$ 1270 1320 Nīsābūrī: al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Niẓām al-Dīn al-Aˁraj al-Nīsābūrī *** 1280 1330 Alfonso X [Alfonso el Sabio, Alfonso the Learned] 1284 1284 Gersonides: Levi ben Gerson 1288 1344 Bradwardine, Thomas * 1290 1349 John of Lignères [Johannes de Lineriis] * 1290 1350 * Gregoras, Nicephoros 1291 1361 Mizzī: Zayn al-Dīn [Shams al-Dīn] Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ˁAbd al-Raḥīm al-Mizzī al-Ḥanafī 1291 1349 Richard of Wallingford * 1291 1335 * Andalò di Negro of Genoa *** 1292 1342 John of Muris [Murs] [Johannes de Muris, Jean de Meurs, Jehan de Murs] * 1295 1357 ^ Ṣadr al-Sharīˁa al-Thānī: ˁUbaydallāh ibn Masˁūd al-Maḥbūbī al-Bukhārī al- *** 1296 1346 Mahendra Sūri **** 1300 1399 Abū al-ˁUqūl: Abū al-ˁUqūl Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Ṭabarī * 1300 Buridan, John * 1300 1361 Najm al-Dīn al-Miṣrī: Najm al-Dīn Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Miṣrī * 1300 1350 * ˁUbaydī: Jalāl al-Dīn Faḍl Allāh al-ˁUbaydī *** 1300 1350 Wābkanawī: Shams al-Munajjim [Shams al-Dīn] Muḥammad ibn ˁAlī Khwāja al-Wābkanawī [Wābaknawī] **** 1300 1350 Ibn al-Shāṭir: ˁAlā’ al-Dīn ˁAlī ibn Ibrāhīm * 1305 1375 * Maudith, John 1309 1343 Megenberg, Konrad [Conrad] von [Chunradus de Monte Puellarum] * 1309 1374 Bredon, Simon * 1310 1372 Kamāl al-Dīn al-Turkmānī: Kamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn ˁUthmān ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Muṣṭafā al-Māridīnī al-Turkmānī al-Ḥanafī 1314 1354 John [Danko] of Saxony * 1320 1355 Oresme, Nicole * 1320 1382 Rede, William * 1320 1385 * Henry [Heinrich] of Langenstein [von Langenstein] [Henry of Hesse the Elder] * 1325 1397 Pèlerin de Prusse [Pilgrim Zeleschicz von Preussen, Peregrinus de Prussia] 1335 1362 ^ Chaucer, Geoffrey 1340 1400 Jurjānī: ˁAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁAli al-Ḥusaynī al- Jurjānī [al-Sayyid al-Sharīf] 1340 1413 Khalīlī: Shams al-Dīn Abū ˁAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Khalīlī $ 1340 1390 d’Ailly, Pierre [Petrus de Alliaco, Peter of Ailli] 1350 1420 Qāḍīzāde al-Rūmī: Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Mūsā ibn Muḥammad ibn Maḥmūd al-Rūmī * 1359 1440 ^ Parameśvara of Vāṭaśśeri [Parameśvara I] * 1360 1455 * Nicholas of Lynn [Lynne] $ 1361 1411 Fusoris, Jean [Johanne] * 1365 1436 * Kāshī: Ghiyāth (al-Milla wa-) al-Dīn Jamshīd ibn Masˁūd ibn Maḥmūd al-Kāshī [al-Kāshānī] *** 1379 1429 John of Gmunden [Iohannes de Gmunden, Johann Krafft] 1380 1442 ˁAbd al-Wājid: Badr al-Dīn ˁAbd al-Wājid [Wāḥid] ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥanafī *** 1384 1434 Ulugh Beg [Gurgān]: Muḥammad Ṭaraghāy ibn Shāhrukh ibn Tīmūr 1394 1449 Toscanelli dal Pozzo, Paolo 1397 1482 Krebs, Nicholas [Nicholas Cusanus, Nikolaus von Cusa, Nicholas of Cusa] 1401 1464 Shirwānī: Fatḥallāh ibn Abū Yazīd ibn ˁAbd al-ˁAzīz ibn Ibrāhīm al-Shābarānī al-Shirwānī al-Shamāhī 1417 1486 Peurbach [Peuerbach, Purbach], Georg von -repeated 1423 1461 Sibṭ al-Māridīnī: Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad Abū ˁAbd Allāh Badr [Shams] al-Dīn al-Miṣrī al- Dimashqī 1423 1495 * Qūshjī: Abū al-Qāsim ˁAlā’ al-Dīn ˁAlī ibn Muḥammad Qushči-zāde *** 1424 1474 Walther, Bernard [Bernhard] 1430 1504 Müller, Johann [Regiomontanus] 1436 1476 Nīlakaṇṭha Somayāji 1444 1501 ^ Suyūṭī: Abū al-Faḍl ˁAbd al-Raḥmān Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūṭī 1445 1505 Brudzewski, Albertus de [Albertus Blar de Brudzewo, Albert 1446 1497 Ibn Abī al-Fatḥ al-Ṣūfī: Shams al-Dīn Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Fatḥ al-Ṣūfī 1450 1550 Stoeffler, Johannes [Stoeflerus] 1452 1531 Vinci, Leonardo da 1452 1519 Zacut: Abraham ben Samuel Zacut 1452 1515 Engel, Johannes [Angelus] 1453 1512 Makaranda $ 1453 1503 Novara, Domenico Maria da [Ploti Ferrariensis] 1454 1504 Vespucci, Amerigo 1454 1512 Behaim, Martin [Martin of Bohemia] 1459 1507 Virdung, Johann 1463 1539 Werner, Johannes 1468 1522 Khafrī: Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Khafrī al- Kāshī * 1470 1525 ^ Dürer, Albrecht 1471 1528 Copernicus [Coppernig, Koppernigk, Copernik], Nicolaus [Nicholas] 1473 1543 Qunawī: Muḥammad ibn al-Kātib Sīnān al-Qunawī *** 1474 1524 * Mīram Čelebī: Maḥmūd ibn Quṭb al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Mūsā Qāḍīzāde 1475 1525 Stabius, Johann $ 1475 1525 Birjandī: ˁAbd al-ˁAlī ibn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn al-Birjandī1476 1526 Schöner, Johannes 1477 1547 Fracastoro, Girolamo 1478 1533 Calcagnini, Celio 1479 1541 Finé, Oronce [Orontius Finaeus]1 1494 1555 Maurolico, Francesco 1494 1575 Keśava 1496 1507 Fernel, Jean-Francois * 1497 1558 Honter, Johannes 1498 1549 Osiander, Andreas 1498 1552 Ascham [Askham], Anthony **** 1500 1599 Jyeşţhadeva **** 1500 1599 Cholgi: Maḥmūd Shāh Cholgi [Khaljī] 1500 Schüler, Wolfgang **** 1500 1599 Vögelin, Johannes [Vogelinus] **** 1500 1599 Apian, Peter [Petrus Apianus] * 1501 1552 Cardano, Girolamo 1501 1576 Nunes, Pedro 1502 1578 Gaṇeśa 1507 1560 Frisius, Gemma Reinerus [Regnerus] 1508 1555 Piccolomini, Alessandro 1508 1579 Lārī: Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ṣalāḥ ibn Jalāl al-Saˁdī al-ˁIbādī al-Anṣārī al-Lārī * 1510 1572 Recorde, Robert * 1510 1558 Reinhold, Erasmus 1511 1553 Kremer, Gerhard [Gerardus Mercator] 1512 1594 Rheticus [Georg Joachim von Lauchen] 1514 1574 Ramus, Peter [Petrus] [Pierre de la Ramée] 1515 1572 Muñoz, Jerónimo * 1520 1592 ˁAlī al-Muwaqqit: Muṣliḥ al-Dīn Muṣṭafā ibn ˁAlī al-Qusṭanṭīnī al-Rūmī al-Ḥanafī al-Muwaqqit *** 1521 1571 Cole, Humphrey * 1524 1591 Digges, Leonard 1524 1563 * Leovitius, Cyprianus 1524 1574 Hájek z Hájku, Tadeá [Thaddaeus Hagecius, ab Hayck, Nemicus, Agecio] * 1525 1600 Peucer, Caspar 1525 1602 Taqī al-Dīn Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zayn al-Dīn Maˁrūf al- Dimashqī al-Ḥanafī 1526 1585 Dee, John 1527 1608 Offusius, Jofrancus ~ 1530 1557 ^ Rauchfuss, Konrad [Cunradus Dasypodius] * 1530 1600 Feild, John $ 1531 1581 Wilhelm IV [Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel] 1532 1592 Dudits [Dudith, Duditus], András [Andreas] 1533 1589 Gemma, Cornelius 1535 1579 Danti, Egnatio [Rainaldi, Carlo Pellegrino] 1536 1586 Barozzi, Francesco [Franciscus Barocius] . 1537 1604 Clavius, Christoph 1538 1612 Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo 1538 1621 Keyser, Pieter Dirckszoon [Petrus Theodori] * 1540 1596 Gilbert [Gilberd], William 1544 1603 Roeslin, Helisaeus 1545 1616 Brahe, Tyge [Tycho] Ottsen 1546 1601 Digges, Thomas * 1546 1595 Wittich, Paul * 1546 1586 * ˁĀmilī: Bahā al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn al-ˁĀmilī 1547 1621 Bruno, Giordano 1548 1600 Stevin, Simon 1548 1620 Savile, Henry 1549 1622 Acyuta Piṣāraṭi 1550 1621 Mästlin, Michael 1550 1631 Napier, John 1550 1617 Bürgi, Jost [Joost, Jobst] 1552 1632 Plancius [Platevoet], Petrus 1552 1622 Ricci, Matteo 1552 1610 Christmann, Jacob 1554 1613 Dinakara $ 1555 1605 Magini, Giovanni Antonio 1555 1617 Bär, Nicholaus Reymers [Raimarus Ursus] $ 1559 1609 Harriot, Thomas 1560 1621 Rothmann, Christoph * 1560 1600 * Bacon, Francis 1561 1626 Craig, John $ 1561 1611 Lansbergen, Philip [van] 1561 1632 Tarde, Jean [Tardeus] 1561 1636 Liddel, Duncan $ 1562 1612 Severin, Christian [Longomontanus] 1562 1647 Fabricius, David 1564 1617 Galilei, Galileo 1564 1642 Grienberger, Christopher 1564 1636 Muler, Nicolaus [Mulerius] 1564 1630 Chiaramonti, Scipione 1565 1652 Godwin, Frances * 1566 1633 * Lower, William 1569 1615 Rāghavānanda Śarman $ 1569 1619 Argoli, Andrea 1570 1657 Keckermann, Bartholomew 1571 1609 Kepler, Johannes 1571 1630 Bayer, Johann 1572 1625 Mayr, Simon [Marius] 1573 1624 Scheiner, Christoph 1573 1650 Hirzgarter, Matthias 1574 1653 Schreck, Johann [Jean Terrenz, Terrentius] * 1576 1630 Schiller, Julius *** 1577 1627 Castelli, Benedetto [Antonio] 1578 1643 Raňganātha I $ 1578 1628 Capra, Baldassarre 1580 1626 Peiresc, Nicolas-Claude Fabri de 1580 1637 Snel [Snell, Snellius], Willebrord * 1580 1626 Wendelen, Govaart [Gottfried, Godefried] [Godefridus Wendelinus] 1580 1667 Malapert, Charles 1581 1630 Bainbridge, John 1582 1643 Morin, Jean-Baptiste 1583 1656 Mathurānātha Śarman $ 1584 1634 Cesi, Federico 1585 1630 Fontana, Francesco * 1585 1656 Guiducci, Mario 1585 1646 Cysat, Johann Baptist * 1586 1657 Sizzi, Francesco $ 1586 1631 Fabricius [Goldsmid], Johann 1587 1616 Fromondus, Libertus 1587 1653 Mersenne, Marin 1588 1648 Zupi, Giovan Battista 1589 1667 Lansbergen, Jacob 1590 1657 Norwood, Richard 1590 1675 Schall von Bell, Johann Adam [Tang-Jo-Wang] 1591 1666 Gassendi, Pierre 1592 1655 Schickard, Wilhelm 1592 1635 Rho, Giacomo 1593 1638 Cavalieri, Bonaventura [Francesco] * 1594 1647 Grassi, Horatio $ 1594 1544 Descartes, René 1596 1650 Eichstad, Lorenz [Laurentius Eichstadius] 1596 1660 Zucchi, Nicollo 1596 1670 Odierna [Hodierna], Giovanbatista [Giovan Battista, Giovanni Battista] 1597 1660 Kircher, Athanasius 1598 1680 Petit, Pierre 1598 1677 Regius [de Roy], Hendrick [Henricus Regius] 1598 1679 Riccioli, Giovanni Battista 1598 1671 Bartsch, Jakob [Bartschius] $ 1599 1649 Chen Kui 1600 Curtz, Albert 1600 1671 Langren, Michael Florent van [Langrenus] * 1600 1675 Tezkireci Köse Ibrāhīm **** 1600 1699 Billy, Jacques de 1602 1679 Greaves, John 1602 1652 Rheita, Antonius Maria Schyrleus de [Johann Burchard Schyrle, Schierl, Schürle] 1604 1660 Boulliau, Ismaël 1605 1694 Van den Hove, Maarten [Martinus Hortensius, Ortensius] 1605 1639 Cunitz [Cunitia, Kunicia, Cunitiae], Maria * 1606 1664 Renieri, Vincenzio 1606 1647 Borelli, Giovanni Francesco Antonio Alfonso 1608 1679 Kamalākara * 1608 1658 *** Milton, John 1608 1674 Torricelli, Evangelista 1608 1647 Mukai, Gensho 1609 1677 Crabtree, William 1610 1644 Divini, Eustachio 1610 1685 Markgraf, Georg 1610 1644 Hevel, Johannes [Hevelius] 1611 1687 Gascoigne, William * 1612 1644 Grimaldi, Francesco Maria 1613 1663 Wilkins, John 1614 1672 Raňganātha II $ 1615 1665 Wallis, John 1616 1703 Ward, Seth 1617 1689 Wharten, George 1617 1681 Anthelme, Voituret 1618 1683 Holwarda, Johannes Phocylides [Fokkens] 1618 1651 Mouton, Gabriel 1618 1694 Horrocks [Horrox], Jeremiah * 1619 1641 Kauffman [Mercator], Nicolaus 1619 1687 Wing, Vincent 1619 1668 Picard, Jean 1620 1682 Rohault, Jacques 1620 1665 Auzout, Adrien 1622 1691 Rooke, Lawrence 1622 1662 Streete, Thomas 1622 1689 Buot [Buhot], Jacques ~ 1623 1678 Lubieniecki, Stanislaw [Stanislas] 1623 1675 Verbiest, Ferdinand 1623 1688 Bartholin, Erasmus 1625 1698 Cassini, Giovanni Domenico [Jean-Dominique] [Cassini I] 1625 1712 Weigel, Erhard 1625 1699 Shakerley, Jeremy 1626 1655 * Ihle, Abraham 1627 1699 * Rudānī: Abū ˁAbdallāh Muḥammad ibn Sulaymān (Muḥammad) al- Fāsī ibn Ṭāhir al-Rudānī al-Sūsī al-Mālikī [al- Maghribī]* 1627 1683 Cassegrain, Laurent * 1629 1693 Huygens, Christiaan 1629 1695 Richer, Jean 1630 1969 Régis, Pierre-Sylvain 1632 1707 Wren, Christopher 1632 1723 Montanari, Geminiano 1633 1687 Richaud, Jean 1633 1693 Campani, Giuseppe 1635 1715 Hooke, Robert 1635 1703 Kneller, Andreas [Cellarius] $ 1635 1685 Eimmart, George Christoph 1638 1705 Gregory, James 1638 1675 Malebranche, Nicholas 1638 1715 Kirch, Gottfried 1639 1710 Shibukawa, Harumi 1639 1715 Hire, Philippe de la 1640 1718 Newton, Isaac 1642 1727 Storer, Arthur 1642 1686 Dörffel, Georg Samuel 1643 1688 Römer, Ole Christensen [Olaus Roemer] 1644 1710 Siguenza y Góngora, Carlos [de] 1645 1700 Flamsteed, John 1646 1719 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 1646 1716 Hevelius, Catherina Elisabetha Koopman 1647 1693 Nishikawa, Joken [Tadahide] 1648 1724 Ḥusayn, Ḥasan & Muḥammad **** 1650 1699 Fèvre, Jean le 1652 1706 Sharp, Abraham 1653 1742 Bernoulli, Jacob [Jacques, James] 1654 1705 Halley, Edmond 1656 1742 Molyneux, William 1656 1698 Derham, William 1657 1735 Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier [Bouyer] de 1657 1757 Jagannātha Samrāṭ * 1657 1744 * Gregory [Gregorie], David 1659 1708 Riḍwān al-Falakī: Riḍwān Efendi ibn ˁAbdallāh al-Razzāz al-Falakī *** 1661 1711 Bianchini, Francesco [Francisco Blanchinus] 1662 1729 Greenwood, Nicholas $ 1664 1714 Maraldi, Giacomo Filippo [Maraldi I] 1665 1729 Gray, Stephen 1666 1736 Whiston, William 1667 1752 Pound, James 1669 1724 Kirch, Maria Margaretha Winkelman 1670 1720 Doppelmayer [Doppelmayr], Johann Gabriel * 1671 1750 Keill, John 1671 1721 Scheuchzer, Johann Jakob 1672 1733 Graham, George 1674 1751 Manfredi, Eustachio 1674 1739 Cassini, Jacques [Cassini II] 1677 1756 Mairan [Dortous de], Jean-Jacques 1678 1771 Suárez, Buenaventura 1678 1750 Horrebow, Peder Nielsen 1679 1764 Crosthwait, Joseph 1681 1719 Lauritsen, Charles Christian 1681 1744 Cotes, Roger 1682 1716 Hadley, John 1682 1744 Stukeley, William * 1687 1765 Wassenius [Vassenius], Birger 1687 1771 Delisle, Joseph-Nicolas 1688 1768 Jai Singh II 1688 1743 Swedenborg, Emanuel 1688 1772 ˁAbbās Wasīm Efendi 1689 1760 Molyneux, Samuel 1689 1728 Bradley, James 1693 1762 Kirch, Christfried 1694 1740 Outhier, Réginald [Réginaud] 1694 1774 Bevis [Bevans], John 1695 1771 Hiorter, Olof 1696 1750 Bouguer, Pierre 1698 1758 Maclaurin, Colin [Cailean MacLabhruinn] 1698 1746 Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis Moreau de 1698 1759 Camus, Charles-Étienne-Louis 1699 1768 Bernoulli, Daniel 1700 1782 Bliss, Nathaniel 1700 1764 Celsius, Anders 1701 1744 Godin, Louis 1704 1760 Dollond, John 1706 1761 Condamine, Charles-Marie de la 1707 1774 Euler, Leonhard 1707 1783 Fouchy, Jean-Paul [Grandjean de] 1707 1788 Leclerc, Georges-Louis [Comte de Buffon] 1707 1788 Maraldi, Giovanni Domenico [Jean-Dominique] [Maraldi II] 1709 1788 Zanotti, Eustachio 1709 1782 Ferguson, James 1710 1776 Boskovic, Rudjer [Roger] J. 1711 1787 Dunthorne, Richard 1711 1775 Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasilievich 1711 1765 Pingré, Alexandre-Guy 1711 1796 Wright, Thomas 1711 1786 Clairaut, Alexis-Claude 1713 1765 Engelhard, Nicolaus $ 1713 1763 Lacaille [La Caille], Nicolas-Louis de 1713 1762 Cassini de Thury, César-François [Cassini III] 1714 1784 Wilson, Alexander 1714 1786 Winthrop, John 1714 1779 Monnier [Lemonnier], Pierre-Charles le 1715 1799 Ximenes, Leonardo 1716 1786 d’Alembert [Dalembert], Jean-Le-Rond 1717 1783 Stewart, Matthew 1717 1785 Wargentin, Pehr Wilhelm 1717 1783 Darquier de Pellepoix, Antoine 1718 1802 Horrebow, Christian 1718 1776 Loys de Cheseaux, Jean-Philippe 1718 1751 Mayer, Christian 1719 1783 Höll, Miksa [Maximilian Hell] 1720 1792 Fixlmillner, Placidus 1721 1791 Barker, Thomas 1722 1809 Lepaute [Étable de la Brière], Nicole-Reine 1723 1788 Mayer, Johann Tobias 1723 1762 Palitzsch, Johann 1723 1788 Jeaurat, Edme-Sébastien 1724 1803 Kant, Immanuel 1724 1804 Michell, John 1724 1793 Planman, Anders 1724 1803 Gentil de la Galaisière, Guillaume-Joseph-Hyacinthe Jean-Baptiste le 1725 1792 Chappe d’Auteroche, Jean-Baptiste 1728 1769 Frisi, Paolo 1728 1784 Lambert, Johann Heinrich [Jean Henry] 1728 1777 Poczobut [Poczobutt], Marcin 1728 1810 Titius [Tietz], Johann Daniel 1729 1796 Bochart de Saron [Bochart-Saron], Jean-Baptiste-Gaspard 1730 1794 Dollond, Peter 1730 1820 Mason, Charles 1730 1786 Messier, Charles 1730 1817 Banneker, Benjamin 1731 1806 Cavendish, Henry 1731 1810 Lalande [Lefrançois de la Lande, de la Lande], Joseph-Jérôme 1732 1807 Maskelyne, Nevil 1732 1811 Rittenhouse, David 1732 1796 Borda, Jean-Charles de 1733 1799 Dixon, Jeremiah 1733 1779 Hornsby, Thomas 1733 1810 Asada, Goryu [Yasuaki] 1734 1799 Dionis du Séjour, Achille-Pierre 1734 1794 Green, Charles 1734 1771 Rumovsky, Stepan Yakovlevich 1734 1812 Wales, William 1734 1798 Bailly, Jean-Sylvain 1736 1793 Lagrange, Joseph Louis [Giuseppe Lodovico Lagrangia] 1736 1813 Herschel, William [Friedrich Wilhelm] 1738 1822 Dārandawī: Muḥammad ibn ˁUmar ibn ˁUthmān al-Dārandawī al- Ḥanafī 1739 1789 *** Prosperin, Erik 1739 1803 Khalīfazāde Ismāˁīl: Khalīfazāde Çınarī Ismāˁīl Efendi ibn Muṣṭafā *** 1740 1790 Lexell, Anders Johan 1740 1784 Hahn, Graf Friedrich von 1742 1805 Bernoulli, Johann III 1744 1807 Méchain, Pierre-François-André 1744 1804 Ino, Tadataka 1745 1818 Köhler, Johann Gottfried 1745 1801 Russell, John 1745 1806 Schröter, Johann Hieronymus 1745 1816 Triesnecker, Franz [Francis] de Paula von 1745 1817 Dymond, Joseph 1746 1796 Piazzi, Giuseppe 1746 1826 Bode, Johann Elert 1747 1826 Cassini, Jean-Dominique [Cassini IV] 1748 1845 Calandrelli, Giuseppe 1749 1827 Delambre, Jean-Baptiste-Joseph 1749 1822 Laplace, Pierre-Simon de 1749 1827 Herschel, Caroline Lucretia 1750 1848 d’Agelet, Joseph 1751 1788 Legendre, Adrien-Marie 1752 1833 Oriani, Barnaba 1752 1832 Gildemeister, Johann 1753 1837 Pigott, Edward 1753 1825 Ellicott, Andrew 1754 1820 Widmanstätten, Aloys [Alois] Joseph Franz Xaver von 1754 1849 Zach, János Ferenc [Franz Xaver] von 1754 1832 Flaugergues, Honoré 1755 1835 Groombridge, Stephen 1755 1832 Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich 1756 1827 Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias 1758 1840 Shizuki, Tadao 1760 1806 Pons, Jean-Louis 1761 1831 Dawes, William 1762 1836 Huth, Johann Sigismund Gottfried 1763 1818 Goodricke, John 1764 1786 Takahashi, Yoshitoki 1764 1804 Harding, Carl Ludwig 1765 1834 Lefrançois [de Lalande], Michel 1766 1839 Wollaston, William Hyde 1766 1828 Bouvard, Alexis 1767 1843 Brinkley, John 1767 1835 Pearson, William 1767 1847 Pond, John 1767 1836 Damoiseau, Marie-Charles-Théodore de 1768 1846 Humboldt, Alexander Friedrich Heinrich von 1769 1859 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1770 1831 Bowditch, Nathaniel 1773 1838 Brisbane, Thomas Makdougall 1773 1860 Burckhardt, Johann Karl [Jean-Charles] 1773 1825 Baily, Francis 1774 1844 Biot, Jean-Baptiste 1774 1862 Dick, Thomas 1774 1857 Gruithuisen, Franz von Paula 1774 1852 Mollweide, Karl Brandan 1774 1825 Ritter, Johann Wilhelm 1776 1810 Soldner, Johann Georg 1776 1833 Benzenberg, Johann Friedrich 1777 1846 Brandes, Heinrich Wilhelm 1777 1834 Gauss, Carl Friedrich 1777 1855 Cacciatore, Niccolò 1780 1841 Schumacher, Heinrich Christian 1780 1850 Somerville, Mary Fairfax Grieg 1780 1872 Littrow [Littroff], Johann Joseph [Edler] von 1781 1840 Plana, Giovanni Antonio Amedeo 1781 1864 Poisson, Siméon-Denis 1781 1840 Biela, Wilhelm Freiherr von 1782 1856 Carlini, Francesco 1783 1862 Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm 1784 1846 Hansteen, Christopher 1784 1873 Moll, Gerard 1785 1838 South, James 1785 1867 Amici, Giovanni Battista 1786 1863 Arago, Dominique-François-Jean 1786 1853 Fraunhofer, Joseph von 1787 1826 Santini, Giovanni-Sante-Gaspero 1787 1877 Rümker, Christian Karl Ludwig 1788 1862 Sabine, Edward 1788 1883 Smyth, William Henry 1788 1865 Boguslawsky, Palon [Palm] Heinrich Ludwig von 1789 1851 Bond, William Cranch 1789 1859 Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 1789 1857 Fallows, Fearon 1789 1831 Schwabe, Samuel Heinrich 1789 1875 Pouillet, Claude-Servais-Mathias-Marie-Roland 1790 1868 Encke, Johann Franz 1791 1865 Olmsted, Denison 1791 1859 Calandrelli, Ignazio 1792 1866 Herschel, John Frederick William 1792 1871 Lobachevsky, Nikolai Ivanovich 1792 1856 Locke, John 1792 1856 Robinson, Thomas Romney 1792 1892 Gautier, Jean-Alfred 1793 1881 Hencke, Karl Ludwig 1793 1866 Struve, Friedrich Georg Wilhelm [Vasily Yakovlevich] 1793 1864 Babinet, Jacques 1794 1872 Maclear, Thomas 1794 1879 Mädler, Johann Heinrich von 1794 1874 Whewell, William 1794 1866 Hansen, Peter Andreas 1795 1874 Le Doulcet, Phillippe Gustave 1795 1874 Lohrmann, Wilhelm Gotthelf 1796 1840 Quetelet, Lambert Adolphe Jacques 1796 1874 Adhémar, Joseph-Alphonse 1797 1862 Beer, Wilhelm 1797 1850 Henry, Joseph 1797 1878 Savary, Felix 1797 1841 Comte, Auguste [Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier] 1798 1857 Cooper, Edward Joshua 1798 1863 Henderson, Thomas 1798 1844 Wrottesley, John 1798 1867 Abbott, Francis 1799 1883 Argelander, Friedrich Wilhelm August 1799 1875 Dawes, William Rutter 1799 1868 Lassell, William 1799 1880 Gambart, Jean-Félix-Adolphe 1800 1836 Grubb, Thomas 1800 1878 Parsons, William [Third Earl of Rosse] 1800 1867 Rosenberger, Otto 1800 1890 Airy, George Biddell 1801 1892 Clausen, Thomas 1801 1885 Goldschmidt, Hermann Chaim Meyer 1802 1866 Biot, Edouard-Constant 1803 1850 Doppler, Johann Christian 1803 1853 Birt, William Radcliff 1804 1881 Bremiker, Carl 1804 1877 Challis, James 1804 1882 Clark, Alvan 1804 1887 Johnson, Manuel John 1805 1859 Lamont, John [Johann von] 1805 1879 Vico, Francesco de 1805 1848 Walker, Sears Cook 1805 1853 Alexander, Stephen 1806 1883 Bache, Alexander Dallas 1806 1867 Heis, Edward [Eduard, Edouard] 1806 1877 Maury, Matthew Fontaine 1806 1873 Morgan, Augustus de 1806 1871 Peters, Christian August Friedrich 1806 1880 Webb, Thomas William 1806 1885 Davis, Charles Henry 1807 1877 Kaiser, Frederik [Frederick, Friedrich] 1808 1872 Nasmyth, James Hall 1808 1890 Pritchard, Charles 1808 1893 Glaisher, James 1809 1903 Mitchel, Ormsby MacKnight 1809 1862 Peirce, Benjamin 1809 1880 Poe, Edgar Allan 1809 1849 Norton, William Augustus 1810 1883 Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard 1811 1899 Draper, John William 1811 1882 Gillis, James Melville 1811 1865 Herrick, Edward 1811 1861 Le Verrier, Urbain-Jean-Joseph 1811 1877 Littrow, Karl Ludwig von 1811 1877 Loomis, Elias 1811 1889 Waterston, John James 1811 1883 Dembowski, Ercole 1812 1881 Galle, Johann Gottfried 1812 1910 Peters, Christian Heinrich Friedrich 1813 1890 Ångström, Anders Jonas 1814 1874 Faye, Hervé 1814 1902 Kirkwood, Daniel 1814 1895 Lescarbault, Edmond Modeste 1814 1894 Mayer, Julius Robert 1814 1878 Baxendell, Joseph 1815 1887 De La Rue, Warren 1815 1889 Birmingham, John 1816 1844 Delaunay, Charles-Eugène 1816 1872 Rutherfurd, Lewis Morris 1816 1892 Wolf, Johann Rudolf 1816 1893 Ferrel, William 1817 1891 Fisher, Osmond 1817 1914 Mitchell, Maria 1818 1889 Secchi, [Pietro] Angelo 1818 1878 Swan, William 1818 1894 Adams, John Couch 1819 1892 Brorsen, Theodor Johann Christian Ambders 1819 1895 Fizeau, Armand-Hippolyte-Louis 1819 1896 Foucault, Jean-Bernard-Léon 1819 1868 Gasparis, Annibale de 1819 1892 Lane, Jonathan Homer 1819 1880 Smyth, Charles Piazzi 1819 1900 Stokes, George Gabriel 1819 1903 Struve, Otto Wilhelm [Otton Vasilievich] 1819 1905 Becquerel, Alexandre-Edmond 1820 1891 Chauvenet, William 1820 1870 Houzeau de Lehaie, Jean-Charles-Hippolyte-Joseph 1820 1888 Rankine, William John Macquorn 1820 1872 Roche, Édouard Albert 1820 1883 Swift, Lewis 1820 1913 Brűnnow, Franz Friedrich Ernst 1821 1891 Cayley, Arthur 1821 1895 Croll, James 1821 1890 Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von 1821 1894 Kovalsky [Voytekhovich], Marian Albertovich 1821 1884 Mouchez, Ernest Amédée Barthélémy 1821 1892 Tempel, Ernst Wilhelm Leberecht 1821 1889 d’Arrest, Heinrich Louis [Ludwig] 1822 1875 Luther, Karl Theodor Robert 1822 1900 Spörer, Friedrich Wilhelm Gustav 1822 1895 Chacornac, Jean 1823 1873 Gorton, Sandford 1823 1879 Green, Nathaniel Everett 1823 1899 Hind, John Russell 1823 1895 Pritchett, Carr Waller 1823 1910 Wallace, Alfred Russel 1823 1913 Gould, Benjamin Apthorp 1824 1896 Huggins, William 1824 1910 Janssen, Pierre Jules César 1824 1907 Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert 1824 1887 Respighi, Lorenzo 1824 1889 Thomson, William [Lord Kelvin, Baron Kelvin of Largs] 1824 1907 Balmer, Johann Jakob 1825 1898 Bond, George Phillips 1825 1865 Parkhurst, Henry M. 1825 1908 Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius 1825 1884 Carrington, Richard Christopher 1826 1875 Donati, Giovan Battista 1826 1873 Gulllemin Amedee Victor 1826 1893 Liais, Emmanuel-Benjamin 1826 1900 Ritter, Georg August Dietrich 1826 1908 Sorby, Henry Clifton 1826 1908 Stoney, George Johnstone 1826 1911 Todd, Charles 1826 1910 Winlock, Joseph 1826 1875 George Bassett 1827 1891 Ellery, Robert Lewis John 1827 1908 Klinkerfues, Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm 1827 1884 Schjellerup, Hans Karl Frederik Christian 1827 1887 Trouvelot, Étienne-Lêopold 1827 1895 Wolf, Charles-Joseph-Étienne 1827 1918 Schönfeld, Eduard 1828 1891 Stewart, Balfour 1828 1887 Hall, Asaph 1829 1907 Pogson, Norman Robert 1829 1891 Roberts, Isaac 1829 1904 Tennant, James Francis 1829 1915 Thollon, Louis 1829 1887 Bruhns, Karl [Carl] Christian 1830 1881 Newton, Hubert Anson 1830 1896 Wright, Chauncey 1830 1875 Bredikhin, Fyodor Aleksandrovich ß1831 1904 Maxwell, James Clerk 1831 1879 Stone, Edward James 1831 1897 Bour, Edmond 1832 1866 Clark, Alvan Graham 1832 1897 Krüger, Karl Nicolaus Adalbert 1832 1896 Neumann, Carl Gottfried 1832 1925 Löwy [Loewy], Maurice [Moritz] 1833 1907 Gaillot, Jean-Baptiste-Amiable 1834 1921 Hoek, Martinus 1834 1873 Langley, Samuel Pierpont 1834 1906 Tebbutt, John 1834 1916 Ward, Isaac W. 1834 1916 Young, Charles Augustus 1834 1908 Zöllner, Johann Karl Friedrich 1834 1882 Newcomb, Simon 1835 1909 Schiaparelli, Giovanni Virginio 1835 1910 Winnecke, Friedrich August Theodor 1835 1897 Elger, Thomas Gwyn Empy 1836 1897 Herschel, Alexander Stewart 1836 1907 Hough, George Washington 1836 1909 Lockyer, Joseph Norman 1836 1920 Russell, Henry Chamberlain 1836 1907 Safford, Truman Henry 1836 1901 Copeland, Ralph 1837 1905 Draper, Henry 1837 1882 Harkness, William 1837 1903 Herschel, John (Jr.) 1837 1921 McClean, Frank 1837 1904 Payne, William Wallace 1837 1928 Proctor, Richard Anthony 1837 1888 Stephan, Jean-Marie-Édouard 1837 1923 Weiss, Edmund 1837 1917 Abbe, Cleveland 1838 1916 Auwers, Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von 1838 1915 Burnham, Sherburne Wesley 1838 1921 Grigg, John 1838 1920 Hill, George William 1838 1914 Morley, Edward Williams 1838 1923 Tacchini, Pietro 1838 1905 Thiele, Thorvald Nicolai 1838 1910 Van de Sande Bakhuyzen [Bakhuysen], Hendrik Gerard [Hendricus Gerardus] 1838 1923 Watson, James Craig 1838 1880 Aḥmad Mukhtār: Ghāzī Aḥmad Mukhtār Pasha 1839 1919 Dunér, Nils Christoffer 1839 1914 Monck, William Henry Stanley 1839 1915 Rayet, Georges-Antoine-Pons 1839 1906 Tuttle, Horace Parnell 1839 1893 Ball, Robert Stawell 1840 1913 Brashear, John Alfred 1840 1920 Carpenter, James 1840 1899 Knorre, Victor Carl 1840 1919 Parsons, Laurence [Fourth Earl of Rosse] 1840 1908 Common, Andrew Ainslie 1841 1903 Cornu, Marie Alfred 1841 1902 Gyldén, Johan August Hugo 1841 1896 Higgs, George Daniel Sutton 1841 1914 Knobel, Edward Ball 1841 1930 Oppolzer, Theodor Ritter von 1841 1886 Vogel, Hermann Carl 1841 1907 André, M. Charles 1842 1912 Backhouse, Thomas William 1842 1920 Bickerton, Alexander William 1842 1929 Celoria, Giovanni 1842 1920 Clerke, Agnes Mary 1842 1907 Flammarion, Nicolas Camille 1842 1925 Konkoly Thege, Miklós [Nikolaus] 1842 1916 Abney, William de Wiveleslie 1843 1920 Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder 1843 1928 Franklin-Adams, John 1843 1912 Gilbert, Grove Karl 1843 1918 Gill, David 1843 1914 Lorenzoni, Giuseppe 1843 1914 Thome, John [Juan] Macon 1843 1908 Birkhoff, George David 1844 1944 Brooks, William Robert 1844 1921 Grubb, Howard 1844 1931 Klein, Hermann Joseph 1844 1914 Niesten, Jean Louis Nicholas 1844 1920 Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm 1844 1900 Riccò, Annibale 1844 1919 Christie, William Henry Mahoney 1845 1922 Darwin, George Howard 1845 1912 Fényi, Gyula [Julius Finck] 1845 1927 Gore, John Ellard 1845 1910 Lohse, Wilhelm Oswald 1845 1915 Perrotin, Henri-Joseph-Anastase 1845 1904 Ranyard, Arthur Cowper 1845 1894 Tisserand, François-Félix 1845 1896 Abetti, Antonio 1846 1928 Backlund, Jöns Oskar 1846 1916 Boss, Lewis 1846 1912 Chandler, Seth Carlo Jr. 1846 1913 Hirst, George Denton 1846 1915 Holden, Edward Singleton 1846 1914 Lindemann, Adolf Friedrich 1846 1931 Pickering, Edward Charles 1846 1919 Poretsky, Platon Sergeevich 1846 1907 Terby, François Joseph Charles 1846 1911 Whiting, Sarah Frances 1846 1927 Franz, Julius Heinrich G. 1847 1913 Hagen, Johann Georg 1847 1930 Stone, Ormond 1847 1933 Baillaud, Edouard-Benjamin 1848 1934 Denning, William Frederick 1848 1931 Glaisher, James Whitbread Lee 1848 1928 Henry, Paul Pierre 1848 1905 Huggins, Margaret Lindsay Murray 1848 1915 Palisa, Johann 1848 1925 Rowland, Henry Augustus 1848 1901 Weinek, László [Ladislaus] 1848 1913 Byrd, Mary Emma 1849 1934 Finlay, William Henry 1849 1924 Henry, Prosper-Mathieu 1849 1903 Nevill [Neville], Edmund Neison [Edmund Neison] 1849 1940 Seeliger, Hugo von 1849 1924 Tserasky [Ceraski, Tzeraskii], Vitol’d [Witold] Karlovich 1849 1925 Bigourdan, Camille Guillaume 1851 1932 FitzGerald, George Francis 1851 1901 Franks, William Sadler 1851 1935 Hartwig, Carl Ernst Albrecht 1851 1923 Kapteyn, Jacobus Cornelius 1851 1922 Lodge, Oliver Joseph 1851 1940 Maunder, Edward Walter 1851 1928 Müller, Karl Hermann Gustav 1851 1925 Serviss, Garrett Putnam 1851 1929 Dreyer, John Louis Emil 1852 1926 Klotz, Otto Julius 1852 1923 Michelson, Albert Abraham 1852 1931 Poynting, John Henry 1852 1914 Saunder, Samuel Arthur 1852 1912 Schuster, Arthur 1852 1934 Very, Frank Washington 1852 1927 Anderson, Thomas David 1853 1932 Deslandres, Henri-Alexandre 1853 1948 Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon 1853 1928 Schaeberle, John Martin [Johann Martin Schäberle] 1853 1924 Bailey, Solon Irving 1854 1931 Belopolsky, Aristarkh Apollonovich 1854 1934 Donner, Anders Severin 1854 1938 King, William Frederick 1854 1916 Kreutz, Heinrich Carl Friedrich 1854 1907 Poincaré, Jules-Henri 1854 1912 Rydberg, Johannes [Janee] Robert 1854 1919 Struve, Karl Hermann [Hermann Ottovich] 1854 1920 Brenner, Leo [Spiridion Gopčević] 1855 1928 Comstock, George Cary 1855 1934 Elkin, William Lewis 1855 1933 Lowell, Percival 1855 1916 Puiseux, Pierre-Henri 1855 1928 Todd, David Peck 1855 1939 Goodacre, Walter 1856 1938 Kempf, Paul Friedrich Ferdinand 1856 1920 Küstner, Karl Friedrich 1856 1936 Markov, Andrei Andreevich 1856 1922 Peary, Robert Edwin 1856 1920 Runge, Carl [Carle] David Tolme 1856 1927 Wilsing, Johannes Moritz Daniel 1856 1943 Barnard, Edward Emerson 1857 1923 Fleming, Williamina Paton Stevens 1857 1911 Gothard, Jenõ [Eugen] von 1857 1909 Keeler, James Edward 1857 1900 Larmor, Joseph 1857 1942 Roberts, Alexander William 1857 1938 St. John, Charles Edward 1857 1935 Blagg, Mary Adela 1858 1944 Espin, Thomas Henry Espinall Compton 1858 1934 Kobold, Hermann Albert 1858 1942 Pickering, William Henry 1858 1938 Scheiner, Julius 1858 1913 Struve, Gustav Wilhelm Ludwig [Ludwig Ottovich] 1858 1920 Wilson, Herbert Couper 1858 1940 Arrhenius, Svante August 1859 1927 Cerulli, Vincenzo 1859 1927 Miller, John Anthony 1859 1946 Barringer, Daniel 1860 1929 Bohlin, Karl Petrus Teodor 1860 1939 Hörbiger, Hanns 1860 1931 Mee, Arthur Butler Phillips 1860 1926 Archenhold, Friedrich Simon 1861 1939 Innes, Robert Thorburn Ayton 1861 1933 Klumpke Roberts, Dorothea 1861 1942 Turner, Herbert Hall 1861 1930 Whitehead, Alfred North 1861 1947 Williams, Arthur Stanley 1861 1938 Andoyer, Marie-Henri 1862 1929 Bjerknes, Vilhelm Frimann Koren 1862 1951 Campbell, William Wallace 1862 1938 Charlier, Carl Vilhelm Ludvig 1862 1934 Emden, Robert 1862 1940 Humphreys, William Jackson 1862 1949 Hussey, William Joseph 1862 1926 Palmer, Margaretta 1862 1924 Proctor, Mary 1862 1957 Cannon, Annie Jump 1863 1941 Wolf, Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius 1863 1932 Aitken, Robert Grant 1864 1951 Charlois, Auguste 1864 1910 Easton, Cornelis 1864 1929 Evershed, John 1864 1956 Javelle, Stéphane 1864 1917 Minkowski, Hermann 1864 1909 Nernst, Walther Hermann 1864 1941 Ritchey, George Willis 1864 1945 Salih Zeki 1864 1921 Chant, Clarence Augustus 1865 1956 Crommelin, Andrew Claude de la Cherois 1865 1939 Hartmann, Johannes Franz 1865 1936 Krieger, Johann Nepomuk 1865 1902 Plaskett, John Stanley 1865 1941 Sternberg [Shternberg], Pavel Karlovich 1865 1920 Zeeman, Pieter 1865 1943 Brown, Ernest William 1866 1938 Cosserat, Eugène-Maurice-Pierre 1866 1931 Frost, Edwin Brant 1866 1935 Halm, Jacob Karl Ernst 1866 1944 Lebedev, Petr Nikolaevich 1866 1912 Maury, Antonia Caetana Deraiva Pereira 1866 1952 Metcalf, Joel Hastings 1866 1925 Müller, Karl 1866 1942 Sampson, Ralph Allen 1866 1939 See, Thomas Jefferson Jackson 1866 1962 Witt, Carl Gustav 1866 1946 Birkeland, Kristian Olaf Bernhard 1867 1917 Burrau, Carl 1867 1944 Douglass, Andrew Ellicott 1867 1962 Evershed, Mary Ackworth Orr 1867 1949 Fabry, Marie-Paul-Auguste-Charles 1867 1945 Fisher, Willard James 1867 1934 Molesworth, Percy Braybrooke 1867 1908 Nušl, František 1867 1951 Perrine, Charles Dillon 1867 1951 Comas Solá, José 1868 1937 Dyson, Frank Watson 1868 1939 Fauth, Philipp Johann Heinrich 1868 1941 Fowler, Alfred 1868 1940 Hale, George Ellery 1868 1938 Jarry-Desloges, Réne 1868 1951 Leadbetter, Charles 1868 1921 Leuschner, Armin Otto 1868 1953 Maunder, Annie Scott Dill Russell 1868 1947 Millikan, Robert Andrews 1868 1953 Phillips, Theodore Evelyn Reece 1868 1942 Ristenpart, Frederich Wilhelm 1868 1913 Stroobant, Paul-Henri 1868 1936 Wood, Robert Williams 1868 1955 Ainslie, Maurice Anderson 1869 1951 Ellerman, Ferdinand 1869 1940 Furness, Caroline Ellen 1869 1936 Oppolzer, Egon Ritter von 1869 1907 Wilkins, Hugh Percival 1869 1960 Antoniadi, Eugéne Michael 1870 1944 Blazhko, Sergei Nikolaevich 1870 1956 Cowell, Philip Herbert 1870 1949 Hough, Sydney Samuel 1870 1923 Kimura, Hisashi 1870 1943 Perrin, Jean-Baptiste 1870 1942 Schwassmann, Friedrich Karl Arnold 1870 1964 Strömgren, Svante Elis 1870 1947 Daly, Reginald Aldworth 1871 1957 Porter, Russell Williams 1871 1949 Rutherford, Ernest 1871 1937 Schlesinger, Frank 1871 1943 Wright, William Hammond 1871 1959 Young, Anne Sewell 1871 1961 Abbot, Charles Greeley 1872 1973 Curtis, Heber Doust 1872 1942 Moulton, Forest Ray 1872 1952 Silberstein, Ludwik 1872 1948 Sitter, Willem de 1872 1934 Bergstrand, Östen 1873 1948 Coblentz, William Weber 1873 1962 Ensor, George Edmund 1873 1943 Hertzsprung, Ejnar [Einar] 1873 1967 Hinks, Arthur Robert 1873 1945 Lampland, Carl Otto 1873 1951 Ludendorff, Friedrich Wilhelm Hans 1873 1941 Olcott, William Tyler 1873 1936 Pannekoek, Antonie 1873 1960 Schwarzschild, Karl 1873 1916 Seares, Frederick Hanley 1873 1964 Slocum, Frederick 1873 1944 Sundman, Karl Frithiof 1873 1949 Zeipel, Edvard Hugo von 1873 1959 Hirayama, Kiyotsugu 1874 1943 Ross, Frank Elmore 1874 1960 Stark, Johannes 1874 1957 Störmer, Fredrik Carl Mülertz 1874 1957 Morgan, Herbert Rollo 1875 1957 Pfund, August Hermann 1875 1949 Plummer, Henry Crozier Keating 1875 1946 Saunders, Frederick Albert 1875 1963 Skjellerup, John Francis 1875 1952 Slipher, Vesto Melvin 1875 1969 Tikhov, Gavril Adrianovich 1875 1960 Adams, Walter Sydney 1876 1956 Albrecht, Sebastian 1876 1957 Anderson, John August 1876 1959 Esclangon, Ernest-Benjamin 1876 1954 Wirtz, Carl Wilhelm 1876 1939 Aston, Francis William 1877 1945 Gökmen, Mehmed Fatin 1877 1955 Jeans, James Hapwood 1877 1946 Russell, Henry Norris 1877 1957 Dugan, Raymond Smith 1878 1940 Dziewulski, Wladyslaw 1878 1962 Fox, Philip 1878 1944 Harper, William Edmund 1878 1940 Moore, Joseph Haines 1878 1949 Stebbins, Joel 1878 1966 Wilson, Latimer James 1878 1948 Einstein, Albert 1879 1955 Guthnick, Paul 1879 1947 Horn d’Arturo, Guido 1879 1967 Lau, Hans Emil 1879 1918 Milankovitch [Milankovič], Milutin 1879 1958 Rosenberg, Hans 1879 1940 Schmidt, Bernhard Voldemar 1879 1935 Boss, Benjamin 1880 1970 Curtiss, Ralph Hamilton 1880 1929 Fath, Edward Arthur 1880 1959 Gingrich, Curvin Henry 1880 1951 Melotte, Philibert Jacques 1880 1961 Van Biesbroeck, Georges-Achille 1880 1974 Campbell, Leon 1881 1951 Nordmann, Charles 1881 1940 Pease, Francis Gladhelm 1881 1938 Regener, Erich Rudolph Alexander 1881 1955 Stratton, Frederick John Marrian 1881 1960 Tolman, Richard Chace 1881 1948 Abetti, Giorgio 1882 1982 Babcock, Harold Delos 1882 1965 Banachiewicz, Thaddeus Julian 1882 1954 Delporte, Eugène-Joseph 1882 1955 Duncan, John Charles 1882 1967 Eddington, Arthur Stanley 1882 1944 Joy, Alfred Harrison 1882 1973 Kopff, August 1882 1960 Péridier, Julien Marie 1882 1967 Strömberg, Gustav 1882 1962 Comrie, Leslie John 1883 1950 Hess, Victor Franz [Francis] 1883 1964 Kohlschütter, Arnold 1883 1969 Kulik, Leonid Alexyevich 1883 1942 Prager, Richard 1883 1945 Sanford, Roscoe Frank 1883 1958 Slipher, Earl Carl 1883 1967 d’Azambuja, Lucien 1884 1970 Lacchini Giovanni Battista 1884 1967 Olivier, Charles Pollard 1884 1975 Van Maanen, Adriaan 1884 1946 Bohr, Niels Henrik David 1885 1962 Freundlich [Finlay-Freundlich], Erwin 1885 1964 Kaluza, Theodor Franz Eduard 1885 1954 Shapley, Harlow 1885 1972 Stetson, Harlan True 1885 1964 Weyl, [Claus Hugo] Hermann 1885 1955 Mellish, John Edward 1886 1970 Rossiter, Richard Alfred 1886 1977 Struve, Georg Otto Hermann 1886 1933 Taylor, Geoffrey Ingram 1886 1975 Trumpler, Robert Julius 1886 1956 Van Rhijn, Pieter Johannes 1886 1960 Wilson, Ralph Elmer 1886 1960 Zinner, Ernst 1886 1970 Jackson, John 1887 1958 Kiess, Carl Clarence 1887 1967 Kolhörster, Werner Heinrich Julius Gustav 1887 1946 Merrill, Paul Willard 1887 1961 Nininger, Harvey Harlow 1887 1986 Schrödinger, Erwin 1887 1961 Chapman, Sydney 1888 1970 Friedmann, Alexander Alexandrovich 1888 1925 Hay, William Thomson 1888 1949 Ingalls, Albert Graham 1888 1958 Jenkins, Louise Freeland 1888 1970 Jonckheere, Robert 1888 1974 Mikhailov, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich 1888 1983 Stern, Otto 1888 1969 Fesenkov, Vasilii Grigorevich 1889 1972 Fowler, Ralph Howard 1889 1944 Gaposchkin, Sergei [Sergej] Illarionovich 1889 1984 Gerasimovich [Gerasimovič], Boris Petrovich 1889 1937 Hubble, Edwin Powell 1889 1953 Lundmark, Knut Emil 1889 1958 Pettit, Edison 1889 1962 Smart, William Marshall 1889 1975 Watts, Chester Burleigh 1889 1971 Alden, Harold Lee 1890 1964 Bower, Ernest Clare 1890 1964 Danjon, André-Louis 1890 1967 Dingle, Herbert 1890 1978 Grotrian, Walter 1890 1954 Hulburt, Edward Olson 1890 1966 Shapley, Martha [Betz] 1890 1981 Spencer Jones, Harold 1890 1960 Vogt, Heinrich 1890 1968 Dawson, Bernhard * 1891 1960 Humason, Milton Lasell 1891 1972 Jeffreys, Harold 1891 1989 Makemson, Maud Worcester 1891 1977 McMath, Robert Raynolds 1891 1962 Nicholson, Seth Barnes 1891 1963 Numerov [Noumeroff], Boris Vasil’evich 1891 1941 Peek, Bertrand Meigh 1891 1965 Schmidt, Otto Iulevich 1891 1956 Väisälä, Yrjö 1891 1971 Woltjer, Jan, Jr. 1891 1946 Appleton, Edward Victor 1892 1965 Bennot, Maude Verona 1892 1982 Compton, Arthur Holly 1892 1962 Hoffmeister, Cuno 1892 1868 Reinmuth, Karl Wilhelm 1892 1979 Shain [Shayn, Shajn], Grigory Abramovich 1892 1956 Thomson, George Paget 1892 1975 Baade, Wilhelm Heinrich Walter 1893 1960 Lanczos [Lowy], Cornelius [Kornel] 1893 1974 Malmquist, Karl Gunnar 1893 1982 Minnaert, Marcel Gilles Jozef 1893 1970 Öpik, Ernst Julius 1893 1985 Pearce, Joseph Algernon 1893 1988 Plaskett, Harry Hemley 1893 1980 Saha, Meghnad N. 1893 1956 Urey, Harold Clayton 1893 1981 Beyer, Max 1894 1982 Chemla-Lameche [Lamech], Felix 1894 1962 Klein, Oskar Benjamin 1894 1977 Lemaitre, Georges Henri-Joseph-Edouard 1894 1966 Steavenson, William Herbert 1894 1975 Stewart, John Quincy 1894 1972 Stoyko [Stoiko-Radilenko], Nicolas 1894 1976 Thom, Alexander 1894 1985 Zanstra, Herman 1894 1972 Chalonge, Daniel 1895 1977 Kienle, Hans Georg 1895 1975 Lindblad, Bertil 1895 1965 Minkowski, Rudolph Leo Bernhard 1895 1976 Shane, Charles Donald 1895 1983 Alexander, Arthur Francis O’Donel 1896 1971 Bobrovnikoff, Nicholas Theodore 1896 1988 Dufay, Jean 1896 1967 Maksutov, Dmitry Dmitrievich 1896 1964 Milne, Edward Arthur 1896 1950 O’Connell, Daniel Joseph Kelly 1896 1982 Van den Bos, Willem Hendrik 1896 1974 Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart [Baron Blackett of Chelsea] 1897 1974 Dunham, Theodore, Jr. 1897 1984 Erro, Luis Enrique 1897 1955 Greaves, William Michael Herbert 1897 1955 Hagihara, Yusuke 1897 1979 Lyot, Bernard 1897 1952 Struve, Otto 1897 1963 Atkinson, Robert d’Escourt 1898 1982 Bowen, Ira Sprague 1898 1973 Moore-Sitterly, Charlotte Emma 1898 1990 Zwicky, Fritz 1898 1974 Beals, Carlyle Smith 1899 1979 Couderc, Paul 1899 1981 Elvey, Christian Thomas 1899 1970 Luyten, Willem Jacob 1899 1994 Mineur, Henri Paul 1899 1954 Neugebauer, Otto E. 1899 1990 Smith, Sinclair 1899 1938 Wurm, Karl 1899 1975 Oort, Jan Hendrick 1900 1992 Payne [Payne Gaposchkin, Gaposchkin, Payne-Gaposchkin], Cecilia Helena 1900 1979 Peltier, Leslie Copus 1900 1980 Porter, John Guy 1900 1981 Stokley, James 1900 1989 Baize, Paul-Achille-Ariel 1901 1995 Bečvář, Antonín 1901 1965 Heckmann, Otto Hermann Leopold 1901 1983 Khaikin, Semyon Emmanuilovich 1901 1968 McLaughlin, Dean Benjamin 1901 1965 Menzel, Donald Howard 1901 1976 Sharonov, Vsevolod Vasilievich 1901 1964 Van de Kamp, Peter [Piet] 1901 1995 Brouwer, Dirk 1902 1966 Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice 1902 1984 Eckert, Wallace John 1902 1971 Ferraro, Vincenzo Consolato Antonino 1902 1974 Jordan, Ernst Pascual 1902 1980 Mayall, Margaret Walton 1902 1995 Monnig, Oscar Edward 1902 1999 Schalén, Carl 1902 1993 Swope, Henrietta Hill 1902 1980 Wachmann, Arno Arthur 1902 1990 Berman, Louis 1903 1997 Cousins, Alan William James 1903 2001 Houtermans, Friedrich Georg 1903 1966 Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich 1903 1987 Kordylewski, Kazimierz 1903 1981 Öhman, K. Yngve 1903 1988 Prentice, John Philip Manning 1903 1981 Robertson, Howard Percy 1903 1961 Smiley, Charles Hugh 1903 1977 Allen, Clabon Walter 1904 1987 Barnothy Forro, Madeleine 1904 1996 Barnothy, Jeno M 1904 1993 Forbush, Scott Ellsworth 1904 1984 Gamow, George [Georgiy Antonovich] 1904 1968 Garfinkel, Boris 1904 1999 Herzberg, Gerhard 1904 1999 Hogg, Frank Scott 1904 1951 Lallemand, André 1904 1978 McCrea, William Hunter 1904 1999 McIntosh, Ronald Alexander 1904 1977 McVittie, George Cunliffe 1904 1988 Oppenheimer, J. Robert 1904 1967 Spitz, Armand Neustadter 1904 1971 Vorontsov-Veliaminov [Velyaminov], Boris Aleksandrovich 1904 1994 Anderson, Carl David 1905 1991 Brück, Hermann Alexander 1905 2000 Finsen, William S. 1905 1979 Jansky, Karl Guthe 1905 1950 Kuiper, Gerard Peter 1905 1973 Redman, Roderick Oliver 1905 1975 Roach, Franklin Evans 1905 1993 Rossi, Bruno Benedetto 1905 1993 Sawyer Hogg [Hogg], Helen Battles 1905 1993 Unsöld, Albrecht 1905 1995 Whitford, Albert Edward 1905 2002 Wildt, Rupert 1905 1976 Williams, Evan Gwyn 1905 1940 Bethe, Hans Albrecht 1906 2005 Bok, Bart Jan 1906 1983 Cowling, Thomas George 1906 1990 Edlen, Bengt 1906 1993 Korff, Serge Alexander 1906 1989 Lacroute, Pierre 1906 1993 Mayall, Nicholas Ulrich 1906 1993 Millman, Peter Mackenzie 1906 1990 Morgan, William Wilson 1906 1994 Parenago, Pavel Petrovich 1906 1960 Perepelkin, Yevgenij Yakovlevich 1906 1937 Swings, Polydore [Pol] Ferdinand Felix 1906 1983 Tombaugh, Clyde William 1906 1997 Whipple, Fred Lawrence 1906 2004 Woolley, Richard Van der Riet 1906 1986 Barbier, Daniel 1907 1965 Biermann, Ludwig Franz Benedikt 1907 1986 Hoffleit, Ellen Dorrit 1907 Present Lindsay, Eric Mervyn 1907 1974 Markowitz, William 1907 1998 Strand, Kaj Aage Gunnar 1907 2000 Adel, Arthur 1908 1994 Alfvén, Hannes Olof Gösta 1908 1995 Ambartsumian, Victor Amazaspovitch 1908 1996 Clemence, Gerald Maurice 1908 1974 Hall, John Scoville 1908 1991 Herget, Paul 1908 1981 Holmberg, Erik 1908 2000 Keenan, Philip Childs 1908 2000 Kozyrev, Nikolai Alexandrovich 1908 1983 Mohler, Orren Cuthbert 1908 1985 Pawsey, Joseph Lade 1908 1962 Stromgren, Bengt Georg Daniel 1908 1987 Teller, Edward [Ede] 1908 2003 Tousey, Richard 1908 1997 Bateson, Frank Maine 1909 Present Ellison, Mervyn Archdall 1909 1963 Evans, John Wainright 1909 1999 Federer, Charles Anthony, Jr. 1909 1999 Focas, John Henry 1909 1969 Geddes, Murray 1909 1944 Greenstein, Jesse Leonard 1909 2002 Halbach, Edward Anthony 1909 Present Hey, [James] Stanley 1909 2000 Irwin, John Henry Barrows 1909 1997 Lipsky, Yuri Naumovich 1909 1978 Suess, Hands Eduard 1909 1993 Walker, Arthur Geoffrey 1909 2001 Wesselink, Adriaan Jan 1909 1995 Wilson, Olin Chaddock, Jr. 1909 1994 Wyse, Arthur Bambridge 1909 1942 Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan 1910 1995 Critchfield, Charles Louis 1910 1994 Henyey, Louis George 1910 1970 Jacchia, Luigi Giuseppe 1910 1996 Kiepenheuer, Karl-Otto 1910 1975 McKellar, Andrew 1910 1960 Papadopoulos, Christos 1910 1992 Plaut, Lukas 1910 1984 Thackeray, Andrew David 1910 1978 Wirtanen, Carl Alvar 1910 1990 Alvarez, Luis Walter 1911 1988 Boyer, Charles 1911 1989 Cuffey, James 1911 1999 Fowler, William Alfred 1911 1995 Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur 1911 1995 Pişmiş, Paris Marie 1911 1999 Reber, Grote 1911 2002 Seyfert, Carl Keenan 1911 1960 Van Albada, Gale Bruno 1911 1972 Wheeler, John Archibald 1911 Present Babcock, Horace Welcome 1912 2003 Baldwin, Ralph Belknap 1912 Present Purcell, Edward Mills 1912 1997 Schwarzschild, Martin 1912 1997 Waldmeier, Max 1912 2000 Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich von 1912 Present Whitrow, Gerald James 1912 2000 Aller, Lawrence Hugh 1913 2003 Christiansen, Wilbur Norman 1913 Present Davis [Davis Locanthi], Dorothy N. 1913 1999 Dombrovskij [Dombrovsky, Dombrovski], Viktor A. 1913 1972 Ford, Clinton Banker 1913 1992 Goldberg, Leo 1913 1987 Haro Barraza, Guillermo 1913 1988 Honda, Minoru 1913 1990 Kron, Gerald Edward 1913 Present Lovell, Alfred Charles Bernard 1913 Present Markarian, Beniamin Egishevich 1913 1985 Page, Thornton L. 1913 1996 Popper, Daniel Magnes 1913 1999 Przybylski, Antoni 1913 1984 Snyder, Hartland 1913 1962 Baker, James Gilbert 1914 2005 Blaauw, Adriaan 1914 Present Davis, Raymond Jr. 1914 2006 Hatanaka, Takeo 1914 1963 Herman, Robert 1914 1997 Hiltner, William Albert 1914 1991 Kopal, Zdenek 1914 1993 Ledoux, Paul 1914 1988 Spitzer, Lyman, Jr. 1914 1997 Van Allen, James Alfred 1914 2006 Volkoff, George Michael 1914 2000 Zel’dovich, Yakov Borisovich 1914 1987 Giovanelli, Ronald Gordon 1915 1984 Hoyle, Fred 1915 2001 Middlehurst, Barbara Mary 1915 1995 Morrison, Philip 1915 2005 Wood, Frank Bradshaw 1915 1997 Bates, David Robert 1916 1994 Brown, Robert Hanbury 1916 2002 Dicke, Robert Henry 1916 1997 Evans, David Stanley 1916 2004 Friedman, Herbert 1916 2000 Ginzburg [Ginzberg], Vitaly Lazarevich 1916 Present Lin, Chia C. 1916 Present Shklovsky [Shklovskii, Shklovskij], Iosif Samuilovich 1916 1985 Haas, Walter Henry 1917 Present Safronov, Viktor Sergeyevich 1917 1999 Ashbrook, Joseph 1918 1980 Deutsch, Armin Joseph 1918 1969 Kerr, Frank John 1918 2000 Mrkos, Antonín 1918 1996 Müller, Edith Alice 1918 1995 Vaucouleurs, Gérard Henri de 1918 1995 Wilson, Albert George 1918 Present Legend * = circa ** = possibly *** = approximately **** = estimated lifespan ~ = before ^ = after $ = twenty-five years before and twenty-five years after date known to have flourished A one-hundred-year span indicates that the individual flourished during that century. Thomas Hockey (University of Northern Iowa) ABSTRACT My Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (Springer, 2007) is also an encyclopedia of cosmologists. I have used the online version prosopographically to produce a unique timeline of both astronomers and cosmologists from antiquity to the early twentieth-century. When possible, this timeline depicts the life spans of individuals. The graphical representation makes it easy to spot contemporaries. Nearly sixteen-hundred persons appear, including many non-western scholars often underrepresented. All entries are denoted under their most familiar name. Dates are converted to Gregorian, with a maximum time resolution of one year. Different levels of certitude among the dates are shown symbolically. A consultant (academic web designer) helped maximize legibility in a small poster space. Post hoc, ergo propter hoc” is invalid in history, as it is in science. Contemporaries are separated by geography, language, etc. Yet while it cannot be used to trace influence, my timeline easily excludes potential influence. A Timeline of Astronomers and Cosmologists 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present Homer **** 799 BCE 700 BCE Hesiod **** 799 BCE 700 BCE Lalla **** 799 BCE 700 BCE Thales of Miletus * 625 BCE 547 BCE Anaximander of Miletus * 611 BCE 661 BCE * Anaximenes of Miletus $* 636 BCE 586 BCE Xenophanes of Colophon * 571 BCE 475 BCE * Pythagoras * 570 BCE 480 BCE * Heraclitus of Ephesus [the Riddler, the Obscure] * 540 BCE 480 BCE * Cleostratus of Tenedos $* 525 BCE 475 BCE * Parmenides of Elea * 515 BCE 450 BCE * Anaxagoras of Clazomenae 428 BCE ^ Aeschylus **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Archelaus of Athens **** 499 BCE 449 BCE Naburianu [Naburianus, Nabû-ri-man-nu] **** 499 BCE 400 BCE *** Archytas of Tarentum **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Gan De **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Kidinnu [Kidin, Kidenas] **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Phillip of Opus **** 499 BCE 400 BCE Empedocles of Acragas * 493 BCE 433 BCE Oenopides of Chios * 490 BCE 420 BCE Leucippus of Miletus * 480 BCE 420 BCE * Hippocrates of Chios * 470 BCE 410 BCE * Democritus of Abdera * 460 BCE 370 BCE * Philolaus of Croton * 460 BCE 410 BCE * Euctemon $ 457 BCE 402 BCE *** Meton $ 457 BCE 407 BCE Diogenes of Apollonia $* 455 BCE 405 BCE Ecphantus * 440 BCE 390 BCE * Plato * 428 BCE 347 BCE ** Hicetus [Nicetus] *:$ 425 BCE 375 BCE Helicon of Cyzicus $ 410 BCE 310 BCE Ephorus **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Eudemus of Rhodes **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Shi Shen **** 400 BCE 300 BCE Eudoxus * 390 BCE 338 BCE Heraclides of Heraclea [Heraclides of Pontus, Heraclides Ponticus] * 388 BCE 310 BCE * Aristotle 384 BCE 322 BCE Menaechmus $ 375 BCE 325 BCE Theophrastus [Tyrtamus] 372 BCE 286 BCE Callippus of Cyzikus [Kãllippow] * 370 BCE 300 BCE Autolycus * 360 BCE 290 BCE * Metrodorus of Chios $ 350 BCE 300 BCE * Epicurus of Samos * 341 BCE 271 BCE Theon of Alexandria * 335 BCE 400 BCE * Berossus * 330 BCE 270 BCE * Aristarchus of Samos * 310 BCE 230 BCE **^ Conon of Samos **** 300 BCE 200 BCE * Aratus **** 299 BCE 240 BCE Aristyllus **** 299 BCE 200 BCE ~ Archimedes 287 BCE 212 BCE Chrysippus of Soloi * 280 BCE 207 BCE Eratosthenes of Cyrene * 274 BCE 194 BCE Dositheus of Pelousion $ 255 BCE 205 BCE * Apollonius of Perga * 247 BCE 205 BCE Hipparchus of Nicaea * 190 BCE 120 BCE * Hypsicles of Alexandria $ 175 BCE 125 BCE * Seleukus of Seleukeia $ 175 BCE 125 BCE Theodosius of Bithynia * 160 BCE 90 BCE Sima Qian * 140 BCE 90 BCE * Posidonius 135 BCE 51 BCE * Cicero, Marcus Tullius 106 BCE 43 BCE Lucretius [Carus], Titus * 99 BCE 55 BCE * Vitruvius [Pollio], Marcus * 85 BCE 15 BCE * Virgil [Vergil] [Publius Vergilius Maro] 70 BCE 19 BCE * Sosigenes of Alexandria **** 50 BCE 1 Ovid [Publius Ovidius Naso] 43 BCE 17 Manilius [Manlius, Mallius], Marcus $ 15 BCE 35 Geminus * 10 BCE 60 Seneca **** 1 100 Pliny the Elder [Plinius Secundus] 22 79 Jia Kui 30 101 Plutarch * 45 125 * Menelaus of Alexandria * 70 130 * Theon of Smyrna * 70 135 * Zhang Heng [Chang Heng] 78 139 Ptolemy [Claudius Ptolemaius] **** 100 199 Fu An 100 Yavaneśvara $ 124 174 Cleomedes $ 175 225 Sphujidhvaja **** 200 299 Timocharis **** 200 250 Chen Zhuo [Ch’en Cho] * 265 317 * Pappus of Alexandria **** 300 399 Augustine of Hippo [Aurelianus Augustinus] 354 430 Synesius of Cyrene * 365 413 * Hypatia * 370 415 Macrobius, Ambrosius [Theodosius] **** 400 499 Qian Lezhi **** 400 499 Chalcidius **** 400 Proclus * 411 485 Zu Chongzhi [Tsu Ch’ung-chih] 429 500 Ammonius * 440 521 * Heliodorus of Alexandria *** 459 509 Eutocius $ 475 525 Āryabhaṭa I [the Elder] 476 526 *** Boëthius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus * 480 526 Dionysius Exiguus 480 556 ~ Cassiodorus, Flavius Magnus Aurelius * 485 585 * Philoponus, John [John the Grammarian, John of Alexandria] * 490 570 * Simplicius of Cilicia * 490 560 * Olympiodorus the Younger [the Platonist, the Neo-Platonist, the Philosopher, the Great] 495 565 ^ Gregory of Tours **** 500 599 Capella, Martianus [Felix] Mineus [Minneius, Minneus] **** 500 Yativṛṣabha **** 500 599 Varahamihira 505 587 Liu Zhuo [Ch’o] 544 610 Isidore of Sevilla [Isidorus Hispalensis] * 560 636 Severus Sebokht [Sebokt, Sebukht, Seboht] * 575 667 Brahmagupta 598 665 ^ Cosmas Indicopleustes **** 600 Li Chunfeng 602 670 Bhāskara I $ 604 654 Haridatta I $ 658 708 Bede * 673 735 Yixing [Seng Yixing, Yixing Chanshi, I-Hsing] 683 727 Alcuin [Alchvine, Ealhwine] [Albinus, Flaccus] * 735 804 Kanka $ 745 795 Fazārī: Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Fazārī **** 750 810 **** Yaˁqūb ibn Ṭāriq **** 750 850 Hārūn al-Rashīd 763 809 Māshā’allāh ibn Atharī (Sāriya) [Messahala] *** 765 815 * Einhard * 770 840 Khwārizmī: Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī * 780 850 * Ḥajjāj ibn Yūsuf ibn Maṭar 786 830 Ma’mūn: Abū al-ˁAbbās ˁAbdallāh ibn Hārūn al-Rashīd 786 833 Abū Maˁshar Jaˁfar ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁUmar al-Balkhi Albumasar] ** 787 886 ** Nayrīzī: Abū al-ˁAbbās al-Faḍl ibn Ḥātim al-Nayrīzī **** 800 899 Kindī: Abū Yūsuf Yaˁqūb ibn Isḥāq al-Kindī * 800 870 ^ Sanad ibn ˁAlī: Abū al-Ṭayyib Sanad ibn ˁAlī al-Yahūd **** 800 899 Scottus Eriugena, [John] Johannes **** 800 899 ˁUṭārid: ˁUṭārid ibn Muḥammad al-Ḥāsib **** 800 899 Jawharī: al-ˁAbbās ibn Saˁīd al-Jawharī $ 805 855 Marwarrūdhī: Khālid ibn ˁAbd al-Malik al-Marwarrūdhī al-Marwazī, Qaṭṭān-i: ˁAyn al-Zamān Abū ˁAlī Ḥasan ibn ˁAlī Qaṭṭān [Qaṭṭān] al-Marwazī $ 807 857 Ḥabash al-Ḥāsib: Abū Jaˁfar Aḥmad ibn ˁAbd Allāh al-Marwazī *** 819 869 ^ Qusṭā Ibn Lūqā al-Baˁlabakkī [Costa ben Luca] * 820 913 * Yaḥyā ibn Abī Manṣūr: Abū ˁAlī Yaḥyā ibn Abī Manṣūr al-Munajjim * 820 830 Isḥāq Ibn Ḥunayn: Abū Yaˁqūb Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq al-ˁIbādī * 830 911 Thābit ibn Qurra * 830 901 Sulaymān ibn ˁIṣma: Abū Dāwūd Sulaymān ibn ˁIṣma al- Samarqandī **** 850 899 Battānī: Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Jābir ibn Sinān al- ~ 858 929 Hāshimī: ˁAlī ibn Sulaymān al-Hāshimī $ 865 915 Fārābī: Abū Naṣr Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Tarkhān al-Fārābī [Alfarabius] * 870 950 Ādami: Abū ˁAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn Muḥammad al-Ādami $:* 875 950 Muñjāla [Mañjula] $ 875 925 Ibn Sahl: Abū Saˁd al-ˁAlā’ ibn Sahl **** 900 999 Nasṭūlus: Muḥammad ibn ˁAbd Allāh [Basṭūlus] **** 900 999 Qāsim ibn Muṭarrif al-Qaṭṭān: Abū Muḥammad Qāsim ibn Muṭarrif ibn ˁAbd al-Raḥmān al-Qaṭṭān al-Ṭulayṭulī al-Qurṭubī al- Andalusī **** 900 999 Dunash ibn Tamim **** 900 950 Dungal of Saint Denis **** 900 Farghānī: Abū al-ˁAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Kathīr al-Farghānī **** 900 Zhang Sixun 900 950 *** Ṣūfī: Abū al-Ḥusayn ˁAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ˁUmar al-Ṣūfī 903 986 Ibrāhīm Ibn Sinān ibn Thābit ibn Qurra 908 946 Khāzin: Abū Jaˁfar Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn al-Khāzin al- Khurāsānī *** 921 971 * Banū Mūsā *** 923 873 Majrīṭī: Abū al-Qāsim Maslama ibn Aḥmad al-Ḥāsib al-Faraḍī al-Majrīṭī 930 1007 Ibn al-Aˁlam: ˁAlī ibn al-Ḥusayn Abū al-Qāsim al-ˁAlawī al-Sharīf al-Ḥusaynī *** 935 985 Būzjānī: Abū al-Wafā’ Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā al- Būzjānī 940 998 Ṣāghānī: Abū Ḥāmid Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣāghānī [al-Ṣaghānī] al-Asṭurlābī *** 940 990 Abbo of Fleury [Abbon de Fleury] * 945 1004 * d’Aurillac, Gerbert [Pope Sylvester II] * 945 1003 Khujandī: Abū Maḥmūd Ḥāmid ibn al-Khiḍr al-Khujandī * 945 1000 Sijzī: Abū Saˁīd Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁAbd al-Jalīl al-Sijzī * 945 1020 * Kūhī: Abū Sahl Wījan ibn Rustam [Wustam] al-Kūhī [al-Qūhī] **** 950 999 Qabīṣī: Abū al-Ṣaqr ˁAbd al-ˁAzīz ibn ˁUthmān ibn ˁAlī al-Qabīṣī [Alcabitius] **** 950 999 Amājūr Family **** 950 1050 Āryabhaṭa II [the Younger] * 950 1100 * Ibn ˁIrāq: Abū Naṣr Manṣūr ibn ˁAlī ibn ˁIrāq * 950 1036 * Ibn al-Majdī: Shihāb al-Dīn Abū al-ˁAbbās Aḥmad ibn Rajab ibn Ṭaybughā al-Majdī al-Shāfiˁī 950 1110 Ibn Yūnus: Abū al-Ḥasan ˁAlī ibn ˁAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Aḥmad ibn Yūnus al-Ṣadafī *** 959 1009 Ibn al-Haytham: Abū ˁAlī al-Ḥasan ibn al-Ḥasan [Alhazen] 965 1040 * Bīrūnī: Abū al-Rayḥān Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al-Bīrūnī 973 1050 * Ibn al-Samḥ: Abū al-Qāsim Aṣbagh ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Samḥ al-Gharnāṭī 979 1035 Ibn Sīnā: Abū ˁAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ˁAbdallāh ibn Sīnā [Avicenna] 980 1037 Ibn al Saffar:Abu al Qasim Ahmad ibnAbd Allah ibnUmar al Gafiqi ibn al saffar *** 985 1035 ˁAlī ibn Khalaf: Abū al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmar al-Ṣaydalānī [ˁAlī ibn Khalaf ibn Aḥmar Akhīr (Akhiyar)] **** 1000 1099 Jūzjānī: Abū ˁUbayd ˁAbd al-Wāḥid ibn Muḥammad al- Jūzjānī **** 1000 1099 Nasawī: Abū al-Ḥasan ˁAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Nasawī 1002 1052 *** Hermann the Lame [Hermann von Reichenau, Hermannus Contractus] 1013 1054 Su Song [Su Sung] 1020 1101 Śrīpati $ 1023 1073 Ibn Muˁādh: Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Muˁādh al-Jayyānī *** 1029 1079 ^ Ṣāˁid al-Andalusī: Abū al-Qāsim Ṣāˁid ibn abī al-Walīd Aḥmad ibn ˁAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muḥammad ibn Ṣāˁid al-Taghlibī al-Qurṭubī 1029 1070 Daśabala $ 1030 1080 Khayyām: Ghiyāth al-Dīn Abū al-Fatḥ ˁUmar ibn Ibrāhīm al-Khayyāmī al-Nīshāpūrī [Omar Khayyām] 1048 1123 * Isfizārī: Abū Ḥātim al-Muẓaffar ibn Ismāˁīl al-Isfizārī 1050 1150 Zarqālī: Abū Isḥāq Ibrāhīm ibn Yaḥyà al-Naqqāsh al-Tujībī al-Zarqālī [Azarquiel] *** 1050 1100 Ibn Bājja: Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā ibn al-Ṣā’igh al-Tujībī al-Andalusī al-Saraqusṭī [Avempace] 1067 1139 Abū al-Ṣalt: Umayya ibn ˁAbd al-ˁAzīz ibn Abī al-Ṣalt al-Dānī al-Andalusī [Albuzale] * 1068 1134 Bar Ḥiyya: Abraham bar Ḥiyya Savasorda $ 1070 1136 Qaṭṭān al-Marwazī: ˁAyn al-Zamān Abū ˁAlī Ḥasan ibn ˁAlī Qaṭṭān al-Marwazī [Qaṭṭān-i Marwzī] 1072 1153 Śatānanda $ 1074 1124 Ṭabarī: Abū Jaˁfar Muḥammad ibn Ayyūb al-Ḥāsib al- Ṭabarī $ 1075 1125 Walcher of Malvern $ 1075 1125 Adelard of Bath * 1080 1152 * Ibn Ezra: Abraham ibn ˁEzra * 1089 1167 * Kharaqī: Shams al-Dīn Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad al- Kharaqī [Khiraqī] *** 1089 1139 Hildegard of Bingen-am-Rhine 1098 1179 Ibn al-Kammād: Abū Jaˁfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf ibn al-Kammād Ibn Labbān, Kushyār: Kiyā Abū al-Ḥasan Kushyār ibn Labbān Bashahrī al-Jīlī (Gīlānī) **** 1100 1199 Jābir ibn Aflaḥ: Abū Muḥammad Jābir ibn Aflaḥ **** 1100 1199 John of Toledo **** 1100 1199 Khāzinī: Abū al-Fatḥ ˁAbd al-Raḥmān al-Khāzinī [Abū Manṣūr ˁAbd al-Raḥmān, ˁAbd al-Raḥmān Manṣūr] **** 1100 1150 Samaw’al: Abū Naṣr Samaw’al ibn Yaḥyā ibn ˁAbbās al-Maghribī al-Andalusī 1100 1175 William of Conches [Guilelmus de Conchis, Guillaume de Conches] * 1100 1154 * Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ: Najm al-Dīn Abū al-Futūḥ Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Sarī Ibn al-Ṣalāḥ *** 1104 1154 Ibn Ṭufayl: Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn ˁAbd al-Malik ibn Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn Ṭufayl al-Qaysī [Abubacer] 1110 1186 Alfonsi, Petrus 1113 1163 Bhāskara II 1114 1185 Gerard of Cremona [Gerardus Cremonensis] * 1114 1187 Raymond of Marseilles $ 1116 1166 Hermann the Dalmatian $ 1118 1168 Umawī: Abū ˁAlī al-Ḥasan ibn ˁAlī ibn Khalaf al-Umawī [al-Khatīb al-Umawī al-Qurṭubī] 1120 1206 Silvester, Bernard [Bernardus Silvestris] $ 1125 1175 Ibn Rushd: Abū l-Walīd Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn Rushd al-Ḥafīd [Averroes] 1126 1198 Sharaf al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī * 1135 1213 Maimonides: Abū ˁImrān Mūsā [Moses] ibn ˁUbayd Allāh [Maymūn] al-Qurṭubī 1145 1204 Roger of Hereford [Rogerus Infans, Puer] $ 1151 1201 Biṭrūjī: Nūr al-Dīn Abū Isḥāq (Abū Jaˁfar) Ibrāhīm ibn Yūsuf al-Biṭrūjī [Alpetragius] $ 1160 1210 Grosseteste, Robert * 1168 1253 Scot, Michael * 1175 1234 * Ibn Isḥāq: Abū al-ˁAbbās ibn Isḥāq al-Tamīmī al-Tūnisī * 1193 1222 Bartholomaeus Anglicus **** 1200 1299 Ibn al-Hā’im: Abū Muḥammad ˁAbd al-Ḥaqq al-Ghāfiqī al-Ishbīlī Ishbīlī **** 1200 1299 Jaghmīnī: Sharaf al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁUmar al-Jaghmīnī al-Khwārizmī **** 1200 1250 John of Holywood [Johannes de Sacrobosco] **** 1200 1250 John of Messina [Juan de Mesina] **** 1200 1299 Marrākushī: Sharaf al-Dīn Abū ˁAlī al-Ḥasan ibn ˁAlī ibn ˁUmar al-Marrākushī **** 1200 1299 Albert the Great [Albertus Magnus] * 1200 1280 ˁUrḍī: Mu’ayyad (al-Milla wa-) al-Dīn [Mu’ayyad ibn Barīk (Burayk)] al-‘Urḍī al-ˁĀmirī al-Dimashqī * 1200 1266 * Ṭūsī: Abū Jaˁfar Muḥammad ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥasan Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī 1201 1274 Bacon, Roger * 1214 1292 * Abharī: Athīr al-Dīn al-Mufaḍḍal ibn ˁUmar ibn al-Mufaḍḍal al-Samarqandī al-Abharī *** 1215 1265 ** Ben Solomon: Judah ben Solomon ha-Kohen * 1215 1274 ^ William of Moerbeke * 1215 1286 * Aquinas, Thomas * 1223 1274 Barhebraeus: Gregory Abū al-Faraj [Grīḡōriyōs Bar ˁEḇrāyā; Grīḡōriyōs Bar ˁEḇroyo; ibn al-ˁIbrī] 1225 1286 Campanus of Novara 1225 1296 Ibn Sid: Isaac ibn Sid $ 1225 1275 Fārisī: Muḥammad ibn Abī Bakr al-Fārisī *** 1229 1279 * Guo Shoujing [Kuo Shou-ching] 1231 1316 Ibn Abī al-Shukr: Muḥyī al-Milla wa-’l-Dīn Yaḥyā Abū ˁAbdallāh ibn Muḥammad ibn Abī al-Shukr al-Maghribī al-Andalusī [al-Qurṭubī] *** 1233 1283 Wang Xun 1235 1281 Jacob ben Makhir ibn Tibbon [Don Profeit Tibbon; Profatius]* 1236 1305 * Shīrāzī: Quṭb al-Dīn Maḥmūd ibn Masˁūd Muṣliḥ al-Shīrāzī 1236 1311 Bernard of Le Treille [Bernardus de Trilia] * 1240 1292 Chioniades, Gregor [George] * 1240 1320 * Ashraf: al-Malik al-Ashraf (Mumahhid al-Dīn) ˁUmar ibn Yūsuf ibn ˁUmar ibn ˁAlī ibn Rasūl * 1242 1296 Peregrinus de Maricourt, Petrus $ 1244 1294 Giles of Rome [Aegidius Romanus, Aegidius Colonna, Columna] * 1247 1316 Ibn al-Raqqām: Abū ˁAbd Allāh Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm ibn ˁAlī ibn Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf al-Mursī al-Andalusī al- Tūnisī al-Awsī ibn al-Raqqām * 1250 1315 Shams al-Dīn al-Bukhārī **** 1250 1300 Samarqandī: Shams al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ashraf al-Ḥusaynī al-Samarqandī *** 1252 1302 Zhamaluding: Jamāl al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn Ṭāhir ibn Muḥammad al-Zaydī al-Bukhārī [Jamāl al-Dīn] 1255 1291 Ibn al-Bannā’: Abū al-ˁAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn ˁUthmān al-Azdī al-Marrākushī 1256 1321 Metochites, Theodore [Theodoros Metoxites; Theoleptos] 1260 1332 Alighieri, Dante 1265 1321 William of Saint-Cloud [Guillaume de Saint-Cloud] $ 1265 1315 Ibn Bāṣo: Abū ˁAlī Al-Ḥusayn ibn Abī Jaˁfar Aḥmad ibn Yūsuf Ibn Bāṣo *** 1266 1316 Nightingale, Peter [Petrus Philomena de Dacia, Petrus de Dacia, Petrus Dacus, Petrus Danus]

$ 1270 1320 *** 1280 1330 1270 1320 Nīsābūrī: al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Niẓām al-Dīn al-Aˁraj al-Nīsābūrī *** 1280 1330 Alfonso X [Alfonso el Sabio, Alfonso

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Page 1: $ 1270 1320 *** 1280 1330 1270 1320 Nīsābūrī: al-Ḥasan ibn Muḥammad ibn al-Ḥusayn Niẓām al-Dīn al-Aˁraj al-Nīsābūrī *** 1280 1330 Alfonso X [Alfonso el Sabio, Alfonso

$ 1270 1320 Nīsābūrī:al-ḤasanibnMuḥammadibnal-ḤusaynNiẓāmal-Dīnal-Aˁrajal-Nīsābūrī *** 1280 1330 AlfonsoX[AlfonsoelSabio,AlfonsotheLearned] 1284 1284 Gersonides:LevibenGerson 1288 1344 Bradwardine,Thomas * 1290 1349 JohnofLignères[JohannesdeLineriis] * 1290 1350 * Gregoras,Nicephoros 1291 1361 Mizzī:Zaynal-Dīn[Shamsal-Dīn]AbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnAḥmadibnˁAbd al-Raḥīmal-Mizzīal-Ḥanafī 1291 1349 RichardofWallingford * 1291 1335 * AndalòdiNegroofGenoa *** 1292 1342 JohnofMuris[Murs][JohannesdeMuris,JeandeMeurs,JehandeMurs] * 1295 1357 ^ Ṣadral-Sharīˁaal-Thānī:ˁUbaydallāhibnMasˁūdal-Maḥbūbīal-Bukhārīal- *** 1296 1346 MahendraSūri **** 1300 1399 Abūal-ˁUqūl:Abūal-ˁUqūlMuḥammadibnAḥmadal-Ṭabarī * 1300 Buridan,John * 1300 1361 Najmal-Dīnal-Miṣrī:Najmal-DīnAbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnMuḥammadibn Ibrāhīmal-Miṣrī * 1300 1350 * ˁUbaydī:Jalālal-DīnFaḍlAllāhal-ˁUbaydī *** 1300 1350 Wābkanawī:Shamsal-Munajjim[Shamsal-Dīn]MuḥammadibnˁAlīKhwājaal-Wābkanawī [Wābaknawī] **** 1300 1350 Ibnal-Shāṭir:ˁAlā’al-DīnˁAlīibnIbrāhīm * 1305 1375 * Maudith,John 1309 1343 Megenberg,Konrad[Conrad]von[ChunradusdeMontePuellarum] * 1309 1374 Bredon,Simon * 1310 1372 Kamālal-Dīnal-Turkmānī:Kamālal-DīnMuḥammadibnAḥmadibnˁUthmānibnIbrāhīm ibnMuṣṭafāal-Māridīnīal-Turkmānīal-Ḥanafī 1314 1354 John[Danko]ofSaxony * 1320 1355 Oresme,Nicole * 1320 1382 Rede,William * 1320 1385 * Henry[Heinrich]ofLangenstein[vonLangenstein][HenryofHessetheElder] * 1325 1397 PèlerindePrusse[PilgrimZeleschiczvonPreussen,PeregrinusdePrussia] 1335 1362 ^ Chaucer,Geoffrey 1340 1400 Jurjānī:ˁAlīibnMuḥammadibnˁAlial-Ḥusaynīal-Jurjānī[al-Sayyidal-Sharīf] 1340 1413 Khalīlī:Shamsal-DīnAbūˁAbdallāhMuḥammadibnMuḥammadal-Khalīlī $ 1340 1390 d’Ailly,Pierre[PetrusdeAlliaco,PeterofAilli] 1350 1420 Qāḍīzādeal-Rūmī:Ṣalāḥal-DīnMūsāibnMuḥammadibnMaḥmūdal-Rūmī * 1359 1440 ^ ParameśvaraofVāṭaśśeri[ParameśvaraI] * 1360 1455 * NicholasofLynn[Lynne] $ 1361 1411 Fusoris,Jean[Johanne] * 1365 1436 * Kāshī:Ghiyāth(al-Millawa-)al-DīnJamshīdibnMasˁūdibnMaḥmūdal-Kāshī[al-Kāshānī] *** 1379 1429 JohnofGmunden[IohannesdeGmunden,JohannKrafft] 1380 1442 ˁAbdal-Wājid:Badral-DīnˁAbdal-Wājid[Wāḥid]ibnMuḥammadibnMuḥammadal-Ḥanafī *** 1384 1434 UlughBeg[Gurgān]:MuḥammadṬaraghāyibnShāhrukhibnTīmūr 1394 1449 ToscanellidalPozzo,Paolo 1397 1482 Krebs,Nicholas[NicholasCusanus,NikolausvonCusa,NicholasofCusa] 1401 1464 Shirwānī:FatḥallāhibnAbūYazīdibnˁAbdal-ˁAzīzibnIbrāhīmal-Shābarānīal-Shirwānī al-Shamāhī 1417 1486 Peurbach[Peuerbach,Purbach],Georgvon-repeated 1423 1461 Sibṭal-Māridīnī:MuḥammadibnMuḥammadibnAḥmadAbūˁAbdAllāhBadr[Shams]al-Dīn al-Miṣrīal-Dimashqī 1423 1495 * Qūshjī:Abūal-QāsimˁAlā’al-DīnˁAlīibnMuḥammadQushči-zāde *** 1424 1474 Walther,Bernard[Bernhard] 1430 1504 Müller,Johann[Regiomontanus] 1436 1476 NīlakaṇṭhaSomayāji 1444 1501 ^ Suyūṭī:Abūal-FaḍlˁAbdal-RaḥmānJalālal-Dīnal-Suyūṭī 1445 1505 Brudzewski,Albertusde[AlbertusBlardeBrudzewo,Albert1446 1497 IbnAbīal-Fatḥal-Ṣūfī:Shamsal-DīnAbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnAbīal-Fatḥal-Ṣūfī 1450 1550 Stoeffler,Johannes[Stoeflerus] 1452 1531 Vinci,Leonardoda 1452 1519 Zacut:AbrahambenSamuelZacut 1452 1515 Engel,Johannes[Angelus] 1453 1512 Makaranda $ 1453 1503 Novara,DomenicoMariada[PlotiFerrariensis] 1454 1504 Vespucci,Amerigo 1454 1512 Behaim,Martin[MartinofBohemia] 1459 1507 Virdung,Johann 1463 1539 Werner,Johannes 1468 1522 Khafrī:Shamsal-DīnMuḥammadibnAḥmadal-Khafrīal-Kāshī * 1470 1525 ^ Dürer,Albrecht 1471 1528 Copernicus[Coppernig,Koppernigk,Copernik],Nicolaus[Nicholas] 1473 1543 Qunawī:Muḥammadibnal-KātibSīnānal-Qunawī *** 1474 1524 * MīramČelebī:MaḥmūdibnQuṭbal-DīnMuḥammad ibnMuḥammadibnMūsāQāḍīzāde 1475 1525 Stabius,Johann $ 1475 1525 Birjandī:ˁAbdal-ˁAlīibnMuḥammadibnḤusaynal-Birjandī1476 1526 Schöner,Johannes 1477 1547 Fracastoro,Girolamo 1478 1533 Calcagnini,Celio 1479 1541 Finé,Oronce[OrontiusFinaeus]1 1494 1555 Maurolico,Francesco 1494 1575 Keśava 1496 1507 Fernel,Jean-Francois * 1497 1558 Honter,Johannes 1498 1549 Osiander,Andreas 1498 1552 Ascham[Askham],Anthony **** 1500 1599 Jyeşţhadeva **** 1500 1599 Cholgi:MaḥmūdShāhCholgi[Khaljī] 1500 Schüler,Wolfgang **** 1500 1599 Vögelin,Johannes[Vogelinus] **** 1500 1599 Apian,Peter[PetrusApianus] * 1501 1552 Cardano,Girolamo 1501 1576 Nunes,Pedro 1502 1578 Gaṇeśa 1507 1560 Frisius,GemmaReinerus[Regnerus] 1508 1555 Piccolomini,Alessandro 1508 1579 Lārī:Muṣliḥal-DīnMuḥammadibnṢalāḥibnJalālal-Saˁdīal-ˁIbādīal-Anṣārīal-Lārī * 1510 1572 Recorde,Robert * 1510 1558 Reinhold,Erasmus 1511 1553 Kremer,Gerhard[GerardusMercator] 1512 1594 Rheticus[GeorgJoachimvonLauchen] 1514 1574 Ramus,Peter[Petrus][PierredelaRamée] 1515 1572 Muñoz,Jerónimo * 1520 1592 ˁAlīal-Muwaqqit:Muṣliḥal-DīnMuṣṭafāibnˁAlīal-Qusṭanṭīnīal-Rūmīal-Ḥanafīal-Muwaqqit *** 1521 1571 Cole,Humphrey * 1524 1591 Digges,Leonard 1524 1563 * Leovitius,Cyprianus 1524 1574 HájekzHájku,Tadeá[ThaddaeusHagecius,abHayck,Nemicus,Agecio] * 1525 1600 Peucer,Caspar 1525 1602 Taqīal-DīnAbūBakrMuḥammadibnZaynal-DīnMaˁrūfal-Dimashqīal-Ḥanafī 1526 1585 Dee,John 1527 1608 Offusius,Jofrancus ~ 1530 1557 ^ Rauchfuss,Konrad[CunradusDasypodius] * 1530 1600 Feild,John $ 1531 1581 WilhelmIV[LandgraveofHessen-Kassel] 1532 1592 Dudits[Dudith,Duditus],András[Andreas] 1533 1589 Gemma,Cornelius 1535 1579 Danti,Egnatio[Rainaldi,CarloPellegrino] 1536 1586 Barozzi,Francesco[FranciscusBarocius]. 1537 1604 Clavius,Christoph 1538 1612 Gallucci,GiovanniPaolo 1538 1621 Keyser,PieterDirckszoon[PetrusTheodori]* 1540 1596 Gilbert[Gilberd],William 1544 1603 Roeslin,Helisaeus 1545 1616 Brahe,Tyge[Tycho]Ottsen 1546 1601 Digges,Thomas * 1546 1595 Wittich,Paul * 1546 1586 * ˁĀmilī:Bahāal-DīnMuḥammadibnḤusaynal-ˁĀmilī 1547 1621 Bruno,Giordano 1548 1600 Stevin,Simon 1548 1620 Savile,Henry 1549 1622 AcyutaPiṣāraṭi 1550 1621 Mästlin,Michael 1550 1631 Napier,John 1550 1617 Bürgi,Jost[Joost,Jobst] 1552 1632 Plancius[Platevoet],Petrus 1552 1622 Ricci,Matteo 1552 1610 Christmann,Jacob 1554 1613 Dinakara $ 1555 1605 Magini,GiovanniAntonio 1555 1617 Bär,NicholausReymers[RaimarusUrsus] $ 1559 1609 Harriot,Thomas 1560 1621 Rothmann,Christoph * 1560 1600 * Bacon,Francis 1561 1626 Craig,John $ 1561 1611 Lansbergen,Philip[van] 1561 1632 Tarde,Jean[Tardeus] 1561 1636 Liddel,Duncan $ 1562 1612 Severin,Christian[Longomontanus] 1562 1647 Fabricius,David 1564 1617 Galilei,Galileo 1564 1642 Grienberger,Christopher 1564 1636 Muler,Nicolaus[Mulerius] 1564 1630 Chiaramonti,Scipione 1565 1652 Godwin,Frances * 1566 1633 * Lower,William 1569 1615 RāghavānandaŚarman $ 1569 1619 Argoli,Andrea 1570 1657 Keckermann,Bartholomew 1571 1609 Kepler,Johannes 1571 1630 Bayer,Johann 1572 1625 Mayr,Simon[Marius] 1573 1624 Scheiner,Christoph 1573 1650 Hirzgarter,Matthias 1574 1653 Schreck,Johann[JeanTerrenz,Terrentius] * 1576 1630 Schiller,Julius *** 1577 1627 Castelli,Benedetto[Antonio] 1578 1643 RaňganāthaI $ 1578 1628 Capra,Baldassarre 1580 1626 Peiresc,Nicolas-ClaudeFabride 1580 1637 Snel[Snell,Snellius],Willebrord * 1580 1626 Wendelen,Govaart[Gottfried,Godefried][GodefridusWendelinus] 1580 1667 Malapert,Charles 1581 1630 Bainbridge,John 1582 1643 Morin,Jean-Baptiste 1583 1656 MathurānāthaŚarman $ 1584 1634 Cesi,Federico 1585 1630 Fontana,Francesco * 1585 1656 Guiducci,Mario 1585 1646 Cysat,JohannBaptist * 1586 1657 Sizzi,Francesco $ 1586 1631 Fabricius[Goldsmid],Johann 1587 1616 Fromondus,Libertus 1587 1653 Mersenne,Marin 1588 1648 Zupi,GiovanBattista 1589 1667 Lansbergen,Jacob 1590 1657 Norwood,Richard 1590 1675 SchallvonBell,JohannAdam[Tang-Jo-Wang] 1591 1666 Gassendi,Pierre 1592 1655 Schickard,Wilhelm 1592 1635 Rho,Giacomo 1593 1638 Cavalieri,Bonaventura[Francesco] * 1594 1647 Grassi,Horatio $ 1594 1544 Descartes,René 1596 1650 Eichstad,Lorenz[LaurentiusEichstadius] 1596 1660 Zucchi,Nicollo 1596 1670 Odierna[Hodierna],Giovanbatista[GiovanBattista,GiovanniBattista] 1597 1660 Kircher,Athanasius 1598 1680 Petit,Pierre 1598 1677 Regius[deRoy],Hendrick[HenricusRegius] 1598 1679 Riccioli,GiovanniBattista 1598 1671 Bartsch,Jakob[Bartschius] $ 1599 1649 ChenKui 1600 Curtz,Albert 1600 1671 Langren,MichaelFlorentvan[Langrenus] * 1600 1675 TezkireciKöseIbrāhīm **** 1600 1699 Billy,Jacquesde 1602 1679 Greaves,John 1602 1652 Rheita,AntoniusMariaSchyrleusde[JohannBurchardSchyrle,Schierl,Schürle] 1604 1660 Boulliau,Ismaël 1605 1694 VandenHove,Maarten[MartinusHortensius,Ortensius] 1605 1639 Cunitz[Cunitia,Kunicia,Cunitiae],Maria * 1606 1664 Renieri,Vincenzio 1606 1647 Borelli,GiovanniFrancescoAntonioAlfonso 1608 1679 Kamalākara * 1608 1658 *** Milton,John 1608 1674 Torricelli,Evangelista 1608 1647 Mukai,Gensho 1609 1677 Crabtree,William 1610 1644 Divini,Eustachio 1610 1685 Markgraf,Georg 1610 1644 Hevel,Johannes[Hevelius] 1611 1687 Gascoigne,William * 1612 1644 Grimaldi,FrancescoMaria 1613 1663 Wilkins,John 1614 1672 RaňganāthaII $ 1615 1665 Wallis,John 1616 1703 Ward,Seth 1617 1689 Wharten,George 1617 1681 Anthelme,Voituret 1618 1683 Holwarda,JohannesPhocylides[Fokkens] 1618 1651 Mouton,Gabriel 1618 1694 Horrocks[Horrox],Jeremiah * 1619 1641 Kauffman[Mercator],Nicolaus 1619 1687 Wing,Vincent 1619 1668 Picard,Jean 1620 1682 Rohault,Jacques 1620 1665 Auzout,Adrien 1622 1691 Rooke,Lawrence 1622 1662 Streete,Thomas 1622 1689 Buot[Buhot],Jacques ~ 1623 1678 Lubieniecki,Stanislaw[Stanislas] 1623 1675 Verbiest,Ferdinand 1623 1688 Bartholin,Erasmus 1625 1698 Cassini,GiovanniDomenico[Jean-Dominique][CassiniI] 1625 1712 Weigel,Erhard 1625 1699 Shakerley,Jeremy 1626 1655 * Ihle,Abraham 1627 1699 * Rudānī:AbūˁAbdallāhMuḥammadibnSulaymān(Muḥammad)al-Fāsīibn Ṭāhiral-Rudānīal-Sūsīal-Mālikī[al-Maghribī]* 1627 1683 Cassegrain,Laurent * 1629 1693 Huygens,Christiaan 1629 1695 Richer,Jean 1630 1969 Régis,Pierre-Sylvain 1632 1707 Wren,Christopher 1632 1723 Montanari,Geminiano 1633 1687 Richaud,Jean 1633 1693 Campani,Giuseppe 1635 1715 Hooke,Robert 1635 1703 Kneller,Andreas[Cellarius] $ 1635 1685 Eimmart,GeorgeChristoph 1638 1705 Gregory,James 1638 1675 Malebranche,Nicholas 1638 1715 Kirch,Gottfried 1639 1710 Shibukawa,Harumi 1639 1715 Hire,Philippedela 1640 1718 Newton,Isaac 1642 1727 Storer,Arthur 1642 1686 Dörffel,GeorgSamuel 1643 1688 Römer,OleChristensen[OlausRoemer] 1644 1710 SiguenzayGóngora,Carlos[de] 1645 1700 Flamsteed,John 1646 1719 Leibniz,GottfriedWilhelm 1646 1716 Hevelius,CatherinaElisabethaKoopman 1647 1693 Nishikawa,Joken[Tadahide] 1648 1724 Ḥusayn,Ḥasan&Muḥammad **** 1650 1699 Fèvre,Jeanle 1652 1706 Sharp,Abraham 1653 1742 Bernoulli,Jacob[Jacques,James] 1654 1705 Halley,Edmond 1656 1742 Molyneux,William 1656 1698 Derham,William 1657 1735 Fontenelle,BernardleBovier[Bouyer]de 1657 1757 JagannāthaSamrāṭ * 1657 1744 * Gregory[Gregorie],David 1659 1708 Riḍwānal-Falakī:RiḍwānEfendiibnˁAbdallāhal-Razzāzal-Falakī *** 1661 1711 Bianchini,Francesco[FranciscoBlanchinus] 1662 1729 Greenwood,Nicholas $ 1664 1714 Maraldi,GiacomoFilippo[MaraldiI] 1665 1729 Gray,Stephen 1666 1736 Whiston,William 1667 1752 Pound,James 1669 1724 Kirch,MariaMargarethaWinkelman 1670 1720 Doppelmayer[Doppelmayr],JohannGabriel* 1671 1750 Keill,John 1671 1721 Scheuchzer,JohannJakob 1672 1733 Graham,George 1674 1751 Manfredi,Eustachio 1674 1739 Cassini,Jacques[CassiniII] 1677 1756 Mairan[Dortousde],Jean-Jacques 1678 1771 Suárez,Buenaventura 1678 1750 Horrebow,PederNielsen 1679 1764 Crosthwait,Joseph 1681 1719 Lauritsen,CharlesChristian 1681 1744 Cotes,Roger 1682 1716

Hadley,John 1682 1744 Stukeley,William * 1687 1765 Wassenius[Vassenius],Birger 1687 1771 Delisle,Joseph-Nicolas 1688 1768 JaiSinghII 1688 1743 Swedenborg,Emanuel 1688 1772 ˁAbbāsWasīmEfendi 1689 1760 Molyneux,Samuel 1689 1728 Bradley,James 1693 1762 Kirch,Christfried 1694 1740 Outhier,Réginald[Réginaud] 1694 1774 Bevis[Bevans],John 1695 1771 Hiorter,Olof 1696 1750 Bouguer,Pierre 1698 1758 Maclaurin,Colin[CaileanMacLabhruinn] 1698 1746 Maupertuis,Pierre-LouisMoreaude 1698 1759 Camus,Charles-Étienne-Louis 1699 1768 Bernoulli,Daniel 1700 1782 Bliss,Nathaniel 1700 1764 Celsius,Anders 1701 1744 Godin,Louis 1704 1760 Dollond,John 1706 1761 Condamine,Charles-Mariedela 1707 1774 Euler,Leonhard 1707 1783 Fouchy,Jean-Paul[Grandjeande] 1707 1788 Leclerc,Georges-Louis[ComtedeBuffon] 1707 1788 Maraldi,GiovanniDomenico[Jean-Dominique][MaraldiII] 1709 1788 Zanotti,Eustachio 1709 1782 Ferguson,James 1710 1776 Boskovic,Rudjer[Roger]J. 1711 1787 Dunthorne,Richard 1711 1775 Lomonosov,MikhailVasilievich 1711 1765 Pingré,Alexandre-Guy 1711 1796 Wright,Thomas 1711 1786 Clairaut,Alexis-Claude 1713 1765 Engelhard,Nicolaus $ 1713 1763 Lacaille[LaCaille],Nicolas-Louisde 1713 1762 CassinideThury,César-François[CassiniIII] 1714 1784 Wilson,Alexander 1714 1786 Winthrop,John 1714 1779 Monnier[Lemonnier],Pierre-Charlesle 1715 1799 Ximenes,Leonardo 1716 1786 d’Alembert[Dalembert],Jean-Le-Rond 1717 1783 Stewart,Matthew 1717 1785 Wargentin,PehrWilhelm 1717 1783 DarquierdePellepoix,Antoine 1718 1802 Horrebow,Christian 1718 1776 LoysdeCheseaux,Jean-Philippe 1718 1751 Mayer,Christian 1719 1783 Höll,Miksa[MaximilianHell] 1720 1792 Fixlmillner,Placidus 1721 1791 Barker,Thomas 1722 1809 Lepaute[ÉtabledelaBrière],Nicole-Reine 1723 1788 Mayer,JohannTobias 1723 1762 Palitzsch,Johann 1723 1788 Jeaurat,Edme-Sébastien 1724 1803 Kant,Immanuel 1724 1804 Michell,John 1724 1793 Planman,Anders 1724 1803 GentildelaGalaisière,Guillaume-Joseph-HyacintheJean-Baptistele 1725 1792 Chapped’Auteroche,Jean-Baptiste 1728 1769 Frisi,Paolo 1728 1784 Lambert,JohannHeinrich[JeanHenry] 1728 1777 Poczobut[Poczobutt],Marcin 1728 1810 Titius[Tietz],JohannDaniel 1729 1796 BochartdeSaron[Bochart-Saron],Jean-Baptiste-Gaspard1730 1794 Dollond,Peter 1730 1820 Mason,Charles 1730 1786 Messier,Charles 1730 1817 Banneker,Benjamin 1731 1806 Cavendish,Henry 1731 1810 Lalande[LefrançoisdelaLande,delaLande],Joseph-Jérôme 1732 1807 Maskelyne,Nevil 1732 1811 Rittenhouse,David 1732 1796 Borda,Jean-Charlesde 1733 1799 Dixon,Jeremiah 1733 1779 Hornsby,Thomas 1733 1810 Asada,Goryu[Yasuaki] 1734 1799 DionisduSéjour,Achille-Pierre 1734 1794 Green,Charles 1734 1771 Rumovsky,StepanYakovlevich 1734 1812 Wales,William 1734 1798 Bailly,Jean-Sylvain 1736 1793 Lagrange,JosephLouis[GiuseppeLodovicoLagrangia] 1736 1813 Herschel,William[FriedrichWilhelm] 1738 1822 Dārandawī:MuḥammadibnˁUmaribnˁUthmānal-Dārandawīal-Ḥanafī 1739 1789 *** Prosperin,Erik 1739 1803 KhalīfazādeIsmāˁīl:KhalīfazādeÇınarīIsmāˁīlEfendiibnMuṣṭafā *** 1740 1790 Lexell,AndersJohan 1740 1784 Hahn,GrafFriedrichvon 1742 1805 Bernoulli,JohannIII 1744 1807 Méchain,Pierre-François-André 1744 1804 Ino,Tadataka 1745 1818 Köhler,JohannGottfried 1745 1801 Russell,John 1745 1806 Schröter,JohannHieronymus 1745 1816 Triesnecker,Franz[Francis]dePaulavon 1745 1817 Dymond,Joseph 1746 1796 Piazzi,Giuseppe 1746 1826 Bode,JohannElert 1747 1826 Cassini,Jean-Dominique[CassiniIV] 1748 1845 Calandrelli,Giuseppe 1749 1827 Delambre,Jean-Baptiste-Joseph 1749 1822 Laplace,Pierre-Simonde 1749 1827 Herschel,CarolineLucretia 1750 1848 d’Agelet,Joseph 1751 1788 Legendre,Adrien-Marie 1752 1833 Oriani,Barnaba 1752 1832 Gildemeister,Johann 1753 1837 Pigott,Edward 1753 1825 Ellicott,Andrew 1754 1820 Widmanstätten,Aloys[Alois]JosephFranzXavervon 1754 1849 Zach,JánosFerenc[FranzXaver]von 1754 1832 Flaugergues,Honoré 1755 1835 Groombridge,Stephen 1755 1832 Chladni,ErnstFlorensFriedrich 1756 1827 Olbers,HeinrichWilhelmMatthias 1758 1840 Shizuki,Tadao 1760 1806 Pons,Jean-Louis 1761 1831 Dawes,William 1762 1836 Huth,JohannSigismundGottfried 1763 1818 Goodricke,John 1764 1786 Takahashi,Yoshitoki 1764 1804 Harding,CarlLudwig 1765 1834 Lefrançois[deLalande],Michel 1766 1839 Wollaston,WilliamHyde 1766 1828 Bouvard,Alexis 1767 1843 Brinkley,John 1767 1835 Pearson,William 1767 1847 Pond,John 1767 1836 Damoiseau,Marie-Charles-Théodorede 1768 1846 Humboldt,AlexanderFriedrichHeinrichvon 1769 1859 Hegel,GeorgWilhelmFriedrich 1770 1831 Bowditch,Nathaniel 1773 1838 Brisbane,ThomasMakdougall 1773 1860 Burckhardt,JohannKarl[Jean-Charles] 1773 1825 Baily,Francis 1774 1844 Biot,Jean-Baptiste 1774 1862 Dick,Thomas 1774 1857 Gruithuisen,FranzvonPaula 1774 1852 Mollweide,KarlBrandan 1774 1825 Ritter,JohannWilhelm 1776 1810 Soldner,JohannGeorg 1776 1833 Benzenberg,JohannFriedrich 1777 1846 Brandes,HeinrichWilhelm 1777 1834 Gauss,CarlFriedrich 1777 1855 Cacciatore,Niccolò 1780 1841 Schumacher,HeinrichChristian 1780 1850 Somerville,MaryFairfaxGrieg 1780 1872 Littrow[Littroff],JohannJoseph[Edler]von 1781 1840 Plana,GiovanniAntonioAmedeo 1781 1864 Poisson,Siméon-Denis 1781 1840 Biela,WilhelmFreiherrvon 1782 1856 Carlini,Francesco 1783 1862 Bessel,FriedrichWilhelm 1784 1846 Hansteen,Christopher 1784 1873 Moll,Gerard 1785 1838 South,James 1785 1867 Amici,GiovanniBattista 1786 1863 Arago,Dominique-François-Jean 1786 1853 Fraunhofer,Josephvon 1787 1826 Santini,Giovanni-Sante-Gaspero 1787 1877 Rümker,ChristianKarlLudwig 1788 1862 Sabine,Edward 1788 1883 Smyth,WilliamHenry 1788 1865 Boguslawsky,Palon[Palm]HeinrichLudwigvon 1789 1851 Bond,WilliamCranch 1789 1859 Cauchy,Augustin-Louis 1789 1857 Fallows,Fearon 1789 1831 Schwabe,SamuelHeinrich 1789 1875 Pouillet,Claude-Servais-Mathias-Marie-Roland 1790 1868 Encke,JohannFranz 1791 1865 Olmsted,Denison 1791 1859 Calandrelli,Ignazio 1792 1866 Herschel,JohnFrederickWilliam 1792 1871 Lobachevsky,NikolaiIvanovich 1792 1856 Locke,John 1792 1856 Robinson,ThomasRomney 1792 1892 Gautier,Jean-Alfred 1793 1881 Hencke,KarlLudwig 1793 1866 Struve,FriedrichGeorgWilhelm[VasilyYakovlevich] 1793 1864 Babinet,Jacques 1794 1872 Maclear,Thomas 1794 1879 Mädler,JohannHeinrichvon 1794 1874 Whewell,William 1794 1866 Hansen,PeterAndreas 1795 1874 LeDoulcet,PhillippeGustave 1795 1874 Lohrmann,WilhelmGotthelf 1796 1840 Quetelet,LambertAdolpheJacques 1796 1874 Adhémar,Joseph-Alphonse 1797 1862 Beer,Wilhelm 1797 1850 Henry,Joseph 1797 1878 Savary,Felix 1797 1841 Comte,Auguste[Isidore-Auguste-Marie-François-Xavier] 1798 1857 Cooper,EdwardJoshua 1798 1863 Henderson,Thomas 1798 1844 Wrottesley,John 1798 1867 Abbott,Francis 1799 1883 Argelander,FriedrichWilhelmAugust 1799 1875 Dawes,WilliamRutter 1799 1868 Lassell,William 1799 1880 Gambart,Jean-Félix-Adolphe 1800 1836 Grubb,Thomas 1800 1878 Parsons,William[ThirdEarlofRosse] 1800 1867 Rosenberger,Otto 1800 1890 Airy,GeorgeBiddell 1801 1892 Clausen,Thomas 1801 1885 Goldschmidt,HermannChaimMeyer 1802 1866 Biot,Edouard-Constant 1803 1850 Doppler,JohannChristian 1803 1853 Birt,WilliamRadcliff 1804 1881 Bremiker,Carl 1804 1877 Challis,James 1804 1882 Clark,Alvan 1804 1887 Johnson,ManuelJohn 1805 1859 Lamont,John[Johannvon] 1805 1879 Vico,Francescode 1805 1848 Walker,SearsCook 1805 1853 Alexander,Stephen 1806 1883 Bache,AlexanderDallas 1806 1867 Heis,Edward[Eduard,Edouard] 1806 1877 Maury,MatthewFontaine 1806 1873 Morgan,Augustusde 1806 1871 Peters,ChristianAugustFriedrich 1806 1880 Webb,ThomasWilliam 1806 1885 Davis,CharlesHenry 1807 1877 Kaiser,Frederik[Frederick,Friedrich] 1808 1872 Nasmyth,JamesHall 1808 1890 Pritchard,Charles 1808 1893 Glaisher,James 1809 1903 Mitchel,OrmsbyMacKnight 1809 1862 Peirce,Benjamin 1809 1880 Poe,EdgarAllan 1809 1849 Norton,WilliamAugustus 1810 1883 Bunsen,RobertWilhelmEberhard 1811 1899 Draper,JohnWilliam 1811 1882 Gillis,JamesMelville 1811 1865 Herrick,Edward 1811 1861 LeVerrier,Urbain-Jean-Joseph 1811 1877 Littrow,KarlLudwigvon 1811 1877 Loomis,Elias 1811 1889 Waterston,JohnJames 1811 1883 Dembowski,Ercole 1812 1881 Galle,JohannGottfried 1812 1910 Peters,ChristianHeinrichFriedrich 1813 1890 Ångström,AndersJonas 1814 1874 Faye,Hervé 1814 1902 Kirkwood,Daniel 1814 1895 Lescarbault,EdmondModeste 1814 1894 Mayer,JuliusRobert 1814 1878 Baxendell,Joseph 1815 1887 DeLaRue,Warren 1815 1889 Birmingham,John 1816 1844 Delaunay,Charles-Eugène 1816 1872 Rutherfurd,LewisMorris 1816 1892 Wolf,JohannRudolf 1816 1893 Ferrel,William 1817 1891 Fisher,Osmond 1817 1914 Mitchell,Maria 1818 1889 Secchi,[Pietro]Angelo 1818 1878 Swan,William 1818 1894 Adams,JohnCouch 1819 1892 Brorsen,TheodorJohannChristianAmbders 1819 1895 Fizeau,Armand-Hippolyte-Louis 1819 1896 Foucault,Jean-Bernard-Léon 1819 1868 Gasparis,Annibalede 1819 1892 Lane,JonathanHomer 1819 1880 Smyth,CharlesPiazzi 1819 1900 Stokes,GeorgeGabriel 1819 1903 Struve,OttoWilhelm[OttonVasilievich] 1819 1905 Becquerel,Alexandre-Edmond 1820 1891 Chauvenet,William 1820 1870 HouzeaudeLehaie,Jean-Charles-Hippolyte-Joseph 1820 1888 Rankine,WilliamJohnMacquorn 1820 1872 Roche,ÉdouardAlbert 1820 1883 Swift,Lewis 1820 1913 Brűnnow,FranzFriedrichErnst 1821 1891 Cayley,Arthur 1821 1895 Croll,James 1821 1890 Helmholtz,HermannLudwigFerdinandvon 1821 1894 Kovalsky[Voytekhovich],MarianAlbertovich 1821 1884 Mouchez,ErnestAmédéeBarthélémy 1821 1892 Tempel,ErnstWilhelmLeberecht 1821 1889 d’Arrest,HeinrichLouis[Ludwig] 1822 1875 Luther,KarlTheodorRobert 1822 1900 Spörer,FriedrichWilhelmGustav 1822 1895 Chacornac,Jean 1823 1873 Gorton,Sandford 1823 1879 Green,NathanielEverett 1823 1899 Hind,JohnRussell 1823 1895 Pritchett,CarrWaller 1823 1910 Wallace,AlfredRussel 1823 1913 Gould,BenjaminApthorp 1824 1896 Huggins,William 1824 1910 Janssen,PierreJulesCésar 1824 1907 Kirchhoff,GustavRobert 1824 1887 Respighi,Lorenzo 1824 1889 Thomson,William[LordKelvin,BaronKelvinofLargs] 1824 1907 Balmer,JohannJakob 1825 1898 Bond,GeorgePhillips 1825 1865 Parkhurst,HenryM. 1825 1908 Schmidt,JohannFriedrichJulius 1825 1884 Carrington,RichardChristopher 1826 1875 Donati,GiovanBattista 1826 1873 GullleminAmedeeVictor 1826 1893 Liais,Emmanuel-Benjamin 1826 1900 Ritter,GeorgAugustDietrich 1826 1908 Sorby,HenryClifton 1826 1908 Stoney,GeorgeJohnstone 1826 1911 Todd,Charles 1826 1910 Winlock,Joseph 1826 1875 GeorgeBassett 1827 1891 Ellery,RobertLewisJohn 1827 1908 Klinkerfues,ErnstFriedrichWilhelm 1827 1884 Schjellerup,HansKarlFrederikChristian 1827 1887 Trouvelot,Étienne-Lêopold 1827 1895 Wolf,Charles-Joseph-Étienne 1827 1918 Schönfeld,Eduard 1828 1891 Stewart,Balfour 1828 1887 Hall,Asaph 1829 1907 Pogson,NormanRobert 1829 1891 Roberts,Isaac 1829 1904 Tennant,JamesFrancis 1829 1915 Thollon,Louis 1829 1887 Bruhns,Karl[Carl]Christian 1830 1881 Newton,HubertAnson 1830 1896 Wright,Chauncey 1830 1875 Bredikhin,FyodorAleksandrovich ß1831 1904 Maxwell,JamesClerk 1831 1879 Stone,EdwardJames 1831 1897

Bour,Edmond 1832 1866 Clark,AlvanGraham 1832 1897 Krüger,KarlNicolausAdalbert 1832 1896 Neumann,CarlGottfried 1832 1925 Löwy[Loewy],Maurice[Moritz] 1833 1907 Gaillot,Jean-Baptiste-Amiable 1834 1921 Hoek,Martinus 1834 1873 Langley,SamuelPierpont 1834 1906 Tebbutt,John 1834 1916 Ward,IsaacW. 1834 1916 Young,CharlesAugustus 1834 1908 Zöllner,JohannKarlFriedrich 1834 1882 Newcomb,Simon 1835 1909 Schiaparelli,GiovanniVirginio 1835 1910 Winnecke,FriedrichAugustTheodor 1835 1897 Elger,ThomasGwynEmpy 1836 1897 Herschel,AlexanderStewart 1836 1907 Hough,GeorgeWashington 1836 1909 Lockyer,JosephNorman 1836 1920 Russell,HenryChamberlain 1836 1907 Safford,TrumanHenry 1836 1901 Copeland,Ralph 1837 1905 Draper,Henry 1837 1882 Harkness,William 1837 1903 Herschel,John(Jr.) 1837 1921 McClean,Frank 1837 1904 Payne,WilliamWallace 1837 1928 Proctor,RichardAnthony 1837 1888 Stephan,Jean-Marie-Édouard 1837 1923 Weiss,Edmund 1837 1917 Abbe,Cleveland 1838 1916 Auwers,ArthurJuliusGeorgFriedrichvon 1838 1915 Burnham,SherburneWesley 1838 1921 Grigg,John 1838 1920 Hill,GeorgeWilliam 1838 1914 Morley,EdwardWilliams 1838 1923 Tacchini,Pietro 1838 1905 Thiele,ThorvaldNicolai 1838 1910 VandeSandeBakhuyzen[Bakhuysen],HendrikGerard[HendricusGerardus] 1838 1923 Watson,JamesCraig 1838 1880 AḥmadMukhtār:GhāzīAḥmadMukhtārPasha 1839 1919 Dunér,NilsChristoffer 1839 1914 Monck,WilliamHenryStanley 1839 1915 Rayet,Georges-Antoine-Pons 1839 1906 Tuttle,HoraceParnell 1839 1893 Ball,RobertStawell 1840 1913 Brashear,JohnAlfred 1840 1920 Carpenter,James 1840 1899 Knorre,VictorCarl 1840 1919 Parsons,Laurence[FourthEarlofRosse] 1840 1908 Common,AndrewAinslie 1841 1903 Cornu,MarieAlfred 1841 1902 Gyldén,JohanAugustHugo 1841 1896 Higgs,GeorgeDanielSutton 1841 1914 Knobel,EdwardBall 1841 1930 Oppolzer,TheodorRittervon 1841 1886 Vogel,HermannCarl 1841 1907 André,M.Charles 1842 1912 Backhouse,ThomasWilliam 1842 1920 Bickerton,AlexanderWilliam 1842 1929 Celoria,Giovanni 1842 1920 Clerke,AgnesMary 1842 1907 Flammarion,NicolasCamille 1842 1925 KonkolyThege,Miklós[Nikolaus] 1842 1916 Abney,WilliamdeWiveleslie 1843 1920 Chamberlin,ThomasChrowder 1843 1928 Franklin-Adams,John 1843 1912 Gilbert,GroveKarl 1843 1918 Gill,David 1843 1914 Lorenzoni,Giuseppe 1843 1914 Thome,John[Juan]Macon 1843 1908 Birkhoff,GeorgeDavid 1844 1944 Brooks,WilliamRobert 1844 1921 Grubb,Howard 1844 1931 Klein,HermannJoseph 1844 1914 Niesten,JeanLouisNicholas 1844 1920 Nietzsche,FriedrichWilhelm 1844 1900 Riccò,Annibale 1844 1919 Christie,WilliamHenryMahoney 1845 1922 Darwin,GeorgeHoward 1845 1912 Fényi,Gyula[JuliusFinck] 1845 1927 Gore,JohnEllard 1845 1910 Lohse,WilhelmOswald 1845 1915 Perrotin,Henri-Joseph-Anastase 1845 1904 Ranyard,ArthurCowper 1845 1894 Tisserand,François-Félix 1845 1896 Abetti,Antonio 1846 1928 Backlund,JönsOskar 1846 1916 Boss,Lewis 1846 1912 Chandler,SethCarloJr. 1846 1913 Hirst,GeorgeDenton 1846 1915 Holden,EdwardSingleton 1846 1914 Lindemann,AdolfFriedrich 1846 1931 Pickering,EdwardCharles 1846 1919 Poretsky,PlatonSergeevich 1846 1907 Terby,FrançoisJosephCharles 1846 1911 Whiting,SarahFrances 1846 1927 Franz,JuliusHeinrichG. 1847 1913 Hagen,JohannGeorg 1847 1930 Stone,Ormond 1847 1933 Baillaud,Edouard-Benjamin 1848 1934 Denning,WilliamFrederick 1848 1931 Glaisher,JamesWhitbreadLee 1848 1928 Henry,PaulPierre 1848 1905 Huggins,MargaretLindsayMurray 1848 1915 Palisa,Johann 1848 1925 Rowland,HenryAugustus 1848 1901 Weinek,László[Ladislaus] 1848 1913 Byrd,MaryEmma 1849 1934 Finlay,WilliamHenry 1849 1924 Henry,Prosper-Mathieu 1849 1903 Nevill[Neville],EdmundNeison[EdmundNeison] 1849 1940 Seeliger,Hugovon 1849 1924 Tserasky[Ceraski,Tzeraskii],Vitol’d[Witold]Karlovich 1849 1925 Bigourdan,CamilleGuillaume 1851 1932 FitzGerald,GeorgeFrancis 1851 1901 Franks,WilliamSadler 1851 1935 Hartwig,CarlErnstAlbrecht 1851 1923 Kapteyn,JacobusCornelius 1851 1922 Lodge,OliverJoseph 1851 1940 Maunder,EdwardWalter 1851 1928 Müller,KarlHermannGustav 1851 1925 Serviss,GarrettPutnam 1851 1929 Dreyer,JohnLouisEmil 1852 1926 Klotz,OttoJulius 1852 1923 Michelson,AlbertAbraham 1852 1931 Poynting,JohnHenry 1852 1914 Saunder,SamuelArthur 1852 1912 Schuster,Arthur 1852 1934 Very,FrankWashington 1852 1927 Anderson,ThomasDavid 1853 1932 Deslandres,Henri-Alexandre 1853 1948 Lorentz,HendrikAntoon 1853 1928 Schaeberle,JohnMartin[JohannMartinSchäberle] 1853 1924 Bailey,SolonIrving 1854 1931 Belopolsky,AristarkhApollonovich 1854 1934 Donner,AndersSeverin 1854 1938 King,WilliamFrederick 1854 1916 Kreutz,HeinrichCarlFriedrich 1854 1907 Poincaré,Jules-Henri 1854 1912 Rydberg,Johannes[Janee]Robert 1854 1919 Struve,KarlHermann[HermannOttovich] 1854 1920 Brenner,Leo[SpiridionGopčević] 1855 1928 Comstock,GeorgeCary 1855 1934 Elkin,WilliamLewis 1855 1933 Lowell,Percival 1855 1916 Puiseux,Pierre-Henri 1855 1928 Todd,DavidPeck 1855 1939 Goodacre,Walter 1856 1938 Kempf,PaulFriedrichFerdinand 1856 1920 Küstner,KarlFriedrich 1856 1936 Markov,AndreiAndreevich 1856 1922 Peary,RobertEdwin 1856 1920 Runge,Carl[Carle]DavidTolme 1856 1927 Wilsing,JohannesMoritzDaniel 1856 1943 Barnard,EdwardEmerson 1857 1923 Fleming,WilliaminaPatonStevens 1857 1911 Gothard,Jenõ[Eugen]von 1857 1909 Keeler,JamesEdward 1857 1900 Larmor,Joseph 1857 1942 Roberts,AlexanderWilliam 1857 1938 St.John,CharlesEdward 1857 1935 Blagg,MaryAdela 1858 1944 Espin,ThomasHenryEspinallCompton 1858 1934 Kobold,HermannAlbert 1858 1942 Pickering,WilliamHenry 1858 1938 Scheiner,Julius 1858 1913 Struve,GustavWilhelmLudwig[LudwigOttovich] 1858 1920 Wilson,HerbertCouper 1858 1940 Arrhenius,SvanteAugust 1859 1927 Cerulli,Vincenzo 1859 1927 Miller,JohnAnthony 1859 1946 Barringer,Daniel 1860 1929 Bohlin,KarlPetrusTeodor 1860 1939 Hörbiger,Hanns 1860 1931 Mee,ArthurButlerPhillips 1860 1926 Archenhold,FriedrichSimon 1861 1939 Innes,RobertThorburnAyton 1861 1933 KlumpkeRoberts,Dorothea 1861 1942 Turner,HerbertHall 1861 1930 Whitehead,AlfredNorth 1861 1947 Williams,ArthurStanley 1861 1938 Andoyer,Marie-Henri 1862 1929 Bjerknes,VilhelmFrimannKoren 1862 1951 Campbell,WilliamWallace 1862 1938 Charlier,CarlVilhelmLudvig 1862 1934 Emden,Robert 1862 1940 Humphreys,WilliamJackson 1862 1949 Hussey,WilliamJoseph 1862 1926 Palmer,Margaretta 1862 1924 Proctor,Mary 1862 1957 Cannon,AnnieJump 1863 1941 Wolf,MaximilianFranzJosephCornelius 1863 1932 Aitken,RobertGrant 1864 1951 Charlois,Auguste 1864 1910 Easton,Cornelis 1864 1929 Evershed,John 1864 1956 Javelle,Stéphane 1864 1917 Minkowski,Hermann 1864 1909 Nernst,WaltherHermann 1864 1941 Ritchey,GeorgeWillis 1864 1945 SalihZeki 1864 1921 Chant,ClarenceAugustus 1865 1956 Crommelin,AndrewClaudedelaCherois 1865 1939 Hartmann,JohannesFranz 1865 1936 Krieger,JohannNepomuk 1865 1902 Plaskett,JohnStanley 1865 1941 Sternberg[Shternberg],PavelKarlovich 1865 1920 Zeeman,Pieter 1865 1943 Brown,ErnestWilliam 1866 1938 Cosserat,Eugène-Maurice-Pierre 1866 1931 Frost,EdwinBrant 1866 1935 Halm,JacobKarlErnst 1866 1944 Lebedev,PetrNikolaevich 1866 1912 Maury,AntoniaCaetanaDeraivaPereira 1866 1952 Metcalf,JoelHastings 1866 1925 Müller,Karl 1866 1942 Sampson,RalphAllen 1866 1939 See,ThomasJeffersonJackson 1866 1962 Witt,CarlGustav 1866 1946 Birkeland,KristianOlafBernhard 1867 1917 Burrau,Carl 1867 1944 Douglass,AndrewEllicott 1867 1962 Evershed,MaryAckworthOrr 1867 1949 Fabry,Marie-Paul-Auguste-Charles 1867 1945 Fisher,WillardJames 1867 1934 Molesworth,PercyBraybrooke 1867 1908 Nušl,František 1867 1951 Perrine,CharlesDillon 1867 1951 ComasSolá,José 1868 1937 Dyson,FrankWatson 1868 1939 Fauth,PhilippJohannHeinrich 1868 1941 Fowler,Alfred 1868 1940 Hale,GeorgeEllery 1868 1938 Jarry-Desloges,Réne 1868 1951 Leadbetter,Charles 1868 1921 Leuschner,ArminOtto 1868 1953 Maunder,AnnieScottDillRussell 1868 1947 Millikan,RobertAndrews 1868 1953 Phillips,TheodoreEvelynReece 1868 1942 Ristenpart,FrederichWilhelm 1868 1913 Stroobant,Paul-Henri 1868 1936 Wood,RobertWilliams 1868 1955 Ainslie,MauriceAnderson 1869 1951 Ellerman,Ferdinand 1869 1940 Furness,CarolineEllen 1869 1936 Oppolzer,EgonRittervon 1869 1907 Wilkins,HughPercival 1869 1960 Antoniadi,EugéneMichael 1870 1944 Blazhko,SergeiNikolaevich 1870 1956 Cowell,PhilipHerbert 1870 1949 Hough,SydneySamuel 1870 1923 Kimura,Hisashi 1870 1943 Perrin,Jean-Baptiste 1870 1942 Schwassmann,FriedrichKarlArnold 1870 1964 Strömgren,SvanteElis 1870 1947 Daly,ReginaldAldworth 1871 1957 Porter,RussellWilliams 1871 1949 Rutherford,Ernest 1871 1937 Schlesinger,Frank 1871 1943 Wright,WilliamHammond 1871 1959 Young,AnneSewell 1871 1961 Abbot,CharlesGreeley 1872 1973 Curtis,HeberDoust 1872 1942 Moulton,ForestRay 1872 1952 Silberstein,Ludwik 1872 1948 Sitter,Willemde 1872 1934 Bergstrand,Östen 1873 1948 Coblentz,WilliamWeber 1873 1962 Ensor,GeorgeEdmund 1873 1943 Hertzsprung,Ejnar[Einar] 1873 1967 Hinks,ArthurRobert 1873 1945 Lampland,CarlOtto 1873 1951 Ludendorff,FriedrichWilhelmHans 1873 1941 Olcott,WilliamTyler 1873 1936 Pannekoek,Antonie 1873 1960 Schwarzschild,Karl 1873 1916 Seares,FrederickHanley 1873 1964 Slocum,Frederick 1873 1944 Sundman,KarlFrithiof 1873 1949 Zeipel,EdvardHugovon 1873 1959 Hirayama,Kiyotsugu 1874 1943 Ross,FrankElmore 1874 1960 Stark,Johannes 1874 1957 Störmer,FredrikCarlMülertz 1874 1957 Morgan,HerbertRollo 1875 1957 Pfund,AugustHermann 1875 1949 Plummer,HenryCrozierKeating 1875 1946 Saunders,FrederickAlbert 1875 1963 Skjellerup,JohnFrancis 1875 1952 Slipher,VestoMelvin 1875 1969 Tikhov,GavrilAdrianovich 1875 1960 Adams,WalterSydney 1876 1956 Albrecht,Sebastian 1876 1957 Anderson,JohnAugust 1876 1959 Esclangon,Ernest-Benjamin 1876 1954 Wirtz,CarlWilhelm 1876 1939 Aston,FrancisWilliam 1877 1945 Gökmen,MehmedFatin 1877 1955 Jeans,JamesHapwood 1877 1946 Russell,HenryNorris 1877 1957 Dugan,RaymondSmith 1878 1940 Dziewulski,Wladyslaw 1878 1962 Fox,Philip 1878 1944 Harper,WilliamEdmund 1878 1940 Moore,JosephHaines 1878 1949 Stebbins,Joel 1878 1966 Wilson,LatimerJames 1878 1948 Einstein,Albert 1879 1955 Guthnick,Paul 1879 1947 Hornd’Arturo,Guido 1879 1967 Lau,HansEmil 1879 1918 Milankovitch[Milankovič],Milutin 1879 1958 Rosenberg,Hans 1879 1940 Schmidt,BernhardVoldemar 1879 1935 Boss,Benjamin 1880 1970 Curtiss,RalphHamilton 1880 1929 Fath,EdwardArthur 1880 1959 Gingrich,CurvinHenry 1880 1951 Melotte,PhilibertJacques 1880 1961 VanBiesbroeck,Georges-Achille 1880 1974 Campbell,Leon 1881 1951 Nordmann,Charles 1881 1940 Pease,FrancisGladhelm 1881 1938 Regener,ErichRudolphAlexander 1881 1955 Stratton,FrederickJohnMarrian 1881 1960 Tolman,RichardChace 1881 1948 Abetti,Giorgio 1882 1982 Babcock,HaroldDelos 1882 1965 Banachiewicz,ThaddeusJulian 1882 1954 Delporte,Eugène-Joseph 1882 1955 Duncan,JohnCharles 1882 1967

Eddington,ArthurStanley 1882 1944 Joy,AlfredHarrison 1882 1973 Kopff,August 1882 1960 Péridier,JulienMarie 1882 1967 Strömberg,Gustav 1882 1962 Comrie,LeslieJohn 1883 1950 Hess,VictorFranz[Francis] 1883 1964 Kohlschütter,Arnold 1883 1969 Kulik,LeonidAlexyevich 1883 1942 Prager,Richard 1883 1945 Sanford,RoscoeFrank 1883 1958 Slipher,EarlCarl 1883 1967 d’Azambuja,Lucien 1884 1970 LacchiniGiovanniBattista 1884 1967 Olivier,CharlesPollard 1884 1975 VanMaanen,Adriaan 1884 1946 Bohr,NielsHenrikDavid 1885 1962 Freundlich[Finlay-Freundlich],Erwin 1885 1964 Kaluza,TheodorFranzEduard 1885 1954 Shapley,Harlow 1885 1972 Stetson,HarlanTrue 1885 1964 Weyl,[ClausHugo]Hermann 1885 1955 Mellish,JohnEdward 1886 1970 Rossiter,RichardAlfred 1886 1977 Struve,GeorgOttoHermann 1886 1933 Taylor,GeoffreyIngram 1886 1975 Trumpler,RobertJulius 1886 1956 VanRhijn,PieterJohannes 1886 1960 Wilson,RalphElmer 1886 1960 Zinner,Ernst 1886 1970 Jackson,John 1887 1958 Kiess,CarlClarence 1887 1967 Kolhörster,WernerHeinrichJuliusGustav 1887 1946 Merrill,PaulWillard 1887 1961 Nininger,HarveyHarlow 1887 1986 Schrödinger,Erwin 1887 1961 Chapman,Sydney 1888 1970 Friedmann,AlexanderAlexandrovich 1888 1925 Hay,WilliamThomson 1888 1949 Ingalls,AlbertGraham 1888 1958 Jenkins,LouiseFreeland 1888 1970 Jonckheere,Robert 1888 1974 Mikhailov,AleksandrAleksandrovich 1888 1983 Stern,Otto 1888 1969 Fesenkov,VasiliiGrigorevich 1889 1972 Fowler,RalphHoward 1889 1944 Gaposchkin,Sergei[Sergej]Illarionovich 1889 1984 Gerasimovich[Gerasimovič],BorisPetrovich 1889 1937 Hubble,EdwinPowell 1889 1953 Lundmark,KnutEmil 1889 1958 Pettit,Edison 1889 1962 Smart,WilliamMarshall 1889 1975 Watts,ChesterBurleigh 1889 1971 Alden,HaroldLee 1890 1964 Bower,ErnestClare 1890 1964 Danjon,André-Louis 1890 1967 Dingle,Herbert 1890 1978 Grotrian,Walter 1890 1954 Hulburt,EdwardOlson 1890 1966 Shapley,Martha[Betz] 1890 1981 SpencerJones,Harold 1890 1960 Vogt,Heinrich 1890 1968 Dawson,Bernhard * 1891 1960 Humason,MiltonLasell 1891 1972 Jeffreys,Harold 1891 1989 Makemson,MaudWorcester 1891 1977 McMath,RobertRaynolds 1891 1962 Nicholson,SethBarnes 1891 1963 Numerov[Noumeroff],BorisVasil’evich 1891 1941 Peek,BertrandMeigh 1891 1965 Schmidt,OttoIulevich 1891 1956 Väisälä,Yrjö 1891 1971 Woltjer,Jan,Jr. 1891 1946 Appleton,EdwardVictor 1892 1965 Bennot,MaudeVerona 1892 1982 Compton,ArthurHolly 1892 1962 Hoffmeister,Cuno 1892 1868 Reinmuth,KarlWilhelm 1892 1979 Shain[Shayn,Shajn],GrigoryAbramovich 1892 1956 Thomson,GeorgePaget 1892 1975 Baade,WilhelmHeinrichWalter 1893 1960 Lanczos[Lowy],Cornelius[Kornel] 1893 1974 Malmquist,KarlGunnar 1893 1982 Minnaert,MarcelGillesJozef 1893 1970 Öpik,ErnstJulius 1893 1985 Pearce,JosephAlgernon 1893 1988 Plaskett,HarryHemley 1893 1980 Saha,MeghnadN. 1893 1956 Urey,HaroldClayton 1893 1981 Beyer,Max 1894 1982 Chemla-Lameche[Lamech],Felix 1894 1962 Klein,OskarBenjamin 1894 1977 Lemaitre,GeorgesHenri-Joseph-Edouard 1894 1966 Steavenson,WilliamHerbert 1894 1975 Stewart,JohnQuincy 1894 1972 Stoyko[Stoiko-Radilenko],Nicolas 1894 1976 Thom,Alexander 1894 1985 Zanstra,Herman 1894 1972 Chalonge,Daniel 1895 1977 Kienle,HansGeorg 1895 1975 Lindblad,Bertil 1895 1965 Minkowski,RudolphLeoBernhard 1895 1976 Shane,CharlesDonald 1895 1983 Alexander,ArthurFrancisO’Donel 1896 1971 Bobrovnikoff,NicholasTheodore 1896 1988 Dufay,Jean 1896 1967 Maksutov,DmitryDmitrievich 1896 1964 Milne,EdwardArthur 1896 1950 O’Connell,DanielJosephKelly 1896 1982 VandenBos,WillemHendrik 1896 1974 Blackett,PatrickMaynardStuart [BaronBlackettofChelsea] 1897 1974 Dunham,Theodore,Jr. 1897 1984 Erro,LuisEnrique 1897 1955 Greaves,WilliamMichaelHerbert 1897 1955 Hagihara,Yusuke 1897 1979 Lyot,Bernard 1897 1952 Struve,Otto 1897 1963 Atkinson,Robertd’Escourt 1898 1982 Bowen,IraSprague 1898 1973 Moore-Sitterly,CharlotteEmma 1898 1990 Zwicky,Fritz 1898 1974 Beals,CarlyleSmith 1899 1979 Couderc,Paul 1899 1981 Elvey,ChristianThomas 1899 1970 Luyten,WillemJacob 1899 1994 Mineur,HenriPaul 1899 1954 Neugebauer,OttoE. 1899 1990 Smith,Sinclair 1899 1938 Wurm,Karl 1899 1975 Oort,JanHendrick 1900 1992 Payne[PayneGaposchkin,Gaposchkin, Payne-Gaposchkin],CeciliaHelena 1900 1979 Peltier,LeslieCopus 1900 1980 Porter,JohnGuy 1900 1981 Stokley,James 1900 1989 Baize,Paul-Achille-Ariel 1901 1995 Bečvář,Antonín 1901 1965 Heckmann,OttoHermannLeopold 1901 1983 Khaikin,SemyonEmmanuilovich 1901 1968 McLaughlin,DeanBenjamin 1901 1965 Menzel,DonaldHoward 1901 1976 Sharonov,VsevolodVasilievich 1901 1964 VandeKamp,Peter[Piet] 1901 1995 Brouwer,Dirk 1902 1966 Dirac,PaulAdrienMaurice 1902 1984 Eckert,WallaceJohn 1902 1971 Ferraro,VincenzoConsolatoAntonino 1902 1974 Jordan,ErnstPascual 1902 1980 Mayall,MargaretWalton 1902 1995 Monnig,OscarEdward 1902 1999 Schalén,Carl 1902 1993 Swope,HenriettaHill 1902 1980 Wachmann,ArnoArthur 1902 1990 Berman,Louis 1903 1997 Cousins,AlanWilliamJames 1903 2001 Houtermans,FriedrichGeorg 1903 1966 Kolmogorov,AndreiNikolaevich 1903 1987 Kordylewski,Kazimierz 1903 1981 Öhman,K.Yngve 1903 1988 Prentice,JohnPhilipManning 1903 1981 Robertson,HowardPercy 1903 1961 Smiley,CharlesHugh 1903 1977 Allen,ClabonWalter 1904 1987 BarnothyForro,Madeleine 1904 1996 Barnothy,JenoM 1904 1993 Forbush,ScottEllsworth 1904 1984 Gamow,George[GeorgiyAntonovich] 1904 1968 Garfinkel,Boris 1904 1999 Herzberg,Gerhard 1904 1999 Hogg,FrankScott 1904 1951 Lallemand,André 1904 1978 McCrea,WilliamHunter 1904 1999 McIntosh,RonaldAlexander 1904 1977 McVittie,GeorgeCunliffe 1904 1988 Oppenheimer,J.Robert 1904 1967 Spitz,ArmandNeustadter 1904 1971 Vorontsov-Veliaminov[Velyaminov],BorisAleksandrovich 1904 1994 Anderson,CarlDavid 1905 1991 Brück,HermannAlexander 1905 2000 Finsen,WilliamS. 1905 1979 Jansky,KarlGuthe 1905 1950 Kuiper,GerardPeter 1905 1973 Redman,RoderickOliver 1905 1975 Roach,FranklinEvans 1905 1993 Rossi,BrunoBenedetto 1905 1993 SawyerHogg[Hogg],HelenBattles 1905 1993 Unsöld,Albrecht 1905 1995 Whitford,AlbertEdward 1905 2002 Wildt,Rupert 1905 1976 Williams,EvanGwyn 1905 1940 Bethe,HansAlbrecht 1906 2005 Bok,BartJan 1906 1983 Cowling,ThomasGeorge 1906 1990 Edlen,Bengt 1906 1993 Korff,SergeAlexander 1906 1989 Lacroute,Pierre 1906 1993 Mayall,NicholasUlrich 1906 1993 Millman,PeterMackenzie 1906 1990 Morgan,WilliamWilson 1906 1994 Parenago,PavelPetrovich 1906 1960 Perepelkin,YevgenijYakovlevich 1906 1937 Swings,Polydore[Pol]FerdinandFelix 1906 1983 Tombaugh,ClydeWilliam 1906 1997 Whipple,FredLawrence 1906 2004 Woolley,RichardVanderRiet 1906 1986 Barbier,Daniel 1907 1965 Biermann,LudwigFranzBenedikt 1907 1986 Hoffleit,EllenDorrit 1907 Present Lindsay,EricMervyn 1907 1974 Markowitz,William 1907 1998 Strand,KajAageGunnar 1907 2000 Adel,Arthur 1908 1994 Alfvén,HannesOlofGösta 1908 1995 Ambartsumian,VictorAmazaspovitch 1908 1996 Clemence,GeraldMaurice 1908 1974 Hall,JohnScoville 1908 1991 Herget,Paul 1908 1981 Holmberg,Erik 1908 2000 Keenan,PhilipChilds 1908 2000 Kozyrev,NikolaiAlexandrovich 1908 1983 Mohler,OrrenCuthbert 1908 1985 Pawsey,JosephLade 1908 1962 Stromgren,BengtGeorgDaniel 1908 1987 Teller,Edward[Ede] 1908 2003 Tousey,Richard 1908 1997 Bateson,FrankMaine 1909 Present Ellison,MervynArchdall 1909 1963 Evans,JohnWainright 1909 1999 Federer,CharlesAnthony,Jr. 1909 1999 Focas,JohnHenry 1909 1969 Geddes,Murray 1909 1944 Greenstein,JesseLeonard 1909 2002 Halbach,EdwardAnthony 1909 Present Hey,[James]Stanley 1909 2000 Irwin,JohnHenryBarrows 1909 1997 Lipsky,YuriNaumovich 1909 1978 Suess,HandsEduard 1909 1993 Walker,ArthurGeoffrey 1909 2001 Wesselink,AdriaanJan 1909 1995 Wilson,OlinChaddock,Jr. 1909 1994 Wyse,ArthurBambridge 1909 1942 Chandrasekhar,Subrahmanyan 1910 1995 Critchfield,CharlesLouis 1910 1994 Henyey,LouisGeorge 1910 1970 Jacchia,LuigiGiuseppe 1910 1996 Kiepenheuer,Karl-Otto 1910 1975 McKellar,Andrew 1910 1960 Papadopoulos,Christos 1910 1992 Plaut,Lukas 1910 1984 Thackeray,AndrewDavid 1910 1978 Wirtanen,CarlAlvar 1910 1990 Alvarez,LuisWalter 1911 1988 Boyer,Charles 1911 1989 Cuffey,James 1911 1999 Fowler,WilliamAlfred 1911 1995 Lyttleton,RaymondArthur 1911 1995 Pişmiş,ParisMarie 1911 1999 Reber,Grote 1911 2002 Seyfert,CarlKeenan 1911 1960 VanAlbada,GaleBruno 1911 1972 Wheeler,JohnArchibald 1911 Present Babcock,HoraceWelcome 1912 2003 Baldwin,RalphBelknap 1912 Present Purcell,EdwardMills 1912 1997 Schwarzschild,Martin 1912 1997 Waldmeier,Max 1912 2000 Weizsäcker,CarlFriedrichvon 1912 Present Whitrow,GeraldJames 1912 2000 Aller,LawrenceHugh 1913 2003 Christiansen,WilburNorman 1913 Present Davis[DavisLocanthi],DorothyN. 1913 1999 Dombrovskij[Dombrovsky,Dombrovski],ViktorA. 1913 1972 Ford,ClintonBanker 1913 1992 Goldberg,Leo 1913 1987 HaroBarraza,Guillermo 1913 1988 Honda,Minoru 1913 1990 Kron,GeraldEdward 1913 Present Lovell,AlfredCharlesBernard 1913 Present Markarian,BeniaminEgishevich 1913 1985 Page,ThorntonL. 1913 1996 Popper,DanielMagnes 1913 1999 Przybylski,Antoni 1913 1984 Snyder,Hartland 1913 1962 Baker,JamesGilbert 1914 2005 Blaauw,Adriaan 1914 Present Davis,RaymondJr. 1914 2006 Hatanaka,Takeo 1914 1963 Herman,Robert 1914 1997 Hiltner,WilliamAlbert 1914 1991 Kopal,Zdenek 1914 1993 Ledoux,Paul 1914 1988 Spitzer,Lyman,Jr. 1914 1997 VanAllen,JamesAlfred 1914 2006 Volkoff,GeorgeMichael 1914 2000 Zel’dovich,YakovBorisovich 1914 1987 Giovanelli,RonaldGordon 1915 1984 Hoyle,Fred 1915 2001 Middlehurst,BarbaraMary 1915 1995 Morrison,Philip 1915 2005 Wood,FrankBradshaw 1915 1997 Bates,DavidRobert 1916 1994 Brown,RobertHanbury 1916 2002 Dicke,RobertHenry 1916 1997 Evans,DavidStanley 1916 2004 Friedman,Herbert 1916 2000 Ginzburg[Ginzberg],VitalyLazarevich 1916 Present Lin,ChiaC. 1916 Present Shklovsky[Shklovskii,Shklovskij],IosifSamuilovich 1916 1985 Haas,WalterHenry 1917 Present Safronov,ViktorSergeyevich 1917 1999 Ashbrook,Joseph 1918 1980 Deutsch,ArminJoseph 1918 1969 Kerr,FrankJohn 1918 2000 Mrkos,Antonín 1918 1996 Müller,EdithAlice 1918 1995 Vaucouleurs,GérardHenride 1918 1995 Wilson,AlbertGeorge 1918 Present

Legend* = circa** = possibly*** = approximately**** = estimated lifespan

~ = before^ = after$ = twenty-five years before and twenty-five years after date known to have flourishedA one-hundred-year span indicates that the individual flourished during that century.

Thomas Hockey (University of Northern Iowa)


My Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers (Springer, 2007) is also an encyclopedia of cosmologists. I have used the online version prosopographically to produce a unique timeline of both astronomers and cosmologists from antiquity to the early twentieth-century. When possible, this timeline depicts the life spans of individuals. The graphical representation makes it easy to spot contemporaries. Nearly sixteen-hundred persons appear, including many non-western scholars often underrepresented. All entries are denoted under their most familiar name. Dates are converted to Gregorian, with a maximum time resolution of one year. Different levels of certitude among the dates are shown symbolically. A consultant (academic web designer) helped maximize legibility in a small poster space.

“Post hoc, ergo propter hoc” is invalid in history, as it is in science. Contemporaries are separated by geography, language, etc. Yet while it cannot be used to trace influence, my timeline easily excludes potential influence.

A Timeline of Astronomers and Cosmologists

800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present 800 BCE 700 BCE 600 BCE 500 BCE 400 BCE 300 BCE 200BCE 100 BCE 1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Present

Homer **** 799BCE 700BCE Hesiod **** 799BCE 700BCE Lalla **** 799BCE 700BCE ThalesofMiletus * 625BCE 547BCE AnaximanderofMiletus * 611BCE 661BCE * AnaximenesofMiletus $* 636BCE 586BCE XenophanesofColophon * 571BCE 475BCE * Pythagoras * 570BCE 480BCE * HeraclitusofEphesus [theRiddler,theObscure] * 540BCE 480BCE * CleostratusofTenedos $* 525BCE 475BCE * ParmenidesofElea * 515BCE 450BCE * AnaxagorasofClazomenae 428BCE ^ Aeschylus **** 499BCE 400BCE ArchelausofAthens **** 499BCE 449BCE Naburianu [Naburianus,Nabû-ri-man-nu] **** 499BCE 400BCE *** ArchytasofTarentum **** 499BCE 400BCE GanDe **** 499BCE 400BCE Kidinnu[Kidin,Kidenas] **** 499BCE 400BCE PhillipofOpus **** 499BCE 400BCE EmpedoclesofAcragas * 493BCE 433BCE OenopidesofChios * 490BCE 420BCE LeucippusofMiletus * 480BCE 420BCE * HippocratesofChios * 470BCE 410BCE * DemocritusofAbdera * 460BCE 370BCE * PhilolausofCroton * 460BCE 410BCE * Euctemon $ 457BCE 402BCE *** Meton $ 457BCE 407BCE DiogenesofApollonia $* 455BCE 405BCE Ecphantus * 440BCE 390BCE * Plato * 428BCE 347BCE ** Hicetus[Nicetus] *:$ 425BCE 375BCE HeliconofCyzicus $ 410BCE 310BCE Ephorus **** 400BCE 300BCE EudemusofRhodes **** 400BCE 300BCE ShiShen **** 400BCE 300BCE Eudoxus * 390BCE 338BCE HeraclidesofHeraclea [HeraclidesofPontus,HeraclidesPonticus] * 388BCE 310BCE * Aristotle 384BCE 322BCE Menaechmus $ 375BCE 325BCE Theophrastus[Tyrtamus] 372BCE 286BCE CallippusofCyzikus[Kãllippow] * 370BCE 300BCE Autolycus * 360BCE 290BCE * MetrodorusofChios $ 350BCE 300BCE * EpicurusofSamos * 341BCE 271BCE TheonofAlexandria * 335BCE 400BCE * Berossus * 330BCE 270BCE * AristarchusofSamos * 310BCE 230BCE **^ CononofSamos **** 300BCE 200BCE * Aratus **** 299BCE 240BCE Aristyllus **** 299BCE 200BCE ~ Archimedes 287BCE 212BCE ChrysippusofSoloi * 280BCE 207BCE EratosthenesofCyrene * 274BCE 194BCE DositheusofPelousion $ 255BCE 205BCE * ApolloniusofPerga * 247BCE 205BCE HipparchusofNicaea * 190BCE 120BCE * HypsiclesofAlexandria $ 175BCE 125BCE * SeleukusofSeleukeia $ 175BCE 125BCE TheodosiusofBithynia * 160BCE 90BCE SimaQian * 140BCE 90BCE * Posidonius 135BCE 51BCE * Cicero,MarcusTullius 106BCE 43BCE Lucretius[Carus],Titus * 99BCE 55BCE * Vitruvius[Pollio],Marcus * 85BCE 15BCE * Virgil[Vergil][PubliusVergiliusMaro] 70BCE 19BCE * SosigenesofAlexandria **** 50BCE 1 Ovid[PubliusOvidiusNaso] 43BCE 17 Manilius[Manlius,Mallius],Marcus $ 15BCE 35 Geminus * 10BCE 60 Seneca **** 1 100 PlinytheElder[PliniusSecundus] 22 79 JiaKui 30 101 Plutarch * 45 125 * MenelausofAlexandria * 70 130 * TheonofSmyrna * 70 135 * ZhangHeng[ChangHeng] 78 139 Ptolemy[ClaudiusPtolemaius] **** 100 199 FuAn 100 Yavaneśvara $ 124 174 Cleomedes $ 175 225 Sphujidhvaja **** 200 299 Timocharis **** 200 250 ChenZhuo[Ch’enCho] * 265 317 * PappusofAlexandria **** 300 399 AugustineofHippo[AurelianusAugustinus] 354 430 SynesiusofCyrene * 365 413 * Hypatia * 370 415 Macrobius,Ambrosius[Theodosius] **** 400 499 QianLezhi **** 400 499 Chalcidius **** 400 Proclus * 411 485 ZuChongzhi[TsuCh’ung-chih] 429 500 Ammonius * 440 521 * HeliodorusofAlexandria *** 459 509 Eutocius $ 475 525 ĀryabhaṭaI[theElder] 476 526 *** Boëthius,AniciusManliusTorquatusSeverinus * 480 526 DionysiusExiguus 480 556 ~ Cassiodorus,FlaviusMagnusAurelius * 485 585 * Philoponus,John[JohntheGrammarian,JohnofAlexandria] * 490 570 * SimpliciusofCilicia * 490 560 * OlympiodorustheYounger[thePlatonist,theNeo-Platonist, thePhilosopher,theGreat] 495 565 ^ GregoryofTours **** 500 599 Capella,Martianus[Felix]Mineus[Minneius,Minneus] **** 500 Yativṛṣabha **** 500 599 Varahamihira 505 587 LiuZhuo[Ch’o] 544 610 IsidoreofSevilla[IsidorusHispalensis] * 560 636 SeverusSebokht[Sebokt,Sebukht,Seboht] * 575 667 Brahmagupta 598 665 ^ CosmasIndicopleustes **** 600 LiChunfeng 602 670 BhāskaraI $ 604 654 HaridattaI $ 658 708 Bede * 673 735 Yixing[SengYixing,YixingChanshi,I-Hsing] 683 727 Alcuin[Alchvine,Ealhwine][Albinus,Flaccus] * 735 804 Kanka $ 745 795 Fazārī:MuḥammadibnIbrāhīmal-Fazārī **** 750 810 **** YaˁqūbibnṬāriq **** 750 850 Hārūnal-Rashīd 763 809 Māshā’allāhibnAtharī(Sāriya)[Messahala] *** 765 815 * Einhard * 770 840 Khwārizmī:MuḥammadibnMūsāal-Khwārizmī * 780 850 * ḤajjājibnYūsufibnMaṭar 786 830 Ma’mūn:Abūal-ˁAbbāsˁAbdallāhibnHārūnal-Rashīd 786 833 AbūMaˁsharJaˁfaribnMuḥammadibnˁUmaral-BalkhiAlbumasar] ** 787 886 ** Nayrīzī:Abūal-ˁAbbāsal-FaḍlibnḤātimal-Nayrīzī **** 800 899 Kindī:AbūYūsufYaˁqūbibnIsḥāqal-Kindī * 800 870 ^ SanadibnˁAlī:Abūal-ṬayyibSanadibnˁAlīal-Yahūd **** 800 899 ScottusEriugena,[John]Johannes **** 800 899 ˁUṭārid:ˁUṭāridibnMuḥammadal-Ḥāsib **** 800 899 Jawharī:al-ˁAbbāsibnSaˁīdal-Jawharī $ 805 855 Marwarrūdhī:Khālidibn ˁAbdal-Malikal-Marwarrūdhīal-Marwazī,Qaṭṭān-i: ˁAynal-ZamānAbūˁAlīḤasanibnˁAlīQaṭṭān[Qaṭṭān]al-Marwazī $ 807 857 Ḥabashal-Ḥāsib:AbūJaˁfarAḥmadibnˁAbdAllāhal-Marwazī *** 819 869 ^ QusṭāIbnLūqāal-Baˁlabakkī[CostabenLuca] * 820 913 * YaḥyāibnAbīManṣūr:AbūˁAlīYaḥyāibnAbīManṣūral-Munajjim * 820 830 IsḥāqIbnḤunayn:AbūYaˁqūbIsḥāqibnḤunaynibnIsḥāq al-ˁIbādī * 830 911 ThābitibnQurra * 830 901 SulaymānibnˁIṣma:AbūDāwūdSulaymānibnˁIṣmaal-Samarqandī **** 850 899 Battānī:AbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnJābiribnSinānal- ~ 858 929 Hāshimī:ˁAlīibnSulaymānal-Hāshimī $ 865 915 Fārābī:AbūNaṣrMuḥammadibnMuḥammadibn Tarkhānal-Fārābī[Alfarabius] * 870 950 Ādami:AbūˁAlīal-ḤusaynibnMuḥammadal-Ādami $:* 875 950 Muñjāla[Mañjula] $ 875 925 IbnSahl:AbūSaˁdal-ˁAlā’ibnSahl **** 900 999 Nasṭūlus:MuḥammadibnˁAbdAllāh[Basṭūlus] **** 900 999 QāsimibnMuṭarrifal-Qaṭṭān:AbūMuḥammadQāsimibnMuṭarrif ibnˁAbdal-Raḥmānal-Qaṭṭān al-Ṭulayṭulīal-Qurṭubīal-Andalusī **** 900 999 DunashibnTamim **** 900 950 DungalofSaintDenis **** 900 Farghānī:Abūal-ˁAbbāsAḥmadibn MuḥammadibnKathīral-Farghānī **** 900 ZhangSixun 900 950 *** Ṣūfī:Abūal-ḤusaynˁAbdal-RaḥmānibnˁUmaral-Ṣūfī 903 986 IbrāhīmIbnSinānibnThābitibnQurra 908 946 Khāzin:AbūJaˁfarMuḥammad ibnal-Ḥusaynal-Khāzinal-Khurāsānī *** 921 971 * BanūMūsā *** 923 873 Majrīṭī:Abūal-QāsimMaslamaibnAḥmadal-Ḥāsibal-Faraḍī al-Majrīṭī 930 1007 Ibnal-Aˁlam:ˁAlīibnal-ḤusaynAbūal-Qāsimal-ˁAlawīal-Sharīfal-Ḥusaynī *** 935 985 Būzjānī:Abūal-Wafā’MuḥammadibnMuḥammadibnYaḥyāal-Būzjānī 940 998 Ṣāghānī:AbūḤāmidAḥmadibnMuḥammadal-Ṣāghānī[al-Ṣaghānī]al-Asṭurlābī *** 940 990 AbboofFleury[AbbondeFleury] * 945 1004 * d’Aurillac,Gerbert[PopeSylvesterII] * 945 1003 Khujandī:AbūMaḥmūdḤāmidibnal-Khiḍral-Khujandī * 945 1000 Sijzī:AbūSaˁīdAḥmadibn MuḥammadibnˁAbdal-Jalīlal-Sijzī * 945 1020 * Kūhī:AbūSahlWījanibnRustam[Wustam]al-Kūhī[al-Qūhī] **** 950 999 Qabīṣī:Abūal-ṢaqrˁAbdal-ˁAzīzibnˁUthmānibnˁAlīal-Qabīṣī[Alcabitius] **** 950 999 AmājūrFamily **** 950 1050 ĀryabhaṭaII[theYounger] * 950 1100 * IbnˁIrāq:AbūNaṣrManṣūribnˁAlīibnˁIrāq * 950 1036 * Ibnal-Majdī:Shihābal-DīnAbūal-ˁAbbāsAḥmadibnRajabibnṬaybughāal-Majdīal-Shāfiˁī 950 1110 IbnYūnus:Abūal-ḤasanˁAlīibnˁAbdal-RaḥmānibnAḥmadibnYūnusal-Ṣadafī *** 959 1009 Ibnal-Haytham:AbūˁAlīal-Ḥasanibnal-Ḥasan[Alhazen] 965 1040 * Bīrūnī:Abūal-RayḥānMuḥammadibnAḥmadal-Bīrūnī 973 1050 * Ibnal-Samḥ:Abūal-QāsimAṣbaghibnMuḥammadibnal-Samḥal-Gharnāṭī 979 1035 IbnSīnā:AbūˁAlīal-ḤusaynibnˁAbdallāhibnSīnā[Avicenna] 980 1037 IbnalSaffar:AbualQasimAhmadibnAbdAllahibnUmaralGafiqiibnalsaffar *** 985 1035 ˁAlīibnKhalaf:Abūal-ḤasanibnAḥmaral-Ṣaydalānī[ˁAlīibnKhalafibnAḥmarAkhīr(Akhiyar)] **** 1000 1099 Jūzjānī:AbūˁUbaydˁAbdal-WāḥidibnMuḥammadal-Jūzjānī **** 1000 1099 Nasawī:Abūal-ḤasanˁAlīibnAḥmadal-Nasawī 1002 1052 *** HermanntheLame[HermannvonReichenau,HermannusContractus] 1013 1054 SuSong[SuSung] 1020 1101 Śrīpati $ 1023 1073 IbnMuˁādh:AbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnMuˁādhal-Jayyānī *** 1029 1079 ^ Ṣāˁidal-Andalusī:Abūal-QāsimṢāˁidibnabīal-WalīdAḥmadibnˁAbdal-RaḥmānibnMuḥammad ibnṢāˁidal-Taghlibīal-Qurṭubī 1029 1070 Daśabala $ 1030 1080 Khayyām:Ghiyāthal-DīnAbūal-FatḥˁUmaribnIbrāhīmal-Khayyāmīal-Nīshāpūrī[OmarKhayyām] 1048 1123 * Isfizārī:AbūḤātimal-MuẓaffaribnIsmāˁīlal-Isfizārī 1050 1150 Zarqālī:AbūIsḥāqIbrāhīmibnYaḥyàal-Naqqāshal-Tujībīal-Zarqālī[Azarquiel] *** 1050 1100 IbnBājja:AbūBakrMuḥammadibnYaḥyāibnal-Ṣā’ighal-Tujībīal-Andalusīal-Saraqusṭī[Avempace] 1067 1139 Abūal-Ṣalt:UmayyaibnˁAbdal-ˁAzīzibnAbīal-Ṣaltal-Dānīal-Andalusī[Albuzale] * 1068 1134 BarḤiyya:AbrahambarḤiyyaSavasorda $ 1070 1136 Qaṭṭānal-Marwazī:ˁAynal-ZamānAbūˁAlīḤasanibnˁAlīQaṭṭānal-Marwazī[Qaṭṭān-iMarwzī] 1072 1153 Śatānanda $ 1074 1124 Ṭabarī:AbūJaˁfarMuḥammadibnAyyūbal-Ḥāsibal-Ṭabarī $ 1075 1125 WalcherofMalvern $ 1075 1125 AdelardofBath * 1080 1152 * IbnEzra:AbrahamibnˁEzra * 1089 1167 * Kharaqī:Shamsal-DīnAbūBakrMuḥammadibnAḥmadal-Kharaqī[Khiraqī] *** 1089 1139 HildegardofBingen-am-Rhine 1098 1179 Ibnal-Kammād:AbūJaˁfarAḥmadibnYūsufibnal-KammādIbnLabbān,Kushyār:KiyāAbūal-Ḥasan KushyāribnLabbānBashahrīal-Jīlī(Gīlānī) **** 1100 1199 JābiribnAflaḥ:AbūMuḥammadJābiribnAflaḥ **** 1100 1199 JohnofToledo **** 1100 1199 Khāzinī:Abūal-FatḥˁAbdal-Raḥmānal-Khāzinī[AbūManṣūrˁAbdal-Raḥmān,ˁAbdal-RaḥmānManṣūr] **** 1100 1150 Samaw’al:AbūNaṣrSamaw’alibnYaḥyāibnˁAbbāsal-Maghribīal-Andalusī 1100 1175 WilliamofConches[GuilelmusdeConchis,GuillaumedeConches] * 1100 1154 * Ibnal-Ṣalāḥ:Najmal-DīnAbūal-FutūḥAḥmadibnMuḥammadibnal-SarīIbnal-Ṣalāḥ *** 1104 1154 IbnṬufayl:AbūBakrMuḥammadibnˁAbdal-MalikibnMuḥammadibnMuḥammadibnṬufaylal-Qaysī [Abubacer] 1110 1186 Alfonsi,Petrus 1113 1163 BhāskaraII 1114 1185 GerardofCremona[GerardusCremonensis] * 1114 1187 RaymondofMarseilles $ 1116 1166 HermanntheDalmatian $ 1118 1168 Umawī:AbūˁAlīal-ḤasanibnˁAlīibnKhalafal-Umawī[al-Khatībal-Umawīal-Qurṭubī] 1120 1206 Silvester,Bernard[BernardusSilvestris] $ 1125 1175 IbnRushd:Abūl-WalīdMuḥammadibnAḥmadibnMuḥammadibnRushdal-Ḥafīd[Averroes] 1126 1198 Sharafal-Dīnal-Ṭūsī * 1135 1213 Maimonides:AbūˁImrānMūsā[Moses]ibnˁUbaydAllāh[Maymūn]al-Qurṭubī 1145 1204 RogerofHereford[RogerusInfans,Puer] $ 1151 1201 Biṭrūjī:Nūral-DīnAbūIsḥāq(AbūJaˁfar)IbrāhīmibnYūsufal-Biṭrūjī[Alpetragius] $ 1160 1210 Grosseteste,Robert * 1168 1253 Scot,Michael * 1175 1234 * IbnIsḥāq:Abūal-ˁAbbāsibnIsḥāqal-Tamīmīal-Tūnisī * 1193 1222 BartholomaeusAnglicus **** 1200 1299 Ibnal-Hā’im:AbūMuḥammadˁAbdal-Ḥaqqal-Ghāfiqīal-IshbīlīIshbīlī **** 1200 1299 Jaghmīnī:Sharafal-DīnMaḥmūdibnMuḥammadibnˁUmaral-Jaghmīnīal-Khwārizmī **** 1200 1250 JohnofHolywood[JohannesdeSacrobosco] **** 1200 1250 JohnofMessina[JuandeMesina] **** 1200 1299 Marrākushī:Sharafal-DīnAbūˁAlīal-ḤasanibnˁAlīibnˁUmaral-Marrākushī **** 1200 1299 AlberttheGreat[AlbertusMagnus] * 1200 1280 ˁUrḍī:Mu’ayyad(al-Millawa-)al-Dīn[Mu’ayyadibnBarīk(Burayk)]al-‘Urḍīal-ˁĀmirīal-Dimashqī * 1200 1266 * Ṭūsī:AbūJaˁfarMuḥammadibnMuḥammadibnal-ḤasanNaṣīral-Dīnal-Ṭūsī 1201 1274 Bacon,Roger * 1214 1292 * Abharī:Athīral-Dīnal-MufaḍḍalibnˁUmaribnal-Mufaḍḍalal-Samarqandīal-Abharī *** 1215 1265 ** BenSolomon:JudahbenSolomonha-Kohen * 1215 1274 ^ WilliamofMoerbeke * 1215 1286 * Aquinas,Thomas * 1223 1274 Barhebraeus:GregoryAbūal-Faraj[GrīḡōriyōsBarˁEḇrāyā;GrīḡōriyōsBarˁEḇroyo;ibnal-ˁIbrī] 1225 1286 CampanusofNovara 1225 1296 IbnSid:IsaacibnSid $ 1225 1275 Fārisī:MuḥammadibnAbīBakral-Fārisī *** 1229 1279 * GuoShoujing[KuoShou-ching] 1231 1316 IbnAbīal-Shukr:Muḥyīal-Millawa-’l-DīnYaḥyāAbūˁAbdallāhibnMuḥammadibnAbīal-Shukral-Maghribī al-Andalusī[al-Qurṭubī] *** 1233 1283 WangXun 1235 1281 JacobbenMakhiribnTibbon[DonProfeitTibbon;Profatius]* 1236 1305 * Shīrāzī:Quṭbal-DīnMaḥmūdibnMasˁūdMuṣliḥal-Shīrāzī 1236 1311 BernardofLeTreille[BernardusdeTrilia] * 1240 1292 Chioniades,Gregor[George] * 1240 1320 * Ashraf:al-Malikal-Ashraf(Mumahhidal-Dīn)ˁUmaribnYūsufibnˁUmaribnˁAlīibnRasūl * 1242 1296 PeregrinusdeMaricourt,Petrus $ 1244 1294 GilesofRome[AegidiusRomanus,AegidiusColonna,Columna]* 1247 1316 Ibnal-Raqqām:AbūˁAbdAllāhMuḥammadibnIbrāhīmibnˁAlīibnAḥmadibnYūsufal-Mursīal-Andalusī al-Tūnisīal-Awsīibnal-Raqqām * 1250 1315 Shamsal-Dīnal-Bukhārī **** 1250 1300 Samarqandī:Shamsal-DīnMuḥammadibnAshrafal-Ḥusaynīal-Samarqandī *** 1252 1302 Zhamaluding:Jamālal-DīnMuḥammadibnṬāhiribnMuḥammadal-Zaydīal-Bukhārī[Jamālal-Dīn] 1255 1291 Ibnal-Bannā’:Abūal-ˁAbbāsAḥmadibnMuḥammadibnˁUthmānal-Azdīal-Marrākushī 1256 1321 Metochites,Theodore[TheodorosMetoxites;Theoleptos] 1260 1332 Alighieri,Dante 1265 1321 WilliamofSaint-Cloud[GuillaumedeSaint-Cloud] $ 1265 1315 IbnBāṣo:AbūˁAlīAl-ḤusaynibnAbīJaˁfarAḥmadibnYūsufIbnBāṣo *** 1266 1316 Nightingale,Peter[PetrusPhilomenadeDacia,PetrusdeDacia,PetrusDacus,PetrusDanus]