Role Model: Umar ibn al Khattab Alhamdulillah Wa Salatu Wa Salaamu Ala Sayyidina Muhammad Wa Ala Alihi Wa Sahbihi Wa Salim The Prophet (saw) said in a hadith: “The best generation is mine, then the one after and the one after that” . Meaning the Sahaba, The Tabi’een and Tabi Tabi’een. So by looking at the example of the Sahaba (ra) we can take lessons. Allaah Azzawajal says, “O you who believe donot let death approach you except in state of Taqwa”. We ask Allaah Azzawajal to give us all Taqwa [ameen]. In Sunan al-Baghawi Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu says whoever is going to follow a path should follow the path of one who died because the living could fail in their trial those are the companions of Muhammad (saw).Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud (ra) is telling the Tabee’n who are the second greatest generation, he is telling them “don’t follow the life living among you, even though they might be Awliyah of Allaaz Azzawajal, some of them might be virtuous among them, some of them would be Mujahideen, Ulama”. Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu is telling them “don’t follow the life of living among you but follow the dead, the companion of Rasoolullah Sallalahu Alaihe Waslam why? Because there is no guaranttee that this person who is living wouldn’t fail in some of his trials. But with Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum they have been given the stamp of approval. So Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud (ra) is saying follow the campanions of Rasoolullah. He was saying this in time of Tabee’n which was the seecond best generation. What should we say today? No one has the guaranttee no one that they are going to go to Jannah. Nobody. But the ones who with Rasoollulah sallalahu alaihe wasalam the ones who were in Ghazwa al-

Umar bin Al-khattab(ra) Series 1

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Role Model: Umar ibn al Khattab

Alhamdulillah Wa Salatu Wa Salaamu Ala Sayyidina Muhammad WaAla Alihi WaSahbihi Wa Salim

The Prophet (saw) said in a hadith: “The best generation is mine,then the one after and the one after that”. Meaning the Sahaba, TheTabi’een and Tabi Tabi’een.

So by looking at the example of the Sahaba (ra) we can takelessons. Allaah Azzawajal says, “O you who believe donot let death approach you except in state of Taqwa”. We ask Allaah Azzawajal to give us all Taqwa [ameen]. In Sunan al-Baghawi Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu says

whoever is going to follow a path should follow the path of one who diedbecause the living could fail in their trial those are the companions of Muhammad (saw).Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud (ra) is telling the Tabee’n who are the second greatest generation, he is telling them “don’t follow the life living among you, even though they might be Awliyah of Allaaz Azzawajal, some of them might be virtuous among them, some of them would be Mujahideen, Ulama”. Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu istelling them “don’t follow the life of living among you but follow the dead, the companion of Rasoolullah Sallalahu Alaihe Waslam why? Because there is no guaranttee that this person who is living wouldn’t fail in some of his trials. But with Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum they have been given the stamp of approval.

So Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud (ra) is saying follow the campanionsof Rasoolullah. He was saying this in time of Tabee’n which was the seecond best generation. What should we say today? No one has the guaranttee no one that they are going to go to Jannah. Nobody. But the ones who with Rasoollulah sallalahu alaihe wasalam the ones who were in Ghazwa al-

Badr, the ones who gave him Baiy’ah under the [tree], ar-Ridwan, the ones who fought with him, the one who had patience with him, the ones whom rasoolullah sallalahu

alaihe wasalam had died ع هم راض�� وه�واع�ن� Rasoolullah sallalahu م�ا ت��alaihe wa salam was pleased with them, these are the ones weshould follow. And then he gives us some other reasons why should we follow them.

They were the best of this Ummah: Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says “the best of generations is my generation” these are the best and they had the most pious hearts:There hearts had the most Taqwa. No one can compete with Sahaaba in their Taqwa. They have achieved the highest limits and they had the deepest knowledge.Now notice here the choice of words. Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu didn’t say he didn’t say that they had themost knowledge, he said they had the deepest knowledge. Because they are the people who came after the Sahaaba. Who known things which Sahaaba may not have known. For example al-Bukhari, he knew more ahadiths then many of the Sahaaba .Why because he knew? Because what umar had, he knew the ahadith of abu bakr, he knew ahadith uthman had, he was an encyclopedae of hadith. When it comes to the opinion of Fiqh, some of the great imams of this ummah not only combines Fiqh of one Sahabi but combine the Fiqh of many. SoAbdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu didn’t say that they had most of the knowledge, he said they had the deepest knowledge. So even though, some of the scholars of hadith scholars of Fiqh could know things that some of the Sahaaba didn’t know however, none of the people who came after Sahaaba had depth of knowledge that Sahaaba had. Because even though a Sahaabi may only know two hundred or three hundred ahadith but he was there when that ahadith was spoken by Rasooullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam. He knew the circumstances, he knew why rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam said it, he was there, he lived that ahadith, an opportunity that none of us have. So they had something,

they had an edge over everyone of us. They were there when the ayaat of Qur’an were coming down. They lived it, they experienced it fisrt hand. Therefore, evrybody who comes after the Sahaaba is scratching the surface of knowledge butthe Sahaaba had the depth of it. There understanding was deep and when you have deep understanding, it makes throughout your life and your actions better than somebody who might have more knowledge than you do, and thats why we should follow the actions of the Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum because they had the deepest knowledge.

They were the least supeficial:The Sahaaba radhiAllah anhum would not act out Islam. They would not put out fake image. They were not superficial. They did not pretend to be sophisticated. You know now you have books that are written and the brother comes and says Masha Allaah that was an excellent book and you know i read it from the begining till the end and i didn’t understand it. [such a sophisticated book!] that wasn’t the way of Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum. The way of Sahaaba was simplecitytheir speeches were short, their words were concise and clear. They wouldn’t want to prove that they were knowledgeable by choosing sophisticated long words and put it in a rhyming long speech. There words were very simple. Because Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum came from very simple background. The Arabs of Arabia were not adulterated like the other nations of the world. They were not affected by the luxurious life styles of Persians and Romans. They were not affected by the philosophy of the Greek. They were not affected by the theology of the Latin the Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum most of them were illeterate. They were very simple and straight forward, honest, decent people. Even the poetry in time of Jahiliyah was very simple it wasn’t philosophical. It was descriptive, they would describe nature, they would describe woman, that was their poetry. They were simple in their dress they were simple in their food that they would eat and thats why the Fitrah of the Sahaaba was very clean. So when they accepted Islam for them to practice Islam was easy because Qur’an came on an

empty plate. However, with the other nations, Qur’an had to cleanse their hearts Qur’an has to heal the scarce that wereleft behind by their old life. Because the Fitrah was deformed, and thats why the Bid’ah [innovation] the early innovation didn’t start in Mecca and Madina they started among the other nations. In Iraq and ash-Sham the nations that were effected by the philosophy of the Greek, the religious teachings of the other nations, you know the Arabsin their religion they didn’t have any methology in their religion. For example like the Hindus or the Greeks. They didn’t have that imagination. They just worship this idle that stone that cloth they would hold on some virtues, truth, chivalry, loyalty being loyal to their kinship, that was there religion. So it wasn’t really religion it was moreof a set of morals and its just bow down to and idle and youslaughter the animal. Even their religion was simple. So when they became Muslim they carried forward that straight forwardness, honesty and decency. So when they became Muslims they straight went to action they didn’t involved thesmselves in philosophical, theological discourses. Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum weren’t into that. They only came later on in times of the Khilafah of Umar, Uthman and Ali. When these other nations were accepting Islam and they were talking about the issue of Qadr and they turned it into a theology. But Umar Ibn Khattab was on top of them with his stick.

These are the people whom Allaah chose to be campanions of His Prophet and to establish His Religion.There is a reason why Allaah chose them. While Allaah Azza wajal chose them particularly they were hand picked to be Sahaaaba of the greatest Nabi

Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says every Nabi has campanions. Allaah chose these Sahaaba to be campanions of Muhammad Salallahu Alaihey Wasalam for a reason. Because they were the most fit for that responsibility. Once Rasolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam pass away there was no need to sent any other Nabi till the Day of Judgment. Why

because Sahaaba radhiAllahu anhum can carry it on their own.So why were are talking about Sahaaba? Because of these reasons, and also because Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu said

Recognize their virtues:We need to recognize the Sahaaba for who they are? We need to put them at high esteem, raise their level, respect them.So we are coming together now, for entire month to talk about one of the Sahaaba Umar Ibn al-Khattab radhiAllaahu anhu as an attempt on our behalf, to recognize them for who they are, to hold them in high esteem. And then he says,” Follow their footsteps!, do what they did if you want to succeed.And follow what you can hold on to whatever you can of theircharacter and religion because they were on the straight path.They were the ones who were guided. They were the one given stamp of approval by Allaah Azza wajal. So, thats why we talk about Sahaaba ingeneral. And then out of Sahaaba we need to give special emphasis to the four Khulafah, why

because Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam had saidا Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says follow my Sunnah and the Sunnah of the Khulafah [the rightly guided] righteous Khulafah after me and who are they? Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali and out of the four you specially need to talk about Abu Bakr and Umar because Rasoolullah Sallalahu Alaihe Wasalam says in another Hadith follow the two men after me Abu Bakr and Umar and thats in at-Tarmidi. Allaah Azza wajal says about the Sahaaba “Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and the ones around him are stern and harsh with the disbelievers and they are merciful compassionate and soft with the believers you see them making Sujood and making Roko’ah.” We already talked about Abu Abu Bakr as-Siddique radhiAllahu anhu in previous Sunday class now we are talking about Umar Ibn Khattab.

I want to destroy a incorrect concept that many Muslims holdtoday, that Islam can only be applied by angels of peoplewho are perfect.

E.g. “Brother they had the Prophet (saw) at that time.”E.g. “Brother that was in the past, the Muslims used to be

different then.”E.g. “Brother who’s going to be the leader of the Muslims,

everyone is corrupt today.”E.g. “How can we work for Islamic State, we are weak…”Islam hasn’t been revealed to be applied on angels, Islamhas come for human beings.

Abu Huraira said, The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) said: "People are like mines of silver and gold; the best ofthem in the days of Ignorance (jahilliyah) are the best of them in Islamwhen they attain knowledge" [Muslim, Mishkat].

So many people will ask how is it possible for those whowere best in Jahilliyah to become the best in Islam ? TheHadith is describing the reality of people. When peoplechange their personality they change their concepts.They canmake radical transformation from ignorance to best ofIslamic Personality. We can see few people around us wherethey would have been involved in crimes, drugs, girlfreindand some of them when they enter into folds of Islam theybecome the best Islamic Personality and most active dawacarriers. There are some among the Ummah who find difficultbeyond their defects.They say it is not essential for us tochange.I am a bad person .I am involved in haram actionhence it is not possible for me to change.This is themisconception people have.The story and lives of one of thegreatest companion Umar bin al Khattab (ra) will demonstratefor all us that what situation we are in that all peoplehave the ability and potential for change.

Today I want to take the example of Umar bin al Khattab(ra). He was a great companion of Prophet pbuh.His uniquepersonality .

Ibn Abbass (ra) said that the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) said: "There is no Angel in the heaven that doesnot respect Umar and there is no shaytan on the earth thatis not afraid of Umar."

The Muhadath of this UmmahThe Prophet SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam said:

“There were people who were Muhadathoon in the nations before me, and if there is going to be a Muhadath in myUmmah it would be Umar.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

Ibn Al-Hajr Al Asqalani in his commentary on Bukhari gave four opinions on the definition of the word ‘muhadath’. These are detailed below:

1. Men who are inspired by Allah.2. The man whose intuition is right due to something

placed in his heart.3. The man for whom the truth comes naturally upon his

tongue, without him intending.4. The man whom the Angels speak to him without him being

a prophet.And this is the definition of Umar Ibn Al Khattab (may Allahbe pleased with him).

Abu Dharr narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) said: "Truly Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta'ala) hasplaced the truth upon the tongue of Umar, it speaks by him."The truth naturally flows on his tongue, his intuition is always right as if the Angels are speaking to him. Infact wewill talk later on about some situations where he would say something and then the Qur’an will come down to approve whathe said as if he is speaking with the light of Allaah Azza wajal. And that’s why Umar Ibn Khattab is special and that’swhy we should follow the way of Umar Ibn Khattab. Because heis the man who recognizes the truth and spoke and acted uponit. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says, “Allaah

Azza wajal showed the truth on the tonque of Umar Ibn Khattab and in his heart”.

The Prophet SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam said:“If there was to be a Prophet after me, it would be

Umar.” [Tirmidhi]

Few statements can match the impact and profound gravity of this statement, as it captures in very few words, the immense position and regard of Umar Ibn Al Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him). So many of the attributes of theProphets of Allah were instilled within him, that if there were to be a Prophet after the Prophet Muhammed SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam, it would have been Umar.Also, were Allah to have chosen him, he would have been mostsimilar to Nuh and Musa (peace be upon them both). As Umar’sstrength, resolve, determination and physique resembled themmost from amongst the Prophets of Allah (peace be upon them all). You know Umar Ibn Khattab use to carry staff just likeMusa.

BlueprintBirthPhysical descritionCharacteristicsFamily: Father,Mother , WivesHis workLife in JahiliyahLife in IslamHijrahUmar Ibn Khattab and Qur’anUmar Ibn Khattab in JihadSome incidences that happen in MadinaHis virtuesHis reign of Abu Bakr Khilafah of Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhuUmar Ibn Khattab with the societyGovernment of Umar Ibn Khattab

His conquest that took place in times of Umar Ibn Khattab in Iraq and ash-Sham His last days

The above should encourage us to be like them.

BIRTH: He was born 11 years after the year of Elephent.Hewas 11 years younger to Prophet pbuh.He would be 29 yearswhen prophet pbuh received the revelation. He would be fewyears older when he would have reverted. Acc to As-suyuti hewas in his late 20s when he enbraced Islam.

PHYSICAL Description:Height:Tallest among any group.When u see him in agroup u will think he is riding his mount whileeverybody around him is standing as he is on top of hiscamel.His limbs(hands and feet) were large.Weight.Not overweight. Hair: Ball-headed. He used to henna.Fair skin.Redness in skin.Moustache were long.When he was angry he would twist

his moustache.Walk fast.When he speaks u can hear him.Peronality of Strength: Wrestler in jahalliya.When hestrikes he strikes hard it hurts.

Characteristics:His presence was initmidating to his enemies.When theyhear his name their kness would shake and hear tremble.

Once he was walking with some of the sahaaba, he turnedaround suddenly there was pregnant woman behind him,she had a miscarraige and Sahaaba were then debatingwhether he has to pay the blood money or not but as ithappened without his intention to cause her all thattrouble. But then Ali Ibn Taalib (ra) said you have topay the blood money to her because the damage that wasdone but you don’t have to pay it, it should be paidfrom Bait al-Maal [treasury of the Muslims]

His eyes would be filled with tears easily.

He had a very compassionate,merciful heart & humble.

Usually people who have this strength tend to be harsh andaggressive and arrogant. And people who have compassionateand soft heart tend to be weak. But Umar Ibn Khattab hadthese opposing characteristics in one personality and that’swhy he was unique.

Parents:His father Al Khataab bin Nufail, was a very tough and harshman who would be strict and stern with his children. Umar (when he became Khalifah of the Muslims) came across a placethat brought back memories of his childhood so he related toThe Companions who were with him the following:

“There is no God except Allah, the Most High, the Most Great, who gives whatever He wishes to whomever He wishes. I used to be a sheperd of the camels of my father in this place, and I would wear harsh clothing. And my father was harsh with me and he would make me exhausted when I worked and he would beat me if I didn’t work… and today, there is no one between me and Allah.”

This is one the many amazing contrasts in the journey of thelife of Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu). How he was transformed by his Islam from being an obscure, wayward figure to one of the most powerful and just leaders in the history of humanity.

He cannot be fooled by anyone even his own self:

One of the most amazing and moving narrations in relation toUmar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu), is one where we see abeautiful example of his deep sense of humlity. It is an example that often brings tears to my eyes at the sublime character of one who was blessed with so much, yet had the

sublime character to attribute all his blessings to Allah (the Almighty).The story is narrated by his friend and close advisor at thetime, Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RadiAllahu Anhu).Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) called all the people to the masjid once, during the time of his khilafah, at a time when he was the most powerful and influential leader ofthe superpower of the time. He stood upon the pulpit and said:

“I used to work as a shephard for some of my Aunts and I would come back at the end of the day, and they wouldgive me a handful of dates or raisins… and I would havea miserable day (i.e. that was how poor he was, to workthe entire day with such little reward).”

That was his entire khutbah. He came down from the pulpit. Abdur Rahman Ibn Auf (RadiAllahu Anhu) told him that he has done nothing more that belittle himself infront of the people by saying such a thing. What was the point of this khutbah?!Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) replied:

“Woe be to you son of Auf. My ’self’ was telling me ‘you are the khalifah of the Muslims, who is better than you?’. So I wanted to teach my ’self’ a lesson by reminding it who it really is…”

Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) cannot be fooled by anyone even his own self! It is a testimony to how Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) closed all the doors to the influence of the Shaytaan. Shaytaan cannot influence you unless you open the doors of yourself to him. The example ofUmar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) is of one who closed those doors. Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) would say“I am not a deceiver, nor will I allow myself to be deceived.”

Reflect on his sayings, and his actions. Brothers and sisters Shaytan can not come to you unless you allow

him to do so? On the Day of Judgment people would go tothe Shaytan and compalint and Shaytan would say"I have no authority over you, you are the one who butyou are people who are transgressors." Shaytan cannothave access to your heart unless you give him the keys.Umar Ibn Khattab was closing all the cracks which wouldallow shaytan to come in. while we don’t have cracks wehave opened our gates, the gates of our heart to theshaytan. Welcome ‘come in’.

Shaytaan (the Devil) fears Umar

The Prophet (peace be upon him) stated about Umar Ibn Al Khataab (may Allah be pleased with him) that when As-Shaytaan (the Devil) sees you walking down one path, he (As-Shaytaan) takes another.The allusion here is yet another amazing accolade for Umar Ibn Al Khataab (may Allah be pleased with him). The Shaytaanactually feared to be in his presence, so he would go out ofhis miserable way, to avoid interacting with Umar Ibn Al Khataab (may Allah be pleased with him). It is testimony to the strength and resolve of this great individual that he would not be duped by the tricks of As-Shaytaan in trying tofool him with the transient desires and distractions of thiswordly life.

The mother :of Umar Ibn Khattab, there is one opinion thatsays that she is from the family of Bani Makhzom family ofKhaalid Ibn Waleed but most of the historeans says that sheis the cousin of Abu Jahl. Her name was Hintimah Ibn Hisham.

His wives: He married seven or eight in total in his entirelife span.He didn’t have four at any one point. He divorcedtwo of his in Islam.Now a days we tend to see divorce as un-acceptable thing.Infact when we talk about the ills of society, we say theratio of divorce is so high. Well if that’s the standardthen the ratio at the time of Sahaaba was extremely high.Itis not a criteria of the health of society. But their

perception of divorce was different then ours. They used tosee marriage as a relationship between two souls, so thereneeds to be a compatability. If it doesn’t work out justlike business agreement if it didn’t work out fine we canpart. We see it something that’s no you never do and then ifit ever happens that’s a stigma on a person untill the endof their life especially to the woman. The woman who isdivorced no one wants to marry her and that is v.unfair.That’s oppressive.

His work: S hepherd for his father and for his aunts. TRADING Business. He was very successful at it, to

travel to Syria, to Yemen and trade and he became verywealthy. He became wealthy men of Quraysh.

A wrestler.

Dedication to work

Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) was not a person whowould do something half-hearted. He was not indecisive. Thecommittment and discipline from him (once he was convincedon a course of action) was 100%, full speed ahead! He wouldput his heart and soul towards a cause before and after hisacceptance of Islam. He would not sit on the sidelines,rather he would get involved. Therefore during his daysbefore Islam (Jahiliyah – Ignorance), he would be one of themost enthusiastic, active and effective persucuters of theMuslims in Makkah. That was consistent with his strongresolve.

Toturing the Muslim Slave girl:

Therefore, in Jahiliyah he was one of the most effective menof the Quraysh in the inquisition against the Muslims. He was one of toughest in his persecution of the Muslims. Because that’s the nature of the Umar Ibn Khattab .He used to torment, he used to torture this slave girl ‘Labiba’.

He would lash her with a whip, during one point he sat down and looking at her said:

“I did not stop because I feel sorry for you, I stoppedbecause I am tired.”

She replied “It is Allah who made you stop.”

that’s the Imaan of this slave. It was therefore, unthinkable in the minds of the Muslims and the non-Muslims that the likes of Umar would EVER accept Islam. HIDAYATH

Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu), once witnessed some of the Muslims leaving Makkah to travel to Abbissinya. He asked on of the Muslim women:

“Are you leaving Makkah?”

She replied “Yes. Because you have oppressed us and persecuted us. We will travel in the land of Allah, so that we may practice our religion freely.”

Umar Ibn Al Khataab (RadiAllahu Anhu) replied: “May Allah, be with you.”

This statement was contrary to his behaviour towards Muslims. In fact it was amazing and showed a clear sign thatAllah (The Almighty) was turning the heart of Umar towards Islam. When the same Muslim woman related his reply Nu’aim Ibn Abdillah upon his return from a journey. He replied:“It appears you are hoping for Umar to become a Muslim…”

She replied yes. So Nu’aim said:“Let me tell you something, the DONKEY of Umar’s fatherwill become Muslim before he does!”

This humerous statement demonstrates how strongly the peoplefelt that he would never come to Islam. However, not only did he accept Islam, but became one of the strongest and

most devoted Muslims and followers of Rasulullah Sal Allahu Alayhi WaSalaam ever!This clearly demontrates that guidance to Islam (Hidayah) is in the hands of Allah. And He can turnthe heart of whomever He chooses from amongst His creation.You never know who going to embrace Islam.

DUA OF PROPHET pbuh:Prophet pbuh made a dua before Umar became a Muslim prophet pbuh said Allah give guidance to the one who is most closer to you; the one who whom you love more. Why did Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam made du’a specific for these two men? Because there strength would turn into strength for Islam. Abu Jahl was a leader of his people he was a very wise man. you know people have this impression of Abu Jahl as being a monster. No abu Jahl was astrong man who was a straight forward person, he was committed to his objectives. He was a hard worker and he wasvery wise and intelligent. So people gave him a name and hisreal name is Umar Ibn Hisham. His name is not Abu Jahl [his real name is Umar Ibn Hisham] but because of his wisdom, he was given the name Abu al-Hakam the father of wisdom. Now Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam gave him the name Abu Jahl the father of Ignorance. Why? Because no matter how wise you are, no matter how intelligent you are, if your intelligence would not leads you towards Islam then you haveno intelligence whatsoever. If your mind doesn’t take you tobelieve in then you have no mind. No matter how intelligent people think you are if you do not use your intellect take it towards Islam then you don’t have intellect whatsoever. Allaah Azza wajal accepted the Du’a of Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam and chose Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu.

The fact that the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) madedua for these two staunch enemies of Islam demonstrates tous that he could see the potential within these two forchange. At this time Umar ibn al Khattab was one of the mostvenomous opponents of the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) and the Muslims.

Life in Jahalliya:He was from very nobel family of Quraish.He was anambassador of Jahailliyah.

Used to bury his daughters alive Make god of dates.When they were hungry in evening he

used to eat these gods. Wanted to kill the Prophet (saw) – He hated him .

Would we hate Islam ? Would anyone of us will bury ourdaughters alive? Impossible.Do we make god out of fruits andeat it later on ? None of us.In terms of jahalliya todaynone can be compared to Jahilliya or ignorance of Umar.Hedid all these things yet he was one of the greatest people.

Story of how he became a MuslimWe need to see his life from an angle of change. The storyof Umar's conversion to Islam is one, which provides us withan example of how the Islamic Aqeeda can transform anindividual instantaneously.

HINTS for him to be a Muslim: Umar’s FarahssaThe definition of the Arabic word ‘Farahssa’ is intuition. It is the ability to be able to read and judge a person’s personality/intensions, just by looking at their face. It iscertainly a gift from Allah The Almighty and it was a gift He had bestowed upon Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu). In fact farahssa was seen as an art that could also be taught to people and it is narrated that Imam Muhammed IdrisAs-Shafiee travelled to Yemen in order to learn it.So its some kind of art to be taught, and it appears in some kind of culture like for example Chinese culture, they have some sort of different version of Farasa reading the face. But Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says ‘beware from the Farasa of believer because he can see by the light of Allah.’

Umar’s son Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiAllahu Andu) related that one day, he and his father were walking the streets of Makkah (before Umar’s acceptance of Islam). A handsome man walked in front of them. So Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiAllahu Andu) relates:

“My father looked at the man’s face and said “If my intuition is correct, this man was th foretuneteller ofhis people.”"

By just looking at his face Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu) was able to read who and what this man was. They called him over and told him this. The man was amazed and exclaimed he was indeed the fortueteller of his people and that he had never witnessed any intuition like this before!Abdullah Ibn Umar (radiAllahu Andu) relates that rarely was his father’s intuition wrong. He would always hit the targetwith this gift from Allah The Almighty. Umar then asked the man:

“Tell me the strangest thing that your Jinn (see glossary) has told you.”The man replied,

“My Jinn came to me and spoke the rhyming words about the coming of a Prophet.”

These along with a number of other incidents were part of the preparation of the great event of Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu) acceptance of Islam.

Listening to Al -Haaq recited by prophet pbuh in Kaaba:

There is another incident that happened with Umar Ibn Khattab and that brought him closer to Islam. Umar Ibn Khattab in his days of Jahiliyah used to be a heavy drinker.Umar was a heavy drinker.He used to consume alcohol.One night he went out late night in search of his drinking partners.He went around looking for alcohol He could not find anything to drink..He said since there is nothing much to do I will go around kaaba and make tawaf. When he went to Kaaba there was nobody there except one man.

At this late hour when everybody is sleep Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam is standing infront of Ka’ba making Ruko’ah and Sujood.

So what he does, he goes behind the Ka’ba so Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam can’t see him and he slides between al-Ka’ba and the Cloth of the Ka’ba. Ka’ba is covered in a cloth so Umar Ibn Khattab is standing in between Ka’ba and the cloth. And he began to sneak around the Ka’ba so Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam cannot see him until he made it right infront of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. but Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam cannot see him because he is hiding behind the cloth of Ka’ba. What Umar Ibn Khattab wanted to do is to ambush Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. but when he gets there he was in the hearing range of Ayaat of Qur’an. Prophet pbuh was reciting Sura Al-haq.It was known that Quraish did not want to hear the beauty and miracle of Quran.There was lot of propaganda against Quran and against islam.Just like we see now-a-days where people are in the media saying bad things about Islam that Islam is terrorist,islam is backward,islam is just a religion,Islam cannot solve te problems of the world that Islamic women areoppressed.This type of media we see where they block their ears and they do not want to hear the truth of Islam.When hewent to the range of prophet pbuh and hear pophet reciting the Sura Al-Haqq.Then Umar saysto himself "this is not the words of any ordinary man for in deed this is the words of poet" Prophetpbuh recited

“These are not the words of a poet but little did you believe”.

Umar Ibn Khattab was shocked and he immediately said, “thesemust be words of a [kahin] fortune teller how did he know what was in my heart?” the next ayaah was “these are not thewords of a fortune teller little do you remember”

Umar Ibn Khattab just froze in his tracks these must be words of Allaah. So Allaah was preparing Umar Ibn Khattab for important role that he will going to play in the future.That he would be the second best of all of the Sahaaba.

Conversion to Islam when he wanted to kill Prophet Pbuh :Umar 's personality was straight forward that he could not lie. He could not hide his feelings. Despite the numerous events that took place that began to soften his heart towards Islam, he was still very much an enemy to Islam and the Messenger of Allah (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam).

One day, while the Mushrikeen of Makkah were in discussion on how to deal with the ‘problem’ of Muhammed (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam), they asked each other who would volunteer to kill him. Umar said he would do it and they all agreed. This demonstrates how bold and decisive Umar was, even in his days of misguidance.It was a hot day in Makkah. Umar took out his sword, and stalked down the streets of Makkah, resolved on his deadly mission: to kill, the Messenger of Allah (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam). There were few Muslims left in Makkah other than those close to the Prophet himself. Most had been ordered tomigrate (make Hijrah) to Abyssinia. Umar was heading for thehouse of al-Arkham where it was known that the Prophet and his companions held their gatherings.

One of the companions of the Prophet (who was a Muslim in secret due to the persecution in Makkah) saw the stalking Umar striding with purpose down the street with a look of evil in his eyes. So he stopped Umar and asked him where he was going. Umar replied:

“To this man… who has disunited our people, and who hasmade fools out of us, and who has cursed our gods. I amgoing to kill him.”

So the companion replied:“It seems that you are too confident of yourself. Do you think that the tribe of the Prophet are going to

let you walk on the face of this earth after you have killed their man?”

Umar was upset so they started an arguement. Judging by the protective tone of voice of this man, Umar judged that he must be a Muslim so he told him the he would start by killing him first! The whole point of this companion’s attempt to divert Umar from his deadly mission was to save the life of the Prophet. So when he saw that there was no convincing Umar, the companion replied:

“Well perhaps you should start by sorting your household out first.”

Umar demanded what he meant by this, and the companion told him, that Umar’s own sister and her husband had become Muslim. It must be understood that this companion only resorted to this when he saw that nothing else would stop Umar. The sister of Umar (Fatima) was Muslim in secret and so was her husband (Saeed Ibn Zayd). By telling Umar of their Islam he knew he was jepordising their lives by exposing their secret. But for the sake of saving the Prophet (SalAllahu Alayhi Wasallam), anything and everythingis to be sacrificed for him.Umar, at this point, changed his course and headed straight for the house of his sister, Fatima (RadiAllahu Anha).

Umar (RadiAllahu Anhu) reached the house of his sister and heard words from behind her door. Both Fatima and her husband Saeed Ibn Zayd were reciting Qur’an under the tuition of Khabab Ibn Arat.When Umar knocked on the door and they saw that it he was there, the immediately stopped reciting, Khabab Ibn Arat hidhimself and Fatima hid the scroll of upon which Qur’an was written, under her thighs.Umar came in and demanded what was the humming sound he had heard. They said it was nothing. He repeated his question and demanded to know if they had become Muslim and left the religion of their tribes. Saeed Ibn Zayd replied:

“Well what if Islam is better than your religion?”

At that point Umar (RadiAllahu Anhu) attacked Saeed Ibn Zayd. He threw him to the ground, sat on top of him and began to beat him. Fatima, seeing her husband being attackedin this way, tried to intervene in vain to help him, and wasstruck in her face by Umar (RadiAllahu Anhu). She began to bleed as a result and so she rebuked her brother:

“You enemy of Allah! You hit me just because I believe in Allah. Whether you like it or not, I bear witness that thereis no God except Allah and Muhammed is His Messenger. Do whatever you like!”

Seeing the bleeding face of his own sister and hearing the strength and conviction in her voice, Umar (RadiAllahu Anhu)calmed down and became silent. He regretted his actions and felt sorry for her. He moved away from Saeed and sat down. He asked her to hand over the scrolls to him. Fatima refused. He told her that her words, had struck a cord in his heart and he promised that he would return them to her safely. She replied:

“No. You are a Mushrik (see glossary), you are in a state ofimpurity, so you have to go and make ghusl (see glossary) first.”

Umar (RadiAllahu Anhu) did so and took the scrolls from his sister, sat down and recite the verses of Qur’an written upon them. He recited the first verses of Surat TaHa from Qur’an which are translated as follows:

“Ta Ha. We have not revealed the Quran to you that you may be unsuccessful. Nay, it is a reminder to him who fears: A revelation from Him Who created the earth and the high heavens. The Beneficent Allah is firm in power. His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth and what is between them two and what is beneath the ground. And if you utter the saying aloud, then surely He knows the secret, and what is yet more hidden.

Allah – there is no god but He; His are the very best names.” – Surat TaHaa (1-8:20)

Umar was quiet and reflective. He said upon reading these verses:

“Is this what Quraish and the other tribes are fighting …? The one who has spoken these words (Allah, The Almighty) needs to be worshipped. Where is Muhammed?”

They told him the location where the Prophet Muhammed (SalAllahu Alayhi WaSallam) was meeting with his companions.So Umar left to meet with him, now… in a completely different frame of mind.

Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu he goes to Dar ul Arqum and he knocks on the door. The Sahaaba peek and see that’s Umar Ibn Khattab so they all sit down. Hamza looks at them and asks whats wrong with you? They say, its Umar Ibn Khattab. What did Hamza say? He said so what if its Umar IbnKhattab? See no one can see that but Hamza [the rest were sitting]. No body wanted to open the door. No one wanted to deal with Umar Ibn Khattab. But the Hamza is the one who canhandle that. He was the knight of Qurayh. He said,”so what if its Umar Ibn Khattab if he came for good, then he is welcome, if he came for evil, then we will kill him with hisown sword.” because remember Umar Ibn Khattab was hanging his sword on his neck. Hamza opens the door and they [he andanother Sahaabi] hold Umar Ibn Khattab by his arms and they bring him to Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says "leave him alone". So Hamza and the other Sahaabi leaves Umar Ibn Khattab. Now Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam even though he was short than Umar Ibn Khattab but when Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam wants that strength hehas strength of thirty men. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam grabs Umar Ibn Khattab by his clothes and pulls him towards himself and says,” why did you come here son of Khattab? Aren’t you going to stop fighting Islam until

Allaah destroys you” Umar Ibn Khattab said,’O Messenger of Allaah I have came here for no reason other than beleiving in Allaah and His Messenger.’ Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam made Takbeer now none of the other Sahaaba were there, they were not seeing what was happening they were hiding when they heard the Takbeer of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam the whole place erupted in Takbeer, they could not believe it and it was so loud that they had to immediately disperse, because everybody else could hear. He embraced Islam – it radically changed him:

ANNOUCEMENT of his converions :Umar Ibn Khattab did not want the event of his Islam to goun-noticed. He was a man for the Ummah. Some people theyjust want to be [you know] do their Salah and do their smallindividual ‘Ibadaat and stay out of trouble stay out ofislamic work don’t do any thing just pray and do theirfasting and be calm and don’t be noticed, thats not Umbaribn Khattab. Some people they just care about themselvesfamily and as long as i am alright and my family is alrighteverything is okay. But he was not such a person. Umar ibnkhattab saw that Muslims have been tortured, he wants to belike them. He saw the muslims being persecuted, he wants tobe like them. He cared for the Ummah and thats why Umar ibnKhattab was a statesman by nature. He had the virtues of aKhalifah. Because he was very very concerned with theUmmah , he was a man for the Ummah. Abu Bakr as-Siddiquewanted to appointed him a Khalifah. Thats infact thestatement that Abu Bakr made he said,’he is a man whose ispleased when the Ummah is pleased and displeased when theUmmah is displeased.’ Umar was not a selfish person who isonly caring about his direct family like many of the Muslimstoday are.

Umar bin Khattab wanted to join the Ummah in their happinessand in their pain. When he saw Rasoolullah sallalahu ‘alaihewaslam and Abu Bakr crying he came and he said,’tell me whyare you crying? If it makes me cry otherwise i will forcemyself to cry.’

Umar ibn khattab did not want his islam to go un-noticed. sowhere does he go? Which house does he choose to go to? Thehouse of Abu Jahl. He goes to the house of Abu Jahl andknocks on his door. Abu Jahl opens the door and says welcomeson of khattab welcome because he did not know that hebecame Muslim yet. He used to love umar ibn khattab becauseof his dedication to the persecution of the Muslims. So hesaid welcome son of khattab. Umar ibn khattab said, "Ibecame a Muslim for your information’. Abu Jahl said what?he said I have became Muslim. Abu Jahl said don’t do so,umar said well i did so. Abu Jahl slammed the door on hisface. Umar said this is not what I am looking for?. BecauseUmar Ibn Khattab wanted to be like the rest of the Ummah butno one in their sane minds Quraysh no matter how much theyhate islam were willing to take over the task of torturingUmar even Abu Jahl. Abu Jahl did not want to deal with it sohe just closed the door.

Umar went to another house knocking the door welcome son ofkhattab ‘i become a muslim’ he said don’t do so i did so,closes the door. So there was somebody watching what Umarwas doing. He went to Umar and said,”it seems that you wantpeople to know that you have became Muslim isn’t so? He saidyes, he said, do you see that man over there? Go to him andtell him that you have became Muslim and thats all you need”he was pointing towards Jameel Bin Ma’mr al-Jumahi.

Jameel ibn ma’amr is a man who can not hold any water in hismouth he was a mobile transmitter, a living braodcastingstation. So he goes to him and he says "O Jameel I became Muslim."Abdullah ibn Umar Ibn Khattab said,”I was watching myfather”. He said when htold Jameel that he became MuslimJameel immediately stood up without saying anything he just

stood up sprang up dragged his [ار ر� and [lower garment] [ا�walking briskly towards al-Ka’ba where everybody is meeting.And then he says.

" O people of Quraysh! Umar Ibn Khattab emrabced Islam UmarIbn Khattab embrace Islam Umar Ibn Khattab embrace Islam. "

Breaking news all over Mecca. Thats all umar needed to dowas to tell Jameel infact the narration says that Jameel

wasn’t saying that Umar was Muslim he was saying’[ع ب� and ’[ص���Saba’ was a derrogretory term people of Quraysh used to usewhen somebody would become a Muslim. So Umar was followingthe Jameel trying to correct the information but when itgets on the front page of a newspaper then its too late.Jameel was just running all over saying and Umar Ibn Khattabis trying to correct the information by saying but there isnothing you could do. Now Jameel did it for Umar.

The mob just attacked from every direction and umar is inbetween them fighting for himself and they are attacking himand he is getting hits from every side. What did umar do? Hegrabs Utb’a Ibn Rabi’ah their noble man throws him to theground sits on top of him and then he sticks his fingers inhis eyes. So Utba’a screams and then everybody backs off.Abdullah says when he released Utaba’ah and he walked awaythe mob attacked him again. Abdullah ibn Umar says wheneverthe mob will attack him he will grab the most noble man hesees infront of him and stick his fingers in his eyes untilthey back off. And that kept on happeing again and again. Hesaid, eventually umar could not fight any further. Peopleare attacking him from every direction. He sat down whilepeople were hitting him until Allah strengthened his Islam."

The narration says that Muslims were about forty in Meccawhen umar became Muslim

Title of Al-Farouque : Mujahid, on the authority of Ibn Al-Abbas related that hehad asked Umar bin Al-Khattab why he had been given the nameof Al-Farouque, which means he who distinguishes truth fromfalsehood, he replied: "After I had embraced Islam, I askedthe Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam): 'Aren't we on the

right path here and Hereafter?' The Prophet (SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam) answered: 'Of course you are! I swear byAllah in Whose Hand my soul is, that you are right in thisworld and in the hereafter.' I, therefore, asked the Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam): 'Why we then had to conductour activity in a clandestine way i.e. not in a openprovocative manner'. The Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) replied: 'I swear by Allah Who has sent you withthe Truth, that we will leave our concealment and proclaimour noble cause publicly.' We then went out in two groups,Hamzah leading one and I the other. We headed for the Mosque(Al-Haram) in broad daylight when the Mushriks of Quraishsaw us, their faces went pale and got incredibly depressedand resentful. On that very occasion, the Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) attached to me the name of Al-Farouque." Al-Farooq the Criterion, he is the criteria of Haqq & Batil.He is the criteria that separated between the truth andfalsehood. Al-Farooq this name was given to him byRasoolullah sallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam to him. The islam ofUmar had great impact on the early Islamic Movement.Abdullah Ibn Masa’ud radhiAllahu anhu says,”He said, we became powerful when Umar Ibn Khattab becameMuslim before we were not able to even make a Tawaf aroundthe Ka’ba [house of Allaah] or Pray. When he became Muslimwe fought them until they allowed us to Pray and make Tawafaround the Ka’ba. He also says Islam of Umar Ibn Khattab was an opening and his Hijrah was a victory and his reign was mercy and we werenot able to pray publically until he became Muslim.Ibn Abbas, May Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta'ala) be pleased withhim and His father, said, 'When Umar accepted Islam theMushrikeen (idol worshippers) said, "The people have beensplit in half from us today', and Allah (Subhanahu Wata'ala) revealed: Umar's (ra) strong personality from his days of jahiliyyahwas now utilized for the carrying of the Dawa and for thestrengthening of Islam.

His migration(Hijra):

Ali (ra) said, "I don't know of anyone who didn't emigratein secret except for Umar ibn al Khattab; because when hewanted to emigrate, he strapped on his sword, put his bowover his shoulder, carried his arrows in his hand and cameto the Ka'aba before making Hijra where the nobles ofQuraish were in the courtyard, he performed seven Tawaf(circuits) and then prayed two Rakah at the Makaam (station)of Ibrahim (as), then he approached their circle, one stepat a time and said, 'What ugly faces! Whoever wishes tobereave his mother, orphan his children and widow his wifethen let him meet me behind the valley. Not one of themfollowed him."If you want your mother to cry for the loss of your son and your wife to live as a widow and your children to be orphanscome and meet me behind that valley. Alib ibn Taalib said,”no body stood up except some of the fools of Mecca andhe taught them a very good lesson before they went back home.” Only he made hijrah publically everyone else made it in hiding.

Umar Ibn Khattab had made an appointment with two of his friends. Ayaash ibn abi Rabi’a and Hisham ibn al-Haris, thatthey are going to meet at this place out side of Mecca and they are going to be accompanied on journey to Madina. And they said we meet at this place and if you do not show up atthis time that means that something had happened [you were arrested or something] so whoever, is there would leave. So at the appointed time Umar Ibn Khattab and Ayaash were thereHisham was not. And Hisham was arrested and Umar Ibn Khattabsays, they put him in tribulations and he left Islam. So theothers two headed to Madina Umar Ibn Khattab and ‘Ayaash. They reached al-Quba or al-Qiba [both are correct] which isoutside Madina.

They were hosted there but Abu Jahl being a dedicated man ashe was a hard worker and the one who put his life on the

line and his effort,his wealth, his time to fight against the religion of Allah Azza wajal. Abu Jahl would not give upeasily. So Abu Jahl along with his brother al-Haris bin Hisham they go to the Madina because Ayaash ibn Abi Rabi’a was their cousin and their maternal brother. [So Abu Jahl and his brother al-Haris go to meet with ‘Ayaash whose theircousin and maternal brother.] ‘Ayaash was the one who accompanying Umar Ibn Khattab. So they go to the Madina and Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam has not made hijrah yet he was the last sallalahu alaihe waslam. So they go to Ayaash and they say.”your mother who is also their mother made an oath that she will not seek shade and she will not comb her hair until you come back.” His mother was a Mushrikand she made an oath that she will going to stand in the sunof Mecca she is not going to comb her hair you see that that’s a difficult oath. Sun of Mecca and you are not combing hair Umar Ibn Khattab narrating the story and he said so Ayaash felt sorry for her mother. So I told him,”do not believe these two liars they want to deceive you and do not worry about your mother because when the heat of Mecca picks up she is going to seek a shade and when her head getsfull of lice she is going to comb it.” Emotions cannot fool Umar Ibn Khattab. He cannot be tricked he said I am not a deceiver but at the same time no one can deceive me. Umar Ibn Khattab suspected that these men were lying. So he said do not worry about it and this oath that your mother made you will not be able to carry on with it. Lice will fill up her hair and she will have to comb it eventually.

Ayaash said, no I have to go and fulfil the oath of my mother and I also have some money that I want to get. [I have some money that I want to get from Mecca.] Umar Ibn Khattab told him you know that I am one of the wealthy men of Mecca I will give you half of my wealth but do not go. Ayaah said no I must go. Umar Ibn Khattab said well if you insist this camel of mine is strong, obedient and fast take it and you ever see anything suspicious you can run away on its back. He gave him his camel so they left Madina. After awhile Abu Jahl told Ayaash O my brother this camel of mine

is horrible you mind if we both share your camel? Ayaash being the nice man he said yes ofcourse as soon as the camels sat down Abu Jahl and al-Haris attacked Ayaash they tied him up and dragged him back to Mecca. And they put him under the Trials [Fitnah] and he also gave up Islam.

Umar Ibn Khattab said we used to consider and they also usedto consider that whoever gives up Islam after they know Allaah Azza wajal there is no repentance for that. That’s itthey have no hope whatsoever. So when Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam came to Madina we asked him about the situation of these men. So Allaah Azza wajal revealed the Ayaat in Surat az-Zumar 52-55

Say: "O My servants who have transgressed against [their souls]themselves! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, verily [for] Allah forgives all sins. Truly, He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'"And turn [to your Lord] in repentance and bow to His will before the penalty comes upon you, (and) then you will not be helped. And follow the best of that which is sent down to you from your Lord, before the penaltycomes on you of a sudden while you perceive not!

Umar said, as soon those ayaat were revealed i wrote them down and by the way umar was one of few men of Quraysh who is literate and the one who taught him was the father of AbuSufiyan so Umar combines many skills, physical strength, intellectual power, he was literate man, he was well versed in poetry, he had a very sharp mind. Anyways he writes down these verses [ayaat] and he sends them to Mecca to Hisham ibn Haris. One of the man who stayed behind and gave up Islam. All what Umar did was write down these verses. Hishamsaid i received these sheet and i would go to the valleys in the mountain and read the verse and I would read again and again and I did not understand what umar meant? I did not understand the meaning of these verses because Umar did not write any commentary. The Ayaat say that Allaah if Forgiving if you have commited wrong against yourself Allaah

will Forgive. So Hisham said I asked Allaah Azza wajal and Iprayed to Allaah to give me the understanding.

Lessons : Don't get bogged down if you do not understand Quran or some terminologies Dear sisters when you do not understand something so pray to Allah.

Scholar Ibn Taymiah used to say.”that i would recite a verse and i would go and read the tafseer of the ayaah i would read eighty different views on this particular verse but none of them would appeal to me, so i would go out to the ruins and i would stick my face in the dirt and make sujood and pray to Allaah Azza wajal to give me the understanding.”

So Hisham ibn Haris is praying to Allaah Azza wajal to give him understanding. He said then I realized that these verseswere revealed talking about us and the ones who are in similar situations. And I realized that Allaah Azza wajal isgiving us another chance. Then I mounted my camel and went towards Madina.

Brothers and sisters there is very important lesson to learnhere from this story of Hijrah of Umar and Ayaash. Umar toldAyaash do not believe them they will deceive you. The important lesson to learn here is never ever trust al-Kuffar. Do not trust them.

You might argue but my neighbour is such a nice person.My classmates are such a nice, my co-workers are such a fabulous people, they are so decent, so honest, I know the only problem is that we muslims are giving Islam a bad name,these terrorists will stop what they are doing and we give them Da’wah the right way and every body will become Muslim.Now I am not going to argue that your neighbour is not nice person or classmate or they truely might be decent and nice person. Brothers when we make a judgement about Kufr. Makinga judgement based on Kufr on your neighbour and then you make a Qiyas alright and then you generalize and you make a

judgement according to one person that you know. Because this person that you know is not the one who is calling the shots and when Qur’an talks about Kufaar and the leaders of Kufaar [leaders of Kufr]. The one who are pulling the strings. Do not make a judgement on Kufr based on X,Y,Z These are the one whom Allaah Azza wajal talks about in the Qur’an and gave them name al-Malao.

Qur’an talks about the decision makers on both sides onthe Camp of good and the Camp of evil Just like in the storyof as-Sabat [when] this is the story which happened in Bani Israel. They divided into three Camps. One Camp committing evil which is fishing on the as-Sabat. The second Camp was making they were telling them what you were doing is wrong and then there was a third Camp that was quite. Allaah Azza wajal told us the Fate of the evil doers, that were transformed into pigs and monkeys that is in Surat al-‘Araf tells us about the one who are preventing this evil that they were saved and it completly ignores the third one who did nothing. Allah Azza wajal talks about al-Mala [the leaders], Allaah Azza wajal says that the leaders of the people of Noah have said,”you are being deceived [you are mislead]”. Allaah Azza wajal says about leaders of ‘Aad " that you have feeble mind and we think that you are a liar. So it just talking about the leaders Allaah Azza wajal talksabout the leaders of the people of Sho’aib said, we going todrive you out of our land you and the ones who followed you if you don’t give up your religion. Allaah Azza wajal says about the people of Fir’on leaders of Fir’on said that he [Musa] is a knowledgeable socceror. Just talking about the people of Fir’on [Pharoah] who are lobyying they are lobyying Fir’on and inciting him they said,’you will going to leave Musa do whatever he wants? That’s when Fir’on said we are going to kill him’ so they are lobying Fir’aon to kill the believers. These are al-Mala “And a man came from the other end of town to warn Musa and tell him that the leaders are plotting to kill you leave I am giving you a sincere advise”Brothers and sisters that’s what they are doing today. They are plotting to kill this religion. Don’t make Qiyas based

on your friend. Who is not a decision maker. Allaah Azza wajal is telling you that the leaders of the Kufr are plotting against you and Allaah Azza wajal says they are plotting so much to says “they are plotting night and day”.After all of this you will trust them?. You know these nice neighbours and wonderful co-workers and friends. . So those who are counting on Democracy and Human Rights and the Civilised World and Amnesty International do not be foolded.Allaah Azza wajal is telling you that they are upto no good.

The Jews and the Christians will not be pleased untill you become like them. How can you have trust in leaders of Kufr when today, right now [right now] there are Muslim brothers who are in jail. Every sinister(harmful/evil) method of interrogation is being used against them. They would use against them homosexual to raped them. They would bring their mothers and sisters and wives and rape them infront of these brothers. The west knows about it. United nations knows about it and Amnesty international knows aboutit and they are doing nothing. Infact sometimes they are encouraging it. There is something happened today. And we have seen what happened yesterday to our brothers in Bosnia.So Allaah Azza wajal tells you in Qur’an what you need to know but the thing is that many of us are gullible and naïve. Umar Ibn Khattab knew it very well and he said all they want is to deceive you from your religion. That’s what they are upto.

Brothers and sisters when it comes to religious freedom Mecca have more religious freedom than the west today. Before the Da’wa of Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam Meccahad Christians, it had Jews, it has followers of the religion of Ibrahim and they were tolerated. There was WarqaIbn Nofel who was a Christian there was Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nofail who was on the religion of Ibrahim and Jews use to come in and out. But the thing is the system of Kufr will tolerate everything accept Islam. They will tolerate gays, lisbeans, but its not going to tolerate the message of truth. That is how the system of Shaytan is designed.The

tradition of freedom of speech in Mecca was great. You couldgo stand up and say whatever you want. Nobody is going to harm you. It was a pretty much democratic system in Quraysh there wasn’t tyrant they didn’t have this one leader who is imposing the military rules on them. Everyone in Mecca coulddo whatever they want. It was very very free society. But the thing is when Islam came in the same “Islam was not tolerated” because that’s the way of Shaytan. To tolerate everything except the truth. So beware! Be cautious! Take the advice of Umar Ibn Khattab be careful do not trust the enemies of Allah. Especially brothers do not trust the MouthPiece Of Shaytan “Western Media”

Umar Ibn Khattab and Qur’an:

The truth will flow out naturally on his tongue. He was a Muhadath

A) Umar Ibn Khattab said,”why don’t we take the standing of Ibrahim as a prayer? So Allaah Azza wajal revealed the verse and take the standing place of Ibrahim as a place of prayer.”

B) I told Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam "why don’t you order your women to have Hijaab? Because theyare speaking to men who could be good or evil. And that’s when the Ayaat of Hijaab was revealed.The wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam had jealousy and the wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam because of their jealousy they made this plan and they told Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam something [the whole thing was because of their jealousy between them ] Umar Ibn Khattab caught words of that so he went to the wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam he brought them together and he said,”if you don’t stop what you are doing? Allaah Azza wajal will replace you with better wives for His Messenger” and he was giving them this harsh advice. Soone of these wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa

salam was upset and she said,”what do you think? Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam is unable to giveus Naseeha ? that you come and give us Naseeha? Who are you to come and give us Naseeha?” Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam could do that. But an Ayaat was revealed saying

"Allaah Azza wajal can give him wives better than you to the end of the ayaat."

C) Abdullah Ibn Obaid the leader of the Munafiqeen he was the top Munafiq in the Madina. When he passed away Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam wanted to lead his Janazah after all what he has done. So Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wasalam is standing ready to lead Salat ul Janazah Umar Ibn Khattab comes and stands infront of him. And he says,”O Messenger of Allaah! Youwant to pray on this man who did this and this and this…..” he said that when I kept on going Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam was only smiling. When I was not stopping and mentioning all his evil sins Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said,”move away from me Umar Ibn Khattab”. Allaah Azza wajal had told me “Ask for forgiveness for them or don’t ask forgiveness for them even if you ask forgiveness seventy times Allaah will not forgive them”.

So if I know that if I make Istighfaar seventy one times if that would help them I would do so, so Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam prayed on Abdullah ibn Obaey. And then he followed his Janazah and stood on his grave asking Allaah to forgive him. Umar Ibn Khattab said,”Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam was surprised by my boldness.” Umar Ibn Khattab comes and stands infront of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam to prevent him from praying [leading him the Salah]. And he argues with Rasoolullah

sallalahu alaihe wa salam and then Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam told him move away. Umar Ibn Khattab says a short while after that Allaah Azza wajalreveals the Ayaat [at-Tawbah 9:84] Allaah Azza wajal says,”do not ever pray for any of them that dies and do not stand on his grave for they rejected Allah and His Messenger and they died as unbelievers.” Allaah Azza wajal is telling Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam never ever pray on the Munafiq, so it came to confirm what Umar Ibn Khattab have said.

D) In the Battle of Badr Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam have seventy prisoners of war. This is the first battle of Islam so they were many new things and the Laws weren’t revealed yet relating to those issues.One of them was the issue of Prisoners of War.

They had seventy prisoners of war what should we do with them? As usual Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam makes a Shoora with them. Abu Bakr Siddique radhiAllahu anhu said,”these are our relatives, our fathers, brothers, coursins, why don’t we ransom them? The money that is paid we will going to strengthen the Muslims and these men might grow one day to become Muslim and that would strengthen Islam.”

Umar Ibn Khattab said,”O Messenger of Allaah! I disagree with what Abu Bakr said. I say you should handover to Ali his brother ‘Aqeel to execute him. You hand over to Hamzah his brother so and so to execute him, you hand over to me my relative to execute him. And he went on and on.”so Allaah knows the we have no mercy in our hearts for the disbelievers.

Abdullah ibn Rawah have said, my view is that you dig aditch [a trench] and you fill it with wood and you burnthem. That was the opinion of Abdullah bin Rawaha. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam left and Sahaaba

were debating which opinion would he choose.some say Abdullah ibn Rawaha’s some say Umar Ibn Khattab and some say Abu Bakr’s. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam comes out and he adopts the opinion of Abu Bakr that we accept friends. And there is a longer Hadith inal-Ahmad relating to this. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihewa salam came out and he said,” Allaah Azza wajal softens some hearts so they become as soft as milk and Allaah Azza wajal makes some heart hard and strong so that they become like rock.”

Anology of Abu Bakr to that of Ibrahim alaihe salam.You are similar to Ibrahim alaihe salam “whoever follows me is from me and whoever disobeys me You are Forging and Merciful” .And you are also similar to Isa (as) “If You punish them they are Your servants and if Your Forgive them You are al-‘Aziz ul Hakeem.

Analogy of Umar Ibn Khattab to Noah alaihe salam.is similar to Noah and Musa. "Noah said O Allaah donot leave anydisbeliever on the face of the earth.You are also similar to Musa who said, O Allaah make their hearts sealed so that they do not believe until they see the punishment. Then Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam accepted the advice of Abu Bakr.

Later on Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu sees Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and Abu Bakr crying. So he goes to them and says,”why are you crying? If it makes me cry then I will cry otherwise I will force myself to cry.” Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihewa salam said,”we are crying because Allaah Azza wajal [showed] presented me with the punishment that was going to befall us because we accepted the ransom.”and Allaah Azza wajal revealed to me the following verses [Ayaat][Sura al-Anfal 8:67-68]Allaah Azza wajal says, it is not fitting for a prophetthat he should have prisoners of war until he has caused bloodshed among the disbelievers. You look for

temporal goods of this world but Allaah looks at the hereafter and Allaah is Exalted in Might and Rights. Had it not been for previousely ordainement from Allah a severe punishment would have reached you for the ransom that you took.So Allaah Azza wajal telling Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam this was the first time that you fight with the Kufaar you should have executed them all. You should have caused bloodshed on the land among the Kufaar. So Allaah Azza wajal disapproved taking the ransom. But Allaah says that punishment will come down however, it was already ordained. That the Ghaneema is Halal for this Ummah. So that’s why the punishment was with held. So Qur’an came approving the opinion of UmarIbn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu when it came to those prisoners of war.

D) Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam to send a servant to call Umar Ibn Khattab and this was at noon. In those days they didn’t have these locked gates doorsall what they had was mud houses very small. And there would be a curtain hanging on the entrance and just walk in. so Umar Ibn Khattab was sleeping and part of his body was uncovered. So this servant comes in and hecalls Umar Ibn Khattab. Umar Ibn Khattab said,”O Allaah! Ban allowing people to visit us at these times.” Umar Ibn Khattab felt uncompfortable for this man walking in and seeing him with part of his body uncovered. Now there was already an Ayaat that was revealed that “you should seek permission before you goin” however, this was for foreigner people. But with your slaves and your children and your direct family members there wasn’t any permission. They would just walk in any time. So this was the servant of Umar Ibn Khattab and he walked in. Allaah Azza wajal revealed the ayaah [an-Nur 24:58] Oh you who believe at three times of day let those whom you possess as well as those

from among you who have not yet attained puberty, ask permission from you (before

intruding upon your privacy): before the prayer of daybreak, and whenever you lay aside

your garments in the middle of the day, and after the prayer of nightfall: the three occasions on which your nakedness is likely to be bared. Beyond these (occasions) neither you nor they will incur any sin if they move (freely) about you, attending to (the needs of) one another. In this way Allah makes clear unto you His messages: for Allah is all knowing and wise!".[An- Nur: 58]

So the children who are of not the age of puberty yet need to ask permission before they come into the room. At these different three times. After Salatal ‘Isha and before Salatal Fajr and after Salatul Zuhr becausein the hot climate of Madina they would sleep at mid-day.

Ibn ‘Abbas says this is one of the ayaat of Qur’an thatpeople are not applying or practicing anymore. You singabout those old days now its not practiced. You have toteach your children this habbit they don’t just walk into your room at any time. They can walk in at any other time but these three times they shouldn’t. seek permission first.

FARASA: Umair Ibn Wahab was a very wicked man. Umair Ibn Waheb

after the Battle of Badr went to Madina. Umar Ibn Khattabwas sitting up with some of the Sahaaba talking about theBattle of Badr. And he saw Umair Ibn Waheb approaching himwith his sword hanging from his neck. Umar Ibn Khattabsaid,”that dog he is the enemy of Allaah and he is here forevil.” Because see the Farasah of Umar Ibn Khattab he saidthis man came for evil. And he immediately rush toRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam he came and said,”theenemy of Allaah Umair is here and he is no good” Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam said bring him in. Umar IbnKhattab goes and he wraps the sword around Umair ibn Waheb

and he ties him up and he brings him in to Rasoolullah (saw). Rasoolullah (saw) :"leave him alone O Umar Ibn Khattab".

Dialogue between Prophet pbuh and UmairProphet pbuh asks Umair, "why did you come here? Umair :“Good Morning”Prophet pbuh : "We have a better greeting then that. Allaah has given ussomething better than good night and good morning. Why are you here ?Umair : "I came here to ransom my son."Prophet pbuh :Umair tell me the truth? Why did you come here? Umair : I am telling you the truth that’s the only reason why I came here. Prophet pbuh : What is that sword doing on your neck? Umair: May evil befall on these swords what good have they done? We lost in Badr Prophet pbuh :No that’s not why you came here. The reason why you came here is because you have met with Sufwan Ibn Umaya next to al-Ka’ba and you told Sufwan if it wasn’t because you have daughters and you fear for their welfare if you die and you are in debt you would go and kill Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam and then Sufwan Ibn Umayah told you I am going to take care of your daughters just as if they are mine and I am going to pay your debt and you agreed to come and kill me that’s why you came here Umair. Umair : that conversation was witnessed by no one but me and Safwan.So I testify and bear witness that there is no god except Allaah and you are the Messenger of Allah. He became Muslim. Back in Mecca Safwan was telling the people wait you will just hear a very good news in few days.Umair comes back and tells Safwan that I have became Muslim.You can also notice that Umar Ibn Khattab had a very great sense of security. Because he knew that this man is intending evil and when he went in and grabed him and wrapped his sword around him and took him to Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam told him to leave him alone. Umar Ibn Khattab told some Ansaar he told them becareful from this man this man ishere for an evil purpose protect Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam from him. So Umar Ibn Khattab had very good sense of security. You can see into this incident and you can see it in some other stuff that we have talked about earlier with ‘Ayaash, he told him to becareful from Abu Jahl. And so he had a very good sense of security and this

is a good thing to have and not to be duped.

We carry on with the Jihad of Umar Ibn KhattabradhiAllahu anhu with Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam, wetalked about Battle of Badr now we move on to the Battle ofUhud Uhud started out as a victory for the Muslims. The armyof al-Mushrikin was running away but because of thedisobedience of the few the whole suffered.Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam has appointed fiftyarchers to stay on the hill and not to move from theirplace. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said, even ifyou see birds eating from our dead bodies, vultures eatingfrom our dead bodies DONOT come down until I tell you. Andif you see us winning DO NOT come down until I tell you.Very clear orders but forty of the fifty disobeyed thoseorders of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and theycame down from the moutains because they thought that thebattle is over. That’s when Khaalid Ibn Waleed with his eyesof an eagle caught the weak spot and he made his move and heattacked the Muslims from behind so the victory was turnedinto defeat. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam veryswiftly changed his plan and he retreated up the Mountain ofUhud and he went into some of the crevices [the cracks intothe mountain. He climbed up thus protecting the rest of theMuslim army and the Mushrikeen of the Quraysh did not pursuethem any further.However, there was a rumour that went around that IbnQamiyah has killed Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. Heclaimed that he has killed Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam. Infact he injured Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam.

So Abu Sufyaan wants to know the facts. So he goes inthe mountain and he screams "Is Muhammad among you? Muslimsare now hiding Rasoolullah(saw) do not respond back.He thenasked ,”is Abu Bakr among you?” Rasoolullah (saw) said,” donot respond back” Abu Sufyaan said "Is Umar (ra) among u"?They did not respond.These men have been killed if they were alive they wouldhave responded back

Why did Abu Sufyaan only asked about only these three?Because he and the Kufaar recognized that these are thepivots of the society of the Muslim community. Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam and his two advisors Abu Bakr andUmar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhum. And it shows you thestatus of Abu Bakr and Umar Ibn Khattab wasn’t onlyrecognized in Muslim community but it was also recognizedamong al-Mushrikeens. When Umar Ibn Khattab heard thatstatement he couldn’t hold back. He said,He said, you lyingyou enemy of Allaah the ones who are mentioned are alive toupset you. So Abu Sufyaan said, “ raise Hubl [is one oftheir many gods.] Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salamsaid, aren’t you going to respond back? They said whatshould we say? He said, say Allaah is Higher and Great. AbuSufyaan said, we have Uza and you have no Uza [Uza isanother of their gods.] Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salamsaid, aren’t you going to respond back? They said whatshould we say? He said, saysAllaah is our protector and you have no protector.

Abu Sufyaan said said, days rotate one day you win andone day you loose and this day is our payback for theday of Badr. Abu Sufyan said,you are going to find some mutilation I did not orderit but I also don’t approve. He was refering to thebodies of who were mutilated such as body of Hamzah ibnMuttalib radhiAllahu anhu his body was mutilated.Hindask for his liver to be plucked out so that she can eatit. She had a bite from it but then she had to spit itout. So abu Sufyaan says I am not the one who calls forthis mutilation of bodies but in at the same time I amnot very upset about it that happened. Rasoolullah sawsaid aren’t you going to respond back? They said whatshould we say?respond back by saying "we are not equal our dead arein Paradise and your dead are in Hell Fire". BecauseAbu Sufyaan was saying that now its tit for tat we areequal Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam is sayingno we are not even its not the same because dead among

us goes to Jannah and dead among you goes to Jahanum[Hell]. It was Umar Ibn Khattab who was doing thattalking so Abu Sufyaan got bit closer to Umar IbnKhattab and he said I ask you in the name of AllaahUmar Ibn Khattab did we kill Muhammad sallalahu alaihewa salam?Umar Ibn Khattab said,in the name of Allaahnow and he is right here listening to you talking. AbuSufyaan said you are more truthful to me and righteousthan Ibn Abi Qamia’ I will believe you not ibn AbiQamia’h

Umar Ibn Khattab in Sulha Hudaybiyah

In Sulha Hudaybiyah Umar Ibn Khattab and Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam were together. Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam went with Sahaaba radhiAllahuanhum with the intention of making UMRAH but people ofQuraysh prevented them from entering into Mecca.So Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salamwants to send one of his Sahaaba to negotiate with theleaders of Mecca so he proposed to Umar bin KhattabradhiAllahu anhu that he should go and negotiate with thepeople of Mecca. Umar bin Khattab said,”O Messenger ofAllaah there is nobody of Banu Odaey who I can count on togive you protection. [his clan, the clan of Umar bin Khattabwas small]” and there wasn’t anybody in there who was strongat the moment to offer Umar ibn Khattab the protection. Thatwas the system in those days every clan offer protection tohis followers. If the clan is small or weak then you don’tget protection. So Umar ibn Khattab said,”why don’t you tellUthman to go? Because his family can offer him withprotection Banu Umayah ”So Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam agrees with the suggestion of Umar Ibn Khattab and hesent Uthman Ibn Af’an to go to Mecca. Anyways thingsdeveloped from there. They were not allowed to go in. Andthey ended up signing up an agreement called Sulha al-Hudabiya The Peace Pact of al-Hudaybiyah. The terms in there was not appealing to the Muslims and Umaribn Khattab was not

happy at all. Some of the terms in that Agreement: You don’t make Umrah and you go back. [They all came

with the intention of Umrah] If a Muslim comes from Mecca to Madina after the

signing of the Agreement he is turned away. If a Muslim Apostates and leave Madina to Mecca he

is not turned away. So it seems to be a doublestandard here.

We turn away our people but you don’t turn away the peopleleave from among us.Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu he went to Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam and argued with him.

Umar :"aren’t you the Messenger of Allaah?Prophet pbuh“Yes”.

Umar:aren’t we the Muslims?Prophet pbuh ”Yes”.

Umar: aren’t these the Mushrikeens the disbelievers?Prophet pbuh ”Yes.”

Umar : why should we then agree to this compromise/terms ?Prophet pbuh: I am the Messenger of Allaah and I am not going to disobey the

commands of Allaah and Allaah will give me victory .

Umar Ibn Khattab wasn’t satisfied so he went to Abu Bakr Umar: isn’t he the Messenger of Allaah?

Abu Bakr said.”Yes”Umar :"aren’t we the Muslims?

Abu Bakr said,”Yes”Umar :"aren’t these the Mushrikeens?

Umar :why should we then agree to such an Agreement?Abu Bakr Siddique (ra):stick to his sturbs [sturbs of where you put your feet in when you are riding your horse] stick to them, meaning stick to whatever he does. Don’t move an inch from the way of Rasoolullah sallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam because I witnessed that he is Messenger of Allaah and that what Allaah tells himis the Truth and that Allaah Azza wajal will not forsake His message.

That was the Yaqeen of Abu Bakr (ra). Yes may be these termsdoesn’t make any sense to us however, what he does is rightand if its a command of Allaah Azza wajal then its right and

true and Allaah Azza wajal has promised to give His Prophetvictory He will give it to him. One of the concerns thatUmar Ibn Khattab had was Umrah. Umar Ibn Khattab toldRasoolullah (saw) in the earlier conversation “Didn’t youpromise us that we will make an Umrah?” Rasoolullahsallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam said,’Yes I did, but did I promiseyou that you will make it this year?.’ Umar said,”No”Rasoolullah sallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam said,”then you willmake Umrah you will make Tawaf around the house of Allaah.”Umar bin Khattab it was his zeal, that drove him into thisconversation. But after he heard the response of Abu Bakr[you know at times of difficulty Sahaaba would go to AbuBakr, Abu Bakr was the Sheikh of Sahaab and his responsewould put an end to their arguments and would give themtranquility in their hearts.] it happened when Rasoolullahsallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam died, it happened when theydisputed on the Khilafah,every time it was Abu Bakr as-Siddique radhiAllahu anhu who give them peace.When umar heard the response of Abu Bakr he felt that he hasdone something wrong, he shouldn’t have argued withRasoolullah sallalahu ‘alaihe wasalam back and forth. Umar Ibn Khattab says,” “After that I will give Sadaqah charity I would fast Iwould free slaves and I would pray because of the words Ihave spoken on that day”.

Important lesson :When you commit a sin if you want to wipe out that sin whatyou do is, do good deeds. Umar Ibn Khattab tells he commiteda mistake therefore, he was fasting, praying , freeingslaves, giving sadaqah not just once, not just once of eachbut he was doing it more than once so that Allaah Azza wajalwill forgive him for what he did. Allaah Azza wajal says,good deeds wipes out the evil deeds

Umar’s dislike of Position and PowerDuring the battle of Khaibar, there was a particular fortress that was causing problems for the advancing army ofMuslims. The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) would

appoint leaders from among the Companions to open it, but they would all be unsuccessful.Then, during one evening, the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam), said:

“Tomorrow I will give the banner to a man for whom Allah will open for him (the fortress). He loves Allah and His Messenger and Allah and His Messenger love him.” [Bukhari]

What an amazing and beautiful honour!The next day all of the Companions presented themselves to the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) in order to have the honour of this position as mentioned in the statement ofthe Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) above.Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu) then made an a profound statement in relation to this event. He said:

“I never loved position of authority, ever, except on that day.” [Muslim]

Loving to be in a position of power, authority, fame and leadership is something all humans crave to a lesser or greater degree. However in Islam, it is something that is not encouraged as something to be sought after. When the uncle of the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) Al Abbas came to him asking him for him to appoint him to a position of authority, the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) responded by telling him that authority is not given to someone who asks for it, or is eager to have it. This is the tarbiyyah of Islam.

Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu) reached to such a level in his adherance to Islam that he did not even want authority. For him it was not simply a case of surpressing adesire for it, he did not even want it in the first place!The exception for Umar Ibn Al Khataab (radiAllahu Andu) was that day when the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wasallam) promised that Allah and His Messenger love that individual,

which is something every Companion dearly wanted for themselves.

Umar Ibn Khattab in Medina:

In Sahih al-Muslim Abu Hurairah (ra) said that,”we weresitting with Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam amongothers were Abu Bakr and Umar Ibn Khattab and thenRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam left. He didn’t comeback so we were afraid that something happened to him.” Thisshows the deep concern of Sahaaba for Rasoolullah (saw)whenever he would be delayed or late they would be worried.They loved him more than their wives, their children andtheir parents. Infact the common term they would use withRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salamAbi anta wa Umm means Iwould sacrifice my mother and my father for you. That’s astatement that’s always read in the Hadith. biAbi anta waUmm ya Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. So Abu Hurairah said,”I was the first to go and look forhim, so I came to this farm, there was a wall surrounding itand I went around the farm and I didn’t find any entrance[any gate] but I saw a small crack in which water wasflowing into out of the farmSo Abu Hurairah said I squeezedmyself through like a fox would.Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said, are you AbuHurairah? Abu Hurairah said,”Yes” Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam said,”Ya Abu Hurairah! O Abu Hurairah takethese sandals of mine [take them] and whom ever you meetbehind this wall who says with Yaqeen in their heart givehim the glade tidings of the Jannah.”

Abu Hurairah took the sandals of Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam, now the sandals are symbolic of or evidencethat he is carrying a message from Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam, I have something from Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam with me. The first one he meets was Umar IbnKhattab. He says,”Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam sentme with the sandals and told me to give the glad tidings toanyone I meet, who testifies that there is no god but Allah

with Yaqeen in there heart to give them the glad tidings ofJannah. ” what do you expect the response of Umar IbnKhattab was? I am so happy going telling the people aboutit. It was a strange response, Umar Ibn Khattab punches AbuHurairah in his chest until Abu Hurairah falls on his back.It was such a rough punch Abu Hurairah flew and fell on hisback. Abu Hurairah said,”I stood up went to Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam crying [I was crying]” nowobviousely he had to cry nobody fights with Umar IbnKhattab, you don’t fight with Umar Ibn Khattab. [You swallowand you swallow it] Abu Hurairah went to Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam Umar Ibn Khattab followed me. Hecame in and he was crying Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wasalam said,”what happened Abu Hurairah?” abu Hurairahsaid,”you sent me to give glade tidings to the people and Igive him the glade tidings he punches me until I fall on myback.” Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam told Umar IbnKhattab why did you do that? Umar Ibn Khattab said, did youtell him to go and give glade tidings to the people? Thatthey are granted Jannah by saying with Yaqeen [certainty]Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam says,”Yes” Umar IbnKhattab said,”don’t do that because people will take thatfor granted, let them work for it.” Rasoolullah sallalahualaihe wa salam said, then we will let them work.Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam would go with theopinion of Umar Ibn Khattab.Umar Ibn Khattab had that relationship with Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam that he could tell him do anddon’t. their relationship was so close and it also shows youthe humbleness of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam.Umar Ibn Khattab comes and tells him don’t do that andRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam accepts the opinion ofUmar Ibn Khattab with an open heart. And says then let themwork. Umar Ibn Khattab wanted to be on the side of air ofcaution not have people take things for granted. Don’t tellthem that, let them work for it, even though they are goingto Jannah let them work for it. So it tells you somethingabout the personality of Umar Ibn Khattab he was concerndfor the Ummah. You know if it would have somebody else who

was selfish, alright fine I have glade tidings of Jannahthat’s it I am happy I don’t really care what will happen tothe rest of the people but no Umar Ibn Khattab was thinkingwhat would happen to Abu Hurairah when he is going andtelling the people this!!! Even though that was an occasionfor him to be happy and satisfied but no his mindimmediately jumped to what is going to happen with theUmmah? How our people are going to take this? And that’s whywe keep on saying that Umar Ibn Khattab was the man for theUmmah.In the beginning because Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhuwas learned man, he was literate, he wanted to swallow asmuch information as he could, so now he is in Madina thereare Jewish neighbours so why don’t I learn from their Books?And Qur’an have said that they have received the Torah andthe Christians have received the Injeel so Umar Ibn Khattabwants to learn more about the religions of Allaah Azza wajalso he is reading from a scroll of Torah. Rasoolullahsallalahu alaihe wa salam sees it with him, and the face ofRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam changes. And he cansee that he was upset. And he said,””are you rushing into the things without thinking them trueson of Khattab? In the name of Allaah whom my soul is in his hand. I have brought you with the religion that is so clearthat’s like a white cloth. And if Musa was alive today hewould have to follow me.If Musa was alive he would have to follow me. You don’t needto go back to those scritpions everything that you need isin the Qur’an. It over rules everything before. Mohaimin‘Alaik “it stands above everything else” all of the truththat you need, all of the guidance that you need, “The Bookhas not over looked anything.” Everything that you will youwill find it in the Qur’an. And this was an important lessonthat was given to Umar Ibn Khattab he learned the lessonvery well. So later on when the Ummah was expanding andentering into the lands of learned men Umar Ibn Khattab wasvery aware about the fact that they could bring in theirformer knowledge which could be painted into Islam. So he

made sure that the people learned their knowledge fromQur’an and not from anything else. And we will see in theKhilafah of Umar Ibn Khattab he would design rules implementto enforce the fact that your ‘ilm should come from Qur’annot from nothing else.

Umar Ibn Khattab and the wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam:

Ibn ‘Abbas rahiAllahu anhu and this Hadith is in al-Bukhari and Muslim and Masnad Imam Ahmad Ibn ‘Abbas said,”There was something that I wanted to ask Umar Ibn Khattab and I waitedfor an entire year until I asked him.” He was afraid to ask Umar Ibn Khattab the question. However, Ibn ‘Abbas he was a scholar given an exquisitive mind he had to ask the question‘I was given an exquisitive tongue” so one day they were traveling and he was pouring water on Umar Ibn Khattab for his Wudu Ibn ‘Abbas said,”who are the two wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam whom Allaah talked about in Qur’an?” If you two turn in repentance to him your heart are indeed so inclined but if you back of each other against him [that is Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam ] then truly Allaahis his protector and Jibreel and every righteous among thosewho believe and further more the Angels will back him up. Umar Ibn Khattab said,” Umar Ibn Khattab wasn’t happy that Ibn ‘Abbas asked him this question but he gave him the answer. He said,We the people of Quraysh were men who had the upper hand over their women. Our men had the upper hand over our women [our say goes!!]] we came to MadinaWe found people in Madina their woman had the upper hand.

So our women started learning from their women. Umar Ibn Khattab is saying that in Quraysh the men had the upper hand. In Madina the women were quiet strong so our women were learning from them.He said one day I went back home and I was angry with my

wife and she answered back to me. He said,i was surprised what happened. How come she is answering back? She said, “what you surprised that I am answering back to you? The wives of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam answer back to him. Not only that some of them boycott him from morning till night.” For Umar Ibn Khattab This Was News. So he rushes to his daughter Hifsa who was the wife of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam umul mo’mineen Hifsa radhiAllahu ta’ala anha and he says,”you answer back to Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam ? do you argue with him? She said,”Yes, and sometimes we boycott him from morning to night.” Umar Ibn Khattab said,”you have lost, youare loosers aren’t you afraid that Allaah angry with you of anger of His Messenger” and then he said,”do not ever argue with Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam or answer back tohim and don’t ask him for anything ask me for anything you want.” And then he said,”and don’t think that ‘Aeysha is doing it so you could do it. ‘Aeysha is more beautiful than you and she is more beloved to Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam than you.” Because the conspiracy was done by ‘Aeysha and Hifsa. So he is telling her that ‘Aeysha may afford to do that you can’t don’t do that?

And then Umar Ibn Khattab said,”we heard that Ghassan ” [wasa Arab Tribe loyal to the Romans] were putting the horse shoes on to attack us. We had that information ready and we were waiting for that. He said, I was home when my Ansaari partner came to me and he said something, I said,” did Ghassan come? He said,”No, something worse than that.” I told him what happened? He said,”Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam has divorced her wives” he said, that was what I was afraid of. So I rushed to Madina he was living onthe out skirts of Madina. I rushed to Hafsa and I saw her crying [sitting down crying] I asked her did Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam has divorced you? She said,”I don’t know? But he has boycotted us and he is in that room.”So I saw a servant of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and I told him to ask for permission for me to visit Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. He went in and came

out and he says I have mentioned your name and he didn’t answer. So, I left and then I came back. I sought permissionagain the servant said,’I mentioned your name he didn’t answer’ the third time, the same thing happened. So Umar IbnKhattab walked away, the servant then called him back. So Umar Ibn Khattab came in. and he saw Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam sitting and he was visibly upset. Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu said,”” did you divorce your wives?Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam looked up to me and hesaid,”No”. I said Allaahu Akbar Umar Ibn Khattab now wants to put Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam at ease. So he is starting [trying to start] conversation and he said,”O Messenger of Allaah! We the men of Quraysh use to have upperhand over our women and we come here to Madina where the women are stronger then the men, so now our women are learning from their women and my wife is now talking back tome” so Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam smiled. He said, then I went to Hifsa and I asked her is that what you do to Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam and she said,”yes, we answer back to him and sometimes we boycott him from morning to night.” Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam smiled again, so now Umar Ibn Khattab said, can I sit down? Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said,”go ahead” and then Umar Ibn Khattab said, I looked around the house ofRasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam I couldn’t see anything that could pleases the eyes, no furniture and Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam was sitting on a matress of Haseer is Palm Leaves its very harsh, so it was leaving markings on the skin of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihewa salam, so I said O Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam why don’t we ask Allaah to give us like he has given the Persians and the Romans when they don’t even believe in Allaah. Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam answered Umar Ibn Khattab and said are you having any doubts O son of Khattab?Those are people whom Allaah Azza wajal hastening their rewards in Dunya Allaah is giving them rewards in this Dunyabecause in Akhira they will have nothing left so I said, askAllaah to forgive me O Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa


Some lessons from this story:

1. Number One: cultural differences exists in the dominion of men and women. Men and women would have different conductof behaviour in different cultures, so we saw how women werein Mecca more submissive while in Madina they were stronger you could even see that on the battle field. Usayb Ibn Ka’abfor example was a Ansaariya she was a fighter. That was the case with some of the other woman if Madina. They were strong tough woman. Similar could be said about the Bedoin woman they are strong by nature. So cultural differences do exists however, some Common Constent Islamic Behaviours thatshould be applied cross culturally.· That the husband is the head of the household. That is something that shouldn’t change from one culture to another.· That the parents are to be respected by their children Shouldn’t change.· That the young respect the old that is something Islamic.

So these are things that are cross cultural and if a culturedoes not have them that culture should be changed. So Islam does have some cultural constants and it should be applied by everyone. Over here we are just talking about difference in behaviour but they are equally following the orders of Islam. Don’t want sisters and brothers to get wrong message from this and they start arguing at home and start saying that’s how it was happening in Madina and wife start slapping husbands around and all those things because that’show the woman of Madina were. [Unless the husband is okey with that J] definetly Umar Ibn Khattab was not okey with that. We will carry on few minutes with some of the Fadha il

[virtues] Umar Ibn Khattab: [Next Section is about Fadha il of Umar]

His knowledge: Umar Ibn Khattab was knowledgeable, he was a scholar, infect Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam saw in

a dream in Bukhari and Muslim Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said,

Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam said while I was a sleep I saw in my dream that I was drinking milk and I drankso much of it that it started to flow beneath my fingers nails and then I gave the rest of the cup to Umar Ibn Khattab. They said what do you interpret that, he said Milk is knowledge. So Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam dranksome much of the knowledge that it was coming out of his fingers. And then he gave the rest to Umar Ibn Khattab. Knowledge of Prophethood. So Umar Ibn Khattab had knowledge of Nubuwah of Prophethood. The left overs the bottom of thecup was given to Umar Ibn Khattab radhiAllahu anhu.A note hear on the interpretation of dreams:Even the dreams of Anbiyah needs to be interpreted because they asked Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam about the interpretation of the dream [he said Milk].Ibn Hajar as-Qalani says He said, the reason why milk is knowledge? Is because of their benefit. Milk benefits the body and knowledge benefitsthe soul. So that’s why milk represents the knowledge in this dream and he also says, and this is very important and interesting point. Ibn Hajar says,””and what is meant by knowledge here is the knowledge of the administration of the people in accordance to the Book of Allaah and Sunnah of His Messenger.

We have developed a certain concept of what Sharia’ah knowledge is? If you are able to quote the narrations off hand from the top of your head easily this man is a sheikh. If you are eloquent in speech you are a scholar Subhan Allaah what a scholar? Ibn Hajar is saying the ‘ilm here is the ability of Umar Ibn Khattab to administer the Ummah by the Book of Allaah Azza wajal and Sunnah of Muhammad sallalahu alaihe wa salam. It was refering to the ability ofUmar Ibn Khattab as a statsman when he was Khalifah and that is the knowledge that benefited the Ummah.

There could be someone who has a lot of knowledge road memorization they memorize all the books but they have no clue how to use it? How to apply it? They don’t have the [

ه ق� عه] Fiqh of [ف�� the understanding of the reality of the [ال�واف��world today. They are not in the field. And that why Ibn Khaldun says,”That many of the people who are called scholars tend to be very far away and are unable to deal with the realities of people, the brutal realities of life because they are only living with their books.” But with theknowledge of Umar Ibn Khattab it was a knowledge that was applied in the field. He wasn’t just sitting in the institute studying and giving off Fatawa on the phone or onthe mic. Umar Ibn Khattab was living with the Ummah. He was leading the Ummah. He was suffering with the Ummah. He was pleased what pleases them and he was displeased what displeases them, so be careful in using this word ‘ilm don’tthrow it around carelessly, such person is a Mufti, such person is scholar. The Ullama are the persons who know how to benefit the people through the ‘ilm of Allaah in Qur’an and in the Sunnah of Rasoolullah sallalahu alaihe wa salam. And these could be people who don’t memorise a lot of opinions of Fiqh you will ask them what did Abu Hanifa on this and what did Ashafi’I say on that what did Qadhi ‘iyad says on that or what did this person say ‘izat abdusalam says they don’t know that. But they know what is needed for that situation. They know it very well. They know how to apply the Ayaat and the Ahadith that they have learned. They know how to apply them into the reality. And that’s whyAllaah Azza wajal says about for example Dawud and we have given him Hukm and ‘ilm. ‘ilm and hukm, hukm is the good Judgment. A judge could have the information right infront of his eyes right there but he doesn’t know how to use it? The ability to use this Hukm the good Judgment.

Once a woman came to the Halaqah of al-Imam Abu Hanifa she asked a question she didn’t ask the question to Abu Hanifa, she asked it to a scholar of Hadith, who was sitting in thatcircle. Because the Majlis the circle of Abu Hanifa was a

circle of scholars. He have scholars sitting with him. It was more of a council of Fiqh than a study circle. That is the unique things about Abu Hanifa you don’t call his students, students you call them as-Haab friends, companions because they were scholars like him. He had scholars in language, scholars in Hadith, scholars in Fiqha,scholars so they would consult each other. So this woman comes to one of the scholars and she asks them a question and he didn’t know the answer. Abu Hanifa said, I know the answer and he gave her the answer. So the scholar of Hadith said how did you know the answer? I knew it by the Hadith you just quoted awhile ago. You the one who quoted the Daleel for me, I didn’t know the evidence for it until you quoted it. But he didn’t know how to use it. Imam Abu Hanifaknew how to use it. we will carry on insha Allaah tomorrow night with the rest of the Fadha il of Umar Ibn Khattab rahiAllahu anhu.

We know that he was one of the greatest KhulafahE.g. Became Khalifah of the Muslims after the death of Abu

Bakr (ra). The leader of the Muslims. Used to walk thestreets at night to see if anyone is in need ,checking onwelfare of the people– not like present rulers. Used tobe concerned even if a goat on the road in Iraq would behurt its hoof that Allah would account him for it.

E.g. Conquered Palestine – arrived walking whilst servantwas on donkey – Umari treaty – Jews cannot live withinal-quds. Today it has been given to the Jews – Betrayalof Islam.

E.g. USED TO SEND ARMIES to remove the obstacles inspreading Islam. Once sent army of 12,000 soldiersagainst the Romans under Amr ibn al As in Egypt. Theywere not winning the battle – asked for reinforcements.Umar (ra) sent 4 men – “Need to do more Miswak.” “They

are eating the tree’s, when they have finished they willcome and eat you.” Not like rulers today who withholdarmies from removing Israel and protecting the Muslims inChechnya, Iraq, Palestine etc.

E.g. Pride/Accountability – Transformed. When he was fixingthe Mehr.He was corrected by a woman on issue of Mahrsaid Prophet pbuh did not fix the Mehr.He said she isright and I am wrong

Was in marketplace with children – said something abouthim.

E.g. Political Astute – Some people personality leadershipfor Khalid bin Walid. Also reported that he had takensome funds unjustly. Sahaba tied his turban around arms –There can be no sedition when Umar is alive.

E.g. Care for the affairs of the Ummah – Found women boilingrocks whose children were crying. Umar became distressedand provided provision from Baitul mal.Found Jewish poorman, took him to the Bait al Mal. He was greatest of theleader. He was very sincere. Unlike rulers of today whosteal the wealth of the Ummah.

E.g. Aware of society – Women and her daughter – water downthe milk – The Khalifah is not here to see me. Allah ishere to see you.

The Prophet (saw) once said to him: “Whilst I was asleep Isaw myself in a Garden and a woman performing Wudubesides a palace. I asked her, whose palace is this shesaid: “It belongs to Umar”. Then I remembered yourjealousy and turned away. Umar wept and said: “Could I bejealous of you O messenger of Allah” Abdullah ibn Masood said of him, "We are still noble sinceUmar's Submission to Islam." He also said "Umar's Submission toIslam was a conquest, His Migration was a victory, His Imamate (Khilafah) was ablessing, I have seen when we were unable to pray at "the house" (Ka'ba) until

Umar submitted, when he submitted to Islam he fought them (the antagonisticidolaters) until they left us alone and we prayed."

Due to the preservation of the Qur’an in its written formand in the memory of the Sahabah after the death of theMessenger the Sahabah initially did not feel the need tocompile the Qur’an in one book. This was the case until manyof the Huffaz (memorisers of the Qur’an) had been killed inthe Riddah (apostasy) wars. Due to this Umar (ra) feared forthe loss of certain sheets and death of the Qurra' (Thosewho had committed the whole of the Qur’an to memory),thereby causing some verse to be lost. So he thought aboutbringing the written sheets together (in one compilation).He presented his idea to Abu Bakr (ra) who eventuallyaccepted this and ordered for the compilation of the Qur’an.Ubayy ibn Ka'ab narrated that the Prophet (Sallallahu AlaihiWasallam) said, "Gibreel said to me, Let Islam weep over thedeath of Umar."

May Allah enable us to achieve what Umar (ra) achieved. Ameen.