Virtual Working & Meeting Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Know

Virtual Working & Meeting Etiquette

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Virtual Working & Meeting EtiquetteRules Every Professional Should Know

Disclosure• The content of this

presentation does not relate to any commercial entity

• I have no financial relationships to report

PresenterAndrea Genovesi, MA, NEDARC Operations Manager/Senior Business Data Analyst

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What are we doing?

Review research on retaining high productivity and professionalism when

you have moved to a virtual work setting

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Discuss the research to help us improve our professional work and productivity

working in a virtual setting

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Goal & Objectives

Identify best practices for working and hosting meetings in a virtual setting

Reducing stress working in a virtual settingIncreasing productivity in a virtual setting

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Review 7 most common areas for improved working in a virtual setting

Several facilitated chat discussionsLive Q&A session

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Chat Facilitation Roles

I will monitor the chat during the recording

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Participant Roles

Enter comments in chat area during facilitated chat discussions

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01Early Bird Gets the Worm

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Start the Work Day EarlyWill help you manage stress and increase productivity in a virtual environment

Good Morning

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Starting the Work Day Early: Research Shows

Helps organize the mind Gives you time to exercise

Helps in maintaining a healthy sleep cycle

Sets a calm tone for the day


''Often one of the least spoken about (yet most important) benefits of waking up early is the impact it can have on your mental health. The first hour of your day and how you spend it often sets the tone for the rest of your day and your life. By waking up earlier, you start to reduce the stress in your life by eliminating the need to rush in the mornings. Believe me when I say this will add an incredible amount of positivity to your life and you will start to notice a change in your attitude.‘’

According to healthambition.com

“Working out in the morning preps you for the entire day. Spending the hours you gain by waking up early on fitness training helps keep your body healthy and in shape.‘’


“Rising early keeps you from fretting, and fumbling to a large extent.

The effect of a calm morning is usually long lasting, seeing you through the day until you hit the sack with satisfaction at the day's achievements. ‘’


“Sleep is critical for a healthy life. A good night's sleep enhances brain functioning, refreshesyour entire system, and helps you focus better. Early risers enjoy a healthy sleep cycle that allows them to give their 100 percent when they're awake.‘’


How does your typical VIRTUAL work day start?

Participants will give a BRIEF summary of how their typical VIRTUAL work day starts from the time they wake until they are sitting at their computer

7 min Chat Discussion

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Joining Virtual Meetings EarlyJoining Before Scheduled Time

will allow you to troubleshoot technical issues and ensure the meeting starts on time


Your Zoom client needs to update

5 min ‘til start

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Pro TipJoin Virtualmeetings ~10 min early & continue to work on projects until hosts start the meeting

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Joining Virtual Meetings Early

What are your thoughts or ideas about joining virtual meetings early?

7 min Chat Discussion

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02Dedicate Space for Virtual Work

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Virtual Work Requires More Discipline

“Too often, people assume working remotely means working from WHEREVER and

WHENEVER you want. NOT SO. I’ve found that virtual work requires more discipline.”



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Virtual Work Requires More Discipline

“Intentionally create a workspace that is just that [a workspace].”



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Prepare a Quiet Area to Set Up Your Computer

“Working from home may mean being surrounded by kids, pets, family members, and various other distractions. Cute as they

might be, such interruptions can quickly derail a video conference.”


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How to Ensure a Dedicated Space for Virtual Meetings

Set Boundaries Prepare a Quiet Spot Alert Others



make a habit of having a meeting in a room where the door can be locked, making it clear for the family members to stay quiet and create a minimum commotion

where other people on the call can’t hear background noise or see members of your household going about their business behind you

It’s smart to let others in your home know that you’re going to be in a virtual meeting and to not disturb you during that time

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How do you think you can adopt?

Participants will BRIEFLY explain how they think they could adopt 1)Setting Boundaries, 2)Preparing a Quiet Spot, and 3)Alerting Others for VIRTUALwork and meetings

7 min Chat Discussion

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03Be Aware of Your Surroundings for Virtual Meetings

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Adjust Your Work SetupMake sure there is plenty of light so your face isn’t obscured or in shadow during a virtual meeting


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Things to Avoid in Your Surroundings for Virtual Meetings

Beds Clutter Family & Pets


No beds (unmade or made) in the background

No messy rooms or open closets where everyone can see your clutter

While kids & pets are adorable, your colleagues shouldn’t see or hear them during your meeting


Prepare a Quiet Area to Set Up Your ComputerRemember this concept from the Dedicate Space for Virtual Work?

It’s the same for your virtual meetings. Let’s watch an example of when your quiet area is interrupted for a virtual meeting. When you see issues he could have avoided, type them into the chat box.



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Simple or Blurred Background“Always choose a place with a simple solid color background such as a wall and not with a place that displays tons of things behind you. Anyone listening to you should not be distracted with what is in the background. They should be able to focus on your face and what you are saying.”


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Managing Your Surrounds for Virtual Meetings

Which of these do you think we can and should adopt for YOUR virtual meetings?

7 min Chat Discussion

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04Dress Appropriately

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Work from Home, but Dress for Work

“If you want to be treated like a professional, follow your team’s dress code even while working from home.”



Work from Home, but Dress for Work

“Telecommuting is NOT a synonym for casual working.”



Work from Home, but Dress for Work

“You will work better if you get dressed for it [work].”



Work from Home, but Dress for Work

“The best part of actually getting ready while working remotely is that you’ll put

yourself in the right headspace to be productive.”



Apparel Don’ts for Virtual Meetings

Sleepwear Un-Groomed Under-Dressing for External Meetings



There’s no reason to show your co-workers your PJs or bathrobe.(Unless it’s a joke the whole team agrees on)

At the same time co-workers and colleagues don’t want to see you in inappropriate clothing. They also don’t want to see your uncombed hair. Take a few minutes to brush your hair.

Make sure to be in professional attire in meetings depending upon the roles

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What is your TYPICAL virtual work day attire?

Participants will BRIEFLY describe what you typically wear for your VIRTUAL work day

7 min Chat Discussion

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05Use Video for Virtual Meetings

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As an HBR article notes

“Video improves engagement because it lets participants see each other, ‘which

immediately humanizes the room’.”


Harvard Business Review

As an HBR article notes

“It [video] also allows everyone to pick up on colleagues’ non-verbal cues, enhancing understanding and



Harvard Business Review

Use Video

“Virtual meetings require vigilant and singular attention — almost more focus

than if you were in person.”



Use Video

“Use attentive body language: sit up straight, don’t make big extraneous movements, and don’t let your eyes

wander too much.”



Using Video for Virtual Meetings

What are your thoughts for us using video for your virtual meetings?

7 min Chat Discussion

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06Manage Distractions for Virtual Meetings

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3 Ways to Minimize Distractions During Virtual Meetings

Mute Microphone Leave Keyboard Alone

No Eating


When you’re not talking, mute your microphone.

“There’s nothing more frustrating than hearing that alien echo noise from conflicting microphones.”

If you are not the designated note taker, don’t be typing during the meeting. The sound of your typing is distracting and preventing you from devoting your full attention to the meeting.

Try to eat a snack before your virtual meeting. Not only is it distracting to others, you won’t be able to focus on the task at hand because you’ll be worrying about dropping crumbs all over your keyboard.


What concerns do you have about managing distractions for Virtual meetings?

Share any concerns you have about managing distractions in your home during your Virtual meetings

7 min Chat Discussion

07Stay Seated & Stay Present for Virtual Meetings

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Stay PresentStop Multi-Tasking

“Give your full attention to the meeting — no multitasking.”



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Stay PresentStop Multi-Tasking

“Make sure to not indulge in other tasks that are not relevant to the meeting.”


I Promise

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Stay PresentStop Multi-Tasking“It may be tempting to check your inbox or carry on a side conversation during a dull moment in a meeting, but don’t do it! You might miss out on key information or an opportunity to give input.”


I will stay engaged!


Ideas for Staying “Present” During Virtual Meetings

What ideas do you have for making sure you stay present (engaged) during virtual meetings?

7 min Chat Discussion

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Review of 7 Virtual Working & Meeting Etiquettes

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CreditsContent complied and presented by National EMS for Children Data Analysis Resource Center (NEDARC)

Icons and images by Flaticon

ReferencesListed in Order of Appearance

★YourStory: 5 reasons why you should start the day early★Fireflies Blog: 22 online meeting etiquette rules that must be followed for

the sake of everyone★Forbes: 8 cardinal rules of running a virtual meeting★Elegant Theme: virtual meeting etiquette: everything you need to know to

go remote★GoToMeeting Blog: The 7 rules of virtual meeting etiquette every

professional should know★Flexjobs: 8 effective virtual meeting rules to follow★Entrepreneur: Virtual meeting etiquette guide for hosts and attendees

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Downloadable ResourceCustomizable PowerPoint file for conducting your own internal teambuilding activity for creating virtual work and meeting norms

Downloadable ResourcesCustomizable EMSC VIRTUALmeeting backgrounds