omctIme* vary ll by nddlng chot)ped prunes, raisins o topplns of honey.


1 No. a can spinach, l med. onion, chopped; l cup celery, chopped: 1 cup aott bread crumbs, lb. pork Miuage, 1 sllRhUy beaten egs. 1 tsp. salt.

tsp. pepper, h cup Rcated American cheese. Drnin and chop cplnadi; mU with all other tngrcdlents; turn Into welt sreased mold. Bake 40 mln. In 400 degree oven. Un« mold and fill center wlih buttered noodles. Sprinkle wtlh paprika. Looks and Uistes delicious, ecrvea 0 to 8

•dIenU lor *U the abart cs are offered at yasr Jznert Market.

« 7iar la n « VIclirr TmI

•riu rxl/n'rir IKU Wi*111 print rMl»« ><i4 ntat •( mci4- .f k«l««, bpMitiir n4«>«i*4 in IhM* tenMrrtnf aMI

C C. AaJ.mi.-f Oi., Uarktt. Twin F»lli.

S'lAUCHPcnU-l;. Corn or GlOis..

I'liASsplit Oreen. 1 JO- os. phc................ , 15cSALAD DRESSINGParty Ur.iiid, 1 qi. J n r ............................. 29cGRAI>K-NUT FLAKEStjirte Uoi:........... .*................................ . 15cIJABY FOOD aOetbe.-s ........................... ^ cans 20cSOUP *Cflmiibell'i Tomato ..... ............ ran,25cSHKEDDUD WHEAT -fN. D C........................................ « lor 25cBRANNabisco, 100" Brand, l Lb. pkf:................ 19cOATSTrlnnirle Hrand, 3 lb. pkc........ ..... ........ 20cCORNGarden Patch. Whole Kernel . * can.25cCOFFEEQnld Bar. Viicuum Pack, LB. . - ............. .. 29c

New Improtrd


.■'IILDEST, .S.Uj:ST lOR VOl l

D,\i.vru:sT cLorn ts

U irge S iic

Box........ ........ 27c

TOMATOESUlah Pride, No, 24 . U c




For E isicr .Mixlnjr



to cream lo make a r flpffy whip.

\ B U T T ER ’e x t r a c t

Adi tablespoon to TJb.-jar BPnv and you have 3 Ib». ol rich but-

r r.uli-.tltutc. Looks, tastes llki frc.'h butter—try it.

FROZENSale of All canned fruits.

Juices and vesetnblcs, all dried nnd froren fruits and vege*

Ublea will be frosen next week—Buy tills week-end.


Fresh nnd Crtsp, New Crop

i Bunclie.i 15c GU A P EFRU rr

~^wirge Arltona — Fre\h

6 for.. 2ScSnnklsi

LE.MONSLirge, Juicy. 9D o z , ......... 33C

Shartfi 'G n perru il JU ICE

47 OS.C an__

h GoTt. Requesta — We R cscne R ig h t To L im it QoiDtiUes!



Cr-.'p, Solid lle-iSi ■

2 fo.- 25c


Oold Suckle Bnl^d Medium fSire. a

Wa.xctl. D02.

Dtl Uuile


___ 33c

:____ 39c

CONSUMERS M A R K E T' VniT H A V R lT _rrj.i^H If I I I ^ k” ® D C U V t fCASH IF YOU H AV E IT-CrcdU If you need i l ! ‘

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

rage l^velve TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Thursday, February 18,134


W ASHINGTON. Feb. 16 _ Profc.^sional football,

like major Icapuc b.oscl'all. in­tends to c:irr>’ on— b u t it

«-on’t be c:i.<y.Elmer Lavdcii. coinniu';-- ion.

or of the Nalional F iwtball

Icanup, ?aiii twlay he believe.^ the circuit can continue “w ith

limitation.'."LaycJni, NoUf D iX f Toot.

ball < offcur-hc-::nr.rn back-

IitM m U'.e .conlcnrJ»-llh Ma;;po*rr Conin-.Lislorfr Pa'J V. Mc.Nuli nitl TT»wpo.'i»ltcti Dl- r«:or Jotcii:i D. D iiiaua \C4ter- tiay.

CfU Enc«nrajrm»nlHe :-aU lir hul IckukI 'Jffuil;*

fncourak-rn-.m:’ !ar Ihr Icisuc fcl-mouRli M:Nuit » i3 i:on-con53iltu l«u !o »!ip;!iT pUifrs wfrr ri- ftrnUal nr.d Ki.v.man «as

l!-.e 1

tiT^y clay3 of ' Laydcn »aW. cnfa caiii: aU la

Uon qucjUoii.-U m v bf Ukf ihi

p.tifeiilcnU foolbiU.'In U10-.J U.TM Uie ;»wkfnd3 aftrr «o;ici taclorli^ Tlirrf'j r.c j«e;tnl thfffl frtai cloijis tl-.c Mae Ullne,"

Schfdulfj may ha« to be r^v~ r»njnJ to wve n ilfstt. p.TM'iiocj tralnlns «?iloru »boli»hf<J »w l «CTtsl df«l of the uual b4Uy-hoo done «»ay wIUj. Ijydfa cor.rf<lp<t

lU tf txrinlle Plirt 'Dut I Ihlnk »e huve a c!rn:vHe

pUce In Ihf AmrrU-iJi sc»r.r.“ he aald. "FDoibilJ. of courjf. caata lo help *ln the « r mwe than »nj- thlns elif. but »e IhLnk th»t *o lcw« u sp«!a:of jporls exb; wt have a IrKlllmatf placf.*

rroff-'JloJuJ JooibjJJ and najor league ba.i»b*ll — m.-»ny of Uie min­ers hatf fiupfnfltd for Ifip dursllon —probably »U1 b« Ihe naiica'j prta- elpal xpecUtor apart). Ttxe arsed Xorccj art Indurtlrj; m « l < " players of 18 and over. «hvh niallc-aUr rylcj out bU-Utnf c fporu. and ihr b«t of L*-.? bcxlnj fraternity alrrady

Riipei-t Finally

Do>vns Oaklevo.ucurv. retk is-AU unt!

«h3 t\rr.tsukCboU

TJiii'a aha; Hex HuaiaktroT U-.e Ruprtt p f^ b 'y a^ldt i lt r-Hhi a:;er hii affrrcaiion « ; t n l ci;f tftf Oiklrr Iloi-'r 3 3 ^ tlrtcvT oier the Hc-.-nrt.v II

Iht nralrs' tnusip;our suru uaLvt Cciach Mcnk lu n i i iy j

ThP b« i:rf a *'fcx:r-<iuar-:r r ’ L"j;eid nl Ju5t a ■tiirrc-Quir.fT" ar.TrttUna- Thry J'iS'.pfd Into an ei.-;.v > » t ax Uicy h jv f It. r.early ail UVU- eor.t»^ta ih li wMcn. fc-;t iTJtMj of CT :mb:;r Ir f.t Utter jtifM of l.-.r t » » f aa for-

they rrjilr.taterd. the r L Tf-t ! t Ihe

‘Big Tlirec’ to Curtail Sport

CAMBRIDGE. Mais- Peb. tS < —The prwldftiu of Jlirrard. Yale and Prlnfeton—the bU thrw—sc5- noimcfd ye'terviay In a Joint state- ttirnt lhal bef.iu;.r of *anlnip con- ilitlon.i tlier brllexrd “the crvntlmieU nialiilfnanfc of 'athletlf.' u?uaV

. at there thrw b.'tUutlons Li no Jonser lesilblr.*

Itelca.'fd lhaiushPrrsident Jarrea Bryant Conant. liar\ard, the sute- ment wlil;

■'We ha\e rtcccnlreJ the r.eccs- sliy of drajtlc modlllrtllon ui our schedulM of Inlercolleslale jpcvt.v

"We hope lo cwtlr\u« rcar.e svich t>porL« upon a mirletrd and fcrma! ba.'iv but rratlre the extrr.t lo Klilcli Uils ran be acc«i;r-I:.vh«l niU't ilepcml on the plarv of the nnjird forcf and Itie ofJU'e cf tJe- leii-e tnwportatlon. a.\ mr’.i as: upon Uic rtvl'«l ealenrfar arki rollment in each ln.«:ltu::.-n < ceni^.

-FOr such nlh!e[l-,s X' f.vty t tlnue, pm^Won. In tlic three clenli' ncTtemrnt resardir4: el;.-!Ity of (ilaytrs anil other rtlatej Slattern ttlil be revL*;e<l frrn; tirt'.e to time to meet rc.-.Uf-onj as then exMi."

erxl of the fin: th.’r* pertMa wrr« M-a. M-IS a r j E-n.

Oil'.rr «c.T t.-.f vatTit:ca.T-f. rr-:i. »:;J tl.a aL-o w.u a ^c o i an ur--f-

Th« ir.t;;?! ar.J *oor-iTJ;:

O itry 02> — fa ip ica (4> and PouUrei >«'. f.->r*»nlj: Peterwi <4* ce'ntcr: MiU-T iIH awl Mauhe«-;

cuari^; CUrk i:i. Starjrer <0) WTilifir lOi. Elr.i'.'t (01. Mf.\IufT»3

)< f.d VUU iO>. i-JbJtJtutea.

R:;pert <B> — Oarr.er ' 12> arx: Ctitco a it . fcm.-is; Saylar

fr; Da::h iJi ar.J Oaft O i jTuanlj; Tcrr.fr i^i.Ilerlin O '. P’.a. }>:r ii'i ar j L:f»i)a ip'. juhi:;.

Bobcats Beat

Buhl, 39-19BUItt. rVb. JJu-The Bur;ey Be*-

ra ti exT»r;rr.:e\J Il!l> dtmcultT li dcfeiunfi the Iluhl Indiar^s her* U-M r-tsht. SS-IJ. The Bobcats W 1&-S at the end of t.-ie fir>: 18-J3a; the ha'.f ar.il r-l« ar.er t.*iree pert.\lv

Burley ai'o *\-o the Xnlor rar- H:v ra.-ne. » C .

•nie Uritups and trwiltldual i«»r- 1=5 I

© M

W>:L 1 nee by the U ul the Idaho ssir c!oe^n1 know IW b’J leajt. iO think a coup of l/i»man vaIJcy lal: lay?)

Tlif t»o. Joe nirr.i (Babe) ltaiu.<-n, hav staietiienl to t<taJin 1 Uie Idalio alid

l»puU jpn JO Uie 11 caiWlUe 0

• and Harrltl made Uie

tWaHirs lhal ume (lepaii- I rciluce <leer [’ wlirre "MJr- <hai natural

e IdahoMf.t^ben cl Id fL-Jt deparimrn

and never *111 hav, to deiirry ihe ru: Idaho »iMllle. On I plan Jif i U‘;e f-ppor.u

T5« dlfferrnce betw partaient and Ihe cnup! inan valley b l!:e faci jmar.enl lia^ >e.'>rs a .\iuJy behind lu. acUf.ii

of l>enple and

ny inrlinailoii {>opiiIitiQn ot cnntiir)- ihey

«ren the de- from Los,'.

:ial the de-

all (The uv.rie dr;

ic-and h*iiilU! Ufe.

»iln\r; V taOT.» iloiiiK in ijie l<; of ldalio^.s.Ud>

theB-O.M U9> - !Ur---.4n «:> and

Ei3ln:aa .7t. fiirranl.^; DeNral il rrnter; Steeirt tl> su-.d Hu.'tea<l i3>. Kuird.': <J>. 01d» 'O'.CirLv:a it*. Heir.ei <a> and Dey

iub:llf-!ei.Burin- tJ3' — Oirreti (S' »nd

KlLlk i9'. foraatvlM Era.-v (6*., Robcra 1?I and Bell (S'.

RUArdjr JudJ lOi. rvrria (O' and H iiS iSt. i',b»:tn:lr».

Barrow Proud of Joe’s Decision

NEW YORK. Feb, 18 'J'--Prrsl dent Ed Barrox of the S t» Vori Yankees was •'i%roi;il' tcxhiT *h outfielder Joe DiMar^lo liad en’.L' ed In the army.

“We allays appnive of c«jr pU: ers Kotni Into the e vlce.~ BirroTr said.

A>kfd tthal D1Mj ,:;1oa ai'ener wouJd mean lo :!:e Va.-.ti in BanoT replied:

"I will tell yew sort l iw t that at the end of the leasoa We I'XI hive a sood pltchlr.s staif and • Rood Infield.-

Charlie Keller r.ov Ls th* pj-U:- TTguUr Vankre ouiflel.lrr lelL The BBps «11I ha»e lo be fUled bv J?ov Weatherlj-. Tuck Slaiiibirk.Undei;. a reforartl pivher. ar.d fa-o younptcr^ up fran Newark. Ru:.j Derry and Dud Mfihen.r.


Henry Arrtumjri >Unei toriar tcv light 10 TO'jiids here Marrh 2 acalwl WUlJe JPTce. Cart-. Ind , Neem. They *:!1 ccne la’ at liS pwadj.

Charles Erny ?>Iay Buy PhilsPim.VDHPm.V Eeik 18 -

Charles G. Emy. iw ldent of »h bcvxrd of tra'ters cf T^ •.p^e tnlvrr !4;y ar.d d.'nor cf Tesyile iia ilu a

reieiled tcvlay m a rr'' :'<Phi-.;

Phtl.'.SiT'Cf «enl lc» Nf» York M,

* ith Jc*n a Ke::?-. V. S. d;; of rhpical fiinry>. «ho Is a.'.wia!e\J

\Vi;i'.an U. Itirr.vin of iu id»in !cw=oUre m c: the jjrdl.-atfa tlddu-.j for the ball

BasketballScores _

nie claiai Uul Uie di'iuruii AlAUihterint tlio dter hcWj ic Ihe jiarlvcii tan lue on wlial ural toed li lefi h f.>rrrci. Tlinl Ij the onXv nay that Uie hrrilj can bi kept Intact. Tlinl u one v.»y tu jire-

m l exuncilon.Such 'eicniii ouuioor mm cu

John Malheai. MiiitCoi^ national forerl iUi«-nl.sor. will tell you ihat when a herd beco-nira loo Urse 11

lU i>a-n food and In UiLv ' that particular heni will final!)- e«ne eMlncl becaii.'.e 11 h .•.rcond tiature lor a herd of deer to sraic at, Ute ••Jime place \ear ufter year. Tlje deer cannot be frlKlitrned or f-fared Inio soliy: .'onie oUier plact— they reluni to the certain ranee »;iol Juxt as n -valnion coniea up the itrtiza lo .\pattn,

1 tloubi lliftl ruhl nou- the stale or Id-\ho irouU Uke to Ukr on Uic t.vJi of feeding the UiouvaiiJj of deer In the rarloiii foresta "Jual Uke ealtlc and lior-ei.t

UoiexTr. even If 'Jch a pbn ''ere jvvo-iSlp. came men liill tell you 11 can be dotie on onb' a hmitnl IX-er CANNOT .survive. iiier.-»1lj- .•T-e-.ikiiiE. on hay nn<1 ^alt,

Tt^e. they will eat U nr.d It msy help jome of Uiein surMip, Ihil they have lo have their ii,iniral

JiW l f>: t),vrk n:iU rai'ia oiid Iwiti. l':n nol calhiiR Mr, Ttinifr and

llati.-.en Uar.v In fad. It U en- urely pUuMble that Uiry !ia\e fed a deer on "Kood Idaho hay niul .val:," a.s Ihey claim.

It U iKVAlble th.-\l they happrnftl to set hold of A deer or Uo that eould jurvl'-e on the ■•clvilUei!" ii:ci. Jiu t.M 11 La pOi:..Mb!e Uiat there arc prcshab'j a few people In the U. S, uho could al'O survive on h.\y and

wo'.i!d say that If the various lOw-it-alU" xvould stop hrcklini; ftCi and tame deiwrtmrnt wiil n hiiitlle such mailers m they

5j\oukl be. there would be more work done by all.

Ross Honored With Memorial


Uiere'a a lello* In the hoa-.e who can to’.j bouqueti halfway around Ihe world, Damey Ilasj ho.i Ills 1; pllat col In tho Pacific a.s eovr wllh flowers loduy a« a brlde'a palli to Uie altar.

Tills U nol to &ay Uiat Corporal Baniey Ls ijctllnB married, becau; his jiupttalj wero performetl lo.v before he became a hero lor Unr

maiine^ by Inoctliig o!J .2 Japa on Guadalcanal. Bui IxM hlKht liie boxing u-rlter* of New York handed Uie one.tlme three-dlvl world Champ the Edward J. Nell... mortal plaque os flstlann'a''m'nh of Uie year- for 1942,

Es-Mayor Jimmy Walker keynot­ed Uie alfulr os he made Jormol jirc- senuUon of the plague, nlven an­nually In mcmorj' ot ihe A.- ocjbI - ed I'reM ii>orti writer and war cor- re.sj>ondmi who was klllctl during Uie war In Spain In 1038. Col, Har­vey illelnlei Miller accepted the plaque on behalf ol the marines and Corjwral Barney.

Colonel Mlllrr. a pant jirejldenl nnd pennanenl exccuUve hccreiary of Uie,Nalional BoxlnR iiv.uciulloii. revlewi-d that lilxlil of l;iM Nov. IP tthen Bartley, wounded and i.uffer- ing from fever, m.iyed In a fox-holf lo prt>lect ihrcr wounded eomnido against a detachment of Jfti«. In Ihe course of the eventnn'.s procced- hu:s, Barney kayocd 23 of Uie Jnps for keeps,

•Tlinl Damry. well over the n<e Ihe niurlne eona likci In Us cunUd: IroopN. pk•fc S hoUer Ihana prirate'a blllel In a marine con» combat.mlL.tptaka.weU oI.Uic ill- Ue fellow Who U iiol hi-ri* lonlsht." Colonel Miller ftald.

tt r».-:rs. t«. U y ^ r

The Sports Round-up

Adkison Approves Pioneer Decision

BOISE. Feb. 18 <JV-6aspenilon of thf> rinneer IU.seball leae\ie for Ui

iratlnn of ihe war won the npprov al of Ueut. Col. Norman B. Ailkl.soi fw uiive officer for selective J.en- ivT l:i Idaho.

Adkl^-ei Mid ba.^eball playen couUlal generally be deferred t.hat the p-.ibllc TTOUld feel such cwald do seesfUilng more vllj Ihe var prtvram.

n . JUT.n F l LtXRTON. Jr. NUT YORK. Krb. IS Is

the day the Thlli art tsppoieil lo b« lotd bul Bobody U tnocb•lock la lhal trport rw p l U» N*.

— tiatsil— lea| uc—It's —wvtwj— J.6SS «ti«Ts . . . Add li»m o ot war: Marchy S<h»artt. Ihe old Nolf»- Dara« footballer. U leacbinx IrnnH w>d nuby at SUftf«d . . . Whm the , WaahlBtloa Seaaton r> lnt« t*»Ininf at Maryland C , O-i* Bh,, ece probably wiu iprad w ar Jooklaj; oTer Emie Tra»h. «h* b playing hasltlball tv>« bat iooU lUe a pfVtty good laflrlder ba the pasitlM hte lack Cete-tzted U pta.*. Ttify aaj he can hll, tofc

SAT IT AIVT TBCE. JOETnthout thflr JolUng Joe DtMa$.

Tlie Vftaks can h l.i£ j cop that rag.

The Dodscrs, alous Uppy Lm , m i l Ukcly get a \trbaj kayo.

»Th4t If«W3 tlie Jlnis to go to bit cq Brtnglng a pnuuct to Manhai

tnttf im ice. faos lUrl lac U te-Q U aU« U e tm back a l­ter tbe war . . . Ow KWB fa ih»L m « t «r then vtQ maka U * p»de. .tt the danUw b a t la* iMg, br> CUM etTa U Um7 can't pUy real aa ja r league haO (w a while. Utc

ONE-.MlXVTt SrOBTS P.\CE .Mrsibers of wwal-Tk>U*<»—

:uhs hate TtCtsiieerTd to gnr one a »trk to h*:p^* wtth the

grrcrU-tp;.-.; . . . And iher-j p.*o^ Ct: sicce eierci<e that way they wv«y UT.;r.g dlrcvus . . .

Dr. !I . L. jstslde:;l ct thet.\ ci KesV.xky. ^Tcilwa that arte.* ~e the will have a.vXtthii: tea=s that caa h,»ia l a owr> wt-.h the bnx la t.“je Soctheajicm em.'eTea.T . , . Fr^si Me:toa. who

- . j a tSalier by bu;;d- ir.g a .hew a.-;d fcw ttag :o ;>;il a

. . . - .-.ftoiatiag :cc a IS &t;ih Ci.-Qa=A » hell be

i_ e to eat la caje aarj- iij hap- *=,s to buebC . . . T tk to Car.ada s ih jt >• a itrwe teia wrss the i=iatr.;j hackey ifJe j;

■» t.'iet^asiler U t-Vrel t i e

certt i i tsse.. Bu


Ftt* n « a t wwk be-

11 Players Sign With Athletics

PIinjVDELPKIA. Feb. 18 (U Ces-rn player?;. InclmllnR seven fie;drn. have signed wlU> Ihe Phil­adelphia .AlhleUea for 19i3, II was atxr.ou.nml today.

Coatiaeia were recel\-ed yeatcrdaj' rrtci n m buemar> Bruce Konopka of Lhe L'nlvetMtr of Soothem Cal- Uccnu; !ii(srtJtop Prlc Siider. third baseman Eddie Mayo of Loj An- ge:r?, rookie second baseman Inr HaU. ihon.stcp Dirk Adktna, and UilM baseman Frank Skaff. Jormer- V •u'Tunzre•^^^Dn^6-^*ew-nt5llml^ leaf-ue.

Women’s Meet Goes to Boise

Inikblllly lo Kcl the Twin F.i! bowlinif olley.s has forced the Iclah Slate Women's DowIIiik asioclailon lo shut Uie annual state toiiniami'nt lo Bol.'.e. II wa-i.announoed hrrn lo- dny by Mrs. Mary Ollkev, . tnle pre.s- Idrnt.

le tournament will opm on thr TwenlleUi Cenluo' allev.s on I'riilnv

Id comiinie Ihroush Sunday, uliii iamplrnshl|) eventa In leam. dmi-

ble.s and InRles.Four lc.-uns fnim T»ln Falls will mipcle In Uie slate toslon!;. 11 wils

rejwrted today by .Mr , Cllady.s Shaw, clly a-voelalion pre.ildent.

Tlic teams and Ihelr me^^ber : Bowladrome — Brlnejar. Weller.

Pnlton. Hooter and Uenri-; Coca Cola—Elcock. Randall. Peavi-y. Me- nobcrt.s. Hoi:ue. .\tcVey: Safeway—

•li-.kiipf. Cottliam. Blgley. V Alblii; »o:,-crjon-V.uquez. a Cllkr\’, Shaw. Grove, Stewart,

late officers for the or„i>iil2all5ti Mrs. OUkey. Twin Falls, presl- l: D. Howard, Pocatello, vlce- idciii: Mrs. Lynn Kti-warl. Twin

n::.':. ,-:rcrfUil-y; a. Moon,' BoL'c, uri r, and Mrs. Charles Wcilfcn-

barcer, Ool.-e. i.rrKrant-ai-nnni.

Notre Dame Cage Mentor Succumbs

S O im i BK.SD, Ind.. Feb. IB (UP) —Georse Keo,;an. basketball cavrh at Noire Danio university for Uie p.isl 20 year.', dl«l liul night of heart dL'i-ase, He wa.'t 53.

Keoxan died while reading « .cttspai>er iil hl^ home after direct w tUU'nitwn practice for Uio lean hicli wa. preparing for llJi Knni( lUi Grral Lake' Siilurday nlglil.

nrncM,\N nameu coacitWASHINGTON, Feb. 18 (SI —

Arthur iDulchi Dercitian. lormi iiifiilor' nl Catholic univerallj\ t< day was named he.id foolbalt coacli of the professional champlopahlp Washington Hediklns.

DiMag Wants Combat Duty


CaUf,. Feb. IB (llJ’>-PrlTate Joseph Paul Dl.M6gglo hoped today that he would be a-s'lgned lo combat duly.

But Uie "Yankee clipper" aald he wa.1 afraid thr army would assign him to phyilcal conditioning morale work,

DhMagKlo. who left baseboir* highest paid job for the duration, heard his flrrl reveille today and lined up wUh oUier recnilu for hti armv uniform. InnocutatJons and Intelligence te t.•!.

He hoi>ed h<- would be treated like any other private, bul as a grlcled Bergeant here -'aid:

■DlMngKlo will be n celebrity Mind here whether he llktj ll or

nol."Cell TeiU Today

Tlia procram today callftl for te.M.s which may determine if Dl- MagRlo will be a-'.-ilnied to officer

Rut the pos,slbllltyilKhl be wearing gold braid be­

fore long failed to Imprew the la- conle. broaibhoiilrterrd DIMskkIo,

"I'h reidv nnd willing to sen'e Ir iny kind nf a iinll," he said. "Il'i

all up to the army now. n i be In 'irre pitching wherever they put

liv the lime hla train pulled oiil r S.m Franrlsro Inst nlghl. 11 wn?

well known nl way sUiUnn,s that Dl- MflKgio was abroad, and losTVsmen

•d nut 10 wave a.s the train lumljerdl thmiich their cllles, Dl- tagttlo fmlled and waved In return.

‘,\miT rount*'Di.Mai;cln, wlio was ls.sned army

lumber 29,i:i,<E9. dUoix- ed biL'C' 'sll wirhoiii cnthu»la.sm. •Tlii rmVa nil thnf eotmls now." he said, le hns no plaas for any time l>e.

vnnd the war. He broucht no ba?e- liall ctiulnmml with him. althouch

fellow recnill, did.Was eonl nnd nl en,ie a-i h" re-

ttlvfrt ills SliU oirtevs liom a tniH ’cr«:canr. who told one Inductee to •ttlno that-unllft.of your-fft( leutrnani aDoln-lsed for thi

crm'-s bhi.Mery manner, bul DIMaif-.aid he didn't mind. HLs depar­

ture from S-sn Francl.sco was rim- ple—as he had wanted. None of hLs family was prer.eni, nHhoimh hiin- drrils of Nnrlh Be-vch neighbors casiii- to sre him off.

Iil■ i(les his piircnts nnd n broUier nl Nortii Hearh, where lie plavrt his fir-'.l b.veball In sandlol-r, Dl- MiiRitIo Irfl hLs wife, ihe formei Diiroihy Arnold, and his 10-month.i- old ?.on, Joseph Patrick.

Hollister Wins After Failing on .13 Free Throws' CASTl-KTORD. Feb, 18 — Hol- Ibter hirli h.id 13 slioU at Uie b-s.sket from the charily Une and made iiar>- a one here la.M night.

But lhal didn't keep Coach "BooU” In in 'j • quintet from downing Uie CasUeford Wdres J5-16. Uius avmxliig an earlier defeat by the Wohc.v

LaiinliiK lUKl Edwards each made 10 points as Hollister led 10-3 nt Uie end of the first quar­ter and U-a ai ihe half. Gena Brown was Uie Cwtleford leader with five polnui.

UolltMer s ix»T Mm at the bM- kel probably w « due to lack of practice. The leam wasnt ablo to ase Its g)-m for nearly a month unm UiLs week. Snow h»d cartd In the roof.





F O R D T R A N S F E RWrttt^ Vnr» M Pboaa rm X T INSDBED CAltRIEBS.



|we CwMct iritb Vaa Scrrtee Anyvbcr* la A m ertea^^^227

Jerome Ring Team Victor

OOODING. Feb. 15-Jerome high ended llio Gooding Seiialora' win­ning klreak In Uie ring nnd kepi their own victory string Intact here last night. Jeromft won neven bouts iMi three atid was held to Uiree draws,

Wendell will come here March 3 for Uie next match on the Senator:.' ichedule.

Result.sof Uie bouts;Ill-IMund cla%s — .Tohii-'lon. Jer-

ime, outixilnted Undley,115-ixjund cla,« - Kl,-.cher. Jer-

>nie, and ffrliivra-dre-.v.- lJJ-l>ound cla-'-s - M- Kubanka.

Ooo<llng. declsloned Kuliii, i:t-pound cla-'-s — Westfall, Jer- ne, outpointed Dalby.129-pouiid class — Clark, Ooodlng. on from Barnes.130-iK)und class — OneUln. Jerome.

dpcMoned Dcj-er.130-pound clnr-s — Aldaw.nna. Jer- ne, decL'.loned Munger, no-|»und class — Bell. Jerome,

outpointed Berrla.l33-|X)und clft.vi — V. Hunt, Good­

ing, nnd Gordon drew.MO-pound cla.vs — Bird, Gooding,

won dccLilon over Hale, m*jx)iind class — Humphrey.

Jerome, outpointed Al-ion.165-pound cliss — Trees. Good­

ing, and Faster drew.

Bowling ScoresMINOK LEAGUE

1IAWI.EY-H rcoscjir ♦. TIM13I..SEWH I

lioitr'*llf^ry ------:,— __1P» ITT IJJ t




------- _.L'h !, us w ;i

5«.iiiti:LKv'«;"wiUc;hT uiij

i: ; ;;;

l l Li lime. men. to Belect your new

spring hat. See tho new arrlvaU for spring. Tlio Metro, Dunlap nnd Aitor briinds arc your a.«uraucc

of ladling quality.

SEND lirNTIKG-KNIVFS FAinriELD. Feb. IB-Dsliteen

huntinB knives have been ........headquarters of th# air force In San mnelaco by the Fairfield Rod and Gun club to be used by the boys overseas.



2 neaUrs for Prlee of 1



Both tor price of Spark Healer Installed with 375 gallon fuel tank. Oil Is plentiful here but with two heaters you arc posl- Uvely tt-v.ured of heat—

Robert E . Lee Sales Co.

4S0 Main Soalh Phone UJW

are geared to help you oave on Victory Dollar Day so you can complete those half-filled stamp Albums and aid in this clty-wlde effort lo re- build the Bobc. You can save hero and lake your clusnge In war stamps.


SUITSWell worth Uie money because Uie best wooled fubrlr.i and tailoring liave eone Into them. We've a rep- utnUon of wore than 50 years of unfailing 5crvlcc lo uphold, bo now that "ser%’lce" is of prime Inipor-

grand' selection of quality eulti


$27.50A N P TO $50.00

We Kin fit you now In single or double breiuited modcLi of all-wool worsteds, twbls. cheviots and tweeds that will give years of r.turdy wear. Many sult.i Are available with iwo pants- llierc nre ii ho.',t of Bttraellve paiirrJis lo BClret from. ,

A Complete Rjh irc of Siro.s in

— • nEGUI>.\RS


• SH O R T S

• L O N G S

They’re in Now!New Shades in



S 6 . 0 0


SHOESQuality 1,1 vlwl in n rationed commodity hut In our line:, ot Fortune. Jnrman nnd Dnvid'on »ho(-.s you need not .sacrlflco quality, nppearunce or fool com­fort. The new .■-.prliig styles are here, so comp iti Saturday for shoes thut will give all-day com­fort no mnllcr how far you mu.-.t walk.


is important

to the LIFE of your TIREKeep tires from “cuppinff" w ith pcrfcc t scicntific balnncc ncliiovcd w ith o u r spccial

mechanical equipment. The low cost ($1.75 per wheel, including countcr-weiRhts) is worth fa r more than tire trouble these days.

MAGEL AUTO CO.B O D G E m O N E 510 — ______ rL Y ,M O U T iI


t hese caving llmM. buy only what you need bul in ma­terials that will last.

'se popular brand of flilrtJ have a rep­utation for quality and endurance nnd

! made with Uic expert workmanship characterlsUc of tho best shirts to be had.






Sport Coats................... <7.45 to §16.50Sport Sh irts..................... $1 .00 to $3.95

..........$1 .25 to $6.95

....................25c io 65c..........$2 .95 to $7.00

$11.50 to $21.75


Dress Sox .........

Wool Jackets....

Leather Jackets

WORK CLOTKIf^GFiimoua For Pricc, Q ua lity

F calurlns such b r a n i i M I I . D . L E E & LEVI-STRAUS3



Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

Thursday, February 18,1913 T1MES*NE\S^ TftlN FALLS* IDAHO Page Thirteen



Irj;»«Uon of tlJ ;iT»-ln FbIIj couuty baltAlloa o! Idaho volui;i«r m fHTs wiU Lf next ««ic and Uie fariy part cl Uif foIIoTtir; wfc:. Ue-Ji. Col. U \V. Fo^wn. b»iuijan commandlE* ofJlctr. announced.

Colo.ifl Ftisoai »d>'Ued the l lar mceUtij ol the battalion Hut Col. C. V. Marltn. BoL-vc. lifad of Uie state gMard »nd t.’ic IV'R. »U1 ttL-company the u u ?«u .i{ otltecn to Duhl «nd F l^r n c it Mondu nlsht. Feb. 22.

The batlaUon commander uld plnnj nre no* b<me mud# lor » IlfW day In early #prln8 wlUi ^ companies In the county to take part. Hr revea;Ml th*l the county re en-e cnrollnieni l5 ^econd larsMt la the cnUr« sUle.

Capt. MUton I'arbons. UvM. b*l- I Ullon communlcaUon-1 officer,

ported progreiS U being iradc in • eljort to secure uUthnrlty lor of a :'j-raeSrr wave b.Tnd fori dlo co.-nmunlcaUon between cc pinlti of liie county. He told of .■eliding and rwelrms equipment #1- tfi'iy aw.emtle<l by :.Qmc cgmpiiUej,

Cap:, nobert H. Warrier. pUi-.s and Inilnmc officer, iinnounccd tlml the piiDllc Li Invited to attend any c! tlip compony l^ J>rctlI>nr. from Feb rsthrouKh the fore ji.vrt of Die uffk of March 1. Me alio omiiiied untJ e.x- plalntd nillltnr^' couru•^y and i!L-.- nwed the map-rrndlnc coun-c now bclns Riven by LIrut, Ureck Kujm.

Capi, O. J. Bothlie. batt.illon in- (elHsfncr officer, outlined plaa\ for compfiny commanders Jji cooperat. inif with his proKrain.

Gooding 4-H Club Makes 1943 PlansOOODING. Feb. 18-At

clil nieetlns of GoodlnK comity <-H commlttefmen. sponiortns Krouixi and 4-H leaders, plans were bestin for the club uorlt for 1043. County AMS't E. J. Talmer pTT-.lrtid,

Sptater wa.i D. E- Wnrrtn. Mos­cow. <-ir club spcclalL'.t. He elLs. cu-v.ed the purpose and meanlni; of club work nnd slre.'ucd the r.tcd for carrylnj; on rturlng tJie tiod. He said that there Li n Inlte need for Increii.ett inten

w iV i.inct a M contiitule:. lo the war effort. EniplirsU i: pl.icet! on produrtlmi. coiiTn^iilon of f(x>d or material.-, nnd pood clllwirhlp inilnlrr.

A numbrr of new prr>j( be offered tliLi yp;>r In additionthe iiinl n such :tl\•it!f cUib awl t» benUh club. Tlip Tiar acUvme.% club will includi Mpiiralc activities of which the ■ nifmbers can choo.'c any live. The member «111 spend 10 hoiin. on e.itli of Iheje five Jor compie;tcn. Tlie hcaltlj project ulU coiiiAln 12 les- son.i covcrlnK Rood nutrition, good heallh Utvbll.*. mmI salflv.

Clin-icn to j/'Hc oii the 4-H «un- ell for Goodins were Hud Well.*. pre;Jdfnt; W.-Llier Darling, vlre- pre.-.lilent: M.-n. noxer Mc.\lahan. f.pcret.ir '-treasurer: S.im Sullivan, community ccmmllfe'-m.in for boy.i' inrlc. and Mrr,. John Komher. com-

^ mUtee'J.-e'mivn lor rwI '’ «o rt.

Plan RededicationWENDELL. Feb. IS—Rfdedlcatlon

tenlcej m»rltlnK coii-'tnictinn of n re»- erllinc nnd rrtJecoratlon of r,all3 wUl be held Sunday mOni- ing at the PtcibvVrrinn-Wapiiit clmrch,.!.ald Rev. Vemor Mlllfr, Hie pastor.

SpecUl mu,\lc wilt be prrsented by (lie choir and itie mlnWer will speak In appreciation of the Im- proved edifice. Orlclnnlly the church wa.1 dedicated OcU C, 1012,

SPOT CASHFor Dead or Worthless nor^e*.

Mules and C o n

Call CoUeet OMC-JS. Tnrin Falli MARV \UCK TROUT FARM


^ ‘m iCK, GRANmC



OC£ AA/.

CC»*. ItO’rt ttx KmCt'M

_ V E R A M C E L U is

□ 70


iriMk r io om>The Timej-Nesi b arT7'-=<

Tertiseznenu oi man l ia a 59 ite=i bclns orfetrd by ta* T*xa !V :» tnerchaaa. Retiuctloai o i as as i l hare been cad* & acsse .locks adnrusei!.

E. IL Gjer. chalntaa o i l i * c«=. miltee chars* the rrt-Cicied »iaa? sales of at leail d'onns the day. Hr ta li a u:: by tile com=il::« had rrtTa>tf per cent coepermtloo trsea tine » chants, fcr »li:ch te esprtasei sa apprtctatlca.

The erent ha* t«ta 4r.iilyafjact:ve to both T«ta I^Cs a=^ M ijlc Va:;ry cuatosen fcy a M



CH1C.\00. Feb. 18 u>-.\a early ipta.Ti In «ht»l » a i loo*, today khen a moderate amount of m U> r.i frecn houjej aiU> e>vator con* ;ec:ii«s entered Die market Th« elllr.t » is believed to hav« come

frc.li the »ou^h«e^; and to rtprt-'.I heiL;L--.t.Dihrr srairj «e.-« up eailr. »ltai• iiicviiii to I'.m- xeasur.al liljha.I «rikrr,cvl b ’.er \ lih Qic btrad



t. It «»■ u. »• e*T. tm. r-Id

ANSWER: A food similar to fpaKhetlL

Bcynier Lauds Service Given By Red Cross

Tliat men In Uie armed forces liave a hlgts reRa^d for tlie American Hed CrofcK, not Only for lu relief of

sufferlne, but for IL» mmiy otli- enlccj as well. dcmon-vlral-

ed ajaln recently In a letter from Ur. Charles D. Beymer. T-,vln IMlls hs.Mclan ulio liM been ;.t.TUo!ied ni naval biu-e lla^pllal In the .-ouUl

aclllc for Uic l:iil nine montlu.Ur. Ueymer w m particularly Rmie-

ful lor the movies which Uie Htsl Croj field service Is providing llie 'boys down under.""We .vee niovle.i rather Irequeiilly

low In an outdcxir space under the eoccanut palni.i," he wrote. Of

they nre nil old. but bccaaie few I have seen In the p.ist

few )ear?. UiTlici; •e 5ho

The Times-News



Farmers - Auclionerrs

This column carries n dally list tnn of every farm uile advertised la the Times.News. Protect youi «le tote by setting j-our advcr- memrnt In early.

UUYKRSWatch this column daily . . . Ii carries Date of the Major F»m Sales in all Maglo Valley.


J. W. SHOCSE AdrertUeraent Feb. 17


AdvertUeraenl Feb, 19

FEBRUARY 24y. u n o n e v a n s

AdTrrtbement. Feb. 21

• -


AdverUsement Feb. S3


Walch for farther aitOuBncemeat


AJwribement Feb.-S*-

nlnRj. TliOiC that have been here In­clude the Cisco Kid. Desliui for Scandal. Co.-nrade X. Nazi Agent, “ it Old M.iltl. Tlie oUier nlKht out

Uie rain ue .'.nw DoroLliy UimourTlphoon ^o «e had a very ap­

propriate lelUnB for Uie south sea plciure."

pMtlcularh' bccnu.Ne of Uie liirse amount of rain where he Is .ii.itlon- ed. Dr, Leymcr indlcuied iliat he'll

Rl.nd lo return to fdaho when It s

I'm sure that when I flnl.ih tliLi eipfrlenee I will aiipreclnte some ase bnr.h and desert.” he wrote. I really Uiink It would be bcautl- uL”Ufcau.-ic many of the mcn'.i Rift

ladcases did not arrive In time for ChrlitmiLi. Dr. Deymer had still lore praUe for Uie Red Crov,»uie II remembrrert everj'one packapr contalnlnR hard c.indle.i.

rtj-'ed frull, num. clKureltcs. rs. shaving •’■oap oiwl oUier li

Tliwe In charRC of Uie Red Cro-vi ar rtllef rampaUn slartlng Marrh pointed to Dr. Deymer'a commen*

dailon of the orRanlzallon ai fur­ther rraion why everyone aliould iuiipoti Uie rttlve Ubcfj Uy.

Kiwanis Auction ' .?3,050 War Bonds^ U H L . Ffh.-18—KlwanU eliib nuf' tioiVd M.OM ir\ wiir bonds ui it; »eekly luncliroiiX Dob Dallou, whi b home on a 30-<l>k ' leave from lh( naval fblng corp< in the south Pa- cafic, told If hLi r.xpi'rlencc.i In five major hattlev

Will pay hiplic.'it prices

fo r t.ime or wild

DJtlKD RA H n iT

— SKINS—Bring In yniir deer skins, tool

idaho Hide & TallowTula Pallf • GooiIlDx • napert

Probate Asked in

A. Brandt EstateA son and Uuee sranilchlldren

fJje wjff n)jo prceedftJ }jlm Ui dr.-vth ore Ihe prliicH‘»l licneflclarles'Ol V.111 of the late August Drandi. uhldi ha.1 been filed for probate. The rx'l Twin Falls county farmer iefl an r>iBle valued at not In ex- re.M of j;3,COO when he died Feb. 11.

•nie iiellUon was filed by U. F. Dally, tt son of Mrs. Em m Drandt. AiiKii- t Ilrandfs wife who died in 1DJ9, Daily Li n.\med executor in Ihe will. Dcvl.ie<-.-:, In nddlUon lo Mr. D.illy, nre hU three children. Ulilan f-iiye Dally. H3. Marian Ella Daily, H, and ArUiur Ray Daily. 12: EUs Allen, Ifonien; nnd D. F. Hudolph and Gr.ice Hudolph. boUi of Dur- ley.

Property listed In the petition In­cludes R tract of slichtiy over 70 ocre.1 of land Immediately northwest of Mtjrlaufih. valued at $10,00. one lot o[ bonds valued at }1I.17». iu:d A S610.58 cliecklnc nccowii. niong with uncnslicd checti, other bonrij, and mlscellaneou.1 Hems,

Probale Jiiclee C. A. Dailey set the hearlnR for 10 a. in. March 8. Frank U Stephan Is the attorney liandllng the e.itnte.


Mr, nnd Mrs. Clyde KtnK. accom- p:inltM by Ihrir daunlitcr, Mrs. VeU II1.1 Olt, are In DoLie and Nampa vlrltlnk" relailve.i.

Memtjera of P. E. O. chaper will niei't ill Uie lioine of .Mn. Sti'lla Moore, Mrs. Idii Cerboth and .Mr , Moore will be co-ha-.tc.ves. ••Clille* will be Uie proRram subject wllh .Mrs. E. E. Connor In charge.

Eleven attended the mccllns of Circle in of the Christiun church nt the home of Mrs. Uu.isell Foley. Mrs. Murvel WerUi gave the scrip-, turu tcndlnK. Tlie next meetlnft will be held Uie i.ecimd Veckvln March.

Friends &urprlie<l Mrs. Floj-d 0.‘ Beddall on her birthday nnniver*. .■uir '. Cards were played. prUcs so- In j In Mr<. P. >1. DeverldRe Mrs. Dcddall. RefreshmenLi

Mrs. M- J, Dllworlli and chUdren Carey, lire Kuc..t,'. of iier sister, Mn. Hcnrj- K. Glle.i.

A public ciird parly was held by the Jerome GriinKc orvanUa Prtzr.', were ttwnrdi'd In brldi:'Mrs. Dr.-.m Urnrj'. R. n. Callen. Mrs. J0!in“Pi.r;;liv.oii. .ir.. and \V. \V Mel'cr. inid In pinochle to Mrs. C, P. amllh. ORir \V.-ill nnd Mr. and

. aienn Vlnlns. A ba'lnei.i'meel- prcceded Uie party. Mrs.\Vlr-

Ktnla McAuley invited Gr.inse jnWn- biT7i lo her home Feb. 2i. Ojien liotlie will be ob'frvcd,

warming wiui Riven Ir V.onor OS Mi . tind Mi^. Mnitin Lar.

■st,i injrpmtiig Uic couple In home. Luncheon wa.i served

wlJh appolntment.i In ii St. VaJcn' 3ay tiicme. E.-vcli guest recclv-

FOR SA LE— 70 ACRES0 Miles from town. Fair home, bam. corral. 18 Acres pastur Dolancc very good soil. SJ50 acr

B IL L COUHERLYrh. U lR Ctes. 4H <tb Are. N,

CATTLE AUCTIONSATURDAY, FEB. 20In A ddition (o Our Regular R un of Livtstock, We W ill H n v c ^

100 W. Face COWS, freshen 60 days

100 W. Facc WEANERS

45 W. Facc HEIFERS—extra good 100 Feeder PIGS



GOODING. Feb. CoUias was hostrw Daiiaess and Pre.'e: club at the h«=e Gardner. The eve: plVUiC £la going to Miss Ru; Palls. mkI Mr<. Goodin*. Prt.'e sUmps. The hoste-j r Irwhmenta.

A TTE N TIO N !Cash PaidFor Worthless or. Dead

Cows, Horses and Pricc of Pelts for Dead Sheep

Can CoUcet P>.:rtfTm .S FALLS UC COOOtNG C



ilk ..

FUB ta aa ^ a t * w t SSifr-

Ktea ru QiM SMTiE*ilrt tTTIiiilTllwjiiMrt rii«il

See LHI *. CK».=tS

Members cl Unccin Chaplef. O.S.a, S.hcri-.OR . enterUlned al

lafcies of e»Mv with rrtrea In brtdte rci:i£ lo Mrs. Frank Bur- rtett a.-yj Mrs. FTwik Clem. Mrs. Jake KoeM'.er and J , J . tockie

pUiochle. prirta werr Tear sla-T.l’i.'sCcen=ii:;ee In c^Arst tncJuied Mra. Charles Mariui. Mrt Chaimer Mai^ lln. Mri E3 S ihw w r and Mrs.J. B. ItU-lmaiv

G«o.te \V»rt)'.:rte,-» ^JlS wlerol the xeteran's hcwi'ttal ta Bcw for mlRut surterf.

Mr. ar»d Mri- U S. liTeWns h»i«---rectlTtd *ccTl H «a their eaushter,XDx J»ek 5^A*d. San AntotUi-ftx, saytae that twf bi3i*ad h»3 fp* cenUy t«Q ptosioltd ttwa flm lieutrna&l In the annr ftlr corp* tothe nxit ot C4pl*la. _____ _

a. P. Chrtstftaea bM puictaawt M tnnrtbuUa* f t t s a

sJ the TtJXt ceeywr fran J . C. MiophT. He «pn«ta this la

to bis x n k « tUttoQ «Ml coJds:oraj« pSuJt. Mr. Murphy >»*» - nol fcpnoaw* pl*a» lo t tt* mnot.

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Thursday, Fcbruarj’ 5*. 1^43.

Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

TTwrsdsy, Febniary 18 ,1015 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Flluen^


r 33 V J X J l KJ X i . -L X-/ JLy JU / V X lJ X V X X k J X X ^LOW COST H

" —

WANT AD RATESo CcBi*p?r'»or(3

_6c per wortBaifd

I <Ja7----------- -3 d a js _____«c p«r wg:d per tf»y6 ilays.____ 3e per wunl per fltty

A mlnlmuni ot 10 'sotds is rpjuirtd in #njr one claiiUUd



Phone 38 or 39


i « Eaal 8ltt


Wrtk ila)*. " aunilay.-fl p. tn, Balurclay

Thla paper »ub»crlbei to Iht code ol ethics ot the Miociouon of Ncwtpopcr CltMlIled Adver- ujlns Monaccrs and reienes Uie fight to ttlll and rcjecl eiiy citu-

adverUilns. "mind aCa“ caJTj'lng a nnici-Newj bo* num­ber are strictly conlldenual und no InformaUoii can bo ijlven in rccard to the advertiser.

Errot* iliould be reported Im- medlatelj. No ollowancs MU t» mad# to mor* than one Incw* reel Inwrtlon.


DAY mirrcrj' oiVnliiK. Clilldrrn ciirpd for, Dny, »Tek. Offln Cole-

, nmn. 2U3NW. \

Life’s Like That By Neher

iwtpptnc m>' dolly for t dos wltli • girl


DKDS ftvallable for convnl^-' cnt.i. Wfcn Mflternliy Jiomr, 145 North Wa.-.lilni;lon. Plionc 08(1.

A 'n 'EN T IO N !





Kiiv McK ciih’h SLTvico 001 2nd 6t. EMl lM.ln Kalb.

L riTEnS written, menus dMlBned; prosr&nw. UuUettM. clrcuUrs printed. Phonr <18.

rnEE shoe lru>p«tlnn sen'lcr Il l[>h E. 'ninier'j Shoe Rrimlr eiiop-biusrmcnt of Hiid.ioii-Clark.

CHARIS VoundaUoni. elwtle con-

k irolled. RcaUllk lint. LuclUe Dod> *on, riiono 2110.

COUNTRY aenUfm»n-8 yptin The M«gUlnB Man, J. Hill. Twin TrUi .


THE proper iralnlns for an excel­lent Job, Modrm Instnirtion nn<i pqiilpnieiu al Uie T\vln FiilU Du.v lnr.vs University.


X-RAYS a.wurr BCCiiTBie adjiiit. nienii. Dr. Jfardhi. 130 Main norlli. Telephone 5328.


PERMANENTS. M-00, Mrs, Scamer. puone 17«. over Independent Meat MivtktV

EXTRA (peclil prices on all penna* nenti Deauly Arta Acadony*Ar* ustle Beauty Solon.

PERMANENTS. *IJ0, 500 Jefferson A(f«eL PhoQt IC95-J Maj-ina Klaas McCabc.

■ bp£CTA1/-4300 oU penntQent. tJ.00; S6 00 oU pennuent ts,«) Idaho B&rb«r »nd Qmuct Shop Pfton* 434.


TAKEN UP; Black hone, shod, sad' die mark.i, Oa-ner niiiy have miw by I'ayln'i DasiCarrrtt, 4 laiiUi, ^ eut Hansen.

MEN and uoiuen 18 and ever to be. come thlpyard »«Wen Miil bum' em. tea to »7I per wmk . . after t»o lo three tttck-s pmctlcal tmln IIIE at Buckley Welding School. Steady work . . • Oootl lIvUiK con- dltlon.1. See E. E. Evnni. Park Ho- IH. Pildny. 5:00 p. in', to 9'.» p. 6.iturcl»y fi:00 a. m. lo D:()0 P


0 haul manure.

AUTOMODILE nieclmnlc- CambUn U r<) Car Loi^3U Second avenue raat. phone 448-J.

ALL around fann hand and Irriga­tor. Married man. Good w«s«. Box 0. Tln«»-Nt«s,

MAN for KencrtI furm «-ork. It north. I '; west Kamen brldgi Albert Hughes.

MARRIED man for fiirrn work. HnroM BroMi, 1 mli« weit, 1 mile norUi of Ciirr -. •

EXPEniENCro furniture ma buy. sell, trade find repair, S.\lnry and eotnmlMlpn. lUyes Furniture Exchans*. Phon« U.

LIFE liwuruncp man or woman. diS' trlct manager. Twin Falls. Top rcaiiMiK'.lon, expense nllowaiici splendid opportimlly. Wrll« con tldentlally Manncer, 308 Ne« Uiilldlns, Salt I-ike Cliy. Uuh.


PX3R SALEJ-Be.iuty lalon, JS.OOO Rorth ^UtUIP. and "equipment. Win sell for »l,000 caih. Dox 7, Timea-NeRS.

TWEI.VK rooim «IUi funtlturr. Tlnec loti JJXIJS. nea.'onablc lor cii^h. Givxl oinwritmlly fur rlsht party. Plione :M Jerome or writs Box 22.

RICITB ranch and chicken dinner bimlne«.v Pifty acret. Near air b.i.'e. Seven mile weit Qlenni Ferry. Hlghnny 30. Mrs. Pearl Rice, Ifammeit.


STRAYED: Two black work mare.i, M lgla IJM; bay saddle marc, weUht 1.000; pinto fjirtrtle ncldine. w el^t 050, bruidetl nn law. Ray Wnrtl, Wendell. Phene 3432.


m a r r ie d man with family wanU steady Job on form. Phon# 525-W. Howard Baker.

h e l p W A N T ED — W OM EN

OIRL or woman to care for chU> dren day.s. Dox 12, Tline.^-News.

URL for .-(tenosrapl'Ie work. Perm- aneni. Local office. Applj- In WTll- inf. P. O. Bo* II«3,

DISHWASHER and kitchen helpei Apply In per^on at Neabecry's Store.

S.\LESOmLS under J5 for full or part time store wort Apply M. H. King Company.

•WOMAN lor gtnenJ housework. Bonrd. room utd wages, phono 1503-J(

FULL tlm» housekeeper. Family of two. Steady rmpIoymenL All mod- cm convctilcticci. Top ’KftRen. Give ■ full particulars in letter, p. O. Box 1074.

DROSSEAU apariments. stove, re- frUerntor. Adults only. 2M Tlilrd avenuB nortti.





GOOD iO on paved rond i T*'in Fall.v


miles frtan Twin FaU on pared road, i room home. J3.BOO.

: nrre. »it|i 2 unall but new hoine.v i:.X)0.

roll, tII Nortl: ) 100 '

. di-f richiplriwid

le -Krov.in« of po- Cnn sell Uiu tract



rO R R E N T

SEVKItAl, hundred ncre. ot p;i.' Iniiil. Ijtaiii D.immnii. Mary Alice p.Ilk. Phoiir o:80-Jl.

20 ACilts, 2 miles M>tith. sulUiWe lor ;.|)ij(b. blmro crop. No house. Plioiif 0381-IU.

m ACRES, crop iliare txisl.v Good iiou'C, dfcp well, electricity. Musi h#M- relerenre.v Inquire E.CUrl:;iMii. siiu.-,hone.


MODF.I. VC Ca^e truetor. under sliing |)low, good aa n«w.'Phone 033fl.R!,

THREE rooms, p.irtJy modem. Gi • rien. ihiitft, 6ltch w*\st. Phone 1003.

FIVE roon chlckrns on Suga:

hoiue. jnrden. plnc> Vnncr. 1', miles s Factory road.


FIVE rooraii. electric stc clo.nc In. $30. Tliree i mtxlern. Garden. Ji; 0102-Jl.


BIDS win be recflvrt by the Ti'ln Falls Hlghwaj- Dbtrlet on or ‘ fore fVbruarj' 20Ui for 30 i wutcr.


WANTED Immediately: Tnln Falls wurrliouie ^pacc on track.igc. Stmuon. Phone 853.

WANT to-rent for rtMi nr ihiire 40 to 60 acres land suitable lor raising potatoes — nlfalfi Broimd preferred, lime (liwncr. Ami and etjulpment. Ho.v 10. Tlmes-News.


with lair bulldinss.

100 HOUSEa and xmall acre tructi to sell. I have bu) era nith c*«h. E. A. Moon-Real Est*te.



lit’rre frf.wo acrnpcr. Also Jii' jij.'ejdff. flrrrJcir.s Au.Min. Roulfl 1. Klmbcrlj'.

1»41 DODGE pickup. Tliree quarter Ion wlUi stock rack. H.OOO inllts. C«re rf<nljlnp. < foot. uIao bean attncliiiirnuv Mildred Ciiniahnn. C loulii King Hill.

BARY chicks available each Wed- nriday Swiit ntid CocspaAy. Phona lU, Tw'ui P&llj.

TURKEY poulu, brxMd-bieastcd Wl>«. Ilooknig now tor April de* ihery. Olobu Seed and Feed Coai' ptny.

AUSTRA-WHITES, New Ramp- 4liireji, JIX) ROP Mred L'i-hems. Rock.-. »(r.tlght-nin puliets or cockr*:?.. C iMks old. Ppri.. ench Tur.-di.y_fl'Hayes Hatehen


voya dos v,ill do v,tU on Bugler Dog Food Meal, iiiude right here In T«'ln Falls by OIob« Seed and Feed Company.


TABLE carrots and sorted Netted 0«m poutoes. Phone 0J37J<, Tviln Falls.

SPUDS 11.50 a .M.rk. Apple.1 JliO bushel. OfitiKo <ac a buckf jraiieliun 45c » buckeU Dellvc IlsroId'.i Market, Plione 638J,


>. Phone oaOQ-tU.

0 =3 .suiidi. J. J.

LARGE "A" Deere sr»

Iiy tlerrlck. Jtoo; John n binder, 175; John puller, like new. »M: vy duly 5 loot frr.Tiio 01 Icvelcr. MO: Puro) till. 140; a Guern.^ej It O:\ubrirr. Gooding,



so TONS nf chopped alfaltm Pho

FF-iTD KrliidltiR li’lionc c.-i Krindlnsi. Phone :I8. nirr land Milling Sen ire.

H TONS liny nrar Filer. 17 ton Uny S mUii, mlm C-Mltloril. .V\i rr 0. Wllwn. Phono 342. Tai Falls.

Feed KrIiidlnK-siliKl BUywlirre Over 2 lon. Be. Ditnir oiDH-ill. MILLER MILLING SERVICE

FIVE room strlrtly mortrrn. B Lakes addition, >5230.00, W, Srnim.

SEVEN room hou.'f. ctoe In. mod­ern except heat. Small doan pay­ment. «B Fltth Avenue east.


LARGE, small aparUntntj. 1413 Kimberly Ro.id. Bus. Phone 1747, 3J20.

ONE. two-or -Uiree room.% stoker heat, water turolshtd. private er ininee. 363 Fourth Avenue cssL

THREE room .'uniWied aporlxnenl Modem, atoker heal. Qutvjtlo? Apertments. 5<^ond annue east.

CLEAN, comtorlable, attraeU' Apartment at Cotiace Apartments. Children accepted. Phone ICOi

ULTRA modem lurnlshtd apui* ment for rent. References, Inquire »0 Lincoln.

DELUXE cabins, completely mod­em. steam heal, reawnable monthly mic. Deluxe Auw court. West end Main ttreeU


WOMAN for permanent employ* menl In Kroctn 6tp*iUnenv oJ «-cU estflbllilied local firm. Good u-Bses. Bo* 3, Times. News.

ONE ncre. 8 R. modrm liou.'r, oiled Btrcct. city water, Term . ».*i.7M.

85 A.. 4 rrn. hou«, bam. cow bnm, Chicken hoiu'e, grMii«o', deep well. 3 Ml. from Ooodlng. 175 per acre.

FIVE room motleni housr, oil fur­nace. Insulated, on paved street. Terms. M.850.

4 Rm. mod. ba.wnrnt lu>u, e with llreplncc. RaniRe, l««n. niue L.ikes AddlUon. Te ll. . I1B60.

Two 1 acre tracts, two 3 R, hou.-;es. Orchard and small fruli.»: rhi on jrnvcled SL Each lUOO.

4 R. new mod. heme.' 3 bedrooms, furnnce. hardwood floors, r addition. Terms. IJ.5O0.

4 R. mod. except heat. Hardwood lloorc. large lot. B. L. Addition. TerxM. M,8S0.

6 R. mod. except heat, dote In. M.750.

5 R.. mod. except heat, clo:« In J3.300.

8 R , mod. excepl heat, easy terms. i3fioo.

s. A. Moon Real EsUtp, 301 Mnin W.



13 ACRES, 4 room hou'c, on paved highway. 1 mile north lUgeraian. Phone 0381-J5. T»ln FalU,

KIMBERLY acre uacl. Seven room ueSl locaUtf, priced ilsl'U

Terroi. Call 563, Roberts j; Hen-

A NICE lUUe dairy farm In Hager- man valley. Part ClV- ll.\ir n. to suit Oh boloncc. Route 1. Box 45, Hacemion, Idtlio. i-


THREE room modem house. Eleetrle stove, stoker. Hardwood floom. 037 Muhi west. Avannble March 1.

85 ACRES. touU) Ooodlng tract, small Improvcmenis. J75 per nrrc. *2500 will handle. Would rent lorCMh. Ptione 586._______________

lUVER b6ttom fann. good deep soil, 160 acres. 4 miles souUieast Oood* Ing. Nice fami home, electricity. *10 per Bcre. V. W. Canon, Good-

I-XJR PRODUCnO.N FKM11 DuKler Laying Msil' .i3.ont-i Busier Baby ChlcK M.i:.h . r3.G0 c.RiiRler OroB'lng .Midi.....S3.i5r.BiiKler Chick Scratch ...JJ.7jci llitglet 42% hossui);i:cti;rnt }4.:.’.cv Bugler Calf MeaJ. 25 Bugler aweet ?yritp (Ibiq-

rauon ...........................J3.:iccBanner All.Purpoje

^Ihlrrnl^ . j».-,nrvOLOBE SEED * FTFTD CO.


YOUNG Poland Chii pounds. Cholera '*ci drlki. I tiQTth. wrs 30.

AYRSHIRf milk CO-.V. r«iii.strrec heavy producer: rrunterr^l Ayt .ililre heUer. Cull uiOn-J:, <-vr ningi. SAturday «twl t^uiuUy. I' nillM north Wn.^hlIli;l‘'l) ;.rliool.

5.MAUL chlck<-n house, «cU built. \V, P. Clmpniaii; Phone 87-Ri, KUHberly.

QUICK .'-TMrr ! your color<rl Poultry Sup;)ly, MI Foutth we-n.

USED stovef, wiu^hers. riidlas. irons, mo;or», your doiVi wanU in­to r»,',h. Osmb)i' Si ores.

WAttTED; Wtxxl or wire nangfrj, In good condltinn. I 'ie each Tro? or NaUonal plant.

IRON, all klnils uii'tiib, oottr cotton mattrc.v.c;.. hiaho House.

CASH paid for iiscd rumllure. stovcj and elrculaiUig heaters. Muon's Phone 5.


BRING la Uui broken winoow be. fore there Is a shortage of glau No charge for setting. Phoni 5. Moon’s.

COMPLETE meat , equipment. - l: fool McCrey cotmler. *aU-ln I)0» block scales, oVhtr pitUmli'at: equipment. Inquire Fay Cox. Je; ome. RouU 3.




F IR E S T O N E D EAL ERComer Main and Shoshone



LOTS of. used chalr»-rockrrs. o caitonal and kllflian. Priced sell. Gamble 8t 5rtJ.

EASY mangle, exceileni cr'iidlHmi. Call 0109*J3, evenlns.', SsUtrduy and Sunday.

Terms. Wllson-Bat

BF.sr quality congoieum rugs—only 14.85. Claude Brown's Mutts .and Fiirnltine Company.

WE HAVE teveral good used eoal ranges nt .nttTftcttvc piitM nnd n\vs«lier ot roxI iu.r<l lUiUn-; v'-U- SdS.iO Id »100' Extra f.prci;0 h ' in lucd llviiiR room , funiHi Hoalrr Furniture.

SPARK HEAltllS A fortunate purclia-‘-Q-Irom cj. u

ern dciilers enables w to oI(er a few of each inodrj jp.ir.i; Heaters. InvesUgate today. ROBERT E. UJE SALE.S CO-

420 Main Soiilh ' Pl^piie 515-W

Jiut Received 17 KCATINO STOVF.S

U.SED COAL cmCUI.ATORS Wide variety from whlch'to choo 5 snuill (lire a l. . JJOOOeucii 13 medium, j.lrc at. .... $27..WeaehS medium aim at .....«4..Weiieh3 targe \lze at , . SUiQeacU

All In good fondltloii ROBERT E. LEE KALE.S CO.

420 Main.South Phoii6 15PW

WASHING machlnei. electric n' ton. co il ranges, vacuum clen er.i. Western Auto.

IMMEDIATELY, lavje nva l chop- l>er or grludrr. M«0‘ Alice Pait EdKln Ujimman. Phona.ozafi-Jl.


STOVre, tts.\hlnK inaelilner-, guns, fimiiture, tirtlOL, LvicV.y's Stcottd Ilsiirt Store. 230 M-Itl souUi.


Phone i:n

Dv: onoFi'.w ooD M a r o n co.<airt'.«er.piyniDuUi Dealer)

Jolm' lloamer. Heart mechanic 351 Main E.VM

W A N T ED — ,'On



lilglintVash frl^M In town. CHANHY MOTOR CO.-Pll. ISIS

HORSES—Broke matohrd tt Arabian and thoroughbred .Middle liorics. Two regUlercd Shire ^ta^ Hoii.1, 45 head fro:ii whUh to choa>e. Write or call Late Smith, Carey, Idaho. .


235 4-;

Wni atari lambing Feb. Jiih


Ph. 13-day Ph. 64-nlglit



HIQItEST cash price* i«id lor poul­try. iQdependeal Meat Compatu*. Phona J62.


ORDER youc* loday. Besl selecUon. low prices. Ask about our fifty day Bond. Gamble Stores. Phone 858J.

TRIPLE-BRED While Leghorns and Hampslili^ trom Sales and' Bour*« Hatchery. Booklns nowi Olobe Seed and Feed Companj’.

SELKCTEO 4-A fradTbabTThlckJ BTslIabla Immediately at Sears- Roebuck Company. Twin Fall*. Phone 1C40.


~ 50 —







CARLOAD ot 3x13 bridge plank, random lengths, S49 per thou.^and. Twin Falls Lumber Company.

GOLDFISH SpecW. Two Ilih and bowl, complete SSc- Klng'a b«se* ment.

MURESCO K«isom!ne--l3o pound. We lain bruih. Krengel’a Hard- vari Coa\j>ai\y.

STOVE repairs, ortiar them dowI Sweet) Fumltura 8tor«. Pbon* 1385.___________________________

FURNACE vacuum cle*nlng—new powerful equlpmenL Robert E.Ue a»les._______________________

CAR wi.'h and vacuum with com­plete lubrication. *3.35. Joe Cov- «y» Texaco 6«rrlc«.


RECORDING biirltnne and Frcncl horn. Woiidrrlul bargains, Adi Music Store,


HUP.MOniLE. 0<H)d llrfi. well. Inquire 120 6lxth north.


J534 CHEVROU-7r ton pickup. e.xcellenl Ur.-. Al:<> 1H3G O. M.^ toil pickup. Uuninian, IKBB-Jl Mary Alice Park,

1541 CHnVROI.E'r \ ton piekiip Low mlli'age. K'’Od nibtjer. 101 Chevrolet len wheel inick. Good fonilliloii. Good tubber. r 1075.



Choice Of any door In our stock. This wrelt only. Many are eom- pletQ with hardware. k1»ss, good pilnt. \CHEVROLin- ..........-...•31',lo '4DFORD ............... .....'dl'io -40PL'i’MOUTH ..........-... ^3 lo '<0PON-riAC ....................'34 to '40DODOE.................. -30 lo -30

Mnny Other MakesCoupe.i— -2 door. --4 doors orpickups and initk door.-;.

■ Twin Falls Auto Wi-eckiiiff


NOTJCr TO CREDITORSIn Uic Pnib.ur; CnviiV vi Ihr Coun­

ty of Twin FalU, Sliite of Idaho. !-Vt.itc of Cr. .S. Gllhani. tlccriL-.cd. Notice li hereby given by ihe

uiiderslgned ftdnilnLitrutrIx of the state of G. -S. Clllliam. dr.xiv ed. to

the cre<UlorN ot awl fill prrj.oiiN liuv- ig claliia nk-aln.M the said deceased, I exhibit them «lth the neeejnnry'

rouclierfl, with itx montlis after thi publication ot this notice. t(

the Bald admlnLsiratrix. at the la« olllcea ol Edward Babcock, located in the Fidelity National Dank Dldg. city niid county ot Twin FalLv stnt< of Idaho, thU being the place fixed for'Uie tranxacllon of the builnc.^s of said csuic.

Dated February 10th, 1643.VELMA FYKE.

Administratrix of the estate of G- S. Ollham, deceased.

Edward Babcock.Attorney for Adminlsiratrlx, Fidelity Nailenal Bank BWg,T«ln Falls, Idaho.

Publb' Feb. 11,18,25, March 4, IP«


ty of Twin Falli, 8ute of Idaho,III the matter of the estate of Ed­

ward U Wonacott, deceased. Pursuant to an order ot said court,



Addinif flJachinea

Ctsh registers, adding machines and ijpewTlters repaired! Supplies. 441 Main E Phone C8-J.

AppUa/ice */!epairinff

Bathi and Massacres

Ttie SW-Well. 837 Malo W. Ph. 1S5.

Bicuclc Sales and Service


Inaect Exterminator

Qed Dk fumigation. T. ?. Floral Co.

Floor Sanding

l-'rert Pfelile. 733 Locust. Ph. IBOfl-J

Sander—Edger rent by hr. Gamble!


•'or I'lre and Casiinlly Insurance, HiirtU' and FidiHty Bond*, see Swim Investment Co.. Baugh Bldg.

Kci/ Shop


r. F. Buslneas University. Phone 314.

Money io Loan

HALARY LOANSytrktlyconJ^dc.Tllal

0 150 to employed people o.

OHieopatbie Phi/aician

Dr. O. W Rose 330 M N Ph 9J7.W.

Plumbing and Healing

Abbott Plumbing Co. Ph. 1J»W.

Tnxlcab Service

CHECKER CAB-Phone 330.


Oem Trailer Company. Phone 43!>,


Sales, rentals and lervlce. Ph. 90.



; on the Cth day of February. , noticc In hereby given Uiat

■fViday. the 18th-day of Pebruorj' •••' al ID o'clock a. m.-ct said day

le court room ut said court, at the court house In the city ot Twin >-i>b,'county ot ’IVln Fulls, Idaho', has t;een appointed as tlie time and place for proving the will of Mid Edward A. Wonacott, deceased, and for hearing the apphcatlon of Addle A. Wonacott, for the. Issuance to her of letters .te.Mamcntary, when and where any perr.on Interested may ap­pear and contest the eame.

Dated February 6. 1043.(Seal) . C. A, UAILEV,Probate Judge luid Ex-Officlo Clerk.

PutilLsh; Feb. 9, 12. 18. 1043.


THE count :,- o f t w in FAU-S. STATE OF IDAHO.

ESTATE OF ROBERT H. V LIA.MS. Deceased.NoUce u hereby tlvch by.the

iler.ilgnei) Executrix ol the CiUtc ot Robert H. Wllllam.i, dccea'.ed. to the creditors ot and all peri on.4 hiivini,' clalmi aKalnil the said deccoicd. to e\liit)lt them wiih the nccc.'isnry vouchers, vnthlii :.lx months after Uie tir.'il puWlcatlnij of Uils notice, to the said cxecytrlx, at the office of A. J. Myer.-.. attorney at law. in the ^^vln FalI. Unnk and Trual Company Buililin , Citv and Coui ty of IVln Falla, Suite of Idaho, this being the place fixed tor the trans­action of the bu;,lne.'s of J.ald cs- ute.

D.ited Februan' 15H'. 1D43.PHOnUE WILLIAMS

ESrcuirix of tlis Estote ot Hoberi H. William. . Deceased.

Pub; Feb. la,- 25, Morch 4. II. 1043

.NOTICJ: to triEUlTORii-hr prnbate Courl of Twin Falls iiintv, Slnte of Idaho,

In the Mailer of Uie Estnle ol Rob­ert n. nobert.\, Dfce.ufd.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by le underjlgned, J. O, Jordan, ad- ilnhir.itnr ot the e.itate of Rob- rt li. ruibcri.s. decea. ed, lo Die redltors ot and all i>cr:ons having

clalmi against the snld deceased,- lo exhibit them with the- heccssary .vouchers, within six monthj a/ier the first publication of Uils notice, to the said admlnuirator. at ::23

•Flrsl National Bank Building. BoLie. Ada County, IrtaTio, thts being the place tlxed lor the trSQsncllon of the builnetd ot lald estate.

Dated ftbruary I7th. 1043.- J. O. JORDON,

Admlnbtrator of the wtato ot Rob­ert B. Roberts, deceoj>ed.

Davijon <b Davbon.Attorneys for Admlnl.''tr#tor, Residing at Boise. Idaho.

Publish; February 1C. 23, March.4, 1].,|R. 1043,


Mrs. George Carter. Comelluj, Ore., hps a'rrlved for a week's vlsll Hi Uie home ot her ilMer. Mrs. A* H. Jagelj. She cunie lo get her dnuchier. Jit in, who has spent the winter M Uic>Ju;fcls home.

,Mn. George Eschtrle and daujli- ter, Virginia, were' prejenl al Uie ordinniion of Paul Wuchtrle a.-,’ ft prie.M ' in Little Rock. Ark. Ml*.- Wachirle and Maxine have left tor Ord. Neb., to atlcnd Uio first mau •lebratctl by Ihe young priest.Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Post have left

for Salt Lake City where she wlU receive medical cirr,

Mr.i. Stanley T'crdy. Polion, Ment., lia.i arrived at the Albert Ko- lurjk home for o-vblt.• .Mr,v Melvin Harrison, .Mrs. Lee

haver. Mri. Alvin Kempton and Mildred La.Mott were among guciU at a bridal ahower at the home of Mrs. Grace Khivon In honor of ^frr. Juanita Senften I \rke.

.Mrs. Janet Uawts lia.i relumed to •r home In .Snli Lake City after a i-ek‘« vlrlt with Mr?. R D. McCaleb

al' the Alex Kolnrlk home.Children at Superior wtiool cele- rated Valentine's day with • pro* i^m followed by playing of game',

exchange Of Valentlne.i and Ihe \ serv ing of Ice cream unrt cookies.

Crossword Puzzle








3 7- / It /<»

'i 'J

'S V

■s 1 -Jo

21 J*

U Li ■J4,

n ie ii

u W u

» i i J ;


44 *7


i i is **


• CoinfsJ#


i i on t*n'.‘ Blctitti point

II. MirchanSU*

osthini vt(«r-


<0; Oeddaisis

“ " a f a r -4T. s*i ot iiirM U. *wk» (hrtur

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF068/PDF/1943_02_18.pdfFILL IT OUT! Tbe eldeliJ w«r mtion boek Ih* OPA r detUniUon for inp*

T IM E S-N E W S , T W IN . F A L L S , ID A H O 'i liursiiuiLi’.'ebni.ary, 18, .

M:irrh,'ill :M liLr crratPit prl.'.i:'fiini'- lli Itir f;irt that t

aiiil prixlilrc-rn from wlilcly .'.iMtii'rcil '>f lln' coiinlrv.•,uiil?hl lilm out i,Pf:on;i|Iy lo (oil him Ihii!. n 'IVlti K;ilU TlmcvNVu,'. -nrilflr luul f'llUirinI fdiircriiliii; tli.; /ami l:iU>r ilrnlii. riuutlDj: lilm In )iiir(l;liUtIn„' l.iinTuniir, rKflvrrt lin- lloir*lcJc rlrfiil.Hli.il.

•TJipy mid liir." lie Mid, ■'th.'M tlip fvniclc illcl iiiorp Koixl than riliytlilnK

• cbo Iti .Miirtliii; !(»■ l.,ill toillnt; lo rr-llpvc tl)P •

Bus Charfte Cut For boHar Day

•nvlii I^II» rpsldcnl.n rir.Nirliiff lo Uftrllclp:itp III tllp "vlflory (Idllnr dny" (o lif .M.icpiJ liy tlir iiiMii' bfr.i nf ilic Mfrcliiiiil.i biirfnii B.it iirdiiy will tie trniir-t'orlpd fll tial'

'fiirp by ilic Tilii FulLt Motnr Trniv sit coinpniiy over lotir Hum, tlic coinnilllff* In rlmrcp niwiomirnl.

•> Tlilr: iicUdu cnrrlpd wlili li n p trloilc inntll. Uy.ii.ilnt: tlir JnrllUlM nf iho triJIl ll roiiipany loc.il rn|.

will l)p iiblc tn ravp nilihpr Ik krpplii^ tliplr prlvntr nuiiniio- IiUp;i la [la- mnisp.

T)1P {■oimiilliPP nl.'.n iiiiiiouiirrilt lm Me?!. cUMi -mnn nf llip nniiipn's i.lnlf of tlip T'Mti Fall.': ffflinty ivnr w 1iib» hnd itRrrcd lo provide vnliintfpr sftlp.iwamrn for tlio wnc Mnmp booilu.to bp fitnbllslictl In llip i«r. tlclpntlnc .^lorf.'. '

A litliic ilradi la uliat IhIt ilanril, oniindnl Jlp;iiirtr > liavp llvpil tlirfl'ijli (lurltif ttip Ia>l ila)» of Jap rr'lsl.i'ifp ■ final. Hr Hn.t itp nt nuiiy rmarlalrd, ItioraucUI^ tiratrn ri tikrn prhuiirr In (lie Kokutntiuiia'arra rrrr»ll)'.

German Morale Hits Lowest

Level of War, Rejiorls Say

Haa;ernianGran!re Committees Set

HAGnRMAN, Frb, ,in-TI'.P llai:- *rrmnn Viillpy Oriincp )iirt «lih Mr. flnd Mi;5, J. D. rilh nnd Mr. nnd Mr?. ■ Don Durf<‘<'. prr-pnlrd fi>r iTipmbrr-lilp. liililiitod Mcri- Mr. mill Mrs. Jolm fVlrrrc‘11, Mr. mid Mr:, 'nipotltirr niiil Lyir IVt-trr.

I 0[ II nrtiilniriil.' to tlip entl.’.IIIiltlnii niiri by.|u-,v.'! «rrr rrnd nnd ndopfptl, Nrft- cnminltirm jmm- rtl wrrc: rinnrrln!, nirn HrllO-r.ir :iiiiltli niul J, \V. Coilrll:; wplfarp, Mrs. Mtiry N’orlhroi', Mr*.. Clvn'.r' rAiiclKr. iiiid Rnymoi'.d C.irrlcn: luimp rroiioiiiir.v >'i- * \> potirr nml Mr.i. J, l-;r'ln Condlt,

Tlip ;rd Ifl0 Mrs. Allcf

rarks for lirr l.'i ..vnrs n;B.' rrcfrt.\ry, Mr?. Charlc-i ri;;r prr.'Piitcd a Klft frcmi ilip Or.n to Mr. nnd Mr>. En'lii Coiuli; iJii'lr I.Mli MMdiiii,- niiiilvpr>.i Mr. Hijwvird Clllfi rc!, Ilip Irctui rrnd a ]>ocni lii ihrir lir'imr

KMpV f'J l-clwil C W, Kliiimnii ..... . “■ v-hi'ol cfpntlrntlii;!

bill (1 •> l>p

Frb. :o. 'Hip fP'il:

MAKES LOOSE | ? q ^ / F A lS E

k u x J T E E T H/ V r T IG H T E RNEW £AS>/HOME WAY

iT.MOffrr.sAvwc. uu, MA nr nciiTDi.“ nour

cOain.d. K*r»if •n' r-Ni'riT >•

iT?l Jd” ' MOKn^Aci°«»«H urir TALSC TCETK REUME8


D rug Store

Ily KDUJN .SJI.^NKESTOCKifOI-M. KpIi. in (,V)-Ccr- i;iii intiTAlv hn:. hU thr liiwrr.i 5rvrl ; llic war, iitvl 11 I' <iiic'.lloiiablc

Kticltwr lilllpr ran UK II mil nf th<- ilpptlii a;; lir lin^ In the pa.nl ntlllinry vl :t(lrl^ ,

ppojilp wild tmvp rnci'iitly been In Clpfmiiiiy, tlip na-l prc.vi nnd fjv. cl- Uli ni-w.ipnppr.V cnnflriii tills vk-'.v, I’rtlia[vi c.-:pcc'lally’ .ilciilflrant' nro rcpnrt.n of liow.liPaHIy Ujc trrror of IximliliiK" H hlillni: llic Ornnan jicople. nnd lion' wmindpd ,'oldlcr.i (Ic. crlbc the "licll'' ou llip cn'l?rn front nnf! pxpn-.'’.'. lio[> Uipy «on't liavf lo KO back,

nilp;p roiirrri clVf tllf ’folloalnK plcmrr nf Uir rniiiPS of Mnkirn: .Kplrlt.n In.'lilp Grrmnny . nnd f.ltrns (if iiarl «nrii.nlnp.'..v;

lloui of Glnom At lli<“ of tin- i;looin nnil-dc-

prpyilon nrr tlip rspWlfj' with whlcl) Grrmiiny 1* bclni? liroyshl Into llio • front .llnr^" (!iuiii('li HAI*- bomb. In"’ nnd ihr linrci'liljv^.of the iioJi roucfpiU's of loinj v%r. \\\e InipAcl. of hpavy’ PaMialllr.'.; v.Jtip ; <ira.Mlc .•ilrlpiitni; of the uar-»ciiry" Orf. ninn.’! of cvprjsiiliiK ■iinUUi/' bnVr-.t nrrrMtlr-i on oiip lialid /uid thp niprrllcf-'i nnir lo nr» effort fKi thA iilliir. and shnl:cn ron'flffWicp. ih' Hlflrr nri n ,',ol<llrr:t:rii3il5/p.'.ptrtally 'iinionc thp joldirr:.. .<! rm lt of nillliar>\dpfpHi,',

All tlil-1 Is ni>aln.'fj a h.iPk(lrop;<%-pnm-p fir l!>in,.-‘flip rirut.-’rlKj-.

Allk-rniplnp Zplf.inc irc rd IJiP 'lo:;nn. “Do JJiP Opjio':ll<* rnm . ■ ~Altlinui'h moratP I? bjd,S;t> rraok > liiuild Ix- ^i>Tjpd JjHuir*‘.I •r|<lvp nilllllirv (Icfrrit am lo rv r • Grriiiaii, In IM'. roit: •c'iQU U Up vfv.M'n\i)pr<(l w\-:i\n Ilial tJ'P ntirln ;iriu»<i;-thp

Gc-rtiKUii niirl wlpr-d'otii 'Jv opr lllniial pollllt.il iPinIpriblp ro f I'pJlvpIv ihni Ihrrp'arp n'> rlcv. 'iiim!<T-(iri’fin(r,ii|oii in ^!rrn?ili,

llfrln* Wnmfn .HrlnrlPli HimniliT.

Many Ornnan'. pvannlpil from liiinibi'd dl:!tlr!'. wi'VP dc.crlln'il "loo j'lmki'ii" lo kI'p n riihcrri lilcwn-f ol vlini liupiwn-. lUuiTii;

luul VI ' i-.tliiialc'dnilUlon

1 lc;;lll

Inklni;ti <lr;>\

prh.'vi-- army liii. ti'.p dnrlni: Iiiicriii nmiiliii: f»r wrpl: pnWrr r

. ch:u . A pri"

litl oihrr■o'.lhu:

'ork for llic

OiilrllvLTklti:: o\rr rl'viitf-lP.'illy loc;ilPd .'.tnrci and apar!n;tnt< In the rlMp-. for u-.p Mun!!' r..pn;vl'! nucl Mronrrv'IriS In t.t p of Uoiiblr.

Ipi'.v hard llii' u-nr han .Mriifk Gprnmi honirnliv 1 ■ Allr;;

In ih- l!o:ii''land," 1 I iprrnr fri'iii thp -il l:>r-l'.' tlir Ciprniat! Ihiin l’,prrlo.'o;r. Ga

raid.Clllr.'i ;.iirh a' Ilpr

arc oV('rrriiv,drd. 1 that Bprlln I.-, hmi iw i>on.n more llinii ni'inin piTCdltjicr o( !iarpa.'. nre Maylni; ui;|i ncrlln l)ccnii.v it 1'. not Ifi-fHicnlly.• Ttir sidlnllon l\ .'o .'

travpl mio llir r.iin-.il .'.loppcri sxcppl for.ilKi mate bii.-.liif.-.':.

Tljp f.oldltrs, who liTi’toforp rr- SarclKl Uiclir.ch c; ;iiul thrlr Ir.ul- cr.'lilp n.i Invlnfllili-, l;.uc \v;itclir(l Illtli'r dKniL-ij Ki'ncraM wjin ird Ib'-in lo vk-tory aJt'ir .vL'iti.-y, And I'll)'* v,lHi ltvrT^f^ rvrryTviicrp r,nil n Inni: ntecnco fr."ni lu>ii;p. tlip fol- d.ler.i nrp-bpconilnc ilrcil nnd ill:- .arnprd. nnd (-omiilal:! nf liow i;ii-

Iiid;? thpy have trcn In llnU nlllfr.

Wliat .Hnldlrr Wanl^ '• .itor>- niakhiiT ll'.i' ro'.iiicl-. M !h' cnt lIliiMralp- ilip fraliip of niiiv;: On!?, kollilrr ii'. ird iuu>llirr «l',a'

hp woiiJd like to have. H>- ar.-r-.vrrrd: "nir wiitiT Plorliluir of llii' Ki!-. i:i;;

,':nldl'T,Alhp foo<l (hi- llrlli-.h Tcni- iny pri?. the llHllan-. Oiir rti- mil,*!, niic! lilllrr a.-i Ihr iinl:r,ii-,vi •WMlrr.'f •; Ij'.'.l iM'ril’i rodiirtlon In fo'd ri- tfo;in. iiK.. 1.-. b(":;nnli-'- l«i liavr i-'-

now on li'-allli. 'Hip prop!.' art VITV .Ml'ccp lbic to rn il:; ami m ni"', and nrc ftinM'inilv tln-.l. mr' vou.'. iiiiil.lrrll.ib!f. Foo-I nnd ot’ir: .'.upiiUr'; are roii\parrd lo u rulil;ri h;’ml vlili'h r,iii be Mn rcln'd' iiuin and more bill cm- day ulll fnap.

GAR Ladies Will Give Tea Party

IIANSKN. I'Vb, in—Tlip \ on'.', .ti-a p:>r!;

i.'hliu; 1. Tur'.da

rp n jiatrloMp jircvram dlri: of the D.in McCtioU hp Orand Army of thr

Krpiiijlic, iurnl.'.hint; o portion of i):p pinrrl.-liinu'nt anil l.idtc.n of ihr U;'.xvn G.,\U. ttv rr^wiiiiMlvr. ’n\r affair will bp oprn lo ih.' piibllr. 11 Rill bp In hotior of the hlrihdaji of Unrohi nnd \V:',-.hln;;lon.

Cilrl iiikUt iUp dlri'c-ilcrnd Mr.'..-Tk'iI 5lov,.ird, th-- Pcoiii t-adrr. v llI |ir>-.pnt .‘;:1I, wliilp iiip llrp rhib uiidpr smiprvl.'.:r>n

of MI'.n I/'l'. Hlytcr. ttlll nl-o prr-

i;imrr C. Hcr.s, n tiirmbpr ('f Ihp U, 'UA \var b'-aul. will siwuk on IKiliil ratlonlnc, i


McCAti. Idiiho, Trb. 18 (-T'—71 UM "thick sttak.i nnd Frctich fflrs" nnd plenty of tesl Wd»y for three nmailni: younK army alrmrn who tramped for tu'o weeks IhrwJKh dppp fnowdrlfu reach rufcty ofler Ifirlr bomlier crajh-landtd on IV froirn mountAln Jake.

Tlir thrrr arrived hwe l.ilf y w lerxiny on n Mrd pulird bfhtr.d ft tractor. Two 0/ Uiem.had rrachfd tt forc.'.i rnnser $tatlon’ » <lov firller to telephone for help while ilie third W0.1 left tlx miles further hack nt nn nbnndoned CCC cimp lifcniir.e h li ttM 's.tre ticrem timl \it hnd n.knce Injury.

"I ilnn’f mind snylne there wer« ?pvpral flme^ when we were biirily Ncnrrd" said LL Adifaii- D. .Schrr- mcrhorn. 24. of Ati.-iable Chasm, N. y., Irartrr of the trio, .

-Ont- nlBhl Jiut ntlrr wo\hnd rror.'.Pd ft creek wc heard nnlmal« hottllnff In thp rtljtnnce nnd draw&K flo.-pr nrd rlo.ner. We IhntiRhl they werf wolves bui we weren't mire. Anyway «e counted our bullpu nnil prnvert hard, and the anlmali didn't bothrr IM nfirr all.”. .Schermerhorn and f?taff Set. Ed­ward M, Frcebonr. 15. of Seattle, wrre uninjured from-, thP ortleal. Jitnff Pi:t. nnlnh Priiltl, !/!. of Wlrhi Ha, Kan., had lioU {tel Jiotrn anU hi' kner hurt.

A medical eorpi officer lold them nil lo KPt plenly of re^t hrre bpfort- llipy wli: be lakrn bv niilomobllr i:.'i mllp» to Ooaen field nrmy nlr I'p nt nol.'.e.Tlie tHree were mrmben of ti ■c\v of fiffhi who roile ihe bomber,

b.v.cd ai McChord field, Taconm. Wash., In Ihe cra.ih'landlnc Jan.

Tlie tlircp xpl oiil from ihe plane Feb. 2 r.pfklnB liplp but the other the Trmnlnrt^ wiili Ihe cfali: Tliey wrre rcicued la.'t Sundny after n clvlllnii filer (ilffhlrd fticm nnd landpd hla Bkl-rgulp;>ed plane on 'ho .lake.

17-Year-OldsGo To NavyTraining

Tliree 17-year;oId.i left Uie TAln F.ill.i na\T recriillSiK office \\'pdn»<. day tor Soli fc to be sv.oni iHlo tht

'Ilic Ihrtf were Andrew Jjick.'on Joiir.i, Ron of Mr,i. Deity Jonr.i, llnllpy; Edward Norman Corrlniin. ,'on of Mr. nnd Mm. &lward Corrl- t;an.JI.-ii|py, nnd Calvin Jnnen.jouoi Mr.vTIl2abi-Ui Jonc.\ Carey.

If you are soinc lo need another par-or belter (Rintporlallon tlilt year. Ilien check llie»e OTer. Al- uays lOO'V utlifartion or IM 'i refund.

SI’ K CIALS35 Ford Deluxe Fordor Seilnii with inink. In vcr)' Kood condl.lion jni


11 lliilck ii|ircl:il Fortlor Sedan I/)',v mlU-a;;c.

II .HukU' Clinmp Club Sedan II 1-ord Supir Dll Fordor II I'orU SmuT Dlx Tutloc II Chc'vroli'i Spir. Dlx Sedan II l ord Deluxe Coui>e •lo Ford P>-lu\f Fordor Sedan 10 ciunrylt'i M..Mcr Sciton « Chi'vrolei Kprc. Dlx Coupe 311 Chevrolrt Deluxe Town Sedan .19 Ford U.'luM.' Fordor Sedan 3a I’lvnioulli Di-liixc Cottch ■sn Ford D<'lu\r Forilor Sedan 37 Ford Dfliup Fordor Sedan 37 Chryr.lpr Uoyal Sedftn 37 Fur.d ':-Ton Pickup 35 Clipv, Truck 1', Ton. New

Moior, G(kxI nody. Verj' Cip.iii.

35 .Model A Pickup

U'p-Hajvf'ell and trade r. fotil Mid rifk-

pn fur Crrtlflrale Ilnyen^



. Ijivile yoiir friends over jukI serve


fMir«t» jjft for cliperfnl <Mcl .Stmiiy Hrook. They like iti prnial (]iiulitif.s il» "ati^fyinp pooilneiw.

get llir proii() topctlier for a l>i| o f ■iiiinliinc " i l l i tlii* (:ri'at Kentucky

bourbon tliat Irenta pol« ale anil piir^c jinit riplit.

WAR NOTEiOne dUllllerlet

100% rngafed In tba ptwloellon ofaleohol for war purpeira, Thia wliUker eotnct from rrtrrre ttock**



CLOSING-OUT SALEof the MEN’S and BOYS’ Stock of

Keefer-White Storeof Shoshone, Idaho


Economy Basement

Please Note:This i-s another small stock and consists entirely of men’s and boys’ wear. Every item is listed in this ad, altliough the quantities aK limited you will find the values just as biff as in any of our past closing out salek Check the items and be here early Saturday.


n Men's Genuine

Leather BillfoldsDIack foldlnc and zipper typp.s. Regular price 11.25—

......... 79c

10 IMen'fi Tnn '

Uniform PaiitsMedium lan herrlnKbone weave, lieiivy welRht, Heavy d r i l l pockets. Sanforized shmnk. 'Hieie fold rceularly at » 2i. W«l5i Blie.i 31 $1.98

3R Men’s

NecktiesAll Rood colors end patterni. Rejular Me. 5c

‘.5 M vns Co\l«n

Work Pants

5)1 Mcn'H

Dress CapsWool ftultlnRs of kTjy, blue, brown nnd Uin. Plain colors, Iweedi. check.1 nnd plaids. , 81ses OS lo T i. IWSular JOc. . 75c and A m - $1,00 grades ..... ....


GO iMcn'.s Straw

Harvest HalsWide And nnrro'*' brliiu. Scinl- dre« Jlyle.A. Natural and col- ottd tltawi. Some tuwe IcMU- ff sweat band.'. HeRular val- ue.i to 39e. Slre.i O’ . ’ lQ 7!4 ...........

■vy nray coitoiinde and co- . A few tnn tinlfcnii panu, IP nrc ,«anforln-d. Ri'sular 11' si.as. Wabi :i 30 to <0 ____

5 c

24 Fnir Mens


Bib Overalls

15 Men’s Pari NYooI

Dress PantsIray nnd laii check-i, twei-ds nd strlpw, eiylc.i nro pood. >rlplnnl pricp' t3iU nnd

“ 3 r :^ .....$ 2 .9 s

2 i Mcn’.s

Dress PantsCoIor brown. Kray. Krcvn nnd blue. I’liiln and slack model.n, A few made of part wool fab- rlc.1. UcavT pockel Unlnt;-'’. Itenulnr price S2.D5, Wnbl -ily-i 30

.Men’s Fur nnd Wool

Felt HatsSouth nnd San Fran Jr, slyle.i. Bound cdj;e, Kdiulne leather swetil bandr Slrj;. lo 7H. Ilepulnr S2.S5. 'nierc lire two John U. aici:.on hats in iWs sroup. ItcK- A Aular price J7.53

4 Men’s Slack SuitsRoyal blue nnd brown oxford cloth. Banforlred. Pleated nnd bolted panu. Inner and ouler .ihtrt.1 lo match, 3 .imall, 2 mttllum. ncRU- A OUr pricc H.OO ,.

JO Pnirs Women's

Kid Lcnthcr

House Slippers

Ijlack. Odd t.liej. Remilar value J1J18


98c n .

II) I ’liirn Women's Felt

House SlippersWool fi-lt, colors brow and blue. Padded leather .'olcs unil heels. All small sire.'.. lleKular BBo values ,...

2 Men’s llriidley

Sweaterst Slip over style. Medium color..' SUe 30 and 3B. Or- a O m

lelnul price *3.05 ....y O C '


0 -HI .. $1.98SanCortied S o i deep tone blue denim, lilnh b.ick style. Waist slscJ 33 to -id. ItcKUlar ptlcc »2ii „ $1.69

Pa ir .Men'.s Khiilii

Ridin^r Pants

y I’nir Men’.s

Kill Leather

House Slippers

17 Pa ir Men’s “U e ” '

Bib OverallsSnnforlKd shrunk. 8 oz. blue denim. High back style. Wnlsi Rlrt* 34 to 42. Avsorted sizes 33 lo 44.....

Made of heavy khaki drill. Uenvy pockcl llnlnfis. Button

'* leK style, Wnlsi sires 30, 3B. ' nnd 40.

' Resblar 1125

E\'erette and opera ilylcs. Soil blnck kid upper with Ir.ithcr .'ole.% rubber hecLi.

. Sires broken.ReKiiIar JSJS . .98c


$1.39 7 Mm-a

RidinfT Pants

, IG Pair Men’.s-

Dress Suspenders

'13 Pa ir Men’.s

• •B iR & T u fr

Bib OverallsHigh 8 OJ. bluedenim. Banforl«d. reinforced, heft\7 drill pockct . Walsl

== “ " $1.39

■ Ifcnvy foresl preen nnd brown■ cotton whipcord. Do.it .■mil ' pocket lliUnps. Dutton lep

style. UeKulor price »3.D5, WaLit slie.i 30 to 40 ......

I>nilier nnd button on styles. Aworied colors. ReRulnr lenplli.''.85c values 4 9 c


JI Mtn'.i

NecktiesAssorted colors In pood p.it-trma. A few Arrow ties nra 1 In this protip. TJiese ular 50c Tftluc* ---- ----


27 M cn’rt Whipcord

Work Pantsllen%7 welfiht wlilpcord. Ox­ford gmy and fore.it preen, Sanforlwd, Heavy boat sail pockets. Mosl of these arc Headlight brand trousers. Hesular price $2.65, Walsl' Bites 33 lo 44 ..... $1.98


' 5 Pa ir Men's

Swim TrunksWool knit and rayon lusiex. Cotort. tnarwn. grwn »nd bWe>^ltes_small and medium. Regular price M A m

. *1.40 and IIJ IS --- / ! f C

30 M cn’R F ur and Wool

: Felt Dress HatsExcellent atylea In tnn, troy, \

< brown and blnck. Rayon silk ,I llnlnps, Qtfnulne leather sweat . ' toawJa. Snup ikwJ bounil brim■_atyles. Al! sires ^ to 7’j. These •

dilginntU' sold 9 C f ': at »2i0 A: I3J0 V * ’

:i9 Pair Men'.s i

I)res.s and \

Work SuspendersGood colors. Sullou on. Wide nnd narroar styles.Resular price SOc__

2'10 SpooU J . P. Coabi

ThreadMerceftwd, colored Uiread. Alsd black, 150 yd, spools. Rcffulor 5c values. Black sisc CO, .400 yd. spools. rcKvlnr : value 10c 3poo l----

• "IJJf, <V.iUUCU I.............Dark colors sirrs 10

co U. Re*, price 35c


2G PnckaKesRazor Blades

8 blades lo t packflKc. Kfpu-

___ ScInr lOc. Sale price

19 Men’.s Genuine

Leather BillfoldsDlnclt and trown. Part cl these have ilpper opcnlnas. Repular $1,00.Sale price--- 69c

12 Men's Khnkl

Work Pants. E ilm he.ivy welRlit, Sanfor-

Lvd shriink. Hen\-y drill pocl:- eU. Stronp tunnel belt loops. Rcffular values at *2.75, Wftt-'’t


Buy Stamps and Bonds With What You Save


'1 Men'.s K n it

Polo Shirts, Colors, While and miilrc. L.ico

nnd button neck, collar 5tyle. Repulnr 09c value. Sir?. Iivtkc.

. Sale price ___ l O c

C Mcn’«

Uniform ShirtsWhite herrlnKbone, two bel lus, flnp ])ocl;els. Snnforlsed. RcRultir pric Slw.1 IS, 15'v

70 Jlen’.s

Work Shirts', Tan "TKWtr" tlolil. blue fttlll

pray ehnmbrny and Kray co- verl. Two bulton-ihru pock- cLi, A fen' button finp pock*

I. ReKHlar price *1.10, Sizes


20 Pair .Mcn’n Pa rt W oo l

Work SocksRcffUlar :ic. «Side prlca ............... l U G

38 Pair Mcn’.s j

Merccrizcd Cotton |

Dress SocksColor.s pray ana brown. ilrBU.

........ l o c

7 Pair Wumen’.s Fancy

Cotton Mesh HoseGood colors and ilsc.i. IU'BU- lar *1,15. a A r t Sale Price............. 3 “ ^

, 100 Pnlr Men’s R ayon

Silk Dress Socks•'Mole Proof quallly. nepulnr lenKth Myle, A':orle<l nntterns.r-i.-i. — .» ’