CROP SCIENCE, VOL. 52, JANUARYFEBRUARY 2012 371 RESEARCH V elvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina L.) is a native species in northern and central Europe (Brilman, 2003). After being brought to North America in the 1900s, New England golf superintendents realized that velvet bentgrass produced beauti- ful putting greens like a “velvet carpet.” In addition to very fine surface texture, velvet bentgrass has better shade (Reid, 1933) and drought (DaCosta and Huang, 2006) tolerance than other bentgrass species. It has high resistance to dollar spot ( Sclero- tinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennet) and brown patch (Rhizoctonia spp.) (DeFrance et al., 1952). Velvet bentgrass tolerates as much or even more compaction and wear stress (Murphy et al., 2009; Sama- ranayake et al., 2009) and competes better against annual blue- grass (Poa annua L.) infestation (Samaranayake et al., 2009) than creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). In the Nordic countries, the benefits of velvet bentgrass were rediscovered through a vari- ety evaluation project in which velvet bentgrass had better win- ter survival than any other species on a putting green where no pesticides were used (Molteberg et al., 2008). However, as Espe- vig et al. (2011) found freezing tolerance to be equal in velvet Thatch Control in Newly Established Velvet Bentgrass Putting Greens in Scandinavia Tatsiana Espevig,* Bjørn Molteberg, Anne Marte Tronsmo, Arne Tronsmo, and Trygve S. Aamlid* ABSTRACT The use of velvet bentgrass ( Agrostis canina L.) on putting greens is limited by sparse knowl- edge on optimal maintenance. Our objective was to determine the effects of N (75 or 150 kg N ha –1 yr –1 ), topdressing (0.5 or 1.0 mm biweekly), and mechanical-biological treatment (grooming, vertical cutting, spiking, and Thatch-less) on turfgrass visual quality, playability, winter sur- vival, and thatch formation. The study was con- ducted at a coastal location in Norway (Landvik, 58°N) from August 2007 to May 2010 on sand- based root zone (United States Golf Association specifications) seeded in late spring 2007 with velvet bentgrass ‘Legendary’. Only the higher N rate gave acceptable quality during the first 2 yr after sowing. The higher N rate reduced moss and winter injuries from disease compared with the lower N but decreased surface hardness by 21% and reduced ball roll distance by 6 to 14%. Significant interactions reflected an increase in mat organic matter with increasing N rate under light but not under heavy topdressing. Com- pared with grooming only, grooming plus ver- tical cutting significantly reduced mat organic matter from 64 to 53 g kg –1 . Grooming plus spiking improved water infiltration rate by 51% compared with grooming alone. Thatch-less increased hardness of the otherwise soft plots receiving grooming plus spiking but had no effect on mat depth or organic matter content. T. Espevig and T.S. Aamlid, Arable Crops Division, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Grimstad, NO 4886; B. Molteberg, Arable Crops Division, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Kapp, NO 2849, present address: Strand Unikorn, Moelv, NO 2390; T. Espevig and A.M. Tronsmo, Dep. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences, Ås, NO 1432; A. Tronsmo, Dep. of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Univ. of Life Sciences, Ås, NO 1432. Received 20 Apr. 2011. *Corre- sponding authors ([email protected], [email protected]). Abbreviations: CFU, colony-forming units. Published in Crop Sci. 52:371–382 (2012). doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.04.0217 Published online 13 Oct. 2011. © Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein has been obtained by the publisher.

Thatch Control in Newly Established Velvet Bentgrass Putting Greens in Scandinavia

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crop science, vol. 52, january–february 2012 371


Velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina L.) is a native species in northern and central Europe (Brilman, 2003). After being

brought to North America in the 1900s, New England golf superintendents realized that velvet bentgrass produced beauti-ful putting greens like a “velvet carpet.” In addition to very fine surface texture, velvet bentgrass has better shade (Reid, 1933) and drought (DaCosta and Huang, 2006) tolerance than other bentgrass species. It has high resistance to dollar spot (Sclero-tinia homoeocarpa F.T. Bennet) and brown patch (Rhizoctonia spp.) (DeFrance et al., 1952). Velvet bentgrass tolerates as much or even more compaction and wear stress (Murphy et al., 2009; Sama-ranayake et al., 2009) and competes better against annual blue-grass (Poa annua L.) infestation (Samaranayake et al., 2009) than creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.). In the Nordic countries, the benefits of velvet bentgrass were rediscovered through a vari-ety evaluation project in which velvet bentgrass had better win-ter survival than any other species on a putting green where no pesticides were used (Molteberg et al., 2008). However, as Espe-vig et al. (2011) found freezing tolerance to be equal in velvet

Thatch Control in Newly Established Velvet Bentgrass Putting Greens in Scandinavia

Tatsiana Espevig,* Bjørn Molteberg, Anne Marte Tronsmo, Arne Tronsmo, and Trygve S. Aamlid*

ABSTRACTThe use of velvet bentgrass (Agrostis canina L.) on putting greens is limited by sparse knowl-edge on optimal maintenance. Our objective was to determine the effects of N (75 or 150 kg N ha–1 yr–1), topdressing (0.5 or 1.0 mm biweekly), and mechanical-biological treatment (grooming, vertical cutting, spiking, and Thatch-less) on turfgrass visual quality, playability, winter sur-vival, and thatch formation. The study was con-ducted at a coastal location in Norway (Landvik, 58°N) from August 2007 to May 2010 on sand-based root zone (United States Golf Association specifications) seeded in late spring 2007 with velvet bentgrass ‘Legendary’. Only the higher N rate gave acceptable quality during the first 2 yr after sowing. The higher N rate reduced moss and winter injuries from disease compared with the lower N but decreased surface hardness by 21% and reduced ball roll distance by 6 to 14%. Significant interactions reflected an increase in mat organic matter with increasing N rate under light but not under heavy topdressing. Com-pared with grooming only, grooming plus ver-tical cutting significantly reduced mat organic matter from 64 to 53 g kg–1. Grooming plus spiking improved water infiltration rate by 51% compared with grooming alone. Thatch-less increased hardness of the otherwise soft plots receiving grooming plus spiking but had no effect on mat depth or organic matter content.

T. Espevig and T.S. Aamlid, Arable Crops Division, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Grimstad, NO 4886; B. Molteberg, Arable Crops Division, Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research, Kapp, NO 2849, present address: Strand Unikorn, Moelv, NO 2390; T. Espevig and A.M. Tronsmo, Dep. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Norwegian Univ. of Life Sciences, Ås, NO 1432; A. Tronsmo, Dep. of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Univ. of Life Sciences, Ås, NO 1432. Received 20 Apr. 2011. *Corre-sponding authors ([email protected], [email protected]).

Abbreviations: CFU, colony-forming units.

Published in Crop Sci. 52:371–382 (2012). doi: 10.2135/cropsci2011.04.0217 Published online 13 Oct. 2011. © Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA

All rights reserved. No part of this periodical may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Permission for printing and for reprinting the material contained herein has been obtained by the publisher.

372 www.crops.org crop science, vol. 52, january–february 2012

bentgrass and creeping bentgrass under controlled con-ditions, we hypothesize that the superior winter survival of velvet bentgrass in the variety evaluation project was due to traits other than freezing tolerance. Thus, winter survival of velvet bentgrass warrant further investigation under various climatic conditions.

In the 1960s and 1970s velvet bentgrass fell out of favor on North American golf courses. As fertilizers and pesti-cides were introduced, creeping bentgrass and annual blue-grass became the predominant species on putting greens. Since then, increasing environmental awareness has raised the need for well-adapted turfgrass species requiring less water, pesticide, and fertilizer use. In this context, velvet bentgrass seems to have a potential in North America and Europe, but its acceptance among golf course superinten-dents depends on guidelines for optimal maintenance and especially thatch management, which is considered to be one of the biggest problems in this species.

According to Beard (2002), thatch is “an intermingled organic layer of dead and living shoots, stems, and roots of grasses that develops between the turf canopy of green vegetation and the soil surface.” When topdressing is used, thatch is intermixed with sand and a layer called “mat” is formed. Excessive thatch layers develop when thatch accu-mulation exceeds thatch degradation (Beard, 2002). Thatch control can be grouped into (i) prevention of excessive plant growth and shoot density, (ii) enhancement of microbial thatch degradation, (iii) thatch dilution and modification by sand, and (iv) mechanical thatch removal.

Excessive plant growth leading to thatch can be mini-mized by an appropriate N fertilization program. Carrow et al. (1987) stated that thatch will increase with increas-ing N input at both deficient and excessive fertility levels but remain constant with increasing N within an optimal threshold interval. Nitrogen rates varying from 48 to 342 kg N ha–1 yr–1 to velvet bentgrass putting greens were com-pared by Skogley (1975), Boesch and Mitkowski (2007), and Koeritz and Stier (2009), but limited information on thatch formation is available from those studies. Skogley (1975) reported 114 to 125 g kg–1 organic matter in velvet bentgrass mats, but surprisingly these numbers were not affected by N rate under his experimental conditions.

Numerous studies have demonstrated effects of top-dressing and mechanical treatments on thatch formation. Topdressing (Murphy, 1983; White and Dickens, 1984; Smith, 1979; McCarty et al., 2005, 2007) or return of soil from hollow tine coring (Murphy et al., 1993a; Fu et al., 2009) will usually decrease organic matter content in mat by dilution, but at the same time these treatments will also increase mat depth. The contribution of topdressing to microbial thatch degradation has been controversial (Lede-boer and Skogley, 1967; Murphy, 1983; Carrow et al., 1987; Couillard et al., 1997; McCarty et al., 2005). Vertical cut-ting and hollow tine coring usually reduce mat depth due to

direct thatch removal (Smith, 1979; McCarty et al., 2005), but the effect of coring (Carrow et al., 1987; McCarty et al., 2005, 2007; Barton et al., 2009), vertical cutting (Car-row et al., 1987; McCarty et al., 2005, 2007), and spiking (Murphy et al., 1993a) on the content of organic matter in mat is often small unless combined with topdressing. Incor-poration of sand into the verdure and surface thatch can be difficult in high density turfgrass varieties (e.g., Kauffman et al., 2009; Pippin, 2009), and this problem may be even more accentuated in velvet bentgrass, especially if topdress-ing is not combined with mechanical treatments (Pease, 2009). Depending on timing and frequency, mechanical treatments are sometimes disruptive to turfgrass surfaces (White and Dickens, 1984; Carrow et al., 1987; McCarty et al., 2005; Fu et al., 2009), and this may be particularly harmful in velvet bentgrass because of the poor recupera-tive capacity of this species (Boesch and Mitkowski, 2007).

Stimulation of thatch degradation is often a difficult task. Thatch is composed mainly of cellulose, hemicellu-loses, and lignin (Ledeboer and Skogley, 1967; Couillard and Turgeon, 1997). Lignin is a complex aromatic poly-mer that is extremely resistant to degradation (Kirk, 1971; Crawford and Crawford, 1980). Biodegradation of lignin is mainly accomplished by a few species of fungi (Martin and Dale, 1980; Blanchette, 1991, Sidhu et al., 2010), but bacte-ria (Vicuña, 1988; Zimmermann, 1990), especially actino-mycetes (Crawford, 1978), have also been reported as lignin degraders. Degradation of cellulose and lignin is essentially an aerobic process and the degradation rate depends on turf age (Shi et al., 2006), temperature and soil moisture (Don-nelly et al., 1990; Pastor and Post, 1986), pH (Martin and Beard, 1975), available N, and the C:N ratio (Raun et al., 1998; Henriksen and Breland, 1999). It has been claimed that application of products containing fungi, bacteria, enzymes, or other bioactive ingredients will enhance thatch degrada-tion (Crawford, 1978; Martin and Dale, 1980; Nouri Roud-sari et al., 2008); however, the efficiency of such products under the field conditions remains controversial (Chamber-lain and Crawford, 2000; McCarty et al., 2005, 2007).

Based on the literature cited above, we hypothesized that moderate N inputs and heavy topdressing would be key ele-ments to maintenance of velvet bentgrass putting greens with good playability and aesthetic quality, acceptable organic matter content in the mat layer, and little or no winter damage. Due to the limited recuperative capacity of velvet bentgrass and the low soil temperatures during most of the season in Scandinavia, we also hypothesized that mechani-cal and biological treatments to control thatch would be of secondary importance compared with appropriate fertiliza-tion and topdressing programs. The objective of this research was to determine the effects of N amount, topdressing rates, and mechanical-biological treatment on turf quality, thatch formation, and winter survival of velvet bentgrass putting greens in Scandinavia.

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mm sand. Topdressing was applied by hand on Fridays after mowing every second week from May until November. Sand was brushed into the turf manually. Subplots were 2 by 1.5 m and main plots 2 by 3 m.

FertilizationIncluding a presowing application of organic fertilizer (14–3–5 N–P–K), the total input of N, P, and K during 2007 grow-in (before start of experimental treatments) amounted to 134, 18, and 108 kg ha–1, respectively. During the first experimental period August to October 2007, the two N levels equaled 34 and 69 kg ha–1. In 2008 and 2009, the total N inputs were 75 or 150 kg ha–1. Granular Arena products (4–4–18, 10–1–10, 12–1–14, 13–1–16, or 22–3–10 N–P–K) were applied at 2-wk inter-vals except for four applications of liquid fertilizer Arena Crystal (19–2–15 N–P–K) (Yara International ASA, Oslo, Norway) in 2008. The N sources were 43% nitrate and 57% ammonium in 2007 and 2008 and 36% nitrate and 64% ammonium in 2009. Inputs of P, K, and other nutrients varied proportionately with the N input. Thus, the relative N:P:K rate was overall 6:1:6.

Mechanical TreatmentsThe treatments were started on 31 July 2007. Weekly groom-ing was performed using a John Deere grooming attachment mounted on a John Deere 220A walk-behind mower (Moline, IL) and adjusted to a depth of 1 mm from the mowing sur-face. Monthly vertical cutting was performed to 2 mm depth using an Aztec verticutter pod (Allett Mowers LTD, Arbroath, U.K.) mounted on an Aztec drive unit (Allett Mowers LTD, Arbroath, U.K.). Except for the first coring using 6-mm o.d. hollow tines (cores were removed), monthly spiking was per-formed with 8-mm o.d. solid tines mounted on a John Deere Aerator 800 (Moline, IL) to a working depth of 6 cm. Ver-tical cutting and spiking were conducted before topdressing. As the first coring was rather disruptive to turfgrass surface, all mechanical treatments were suspended for the rest of 2007. The mechanical treatments were conducted from 25 June until 26 Oct. 2008 and from 26 May to 20 Aug. 2009. In 2008 and

MATERIALS AND METHODSSoil and Weather Conditions at Landvik, NorwayVelvet bentgrass ‘Legendary’ was seeded at a rate of 6 g m–2 on experimental putting green at Bioforsk Landvik, Norway (coastal location, 58° N lat, 12 m above sea level) on 30 May 2007. The root zone was constructed according to United States Golf Association specifications (USGA Green Section Staff, 2004) with a 30 cm layer of sand amended with 16 g kg–1 of sphagnum peat moss. Soil samples taken to 20-cm depth in April 2008 had pH 6.3, 10 mg kg–1 P, and 20 mg kg–1 K.

The monthly precipitation and mean monthly temperature for the entire experimental period is shown in Table 1. The total precipitation was higher than the 30-yr normal during all growing seasons. Unusually wet months were July 2007, August 2008, and July 2009. A long drought period occurred in 2008 with no rainfall from 2 May to 13 June. A total of 23, 70, and 104 d of snow cover were observed during the winters 2007/2008, 2008/2009, and 2009/2010, respectively, but the trial was never covered by ice or water for more than 2 wk.

Experimental Treatments and Plot MaintenanceExperimental TreatmentsA three-factorial experiment was arranged according to a split-plot design with three blocks (replicates). Each block contained eight main plots with combinations of a low or a high N level (75 or 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1) with one of four mechanical-bio-logical treatments: (i) weekly grooming, (ii) weekly grooming plus monthly verticutting, (iii) weekly grooming plus monthly spiking, or (iv) weekly grooming plus monthly spiking plus monthly application of the biological product Thatch-less (Novozymes Biologicals, Le Pecq, France). Each main plot was split into two subplots that received each time either 0.5 mm (light rate) or 1 mm (heavy rate) of pure sand with no organic matter and grain size 0.2 to 0.8 mm (Baskarp, Sweden). These rates corresponded for the entire growing season to 7 and 14

Table 1. Mean monthly air temperature and monthly precipitation at Landvik, Norway, during the experimental period com-pared with normal values.


Air temperature Total precipitation2007 2008 2009 2010 Normal 2007 2008 2009 2010 Normal————————————————° C ———————————————— ————————————————— mm —————————————————

Jan. – 2.8 0.5 –5.4 –1.6 – 358 178 44 113

Feb. – 4.3 –2.2 –6.0 –1.9 – 82 65 83 73

Mar. – 2.3 2.7 1.4 1.0 – 184 116 62 85

Apr. – 6.0 7.9 6.2 5.1 – 91 28 33 58

May 10.2 11.9 11.3 – 10.4 107 20 76 – 82

June 15.9 14.7 14.8 – 14.7 109 75 54 – 71

July 15.5 17.3 16.8 – 16.2 213 101 244 – 92

Aug. 16.2 15.6 15.9 – 15.4 132 250 99 – 113

Sept. 12.0 11.6 13.0 – 11.8 59 137 79 – 136

Oct. 7.7 7.9 6.1 – 7.9 53 153 252 – 162

Nov. 3.6 3.7 5.3 – 3.2 69 123 295 – 143

Dec. 0.9 0.6 –1.7 – 0.2 155 80 218 – 102

May through Sept.† 14.0 14.2 14.4 13.7 620 583 552 494

Annual 1653 1703 1230†Reference period 1961 through 1990.

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2009, the total number of mechanical treatments amounted to 21 and 21 for grooming, five and four for vertical cutting, and five and four for spiking, respectively.

Biological TreatmentsThatch-less biological product contained 0.04% microbial cul-tures (Bacillus licheniformis, 1.35 × 108 colony-forming units (CFU) mL–1, and Bacillus subtilis, 1.65 × 108 CFU mL–1) and 24.10% cellulase enzymes derived from Trichoderma reesei (700 endo-glucanase units g–1). It was applied at 10 L ha–1 three times at 10-d interval in the beginning of each growing season and then monthly just after spiking using a knapsack sprayer (total of eight and seven applications in 2008 and 2009, respectively).

Maintenance PracticesThe trial was mowed with John Deere 220A or Allett walk-behind green’s mowers three times a week to 3 mm from 1 June until 1 Oct. In spring and late fall mowing heights were gradu-ally raised to or lowered from 4.5 mm. Clippings were removed. The experiment was exposed to artificial wear from pulling a friction wear roller with soft spikes over the plots three times per week. This treatment corresponded to 20,000 rounds of golf per year. In addition to light irrigation (5–7 mm) after fertilization, topdressing, and application of Thatch-less, the trial received approximately 7 mm of irrigation water at 10 mm water deficit as determined by an open evaporation pan. On average, daily evaporation rates amounted to 2 mm in May, 2.7 mm in June, 2.4 mm in July, 2 mm in August, and 1.2 mm in September. Due to severe infestation of Pythium spp. and Microdochium nivale (Fr.) Samuels and Hallet in the late autumn 2007, the trial was sprayed with Amistar Duo (Syngenta Crop Protection AG, Basel, Switzerland), 1.0 L ha–1 (azoxystobin, 200 g a.i. ha–1 plus prop-conazole, 125 g a.i. ha–1) on 17 Oct. 2007. No other pesticides or plant growth regulators were used in the trial.

Apelsvoll, NorwayA parallel trial was conducted at Bioforsk Apelsvoll, Nor-way (inland location, 61° N lat and 250 m above sea level). The experiment was arranged according to the same split-plot design with the same treatments except that Thatch-less biological product was omitted due to limited space on the experimental putting green. The trial was seeded on 26 June 2007. Root zone was amended with 21 g kg–1 garden compost (Green Mix, Høst AS, Grimstad, Norway). Granular Arena products were supplemented with ammonium sulfate 21–0–0 (Yara International ASA, Oslo, Norway) due to the high pH level. The N sources were 8% nitrate and 92% ammonium. Due to shorter growing season light and heavy topdressing rates corresponded to 4.5 and 9 mm of annual sand amount. The total number of mechanical treatments amounted to 15 for grooming, three for vertical cutting, and three for spiking. The trial was not trafficked.

Apelsvoll is characterized by colder climate than Landvik and severe winters. The growing season (daily mean tempera-ture > 5°C) is 169 d in contrast to 202 d at Landvik. The 30 yr air temperature from May until October is 12.0°C and the annual rainfall normal was 600 mm. Due to excessive winter damage, experimental plots at this site were reseeded in spring 2008 and the whole experiment was discounted in 2009.

Data Collection and Statistical Data AnalysesTurfgrass Visual QualityVisual assessments of turf quality were started on the 2-mo-old green plots and were conducted biweekly using a 1 to 9 rating system (1 = uneven and very poor turf and 9 = even and very good turf; acceptable level = 5) and monthly for diseases (% of plot covered with diseased turf ), moss (% of plot covered with moss), and turf coverage (% of plot covered with healthy unin-jured turf of the sown species). Assessments were always con-ducted before mechanical treatments. The last observations were made in the spring of 2010.

Playing QualityThe measurements were done monthly and assessed as surface hardness and ball roll distance. These observations were always performed before mechanical treatments and 1 d after mowing. Surface hardness was recorded as gravity units (using the Clegg Soil Impact Tester, 2.25 kg hammer, Lafayette Instrument Co., Lafayette, IN). Readings were taken after each of two successive blows by the hammer from 0.46 m height at two places per plot. Ball roll distance was determined using a stimpmeter modified for research plots (Gaussoin et al., 1995). The stimpmeter had its ball release set at 38 cm rather than 76 cm from the beveled end, and measurements were always taken in two directions.

For each experimental year, data for visual observations and playing quality were pooled into four consecutive peri-ods each containing two to six observations: spring (March and April), summer before mechanical treatments (from early May until verticutting and spiking started), summer after mechanical treatments to 1 September, and fall (September and October).

Thatch AssessmentsMat depth, organic matter content in the mat layer, and the net accumulation of organic matter were determined from four, two, and two uncompressed soil cores (2.4 mm in diameter), respectively, taken from each plot in September. For determi-nation of organic matter content, foliage above the mat layer and soil with roots below it were removed. The weight of organic matter (ignition loss) was determined as the difference between sample dry weight (105°C for 48 h) and sample ash weight (550°C for 3 h). The content of organic matter in mat (g kg–1) was calculated individually for each core as (sample ignition loss)/(sample dry weight). The data were averaged for each plot before variance analyses. The net accumulation of organic matter in the mat layer was calculated as organic matter (g m–2) = (sample ignition loss)/(surface area of soil core).

Infiltration RatesMeasurements were done in October 2009 using a double ring infiltrometer with an outer ring diameter of 12.8 cm and an inner ring diameter of 4.5 cm. The infiltrometer was inserted 2 cm into the turf within 1 h after the soil had been saturated by irrigation or natural rainfall. Water levels in the inner ring were measured at two sites per plot after 3 min of infiltration. The infiltration rate was expressed as millimeters per hour.

The data were analyzed by the SAS procedure PROC ANOVA using statements providing an analysis for a split-plot design (SAS Institute, 2008). Special analyses were performed to compare the

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mat depth and organic matter content at Landvik and Apelsvoll in 2008 (site effect) and to compare the mat depth and net accumula-tion of organic matter in 2008 and 2009 at Landvik (year effect). Site and year effects were tested individually against replicates nested within either site or year. The Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) was used for means separation at the 5% probability level.

RESULTSTurfgrass PerformanceNitrogen and topdressing rates had the highest impact on velvet bentgrass visual performance. Regardless of mechan-ical-biological treatment and topdressing levels, 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 led to a significantly better turfgrass quality (Table 2) and significantly higher shoot density (data not shown) than 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 throughout the entire experimental period. Plots receiving 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 did not achieve acceptable turf quality (level 5) until the summer of 2009.

The light topdressing led to a better turf quality (Table 2) and a higher shoot density (data not shown) in 2008 and 2009. A different response to topdressing amount occurred in the late summer of 2009. After late summer of 2009, the heavy topdressing provided better turfgrass quality (Table 2) and shoot density (data not shown) at both N rates.

A significant interaction between N and topdressing rates was observed in response to an outbreak of pink snow mold (Microdochium nivale) in the spring of 2008. Regard-less of topdressing level, diseased turf accounted for 7% of the plots receiving 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 (Table 3) but heavy topdressing led to more injury (46%) than light topdress-ing (25%) on plots receiving 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1.

Mechanical or biological treatments had no significant effect on turfgrass visual quality except at the beginning and end of the experiment (Table 2). The initial coring caused a significant decrease in turfgrass quality in the late summer of 2007. In the fall of 2009, plots that received spiking also had a lower turfgrass quality (Table 2) and shoot density (data not shown) than plots that received only grooming or grooming in combination with vertical cutting. Vertical cutting led to a significant decrease in turfgrass quality in the spring of 2010 (Table 2).

Differences in turf color in response to treatment fac-tors first became apparent in the summer of 2008 (data not shown). Plots that received 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 were significantly darker than plots that received 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1. At the higher N rate there were no differences in color between plots receiving 7 or 14 mm of topdressing. However, at the low N rate, plots receiving light topdress-ing were darker than plots receiving heavy topdressing from the summer of 2008 until the summer of 2009. In the summer of 2009, the effect of topdressing on color was completely reversed: plots with heavy topdressing became darker than plots with light topdressing under the low N rate (data not shown).

An undesirable infestation of moss (Bryum spp.) was observed at Landvik in 2009 and 2010 (Table 4). Less competitive turf and more competition from the moss were observed at the low N rate, especially when top-dressing was also low.

Table 2. Effects of N amount, topdressing rates, and mechanical-biological treatment on turf quality.


of variation



2007 2008 2009 2010Summer after MT†


Spring Summer before MT

Summer after MT



Summer before MT

Summer after MT



N rate, kg ha–1 yr–1 75 4.1 2.6 2.1 3.2 4.2 4.3 3.7 4.2 5.1 5.4 3.3

150 4.5 3.3 3.1 5.1 6.0 5.1 6.2 6.3 7.7 7.8 5.9

Mechanical- biological treatment (MBT)

Grooming (G) 4.6 3.0 2.6 4.1 5.0 4.7 4.9 5.0 6.5 6.7 4.8

G plus vertical cutting 4.8 3.1 2.7 4.1 5.0 5.0 5.2 5.4 6.6 6.7 4.3

G plus spiking (S) 4.0 3.0 2.8 4.2 5.2 4.5 5.0 5.1 6.2 6.5 4.8

G plus S plus Thatch-less 3.9 2.9 2.4 4.2 5.2 4.7 4.8 5.3 6.2 6.4 4.6

LSD0.05 MBT 0.5 0.2 0.3

Topdressing rate (D), mm yr–1

7 4.4 3.1 2.7 4.4 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.8 6.4 6.3 4.2

14 4.2 2.9 2.6 3.9 5.1 4.3 4.7 4.6 6.3 6.9 5.1


N rate 1 NS‡ * ** ** * * *** ** ** ** **


N rate × MBT 3 ** NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS * NS

D 1 NS * * *** NS *** *** *** NS * *

N rate × D 1 NS NS ** NS * * NS NS NS NS NS



*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.

***Significant at 0.001 probability level.†MT, mechanical treatments.‡NS, nonsignificant.

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PlayabilityThe ball roll distance was overall 6 to 17% longer on plots receiving 75 compared with 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 (Table  5). The main effects of topdressing rate or

mechanical-biological treatment on this character were not significant.

Surface hardness was significantly affected by all three treatment factors, and no interactions were detected (Table 6). The low N rate enhanced surface hardness as much as 15% in the fall of 2008 and as much as 27% in the fall of 2009 compared with the high N rate. The effect of topdressing was first detected in the fall of 2008 by 4% harder surface on plots receiving 14 mm of topdressing than on plots receiving 7 mm. During the summer before mechanical treatments in 2009, plots receiving 14 mm of topdressing were as much as 6% harder than those receiv-ing 7 mm of topdressing. Among mechanical treatments, spiking in combination with grooming led to less surface hardness. In the summer and fall of 2009, the biologi-cal product Thatch-less significantly increased hardness of plots also receiving spiking plus grooming treatment.

Thatch AssessmentsThe content of organic matter in mat varied from 36 to 87 g kg–1 among the 16 treatment combinations (data not shown). These levels remained stable from 2008 to 2009, but mat depth increased by 65 to 98% (p < 0.001) (Table 7). On aver-age for topdressing levels and mechanical-biological treat-ment, doubling the fertilizer rate from 75 to 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 increased mat thickness by 4.4 mm by the end of 2008 and 9.8 mm by the end of 2009. The main effect of dou-bling the annual topdressing level from 7 to 14 mm was less

Table 3. Effects of N amount and topdressing rates on percent of plot area covered with healthy turf.



2007 2008 2009 2010Summer after MT†



Summer before MT

Summer after MT



Summer before MT

Summer after MT



———————————————————————————————————- % ———————————————-————————————————————

75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1

7 mm D‡ 90 79 75 97 95 95 93 99 97 86 90

14 mm D 87 66 54 94 95 90 91 96 97 92 93

150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1

7 mm D 91 92 93 100 99 98 97 100 99 95 99

14 mm D 92 91 93 99 98 95 96 98 99 98 100

LSD0.05 D levels within N rate 12 11 3 2

LSD0.05 N rates within D level 7 1 2 2


N rate 1 NS§ * *** * * * * NS ** * NS



D 1 NS ** *** ** NS *** ** ** NS * NS

N rate × D 1 NS ** *** * NS NS * NS NS NS NS



*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.

***Significant at 0.001 probability level.†MT, mechanical treatments.‡D, topdressing rate.§NS, nonsignificant.¶MBT, mechanical-biological treatment.

Table 4. Moss development in response to N amount and topdressing rates (D).



2009 2010Spring Summer Fall Spring

————– ————– % ————– ————–

75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1

7 mm D yrˉ1 3.7 1.2 1.7 5.0

14 mm D yrˉ1 2.5 0.8 0.8 3.9

150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1

7 mm D yrˉ1 1.5 0.2 0.2 0.9

14 mm D yrˉ1 1.0 0.1 0.0 0.4

LSD0.05 D levels within N rate 0.2 0.3

LSD0.05 N rates within D level 1.1 1.6


N rate 1 ** * * **



D 1 ** ** *** NS

N × D 1 NS * ** NS



*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.

***Significant at 0.001 probability level.†MBT, mechanical-biological treatment.‡NS, nonsignificant.

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pronounced with an increase in mat thickness of 2.9 mm by the end of 2008 and 6.9 mm by the end of 2009. In both years mechanical-biological treatments had no significant effect on mat thickness.

Organic matter content in the mat layer was signifi-cantly influenced by N rate, topdressing level, and their interaction (Tables 7 and 8). By the end of 2009, organic matter content increased by 19 g kg–1 with an increase in N rate from 75 to 150 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 under light topdress-ing but was unaffected by N rate under heavy topdressing (Table 8). By the same time, an increase in topdressing from 7 to 14 mm yr–1 led to a 34 g kg–1 decrease in the content of mat organic matter on plots receiving 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 as opposed to only 17 g kg–1 decrease on plots receiving 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1. In both years, an increase in topdressing from 7 to 14 mm yr–1 significantly decreased organic matter content regardless of N rate. The main effect of mechanical-biological treatment on organic mat-ter content was not significant in 2008, but by the end of 2009 the organic matter content was 11 g kg–1 lower on plots receiving vertical cutting plus grooming than on plots receiving grooming only (Table 7).

From 2008 to 2009, the accumulated dry weight of organic matter in the mat layer per unit area increased by an average of 73% (p < 0.001; Table 7). The main effect of topdressing level on this character was not significant. How-ever, by the end of 2009, a significant interaction between N rate and topdressing level revealed, first, that the increase in mat organic matter dry weight with N rate was less dramatic

under heavy topdressing than under light topdressing, and second, that the heavy topdressing reduced organic matter dry weight only at the high N rate (Table 8). The main effect of mechanical or biological treatments on mat organic matter dry weight per unit area was not significant.

Infiltration RateCompared with grooming alone, spiking in combina-tion with grooming enhanced the infiltration rate by 51% (Table 7). Addition of Thatch-less to the grooming plus spiking treatment caused no further increase in infiltra-tion rates. As a main effect, doubling the topdressing level significantly improved soil infiltration by 61%. Fertilizer rate had no significant effect on infiltration rates.

ApelsvollBecause the study at Apelsvoll was discontinued in the spring 2009, only 1 yr of data is available from this site (data not shown). As turfgrass growth was set back by winter injuries, effects of N, topdressing, and their combination on winter survival at Apelsvoll were smaller than at Landvik.

The average depth of the mat layer by the end of the growing season 2008 was 10.7 mm vs. 13.8 mm at Land-vik (p = 0.006) and the average organic matter content was 69 vs. 59 g kg–1 at Landvik (p = 0.019). As at Landvik, organic matter content in the mat layer by the end of 2008 was significantly affected by N rate, topdressing level, and their interaction (data not shown). Under light topdressing, organic matter content increased from 72 to 90 g kg–1 with

Table 5. Effects of N amount, topdressing rates, and mechanical-biological treatment on ball roll distance.

Source of variation



2008 2009Summer after MT† Fall Spring Summer before MT Summer after MT Fall

——– ————– ————–————– ————– ————– cm ————– ————– ————– ————– ————– ———

N rate, kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 75 119.6 131.2 106.2 125.9 115.7 130.2

150 112.3 123.3 91.1 111.0 105.2 120.8

Mechanical- biological treatment (MBT)

Grooming (G) 116.5 127.9 97.2 119.4 109.5 125.2

G plus vertical cutting 115.1 127.8 99.5 118.5 111.6 127.5

G plus spiking (S) 115.2 125.8 98.0 116.7 112.0 126.0

G plus S plus Thatch-less 117.0 127.5 99.8 119.2 108.7 123.3

LSD0.05 MBT 2.4

Topdressing rate (D), mm yrˉ1

7 116.4 128.1 99.7 116.9 111.3 127.7

14 115.5 126.4 97.6 120.0 109.6 123.3


N rate 1 * ** ** * * *


N rate × MBT 3 NS NS NS NS NS NS


N rate × D 1 NS NS NS ** ** NS


N rate × MBT × D 3 NS NS NS NS NS NS

*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.†MT, mechanical treatments.‡NS, nonsignificant.

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a doubling of the N rate from 75 to 150 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1, but under heavy topdressing the increase from 55 to 60 g kg–1 was nonsignificant (LSD0.05 14). An increase in the topdress-ing level from 4.5 to 9 mm caused a decrease in the organic matter content by 30 g kg–1 at 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 in contrast to a 17 g kg–1 decrease at 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 (LSD0.05 6). There was no significant effect of mechanical treatments on organic matter content in the mat layer at Apelsvoll.

DISCUSSIONNitrogen and TopdressingTurfgrass Performance and PlayabilityVelvet bentgrass is considered to require less N than creeping bentgrass (Torello, 2001). There are, however, few studies comparing fertility programs on either newly established or mature putting greens of velvet bentgrass. A 5-yr study by Skogley (1975) on a 3-yr-old putting green with velvet bentgrass ‘Kingstown’ on a fine sandy loam in Rhode Island (N rate during establishment is unknown) showed that 146 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 led to better performance over time than 244 and 342 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1. Thirty-two years later Boesch and Mitkowski (2007), working at the same university, reported acceptable turf quality from N rates varying from 48 to 146 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 on velvet bent-grass ‘SR 7200’ (European name ‘Avalon’) turf established by transplanting sod on a silt loam soil. However, these authors concluded that velvet bentgrass required at least 196 to 243 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 during first 2 yr after establishment

from seeds on a sand root zone amended with 20 to 30% (v/v) sphagnum peat moss. Recently, Koeritz and Stier (2009) suggested that velvet bentgrass response to N rate was cultivar specific. They indicated that a N rate of 146 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 on a sand-based root zone was sufficient for newly established ‘Vesper’ but not for SR 7200 (Avalon).

For grow-in of creeping bentgrass putting greens, White (2003) recommended a presowing application of 50 kg N ha–1 followed by inputs of 15 to 30 kg N ha–1 every 5 d, add-ing up to 200 to 300 kg N ha–1 during the first 2 mo after sowing. To what extent this recommendation is relevant for velvet bentgrass is unknown; however, our experiments were initiated 2 mo after sowing on turf that had received only 100 to 134 kg N ha–1 including the presowing applica-tion. Although plant cover was almost 100% and the visual quality acceptable at the start of the study, the low turfgrass quality in the fall of 2007 and the spring of 2008 was most likely caused by the early start of mechanical treatments. During 2008 and 2009, turfgrass quality gradually increased, but just like Vesper in the study by Koeritz and Stier (2009), Legendary in our study always performed better under the high than under the low N rate until the summer of 2009, approximately 2 yr after sowing. However, with time 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 promoted higher thatch formation and a reduc-tion in ball roll distance and surface hardness. When com-bined with light topdressing, the high N rate also resulted in the highest organic matter content in the mat layer (81 g kg–1). By comparison, the low N rate of 75 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1

Table 6. Effects of N amount, topdressing rates, and mechanical-biological treatment (MBT) on surface hardness measured as gravities using a Clegg Soil Impact Tester (2.25 kg hammer, Lafayette Instrument Co., Lafayette, IN) at Landvik, Norway.

Source of variation

Level df

2008 2009Summer

before MBTSummer

after MBT


before MBTSummer

after MBT

Fall————–————– ————– ————– ————– Gravities ————– ————– ————– ————– ————–

N rate, kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 75 77 85 82 76 88 89

150 73 79 71 68 73 70

Mechanical- biological treatment (MBT)

Grooming (G) 75 85 80 72 81 81

G plus vertical cutting 76 83 77 73 82 83

G plus spiking (S) 75 80 74 71 77 76

G plus S plus Thatch-less 75 82 76 71 80 79

LSD0.05 MBT – 3 4 – 2 3

Topdressing rate (D), mm yrˉ1

7 75 81 75 70 79 79

14 75 83 78 74 81 81


N rate 1 NS† * *** * ** ***

MBT 3 NS * * NS ** **

N rate × MBT 3 NS NS NS NS NS NS

D 1 NS NS * ** ** **

N rate × D 1 NS NS NS NS NS NS


N rate × MBT × D 3 NS NS NS NS NS NS

*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.

***Significant at 0.001 probability level.†NS, nonsignificant.

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delayed establishment and recovery of velvet bentgrass, but by 2 yr after sowing, the rate was sufficient to provide accept-able turfgrass quality. We therefore conclude that the optimal N rate for newly established velvet bentgrass putting greens was closer to 150 than to 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1, but with respect to thatch formation and playing quality, 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 gave the best result. Although not directly tested, it is possible that a 75 to 90 kg N ha–1 yr–1 may be more appropriate for a maintenance program on velvet bentgrass in a Scandinavian climate after grow-in is complete.

The negative effect of heavy topdressing on the visual quality of the immature turf can be explained by the turf not being able to absorb high rates of sand due to insuffi-cient growth. Toward the end of the experimental period, the high topdressing level not only improved surface hard-ness but also resulted in darker turfgrass color, higher shoot density, and better turf quality, especially at the low N rate. Better turfgrass quality with a high topdressing level was also associated with less infestation of moss. In addition to the direct effect on turfgrass competitive ability, the heavy topdressing probably resulted in a dryer surface due to less organic matter in the mat layer and this probably reduced the competitive ability of the moss. It is well documented that moss infestation will be most pronounced under wet conditions and at low fertilizer inputs (e.g., Brauen et al., 1986; Hummel, 1994; Cook et al., 2002). Borst et al. (2009) also found topdressing to be helpful in providing long-term moss control on putting greens.

Winter Survival

The fact that less pink snow mold was observed on plots with 150 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 than with 75 kg N haˉ1 yrˉ1 at Landvik does not contradict the opinion that snow mold development on turfgrass is enhanced by excessive N application in fall (Smith et al., 1989; Webster and Ebdon, 2005). Neither in 2008 nor in 2009 was our highest N rate excessive for immature turf, and N inputs in the fall were adjusted to ensure good acclimation. Within rea-sonable limits, there is substantial evidence that increasing fertilizer inputs will improve turfgrass winter survival and spring growth rather than suppress it (e.g., Carrow et al., 2001; Webster and Ebdon, 2005; Lloyd, 2009). Although Webster and Ebdon (2005) showed no differences in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) winter survival and resistance to low temperature fungi (Typhula incarnatea Lasch ex Fr.) in response to low or medium N rate, the poor winter survival of velvet bentgrass in our study was most likely due to N rate of 75 kg haˉ1 yrˉ1 being insuf-ficient for establishment as discussed above. The topdress-ing rate of 14 mm yr–1 under low N was most likely too high and delayed the turf regrowth in the spring 2008.

The less clear-cut effects of N, topdressing and their combination on winter survival at Apelsvoll than at Landvik during the winter of 2007/2008 was most likely due to dif-ferences in weather conditions and injury pattern. At Land-vik visible symptoms of pink snow mold only developed during a few days of snow cover after a sudden snow fall in late March 2008. At Apelsvoll, severe injury on all plots was

Table 7. Mat characteristics measured as mat depth and organic matter (OM) content in the mat and OM net accumulation and infiltration rates as affected by N amount, topdressing rates, and mechanical-biological treatment at Landvik, Norway.

Source ofvariation



Mat depth OM content OM accumulation Infiltration rate2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2009

————– mm ————– ————– g kg–1 ————– ————– g m–2 ————– mm hrˉ1

N rate, kg haˉ1 yrˉ1

75 11.6 21.1 52.9 53.4 630 1129 34

150 16.0 30.9 65.4 64.0 854 1441 60

Mechanical-biological treatment (MBT)

Grooming (G) 14.1 27.4 63.0 64.1 791 1451 39

G plus vertical cutting 13.8 25.1 57.0 53.4 745 1201 27

G plus spiking (S) 13.6 25.9 58.1 59.2 713 1222 59

G plus S plus Thatch-less 13.5 25.6 58.4 58.3 720 1265 62

LSD0.05 MBT – – – 5.4 – – 13.3

Topdressing rate (D), mm yrˉ1

7 12.3 22.5 71.4 71.2 769 1335 36

14 15.2 29.4 46.8 46.3 715 1235 58


N rate 1 * * ** * * ** NS†

MBT 3 NS NS NS * NS NS ***


D 1 *** *** *** *** NS NS *

N rate × D 1 NS NS *** *** NS * NS


N rate × MBT × D 3 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS

*Significant at 0.05 probability level.

**Significant at 0.01 probability level.

***Significant at 0.001 probability level.†NS, nonsignificant.

380 www.crops.org crop science, vol. 52, january–february 2012

caused by nearly 4 mo of ice cover, and the winter dam-age was primarily abiotic. A parallel variety evaluation trial on the same experimental site confirmed our previous find-ings (Molteberg et al., 2008) that winter survival of velvet bentgrass is better than of creeping bentgrass under Nordic conditions (Molteberg et al., 2010). Thus, winter hardiness of velvet bentgrass warrant further investigations and additional work is needed to understand winter survival mechanisms.

ThatchBased on root zone physical properties (macroporosity and hydraulic conductivity), McCoy (1992) and Murphy et al. (1993b) considered that critical values for organic matter content in root zones were 35 and 45 g kg–1, respectively. The limit is also used for the mat layer (Carrow, 2004). Compared with a 2-yr-old creeping bentgrass putting green, which showed equally low organic matter content in the mat layer either undressed (13.8 g kg–1) or topdressed (13.0 g kg–1) (McCarty et al., 2005), the organic matter content in our velvet bentgrass mats were relatively high (36–87 g kg–1) by the end of the first experimental year.

The fact that the organic matter content in the mat layer increased with increasing N rate under light topdress-ing but remained low under heavy topdressing at both Landvik and Apelsvoll suggests that topdressing contributed not only to thatch dilution but also to thatch degradation. This is in line with microscopic observations showing more thatch degradation in samples from old velvet bentgrass sod receiving regular soil topdressing compared with sod that had not received topdressing for nearly 20 yr (Ledeboer and Skogley 1967). Skogley (1975) also found that an increase in annual fertilizer rate from 146 to 342 kg N haˉ1 did not influence organic matter content in mat samples from an 8-yr-old velvet bentgrass putting green. At the same time, there are numerous reports showing increasing N rates to exacerbate thatch problems in various turfgrass species (e.g., Meinhold et al., 1973; Potter et al., 1985; Davis and Der-noeden, 2002). Our data suggest that one reason for these contradictory results might be that topdressing rates were sufficient to provide optimal conditions for thatch degrada-tion in the studies by Skogley (Ledeboer and Skogley, 1967; Skogley, 1975) but not in other studies. Provided that the O2

concentration in the mat is adequate, more N will not only stimulate turfgrass growth but also microbial degradation of organic matter through amplification of soil microbial communities (Blagodatskaya and Kuzyakov, 2008) and/or a lower C:N ratio (Berndt et al., 1992; Henriksen and Breland, 1999; Nouri Roudsari et al., 2008). This effect has sometimes been referred to as the “added nitrogen inter-action” (Jenkinson et al., 1985) or the “positive priming effect” (Kuzyakov et al., 2000).

Mechanical and Biological Thatch ControlThe effect of mechanical treatments on thatch formation in the mat layer did not become significant until the end of 2009, probably due to the initially low content of thatch on the newly established putting green trial. At this point, the amount of organic matter in the mat layer on plots receiving grooming plus vertical cutting was significantly lower than on plots receiving grooming only or grooming plus spik-ing. Earlier studies also showed a negligible effect of vertical cutting on turfs that were either young (McCarty et al., 2005; Barton et al., 2009) or had an initial organic matter content in the mat layer lower than 35 g kg–1 (McCarty et al., 2007). In contrast, vertical cutting twice per year sig-nificantly reduced organic matter in the mat from 153 to 141 g kg–1 without topdressing on a bermudagrass [Cyn-odon dactylon (L.) Pers. × Cynodon transvaalensis Burtt Davy] home lawn (Carrow et al., 1987). The fact that vertical cut-ting resulted in the lowest organic matter content in the mat layer is not surprising as this was only treatment where organic matter was actually removed from the turf.

The first coring at Landvik was more disruptive than beneficial. This was probably due to the low stability (Carrow et al., 2001), softening and scalping of the imma-ture turf (McCarty et al., 2005), and/or the low recupera-tive capacity of velvet bentgrass (Boesch and Mitkowski, 2007). In contrast, aerification improved turf quality on a 3- to 6-yr-old creeping bentgrass putting green (Murphy et al., 1993a), reduced scalping with no effect on turf qual-ity on a mature bermudagrass green (White and Dickens, 1984), and had beneficial effect on spring green-up of a bermudagrass homelawn (Carrow et al., 1987).

The slightly reduced quality in the spring of 2010 on plots that had been verticut the previous season can be explained by slow recovery after the treatment being conducted as late as 20 Aug. 2009 due to growth cessation and the unusu-ally low temperatures in October 2009. In Scandinavia, it is commonly observed that velvet bentgrass has a more rapid growth cessation in the fall than other turfgrass species.

Although spiking resulted in softer green surface, it significantly improved infiltration rate. A similar effect of coring was reported by McCarty et al. (2005). Conversely, Murphy et al. (1993a) found no differences in field infil-tration rates on mature creeping bentgrass putting green exposed to spiking or coring compared with an untreated

Table 8. Effects of N amount and topdressing rates on the organic matter (OM) content in the mat layer and OM net accumulation.

N rate

OM Content OM Net Accumulation2008 2009 2009

Topdressing rates, mm yrˉ1

7 14 7 14 7 14————– g kg–1 ————— ————— g m–2 —————

N rate, kg ha–1 yr–1 75 61.7 44.0 61.7 45.2 1114 1143

150 81.2 49.6 80.8 47.3 1556 1326

LSD0.05 N rates within D level 6.4 9.5 144

LSD0.05 D levels within N rate 5.7 7.7 184

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control. Combined with topdressing, the effect of spiking most likely lasted for a longer time in our study and the study by McCarty et al. (2005) than in the study by Mur-phy et al. (1993a).

In the summer and fall of 2009, the 4% increase in hardness by Thatch-less applications on plots receiving spiking in combination with grooming was probably due to enhanced thatch degradation. However, as we observed no significant difference in the organic matter content between the corresponding treatments, it might be specu-lated that surface hardness is a more sensitive character reflecting thatch degradation than is organic content. One explanation may be that cellulase enzymes derived from Tricoderma reesei in Thatch-less stimulated degradation of soft and extensible microfibrils of cellulose but had little or no effect on the degradation of lignin (Sidhu et al., 2010), which probably contributes more to surface hard-ness. Couillard and Turgeon (1997) reported that cellulose and lignin contents averaged 224 and 149 g kg–1organic matter, 191 and 247 g kg–1 organic matter, and 190 and 322 g kg–1 organic matter in the 0 to 2 cm, 2 to 4 cm, and 4 to 6 cm mat layer sampled from creeping bentgrass turf. McCarty et al. (2005) found that application twice per year of a biological thatch control product, which con-tained selected microorganisms, bioactive ingredients and some nutrients, did not reduce thatch on a newly seeded creeping bentgrass putting green.

CONCLUSIONSThis research has confirmed our hypothesis that moderate N inputs and heavy topdressing rates are key practices in the maintenance of velvet bentgrass golf greens. Velvet bentgrass greens require at least 150 kg N ha–1 and 14 mm topdressing per year during the first 1 to 2 yr after sowing after which the N rate should be substantially reduced. Once the putting green is established, topdressing rates should be maintained at a level of to keep thatch formation within an acceptable level. Weekly grooming, monthly verticutting, and spiking once or twice per year can be recommended as standard mainte-nance program for a mature velvet bentgrass green.

AcknowledgmentsThis research was funded by the Scandinavian Turfgrass and Environment Research Foundation (STERF) and by grant no 179562 from the Norwegian Research Council. We are grateful to Trond Olav Pettersen, Frank Enger, Åge Susort, and Anne A. Steensohn for excellent technical assistance and to Agnar Kvalbein, Bioforsk, for helpful discussions.

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