prayer towers… the - Jesus Calls Ministries

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My beloved in the Lord,

I give my heartfelt thanks to the Lord, who has graciously enabled me to meet you

through the May edition of the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine.

We have completed four months and have now entered the fifth month. The Lord has been our hope and our strong fortress and He has protected and guided us through these four months. He will continue to do so even in this month, according to the Bible verse mentioned below:

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

Encourage yourself in the Lord just like David (1 Samuel 30:6). The Lord is our hope, not only in this world but also in the world to come. He fills us with His joy of salvation and He is the One who comforts us during tribulations. So, rejoice in the Lord in the month of May (Philippians 4:4).


“Joseph collected all the food produced in those seven years of abundance in Egypt and stored it in the cities. In each city he

put the food grown in the fields surrounding it.” (Genesis 41:48)

Almost ten years ago, the Lord had commanded me to establish Prayer Towers throughout the country. Accordingly, we are establishing Prayer Towers across the Nation and in the world to care for the people through our prayers. Before famine struck Egypt, Joseph made arrangements to gather the food during the years of plenteous harvest. Likewise, Prayer Towers function to gather the souls for the Lord in various places. More than 25,000 prayer requests are received into the ministry each day through various means such as, people visiting the Prayer Towers in person, through telephone, letters, e-mails

and through sound media like Facebook and WhatsApp. We earnestly pray for those requests. I lovingly request you to continue your support for this prayer service through your generous offerings.


“… God our Savior who wants all men to be saved and to come to the

knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:3,4)

As it is our desire to take God’s love to the people, we make our best efforts to produce and telecast many television programmes with excellent quality. We are telecasting more than one thousand

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television programmes in eight languages every month. We are exploring ways to produce programs in Punjabi, Odiya and Bojpuri at the earliest. In addition to the newly recorded messages, messages and radio messages from our archives are also being telecast on television. Many people’s lives have been revived and countless people have received miracles in their lives too. If you wish to support the television ministry, I lovingly invite you to come forward to support the ministry by sending in your offerings as per your desire.


“When Samuel caught sight of Saul, the Lord said to him, this is the man I spoke to you about; he will govern my people.” (1 Samuel 9:17)

72 hours prayer was held continuously from 6.00 pm on April 2nd till 6.00 pm on April 5th 2019 in more than 500 places throughout India covering all the 543 constituencies. Leaders of churches, Educational Institutions, Mission Organizations and NGOs gathered together to lead the prayer along with thousands of people for the Lord to give us leaders, who are after His own heart. For 72 hours, God’s children across the nation cried in unison for a government to be set up which will fulfill the plan of God in this nation.

As led by the Lord, I went on a country wide travel with our team visiting 9 cities during the 72 hours and further visited 3 more cities in the following days to lead special prayer sessions with the leaders of the different churches, Institutions and organisational heads along with thousands of people. We cried together with repentance for God to heal and bless our nation. The Lord has certainly listened to the cry of His people and will grant a government according to His will. Let us continue to pray for the rulers who would govern this country to be according to His will.


“…unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24)

The Lord commanded my father, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran to establish a University wherein young men and women who knew the Lord would be able to study technology. Since he was working as a bank official, running an educational institution was an unrelated thing to him. Yet, my father obeyed God’s command and initiated efforts towards it. My family members were caught in a horrible accident on May 21st 1986 when they were on the way to the bank to acquire a loan towards the project.

My sister, Angel, was cruelly killed in that accident and my parents were severely injured. My parents’

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heart, were broken since they lost their only daughter. I too was upset after losing my sister. We, as a family, were very much in distress but the Lord sent His Holy Spirit, gave us solace and comforted us to stand firm and continue His ministry.

Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences which was started then is now functioning as a deemed-to be university. Entrance exams for courses in Technology, Agriculture, Horticulture and Business Management were conducted in the month of April. Student Admissions are currently going on for the undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses. Details regarding this can be received by visiting the websitehttp://admissions.karunya.edu. I lovingly invite you and your friends to enroll your children in Karunya which was established according to the command of God.


Classes from KG till Higher Secondary Education are taught at the Karunya Christian School. New admissions are going on for all classes from KG till the senior secondary except the 10th and 12th standard. Hostel facility is available from class 4 onwards. The syllabus is as prescribed under the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Scheme. Your children will receive world class school education over here through the guidance of skilled teachers and a good natural environment. Enrolment details of Karunya Christian School can be obtained through e-mail [email protected] or by calling 0422-2614830/31/32/33.


“…praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance…” (Colossians 4:3)

May 2, 3, 4 -C.S.I. St. John Tamil Church, Kuwait

May 21-27 - World Prayer Convention, Jerusalem + Prayer Tour

My loving mother, Stella Dhinakaran, will be celebrating her birthday on May 24. I request you to kindly remember her in your prayers that God will continue to carry her, comfort her, strengthen her and use her for the glory of His name just as He has done thus far.

As I conclude, I would like to share with you that we need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka who have gone through a shattering experience on Easter day morning on April 21st. Sri Lanka has always been a peace loving nation and a nation which loves people. It breaks my heart to see how this island nation has been

affected. I want you to stand with me and pray for God’s truth to come into every heart and God’s peace to come into the nation. And God promises in Jeremiah 33:6 “Behold, I will bring it healing and health.”

According to the Bible verse,

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the

power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

The Lord will fill you who have placed your hope in Him with heavenly joy and perfect peace.

Your loving brother who earnestly prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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“... God is a rewarder of those who

diligently seek Him."

( Hebrews 11:6)

Lord God is sure to give a reward to everyone

who prays. In the Bible, the Lord Himself gives

testimony regarding five people who prayed. Who

are they? What were their prayers? What were the

rewards given by the Lord for their prayers?

“Even if these three men, Noah,

Daniel, and Job, were in it, they

would deliver only themselves by their

righteousness,” says the Lord GOD.

(Ezekiel 14:14)

Then the Lord said to me, “Even if

Moses and Samuel stood before Me,

My mind would not be favorable

toward this people. Cast them out

of My sight, and let them go forth.”

(Jeremiah 15:1)

The Lord gives testimony regarding the

above mentioned five people saying, “They

stand in My presence and plead on behalf of the

people by looking upon My face.” Throughout

the Bible, only Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses and

Samuel were found by the Lord to plead on

behalf of others. Today, the names of all the

people who intercede for others are written

down in the book of the Lord. Your name is also

written down. How great is this grace.

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“But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” (Genesis 6:8,9)

The Lord decided to destroy everybody, who due to sin went away from Him (Genesis 6:5,6,12,13). But, the only man on whom God’s favour was found was Noah as he walked with God and this was a prayer according to the Lord. Noah was found to be a just and perfect man in his generation. He walked with God. He obeyed whatever the Lord told him to do. So, the Lord decided to save Noah and told him to build an ark. Noah obeyed God and did according to all that He commanded him to do (Genesis 6:22; 7:5).


The Lord gives Noah a promise after he obeys Him. What was it? “Hereafter, I will not destroy any life on this earth by the waters of a flood because of your obedience. I will never destroy a life anymore” (Genesis 9:11). Yes, when you live a life in obedience to the Lord, He will acknowledge it as a prayer and your family will be saved. Next, God blesses Noah and his sons, and says to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 9:1). In the coming days, by just fearing the Lord and being obedient to Him, there is going to be an increase in the families of everyone. Your ministries, your own life will be fruitful and multiply (Hebrews 6:14,15). In this planet earth, the time to sow and reap came about only after the obedience of Noah. Summer and winter came. There was prosperity during the day and blessings and blessedness came during the night (Gen. 8:22).

In the year 1969, the Lord appeared to my father and said, “I am going to heal millions of people through you.” He obeyed immediately but his lungs were affected at that time and he would constantly cough. Jesus said, “I am going to use you to build Bethesda Prayer Centre” and then his kidney was suddenly affected. He said, “I am going to use you to build Karunya University” and all of a sudden, we lost my sister who was just 17 years old. But in all these things, we were more than conquerors in Christ (Rom. 8:37). As a reward to that obedience, today the Lord has raised us up to serve Him through three generations. We see blessing upon blessings in all things. Increase upon increase in everything. He has given us favour in the sight of men. The Lord is giving that grace to you now.


“Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your servant, and his supplications,

and for the Lord’s sake cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary,

which is desolate.

…Now while I was speaking, praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my

supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God.”

(Daniel 9:17,20)

Jerusalem was desolate and the temple of the Lord was in ruins. Daniel along with his people, the Jews were held captive in another nation and in this situation he prays. He does not pray for himself. Rather he prays that “the temple of the Lord should be rebuilt; the gates must be opened so that God’s children can worship Him again; all

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the needs for that mission must be met. All those who bear the name of the Lord must build houses and live in peace and dedicate the city to the Lord.” This was the heart of Daniel and he prayed for this. A single man confessed his sins and the sins of Israel so that the temple of God and God’s city, Jerusalem would be rebuilt.

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and

seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and

will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14)

Yes, the only way is to confess our sins. The

Lord increases within us every time we say, “This

problem is only due to my shortcoming. Please

forgive me for the sin I have done either knowingly

or unknowingly.” Likewise, it happened for

Daniel too. The angel of God told him, “O Daniel,

I have now come forth to give thee understanding

(Daniel 9:22,23). Then in three verses, he reveals

about the things which were to take place later on

(Daniel 9:25-27). In essence, the message of the

angel of God to Daniel was, “If you come to know

about that which is to happen, there won’t be any

fear. You will enter into that blessing/the plan of

God and because of you, your people will also

enter likewise through you. The temple, the city

and the nation will enter.

Only one prophecy is enough and if He sends the

clarity about it into you, then the Lord will perfect

everything which concerns you. But, you need to

have the clarity before that. You need to have the

clarity like Daniel. You need to know about all that

is going to happen in the coming days.

WHAT WAS THE PRAYER OF JOB?When Job was given up to the power of Satan,

he lost everything. But then he prayed. Though he lost everything, he still prayed. All his money, materialistic things and his house were gone. Still he prayed. Even when his children perished and he was scraping his body due to the boils, he still prayed. He prayed even while he was horribly stinking as he lay on the ashes. He prayed when his wife said, “curse God, and die.” Even when his friends spoke badly about him, still he prayed.

“I know that You can do everything, and that no purpose of Yours can be withheld

from You.” (Job 42:2)

Having lost everything, he glorified God in that hopeless situation. Yes, He spoke about the glory of God and then he prayed. When you glorify God in times where wicked people, the devil torment you, He will say, “How can I not answer the prayers of my children?”

Job did not charge God saying, “Why did You do this to me? You are not a faithful God.” Instead he said, “God, I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes” (Job 42:6). This is the prayer of forgiveness.

“And the Lord restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the

Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10)

The Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. As others continue to mock us, we receive a compassion for them. The Lord’s anger will descend upon them and because of that the Lord will make them come to us, for us to pray for their salvation. His anger is not to destroy them but to save them. He will give you a double measure of blessings when you do this. The Lord gave a house

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back to Job; He gave him children. The Lord will give such blessedness even to you.

WHAT DID MOSES PRAY?Then Moses said to the Lord, “See,

You say to me, ‘Bring up this people; …show me now Your way, …and

consider that this nation is Your people.” (Exodus33:12,13)

Moses prayed saying, “I, being a single man have to bear these people of Israel. So show me Your way.” Even today, as you take up the responsibility of leading others to salvation, the Lord will place you as the representative of that prayer. As He said to Moses, He will say to you, “My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest” (Exodus 33:14). You will have rest in all things. His yoke will be easy (Matthew 11:28-30).

The Lord will honour the name of His servants. He will give us the prayer of Moses in the coming days. Let us say, “Lord, I have to bear all these people. You go before us and come with us.” The Lord will give rest and He will do miracles. He will shut the mouth of those who rise up against you. The Lord will send an angel to take us to our destination.


So the children of Israel said to Samuel, "Do not cease to cry out to the Lord our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines." (1 Samuel 7:8)

The Philistines came against the Israelites. Then, the Israelites looked up to Samuel and asked, “Samuel, pray for us without ceasing, for the Philistines have come to destroy us.” There are a few who ask if it is necessary for someone to pray for others. How can a person who is in

coma pray for himself/herself. When a person is drunk, he will not know where he is. How can he pray for himself? But the Lord says that He sought for a man to stand in the gap before Him for the land (Ezek. 22:30). Jesus says that if two of them on each shall agree earth as to what they ask, then it shall be done for them by His Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 18:19).

Samuel took a lamb and offered it for a burnt offering wholly unto the Lord (1 Samuel 7:9). It denotes the blood of Jesus Christ shed for us. Even today, we honour the blood of Jesus. In the Bible, we read “they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony” (Rev. 12:11). Samuel poured water for the atonement of sins (1 Samuel 7:6). Even today, the Lord pours out His Holy Spirit without measure like water (2 Corinthians 3:17). The Holy Spirit makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered (Romans 8:26). That is our only solace.

Then Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mizpah and Shen. Jesus is that cornerstone. Samuel said, “Thus far has the Lord has helped us; we thank the Lord for the goodness He has bestowed upon us till now.” Then, the Philistines were subdued and they could not enter the coast of Israel anymore. Those who come to destroy the children of the Lord cannot come into our territory anymore and you are not going to even see them again. (Exodus 14:13-14). The cities of the Israelites were restored to them. Then, Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life (1 Samuel 7:12-15).

The Lord will anoint us and use us without any restrictions to do His ministry till we live in this world or till the Lord comes. He will fill us with the gift of prophecy in order to help us do ministry till the end. He will protect our family. The reward for our prayers will keep coming.

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I had the opportunity of working along with Bro. D.G.S.

Dhinakaran in the ministry from 1968 till 1972 for about 3½

years in the Mettur Dam area in Tamil Nadu. The Lord Jesus

performed wonders and miracles in this place through the

ministry done by Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran as He did during

the Bible days (John 14:12). His house was near to my house

at Mettur Dam and so I had the great blessing of often meeting

him in person and clarifying many spiritual doubts.

Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran would earnestly pray at his

home, after office hours, for the churches and congregations

in the Mettur Dam area, when he commenced duty as the

Branch Manager of State Bank of India. The church pastors

went to meet him when they heard that a Christian had come

there as a bank official. One among them was Pastor C.T. Paul

of the CIGM Church. When Pastor C.T. Paul came to know

about Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s ministry, he requested him

to conduct prayer meetings on Wednesdays from 6.00 pm till

8.00 pm in his church. The meetings were conducted on all

Wednesdays from the year 1969 till 1972.

People started to gather in hundreds within a month of

Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran starting his preaching and prayer.

Moreover, people living in places within 60 km radius such

as, Salem, Omalur, Erode, Bhavani, Anthiyur, Gobi and

Dharmapuri came in multitudes every week, heard God’s

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messages, came to know the truth of how the

scriptures worked in their lives and received


During the final prayer, the Lord would call out

the names of many people through Bro. D.G S.

Dhinakaran and reveal the sicknesses and problems

and would heal them. Even when they sought his

individual prayers, he would pray by revealing the

secrets within their heart and this amazed everybody!

Many church pastors and believers outside Mettur

participated in these meetings and received revival

in their souls. His powerful deep messages of God

and prayer were of great blessing to everyone and it

amazed them so much. New miracles not yet seen

in any meeting were witnessed in his meetings and

filled everyone’s soul with gladness.



According to the will of the Lord, in the year

1970, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran shared the message

in a fasting prayer meeting at the C.S.I. church in

Thiruchengodu. Many youth participated in that

meeting. He preached on the subject, “Everyone’s

body is a temple wherein God dwells and it is our

sinful acts which prevent God from coming into our

hearts” based on 1 Corinthians 3:16,17.

He clearly explained that since our body has become unclean because of the usage of tobacco products, beedis, cigarettes, alcohol and also indulging in sinful lusts, we need to confess and leave them out for good. It is then that the Lord will cleanse us with His blood and dwell in our hearts. All the young men who attended the meeting wept aloud, confessing their sins and committed themselves for the Lord’s work. The Lord graciously forgave them and made them a new creation. They dissolved their cinema and drama clubs, threw away the beedis, cigarettes and intoxicating drinks, started praising and worshiping the Lord and involved themselves in doing ministry.

In the year 1970, there was a Club functioning at Mettur Dam called the “Samarasa Suththa Sanmarka Sangam.” Here people belonging to the various religions gather at a public place once in a month and opportunity would be given to explain about each one’s religious doctrines. When it was the turn of the Christians, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran was invited to speak. He shared his testimony of how he was saved in the year 1955, received the anointing and saw our Lord Jesus face to face in 1962. That testimony alone drew many to the Lord and made them to follow Jesus secretly.

Seen in the picture are some of the young menwho received salvation in those days whenBro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran was in Mettur

Bro. Paulraj and his family with Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran

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Mr. S. Paulraj with Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran



Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran who was a bank official gave loans according to eligibility to those who wanted to start cycle shops, microphone hire shop and run horse cart under self-employment category as well as to those who wanted loans to expand their business thereby lighting up their lives. He was perfect in his bank work as well as ministry so that everyone irrespective of caste, race and religion came to know of the love of Christ.


The first public meeting was held for three days in the month of November 1970 at the Voorhees College Campus in Vellore. In those days, before he would begin to preach, he would call 3 unknown persons from the crowd up to the dais. He would reveal and tell about their past and

present life as he was led by the Lord in order to prove that the Lord was in their midst (Matthew 18:20) and that He knows the thoughts of our hearts (John 2:25). So everyone who came to the meeting had the fear of the Lord. Moreover, he would begin his message

only after clearly telling that the Lord personally knows about the thousands of people who are sitting in the meeting. After the message, he would call out the names of many people with the help of the Holy Spirit and reveal about them. He would pray

for the sick to be healed, for those in the devil’s bondage to be delivered and also for their problems to be solved. His ministry was truly a challenging ministry.

Then the Lord graciously enabled us to conduct public

meetings at places like Ambur, Krishnagiri, Thiruvannamalai,

Thanjavur, Srivilliputhur, Gobichettipalayam and Pollachi.

Many whom the doctors deemed as untreatable and were

expecting death, were completely healed due to his prayers

and lived for many years and the doctors themselves were

amazed. Many whose lives were in shambles as they were

caught up in the clutches of the devil, received deliverance

and good health and such incidents can never be forgotten.



In 1972, a three-day meeting was held at the Brough Church in Erode. The banners for the meetings which were put up in all the previous places bore common titles

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like, “Gospel Meetings”, “Good News Festival”, “Healing Meetings” and “Blessing Festival.” But at the meeting in Erode, the banner read, “Jesus is calling you” (Mark 10:49) and Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s heart was ecstatic when he saw this. The meetings which were held so far did not have the name ‘JESUS’ in the banner. But the banner at the Erode meeting, “Jesus is calling you” was very much liked by Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, and soon after, his ministry was named as ‘JESUS CALLS’ in the year 1972.


In April 1972, Brother received a transfer order from SBI Mettur Dam branch to Chennai branch and this deeply worried me and brothers like Mangalam, Gnanamuthu, George Selvadass, J.P.Chellaiah, N.J.D. Dhanaraj who willingly help ed in the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry. We pleaded with Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran saying, “It would be better if you could stay here for one more year,” but he said, “It is the Lord’s leading; He Himself has done this. He has pre-planned some activities of my ministry in Chennai.” He then said, “The Lord told me, ‘You are going to see many turning points in your ministry.’” He spoke about the many facets in ministry like radio programmes through Far Eastern Broadcasting Associates (FEBA), gramophone records, ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine ministry, literature ministry, power ministry and public meetings which the Lord was relying on him to carry out. So, he said that it was not good to decline this transfer. We gave him a small offering to buy a vehicle and tearfully bid farewell to him on 30.04.1972.


Memories of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran are still so fresh in my mind. Even though he left Mettur Dam, he was in constant touch with us from 1968 till he entered into glory on 20.02.2008. He was a spiritual guide as well as a family friend to me for 40 years. There were many problems which could not be solved. But he would talk face to face with our Lord Jesus and provide a solution which made us happy and gave us peace and so, I can never forget him. I feel blessed that this one man of God was my close friend for 40 years amongst millions of people in this world.

The miraculous healing which my wife and I received from the Lord through Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran in 1970 and 1975 respectively and the experiences we had through the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry are unforgettable.


I was working in the Electricity Board in the Mettur Dam area. I was suffering with a skin disease called ‘eczema’ for two years. All the medical treatments were in vain. On 14th August 1970, as I was talking with Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran at home around 9 pm, I told him about my disease. He immediately prayed for me. He not only prayed for my healing, but he earnestly prayed saying, “A miracle should happen where there should be no trace of that disease at all.” From that moment onwards, the pain and the itching in my body vanished completely. The next day, while I was bathing, all the rashes in my body fell down like fish scales. The skin which was dark

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began to change colour. There was not a single trace

of that disease just as he prayed.

We read in the Bible about various miraculous

healings granted by the Lord Jesus. But, this

miraculous experience which happened to me

amazed me even more!

After some months passed, the doctor who gave

me treatment happened to meet me and asked, “How

is your skin condition?” He looked at my body and

asked me, “How is this so wonderfully healed?

Show me all the prescriptions. Let me see.” I said,

“This is not healing through the medication; this is

the healing which the Lord Jesus gave me.” He was

very much astonished!

This same doctor who had given me various

treatments for two years had said, “You have to be

a patient affected with skin disease all your lifetime.

There is no other way” when the skin did not heal.

He also gave me some ointments and medicines

which were to be used continuously. So how he was

surprised that I had been healed.

My wife Alice Arputham was working as a

school teacher. All of a sudden her hands and legs

were affected and she lost the ability to walk. In

April 1975, she was admitted in the C.S.I. Hospital

at Erode for treatment. Four doctors who examined

her said, “Oxygenated blood and deoxygenated

blood are flowing through the same blood vessel.

She might lose her life if we do the surgery now.

Her body condition would take 18 years to get

back to normal. Till then she has to take tablets and

medicines” and fixed the time duration as 18 years

for her to get better. We had four children and they

were very small at that time. I had to go to work

as well as take care of my wife who was sick. I

felt helpless not knowing what to do. Then I told

Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran about my wife’s health

condition. He comforted me saying, “We’ll pray,

the Lord will guide. Do not have fear.” A three-day

meeting termed the ‘Festival of Joy’ was to be held

at Trichy in July 1975. Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran

came to pray for my wife at Erode before going to

those meetings. The Lord broke all the bondages

in my wife’s body from head to toe and healed her

completely after he prayed for her. New heart, new

blood, new body, everything was renewed. Her

complete health condition improved in such a way

that it was way better than before our marriage and

everyone were a witness to it. It was a great wonder

that the Lord changed the report of the doctors which

said, ‘treatment for 18 years’ in just 18 minutes and

transformed her to be a new creation! The Lord gave

her such a miraculous healing that she at once got up

and did all the work.

In the month of April 1975, she was brought in

an ambulance from Mettur to the Hospital at Erode.

But by the month of July, she was able to travel back

by bus from Erode to Mettur as the Lord granted

her healing in a miraculous way. We read about king

Hezekiah in the Bible whom the Lord healed and

also added 15 years to his life. But the Lord not only

healed my wife in a miraculous manner but also

added 22 years to her life and blessed our family

life. I will never forget this

matchless miracle performed

by the Lord through

Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran.

-S. Paulraj, JC Ambassador, Mettur.

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My sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Training and Placement Cell and the faculty of Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences for their efforts in imparting quality technical and aptitude training. I am very grateful to them for effectively and sincerely helping me to grab the first ever opportunity that came into my life.

Karunya turned my ordinary life to extraordinary. I had experience of life with wisdom, love and compassion. The evening prayer cell meets in the hostel gave me an opportunity to

grow spiritually by practicing the discipline of prayer while growing in relationship with other fellow believers. I attended the morning assemblies in the college every day which helped me to start each and every day with fresh thoughts and inspirations.

From not being eligible for the placements to getting an offer in Nutanix Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. with an annual package of 17 lakhs per annum is a dream come true for me. Above all, I thank Lord Almighty for His grace and mercy on me. I would like to ask the juniors to concentrate on self-study, respect the faculty and learn from them but not to be dependent on anyone. There are enough resources on the Internet to explore. Nothing can substitute hard work. I had to put in the time and studied continuously for hours every day. I was completely committed to working out to prove to myself that I could do it. Do your best and God will do the rest. All the best!

- Sherin George(2015-2019 B.Tech Computer Sciences and Technology)

I am presently working with Principal Financial Group as an analyst intern. I will be passing out from Karunya in the 2019 July batch. I thank Almighty God for making me a testimony. I joined Karunya as a normal boy with 75% in 12th board exams. In the first semester itself I was among the top 3 in my department. I got a CGPA of 9.24 according to the verse “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13). After that, I never had problems in studying any subject. Even the hardest of the subjects, I could study it within hours. I had tough times in my 2nd and 3rd year but God gave me

strength to work harder each day. At the end, in the final year, I was placed through campus with Accenture with a CTC of 3.75 lac p.a. and also with Principal Financial Group with a CTC of 6 lac p.a. At present, I have nearly 10 offers from various MNCs in India like Bosch, Cognizant, Mindtree and a few start-ups as well. God has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). God has always been with me. He gave the right people around me who were always supportive and motivating. I thank God for Karunya which has moulded me to this level. Glory to God.

-Noah Sheldon (2015-2019 B.Tech Electronics & Communication Engineering)

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org17

Prophesying God’s plan for the Nation

God is blessing the prayer intercessors in their personal

lives and filling them with His prophetical gifts. God reveals

His plan for the nation through their prayers

and fulfilling it.Prophetic declaration by a prayer intercessor on 12/07/18

“While praying for the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, I saw a plastic lotus flower in water. Holy Spirit revealed to me that this Ministry is going to take plans to clear the water pollution in all areas rivers and other canals.”

Prophetic declaration by Prayer Intercessors on 13/10/18

"There will be a control and awareness in pollution in cities like Delhi. A

solution or plan launches for the pure water and rivers.”

Prophetical fulfillment:Source: The Hindu - 02/01/19Source: The Hindu - 30/01/19

Not only that, the prayer intercessors who come, stay and pray at the National Prayer Tower, Delhi are richly blessed in the personal lives also. Here is a testimony from a payer intercessor.....

I had the privilege of being a praying intercessor in the 103rd batch (14:01:2018 to 18:02:2019) at National Prayer Tower, Delhi. I felt more of God’s presence as I prayed for the nation. God started to bless my family even when I was there. I started to receive testimonies from

my family members and to say about myself, I had pain in my hands and could not lift it up or stretch forward or backward, for the past five years. But during a prayer session, unknowingly when I said “Halleluiah” my hands went up and I could stretch my hands and all sides. I received this miraculous healing and I thank God Almighty for this praying ministry. .

- Satyavathi, Vishakhapatnam, AP 103rd batch prayer intercessors, National Prayer Tower, Delhi

Contact Details: Director, National Prayer Tower, 5th Floor, 16, Pandit Pant Marg, New Delhi-110001

Phone: 8826340044/8826340033, Email: [email protected]

Website: www.jesuscalls.org OR the Prayer Tower in your country

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org18

Today, this world is going deep in sinful ways. Particularly, we hear and see young children indulging in horrible and sinful deeds. There is no trust between a husband and a wife in families. ‘Where is my husband going? Why does he come home late?’ – Thus the wife suspects. Likewise, the husband too suspects his wife. As a result, today families are divided and are heading towards destruction. Such people are unable to enjoy peace or blessings in their married life and soon lose everything. The fundamental reason for this is the failure of the couple to seek the Lord together as they should. We also hear dreadful division in families because of properties and possessions. Shall we see today how women should live a godly life in their personal and family life to receive blessings? The Bible says,

“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those

who diligently seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

The fundamental thing for a godly life is ‘faith.’ As we read above, faith is the crutches for us to live a pleasing life to God. How to receive this faith?

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17)

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org19

According to this verse, the more we read the word of God, the more faith would be manifested in us. Today, many women when they suffer without any hope in life, receive a new hope in their heart on hearing words of faith and truth in spiritual meetings. As they begin to believe it more and more, faith abounds in their heart. Through this, their life changes completely. They, who do not know the love of the Lord, get to know His love and cling on to Him firmly.

My dear children of God, it is very important that you read the word of God to live a godly life living closely with Christ. Today only a few read it diligently. But, whoever reads it deeply and earnestly early in the morning would be like the house built on the rock and be filled with all goodness. Above all, Christ the Rock, would always abide with them.

Next, the other thing that leads us in the godly way is, the life of prayer. The Lord Jesus Himself has set us an example for this.

“Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps.”

(Peter 2:21)

My dear sisters, do you have fellowship with the Lord through prayer?

David beautifully says,

“I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall

not be moved.” (Psalm 16:8)

Since he held on to the Lord firmly, He says, "I shall not be moved.” But we, the women are unable to bear even small things and languish in tears, not knowing what to do. Our Lord is able

to change your sorrows into joy (John 16:20). So there is no need for you to be sorrowful or afraid even if terrible things like the darkness of death come across in your life. In my life, I have passed through such paths on several occasions. Yet, as David has written (Psalm 23:1), when we have the Lord as our Shepherd, Leader, Father and the Rock and when we take refuge under His mighty wings, He removes all our worries, burdens and the things of darkness. Your godly life would be amazing. Those who see us will wonder about us saying, "How is it possible for this sister to be happy in the midst of such afflictions?” What is the reason? As the Bible says, it is because we have received a life that is ‘one with the Lord.’ Apostle John says in 1 John 1:3,

“…truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. This

experience is divine.”

My dear sisters, if we focus our mind on the things of the world, we would not be interested to pray. That’s why Apostle Paul writes, “You should be of Christ and crucify the flesh with its passions and desires and only then you can live a true Christian life of having a divine relationship with God" (Galatians 5:24). To grant you these divine experiences, the Lord offered Himself to be broken on the cross (Isaiah 53:5). We read in the Bible, “it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief” (Isaiah 53:10).

My dear sisters, do not focus your mind on the things of this world but look up to the love of the Lord, who offered Himself on the cross. As I often mention this, till the age of 16,

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org20

I did not know of this divine love. Hence, the pleasures and desires of the world were ruling over me. But from the day when the Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me and revealed His divine love to me, my life turned upside down. I held on to Him firmly saying, “Jesus, Your love alone is enough for me. You are my all.” When I preach this love to those who attend the Jesus Calls Family Blessing meeting and to those men and women who do not know the love of the Lord and who are languishing in darkness, they turn their hearts towards the Lord and hold on to Him. Then their lives change beautifully. Their sorrows and sighing flee.

God gives a delightful life to those who fear Him.

“But the mercy of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who

fear Him, And His righteousness to children's children.” (Psalm 103:17)

This verse says that when you receive this divine grace, it would not only be upon you but also be upon your children forever and ever. In that case, when you humble yourself in the presence of God with godly reverence and commit yourself, your family would blossom beautifully. Sweet divine fragrance would spread from your home. People who come to your house would be amazed and say, “This house is different; incense of prayer is seen here. How beautiful is the divine peace seen in everyone here.”

Along the time when I got married, a few other young women were married too. After my marriage, along with my husband I too chose a deep, godly Christian life. Like him, I

too read the Bible diligently and held on to the Lord. At that time, one particular lady came on a visit to our house. She was an elderly lady who was always critical of others. When I saw her I was troubled and was afraid thinking how could I satisfy her. But the next moment, I committed everything to the Lord saying, “When the Lord is with me, why should I worry?" When that mother left our house, she testified saying, “Daughter, I have resided in many houses of several other young women. But I am amazed by the things that I see in your family. Above all, your godliness is so wonderful. Your house is filled with the presence of God. I was greatly rejoicing in all the days I stayed here.” I thanked the Lord profusely. Since the Lord gave me such kind of godly reverence and the desire to seek Him, I could receive a good testimony.

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he

trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3)

Accordingly, cling to the Lord. Place your complete trust in Him. Then you would enjoy the perfect peace and all other blessings given by the Lord. Look up to Him and pray every day in order to live a life pleasing to Him with all reverence so that your personal and family life would be glorious to Him.

“For you shall not go out with haste, Nor go by flight; For the LORD will go before

you, And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 52:12)

Accordingly, may the Lord be with you and perfect everything for you!

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org21

Total Deliverance On 2nd February, 2016, my younger

sister SUKEERTHI, a Young Partner suddenly developed a severe pain in her heart. Medication could not give her relief. She wasn't able to do anything because of that pain. Months went by. At that time in December 2016, I sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through Facebook to pray on the ‘Day of Deliverance’ for her specifically. I received the reply saying,”I have prayed for your sister with fasting and God will definitely heal her.” My sister trusted completely in God and prayed confessing the scripture promise found in the reply, Jeremiah 33:6. Miraculously she got healed and there is no more heart pain from then onward till now.

We were living in a house which was partially built. We started this construction in 2010, but could not complete because of financial problems. We applied for government housing loan but it was not sanctioned. So we had to stop the construction.


Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org22


After this we tried again for the loan but it was a failure again. Our waiting prolonged for nearly 8 years. Looking at this state, everyone started to laugh at us. We cried to God. In 2018, I read about the Ghatkopar Mumbai Prayer Tower’s reconstruction in the JC magazine. We decided to send money for this Prayer Tower construction despite of not having enough money. In July 2018, we sent Rs. 250/- for this purpose and sought prayers for our house. Miraculously, in the same year, God sanctioned Rs. 85,000/- from the government housing loan. Greater miracle was, it was an interest free loan. God constructed our house, free of cost. Now our house construction is completed. We are so thankful to God and for the sincere prayers of the Dhinakarans.

-Soundarya vineel, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh

Healed InstantlyI had boils on my chest and on my back. There

was inflammation and had a burning sensation at all times. The pain was terrible. I was not able to wear my clothes. Doctor advised me to take 4 months medication but pain continued beyond 6 months of medication. I attended the Rourkela Prayer Festival in October 2018 in this pain. When Sis. Evangeline Paul was praying, God touched me and I got healed instantly. The pain disappeared and I was able to wear proper clothes and attend the next day meeting. Now, it has been 6 months and the pain never returned. I am enjoying good health. I praise and thank God for this!

-Pinki Nag, Kalusaria, Odisha


For prayers, call or visit the Prayer Tower in your country.

You can also experience miracles as a family.

Jesus heals; sets the captives free

My wife’s name is Seema and we are blessed with one son and a daughter. I come from a family who has not tasted the love of Christ. On 2nd August 2016, I met with an accident while riding my motorcycle. Due to the head injury, I could not walk or do any personal work. My wife had to help me for everything. I could not stand and finally I was confined to the wheelchair. I took treatment from several Neurosurgeons, in Aurangabad, Pune and other places in Maharashtra. We spent lots of money for the treatment but there was no improvement. The doctors said that the injury in my brain has led to this paralysis and I can never walk again. I lost all hope and was depressed. My wife and my father were crying all the time

and as a family we were going through much agony. At this time, I came to know about the love of Jesus Christ and His love for mankind from one of my friends. He told me about Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the prayer ministry. I accepted Christ as my Savior and started watching the Jesus Calls TV programmes in Sony TV. We started calling the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers in Aurangabad and Chennai. We had family prayers and Bible reading early in the morning. Everyday I used to pray, "Lord Jesus, heal me because I am your child.'' This went on for 2 years.

On 2nd December 2018, we attended the Silver Jubilee of Bethesda at the Bethesda Prayer Centre. When Dr. Paul was praying for everyone, I suddenly got up from the wheelchair. The power of God came upon me mightily as a lightning and I saw a bright light. I felt the power of God on my whole body and I started walking slowly. Lord Jesus has done this great miracle in my life. I came on a wheelchair but I went back walking. Now I can stand and I can walk like before. Jesus loves me and our family loves Him too. I thank Dr Paul Dhinakaran and his family for their prayers and the prayer intercessors who always prayed for me with much compassion.

- Mahesh Chaudhary, Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org23

PRAISE JESUS!I am originally from Tamil Nadu, presently living in Singapore. My family

has a property in Tamil Nadu and there was a dispute over it. The matter was brought to the Court by my relative who contended over the property.

As a family we held onto the promise in Exodus 14:14 – “The Lord will fight for you, you need only to still.” We prayed fervently as a family and Jesus Calls Prayer Warriors prayed for us.

The final verdict on 8th March 2019, was in our favour. The court dismissed the case by saying that the case was baseless, meaningless and the opponent has to pay for our costs too. Glory to God.

C. Ahila Jerlin, Singapore

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org24

Family Blessing Meeting / Healing Service: Every Saturday at 6 pm Esther Prayer Group: Once in a month on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to

4:00pm & Saturdays between 3:00 to 4:30pm For any further details and ministry resources,

Please contact our Country Director Sis.Regina Quek @ +65-63830160

Address:JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572Facebook: JesusCallsSingapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours):

+65-63830160Email: [email protected] You may send your offerings as Cash/Cheque /Cashless order/Bank Draft.

For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details:


Bank Name : DBS BANK LTD


Account No : 012-014248-0

Swift Code : DBSSSGSG

For online donations : https://donate.jesuscalls.world/Donate/Individual

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org25


When I worried about how I am going

to do ministry, I asked, “Lord, what am I

going to do? I don’t know the way to go.”

He settled me down and filled me with His

peace. He said, “Let me worry about the

ministry. Give that responsibility in My

hands. Do you want to run the ministry

or do you want Me to run it for you?” He

changed my heart and started giving me

plans. When you give Him all the control,

He will start showing you plan after plan

after plan.

We read in Mark 5: 21, 35-42, about

a man called Jairus who came running to

Jesus, worrying about his daughter. He

called Jesus to heal her but on the way

people told him that his daughter is dead

and there is no use in bothering Jesus.

Jesus heard it but didn’t care about what

they said. He said “Jairus, do not worry.

Don’t be afraid. Believe in Me. I will come

and heal your daughter” and He went to

her and raised her up to life.

God wants us to wake up in the

morning happy, singing and praising Him

saying, “Lord you’re in control. I have

nothing to worry about. Thank you Jesus.”


The problem with sin is it prevents

us from having real freedom with God

and in our life. God wants us to be free.

“It is for freedom that Christ

has set us free. Stand firm,

then, and do not let yourselves

be burdened again by a yoke of

slavery.” (Galatians 5:1)

Sin is already destroyed on the cross.

Don’t be enslaved by sin. You need not

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org26

carry it upon you or you will not be able to enjoy the glorious

life that He has planned for you.

“For we have sinned and fallen short of the

glory of God.” (Romans 3:23)

We have fallen short of His glory, that’s what happened

to Adam when he entered into sin. He went and hid himself.

He was having a glorious life walking with God, but after

sin, he went into hiding in fear. Sin makes us hide from the

Lord. So check up the source of your sin today which is

keeping you away from God, the evil habits which stands in

between you and God; habits like smoking, alcohol, drugs

and sexual sins which destroys our body and ruins our lives.

When you allow sin to grow, you begin to live in

mediocrity. It causes us to doubt our ability, the calling

which God gave us and the anointing of God. Sin makes

us move away from the glorious life our God built for us.

God told me, “Sam, I cannot bless you if you hold on to the

pleasures of this world. Whatever things you desire above

Me, you have to leave them and surrender completely to Me.

Sin won’t give you a great life, ‘The wages of sin is death’”

(Romans 6:23). Then I said, “Lord, it’s so tough because I

am just a human and these pleasures I don’t know how to

get rid it of Lord because they are a great desire before me.

Help me Lord to throw away the pleasures of the world. I

choose You above all.” The life God gave me after that was

filled with joy and peace.

“If anyone is in Christ, he becomes a new

creation.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

The old ‘you’ is caused by the stone of sin. But, in the

hands of God you see the real you. When Peter betrayed

Jesus, he said, “Lord, forgive me. I have betrayed you, help

me throw away the stone of sin” and he pushed it away by

asking God for forgiveness. His life changed. In Acts, people

called Peter a ‘courageous man, a man of great wisdom’. They

all wondered how a coward became so bold and spoke with

such wisdom. Yes, God transformed him into a new being.


After you push away your worries and sins, there is

nothing holding you back. You are now ready to enter into

the life Jesus has for you. For that, first you should have a

willing heart.

Exodus 35:5 says, “Take from among you an

offering to the LORD. Whoever is of a willing

heart, let him bring it as an offering to the

LORD: gold, silver, and bronze.”

There was a boy in my class who would always be

the first to answer the teacher before anyone else could.

Angered by this, we back-benchers would shout out at him,

“always ready for everything” because he was the teacher’s

pet. God also wants us to become the Teacher’s pet; ready

and willing to do anything for Him. Whatever our teacher

Jesus tells us, do it with a willing heart.

Peter was also such a person. He was always ready to

do anything Jesus told him to do. He threw the line into the

water in the morning because Jesus told him to and caught

the fish which had a coin as Jesus told him. God loves a

heart with willing spirit. As you read the Scriptures, God

will speak to you through it and guide you.

Psalm 37:34 says, “Wait for the Lord and keep

his way and He will exalt you to inherit the


So wait on the Lord and be patient as Jesus was when

He was tempted in the wilderness by Satan. Yes, He was

not deceived by the devil. Jesus didn’t get ahead of God’s

plan. God has chosen you for a purpose and not to settle

for a mediocre life. He doesn’t want you to waste time. Get

ready to sit with a willing heart and wait in His presence.

God is waiting to show His power and the glory of His works

through you. He wants you to shine for His glory. God is

going to give you a new grace by which you will shine in

your field. We see in Acts 1:8 how the disciples went out

as witnesses filled with the power of God. Similarly, you

will shine like stars in the sky (Philippians 2:15) and God

will give you amazing wisdom and understanding and use

you (Ephesians 3:5).Wait on the Lord early in the morning,

receive His word and apply it to every situation in your life;

that is the secret of our life. That is the difference between

us and anyone else in this world.

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org27

Dearly beloved,

Do you watch the Jesus Calls Television programs? Do you know,

every month we are reaching out to millions of families all across

the world through this wonderful ministry?

There are many families who sponsor a full program or

co-sponsor a program with two other families on special occasions

in their life like birthdays, anniversaries or as a thank offering.

Blessing through the Television Program

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org28

One such partner is sharing their experience below...

Providence by God

I am a Young Partner and as a family we are partners in different

facets of the Jesus Calls ministry. While I was working at my current

job, I received better job offers, one in Bengaluru and one in Dubai. I

was reluctant to select the job abroad. In my dilemma, not knowing

which one to select, I sent a letter to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. He prayed

over it and prophesied that I should opt

for the job at Dubai. I accepted the Dubai

offer and went there in September 2018.

True to the prophecy, the job has been a

blessing to me. As an act of thanksgiving I

co- sponsored a Jesus Calls TV programme

in February 2019. God has blessed me; my

husband and son will also be joining me in

Dubai shortly. All glory to God.

-Anita Jojo , Dubai

Blessing through the Television ProgramDear friends, countless people receive God’s healing and blessings through the Jesus Calls Television

Programs. You can be a source of blessing to the needy and deserving souls by sponsoring a program.


To make this happen, all you need to do is sponsor or co-sponsor one program. Millions who watch these programs will also pray for God's blessings on you and your family. (Please call the Prayer Tower in your country for information about your offering in your local currency).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Sponsor / Co-sponsor a TV Program for my Family Once in 3 Months Once in 6 Months Once a year

Sponsor / Co-sponsor a TV Program for my Friend Once in 3 Months Once in 6 Months Once a year

You may send your offerings thru our secure & fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at https://donate.jesuscalls.world/Donate/Individual

You may also send checks to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest your location.

MY PRAYER REQUEST TO BE PRAYED AT THE PRAYER TOWER.“Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.”

(2 Chronicles 7:15)




Name: ..................................................................... Partner code (if any) ..................................

Business Segment:

Professional/Entrepreneur ...................................... Industry Type: ...........................................

Karunya Alumni: Yes No. If Yes, Graduated Year: .............................................................

Address: ......................................................................................................................................

Mobile: ........................................................... Email: .................................................................

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org29

Jesus Calls

Israel Prayer Tower is located in the 20th floor of the City Tower in Jerusalem. It serves as the International venue for a number of International prayer gatherings and confe-rences. Prayers are offered here for God’s will into nations and to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord.

Prayer Tower

International House of Prayer Eastern Gate team, Cranford, NJ at Israel Prayer Tower

Jesus Calls Ministries * May 2019 * www. jesuscalls.org30

Blessing Meeting with pastor Tinu George, Kerala on 7.4.2019 at IPT

JESUS CALLS ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER requires suitable candidates for the following positions

at Jerusalem, Israel. *HEAD (Prayer Services)

To facilitate 24 hours prayer at the Israel Prayer Tower for the Nations of the world.

*HEAD (Operations, Promotions & Partner services)

To co-ordinate the operations of the Israel Prayer Tower, promote it worldwide and encourage prayer intercessors from across the globe to come and intercede for the Nations. Building relationships with partners, motivating & encouraging them to stay connected and support the ministry in Israel.

*HEAD (Education, Programs & Tours)

To perform work in support of two major areas: scheduling on-site guided and self-guided group tours (distributing related handouts or educational materials)

Planning, coordinating, and implementing Prayer Tower special events and educational programs, including budgeting and monitoring expenditures t exhibit opening receptions, t arranging for occasional speakers or lecturers, t scheduling part-time staff and/or volunteers to monitor PT activities, events.

Will assist with developing educational materials, and dealing with logistics of exhibits t Labeling, t traffic flow, t compiling information for training.

Apply to Global Director – International MinistriesE mail : [email protected]

I am pastor Deborah Liu from China. I came to this Israel Prayer Tower on April 10th. I was searching for a very nice and quiet place to pray in the presence of God and this place was the best to spend quality time with God. I had an encounter with God in one of my prayer times where God said He will soon burn this place with fire and He will bring the people into repentance before this happens. I realized that God has a mission for me here. I sense strong anointing in this place and it was good to meet amazing prayer intercessors and people who love God here. Praise the Lord.



Jerusalem Centre for Peace & Truth,

20th floor, City Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem

For more details : www.israelprayertower.org

Telephone : +972-2533757