- I .. x3j3/92-121 MINUTES OF MEETING 121 X3J3 Fortran May 25-29, 1992 Terre Haute, Indiana X3J3/Meeting 121/268 Minutes/12lst Meeting


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X3J3 Fortran

May 25-29, 1992

Terre Haute, Indiana

X3J3/Meeting 121/268

Minutes/12lst Meeting

Table of Contents

1. Agenda

2. Opening Business

2.1 Opening Remarks

2.2 Report on the SPARC Meeting

2.3 WG5 Report

2.4 Meeting Schedule

2.5 Treasurer's Report

2.6 Membership Report

2.7 Reports and Comments from Members

2.8 Approval of Agenda

2.9 Approval of Meeting 120 Minutes

3. Committee Action Items

3.1 S15 Report and Discussion

3.2 Interpretation Processing ( May 25 )

3.3 Interpretation Processing ( May 26 )

3.4 HPF Report

3.5 X3H5 Proposal

3.6 Interpretation Processing (May 27)

3.7 Distribution of Documents

3.8 WG5 L12 Subcommittee Report

3.9 Defer agenda items on CLIP and JOO

3.10 Interpretation Processing (May 28)

3.11 Initial Discussion of X3H5 Proposal

3.12 Final Resolution of X3H5 Proposal

3.13 Interpretation Processing (May 29)

3.14 Closing Business

. Minutes/121st Meeting

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4. Document Lists

4.1 Current Standing Documents

4.2 Meeting 121 Document Register

4.2.1 Pre-Meeting Distribution

4.2.2 Post-Meeting Distribution

5. Committee Organization

5.1 Officers

5.2 Liaison Assignments

5.3 Subgroups

6. Future Meetings and Distribution Assignments p. 21

7. Membership

7.1 Meeting Attendance

7.2 X3J3 Principal Members

7.3 X3J3 Alternate Members

7.4 Observers, Liaisons, Consult ants

Minutes/121st Meeting

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1. Agenda

X3J3 Meeting 121 Agenda

Monday, May 25, 1992

8:00 Opening Business X3J3 Processes, Procedures, and Policies (S15)

(92-021,92-023) Final Action on Interpretations Approved al

Meeting 120 (S20) Subgroup Meetings

Tuesday, May 26, 1992

8:00 Interpretation Processing HPF Report X3H5 Binding Format Proposal (92-030) Subgroup Meetings

Wednesday, May 27, 1992

8:00 Interpretation Processing Distribution of Documents (92-020)

2:00 WG5 L12 Subcommittee Status Report (WG5-N760) L12 Report Discussion (92-010,92-031)

4:00 US TAG Organizational Session (92-081,92-082)

Subgroup Meetings

Thursday, May 28, 1992

8:00 Interpretation Processing CLIP Review (WG5-N730) - deferred JOD Report (S17) - deferred X3H5 Proposal Subgroup Meetings

Friday, May 29, 1992

8:00 X3H5 Proposal Vote Interpretation Processing Closing Business

Document Editor Document Numbering (92-023) Membership Future Meetings

J. Wagener J. Wagener, M. Hoffert

A. Tait

A. Tait, subgroups K. Kennedy B. Leasure, I. Philips

A. Tait, subgroups M. Hoffert J. Martin J. Wagener, I. Philips I. Philips

A. Tait, subgroups K. Hirchert K. Bierman

A. Tait, subgroups M. Hoffert

(distribution deadline June 29 to Linda O'Gara) Treasurer's Report Electronic Document Processing Parallel Processing Subgroup

US TAG Session (Prepare US Vote on L12) I. Philips

note - the following documents are associated with the interpretation processing agenda items:

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2.1 Opening Remarks

Discussion Leader: Jerry Wagener


1. BSR has not yet acted on Fortran 90, pending additional material from X3 (nothing more required of X3J3 - BSR action expected in June 1992)

2. Objectives of meeting 121:

Process interpretations

- complete action on interpretations started ·at earlier meetings

- draft responses to newly submitted requests for interpretation

- prepare S20.121

Prepare recommendation for SPARC on X3H5 request (92-030)

Adopt US position on the Ll2 document (92-011 ) (US TAG)

Other: prepare CLIP review (92-010)

act on proposal to adopt S15 (92-021)

determine 1993 meeting schedule


Ivor Philips - need to discuss electronic access/format-ting of documents

Dick Weaver - need to make X3J3s work more interactive with the public

2.2 Report on the SPARC Meeting

Discussion Leader: Jerry Wagener

Reference: 92-067 (Slides from SPARC Meeting)

2.3 WGS Report

Discussion Leader: Jeanne Martin

Reference: 92-055

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2.4 Meeting Schedule (Discussion of Alternatives)

Discussion Leaders: Maureen Hoffert, Jerry Wagener

Reference: 92-018

Motion: (Hoffert/Whitlock) X3J3 should have 4 meetings in 1993

Action: vote of 15-2; motion passes; 1993 schedule as in 92-018

2.5 Treasurers Report

Discussion Leader: Mallory North

Reference: 92-029

Discussion: letter ballot passed 28-1; Lahey voting no; Ellis, McConnell, Millard not voting

Action: (Bierman/Hoffert) to excuse Himer and Lauson from meeting 121 fee; vote 17-0

2.6 Membership Report

Discussion Leader: Maureen Hoffert

Reference: 92-019

Discussion: There are two new members al this meeting, Walt Brainerd and Richard Maine, making a total of 34 members at this meeting - a quorum is 12 and one over half is 18.

2.7 Reports and Comments from Members

Walt Brainerd - rejoined committee to work on validation suite for Fortran 90

Andrew Tait - concerned about copyright situation; would like clarification of rules

2.8 Approval of Agenda

Action: (Whitlock/Steidel) to approve agenda as modifi_ed (see page 3); unanimous consent

2.9 Approval of Meeting 120 Minutes

Action: (Philips/Whitlock) to approve minutes as distributed; unanimous consent

M inutes/12lst Meeting

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3. Committee Action Items

3.1 S15 Report and Discussion (X3J3 Internal Procedures)

Discussion Leader: Maureen Hoffert

Reference: 92-021 (S15 Proposal)

Discussion: general agreement on concept and content; revised content to be provided

Action: (Hoffert/Martin) to adopt S15 as described in 92-021; unanimous consent

3.2 Interpretation Processing - May 25

Discussion Leader: Andrew Tait

Reference: 92-061,92-062, 92-063, 92-064

Action: GEN, DATA, CIO, PROC subgroups to ident ify their items from these documents

3.3 Interpretation Processing - May 26

Discussion Leader: Andrew Tai l

Reference: 92-061,92-062, 92-063, 92-064

Discussion: mosl items in these documents uniquely assigned 10 subgroups;

format of S20 (92-044) to be modified based on suggestions in 92-054 and 92-065

3.4 HPF Report

Discussion Leader: Maureen Hoffert (Ken Kennedy was not able lo come to the meeting)

Discussion: current status is that HPF will be Fortran 90 b..iscd, with ..irray distribut ion

directives, some semantic extensions (e.g., FORALL), and some new intrinsic procedures;

objective is to com plete HPF definition by end of 1992

3.5 X3H5 Proposal - Preliminary Discussion of Rationale

Discussion Leader: Bruce Leasure, Ivor Phil ips

Reference: 92-030

Discussion: sec scribe notes 92-085.

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3.6 Interpretation Processing - May 27

Discussion Leader: Andrew Tait


Jon Steidel took Straw vote on: 1. entry points must have same length 2. entry points need not have same length, 3. Undecided. Result: 22-0-3.

Rich Bleikamp, Straw vote: 92-076 on G Edit descritor: Change F90 when G = 0, to be like FORTRAN 77: 12-5-4.

Andrew Tait: Format and style of interpretations. Move history fie ld, move, submitted by field . Add status field. Request for a model and sample interpretation document by R. Weaver.

Discussion on What constitutes a valid S20 question? see scribe notes.

Scribe: David Philimore

Scribe Notes : Format of Interpretations. References: 121.27, 121.43, 121.65 Date: Wednesday 27 May. 1992.

Discussion Leader: Tait. Scribe: Phillimore.

Tait: All interpretations must reference and be directed to a section of the standard.

Hendrickson : Agrees. If not then there is often no idea why the question is asked.

Bierman: Requiring the universe to do this is unwise. Not many know about various sections of the standard . It's not reasonable to ask everyone to do so.

Shepherd: There are several interpretation questions from Japanese. Others may have difficulties with the language and ambiguities of the standard. Note that X3J3 represents ISO, we must help everyone who has difficulty with the standard.

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3.6 Interpretation Processing - May 27 ( continued)



There are other reasons to require a reference to a section. General questions can be settled without interpretation & X3J3 need not capture the discussion. We could have a FrequenLly Asked

Questions (FAQ) list as newsgroups do. Interpretation is a legal process and X3J3 must get the interpretations right. Provide guidelines for general questions and keep interpretalions small. e.g, on G format descriptor.

Interpretations may arise from the absence of words in the standard - for omi1ted things e .g, words on the G formal descripto r. X3J3 may need to declare something is an extension because there were no suitable words in the standard.

Hirchert: X3J3 cannot allow unclear questions. X3J3 can ask the submille r for clarification - the request doesn't have 10 cite a section. It may

be a general question, which can't be expressed other than



describing a lack of something in the standard. In Fortran 77 most questions came from implementors who co uld read the standard.

X3J3 must exercise judgement. X3J3 should only process formal interpre tation requests. The re is much email which can be resolved by discussion - an interpretation is not required . X3J3 could not keep up with email traffic. Arc there reasonable grounds in a question should be the requirement to gel informal interpretations changed to formal requests.

Severa l inte rpre tat ion requests just p rovide an example and ask if the program is legal. It's not a lways clea r whal the question is. There should always be a clarifying statement.

Agrees there is much duplication ·in email traflic. An FAQ would ge t unde rstanding out, as would an S.20 which recorded an answer to genera l q uestio ns. X3J3 must take email seriously and summarize in a useful form .

Hirche rl : X3J3 should only interpret formal requests. Should not monitor other things. X3J3 members can form an interpretation request 'in difficult cases from email. e .g , seve ral requests submilled by Rolison/Steide l. X3J3 must distinguish formal and informal requests. Submitters will understand.

Minutes/121st Meeting


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3.6 Interpretation Processing - May 27 ( continued)



Agrees with Brainerd. Take 1st interpretation in S.20 (119.002). Voting yes on the response is tantamount to voting 'yes the chapter on expressions is correct'. Does not want to go on record voting this. X3J3 may have to help the submitter write a narrow enough question to be answered in an interpretation. Paper 121.65 suggests a form for interpretations. FAQs should be a footnote to the standard if they are important enough.

Many folks don't know how to submit a formal interpretation request. This is why Rolison/Steidel monitored f90-interp and submitted requests.

Hard questions don't get answered in email - they must not be dropped - X3J3 members should pick them up.

Whitlock: Doesn't mind if the original question is in the form 'is this program valid', although it would be distressing if large programs were submitted. The examples in interpretations need to be constrained, and X3.J3 should help wherever possible. X313 should be willing to ask the submitter to rerhrase and recast the question.



There were 3 categories proposed for interpretations, perhaps we should have one or two more which correspond to frequent or interesting questions. Then everything could go into the S.20 for now, - it could be rearranged later. X3J3 could publish a template or form for interpretations.

Looking over the large batch of email which appears in the pre-distribution, it was hard to figure out questions and threads because of a lack of discipline among correspondents. X3J3 may lose some references in the translation to an interpretation.

Hendrickson: Agrees with Weaver. Opposed to questions phrased 'is this example correct' without section references. Many of the questions in S.20 have been or should be reworded. All X313 members have the responsibility to submit and to help others to submit questions for interpretation.

No votes taken.

Minutes/121st Meeting

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3.7 Distribution of Documents

Discussion Leader: Maureen Hoffert

Reference: 92-020

Motion: Hoffert/Philips - Distribute electronically pre- and post­meeting and minutes lo all who have email. Se nd hard copy lo others. Motion withdrawn lo form an ad-hoc subgroup to investigate forms and problems of electronic distribution. SY on intent of motion: 20-0-1. Electronic document processing ad-hoc subgroup: Hirchert, Himer, Brainard, Bierman, Maine, Philips. Report due Friday.

Discussion on Document Numbering: Whal documents need to have X3J3 numbering. X3 requirements for document numbers. Straw vote on using the new X3 numbering (eg. x3j3/92-020) immediately without old internal numbering scheme (eg. 121-mbsh-1): 13-1-7. Question raised of cost of X3's copy of their microfiche of our documents.

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3.8 WGS L12 Subcommittee Report and Discussion

Reference: 92-010, 92-031, 92-081, 92-082

Discussion Leaders: Martin, Philips, Wagener

Discussion: Flexibility desired; importance of getting corrigenda out; lost credibility for m issing schedule; how to define a minor revision; need to accomodate organizations like HPF; needs to utilize all resources available to WG5; problems of management if WG5 meets only once a year will be in a position of only approving; standards must be a responsive process without a short term revision cannot be; could have a train ("choo-choo train model")

Straw Votes:

Allow new extensions in minor revision: 4-15-2

Have a minor revision: 10-4-7

For a task-group model: 6-9-6.

3.9 Defer agenda items on CLIP and JOO to next meeting.

3.10 Interpretation Processing - May 28

Discussion Leader: Andrew Tait Reference: 92-041, 92-042 Discussion: Is this an appropriate topic to be placed into S20? concern of what constitutes a formal interpretation request; reducing work load; internal questions should not appear in S20; quesion of what is correct forum to publish, most commonly asked questions; Vote: 12-7 Failed to be included into S20. Chair rules that if brought as official interpretation then would be included into document.

3.11 Initial Discussion of X3HS Proposal

Discussion Leader: J. Wagener Reference: 92-030, 92-110 Discussion: Straw Vote: a. Against, X3H5 proposal; b. For X3H5 proposal; c. Work with as a Task Group; d. Undecided: 3-6-9-2. Straw Vote: b,c,d: 15-5-0.

3.12 Final Resolution of X3HS Proposal - May 29

Discussion Leader: Wagener Reference: 92-110 Motion: Hoffert/Tait To adopt 92-110 - Vote: 16-4.

Minutes/121st Meeting

3.13 Interpretation Processing - May 29, 1992

CIO: 92-115,116 Motion to adopt by Brainard/Lauson Vote: 19-0 for adoption of above.

DATA: 92-070, 92-093a, 92-084, 92-069, 92-092a, 92-0108, 92-0109a ·92-083a withdrawn. Motion to adopt above: Steidel/Martin Edit to 92a accepted. Vote: 19-0 adoption of motion.

GEN: 92-105, 92-107. Motion: Hendrickson/Whitlock to adopt. Withdrawn: 88,104,106. Vote: 20-0, adoption of motion.

Motion: Hendricksen/Whillock to adopt alternative 1 of 92-088. Vote: 10-6 motion failed and returned to subgroup.

Motion: Steidel/ Whillock to adopt 92-104 with reference to Cray removed. Vote: 20-1, adoption of motion.

PROC: Motion: Hirchert / Hoffert Lo adopt: 77,79,80,91,94,95,96,97,99, 100,101,102,103 Withdrawn: 77,91,94,95,96,102,103 Vote on: 79,80,97,99,100,101: 20-0 to adopt.

Discussion on 92-091- whether incorrect or not commiucc complt:tcly split on issue. Returned to subgroup.

Discussion on 92-095 - commitlee split on intent, did not understand underlying issues. Returned to subgroup.

Motion to adopt 92-096 as amended H irche rt/Hoffert: Vote : 12-9 (failed). Action: returned to subgroup

Discussion on 92-102 needed editing, withdrawn for subgroup.

Motion to adopt 92-102 as amended Hirchcrt/Hoffert after break: Vote: 18-0 lo adopt.

Discussion on 92-118 - led by Brainard, on G edi t descriptor. Straw vote to move back lo FORTRAN?? definition or not 13(yes)-2(no)-6 (undecided). Returned to subgroup.

Minutes/] 21st Meeting

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3.14 Closing Business - May 29, 1992

Membership Report: M. Hoffert

Treasurer's Report: M. North

Future Meetings: M. Hoffert. 4 per year coordinated with WG5 meetings. Distribution deadline for next meeting is 29 June to send to Linda O'Gara.

Establish a Parallel Processing Technical Subgroup: J. Wagener

Document Editor Discussion: Concerns that need an editor for consistency; need to avoid too many people editing in order to avoid inconsistencies; and task of a small group not the full committee.

Document Numbering Issues: care must be taken that when documents are copied that the number be placed on them before distribution; when have electronic processing then we can have electronic means of assigning numbers; concern about cross-referencing of other documents if do not have a document number to reference .

. Minutes/121st Meeting

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4. Document Lists

4.1 Current Standing Documents

X3J3/S5 General procedures for X3J3 task groups, 11 Jan 1980.

X3J3/S8.118 Fortran 8X, April 1991.

X3J3/Sll Official prepublication comments and acknowledgements (WG5-N335).

X3J3/S12 Public review comments and acknowledgments (cumulative document).

X3J3/S13 Formal public review comment responses.

X3J3/Sl4 Annual ISO / TC97 / SC22/ WG5 resolutions and X3J3 resulting actions.

The current version is document 110-64 (JLW_2; X3J3/230, p. 391).

X3J3/S15.121 Summary of X3J3 membership policies and procedures (to appear).

The latest draft is document 108-10 (X3J3/222, p. 27)

X3J3/S 17 Journal of Development. The first version is Appendix F of S8.104, June 1987.

X3J3/S20.121 Approved and Draft Interpretations

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4.2 Meeting 121 Document Register

X3J3 Documents for X3J3 Meeting 121 (Terre Haute, IN, May 25-29, 1992)

4.2.1 Pre-Meeting Distribution Documents: distributed in April, 1992:


















x3j3 /92-017




Hoffcrt/MBSH-0/Rcgister of Documents ... p. 0

Adams/JCA-1/30-Day Letter Ballot on Boeing NO ... p. 1

Adams/JCA-2/SD-7, Meeting Schedule and Calendar. .. p. 3

Adams/JCA-3/SD-9, Policy and Guidelines ... p. 27

Adams/.JCA-4/ Boeing Letter Ballot Rcsults ... p.115

Adams/JCA-5/Procedures for Hosting International Mtgs ... p.123

Adams/JCA-6/Requirements for Document Register ... p.125

Adams/ .I CA-7 /SD-4, Projects Manual. .. p.127

Adams/.JCA-8/ ANSI Information Publications ... p.219

Moss/LJM-1/Trip Report on 120th Meeting ... p.221

Martin/JTM-1/CLIP Working Draft...p.227

Martin/.JTM-2/L12 Subgroup Strategic Plan ... p.253

Steidel/JCS-1 /Rcqucst for Interpretation: END ... p.261

Steidcl/JCS-2/Request for Interpretation: END ... p.263

Steidcl/JCS-3/ Rcquest for Interpretation: END ... p.265

Steidel/JCS-4/Request for Interpretation: Statement Fcn ... p.267

Steidel/ JCS-5/Request for Interpretation: Interfaces ... p.269

Steidel/JCS-6/Rcquest for Interpretation: Generic lnt. ... p.271

Wagcner/JLW /MBSH-1/Proposals for Meeting Schedules ... p.273

Hoffcrt/MBSH-1/Attcndance Status at End of Meeting 120 ... p.275

Hoffert/M BSH-2/Proposcd Distribution Assignments ... p.277

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Pre-Meeting Distribution Documents: ( continued)




















x3j3 /92-040







Hoffert/MBSH-3/ Proposal for Sl5 Document Contents ... p.279

Cohen/MJC-1/ Alternative Answer to Interpretation No.4 ... p.281

O'Gara/UO-1/How lo Number Documcnts ... p.283

O'Gara/UO-2/Duties of the Librarian ... p.285

O'Gara/UO-3/Interpretation Rcquest...p.289

Wagener/JLW-1/Looking to the Futurc ... p.291

Wagener / JLW-2/ Interim Interpretation Features ... p.327

Wagener/JLW-3/Sample User Survey in the ?O's and 80's. p.329

Wagencr/JLW-4/Lcltcr Ballot on Trcasurer. .. p.383

Wagener/ JLW-5/X3H5 Proposal to Develop a Fortran 90 Bind ... p.385

Wagcner/JLW-6/X3J3 Changes to the WG5 L12 Documenl...p.397

Wagcner/JLW-7/X3/SD-1 Update-Fortran Family of Standards ... p.401

Rcid / JKR-1/Change to S20/13 ... p.411

Rcid/ JKR-2/Change to S20/29 ... p.413

Rcid / JKR-3/Change to S20/32 ... p.415

Rcid / JKR-4/Rcsponsc to 120-42 ... p.417

Rcid / JKR-5/Changc to S20/21...p.419

Rcid/JKR-6/Change to S20/22 ... p.421

Reid / JKR-7/Changes to S20/7 and S20/8 ... p.423

Reid / JKR-8/Minor Edits to S20 ... p.427

Tait/ ADT-1/ lntcrprctation of "edit dcscriptor" ... p.429

Tait/ADT-2/Responsc to 121-ADT-1...p.431

Tait/ ADT-3/Proposal for Format and Style of lnterprets .. p.433

Tait/ ADT-4/S20.120A ... p.437

Tait/ADT-5/ Interpretations & Discussions 7/91 - 9/91...p.471

Tait/ADT-6/ Interpretations & Discussions 9/91 - 2/92 ... p.533

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. Pre-Meeting Distribution Documents: (continued)





Tait/ADT-7/lnterpretations & Discussions 1/92 - 2/92 ... p.595

Tait/ ADT-8/Interprctations & Discussions 2/92 - 4/92 ... p.619

Tait/ADT-9/Grifliths Comments on the S20.120 ... p.683

Tait/ADT-10/Commcnls on the S20.120 ... p.699

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4.2.2 Post-Meeting Distribution Documents: distributed in June, 1992:

X3J3/92-031A Wagener/X3J3 Changes to WG5 L12 Document........... 397

X3J3/92-051 Tail/Interpretations & Disc email Apr & May, 1992-1 703

X3J3/92-052 Tait/Interpretations & Disc email Apr & May, 1992-2 703

X3J3/92-053 Feaux/Meeting Arrangemenls for 122................. 703

X3J3/92-054 Marlin/Internal'I Handling of lnlerp............... 703

X3J3/92-055 Marlin/WG5 Convenor's Report....................... 703

X3J3/92-056 Rolison/Requesl for Interp: ALLOCATE............... 703

X3J3/92-057 Rolison/ Proposed Correction........................ 703

X3J3/92-058 Rolison/ Requesl for In1e rp: Optional Args.......... 703

X3J3/ 92-059 Rolison/ Request for In1erp: TRANSFER............... 703

X3J3/92-060 Rolison/Requesl for Interp: KIND =.................. 703

X3J3/92-061 Tai1/ Interprelations & S20.120.A................... 703

X3J3/92-062A Tait/New Requests for Interp.. .................. .. . 703

X3J3/92-063 Tait/New lnlerp................................. .. . 703

X3J3/92-064 Tail/ Unresolved Issues............................. 703

X3J3/ 92-065 Weaver/Format & Style of Intc rp.................... 703

X3J3/92-066 Martin / Working Draft - Varying Character. .......... 703

X3J3/92-067 Wagener/Report to SPARC, April, 1992............... 703

X3J3/ 92-068 Hoffert/X3 Register of Documents Requi rement....... 703

X3J3/92-069 Martin/Response to 92-056.......................... 703

X3J3/92-070 Steidel/Response to 92-064, #38... ................. 703

X3J3/92-071 Bleikamp/Response to 118-ADT-2, 92-044............. 703

X3J3/92-072 Blcikamp/Response to 119-JTM-2, 92-044............. 703

X3J3/92-073 Bleikamp/ Response to 119-JTM-3, 92-044............. 703

X3J3/92-074 Bleikamp/Response to 92-045........................ 703

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Post-Meeting Distribution Documents: (continued)

X3J3/92-075 Blcikamp/Response to 92-047.......... .............. 703

X3J3/92-076 Feaux/Straw Vote on G Edit Descriptors............. 703

X3J3/92-077 Bierman/Proposed Interp 17......................... 703

X3J3/92-078 Unused........................................... .. 703

X3J3/92-079 Shepherd/Edits to Interp 25........................ 703

X3J3/92-080A PROC/Modification of Interp 21..................... 703

X3J3/92-081 Martin/Schedule from Earlier Version of Ll2........ 703

X3J3/92-082 Martin/WG5 L12 Subcommittee Status Report.......... 703

X3J3/92-083 Maine/Response to 92-051........................... 703

X3J3/92-084 Maine/ Response to 92-060.......................... 703

X3J3/92-085 Maine/Scribe Notes on X3H5 Talk... ... .. ............ 703

X3J3/92-086 Rolision/Request for Interp: 1/0 Implied 00........ 703

X3J3/92-087 Maine/Request for Interp: List-directed............ 703

X3J3/92-088 Weaver /Draft Interp: END Statement................. 703

X3J3/92-089 Rolison/Comments on X3J3/S20.120................... 703

X3J3/92-090 Himer/Interp for 92-057............................ 703

X3J3/92-091 Hirn er /Interp for 92-059............................ 703

X3J3/92-092A Steidel/Response to 92-064, #47.................... 703

X3J3/92-093A Steidel/Response to 92-061, #27.................... 703

X3J3/92-094 Hirn er /Response to 92-058....... .................... 703

X3J3/92-095 Hirchert/Interp #7 and #8............. ............. 703

· X3J3/92-096 Shepherd/Changes to Interp 32...................... 703

X3J3/92-097 PROC/Corrections to Interp 22...................... 703

X3J3/92-098 AD-HOC/Electronic Distribution Roadmap............. 703

X3J3/92-099 PROC/Changes to Interp 9........................... 703

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Post-Meeting Distribution Documents: ( continued)

X3J3/92-100 PROC/Changes to Interp 10.......................... 703

X3J3/ 92-101A PROC/Response to 92-045............................ 703

X3J3/92-102A Shepherd/Changes to lnterp 13...................... 703

X3J3/92-103 Himer/Modify lnterp 23 for 92-040.................. 703

X3J3/92-104 GEN/ RF!: Equivalence of Expression Evaluation...... 703

X3J3/92-105 GEN/ RFI: Valid Characters in Fixed Format.......... 703

X3J3/92-106 GEN/RF!: Class of Defined Operator.............. ... 703

X3J3/92-107 GEN/RFI: Automatic Data Objects in lnit. Expr...... 703

X3J3/92-108 Maine/REsponse to 92-045........................... 703

X3J3/92-109A Martin/Response to 92-051.......................... 703

X3J3/92-110 Wagener /X3H5 Leuer................................ 703

X3J3/92-11 l Steide l/ Status of Datu Subgroup Items.............. 703

X3J3/92-112 Phillimore/Revisions to lnte rp 31.................. 703

X3J3/92-113 Phillimore/Response 10 92-0(i5, #13................. 703

X3J3/92-114 Hirn er /Monday Humor Email........................... 703

X3J3/92-115A CIO/Response 10 92-041............................. 703

X3J3/92- l 16A C IO/ Response 10 92-087............................. 703

X3J3/92-117 CIO/Status of CIO Subgroup Items..... .............. 703

X3J3/92-118 CIO/G Edit Descriptor.............................. 703

X3J3/92-119 PROC/Resolving Generic Procedure References........ 703

X3J3/92-120 PROC/Response to 92-015............................ 703

Other Documents Distributed:

Cf22/92-096 Weaver/ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC22 Standards Interp.......... 703

Minutes/12lst Meeting






- 19 -

Committee Organization


Chair J crrold Wagener

Vice Chair Maureen Hoffert

International Rep. Ivor Philips

Secretary to be appointed

Librarian Linda O'Gara

Editor Walte r Brainerd

Defect Management Andrew Tait

Vocabulary Rep. Kurt Hirchert

Liaison Assignments

Data Interchange, X3T2 Presley Smith

Database, X3H2 Presley Smith

IEEE POSIX, Fortran binding lo be appointed

BSI Fortran Group Miles Ellis

Parallel Processing, X3H5 Jon Steide l


GEN (General Concepts)

Hendrickson (head), Lahey, Laue r, Marusak, Philips, Swift, Weaver, Whitlock ·

DATA (Data Concepts)

Katz, Martin, Meissner, Millard, Moss, OGara, Ragan, Rolison, Steele

CIO (Control Constructs and Input/Output)

Brainerd, Kclble, Lauson, Leonard, Mattoon, Oglesby, Smith

PROC (Procedures and Program Units)

Bierman, Ellis, Hime r, Hirchert (head), Hoffert, McConnell, North

JOD (Journal of Development)

Bierman (head), Hoffert, Meissner, Millard

Minutes/121st Meeting

- 20 -

6. Future Meetings and Distribution Assignments

Four Meeting Schedule for 1993: Meeting conventions: - 4 meetings per year - attempt to schedule second full week of month - attempt to schedule meetings back to back with WG5 meetings

122 Aug. 3-7, 1992 - Seattle, WA (Oglesby, host)

pre-meeting distribution deadline: June 29, 1992 pre-meeting distribution: Himer post-meeting distribution: Whitlock

123 Nov. 9-13, 1992 - New Haven, CT (Lauer, host)

pre-meeting distribution deadline: pre-meeting distribution: Weaver post-meeting distribution: Rolison

124 Feb. 8-12, 1993

pre-meeting distribution deadline: pre-meeting distribution: Leonard post-meeting distribution: Hoffert

125 May 10-14, 1993

pre-meeting dist ribution deadline: pre-meeting distribution: Tail post-meeting distribution: Katz

126 July 12-16, 1993 - Ellis (Following the WG5 Meeting, J uly 5-9 in Bavaria)

pre-meeting distribut ion deadline: pre-meeting distribution: Hirchert post-meet ing distribution: Marusek

127 Nov. 8-12, 1993 - A lbuquerque, NM (Lausen, host)

pre-meeting distribution deadline:


pre-meeting distribution: Mattoon post-meeting distribution: Swift

pre-meeting distribution deadline: pre-meeting distribution: Bierman post-meeting distribution: Steele

Minutes/121st Meeting