Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework. Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages 153-157 1. Justinian I 2. Eastern Roman Empire 3. Constantinople 4. Holy Icons Do Now & Homework

Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework. Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

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Page 1: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.

Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages 153-157

1. Justinian I2. Eastern Roman Empire3. Constantinople4. Holy Icons

Do Now & Homework

Page 2: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

List some geographical information about Byzantine.

HOMEWORK: Ch. 10 Section 2 page 248 # 1, 2, 4, 5

Do Now and Homework

Page 3: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Had a strong government and same code of laws under Justinian (a great emperor).

Closely tied to the Orthodox Christian Church.

Made contributions in architecture, engineering and art.

Affected development of Russian and other nations of Eastern Europe.

Big Ideas of the Byzantine Empire

Page 4: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Constantine in 330 started a new capital Constantinople, on the site of Byzantium.

Empire covered from Rome down to North Africa.

The city was a peninsula.Blended Greek, Roman and Christian influences.

Spread ideas to Russia.


Page 5: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Justinian, ruled from 527-565 A.D. Autocrat: a single ruler with complete

authority. Justinian made a code of laws, which

were taken from the ancient rules of Rome.

Made up of Roman laws, legal writings and a student handbook.

In architecture, made the Church of Hagia Sophia, meaning “Holy Wisdom.”

Achievements of Byzantine

Page 6: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Art and religion went hand in hand. Icons were holy images of Jesus, Mary, or

saints of the Orthodox Christian Church. Mosaics, pictures or designs formed by

inlaid pieces of stone or other materials, showed biblical scenes.

Page 7: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

List facts about the Geography of Byzantine Empire in your notebook. Pass up HOMEWORK.

Homework: Textbook page 167 # 2, 3, 12, 14, 15 – BOTH QUESTION AND ANSWERS

Do Now & Homework

Page 8: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

1. What did Emperor Constantine name his capital?

2. What was the eastern branch of the Christian Church?

3. What was the western branch of the Christian Church?

4. What were some of the reasons for the decline of the Byzantine Empire?

5. What were the four parts of the Byzantine Legacy?

Questions to ANSWER from the Reading…

Page 9: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Also known as Eastern Orthodox Church. Emperor controlled the Church and

appointed the patriarch, the highest church official.

Considered Jesus’ co-ruler on Earth. Did not believe the Pope in Rome had

supreme authority over them. Byzantine priests could marry. Greek was the language of the Church. In 1054, a permanent split or schism

between the Orthodox Christian Church in the East and the Roman Catholic in the West.

The Orthodox Christian Church

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After Justinian’s reign, empire lost land by other armies.

By the early 1200s, western Christians took over Constantinople and ruled it for 50 years.

In 1453, the Ottoman empire took over the entire empire.

Decline & Fall of the Empire

Page 11: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

What did the Orthodox priests do that Catholic priests cannot do?



Page 12: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

First Russian state was established in 800s.

City of the state was Kiev, in present day Ukraine.

Russia began trading with the Byzantine empire.

Byzantine monks gave them their language, from the Greek alphabet, called Cyrillic, which is still used today in Russia.

Russia and Eastern Europe

Page 13: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages

Byzantine missionaries brought the Orthodox beliefs to Russia.

Orthodox is still used today in Russia. The close church-state relationship in Byzantine empire became a model for Russia’s government and religion.

Autocratic rulers in Russia were known as czars (aka tsars). Czar is Russian for Caesar.

Russian adopted religion, art, music and architecture of Byzantine.

Russia is known for the onion domes.

Page 14: Do Now: Take out your notebooks and start to write down your homework.  Homework: in your NOTEBOOK find and answer the following definitions on pages