Standards & Satisfaction

Standards & Satisfaction

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Standards &Satisfaction

Standards and Satisfactions are key activities what we as AIESECers need to deliver to our customers. Through ensuring Standard & Satisfaction, we facilitate Inner & Outer Journey for the customers which in the end develop the leadership qualities. Focusing on the that means we are delivering on the value we promised to the customers, it is the essential bottomline.

What isStandards &


Standards & Satisfaction


The EP can legally enter and stay in the country/territory and perform the activities stated in the Opportunity. AIESEC has provided in written format all the information required to arrange for any documents, visa or work permits that may be required.

All alignments and agreements must be made in a way writing and must have saved PDFs which prove that this information was passed, with the purpose of stopping the entities of AIESEC.

In the visa you will find all the information HUB about visa for all operations, always stay tuned: https://hub.aiesec.org.br/visa-hub/


1. Before APD, check in the HUB if that country's VISA is accepted;2. Approved;3. Within a week after the APD:● The HE must inform the EP with all necessary information on visas and laws related to the Exchange;● The EP must send the copy of the Passport to the HE;

4. Within two weeks after receiving the copy of the Passport:● The HE must send all the information necessary to be document made and/or work permit visa and entry

into the country;● The EP should check if has all requirements for the visa withdrawal;

5. The EP should apply to seen in up to two weeks after receipt of all documents for the implementation of the same;

● SE should align the EP when the rights and obligations in relation to the seen;6. The SE should ensure that HE and EP are complying with all its obligations and if any part is not fulfilled its

obligation, should apply the Case Solving Flow.

Recommended timeline

OGX Responsibilities ICX Responsibilities

1. Align with the EP which are his obligations in the process;

2. Always track the ICX to send the correct information;3. Always check if the information sent by ICX are correct;4. Follow the EP in the process of withdrawal of the visa;5. Be aware of the timeline.

1. Always be aware of the information contained in the visa HUB;

2. Always seek update of new information about visa;3. Analyze if that actually authorizes the

implementation of visa activities that will be carried on the Exchange;

4. Be aware of the timeline.5. Align well with the EP what seen allows and that the

visa bans and align even when the EP can stay in the country.

1. Amendment of documents necessary for withdrawal of the visa - this type of application is very unstable, so all parts (SE, HE and EP) should always be on the lookout for specific visa related update.

2. HE inform seen wrong - Both EP as SE should check if the information passed by HE is correct and if those procedures really allow the kind of activities that the EP will hold in that country.

3. EP wrong visa or no visa - Must be very strong in relation to the alignment seen and obligations of the refente EP, all those aligned should be made in such a way written and saved in PDF to safeguard the AIESEC of possible problems.

4. Some of the parties (HE, SE and EP) do not comply with the timeline - the delay is not acceptable activities, should finish the term end entity should send an email charging there is a solution to this problem within 48 hours and that if there is no solution that will become a case the ECB level. You also negotiate a new deadline, since all parties agree and be aware if the length of time required for the visa withdrawal will fit in the time leading up to the completion of the Exchange, never stretch more than 7 days after the default.

What can go wrong?

Compendium GlobalFor complete informations, access the Compendium Global: https://goo.gl/c8ZDaF

Supporting Document - Recommended pages: EP Criteria - pages 52 and 53General Policies and Procedures Applicable to OP taker - page 55General Policies and Procedures Applicable to Hosting Entity - pages 56 and 57

Need more information?


The Exchange Participant is picked up by a representative of AIESEC. The Host entity will state in the Opportunity where the Exchange Participant will be picked up/options on where will be picked up. Before realization the Host entity has provided written information to the EP on any domestic transportation required to arrive at this point of pickup.

All alignments and agreements must be made in a way writing and must have saved PDFs which prove that this information was passed, with the purpose of stopping the entities of AIESEC.


Good cases

➔ ICX combine with other area

in LC so they can be

responsible for be present in

the arrival too in high pick

➔ Elect a pick up team inside ICX area that

will be responsible to do an schedule with

the arrival trainees, organize pick ups, do

banners and engage the LC to go.

➔ Create a challenge that counts how many

times the member participates of extra jobs

like pick up, first day in NGO, RIS, OPS (....)

1. EP with all informations about bus, subway or taxi necessary to transfers;

2. HE combine with the EP a specific and easy point to find and meet;3. HE send the number of AIESEC’s responsibles for pick up to the EP

before she/he travel from her/him country;4. Stay in contact with the EP during the trip;5. HE be there in time.


OGX Responsibilities ICX Responsibilities

1. Align with the EP which are his obligations in the


2. Align with ICX the date and hour of EPs arrival

3. Always check with ICX if they are conscious about

EPs arrival information

4. Always track if ICX to send the correct information.

1. Understand that it's their responsibility to pick up

the EP

2. Align with the EP arrival informations (local, time

and personal informations to recognize the EP)

3. Align with the EP the way (if it's necessary to take

a bus or other transportation)

4. Be there to pick up the EP

5. Arrive on time

1. oGX doesn’t align with the EP who is the responsible for the pick up - try send the number to the EP during the trip and guarantee that the HE will be in time on the airport or bus station.

2. oGX send the EP to an entity that doesn't care about pick up - first, doesn't send to this LC, but if the EP really wants to go, explain to she/he about it by email.

3. ICX doesn’t feel responsible for the EP’s pick up - try realize a chat to talk about this delivery and in any case, doesn’t send to this LC.

4. ICX doesn’t align with the EP the arrival time - maximum 1 week before the EP travel, guarantee the HE has someone to realize the pick up and align the time.

5. The flight be delayed - keep contact with SE and EP to receive the information about the new time to arrive, if doesn’t have anyone to pick up in the new time, explain to the EP and SE, send the Host address and align the EP to take a taxi or bus to go there.

6. The EP get lost in the airport or bus station - HE should try contact the EP by phone and/or advertise by informations desk your local.

What can go wrong?


AIESEC Host entity has offered in written format information on how to depart from the country two weeks before the end of the internship.

All alignments and agreements must be made in a way writing and must have saved PDFs which prove that this information was passed, with the purpose of stopping the entities of AIESEC.


1. Communicate the Stakeholders about the date, hour and local to departure one week early;

2. EP needs to know all informations about bus, subway or taxi;3. Stay in contact with the EP during the trip.


OGX Responsibilities ICX Responsibilities

1. Talk with the EP to know all informations about your trip;

2. Schedule an Reintegration Seminar before the EP come back.

1. Guarantee that the EP has all informations about your trip;

2. Communicate the Stakeholders about the trip to they can to say good bye;

3. Guarantee the EP has an OPS scheduled by SE.

EP lost her/his transportation - Try buy or change to new fly/trip, if she/he is in your city, check if someone can accommodate her/him during this time. If she/he is another city, contact a Hostel near she/he, take basic informations (price, availability to the necessary days, how is the accommodation and how arrive there from where the EP is), share all informations with the EP and communicate the SE.

EP leave the city without communicate - Communicate the SE or the HE about, try contact the EP and send a message or email (with videos, images and/or text) to her/him talking about your experience here.

What can go wrong?