포포 - 포포포포포 포포 (1) 3 포 포포포포 -2

포스 - 영어독해의 유형 (1) 3 강 제목추론 -2 p.20 2 번 ) A Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), has started asking its passengers to visit the bathroom before

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포스 - 영어독해의 유형(1)

3 강 제목추론 -2

p.20 2 번 )

A Japanese airline, All Nippon Airways (ANA), has

started asking its passengers to visit the bathroom be-

fore boarding. ANA reasons that it can make passen-

gers lighter, which in turn means lighter aircraft and re-

duced fuel use.



판단 /설득하다

다시말해 비행기 , 비행물체

줄어든 , 감소된


The airline started the unusual policy on October

1 st. ANA says that the policy was initially intended

as an experiment lasting one month but it may ex-

pand the trial if results are positive.








Flying is the fastest-growing source of car-

bon dioxide emissions, accounting for more

than 600 million tons of the greenhouse gas per


원인 , 근원


방출 , 배출

~ 의 원인이 되다


A flight between London Heathrow and New

York's John F Kennedy airport creates around

1.35 tons of C02 per passenger -more than

one-third of the yearly emissions of an average

person worldwide.

승객 1명당



방출 , 배출

p. 21 3 번 ) HOW do you measure

the value of a candle? You can't mea-

sure its value by light output, since

the candle has lost its function as a

means of lighting a room.

측정하다 , 방법

산출 , 출력 , 배출

기능 수단

1. ~ 처럼 2. ~ 로써 3. ~이므로

The years that followed Thomas Alva Edi-

son's invention of the lamp might have been

called "the fall of the candle and the rise of

the light bulb." Yet every night all over

America millions of candles are burning.


~ 라고 불렸을 수도 있다

떨어지다 , 몰락

전구 How-ever

No romantic dinner is complete

without candles on the table. Indi-

vidual candles are sold for $20 or

$30 each, much more than a light


완성 /완료되다

* 비교급 강조- 훨 ~ 씐 더 ~!

-even, far, still, much, a lot개인의 , 각각의

Unlike an electric bulb, the value of a

candle has no relationship to its light

output. Like the fireplace and the

sailing ship, the candle has lost its

function and turned into art.


관계 산출 , 발산


p. 22 4 번 )

Everyone knows a school bus when

they see one -- mainly by its color. That

particular yellow has been the official

school bus color for quite a long time.


특별한 , 특정한


It dates back to 1939, when a profes-

sor named Frank W. Cyr, of Teachers Col-

lege in New York City, organized a con-

ference. His mission was to establish na-

tional safety standards for school buses.

~ 로 거슬러 올라가다

구성 /조직하다

회의 /협의회


세우다 , 설립하다


At that time, children were being trans-

ported to school in all sorts of vehicles,

including trucks and horse-drawn wag-

ons. Cyr's conference attracted trans-

portation specialists from all across the



온갖 종류의

탈 것 , 운송수단

기차 , 마차

회의 , 협의회

( 관심을 ) 끌다



Specialists from some paint compa-

nies came as well. After a week of

discussion, the participants agreed

on standards for bus construction

and safety--and also for color.

게다가 , 마찬가지로

참여자 , 참가자

~ 에 동의하다

구조 , 건설

They determined that a particular shade

of yellow-orange with black letters was the

most visible combination in the early morn-

ing and late afternoon hours. They named

that yellow color National School Bus



색조 , 생깔

눈에 띄는

조합 , 배합

스쿨버스가 노란색인 이유는 ?

Because the particular shade of

yellow-orange with black letters was

the most visible combination in the

early morning and late afternoon

hours. ( 그 특정한 노란 오렌지 색깔이 이른

아침과 늦은 오후에 가장 눈에 잘 띄기 때문 !)