arXiv:1101.5063v1 [cond-mat.soft] 26 Jan 2011 Migration of chemotactic bacteria in soft agar: role of gel concentration Ottavio A. Croze Department of Mathematics The University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QW, UK. Gail P. Ferguson Institute of Medical Sciences University of Aberdeen Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK. Michael E. Cates SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy The University of Edinburgh Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK. Wilson C. K. Poon SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy The University of Edinburgh Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK. January 27, 2011

Migration of Chemotactic Bacteria in Soft Agar: Role of Gel Concentration

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Migration of chemotactic bacteria in soft agar:

role of gel concentration

Ottavio A. Croze

Department of MathematicsThe University of Glasgow

Glasgow G12 8QW, UK.

Gail P. FergusonInstitute of Medical Sciences

University of AberdeenForesterhill, Aberdeen AB25 2ZD, UK.

Michael E. CatesSUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of Edinburgh

Mayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK.

Wilson C. K. PoonSUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy

The University of EdinburghMayfield Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, UK.

January 27, 2011


We study the migration of chemotactic wild type Escherichia coli populationsin semi-solid (‘soft’) agar in the concentration range C = 0.15− 0.5%(w/v).For C . 0.35%, expanding bacterial colonies display characteristic chemo-tactic ‘rings’. At C = 0.35%, however, we observe broadband migrationrather than rings. These are growth/diffusion waves arising because of sup-pression of chemotaxis by the agar and have not been previously reportedexperimentally. For C = 0.4 − 0.5% expanding colonies do not span thedepth of the agar and develop pronounced front instabilities. The rate ofincrease of the colony radius (front speed) vF , is weakly dependent of agarconcentration below C = 0.25%, but decreases sharply above this value. Wediscuss these observations in terms of an extended Keller-Segel model forwhich we derived novel expressions for transport parameters accounting forperturbations of the chemotactic response by collisions with the agar. Theobserved front speed decay could be well fitted with the model in the rangeC = 0.15 − 0.35%, and its solutions qualitatively reproduce the observedtransition from chemotactic to growth/diffusion bands. We discuss the im-plications of our results for microbiological chemotaxis assays and the studyof bacteria in porous media.

Key words: Escherichia coli; motility; semi-solid agar; hydrogels; porousmedia; chemotaxis; Keller–Segel; spatial population dynamics

E. coli in soft agar 2


Much is understood about the motility of flagellated bacteria in open liq-uid media (1) and on solid surfaces (2). In contrast, bacterial locomotionwithin semi-solid media is much less well studied, even though bacteria oftencolonise three dimensional semi-solid environments, e.g. host tissues or food-stuffs. ‘Soft’ agar with concentration 0.2% . C . 0.35% (throughout, % =%w/v), a gel network whose main component is the semi-flexible polysaccha-ride agarose (3), is a plausible model for many of these kinds of solid environ-ments. It has been used in studies aimed at understanding motile microbialpathogens growing inside the semi-solid matrix of a variety of foods (4, 5)and of infected hosts, and therefore for predicting spoilage (6) and infection(7).

Soft agar was first introduced into microbiology for assaying chemotaxis(8). Chemotactic wild-type Escherichia coli inoculated at one end of a cap-illary filled with nutrient buffer spread out in ‘bands’ as they successivelydeplete the medium of oxygen and various nutrients. In a Petri dish filledwith nutrient agar, the observation of successive ‘rings’ progressing outwardsfrom the colony inoculated into the centre of the soft agar is taken to con-firm the chemotaxis genotype, since non-chemotactic mutants spread outuniformly (9).

Interestingly, the agar concentration in this widely-used chemotaxis as-say is not standardized, varying from investigator to investigator, or evenwithin the same study, in the range of 0.2% . C . 0.4%. The tacit as-sumption seems to be that, as long as concentrations are in the ‘soft range’,agar conveniently suppresses thermal and biological convection in the liquidmedium which hosts bacteria, but otherwise has no interesting effect. Wolfeand Berg’s investigation (9) of a number chemotactic mutants in soft agar(C = 0.2% − 0.35%) appears to confirm this assumption. They report noqualitative difference except a slowing down of the spreading front. Thefinding that E. coli and other motile bacteria were able to invade agar up toC = 0.65% (5) also lends credence to the notion that low concentration softagars may not have qualitative effects on chemotaxis.

However, the run-and-tumble motion of E. coli (1) and similar bacteriasuggests a priori that soft agar should affect chemotaxis. The pore size of softagar is ∼ 1µm (10), the same order as typical bacterial run lengths. Sincecells perform chemotaxis by altering their tumble frequency and thereforerun length, the structure of agar may therefore interfere with the ability to

E. coli in soft agar 3

chemotactically ‘bias’ random walks. The expectation is that this interefer-ence will be more pronounced in agar than in other porous media, such assand and soil, that have been extensively studied with regards to bacteriallocomotion (15), where most pore sizes (≈ 10µm to 1 mm) are very muchlarger than typical run lengths. Indeed, a study of Pseudomonas putida insand columns with grain sizes in the range 80 − 800µm found no effect onchemotaxis (16).

In this work, we show by experiment and theory that the chemotaxis of E.coli in soft agar is indeed strongly affected as the concentration is increasedin the range C = 0.15−0.5%. We observe that, as C is increased, the colonygrowth pattern changes qualitatively. Also, the speed of the migrating frontis weakly dependent on C at C . 0.25%, but decreases sharply with agarconcentration above this value. To understand our observations, we formu-late a modified Keller-Segel type model (18, 19) with transport parametersthat are functions of agar concentration. These functions are derived byextending a recent description of bacterial chemotactic response (20), andaccount for the diminished ability of bacteria to detect chemical gradients indense gels. This happens once the (fixed) response time of their chemotactic‘circuitry’ becomes longer than the (concentration dependent) collision timewith the gel matrix. Our model is able to fit quantitatively the observeddependence of front speed on agar concentration.


We used the streptomycin-resistant E. coli K-12 derivative AB1157, a chemo-tactic wild-type (21). Plate cultures from frozen stocks were refrigerated at4◦C for up to 3 weeks prior to use. Luria Broth (LB) agar was preparedby adding 1.5-5 g/l of Difco Bacto-agar to LB Broth (10 g/l Difco Bacto-Tryptone, 5 g/l Difco Yeast extract, 10 g/l NaCl) (22). The mixture wasautoclaved at 121◦C under 1.02 atm for 30 min, and left to cool for an hour.Agar plates were then prepared by pouring hot (45-50◦C) nutrient agar intostandard sized (100 mm diameter, 12 mm deep) plastic Petri dishes (Ster-ilin) on a level surface; 58 ml were poured in each plate (final agar thickness:10.0 ± 0.1 mm). Poured plates were left to set for about a day at ambienttemperature (22-27◦C). The final pH of the agar was 7.3± 0.1.

Late exponential phase cultures (OD600 = 0.8−1.3) were prepared by in-oculating single colonies in LB-filled flasks incubated at 30.0◦C and shaken at

E. coli in soft agar 4

200 rpm. Cultures were then diluted to OD600 = 0.1 (≈ 108 viable cells/ml)and agar plates were inoculated by delivering a droplet of . 1µl via a 2µlpipette. Inocula were left to sit on the agar for about an hour; then a thinlayer (thickness ≈ 1.5 mm, corresponding to ≈ 9 ml) of sterile filtered mineraloil (Sigma) was poured on the plates. Except at the highest agar concen-trations studied (C & 0.4%), the inoculum had been (to the naked eye)completely assimilated by the time the oil was poured, with no visible evi-dence of the pouring spreading organisms to other parts of the agar surface.At the highest C, the inoculum was not significantly incorporated into theagar after an hour, so that careful pouring was needed to minimise spreading.When significant spreading did occur, the plates were discarded. The thinoil layer kept evaporative losses to < 1% (weight) during our observations,but did not generate anaerobic conditions (23).

The Petri dishes were incubated at 30.0±0.5◦C on a dark background, il-luminated from the sides, and imaged at 30 minute intervals using computer-controlled CCD cameras. Images were analyzed using ImageJ (NIH) and IDL(RSI, Boulder, CO). We removed static noise (by subtracting the first framein each sequence), corrected for slightly non-uniform illumination (subtract-ing the image background fitted using a sliding paraboloid with 20 pixelsrolling ball radius) and matched histograms using gray-scale mapping (24).Then we obtained azimuthally-averaged radial intensity profiles from thoseimages without significant blebs (see below for observations and further dis-cussion on blebs).

At high C, image thresholding enabled us to determine the colony area,A, from which we calculated the radius r =

A/π. At lower C we fitted acircle to the intensity maximum in each image and determined the area ofthe fitted circle, from which r was then calculated.

Model of chemotactic E. coli populations in agar

The fundamental processes in agar plates inoculated with bacteria are growthdue to nutrient uptake and dispersion due to chemotactic motility, which canbe modelled by generalized Keller-Segel models (18, 25). Migrating popu-lations of bacteria in agar have been described for bacteria chemotacticallysensing nutrients (26, 27) or attractants secreted by the cells themselves (13).

E. coli in soft agar 5

However, these models ignore, or inconsistently account for, the effect of agaron bacterial chemotaxis. Since agar is a porous gel, one might think that ex-isting descriptions of other porous media (15) should be applicable to agar.We will show below that these descriptions are incorrect. The model pre-sented here is an adaptation of that originally formulated by Lauffenburger,Kennedy and Aris (LKA) for a chemotactic population with growth in onedimension (19). Our model differs from the LKA model in three ways. First,we model growth as logistic, while LKA used a linear term. Secondly, wework in two dimensions, since LKA’s 1D analysis is not adequate for mod-elling Petri dishes for early times. Finally and most crucially, the bacterialtransport coefficients in our model are not constants, but functions of agarconcentration derived from a recent model of bacterial chemotactic response(20).

Model equations

The starting point equations of our model are:


∂t= −∇ · [−µ(s, C)∇b+ vχ(s, C)b] + kgb







∂t= D∇2s−


Ykgg(s)b. (2)

Equation 1 expresses the conservation of bacteria, with population densityb(r, t). This population evolves in response to the combined effect of itsdiffusive and chemotactic fluxes, with diffusivity µ(s, C) and drift velocityvχ(s, C); these are in general functions of both substrate and agar concen-trations, s(r, t) and C resectively. The bacterial population also evolves bygrowth, with birth rate kgg(s), where kg is the maximum growth rate andg(s) is a function of substrate uptake, and a death rate −kgb/kb, where kbis the carrying capacity of the population. Equation (2) models the conser-vation of the first, most readily metabolised substrate, with concentrations(r, t), diffusing with diffusivity D and being consumed by bacteria at arate −kgg(s). In tryptone broth or LB this substrate is L-serine (8, 27).In the consumption term of (2), Y is the bacterial yield upon consump-tion (b = Y s). We now assume the following relations: µ(s, C) = µ(C);vχ(s, C) = χ(C)∇fχ(s), where fχ(s) =


; and g(s) = ss+ks

. That is, we

assume the diffusivity to be isotropic and independent of substrate concen-tration; µ depends only on the spatially uniform agar concentration C (see

E. coli in soft agar 6

below). The chemotactic velocity, vχ, is assumed linear in the gradient of a‘receptor-adsorption’ function fχ(s); kχ is the characteristic saturation con-centration of the chemotactic response (28). The proportionality constantis the chemotactic coefficient χ which, like µ, is assumed to depend only onagar concentration. The relations involving vχ and µ are approximate formsvalid in the limit of shallow concentration gradients (29). Bacterial growthdepends on subtrate concentration through a Monod-type growth functiong(s) (31); ks is the characteristic saturation concentration for growth.

We have derived the dependence of the diffusivity, µ, and chemotacticparameter, χ, on agar concentration by modifying de Gennes’ integral modelof bacterial chemotactic response (20), as detailed in Appendix A. Themodel quantifies the intuition that in a dense matrix of obstacles bacteriaare reoriented by collisions with the matrix as well as by tumbles, makingchemotaxis inefficient. Such collisions increase the effective bacterial tumblerate from the in liquido value α0 to α(C) = α0(1+f(C)), where the functionf(C) quantifies the collision-induced concentration-dependent increase of thetumble rate (see below). From our model it can be shown (see Appendix A)that the chemotactic transport parameters in agar are given by:

µ(C) = µ0 [1 + f(C)]−1 ; χ(C) = χ0 [1 + f(C)]−2 Iχ [f(C)] (3)

where µ0 and χ0 are the bacterial diffusivity and chemotactic coefficient inthe absence of agar. The agar concentration-dependent integral Iχ is given byequation (A16) and its value depends on the form of the chemotactic responsefunction, K(t), see equation (A17). The function f(C) gauges the increasewith agar concentration of the tumble rate in agar, αA(C), with respect toits in liquido value α0. That is, we assume αA(C) = α0f(C). Since collisionsare more frequent for a higher density of obstacles, we expect f(C) to mono-tonically increase with C. We adopt the ansatz f(C) = exp[C−C1

C0] (similar

to (? )), where C0 is a characteristic concentration. The concentration ‘shift’C1 accounts for the possibility that the tumble rate in agar can recover itsin liquido value for small, but nonzero agar concetrations: αA(C ≤ C1) → 0so α(C ≤ C1) → α0, C1 > 0.

To further understand the experimentally observed migration transitionand to compare our results to those derived for bacteria in porous media(15, 17), we have also derived asymptotic limits to the expression (3) for

E. coli in soft agar 7

χ(C). As shown in Appendix A, these asymptotic limits are:

χ(C) ≃


χ0 [1 + f(C)]−2 [1− κf(C)] if α(C) ≈ 1

β χ0 [1 + f(C)]−3 if α(C) ≫ 1.(4)

where κ and β are constants (see Appendix A) and α(C) = 1 + αA/α0 =1 + f(C) is the dimensionless effective tumble rate in agar (see (A6)). Thelimits (4) reflect the effect of confinement in agar on chemotaxis. At lowconcentrations, agar does not significantly impede chemotaxis, and bacte-ria can tumble relatively freely: α(C) ≈ 1 (‘efficient’ limit). At higherconcentrations, frequent collisions with the agar α(C) ≫ 1 confuse thechemotactic response (the ‘confused limit’). Neither expressions (3), northe limits (4) coincide with those derived in previous models of bacteria inporous media. These models treat bacteria in porous media like Brown-ian gases, and so derive transport parameters obeying the balance relation:µ(C)µ0

= χ(C)χ0

= [1+ αA(C)α0

]−1 (15, 17). However, in our model this relation does

not hold (even for very low C) because of the effect of collisions on chemo-taxis. It is only recovered in the absence of agar. We assume changes in theswimming speed, D or kg with agar concentration are negligible (32, 33).

Geometry, scaling and model parameters

We will consider only the two-dimensional, axisymmetric limit of our equa-tions. Our assumption is that, modulo a time shift, fully developed bacte-rial front dynamics are insensitive to particular initial conditions (providedthe initial colony is azimuthally symmetric). The characteristic length andtime scales for our experiments are millimeters and hours, so we rescale ourequations by τg ∼ k−1

g , where kg is the growth rate, and lg ∼√

µ0/kg,the average length a cell diffuses during a doubling time (in the absence ofagar). The population density is rescaled by its carrying capacity, kb, andall concentrations by the initial substrate concentration, s0. We rescale alldiffusivities by that of the bacterial population (in the absence of agar), µ0.We also rescale the yield Y by the maximum possible yield kb/s0. Thus:r = r

kg/µ0; T = kgt; B = b/kb; S = s/s0; N = D/µ0; δ0 = χ0/µ0; Kχ =kχ/s0; Ks = ks/s0; H = kb/(Y s0); M(C) = µ(C)/µ0; X(C) = χ(C)/χ0.

E. coli in soft agar 8

The model equations (1) and (2) in dimensionless form then read


= M(C)∇2B − δ0X(C)∇ ·(

B dFχ



+B [G(S)− B] , (5)


= N∇2S −H G(S)B, (6)

where Fχ(S) =S

S+Kχ, G(S) = S

S+Ksand where the dependence on agar con-

centration is through the functions:

M(C) = [1 + f(C)]−1 ; X(C) = [1 + f(C)]−2 Iχ [f(C)] , (7)

where we recall f(C) = exp[C−C1

C0], where C0 and C1 are the characteristic

concentrations introduced earlier. The parameter δ0 is significant: it mea-sures the relative magnitude of chemotactic advection to random diffustionin the absence of agar (a chemotactic Peclet number). It is how this ratiois modified by agar which leads to surprising results, as we will see. Wehave also defined the dimensionless parameters N , the ratio of nutrient andbacterial diffusivities, and H , the ratio of carrying capacitance of the bac-terial population to the maximum population obtainable from the nutrientavailable. Equations (5) and (6) are subject to the initial conditions:

B(R, 0) = e−R2

σ2 ; S(R, 0) = 1− e−R2

σ2 , (8)

where σ is the width of an initial Gaussian packet of bacteria. Since bacte-ria are unable to penetrate bounding surfaces, we impose no-flux boundaryconditions on equations (5) and (6).

The model parameters were obtained from our own measurements andliterature values for E. coli (33–37). They are: growth rate, kg = 0.35 −0.7h−1; initial cell concentration, b0(= kb) = 3.5 × 108 cells/ml; initial sub-trate concentration, s0 = 10−3M; cell diffusivity (no agar), µ0 = 0.7 −5.7mm2/h; chemotactic parameter (no agar), χ0 = 260 − 600mm2/h; sub-strate diffusivity, D = 3mm2/h; chemotactic threshold concentration, kχ =0.5 − 1 × 10−3M; growth threshold concentration, ks = 10−3M; yield, Y =1011 cells/ml/M. In addition to these macroscopic parameters, we use thein liquido tumble rate α0 = 1 s and the constant A0 = 0.5 to calculate theintegral Iχ in (7) using (A16) and (A17) (38). The concentrations C0 andC1 are free parameters, fixed by fitting the predicted front speeds with thosewe observed experimentally (see Results and Discussion). To fit the data,we select parameter values above to match the experimental band speed for

E. coli in soft agar 9

C = 0.15%, assuming this is the same as in the absence of agar. Withthese parameters, the dimensionless constants of the model have the valuesδ0 = 105; Kχ = 0.53; Ks = 1; N = 0.5; H = 3.5. The above parameterswill not be changed in our investigation and the initial packet width σ isfixed at 2. The 1D axisymmetric form of equations (5) and (6) were solvednumerically for C = 0.15−0.35% on a linear domain (L = 100) using Matlabsubject to initial conditions (8) and no-flux boundary conditions. Migrationfront speeds were obtained by subtracting the position of the leading edgeinflexion points of solution profiles calculated at neighbouring time pointsand dividing by the time interval. Like in experiment, these speeds werecalculated in the linear growth regime (long times) where speed does notchange with radius.


Observations on migration morphology and radial dy-


We first report qualitative features of colony morphology and dynamics. Forall concentrations studied (C = 0.15 − 0.5%) it takes 5-7 hours for the bac-terial inoculum on the agar surface to become visible. The inoculum thengrows in optical density and, after an additional time lag of 1-50 hours (prob-ably caused by the oil overlay, but with no influence on the reproducibilityof subsequent front dynamics), the initial bacterial colony migrates acrossthe plates. Stills from early and advanced stages of colony migration forconcentrations in the range 0.15% ≤ C ≤ 0.35%, are shown in Fig. 1a.Two striking effects of increasing concentration are immediately apparent:the change from a morphology displaying sharp rings to one which is morediffuse and featureless, and the loss of circular symmetry in the advancedstage of migration at high concentrations (C ≈ 0.35%).

At the lowest concentrations sampled, C = 0.15− 0.2%, bacteria migrateas circular bands inside the agar. We observed two bands in succession.The first band sharpens as it migrates across the plate, Fig. 1b,c. Thesecond band is slower than the first and also appears to sharpen as it travels.Interestingly, the first band at C = 0.15% initially displays internal structure(a double band, see first frame of Fig. 1b) and is reflected from the platewalls (not shown) before the second band catches up with it.

E. coli in soft agar 10

Bacteria also migrate as circular bands for C = 0.25 − 0.3%. Againtwo bands were observed, but now they traveled together Fig. 1d,e. AtC = 0.35%, sharp bands are no longer visible (Fig. 1f). The colony growsfrom the inoculum as a circular disk with a slightly nebulous front (Fig. 1).The intensity across the disk is initially approximately uniform, falling offat the edges, defining the band front Fig. 1f. At later times, however, itdisplays a broad band structure. We did not follow the radial developmentof these bands to the edge of the plate because the colony front developsinstabilities (blebs) that disrupt circular symmetry.

Visual inspection confirmed that bacteria had spread from the surfaceinoculum into the agar to a significant depth. For concentrations supportingbands these are initially hard to resolve for radii smaller than the plate height:the colony appears like a uniform expanding circle from above (Fig. 1a, toprow). For larger radii the first band is visible and clearly spans the depth ofthe agar, as observed by Adler (8). For colonies with two distinct bands, itis not clear at what depths the second bands occur; from our images theyseem to be further inside the agar. Microscopy (not shown) reveals that forC < 0.4% bacteria penetrate significantly beyond 1mm in depth, but for thisand larger concentrations it seems that agar limits penetration to a few mmfrom the surface.

At C = 0.4 − 0.5%, shown in Fig. 2, the expanding colony appearedas homogeneous, solid circles initially. However, the front invariably de-veloped extensive blebs. The blebbing instability set in earlier for higherconcentrations (e.g. at C = 0.4% blebs appeared when the colony radiuswas beyond a third of the plate radius, while at C = 0.45% it appeared ataround one sixth). The blebs developed into wedge shaped sectors, givingthe colony an overall flower shape (Fig. 2). At these concentrations, thecolony also appeared to spread on the surface of the agar (though not byclassical ‘swarming’), but we did not investigate such surface migration.

Effect of concentration on radial migration

In Fig. 3 we plot the radius of the outermost migrating front (band), r,against the time, t = ti−∆tl, elapsed since inception of visible colony growth,where ti is the time since inoculation and ∆tl is the latency time before acolony grows out. We estimated ∆tl from the intersection of a linear fit tothe raw radial data with the time axis (Fig. 3, inset). A substantial portionof the radial growth is linear in time for 0.15% < C < 0.4%. Linear portions

E. coli in soft agar 11

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

< I


r (mm)

t=17.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=16.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=15.7 h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


C=0.15%, (b)t=14.7 h

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

< I


r (mm)

t=18.8h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=17.8h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=16.8h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=15.8h C=0.2%, (c)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

< I


r (mm)

t=19.3h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=17.3s 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=15.3 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=13.3h C=0.25%, (d)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

< I


r (mm)

t=30.2h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=27.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=25.2h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=22.7h C=0.3%, (e)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

< I


r (mm)

t=47.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=43.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=39.7h 0

10 20 30 40 50 60

< I


t=35.7h C=0.35%, (f)

Figure 1: (a) Images of E. coli AB1157 populations at early (top) andadvanced (bottom row) stages of migration in agar with concentration0.15% ≤ C ≤ 0.35%, as labelled. Bacteria were grown in 100mm diame-ter Petri dishes in 10mm thick LB agar. Shown are circular views (65 mm

E. coli in soft agar 12

Figure 2: Bacterial populations for C = 0.4− 0.5%. Colonies (65 mm views)are initially circular (top row), but quickly develop blebbing instabilities(bottom row) stages.











0 6 12 18 24 30 36

r (m


t (h)






15 20 25 30 35

ti (h)

Figure 3: The colony radius, r, growth against the time, t, since growthinception (see text) for concentrations in the range 0.15 − 0.4%. The insetshows a linear fit to the raw radial data for C = 0.3% against time sinceinoculation, ti. Similar fits were performed for all other concentrations todefine the migration speed (slope) and the latency time ∆tl (intersectionwith the time axis). Error bars are at most the size of a data point.

E. coli in soft agar 13

can also be identified for 0.45 and 0.5% (not shown), though the extent ofthese data is severely limited by the formation of blebs. Slopes from the fitsto the radial growth curves in the range 0.15−0.35% (0.15−0.5%) are plottedas a function of agar concentration in Fig. 4 (and inset). At C ≤ 0.25% themigration speed is at best weakly affected by concentration, but beyond thisvalue it decreases dramatically. Our model can account for this behavior (seebelow).



0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

v F (



C (%)

experimentfull model

efficient limitconfused limit

gas kinetic model





0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Figure 4: Experimental migration front speed as a function of concentrationin the range 0.15−0.35% together with a best fit to the data using our model.Also shown for best fit parameters are the model ‘efficient’ and ‘confused’limits, and the prediction from gas kinetic models (17, 45). The inset showsthe same data but including points for C = 0.4 − 0.5%, labelled differentlyto indicate the different mode of migration at these concentrations.

Theoretical front speed decay and band profiles

We fitted the experimental front speed data of Fig. 4 with our model, usingthe transport parameters (3). Also shown in Fig. 4 are the ‘efficient’ and‘confused’ limits of the model for the same parameters. As expected, the effi-cient (confused) limit is a good description at low (high) concentration. Theevolution of the theoretical band profiles corresponding to full model best fitis shown in Fig. 5 (left). Also shown in Fig. 5 (right) is the prediction usingtransport parameters from gas kinetic models derived for bacteria in porousmedia: µ(C)

µ0= χ(C)

χ0= [1 + αA(C)

α0]−1 (15, 17). As concentration is increased

E. coli in soft agar 14

in the experimental range C = 0.15 − 0.35%, the full model band profilesdisplays a transition from sharp, chemotaxis-dominated bands to broader,growth/diffusion-dominated bands. In the gas kinetic model, because thechemotaxis parameter, χ, and diffusivity, µ, have the same functional de-pendence on C, profiles remain sharp for all concentrations. The roundedprofiles predicted by our model arise from suppression (‘confusion’) of thechemotactic response caused by bacterial collisions with the agar. When thechemotactic flux in equation (1) becomes negligible with respect to the fluxesdue to logistic growth and diffusion, the travelling band solutions to (1) and(2) change from sharp, fast chemotaxis-dominated bands to slower, broaderbands driven by growth/diffusion processes. This is what we observe experi-mentally. The model as formulated breaks down for the conditions observedfor C ≥ 0.4%, so its predictions in this range of C were not considered (seeDiscussion).


We have experimentally studied the migration of chemotactic E. coli pop-ulations in soft agar of concentration in the range C = 0.15 − 0.5%. Con-sistently with other investigators we find that increasing agar concentrationdecreases the speed of propagation of the bacterial front (5, 14, 39) andseverely hampers penetration for C & 0.5% (5, 14). However, our work alsoreveals a hitherto unobserved transition in the dynamics of the populationas agar concentration increases. The transition is from a dynamics display-ing characteristic chemotactic bands (rings) to one where the bacteria travelas broader bands. Lauffenburger et al. theoretically studied the transitionfrom sharp chemotactic to broader growth/diffusion bands by increase of thechemotaxis to diffusion ratio δ0 = χ0/µ0 (19). Comparing their predictionsfor growth/diffusion band speeds with experiments on bacteria migratingin capillaries, they found disagreement, concluding that the experimentalbands were under chemotactic control. Interestingly, we have discovered thatsufficiently concentrated agar provides an environment where chemotaxis issuppressed and growth/death processes can dominate the band dynamics.

To understand our experimental results we also built a model of bacterialpopulations in agar. We extended Lauffenburger et al.’s model to two di-mensions with logistic growth and coupled it to the first full expressions forthe concentration dependence of bacterial diffusivity µ(C) and chemotactic

E. coli in soft agar 15

50 55 60 65 70 75 80


C=0.35%, T=130

C=0.3%, T=60

C=0.25%, T=30

C=0.2%, T=25

C=0.15%, T=23FULL MODEL

50 55 60 65 70 75 80


C=0.35%, T=56

C=0.3%, T=34

C=0.25%, T=26

C=0.2%, T=24

C=0.15%, T=24GAS KINETIC

Figure 5: Theoretical predictions for the band profiles for the full model(left) and gas kinetic models (17, 45) (right) in the same range probed inexperiments: C = 0.15 − 0.35%, as indicated. In the full model, as concen-tration is increased the dynamics changes from chemotactic (sharp bands) togrowth/death dominated (broad bands). This transition is qualitatively thesame as observed in experiment (see Fig. 1), and is not predicted by the gaskinetic model.

E. coli in soft agar 16

parameter χ(C) in agar (or similar porous media). We derived these froman adaptation to agar of de Gennes’ integral model of bacterial chemotac-tic response (20), as detailed in Appendix A. In agar bacterial directionsare randomised by collisions with the agar matrix (frequency α0f(C)) or bynatural tumbles (frequency α0), leading to a concentration dependent effec-tive tumble rate α(C) = α0(1+ f(C)), where the function f(C) = exp[C−C1


quantifies the collision-induced concentration-dependent increase of the tum-ble rate. It is these collisions which confuse the chemotactic response leadingto a different functional form for µ(C) and χ(C) in concentrated agar. Thisleads our model equations to predict the same transition from chemotacticbands to growth/diffusion bands that we observe experimentally. Solvingthe coupled equations for experimentally reasonable parameters in the range0.15 − 0.35% we obtained a best fit of the theoretical front speeds to theexperimentally observed values (Fig. 4). We find the characteristic concen-trations C0 = 0.035% and C1 = 0.28%.

In comparing model profiles, Fig. 5, with experimental ones, Fig. 1b-f, weshould note that the vertical axes in the latter probably do not map linearlyto cell density due to multiple scattering effects. In addition, ‘dead’ or non-motile bacteria contribute to the signal but do not contribute in theoreticalplots. Nevertheless, with these caveats, we see that for C = 0.15−0.35% ourmodel nicely reproduces the experimentally observed transition in the colony(band) profile at long times (Fig. 5, left): bands change from sharp bandsto broad bands as concentration in increased.

We do not apply our model to C = 0.4 − 0.5% because it breaks downin this range. Recall that for C ≥ 0.4% experimentally we observe thatthe conditions of growth and migration for bacteria change dramatically:two subpopulation coexist, one growing on the surface and one in the bulk,which does not penetrate very deeply. We can use equation (3) to estimate ifbacteria will be diffusion limited at high concentrations. Using our fit valuesfor C0 and C1, we find the ratio of bacterial to nutrient diffusivity at 0.4%is µ/D = 0.06. Such diffusion limited growth is known to produce branch-ing instabilities like those we observe (40). Reduced nutrient availability inconcentrated agar could also result in smaller swimming speeds and growth.Preliminary cell tracking (data not shown) indicates that average cell dis-placements in agar decrease around 0.4%, which could be consistent withreduced swimming speeds.

The suppression of the chemotactic bands we have observed has poten-tially important implications for microbiological practice. Microbiologists

E. coli in soft agar 17

studying motility often make chemotactic mutants which are screened forusing chemotaxis assays. One of these assays, the ‘motily assay’, involvesinoculating soft agar and imaging the resulting bacterial colony, like we havedone in this study. The agar concentration for such assays is not standard(values in the range 0.1− 0.4% can be found in the literature (41–43)), andseems to be a matter of convenience (e.g. slower migration in more concen-trated agar allows to study more than one colony in the same plate (44)).When chemotactic mutants are screened for, the chemotactic band pheno-type is sought for as a marker of chemotaxis, its absence denoting a successfulchemotactic mutant (39) or a failed restoration of the chemotaxis phenotype(41). Our experiments suggest, however, that chemotactic cells above a cer-tain (still soft) concentration of agar will fail to show the band phenotype.Thus, if agar plates are used to assay for chemotaxis it will be importanttake into account the possibility that suppression of the band phenotype bythe physical environment may occur. Performing assays at a number of agarconcentrations spanning the soft range (0.1-0.4%) should therefore be partof standard protocol when screening for chemotaxis.

The suppression of chemotaxis is also relevant to the migration of bac-teria in porous materials other than agar, important in bioremediation (15)and food spoilage (5). As discussed above, previous gas kinetic models ofbacterial migration in porous media do not account for the possibility of thechemotactic response becoming confused by collisions with agar (15, 17, 45).This neglect, which is an implicit consequence of assuming bacterial popula-tions behave like Brownian gases, invalidates the predictions of these modelsin porous media with a finite concentration of obstacles, even if dilute. Gaskinetic models can provide good fits to our experimental front speed data(with different values for the characteristic concentrations C0 and C1), butcannot also reproduce the experimentally observed transition in front shapes.On the other hand, provided pores are larger than a cell, our model accuratelydescribes the transport of chemotactic bacteria in general porous media.

Finally, it is interesting to note that since the transition from chemotacticto growth/diffusion bands and corresponding decay in front speed dependson the scattering of bacteria by the agar matrix, a fit of observed speeds,such as the one we have performed, can provide indirect structural informa-tion about the agar. We are not aware of any systematic structural study ofbacteriological agar in the soft range. In agarose, size exclusion chromatog-raphy of colloids suggests maximum pore sizes ≈ 0.5µm for C = 0.16% (10).With these lengthscales, agar of the same concentration would be useless for

E. coli in soft agar 18

bacteriology. Using our ‘dynamic bacterial scattering’, we predict a meanfree path ξ(C) = l0 exp[


C0], where l0 = v/α0 = 20µm is the in liquido run

length (with v = 20µm/s and α0 = 1s−1). Thus, at C = 0.28%, the averageagar pore size available for bacteria to move in is the same size as a run in

liquido. On the other hand, extrapolating to C = 0.4% our fit parameterspredict l0 ≈ 0.6µm, i.e. on average the agar can barely accomodate thewidth of a bacterium, which agrees with our observation of hindered pene-tration for C > 0.4%. In the future it would be interesting to characterisethe microstructure of bacto agar and correlate it with bacterial motion.


We acknowledge work by J. Cameron in the initial phases of this research.OAC and WCKP were funded by the EPSRC EP/E030173 and EP/D071070.MEC was funded by the Royal Society.

A Modelling run-and-tumble chemotaxis in


Using a microscopic model of run-and-tumble dynamics in one dimension(e.g. (46–48)) it can be shown that the bacterial diffusivity, µ, and thechemotactic parameter, χ, are given by:

µ =2v2

α+ + α−; vχ = v

α− − α+

α+ + α−(A1)

where α± are the mean tumble probabilities for bacteria moving up (+) anddown (−) the substrate gradient, and v is the average run speed. Note thatfor symmetric bias, α+ = α− = α, µ = v2/αd ≡ µ0 in d dimensions (47).Extension to the asymmetric case for d > 1 is cumbersome and here weformally work only in d = 1. (By writing the final results in terms of µ0 thecorrect d-dependence is, however, recovered in the symmetric limit).

We connect the above expressions to the chemotactic response by mod-ifying previous work (20, 49) to account for the effect of agar. A bacterialrun is an inhomogeneous Poisson process with rate

αt(t) = α0



∫ t


dt′K(t− t′)fχ(x(t′))


≡ α0[1−∆(t)] (A2)

E. coli in soft agar 19

where the subscript t indicates tumbles and, as in the main text, α0 is thetumble rate in the absence of bias and fχ is a function related to substrateconcentration at position x via fχ = s(x)/(s(x) + kχ). The function K(t)is the bilobed chemotactic response function which has been measured forE. coli (50, 51), and obeys

0K(t)dt = 0. The linear expression above is

valid for shallow substrate gradients, i.e. the bias |∆(t)| ≪ 1. Consideringa run starting at t = 0, in the absence of agar the probability density for a

tumble occuring in the interval [t, t+dt] is given by αt(t) exp(

−∫ t




We argue that since bacterial collisions with the agar can also be considereda Poisson process, the same probability density describes the occurence oftumbles in agar if the tumble rate αt is replaced by an effective rate:

αe(t;C) = αt + αA (A3)

which comprises (independent) contributions from αt = αt(t;C), the tumblerate due to the intrinsic bacterial dynamics (modulated by any chemotac-tic response) and αA = αA(C) an additional collision rate with the agar(which also randomises swimming direction). Then the mean run durationfor bacteria in agar (or other porous media) is given by

T (C) =



dt t αe(t;C) exp


∫ t






where 〈. . .〉paths denotes an average over all possible bacterial swimming paths(the suffix will hereafter be assumed), since the nonlocal contribution αt toαe is path dependent. Then, changing variables in the memory integral (A2)by defining u = t− t′, substituting (A3) into (A4) and recalling |∆(t)| ≪ 1,we have:

T (C) ≈1

α(C)+ α0



⟨∫ t




duK(u)fχ(x(t′ − u))


where we have defined the unbiased tumble rate in agar

α(C) = α0 + αA(C). (A6)

The concentration function fχ is related to imposed gradients by a Taylorexpansion:

fχ(x(t− u)) ≈ x(t− u)∇fχ + const. (A7)

E. coli in soft agar 20

Recalling that that K(u) integrates to zero, the constant term does notcontribute to integral (A5). Thus, following a trick introduced by De-Gennes(20), we consider a ‘single delay’ response function of the form K(u) =Aδ(u− θ), so (A5) becomes

T (C) ≈1

α(C)+ A∇fχα0



⟨∫ t


dt′x(t′ − θ)

. (A8)

Next, again following (20) (ignoring persistence and rotational diffusion, see(49)) we notice that for times t−θ < 0 before the start of a run, the positionx(t− θ) is on average not correlated to the bacterial velocity along the run.On the other hand for t − θ > 0, we can write x(t − θ) = ±v(t − θ), where±v is the run speed up or down a gradient. (A8) then becomes

T±(C) ≈1

α(C)± v |∇fχ|α0A


dte−α(C)t 1

2(t− θ)2 (A9)

and, after integrating by parts

T±(C) ≈1

α(C)± v |∇fχ|


α(C)3Ae−α(C)θ (A10)

. So finally, for a general a distribution of delay times K(θ) we have

T±(C) ≈1

α(C)± v |∇fχ|




dθK(θ)e−α(C)θ . (A11)

Now we identify α± = 1/T±, so that we can use (A11) and (A1) to find, toleading order in |∇fχ|,

µ(C) =v2

α(C); vχ(C) = v2




dθK(θ)e−α(C)θ. (A12)

Or, since the chemotactic sensitivity parameter χ is defined by vχ = χ(C)∇fχ

µ(C) =v2



1 +αA(C)



; χ(C) =v2



1 +αA(C)


]−2 ∫ ∞


dθK(θ)e−α(C)θ .

(A13)where we have expanded the agar tumble rate defined in (A6). Equations(A13) are the bacterial transport parameters in agar accounting for a chemo-tactic response nonlocal in time. In the absence of agar (C → 0), the exper-imentally measured values of the bacterial transport parameters are µ0 and

E. coli in soft agar 21

χ0, the in liquido diffusivity and chemotactic parameter. In this limit (A13)become the expressions derived by de Gennes (20)

µ(C → 0) =v2

α0≡ µ0; χ(C → 0) =




dθK(θ)e−α0θ ≡ χ0. (A14)

Using (A14), we can rewrite (A13) as

µ(C) = µ0


1 +αA(C)



; χ(C) = χ0


1 +αA(C)






















. (A16)

To solve the model presented in the main text, we require an explicit expres-sion of K(t) to evaluate (A16), and thus (A15). We use a recently proposedfit to the experimentally measured impulse response of E. coli (38), and write:

K(t) = N0e−α0t




α0t +1




, (A17)

where α0 is the base tumble rate, A0 is a dimensionless constant and N0 > 0is a normalisation constant whose value is unimportant, as it cancels out inthe expression for Iχ.

To facilitate the discussion of our results, we also evaluate two limitingexpressions for the concentration dependence of the chemotactic parameterin (A15). For very low concentrations bacterial collisions with the agar arerare, αA(C) ≪ 1 (α(C) ≈ α0), so, expanding to first order, (A16) becomesIχ ≈ 1−καA/α0, where κ ≡


0dθK(θ)e−α0θ. For large

agar concentrations, on the other hand, collisions with the agar are frequentand confuse the chemotactic response. The effective tumble rate is so largecompared to the natural one, α(C) ≫ α0, that K(θ) can be approximatedby K(0) in the numerator of (A16), where the integrand falls rapidly to zerofor θ ≥ 1/α(C). In this case Iχ(αA/α0 ≫ 1) ≈ β[1 + αA(C)/α0]

−1, whereβ = K(0)/(α0

0dθK(θ)e−α0θ). We can then write asymptotic expressions

for the chemotactic parameter:

χ(C) ≃



1 + αA(C)α0

]−2 [

1− καA(C)α0


if α(C) ≈ α0

β χ0


1 + αA(C)α0


if α(C) ≫ α0 .(A18)

E. coli in soft agar 22

If, as in the main text, the values A0 = 0.5 and α0 = 1 are used in (A17),then κ = 1/10 and β = 16/5.


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