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Introduction......................................................... 7

What is PlatoNick?............................................... 8

Target audience.................................................... 9

Main rules of participation............................ 10

System of communications................................ 11

Eidoses.................................................................... 12

Accumulation of credits .................................. 13and statuses

Social network for intellectuals PlatoNick


Information society natural for humanity of the XXI century imposes special requirements to modern knowledge and its bearers. Practical usability of information becomes the most significant element of its value. In conditions of acceleration of social life, practical usability of data is directly connected with its novelty and urgency.

Generally affordable time for processing information shortens and therefore typical (banal) data becomes less efficient and cannot satisfy needs of the social progress. Today dissemination of generally accessible information published earlier can make a contribution to global development only in the sphere of education. But even in education adoption and the following applicability of knowledge in many respects depend on optimal (corresponding to the current level of development of collective consciousness) form of presentation of educational information.

Original reliable information with elements of up-to-date novelty and prospects of efficient practical applicability has exceptional significance for the modern society. Such information stimulates intellectual progress of the humanity and acts as a product demanded in the system of economic relations.

Therefore, modern reality predetermines the need for maximally efficient intellectual activity. This is manifested in wide rejection of any forms of plagiarism and in the demand for high-quality researches and conclusions, reflecting personal views of authors on new ways of assessment and solution of various modern problems. Establishing the PlatoNick project and offering persons concerned to take part in it we wanted to create an available instrument of intellectual communications and self-expression, focused on the development and assessment of innovations in various spheres of social life.


PlatoNick is a unique combination of a social network and a mechanism of creative realization and open presentation of original ideas of its participants, urged to stimulate scientific and applied activity of persons thinking independently.

We think that social initiatives must be filled with sense and socially useful goals for the sake of development of humanity. The general vector of social progress is formed through combination of efficient processes and projects.

PlatoNick is not an ordinary social network, but an environment for communication of creative, rational, freedom-loving people, who like to express themselves, participate in analytical debates and get acquainted with the creativity of others. They value their leisure highly and do not want to spend their time on useless observation of other participants of the network.

So here you can spend your time with pleasure, richness, excitement and obvious benefit.

If you are active, creative, persistent and communicative within this project, the PlatoNick will surely help you to earn and develop your personal prominence in the international intellectual environment or in the scientific community and also acquire international recognition of scientific achievements, researches or author’s reports!

What is PlatoNick?

PlatoNick will be demanded by people able to present many useful things to others, but still being silent because of the absence of a place, time and stimulus for communications. It can be useful for authors of scientific and publicistic works or fiction searching for a reader. The website can be interesting

Target audience

Create, communicate and express yourselves!

Here you will be appreciated!

for researchers looking for new ideas, opponents and wide expertise of results of their studies. PlatoNick will give a chance to exchange experience and knowledge, find followers or supporters and get wide acknowledgement of original initiatives of authors. Our social network will also be interesting for those, whose grey and dull days need a light of creativity and aspiration: in PlatoNick such people will be able to find followers interesting and useful communications, creative self-expression in various forms.

Other functions of PlatoNick: informal unification and communication of scientists participating in the GISAP project; providing such persons with an opportunity to present their studies and ideas subject to open reviewing. Thus, members of the GISAP can acquire additional credits via PlatoNick (credits can be summed up with those achieved in the GISAP and converted into scientific degrees and titles of the IASHE).

Main rules of participation

LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT• The website is designed and available in two languages – English and Russian.

• Along with that different materials can be published in one or both of these languages (as well as in any other official language of the world).

• The website is supported by the system of multilingual translator. Although it cannot provide the absolute authenticity of the translation, it still allows the participants of the network to understand each other and explore various author’s materials.

• The user is a person registered on the website, who has a personal page, open profile and official right to publish author’s materials and information in every box of the website – «Eidos». The user can also comment author’s materials, rate them and chat.

• Guests are unregistered individuals with permission to explore contents of the website and comment author’s materials.

• Authors of materials are personally responsible for grammatical adequacy of their materials as well as their correctness (objectivity, truthfulness, exclusion of insulting and other statements, which discredit honour and dignity of others and defy the social morality). Administration of the website reserves the right to delete author’s materials, which violate the generally accepted rules of grammar and correctness and to prevent people, who make unethical statements in their author’s materials, from taking part in activities of the PlatoNick website.



• In every section (subsection) of the website you can find special instructions for users, called the MEMOS.

• If any questions related to the website functionality happen to occur, users and guests may send an appropriate request to moderators of the website at any time.

• The eidoses section combines “credit” boxes of

the website. Publishing of the author’s materials in this section gives a possibility to collect credits for intellectual activity and analytical achievements of authors.

• In every box of the website, related to eidoses section users have access to read and publish functions and guests – only to the read function.

• Credits for author’s materials are given to appropriate persons following the results of the final rating assessment, carried out by users of the website.


System of communicationsCommunications in PlatoNick are held in various thematic units and sections allowing users of the website to realize their creative potential, present their original ideas, share their thoughts with colleagues and interested persons and take part in thematic discussions, intellectual contests and voting.

In this section of the website – the creative lab of our interactive community, you can read, publish, rate or comment author’s materials. Please, be active and concerned, your activity will bring benefits to you personally and to every member of the network. Users of the website rate the author’s materials in any subsection of Eidoses and thereby gain credits. This is the credit character of Eidoses.

Eidoses section

In this section of the website any interested person, registered on the PlatoNick website can post his comments and opinions considering different questions (problems, events) of social life in national and international scale.

Blog is an informational resource mostly filled

with regularly added notes (posts), which contain texts, images or multimedia. Blogs usually contain quite short posts of temporary importance, sorted in reverse chronological order (the last post at the top). The main difference between blogs and traditional diaries is based on the environment: blogs are usually public and expected to have detached readers, who can initiate public polemics with an author (in comments). In this section the interested persons registered on PlatoNick may present their blogs concerning various issues (problems, events) of social life of national and international scale.

In this section the interested persons registered on PlatoNick have a right to present their thoughts, ideas and aphorisms on various topics.

In this section interested persons registered on PlatoNick can present their author’s interpretations, explanations and interpretations of generally used and special scientific terms related to different spheres of social life and human activity or branches of science.

Professional opinions and comments


Scientific terms dictionary

Thoughts, ideas,aphorisms

Questions and answers can be published in any official language of the world, chosen by their authors.

In this subsection every interested person registered on PlatoNick can present information about own original innovational researches: in-ventions, scientific solutions, industrial samples etc.

In this section registered opponents can hold professional discussions on announced scientific subjects. The initiator registers a topic, invites an opponent and starts the discussion (the opponent must accept the invitation). The initiator specifies parameters of the duel: topic, scale and language. Discussion must be held in one language - any language elected by participants (available to the widest audience possible) or in two languages (in this case English is obligatory). Identical remarks in different languages are placed together. The topic names and surnames of participants, their countries and organizations are indicated during the initiation of discussion.

Question – answers of experts

Bank of innovations

Duel – VS

In this subsection interested persons, registered on the PlatoNick can present their relatively large author’s works of any kind and genre in PDF-format for everyone to read and show their readers’ preferences.

Original works

In this subsection the interested persons registered on Pla-toNick may present information about their officially pub-

lished works of various kinds, genres and styles.

Library catalogue

In this section you can find news of the IASHE and its projects as well as breaking news of international science and education. Materials are posted in chronological order.

Official Information

In this section you can find innovational abstracts of every report, presented in the International Scientific Analytical Project of the IASHE (gisap.eu). Abstracts are posted in chronological order, as every stage of championship (conference) of the GISAP project comes to an end. Innovational abstracts are presented by authors of relevant reports together with the submission of these reports for participation in the International Scientific Analytical Project of the IASHE. Abstracts are also published on official pages of the IASHE in social networks: Facebook, Twitter, VK.

Science news


Chat is multilingual. It is possible to choose any language of discussion and participate in discussion in any language (even if the subject and discussion are shown in a language unknown to user, he can still understand the point of a discussion through a language integrator (translator) and take part in the discussion using any language). Apart from the discussion subjects search function allows finding certain subjects and branches of discussion on the basis of a language attribute (for a particular language carrier to have a possibility to find branches, where the discussion is held in a known language, if any).

Category Eidos is well-known to admirers of ancient philosophy. This universal definition in fact substantially unites various elements and nuances of the thinking process. As ancient philosophers understood, Eidos is some kind of a structural unity of the element of perception, the process and the result of its cognition. As a result of such unification a special essence is born - “substantial reality in thinking”, defining the origin of any concept.

Category Eidos was widely used and interpreted by famous philosophers long before Plato. But it is the great philosopher Plato, who developed its contents to the highest extent in his philosophy.

In Platonic tradition the Eidos acquired the status of the essence, inherent to objects, which leaves it’s clear print on the soul of the object, interacting with it. Cognitive activity of the person is directed to these particular Eidoses. Eidos is the only truth, that person can know about the essence of things.

Taking the above mentioned into account, we suppose that the title of our project and significance of its main contents become understandable.

In the virtual world of PlatoNick we offer all open for communication thinkers to become something like antique philosophers and present their creative expressions and researches for everyone interested.

Intellectual communications stimulate personal and collective progress of their participants. In our project communication of thinking people is not limited by the effect of their self-improvement. We additionally fill communications with factors of image recognition and growth, accumulation of bonus capital, convertible into status titles of the International Academy of Science and Higher Education.


Section Eidoses includes credit units of the website. Publication of author’s materials in these units allows their authors to collect credits for their intellectual activity and analytical achievements.

In every unit of the website, included in the Eidoses section, users can use functions “read” and “publish”, while visitors can only use the “read” function.

Credits for author’s materials are given to appropriate persons on the basis of assessment, concluded by users of the website.

We will be happy to see you among

participants of communications

of the intellectuals community!

Membership in the social network PlatoNick together with participation in research analytics championships of the GISAP allow a person to accelerate the process of accumulation of credits for conversion into status-titles and scientific degrees of the IASHE.

Mechanism and rules of use of credits acquired by the person in PlatoNick in the conversion procedure is regulated by special Regulations.

Accumulation of creditsand statuses

TEMPORARY REGULATIONSof research analytics championships in 2014

Approved by the decision of the IASHE Presidium № 101/-08-saprepresented by the Head of International Projects

Department of the IASHE Thomas MorganLondon, UK 11/12/2013

Statements connected with «PlatoNick»

Taking into account the fact that the IASHE project PlatoNick - http://www.platonick.com/ (within the framework of which the research analytics championships participants by their own intellectual efforts can additionally acquire credits convertible into the status-titles and academic degrees of the IASHE) is starting to fully operate in 2014, the following peculiarities of the abovementioned conversion are defined in 2014:

1) Participants of research analytics championships, claiming to get status-titles and scientific degrees of the IASHE without the use of credits, acquired in the PlatoNick project, can convert credits on the basis of parameters stated in the Temporary regulations of 2012.

2) Participants of research analytics championships, claiming to get status-titles and scientific degrees of the IASHE with the use of credits, acquired in the PlatoNick project, can convert credits on the basis of the following parameters:

a) For receiving the international scientific and analytical (creative) degree «Doctor of Philosophy and Scientific Analytics»

- 2000 credits from which not less than a half must be acquired on the basis of results of participation in research analytics championships;

b) For receiving the status title «Full Member - the Academician of the IASHE» - 2500 credits from which not less than a half must be acquired on the basis of results of participation in research analytics championships;

c) For receiving the status title the «Corresponding Member of the IASHE» – 1800 credits from which not less than a half must be acquired on the basis of results of participation in research analytics championships.

To specify grounds of granting the international scientific and analytical (creative) degree «Doctor of Philosophy and Scientific Analytics» the following full list of requirements to the competitor for the degree (on the basis of Regulations of the IASHE and the GISAP project) is defined:

a) all assessment criteria (prize-winning places and credits) are limited by a calendar year they were acquired in;

b) all assessment criteria (prize-winning places and credits (without convertible credits of the PlatoNick project)) must be connected with that scientific specialization (branch of science) within which the applicant is supposed to receive the degree (such criteria must be won in the corresponding sectoral scientific analytical championship);

c) the competitor wins a prize-winning place in the alpha-championship or the absolute championship following the reporting year results;

d) the competitor gets the necessary number of credits during the reporting year.

To specify bases of granting the status titles of the IASHE the following full list of requirements to the competitor for the degree (on the basis of Regulations of the IASHE and the GISAP project) is defined:

a) such person gets a prize-winning place in the alpha-championship or the absolute championship following the reporting year results;

b) the competitor gets the necessary number of credits during the reporting year.

The IASHE scientific and analytical (creative) degrees of qualification level higher than the «Doctor of Philosophy and Scientific Analytics» and also doctoral qualifications, assigned to the corresponding persons on the basis of realization of the IASHE doctoral programs, are regulated by the Provision «On the international doctoral research (creative) programs of the IASHE» .

Confirmation of the IASHE status-titles is carried out by the corresponding persons in accordance with the requirements of Regulations of the IASHE and taking into account the credits acquired in the PlatoNick project - not more than 1/3 from total credits necessary for such confirmation.

Hereby we introduce the special relative monetary unit used within the system of the IASHE projects - EVOL.

Credits may be subject to conversion into the monetary units of the IASHE projects system on the basis of the following calculations:

a) one monetary unit EVOL is equivalent to 1 EUR;b) 100 credits of the PlatoNick project acquired following the

results of 2014 are subject to conversion in 1 monetary unit EVOL in 2015;

c) 20 credits acquired following the results of scientific analytics championships are subject to conversion in 1 monetary unit EVOL.

Welcome!Dear intellectuals, we are happy to see you on our website! We hope it can become something like an interactive home for you, where you can find new friends and followers, show your talents, communicate with colleagues, collect credits convertible into prizes and awards announced by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK)


1. Global International Scientific Analytical Project«GISAP»

2. Hypothetics: everlasting stories

3. Social Network for Intellectuals PlatoNick

4. Partnership program Inter-Intel Collegium

and the Partner University project

5. Research Analytics Federations

6. International Scientific Congresses Of The IASHE

7. Publications And Periodicals Of The IASHE

8. Status-qualification projects: Academic, Doctoral,

Attestation, Certification and Accreditation programs

and Rankings of the IASHE

9. International scientometric database Socrates-Impulse

10. Educational Project International University

of Scientific and Innovative Analytics

International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK)

Address and contacts: 1 Kings Avenue, London, N21 1PQ, UK WWW: http://iashe.eu/

E-mail: [email protected]: +44(20)32899949

Official website of the GISAP: http://gisap.eu