132/1 P. T. O. Subject Code No. : 132 CMY : 10/3/2008 Q. P. Code : 1 ENGLISH ACADEMIC/OPEN SEMESTER I (Objective Type) Evening Session (Only for Re-appear Candidates) Time allowed : 1 2 1 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 90 This Question Paper contains 90 multiple choice questions carrying one mark each. All the questions are compulsory. Use Black/Blue ball point pen only to write details/mark answers on the answer sheet. Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 32 in number and it contains 90 questions. The Subject Code No. and the Question Paper Code on the right side of the question paper should be written by the candidate on the O. M. R. Sheet. Illegible answers or answer with cutting and overwriting will be cancelled. From the given 4 alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D) the candidate has to select only one most appropriate alternative for each question. The candidate should fill his/her Roll No. with figures in the appropriate circles of the O. M. R. Sheet. Roll No. Formatted

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132/1 P. T. O.

Subject Code No. : 132

CMY : 10/3/2008 Q. P. Code : 1 ENGLISH


SEMESTER I (Objective Type) Evening Session

(Only for Re-appear Candidates)

Time allowed : 1 21 hours ] [ Maximum Marks : 90

• This Question Paper contains 90 multiple choice questions carrying one mark each. All the questions are compulsory.

• Use Black/Blue ball point pen only to write details/mark answers on the answer sheet.

• Please make sure that the printed pages in this question paper are 32 in number and it contains 90 questions.

• The Subject Code No. and the Question Paper Code on the right side of the question paper should be written by the candidate on the O. M. R. Sheet.

• Illegible answers or answer with cutting and overwriting will be cancelled.

• From the given 4 alternatives (A), (B), (C) and (D) the candidate has to select only one most appropriate alternative for each question.

• The candidate should fill his/her Roll No. with figures in the appropriate circles of the O. M. R. Sheet.

Roll No.


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• Candidate must write their Roll No. on the question paper.

• Before answering the question, ensure that you have been supplied the correct and complete question paper, no claim in this regard will be entertained after examination.

Read the passages given below and answer the questions that follow each : [ Q. No. 1 to Q. No. 15 ]

(a) Helen Keller was aged two when an illness took away her sight and hearing. Since she was deaf, she also lost the ability to speak, for we learn to speak by imitating what we hear. So as a child she lived in a dark and silent world. At first it seemed impossible that she would ever understand others or be understood by them. Hers was thus a very lonely world. She was helped by a wonderful teacher called Miss Sullivan, who had herself been blind as a child but recovered her sight after an operation. Miss Sullivan volunteered to help Helen and taught her to speak, read and write. Helen, later went to a university and even gained a degree. She then spent the rest of her life working to help the blind and the deaf.

1. What happened to Helen Keller at the age of two

(A) She became blind

(B) She became deaf

(C) She lost her arm

(D) She became blind and deaf

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2. She lost her ability to speak because

(A) She could not walk

(B) She could not see

(C) She could not hear

(D) She had a weak mind

3. Why did it seem impossible at first that she would ever understand others or be understood by them

(A) She could not see

(B) She could not hear

(C) She could not speak

(D) All the above given reasons

4. As a child Miss Sullivan herself had been

(A) deaf

(B) dumb

(C) blind

(D) mentally deficient

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5. What did Miss Sullivan teach Helen Keller

(A) To hear

(B) To see

(C) To walk

(D) To speak, read and write

6. How did Helen Keller spend the rest of her life after obtaining a degree from a university

(A) She became a clerk

(B) She became a teacher

(C) She became a lawyer

(D) She helped the blind and the deaf

7. Which word in the passage has the same meaning as 'copying'

(A) deaf

(B) working

(C) imitating

(D) lonely

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(b) Most of the people who appear most often in history books are great conquerors and generals. Strangely enough the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who made the first boat or calculated the length of the year. But we know all about our killers and destroyers. We raise statues to them simply because they fought bravely. But even animals fight. So do the savages. To fight is not to be civilized. Moreover, there are other ways of settling quarrels among men and nations. So really civilized people have been those who have brought peace and happiness to mankind. They have been prophets, saints, doctors, inventors and discoverers. They have been truly great, since instead of inflicting pain and hardships on humanity, they have healed their wounds. Instead of killing, they have saved human lives. They really deserve our admiration and respect.

8. Who are generally dealt with in history books

(A) Inventors

(B) Doctors

(C) Conquerors and generals

(D) Prophets

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9. Who are often never mentioned at all in history books

(A) Warriors

(B) Savages

(C) Generals

(D) The people who really helped civilization forward

10. Whose statues are generally built

(A) Doctors

(B) Conquerors and generals

(C) Civilized people

(D) Animals

11. In what respect are warriors similar to animals and savages

(A) Advancing civilization

(B) Making the first boat

(C) Calculating the length of the year

(D) Fighting

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12. Who have been described really civilized people

(A) Those who fight fiercely

(B) Those who defeated the enemy soldiers

(C) Those who achieved victories in battles

(D) Those who have brought peace and happiness to mankind

13. Who really deserve our respect and admiration

(A) Conquerors

(B) Generals

(C) Warriors

(D) Prophets, saints, doctors, inventors and discoverers

14. Which word in the passage means 'wild people'

(A) conquerors (B) savages

(C) prophets (D) inventors

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15. Which word in the passage means 'praise'

(A) statues (B) prophets

(C) pain (D) admiration

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each : [ Q. No. 16 to Q. No. 24 ]

(a) I think I wrote to you once that study of history should teach us how the world has slowly but surely progressed, how the first simple animals gave place to complicated and advanced animals, how last of all came the master animal – Man, and how by force of his intellect he triumphed over the others. Man's growth from barbarism to civilization is supposed to be the theme of history. In some of my letters I have tried to show you how the idea of co-operation or working together has grown, and how our ideal should be to work together for the common good. But sometimes, looking at great stretches of history, it is difficult to believe that this ideal has made much progress or that we are very much civilized or advanced.

16. From which lesson have these lines been taken

(A) The Green Morning

(B) A Letter to God

(C) Nehru's Letter to Indira

(D) A Few Pages From a Diary

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17. Which word in the passage means 'state of being uncivilized and cruel'

(A) barbarism (B) theme

(C) complicated (D) triumphed

18. What is supposed to be the theme of history

(A) The idea of co-operation

(B) The study of absence of co-operation

(C) Man's growth from barbarism to civilization

(D) The study of advanced animals

19. Who is described as master animal

(A) The Elephant (B) The Lion

(C) The Wolf (D) Man

20. Our ideal of working together for the common good has always made tremendous progress in every period of history

(A) True (B) False

(C) Not certain (D) Not known

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(b) When will the stream be aweary of flowing

Under my eye ?

When will the wind be aweary of blowing

Over the sky ?

When will the clouds be aweary of fleeting ?

When will the heart be aweary of beating ?

And nature die.

21. From which poem have these lines been taken

(A) The Inchcape Rock

(B) Nothing Will Die

(C) The Sea

(D) Address To a Child

22. What is the rhyme-scheme of the above stanza

(A) ab ab ccb

(B) ab ab abb

(C) aabb ccc

(D) abc abbc

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23. What does the poet mean to say here

(A) Things only change their shape, they never die

(B) Things never change their shape; they never die

(C) Things never change their shape; they only die

(D) Things always change their shape, they always die

24. What will the clouds never be aweary of

(A) blowing (B) flowing

(C) fleeting (D) beating

Choose the correct answers : [ Q. No. 25 to Q. No. 70 ]

25. Who has Nehru written his letter to

(A) To his father

(B) To his mother

(C) To his daughter

(D) To his friends

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26. What had Indira read in Maeterlinck's book

(A) Life of the Bee

(B) Life of the White Ant

(C) Life of the Ant

(D) All of the above

27. How did Lencho react on receiving the letter

(A) He thanked God for his help

(B) He was filled with surprise

(C) He did not show the slightest surprise

(D) He jumped in great joy

28. Why did Lencho go out in the rain

(A) To call his sons

(B) To look at his fields

(C) To feel the rain on his body

(D) To help his neighbours

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29. Where does the water in Udgam Kund come from

(A) A river

(B) A waterfall

(C) A spring

(D) A small stream

30. What is Dhuan Dhar

(A) It is the name of a waterfall

(B) It is the name of a sal forest

(C) It is the name of the Narmada's source

(D) It is the name of a canal

31. Why did the doctor want Driscoll to go back to the earth

(A) Driscoll had fallen ill

(B) He was feeling homesick

(C) He found it difficult to breathe on Mars

(D) He wanted Driscoll to bring seeds and saplings from the earth

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32. What kind of food was available on Mars to begin with

(A) Frozen food brought from the earth

(B) Wild fruits

(C) Fresh food cooked on Mars

(D) Meat and eggs

33. Why did gangrene set in Sudha's wounds

(A) Her wounds had been left open

(B) Her wounds had a lot of dust in them

(C) Her wounds were very deep

(D) Her wounds had been covered with plaster of Paris

34. What was Sudha's initial reaction after the accident

(A) She began to cry

(B) She called her mother for help

(C) She was too shocked to show any reaction

(D) She prayed to God to save her

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35. Who became Anne's close friend

(A) It was her elder sister

(B) It was her mother

(C) It was the diary she called Kitty

(D) It was a girl named Kitty

36. Who was Mrs. Kuperus

(A) Anne's aunt

(B) Anne's English teacher

(C) The Headmistress of Anne's school

(D) Anne's Maths teacher

37. How did Kabir Chabutra get its name

(A) It was built by Kabir

(B) It is said that Kabir had meditated there

(C) It is the place where Kabir lived all his life

(D) It is the place where Kabir breathed his last

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38. What is the source of the Narmada

(A) Kabir Chabutra at Amarkantak

(B) The Kapildhara at Amarkantak

(C) Udgam Kund at Amarkantak

(D) The Dhuan Dhar at Amarkantak

39. Why had Driscoll's rib cage grown big

(A) He used to eat too much

(B) He had grown very fat

(C) He had to expand his lungs to take in more air

(D) He had to run very fast

40. What did Driscoll want to have on Mars

(A) Lots of minerals

(B) Lots of tall green trees

(C) Lots of people from his country

(D) Lots of schools for children

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41. What happened to Sudha when she first used the Jaipur Foot

(A) She could not dance at all

(B) She fell down

(C) Her leg began to bleed

(D) She cried in pain

42. Who was K. D. Chandran

(A) Sudha's dance teacher

(B) Sudha's father

(C) Sudha's school teacher

(D) Sudha's family doctor

43. Why was Mr. Kersing annoyed with Anne

(A) Because she was weak in Maths

(B) Because she quarrelled with other students

(C) Because she was very talkative

(D) Because she never did her homework

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44. What does Anne think about when she is with friends

(A) She thinks only of having good time

(B) She thinks how happy her friends are in their life

(C) She thinks of showing them what she has written in her diary

(D) She thinks of sharing her secrets with them

45. How old were Anne's parents when they married

(A) Her father was 35 and mother was 25

(B) Her father was 25 and mother was 20

(C) Her father was 30 and mother was 26

(D) Her father was 36 and mother was 25

46. What did the postmaster not want to do

(A) He did not want to reply to Lencho's letter

(B) He did not want to shake Lencho's faith in God

(C) He did not want to talk to Lencho

(D) He did not want to help Lencho

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47. How much money did Lencho find in the envelope

(A) Fifty pesos

(B) Seventy pesos

(C) A hundred pesos

(D) Two hundred pesos

48. What, according to Nehru, is the best way to use history

(A) Compare our own country with others and learn from it

(B) Compare the present with the future and learn from it

(C) Compare the past with the present and learn from it

(D) Compare the past with the future and learn from it

49. What does Nehru consider more important than India's freedom

(A) Science and technology

(B) The problem of poverty

(C) The cause of humanity

(D) The problem of overpopulation

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50. Who wrote the poem 'Nothing Will Die'

(A) Sarojini Naidu

(B) James Reeves

(C) Alfred Tennyson

(D) William Wordsworth

51. What aspects of nature does the poet talk about in 'Nothing Will Die'

(A) Water (B) Air

(C) Land (D) All the (A), (B) & (C)

52. In the poem 'Address To a Child', how does the poet contrast the conditions outside and inside the house

(A) It is windy outside; it is cosy inside

(B) It is hot inside; it is cold outside

(C) It is cool inside; it is hot inside

(D) It is noisy inside; it is calm outside

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53. What is strange about the wind

(A) The wind is everywhere but nobody knows where it comes from and where it goes

(B) The wind is so powerful that it can pull down the trees and their branches

(C) The wind is nowhere yet we can see it everywhere

(D) The wind can go into rocky caves and leaves a heap of leaves there

54. Why has the Rock been called perilous

(A) The rock couldn't be seen during a storm and the ships could strike against it

(B) The rock had a big cave and the ships were caught in it

(C) The rock had dangerous sea animals around it

(D) No ship could escape the rock when there was a storm

55. The 'Inchcape Rock' is a poem about

(A) sin and punishment

(B) hard work and its reward

(C) true friendship and its value

(D) the dangers of life on the sea

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56. How did Max enter Ausable's room

(A) He jumped over the wall

(B) He broke open the door

(C) He came through the balcony

(D) He had a pass key with him

57. What did Ausable tell Max when he heard a knock at the door

(A) He said it could be the police

(B) He said it was a waiter

(C) He said it was his friend

(D) He told Max to jump through the window

58. Why did Ausable make up the story of the balcony

(A) It was a trap to get rid of Max

(B) Max wanted to know about the balcony

(C) He was fond of making up stories

(D) He wanted to hide himself in the balcony

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59. What did Anil usually do with the money he earned

(A) He kept some for Hari Singh's salary and deposited the rest in a bank

(B) He spent most of it on books, and the rest on his food

(C) He spent it on enjoying himself with his friends

(D) He sent all the money to his friends who lived in a village

60. How did the thief realize that Anil knew about the theft

(A) Anil looked very angry when he saw the wet wad of notes

(B) The fifty-rupee note that Anil gave to the thief was still wet

(C) Anil asked the thief how the fifty-rupee note had got wet

(D) The five-rupee note that Anil had stolen was still wet

61. Why did the thief feel grateful to Anil

(A) The thief knew nothing of cooking, yet Anil didn't send him away

(B) Anil taught the thief how to cook

(C) Anil started teaching him how to read and write

(D) All the (A), (B) & (C)

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62. Name the writer of the story 'A Triumph of Surgery'

(A) Victor Canning

(B) James Herriot

(C) Ruskin Bond

(D) H. G. Wells

63. What immediate step did Mr. Herriot take to save Tricki

(A) He took the dog to his surgery and removed all the fat by an operation

(B) He took the dog to his surgery and gave him some health tonics

(C) He took the dog to his surgery and didn't give him anything to eat for two days

(D) He took the dog to his surgery and gave him some injections

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64. Why did Mrs. Pumphrey say, 'This is a triumph of surgery'

(A) Because Tricki had learnt many new tricks at Mr. Herriot's surgery

(B) Because she saw that Tricki had given up his habit of overeating

(C) Because Mr. Herriot had successfully performed an impossible operation on Tricki

(D) Because Tricki, who had been seriously ill, looked full of life

65. What was Horace Danby fond of

(A) He was fond of new clothes

(B) He was fond of leading a rich life

(C) He was fond of rare and expensive books

(D) He was fond of drinking expensive wine

66. Who was the lady that came in when Horace Danby was inside Shotover Grange

(A) She was a cook in the house

(B) She was a lady of the house

(C) She was no other than a thief like Horace Danby

(D) She was a companion of Horace Danby

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67. When did Horace Danby realize that the lady in red had befooled him

(A) When the lady said that she had not touched anything

(B) When the lady called the police

(C) When his finger prints were found on the safe

(D) When Horace Danby was arrested for the theft

68. Why did the tiger follow the children to school

(A) Because he wanted to join the children in their happiness

(B) Because the tiger liked their shouting and laughing

(C) Because the children seemed to welcome the tiger

(D) All the (A), (B) & (C)

69. Why was the master not allowed to enter the Headmaster's room where the tiger was resting

(A) Because they said committing suicide was an illegal act

(B) Because they thought the tiger would kill anyone who went in

(C) Because they said going in there was like committing suicide

(D) All the (A), (B) & (C)

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70. How did the tiger feel when he saw people running for their lives

(A) He was afraid (B) He felt happy

(C) He felt angry (D) He felt sad

Choose the answer that best fits the sentence and makes its meaning clear : [ Q. No. 71 to Q. No. 87 ]

71. He ______________ a bath when I reached his house.

(A) was having (B) had

(C) had been having (D) is having

72. When we entered the cinema hall, the film______________.

(A) started (B) was starting

(C) had started (D) has started

73. Don't leave this place ______________I return.

(A) after (B) while

(C) when (D) until

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74. She had hardly read the letter ______________ she began to weep.

(A) than (B) when

(C) since (D) while

75. He risked ______________ into the flooded river to save the drowning child.

(A) to jump (B) jumped

(C) jump (D) jumping

76. He did not let me ______________ his garden.

(A) to enter (B) enter

(C) entering (D) entered

77. It ______________ since 2 p.m.

(A) was raining (B) rained

(C) had been raining (D) is raining

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78. While she ______________ the potatoes she cut her finger.

(A) had peeled (B) was peeling

(C) is peeling (D) had been peeling

79. It is five years ______________ I gave up smoking.

(A) since (B) when

(C) till (D) as

80. Work hard lest you ______________ fail.

(A) will (B) can

(C) should (D) must

81. This water is too dirty for me ______________ .

(A) drinking (B) drink

(C) to drink (D) drank

82. He ______________ matric in 2003.

(A) had passed (B) has passed

(C) passed (D) was passing

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83. When I lived in the village, I ______________ go for a morning walk daily.

(A) will (B) should

(C) would (D) may

84. After ______________ off his shoes, he entered the temple.

(A) take (B) took

(C) taking (D) to take

85. You ______________ not run; the train is late.

(A) can (B) need

(C) will (D) could

86. No sooner did I reach the station ______________ the train steamed off.

(A) when (B) since

(C) than (D) while

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87. You had better ______________ his company.

(A) to leave (B) left

(C) leave (D) leaving

Choose the correct alternative. Combine the given pairs of sentences : [ Q. No. 88 to Q. No. 90 ]

88. We met an old sailor. His leg was broken.

(A) We met an old sailor whom leg was broken.

(B) We met an old sailor whose leg was broken.

(C) We met an old sailor which leg was broken.

(D) We met an old sailor that leg was broken.

89. I said something. She agreed to it.

(A) She agreed to which I said.

(B) She agreed to that I said.

(C) She agreed to what I said.

(D) She agreed to whose I said.

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90. How did you win the first prize ? Please tell me.

(A) Please tell me how you did win the first prize.

(B) Please tell me how you won the first prize.

(C) Please tell me that how did you win the first prize.

(D) Please tell me that how you win the first prize. p