© BeautyFoodBible.com Page 1s3.amazonaws.com/Mentis/BeautyFoodBible.com/dldl/... · are laid out in the “Beauty Food Bible.” Perhaps it’s wrong to call this a diet in the traditional

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    Copyright 2014 SuccessVantage Pte Ltd

    All rights reserved

    Published by Tracy Patterson

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any

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    Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4

    Chapter One: The 11 Superfoods for Good Health and Great Skin ......................................... 9

    Chapter Two: Foods and Tips for Different Skin Conditions................................................... 33

    Chapter Three: Antioxidants Food .......................................................................................... 42

    Chapter Four: Sun Care and Your Skin .................................................................................. 45

    Chapter Five: Face Mask Recipes .......................................................................................... 50

    Chapter Six: Superfoods For Your Best Hair Day Ever .......................................................... 57

    Chapter Seven: Beauty Food Recipes .................................................................................... 62

    Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 68

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    Close your eyes for a moment and think of everything you do to achieve your beauty ideals.

    Maybe youre in hot pursuit of the perfect complexion, or perhaps youre obsessed at getting

    the kind of thick and lush hair that wouldnt look out of place in a shampoo commercial.

    Think about all the products you buy to help achieve these beauty milestones. You spend

    your hard-earned money on expensive shampoos. You load up on hair masks and

    conditioners, hoping that this will be the product to help you finally look your best.

    Or maybe you spend hundreds even thousands of dollars each year on skin creams that

    just dont seem to work. Perhaps youve even taken your search to cosmetic dermatologists

    and plastic surgery centers. You keep injecting your skin with Botox and fillers. You go for

    medical grade chemical peels and microdermabrasions, hoping against hope that this will be

    the procedure to do the following:

    Eliminate your wrinkles

    Produce clear and young-looking skin

    Erase hyperpigmentation and brown spots

    Help you look less fatigued

    And basically anything that will help you produce the fountain of youth on your own face.

    If you feel like youre constantly on the hunt for better skin, hair, and nails, you might think

    that youre going to be permanently stuck in the cycle where youre trying to find the best

    products possible. Fortunately for you, theres a better way to get those beauty results

    youve been going for

    But you wont find them in any skin care product, serum, or pot of cream.

    Instead, youll find them on your dinner plate, in the form of your food.

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    Why You Must Read This Book

    Maybe youre surprised at the idea that your ultimate beauty secrets wont be found in the

    latest skin treatment or expensive skin serum. Thats why this book is about to help you

    come to grips with an age-old adage you may not have heard since your days as a child:

    You are what you eat.

    Beauty may only be skin-deep, but what you eat is

    prevalent on your skin, in your gut, around your waistline,

    and even in your brain. What you eat has a profound

    impact on the way you feel, how you think, and even how

    you process emotions (theres a reason why the

    phenomenon of emotional eating exists). Whats more,

    what we eat can make us look like were years younger

    than we actually are or they can make us look old, aged,

    and downright haggard. Even the most expensive skin

    creams cant do what a healthy diet can do for your skin

    And this book is about to challenge your diet so you can experience these results for


    This might come as a revelation to you, especially because the solution to your biggest

    beauty woes can be as simple as shaping up your diet. Its not especially surprising that you

    feel this way; were constantly inundated with popular media, advertisements, and celebrity

    endorsements, all of which emphasize that the key to stellar skin can only be found in tiny

    jars that cost upwards of $200.

    Celebrities and so-called skin care experts practically threaten us with what could happen to

    our skin if were not smearing serums, creams, and moisturizers on our faces and necks.

    While they certainly mean well, their solutions only skin in skin-deep. Even the most

    expensive skin cream in the world isnt going to do anything for you unless youre supplying

    your body with the nutrition it needs to look absolutely fantastic.

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    Think about it this way: your skin is like a vintage sports car. If you provide that car with the

    TLC it needs to run, the car will look as good as the day it was first rolled out in the auto

    plant. However, if you let the car sit, youll find that rust, decay, and mold will slowly take

    over the car, until it looks so old that it only belongs in the junk pile.

    Thats exactly what happens to your skin and your diet. If you provide your body with the

    fuel it needs to keep your collagen levels high and those free radicals neutralized, your skin

    will look youthful, radiant, and utterly fantastic at fifty as it did when you were thirty. If you

    only supply your body with junk, processed foods, and other nutrient-deficient foods, your

    body is going to show that in the form of dull, dry, and aged-looking skin.

    In fact, more dermatologists and clinical nutritionists believe that severe skin diseases

    including acne and eczema can be directly linked to what you put into your mouth. It might

    explain why a late-night binge at a fast-food restaurant might result in a breakout of pimples

    the very next day.

    With that in mind, it becomes easier to see that the better you eat, the better your skin will

    look and thats precisely where the Beauty Food Bible comes into play. In this beauty

    lovers bible, weve uncovered the secrets to radiant, youthful, and utterly beautiful skin the

    kind that doesnt need to be covered up with expensive make-up or enhanced with ultra-

    expensive skin creams. Weve made it easier than ever to get started by providing you with

    recipes you can use right now to get that glowing skin. Weve even unlocked the mysteries

    of sun damage and skin care, so your visage will remain protected during your outdoor


    In short, consider this book to be the beauty diet fast-track

    one that will help you see results almost immediately.

    From the moment you first start improving your diet, your skin

    will start rewarding you with astonishing results. Spend a few

    days eating more fruits and vegetables, and youll begin

    noticing that acne flare-up becoming less severe. Drink more

    water and green juices, and youll find that you dont need

    liquid highlighter to get amazing skin. Commit to eating more

    lean meats and fatty fish, and youll find that your skin is so

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    dewy and youthful that it belongs on a red carpet.

    Think were exaggerating? Then we dare you to try the diets, techniques, and advice that

    are laid out in the Beauty Food Bible.

    Perhaps its wrong to call this a diet in the traditional sense. After all, the goal here isnt to

    lose weight (although thats certainly a benefit to follow this book). Its not a restrictive

    eating plan, as you can eat as many healthy foods as you want (good-bye, calorie

    counting!). And its certainly not a short-term solution thats designed to get you looking

    good for a specific event; rather, its a lifetime change thats incredibly easy to follow. The

    ultimate goal of this book is to cut the learning curve in half, so you can start seeing better

    skin today.

    And improving your beauty for life.

    Lets take a look at what you can expect to learn from the Beauty Food Bible:

    Youll discover the ten foods that are primed to provide you with great skin and

    health. Stock your kitchen with these foods, and youll discover that your skin looks a

    million times better than any results you got from using jar upon jar of skin cream.

    Youll learn that the foods you eat can have a dramatic impact on the skin conditions

    youre suffering from. From acne and eczema to rosacea and hyperpigmentation,

    youll realize that your skin is a direct reflection of what youre putting in your mouth

    and if you make certain changes, youll never be plagued with your biggest

    complexion concerns again.

    Youll learn more about the power of antioxidants and how they can help you

    neutralize your greatest skincare woes. Antioxidants are certainly a buzzword thats

    thrown around by the beauty industry, but well reveal what you should really know

    about antioxidants, free radicals, and how your diet can combat everything from

    stress and sickness to pollution.

    Youll discover how sun damage can accelerate the aging process, produce

    hyperpigmentation, deepen acne scars, and even heighten the appearances of

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    wrinkles and fine lines. At this point, you know that wearing sunscreen is important

    to preserving your health and looking younger but youll also learn how certain

    foods can help you combat sun damage and turn back the hands of time.

    Call the girls up and invite them over, because youre about to learn about the

    various DIY beauty masks you can make using ingredients in your very own kitchen.

    Whats more, these beauty masks are just as effective as anything youd find in a

    high-priced beauty department, making this a must-read chapter youll come back to

    time and time again.

    Think that this book is limited just to skincare? Think again: this book will help you

    uncover what foods you need to grow lush, thick, and absolutely stunning hair. If

    youve ever wanted to wow people with your hair and even turn heads on the

    sidewalk youll want to religiously use the tips and techniques contained in this


    Well wrap up with beauty food recipes that you can make right now. In addition to

    helping you achieve better skin, hair and nails, these beauty food recipes can help

    you drop weight, feel more energetic, and promote better well-being.

    You are what you eat and the better you eat, the more beautiful youll look. But the

    Beauty Food Bible isnt just about helping you look your best; the foods, recipes, and

    techniques in here can help you feel your best. Youll feel more youthful, energetic, and up

    for lifes amazing adventures. Youll roll out of bed in the morning with a smile, knowing that

    todays yet another opportunity to make a difference in the world. Youll experience the

    amazing self-confidence and self-assurance that comes from knowing that youre just as

    beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside

    And isnt that the biggest secret to beautiful skin?

    Turn off the TV, grab a cup of tea, and settle in for a great read because once you get an

    eyeful of the secrets contained within the pages of the Beauty Food Bible, you wont want

    to stop reading until you reach the very last page.

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    Lets start off this chapter by acknowledging an important truth: one of the biggest

    disadvantages to many beauty diets out there is that they can be difficult to maintain. This

    isnt always the diets fault, as its simply due to the fact that many diets can be tough to add

    to a daily routine. After all, if youre running from work to school to home and back again

    every day, youre hardly going to have the time to juice tons of green veggies or ensure that

    you get your five portions of fruits each day.

    Thats why when we first developed the Beauty Food Bible, we knew that these foods had

    to not only be powerful and effective, but convenient to add to a daily routine. These foods

    should be easy to add to meals, or eat on their own without making you feel like you had to

    go out of your way to hunt them down. Whats more, many of these beauty foods needed to

    make our readers feel full and satisfied because whats the point of eating a beauty food if

    you feel so ravenous that you binge on junk food just an hour later?

    Thats precisely the precedent we aim to set in this chapter, which will explore the 10

    superfoods you can add to your daily diet right now. And when we say superfoods, we

    mean it: these are the foods that do double duty in terms of improving your appearance and

    maintaining your best health yet. As soon as you put these foods in your mouth, youll feel

    more energetic, radiant, and ready to take on the world.

    In this chapter, youll learn about the 10 foods that are going to have the biggest impact on

    your skin, health, and lifestyle right now. Whats more, all of these foods can be found in

    your kitchen cabinets or at the local grocery store without much muss or fuss. After all,

    nothing can put you off a diet faster than attempting to hunt down something incredibly hard

    to find (maca root powder, anyone?). As we focus on each food, well provide you with the

    benefits you can expect to see, and how you can add this food to your current routine in an

    easy and surprisingly convenient way.

    Ready? Lets get started!

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    If beauty diet fundamentals were the Olympics, water with lemon

    juice would earn the gold medal. This beauty food is as ancient and

    well-documented for a single reason: it works. From eliminating

    bloat quickly and easily to helping flushing out toxins and free

    radicals, water with lemon juice is like the know-it-all student in

    class who has the answers to everything.

    Whats more, water with lemon juice is perhaps one of the easiest superfoods to integrate

    into your existing diet. It doesnt take much to boil up some water and add a few squeezes

    of a lemon to the water. This is pretty simple, but you can even shorten the work by just

    adding a couple of drops of lemon juice to hot water. Its really as simple as that so if you

    can boil water, you can benefit from this do-it-all superfood.

    So why is water with lemon juice such a powerful fundamental of your beauty diet? Take a

    look at these massive benefits:

    1. Think of water with lemon juice as akin to drinking a cup of coffee early in the

    morning. Before you have your cup of Joe, youre dragging your feet on the ground

    and can barely form a coherent sentence; but once you have that first sip, youre

    ready and raring to take on the day. Drinking water with lemon juice can help aid

    your digestion, especially if you drink a cup of it early in the morning. Lemon juice

    naturally neutralizes common indigestion symptoms, including heartburn, bloating,

    and gas. A cup can also stimulate bowel movements, which is essential for keeping

    yourself regular.

    2. A cup of water with lemon juice is one of Mother Natures best diuretics, as it can

    help you get rid of the toxins that cause bloating and other digestive issues. This is

    because the enzymes in a lemon speeds up your urinary functions, allowing you to

    process waste and toxins at a much faster rate. This means youll not only feel better

    and lighter tugging on your jeans wont feel like such a chore.

    3. Lemon juice contains loads of vitamin C, which is an essential nutrient that can boost

    your immune system and help you fight back against germs. Whats more, lemon

    juice has loads of potassium, which aids in healing muscles, stimulates brain

    Water with Lemon Juice

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    function, and even helps reduce inflammation in your body. Have a cup of lemon

    water after a workout, and youll feel ready for another vigorous gym session the very

    next day.

    4. Just a single cup of lemon water can help restore your pH balance in your body. This

    may surprise you, as lemon juice on its own is considered to be an acid; however,

    once lemon juice is introduced to the body, it takes on the properties of alkaline.

    When our bodies are acidic, it becomes easier for disease to flourish. Thats why

    introducing lemon juice to our bodies can help wipe out colds and other sicknesses,

    as it helps restore a proper and healthy pH level within the body.

    5. A cup of lemon water can do more for your complexion woes than any over-the-

    counter beauty cream. Vitamin C is a miraculous nutrient that can help kick-start

    collagen production, combat free radical damage, and ease skin inflammation (which

    often comes in the form of acne and cysts). Vitamin C can also kill the bacteria that

    cause acne, as well as purge toxins that can make the skin look tired, dull, and

    downright haggard.

    6. Take a big chug from your cup of lemon water, and youll immediately feel your mood

    lifting, your outlook improving, and your energy levels skyrocketing. Lemon juice

    contains a wealth of negative charged ions, which provides your body with the

    energizing properties it needs to speed up important functions and processes. Even

    the very smell of lemon water can lift your mood, as multiple holistic studies have

    shown that lemon can improve moods, as well as ease symptoms of anxiety and


    7. The vitamin C in lemon water can make it easier for your wounds to heal faster.

    Whats more, vitamin C can help your body build stronger bones, muscle tissue, and

    cartilage. As mentioned earlier, vitamin C can also help ease muscle inflammation

    after a workout, which makes this a great drink to have after an intense workout

    session at the gym.

    8. Toothpaste, mouthwash, and flossing can all help your breath feel fresh; but if youre

    looking for a natural approach to fresh and healthy breath, look to your cup of lemon

    water. Lemon water can ease symptoms of gingivitis, relieve tooth pain, and freshen

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    your breath. However, its important to keep in mind that lemon juice is acidic, which

    can wear away at your tooth enamel if used improperly. Brush your teeth before you

    have your cup of lemon water, or wash your mouth with bottled water after drinking

    your beverage. This way, you can enjoy the breath-freshening benefits of lemon

    water without putting your enamel in harms way.

    9. Your bodys lymph system is responsible for making you feel energetic and ready to

    take on the day. The lymph system requires water to function properly; when youre

    dehydrated, the lymph system demonstrates its unhappiness by making you feel

    tired, sickly, constipated, foggy, and downright exhausted. By adding a cup of lemon

    water to your daily routine, you can help keep your lymph system hydrated and

    functioning at a normal level.

    10. Feeling bloated or sluggish due to the extra weight around your waistline? Drink a

    hot cup of lemon water to banish your weight-loss woes. Lemons are high in pectin

    fiber, which is a critical component to easing those hunger pangs that might leave

    you looking for a bad-for-you snack. Youll feel fuller longer with lemon water,

    allowing you to make better choices throughout the course of the day. This not only

    helps you immediately relieve pant-stretching bloat, but it can also help you lose

    weight over the long term.

    Want to start enjoying the health benefits of a hot cup of lemon water? Its so simple to do:

    just boil water in a kettle, cut up a wedge of lemon, and add a few squeezes of lemon juice

    into your cup. Add the hot water when its done boiling, and let sit for a few minutes (no

    burning mouths here!). If you dont feel like cutting up lemons, not to worry: just add a few

    drops of lemon juice from a store-bought container.

    Heres a helpful hint that can add a bit more flavor to your meals: zest your lemons before

    cutting them up. Store the zest in the freezer for long-term use; you can add the zest to

    soups, salads, pastas, and other meals that call for it.

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    Hot beverages make frequent appearances on this list, and for good

    reason: these drinks can help flush out toxins, ease bloating, and

    help important bodily processes operate at optimal levels. In addition

    to a cup of hot lemon water, green tea can optimize your health and

    well-being, as well as your skin and hair.

    Green teas health benefits are widespread and, quite frequently, amazing; its been touted

    for cancer prevention, weight loss, and everything in between. With that in mind, lets take a

    look at just a few of the health benefits of green tea, and how it can make you look your

    most beautiful:

    1. Drinking too much soda for its caffeinating effects can lead to excess weight gain,

    poor oral health, and even contribute to the development of diabetes. Green tea, on

    the other hand, contains the caffeine you need to feel energetic and alert; whats

    more, the caffeine found in green tea comes from a natural source. This means that

    you can get your caffeine kick for the day without turning to coffee or sodas saturated

    with unhealthy sugars.

    2. Green tea contains anti-bacterial properties, which can aid in oral pain relief. The

    next time you have a toothache, brew yourself a cup of green tea, take a swig, and

    wait for the pain to dissipate. Whats more, green tea helps fight inflammation, which

    is often apparent on the skin in the form of acne and other skin lesions. Youll find

    that the more green tea you drink, the better your skin will look without the aid of

    over-the-counter skin creams and medications.

    3. Green tea contains high levels of theanine, which research has revealed to have a

    calming and de-stressing effect. Youll have to drink a few cups of green tea to

    experience the de-stressing effect; however, if you swap your coffee habit for green

    tea, it wont take much effort to experience the calming effect of this mysterious brew.

    The less stressed you are, the more likely it is that youll make smarter choices with

    your food, which will be apparent in the appearance of your skin.

    Green Tea

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    4. Green tea is essential for cutting your risk of developing major diseases, including

    heart disease, blood clots, high blood pressure, and unhealthy blood sugar. The

    healthier your body is, the more likely it is that your skin, hair, and nails will appear

    beautifully radiant.

    5. Green tea protects your skin from free radical damage from the sun, pollution, and

    even your stress levels. Green tea contains a wealth of antioxidants, which

    neutralizes free radicals and helps your skin remain youthful and radiant. Whats

    more, topical green tea can help eliminate bacteria and free radicals from the surface

    of the skin, which can help minimize acne and other complexion woes. Thats the

    primary reason why green tea is present in so many skin creams, washes, and other

    topical treatments for acne.

    6. Green tea can reduce the symptoms of psoriasis, which includes inflammation,

    redness, and irritation Green tea can help minimize the production of excess skin

    cells that have been shown to lead to the development of psoriasis. Green tea can

    also help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as its rich with youth-

    enhancing anti-oxidants. The more anti-oxidants you have in your body, the more

    likely it is that those wrinkles will take the backseat to your clear and radiant skin.

    Adding green tea is just as simple as adding a cup of hot lemon water to your daily routine;

    just brew a cup in the mornings or after work. For extra convenience, you can head to your

    local coffee shop and order a green tea. Its really one of the easiest beauty foods you can

    add to even the most hectic daily routine.

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    Mother Nature ensures that were provided the foods we

    need to function properly and when it comes to getting

    our omega-3s, DHA and EPA, she provides in the form of

    salmon. Since the body cant produce omega-3s on its

    own, ensuring that our diets are rich in salmon is one of the

    easiest ways to get this essential nutrient. Omega-3s have

    been touted as the ultimate nutrient for better brain function, thicker and lusher hair, and

    even clearer skin. Add salmon to your diet three days a week, and youll not only see these

    results for yourself youll feel energized, focused, and ready to take on the world.

    Its just the kind of feeling you cant get from a cup of coffee!

    Want to know more about the incredible health benefits of salmon? Take a look:

    1. If you have inflamed joints, youll want to add some salmon to your plate. Salmon is

    rich in bioactive peptides, with are small proteins that can help stimulate collagen

    production within the body, as well as increase bone density. So not only will your

    joints and bones feel better, but your skin will look younger and firmer as well, thanks

    to all that excess collagen in your skin.

    2. If you want to feel smarter and happier about your life, then youll want to cook up a

    piece of salmon, pronto. The brain is made up of 60 percent fat, much of which is the

    omega-3 fats, DHA, and EPA that you can find in salmon. It might not make sense

    that are brains are made up of something we cant produce ourselves (go figure), but

    luckily, eating salmon provides you with all the nutrients you need to stimulate your

    brain. Multiple studies have shown that eating salmon also decreases symptoms of

    depression, as well as hostility in young adults. So if you have teenagers in the

    house, dont hesitate to ply them with salmon.

    3. Want to improve your eyesight? Then make sure that youre chomping down on

    salmon two to four times each week, as those miracle nutrients omega-3s, DHA,

    and EPA have been shown to decrease your risk of macular degeneration. This is

    an eye condition that leads to the loss of vision, and is most prevalent in the elderly.

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    4. Vitamin D is an essential beauty nutrient, as it can help you achieve clear skin, strong

    bones, and a happier outlook on life. Whats more, vitamin D has been shown to cut

    down on your risk for developing various cancers and cardiovascular diseases, which

    makes this a critical nutrient to add to your diet. You can get vitamin D by spending

    time outdoors (wear your sunscreen!), drinking more milk, and eating salmon. The

    latter option is the most convenient for busy people, as one serving of salmon

    provides you with your entire days worth of vitamin D.

    5. Beauty sleep is essential for looking and feeling

    good and salmon has been proven to help you

    get your sleep. Like with turkey, salmon has plenty

    of tryptophan, which is a natural sedative that can

    leave you feeling drowsy after getting your fill.

    Have a piece of salmon for dinner, and youll find

    that youre ready for bed at a reasonable time.

    Salmon isnt a difficult fish to cook, which means it makes a no-muss, no-fuss addition to

    your daily meals. Salmon should be cooked in a pre-heated oven for 15 minutes at 350

    degrees; this ensures that its fully cooked through without drying the fish out. Whats more,

    you can add a variety of sauces to the salmon to make it even tastier. Try whipping up a

    little mustard and dill together and placing it on the salmon, or marinate it in teriyaki sauce

    and serve it over brown rice. If your friends or coworkers want to grab dinner after work,

    make a move toward a seafood or sushi restaurant, as both offer salmon dishes in droves.

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    Coconut Oil

    If youre looking for the best all-purpose oil superfood on the

    list, coconut oil might be a top contender. Not only is this a

    great oil for cooking, but its also one of the best beauty

    products to store in your medicine cabinet. Coconut oil can be

    used for a variety of functions, including cooking, hair oil, skin

    oil, facial oil, and much more.

    In fact, coconut oil is so versatile that if you can think of a beauty need, its likely that coconut

    oil can get the job done.

    There is a wealth of health benefits for you to discover when you use coconut oil in your diet

    and beauty regimen, including the following:

    1. In the last section, you learned how certain fatty acids are critical to your brains

    health, as well as the look and feel of your skin and hair. Well, it turns out that

    coconut oil has a wealth of fatty acids, with 90% of those fatty acids being made from

    saturated fat. Not only is the saturated fat in coconut oil harmless, but also it has

    been shown to be a source of quick and healthy energy. The saturated fats in

    coconut oil can also be transformed into ketone bodies, which can minimize the

    symptoms associated with neurological disorders like epilepsy and Alzheimers


    2. Coconut oil can provide your body with a great deal of energy, which means you can

    last longer throughout the day. Studies have shown that the saturated fats in

    coconut oil can increase energy expenditure by 5% over the course of 24 hours.

    That might not seem like much at first glance, but an extra 5% adds up to 120 extra

    calories burned each day. If you add coconut oil to your diet and maintain your

    current lifestyle, youd still lose a pound a month, adding up to almost 12 pounds in a


    3. When it comes to keeping your skin looking healthy, moisturized, and young, coconut

    oil can definitely do double-duty. Coconut oil can be applied to the face as a

    powerful moisturizer that eliminates dry skin, minimizes the appearance of wrinkles,

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    and even helps treat signs of sun damage. Speaking of sun, coconut oil can be used

    as a mild sunscreen, making this a great way to keep your skin hydrated and safe

    from the suns UV rays (research has shown that coconut oil protects skin and hair

    from 20% of the suns UV rays). Coconut oil can also be added to your hair for a

    great anti-frizz, anti-split ends treatment.

    4. When it comes to looking beautiful, having something to say can certainly add to your

    appearance and coconut oil has been shown to get your brain moving. Recent

    studies have shown that coconut oil is incredible effective at helping Alzheimers

    patients experience reduced symptoms, as the ketone bodies produced by coconut

    oil can supply much-needed energy for the brain. This means that with every

    teaspoon of coconut oil you add to your meal, youre providing your body with the

    means to fight back against signs of aging, as well as aging of the brain. Its the kind

    of win-win scenario you just cant get from any expensive beauty cream or serum.

    5. No matter how beautiful our skin might be, it can be difficult to feel confident and

    happy when youre battling a bulging midsection. Thats precisely why researchers

    recommend adding more coconut oil to your diet. Coconut oil curbs appetite,

    increases fat burning, and has even been shown to specifically target abdominal fat

    (in other words, the spare tire and love handles that you cant seem to get rid of).

    This is the most dangerous fat of all, as it can be linked to obesity, diabetes, and

    other serious (and even fatal) health conditions. A recent study demonstrated that

    women who consumed one ounce of coconut oil each day experienced a significant

    reduction of abdominal fat over the course of twelve weeks. Add this to the skin and

    hair benefits, and its no wonder coconut oil has been flying off the shelves as of late.

    At first glance, coconut oil might not seem like the easiest food to add to your diet; however,

    think of all the times you add olive oil to your meals, and youll get a good idea of how often

    you can substitute coconut oil. Instead of sauting your foods in olive oil, add some olive oil

    to the pan. If youre frying up some meat, use coconut oil instead of olive oil. Even adding

    coconut oil in place of vegetable oil to your favorite recipes can make it easier to get this

    much-needed food, all while improving the taste of the food.

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    Apart from adding it to your diet, there are other ways you can use coconut oil to enhance

    your skin, hair, and nails. Take a look at some experts tips, and youll see how quickly

    coconut oil will replace most of your products in your medicine cabinet:

    Use it as a make-up remover. Just grab a cotton ball or cotton pad, rub a little

    coconut oil from the jar on it, and use it to remove your eyeliner, foundation, and

    even that waterproof mascara. Youll never need to blow your budget on expensive

    make-up remover again.

    Dry and frizzy hair can make you feel like hiding from the world; unless, of course,

    you have a jar of coconut oil in the shower with you. Simply slather on some coconut

    oil for an at-home hair mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes while you take a bubble

    bath, or leave it in overnight to wake up to truly transformed hair. Just remember to

    swap out pillowcases and wash your sheets before you go to bed the next night

    otherwise, youll be giving yourself an accidental treatment with all the leftover

    coconut oil.

    Instead of using expensive shaving cream, slather on some coconut oil; this has

    been shown to prevent nicks and soothe even the scaliest, driest of skin.

    If you have dry facial skin and no moisturizer in the world seems to work, dont fret:

    simply rub in some coconut oil onto your skin until its all absorbed. Be sparing at

    first, as you dont want to accidentally make your face look like an oil slick.

    Add some granulated brown sugar to a cup of coconut oil and mix together. Once

    the concoction has been completed, use it as an at-home exfoliator to get your skin


    Coconut oil is one of the most versatile superfoods in the grocery aisle today whats more,

    you dont even have to eat it to enjoy some of the wonderful benefits associated with this

    tropical concoction.

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    Theres a reason why Pop-Eye used to gulp down a can of

    spinach before doing battle with the bad guys spinach is a

    superfood that offers a variety of restorative and youth-enhancing

    benefits in every green leaf. One of the reasons why spinach is

    so necessary for beautiful skin, hair, and overall good health is

    because it contains folic acid, which is a form of vitamin B that

    helps convert our food into usable energy. Folic acid is incredibly

    important to consume, especially for pregnant women; numerous studies have shown that

    folic acid can help prevent serious birth defects (hence why women must take prenatal

    vitamins when trying to get pregnant).

    With this in mind, theres a reason why pregnant women often have glowing skin and thick,

    luscious hair its because theyre getting their daily recommended allowance of folic acid.

    By adding more spinach to your diet, youll be able to enjoy the same benefits as glowing

    moms-to-be. Just dont be surprised if your friends and family members start getting

    suspicious as to the secret behind your beautiful skin!

    Spinach also has a number of health and beauty benefits, including the following:

    If youre looking to slim up your waistline, start piling on the spinach with your daily

    meals. Spinach has been shown to help with weight reduction, as it contains a good

    number of dietary fiber. This helps keep you fuller for longer periods of time, which

    means youll be less likely to binge on unhealthy processed foods an hour after


    Looking beautiful is all about appearing calm, serene, and in control of your destiny.

    Unfortunately, when youre feeling frazzled by work deadlines or stressed about your

    break-neck schedule, all that tension might be making you look more tired, haggard

    and dull. Thats why its recommended that you add more spinach to your plate, as

    spinach contains enough vitamin A and C to lower your blood pressure. This means

    that even at your most stressed, youll still look like youre ready to take on the world

    and look beautiful doing it.

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    If youre suffering from acne flare-ups, you might want to load up on spinach at your

    local grocer. Spinach has been shown to reduce the inflammation caused by acne

    breakouts; whats more, making a DIY facial mask out of spinach can help you take

    care of the zits currently plaguing your complexion. To do this, add spinach to a

    blender with a little bit of water; youll ultimately want a mixture thats thick enough to

    stay on your face. Smear on your skin and let it sit for 20 minutes before removing it

    with a damp washcloth. This facial mask can help unclog pores and eliminate acne-

    causing dirt from your skin.

    Spinach contains a wealth of antioxidants, which are essential for battling the free

    radicals that you come into contact with on a daily basis. When these free radicals

    are left unchecked in your body, they can create sky-high levels of oxidative stress.

    This kind of stress has been shown to contribute to a number of beauty woes,

    including dull skin and even prematurely gray hair. Eat your spinach with every meal,

    and youll help ensure that your hair is as beautiful and lush as when you were a


    Spinach has been shown to help improve an individuals overall complexion, thanks

    to sky-high levels of vitamin K and folic acid. If you want to get glowing, add a side of

    spinach to your lunches and dinners and youll be greeted with an incandescent

    glow in the mirror before you know it. Whats more, the vitamins A and C found in

    spinach have been linked to essential skin repair. Vitamin A helps improve the

    overall tone of your skin (say good-bye to annoying pigmentation), while vitamin C

    helps grow new skin cells.

    Spinach is another superfood thats surprisingly easy to add to your daily diet. Pick up a bag

    of baby spinach at your local grocery store and add it to your salads for a healthy pick-me-

    up. You can also take advantage of the latest juicing craze by creating this spinach-rich

    green juice: add a handful of spinach with half of a tomato, of a cucumber, one carrot, one

    celery, a half of a red pepper, cup of shredded cabbage, and a green onion. Blend

    together until the juice is smooth; drink immediately. The ingredients may be odd, but they

    combine together to make a delicious juice.

    Whats more, youll really see a significant difference in the tone and clarity of your skin. Say

    good-bye to acne flare-ups and hyperpigmentation, because spinach is about to eliminate

    your biggest complexion woes!

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    Celery has accumulated good press in recent years, and for good reason:

    this vegetable is high in vitamins A and C, which are some of the most

    important nutrients to have in your beauty food arsenal. While images of

    diets past have often depicted celery as a dull, dry food, its actually a

    delicious vegetable that can help fill you up, thus allowing you to make better

    food choices throughout the day. Consuming celery as part of a healthy diet

    can bring about a number of wonderful benefits for your skin, hair, and overall

    beauty, including the following:

    Celery contains high amounts of alkaline minerals and magnesium, both of which

    have been shown to help calm the nervous system and reduce stress levels. As

    weve pointed out before, it can be difficult to feel and look beautiful when youre

    constantly stressed out. Additionally, chomping on the celery itself make help people

    feel less stressed, thanks to its firmer surface. The next time youre worried about

    that big presentation at the office, grab some celery and start chewing your way to a

    stress-free attitude.

    Want to get rid of bloating in time for that big event? It may pay to chew on celery as

    youre getting ready for a cocktail reception or your wedding ceremony. Celery is a

    diuretic, which means it speeds up your bodys waste removal processes. Add a little

    celery to your meal, and youll be feeling less bloated in no time. Heres another tip:

    celery is also a natural laxative, so consume some of this wonder veggie if youre

    having a little trouble taking care ofbusiness.

    Because celery has sky-high levels of vitamins A, C, and E, this vegetable makes a

    great diet choice for someone looking for significant anti-aging benefits. These

    vitamins are also known as antioxidants, which help battle free radicals that have

    accumulated within your body. The more free radicals you have, the more likely it is

    that youll look older than your actual age, so stock up on celery to look and feel

    younger again.

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    Celery is a wonderful vegetable for treating oily skin. To help combat oil and dirt on

    your facial skin, make this little DIY mask: clean off three celery sticks and slice them

    into tiny pieces. Add them to boiling water, cover, and turn off the heat. Once the

    concoction has been cooled, throw it into the refrigerator until its cold and has

    formed a thick paste. Apply the mask right before bedtime, and wash off with a warm

    and damp washcloth when the paste has dried.

    Celery has also been celebrated for efficiently removing dead skin cells, which

    makes this a great superfood for individuals suffering from tired and haggard skin.

    To take advantage of this benefit, combine celery juice with dry oatmeal powder and

    orange peel powder; this should form a goopy paste that can be added to your face.

    You can even add this to your neck for additional anti-aging, exfoliating benefits.

    Remove the paste by making massaging motions with a warm and damp washcloth.

    Apply this paste to your face and neck a few times each week to see ideal results.

    Celery is a powerful superfood that can enhance the appearance of your skin and hair.

    Make sure you have a few stalks of celery on hand in the fridge, or grab a few sticks for a

    quick yet delicious treat while youre on the go. If you cant stand the taste of celery on its

    own, not to worry; you can dress it up by adding peanut butter and raisins or low-fat cream

    cheese with minced garlic and red pepper flakes. No matter what you choose to eat it with,

    just be sure to add as much celery as possible to your beauty food diet.


    This tropical food is a top contender for the ultimate beauty

    superfood, and for good reason: this fruit contains a powerful

    enzyme that aids with digestion, fills up the stomach, and even

    enhances a persons complexion when applied directly to the

    skin. To see just how popular papaya is in the health and beauty

    world, just meander through your local beauty department or

    vitamin supplement store to see just how often papaya appears in supplements, shakes, and

    other health and wellness products.

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    Take a look at just how many beauty benefits you can enjoy by adding papaya to your diet

    right now:

    Papaya contains an abundance of vitamin A, which weve already shown to be an

    essential antioxidant in the battle against aging free radicals. What makes papaya

    different from other fruits and vegetables is that it contains papain, which helps to

    break down the inactive proteins that make dead skin cells cling to the skin. If youre

    looking to enhance your skins appearance, add loads of papaya or look for facial

    masks and skincare lines that contain this wonder-fruit.

    If youre looking to hydrate yourself without drinking water (thats boring!), youre

    better off eating papaya. This delicious fruit contains loads of water, which can help

    eliminate water retention while improving your skins hydration.

    Eating regular amounts of papaya can help produce a beautiful glow to the skin,

    thanks to sky-high amounts of folic acid. This is the essential ingredient contained in

    prenatal vitamins that is responsible for giving pregnant women the beautiful glow

    that theyre so renowned for. Add some papaya to your diet, and people will start

    asking you if you have more than a beauty secret hidden beneath your smile.

    Papaya can help treat a skin condition that certainly undermines your attempts to

    achieve a beautiful complexion: ringworms. If you caught a ringworm from your local

    gym, slice up a papaya and rub a piece of the raw fruit on your ringworm patch.

    Youll immediately see reduced inflammation; with consistent treatment, youll see

    the ringworm disappear altogether.

    If you cook loads of tropical foods in your kitchen, its likely that you already benefit from

    papayas amazing benefits. However, if youre not sure how to add this fruit to your beauty

    routine, consider using the following techniques:

    Peel a papaya and rub the raw peel on your face for five minutes; after rubbing the

    peel, wash the residue off of your face with cold water. The raw peel contains a

    number of alpha-hydroxys, which is a crucial ingredient that exfoliates the face and

    encourages the growth of youthful new skin. Just be sure to limit this treatment to

    once or twice each week, as you could end up irritating your skin or drying it out.

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    Peel a papaya and mash it up until its a thick yet manageable consistency. Add a

    drizzle of honey and a splash of 100% natural apple juice to the mash; mix it together

    until its consistent. Rub this concoction on your face and let it sit until its dry.

    Remove the paste from your face with a warm and damp washcloth.

    Create your own body scrub by mixing together one mashed papaya with a drizzle of

    honey, olive oil, and a heaping dose of sea salt. The scrub can be used in the

    shower, which can help hydrate your skin and slough off dead skin cells. Its a great

    way to look your very best without having to break the bank at your local beauty


    Next time you go past the papaya in the produce section of your grocery store, be sure to

    pick up a few pieces of this superfood; your skin will thank you for it!


    Whether you love tomatoes in your salad or cant get enough of

    tomatoes in your pasta sauce, youre in luck: tomatoes are regarded

    as an incredible superfood, as it has an abundance of vitamins and

    minerals (including vitamins A and K, as well as all the B vitamins).

    Tomatoes also have important minerals, including iron, magnesium,

    and phosphorus, all of which have been shown to offer numerous

    health and beauty benefits.

    Ready to add an abundance of tomatoes to your daily diet? Read on to discover the beauty

    benefits youll be enjoying once you throw a few tomatoes into your daily food routine:

    Tomato is low in sodium and high in fiber, which creates a double-whammy effect

    that reduces your waistline. Low sodium means that you wont have to deal with

    water retention (in other words, that annoying belly bloat), while the high fiber content

    will keep you feeling full throughout the day. This means that youll make smarter

    food choices throughout the course of the day, all of which can add up to significant

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    weight loss over the long term. One last note: tomatoes can help with regular bowel

    movements, which can help keep your stomach trim.

    Tomatoes including tomato juice is incredibly high in antioxidants, which are

    essential for fighting back against the free radicals that contribute to aging within the

    body. If you need to fight back against wrinkles, fine lines, and even premature gray

    hair, youll want to knock back a glass of tomato juice every morning.

    Tomatoes are one of the most powerful superfoods in terms of getting rid of signs of

    sun damage (tanning, hyperpigmentation, freckles, etc.). Whats more, tomatoes can

    also help reduce the inflammation caused by acne, which means your skin will look

    absolutely flawless after eating a diet thats rich in tomatoes and tomato juice.

    If you suffer from dull and lifeless hair, youll want to add more tomatoes to your

    lunchtime salads and commit to drinking tomato juice in the mornings. Tomatoes

    contain a heapload of vitamins and iron, which can help add fullness and thickness to

    your hair. This is essential for having good hair days, even when you dont get the

    chance to duck into the salon for your regular blowout.

    Tomatoes are incredibly easy to add to your diet, due to the fact that theyre conveniently

    located in popular foods and sauces (plus, theyre delicious all on their own!). Add more

    tomatoes to your pasta sauce, throw some cherry tomatoes into your salad, and juice more

    tomatoes for a breakfast beverage that will certainly show in the quality of your skin and hair.


    If youve ever grabbed a handful of almonds as a quick snack

    during work or when you were out with friends, give yourself a

    massive pat on the back: almonds are one of the most powerful

    superfoods available in the grocery aisle to date.

    Almonds contain a number of vital nutrients that are essential for healthy skin and hair,

    including antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium. As

    weve explored with other superfoods in this chapter, most of these nutrients are considered

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    to be antioxidants, which help neutralize free radicals that can contribute to early signs of

    aging. The more antioxidants you have in your diet, the more likely it is that youll be able to

    preserve your youthful radiance, even as the years pass you by.

    Wondering what the beauty benefits of almonds are? See for yourself why these nuts

    should be prominently placed in your home, office space, and even in your car:

    As you already know, almonds contain plenty of omega-3 fatty acids, which are

    critical for helping your brain function at an optimal level. In addition to practically

    turning you into a genius, almonds can also help your skin look refreshed, youthful,

    and glowing. In the previous section on salmon, we explored how adding this food to

    your diet can make your skin glow; the same rule of thumb applies with almonds. Eat

    a handful of almonds as a snack each day for a quick pick-me-up that will make your

    skin look fantastic.

    Almonds are rich in proteins, which are building blocks for exceptionally beautiful

    skin. With every handful of almonds you eat, the healthier your skin will be. This

    means that your skin can stand up to free radicals, sun damage, and other stressors

    that can make us look aged beyond our actual years.

    Vitamin E is an important antioxidant thats critical for refreshed and hydrated skin.

    Take a stroll through any beauty department, and youll see an abundance of

    skincare products that contain vitamin E and thats exactly what youll find in

    almonds. Make a regular habit of eating almonds, and youll find that your skin will

    look fresher, more vibrant, and dewy.

    Stress can age someone rapidly; ever noticed how world leaders age quickly as soon

    as they get elected into office? Thats because stress raises our cortisol levels,

    which is a hormone thats released during our fight or flight responses. Cortisol

    contributes to stomach fat, wrinkles, and even makes your skin look haggard. Eating

    almonds which are rich in magnesium can help counteract the draining effects of

    cortisol. This means youll still look rested and young, no matter what stressful

    events life throws in your path.

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    If you dont like the taste of almonds on their own, why not investigate adding more almond

    milk to your daily diet? Sweetened almond milk makes a delicious treat on its own, or it can

    replace milk in an abundance of smoothie recipes. Its a great way to add almonds to your

    daily diet without having to force yourself to eat something you dont like.

    Red Kidney Beans

    For the final beauty superfood in this chapter, its time to investigate an

    entry that might surprise you: red kidney beans. This superfood may be

    underappreciated in comparison to the ever-popular tomato or green tea,

    but it shouldnt be underestimated. Red kidney beans are chockfull of iron, protein,

    magnesium, and other antioxidants that can help your body prevent diseases, neutralize free

    radicals, and help enhance the look and feel of your skin.

    Take a look at some of the beauty benefits associated with red kidney beans it will

    convince you to start incorporating this legume into more of your dishes:

    If youre on a never-ending quest against wrinkles and fine lines, then youll want to

    stock your kitchen cabinet with red kidney beans. This superfood contains

    flavonoids, which have been shown to help prevent wrinkles and other deep lines.

    Red kidney beans are full of antioxidants, which weve shown to help neutralize the

    free radicals that contribute to wrinkles and dull skin. This means you wont have to

    invest in super-expensive skin cream to turn back the clock; youll only have to head

    to your local grocery store.

    If youre looking to trim your waistline, red kidney beans can certainly come in handy.

    Not only do they make a great meat substitute (thats why so many chili recipes

    revolve around this legume), but theyre also full of fiber, which can help keep you

    feeling satisfied throughout the day. This can help you make smarter choices with

    your diet, which is essential if you often find yourself feeling hungry and vulnerable at

    the end of the night.

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    Looking for the kind of glow that will make you look like you belong on the red

    carpet? Then youll want to ensure that red kidney beans make their way onto your

    plate a few times each week. This is because red kidney beans are full of folates, a

    form of folic acid that helps promote youthful, glowing, and downright radiant skin.

    This is precisely why pregnant women always have that new mom glow about

    them; theyre getting tons of folic acid from prenatal vitamins, which means that their

    skin looks better than ever. You can enjoy the same benefits by loading up your

    plate with delicious red kidney beans.

    If you suffer from damaged skin and hair, then youll want to get your fill of red kidney

    beans. This is because that red kidney beans contain plenty of zinc, an important

    mineral that can help repair skin and hair damage. Whether youve spent too much

    time out in the sun without sunscreen (tsk tsk) or have used too much heat when

    styling your hair, red kidney beans can turn back the clock and help you look your

    best again. Whats more, zinc has even been shown to decrease hair loss, which is

    essential for men and women who are self-conscious about their thinning or balding


    Biotin is a nutrient thats essential for growing healthy and strong nails. If you dont

    get enough biotin in your diet, youll discover that your nails are flaky, brittle, and may

    even develop white patches in the nail bed. If you fill your diet with red kidney beans

    which are chockfull of biotin youll give your body the nutrition it needs to grow

    nails that are strong, healthy, and ready to show off your favorite nail art.

    Many people tend to miss out on all the nutritional benefits of using red kidney beans, as

    they may not know how to cook with them. Fortunately, theyre not that difficult to cook, and

    they make a great addition to sauces or meat substitutes. To make it easier to eat red

    kidney beans, soak them for a couple of hours before adding them to your favorite dish. Red

    kidney beans can be stored for up to a year, meaning its an affordable food item to add to

    your kitchen cabinet.

    One important note: dont add red kidney beans to every meal, as research has shown that

    too many of these beans can disrupt your metabolism. Remember, like with any food item,

    everything should be done in moderation and thats especially relevant when it comes to

    red kidney beans.

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    More commonly known as the West Indian cherry, the acerola (scientific

    name: Malpighia emarginata) is native to Central and South America, and

    southern Mexico.

    This deep red fruit is essentially cultivated for its high vitamin C content; for every 100 g of

    fruit, there is about 1677.6 mg of vitamin C. Sounds amazing, doesnt it? In fact, this may

    very well be the highest vitamin C concentration ever present in a fruit.

    As mentioned, vitamin C kick-starts collagen production, which is the wonder-nutrient for

    firmer and youthful skin, and also a structural component of bone and blood vessels.

    In addition, it contains vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3, anthocyanins, bioflavonoids and


    Acerola packs a significant amount of vitamin A, about 3,400 to 12,500 units per 100 g of


    Once the fruit is harvested, it has to be consumed quickly, as its nutrients deteriorate rapidly.

    However, freezing the fruit may preserve its nutrients.

    Acerola has been used:

    As a preventive measure for heart disease and cancer. To treat allergy, common

    cold, tooth decay, gum infection, collagen disorder.

    To reduce blood sugar. A 2006 study from Bioscience, Biotechnology and

    Biochemistry revealed that the fruit may help reduce blood sugar. This may thus be

    beneficial in alleviating diabetic symptoms.

    To fight aging. In a 2011 study from Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, scientists

    discovered that acerola extract may keep oxidative stress at bay. Oxidative stress

    refers to aging processes which are linked to major diseases. Therefore, the acerola

    may be another youth elixir!

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    Furthermore, a comparative analysis of anti-oxidant potency was tested among a variety of

    frozen juice pulps. Among the 11 fruits, the acerolas potency came out tops.

    With the substantial anti-oxidant levels, it means that free radicals will be neutralized, which

    is definitely good news for your skin. Free radicals accumulate in cells over time, resulting in

    damage and death. With the presence of anti-oxidants, oxidative damage can be halted.

    Here are some consumer-friendly forms of acerola:

    Topical creams for direct skin application. With this, the elasticity of skin is enhanced,

    as with collagen production.

    Acerola powder extract supplements. These can be mixed into juices or shakes.

    There are also acerola gels that promote better skin tone. Preliminary research

    suggests that oral intake of the acerola gel extract may heal sun-damaged skin and

    shield it from the damaging effects of sun exposure, though more research is


    With all these acerola options, it is so easy to include into the daily routine to sustain good

    health and skin!

    As with other superfoods though, do keep in mind that moderation is key. Excessive

    consumption may lead to diarrhea, nausea, stomach cramps, and insomnia.

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    As this chapter has demonstrated, adding the right foods to your diet can do more than trim

    your waistline and make you feel more energetic; they can also help improve the tone,

    clarity, and texture of your skin.

    As the old saying goes, you are what you eat and when you eat well, your skin, hair and

    nails show it. Make the commitment to eat more fruits, vegetables, and other superfoods

    contained in this list, and youll find that your beauty regimen will become much more

    effortless and far more pleasing.

    After all, you dont have to invest that much into your beauty regimen when you already have

    beautiful skin and hair to begin with!

    Now that youve learned about the superfoods that can help you achieve your most beautiful

    self yet, its time to take things to the next level by discovering how certain foods can help

    treat various skin conditions. Whether youre agitated by acne or suffering from skin

    pigmentation, the foods contained in the next chapter will help you recover from your biggest

    complexion woes.

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    Lets start out this chapter by admitting a harsh truth: it can be tough to look beautiful when

    youre suffering from a visible skin condition. When you have an outbreak of acne or

    hyperpigmentation, it seems that no amount of positive affirmations can make you look past

    the zits, spots, and dark marks that greet you in the mirror every morning.

    Skin conditions are much more than just a beauty trouble; theyre physical diseases that

    can have a dramatic impact on a persons self-worth, self-esteem, and confidence. Its

    precisely why numerous studies have highlighted the inextricable link between acne and

    depression. The worse someone feels about their skin, the worse they feel about their place

    in society, including how other people perceive them.

    Thats precisely why its important to learn about the foods that can be used to treat some of

    the most common skin conditions, including serious ones like acne, hyperpigmentation, and

    even scarred skin. As the last chapter highlighted, theres a close link between what we eat,

    and what our skin looks like. When we include certain foods in our diets, were much more

    likely to see better skin and that rule of thumb always makes a difference, no matter how

    severe your acne might be, or how many scars you have on your face.

    Whats more, changing what you eat can actually have an impact on other complexion woes

    that might not be serious enough to be considered a skin disease. For example, wrinkles,

    fine lines, and dry skin can be minimized by a diet thats rich in certain foods. This might

    come as a shock to some individuals, especially considering how much money is spent in

    the beauty industry. After all, if it was as simple as just changing how we eat, wouldnt the

    beauty industry with all its skin creams and serums take a nosedive?

    Well, yes and no. Theres a lack of information out there about what foods can cure certain

    skin woes - and even if that information is at hand, its still tough for people to change their

    eating habits. Its precisely why the weight-loss industry is a multi-billion dollar market; we

    know eating better and exercising can help us lose weight, but were always on the hunt for

    faster fixes that dont involve much effort.

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    Now that you know that certain skin conditions can be minimized by adjustments in your diet,

    its time to explore the specific skin woes that you can start battling today

    And it all starts by adjusting what makes its way onto your plate.

    Anti-Aging Foods

    Forget trying to hunt down the mythical Fountain of

    Youth it turns out that your best anti-aging secrets

    are located right at your local grocery store. From

    fruits and vegetables to lean proteins, there are a

    variety of foods that can help you fight back against

    wrinkles and fine lines. That means youll be able to

    whip your diet into shape, all while cutting back on

    your dependence on expensive skin creams (your

    wallet will thank you!).

    Consider chowing down on the following foods if you want to fight back against the most

    common signs of aging:

    Blueberries: When it comes to powerful and delicious! foods that fight aging,

    nothing is more effective than a simple handful of blueberries. Just one serving

    (about a cup or so) of blueberries provides your body with more antioxidants than

    any other fruit or vegetable in the produce section. Best of all, blueberries are

    absolutely delicious, meaning theres no excuse not to indulge in this superfood.

    Grab a pint of blueberries and get snacking, or throw a handful in with your oatmeal

    or even on top of frozen yogurt for a delicious and healthy treat.

    Cranberry Juice: This delicious beverage is often touted for a number of health

    benefits, especially for the reproductive system. As it turns out, cranberry juice is

    also critical for minimizing the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of

    aging. This fruit juice helps disrupt the formation of plaque on your teeth, which

    helps keep them pearly white and strong. Whats more, cranberry juice contains

    plenty of flavonoids, which is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals in your

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    body. Just make sure youre drinking real cranberry juice, not the kind thats

    saturated with sugar.

    Blood Oranges: Looking to chow down on a more exotic version of the traditional

    orange? Stock up on blood oranges, as these delicious fruits contain anthocyanins,

    which is an antioxidant that combats against the free radicals that are produced by

    the suns UV rays.

    Carrots: When it comes to anti-aging, we may focus entirely on our wrinkles and fine

    lines; however, our hair is often one of the biggest indicators of how far along we are

    in the aging process. If you want to maintain your lush and thick hair, its important to

    get your fill of carrots. This delicious vegetable contains large amounts of vitamin A,

    which is a nutrient thats critical for promoting a healthy scalp and the kind of luscious

    hair you see in shampoo commercials.

    Fortunately, these anti-aging foods arent super exotic; just grab a few of these foods in the

    produce section of your local grocery store, and start eating. Add these foods to your salad,

    keep them as a snack in your office fridge, or just commit to finding more recipes that

    contain these ingredients.

    For Acne-Afflicted Skin

    Acne may be one of the most common skin conditions in the world (after all, 80% of people

    will have acne before they reach the age of 30), but that doesnt mean its any easier to deal

    with. Acne can be a terrible skin affliction, as it can crush confidence levels and undermine

    self-esteem. Whether you have occasional acne thats induced by hormones or severe acne

    that makes you want to hide in bed all day, here are the foods you should start eating for

    acne-afflicted skin:

    Green Tea: In this first chapter of this book, we talked about how powerful green tea

    can be in promoting beautiful skin and hair. As it turns out, green tea can also help

    you a clear complexion. Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants and anti-

    inflammatory properties, both of which combine to ease the symptoms of acne.

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    Water: Theres a reason why dermatologists recommend drinking eight to ten

    glasses of water each day for clear skin; this is because drinking enough water helps

    flush out toxins. The more toxins you have in your body (due to stress, pollution, and

    even favoring a heavily processed diet), the more likely it is that youll develop acne.

    Drink the recommended amount of water each day, and youll not only find that youll

    develop fewer zits; your skin will also glow.

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids: This essential nutrient isnt just critical for your brain matter;

    its also important for clearing your skin. If you dont like eating salmon (its

    recommended that you eat three servings per week to get your ideal amount),

    consider taking an omega-3 fatty acid supplement, which is available in your local

    grocery store or pharmacy.

    No matter which foods you eat to clear up your acne, be sure to stick with this schedule over

    the long run. Acne can take weeks, even months to clear up and if you expect to wake up

    overnight with your acne gone, youre going to be disappointed. Your acne didnt appear

    overnight, nor will it go away in the same amount of time. Stick with these

    foods/supplements for at least three months, and you should start seeing significant relief in

    your symptoms.

    Preventing Wrinkles

    While weve already discussed the foods you can eat to fight back against the aging

    process, lets focus specifically on the foods that can help you minimize the look and feel of

    wrinkles. Whether you have light crows feet or youve already developed significant frown

    lines on your forehead, here are the foods you should stock up on to start fighting back

    against those complexion-marring wrinkles:

    Brazilian Nuts: Your skin needs plenty of help to battle against wrinkles and fine

    lines; luckily, Brazilian nuts can help you fortify your skin against the signs of aging.

    This is because Brazilian nuts contain selenium, which is an effective mineral that

    helps your body produce more antioxidants. Just a couple of nuts each day can help

    you produce the kind of antioxidants that are necessary for repairing cell damage and

    kick-starting collagen production. The bottom line is this: Brazilian nuts can slow

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    down the aging process, meaning you wont see those wrinkles until well into your

    golden years.

    Cod: If youre a fan of seafood, then youre going to love this: loading up on cod a

    delicious and surprisingly cheap fish can give your skin plenty of selenium. As

    previously mentioned, this mineral can heighten your bodys use of antioxidants,

    meaning your skin will look fantastic no matter what your age. To get the full benefits

    from this fish, bake the cod instead of frying it, as the latter option can often cook the

    nutrients right out of the fish. Whats more, frying the fish often involves the use of

    fatty oils, bread crumbs, and other waist-thickening ingredients. The goal here is to

    make the most out of your superfoods not to eliminate any benefits with fatty add-


    Cucumbers: The classic addition to salads is also one of the best ways to reduce the

    look of wrinkles and fine lines. However, theres a caveat associated with this

    superfood you have to eat it with the skin on. The cucumber peel contains silica,

    which is essential for promoting collagen production and softening the look of

    wrinkles. Before chowing down on the whole cucumber, make sure that youve

    purchased an unwaxed version; otherwise, your taste buds are going to get a nasty


    Seaweed: Kelp is surprisingly delicious, especially when combined with sushi and

    other Asian-inspired ingredients. Kelp is essential for keeping your skin looking

    great, as it contains skin-loving vitamins C and E. These vitamins which are really

    antioxidants can help protect your skin against free radical damage from UV rays.

    More specifically, these vitamins protect the fat in your skin, which is essential for

    maintaining youthful and firm facial skin. The more fat in your skin, the younger youll

    look and kelp can help protect what you already have.

    Guava: If youre a fan of tropical foods, then youre in luck: guava contains plenty of

    vitamin C, which has been shown to boost collagen production in the skin. When

    collagen begins to break down in our facial skin, fine lines and wrinkles start forming,

    as the skin isnt as elastic and hydrated as it used to be. However, eating plenty of

    guava can ensure that your collagen levels remain elevated, meaning those wrinkles

    wont have a foothold.

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    These foods arent just great for all-around anti-aging

    properties; theyre also essential for minimizing the

    look of wrinkles and fine lines. Stock up your fridge

    with these fruits and vegetables, and youll start to

    notice that your face glows. Whats more, making a

    long-term commitment to these fruits and veggies can

    help keep wrinkles at bay, which means you wont

    have to spend hundreds of dollars on expensive skin

    creams and serums.

    Dry Skin

    Dry skin can make it difficult for you to feel good about your appearance; after all, dry and

    flaky skin is often a sign of unhealthy skin. Whats more, it can be difficult to enhance your

    appearance with your favorite make-up, as flaky skin will look scaly with foundation. Dry

    skin can also be extremely distracting, especially if youre worried that people youre having

    conversations with will be too busy focusing on your dry skin instead of what youre saying.

    If youre ready to put an end to your dry skin woes, consider filling up on these foods:

    Water: This is an obvious one, but the more hydrated you are, the more likely it is

    that youll enjoy healthy and glowing skin. Drink eight to ten glasses of water each

    day; if thats difficult, you can substitute those glasses of water with fruits and other

    low-calorie beverages.

    Avocadoes: Just one avocado contains the kind of vitamin C, E, and

    monounsaturated fats that can help your skin lock in a great deal of moisture. This

    means youll always have the kind of glow that will make you look like you belong on

    the red carpet of a Hollywood event.

    Fish: Whether you love salmon and tuna in your sushi or you cant get enough of

    sardines, keep on eating fish has been shown to nourish dry skin, thanks to an

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    abundance of omega-3 fatty acids. This nutrient helps enhance your skin cells,

    neutralize free radicals, and even reduce skin inflammation.

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil: If you love drizzling olive oil on your bread, keep up with this

    excellent habit. Olive oil contains tons of vitamin E and good fats, all of which are

    essential for keeping your skin looking hydrated and fresh. So soak up some of that

    olive oil with your bread, or use it in more of your cooking youll definitely see a

    difference in your skin.

    If you find it hard to hydrate your skin with moisturizers and skin creams alone, it may be

    time to make significant changes to your diet. Add these ingredients to your daily meals,

    and youll find that your dry skin will transform into A-list skin.

    Minimize and Shrink Pores

    There are so many products out there that claim to minimize

    and shrink pores, it might make you a little skeptical to realize

    that you can achieve better skin just by using certain foods.

    Believe it because the following foods can help you minimize

    your pores and help you achieve the kind of skin that belongs

    on magazine covers:

    Egg white mask: Grab a couple of eggs and separate the yolks from the whites (to

    make this easier, grab a carton of egg whites at your local grocery store). Whip up

    the egg whites until theyre nice and frothy, then apply to your face. Sit with the mask

    on until the mixture is dry, then remove with a warm and damp cloth. Use this mask

    once or twice a week to start seeing better pores.

    Carrot mask: Carrots are great for helping you reduce the look of wrinkles and if

    you apply this wonder-veggie to your face, you can also enjoy smaller pores. Cut up

    washed carrots and steam them until soft; mash together. Once the carrots are

    mashed, apply to your face and sit until theyre dry. Wipe off the mask with a wet

    and warm cloth. The vitamin A in the carrots can help minimize the look of wrinkles

    and fine lines, all while removing the dirt that can make your pores look larger.

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    Cucumber toner: Youve already learned that cucumbers can be essential for

    fighting back against the signs of aging. As it turns out, cucumbers can also be

    essential for shrinking your pores. To do this, blend a peeled cucumber in a food

    processor or blender until it forms a liquid. Apply the liquid to your face (go heavy

    here the more liquid you apply, the better your skin will look) and sit until the mask

    has dried. After about fifteen minutes, rinse your face with cold water to see smaller

    and clearer pores.

    As you can see, you dont always have to eat food to enjoy their anti-aging benefits; you can

    just apply them to your skin in a facial mask designed to shrink your pores. With consistent

    use, youll find that your pores are so small, theyre practically invisible.

    Skin Pigmentation

    Skin pigmentation in other words, the dark spots and freckles that appear on your face

    after spending too much time in the sun or after an acne breakout can mar even the most

    perfect complexion. Whats more, there are a variety of reasons why skin pigmentation

    occurs, meaning that everyone is susceptible to this skin problem. From genetics and sun

    damage to acne scarring and pregnancy, theres no end to why skin pigmentation occurs

    but there are a variety of nutrients you can use to help minimize these marks, including the


    Vitamin C: This nutrient plays a critical role in helping your skin produce enough

    collagen, which is responsible for keeping your skin firm, hydrated, and looking

    youthful. Whats more, vitamin C helps prohibit the production of melanin, which can

    create pigmentation in your skin. Get your fill of vitamin C by filling up on fruits,

    veggies, and taking a multi-vitamin each day.

    Vitamin B12: Skin pigmentation is often caused by sun damage, as the UV rays

    have darkened certain parts of your skin. If you want to battle against

    hyperpigmentation, its important to get as much vitamin B12 as possible. Vitamin

    B12 is available in a range of fruits and vegetables, but your best bet to get as much

    as possible is to take a multi-vitamin.

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    Vitamin A: This vitamin is one of the most powerful nutrients for your skin, as this can

    help remove dead skin cells, reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and

    even help you get rid of acne. Vitamin A is so good for skin, in fact, that its been

    harnessed in the most powerful topical medications, including retinol and other

    medications. You can find vitamin A in a number of foods, as well as supplements

    and over-the-counter medications.

    While food presents an interesting piece of the puzzle to minimizing the appearance of skin

    pigmentation, youll need to supplement your diet with skin creams and nutritional

    supplements. If you ensure your diet reflects your dedication to the above vitamins, youll

    find that any hyperpigmentation begins to fade over time.

    Its important to note that if youre eating foods to combat your biggest skin woes, you need

    to give this new diet change plenty of time to take effect. No matter how many fruits and

    veggies you fill up on throughout the day, its going to take months of regular eating to see a

    noticeable difference in your skin. However, when you make the long-term commitment to

    filling your plate with more fruits, vegetables, and fish, youll find that not only will your skin

    look better; your waistline will become smaller, your arms will become trimmer, and your

    energy levels will start skyrocketing.

    In short, this is the kind of long-term commitment you wont mind making and by the time

    your skin woes start disappearing, youll find that you already feel much more confident

    about yourself.

    And thats the real key to everlasting beauty!

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    Throughout the course of this book, weve already emphasized how important antioxidants

    are to looking and feeling your most beautiful self. Antioxidants are critical to neutralizing

    free radicals within your body, which can accumulate due to prolonged exposure from stress,

    environmental pollution, sun damage, and eating a processed diet. If these free radicals are

    left roaming within your body, they can break down your bodily processes, interfere with your

    collagen production, and even contribute to prematurely graying hair (eek!).

    In other words, if you want to look and feel great without relying on expensive skin creams,

    its important to eat as many antioxidant-rich foods as possible. With this in mind, this

    chapter will run down the foods with the most antioxidants you can buy:

    Small Red Bean: These beans have about 13,727 antioxidant capacity per serving

    size, which is about half a cup. Thats a lot of antioxidants in just a tiny serving!

    Wild Blueberry: Wild blueberries have about 13,427 antioxidant capacity per serving

    size, which is approximately one cup.

    Red Kidney Beans: These beans have about 13,259 antioxidant capacity per serving

    size, which is about half a cup.

    Pinto Beans: These beans have about 11,864 antioxidant capacity per serving size,

    which is about half a cup.

    Cultivated Blueberry: Domestic blueberries have about 9,019 antioxidant capacity per

    serving size, which is approximately one cup.

    Cranberry: Cranberries have about 8,983 antioxidant capacity per serving size,

    which is 1 whole cup.

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    Cooked artichoke: Cooked artichokes have about 7,904 antioxidant capacity per

    serving size, which is one cup of artichoke he