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WeatherPartly Cloudy

N O -

B u i l d i n g In A lg e r ia T e r r o r i s t E

A L G IE R S , A lB crin . J u n e 0 ( / I Vomba o f ~ E o r6 p G m r tc r r o r l s t s r a «

today d e s t r o y in g scIiooIk a n d iiu lilic ‘ in? t h c U . S . in fo rn u itio n c f ii ti stfcpt t h r o u g h th c p ro u n il f lo o r inform ution c e n tc r , located in th c European s c c t io n . U .S . Con^iil-(Jen wid d a m a g e w n s h e a v y b u t (Icclinc mate. I t w n s o n e o f a doz- Ul bom ba a n d nrHon a t- Ickfl c a r r ie d o u t b y th e i n U ] jr ro r is t f ic c rc t u rm y o r- i

carUi campdlRn. Tlic J undersfou"** orgnniraUon !im ^ * - roved to Icflve rulnn and drbil: fl 111 (Cf lhe future Moslem rulcra of

TOICVCIn Oran to tlie wrst. tne se- muiiM c

seL_aniur,.ftttiickc(l_flollc<:-cJi*;o-borrtfrjBipmenta with b.iroolcns «ml tmimnii i ine c«nftd«s. il’djiltiK .Id *moll w estern AlRcrlnn uons on

OTO* terrorUta rcporletlly fliotiUrr, But fld killed »even or more Mos-iii r.tni c | fan. I The unMoslem commimdoi eounterr(!;rt note b

Hh sttacicj oen im t Europearuliucia In X HUWr*. kllllnR a l.le .i.n otie.;t»ti Ne« Xropetin nnd woiindin? llirte.Iprul^Iem. Amonc tlie tnrBcta for iccrrtlii^itncy, d

la r bomb nnd arson allncks iliiy, witl f tn three schools, a fine arl.ijltir Indl.-i »rerTfc“ P!WiTful-tTawfemiM-jJuiie-2,— ifTTitiaibiiii Ottyotril!.-. (inil ti , 1 tir~no lumber of Mo-»lem liou.w.v i have .set i 'A jpcctjxcular fire triRircrcA by aironxpolt

flitted Ihe central ml-,China, nn ilnlilmtlon nullcJInif of the Al-|lii[ru.'lnn.i rflin Oa* and Electricity com- Slnktnni; i.nv,- dcstroj'lns thousands of -----KordJ and bins, no ln-itnlla-Ions were located In the build- i y H f l

W e new nltack on the U.S. In- ^ f n otmaUoti em ter carao \ J l ^ton atier the sta te tJrpftrtrociit ' jfldnlly condemned Mcrct army 1 ? frrorlim In a utiitement. - U t - i ; . The centcr hn* been allacfced ~

ner»l times w ith pla.itlc bomb.i BOISE, locc MW, I t jTOS_rJickcd ftrmy nal tic* by rtoUnif !?iit«pcnnii who Idaho an ecuied the United SUtea of oowcn fji »vortiiB Arab nationalism. o f «

Tlie lie

Deadlock Is Readied by LaosPriiices

(See phota on p«jb B) tm ta on VIENTIANE, Laos, June 0 Wl — mainU-nai

)lpIom4tlc- aourcci anld today du.'tty Ucai AM- three prlnccs reached an- field, ilhff deadlock over formation ot Tlie c«' , coalition Bovcrnment. when Into lha efUit Qulnlm Pholsena wns pro- days of ex wed for.foreign minister, .Monday. , QulnliTt, v h o has made bitter- gin ftrlnii

r tnll-Amerlcan 8Uilenittit.» In howllxers he pu l. waa associated wllh eljtlii day; he little p m tro o p capt-iln, field.:oft8 Le. who overlhrew the pro- TJie llOl

nf Pri-mlrr u n —U alu110 Sonuanlth In AurusI, 3QC0. « tek of i I TU. k t Qulnlm's bookstore In week-end NenlUne th a t the ploticrs met. co army t Qulnlm became Information Uieir tralr

BtaUler In Prince Souvanna .j-lie trol lionuma neutra list Rovermnent ^ ianracccw lcdU no. Qulnlm fled g ,_ a rebel territory whcn Souvanna ^M omsied from th e capital by Q fM „„ f he rishllst, Oen, PhoumI No- ^ ' u,”.> « I.D., S; S SAtlcr reaching rebel territory ^

n the Plalne des Jarre.% Qulnlm "«am* foreign m inister In a » • , illed ROvernmenl fonned In . . . , . iou»*mia;a_nBmc.Jflome_ot_.S511r They-wlll- »nai’* tieuirallsla Uwe com- itlaed m at he U too IcflbU •

9 QUAnDSMEN frbm Inop ti.( u -p* ‘" a w M ki of lomnier tr iln ln f. *“ ^ « r d j u id P/o. E pdaer 8UfM. (AT wl

T he M

^ ■ ;

R a z e d r ia F r o m ^ it B o m b s J Bne 9 W - I - ir c a I r i c g e r f i l JllL s r is ts r a g i 'd T l i r o u g l i A lg ie rs ■ ind iiu lilic b u i ld in g s a n d d a m - f l tio n c e n te r . r i i a r in g f ir e t, ” il f lo o r <if tlm ()fton -i)om bed 1 ed in th e h e a r t o f A lg ie rs ' r . . onM il-(;encra l W illia m I’o r te r f / 'H t j h '^ i e d to n ia lte a n c.stir

e‘ I n d ia W a r n e d '

; B y R e d C h in a

!; O n F r o n t i e r ^TOICVO. June 9 (fl — Com- 1'

*;muiilM China li:ui uiirncil India S ‘•■o-borrtrr cla.>;n’mny-oVupt'nt'niiyd .m oinnil if India coniiiiucs whiil V

!i’cllileu' c;iiU iiilll!;iry provoci- A ? jn lions on ihe loiic-dispuftd fron- T :- 7 »:Urr. But It add td lh a t thc door ' ' ■' i*'ll r.tni open for ni'KoiiaUoiw.

I lh e unrnlng was coniiilncd in ,(l;a note by the I'clplnit govern- / .r is.iLtiii In a (lerlw of cxchnnKca »e .^ llli Ne«.- DcUil oiv U w -botdtr e.jproblcm. Tlie Nc«- China new*•t.ii:;i-ncy, dL%closlnK the delalls to- ;s (liiy. Mid Ilie jjou- iivu JinnjJed lo •ijllie Indl.'in einbii.'.,iy in I’elplnR

n-|—11ie-notc-sniar~ln(JIfiirtK i6i)i “lliave .scl up aiio ilitr ntw mllitnry '

y sironxiiolni liuldc S l n k l a n g ,-,Chhin, and have continued Uielr -ilii[ru.'lnn.s nnil provocallonfl In- SlnklitnR and lhe Arl dlairlcl.”,f ---------- -------------------- OVKUA

■ G u a r d U n i t s }j°pc!

j O f 2 S t a t e s

’ B e g in C a m p 1 5 (DOISE. June 0 W-Coiivoy.s of • '

ll army national Kuard-smtn from H T t i 6 Idaho and Neviidn rolled into X X J.1 I Oowi'h field here today for t'vo

wetkK of summ er UnJnlng. O A K L Tlie IlClh a r m o r e d eavntry t r u c k s , ,1

rechnent from southern Idaho „ . , i f ;~ i , imd Ihe H ath field nrllllery from M aw w and LcwLilon Joined a r- “ - V ” " llllery unlLs from Bonners Ferry o ld d e e r and Coeur D’ Alenc which a r- .H now storr l« d Prlday n ight. f o o t , f a n

Brip. G en. OvorRe B . Bennett.B.vilstant Idaho ad ju tan t general. T i . aald the guardnmcn will concen- tn r e e in i tm ta on marksmnnahlp a n d c o v e ro tl

- malnU-nance of equipment In (he sq u n r o n y du.'tty desert a rea eaat of Gov,en p j

t Tlie cavalry unlU wlU more reclstereS'* (1 Into lha field Sunday for four m w otnc n• dnys of excrciscs and begin firing j

.Monday. A rtillery units will be- icfcd• gin firlnic Uiclr 155 mllltoieter t j , ,1 howltxcrs Sunday iw they sw rl q . . n.1 eight days of operations in thc j,“I, field. cnnip a t P- TJib llOih engineers from En*l- ;,nite olC t lU.L U Ui.I. tttek of train ing nnd took thc n c i.,i..p . 1 week-end off. T hey will under-

go army test.i n ex t week, ending . . . . ,, ;n ,d r t™ m .n ,F H a . , - .• Tlie training will be evaluated u,e forcsi ‘ by a team from -the /.Ulh U, 6, wjvti to 're r. ’ army. San PrancLico, under com- jny if the ‘ mand of Col. ArUtur C. Petcr.vin.f Officers f w n th e a u th ani.y, .■ ccnUnenlal arm y command and •

the naUonal' guard bureau also' will make lnspeellon.'». I , * ~ f' Nevada^ guardsmen nrrlvlnKi^^'^®"■ here today wero members of the Swiss : ’ 121st an ti-aircraft arUllery group.

* _ * * * — —

( t f . (AT w lrephoto)

- -

T he Magic A 'a U c y ,N e w sp a p e r Dedicat

■ _______________ T U 'l.N ^

i l B

OI’KKATJO.VS AHE OUTLlNtI) for lhe Dorsey, I'aul, 19-yrar-old deer hunler who dh In lhe CsMla division of Sawlegih nallonal fn Oakley. Galng .over last minute plans Salurc from lefl, E. L. Fox, Idaho Falli, In cliarga oi

■ * * * * * ’ *

150 Searchers I Find Hunter’s

O A K L E Y , J u n e 9 — J lo re tiian lu t r u c k s , .le ep s, o n h o rse b a c k nnd n fo o t i g e d t im b e r -c o v e r e d c d u n try soiitiiw e.st o n v a in e f l i i r t to f in d - th o body of F loyd I. o ld d e e r h u n te r w h o iie r ish c d in a .sudt .sn o w s to rm l a s l f a l l . T h c se a rch e rs , mu f o o t , f a n n e d o u t in g ro u iis o{ 10 n n d cc v id e d in to s t r i p s a b o u t h a lf a m ilo wth r e e m ile.q in le n g th . T h e y -------------------c o v e ro tl n h e s t im a te d 50s q u a re m ile s . A n a u x il ia ry - i v C l l l l *s t a t e p o lic e m a n .said <1*8 r r t , -■Jeeps a n d pickup trucks were I 1 /> k ArcRWiered for the search thismwoiDg nnd n t least th a t mnny -p imen on horseback wcra regls- h i f l f l f P I

The Pau l youili was last seen (See ph on Oci. 21 by a group of women SPIlINOFIi when h e had coffcc a t their W — Mn.wicli cnmp a t Plckclt corral! and Id l have anoUier In flplte of Uielr protests to re- Ucket to pffit r le rt-n -d w h trb m l-s lro t :— =----- rrjjj:-------- r j -

nclatlves have t>c-en searching n ,e i a |« t the nrea regularly m n vain entry Is Prcsl effort to find his body. A mount- nedy’s younge cd povv! from Burley campcd In M. (called T llie forcsi Saturd.ny nnd and endprf^mcnt- w w to rer.Uiiie'lho. iieurch Sun- state convcnti day if th c body is not lound. TUnt wns

Offlclal.1 In c inrgc of Uie round. State search emphasU.i'd Uint m o r e j . McCormick foot scnrchcra lire needed. Kenned)-, u id

'riie acnrch Is undrr th c dl- lo ilie peoplr. rccUon o t Pred Wtbcr, n for* September sl. mer Swiss mountaineer who now ^nd If tha t Is n member of Uie f.carch nnd « fromrescue u n it ■from_Bojs^-----------anollier-fam o- Mounicd atoups trom Rupert, going into the

publlcaai' sin---------------- ------------- Worcester.

' ■ . ' lU a Lodge (

• . of former UHenry Cabot

,! - f o r Uim panyB k innllon.

Lodge aUo . opponent, nep

' rt.. Mass.. whl - X I I • wnate conle.uL*,-.* / . . al rcdlitrletln

/ «ft‘-■ And 11 could

publican senal^ B i will be appen^ H | voters in the pj

>1 A convenUon' sets simply gl

candidate ftr.stW i W M 'k- - ’ lot. He .Itlll car

'* tie It ou\ for Iprlmarjv

R u p e r t , j iW ' ^ . I ' T s - Jlralnei was ci

' ‘'*5'W m ' ^ % . : tan Ilesta «poir ' merchants.

T S - Attendenis wi i r i : - f - and LuUa Roc

A beet-lhlnni •. the foll(

. - ^ u i parade and stri - i S V children.

Speakers' we .* president

^ ------- tltrC hamber o f; i; ' or Ac

Amalgamated A ipeclal m a

- J ciTle buUd

AUBURN. Ca Edward Dlglus:

; »fUf a r r i r ln t « t Gowen field died loday whe; 'cl Carl G . U eadnx, 8 f t l /c l drlrlng struck

o tn t oa U ,8 .'

X > - * ' \ v \ i / ' ' V / - V *

^ *11 ^ 7 t T

icr Dedicated to Scr>*ing and P rom oljr


:i) for lhe M arch of Floyd pD»>c: Ted SImler who d lu p p e a red Oct. 21 Hol»e search nII nallonal forest coulhw eil of bolh Hurley. < plans Haiurday m o rn ln r are, h id not been In cliarga of Bonneville Jeep pholo)_______

ers Fail to er’s Bodyre tiian 1 5 0 searchcr.s In nnd nfdot com bed th rug - n rciiP iE L D . .» U » c .,4 o f h o r . to d a y in S S . * S “'s of I'loyd D onsey, 19-ycar- c.ulmntcd l.00{

il in a .sudden nnd savage a parntie of 18 ; :rchers, m anv o f th em on : 10 nnd covered ftre^s di-

a milo w ido a n d tw o to daughicr of y ~ Rllcy, n ichfle

Kennedy-Led Uio crownlng'c.

Ticket Given Riding club,long fe.'sUvltle.t,

Eastern State Lpeclalora fot(See photo, page 10)”

SPRINOFIELD. .Mnw., June 10 L ' ' " w o m r n - Mnssachm etls Demmocrals lave anoUicr Kennedy-llcd slnte Timn" nnd con cket to o ffe r th e voters this pn" ° i[l°r

0 ^ Ing Irons In ftTlie lale.st Kennedy -pollUcal gfcond nrlre

ntry Is President Jo h n r . Ken- j Mipynrd .edy’s younge.,I brolher. Edwnrd 3 n g .1. (called T ed) who won ‘he i,„ „ j,om,Ie tei ndprfwmcnt_of_Uic_I3cniocrnUc br-O ot’on-R Ilt tate convention In-st nlghl. Daisy .Dairy That wns only lhe opening third place wl

ound. State Atty. O cn. Edward irnylng a flow . McCormick J r , wlio Inst lo R.fcd* with :enned)', said h e ’ll ‘•tnke my cnse ing" nl the ir w ) llie people." by entering the a pony .lulky epiembcr s ta te prlmnry. gnve U5e crowd And If th a t .Isn’t enough. Just a t the finish 1 week from Snlurdny there’s ridden by Blllj

noilier-famou.T-T>olttleal-nnniB trichr^H ped-m olng into the arena a l th e Be- The boy c.’tca ubllcaas' s ln lc convenUon In Judges ruled hc /orccstCT. . Ish line f l « ‘-

r former IJ. N. Ambassndor 'enry Cabot Lodge. Ls running

S'Sim'rhiLodgi aUo has a convention” '! '.ponent. Rep. Laurence Curtis,.. Mass.. who tu rned to the J . , inate contest whcn congrcssioii- ? P ' l ,

L j c u m b , u . . t .1 .. n c .ibllcan senatorlni contest ;ilsoIII be appealed to the parly ” X . ’ool,d"lS ilcrs in Uie prim ary. >, wolvcrton Rlcl A convention win in Mn.«isachu-ts simply gives lh e endorsed■ndldate ftr.st place on Uie boi- ----- ----------------t. He .illll can be forced to bnl- ; ll ou\ for the nomlnnllon In 1e prlmarj’. X C t A . 1 J

Iupert Fiesta’s Advei lueen CrownedRUPERT, Ju n e 0 — Olldlan j, gnine* was crow ned . queen to- n 8 ? d a y advfn y at Uie sccond annual Mexl- . ,n ncsla sponsortd by P . W

m S S ; , . w e .

J b ^ S h S F S i l o t b c j.n " '“ S ' ™I iv tm W low td by . .h o n ” “

fKn"" “ KSpeakers ■ were F red F^tcke. -Wh»e ridsaldent of the Chrtmber of " BuddhrC hamber o r C ^ m e r c e r W a y - mrn nrfs.-Lf i i in

Olovcr Acock a n d Ernc-stlucr, Burley, field m a o for Uie jnd Ipok h im nlalgamated Sugnr company. '"ut®P tem,V ipeclal moM was held a t « ’; i ’r-old . womtX a l St. Nlcholois’ Catholic «'«"’•jreh. and a dance n t Uic R u- "She was verrt Civic bulW lnj c llm M td lea- extremely tlUcj. U tiedTiersclf

- commander." Mn n iT E R K tLl.ED — - said I wns-.suj

\UBURN. C a lif , Ju n o 8 OPO- a Gcrronn apvward DlilusJo, 43, PeUilimia. German* J o spj'd loday when the oa r h a was cans,"■Tlng Ilruck th e ccn te r abut- ”E»en the 1a l oa 0 ,8 . 40 n e n r OoUax. ara Viet Cong <

P r o m o l jn g J ^ h c G ro w lh o f -N in e I r r i g a l

UNDAY, i l S K 10, 1962 . . ~

iioe; Ted Sirasscr tnd Bob Johnion. Boise, mi }lse search and rescue team; 31. C, Koolli and R. llh Burley, and Fred Wehtr, director of lhe sea id not been found by icarchers lalo Salurday. lolo)___________________

todeo, Races,;*arade MarkV ‘ -| -p y Dcrnlntcr. Sar

JutlawJDay rJrS,\tICilPIELD. June Q — Tlij; a fly ball In ll h lh nnnuni Ouilnw day ccic- mnlncd In sa ll lllon here Saturday drew an .' dltlon .today Imnlcd 1.000 persons to view;' tmcrgrncy sui inrnllc of 18 flont enirlM.rodeOi *1® received rnu, races and the queen con-' ' ’ound In the t. ' the freak nccIVomed queen wa* Carlce Rlley, day. FTlendj sj jghier of Mr. *nd Mrs. C arli-' ran full spei :cy, Richfield. Jnnci Arm-1: , rear of tho pong, I0C2 queen, officiated n t '............. ..............! crowning ceremony. .......... ................iIi.M Rlley wns pre.«nted « T 1 • T Iher Jacket by the RlchflcId I Q H / ling club, Aponsor of the d.iy- J . U l C t X I . \ Ig fe.sUvltle.VMnln s tre e t was lined with Trcuiors fot lhe nnnuni parade I , | J f ! F l Sn n.m. W inning entry was aftt entered by the Bluffview . . T i , » ^ n h f irvlce Women-s bowling team, V c m p firwn.s enUtlcd ’’Spring Branding g r e a te r t h i s yne" nnd contained a branding o f o u r f i g h t I

• irons in ft sagebrush selling, „ „ t io n a r C

nlng s.'vlcyard animals drawn R oger.son a double tenm of oxen driven eluded 'B th r e e-Oot!on-R1ler,-Richfield;------------— ----------------Jnlsy .D airy 4-H club took f - |» -rd place wlUi an enlry por- | ' ' | a ] - | | > I ylng a flower ga len full of *•;d* with 4-H children ‘’loat- / - v i f -»•• nl the lr work, I l l r n y I J , pony .lulky m ce for children ^e U5e crowd n tense moment r n » T f c l the finish line when-a sulky I I t ^ A 1 1 1 Jen by Billy Carter, U . Die- ^ ■hr~fllped~0Ter-3C7eTTil~ttmcr ” >je \V YORK 5 W c.>icaped injury nnd An Air France Jet ges ruled he croued the fin- pers huddled in 1

line flrsl. Sccond was his the plane, made iher, M ilton Carter, wlUi Roy nt Idlewlld alrpo ^ .w n , R ichfield, th ird ,____spiic ^ lo w o u t-o lI keeping w ith the parade nose wheel Ures 0 me, "In th e Good Old Sum- Orly field In P a r t lime,'* two s t e a m - d r i v e n L u t Sunday n ^thing m achines pulled a hay- France plane cra c loaded with members of off irom O rly-fli iifleld Cub Scout pack No. 8. of the, 133 personII races were timed by a of them Amerlc i l n l l y - d e s l g n e d electronic home 10 AUanta, :r coaitrucied byjBob Hort* survivors, bolh ste

Mountnln Home, a former been In the .tail cn illeld resident. The 320 open Pas.ienger* on 1 le cace wns won by Kenneth deKribod Uic lan lies, Hlchlleld, Ilrsl- HnroW ttn l a tU t lh« B Jfs. Gooding, second, nnd Dee down on Uie run ' vcrton. Richfield, third. flre-IlghUng equli 'Inners In the horse race for "Hie big Jet w« rpniiiurf en r « t» », ciia»» It New York. •

’axi R ide North o f I Ldventure W ith R eMGON, South Vlct. Nam. rlllas and they s: e 0 lA—A sightseeing taxi French, Miylng w norlh of Saigon.turned Into ful plnce North

5-day adventure In commu- Mueller related,guerrilla i in n ^ for Germlin u e t a i l uiai, 1

nc5.vnwi O laf MueJ]er. quciilonlng ha u rred a fle r weeks oTSmilii- nnd taken to r.no hing. he to ld today of g u V « te d In a stonos masouerading as Buddlilil \ , , i . v . nMini.

w ith headquarter. In a V l? T c ?

K . T - a a i d he was cap- ’' ^ ' 7 “ 7 ^ Id ^ 'h d .while r iding in a taxi to .hreu-h luw fe r

V uniforms Ploppedicok h im nnd thT drlvcr u hlUlop temple, where a 6S-

-o ld w oman tntcrrogaied Htemlure. U pag . nnd I hnd to__reac

ihe was very poorly! dre.ssed *)?,cxtTtmcW A jw lltlca l offl

•dTiersclIf"' as lhe pollllcni 'd U lT lK lu^* on t mander," Mueller said. "She fJi" V<«t Cong a t . I w «s-!m sneetcd-nf-belnx liberation flghUrs lertnnn spv e m p i» ,^ By Uie -n iesc Vlct Coi mans, to spy for Uie Amerl- lo be convinced 1 I," Is a movement of:»en the Buddhist priests SouUi Viet Nam 1 Vlct Cong ccw nunU t g tur- ing m a from Hai

ne lir ig a tc d Idaho Counties

m m w .n . . R e c

GrUlW ^ iiKUI.I.N', .h i■ ^ t b la s ts a t 1-1 dc.s

j / J Itlid L 'n itfd .S la l‘ ^ il<i sc rin iis li'o iil)

j lo thl! .Soviet c'l

-sji'uisililu, law le. s f ™ A i ' jT g ‘‘r<iii.s.K f c l ill' *"1<! •'’"lovyt

V Uiilim ll rc'.iMiiisiblI I B _____. U . . ^ <>r<(i-r III i:n>t Brrli:

' . I jf t • I SlldOllIll! v ^ | 1 -Mir ii|i i-lvihnn- f l | | . M fl urdiT Ull botii idl.'

’cMicerbntf ^ ^ B ■’ uur^ ^ B C ^ B Aincricnii

^ ^ B l ,^ ^ B ; rofuiici'.s led by 11■ n ' . JwrK LliHliKT. wV

rlV(-r rxciir.'.lori bon It lutu n cnnni Ami'flrn;} .sector .sh

. Spree.____E ut.—C crm au~ (

and other pu^lll ■ X iff lW iin T iK a W ^ M I aboul 21X) bulluts 1


on lhe Ameri„ , . ' , . Uio refuKCW. Includ

I, Boise, m rm ben of lha ^nU a bnby; esc; lOlii and R. C. Ilemlnglon, There have bicn r of the search. Thc bny [oks over the wnll B J^alurday. (Tlmei.New* iij-o recently, usunl

of Uie escuiie of rcfi _ German jwliceman

. . . . cxchiiugc.T 1 i ' ■' Tlie U.S. prolcf.timpaled j 24 Huurs yHiT tne

SPOKANE. June 0 W - |; ‘^ a n c c to^hieen-ynvr-old Michael ; anU-commu■mlnlcr. Sandpoiiil. who \v c ,t n15 impaled on the M \ i The Soviet UnloI of n enr while cli.islng , ^ , t ^.yuld no(ly ball In the street, re- . n „ l ln lo conilnuclined InsalLifactorycon. _ "rcvcnRlst nnd m:.lon .today h e r # a fte r cIm ” and mny takicrgrney surgery. . ai.si.st lu East GoiIte reccivcd a puncture Allied officials vlUnd In the abdomen in to consider WaWrn9 freak accident yesler-..; reel rep tf to thp y. Friends sa id Dcmlnter..i a '^ h a. rupfeCTJp n full speed Into the ..* i^o governments \ t of tho parked car.......■ Kremlin nota was ... .................................... ■ Iclals snld.

iaho DAV Told legislative Prog'ho em phasis on ou r legi.slativc prograi te r th is y e a r th a n i t hns fo r m any yci u r f ig h t to obtflin nn increase in com [-B7~Piuu'm iei, A lbuTp3trqufrr'Nr?tI;r~ft~ national D isab led A m erican V eterans fi ee. declared S a tu rd a y evening du ring a R ogerson hotel Roundup room. The bi id a th ree -d ay convention of t ho D A V • partm ent. Depn

T ^ ^ , 7 ^ fice rs wero ele<ane Lauds t h e s a t u r d a j, business sessior

vay Despite isr'fia.?. S"*■ Howard J . B arker,'

re JBIowout srs°viiS?V YORK, June 8 ( A P ) - r France Jet. Its 50 passen- 'luddled in th e tall e ^ of if*' lane, made a safe landing

U ,„ o» U t o K /rom S S ’ “ l l u ” ' leld In Paris ’ “ ‘‘mes, Idaho Fai‘ s u n d a r a Chartered Air a plane crashed on take- “ J -r^in om O rly-field, killing 130

133 persons aboard, mosl arms, cm Americans en route During his ban10 AUnnta, G a. T he two Plummer declared,

3rs. boU) stewardesses, lutd est weapon we have n the .tail end of tho plane, ing our leglslaUve engers on tonight's flight year and In th c fu i )od Uic landing a.i excel- bership. I t has bee .tier U lt Boeing 101, p u t ih a t no mMter J on the runway lined with those who speak foi ghUng equipment. no matter how d<

big Jet was en route to might ba and no ^ork. _____________________ tc««Uni>4 r«t«

h of Saigon Turns h Reds for Germarand they spoke to me In'com m unlst NorthII. Miylng w h lt a wonder-1 he related.ncc North Viet Nam Is," Mueller who ll\ :r related. • burg, said- la n e r :said U iat fitter InteciUvc cold war, sucn ^ oiling ha w at blindfolded ouesUon, were nev liten to .tnotlier shrine lo . the Buerrlll*.s, bul in a stono cave. d e o r durlnj the irthe people In Uie tem* fiercely oppose Ai

re Vlct Cong," he said. Port of Uie South V » are no real prlesta there."'^ emment.

he said, he was marched Mueller aald he h Jungly imd rice pad- a number of c-ir nd taken to a large Viet ^pcnli-ilurlnc-xlayll JSTO)! wiicro ne was sulJ^CJfferent mlllUry to lnlen.Mve propognnda,, guides) every day,

7 gave me some pollUcal ' H e -« iid "h e ■’Ju: are. 14 psges In French. Ume dreaming nboi hod to rend I t aloud four unUl one day he a day," he aald. to a road where iolitlcal officer aU o-cave aloopftd_*-car-<w« lectures o n lh e theme th a t driver to take him let Cong a re Independent vllUge. W ith him »lon fighter*._____________ natn>tw Hrivef whntM Viet Cong w anted me out wllh Mueller t convinced ihU movement ,*eelng -trip-

lovement of Uie people of A t th# vUiag«, he Viet Nam and Is no t be* a c ar and returned

Jl from H anoi (capital o f I 'l e f t ~ l a ft tu L *

Sunday Edi- • More N ew s '

v l —" M o re Sports-i FamilY C o n

F eature

j X W nl e d s A h o i ;

r u h B l a s t i. lu ijo 9 (/!’) — Ea.st (a 'l-m an ni

s a t 1-1 ( Ic .s iie ra te rL'fiiguL's w ho I'.'i 'a iic il i lire lio a t b v o u g h l a g rim prd tc .s t a n d u ; . n !n iti'd .S latc .s loii.-iy tli .it Imi-dcr g u n i 'la y ■Idus Iro t ili le ill th i.s dividi'ii c ity . M a j. (Ii -on l i . th e U .S : c un in ia iu la iit, charg i-il i c .Soviet c o tn n ia n i la i i l .Maj. (Ic it. .-Vnilrci . lh a l t h n - a r i io i iK o f -KaKi. ( 'T cn iia ii-n ii; Iial, p r o v d fa t iv e , iiTe-

told .'?olovyi-v the . Soviet , y. ^H rc.-.iHiiiMbic for Inw nnd ' S i m

III i;n>t Brrlm . nnd warned » i J U I Jucll shdolliiKs Coulll only 1 tlvillnn uiiri'-H- nnd dl\- on bolii ^ldw o f l h e wnll, V l l JL 1 ■(■xiiccrbiilK rclalloiis be- ' . _ our K oirrnnicnt.s" ^ '’fU. Ju n r

Amcricnii prolc.st nnd f'" '"’'’''IR followed lh e ’ cfcnpc «n i-x-dfcla!Or lay of H Eit.M German wltii ouirlRht com L-.s led by n .vlilp’s cook. P^rt fqunrc off n-s the Lli«Uwr. who hllncked a conU'iulccs lu (\ pre l■ xciir.'-lon boat nnd rammed Hnn Sundiiy which u n cnnnl bank on the lhrcnt.i of civil wnr i ■an .sector .side cf the rJvrr nil.'Jiary J;nrrir/ifjo;j,

Thfl cnrnpnlKn hns i —Ocrm au—Buard*,—flrUiR bv.-'iwo-IlMed-omfor

jthcr po^llloil.n. nprnyed lliild violence.200 bulluts from mncliint Seven cnndldalM ■ubinnclilne inin.i nnd rltles (or the ^irc.sldentlnl mrimcnt hoa.Kcs nr.d build* cupled Ihe pnsl six yc; 1 lhe American side. But url Pr.ido, who Is lr URCW. including five worn- reelectlon. About 1,2( 1 n bnby; escnped injury, „ , ,r r

te r the wnll between tm- r , n ia -., i,, n .j ceiilly. usually as a re.ull

" i ,I liie United Slnles. Bril- d fVuncc to Imlt wh.it ll 'V V ' i ' °anU-commuiibt provocn- »’"«■

ilong Wcm Berlin’s border. P“ ltlon.________Soviet Union declnrcd In It would no l permit Wcsl ' l - l -lo continue ns n base fur X X .

Klst nnd m llltarlsilc cir- _ _

Wind Bad officials were rcllittan t _ _ ,Bldcr W alion's le tte r ft dl- M o v n i m A eptf U> ih c -S o v le l note. l l t l V d l l c ^ y ^

'.« h "« r ,c= .d . ;

ill!:____________ _______ Icrdny, destroying 12• knocking ou l eicctrio

[oldof.rcscu# motorists a t r

rogram-iv c pro g ram h as been of serious damage.• m any y e a rs because „ 7 » , « ' „ " / ‘r c u b ISC in compen.sation, drouRhi4.

—Cobnn bi'o a d a o t r /e tc ra n s finance com- in Key West, F lo , d( r du ring a ban q u e t n t “a one of th m. Thc ban q u e t con- th c D AV.S Idaho de- Ein[isUdcs.iaoie.or-wt

len t. i;e p a r tm e n t of- fnmlles. Twenty-six ; wero electcd d u ring «o badly flooded t l l a t u r d a y a fte rnoon 'ess session nnd w ere S le nutomoblle tui ;d by P lum m et, during Almendares rive inquet. New office rs 'a re d J Barker, W allace, com- ircS?d' to tmffi ” r: D. L. Cook, Boise, sen- u ghm m - started

chief of staff: C l i f t o n ahowed city stxi Idaho RilU, historian:

Burke. Idaho FalU, offl- PeCe»trions huauiing i Uie day, and F rank Hor- * r ile a rs and buses s •win Palls, sergean t-a t- The winds renehed

85 miles an hour, ig his banquet speech, - t t ^ "7^ cr declared, *Tha great- I S I . n t * ! pon we have In approach- *

id in Ihe 'fu tu re . Is mem- A l * P O r Q #!. I t hos been said before ^ V f10 m a ltw how eloqutni -|r» ■■ -pw ■«,rho speak for us m ight be. K p r l c K a I]U«r how dedicated Uiey U C I Jba and no m a tte r how MOSCOW, Jiine Sitni>4 «i» r . t« ». c«i— in i vlel jifc t admiral

U 3. nuclcor-powrred

urris In to “S i S ;_ ■ C \ f 7 mander of the Sovle

r m E I l y Z i of’' r K ^ f t - S n " 'n r rnist North Vlct Nam)." marines as a wcaK m lied, whnt he cnHed U 5ler, who llv rs In Ham- Intercontinental r mid- la n e r au,iies of Uie:ar, V itti aa th c B e tto Interview pubUs n, were never rnUcd by mnEa*!"*icrrlll*.s, bu t Uiey made I" dlrcuiwlng the J lurlnj the ir lecturcs Uiey •’‘" s . Isakov w id :’ oppose American sul^

‘A r “.5 ,.'; S 'g f e i f i S ' S c S“"■‘ s S i ' S S S ,

i r m toy . ______ rnm bU T .vilat.'_____Ulld ne ''Just spen t m y -------------;------- —-eamlng nbout good food"ne day he was marched I r a n i C U Coad where Uie giuerrlllas

'to*takVh"lm to ^ lT n ^ b y ^ t tS g lC V a lW ith him was th a Viet- 1961 ____________________________________

1 rtrivtf whn had started ------------lh Muelier on Uio sight- trip. l4 o h oI# vUlag«, be said. - I h lr td ________n d returned to Salgon a it o » taxL* ,1962 ..,> ..;~ . ^ —

ly Edition .N ew s ■ rc Sports ■amilY C o m ic s '

F va iure Section

c 1':n t s


) 0 l l t( a 'rn ia n n ia i'h iiu ‘;,'iin

Ilo I'.'i 'a iic il oil a'.-.ti)|r-n -'.st a n d u iin iiii^ ' I'l-oin c r g u n i 'la y is liMiliiig ily . ,Ma.i. ( m' u . A ll,c rt 1, ch arg i- .l ill ;i lc lte r Ii'it. ,-\n(lrc i 1. ,<ti!.,r-

]H -n iiaii->^ti!it:ti?< iv rn r

nivians to te Sunday I President\ . Peru. Juiii- 9 I.P — A bad boy of^lVniviaii p»l-

n t-x-dfcla!Or iin<I n left- 1 ouirlRht comnuinl(I..Mip- tinrc nff n-s the thrcii-iiiiiui k t s lu i\ prt•^Ul^•ttllnS e!fc- indiiy which hns brmiclit of civil wnr nnd fcnis nf '

I’inrnpniKn hns iicen mnrked'-' -Ilhled-omfonal-slUKging— ~

lolcncc.I cnndldalc.s nre bidding • ^irr.'ldnitlnl chair oc- ihe pnsl six years by Msn- ■do. wlio Is inrliRlble for 311. About 1,200 tnen nnd , are n ftrr the 184 scnls In ' mber of depullM nnd the :s In Uie si-iiutc. one of Iho prcsldenlltil

lies could ■ bc -classllled • ta ntlng the ntodcratc wing.Iniiucl A. Odrln, wiio look .sldciicy In n coup In ItHS ive the country relnuv#'Ity unlll 1050 bul In dle- fiuhlon tolerated no op-


ins, High nd Batter vana?^rea 'A NA,'Jane ’J ' J — -Xor.' '

rains and BS-mlle-an- - •" Inds battered Havana yes- destroying 12 hir.ncs nnd

Ig ou l eicctrio power and ns communications, lea report Uiey mnde 41 icy colls, m ost'd f Uicm to motorists a t r a n d e d in areas.f rains poured down again lUt there were no reporta us damage.rain stornis brought an

on# of Cuba’s w o n t4.il bi'oodia a tt ' iiiuiiltorcd---------West. F lo , described Uie

Ai one of tho worst to lavana in many yean,

broadcasts reported 13[c3..saoie.ot-whlch trapped______

Twenty-six areas were ly flooded t h a t rescue ver# needed to evacuateXlutomoblle tunnels under nendares river and Hn- irbor wer# swamped and - ;o tmffis.nlng s ta rted three firesuek-a-rad lo-tow er;-top----------into a s tr e e t Power fail- 'Ing some hospitals and al p la n u w ithout dec­or a period.Itt television monitore d . ____lowcd cily slreets flowing ' n e r from curb to- curb, . | ans huddling In doorways . s and buses sU-illed. j,-lnds renehed veloclUcs of 1 I an hour.

5. C a r r ie r s

3 O b s o le t e ,

d s B e l i e v e ICOW, Jiine 9 Wl—A So- eet adm iral M id today clcM-powrred a i r c r a f t e r s vould b : "drifUng ” In atomic i>ge warfare.I. s . isikov. deputy com-

■ of Uie Soviet n a w , also “d the itrow lni UB. fleet ;e t-carrj'in i nuclear «ub- I ns a weak imb&tltule for le cnned U.S. Inferiorityrcontlnental rockcti................. -V mnde the .-.tatcments In . ervicw published In the magailnc Nedyela.

rcii»lng Uic Aircraft car*Isakov M id: "T hey ’ are If the pest; Conslderfng n menns c f warfare *t poaal of lh6Jfndlns_pow- d espccLillv Uie progreu Dy tho Soviet U nlos In techniques and also in

ine cohsthicUon. a irc ra f t, : are losing much of thelr I

’..valae-!_____ 1_________ -

iffic D ea th ^ :■M oftit v a w y — :—

1___________ . - - - 2 0 . : •

l4«ho [------------- 8 0 - .1

2 : . _ ; ----------------- ^ 83 •• ■„ I'!

Sundoy, Ju n e 10, 1962 T O 2 T w in Fa lls . T im e s-N e w i f T — r — ----------------------- i u o i

Rodeo^Races, 5 W ParadeMark Outlaw Day

»nd Rlehnrd OolcoechM, Rich-

.n d nm rtce muimui

Frank O ’Donnell, K e tch u p »« •ond. «nd . Albert T. B « « “ -v*ney*£

;?5s”a s E :Coif. 8h»'hoiiP. third. ^cu,‘.u lt.

Mnn and w o m .a n wild cow

field, second, and Mr. »nd Mri. c a rl Plp«r. nichfield.

Novelty lemon NEW Nr*. Drtice 8oren«n. RW>fW«l- , flrit, and Mr. and Ray 8AU. Sun Valley, second. -----------

Jackpot cow rWlriB, Dee C»^„ w a y , Shoshone, fw t; Vemon 011e», ShMhone, a e e o n d . M(j

- K enneth-K lm baU ^C ftrtf_^lrt. -----------— Th«-wUd-COW_rncCU'n *bicl» . in u p E

men on root try to « l« h » «o'< for Ch»; and then ride It acrou aK rtb td Wnlkm.Carter talce « r« t Rev. Ka: O aje. aeeond, and Eddie NeUoa,third. Alt are from DIeUlch, <n,ompj<

Orval Hansen r sfmay eal

Is Liberal, a s Sanborn Says Kfi• BOIBE, June t WV-John Ban- -nviN

bom. H agennan. aald today tha t Mr*. Mil hla opponent In the June 28 prl* conducte m«ry elecUon for the aeeond the Twii tilitrlct Republican congrtailonw by the r nomination "Ii luiown as a Ub- n n t C eral." . . ritts wll

Sanborn aald t h # , r tc o r t of morlal ) s u t e Rep. Onral H am en, Idaho # t the Fftlls, in lha leil»l»ture “Indl- Sunday cfttes lh a t he will follow the day.

■ wishes of the Jeadera of « g w - -----------Ucd labor ty tfn though their de- mands are detflm ental t« the IM

c r U . = . . . » J SJame* Annest, Burley, during i j t K c n the prtmary campaign for a vote against -righ t to work" leeiala- tlon In the legislature. Annest. Mn. ; who finished fourth In the prl- luchard mary race, ha# since endorsed e . ^ P, Hansen, saying th a t Sanborn a t Mrs. Ill 18 Is handicapped by_hls age. xun,*r,

- I t Is no wonder tha t Darrell Newberr Dorman, presldenl o f th e Idaho nAFL-CIO. suggested th a l w gan- Angel n Ued Ubor would endorse Orval Hansen, bu t th a t 1 was loo eon-

_servalli’c-for-th eir , endoracmfat^ Ooodlng u ld Sanborn. worth

• — If they could se t Orval Han- Kn on the 'R epub lican Ucket wllh Ralph H arding on the Democratic t i c k e t , they must ^

- figure they would wm no~matter which way the elecUon went."

Sanborn sold hU age would no t be a problem in the cam- 'paign against DemocraUc R tp- P e m j rcsentaUve Harding. . . Rudolph

“I w ant to go to congress not «• W because I am planning a lontt Prucott, political career, no l becawe I Bernard

"need the Job.“ said Sanborn. “I PanUh. _wan{_tQ_gO-to_consreMj}ecBti»e CUmpl.ii

I ha\-« an urge to do oiy very and dau best to preserve thU republic w q and and lls constltuUonnl freedoms Homer, tar TOU end your children." Dennis,

Sanborn said he has "the ben- Heoton; jefit.1- of • py,-knaw ifdsc“ or "lhe R iben i workings of congrt.u and of val- Lester I

■ uable friendships and acqualn- der, Cti Unceshlps with membera of eon- Earl u grc.u, the equivalent of which Btocker, would take a new member many Jamee I Im portani months t« acquire.’ Kaufma

Sanborn ser^’ed two terms In Mrs. Rs congress from 1S40 tb IDSO. Alberdi,

•--------------------------- Miller, ’

Guardsmen Start HoMto

Summer Camp S " 'HAILEY, June J>-rMemb(rs ot

howltrer baiierj-, third squadron.Idaho nnUonnl miard left early Saturday momlng for Oowen j;,“ t i field under the leadership of Capt. Roberl D. niggcn for a i® ?” * 15-day summer fleld training R“ «f‘ period 'a s boi

The f irs t w e«% |f training will Richard be devoted lo fTlng tesla wiih large and small weapons. .The Q f p

.second week will be blvouoc for the enlire 30-unlt regiment In

• the desert 25 miles soulh of M rt Oowen fleld.-Dlvouac will end 1« Ont

T hursday momlng for lhe Hailey mond unit and Thursday and Friday Hiram will be devoted to preparation lilunl. for final liupecUon. Members of James how ltier battery will return home Saturday. June 23. jnhn

Sgto, Lyle K . Breneman and tvjesr O. D. Slllnger wenl lo Oowen

Car Damaged SA_ 1858 Ford sedan driven by Meets,

■" V ivin 'A:'Allison, Filer, wenl tiut of eonirol a t 12:40' pjn. Sal- urday one and one-fourih, miles rk rl > no rth o f Curry on g county road mid aBU UH(^~tho t^ n u u ^lu _*

Sbe told officers she slammed GC on th e brakes when » lo a r\3rd

- ■>/<«» driven bv Larrr O. r im t.. p , ,, bona. 20, route J. Piler, siajied liufus

bsckJa* onto .the; road Jrom-a prtvkte driveway. The Orawhaiu • Tito; c u •tapped la Ume, officers said. ChsrH

, Weather, TempS , 11 te M inlle P«r bow »*“ '*• 0L«?5k

? mu* eliaoi* In U a p w tn r e . ^

: TEMPERATURE TOREC■ Twin Palls and vicinity, N o n h SM*. Burl

today 78 to 81 and low ton igh t 48 to 6J.Pralrle-H lgh loday VI \a 70 and 1

W EATHER BVNOPaii fler A * t i i ' cold froni moved 'through south! rs f mornlnlt snd-conUnucd a . slow movement md. Idaho 8»iur{l« nUht. A few scattered shov eh'- developed QV»r souUicrn Idaho Saturday afi

e ^ l l o u ^ w a ^ o v e r the slAte even a/ier ,ce maximums generally In th e lower 80‘i a t i me porting sUUons Saturday afl*m oon. md Partly eloudy skies are forecast for Bundi

The shower acUviiy ahould be confined m old » « “ • I _______

' a g r i c u l t u r e PORECi ,,u A weak cold from conUnued IU moves — sliovirs-Salurday-nlght-lcavUig-sllghliy-eoo) ^ frw mounialn showers In sou thern Idaho a

y .- •••Winds wlli-tie-Sno-CO-mllcrTJcrTranrCver *;■ some areas of gusllneaa Sundny afiemdon. " . Maximum lemperatures will be In the 70's ‘ ' vafleys Bundsy.

.?■ IDAHO TEMPERATURW* *’“ ■ *,"• *'**'• •tth *<* ■ ui-unuinVi

lK>udlr<(________ M SI l’i»tUllg _i:rin|»IIl<............ Ul bl .29 Ktlmon . .

ras id.ho r>ii<-----------si «o t«i. r .iuiey. ras eiillon »*<. >Iln. VtB. Sf'tnpbU. tlAlUh,. .W l. „ , .M 47 *1l«). ilo.

ailiftU. <k.udr------- »J 1* .41 SlllwiukM.!ld, iiiiiinii ____ «: t l SfpU. t. rn's IIKmiick. C M r___ » 17 .44 N«w Orlraoon --------.4 . s» .- — . K ^ rorfc.,*• llutfUp. »Uiucl|_____ KB SS Om*K». elfi

Vln n„u. ----------:a 4i l'hiU4.ipbiiChli-Jfu, nln *J • «« 1.4t rhn.nl*. t:CU tflinO M r __ 1 SS «U I'llUbvrvh.

len io . « .40 I-IlrtllJj; 0ind DtlrelL. cloudjr____ SS ' t i . ... IIIcliiMnd. c,rd. rtliUnb. r : » r ____ 7S 4 4 - -----Ilnrk-SpnBII “ r«it Woith. rlftt ---- M M .4S Sill Uk« t

iluiMlulu. tknidr ____ H 7J Bl. LmiU. <IrS. Iadl.MiBlU. tk.gdjr . SJ 61 .10 H.n Dl««.tiCi J>ckwntlll>. cloudr . I* T.I .20 fm

Junnu. <lou<lr 4S 41 .OS lUaiU. rl«i<:h- uT*V»fM^'_lIlir.!IZ i* Sl ■*’* wSffn«”n'.Irs. I-«*n . _______ 7* 40 W«l Ytlb»

lot AnolM, «tauJr _ CS SS Wlaolpff. <

NEW YORK. June 0 OfPti-The U. S. weatl lowMt temperature recorded In Ihe nation Town, Me.'Hie highest reported yesterday w

■S Magic Valley-Fi-inU PERT-— PuncraL ottv lcea -JEROMJ

V* for Charles Roy Cowell will be for Pinesheld a t 2 pjn. Monday a t th e ducted atWalk mortuary chapel w itlj th e Wliey fun'

' ' Rev. Kale King of the EpUeopal Itobert Cchurch and th# Rev. Raym ond PrabyterliThompson of the M elhodU t riles willchUrth offlclaUng. A m erican L e- cemetery

a glon riUs will be conducted In funeral ht • th# Rupert cemetcry. Friends day until

may call a t th# m ortuary S u n ­day afwrnoon and evening and n m n Mondsy until Ume of services. t.« » i T.),' The family suggesta contribu-

a Uons to the Astlima foundaUonS i n l l e u o f f l o . ^ 0 ! « / a

TWIN FALW - Services fo r S L “L } « t Mrs. Minnie P. Clawson will be

conducted a t 2 pn j. M onday a l ' '"'J the Twin Fails m ortuary chnpel . B tun- -

by UiD Rev. Donald L. H offmnn. M rt Mary lb- P in t ChrtiUan cliureh. F inal ducted a l

. rites will loUow In Sunset M e- Albertaon 0‘ morial pork. Friends m ay call concluding

‘ho tti the mortuary from 5 p jn . cemetery. d>' Sunday unlll service tlm# M on- Ui# funeri

day^_________ 0 _______________ service.

Ma^cfValley EUis i f t t^ ^ V a lle y M e m o ria l Caaila- Admilted« t, ^tr5. Richard U P«u*, Mta. i«- Rlchanl A. Grahm, Joe E ldridge, °»fd E. U Patrick. Mrs. Ray Duma, 8 ««

Mrs. Richard Wright, M a r i e ^eal Mess „ Turner, Bti-on Rogers. M rs. Pred

™'l Newberry, Albert K nlghl, Jacob Mrs. Olt Heck, Harry Keoih, Mra. Jo re lleThurau Angel Rejes, Mrs. S tan ley E arl, red, all di Anna WUe and Alferd W . U im pe, lor, and I all Twin Falls; Charlea W alts , Mrs. CUui O oodlng i^M ark-B rookerr-F or; Wayne^ol Worth, Tex.; John K nufm nn, Dennis Ea Sacramento, Calif.; K e n n e t h

“ ‘ Shelton, Piler: A nna PeU raon, sonswti 7 * Earl DtUner, Mrs. T errell DavU jj( „ i u r,

and MaudB-rer8Uaon.- ftl l .B uhl, M rs'lvan and Judy Wlnterhollcr, H ansen. Mrs. Jertj

uld . Dismissed Daughtersm- Mrs. Robert Cherrlll and son, Mrs. Neal to- Peggy SUndfleld. Mr*. W alter Mr. and ^. . Rudolph, Ployde Miller. J r , M rs. ___net E. H. WlUon, Emma, WUc, T erry . jntt Prweolt, Mrs. Vem H uff. Mrs. S i m n i ; I Bernard Mulder; Vnm CouUon “I pairiih. Minnie 'B ates , Jessie I I i a q

d»e Clamplil, Mrs. Dale R ichardson -a^*voery «5'd’daugHrer7J,K rn5S«rrJolm = " H A imUllc son and son, Joan Albers, Em m a Charles E ims Homer, E a r l FMIlmer. K eith Portland.

Dennis, Wlilism U tdd nnd DftvJd Mr. Sr en- Heaton; all Twin FalU; Mrs. friends aa lhe Robert Brewn snddaugh ter, N af: « « w Tlv •al- U ster Duggan. Sherree Alexnn- «‘np* In- der, Charles Brown nnd Mrs. both on- Earl Llerman. all B u h l; M ark P W and ilch Btooker. Fort W o r t h . Tex.: «f>e *ny Jamea H. Brooks, Palrfleld; Jo h n “ "“ ''e co;

Kaufman, Sacramento. C n l l f . ; He m in Mrs. Ralph Homp and Raym ond Holley. w|

Alberdi, Jerome; M rs. Roberl U lurvlv^ Miller, Emmett; O uy K lnyon, PsUlcla '

J Castleford; Roberl Stokeaberry, three gn I Hoieltoii, Mrs. L. Rny SU nger. —

Murtaugh. and Mra. Charles Tl* Dailey and Judy W lntcrholler. iV i r S .

isCISoni were bom to Mr. nnd SHOSI'

Mrs. Richard Pack. M r. and Mrs. gjiek , Richard A. arahm ..* lr. and Mrs. calorie cl

, , James Plnegsn and M r. and Mrs. ju(jRobert Johnson and a daughter Mtrlorle was bom to Mr. and Mr». Dale

».|,j Rlehardjon. aii Twin FttlU. for ,^51,Vlth — 10 be rei

S t, Benedict’s , J e r o m e ‘: In Admllled

of M rt Carl Roeasler, M rs. C har- ^ _ end le» Oneldt. bolh Shoshone. Ray-

Illey mond Hendricks, H ansen; Mrs. \ | n Idny Hiram Jolinson and A rthur illon lilunl. both Jerome: nnd Mrs. Donald •s of Jamei Miller. T « ln PalU. more av<lum DlimUied

, John Woodhe»d. H agerm nn;»nJ Edf»r Patrick and Brooke Paw-

’**n Un. boUi Tuin Falls. John Alan w 'uroay Harding. Mra. Loarence Rca.ich,; S, Katherine Tliuj, Mra. Duane 1

IPjrah and son, Mra. K enneanL ,.f’'alne; Bumliam and daughter. Mra. heArthur Dora-.nu5 and Berkley '

n by Meeks, all Jerome. I”wenl '• " B l r t ^ . ' ■ ■

n " '“ Carl lloeuler. Shoshone. ‘ 'road —

nmed Goodiii}' M em o ria l washPofd < \d m liu d Tlie SailLmsa^aiatle*-W alu,-C«Kllne;-and-y#»leMli«y ajled Rufus Alien. Blh.r . dcm' Lyi>m- rt nitmlMfd i\n nuar

Malthens, Declo, nml sreai pn said. Charles W .iu . jhisexU r


temperatures NoCb R epoi

i r . Oatloek far Mendgy. fmlr wllh

RE PDRECAST , ^ HAILEY, J'> Side, Burley-Rupert a reafr-H lgh - ^ In th IB to 63. . . . . . . n].|n> COI ^to 70 and low tonight 43 lo 49. ^ di

; SYNOPaiS. * ° r ^ T l a a pugh southShtetn Idaho Saturday “

movement through southeM tem ,ittered showers or thundershowers ^1™.Saturday aftemoon. Temperatures R lew « *®'t.

even after frontal passage wim w d V

ll for Sunday with a few sliower*. confincd mostly to the m ounuln t®tai w »

■*-Vemon k .------ , , — vo«»,IE FORECAST aad Chules

IU movement through southern maklni hU to sllghliy-eoolef lem peralurts aJid a _ M.-EiKTholx sm 1 0 Swdgy. ■__________41dal£_l0I_l!

afiem<ten. * • cSved M »oU! in Uie 70's In the southern Idaho originally rept

■ 1 ^ ' ^ ; . S SHi’unuln Horn* ____ •] *7 V. K. J«P

> K ™ ' " ' . : z : : 3 : z " ! iT«i« r « iu _______ 71 41 cuUn* atton------ votes but w u

Sfmpbu. tu ^ ir ____ »» 70 to receive »8«» I t .« on me Rep.

*tpi..jii. r.ui. (loudr 7» «i Hawley, for-- l l i i cut Irom 28J

.to., '■' " • " Sanborn for 1m u*iphi.. <k.r I... 117 SH picked up oni

' -------52 131: M'l! '.‘“i^ d l^ rJ lT .U r- 53 l i . up ICO votes

» r..rtu»j. oit_ tin r . «7 44 Kenneth Ami 5?-------govcinor.-reci

s s.7i i lC c I i / “------- J i ««aiw‘ ‘Bl. L«iU. <b»dr___ M I* .t j A. w. NaegH

9 ti.n Di«o. e)<nid7 _ Sl SO bring him to3 J* for seeretan: T.mpi. rain .. r» S« JO from M4 tO K

WMliln«^n. eW., ___ »j <| SweMOO, lor IU

to 3*8.U. S. weatlier bureau reported the Wesley Fra the nation today waa 37 * l OJd tendtnl of :

yesterday was 108 a t Presidio, Tex. aUo lost flv# ----------------------------------------------- ta 3M,

;y-Funeralsducted a t 2 pan. Monday Ui Uie ^ T?r s Wlley funeral chapel by Uie Rev. uSRobert C. Richards, H asellcn Prabyterlan church. Concluding ^ " ^ . '7 ? ” ' riles will be n l the Rupert cemetery. Prlends may call a t Uie funeral home Sunday and Mon- „day unUl 2 p jn . ' fe '^ ftid

' BWHL - ' Funernl services for : Isreal Johnsoff will be conducted ri», a t 2 pjn. Monday a t Filer Odd

FelloK’s cemetery by LDS BUhop Leland O, OsUer. Frienda may _

. call a t the Albertson funeral T r l n l i , home unUf noon Wednesday. I l l d l l

i BOHL - i w i l service* for , M rt Mory S. Hudson will be con- ‘ " ’'ff lu T ,*I dueled a l 2 pjn. Mondoy In Uie . Albertson Memorial chapel, wlUi " " I 1 concluding rites a t Uie Buhl , cemetery. Friends may cnll a t . Uio funeral home unUl Ume of

service._______________________ “W ^ a l for

• w r , m . -mij Hospitals sivss• ' oursel*cs heai

1 Cassia MemorialAdmitted • conness for 1

. DerU-Braugen D ebra Sharp,Douglas Orlgg, Mrs. Ivan Myers, ^ thU naUo:

■ Mnt Steven Rodrlguet. and Mrs. o„Sned ; Neat Messlck, all Burley. UvlUes and1 DUmUsed sU li's prograiJ Mrs. Olenn Loveland. NCr», Nel- pjummer p<• Ile Thurston, and Mrs, O lenn All- nortance of : , red. all Durley; Mrs. Nalon Tny- {JTuj and men , lor, and Donnett Hope, R upert; cUrlng “If » , Mrs. CUude LewU. Albion; Mra. to be a succes t Wayn«.Joi^f3r^Heybum^«d-Mr»; m iu ii.' w# nu , DennU Eagan, Heybum. lon, conUnue• B lrth i . strong,' healU■ Sons were bom to Mr. a n d Mrs. menl."» Berai Wake, Rupert; M r. and Ho added.’ M n.'lvan‘'M (tyer*.'nna"Mr. and mado to glvi• M rt Jerry Oummow, all Burley, ward mainul

DaughUrs were bom to M r. and cause Uiere aI. Mrs. Neal Messlck, Burley; and naUonal servl r Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stephenson, be reUring a 1. ------- ------------------- may come oi

; Simon C. Smith s f S ; Dies in Portland °iz :T£: -HAlLEY.“ June-“ 0 - = -S I in o a n years of i a Charles Bmlth died June 1 In -we musl i , Portland. Ore. ,l»n he lUt'1 Mr. Smith fknown to hU I , g l our I. friends ns 'Smithy') cnme lo the in_ iii»_ ju lu J Wood TlVfr Volley in 1020 ond membership, . was employed as n phnrmocUt nm. have I. lor both Aukemaii Drug com- ,o,,n,n mora t pany and Trncys pharm acy, p e u,.i-everv < . also served os deputy sheriff cf „ Blnlne couniy for two years._ dAV stand f .; He mnnled Mnrie Crdmer, e ran" he co d Hailey, who survives him . H e also aiIo electi •t U survived by one daughter. Mrs. noon were i I. Pauiclo Thomson, Phoenix, and auxlllai I. three grandchildren. jjnjj ,,1i Mrs. Eldredge S ' ! ' i

Is Club Hostess<1 .SHOSHONE, June 8 — Mrs, Mrs. Ella F *- Ida SUekney was hosie.u to her Junior vlfe *• Calorie club. A loial of six pound.i Oeorse Denn •• hsd been losl by membera wlili and Mr.i. Ca

Marjorie Eldridge high loser. ctmpliv'* Each member received a dollar OUiff O '"

for each pound lost, thtr mone> f l« « *>'1 lo be redeemed a t a u h ile ele- chaplain*.

. phaiit • lale later. Mr. . WlllU Commliiee Larsen won a gift from m e treas- duraiu t.ie ur}- chest. sr.'slon ami

. . . . .. , _■_______ Inaled iind

; Nose BrokenDonald Alin Prather. 143S Wll- . 80 m

more avenue, rtcelved a broken'-nfl 1 aui nwe when struck by o bicycle..nnvMninn n

f . IJ 10 13 jta rs old a t 3:45 p.m, xun , Paiw a SAlurday a , he was wolkltig !iih

h 'Scro.« ShaUione sirect o t Sho- ."uxlIL,e |slion and .Main ovenue j . " " " * " "

IWd pollcc he did not r n•J I tlilftk he was Injuret! a t th c time ty;?,"^ ‘’“1 ''°* 'f 'e boys' names, , DCA

[When he returned lo the offire [where he «orks hLi no,^e .itaried MD I M bleeding and he conuctcd a M l r i n


W ASHINOroNrJune 8 lOT-l in <

. dent Lyiirioti u . Jrhnson wllh «n nuard deslRnntln^ him -a TAI I

Id crest praclkal ReOK-rapher" fori , , , , ,7 ^I his exunjjvi world traveU. ‘

No Q ia n g es T w in Reported f o r .Blaine Ballot. ■ i r r n’ar BUme eouniy revealed sev- 5*o«o. i l l slight difference* in to u l Wednesday,rotes; but no ^ g e s in rcsi;Ji*,

r i« ^ .t la o r a n g e waa in lhe Tbo peel* slHof commUsloncr for. the H o i^ B a r ^ p a r

hird dUtrlct in whieh Jo h n E. a l 1 p « : Sunda S S c h won over Uiree other . —aindldsies. The voU between Mrt.ABB*8eh Ulntch and WUlUm Uhfl* dren, • Mr. _spd ■owed to four voU*. w llh U hrt? schroeder, Twin jleking up 10 votes to m ake hU pnaoiert,. Salt 1 * tal 307 against R elnscha 311, heme-Vemon K. Sm llh ' lost five m e world's Jslr, roih, bringing.hU Wlal to W , A rtt, and Balt I lad Charles Herndon lost 100, —nakini hU toUl 209. Blchahl D.-M.-EstcholdU-a-Write-ln can-a i d a l t - X o t ^ ^ ^ l ^ " ^ J c l e n e n t i r . . -

originally reported. v a r U degree Jrom

D cm o^U c^M nd^iui fw ” pro- alty, PeorU, lU^ S j ; ^ S . , l « t l O v o e U .b r l n g ln , _

la c M b r M V all( w m ™ J ,H . .

„ “ , r ,

UD one Tote w Blve Wm B«ldent th rtt m S ^ n d B .l« A. U » tu M « n ™ ^„n ICO votes to give h im 113. aen overpass. KenneUi Amold, fo r lieu tenant Herbert Bsunw m M r.-rec tlred_188 .vpM «sMliut 168 originally reported. and cdjU i * W Naegle lost-50 votes to demeriu by Ju hrinii'hlm to 173. Carl R . B urt vloUllon oJ the ?nr s e a tW of stole wo* eu t m « A. Safi, rrom 134 to J28 vote*; and Rulon Lake CUy. was Swensoo, lor lU te treasurer, lost cost* and asslgni five vote* to bring him down Twin Polls Polk yj 3te. Adamson for s|

Wesley Frailer, fo r superin? Lake* boulevard [indent of public Instruction, DannU W. : Oso lost flv# voles to b r ln s him Larkspur drive, <0 320. ■ . cosU and asslgi

John Fox, eommUsioner for by Judge Adanhe Chinl district, Plckfd «Protes making hU to ta l 384. Alfonio lapet~niliiSl'nou»e.-w rtt«*ln-candl* labflr.camp,j<asla^?J?sne?W -W lved-fl8 -voice ^ y - a f i e m ^n X e of M originally rep o rt- Ing. operating i3 'iJld l J r . ^ t t Earle received wllh inodegusle 130 rsUier Uian 332.

JnilUii 838 rather than 887 ft* Palli Justice, of•eporied. E. Pence.

TOUI votes cast in Uie eounty Harold noy Ivas 1^38 according to O eorge wns arrested F^ McCoy! clerk of the boa rd of driving while hilommlssloners. was suspended.

Idaho DAV BlaineittiS;“tS« s s “''’1™ Ships Ilur legislative goal.. w ithou t a T[OOd subsUuitlal m em bership we C *:annot hope to be heard to th« O l lneasur# we would like to be leard In seeking congreaalonal BELLEVUE, J ipproval for our leKUlatlve ob- Resources corpoi leeUTC. City, operalor ol

"An active, vigilant m em ber- Queens Mine at ihlp, sundlng together beh nd f. I®'" . « )ur naUonal officer* nnd m a k ln s Uie. Silver Sla iurselTcs heard, is the m oat e f- re^ rU m tcctlve way yet devUed to obtain of ore since 105 lhe Justice and equity we M k .o t c a r ^ of wngress for the benefit o f o u ij « " ‘selves and aU dUnbled veUron* in thU naUon." assayed 4

H# ouUlncd national DAV ac- w ^Uvltles and Ui# nftUonal DAV cent zinc a sUli's program. ‘

to be a successful service o rgani- “ thU ore r «

s i s T i ; ‘"s;r''.'”t ustrong,- healthy service depart-

sr.rr.‘ ^ »of you to recognUe the Jn c l Uiftlwe World war II veterans^ nre ,

r r « ' . r ; f “n .=Mrvlce Officers have pu t in 15 to

” *We*^,Sft‘i " t o the conclu-

4n -U ..-fu lu ta_U -m cm bcrsh lp . n

solemn moral duty lo see lo l t ; “" “ under.oum that-every disabled velernn in IhU Und U told th a t we In Uie DAV stand for the dUnblcd vet­eran." he concluded. l j

AUo elected Salurdny nftcr- . / V lu S noon were new officers ot UicDAV auxiliary, which U holding _________ |lU 22nd annual convention ' In H n B R H ctinJuncUon with t h e DA V s; tmeeting. New auxiliary offlcera j {are Mr.i. D. L Cook. BoLic, com -! H a c f e J f l m ander;. Mrs. Dorothy. Petou,’,! g I f f i lS S B ’ Wallace, senior vice commander: | H jn in i j V ' Mrs, Ella Patue. Idnho FnlLi.l i n i w Junior vice commander: Mr.«, B ^ H II n Oeorse Deniiev, Dol.ie. trc.riurer.j I U | | l | | and Mr.i. Cari Suttrrllcld, T u ln l f lB H lH I . Falls, chnplnln. I

Other DAV and nuxlllnry of-1 fleers wlli b« sppulnicd by tlie | B R I I l H

1 Committee ri-porui were henrd! E | | l i | | . i durUii; t.ie Snturdny m orning! W E I l l|:l

Inaled and elected durlni: the ; H j lS n r l laftcrnDou K.wion. An exccuUvc; M |!LH' ' j l l committee meellng concluded l l i e l - l l w i j I 1 convenllcn'.t bwlne.M ff.v'loii.i. ' . 4 • Some 80 members of thc DAV, 1 I l \

and lls auilllory nilended the Hyii'l ' Iconvention mecllnR.i, Ilo.Ms lor B l : ' I the alatrwlilc conventloii ^le^eT«m PalW Strnrtley ch.ipicr No. H • , ‘

FOR R E N T - - - '


Fully F urn ished -(c v p n -i :o o tc in g -c rcn ^ ts )~Located In Sun-Valley. Idalio.- Will lfa <! for siimmw or

CALL CO LLECT im-«l32 . Pocatello I

rwin Falls News inSharon MaUud*

rUand. wlU give a c o n w a t ^ ^ J ^ 'J J ^ J u r s h l j ,m .. Monday, a t Uif Chureh Ogd, FUer avenue. , .

m» Easter Seal eenler will bo a w u bom 1 sed M o n d sy ,.T u e sd ay and H,y Cednesday, Paa*, Ore. Mrs- '

•------- form er LoU Trlmnt o poclssl Harmon pa rk and dauijhter of Mr. i rry Barry park will be opened uam C. Trimnfji. 1 pal. Sunday. Mr. anO Mrs, ^ l

Ployed at Uie Tit Irt. Abb* Bebroeder and chll- CoUon aUo was « n -M r i^d Mra. A l b e r t W estern A u to j^ iroeder, Twin PalU and EnoU • „

Uchahl D. U dendorf. who ^w ln FalU Fan)»lously-cam«l.his_l»c^clO''.,®f meet a t 8:30 pjn cnce dtgrtt ~finngordln Ihy ~Parffl~BUIT«Uachers college. River Forest, ------, has received hU .m aste r of . K n t iU C ^ n wl 4 degree irom BradUy unlver- pjn . Tuesday. Mr, y, Peorls, 111. • _____________ dredge will serve i

Valley Traffic CoiArilllam J. Harrison. M urtough, Twin Palls countys fined (200 and cosU a n d hU In lieu of ilOO bon,vcr'* license waa suspended Pence,r one year by Twin FalU • RlcliaVd G. Allr.slice of the Peace R obert E. ful. Utah, was c|inee for dnink driving. H e wns to yield the righta ted -Jun t-3 .afK r_a one-cor he -w as InvolvedIldent Uiree miles eost o f H an- Occident.at 8:151 on highway 30 neA- th e H an- ^ t Second aveni1 overpass. street norUi. A* IDHerbert Bsumert, 18# W ash- ^yjyen by Allred[ton street north, waa fined . 1555 pord sctl

and~c<ijU-find-iisslgtjed-30 jJn n -E .“ Blbnech meriU by Justice Pence forlUllon oi the basic ru le. juHe jj, norp, I Max A. Softenberg. 37. S alt | j 5 ^ ( j cosU arke City, was fined »10 and jemerlU by Filer lU and assigned 20 dem erlta by. p jic Y ^ e m Thurr rln Polls Police Judge D ale J . (A ,lamson for speeding o n Blue Kenneth L. Mclke* boulevard north. UO and • e.aannU W. Blrrell, 17. ■ 145 Thurman for spetkspur drive, was fined $7 and Rlchardw L OltlU and assigned 25 dem erits (ined tI3 and 'ci

judge Adamson for a atop Thurman for spe^n violation. ■ Oeorge W. Pohli(Ufonzo Lopn, 25, Tw in FnlU wo4 fined $15 an« r camp, »as arrested 6 o tu r- demeriu Thursday -k fienuan-far~drunK ' flflT- FoUeezJUttoLLC^r, operating a motor vehicle speeding,lh inodegusle brakes, a n d dU- Robert 0 . Doug lylng-license pUtcs on n car |13 and »3 costsilstered for another vehicle Justice of the Pes

su te police. He wna placcd tin for follure tTwin Palls eouniy Jnll In basic rule law. Jut

u of J300 bond set by Twin fined Ronnld Llls Justice of the Peace Rob- ond 13 cosU for; E, Pence. K. Shane, $13 and Harold noy Houser, 17. Buhl, ^

orresied Friduy n ig h t for be™ ", $7 and « Ivlng while hU driver's license* suspended. He rem ained In an^

Evelyn M. Sumt

Maine MineFrldoy at Uie I

i h i p S F u ’ S t J ^ c l . She" was"'

)re Since ’59 ES'Sufi K # £ r;y, openxlor of Uie Sliver S tar-

,«n/M Ine a t Broadford under f t ^ l e yJoint venture agreem ent wllh , , yJ , Silver SUr-Queea-i Mines. . ^

S iu .n a M « i .n ,d

u was sent to Inlem nUonalleltlng and Refining companyikh assayed 43.8 ounces of all- r» l, ir per ton, 38 per cent lend, 3,4 j ^r cent xlnc and J)1 ounce gold. 5?: a net smeller re lu m of $88 ‘10^ *r ton a t present metolj>rlcea.1 c a r ted ot mill type ore a lw N w h driven b> s shipped to the U.S. sm elling, ^ nirih No 0 iflnlng and,Mining company a t

e was mined from th e south caii

r A Foster. F o rt WorUi, N 'n t|j i*..-prald«nuof_the-company. porll about 80 feel of d rlf i has en driven along the vcln.i slnce mMe dUcovery of Ihc ore shoot. r u t tRay Undlof, Federal Resources ologUt. reports drifUng has ex- ised n section of good ore wllh ?high grade slrcak about 18 {’>' hWk

ches wide thn l a.«.iycd 70 'inces.ijf sliver, 57 per cen i lead ____id s ir per cent zinc per ton. A

cUon a^uyed 100 ounce.i of sli- Q I A I :r and 77 per ccnt lead per ton.'Development w o r k on two P P A ^tier veins In Ihe ncn rv lc ln lty r l \ « J'‘ i i i f s s i i i i r p i r c c i r v t i i r i i ' i n ' '----------•osre.'.i Involving both drilling Iid undersound core drllllnc.

Music ca n enrich a setBeautiful orgon music by.a sk

y S B S M fcjsionol is availobic here. Proi be a rranged to suit thc express

■ ■ Ample Parking Pacllltles

PH O N E 733-4900

v s i n B r i e f | 1 5 0 S e ^ ;n a MaUuda. datigbUr (}f 1 7 q | ] fn F l

; 3 S “: i s i Y o u t h ^y of'W oshlngton, Seattle. contlnoed from

-------- '• Declo. Paul and OakloD w u bom Mondny to Mr. ^ in the search.Mrs. .Ray ^ l « n . G rant* „ pajnsOre. Mrs. b O tm U ^ e ij,orough.

)T LoU Trlranell. Twin W U , .{embers of a hnniter of Mr. and Mrs. Wll- . aurvlval crewC. •nim nW l^enver B o ^ m ^ b e r* of the flmO Mrs, CoDwn were em - [ fon1 at Uie Times-News and search

lay a t Uie Rogerson hotel ridlan and Mounuiir

“ J ; „ ' ‘ ? .n n ,. l l l , o_____ Iff's Jeep PO«e

Id FalU Farm Bureou will searchers to and i n a t 8:30 p jn , Tuesday, a t Edward P tH '^

■grffl-BuiTtu Office;-------------nalcd thi-search.am^ 1 = — r -------------IT i^H onrA-gigup-ir”

uU Crongt wUl meet a t 8:30 u being orftnnlwd t Tuesday: Mr; attd Mrs. El- in the search tomo e win serve refreshmenU. • pive of the vouti ------------------------------------- went up from Paul

, to set up a camp for

c C o u r t s ?;uy-y!'riuFnlU couniy Jill Saturday 1

u Of IlOO bond,Cl by Judge ^ ^ ''S c p I W n t ^ a r

haVd G. Allred, 22, BounU- J^fie^ican^LwIon'po jiah. was Cited for failure ' "n* foreli.Cld the right ■it wny after ^ " .1 ’"on„ntlon Is ■as .involved In n, iw ^ca r , ,d.,Maln.st.iECJe n t.a t 8:15 p.m. S a t u ^ y coordinated by ncllo « on d ovenue and Plfth ,arters whldi , norUi. A- lOW Volfctwagen " " .n h Burle. n by Allred collided wlUi operntlJ::55 IgfO ters lm,i been set t

E, BlonecWld, 2fl.-More- ^-ffirbrXM-T.

le H. Harp, Buhl, was f l n ^ “a b V to" 'k«p’''«'md cosu and, assessed 20 “ . prosrta u b , n « JU,tlC. ol lh , DO,r ic ,in •n.utmim for .pced- ^ „„„i,

, . , . h L. B.1,1 w u* or *en«l.ers at the

man for speeding. B.\„rdnvhardw L Oltison. Buhl, was Saturday.$13 a n d 'co su by Judge « -

Housewfe ; i r i r w Prison Esc■-Judge-C ,~ J .-S h u p e-fo r -pT{fTPWtX,-Arix,.

le"*- a . Douglas, wo* fined A Ph.oenlx ho i«e^f. md $3 costa by Shoahone escapee went Into- i :e of the Peace W. L. Aui- after receiving worfl or failure to observe the ,^ ,0 try to h t rule law. Judge Austin aUo ^^pea from indUna Ronald L Hoogland, $32 Michigan City. '

13 cosu for speeding: Max Edgell,inne, $13 and $3 for failure - u u „ ( j .y with four serve basic rule; Cleo Brnu- ^ | i™ 7 e r ItS lng n r, $7 and $J cosU for atop dormitory. HVlolaUon,' and U R oy R itlie r prUoners

am, $13 aM $3, basic rule to . get" Mr*. 1 lon. 'T' -- McCarty, 38.:lyn Rf. Summy, 33, Jerome McCarty, he.cited ior failure to yield ' jhe ir iRljt of-way ofler » collUlon „y ol Uie Inlersecllon • of jq j^ 'j j y,

avenue west and AWc" on for her part in a 1 .. She was drlv ns a ^ r d | 5 'e,U The two were WIS in a collUlon with ft . j * . . ! - , . shooUr

Pontiac driven by John W, p o j i c ,nera, 37, Idaho FalU. wounded.[I 0 . Korcn, 18, Paul, wa*$15 by Buriey Police Judge 1 E. Bowtn for running a T T

sign a l Main and Overland I— I A - y ^ C u . Burley. X X C l Vs. Vem Melton. 58, 484 Hey-

avenue, was fined $7 and 1 1 1 f t land aaslgned 25 demerit* by I I I U

. Falls Judge Adnmson for I I I ■ ■ving too closely. She wa* In- # W ■ V d In a three-car accident,1955 Chevrolet struck Uie of a 185S Chevrolet driven!

lelen L. Reddick. 19. route I . ___rome. Miss Reddick's car wa* 1 .

1 driven Vernalrs. 30, 22<I Blue Uikes boule-

nccldcnl ^lappened ^ d n y

p! m v . Cotpenlcr, 74, 214 I avenue north, pleaded ln - | u In TKln Palls poUce court Iillure7toTicid‘ th e -r ig h t-« f ;-------• r f ^ —Judge Adamson reportcd a ' J j B y ^win be Ml Uter. I ■ /III E. Brown, 10. route 3 .| ■ / ^

Falls, was lined $10 and: ■ / ^and n.ulgned 20 dcmerital . ■ /

adge Adamson for speeding ' ■ / \ k * *e 600 block of Second’ ave- M l V

" d ia T aPRAYER \


h a service ( CREDITSic by.Q skilled p ro - V termsI here. Progror.i will ■he express wishes of

1 0 'karat Gold N

^ Toddler's^ h M ' Birlhstone Rin

p l i ' ' ^ r - S o , j

' ■' ■. ■ Mong Facilities.

733-4900 ^ Beautiful........... ............Birthstone ft

i \ ' Y ouf .C hild r

l l j n O L O i - .......... T - 2 .50 FOf


1 O m T r a d i t i o n / < /

)Searchers Seen Toi■m' ' J Dr. Dean -H, AHiid1 to rind

1 T » I C arter dUpemlni! ..uj[ath’s BodylUnoed from Page 1 n o b e rt-T :'l 'r„>ial and Oakley ,aUo took Pickup truck from d,

the search, which was local servlcc »taii„„

“ wV, ,r .?o 'r .s “'S i 'Srs;*'.", B o j j s 5„;ssn!?'n';v';::ue team th* nur Uie scarcli party. tnd game depw tm eni 01- forest service personnel, borrowmi n-ouls from Burley tr<»p downtown busln^.^ and Explorers from Me- g u y Detective U r md MounUin Home nlso typing on typcuTita i rt. llee courtroom , . ...mBonneville countv sher- Badger. Rupcrl, ili.-cn- cep po','<e Irnnsportcd tn Kouth hills nrm rs to and from the area. Ciirson cnrryliii: bsi; «

Pefley, Boise, 'Coordi- to cu.itomcr’s cur . . h t search and re'cup_oo- hc.ird; "Onr -A-gigup-from- PftHl nlv?lgoluiC tiL iillIIlaJX ja^ { or««nlwd to lnke pnrt - n o parking tickft.. search tomorrow. • weeks." of the youth's relatives Z ^ - r rp Irom Paul W ednesdny A T i r , - * ^ a camp for the acnrch- x \ * l j » I V l l l J ey are Meriln. O ene and C

oSii’’"' Passes at«rs of the Burle.v jih e ^ „■pnrtnvenl “" 1 nvenue soulh. died m :from I h e ^ l n ^ 1 * Memorlol Ho.iimm in Lesion pw t also lookthe fiireli. j,e wa* orn Jan. :

onerntlon Is hi mv or- Springs, Mo. He..M a ln .sM ^ e f« r to nre Elka- lodB,nted by n d lo from n fie d „ n t le d ruler of Elk,trters which *!*<’ *» Twin FnlU, In 1936.

wllh Diirlev po H « .. . ^ r . Kniglit. ttlioelnl operntlJn» hendqunr- June l', lOI: , ^ e n sei up n e a r the „ 5;, rea M ihe 'senrcn , vviin crnlcd theTidcllt)-B i: of aerial mnp.r offlctnU g j „ jj

e to keep «ip w ltn m e , search progrnm. the Idnho Bnrber n.vo. F>-ereU Dorrey, n former •nembcr o[ ili

mU"lng hunler, nnd Mra. church In Marj'.ivilir, och *hd Mr*. Helen W ll- jj^ man-led LouIm I leUhbors. supplied co tiee 3 jg03. ij, rcliers at the main cam p ^ ^ ^3 . She died Ma> ly. Survivors are two .non,< ------------------------- - K night nnd Alvle B. H

isewife F le e sServlcea nre penilii

i o n l ! i S C a p e e Whlt# mortunry.

-Year-W ittoi ,r.n V iolence Liisy try to harm h e r e*- NASHVILLE Ttnn. rbm indUna stoto prUon -P u b lic K hw U In lUan Cliy. * completed Uielr

H. Edgell, M, escaped IT tt'ith four o ther eon- Uoa. since 1054, Hwm ■f»r ifwklni n guard in a News reported todny.

, , r m™. S S Jl,?,',;:;M ,r .r i r herself an es- January, lOdl, #1 H

The two were apprehend- year slnM U’e 15M I rr. a shooUng *p r?ejlin n illn s


iere Is BartonJUNE special:


M e n 's k ,

L o d g e

R in g s '

creditTERMS/1 I R in g s

karat Gold w ilh B irlhs tone

iddler's Ring . . . ONLY Zhstone R ings f o r / * % _ — ^

:e n s . . . . . ’3 ^ ^ ^ 5

~ S g m e t h i n g N e w !

M others Rings B c o jti fu l R in g w ith a ^

lirihstone f o r 'e a c h o f . •*, .. | O c'o u r .C h ild ren ...... ........................... X jM

- 2 .5 0 -F O R - E A C H A D D lT IO N A L jT p N I

H n r t n i i ' sJEWELRY115 M A IN EAST

en Todayean -H, AHIk^ i,,.* •coffce dufiiic alU meellMK . tji dUpemlni! ..uiiI Twin FnlK 1„,~: ,1 vlii Fnll.nioben-E :-i'r,icr a,;..?'" m ick from ■rvlcc fttatiiiii . • •atniwosih ijiiMiv' nuto ai-fiiiiKrcrri, blrthdny pnn^' [ f

. , Jfan n e UWijm',,:;' perately i„ '■>during nc« 1:6 « li* ore . . . Brian D,(,i Ig Secontl atdim ' ue car . . . Mr- 5 .f borrowins

HI busln^.^ elective U r TuH, in typcuTlta III c ii/^ rlroom . . fv ,,. Rupcrl, d(.-cif>ii,;„'II hills tirn. , J ’ carryliii: bai; .il iioct’s enr . . hna "Onr lliin!:_ tiHr

•) mlllliirvnrking tickrt. r f i^'

L. Knight sses at 79; L. Kninhl, 73, 6I: \[,s soulh. died nl Mntic Vi;. norlal lio.iimal Saiurci,

0* orn Jan. tl. Ug ^ iTlnss. Mo. He UM n J , -o f. Elka. loJuf-snii -,1, ruler of Elt^ lodie lie

nlU, In 1036.Kniglit. alia movrd ti ilU June 1 .19l;. lud bn: ■r for 5S yrir.' and » ;heTiticilt)' BMiviociii* cars. Hr Is n SO-ycit n t Ttt'in Full', a iiiciiitxt c; lio Bnrber n.vociaiion s::* r ■nembcr o[ llic CliriMii; In Marj'.ivillr. Kjiu,

arrled LouIm U. s.-hr.t;;., 3, 1003, In MariiT.'i She died May 15. ijs. ra nre two .'om, SidnrrL nnd Alvle D. Knl::ht.i;i inddnughwr. S.mdra Ia all Twin Fall'

:e* nre pemliiit: st lortunry.

r-Without"= lenee LisledIVILLE. T tn n . June I J ! schooU In tlip SffjiS impleted Uielr ilr« rtii violence over dritcmi-

ce 1054. Soullirrn Schai sporled todny. luWlcnlitm.'l^MP* bj n Educ.-(tlofi lleponfj

snid Uie 1»H vlo’.tca lOol dcsegrecailon oecutti lary, lOdl, Bl U'e Georgia.u tlon , boycolu or kp.>1 occurred oter sclioolfr ■ion in e v e ry pterta ice lhe UM U. S. co::th n t compul'or)' s^n-of schools unw-*1, the papci^»ili____


stp5*N e w ! '! ^

lings1 STONE

. 1 ?IN A U JT O N L .. .

n ’s -

{ .S T ____J

ff, F. Lilji’ary, _Itfay ReportTi:Approved— H-^ . . d the monthfy report -----

library director, dur- n f f i m e e i J n R .} ^ _ r '

K ^

S ■for the monlft IncMdccl ,?M? c tf*PProprt»ilon; MO.IOiff 'th B D»y tJielf:. tiBiO irom

town *ul»strlpUons:,»208W . . •?!ln fme* «nd col!ecUon»; M.IS

income: _ _

a t i i J{ M33 fiwn *ftle of w rplus mi.K- • .m « .T o l4 l Income UicludliiR '

^ u n i l i i a l i e e of t4.OI3.77.' la other bUilnpM Ult library j .

a XBlM. In «ne ra tw 1 Im book* from Irtfec U T # 'Ju ly '!■ ProposnLi 10 a i « u a the out-of-town suluerlp- I « ' s r fee WM postponed un til • uw next board meeHnif July 3. p ,

n r Z. M- WrlBht, board chair- ‘ ^ •M in o u n e e d th a t bids would M rtlejued ihortly for the re- P C Swement of Uio Ubrary roof, Specification* are bclnB draw n I ib by lU rald Oerber. local archl- y (

The board aUo approstd , lailtSns of library "booVa uflcc • , . July 1 by Mrs. Olen Cannon. ■ iS twtliled public aecountapt. ,

In further reports to tlie J l ^ d DeVolder gave dclall.^ of

-tB»Tneeting oM h# Idaho.UUrnry - • — SwclaUon held In 'McCall .May

*"^Volder'* report also indlca- »uc rt«l tha t durlnf May Uiere w tro --------67 »dult. Juvenile 8I^^ 13 youth book* purchased a n ^ a -total of M | i 117 adult, M Juvortllo and 28 * youth book* donated to lh e 11-

^^M ks wom out, JQit and with- driK-n were 115 adult, eight iuvc- dla and one youth for a total of | < \ JH. Of these 08 fIcUon were mlJslnR 'in the Inventory, elfiht v/Ai lost and paid a sd 18 wom out, P rt,id

Porty-four booka were rebound ULiput tor the adult division, 3S for the neers jurmlle department and 13 for U nu. the youth room. Books and tnaR- ^ adnes repaired In the library totaled 174. Two phonograph rcc- c ords were withdrawn during May. .

W ere were 100 new adult [{j;*"' reader* registered and 44 Juve- nilei, while there were 157 adults rcoort tnd 45 Juvenile* withdrawn. neada-

T oul circulation of all Items ' during the month was 8,053. Of ' the total adult booka cliccked J cut there-were 2JI3.-lieU on.-l.- °J}. 4H Don-flcUon, 280 periodicals. , 37 pamphlets and 18 films. Chll- ' dren'i circulaUon amounted to ,3 ;i8 ficUon, 524 nonfiction. 24 periodicals and 31 pamphlets.Youth room circulated 744 flc- The Uon, 191 non-flctJon and «even I«nphl.u . . t;

•ni# library was open 28 days J®'’ foT-the circulation o t books wllh " 'c n ‘ an areragB dally circulation of *’1'®JIO llems, The largest dally clr- ealallon was 841 while thc small­est was 161. AT

After the meeting the truilees I^AI inspecud the llbmry during w n H which DeVolder pointed out the c«Lie: general need for. washing wall* ' and painting In various deport- th e T menls. ^

____________________ torlunMEETING ATTENDED ’

SHOSHONE, June 9 — Mr.i.Claude Chew and Mrs. F. R. be em Mibbutt spent the week In QoLie ‘ where they were delegates to the PEO convention. USE 1

I - E e n n e

. C B C E :

' ^ \ \

- 7 W i S S

m C M B lR , ' i- — YOU CAN - - - - -

CHARGCAll j — YOUR- - - - - - -

m i m r . ^

AT P m t Y ' S l


E i S W E !■ Wwli^JrTtnnitluf

---------- ------------------------------------------- :------- ---•i«tn«»bol. J , - -

Pnlls - . f51CC.1 •'» Wb, b« . ta li.; a ,li Ilfl, ao dnon■port ;

£ ” -PRA006 P A ? 1 5Ved- f-----------

• , / V raR 258^iB T 16^W Z '.12.77. ■


K ■ : , ■ t h e t i m e s - ' IIn-

3 ‘ ” T f ’ WOULD BE USEF

S 5 N-S-T-A-T-E

™S THEREFORE ' l 1V0ULC;cnts I ■ ■ ■


i . P»M. AT THE WHITEould -


, '^ 0 ‘ _T0 -ATTEND. II

S r ' K l i D L Y REPLY TO f

I------------------------------ JOHN. Firnry ------------------------------ T f l.-^ w .rn J .i 'x S ;,•May ■ ■ •. - - . .

JACK SHJUOWNEy. r u n u s H K K ||5“ * aUend % lunthton m u ting In the Whl

“i Proposal for Tra Kspiite Made ®l?i

uve- r r I . A sout

By Kennedy S'i:W ASinNaTON, June a w -

out, P rtilden t Kennedy proposed to- — - al«hUft-pUn-<.f.«rbit™ iion-ln-n -'’ft-**.- lund ULipuie between the FIlghl EnKl- The

the neers union and three major a ir- minute, for iinc.1. by Rlx

A *ialement from Secretary of healed Liibor Arthur J, Goldberg said Martini

Linv enRineers, who have been througl T ' ; ihrealcnlnR to strike, and the amoke

three airlines will dl.ieUM the pro- Auth po.ial with federal mediators ond were fc report to him a t 6:30 p jn . Wed- b u t th'

cms TheQJ A spoke.nnan for the union up In

'ked chance of tra in '' J . unlojj acceptance of any arbltra^ travel

Hon. ■•Our■pbiilllon all a lo n g "^ prnncis ' and It ha.1 nol changed — Is

th a t we wUl not axbUtule Issuci Involving basic Job security and

licls,f lc . Tlie major lasue has been a

even propainl by the airlines to cut Uie cockpit crew on long-ronse

doys airlines from four to three 1i wllh " 'c n by combining the duties of , nf one ot the three pllols wllh those * ' '' clr'. of the fllglil engineer.lall- ------------------------------ Re

ATTENDS GRADUATION Ilees HANSEN, June 9 - Mrs. D ur. L o<

^IH> ottended graduation ek- II,« crcLies for her son. Honald E,

.qII« h iu . held. Thursday evening byi a r i . th c Trade Technical Institute at:

the Murray High school audl-l \ torlum. Salt Lake Clly. Uinh.l \ j Hill wat among 324 graduating! from the Irutllute and he wllll

l i ' be employed a t the Baccus Mis- n U i SoLie Pl“ ' l near Salt Lake CUy, r r H

the ---------------------------U SE TIMES-NEWS WANT AD3 |_______

E > t ' " G o ,

r - - y

A #From Dallaj . . • early

y X * Pacfon^O pc^ / V m 'a W voilel Beautiful p rin ts

Foil Com pare lhe o f fabric o r price any \ »hpp Pennoy'j and save!

/ 7 )


^ s ® i S r i- TELEGRA

UUyin, li lOCAl TlUn «t p»ot t i a

' A ? 1 5 . .

r m z f s ■ GOVf NL PD- THi

t ' lEY, P ' J bLI SHER, REPOf

M£S-I : EKS T 5b 2 ST T'.v


S-T-A-TE",=^RE &| 0 N’A e Y r t® ^ f


CHEOf! 01! FRIDAY, 'JUTli;


AVE NUE) . I H O P E n ’f I'



HN. F KENNEDY ________«rk«eyiAT» iU b'otsrioH f yno M IT*

ILISHKK flf (he Tlmei-Newa. will Jo h n K. n the W hile llouie with i’retldent Invltatlo: --------------- :— -----------------------------r a lio are

Train Stops as prolilemi

_ Blaze Put Out f i r ve SAUGUS, callf., June 9 W D- I ■ ]

A southboui)d Koulhem Pacificpa.ueni;er train made an un- I 'cheduled slop tonlghl when ll* * *

_ d ining car c.iughl fire and sent y -. .<mioke' billowing out the win-1 /

--------------------------- - A -•1. Tlie flames were doused In: >Ir- m inutes alter the train slopped ^ f

by six counly fire unlls. Over- *of heated wires were blamed forlid a tartlng 'the fire iha t burned I . i / ken through a wooden panel, causing I n Uhe smoke damage.o- Authorities said a few dinersnd were forced to evacuate the card- b u t there were no Injuries.

Tlie dining car was hookedon up In the middle of the 15-ear |of tra in which liter ^e^umed lls aj travel to Los Angeles from Sanj .— Prancisfo with (he damaged car. z 'Is I - - ,

ies ' V nd


ee 1 0 0 f t. by 3 0 0 f t.t i x o f w » h f iih in g i tre o h i | ^

r u n n in g th ru th e lo>»4^ |R c a to n ab to build ing :

rc itrlc H o n i, | \L o c a te d 2 m lle i w e i t

E o f c ity lim its . ,by'i t N ,«t PRICED FOR QUICK I

t l \ , SALEI j P I m a k e u s a n OFFERt

“* P H O N E 7 3 3 -2 8 3 3 Cool, c• Ugh

>e breadcliOlif Kl

__________________ _____________ 'v»nl»d

ier Darks in __jF rp a c i^ ® ^ I Cotton I &

K 9 5 _ JW c o c h

, . . e a r ly Fall fashions injcfon^O p o lyeste r ‘n collonul p rin ts in your favorilo C Ln p a re lh e qua lity and valueprice a n y w h e re . . . thon K U li, a n d s a v e l

I / - , Comfo)• v i j • *oie, e:. ! ®“-

w l

w p n l n H

F I I S n -G R A M ' ™«.":4A tU r«w.«,.T .t t poiat e< eticB. Tuar-ef rntlpr [< tOCAl TtMP A

■ . V • , “ . 1

P D - T H E .H V H iT E . H O U S E ,W:

R E P O R T / D E L I V E R Y .



7rt-:0^M A TroriA L- PR O B tE 't


, 'JU71E 1 5 . .1 9 6 2 AT I :





<f ywoU m >AT«on i coHctawiwo it*

Jo b n K. Kennedy next Friday i i a result Invitation. Tubllshert of other dally new»r

- also are Invited to the lunchron. Mulloji-nc deal of tbe dUeuMlon during llie session wll problems.

i P E N N E Y 'S



' ' ■ T i l


V/EAR DRESS SHCool, com^o'ltbt* ihort mod*li In• llghlwt’ght. luiurlpui pim* cotlon brosdtlBlhl H»nd»om»l/ till»f»d wilh pgp- ulir Klngdor toll, ihofi point colliri, 1

'v*nl«d tlxvcal Lliifi or no lieni S<n-• fo?Tr.-d g i-------------- ------------------------------- :

BUnOM OOWN COLLAR |In ox roso a o iH on ly


5 .9 9 iCom foruble cushion crepo Llghtwelg aole, elasUe side gore. Easy lng. cusli on . *oles, heel

r • V


' S ^ P *

— 2 .CH/

I • . . . 0 / quality bl■ v r # S tun lypoV ■■ colors. 5-; Doublo-tu


- V . 1 , 0 0 (

) N ~ f e ^ S t o p .i F o r l

n o i itm '"""V't::!;* I\ I HOI.Y I.r

k:m . t m ,

I ■ h c rr lortiiy !;to b:ock ^u

■ ■ 'I'oliirL\ Jiibt

U S E . H A S H I N G T O N; T iic* .viim

/ • • • n r 6 ' ' ‘■I'’' •'‘ T IK -pollc , ll

;w lih tllc toi -m outh 'tiecci.si»ry. w, Itors thi-y «< • bri'acli tit III

! G £ O F v . l £ v ; s • • • • lo n .m vI Mos: nuivi

r - . , , ’ ■ ''n o r f d till- \M^ C n 3 L fc S T > irwLManci', i

■to bc lllK'il

^ O D i r e : ; ;y . " . ■ i S u u " ',T h r y w m -c

A T - 1 :0 0 ; " 'X ? Saouih iU Lui;

> T g a t e O N

> S I B L E F o r ; - c o m p a i

f O U W O U L D ______________;

I f j Q E R . r c c o p j .

IT* a a m n . , „

as a result of thli Irlcgrammed , _ _ _ -dally newspapfn In llili region i k A A r

n. MuIlo]>'ncv antlrli»t'» a good :e session wllt be devoted to farm C(

o l n g a i l o i

D y E f l i H E I■ ...... ...................................-


i W m

/ S t t i r f )Q olfcrs'deliKh

D N W A S H ' N S S S H I R T S ! ------ ^3 " .. P I M A■rS: ^ . 9 8 ond

* ; 3 i .


M en's Glove Leather lu j SPORT OXFORDS i ^ m ^ l

8.99 3Lightweight with leaiher Un* Easy cnre. lng. cusliloned Insoles. Crepe P u h lo n shi soles, heels. g, M, I#—XI

SPECI,■ r .......c b M B i

*■ ' • S '.s i i -L :" - '\ SPO'

2U I^u tc l and

..T * ,* 'colors. Longa n d X L.

Patio Special!3 pc. CHAISE j n & CHAIR SET


1 5 -8 8\ 2«H A IR S ,1 CHAISE -

"■a^bulcius savlnjs SA k*ttuiey'»— --------^ ^quality buill pallo fum liurel P«nn»y« t»cli 8 tum y poIy-webblng In bright print pUitic < colors. 6-poslUon adjusUble. fiiltd ptd. 0« Doublo-tubo- anna. sluminum tuh

1,000 Trv to I I’lay^ Stop Supplies ,■f~' ' 1 '% -T . .ilDiiM nii:l»l

F o rr d a n s . [“tj-s::HOI.Y I.OCII, .‘•Vi*;i;i:-.i1 Jim>-!>>'''1 »«•'' folln'

t- if i—.\tofr- tliai, i.nnn -.m. i-.vi- u"‘:'-r thi- dirf :rt-H r ilriii'cniiir I'.ll s ' ii:;ivi r''i’;l ” ■•>‘1'■icrr tartiiy Mr n mU i.-.vu M>-'. 0 ‘i“ 'l I'

TJiP*.'(limtl<T.> liu-:;a;ul ''^ rld .trK 'UH !h loni: li.nr ,i;ul : -h u-r.-.-.. >l''' '■•in'"''

vllli th c toviil iiivv l i i - i ’i’ i t . '■ ""•'"I C,i:n nouth M^ilidinn'by ' l! I’-"!'

ors thi-v wdiiid lir rliTinrrrf^ilTi'(ri'ach .It till- p.Mc-1;- II;, V !.ul, d Ki^.^hlch Is cj o niiiv.- cm III ilu..(ji t ‘' ' ' ‘••'•'r ‘>••'1'' '

Mos: nuivnl .111. Till' i.;;n ;s !,;• j;”’ Sl.ilorfd th '- \vnrjiiiii. I;;:!, im’-u ii -------MLManci-.'Mrn ;u»l « \ . ; i i . i i . i i l ' , o be im -'il l);>(li:y inn.i il;, .n - ' “‘O •'•"‘I- rancp lo Huh' hHh'.s Arilii,i<l.i:i'i )liT i n t o ttiilHii;: imltcii v,iiv\ rh ry w m - c,irin( otl i« J,itl i-< lh iround thi- ciunirv. . .

T liry hi'd ci .iu- frliiii ii\ (;if g tlouih iU Luiiilfn Hiul luv I.ir iiortli, ■■IS A bfrdi'iil. Tlii-y mi-;c -oii;,iii. ^zed by Sculliiiid'.'. Co;iuni;!i'i- nf •

c o m p a c T t o o c l o s e -T O TH E GRO U ND ?,

L e t U i m ise it w ilh n e w ___ __ ,f n o i 'b r lh'o’ b<jit“ q u o in y ' r c c o p s .


ill o u t lo r a u r 3F A T IH

NNEY'S l o w PRICES, TOOl "v;,;;

\iZ. " Z l-----------^ /fn no r m e n w ho p refer iho f in e i l / ; f i f f y

San-lon Coordlhoted / - j y a Shirt & Sock .Set

lifers' dellcht, full fa.'.|iloncd sh irt / es free swlnp, lovely qiialliy, J ^i r t | w /}

p n s o c k , . • 9 5 p E N b -

, S uper Q uality PIMA»IMA T-SHIRTS ™n

■ these excluon d BRIEFS

3 ^ A mm crisp short

for 2 . 9 5 a , - -



3 .98 catch every btEasy cnre. wrinkle iree — for your f a v F ^ l o n shades,-long sleeves. 8»TatbandJ fc a , M, lr—XL. forti



2 . 9 8 . : SE>aatcl and deep -tone w ild 'Miors, Long sleeves. B, M, L . : ^ S | ^^ X L.

fO LD l & CH.

PlasticV alley '




PATIO CHAISEl . S p i t - B o

' 2 4 . 8 8 — lo o k . t i h .* . .low prico t 2

. . . I . . t a F.I,™ ., n « . l »“ » B 'ijl. . t " srlnt plaitic «v«r» plomp' eolfw*- m olor. S m S t 'liltd ptd. 0«1ui* ptttlle anrn on finish, ilumlnum tub* lum*.

’lay N i ^ t Heldl.v i x " ^ S ? S r _ , Twin Fells Inu Declo Church,- — -------lU C nW iaD , June O -llrc r rn .„n:.l i ^ u was hc:d by Ihr SHOSHONE, :IA Knmp.% Wrfiu<''^l"y cvrnliu «1'1 l>'' "H-d : 111.-.LUS ward chuirh. Soil- hrlil a t the L t ill Hfl.i follnwod by ii (Oftknm, Soclciy. beclnn iiiirr thi- Cirfctlnn.of MIA u flj. .Tti<#tluv. Lunrh. TTTainTiwhi'TlirSr.-niiTirT'iiTiir,,, ..nnnr.'. O nim J’lnvrl. M r.'-P 'raii- .Slm'::ilr, Mrs. Vrrii iw iiic r . ~ ~

:r7uiia“M rsr3uy“WuVdrNrt. nnd ' . r . :s. G cralil Stowell, and ilr.v T n S f B 15 Suiirn Apprll, * i i i ~ 'V,'i>rl(l.Frl«'inMilp 1% the ili.-mp J u $ f f lj

lhc KininiiT iiKuhtiuw pliiii.■ll hy ihi‘ cliurfli'Krnii;).\. Mr.v 'iH' iicl C.iinpbcll will ilircri lOAl C r i l<'h(l<'Id'. pan in Ihr prrM-iii.-i., J J U l r C l i>n ^rllrduU•ll for l.nir July. , „ nWorm&B0. ulilch Is ca(iipalKiilii?ai;aliui -iclcar ti-.-it.i nnd biuw (i{ bnih TOipJ;'fllI- ttn lird Slnte.^ and th r Sovlci

' Wu arlT not.’- aiUl-Auicilcuii.lL . U - L i ^ / D I'V .N,ilil. -W c nr<r antl-riiliirW,"

T h e


PETU NIAS. i $ 5 p o , 1 0 0

Vcgetobic Plants, G cronium s i O ther Bedding Plonis,' Tob!

P H O N E 7 3 3 - 8 4 9 0Locotcd on 7 lh Strcer Soutl

j r 3 g e n e r a l i o n !

I F A T H E R S D A Y I S ^

,A | Ne ttc ic i cht.gt If y«g p.y wllhin }0 dayt «i billl V . Or u l l moMhi lo p*r (for ( imtll urvic* chirgt

P E N N E Y ' S O W N S O V E I


You'll w ant a whole drawerful of m e these exclusive Penney plaid#.wov- S . A en especially for us by D on River _mills. All ,luiniry.plm a.co»nn with--------crisp short sleeves, ahort point col- Klars. 3 m atcliel pockcU. Machinewashi


1.98 -.I... ' 5-ol, lightweight straws wlU W, Ltch every brcezel G et one N olchtd coUar.r your f a v o r i t e sporti club middy iiyleireatbandj for added com- striped pa ttem slfll ‘ wear, never need


Plastic cover "Sun l iV alley" floral p rin t. ' j i

- C H A IS E .........i.n I f * BCHAIR 1.98 . I


C o p p e r t o n e »

i p i t - B a r b g c u e ■

o k - « t . t h e .ex traJ a t.w p rice l 22-inch adfuil-)le grDI, h o o d , sp it andDior. S m art C opperlon« H - [ | mlllh.

S u n d o y , J u n e 10, 196 2 vin F e lls Tim cs-Ncv^s 3

U OHK MEttTIXG SET ' SHOSHONE, June 0 - 'T h e r e 11 bd an all-dsy nork mectlnc ■111 n t the LDS church Relief ■ciciy. beclnnlns ni 10 a.m. iUtluy,.Lunchfon wlil-be se rved - .

There is nof/iinj "Jusl as Cood"

J301 FERTILIZER Vorm & Bug Control

foipjfflur la w n t

G L O B E d l l ° ; ^


M A L^ a s

HAS, 1 0 0

S c ro n iu m s a n d ^ lo n ls ,’ T ob!

33-8490S t re e t S o u th

i l l o n s o i

I S J U N E l ^ f ^

• }0 dayt «i billlflg fltlt. ill ifrvit* thirgi). T»u dicldti

r v .

uETTnI t T T f w / - OR IU t i i i Z f SHORT / T f f f f H SlEEVEi /


GINGHAM S!of m e n 't« l z e s V- S , M , L , X l

r 3 . 9 8 ” ^

Aea's Einiiosseil 'c o n b N p j 's i

^ 2 . 9 8t h ta co\lar. puB-oter or I m iddy iiy les’ in fancy or ped pa ttern s I All waah *n T, never need ironlsgl

I . : ■ •

S u n d o y ,- Ju n e 10 , 1 9 6 2 1! 4 Twin fo ils Ttmes-New»- .

- •« r t* «. IMI. ♦» I‘ T ia a MUbUMW !■ IM <»4 Ik* 1w»« fftUa N««i «>UW ■

I rub«rf'V»>lr ied Saettr *> Imimd »•'*« WM. I T-iS “X uub.. kf ,»fc* W / < ^ p»*:i.iu«* I

• ’■“ " S ir •'■• '"“ jsisr" : I't'- S'KSr i£.uW£S ,S!;SIXS- p i ? i ! V S f S S S . i3

' ■??!“ " —?i!'.''.^ t» U BuUtoMd w««kl7 »fllU «/« . U.U r , r ,« . . . M

Hw. M-iei c«d*. - , - > ., V Ol

I. ii:». nrnntJ Cuf •■« Countj w«»ts*p*r nt - — ------------ ----------- :---------- lh

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s g

T h e T im ^ N e w s co ngra lu l^ t«“ *"B a rn e tt on hi.s uppolntmgnt u» T w in F uIIh nolico chicf a fte r serving nevcrul weeka ,u n d e r thc.hiiiiJicni) of a n ‘ n c tin g title , pjjIn m uny ways, it Js an jm poeition to w k ^ a m an to ac t in on official c ap ac ity w ith- w o u t th e title. In nuch c ircum stuncM the “ ac tin g official has all th c responsib ility ,

■ of th e job with little o r none o f th e au- . th o r ity th a t accompanies il.

In cnB0K such-aa-experienced b y Mj- B a rn e tt during the few w eeks he has Hcrved an chief w ithout t itle , a l l- th e acl- vantHRe Uch wilh the city adm m istrn tio n . nui A m an is fflven an o pportun ity to prove fui he is capable of handling a RoaiUon, yet Uie jidminiHtrntion haa n o t com m itted o„ iLself. Thc arrangem ent Li n o t f a i r to the individual. - . Sl'

Inasm uch aa Mr. B a rn e tt a p p a ren tly “ proved to the BaliBfaction o f th e city op, m anager and city commlasion la quali- ^ fled to hold the position o f po lice chief, n r

- It is unforturiflte tha t th e v o te o f ra tif l- ca tion w as not unanimoua.

N ow fo r the benefit o f th e n ew chief, prt i t would be a fine g estu re iC th e vote could be amended to show unanim oua

" ~ f tp p ro v n l .~ T h r^ e mocraHe-r ig h t— or -<van —i d u ty — to .d isag ree has been ae rv ed and mt Buch am endm ent would be a g ra p h ic il- w lu s tra tio n of solid support f o r th o new “T ch ic f. ' enc

I t 's no secret th a t the T w in F a lla police wo d ep a rtm en t has been divided a n d sub- wl je c tc d to unusual stress b y th e circurn- s tancca o f the past few m o n t h s . 'I t s i Bom cthing ‘th a t could be e x p ec ted when n o t enough thought is g iven s o o n enough h« to th o problem of succession. I t would « t

------ be-well fo r any police d e p a r tm e n t to h ave le^nn a s s is ta n t chief a t a ll t im e s w ith the c lea r understanding th a t th e s s s i s t a ^ * becom es chicf whencyer th e to p p o s t a- v acan t f o r any reason, in c lu d in g vaca- hs tio n s. W ith such suitable ad v a n c e plan* the n ing , i t m ig h t be possible to av o id some s o f - th e p itfa lls o f .th e p a s t. T h e re also ^ would bo no need for any f u tu r e h ead of ^ tho departm en t to be in th e p o s itio n of tba wondcnngH»bout hla au th o rity ;

L e t’s hope th a t th e d lsag reem ^n ta and troub les o f tho past few m o n th s a r e gone and th a t everyontf concerned jo in s forces w ith Police Chicf F rank B a m c t t to as- i su re th a t thc departm ent w ill continue om Ils basically fine record. I f th e r e a r e any shortcom inga, then Chief B a r n e t t should be ab le to count on assistance o f m en in ^ th e departm ent, city com m ission nnd ihg even th e public in e lim inating th e m . oix

CongratuInClons, Chief B a r n e t t ; m ay ^ y o u r ten u re a s chlcf be long a n d p leasan t.

------ -------------------------- sni-------------------------- IIE -N K E D S -H E IJ > -------------------

I f there is one m an In t h c U nited S ta te s today who could be e x p ec ted to be b i t te r toward the K ennedy odm inis-

____ t r a t i ^ th a t one m ains R oger M . Blough, ^cha irm an o f U T S . S teel coVporatlon. ecc G ran ted th a t Mr. Blough m a y be largely wr responsible fo r the c ircu m stan ces o f his

- u n fo rtu n a te encounter w ith P rea id en t K ennedy, he still experienced exceedingly lu rou g h treatm ent. If ho w ere b i t t e r abou t we th e clash, i t would be un d ern tan d ab le , a t le a s t . ■ “

______ Y eL-the-chairm aiLoLU ^S..S te.eljB 8ue8a s ta tem en t in which he d ec la rea th e re *o cnn be proper u n d erstand ing betw een t»>i b usiness and governm ent e n d th a t i t

------m u s t be baw d-on a n iiitua l confidenceand respec t fo r each o th e r’s responsibiU

• itiea . "B usiness 'cannot a f fo rd to thinic of those in Rovcrnment a s m achiavellian overlords whose prim e pu rp o se In life is g,'

. to pu»h business around. I do n o t th ink me th is is ' th e case, nor do I th in k w c can Ca le t ourselves fall into tho c r i t ic a l s ta te be: o f mind th a t th n t kind of th in k in g gen- ^ e ra te s ,” he said. u,.

C erta in ly those <ire n o t t h e w ords of of •' a b i t t c m ia n or one who fe e ls unkindly

tow ard Rovemment. A s a m a t te r o f fact,Mr. Blough questioned w h e th e r industry w as doing everj-thing it could to increaae be th e governm ent’s confidence in i t . m

“ Confidence is a bridRc; i t n eed s sup- Hi p o r t n t both ends and i t needs to be con- st/iH tly kept in repair," d ec la red Mr. w B lough. Apparently th e U, S. S tee l chair- ui

. m an is doing his Bhare to w n rd repa iring , som e severe damage to th e b rid g e of „ confidence between h is s e g m e n t o f busi- ui n e ss and the government. B u t he. can’t m re p a ir a ll the damage by h im se lf ; he P' needs help and t)ic additional assistance ^ cu n comc orily from th e gov em m en t. d

M r. Blough’a point is w ell-taken . Nei­th e r government nor b u sin ess n o r any o th e r im portant segm ent o f th o jmtion’s cconom y can function e ffec tiv e ly w ithout re g a rd to the others. C e rta in lv if busi- «

:____ncjja_ d i9 rcg ard s_ o th cr in te re sU Jn _ th c ‘c^ econom y and operate.<i a t c ^ s purpo^^c.i,

th p re can bc only trouble a n d misiinilcr.— ^ B t o n d i n g ; - ---------------------------- - ................

L iaison among the varim is imimrtiint u BCgments of thc cconomy ha.s not been ^ too good »i the past. I f stu tem en fs such a s th a t lasued'by Mr. B lough led to a

______ M r iM o t c o n tc ren c ta , e v e r y o n e m is h t S'--------- b e n c n t . Ccrfalfll;- it 'r o u l i l d o nd K.-Irm i

t o r y l l- c m n * c n it in » - |s . „ „ « r c o f ll ie , , . problem a and plims of o ther segm ents of •

th ,6 economy. A t loahi.it would eliminate ^m isunderstandings.


■ s u t u tbout (our maeth«'tc<>-' "Since then. lu re had -M Or.dS*eunloo* v lth At o H ;<*aa r tE tm tn t a pouible W orld .

tun. i m w a r IU. WbeDCTer ire bAve m en- - 'A tioDed tne Bcoertl belief in ouf -eoiuiiry tb t l t pouible World

■ B i S i H v a r IU vrlit probibbr t'lnd uphi ' IXIBS • ^ ~ / j>(M the United SUtc* o n ^ o e tide J /

a ad CoaununUt CbicS on tne . j no ther, we hive met tbe mo*t « • I j i ,

t ol Bw T»ct»- ..ton lih in t repilw-tn*-dl#b*U«t» “ / “ i!• u ‘ W br would thU be a j « « n l belief In f " o p «

but t n unbcaxd-oJ-pottlblllijr la tbe i;nlt«d - I . i t 8 u t e « r , , .urtb • • • » • /

NOT POB TfEABS — Atuwer: There are few | ^ people a t itA te tn d the Penugon >ho believe th»t % e lt*b between Uie Soviet Union tn d Bed -

— Q iln ft-U - lnevlinble. alUiPugh not for many B : yt»r*. B u t offlelftldoffl-lenda to -b e - tn w »kep«Uctl. Anywdr. If th e While Hou»e and state did .

in k entertain thU thouRbt; It could be unwlte 'to mTIu publlclte It, W e Fould be accused of Karrnonger- .

I g in t new field. 9Such ft connict. ahould It oewr. could not take “ T

t'®- place for m any year*. Cliln# wHI need first to r , w k bulia t m odem IndustrUI, asneultural tn d tr tn s - ' t h - porlatlon aystem. T hat may lake a genersllim.

u llie flow of refugees Into Hong Kons Indictees. .I>w Pelplnir m ust a b o develop and alocic t buce

•' iupply of atom ic w ea ^n s. even tboush Mno T se -I“U' tuns boflsu U iat b e can low 300 million people

tn d Sllll <orry on m wtr.

f - ! - pE nS O N A l-IltV A L S y-T here are. of-eour»c. .I mnny trea s of- confllet between Uie two com-

munlsl rcslm ci. Tliey will become even more on, ttKgravntlnic t s Red Chin* becomes more power JVC ful. und scelM new Jond foi food to feed h rr ex- /c t plodin* populfttlon. There eould be face-lo-ftce ' I confllCM In tlic lr border temiOTles.whlch-Russla ■C'l occupies bu t China claims u beri..he .p],p countries also have serious IdtoloRlcal

differences which tf fec t Uielr poUdes. U to KOffs ,lv a t Klirushchev'fl .profeaed desire for • petceful ^

co-cKUlencc" w ith the Wesu Tne Chinese leader Ity opposes th e denlgm tlon of Sttlln oppression and |<l l i - im orism . T here tU o seem* to be t personal >■ef, r ln lH ’ between the two dietaion. - .if i . However, sudden and sensttlonal shifts In a lli­

ances support th e Buropetn belief of on eventutl . RussO'Chlnese b rttlc r The prime extmple t n d - r

e f , precedent U H itler's repudlttlon ot b li 1939 p tc t I- j t e wlib SUJJn And de r /uebx tri Jnvtslon of the J -

Soviet in mi.^ --TB EM >8^-8T U X -tm cm R =^'1t*V T -nhrTT irl- -Sf n d m trles and local electUms to ftr .” tsks K. Wh i l . Salt L tko C ity, "ahown tny definite poUUcal

gyy trend? ' • L ^ _ _Answer: I don’t think that there have been

enotijh test* M to show a "deflnlie trend." T ice }{etther po rty 'i leider* tre saUsned with tbe re - D ear SI lb - wlt» so far. olthough publicly etch cltlms gains Thc i n j . for bU tide. ‘ te rs " :t ' s l l i t r e doc* appear to be t slight shift to th e mythicJlin conservative viewpoint, eapecuuy tmoung young- irlgucs- u er people. Sen. Barry .QoldwnUr seems to be Uie gimllnrl »•* hero of the college cimpus. But uliether this Is q q i id a scattered and sporadic thlnj, or w hether it . iVe reflects tt genenil_>nd_wld_e«pread movement, is ^,he *011 a quesUon. .

President K ennedy’s crackdown on Big Steel > *> T l may havo cost him some votes among his con- I*" servatlvo and independent fonowen, especltlly If *

he falls to .dmpose his wt«e-prlce fonnult on w hat th m - the labor unions. how lorn o Regardless o f tb« prlm triei’ outcome, however,, cvcn 2 Isa u id despite m inor differences, Presldeni Kennedy a fte r I

stlU has the s u o a g support of organized labor, a rises roclt) m inorities and liberals. I don’t think th a t never f

o f the GOP h as made t dent In these-areas o! Uie eloctonte,

™ 'V IE W S OF OTHERS'C® NEEDED PROJECT taa* The Committee fo r Economic Development h as , “ lUe ouiUned a program designed to Teduee "economic ny Illiteracy." . . . ciren.-ijjll l T1>b committee’s announcement which I* nd-

dressed to tenchers. writers, publishers, b iu l- . ness and civic leaders, among .others, observes

‘■Q. tha t belter undersumdtng' of how our economy Two operates "Is v itt l to the survival o( the American herd fc

ny socleOr.” All m anner of surveys have sljown th a t counU> r we lack th a t kind of understanding to an a larm - jtc ra . (

Ing degree, We are . as a nation, woefully Jgnor- v „ u « an t of how the Amerlctn free enterprise system in_ j

— *o rt s , wh a t Biakfti.lt.Uck,-wbftt » .«am s In profit- “ and pay ou t In taxes . . .

‘ to The committee’s projected program lays special ,1- stress on thc teaching of e«onomlci In Uie h igh '"? scliools. According to It, the cpportunlt}- to give 8^ ih . a mBjorIty__o(_AmfrltaDauome_kaou'lcdBft_of- .cnsLol on. economics is lo.it a fte r high school—only.a qua r- ler. Fil c ly ter of the students attending college take econ- wny, KJ- cmlcs coUrsM. ThLi will be implemented, a cco rd -

1. Ing to the plan, by a naUonwde television course 'In economies addressed to both teachers and lo o * a r

Sly students. We c.\n’t have informed swdcnts unlc.vi • |t,, 3Ut we have sound economics ■leachlng-and, says . . a t U « committee. less Uian a fourUi ol Oie nallon 's

■ high school social studies teachers are adequnicTy ^ prepared,. . wewU

le s , n i1sJs-an_am bU lou3,_leng range project. I t e re would be .hard to exaggerttenia importance or ;e n the need for It. The cold war becomes more and

u more, n war of confllcUng economies as well na Ideologltv Here Is B clear cut cose'»-here knowl-

JCC rtgo is pow cr.=n«l-B Iuff(C alir.) C flly -N cw sr J ;

Ink HAND OFF CAPrrOLl f ’’’ia n There were protests gtlore when Arehltect J .

5 Georgo Stew art, with Uie overwhelming suppo rt v [ *.r of the I tie Speaker Raj-bum, undertook the re - photo. mK modellnK of the e n it front of the United S t ttc a fish t :a n Capltol. T here u u trepldtUon also In thoae who srTnoi a t e believed th a t altenitlon wns not JusUfled by th e pictvr

desire fo r moro office upaee, bul remained silen t n . i „ becau.te of the nrchltect’s theoretical nrmiment u , , Uial Uie building might be beUered by correction !T* "

o f of Its unorthodox proportions. v*uia«d iy The result Is sadly dlsappolnUng, Time cind ** j- f wind and w eather may somewhat diminish Uie . ^ eon trtsl of new marble and old ».indstone. bu t It w y Is obrlow th a t th e renovators’ hnnds should have d a s e been kep t off. Tliere Is new et-ldcnce thn t th c help j

correct ' i s no t neecasarlly the ImtRlnaUve nnd guesK Ul# bpauUful, Itwofar as Uicre was regard for Uie oW facade. It Li clearer Uian ever Umt a copv K i n

on - u inferior to the orlRlnal. Yet Mr. Stew.in now • t , M r. wutU to so to ttork on tiie »mc front. T hb ttino n ir - Uiere should be nn Irrevetalble No •• allcrfiic■inir ‘h a i th o « who benn ihe Cnpiiol be- *

^ for* the a v l l w tr did no; build n* Greeks of the ««k .o ] i,«; ff* built., .S-e¥erthele.*.i can getUSI- Uiey achieved a happy fuiion ot the fine nnd in t the nolvo which ha.i grown on ilie Amerlc.in n ro- ^ tno

h e pie. T he Cnpltol hiu become the warmest nnd liitlcns. ince V’':" ' ' ' '“O'”" monument.,. Get Ihi

iL w e h ' ••>1 K4S’el- ■_______________________ ' phono:a n y w h a t t h e y n o .v r k n o w Four

J h c . leiiI.evidciice.of det*mi(»;-*, • OUI„C8, be detrimental to rehabmaUon ^ f imnatM belier- P-'Vcholozical efftci - come n

dejJgi.rd-Ior prLiont nnd .other rtrlfnilo,, ii„n v,iitlin t UoM - n louvrcd «lnilo-j. wUh Mainir-, v r r l ih it J )ceil eonee.'iled lir-the mnrsnw of tlic louvVrd in'siijiM.”1; fJ?w .i ■ " - - I "■ 'rp i----- :--------r - . . . . - ___... _______ Wili.___:ms. NATUR.M. DJSASTKItS, . Co:iiiau»i4: Cliina-.1 ruleri.Ifave bbir.ed llie • F line T V i ^ l e r ^ but f 'ey ' .

^ Barg1 I," « -* iuW

ago. . i lM l iW iiT B B M iMh a d - <

.V'o rld . 1'

1 up * - -and T - j h ^ ' -

>Ple ^irsc. ----- •-

lore •. 5V/-/

s; l \ iliau ia 11'-:^^

Ical •

u t l

s F o r m ^

e - S H 0 T S ^ ™ J- look bad

7 - THINK TWrCE, NOWIre - D ear Sir: ftom Ujiins Thc letter of "Crowded Quar- j j j e n t '

te rs” relative to hoarding for Tennis lhe mythicaL-futurc use ralher in- gorded n IB- irigucs me. as I am somewhat r r g«me,

sim ilarly inclined. . t h e w'‘e‘ i» C. Q. speaks of keepinfi things P>V«J. K'

[i for use some day-w hlch never — .c o m c » .- I -« « ild -ra m l-U » l-b y

snying which n«-cr comes whilo j,eavy c> )n- greasfng■ If I liave learned dial, no maltcr chest an on w hat the nature of lhe article her erlng It

how long it lies around u se less- Every ■er. cvcn 20 years—within a montli had an 1: !dy' a fte r 1 ditch It, Bome occasion a dime i « r, a rises where It U needed. Tlial " -B'v » t „ , e r h l l , . M 'l

, . (Burley)

PUPS FOR KIDS D E PT . « w " o T D ear Pots Shols: C trs hi

Wc have Iwo puppies thal need T he h homes. Very playful and love chil- lo » teen dren.-Get them nl

■“ o % nimy Two miniature German sliep- c tt- n san herd fem.iles need a home In thc h a t country. TJiey'rc good wJlh young- ™ - stera. One is pnrt cockcr spaniel.« - You can get them a l 1507 Hlgh-

land avenue east._________________ t r m

, Seven shepherd anil collie pups. •V, ready lo wenn, need homes. You Havlni

,i„ . can get Uitm a l the first house bred. I c_of. enst of iticJV’srow nc«yix:h_Cen- ^ 'P « an;a r- ler. Filer, norlli side of the high- r^‘«ovedon- wnv * * '? d - • • • “™ VITAL INFO DEPT.

to o * « r Pah : In a „ lc

about Ctrl P*tm oo and Earl explore# Davidson and thelr flth, but little a wouldn't th«y tay vvhtn they h u beei

I , eaw jht thow bM utlis? lo the h- o r --------------------------- l.-Fl.hf*o----- U3c_ftm

_ ( T » l n F . I I O

to tM tny rtasen for s i f r ^ small op »n thal leort. Ai • m iftar-ol workshop

j_ fac t, th t l#eale oi th* (ItWng labor In' port ^ Ip w tt tfw whoU point for lh* work we re - p h ^ Th« jent* caught that* c*ns» ol

tie s fish a t Mtgk r tm v a lr, Furth- oh a n s» who trvnort. th# fillaw who took th* '11 ; Pkn,™ , R ., I D .c l ™ B o lu n ild .n l » l» pi.bnih.1

tton >*•Culde, • .'.o ipoHid » four-pound- e I e c tr 1

cind *■“9''^ '*'• equipmenUie P '* ^ ^ flood.ili#d fl»h nro safel

H Jl comlnB-out ef Magic thst i*c- supervl.ici iftve ond day of Ih* M«t«n. Dots tfist dLManees, th c h*Ip you? And who vrould hav# medical < nnd gu* tud ill available.»<»• W hnt 1

•0P>' KJTTENJ FOR KIDS D E PT .' to o ^ diwflVTrnJ nccldenu,

.. allergic (o cats, so slie has to give “ be . aw ay a mother cat ond three ^ the week-old klltta.i quick-like. You , ^ le.vi can get them by phoning 7JWI754. " ,‘ iinU . “ often llICO. A molher cat nnd her three nicc xnd liilicns. 3 weeks old, nt«Uiomcs. » 'n r lit.,. Get thtm from Wlllnrd I{;iilibun''^‘l '‘‘>si. al r a Milner Mrect. - fluhl.

phone St3-JJ7, lluhl. an u r S

Four kittens aro while, gold nnd '“ ra gryy arMl need liDnie.-;. Vou c.m S

-n'i ■ b u lletin boar d I ■P**»»d al PMV*d, W#nd#li-Qli »

come now: Wliafs lo ]>c .ii-nHn- low pli.'licil I^>••^ud1 hl.inl(i'i .-iituvi- lu - lion Wilh no example am! noiiiin,- i j W ^ :rc1 lhat michl even Kcner.-ile a smile k \ A red m ,swno<ju.vrtor.C lltsitks. « h e r e 'P '■ e ilw s Wcmh-ll enter tlic piclure?

‘ And didn't you gel n liltlc smile J■ '" mrt of thc ori|;ln.il7 -nianks. any- - ' Wili,__________________ _ X •

* • • ^ a .lhe FAMOUS LAST LINE ,jcy ■ . . Mow whal lawn?'* ' ih»n in - GENTLEMAN IN THE .h

FOURTH ROW moving.

Bargain Basement

sr"' n S i l

V iSey

Poor M an’s ]By HAL BOyLE big wtshlu

- =TIEWTrORKrJ!mirS>flr-^^itoir:year* aro showing If you can Doctors c

- look back and roneinber w h e n - fico vWt ai .„ l I t was a regular Saturday Half Uio

m om lng char# to c u ry ou t tlon were furnace a s h e s M S a f W M ** ^ from Use btte-

ir- n e n t . 'for Tennis was re. s tree t tweein- fforded ns t sis. I f Men woilat sr game, o n ly suits. A fell

t h e w * ea lth y noUilng bu.ss played golf, and bo ordered

only t h e poor 'P ew peop^ w ent bowling. I t was a ri

' - T o U ~ u e a t e < r v ^ B |^ ^ H ab le to stni heavy c o ld by A cat wagreasfng y o u r S V / , ^ ^ ^ B erpected to

cr chest and cov- Q tnioru Ha living b e r erlng It wlUi a heavy flannel. Half Uie 1 - Every kid In a large famll}’ kept chicke itll had an Insurance policy th a t cost and It wna i OQ ft dime ft week. go oul andIfll A girl Jtnew you were really You coui

and truly In lovo wiUi her If you th e burleaq' . bought her a double-dip Jce were old «

cream cone. pants.People sUyed up hsif the n ight Nobody c

trying to get P lltibutth on Uietr meal wllhoi new crystal radio set. ' a meal.

C trs had running boards, Prohlbltlicd T he height of soplilsllcatlon everybody« lil- IQ a teen-ager was to ou-n a jU - banned fn

low slicker on whicli wns palnied snfcly mei . In big block letters, "Oh, You botUed his

K Jdl" Vep, thOJChildren took Uielr balhs In a member?

cp. ^ n r m in t . 's r - J.1

i The D octor tj h - ________________ _____________________

----------- B r T n t t r o n n f n o s n ^ ------- ac iisn iv iir 'ps. • UYMAN,ftf.D. to chemlcftl'ou H aving been flty bom and ra t poisons ISC bred. I did not liallze the hard- ganta, pestli pn. ships tn d risks of fimi life unUl Icldes, etc.

rmoved'Ta"llls~countr7-19Ttare tm n.imltted ^ ago. 1 was particularly Impressed no.'us). Th

w ith a recent (mnllgniuitarUcle on occu- llockjaw),patlonal henlUi W - dliease). liIn agriculture. ' .'' S B rheal dlsoi

• r T h i s article ;J ' t > p l i o l d fcv >rl explores why so feclloai (ciut littlo atUnUon Infesiatlons»y has been given fungus dls<

to the healUi of C farm er’a__th c - f f t r m - w o r k - j ^ ' . - j ^ J W —W blle-gc

er. The former — V B J l and farm c U tn Indepen- , W W . Ing wllh tl d e n t open to r* ! » ' • ■ dUpojal to w lth -rre ln tlrc lj— OrrHr-.wr-,- thtragrlcalti

Y small operation. His home tn d cr and his ef workshop trc combined. Child tnusl be ale .g labor laws do nol tpply. The ih rca len Ui. i( work week Is not Iknltcd. Be- ho ld’tn d tc ^ cause of work crises, due to cles and n I,, changes In rainfall, aoll condl- and care tli

Uons. mtcliinery breakdown.^ aonol dLipo< and seasonal demands the workday may begin belore dawn and ‘------------

'* go on Inlo the night le.ipeclally /" v'9 Kinco tractors and combine.^ are I I1* e l e c t r l c t l l y .Hshted). Safety V•* equipment Is not furnished nOr f ,h nro safely rules enforced ns In •:- supervised Industries. Beeawe of "N,t dLMances. f lm nid nnd oUier i, medical services are not readily

available.W hnt makes the ilUinllon all PARIS -

• Uie worse U lhe fact ihnt farm Charles de nccldenta. In Uie home m well cnmpoliin U

■ a s In the field, rank in frt-iiueii- to vote for 1; . cy only less Uian lhD« iha i oc- cooperation

cur In mining and coiviirutUon. *'In Zl da J When these accldenU occur, It Algcrlnn pro ’*■ 1s ofUn Impasiilble for Uie fnrm. wived. Algei ^ e r .to leave w htl he is doinu to be able to e■ seek competent medical nnd sur- imd regular!

■(glcftl cnre.Snnltatlon cnnnot be a.i Veil WASHINC

•■luiicrvlsfd nnd conirolled n. In ford, who wi an urban communliy. In nddl- ship In the I

, Uon. the former's oceuptillon ex- contest, ex paie.i him and hij family W> coped i'iU i

I'f Rrcater.-rl»ks-_frcm_ diui*_ and wotdsi- pollcna Uiat may produce hyper- - i njtined

1. way th e y .* ^ I T T L B Ihen I tried

n- ___ — licllcally."_

!: \ \ \ wAaiUNclc ' I \ Ralpli, formte * H 'fn l officii i ' — \ S " v U y i f / 5 \ l \ ’ charged leii

- V - meted Tcxaj

T..0 hr.d, arr n«l 1.hLth an one «h tn llifj'r* the ' ‘e ‘U'l u m r tbuulder and Ihe car la I no t drink ai m .v ln i. I .o m tn .-

=”• G.f.fevvj.-v . . Public m

foUowmg p dramaUe tc cates Uie at

£ f U ^ C T * B B 2 K n tar federal iH k ” i R V i m ^ W : V / / “ U6nTi7a-Tlc I I A f l f l M U C : ? / / A i r / S p o t ehi

t t 1 Ag fa eoagrw»l< d a B ^ B B R g a g U ^ M o fflc a show

m all U ruac - ju s t a i 'b e i

In opposltioii M th e admlalsj^ .« L M T n ! B 4 r K . I Uon piogrtii

e ^ S I : ta les p i t c hl ^ f l j n n K v R N ^ I i 8^

q ^ r d e n . ^My own A

- in ample, Is Ui tlUon to the endorsed by

b 3ri,cifouowiDg p

f t « cam e Into aim ri”

on tbe folioth e s p ^ h bwho spoke

~ ) r ' view of Uie' k - - assoeUUon.j f i s : ; ' . . - on nay deskS j j f t t : ' - ’ opposing fed

. medical ctre. ’ Infonnallo

I f i r r * • Yorkers areto the adml Californians poslUon lo 1:

^ Sen, Ctrl----------Vold'mc hU-i

the Prftlde;

XaCSCi'- derson tndL T lie reaction

h a rto f ln d ls\ to 38 oppOSl

.. . ..r.CT Uoh. TCXtS, I

.n’s P latoZ - r r — Presldeni in

O arden speecbig wtshUib la Uie k i t t e n on w h ite House

■ ■Doctm 'chiTR-rt-W for-an-of.- i^ ^ iU O B -to flee visit and ta for a bome calL t il l . In explal

HaU tbe ministers In th e n a - den t opined tlon were denouncing rum ble ^ e port ot t seats as a moral, peril to t b e ^ u t Ui# le young, them ond the

Horses were sUU Ujc bane of _____stree t iweepert.

Men wor# two-piece bath ing ^ . suits. A feilov who showed u p In I v i f r nothing but swim trunks would X i L l / \ bo ordered off the beach. . - r - j . -^tr• Pew people played guitar.^, bu t “

I t was 0 resl social asset to be . By JA3able to stnim a ukele.--------------- -ABwctited l

A cat was t useful pet. I t was WASHING c x p « f« f ta cam at Jeas: p a rt o t n co<M not i lls living by catching mice. where except

Hnlf the people in town sUll aU over pC' kept chickens In Uielr backyard, even naUoni and It wna a childhood deUght to opUmlsm ab go out and collect Uie eggs, things like ba

You couldn’t buy a Ueket to .gulls, 'bu th e burlesque Uieater unless you ets. billions i were old eaaigh to bc la long Berlin.Theys pants. ed sunny, c

Nobody counUd calories, and a though In a meat without gravy simply w asn 't of places i a meal. ' w a s c o m i

Prohibition ruled Uie land , a n d down like wi everybody ebe In the family w as {rom a bus banned from Uie cellar—a s a pipe, safe ly measure — while f a th e r m Tokyo botUed his home brew. - / Japanese tex

Yep, those were the days. R e- company saki member? k e t a awlm

^ , . ___ ______ keep Uie wt.................. ---------------------------a <j,^n’l of c. ^ ■ m igh t nol b(to r Says

optlm lstlc-ai. -.- r ----- '- r -c m a jous-U ian U

scnsnivIly.'rFaclions' (allergies): Kl’s n T o n s i rto chemicals such as Insecllcldes, commlttce. 1ra t poisons irodenUddes), lu m l- lim it on Uie iganta. pesticides, fertilisers, h e rb - billion dollaiIcldes, etc.; nnd to diseases could eventuatm n.* i^tted-by—animals—(xoo« to 300 blUlonno.'ws). These Include anU im x Like many(tnnllgnont pustule), tclAnns W estOermnn(lockjaw), brueellMls (B ang’s rad AdcnaueidLicose), tuberculosis, Uie d la r- told the Enarheal disorders (tabnonelloscs, nlats-^who wit>pliold fevers), jlreplococcal in - from hlm -h.fecUoai (caUle ma.iUtlsi, w orm If they'd temInfestaUons ttrlchlnoelj) a n d Berlin,fungus diseases cf Uie J u n » t F o r some sC-farmer’s lung"j, dcfcnse-mind—W hU o-govcrancnlal-ageaclea subcommjUfeand farm coopemtlves are s tr iv - luiown bcllerIng wllh tll Uie forccs n t th e ir n quarter bdisposal to protect and care fo r record annmth tra g n c u ltu rts tr th ^ m a lH a rm - — -------— r -e r and his wife. In particu la r, 'm usl be alerUd to tJie risks th a t y vthrea ten Uiem and Uielr house- I l a ' a }hold tn d to Uie tvallable ag en - v O T fcles nnd mean.i for p rotection t --------- —»•nnd care th it a re t t Uielr p e r- " „Aonal disposal \\E 9T

According tI------------; -------- ney, the reiuo

Q flvc diamonds

n o t e s s ' / S S d

f r o m I h o ““ S : ™ , .

News '■ r-------PARIS — Prcnch P residen t ’

Charles de Oauile. openUig the cnmpoliin to persuade Algerliins - ^:o vote for Independence In close WESlV :ooperatlon wllh France: A K QlOfiS

•'In a days, for Proncc, th e T i® Mgcrlnn problem will have been ulved. Algeria and France will # Q J 1 0 7 9 » able to coopertle 6rganlcally *m d regularly." 4

------- ^WASHINOTON-Nettle C raw - 1

ford, who won the co-champlon- „ . , oup In the 1M2 nivOanal spelllnR 'jonieat. cxplninlng how th e r “':oped j.'iUi totally unfam iliar“••otd*:-. . . . ________. " I llsi'ened very clcaely to Uie OP"’l''S* way ,th«r-»cre,pronounccd_aJQd " then I tried to spell them p h o - was tuch thnii'Ucally."____________ _____ __ m ond.opcnlni

-------r stopped himWAaiUNOTON - Jam es T . w hile Uiey d

Flalpli. former agriculture d e p art- bid ll aliould nen l official fired bccauiie h c would have I :harged telephone calls to in - six hearts if llc ted Tcxas.flnancler-BUllft.eal -SouU i-w on-ESiSii__ :___ ^ «nrf

• '( & t« »osi Jun Uie kind o f m aking his i ■nan my mother ^tanU^d m e to cnn ice,' hU pi jr . He dill not smoke, he did .s<.me »ay. lo :iot drink and he did no t chasc nce-klng, of ,

• d iscard two i


GOLDW ATPublic rtactlc«^ in Uie week Frankly. I ha

following president Kennedy* er r « » r d fordS S iaW Uleflaloo- plea todI- Americans am

admlnlstraUon'S p lu b general publle^ federal roedlctl-ctre legtsla- aw are In mall.U o S T iT iT lW f - H a iB H f tV 'S S rfT '*S p o t checks Lou H trrls , onfa ^ ngm slonsJ den t hinuelfo fflc a show Ul# to Ume, auporm all U running r cen t Life mnjju s t a i 'b e a v y ” i*ve found iIn opposition to e r th a n Uiey’reth e adminlstra. ing.~ lU r r t i iUon program u tlc lans and mii t , _ d l d . ^ to eotly underestth e can voter. ScM lei p i t c h m people have t<

Square the hum an ra

otfW on Uie tub- People know ] “ ? * ^ f ^ . . ^ i medteS^ c tre -Y e t dangers of .vM? h « ^ ^ h by Dr. Edward Annls, In fact, Uie w h o ^ f f e from Uie poim of Indicated an , view o f U e American Medical public oppoflt assocUUon. 13 telegrams were medicine, althi nn mv desk when I arrived, all dlclory mnnnt opposing federal ptrUclptUon In he sa id a t Ma m edictl etre. den:' Information 1 have received - j undcrsUn from olher offices thow New ing . to be t p Yorkers tre tw6 to one opposed again st this t to the admlnlslrttlon plan and E nglish phyali Californians three to one In op- conie and tall posiUon to It. th e ir plans an

se n C trl CurUs of ..Nebraska he oughl lo IbW m c hU-malt count-following Englan d becau Uie Prftldenl’s speech tallied w hat they tjo li two leltcrs In favor of Klng-An- tlrcly different derson tnd 2M In oppotlUoii. And a few s< T he reaction Hint Senator Cape- K ennedy decla h a r t of Indiana report^ w m 274 . g ^ to 38 opposing the adm inlstra. ^m irely dlff Uon. Texas. Maryland. D u b and he’sS ouUj CtroUna office* all ahow ,Bimllar trends of constituent re* » h o bnacUon. come to see i

You will remember Uiafc llie u> do, T hc faci President in his Madison Square th a t w hat we □ arden speech affirmed Uiae the a b o u t tfoing. n W hite House mall for Uie past trie* of Burop K V «ral-n»oaU;i-»aa_hcaylIxJll J J it iJ J r l l i s h J lf i^^lUOB-to-Uie K tn g -A n d ^ n -•That.-ftecorfl^ bill. In explaining Uils, the Preal- jations. places

irtiat Ul# leglslaUon meant lo I auggest we k Uiem ond Uielr lives. How do you

In te rp re tin g th eK iaR4.'-'aic;iucscticr'".;L

By JA.MES MARLOW bill bu t attcm( -ABWctited PrwNew»-AnaJy»t- docisloa sccteL

WASHINOTON. June 5 tfl - • Even Uie Wl I t eoold not have happened aay - se lf Into a hop* where excepl In Uils world. a Jo in t lelcvlali

Alt over people, politicians and President -Kenr even naUoiu took big sniffs of K hrushchev w-i opUmlsm a b o u t i e g M [ H M i t ha.i been p< things like b a t h - ' f o r bo th sides 1 log a u l t s , 'b u d g - '^ H ^ ^ ^ |H abou t 11 for moi ets. billions Jnppcned y e t[Jertln. They act- MUIlons of ped sunny, even[hough In a lot Douglas Dll

low n like walw bottom cu t In 'trom a b u s t e d ^ H K ^ ^ j,f th lnp

_ ___ tween now and

Kct a swim suit guaranteed to *Keep Uie wearer afloat. I f 11 of opUmlsm «lld n 'l of course, the wearer w here tho two(night nol b« around lo get bis f^iropcan secrtmoney back. “ Algeria aro I

All day Uiere was nothing more u uiJd« >ptlmlstie-and probably rldlcu- !0U5-Uian Uie nefs from con- j!,

lim it on Uie public debt up to 3MjllUon dolUra in Uie belief it -:ould eventually come down down . . . ^ j, jj .:0-300JlUllondollars.

Like many nnoUier old man, ^ l ie fac t thoWest Germany’s Chancellor Kon- „ n tij . jhla drai•ad Adenauer llvja on hope. Hc ju c h a nca id the Eaat Ocrmnn commB- j,e hoped UiU, ilsts-^who want lo buy on cred it n ,i»h t save hl»rrom h lm -he mlghi do bualnes T h e most vailf they'd tenr down.Uie w as .ln perhaps, rBerlin. of fl\-« from C

For some strnnge reason some Just arrived inIcfense-mlnded lenntgrs on a from Kong KoilubcommlUte, wha sliould have life.uiown bciter.“aai!Bd more than '~ T hey werei quarter billion dollnrs to a K ennedy's emei-ecord annual .mlllUtry money help such refui

I . . .........- . . e av

Oswald Jacoby, BWE9T “O irm nN K B " courae. he could

According to Sllodor and T ier- 3-5 apade breakley, the reuon East opened with o u t adverse bideive dinmonds Instead of a more against th a t bnonservntlve bid was Uiat he diamond openlneally wnnled to siiul out his op- them ,oncn u . Accordingly. I

Ncedteu to tny, South's, hand try to make <“ • ' trum ps on entn

------------- 1 aU o f hearU atNORTU S O ne trouble iA »B7 o f U m e U U it t IV I03 side a chance I4 678 tim e *0 Weal4 A K S 3 3 ezaeUy w hat 6

>VEST< EAST (D) and h e played lA K Q lo e a A J WlUiout batUngV J 3 V3 A t UUs poll♦ 3 « K Q J i0 9 S 4 3 ' ^ave nlayed d

»*t a t I t l» . l »■

V A K Q 987fl< SouUi Uiat Wes ♦ A fused to pUy Ui

3 ♦ 3 V. Pass Pass aPa<le trieks.. . . ____ CARD.

Opening lead—4 3 - ' ' i i . i - J Q ^ T h e t l ^ lJ

'fts auch thnt evrn a six dla- J jS l elond. opcnlng .w oullJio i.havc ________•.w ppcd him from blddliig and You. thlle Uiey did nol dWiiM hL?Id ll iliould be obiloiu .that he a —BW *»• " ould have taken Uie pu^h to tee a a r 'c to a t* X heart, if nK caary.. ' b , -SouUi-won-Un-opcning.-lcod nrl studltd tin lia n d -b e fo rt -h tv * a aU t t . l l laklng his next play. As you " * * L - ,in icc, hU problRn was lo tlnd T O D A « ' .me .0 Jce-klng.of duta Ui order U) ■ • lacard two of Ills. spades. Of - Answer N

R Y .

rATERFrankly. I have a siiBhu.,, ’

r regard for the i r . i t V ' ^ jne rlcans and h a te .J r ,^ « f e ncral publle to be ^ w are In malliTs ollaUonally— prom in tttt-^^ ^-M H arris, on utioin i h ? ^ e n t himself rrijf.,D Ume, auported.ihu ^ e n t Life mngazint "I've found people far

r th a n Uiey’re credit^ ig .- H arrU snld ‘-Ro- ! Iclans and maa* m rd i» ^ ,j^ imy_undcrestinia:ea n . voter. So-enllcd « p l e have too low , le hum an race, and h iV ?f-an-avertge-public-n.fni.'?^f 12 or H is n o r w r u ^ * * ' W hy t-1 It thru 111,,

entlm ent Is rudm nrw 8« .ln«lhe_K lnE ,A „„,„J^5^f-we-aecept-thp-TnaVre. th e only eonclu.vion th,. „ e draw n la that the A n-f^ «ople know perfeiH,. langers ot .wclaliM mrtiJT nd w a n l 'n o pnrt of n In fact, Uic Pre.Mdfni j.,

id lcated nn awartnty ubllc opp^D on to ledlclne, although in i fo- T‘ Ictory manner, liptc [j ‘I'i;' e sa id a t Madi.vsn &iuiit

• t undcratnnii ih»i ih trf, f, ig . to be a pfodrom ihu gainst this bili, in «hich? Ingllsh phyalcian L, ,olii, ^ ome and Ulk about ho» h. lielr plans are. U nmy u £ ,e oURhl lo tnlk alwui 1: - c e la n d. bccaust-iiUx-pUiw«^ ■hat they tJo In England »r»e. rely different.” ^And a few senlenccs later v.

lennedy declared:“B u t what,we're talking ite.

I entirely different. Ana l hta n a t while he’s here, he-tnd ft pocic (the pedlnlrlelAn) U)cr* who bavf Joinrd-u*-,; ome to see wliai we’re in^ ) do. T he fact of the matter] i n t w hat we are nuw uilti bout (foing. mott of ttie eec. :les of Europe did j-exn i t l l t J J r i i i s i u l l U U L y u a j i '•Thftt,~RecorflinirT<nnyaTnitlons, places us 30 yeara ahn f th e BrlUsh, not behind, a: auggest we keep It Uut ny.i How do you stand, ilx?

th e NewsIII bu t attempted lo keep tte

Even Uie Whit* Hoaw ie< l ;Jf Into a hopeful mood. Ii jt Jo in t televlalon tppearaact t

resident -Kennedy and Pieu Ihrushcliev u-as ailll potaUt I t ha.1 been pOMlble for moaa

K bo th sides hnve been Uib sou t It fo r months, and It bsc appcned y e tMUIlons of people'* hopes ib

p w ben Secretaiy of the 'I>a> ry Douglas DUlon aold Uie Sa edy admlnktratlon wlQ prcpa > congre.u next year a t(^l^ Dttom cu t In Income lax rtts

lo t of things can happen b »een now and then lo spoil i; opes: a big boost In the eeoaec nd th e mood In congress, p e rhaps the most pathetic aa

t opUmlsm came from Pl*. he re tho two top mea of t: uropcan secret army tisau 1 Algeria are In Jail.T h e No. I man. ex-Oea. Haa alnn, Li under life sentence. £ 0. 3 m an. ex-Ocn. Edmond J#

nleas*'' Iresldent aulle spores him.Jouhaud sent a nots la 1 dlow prisoner. Stlaa. u tt im to tell the secrel anny! ^>p.Vllllng.Mnabm.1.T lie fac t that Jouhaud wt« ntlK thla dramatic moment: r ile auch a note would IndW B hoped UlU. If noUilni A light aave hl» life.T h e mosl vtlid optimism of t uy. perhapt. pervaded a f s i : fl\-« from Communist C2* ist arrived in Chicago by pit •om Hong Kong to start a k

TT»ey~were“ »dmltted-«i* i-nnedy's emergency pwgrsail elp auch refugee*.. y ; . !u. j .«■■

by, Bridgeurac. he could hsve r*lW OB'5 epade break, bm It adverse bidding U > « ^ * ; » ln s t th a t break amond opening had incc*»* em.Accordingly. South dedW ' f to make dummy* W * umps an entry and he w " t o f hearU a t triek t«a O ne trouble with ttk W » » U m e U U itt It glveaUiec^

le a chance W aUJdy «SB ao West h td flgw»>J * acU y w hat South was W ,d h e pltyed lire Uiout bttUng tn M UUs point south e» ,ve played dummyl ^ a r t j and made an ^, t ' I t Just never o ^ lUUi Uiat West would sed to pUy Uie lack o f ^ lUUi played low from id eventutlly had lo 1»* *“ ade tricks.____ CARD 8BNSB J

Q ^ T h e t ld j l a < |^ y ° ^ t ^ & & ’* K.3“. r ^ U ‘S

M r'cb aa t* t*f * jLUi*

na Ttlaea. ^T O D A r* n,-

Your partner ^ ps*I >tdM. Wbat to y « *

A u m r NU*

•OTWsgins;-' ! " ^ ; '

B u s d r i v e r s v i i t h o u t s m i l e s n c

f r i e n d l y , h o s p i t a b l e , c o u r t c o u i

h a p p y . T t i c y a r e g l a d t o b c w

a r e d c l i g l i t c d t o b e o f s e r v i c e -

Y o u j u s t c a n ’t m a lc c o u r b u :

s u c h n i c c j u ’j ^ .

A n d T a r c l h 'c y e v e r p l e a s e d '

U lo u s n e w f le e t o f T r a i l w a y s I

s c n g e r d e c k s ; r e s t r o o m c o n v e iI •

O u r d r i v e r s a r e _ p r o u d , J o o

c o u n t r y . T h c f i n e s t s e r v i c e , m o

■ A n d , t h e c o s t i s s o l i t t l e .


W e 'v e

n i l c s n e e d n o t a p p l y — t o T r a i l w ;

3u r t c o u s , . l o y a l , b r a v e , d c p c n d a b l

t o b c w o r k i n g w i t h ' t h e f r i c n d l i c s l

s e r v i c e — t o 'y o u .

o u r b u s d r i v e r s m a d . O f c o u r s e , ;

p l c a s c d - t o - p r o v i d e r y o i u v i i h - t h c L C

i l w a y s b u s e s . D e e p c u s h i o n e d f o a

1 c o n v e n i e n c e , a i r - c o n d i t i o n e d c o i

L id, J o o . . . t o b r i n g y o u t h e o n l y

i t t l e .

i i iasAssSS ^ 'liSB

m W r r

s J ® -

t r i e d t o

T r a i l w a y s . A l l T r a i l w a y s d r i v e r s

p e n d a b l e , n o b l e , t r u s t w o r t h y . . .

i c n d l i e s t b u s c o m p a n y i n A m e r i c a

: o u r s e , y o u W 9 u l d n ’t w a n t t o . T h c

n c d ’f o a n f l o u h g c ” s c a t s , e l e v a t e d "

> n e d c o m f o r t — a l l f o r y o u ,

h e o n l y t h r u - b u s s e r v i c c s p a n n i n g

t i f u l T o u t e s ' t O ' t h c E a s l ' a n d ' S o u d r a

E w B B y '' '- J

t o m a k e 01'S drivers are TakeTWULWAH

to the SEATTUr th y . . . and nnd trailwa\

, takes care o f YO IAm erica and _ Get 'onafabui

Eagle Bu$.Tndlwi faform a(iaa cea(ei tie bus depot, oper

it to . They’re , Monoraiiiiciceu.iseeing informatioc

■----------- ---------------------------- - T h rce -lh ru b ti• .FAIRI Also, finesi

y n f n l i r f a b . < o ^ c C ^I,So:

e l e v a t e d l l i s - - - r ^ “ L“


s p a n n i n g th e .

d ^ o n t i i w e s t r ^ -------------

S y ®

o u r d r i v e r

TRAILWAYS from Tmn raQs te SEATTU FAIRTRAILWAYS Lodging Service' care o f YOUI -t o n a fabulous Trailways Silver I ' .Bus. Trailways* new lodging and f J

natiaa cealer is right ia the Seal- / s depot, openting 24 boun daily. '_ Airailiiclcetj,FairtjcketsandsIght- : information bere abo.ree -thm bmes daily TO T H B • S ___;1 Also, finest cross country sen-- ^(he E u t , Southwest and Wiliam- - \

’alley;---------------------------- -------------- r --------- \ |l lu sabou tcross-eounuyuav-der--'otld’sF ttlr.

ERRINE H O T E L ,7 3 3 -4 3 7 6

i S tS t o V :'

^ e rs m a dS-JWI ■

I ■ - '

_____________________ :— i— • ...............> -

J ^

\ V \

ross the country

■ ' <

...............> -

^ ______


News A rouBOISE, J u u '8 Il> -The deiUvDt

man w u AttribuUd todAy to drovi nil ftuiopty thoved th a t dcof-nliis Fcrfuionrw hdi* BodyTrai-ioOTd ye; a few ralles e u t of here.

IDAIIO F A U S , J a o t 9 lH -F eU (liroaiboat w ulhcnt Idaho n«si * Ind tB trj^ problemi and piofraiM i AuocUilco hold* lu annnml co o ^n M. M. (Don) B<u. Idaho FalU *hlp kilon, and other of/leerg ir e L»n

___p«iId£nt:_C K fL K nif.roIlowlDf dlreetert, Gate ClensfDl. I

— l^n illa n ie tirB B rle T rflte rlia rJo h iii Und. ____

D n io o s , June e Wi—The Penthei p;rrorm a t tho Seattle W orld'i Pair uon a number of com eiti In drill ( nt the fair «« • ipearheaded by Oo

— 'IttirdlnFrl^laho-ConfreM man; and I

--------rt>CA T n.tO ,-Jiine * ItW-aeoTjencal week whether to accept the Ih repfe»enUllfe In Dannock econty. reated X aetdsy In h li bid for the f;uie« lenalor, but be reeeired SI wr for the houao of repretenuUte*.

BOISE, June 9 iJV-AUn Johnion, cldent near Emmett, wa* reporied lr The boy, th« »on of Mr. and Mr* liun tln j rpekchuclt* when the accldi Iicers aald the boy apparently drop; sendlnj a bullet tato h li leg.

BOISE. June S H l-A B«1m man »c ear wai reported itlll unconiclou».l< Wblte. 61. wa* jltled In poor eondUto u onk of ht* automobile, parked a t hoU e..O ritceri u id the key* le th wben he w at found by Uro.fit b ti « •e teraj dayi. ______

BOISE, June 9 C n-aern td M. Shi ■vice pre^Went o f MorrlMn-KnUdflc Bonny, of the worldwide conitruetlc Shupe wa* elected by company direct

EMMETT. Jone 9 IfV-A fil<year la it n lfh t when hU c a r plumed lm laliea north of here. Sheriff BobeO William Mead Thomai apparently i the Em oett.Counetl road aod drore U ram le , W yo, Thomaa had been e 2>»iuen raoeh, north of Middleton.

BOWE, June 8 l^v-Pollce are in=rw uaD dlnr^fc»-A >lse-jnaiK tihoM n-aJ

Ada county aherlff* office *ald SUn N onnan O r a* the latter, wa* trying

, door o f the Dllley realdence (H31 Bi

BOISE. Jnne S in—Gor. Robert Tharaday a i FUg day tn Idabo. He day for Idahoan* to r tafflnu tbelr “I In oor American he riU re of freedom denU (o •‘obaorro Ihe day by r«dedlc* plet fo r which a ie tuU ca «ra* foundet the ir color*’ orer Ihelr homei and b lore and retP K t for oor fU i, Ibe lyi

BOISE. June 9 l<rC-The Idaho hli b idi June 3S on an £a*tem Idaho roa *eal coaUns 4757 miles o f 0 .S . high* land JuncUon. ta Butte and Blnjhmn

. completta V A u r . IS.- _______

McCALL, Jone 9 W—G ot. Bobert I •osodly ooncolred. lU tu tory merit : ploye*. “Ai tho pre»enl time nearly : employment I* covered by oaa kind Tbey are five aeparato lyatema with itandarda,'*- the chief exeeotlre lold afaoetalloii.

BOISE, June fi Cn-Member* of ih. reelected officer* today and a peed Uu 4a .the onanlzaUon*' * u t« level ^ l l d

' point. WAS chosen preeldentiwlth Mrj Prealdent. Elmer Crowley,/aecuUve Tlie coURClt t< made up d f tfte Tdai T eaehen, the Idatio School T iwtee* EducaUon a*aocUtlon.

MeCAIX, Jnne B t n - B tm e w m today for a Meridian m an who dU MeCafl poUee tdentlfled him a i Je rr a^dvBlmpaon w ai U it leeB abont 3 p. oiia Itate park. DUera from Bol*« wi aeareh.

COEUR, D'ALENE, June 0 (iR-The open* a

Money Given Pi —JEor Research ^

Station Here ^WASHTNQTON, June P Lfl — Boyc

Sen. F rank C h u r c h , I d a . , said Ron! today scientlatd are seeking tha Q ar an iw en to Oem atate agrlcuHur- Pe a l problem* a t aeven federal re* Rcnc aeareh ataUons, taclud tat one a t KariTn-ta Falla.___________ r - —,—

Church said 1730,300 baji been S a il appropriated lor 1963 project* Uoa- ranilnB f r o m Improved weed Pc eradlcotJon to moro nuW Uonal FfSt!

----- BhtnJ-feedlnj.-— • ; -------------- ttodJSoil and water conservation re*

search o t BoUe will take the• larsest aharo of the Idoho budget,

*3M4M.The Tw in Falls slaUon U con- t

ducUng a *99,000 program of crop •and entomology research.' Included are ways lo stem the ric) Rrowth,of Ru.ulnn UilsUe, mus- a iui tard and other weeds wtifch play v . ) host to the bett leafhopper, which p i In tu rn sprcads'v lrus diseases to len, be tt and bean Il.elds, M

SclenlUls nlso are stutlylnK Imp RrassM which nilKbt supploAi tlie

^heav}' growth ol chenlgraM cn CJl ‘iPkouUicm Idnho posture n n d O l

• range. S'------------------------------- Hor

■LICENSE ISSUKD moSHOSHONE, June 0 - A mnr- aim

rlBge license wili luued by the county clerk Uils week to.Jnm es f"’' Robta Kinsey, Shosljone. and ih i •Ann.'W . a n tre tt. Poentelio. | of-


: 1 '------- ^ o m p le te -D in n e


. Open EverKAY-!i

0 Twin Polls rimes-Newj •

irm m d Idaho ^t dcoii-nWg elalmed.-*be life of Harry C. ■ u fcn ln d yesterday la U»* M»*-3tork-caaal _ ■

9 tf»—PoU la fTOwtri^and ihlppen from ■aho nest week wUt appraUe tbe poUto ■

Brearama as tbe Idaho Grover Shippers ■ > n 'J?« S Jn « o « in son Vallry Jone l« -ie . ■0 Falls ihlpper, U president cf tbe asaod- M rg are Lam*r Cramer, Borley, xlrtl vieo mJS* ■

Clement, LewUfllle: AfUn CrcfU, w n t —p erltnr^ohniOB, Parma) Phtl Dorep, Fm lt- ■

The Pesthereiiei drill Utm Of DrUgs will ' IVorld-s P air Au*. 17. The .Hregatlon h u ■ta in drill compelltlon. Their appearance H»ded by Oov. Robert E. Bmylle, Ralph R. mm an; and Dr. Legrande U rsea .- . - , . M

Itw-Oeorge V. llsnseiJ »syi be will deeWa^cpt tbe nepnbllesn nomlnsllon for sUf# g gck econty. The Alsmed* msyor was de- ■bid for Uie GOP nomloitlon a i Untied ■;tlred fil wrile-la tele* In Banooek eouaty ■lUUves. ^

in Johnson, IJ, wounded In a hunting ac* .1 reporied In crlllcal condlllon he;e today, r and Mr*. Carl Johnson. Emmett, woa n the accident occurred. Oem counly of* rently dropped hU rifle whld> dUcharged.leg.

kilM m an found lotked In the tnink cf h li ■iconicloui .today at a loeal hotpllal. J. W. ^oor condition. He wsi found In Ibe locked W parked a t Ibe Uofus bu ln ikl area nearkeys lo the ear wero In IVhKe’s potket J

Wo..ff hU son*, lie hsd been missing for M

raid M. Shupe, Boise, has bteii named a Mson-KnUdsen company. President J . B. H■ construction and engineering firm, said ^ipany dlreetors,' ’ ' H

-A «l*ye»r-old Middleton msn drowned ^plumed Inlo Ihtf North KIde canat four ^erfff Bobert IVorley e l Oem eovntr aaid H Pippsrently fslled to neiolUte a luro on K j t and drove Into the eansl, A naUve ofhad been employed recently al tha Van L /Middleton, eonf

----------- gove)llc« are inveslIgallnB today the terious cralbi, .h M In ■ reported breakin attempt. The wire:0 said SUnley Dllley told in lf irh r iR o F - — waa trytag to break ta through Uie back »

ICO (H31 Brooklawn drive),

DT. Robert E. Bmyli’e today proclaimed i Idabo. Ho halted the ertnl u a f itting A ( Irm tbelr “faith In democrscy and pride of freedom.’* Me nrged Gem su te real* " f j by lededleaUng their Itrei lo Uie prtnel* | \ < wat founded, to I l f IbeJr flsfs and ‘show omei and bBltdlnp. thnl showing thetr MO: lag , Iho symbol of our Ireedaa.” Soviet

— cconoie Idaho highway depariment will open appen n Idaho road project. The work Involves j t r e ld r V.B. highway* 20*29, Butte CU r-M on- chart* sd Bingham counUes. The work U to bo Mong(

The----------- bershl

9v. Bobert E. Smylle called lodsy for *a other ory merit system’' eonrjng lU te em- aharo me nearly 10 per cent of oor toUt sU to the cf r oaa kind of merit sysiem or another. H ltl Items with different m les snd different count: eeoUva lold tbe Idaho Slato Employea* N orth

N am ------------ ita tu *

nbers of the Unified Education council Wes d agreed tha t BO change should be mo4e unleas ) level p o llc l^ Dr. J , P. Uuoion. Siuia^ been i n t.w lth Mr*. L. L. Falter, Pocatello vice cial e .yCaecuUve secretary, also was zetalned. been i d f the Idaho Coagress of Parents and Mor lOl IVustec* assocUUon and Uie Idaho nounc

munlq • munis

tvera wera aoarehlng Payette take het« tlons. m wbo dUappeared wblla skto diving, here ' ifin as J’erry Simpson. WeridUn. Ttiey jribal, a about a p a . In Iba area near Ponder- sollan im BoU« w ^ called tn io belp In the a ttend

Tlia solla

) 0 ll)—The Idaho S u ie Federation of memb onvenUon here Monday wlUi about 150 . Add Mil b a rre l IXJrnnnrBOUf, Wll ptislflt.— e S t

-------------------n ic t %

;n Parking Fines1 PoaUng t l orerUme parking _

0 0 - bonda_wlUi-T?lo-PalU-poU coSaturday wera P a u l SUnley. * 1 5 Prank McAtee, Beverly W hite- r i i _

! C l®y* >’w«pb E- Brown, O l KVIrgU Groves, R. Brackett, John o h k

ifl - Boj'd. Jerry Waehal, U n . IL W. -rh-^ , L, aaid Ronk, Mr*. PraacU Edwards and i Tg tha Gary Kay. • i:ultur- Pelro Perry. Dava Vlner, Eu* Jhr vi ral re* gene Fleenor, L a r r y Carlson, i , „„„ one a t Karen Sloddard, Mn. Helen K in- ‘ ’_____ ney, Bernice Simmons. Connie °r t e e n SfiiitrwiuteTErprjnim iM nrBr^rrejects Ho*-a and Jim Decker.

weed Posting overtime parking bonds , lUonal F^Jday were Iran Lincoln. Mrj.---------Rodncy—Ttgan— Wallace

Bond. W. R. Baldwin. Ralph C.W lson. D. R HucngeT. G ran t '

u d « t “ ‘I'. F- E-' Vincent. WlllUm Hoffman, B etty *

Bobler, Marie Curt Rtrs. TOm Lucas and Jean Albers.

MCTop a . BoUnger, Ralph Snell,John Durham. Patricia Cobb,

^m Uie Rlchnrd J. Stojlch. 6. A. Con- , mus- aun lln o .'J r, Alvin llerman. Mr*. DUI h play V. W. Nelson, Hnrold Anderson, -^une : , which p. R. 'Williams and CoUetn Al- sludcj ases to len. wouni

Mrs. R . L. Yomt poslcd a »5 amon utlylnK Improper porking bond Saturdny. oppor ant itic — ■ — -------- , Peroii

“ n™ Shoshone News. S,“i'S'll.OSHONE, June 9—Oeorge ■■■■

Hom Is recovering from pneu­monia which kfpi him Inside for 1

1 mnr- almost two , by the I'tr. and Mrs. WllUam Lorsen ' Jnmes children altendtd Illcks col- S t

.nrl '1*=* gradunllon exercises where - '• ‘ n 'l their daughter, Loma. was one C lo. I of-tha graduates.

; iA L FA M ILY S U ^

D I N N E R S-D in n e r^ r G n fy ...............


Every Sunday 4 p.rr


•a-Ngws Sundoy, June 10, 1962 ■



from cUto PPer* t«-lS. ^■Mel-

'Irtht Ynlt- .

I 'I haa

* R..-r m.

eetda • ____ i / --lUf#I de* Iittedu i ^ ^ :

; ac*

'O f*rged.

r h ls ^eked V b X l 'near«ket

for V ' "

A ' <r' \'o u r ' ' / ♦ . ’1 •

Van LAOTIAN PRINCES tell newsmen tbi conference unlU Monday afler they falle< govemment ler Lao* In Ih rlr Uiks a l K

•ioui UalUt mne« SaurKna» Fiioama, Is lelt. The wirenhoio via radio from Tokyo)_______

“ Mongolia Is Nucl Kj Admitted to

Red Council r s« l f MOSCOW, June 9 (A P )-T h e

Soviet bloc council for m utual , , economle ossUUnce (COMECON* ,

pen appeared Saturday U) h a v e " " ' ? " ivea *treU hed a point In l u original . ' i n - charter la admitting communist ^bfl Mongolia to lU ranks. ^

T he charter slates th a t ’•mem. X n t to bershlp in COMECON Is open to

■ "a o ther European countries which•m. sharo tho alms and principles of ,Uto the charter." nouncedser. H itherto . A s i a n communUt the Pac en t countries — China, Mongolia. April 35. jea* N orth Korea and N orth Vlet _

N am — have only had cbaerver • a tatu* a t the council meetings. ^ Q j ] ]

i d l W estern aourees here said th n t _A^e unless pubUcUed changes have K p p f n a - been made In the chnrtcr. a spe- vice cial excepUon appears to have .B O ISE « d . been made for Mongolia. K. smiU«nd Mongolia's admtislon was an*‘ho nounced early today tn a com-

munlque on tha meeUng of com- ’. m unU t chiefs from member n a -

»e» lio n s .-T h e ir- two-dny meeting S'J«'tmori ' “f . here ended Thursday. Y . Tsed* The j ■i»y eribal, first secreUry of the M on- “must rC'

gollan party, was among Uiose and codt the a ttendtag . actual p

Tlio communique said M on- complbhl golla had been admltled to people,"

of membership a t Ita own request, nomtaee. loO • A dding to Uie apparent trregu* Smith 1*. larliy wns another nppnrcnt cun- a u te aa — flic t Wllh the charter rules—al* delivered

ready pointed out by communist "Our ; ^ 6 Albnnin, a foundtag member o f through

^ tho couneiJ. - conventJcUng _ — a new fa

S y , F V i s i o n - T e s t e r - —

S Shown at Parley HuJ30N VALLEY, June 0 (AP)— KIMBI

T he Idalio Optometrlc associa- Naylon ' tlon was told loday tlm t a " fa r her fan

_ auperlor method of cxnmining" while ht the vl.ilon o t praipectlve drivers ono flel Js now In use Jn the Oem s ta te , knocked

A demon.«ralion on th e new her in t

' planntlon of iU use was given by M'embrla George Denney, director of m o- first ali to r vehicles of the sta te law en - trnnsfert

1-4; L o jjm iL C J l- t.depnnment, a ^ hospital Chnrles Rogge. th e H ep a rtm rn fa TUrthrr- chief driver examiner. _ The en

< V T hey snid the new m ethod U unknowr (d y "a fn r superior method ot ex- ■V,— am lnlng thnn the Snelltn chart,

which v a s developed in the-------------------------- , 2 | . |

on . WOMAN KILLEDilrii. BUENOS AIRES, Argcntiniw _ son. June 0 Ltv-A 20-year-oid w o m a iM | Al- s tuden t died today, of b u l l e t P

wounds received ta a c l a s h t t a among student supporters and 1 * ^ ^ iny. opponents of ex-dlctator Juan D.

Peroh. Five other s ludenu were H I U Injured in Uie riot a t tho law ■ I fj

) , scliool lasl night.H a

ICU- H l jfor Tap& Recorders TUiR e p airin g o il m a k e s I ^ / f c

col- S a lc i , T ra d e s , R e n ta ls j I mJ

ono Comera Center ' v J L■ f l



....................... 1 95 '--------• - - - [ THEY I

50 1 UNHGEQ.i

■p.mv^tind' j —

im uB — SiicHtnceiii


newsmen tb st the threo princes decided lo a er Ihey failed to reach an agreem ent on the foi r Uiks a l Kbang Khay, ta Central Laos. Thursi tma. Is left, wllh pro*eommunUt Prioco Souph kyo)

Nuciear Device Cras Exploded in Air a»r

WASHmOTON. Juno 9 (AP) -*-* —The United States exploded anuclear device today In the skies k |over ChrUUnas Uland in th e P a - Xclflc, the second such detonation n n i c fTie |_ BOIBE.

As in yesterday's t « t , Uie de-

V ;'Sand UiB explojion waa described *as in Uie Inlermedlate r a n g o - havtag an explosive force rquiv- .

“J : olent to Uiat of from 29.000 u>one million tons a l convenUonal .loh „„]Q.iy(, na if miles

ThU was Uie 16U» test an- , nounced by Uie government sinceiS S„;„'Bl e i I 'M li'« a

»" Gambling Plans-ra • S ' . . h a a been i™ Receive Support

ive BOISE, Juna 9 U) — Vernon n]ove‘ of t K. SmiUi said today he hna r e . fmcrlor n celved many calls, letters o m jjp gj-j telegrams from Democratie p q A FalU high workers who believe his le g aJ« fJ h a d stopp gambling program can w lr o u e day of th(

lng goremorshlp,. ^ m er classr ;d* The party and iU W d ers - Funeral m - “must recognlie th a t our ^ r U t ing madi )se and coDventlon program hna the chnpel in

actual potentUU of really nc* lived a t 1 in- eomplbhlng tax relief fo r our FrancUco. to people," said t h e Democratic T h e . dt

a t . nomtaee. 1003 hlglv Smith said he can recall no -----

al* d^fvere?'tax*«lSr!*1st '-Our program* of tax relief - n * i o f through a vigorous tourU t nnd x I C t t f

convenUon Jndujtry create a new fashion ta Idaho govern*

_ 5 g c i i ^ d . ________ _______sr.r;,Hurt on Farm n*”" S

I— -KIMBERLY. June 9 — M n . B 'l 'to r, la - Naylon Taylor was ta jured on * f 'rar her farm norUieast of Deelo " Norris, iR" while helping tum cattle iro m *era ono field to nnother. A cow ProJecU ite. knocked her dffUTi- and kicked outlined a ew her in Uie lace. made. Thi5*1 •■She was taken to th e Cassia projecU v by Memorial nTjpinnniTTC celTed Balt*err«o

10- first a id treatment. She was family llv :n - transferred Friday to the LDS household

hospital in Salt Lake c ity for 'C am p wTUrrarr-trcntmcnt;--------------------ro llm tnrK

The extent of her injuries are m em bers.'^ _________be held J i

ir t,

2 FIRST RUNS! GRAITwm-Exa'femenf P i

m 5 I i i i m i u m s i i b x , i K ! T n , i \ ' AUDll


EARTH— 8 :3 0 a c

j Starts S u h j D ) ! . - ^ Q y ^i T H E Y D A R E T H E S E V E N " 1 ? r * * 1 UNHOLY TERRORSI | | ' . ^ I ! GEQ. M O N TGO M ERY ilo ;: ROLAND

SiwESInSlu uoijy^SaM aR^2£"«S «!fr»W M K W M 08,n

a d u l t s $

! RUPERTedlU plT or om cuit pul Icaa-H eart a n ahIclo~i girl. Mrs. ■ th e formei was chose moUjer of

As' part «5 heart i recenUy^.h tum tag on th a t tops needle at Pair. To d( o u t 'o n a n fee t above i m any woul tempt.

MraTPIet f ir s t- WWW stopped-JiM pregnancy, th e ir f ln t ra re heart tng w u bo; derw ent sui e n d pregnsi

T ha open feci ta Uia tho blood ; side of Uje: cUculatonr and during was slopped Uie specUll lung roach work of hei

Although a fte r blrlh, since' bomi Robert, X a {lOrt to til Mrs. Plemli Job In lhe i Paine air Wosh.

She alien and has n

ecided lo adjourn their lummK ____I t on the formation of a eoaliUonLao*. Thuraday and Friday. Neu- I W f t Irioco Souphanouvong, right (AP _

_________ WinTi‘CrasliVictim^

, At Boise Was » ■Ex-Resident. M” BOIBE, June 9 (AP)—A 60- The Phllli . year-old Snn Francisco man died tered HoUK y here todny ns a result of injuries 42.O pdundj p suffered ta a two-cnr accident 1233 pound; 5 May 30. He wns a former Twta head Uie ovi

falls resident. XJje eJeJjt. John O-nHonnnford w ar ,the owned by f „ d rlV M <^ «( car which wa# in - ^he under-1 J voW d ta an^cclden t two and a of butterfat

ha lf miles w « t of Boise on high- „,!])£ per jo . wny 30, A d a ^ u n ty sheriffs o f- Sutton's I . fleers sold the iTannaford vehicle <(.» too Inc ' and a car drlveh by 32-year-old u ,e wSoclal

Theron Burgess, McridUn. col- ^-nij j j 3 r lldcd head-on. 2,000 1

Burgess was citcd on a charge Si) test.of reckless driving ond hU tria l -------haa been set in justice courl for GIRL 1 June 13. EUGENE,

Mr. H anhaford wrs nn em- llyn Lucille f ^ ployc of Uie departmi'iit of the Mr. nnd Mr, Inn tcrlo r natlonni imrk% t,crvlcc. pnlU avenui J H e was graduated Irom the Twin u a te j /fum ( r a i u high school in 1030 and Oreaon in e ' h a d stopped in Ts,'ln Fnlls Uie , u j h , r , t 9 day of th e accident to vUli for-

m er classmaKs,» • Puneral arrangemenU are be- t lng made through Summers e chnpel in BoUe. Mr. Hannnford * lived a l 1701 Bush street. Son | W | | | | | g | r FrancUco.c T h e . death boosted Idaho's JUNE

1003 highwoy toll to 82.

Officers Are 4 ! Picked for Club s,I Tho Merry Maids dull m e t , -

T h u n d ay afternoon a t Uie home '-n o n e s Bo. .T '«T1 nnri Rlltli TlnltTfr_________ GlOfl.Fot

New officers elected were Nancy Nye. president: RuUi I ’ _ B attier, v(ce-pre.iWenl: Janie ' ONE A

J cy NorrU, reporter, a nd 'G erry f A / D 4 ! , Gorman, song leader. I ^V ProJecU for Uie summer were tu / iu ei 1 outllnrd nnd aajJsmnwts were m i l i tJ

mnde. T he Junior leaders and FAIROR( i projecU w ert Inirociuccti-Jean *r , , , .1 Balt*err«ooklnirlrJRnle-N<»rTUr j e rw j s family living l; Nancy NorrU,3 household electrification l. r 'C am p wns ducusaed and en-' nJiimtnrTornn-pBM ejrouniruTc M T tW ff lve members. The next meeting will

be held July Sth.

IRAND-VU ”len t Program' P f . * '


^ * W it» « m « w tc u i ACTSlA D U L T S 1 .00C H IL D FREE S e e ( h a ru,

J 6 2 - F 0 A 0

lOIORiV UI " • '■ • ‘( • I ’H I


^illlSEeF%OMW UNION M(1. «« .'JnW A R N eR D R O S.E

----------S A M A R ^ : 3 0 A ^ L T s "H O U S E - ,C :0 0


F o i - m e r y ^ e a

W om an G ets H eart.A w ard

RUPERT, June 9^T he springe d IU p iro rn e -A m ertcM -H e * « ,'om eiai publiation of the Amer*Icas-H eart assoclaUon, featuredafT ih Ie lo "» b o u r» - tim ii trR u ^ t - M B B H j ha lrl. Mrs. Thoma* Fleming, i n ,m e former Jusle PoUard, whowas chosen America'* h e a r tmoUier of Uie year lor 1S63,

As' part of her officUl honors ' M jB S iB M «5 heart mother. Mn. Flem tag K g y | n 7 recently had tbe privilege of S l g r a thriO-foot-BU torcB th a t tops the 600-foo t-spa> o« . ^ ^ M K I needle a t the BeatUe W orld'*Fair. TO do so. she h td to cUmbo u t 'on a narww ledge acme SS3fee t above Uia pound, a fea t n o t PAULm any would hava cared to a t* . . . will bUm pt. {**t” Mra"PlOTlng’ U 'n D te d 'a i-U ie • flonday -li»-f i T ’ w ^ V u i i j i A i i i . o ;•topped-Jieart aurgery d u x n r e ef-M r, and-1 p r e ^ n c y . TTie couple h a d lost he l e « w f « ih H r f ln t Uby because W th e man mUslon, ra re heart coodlUon Mra. Flem- — Ttng w u bom with, and ahe un - derw ent surgery <J«rfng h er aec- O P P J e n d pregnancy. T T

The operation corrected a de* 0 „ Q „ a feci ta Uie t n d UiroughnJWch j l l a f f S th e blood passe* from the le fl Oside o f Uje heart into Uie general BDHL, Junt circulator? system, doctors aald, Ufl. highwaynnd during Uie su rg es, h e r heart c iw ta g . eastwas stopped fcr 33 minutes, w ith Uyed tempon th e specUlly con*tnicled heart- after a high lung roachtae U k lng 'ove r Uie toppled.tm to' work of her heart. Deputy 8h<

Although Uie baby died aoon Buhl, said I a fte r blrlh, Mrs. .F leming hfta Uiat uie true *lnce' bome two healthy aons, 3H Elev iR obert "S, and Mark, 1. I n addl* Buhl, wa* 1 Ijlort to earing foi» h e r family, around Uie cc Mrs. Fleming hold* a fiiii Ume truck began si■ lob la the supply department a t ing tha raldrc■ Paine air foree base, Everett, lo&d of hay Iwosh. truck wss sti I She attended school In Rupert, the highw ay., and has many friends ta th e were t>ro«n,

-«•_______ r . r . i “.iTwo Cow Herds S K .^ f V m n • The officerWm Top Prize r„ri„S j-D E C L O ,-June-9-------HoUleltfherd owned by Clarence phllllps ^^ te d . No clti w ,d.Pons.D eclo,anda G u e j ^ y p ,pu ty aherlf herd owned by CJlf/ort Button,Dcclo. claimed producUon hon- ^or* during May In the Cassia ----------Dairy Herd Improvement aaso- DOOB elation, according to Everett T . s h o SHONE Johnson, unit supervUor, dogs were poll

The Phllllps herd ot 47 regls- one belongtag tered HoUlelns had averages of derson and c 42.0 pdunds of butterfot and Mrs. Lsrry St 1^33 pounds of milk per cow to were a t the head the over*20 cow secUon. home when ;

The eight reffUtfred Guernsey* taarian dlagnc owned by Sutton wero tops in str}'chnlnt. th e under-10 aeetlon w ith 61J of butterfat and 1,103 pounds of .A s u U milk per cow. ^ ] H ^ P

Suiion's Linda LoretU’a D wa* th e top Individual producer* In a th e association for the m onth B . . w ith 133 pounda of bu tte rfa t from 3,000 pounds of m ilk a t a


llyn Lucille Blieridnn, daughter of iii f lD D ri]Mr. nnd Mrs. L. W. Routti, 1908 V V nnnEnFnlU avenua Esst, will be grad* RFATTYuated from the University of * ,Oregon in commencement exer- I KAHl.cues here tomorrow.__________ _ | M U D

M - M .r r m m W

JU N E 1 0 - 1 1 - 1 2 iiS flJ

4 HORSEMEN--------O FT H E ------------ — I ----------


STARRING ]C harles Boyer-Leo J . C obb «— G lan.Fcfd.-.l0f id J i io l in _ 5 m o ^

1' ----------------------------------- PRICESt Chll'Adtilt 750 't





e e ( h a r u g g t i i ( I s

5 2 _ F O f lO G A L A X I E S , r f i P

A I R L A N E S a n d Q 3 S

A L C O w i - w H h i t t B d ---------

a r e d a W / < o r ( u r o ' "

n r f c o r n s b a c k

>r m o r a l in c iH n M wCooperaUon of: L2l2£ja£lS2*


..................$ , . 5 0 R o w ”CHItO, 6.12 5 0 - ■

K I ° S . U N D E » 6 , I « a

. SHOSHONE,■ B i | j j | | ^ H | | e W Shoahone Chai

will meet a t nc M anhatU n

Jal i t e T - B a l l :

' t w jn f a


________________ _ D

»day~& P A U L L .G EIQ 0 MAGIC

. . . will be faonftred wiUi a C U D IU Iftrewell lesUmonlal a l 6 p m l i n n i n iflonday-to-U »a-aceood .-w »rd . — - , ■■ p ,LDS ehureh to Burley. The aon n in t he rM r,-* n d -M r..-JU -M ^ arif I^ _he leaves'fsr Uie central-G er* f | V W *


l o p p ie d H a y m | hSnags T ra f f ic *'**■BDHL, June 9 - TarffIc along

JB. highway 30 near C c d a r , W fUIAMnwitag. east of Duhl waa .de* k AY„ ea t.jp o ran ij Production. ,fler a high load of baled haycopied, im to-the h i g h w a y . j f tC T -I>eputy 8i:eri!t CurUs Pryor. O E I

tuhl, said Saturday momlnK T i r i / C T rhat Uie truck, owned by Elmo | U R t 1 9

3ia Eleventh avenue ndrUi,luhl. was apparently driven N O Wround Uie comer too f a s t . - T h e - --------------------ruck began sw aylnf a fte r o t u - j b IG SHlIg tha raldroad tracks w d t t e mqrninojjod of hay ‘ 'PPt'L “fter the ruck wss ° “.‘ hnv NOAFURShe highway. A few bales of hay •ere broken, but m ost o f ihe 555 ,ad-w as QUickly restacked on tie truck while Deputy Sheriff •ryor fUgged traffic w ound Ute * « • ' *< cene and across the railroad. JT he officer said I’lord. « Duh) * «

rucktr. « . . jp ittn lly • p u - * J J™" •nffcr in the truck, bu t the drlv- ; *'• ;^ th 6 - v ih lo l i .^ - w 5 .- n 6 c = rK orted. NO cltatlctns were Issued. * ' « wputy Sheriff Pryor waa called * ^ J‘« > the ^ n e about 7;30 b jh . FtI* *»y* J ____________ ___ * H.orltlti’.

DOOB POISONED * C«>* Or.* SHOSHONE. June 6 — T w o * Tt.

ogs were poisoned in Shoshone.; * Amy c ne belonging to K enneth A n-, * V#m«, erson and one to hU sUter, p . , , r v * d «. trs. Lsrry Sturgeon. Bolh dogs* ” ero a t Uie LouU Anderson Friday, ome when poisoned. A veter* MAGIC BC larlan diagnosed Uie poUon as 3 4 4 o„d A v ;r}'chnlnt._____________________

1 ^ NOW I k P L A Y I N G ! J l



a a g “" / ^JOORS OPEN ^

I ;4 5'■ PA LL--2:10.5:5(> .9 '« \ . J h - ••B IN O E R ^ 4:iO-T:M '

:ICESt C h i ld ___ _ 750 4 £ d7$o 'Ul 2 (ben ■■ j H I K

Firsf Run For Mdgi«m m u m w A Y S :: ; i^ h .oonquered the wilderness ~tho-heart-of-a-proud'manl-j fM

.r.0p.„,„5 _ ’J . } 1— ____________I 7n-<fiS5 —


m oihone Chamber of C tJ ''''' siU meet a t noon iJa n h a tu n cafe. " i *





7fidar&~Saturdfl7J u n r 2 2 .2 3 —


— P re sen t _ NINTH ANNUAL


Produced by %W IUIAM \ ^

KAYProductions i _ J g i -i

GET — TICKETS S w_ now_ / a ^


gviNiNos-a:is r.M. .NO AFTERNOON 5H0W$


* Wltli.l Atreb.ii* AMiUVt 0«gi* Hlllir'i OtiXchM ■* ComtJf U j* IhHc* EI.pK.mi

* ‘FiInnil CclilJnT'IwHTi* DI»l»f Ttn»-Ji>Bglli.g* Orilt Fr»i(rl{*-Ait|jlirt* Erlt I Erl(, A»«b<i;c<* Hinrltlti’i Pltu Spbinbi* Cal. On».rinB»r ]i»4* Jimmy Tt.y, A(rU1l>l* Army af Cl»wn.* Al V#Mw fl.nrf

R a ttrv sd Seat Site SliriiFriday, Juno 15.

MAGIC BOWL BIDO. 344 2 n d Av>. g., Twm M

H E /t R H p ' I f

/ ^ J i "

■or Mogic Valleyt „ . ( o f f e f h e r l / i e y


J i ( u i s m i £ i n - S «

E f ' s n n ^ =


a i u u . - ^

f^ i m e s - N e ^\ ^ £ ^ e r ’s L e t t e r (

-J d a iio - Is -B la s te d-ii[nz-cTlmM-New«: • ' v.liy

-? T P C -th » t-U o y d -J^ V a U M )r-U -.^ r- knxk ln s o'-*'' ^ooi Ameticnn coiict

S i W terprue av*tem. H« b r .iu (or i ;hV I d i ih o 'b a ih c s . flcrc.imiin jf ShiSD v o v e r in his eftorts to „i,ov, *md supporter* for the new fro y . r / c h e m e w 'IVA,

.n d ’io run Idnho Power oul — -rnrrT___„ i- uitrft.uijcnil_ftlmft_mRicr.iHuu;— J L , [0 hAve *nort-eh«nitcd him

.*!* jm plc logic na well ns In ^„tflttn lam . Even th e lowlio.i

ot non-lntcllectun! quitei,nst)l« of nddlnu up th e cc.M of ^public p o « r . |_ y ;

qilbpo»6 Iilnho docs-M nd-{htI ih r c e ' fronllcrsiiicn" ' p iL lrhu rc li.—H iirdlns ..nnd P lo ii) :

*,.rk to Waaliln^ion tliL« tall. Jti • »™tltude. U»e idm lnUtrntloii will E.ilio

MM Idftho wltii-a. mulU-mllllo;»— •T-h' 5‘n sr puWlc pow«r project — h i sMfd fhe U«P»ye«‘ 0 » « '■> Idului^wrsllon, th li Ux-excm pl. cov- caiidl »mriient owned »nd operiited i?rd ( U u y «HI proceed to dcll power u u r ,,fu t- ra te prleca. which will full mhio

iliort ot paying for lhe cast tInK : if operation, lo *ay notlilna of i,o...cd MVloff for thc Initial Invwiincnl. Mn

eminol cxpeet a politically j.r.,!,] ioDOWt^lltfn-MUcrat to opernic i,;„j . ,n mdu.Ury as economlcnlly i'.'' uaclt

~o«-tniin required for tr rnvatDrTTf-OT “foiH-mnklnK buslncM. The lju- w c Mucrftt li primarily Inicrr.'ted kt,.,, la expanding tlie project to «c- u,,,, , l e h li own Job. no t to aure tH e-r,,,p ' H,p»yer money.) Therefore It

— bKoniea-nccewary to sulxilillzcme pub 'l' p o * " ’ P fo je c t-n i th c yoj.„ twpayera' expcnae.

On top of all thla, public power nn,' S< miij tax-pnylnit Idaho Power oul'cni.M of buslneM and thereby thc :ia - /ood. llonal treaaury rcllnquLihe.i m il- caa 'o llonj of dollara nnnual ri’vem ie-lR pent dollara which the Individual tnxvenn oiver will be cxpectctl ■ to r c - 'S e e T huj public power wllli

K r ’» r " s . ' s ' " i i dZ 3 u c £ r f i l l l 2 b e 2 ^ ‘» < ir fo rr* tii !n r7 -r

Iurtf?«POwc/aubaldle.i. j iAdd the consumer’s Ux c a 'i l r V I

ptr kilowatt hour to th e c u t-ra te '&C0 of public power and you-ll[Edlto. find no bargain. In facl, the rn te ' * “

. undoubtedly 8UrT«is.«s the new ''n» »' r*l« being naked by Idaho Power. I ii Include the private power eon- our It luintr’a tax cost to the pricc nncl Cpn. t Idaho Power's profit 'ndd i up t&J j e, tn Inferior grade of pcanuta by;,j.,tt.,. tompsrbon, [Uig a

This obvloua conclusion may bc --------------------------------------------- portu

H.C.Sprenger T l' Honored a t Rite I C(

OOODINO, June 0—Funeral atlvo Kn-lcM for H erbert C. Sprengcr bo ru « r f held a t 10:30 a.m. Frldny mornl kt the Thompson chapcl. with j the nev. Dwlghl E. Wlleher. Ooodlng Methodist church, offl- ciiUng- which

T«<) song* were « m g by Mrs. (fom Jimes A. Hopkins, accompanied i i by Mrs. Lloyd Snlvely a t th r -------

Pallbearers were Jim mie Slihs, 3 d Kail Taylor, Orville Singer, * i Crcll Hammons, Dnle Scovcl. I c j Fowst Badfier. Merle Mn.ioner. chit Frlesen and Ralph Behrens.

Concluding rltea were eon- j .q? . dueled nt 2 p jn . Friday a t thc IHipert cfmetcry. home

Dairy Farm Sold To Utaii Farmer !.T“

K IC H riE L D .'jnne fl — Mrs.Hath Stubbs nnnounces the aale *how of her 172 acre ranch, dnlry herd tnd mnchlner>- to Mr. nnd Mrs.Ofsnt H, Haws. Pnyaon. Utjvh. lltKi haa operated a dairy fnrm In UuvJi for several yenra, Thc

—ftmllj—with the ir six children pltn to move to Rlchflcld by

— i/une JS.Mrt, Stubbs, w llh her husband ^

Ihe Into L n te r O. Stubbs, hnd ItRTted the ranch, two .mllea northeast of Richfield, the paat eleven yeara. |

‘ It's the ! '

•'Today'* prescriplioni pf»- | lonj lr«ts int shorten \he 11 .

-duration of tn in y illn e m j." | ||-


. ___ ^OE_EAMOUS----------- 1—b r a n d h e a l t h

-S U P P L IE S I • :

News Pulblic Iitter on Power in l ^isted4^Woman-|—2

v.hy tiie Rcpuljllcsnt frll no a n -iujr-u-.^rr-mvTjrTTiKiri'onthelr'snrinri-----CHtlcnn coiicernln-Id.i.1o rower’s r«llU.^t the i be.ils (or lat# liicrc:i.M'. ano i;;nhn Jf Mr, wnlkcr doiibla thr. No '=> iibovc, I f u im t lie liivcAilKuie iro y - (|,p Amcrlcjiii iti.vpnvrr'.i ca-.t ofi t"r-- i idii-.. -IVA, iiloni; with li.i bureaucratic' t* '" ' ' ‘ .-.ncl.uiiiiuthn:!?.-;! f,' p;Lt'..inn in ;o , .-ttntij

■ n rr ii cu:iipc;iKon with private t .- ;nnicr.inuuiu-i--------------------------------- n^;.,1 him OEOHGIA H. CAMERON,

quite * * * * —

, Gambling and Id;i Discusscd by-Fon

I will E.11lor. Tltnr-.s.SfK?; ,ncce: v lllloii— -T-he-F«Tiie-tjHttnMo hnrp-tnai-rcm ov,-— HI cMfd llmv Ih t Uis sliuniloii In .slol-'.r, CC In Iduho u iTfloua, In voilng fcr a it im;Kov- caiidltlate H ut ndvoc.ilM Icsal- revciiu

rHtcd i?rd gnmblhiR m a wlutlon to lh e , giimbU 50wcr tiu problriiu, the people of llil.i n u rII lull Mate ndniii ihnt taxes are c e l - |n , thi-■ cast ting more K rloai than problems Khe c i ' 'g Ol po.'.cd by li-miiitcd Knmblinj. '.in ijiti ■■a-nl. Mnny of i» r.mcmbcr the S ' " , l e a n „ r„w uni ol , , . l „ wcjtrnlc h;,,t . Willl li'uillrid cam bllncrinr Ar J.Jn ''Ji''=iU ''-!hc lat<! (on io . but inaiiy;p,.rM,„ iv.arD.,o{ us prefer to lorRct. i|„ , r.,.,• hu- We hope tliiil locnl option w lir;,in „y , r.'ti'cl kti'ji It out of our towns and kIvc ' n\i.s\v.re the '’.'.'‘‘" l'’ W C^ 'jfund,'. ;‘ ‘"^■rcap IW t.ix benefits. S ta tis tica l^ , , ■illl„ 'here will be-nn d,

‘“ ' voice r.itc, the e ;nbcu!cm cnt' i,,.. i„ , ra lr . thc dr.scrtlcn rate and m ' 1 .

wwtT^n,,; so.-ne can cv.n r:member th e l„ ,f^ '“^ r ou t ca;,M ot tmulllr.i ROlns w ithout'! J>:i* food, hi-at or proper clothing bc- m il- caa 'o checks »cre coahcd and

;Rpcnt In slot machines. And some tnx -,enn remember how It became'

'w f i i * * * *

“«■! Ideas About Modrs tiii ■ _____ ------- '--------.. - ........

Aixierica Given,'ouu' 1 Editor. ThiiM-Newa: ; p e ^ Iora te ' I “'n exireinely proud tha t I exl.sti'ii< new •'m an American. frccdoii

3wer. I um extremely Rrattful t iia t I eon- our founding f.ither.i gave i« our ^he lh nnd Cpn.Mltullon nnd Dlll,«f Rights, jcomniu

iP t(vJ I consider our free enteiiirlse •* hy’syjtciii extremely linportant to ”1 ,

(U»<j A.-.nectcati way of U(c Mid I ", ® J am extremely Rrnieful for Uic op . J poriuiilty lo provide for my own

sohal .I am extremely hnppy ihnt I countn

Q can worship Ood as I wish. j“ I consider It cxiremely Imper- jle ra l atlvo thal our public officials pjji’oM nger bo Riildcd by high principles and A •Idny mornl Inwa. gerouswith I am extremely concerned i mu; Cher. ft(,oui the Inlcrnntlonal consplr- UU wl

acy of athcUllc communism gerou.1. which threatens our nailon both

Mrs. (fom «.'Wilti ai\4 from wlthoul.inled I a m ' exlrf.nely baffled by.-----------

t h r ------------------- ------------------------ ■■

a*., Baptist Mission 8W< S": Is Best Loser

SHOSHONE, June 9 - Tlie ■ naptlat chureh school of mis- T T

aions for younn people will be the held Tuesday evenlns nt the

home of lnstr\iclor. Mrs. L. M. Haimaker. Tlieme of the school

#1 Is Latin America. A Lntm Amer- « U an 'Ram e was played by thc „u in o ,

young people nl liie flrsi meet- ,« ttc». L ing held this week.m7^— Mri. wimnm Tn nmn.’imi-f fll t ------- ;

thow slides and ipenk on the -- herd counlriM the nud her husbsnd M rs lived in while he waa on eon- p h o n e J M , atructlon work in LaUn Amer- "tarm . ^ 3 3 j7 ,Tiiedren . • 'I by

jand ^ 8 use only Nallontlly Adver*U&td Producls. K p tm a ttcn l for.,

paat type halrl

i^l Permanents ^wllh pre-perm cut W

I Shampoo ond Hoir Stylo ^

^ I S P E C IA L $ IC '

I F r o m . ' . . . '

. Artistic Beaut'1 OVER THE SA V-M OR D R

2 -Coavenienl P a r im j in U

f 733 -1 6 4 1 ■


-Conrcnlent P»rinng lh

; I . Pernif

• Haircutting * Hail— I-----------• - T in t im r l> i r < ‘i ‘K‘ ' ' ^ ‘ ‘^

■ ■ '

i ^ o r i i m l o j "1 1 ~ -------- ' - ' .I'j-'ARSA

I Forum Rules is '? ?— 1-^W‘U—. - oil niiiuerfl pl-ptiBiic ;m.uld ihli

"‘fdl murt coinpl>~miii iKOu,,si.i. 5lat lhe 1,1 ,.s ol iiiifj ,i,m >::i,iuir '(T^Ucs II -

BIIO im;M be nih>d l:l, •..• .■.oii,,d.iUKl the No p;i-iiili)iiynu\ or p c Jl . "UV nr „[e nii;r.',< ,(if permitlrci; all let- ith.ii there ofj l--r.' IlUl l ur sunrd v.iui the iai',’’

itlf. tiiir ii.-viiie and addri'ii of the i • it.iln siUi. -•Wrili:.'--------------------------- ---------el"U(l5—auate t.-;.,;iii of Icttci^ »ill Ue . f f u i l i r ------- llm:tI•a-Io^oo-tt•.^r^15-lim;;^■f~■“ lt■t^3a;^I mil ue rtiurnrd^to t l i V i “'' '' '^ ^ l> r

iv ritr .r riil.ihil, C• I mcl'' ,s of

d Id a h o ’s T a x es E I •Forunv-W idtci—

incce:v,iy tp nmi-nd thc la a nnd f ‘ i»‘»ucd BI- rcmov,' IIIC (cmptatloii of [lii-'hrr" mndf In .slol-'.r,ifh;i:c from all of u. , Wns hou

• a It n..; b:c.ui« the liicic;ue In ".i",. a l- revciiui- cllil not Jastify the iiiirni ';liC|gi<mbUiii: did?hl-1, T iu r r may be another .solution P.ltilf,' - j lo 11..- lu r Jo , wc c r r r . In J “ l ,; , ms 1 the cas- of nn imb.ilnnct between I f

dcblt.i mid credits o r spending I he ,„„1 r.M-nin;:. II ml-Jil be mor e : , wc prmlcin 10 cul down on .ipend- nnrintr. And m U„. case .if the .sinxle tiy;p .T «,n «hf> freli there is lltllcif,t/-,' ,nir,

'ill- can dt> 111 thLi ri'Kard, ho-*'; The fai » ma.iy ol lu Inve seen Cll.^e, ot

ol W M Mnie and federal „,L'v,i,«^. fund.i and .vud nothing? As Iomk ,i„ . . . 1 ,'

IW'As we contin,,,. to lu rn our backs’J ln*[niid cll) ;• our eyes to lhese o f - , ! ,Jl-tfciisc.s. UP ivlll l„ effect bu ndd-, t Us ' lo.i •>«;ing lo o u ro '.v n tax burden. ,,.Vr ,a ,i

j And It you havcmoncy to burn, pt potaioc, ,ig r lii n liiire and adopt the moi- ----------—

to: Have a Inll, Dllly Sol: I real- ^ly ahould have leiii you more, • ^

TIC W. C. MALBERO; J r . V f fTIBI (Tttln m i s ) V >

* * * *

M od ern-D ay ______;n b y W rite r

ipeoplo who consider peaceful co- I exl.stcnce more Importnnt tlian

freedom.I am extremely disturbed by

UP the ihlnklnji of Uie anil-anU-

, ’ I ft'.n exiremcly confident lhat ■ more and more American people - are btRlnnlni; to as.iume the du-

tle.t of good cItizeiiK nnd lhat the ir actions are guided by a be­lief In Goit moral Integrity, per- sonal rcjpowlbllliy nnd love of

I country.I om extremely distressed to .

heiir thftl people having thla tphltoMphy arc considered by some Americans lo be more dan­gerous than the communists,

ed I m ust be one ot th tw extrcm- r - Uta «'ho is considered so dnn- m gerou.1.th J. R, HANNIOAN

( .tv in FalUi-----------------------------------------

n » O V I N G ? f.......................c a l l ............-J.........

;! W A R B E R G /ae '

M o v i n g - S t - o r a g eoi - , -Fit* C«mBl«1« rullonviifl^

woiitfwitf* lenlc*. f.tun oickina. Fuiif ’* *nuiDP»4 iTi6S«m t»ri». S»l». motfttn p,

_______ n

le A O B N T

A l l i e dI I P h o n o V a n U n e s ~' 7 3 3 - 7 3 7 1 ......................... . : :

------------ ^


5 W .


; a u t y S a l o n sf


r im j in Uie R e a r -

1 3 5 M A IN W .



M ORDRUG STORErting 'lu lh e Rear— I

P e r m a n e n t s °w ith H a irc u t, I «i

Shom poo/ond W ove I Fc- Sl

‘ 3• H air SiylinO ’ I

ivancetU ludenU j:------- . i ---------------- ;

1 3 5 - M A l M 'W . '- ■

n Poles Ai-e Dishearlc Deluge of Rain Riiii

WARSAW. Poland. June S i.fl, four-flfili,' - 'lis in and leara rolled down the other vi iin

Iclireks Ilf n Polish woninn stand- i>n.'.Nib:i' lo ; _ :J‘!iJ'.llLatjl«HJa-inurt_________ .fniiilb-.a'iii■ : -U ok a t those fields. You I t piitlrx

■>i.uld ihlnlc we had not worked milk cy« -a(h?:ii nt n il" snhhfd Ewn l.ii.i- to UJ.MUie

J5. t widow who op- All thh ■fr:>icA II 45-acrr tsnii with her windv.'l.i'.v .‘Uii,,d.iuKhier nnd son-ln-Inw. news 10 M

"'Vf nrc bealnnlni,' to iiorry rconnniic r ilh.ii there may be no harvest n t „ iu iih t nati i«l''" .ly o n i- o f l li • it.'in spattered froni g r a

— el"Uflr-aud"iT-chUrwUtd-bIcv,^Uirs att.l V'l ie riwl. ■ Europe, fnr

—:-~li~ti3a~becn~th l i -g ay for five ----------;ttTfU.niirouBli6unTearly all ol t j '

iriil.inil. Central Poland got 1,2 H , Imclii.s of rain In.M month, iimk- i i » , / ' 111- 11 th e wcttesi May In t'AO I c i f n I cenimiM of records. At lexst

; iOU,U(.o.ncr<« of fiiraiUnd “ vre- I iinCcr water Ihls wccV. ••

•T.7r over a monih we have not '

in lhe fields,- Mrt, La.■>kow^^:l^ '^7• ' ,, c'litmued a fte r retreating Inin , , , , ' i -h r r- mrWfsrT-tlectncnlty- hghtrt'^^*"\ \ W c \ house,

' In normal yenra we do falriy ; !i;;,,,, well, iVe have many worries unrt *' , work awfully hard but we have I Active p:

b1wjv.< been able to bdnK' In n » ‘‘-h ^o> fo liarveit, even In the worst years Hurnnrd, \

" .o f drouKhl and floods. This Is the " “'I •' ' wor.M dlsaater anybody cnn re- Honornry >'!nie:iil;er." , .H nrry I!:ilI® "Wlial innkea It wor.w Is that hou^c, .SIdi• mnd laxea have been rnlM-d (his 'Villls, Dr, ',y tu r." h r r aon Edward Luikottftkl Sulllvun. 1 “ :ji«c-,„p.cd. n i 'ra iu n . t

The family mu«l pny ic.OOO Johnson nti 7.1»iv» - *000 a t the official ratcl Flower nl. of exchnnse — and deliver to ilie dame.s Bes\

'‘'.s ln i? nbout, 100 pounda of m eat,lion. Kalin tons o t poiatoca and i.B ions[Bell and K

' I of rye. . 1 Conchidlr‘• | Tlie Lo.skowskls e.<tlmate th e y 'th e Rupert

lhave la il their entire early.croplm lttnl rite; 1. of potaioca. all their onions nnd 1 thc Rupert

T O F IT /

; .T

■ B R A - P IC Kte* ■ I Ic tc '4 a hap p y

g c t- to g c tlic r o f L cst-sclling

■ c o tto n b ra b eau ties

la b y F o rn ifit. P la in o n d fancy,

sizes a n d s ty le s for

. e v e ry g n l . . . a n d each onc

fit fo r a queen.

’ * ' 1 ' I I '


, \ —*1 ■ —* \‘ Foll-ffcnl eloillc bond fe r lo te rV

iupporl and comfori. Con’l cut orSoilr'--------------Cl/«i.-.iii«l».a^vp».-WhifrH3JA»<0C:-

Formni Romance Bra « o n n • 5lyIeS73 ^ 3 0 0

, - (D-fvp J3,50, t U )I Nrmfll n ^ r riiKi All coiim, «id>nl>* of

U bM, teom leit melded lace b ra— and t# pn tty t Satin lift In undarcvp for eilro luppori and ihaping. While. 32A-38C •Formni Plenture Bro « O O f f SryleSOJ. . ^ _

\ r»nAii rikM r«>i(i tipid i<uii«<<oi «>t kjIm. Cla.K(, $(««(•«. •c.lalt, r«lr.!l.f,

Thln-feam llnlnggenllydddt contour. Civet new beavty'lo dolnry figweii a dded 11(1 to fuller flBuret. Royon embroidered evpi. While. 32A-3B». Fermflt Confldenllal Bra

- Style 3 U . » 3 0 0

2nd floor- foundations

ie a r le n e d |iS ““- ^unS°^I R u in s C rd j)s _ Future, four-flfili.' of.ihi'tr cahbaKe niiS, other ii i;ri.i;,;o.'li has behi lin- k - . t l T I S I>n.-.-Mb:.- 10 pi.int ^ut:ar beeuv T h e ; ' s„o .s„O N

.fni.iilb'.n in ri aiirted th a t eight ‘’f . p in ,,... , „rII w ,* ; . ,;,r t ol cold. T lu lr ,

“ S S m_tD_pa.MUie ..1 Mil). !(Ircidt'il ntAll th h !i;c,ins PolWl leader . chool.

Wlady.'l.i'.v t!ii;nulkn took grr.n . vimii i m w . 1.. tor ilil.. w . r k i , ,rconnniic rT.:errnpe of thc c n in -;" >,.1(1 W a muiilM natuiw. Poland. or<lliJuri- | i .w u ^

, ly one of Ihe brit-fe<l c om m unlit! „ ^ na tio n s \'l ll lu v r te.u Ifl .vnd m l_u i;/J ''‘' “ nUitx MWS in ;ell to pEucoiir. tor l u i i lu rrrnc r.

C. H. Valentine ^Rite Conducted

, ilU I’EKT. June D-FUml. ritC i. ,for qiie.~tcr ll.'ValcnUnc, HI. n^ 'ide iperi, were ciindiirteil "'edtie.Mlayl I...;...,,.,.- C" in \V;.lk nm rni.ry chapcl by

r5 triT ltayTnnm ii-r.il of the peri Flr-t Miihmll.'t church. J le i’*

.(llr!l_nt h i: liunicJasi-^atLirilut.1 I Claud nu^mau •’DuyoiU■the Sun.Mf’ and -T he Lord’s

frcshmems V' Active p:llII) ilrer^ were K cn- o h n Whippli ne-h R/>\foril, John Bell, Oeor;:e Rurnnrd, Ward Wnllord. lUibcrt Heed nnd Jo.i-ph Shellon. | 11

Honornry pallbvarert w e r e / '■ Hnrry I!:ill,ird. Ilrailley More- ivO U u hou^c, .'ildney Johnson,' MorrisWllils, Dr, K. M. Klmore, Oeorge Sulllvun. HiclKud Stal. R alph 1ntncdlci. Fuller Fenton, Edward ' «Johnson nnd Price Henrk . ^

I Flower KirN inchidi'd the M e s- . 11 A l l■ dnme-s Bessie Culley. Clnra Shel- Iton. Kallierine Wolford. M ary iUell and lister Pnttee.I ConcludlnK rites were held n l „ , , , 'th e Rupert cemetery nnd com- " a * '''" ' Im lttnl rites were conducted by (the Rupert .Mn.ionic Lodge No.

F IT A N D F A S h U f l N ^ ^ ,

rrmfit• P IC K I N ’ T IM E

e l s e ™ ' ‘

I e a c h o n c ■'

r a q u e e n .

^ ? 3 o o

f [ \ ^ BliKUt conlfolltd llrtlclI 1 tnd undtr cvpt l<» bnI [ I . . . wliheut (n / >»lllngI " \1 |I{t p tu l In undtrbuil feiI _______ VN f«ct towfpft.-Cgmt In *

" ^ 8 ^ ^ U,00j D cvp 32 te ^0 C«bl« In !«• tnd In l««o1

n""!!/ ' elu»l»« of fiyon..oin»ni

! S r ••don* e* r«bb

lace b r a - ' \ _ -----n undorcvp .1 "ii«o. While. ^

. 30 . , 7 ' ^ A ,

i ' \ ' U nder-cupilnettglvoy\ line. S«fl ilde-of-cenltr

r ' I forwerdlifllOCirclfilllchiA h J2A.38C.

Fermflt Madcap Bta ^ I \ Slyle 370.

dtcentow r. / /

" e t ^Ro^Vft

, •ndnlr* W

Futui'e Farmers l l s ' Set Fishing Trip 7 y

SHO.'^ilONK, .liitir 3 - 1-Miu;e i^inin'r,s of A;i:e!;i:i ficKii .sh'ii- •lume lil';ll,.'Ch.Kil .>1:: o;i 11 V ; W 'l.shlllS tnp julv ID.ll’. .:i;r;r.i»'l-'lecldeil at a niirUiK livid ,11 the lUli jfhool.

A ^wlIllInlns pai;;. '.v.i.s .il'.i )laiiiii'(1_for sum;iirr_;u-:i\;:v, m __JC heldyn-AUiuL'i .1: liipnur.'

I l ie group will have .1 I'ici-.I.i- ’ up ^[and al llu July V.li tck 'i Iutruuursivci.-lfr,r:r---------------------- :------------------

GfficersEleeted'Ht'llI.KY. June il- ,\n oi/i'lii-

Mllon nii'etliii: tor llie Duii.Mie'- :)()1I-, »as hilil at till' o.'Mr-v E.I •yeti«i>e;:l.';- N.-,v olll-T rj eirclerf wen- <*nM'lMi-W(np— ---------------lie. iiri-.'ldeiit;' Julia H'.-lv.iler. j Q ,■ecrelaryi Cnrol .« i-h u a r ;';p le - jcruT. nud aaiulr.i .ich-.iai^li'i. . . I,pedal-eieiit'- / - — N

I’receedini: the nieetiiv .\li ' X7arTF<-irClayUlie ^ave ,1 ri.m-' insinitlcin oh c.ike cleuuauin-. ■ ^ iVoik was bi'«uu nn pr('J<t-:« H'-- I'nr tli..» .in Ircshmeiits weic ,smi-;i i>i CMr- jlyn Whipple, . «i-.ii;i-. >.■

n r» ro l i.r« -Bring nxAUtUw N an«w «nt

iroubh'H to . . . .


S H O P2IS Washington 731-GOHO

____________J the loand I of lac

______ _______ !____________

l l ' t/ I m


nifolltd iifticK eliiMc tround c«p« l«t» bn mov. vrith you Ai

Jt tn f >»lllng w cvrllno. llf^ «Jcm^#nd. AI undtfbuil fee tddtd lift. p«r- Bolrt. Com* In tnd try 'U lodiyl______ lOmcllltntJlCWly fwmlit, WKii.. 32A to 40C - Wa»!ialIP 32 te ^0 MJO. (Alio ev.ll- ,1, . .I tnd In l«flo1ln. ity tlij ' '■ ''I Rigid m«ltil*l tll colton tx- ----- ---- :riyon..ointm(ni4llefli eltiile .. actl^tt, rubbtr and nyloA.

u.“s■ . ^ Y’all witllnert give young rounded

Ilde-of-cenltr iiipport give! to circlfilllchtd cupi. While. u l. yot

f la t Ne^s■dcapBta * 0 8 0 ourK ede

ribbed ou’ ?e«Hi Al cotton, ol ■ COOl,WB»

rwin Foils Timcs-Nows 7 | '^uridoy^Junc 10, 1962,

■ , . 1 . ; . ' '

(hare’s solid comfort in 0U . S . K E D E T T

U U V . . . . ______

I'lir III). H uman on llic K'> llii-r>-V notliin:; lil.....ur«i-.li;i-., S l oliir.ly, >el »ci li;:lil iiiiil i'oii>(i>t1.il< u.iiil I.l H r;ir them r\ery»lirr< '. Ci»l f.ihrir. n ru . . .h . f . -n m l r .i.ily «.i»li.iM.-. like all V S N atiuw a n d Mr<lium hiUiIii. (Ji-t.M'n-r.il |iai.


the look yand l ig h tn m ] ' / y ^ ' of lace! y J w M


U . S . K E D E T TT he feel o f lo re feel plus the cliic of n shoo! mesli is soft on your nkin, nnd it wcart ns only Clii'ck lhe sote. loo; Ifs new mnlching Marvi-i you hnvi- li> look twice, I.ike nil U.S. Ketlell Coolio" Tlia like a ctieora. WntliabJe. N and

3rilllan t com eb ack . . .U.S. KEDETTE

One of th e all-time great KetJcltet !s btck i demand. And it 't more wonderlul lhan e w bei

Bolder than ever hraid, tHmmer than ei imclhintJicwI#-becn.Bddnl.Joo.=iLricli..lcxlurcdJ

W a'liahle. of courte. Narrow and Medium v *cc ihc new “ fifel)ird "-now playing at popular ]

■ j

you’re shipshape in on U . S . K E D E T 1Y 'all wilt love Y a w l, '. .a ihapely little ehoc th a t huge your foot-in perfect > 111. ye t i l ip i 'o n and off in nothing .f la t N ew ly alim linei, like all ou rK edettc i.L a itex*go re t. ^ribbed outsote. In cool., y T

clolh. N arrow and M edium


S t r e e t f l o o r .

S h o e s ___________


ort in anewE T . T E S ’' ‘'-I >

/ / - O u e tte — -f . Mulii.Qcilor.

5 c lastic t)fa>d

''tliiii:: 111.....ur Kc ili Ufs

Ci»l f.ihrir. m siii.irt like all i: .S K.-I.'1l.'.,

i-t.M'HT.il |iai{> it^duy!

j j A ^ ^ N y l o n C oolls ( W Mo6he ' In solid

co lo rs


E T T E S *hic of n shoo! Cool nylon wears ns only nylon can,

itching Marvclile, so slim II U.S. Kedeltes, "Nylon liable. N and M widtiii, -

:1< . . .


cite* Is btck by popultf I lhan e w before! limmer than ever fit. Andricli..lcxlurcdJookI______— —and Medium widths. Come, ng at popular p r i c c j i ^ ^ ^ g ' •

36 in our n m l E T T E S *

3 . 9 8 ---------

S u n d a y , Ju n e TO, 1 9 6 2 rfoo . 3 T w in Foils Tjm es-N cw s

M. IhO jrl»' Bo/lbmi Mhedule Jor S

M onday Uiromh Saturday, haa b ten unnounced by Llnia Pond. Th‘ ICBsue 6 u p e r » i* o r . TlJe glrW «>■ •ofiball program i* part of thc M?' K nothole b a c e b a l l projram. lo^

— whlch-l*-«ponw r«d-by-thc-clly. — 9 parks and reereatloit dfpartmenc Pf>* • n d th e Tlmfs.Newi, ““ f

— . - - ATLANHC-LEAaVE^___W edncsday-K U X n . Talman

Truclrerctif*. i aJn., diamond t*"*th ree : Bowladtome Panther* v». hUtM oaW lM . J0;30 njn, diamond *1'’th ree ; ColorlMr Kid* v*. UcfllM dojj

— Bllclc-Clitcit*. l--pjn,-diam ond the th rc f . and Twin FalU Dank and ^ 8< T ru i t Robbern v». Idalio Power B p’.

■ .K lllo w o tl .-Kutln . 3 pjn.. dla- witliTiond two.

Krld'ay-K LIX vn. fllilrlcy tnd■ "M cndiola Bntbuners. B;n.rp.. dia-

m ond one; Bowliiilrointf Fun- tlu-rs vs. Colorlzi.T-KKI.1, 10:30 a.m.. diamond one; M ooviiet ' “ ® vs, Bcrtlea Slick Clilcks. 1 pnu. dfiiniond one. and T o lm a n TriickerettM n . Idaho Po»-er W t| K illow att Kutlc*. 3 pm., dla» montl two.

ASIEKICAN LEAGUE TUMday—Farm nnd City DIj- g,

V5, auburMH ?liDci ^ Buburbiuictlrg, 1 p.m., diamond n.,,, three ; Clk4 v*. nobble Loveland, j-,.,3 p jn .. diamond /our; Jayceei v». K uthy Prentice. 4 p.m..'diamond u it ■ th ree ; Jenseh Jeweler* vi. C. F. Cannonballs, i a.m., diamond m,., th ree : Anna Orubtx v s.'O tto News Tleer*. 10:30 ajn., diamond

TliurAday — Jaycees vs. Anna . m Orubb*. 9 ajn„ diamond one;

^ K a th y prentice vs. C. F . Can- nonbalta. IO:JO ajn,. diamond one: Jcnsen'a'Jew elers vi. Otto Newa n g e r* . I pjn.. diamond Jv‘ ‘' one; Suburban flhoe* Suburban* , c ites vs. Robbie Loveland, 3 '" g ,' p j n , dfamond two: Elks v». ? h t m 'a o a a i y Dlitflbuiln/. * p j n , diamond one.

PACIFIC LEAGUE > ° t Wcdnesdny — Kelker Gludis ro _ i

. K nm crn Kllcken v». Union 18 Kent S n tb aiters . 0 bjii., diamond one; S rod ley Boiler Steamers vl. X lngabury Medical Renter Pill- <rh,

-ro llers, 0 a jn .i diamond'one; M argoxcl's OKI Show v». Reyn- weUl olda, 10:30 ftjn . diamond one; U vei M o u n t n l n fitntea vi, Lynn wlnn F rcncli. 3 p.m , diamond two, hllUr

Friday — Union 18 Datbusters o!s TS. Bradley Boiler Steamers. 9 wiirb a-m., dlcimond three; S'u* Titan dlo K mnem KItckers y t. Klng*« i .inn< bury Mcdlcal Center PUIrollers. owen 10;30 O Jn , diamond three; Mar- for U Ruet'd O lft Show Tl. KellMn^ Pin U UI# Maaons. 1 p jn , diamond by S t th ree ; Reynolds vs. Mountain oardi e ta te i, a p jn , diamond tw^. < (or i

NATIONAL LEAGUE ‘ t Clirla T uesd n y -P h llllp s H e a t ln R l« e r j

F lam es vs. Pally VanOuren, $ r a l ft.m , diamond one; Northwest over L ivestock s u p p l y ts. Brown R«nd: Bombers. 10:30 a jn , diamond one; Urlo Motora r i . Culllgan Cutlea, 1 p m , diamond one; Sal- lies’ Books'Cfmi n . Uelea'a Jite- o ra Shop Topcals, a p m , dla- m O na io« r.

Thuraday-PhUllpa H j a t l n j F lunea ts. Brown Bomber*, 9 j f t in , diamond three; Northwest UsiMtoclc Supply ra. g,

■ 10:30 j n , diamond three; CulU- g.Q j Kan C u tlu Tl. Helen's Record t«ain Bhop. Topcats, I p jn , diamond Mike th ree ; saUle's Bookvonni ts . ^ P a tty VanBuren, 3 pm . diamond lo jin j t m IT}*

Resulta o f Knothole leaiue over ' baseball sames played June S>8 wiu, ; were announced Saturday by — C h ^ fi‘ ‘Jprogram Is co-sponsored by the ' j

" city parks and recreaUon da-partm eo t and the Tlmu-Nevs. Liial

RESULTS ^Ponk Leapie

m r Printers Derll* slipped

den slusKinK out two homers (or•••tttS-^infien.-DTOB S a tie tt also 3 2 ;

h it a home run to r the Devils. S f iLeadlntc hitter for the loslns n V team was Kevin Nelson, who cot- lected four homers, a triple andU l unas&ltted double p a^ . I - ^ I

Fidelity Bank Red Sox tn>mp- B S led the County Cobblrrs 38-9. [ nv iih ^ jf ih n 'D ie m itrw u m r th re t ' S a lhomo runs, a triple anil a ilnRle ior tho Cobbler* and 6Uve Cover n * 9 RCttlne a homer, a triple and U * two slncle.^. nlM for the wlnnlnR team . T . K. Shew hll a .double - .I and a triple for the losers.

T he Artlc Circle Tacoi swamp- 1 B | ed Sterllns'Jewelry Dlsmondeers H S

w llh B n d SchreJe h lttlo r two hnmera for tl)e Tacoi and Sam Florence collecllnK three tripir.i (or, ihe losen,

Slmplot Sluitgera dctcated the S k * team 31-M. wllh Jimfor Crnis hllilnR n stnnlr, a Ulple nnd n .Unslc for the winners.Jnckle Hall ench had two dgu- U M WAX Kirk Klelnklof.

Fidelity Bnnk Rrd 6ok polled th e ir second, wia of ihe Miuion ' H Wllh a 48-S icore atalnst the 1

CoJa PJMjftf, H«»c Oar- mlr« h ll three ilngle* and three doubles for the sok, with Marly • Foss collecUns three ilnglfs for th c Pirates,

T h e Arctic gtrcle Taco* alto aeored their leeond win th li sea­son by deffatlnR me Valley BporUns Good* Dodiers 34-13,C had Wilhite hit a double and

— two homers (or ihe Tacoi with K evcn Nelson *luE8lne two sin- files, ft triple and a double for lh e E>odcpm.

Counto-" Cobbler* *wept pa« th e a im ploi Siusser* 38-9. u iu i T . K . Shew hitting a homa run a n dn tln tle (or the winner*

. Ju n io r CnUs h ii a home run and_ tw o slnalei_for the lo>er»,.:_____

T h e Prln ieri DerlU won br Xorfelf.over the Elk*. . , ^

. reewfe Leigse Sincla ir Dlnos dereated the

TTnlfm__MOlOr Slinrfru ____Shaw n Llvlamion-hllUnB -•

tw o hem e run* and a *ln«le and M a rk Lolnlng hitting a triple a double, and two singles (or the — V U m ln j team. John Jen.ei, C huck Nlchol. Tlm Harvey »tid Ja ck ie H al leach hsd two dou- - b ias a n d one single each.

Safew ay Sluggers tlipped the

- S S g « ^ S i i y - i S - 3, i o a e runs and t*-o triple* for

. tb o .w lnnen. Tlm Deaver h it a

? 6 2 rfooblo and three '» n d ra n dM«w« Andy Cover h it two CoubK* and .ble

B uiDle (or the lo«ri. I *•Colonial Motel Colonial* »UP- C»l»

-L -i . ped by BrywH* Dxrlle «*41. WlcI A T ■ w ith Jo h n Wonderllch hltUng »nd

-two hom e rtin i. three doubJcs E< , j ® ? and a alngle for the- w mnlns d p j

team. Joey Ol9Uttad and Ray- Alon mond Bolyeau bit «me triple. Call three doubles. *nd three ivln- d w t

3 ' ® gle*. each, (o r-the iMlng lenrn. Ung | . ,or Cowboy* iwamped Ol- .»y h L »on'» T>ophlc.i ? » • » . Bfen i Id, , P o fS Thompson was the leadmg h it- nten e clrU- » '• f w itie winner* .anil Tom Men. of the Mort. t h t leading h itler for lhe 5-2^^

QU^n Sporllnif center slipped hlt{« r tm e « ■ ^ lT th T ‘Uj0 oH“ M fitom junaer-, ColH

birds *U*0. w llh Steven Brehm Th E hltim g two home runA and two Danrolnian double.Tr'Re*—GlHen*nter-h>U Vie-'lamond tl"<t a ’ homer, and Tim Harvey tingier* v* hllllntc three homers for the St«lamond winners. John Hartwell hit a the 1UefilM dojjbic nnd Hirer liome run* for littcfiamond the loacrj........ .• . , . , Jacklk and Security Seed Sprouts dc fea lrj SleviPower Bryson fllrlle O. 1. Joe* 48-20, ahd

., dla- with Andy Covei and J. D. Shew Sir-- --------leadlng-hU tei winner^. t)L4 i-V >!iii Tom m y Cole »nil Joh/i Wonclrr- jfom.1 d o- >‘®** *=’■« *■■p.n- l(wer», Clem

IQ'io ' Safewny SIURxeri Miuecred by John ov iiM '■»* Colonial Moiel Clouters 32r wero I 'l in u 3I- win* Steve Day hitUng a team im a n >'ome run and Dickie Waikcr f o r t Power W tllns two home run*, a triple . jjja

d | . . and a double for. the winners, p ja , ■ Leadlnu hitter* (or the lo.ier» j j . jo

p were Joey OIm»lcad and Ken gtev# “ Stut-'ninn, " a , 1,

Self ManiifncliiriiiK company 15,^,.. Shoe* cowDoj-,, uuti ow r (Jie ' “mot, J 30-21. Trcnl. Thompson

v l ’■'■t “ ‘"’o “ '“ I • Berehome rul), nnd Tumm>- Hanson f ,o _ , h it a double, two uiple.i and two home runn for the winning team. ,,,* 1' Shawn LlvJiissioo and Caicy i '’® I

; Peanut Lt*|u»„ * W roy’a Cafe MuiiniiK* over- Tht

' took the Stew art Bros. SluRRcrs w o /

Spear.i the top hitler, for the Imnln winners and Rickie Orlnslead McCo

th* lending hitter for the loa- . Mc< inir team.

J FalU Rrnnd Hot Doss clipped JJ'O. i , ' '* ; Warberir Moving 12-3, with «cCh

ffnntfy Cfiapffn tilUlng « hom er ■ (or the w inning leam. . Tlie_ I_D .-a ianU _B H P l»d pa*U.».« ®

jludis Bowladrome Slrlke.i 0-fl, w llh TV” ’" K ent W lckam hilling a double «'*nne

I one; ^ ,0 w inners and Pete Turner wnRie ‘ * double ior thc Jojers. Hac

Pill- Thc First Security Beetles J*“ tcd Of®: glided paat the Wonderllchs J;? *

^ y n - WeUh Ponlee 24-7. wlih Randy 5*'“ " one; Lavet the leading hitler for th e h

Lynn winning team and Bobby Miller wiieoj :wo, h l lt ln j (Or the loser?. - ■ “ cpislers Olson's Sport Center defeated P' ■ra. 9 w tirberg Moving and Slornse “ l«k* Stu- T itans 13-B. Top hitler ior the “O™'’

•Inw* w inners was S. Blodcn. Danny Jllers. Owens wa* tho leadln* hitter M U- ,or U l. t o l n j W m . i ' f j \iMOi Pinit Security BeeUe* atcrmed J mond by S tu a r t Brothers 15-0. Rcnnle ntaln G ardner h it a alngle and a triple I. * to t th e winner* and Russell

‘ t Clirlstensen h i t a single for the

'n,"fl B rand Hot Dogs won " "* ;>wW over th e K T FI SlURRers 18-3. Vallerown B«ndy Patterson h it a homo run by Aleflond w»d Ricky Wentworth h it two {or th<llsan *lnBlC3 for the winners while the ClwlstI8. 1. loser's top h itte r . Jay D. Bryan .The

j>.e. gathered a triple. . Olmali<11: . Bowladrome defeated the p a - ters f<

clflc FVult 14-9. TOT b a tu r fo r Bl»<k*, „ - the w inners was Dennis Lowe Steve

and leading h itte r (or tha losers were t® waa K irk Klelnkopf. losing

iw ut w ray-a C afe Mustangs sh u t Phlllou t E d's Pa rk SerrlcB Americans Wotfe'i

7 “** 8-0. T op h ltte fs for the winning and Steam wera Dennis Spears and hitters

nond Mike C ratidall. Oalen Hranne Bd« waa th o leading hitter for th e paat tl

noad loaing team . Mike77>e Coca-Cola Sprites won wJnnei

»ruB over 'th e K T F I Sluggers 20-S for th' I with P a u l C lark hitting a triple The



:anon '


is The true and

I sin- W h e n y o u p ro m ise so tn c th m ® for h e lp y o u ke ep y o u r w o rd filn

pa*i I t w ill do i t s jo b o v e r n n d c a 'liin t r o u b le , a t v e ry lo w cost. W

^ n d * B c ca iin e o f th e ir re lin b ility , p_________ to w o rk e v e ry y e n r since 193

I f g o o d se rv ice is vit.nl lo yoi r o lc t a n d m a k e y o u r w ord « ''c r . C nll y o u r neighbp rlw od

iltUng .................. ....................... .......................... 'i« nnd

- I t ' s G o l d e ne«*en. ----------------------J and

s , , g l•*‘f"o? 3 l 3 M a i n A v c n u o W e s th it a ___________

'• n d r a n d Mark Mattlce hitting a 'd o u - * ; r e ^* and ble for the wWner*. '

r I .D , Giant* d e fe a te lih t Coca- h ltu n . slip- Cola Sprite* •'t-2 wllh K ent

42-41. Wickham' pllchlns a ho-h ltte r C » r^ n t Ittlng »nd h)ltlng home run. nU Re«JjubJes Ed'a Park Service American* l o ^ - nnlng clipped O lsoni Sport Center Tne Ray- Atom Bomb* 11-3 wllh K evan won a < triple. Call and ateve P l e t i ' h itting Phl^U^

ftln- double* and Oalefl H ranac’b lt- JO-4 K| lenm. Ung a Ulple for the winners. ^I 01. PMy Uague ^ t£ « J o rB « n t JdaJio Savings and Loan Plo-

h it- neera were the victor* over the tne leat Tom Mendenhall Aulo Parts Sparkiks- team.r the 5-2 with Oaylen Carton hitting • .......

a double for the winners. Top ippcd hlltera for the loiers were Steve fd the I naer-, Colllns aad-Ron-CUwtnn. . • _ rehm’ The Sinclair pep-upi won over ,I two Dan Daniel*' Yankee* 10-2 with - h » u Vlc-Wel.l8 .and Jim Jackard lUt- hitter* n iirvey ting hom'eruns for lhe winners. Tlie W

the Steve McClain'* lenm defeated mers *11 lit a the Sav-Mor Drugi 9-8 w ith the co;is 9-7.* for li(t((ng of Steve McCtaln and and a do

Jack Robertaon, For the loae'rs;|Tlm Lyr r a l r j Sleve 'Venable hit a ■hom cnim M lni: t f 18-20, ahd Jerry Sharp doubled. •' 1 wcbb Shew Sinclair Pep-upi were wl'lPPed[flrrjL Arm '^ U lijIl tlJd rr- Homtra by Jim Packard and nun

m e Itn Ho«d anil doubles by C l a n c y , , Clemenu. Alltn Howd, V lcW elU ,''“f V ,' ,

d by John Light and Jim I’e i ie r s o n p "1 32r wero the top h lu by the winning] Motor- iR a team. Mnrvm Jacobion ddubledUcrry* I alkcr for the loseri. . I Allan Drrlple • Idaho Savings and Loan slip- Jerr)’'» nera. p^^i d jq Dmjieij' Yankee* Pump I’i

12- 10, wllh the two,doubles by chey hit K en Steve Hurdkig, Doug Hoobler li l t nnd Woli

a single and a triple for iheltw o iink'l P ? w ■ I O l.) ’ Fc'flT Money Magic* »liul oul Men- wildcaU P"On denjiaii ^ulo Pa ru 30-0. K c« t . . .

three single* and one „ , , naon Corner for (he winning lenm. g

Tlie KEEP Cowboy* defeated I , - EnsS SISr a t M ""ff M.SIC1 . . c p l b j = ' , ° 'r '

Rcr* the Armco Dodgers 29-2. Lead- nni* Inic hitters for the winners were Volco £ the PfifHdfe, Jaikman, Kouaton. and Food Cei

lead McCoy. rich. OoiJos- McClains Vikings ahut ou t the Blake we

Moiintaln S t a t e s Mu.ikntecrrf (or the w jped 37-0. with tlio hllting of Steve Tlie We Kith McClnlrj and the pitching of gupr„ e r S m j ^ Z y s s J .

T lie KEEP Cowboys won over wju th e tho Sav-Mor Giants 11-8. John io«M Hti

f liti T um er-hnd-fm irilnK les-ftJr,-the----- ' — :uble winners nnd John Blunt had a „ _ rncr JlnRle (or the loicrs. Wl ey r■g, Hackney Agency m ilcrs de- the Klml •tie, feaied thc Easislde White So* WnW WIi ichs 0-5 wim the hitting o( W alter t«r. ndy Mlizcsenko and Oary Phelps, HeaUng th e Top hitter for the Sox was T erry tors ove r: lllcr Wlleo*. Johnson :

Depot Grill Yankees cllpp(>d losers. itetJ Penny Wise Owfs H .f. Ron S t a n g n se Slockwood h it a double and Jim trounced ' the Boron and Ru.y Wlnion h it U lp- ers D-1. Ei nny ’* l io r tlie winner*. the losers,ite r ’ Tte Olnutead Rustlers * o n The Ida

ovec Valley Sporting Braves 10- t feated thened *<«> »*» 01 Cady. O rn- h itting ofinle Uat and Olmstead. Randy Je ff the losers,iple >««»■ . Id!5?rP3cH Wolfea Realtors trounced A]. k l IX Br< ‘he D on- for the

S e r f ' BAughma._ Valley Sporting Goods sw ept dJ ? k U^

run by Aleiander's 39-3, Top b a tters (or the 1 two ^or the winners were K lnghorn, ^ o m o so n the Chrlsuansen. Hull and Jeff. Thompson ran T he Depot Grlli won over the Brfl»T,ir

Olmalead Rustlers 8-3. Top h it- > 1 ^ , pa- tera for the winner* were Ron f ' l . r T f ! fo r Blackwood and Dave Fm rler. jwe Steve Grove* and Jim G ra tla t SWckleln 1 lers were the leading hitters fo r the

losing team. - , Frloe hih u t Phllllps Heating won 9-3 over sn s Wolfe's Realtor*. Mark Stouc H M M i Ing and Steve McOee were the top I tn d hitters. I F i | | rnac Ed Bvani’ Chevron slipped I _ . th e paat the Penny Wl*e Owls 11-10. I '

Mike Nealon. Ulpled for th e I Color; von winners and Sparrow doubled I ^:o-S tor the losers. I C a nIple The Home' Plumbing P lp e n f c —

m i -M -


truck that’s as goodso m e th in g will be’ Ihcre, a C h e v ro le t Iriicl w o rd A lm ost to_the ]>oint o f inono tony ,

v e r n n d o v e r nnd over n g a in , w ilh seldom V cost. W h n t more can y o u n.ik fro m n li

in b il ity , people linve p u l m o re C h ev ro le t ti since 1937 .,T li.it‘5 a .s lro ii« v o le o f conJid

ita l lo y o u r biisities.s, m ake y o u r t ru c k a C 'u r .w ord m ore dependable th n n - J ib prlinod Chcvrol..t Hnnirr c—

G o l d e n S a l e s J u b i l e e t i m e a t y o u

G I .E N G .J E >10 W e s t T w i n F a l l s

• • ___________ IT ,

'»• .r s .: ‘r Geo: s; SA.'i.?’a°S-n.ptie r Carpenter. Bob Bopp aod Den- I ^ O H l

nU Reese led 5te hitting for the

SM 10 ^ Plumbing piper* i-nn won a deelded victory over the ins PhilDp* Hfatlng-Demons By a ' Dr. Rob a lt-i 10-4 Kore, Tim Donnelly and water geol

Ernie U nnlng were Jhe top h it- reau o f , tera for the w in n e r s . S tere platmed" tl

>lo- ThompAon and Mark Stout were Monday ti the the lead hJttert for Oie losing th e w*t« cto- team. •. ' FalU coun

. Midget League Dr. Jon rop Will* Motor Mareneki d ^ e a t , (tionih* U eve fd the Ilex Typer* 12-8 w ith the geology a

h ltU nj of jefrj- K n a r Is and Idaho. HlJ V-, Oar/d W/h<ij6rrAndi''Keyfln and io u n v i* ' .1,1, Randy l^J'«i wcfe the leading ve*Ugatlon

hitler* for Uie loiers. saurcej an «. l i i e Well* Brother* G ear-Jam - ty .-and Is ted mers »llpped paat BerUca Fol- thethc co;ia 9-7. Von Wells h it a single Rfologlcal md and a double tor tiie wlimera and ^rs; Tim Lynch h ll t triple for the f '•unnK ini: tnw n------ ---------------------- cl? r

^ '“ |shYr«tn ^ W ll^a iJ ls 'tea m 'S i^ a ! X c w r ^ ’of

.f^ifor the winning tea/n. K en-Jcn-sen homrred (or Uie lo«rs. hllla m the

in„ Motor-Vu Sluggera jqueczed by county, led ijcrry* M. M . wiui help from Anyone

Allan Brower and Chad Dodds, wuh Dr. . Ip. Jerr)"» 88 aUpped past Webb proWem*., » s Pump IMmpers 4-3. Buith H an- reau offlci by chey hit a double for the lo.iera « pOMibieh it nnd Wold Berg h ll a double and ------he I two sink'le* (or the winners. S t ^ f T P i

I Okuy Food Ccnter delealed th e „'»* WlldcuU 8-0. Ken Jenscn h it a I fn M A i]•»t triple lor the.Inters. -----------

Volco Splinters Upped Bertie's SHOSHO Fnlcons 8-1. Bob Blake and Dave well party Van Engelen -doubled f o r the Mrs, Lula 1 winner*. o(flce as d'

,, Moior.Vu Sluggers s h u f ou t « l n counlj WlILi Motor MaTericks 3-0. Allan Oor

. Brower and Brent Sorenson both by "gt singles. «><=''

Vo:co Splinters shut ou t Okay ‘„d Food cen te r, 19-0. Steve H ein- S ,e " „ S r h(

rich. Oary VanBuren and Bob he Blake were ih e leading h l t t m * w Trf (or the winners. ties a t theve The Wells Brothers G ear-Jam - agement Mi o( tner* slipped paat D and W Plow- weeks In J

tjoys 3-1. Top M ller Sor th e win- duUes.er ners was Stewart and (or Uie ----------------

losers, Hulbert and Dondanvllle.Minor League 4-hlt games

Wlley Drug WlldcaU won over Rogerson . . Uie Kimberly AdverUsera 10-2. clobbered 0 J , Wnllj- Wlckam pitched a no-hiC- 20-2, S c o tt; cr ler. . tcm both ua HeaUng Tlgerrw ere th e vie- and Lorry J fy lors over Kimberly 7-4. Mort and losers.

Johnson h ll d o u b le s lo r Uic Harper’.i >d losers. TlUe andin S t a n g e r * Heating T ig e n K ick WiUiai m trounced Oem E<iulpment Dodg- ball game a: )- ers 9*1. Emlc Fulson doubled for ing h itter 0

the losers. The Tlllein The Idaho Power Llvewlrcs dc- halted thc 7. feated the Wildcats 5-2, with th e rates 5-3. Jc I- hitting of Bronson nnd Cliff. F o r for the Jcwer ff the losers, Hlcklc doubled. Itorpcr's 1

Idaho Power LIvcwlres tromped prut Uie Sui I- K LIX Braves 8-1. U adlng h litc r n ,e hItUng > I* (or the losera was D e n n i s Rogerson. I- Baughman. dumped Sw

The 7-Up DulWogs s n e a k e d iuum\ ' t p u t K U X 8-S. Leading hitler* sheen were ■» for the Bulldogs were C h r l i ih# winner *• Thompson, Berell. and Morton, doubled (or

• Major League Browning1' Browning Hl-Jackers ahut oul by Okay Fo ■■ Ken Brown Bombers 4-0. Grey sorenson di ” doubled (or the lo*era and Tony ners.I; Steckleln had two singles for Uie __ :„ winner*. | . . •

Price Hardware Pirates slipped AUp ast Swensen’s Nuts 2-1. Pnul ^

I F i l m P r o c e s s i n g ,^ I Best aad Fastest Servlee O 0 i le I Coleri^Black & Whl»« ^c

^ ^ C o m e r ^ C e n t e r r t m o w

■ s n


f e i|H | ' '


! good as your wordvrolet (riick will ' _ tmin m . onotony, Avilh seldom nnyic from a truck? : H ‘ -riB iji;;huvrolct trucks0 o f c o n J id c n c c .---------- -----r t ru c k a C hov-. Tl<i» i>_. ta n - th e onln one with .

cnnntrurlion. H a t nir-<ool((

l e a t y o u r C h e v r o l e i d e a l e r ' s

iE N K lN S l^'^<’ 1 '* f h o n c

J G e o l ( ^ s t t o ,■ C ontinue T .F.■* « - T • • ■’n • 1 ed more th■ W ate r Studyf Dr. noM il W. Jono. m u n a H

; S.T K.g th e water resource* of TWla where the n

FalU counly begun Ust year.Dr Jones during the winter

•3 monthl IS assisuni p r o le w o l p e geology a t the University of \ _ j , / V I I i Idaho. His work In Twin FalUll «jJunty-l»'PBiTrf'*n-<"’*rall-ln-J veiUgatlon of the mineral re- J \ l l C 9

saurcej and geology of the counr . ty .'an d ls-de*lgned lo supple- -Funeral ser . ment the studies o( the U. 8, c a r l N. Andei . geological survey and W result ii,e T « tn Fol ■i In an Illustrated report on Uie «.nh the R t . : . county* geology and mineral re- r . codj- offlc1 source.\_lncludlng water.______. .n u i ic l l_ B t

Sharing the work on this Lnrry Bennet■ couniy project Is Dr. E. F . Cook, Mra Albert : dlreclor of the Idaho burenu ol .‘ nil/iV'Tand grtlCiy.-VU-nUTJther’ duties will allow. Dr. Cook Is Rj^bcn• making a geologic map of Uie e '

hills in the *fluthern part of Uie S X -' county.» Anyone wbhlng lo consult• with Dr. Jones on groundwater Honorary p > problems should wrtle the bu- S . Dolling, 0( . reau office In Mokow t s soon Franlx. MllesI os potflble, Buchanan. J1 -------------------------- • Charles Po«

.SecretaryGiven S k f * ^Farewell Party1 SHOSHONE, June 9 -A fare- t » m n ! well party was held In honor of f t a i l l . r ( Mrs, Lula Hall who Is leaving Uie , A

office as deputy auessor of L ln- W A t * l r I ; coin couniy to become secretary ^, of Ben Oomm a t Uie local office SHOSHONE

of bureau of land management, began here thl Tlie soclnl wft* held a t 3 p jn . ment of U11

, Friday a t the court house where croMlng in 1 oUier officers and employes of North and E

■ the courtiiouse presented Jier a T he e m eras ' gifc. . last month, li

Mrs. Hall will asjume her du- ‘I’e sU te hl| tie* a t Uie bureau of land m an- Union Pa agement Monday, »pendlng Uiree The present weeks In Bols# as par( o( he r crossing U b< duUes. cooperation 01--------:------------------------------- ^ Uie county, 18htaip_tm l_M !ka.W rd.j,llched 4-hlt games e a ^ .

Rogerson Restaurant GlanU ^clobbered Okny Food C e n t e r s 20-2, Scott Swope and Jim Mot- Eampieieo. tem both ulpled (or Uie winners m E n iand Lorry Miller tripled (or Uic s „ o ^ 5 n B

° I lS V r ’. Buckey's blasted Uie TlUe and ruJt Panthers 15-0.K irk William* pitched a onc-hf{ T^?hr!b .ll t .m i »nd ™ . t o 11, . I . .d - i m Ing h itter on thc winning team. '

The Title nnd Trust Panthers m m b b holled the Price Hardware PI- rates 5-3. John Hoyer got a Ulple for the Jcwera

IDtrper's Produce Buckey^'Slld I m m A post Uie Super Shelters S-2. wlUi I ■tho hItUng of Larry Sattcrwhlte. ■ M l

Rogerson. Restaurant O ianu ■ ■ I dumped Swensen'* N u ts 17-1. - ■ • ’ Gary RasmuMcn and B u s s e l J Sheen were the top hitters (or the winners. G e o r g e Smith doubled (or the losing team, '

Browning Hl-Jackers stomied by Okay Food Center 13-0. Dale Sortruon doubled Sor the win- ners.


Colonial ^ Concrete m

If Cost* No Mor#Tfiin ORDINARY Concrets

• — - —

I-for tod,

I i » » In?- S>TIt'o* III

-L I

- . i r ■■ Big 27“;- - I pftttemi

y n t this: loor, n

- : ' REG. :

CAcrro/(( i ’lVtup ■ Bl8lfl 7J".' uyon. 6' (cryllc 111 color.Our Lc

rard g

rran. r/ir* i> (;ie,»(rOrtj ________' one tn'lA doufcfe-ifdli/(II* nir-fooltd etigine m . i % f»l>rtnif-ai-all-i~vhltU .------- ' ~

E ' ^ . ' ■ ^ . 7 ™.. ~ ' M.d» of

I R e s . 1

f h o n c 7 3 3 - 3 0 3 3

, R e s e a i Rams Monkeys p .- s S ^ w a ^ M y a ^ ' n l ^ K C p O r

K i w a nDuring a downpour that

measured three and one-half Dr. Jack Roti Inches In less Uian an hour. . northw est bran Walsh found a half-drovned conservaUon t monkey In his dog house. He u . S. departm« h a d n t Uie slightest Id elk related the wor where the monkey came trom. carried on In

_________ ;___________^ by hls depsrtmiday noon meell

C.Anfeotr:3sS"SJR i f e r H e l d — S 5 5 " 'S vS

be laid out onPuneral *«rvlee»-wera.h»ld-for COTigress-appr- a rl N. Anderson-on Saturday a t fo r this resenrd le T « tn Falls mortuary chapel perim ent statloi Ith Uie Rt. RcV. Msgr. Edmund . codj- officiating. u , „bom (j,reeR usicll-B cnnelt, was soloUt. guited, and urry Bennett. accompanl*t and vitatloni to bid Ira. Albert Saulcy, slaff or- ^ h e program

aton, Robert Carlcson. Arthur R ite r pM n. on. cderqulst E.W, McRoberU,Tom- . . . — — ... y Walker, Herman Staynner- ■ ■

Honorary pallbearers were M., DolUng, Oeorge Webb, W. W. j ; ■ ■ ^ronl*. Mllea J . Browning. Owen , ,uchanan. J . J. Wlnterholcr, ' '

fORConcluding services were held I !, Twin FalU cemeiery. p

lail Crossing i Vork Commences TheSHOSHONE, June 9 — Work f:gan here th u week on Improve- j r .en t of the second railroad 2C l / l f ]Oiling In Shoshone, between ■ ■ '*orth and South Rail streets. Wf:® east erasslng was Improved t t .s t monlh. In cooperation wlUi Vle sU te highway department ]£ m m \Id Union Pacific railroad. JS IThe present work on the west Vosslng U being done Uirough 3loperation of the railroad and P t i v i n ne county, B ert Tcrr>\ street K f u w / / * /perlntendent for Shoshone, KId w ork-on-the aosslng-at-the W ____ ____^ t edge of town will be started aien Uie crow ing ,In town Is # I V I

ASPIBHOSHONE, June 9 — K aren 3Cebb U employed a t O roae drug <E t i f>re, nfter returning UiU week jf ■jm Pocatello where she a t- 3lidcd, Idaho SUUs College the

[ ^ g i u f t e w n ^

» I I [ ^


-----------------------F& S H ■

Hair Curlersfor lodivi iffljcl hair iiy|. ^ .Ing. Smill, m.dlu'.i . n d ^ 9 It'O* III*, ioft 19 ititp on.REG. 1 .00 ...... ' . . . . W

Foam Back g/flK .RUGS W

Big 27‘'x48" foam Vack rugs In 4 sm art < patterns. Decorator color*. Stock up now ‘ n t thla lowest price, c m

raj'on pile.

r e g . 3 . 9 8 ............ ^ a l #

A S P E N i j j j ^ ■

Blanke^s ^fiig 73"a90“ iltt, A luiuilout bland o{ 94% '•yon. &•; Acflt.n. .nd £ a A I

3.49 :O u r. Low Price .... f


J / O u r J o x c l u s(L .,, .. ■ - ^ " 1" lubuler Mc

fram e, Sun-fa m ulii-itfiped

................................ Ion - and - vii

d!2=lnth Bar-B-(C6mp1,t, wIlh'MOIOS. ^Sl’ir. HOOO t WHHIS.

•M-d. of h.,w . B«>a. ’ O ' Q Q C 2

r" s . 1 5 ,9 5 ....... y « O Q ^ | j

^ — 1 — r - f n j» Wtatcrn W>l e s e a r c h l s - S T r - i :% » i a. ' work wili be diret e p o r l e d a t r u a w i a n d m u

u w a m s a u b - a h r i X r S r s

)r. Jack BobiilM. chlft of therthwest branch soil and water iBcrvaUon research division, nE A L T O ns,S. department of agriculture « e a l t o ^

ated the work'currenUy being -SHOSHONE^ ^ on In Uie MBgIc Valley

^.................. I , also b* a ladles' iMrUier Information was given ,o Harrell Thorr lefm lng the conslWcUon of board...new facllltle* east of T nln - - - • -Is. Five main atrUCtlfrCfwiK r x T H -------ijlaid out on a 10-acre plot,. D A D — H igresa-approprlaU>d-»8MX00j UlU reseorch service and «*• Pockel-K nile ..,

iment sUtlon, Sporl Jo c k c t ...in a l deUlU will be completed! R elooding Ouli about three weeks, Dr. Rob- i You will h.v* to iI elated, and a t Uiat lime ln-{ is beii.re It.Itlons to bid' will b« Lwied. j ------ :----------------h e program will cover Uie soil I W E S T 5 1 ITnnCT-problcms of th t Snake; S P O R T I N Ger pM n, ond area extending J______


PARKING10TS,ETC.The only hot AspI Plant in Twin FoPh. 733-182

P a r i n g i s o o r b u s i n e s s - N o t a s i


" l e t O s P a v e Y o u r W a y "


3 Q 3 ] 3II r ^ J J I J

-TUESDAY ONLYX 2 2 " x 4 4 "

^ Bath TOWElB'9 Ihick 'lhirsly , bo th to w e ls in paiiol colors, fill y o u r linen cl now and save. N orm ally te lls


5rs towels 1)C Colorful printed d'eslgns. 100% co

i Q t o y dom . s™ ,.h ™ g

^ ^ - R e g - 2 . 2 7 - — I j - j

W W om en's PANTIES. 4_smart Some of colton, som e o f rayon.

■ » w ashable and color fa st. Size 5-<

i J ? 3 P 0 i r 1 . W

© H A N D C R A IT E D

Wooden Stoolj | A IJ..I r« rhi o«'io* O’ ^ w mn % £ kitehtir. 7V lof tht M

I RES. 98c .................W /OAILY STRIPED OLDING CHAIRS

2.27r s exclujively]

' lubu lar steelame, Sun-fast, 5 ® ^ulti-stfiped ny . \n - and - vinyl



W-B-Q^^338=■_ Comp. ¥oIu» 4.44

A A ^ H l l k O fficial a is f hardw ood w y i f c Z g l racket*. 20' U ped net. mat*

i l l l l al p d e i, shuUlMocka, COM,

7-ir - . l i . . . . , . i u ” i . „ . l M H U * a g « '

a w tatcrn W ji^nla- Jiem Idaho and iiuo ' ' goa a a d Waihintic-, t wili be directed tui,,?** ted land rather U i,, ® >• ' land.rogram' chnlrm.-m « « ,, i U B aron . Qutii.^NleUen and CrelRincj _ *f

REALTORS TO im - t HOSHONE. Jui'.c s _ th S ld e Board ol ■I .at T:30 p,m, Wcd-r..'

M inhntan . cafe liar dlnniT meriin; be a ladles' nklu.

Harrell Thorne.' boa^d. _

D A D - H o

ck e rW iire ............ “o r t J a c k e t .......... 12,95load in g O util 29oi;, will h .v . to . . . .il t v . • b.ii.^e II.

V E S T 5 I ’O IN T S i

: * O R T I N G ( lO O l)s -

p h a l l i


t Asphalt 'in Falls |

-1829-N o t a sideline

w : l e y ^^VING,,nc.|ur W a y"B B B B B S B B g E E g r f

>NLY!4 4 "

)W E L S l>th to w e ls In gay H /o u r linen closet armally tells for M l

%00 I

s.W ■pis. 100% cotton

1U7 _

»ANTIESe o f rayon. All fa st. Size 5-6-7.



&I T O N S fT ~


oIu b 4 .44 “

:« hardw ood iped net, net* tlMocka, ctM,

" i lit- Uf JW *

9 :3 0 to 3 i3 B ~•tll 9 o .m '

: r = 2 a S 3 S * ^

Jools^reel , SingerRiiggianSong

_ . f l USSR. June » WV- 0 <or«UD MUoiwU

u Btnny Oood* jongitre**.. •’oy* Slierrlll.

f » « n » In nu»»lM. She

^?S iO un t of UnnuUilc and

'^ w i d BuMliuw. but taindis- ... J , M newsmen with the por-

®*!,V r t i ^ a n s who w ld li r«- ^ f y ^ - ^ , dl*Jlke.^.ticr-»lnKlPK M f i . & in aeomltt. ’ i - f .‘ o * c o * and SochI Ui» « n s , J -;

b lf Wt and »lwo>'i gol •rtadly »ppia»“ -

r.F. County 5 feHChampion Driver Picked Ij™'™^Uh^nJ Owen, HolU»Ur. b«-

P>IU county 4-K club Snplon irnctor,driver Thur*..Ton ft drirlns course t l thelu m T rtc to r comp»ny. T^'ln i U U

u m CaUcn? H o S t^ r 'o w c n P l ’ C S

S n = i^ c a t io n s , In a Wlal ot four Jchovnh’a Z a . 35 «condi. . !Cillen follw ed In Mcond placc ^ ‘-y’ a . time of five mlnuWJ, 22 ^ "“ f " S l i Callen drew s pcn«;fy “ f « Kconds when he touclied ‘“‘i

0, « will rccelve an ,«e-pald l^lP t o ‘he <*« club „sireM a l Uie Unlverslly of , ^ ^ rho during the week of June ' / J i , /

He will compete wllh oftier n-Mflrn luity winners for thc sUt ^ amploMhlp. -njo elate wlnne , “ . “eRail' Ul rtcelve an all-expense paid - ,0 ,.,B to the nallonal 4-K iroctor * o^ .V .r!; W t contest to D«yton.,Ohlo.

ill Jail. --------------The driving course was staked _ _ _ r Thursday's county competl- ^ t n t \ m ^ Billy lioughnilller. Iwt M i \ J trs' Idsho e late champion. ^ kU w , two tn d four-wheel illers and space for the drlv- ►.Jl-W.l- ' t course were furnished by Bob ^ , j>e. manaser of Modem Trac- I

TTi# driving contw t waa super, b q is e .Mi by Charlei Conrad. Castle- deleante* Ird. Billy Loughmlller and Olan regLitemn. county agent. for a weekOlher 4-H tractor club boys i„ RovernniTlng the course were Wayne electionsh!«ker, Dennla Conrad. Bleky iion. - -ctl, Oifk Prey. Manrln Kaer* xhe youier Dm j I Sarlgar, all CasUe- county anrd. hold partj

— --------- flfg{_

Son Succumbs S;S.S“RICHFIELD. June 9 - Mrs. Juatlee J male Anderson received word Uic Idaho SUftday morning of the df»tli JiUte presl' her ddeat eon. Harold Andrr- to refrular

in. a t Et. Charles, HL Otfifcr will partic irrlrors Include his sisters; Mrs. courses o f : rrlo Cappe. Richfield, Mrs. Vern A «lmili oi*k. Spokane. Wash., and a school girl other. Col. George Anderson, stnte. endi Btdale. La. delesate.t v

__________________ remlAl M itw Z R m w C itrin roS B nE D -------- r n n m p

BUnLEV, June ft-O erald A. organize f oodBOrUi, a Durley high eeliool counties: I sduatlns senior, 'hae been P«ree and irded a certificate of honor [“ “lenl^ o' r leadership and a special hon- ho cllles. ft LKhPl[vr?hiD award by the Ne'i.-somc. ilierslly of Oregon ^ t id s . a C ttr;-W an lie wide orsanl«iUon of falh- Dempsey.I of university atudenta. M

. "1 are Marv 3Property T ransfers years rov«

m „ u .b ,d W W “ “ “T « n FUU C ttd ll .0 1 “ ,'J

« m M lia .» l ■ li.n .a | . i i o f . . U i

c. i.£S'S» c. K '.... Carrie Secon'

l>TT.«l*-C.~DUIlh-*f »I lO-Bslh L. NQRTOLl ,..U n . 11 I1.«k 74. T-i»

HrtUrt K. iu»t-iifht to HoWn u carrier E n t

c. 8mi.li, natj-w inou I 11 BmOl.ood ■Ubdl.blon, Twin TlieseCOn Lim C. KnI.ht tt *1 lo Cllf/orJ V.

ti« Lot 24 itkKk t Wbllt Atlantic an* c.iih •„ h K‘.JJlHon. T-iB r.ll.. 11,0 U. 8 . a t “ m“ uwivi,i„n. Tviii F .1U. odlcaliy, a n MriM fl. goifitir. tr.. to n»rm«nd operate wuUa;",v‘\w.s','x;vs'«l». I.<.l l i r«rU luUllililoB. Twin ~

K ..rl„ lo rirA MIS. C O T l f1« liilrl. "m."'il’Jhl!*'*'’''' MOSCOW

il .1 • iiuik I conference i >‘n< •uMi.iiiim. rtiff, cattlemen f

C ^iio event■ . American J

ii'i Hni"'""'"*'thvr liv,..I ‘vilii.m 0. Ji»ir«i. Inland Smp'>■ f?' ■ »uWl»Ulon. T»ln l l* U -

<n O i.r I . >1. n.h.r,;> w 41,. 41.45. <, Iii^k I c „ „ . and Utah. IU.' I i'*'""- --------’ ’ Mrt if* *i' I ' 'i H : 8“ ^

I'" *•• ‘'«»nliij» ta OtnW rl#l serrlC ta iiw kjs ^rtn,uii iiuiiuiii. nebek

>*L'" t■. >-i.h.r U, KiJon r . Bioitt. Wcdneaday» HK-.SKt; H .IH 7. FTCd .PCterB

u '‘ “ were made

Klihgni to Lb<rd I^U lr. ley, ST., l«Kl• iiirAu"*

J f w w s K *.“.I" ‘-•'•I- 0 . ^ \ If v a u Dl11 Q'llrltf to C. J • ^

?'» ^ ".’'Trtnmtr. ’ T ^— s e « > -

• U ,* " ' ' ll‘'- lr . 'u. Amir.- D, J TfWck l l l»'ja «■ ■ •• *■ *• ’• '• Wll... . UkbSS



I MtSCUSSI.NG JKHOVAH WITNESS con n ilii. OKden. r lrh t, convention m anager, a tlcin manager. The event began Friday n lih I’firr D’.Mura. New York, wa* principal i

• literi, w u *treued during the concUvc. A I * * >t M

' 700 Jeiiovah’s Witi Present for Jerome

i JEHOME, June D —. Some W church. A• Jchovnh’s WllncMcs frem south- la & full-H

fiuieni Iflalio. nnd northern istcr. T o c;. Ul.ih ntlcndeil services Satur- a m lnlmu ; day Rfternoon nnd evening here m onth wll. durlns the ticconil da,v of a three- o ther la i l

ilny nnnual convcnHon. n-M urn Pcier D-Mura. New York CUy. Mme

fc.iturcd e^S k cr . streiwd the .v*n tta lor . -d M lin M . o ta .ln M “ ’iK','’,? ," ' 1

: minister, a prcachlns ftnd tench-"> KiSii;D'Mflra pointed out. ‘T ills la

not llie tim e for .inyone In the „n^.reR ailon of Ood be slug-

Spcn'kers Saturday «tres.«d the •’chovah's need tor ••pioneer service" In the

— tie.i n te «

270 Delegates ss,-v/ Start Sunday On Gem Meet'

BOISE. June 0 Ml - Tlie 210 O ther spdelegate* lo the 1BS2 Doy.V state dny a re V.will regUler Sunday ftnd prepare Lucero v ltor a week-long prMlleal course work" nndIn government th n l will Include ‘'Overaecraan elecllon nnd a legWallve ses- , ------

* '% e youtha will organize city Demo county and a tote govemmenta, m ^ n _ hold pnrty caucuse.?, campaign X C H O and elect. Tliey will pul In two g ,„ . i„ - < days ftt th c atatchou.-ie cnacUng by -tlICRlsInllon. Do'ers 4 -II

juatlee J o ie p h iM c F a d d e n of Uic Idaho suprem e court, Boy.t DemonsU su te president, anid In addition Jo in e r and to regular actlvltlea each boy ^ ^will participate In one of four courses of atudy during the week, ^ a m p mi

A sim ilar aesslon for high achool girls, th e Syrlnca OlrL stnte. ended here Friday with ydelegate.t rotlnR down a contro- ^leasurl terslA) M la i ta x proposal.___ _ white eleph• "Tn e ' B D>'a‘ 'a t im -Taelcipitgr-wHl — organize f o u r pioneer Idaho j . j j , counllea: Shoahone. Bolae. Nes j . . _ .Perce and A lturaa. The>- will be ______resldenta of e igh t early-day Ida- THORT<r ho cities. M iller's Cam, Elk CUy, q u r l e y . Newsome. Soda SprlnK-i. Ruby n ,o „ to n . v Cttr;-W arrtn.nr-M t.-W *‘>‘o -» " ‘' R T B im plor Dempsey. • been namci

Tliree form er Boya’ stftlera win by th e U nl seno as a tuden t advlaera. They canyon an are Marv Brown. Pocatello, last Earlier he. h year’a governor a n d a delegote to unlveral Jo)'»‘ nation: Dave Engen. Me- perlm ent ab Cali, alao » D oya^'nailon dele- gate, nnd S tan Martin, Boise, a Boy's a ta te officer, In IBSfl. _____

Carrier Joins I Second Fleet I H

NORTOLK, Va.; June 9 •me nuc lear-pow ered a.lrcra^ t carrier Enterprise will Join tha U. S. second flee t June 3S, the navy Announced today.

• n ,. .K o n a I l t t l U th U n iu o n i,malor naval s tr ik ing force In tne 1 -Atlantic and Caribbean; I t and;ttiB U. 8 . aU th flee t In the Mcd- ■ ■Iterranean exchange shlpa peri-odlcaliy, a n d the S Boperate wUlemaWly with b o thfleets._________________

Confab Begins 9MOSCOW. Ju n e 8 ‘A P)-"^®

eighth annual Americanconference la expected W a t im t m mcattlemen from throu8‘« « ‘ S P “ ation here Mondny and Tues-

'**^ho event Ja a p o n io r^ b y ^ ®

r n u rc K i”orniand Ut a h . __________ _ _


■ o '

a»M M - - . , C«

jlfjoir inlllor Fttd 11 I ■ i TH E GLOBE S — S t I D - t - F t E D - W '— f -------------»

Truck U n « , T w tn Fill*, Q . . I WIN H t v ttl ...g l

(IJ y / 9 . «

> 11

W tM

NESS convention wlilch eonclude* In Jerom e Ki nanager, and J^eniielh McKinney, llagerm un, 'riday n lgh l and will conclude Sunday a t the ^e: principal fptalter. Need for pioneer*, fuiiiime d oneUTC. Approilaiateljr 700 delegate* adeiiaed.

■V- * * * ■ --------------------• m r . n tO IK S SO

Witnesses .■ome Meeting “H Schurch. A pioneer in the church :H Hla a full-tim e door-to-door mln-i^c‘" ’‘' ' ‘Istcr. T o quality, he mwt spend a m inim um of 100 hours ench P V m onth wllnewlng to persons ot o lhe r ya}U).»,. , - -3^ ^

D 'M ura rmid nt pre.wnt there , a re -M m e 29ii00-plotieen from “ S rtS S the church throughout Ihe world.

T h irty -tw o perMH^ were bap- i ^ ^ . S llted by the church m se^ •lce!i g . j . l / f . a t M iracle Hol .Sprmg* west of f l \ l \ ^ Buhl Saturday. 1 I V I ^

Speakers Raltirdny were D.Tarver. H, Wllcoxen and C. V.K nem ever. circuit suprrvHor for (CT .’ehovah'a Wllnes.ie.i, circuit No. a

HlfthllKlitInK ftmday's acllvl- 4tie.i n te uchedulfii addresses by ?1 -DTinira. who 1» traveling repre-. ^ j f f f inentatlve of lhe Watehlower M u PBible nnd Trnct society al 3 p.m. I W #and At 5:30 p.m. I j ) j ^ ^

F irs t sewlon Is scheduled'a t M w^ ft.m. Sundny. Eupen'lur Kne-1 -meyer will give the cloilng nd-: E v 'Ires* n t 6 p.m. | jf i j f

O lhe r apenkers scheduled Sun-, n sliny a re V. Shatf nnd R. Lucero. I B fLucero will dlscusi "Klngdoml I f _ J \ work" nnd Sh»',v will report oni"Overaeera of Lite." I g H 0

Demonsf rations Tell of Sewing

SewlHE demoattrallona w ere!(Iven b y 'th re e girls nl the Bu.'O''3o'ers 4-H club meeting Frldayl g | 9 B | It the hom e o( Kay Brown.

Dem onalm tors w e r e L ln d a j ;o lner and Judy Dawett. "How, ■ K S ^ D 0 d a m a tear," and Kay Brown.]'How to lay bnd cut a pattern."

C am p money, parents consent heeta nnd money for 4-lf cIolhA; ^ B l p r ^ I’cre' tu rned over to Mr*. Leo :idredge. Mrs. Farlln Murrl won J r he m easuring gauge and thimble RifiI'Mtc e le p h a n t . ........................... ' __________ ecs"The nex t meeUng will tT h e ld.1 2:30 p.m. Thursday a t the . “ 1lome of Mra. Olenn Dossett. ^ O


lio rn ton , nn employe ot the J.:r ^ m p io tr -e o m p a n y n i ir i rh W i e eeen nam ed ogrlcullural agcnti y th e University of Idaho for' 1 » 1:anyon nnd Owyhee counties. w «arller h t had done research for ie un lveraliy a t the branch ex- MAINerlm ent atatlon In Twin Falls.

t /ln idea l gil

H u S

. a^T N in ' BRUS

For boyt hard oii.thoK. . , long-lasting Ku of rusjid bniihed pigskin wlUi cushion c

—r-------comloftaMe,-<oo,-8mi-8teelihanKs give pio|— — IftprotcrfoniTnltw thB shoes easy to clea

And thire's i i ty le ind colortop lsass eve Coma in and isk for Kush Puppies. Sizes 0 1

O P E N T I L 9 r .M . ^ ^ ' U C

- - Gralia Christ

' Act ofCHICAGO. .

~ ' • gellat Billy o n tha t th p 'C h r i an act of faith

l« r^ form a personL > — , *:Many peop;C:. Ing Into th rB--, ' I • hend flr.nt lnst(

Oralinni enee n th e rn d £xposlUoii lli!

■ W "Tliey 0)iic fa ic -th ev -a .

II ' f btI . th a t UM

lifts^ o f dodging

an— -iiie'lrutli?’'


But lifenmplesOilnRS



n i nre In

In Jerom e Bunday are Ronald :MKKTINn Ilagerm an, a iila tan t eonven- SHOSHONL'. ay a t the Jerom e high achool. county commU *, fuiiiime door-to-door mln- tn rrsu ln r rr.- (* a lieiiaed. Mondny n t lhe

n tO l KSSOR APrOINTED |UNIVERSITY o r IDAHO. I “ VVo%cou', June D—Dr; Diile Ever- < K A In. formerly o t Buhi, hns bccni •nil'll ft.s,sociaic professor nt Uic, ^ A Dilver.sliy. He currenUy Is dolnKlsearch u t the ngrlculturnl re-{ 60( MAINnrch ceiiior, Dvllsvllle, Md.

. ____

E a FATHER’S Dj ^ : G IF T S™ Remember him with a p! l ful gltl Hint he'll npprecA Perhnpi a gilt Ihnt he wm^ , 6uy for himself.

SEE OUR SELECTION o f Na linow n lines ol:


W ' POCKEt ' s ECRETARIES, by M and "M eeker''


. H W p T - - . . - PENS & PENCILS & SETS by I n M B^ SheoFfer, Parker a n d Esic

MnnyoUicr jrncULiil llt lle . V .R lfu Including

________Dfi)c Ffi.r rlf. ,niid ot course \ V 1 / *’ ! % y j

A OCOD BOOK \ 1 \. . . In .fiction _ L \ i o r non-IlcUon,


ideal gill for the modem mindei


mg'Iasting Kush Puppies casuals,- ^ m lUi cushion cropB soles. T h s y ' t o f ^ I inks give piopBr st;ppo r tr T 3 n n e d ^ ~ jJ 'M ~ M easy to clean with only a b n j s h . - ^ ^ - % B - ' '

lo.plsass every boy oi every Ige. m a ­ples. Sizes 0 to 0; up to 5 widths. -

ry n u dson ’s ^ ^W B t / m n n ^ u o___________ LVnuioc

IralianvSays . ^hristiunit)^ |C m > le t o f F a ith I "JHICAOO. June S i.f'-^E''nn- lat Billy On<li;i;ii jald/loiilgllt S QIt the-C l,riM ;.m rebirth was act of fa ith tl,.u eould Iran*- '

m a person'.i life,Many people iiiilft on com- , J 0 ^

Into the >:l;iilom of God M f S ^id flr-nt lnstr.iil of heart tlrat.^. O ralinni tolii ,i huge audl-re imtherwl st the IskefrOR^- S K B v' >w slU oii. liiIL .fQ r_ihe_niulh- ______________nlns ot his Chicago crusade. W ^ ^ r , , iiey Insist on bem? convhic^ - |B ! f V '. \ ' circ—thcy—arc-wiiv»ind,'-^— .i-Srahani s.iirt he did not dis- I y ' 'irnge lion?.-l liiriulry into \ •• .rlstlniilty .'but .li'ilrd: "I have \;nd th a t uMinily ^ •hcn a mnn \ '.tea .a Question mark over.nH . . . .rlst lift* n:»I(I. It H a menns s •dodging the in i'h rather thnn . . . y

honest ntiemiit to discover \■Irutli?’' "1,e evonsellM said that some- pple • •w f tn i- r r l lc lo n In the mework of Icxlbno',;.^ and test • / • ^ f<•«.- B ut life 1< /Illrd wllh ex- I |! .',pies ot Ijitiinrllilf but real inrs Uml c.'nnni he analjied. a rtn r- iCii*In ntl life Ihrre I.s nn element R g S B ia lmvstery," Or;ilnm said. In

nihlc, i'll i-n.ivers are not ■ilfrt ftt th f b.i-K Ilf the book Ihry nre In ■.nmmiiradc.sehool ;limetlc hoot:-. • ' p

:<iEKT«Nr. sc u E f) i'i ,r i ) ! _ HOSHONK. June O -Llncoln C J e l tnty comml.sslonrrs will meet r l a l lrrRUlnr fr.'.'lon nl 10 ajn.

ndny n t the courthouse.

.OOK, « n „ I ^

3 MINUTE I n s u la te

CAR WASH ' "1EOI MAIN A^'E. s o u r n

^ " H : i r „


R’S D M l K :F T S '. 1 [ \ W

with a practlcnl. u.w- he'll nppreclftte'nnd use. L . .. th a t he w onts but won't

TION o f N ationally

KEY CA SES. . . -

TARIES, by "Buxton”

. . BRIEF BAGS . . .:S, b y " L ea lh e rc ra fr ^

5 & SETS b y ...................... .... ......... ..................rrr a n d E sicrbrook

■ £A L S O D

IK )n / I

Ic Store H Ei |^Hn||H

1 minded maul

p i e s ’ HGY

i A 9 - 5 = S ln A«^ GiHs

Y nuiooD

Fafher Knso GIVE HIM tl-

D a d lo x a p p rec i v a lu ra ^

' '^~ f(n 'oril knc

'■ J T h f ’

^ > '

Fishing.. & H u d s o n


In s u la te d Boots f [ i ^ f e l t o r c ic o t , '

so le ‘

i r , . i 9 ”

^ 1 ^ 7:O W BO Y B(by A cm e - Frye a n d Hyi I S O D R E S S W E L L I N G T O N ;


j n o 4 7 “

I ^ G O L F----- Selected-

sm ooth ll

Woric She

a r t and BoaiB y -R e d W in g o n d f

tro o p er . 6 - In c h shoe :

Inch b o o ts . P u l l- o n o r

A to EEEEE, s i z e s t o I :

P i n ^?T h u dfiee '

Knows Be:M the Very BEST!

D a d loves to rc h x ^-k m w K rjnn^-qTt a p p re c ia te s hanclH omc.sti/liiifi . , v a lu r a U tj HudKon’s in the p in rc fi

^~f(ii'brite~F a1licr'a D a f G i f t r l i ' i / ' v o t k n o w the s ize he w cn'ni, s fo ju , g e t a ' : r


T here’s nothing he’ll apprecin . mbrC'than good’footw ear!

" -— ij JUDSON'S i

------- — ■ . . .________6-./5S«

___ J3

m m s m lby ^




H ^ R O B L E E .

^ ^ • P E D W I N

I 7 . 9 5 t . 3 2 . i

BOOTS g ind H yers 4 G T 0 N S o r

r jM

3LF SHOESe l e c t e d - f o r - s t y l e - a n d j c o m f o i t

n n o o t h l e a t h e r o r p i g s k i n ■

1 2 . 9 5 t e 3 2 ^ s

SLIPPERSBy Evens'and N lt« Life. A widths, sizes to 15

^ 3 .9 5 , . 9 .9 5

[S h o es PUT DAD 01


n g o n d Por-a*

n c h s h o e s , &•

P u i i . « , o r io c . . 5 1 , 0 6 Shine K i l z e i t o 15

------ . I r o n -------- 1 . S 0 t o (

M M9 5 Men's Hosif t o A w fro m 7 9 c t o j


(.•.S’ gon^-TpjrrlTtif,----------'iti/linfi . , . .s'rt,

he plorc fnr IrinG iftr lf 'iio ird r ,— ------^ > : t< , j< h j i ) J n .a j L d ^ ___

GIFT: a t e

1 a p p r e c i a t e '

o o t w e a r !

3 i -:iM

D M O N D S '


1 2 .5 0

SS£ o r n f o r t . - l n ----------------

d n •

( 2 3 0 -

PERSIlte Life. A to E .15


ihine Kits1.50 <• 6.9S

I's Hose_____- 79c »° 2.95 _ _

f 0 Tw in. Foils T ir i% is^ ew s

NEW OFPICEHH flf the Tw Jn^’i . lU lk d « t a B K tln r Thor»d»T

From I rd are Mr*. O. L. (Jtrry) 0 «rd E. IKfc. Tlce pm ld m t; Mr>. V

Jerome 4-H Gro —r-For 3-Payr§umii

JEROME. June 9 - Jcra tie tell 4-H grnupa have made olnns fir feci • 4-J! camp which will tiHd ink June 37-30 a l Easley Ho: AprliiKS. H All .M l membtM are eiumifl io Rnl •llciid . ■ l»’

The coat U !»J0 per camper, lhe payable a l Uie ccunty fts«nf»|B111 office belore June 10. Tills ftejexp Include* UniuportU'cn. m e a l* , ord tiuunnee and Tl’rjoi)yauliti H-JJI M e lo w nip on a t

_^ach«LbUBfs...TIify_T/!r. leave_-.hel t Eden Rrade Mhool ol 10 a.m. on <rs

. the 27Ui and at 11 a.m a l lhe mci Jcrome court ho:i«. They will thei relurn tround noon on the 30ih gun

The members were Uld lo lake T » alceplnR bag and one or two pUi blaukeU or a similar bed roll, nlso

Tliey were w kel lo lake Eoud Ma; hiking thoea and enoush plav - -p e lo ihv to iMl the entire time, h - SwlmmlnR wilt be o l either E .u . B|(k, Jey or Kctehum Ior 3Jc per swim,

CftUil# Benulniicr Rave nn 11- on<ii J(utT4fed MJk on "Vaur JJaJr" T when the Tidy T u ie rs met. Un* Arn da Barileti demoattrnicft how to Sho make m ufdiu and Ann Kcn- hon nedy demonslrated hutv to make com k rrult noR. M

U nda Benlilngfr Junior lead* dnti er. Jed the Rroup u i a tour o( na the hospllAt. The mi'niberi dls- sho cussed working In Uie nursing The home. and

Patty Luper was elected presU t ;___ denli-of..the-BUlch^ftud.ChnltCT wm

club. Other orrieers I n c l u d e d u n l Echo B h « .w m a k e r , secretary- j « l treasurer; Vicky Miller, pur’Ia- ^en m enurlan ; Velda Slatler, re* as e porter and Sandy Black sa n ; and uie tam e leader. KuL

'n ie Busy Bakers met a t U n- slsi. da Lowe’s home. She demon- wen slraied how to make saucepan t i brownies. The members dTaca«ed elub the ir health and rorrslry pro]* Wai ett. Thty will meel a l the court* cuss house June 30 with Mrs . Jean calf. Overfleld, public health nurse. Si

Camille Cwpenter le d t h e sroup singing and ( h e fla ; the) pledge. T erri churchman led the cree 4-H pledge. Janice Jewell re- club porled on the scrap book she Sha<

-T rii rd T u raM c a 'fo r- iiis -a in rc iiv 9 i w it: Handy ltd a game.. M

Roll call was answered with a!ie! the name of a utensil o r an Tlm Ingredient used In cooklne. a ni

Karen Taylor was h itle s i to A n inpfi^n tp . l .T{ rliih, Ifd-by pjni

Mrs. Russell Howell, Su.-uin Ooble by i was elected president; Jackie last Burks, v i c e pre.ildenl; U ndn fall Orlffllh, secreiary and Catherine sma Blake, reporter. Blai

Charlene Carrel! gate a dem- caki cnstratlon on milk armks wlien mali th e ' OafTTmore W nngierd eltib au-s met. Roll call was aniwered by chir

■ Ll/'lQk

JO W O E lT T C E N K E irrT liro T Il

■ s s s s. JH

f c f e j j u n d o y j u n e I C U W 2

i t - ; . ' -

S '

:he T w ln^’alls Ne»e«mtn elub were In- MtlorsdaT aflrm sen a l the Rogerson bstel. Ta:„ (Jerry) OaiTrll. president: Mr*. R H j- C.aent; Mi*. Wllllatn Itoaih, K cretary. and Ne-

I Group Planning G( Summer Gamp-—- Je rane telling Uie .amount ..f feed to j ' j ’j’J

Inns f ir feed'the calves, Oeorge B ter dls- . , t>e tield tributed lhe health record books. .. ^ AprluKs. Roll cnll of the Dixon Slock ,. illjlfl io RnJsers 4-H club was answered ,

by naming proJecU and giving camper, the breed and weight uf anImnU. ascnfsjB lll Brown and Woody Bnm ard

Ills f«e I explained how to fill out the rcc- n e a l s . ord books and gave sugm U ons «onR n, Tl’r on how to win a scholarship for tjip on a trip lo Moscow. ive -.he l They nl.?o dLiciiupd hou-_bnnlc- fLpv i,m. on <rs will finance 4*H projecy, ; a l lhe Members were urgi- I lo t-ilk with J” ® cy wUl them and have n pnrcni cr le 30lh guardian abo sign the nOte. J" ,* to take The U s Cabnint.M 4*H club " or two planned a swlmmlns porty, Tliey roll, nlso discussed the onr - m h neld

e ECud May 30, ... .\\ plav • The next meeting will be June A 1 s time, n - nt uie acouthousc, Murla _r E ,u- Blades. Shirley' Sheppeard ond I ' p

: swim. Paula Burkhalter will give dem- nn 11- onslratlonji,jja jr" The meeUnj of the Brukcn {"c

t. Un* Arrow 4-K club, led b j W alter “"X , how to Shouse. was held -al Uio Shouse *

Kcn- home. U nda Howard was wel- I make comed as a new member.

M e m b e r a dlscussr-1 niceUng ■ '«<*• dates. Al thc next me?Un? Don- jg to r our of n a and Vlvlnn Will and Pat d„d» ri dls- Shouse will give demcnztraUons. gf n lurslng The leader dlsciuscd grooming b last

and care of equlpmeii. ' ihie |presl* The Grandview B and B club u

JnnliCT will h a v e .a c a r -w iw .i-n l- lh e wouH u d o d Union 78 station Sa'.uiday. Kelly weatl retary- j« k so n was elected vice prtsl- he pur’Ia- deni, “Vlylan Ward w«.i asslijned tx U i

a s chairman to make posteta /o r light ng and u,e car wash. Eben Calder, Bc'.ly be cc

Kulm. and Randy Tlala will as- t U n- slsi, Lorenc and Bruce Carpenter t :cmoii- were added to the club roll. I S l jcepan tiid s and l4issles Livestock -pw* icuued club recently organized. Charles | | |

pro]* W ard Is the leader. Members dLv court* cussed how to Judge a «ood 4-H

Jean calf.irsc. Susan Howell discussed tl;c '' '‘‘D' I t h e 4tH flag and colors ana wlwl • flag they mean, the nailonnl 4-H .ed the creed and how and Why 4-H ‘ :ll re- clubs were formed when the lk she Shady Grove Livestock 4-H ciub rCill'91 w it! — ber—1

Mike Zahn reported on paper I n lth sizes for Uie clubs vrapbook. A rth o r an Timothy Klaos was Aeleonied as :. a new member. Beacw to A picnic In the Twin Palls Mrs. Jed.bjr. Pjinynn.pflrlc-Brin hi'ld_Thiir.^lBy U lL Goble by U « Classic Lassies Al Ihelr Lnke Jackie la s t mceUng Mary Ann West- Howi U ndn fall demonstrated how to make Se:

:herlne small n igs skid proof. Karlyn Wed;Black demonstrated makln:; a cemc

, dem- cake from a ml* and how to Ostli : when make trostlng. She also 'emnn* call s eltib KUKted th rm d in r a s^tflnz mn- hom< red by china and Tvlnillni; the bobb-.n. Wed;

:1V /L„T T H n O tn E ir .’W wird M ITMI I.-.-----:-------

.HcCatmack. (AP « |„ p i,o to ,

6 2 : . -

• In- Mtfc E. V. Co.;.K,l. i . . - a . . r . ‘' “•J"'"*® ' loteJ. T anoer. president; .Mrs.IH j- O an« (t. secreUry, and Mr*. William dand New* photo)__________ _____ _________

le GOP Policy Hit Mri By Demo Leader r);„

------------ nrASinN O TON -Jim e-9-'fl—. , Democrntic National Chnlrrnan - . •

John M. Bailey lotlny c.illed Uie A f ^ new Republlean policy statement ^

"ft dcclaratloii ofpIatUudrs- thpt , , ow e* ‘'speclou-v. shallow and nar- - -

s"„; s-«sInjnjj, Bnllcy siid in a si.-vtement thftt nlng. m arti the "declnrailon of principle nnd] glie B rcc -p o licy " Kicn-'fd Thursdny b y 'in jp r ie jfjons conBre.<alonftrRcpublleans "deni-.Ip for onsua tcs vividly that the Repub- ,

Ilcnn party dnn'jeroaiJy short j,omc.it« of both commodKlf.i." .(,,7

I'- -=The--D cm oerBtle-'lm dtr-ssld , - 'u l ih Intentions and pious hopts ^. " ' ‘I a re no substitutes for concrete ‘ proposnLi , . . nnd Ju.il nboul Uie . , ' riMh only “ ’‘'’t Republicans came

' “S clwo to being specific nbout was ^5;“ “"Area on Nuclear S - J Tests Extended “ "y-;

HONOLULU, June 9 (AP) - one sis •uken The United States announced to- Knnsii* 'alter temporary extension of children“ use the John.iton Wand niiclenr test „

area lo r lhe nfxt hlgh-allltude test, Riarvle

' . Jo in t task force 8 said the te it „will be In the megaton mnge, ^

Do” * detonated nl an allltutle ot hun- , dreds of kilometers, the largest

Uons. of th e filRh-nltltude n u c l c n r P"''*- mlng blosU and Is expected to be via- _ •

Ible In Hawaii; | ^ |< n iclub I t previously luild the t e s t - ' ^ * - " '

- lh e wouW brconflucted nc x rw ce t. ■ D l i i r Kelly w eather perniliiinK, 1 1 « 1irtsl- he task force said the area was u tlS J iljned fxtended because of cxpectea B utler 1 8 /o r light Intensity from the test, to n t th flr 3e'.ly bo conducted a t nletit. th e 4-V* - . used thi

" Isreal Johnson Dies at Hospital s n .

‘ S „ BUHU June 0 - I.Menl John- * “ son. 03. died Priday a t Magic

Vallej- Memorial hospital atter " 4? . . a brief Illness.

. „ H c wns born In Ogden July : } . “ L' l . „ S3, 1038, nnd came-to Buhl In “ f - " , .Ug 1B50. He worked ns a mechnnlc n® ,: "

ciub fnoit of hJs ute. He w.is a mcm- Tlie C

Mper flur'-lvors are 'tw o brothers. J ; a \''th e " book. A rthur John.son, Salt Lake City, Refrei • d a s ' " Miles M. .lohnsnn. L o n g M r and

Bench. Callt.; two half-sisters.Falls Mrs. Anna Slaler, Ocdcn. and C V m < u d w H rL _J0J?plH ne_lIftaiil0i_5!>li Ihelr Lake City, nnd one half-broUier. A Vest- Howard Johnson, Ogdfn. i l U o < make Ser^-lccs will be held nl 2 pin, s h o s arlyn Wednesday n t Fll;r Odd Pello»'S three a 1:; a cemetery wllh Bishop Leland O. turned I w to O stler offlclaUng; Friends may for ludf mon* call a t the Albertson (uneral the prln

;h«- home In Suhl tJnJJJ noon The t» ;n. Wednesday. accc

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larRcr' —up frc


2 A '-" . X the Whi

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■ Im — i>p nilviiiicr

, / I ' • ' in, tnn 1jm days bpfi

rrln t rrnp.. . . . . .

' A . a n

•. ' ■ ■ N e iSot

\ ’ IsFteaturlni



■ Called

' ■ Dubiicatip .-n aa sr40 years

-----------«sut—«r?4 I survey.

------ * ^ e

•J f f lB R W - : ■ ' scen .the• H » . \ ' V " - Bcclo»y

"E ot’h a

.’ > i> i> « i 'n t 'l l bution tlu ^0 geoi

, - J ^ I T he ni ‘ nboul

Grangevi y j ? s S ^ M no rth to

iByi!SjEiSB«3B5£sS3 H' ‘w U iM S B O O S tS B tiB B ^ ^ i on' th e <the cast

'. i.u.gcjlng offlcen were Mr*. Marion jn th is I irk McKinney, vice president; Mrs. and lllu^ 1. >S'lllIam Clark, (reaiurer. (Time*- "S tra ti

cenirnl ] — --- e st to nil

M rs. C la^vsori' “L.Dies_atJHom e..1 A t A ge o f 7 3

Mrs. Minnie p. Clnwson. 73. Is Inch 2Dj linslland dnve, tiled unex- copies oJ wctedly n l home Friday cvc- also

^hit.nlng. . —flno] She was tom Au;. 32. 1853. f ' o r l

byjin Jrrlco Sprlnus, Mo., snd wna V y a l l " '■ im nrrled to owen C, Ciaw.wn In T o l r i

Jerlco Sprlnns In 1107, T h e y A a l V t homc.steaded nejr.-Murtauph In TWIN ia i7_nnct, movr:l to_T>;'ln ^ I l s Sender. C ln ' lD3«.'Tiielr 60th wedding nn - slhcfr' ltH nlversary wns celeijnted In 10S7. Ing a t U

Mrs. Clawson 1* nirvlved by rinl hosj , ‘ ' h e r husband, three w m . Jack C. ne.-«.„V,, Clawson. J . A. Clawson nnd Tom Sondcr " Clawson, all Twin Fnlls;' tlve 1 8 0 4 .in i

daughters. Mrs, Kathleen Bev- cnme to erly. KImberlv: Mrs. Leora 1912, He

[• riwypr. Flier, nnd Mrs, Hniel B ut- Falls’ nrc le r Bettv Clawson-niid Donnie All knowi Ludvv. a ll Twin F.ilU; one bro th - crlnnd. cr. Tom Dodil Jorlco Sprlnw ; Scrvice

- one slsler. Mrs. Jim Innrnn. Pnlls moi KjinsKS Cltv. Kans.; H grand- —

of children nnd 3i great-Rrnndchll-dren. One son preceded h e r In T 1 1 C.* dcMii.

. Services will be held Mondav J J r l U l n t 2 p.m. a t the Twin Palais gHOS? mortunry chnp*l with conclud- highway inn rites a t auntet Mcmorlnl „ „d Dleti

'a r park . flee this ,1j . . ------------------------- -- slncc the

.Grange Members Concre

Plairfor Meets ■»ii3 B tlS S . June 0-M r», Doran fire. T h t■tea B utler iidvUed Orange members In receni

to n t Ihflr meetln? Thursday th a t burned cth e 4-H advisory roiincll had highw ay

. used the Orange building for a T h c brimeeUng. te e t long.

I t was decided to have the on concrsecond meeUng In June . July W eedsnnd Augant na a soclnl tor cana l cir

nn O mnictrs aM Uielr families, cnughl tlTlie first tneeUng will be a bust- Overallness meeting, _ new brld

The June-soclifl will be June —

Figman. Members arc to bring LONDC Uielr own meat lo be bsrbetjued. w nr agnl

Tlie Orange will have a food became a - 7 stand a l ITIg-iiinilBn Jime 33, uHiliy:—• a l tho Villane Mart, BlLw. B rluiln ity. Refreslimenu were served by gency sui

Mr. and Mrs, Doran Buller. cu st polsi

S Shoshone Sent " Absentee Votes)in, SHOSHONE. Jdhe 8 - Thirty- ows three absentee ballots were re- ■ Q- turned lo Lincoln county in lime 1W for Judges to couni them during tm l the primary election, oon The ballots were returned wilh

an accompanying affidavit nnd__ were taken to the correct preclncl _ • ____^

I "by ihe couniy nudllftr t6“ be I counted wilh ballots cast on clec- I Uon day.

I— -More$oliee— I------I WASHINOTON, June 0 tf l-A '• nI larger White Hou.« police force tvI —up from 170 lo 350—Ll author-I Ized under a bill signed by Pres-I Idonl Kennedy today.I Tlie new inw also e.UablWiesI the White Ifoa*e polfce as a per-I hianent forcc, with powers slm-I ilar to tho.<iB of regular District ^ ■I o t Columbia pollcemcn. ^ 1

” fa S \ TAucHon Tl



C o f l t a c j me -ninM.N'ewi ! C l c v k

- “ t j t ™• of vmir tanp t.ne-n„-,(i-hnig,-- ' - ^ ' F l l

llca.^:)llpf^ c(jvc;n( r (ovtr C7 •000 rra d rn in ,M.,ic VjllrTi.' ' • C o U r« nilv;.i,crbllling. All at one ,n r . - V • •cIsl :o>v mte Evrry ,vilc ll.stod ’ ‘(Ic .S in i In tnn l-'nrm Caicnciiir tru 10 ‘ s k i l k days Orforo sale « no eosu

J — . r i i F ^ - W V I iu -M m ;u VAiin a i 'c t i o n “ 7 7 k-A arrr(l,rra ,n i: June 13-14

Aucilunwrs: U f»m |‘ A •"<> EJItiborouih • I

New Book on ' South Idaho

Is PublishedilOECOW, June 9 (Special)- E I I S H

I A r new seolosieal publlcaiion n U K featuring a Uiree-color sh ad ^

I relief map of southcentral Idaho. was announced today by Or. E. p . Cook, director of Uie Ida^o '

' bureau of mines snd geology.Called- '"Stratified Rocks ln

I southcentral Idaho,” th e . newpubllcaUon wss written by CU'de .

- p .-naasrR cM ffrat<»'«^ *o ^ ^ « ^ - M H t -40 years ago ns a younft geoi- .- .ogUt—« r - t h e _ U . .6 _ c e o lo g lc a l . . f lB H ^

survey.■TThe 40 yesrs since Clyde

Ralis first' came to Idaho have m | n | seen, the tmwformaUon of fleld W K a BCClo»y from a horscback art 10 tt .motorlrc:!, , instrumental scl- n e j icnc«.“ Dr. Cook pointed out. . . .... ; a •"Bnth a s 'a horseback geologbl , | [ j i ,, hel

- aod as a J ftp.mniiniwl itfilentlsl.R o u has made a great contri* p r |„ j, bution to the knowlfdge of Ida- n i . jo n ho: ho geology snd .m ineral re- , j n ,

I sourcfs."The new book and map cover ----------------

nboul half of Idaho,, from _Orangeville and Salmn in the l { 'v / * P l ( n o rth to tlie Snake River Plain

' In th e soulh, and trom Oregon ' j l l n a f i i on' th e w est'to Idaho Falls on i r i v C U l Uie cast. The rock tonnatlons HANSEN,

' m th is large area are described Hr^pace i• and iilustraied by photographs, articles ot :

•'Strailfled Rocks In SouUi- ing excrcii cenirnl Idaho" will be of Inter- ^ J q I clut f s i to nil students of Idaho gfol- afternoon t

, ogy. and to all persons Interested jtudolt Mai In th e pav^lble development of plans wei oil nnd other mineral resources _ ,,,i .tMh In ilic.**e roclis. n t i d j

I t is Pamphlet No. 125 of the ^wlv k r k . -• Idaho burcau’ot mines andTeol-

- lo w , av .ll.W i Irom -Ih t b m .a ' Z ! w ^ Office in Mokoiv. A folded copy J.', invKrrt 1 o f the 3-colrr .h a ied rellef map '

13. Is included. Unfolded extra “ » . copies of the shaded relief map Wrthday ai e . a re also available. Rnlph Scot

------:____________ elephant pr

S Carl Senders, 67,;; Taken by Death «1- sihcfr 1042, died Saturday mom- n i.7. Ing a t Uie Magic Vallcv Memo- 1 P Y f l Sjy rinl hospital after a brief ill- X , ,

m Sondcr wm bom Septembei P. On Oilfe 1894. in Unntln. Swltfcrlam and AUSTIN k'- cnme to the United Stitcs in invesUgator TO 1912, He worked In thc Twin of modorn- t - FalU nrca for the pn.u 15 yenrj. A id in Uie le All known survivors ofcAn Swliz* fidd, tnny s

s; Scrvice-s nre p e n J l f e f r n> |nn. Pnlls mortuary, J,phon fron

; Fire-Destro.yed V Bridce Replaced“ SHOSHONE. June 9 - StaW satlon., highw ay 3l between Shoshone Tliey ate

nnd DIeUlch w.is opened to In U viated-sran flee th is week for the first time than Uie pei slncc the cnnal bridge was burn- -------

construc. G C O r g '

to insure against another'such Honoin fire. This was Uie second time KIMBERI :s in recent years the bridge has services foi .t burned out, sccordlng to slate were held 1 d highw ay officials. chapcl Sntia T h c bridge thal burned was 63 Henry J. 0 (

te e t long, built of wooden Umbers Soloist wn e on concrete abulmenls. terwliite anty W eeds were being burned by Calder. r cana l employes and thc fridge Pallearcrs I. cnuRht tiro undernealh. in ArUiur

Overall conslrucUon cosl of the Earl' Tridle. new bridge was 112,000. _ D a r r e l l F

* __________________ services wer

- Fights LocustsR LONDON, June 0 (fl - Tlic SPECIA f- w nr agfllMi the locust In lr.m Tho hous r » Bl«-Thrre.fttffllr Sal- grgHB_sf_m

urOny. dui, met nB riuiln began ai.-llft;n„' m e r- store for a

> gency supplies ot a powerful lo- Tlie girU U cu st poison to Te.ir4ii. U.S, nnd golden meda Soviet planes have been siray- play. The n ing various pnru of the count:;/ June II a t

- to -eom ba^ t^e rla j W ^ ' -----------iWye. ■—

[ y o u C A N T5 Q U IC K L Y N O W F■ P O S m O H If^ BUSI

; R E G IST E R —; N O W !

\ su iw ivierM

Term Starts Juid a y and EVEh


S e c r e t a i ' i a l — A c c o u n t in g — H i m i n i s t v a t i o n — S t e n o g r a p h i c • B u s in tis .s .


C l e r k T y n l s l — B n is li u p m g l , ,

O f f i c (— I' i l n i j — D uokkG ejjing,'

■ C o u r.« e .s a r e o f f e r e i l f o i ' lie B M in o r

1 “ I>i'“ sli-U |) c o u r .s e i r . 'i k i l l s . T e e n ,i( ;e t y p i n g cla.'i.ses, a g ;

JW (NFAllSBUSINESS-(" T l m t m i l l 1 0 ':, m m ' l r a i t i i m

•~>0',r m o r e iu c o j f i e ”

TACOMA,M M fM g.'. |S:O0OTewar(■ 8 s ^ K S - '5 < e > F l 8 m a p a re n u and

i ^ 0 ” leading 1 M arie Burr. 1

. Ished fromtore dawn

T hrough cc K gically lo across the n Donald Burr reach reader^ tactin 't some

eyedH H H K ' Tacom a poB B B B M i InvestlgaUon.

entered Ihe NEIL KObKllTSON : Child from I

. . ; A far«wi:ll teiUniBnI»l. la st Mcn, thi »lll be held a t fi:30 p.m. Sun- a light blue t

-d«7-lit-th*-B iH ei-H shlh-«r»rd- <u*Uvcr I .D.J prior to bl* departore for tha chflln arountl mission home In SaU U ke Cily. religious med He will *er>-e In th e .G rea t T lie dlslrai m n n M . ; . . ________________t o l l

Excelsior Glub Meeting Is Held

HANSEN. June 9 — Mrs, Louis reported to T Hrv>«« read eeveral short iiee D. O. articles ot.In terest as Uie open- bulldlnR, Tacing exercise n t the Excelsior ---------Social club meellng Thursday afternoon a t the home ot Mrs. O i r U n K Rudolt M aricns. Klmberiy. . j

Plans were made tor the an- S h Q n |< nuat club picnic which will bc held a t 1 p jn . July 8 a t the Kirn- SHOSlIOtr. bsriy P ark . - A . commlttce. check- |U u n k MacrIng on pnst members s u t t d Uiere ^were 40 past members who will be invited to attend the picnic. J

Mrs, Ed Dohse received a Wrthday anniverenri' gift. Mrs. buildinRalph Scolt received Uie while „nd iL elephant prUe, Mrs. U e McCoy presented contest games as the building will

: program. and office.The June 31 meeUng will be g i-u n k U t

held a t the home of Mrs. Lee IjfcCoj- and Mrs. Herman Thclme wlJJ be p r o m m chairman. Lumber am

, “ =— m a ln -a t-th e -

Texas Has Probe On Oil Pirating

AUSTIN. Tex., Juno D W - InvesURators say a currenl probe —of m odorn-dny-piracy ot black gtld in Uie rich East Texas oil _ _ J T ~ field, tnny show th a t millions of f ^ p B dollnrs In “hoi oil" has b e e n w pumped Uirough wells slnnted to V K g m siphon from neighboring leases. I H J

T lie 'T ex as rnllroad commis* | | H l H ■ slon sta te attorney general's of- tlce, Texas deparUnent of public j H U H H safety nnd the federal petroleum m =bonrd are Involved In the invesU* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ gallon.

Tliey a te looking tor welU de- vlated—srant^d or curved—more M ~than Uie permllled Uiree degrees. | r r m

George Tyler Is | j f Honored a t Rite %

KIMBERLY. June 9 - Fuiicrsl Iservices fo t Oeorge W. • T>ier jwere held a t neynolds Funeral S l I chapcl Saturday by the Rev. f l l l n nHenry J. O em hardt. MIIUll

Soloist was Mrs, Juanita Sat- ier»-liite and accompanist Sharon | ^ - tO m a i Calder. I B ^ .- SDeC

Pallearcrs were Clifford Hard- in. ArUiur Dan', Calvin Dietz.Earl' Tridle. Dftllas T}’ler, andD a r r e l l Fairbanks, Concludln5services were , held a t Uie Filer ^ ^ b S j j j rOdd Fellows ceinelco'.

SPECIAL TOUR HELD ^^Tho household elcctrlticatlon

store for a dt*,Tio:«trnUon lour. . ^ ^ V i r Tlie RirU Uicn loured the r.ix ■ > V \ golden medallion homes on dls- B i \ \play. The next mceUng will be • MJune II a t the home of Nancy '

” Balance :AN TRAIN .Wiiei iQW_EQR_A- _


s JuneUEVENING.OURSES ' I I A/rt/dllian nnd

n g — HusinessAd- n-aphic — General


3URSES-, ^up m . Shoiithand----------


l)eginnevs', or-those:oui\se in previous' v B H I l I na!^.^G.s,aEe.s,ll)tol7. ,

NESS-COltEGE" Iraliiinr/avcivyc

Information Is Sought on . Missing ChUd

TACOMA, Wash, June 8 -A(9:000 rew ard U being offersd byja re n u and friends tor In fo rm a - . ion leading to the return, o t Anh Uarle Burr. 6. Tacoma, who van* shed from Uie family home be- 'oredaw7iA'u7.91.1931.'

Through contacl wlUi 2(^ stra - .eglcaUy l o c a t e d newspapers icross the nai.-on, Mr. and Mrs.3ona1d Burr are a tum pting lo each~read(rs~ ln 'hoperor'C on* actin 't someone whq may have een~thetl-‘4 'foo t;.3 -lnchrjiasel- -.•jcd blond-haired c b l ia r ^ H VTacom a police, a fw r extensive "

nvesUgaUon. believe an Intruder P K n iercd Ihe home nnd took the B aT hlld from her bedroom, W henast seen, th e child w as-w eannif....... OALK i_, light blue tlowtred nlghl gown. ' . . will i -tU vcr I .n JarflCcltk.ainLftJJHaJl JX»HmonlaUl. hnin arountl her neck with two ley. a t 3;jo 1 ellglous medab, Kave* for n,T lie distraught pa renu refuse (n lla n 'm lu io

0 Rive up hope. "Maybe the cf- ------------ --------oris to locate Ann Marie will all _e in vain.* Burt said. "B ut.m y n t r n r V v t, rite and I will have the satis- action lh a t WB tried everything." “ nAny information cbncerning

He m liilng youngster should bc •^.1*'^''eported to Tneoma Chle^of Po- ce D. O. Hager, county-clty ulldlnR, Tacoma, In San Dlogo.

Strunk Machine TUBES Shop Is Moved r n r iSHOSHONE. June, 9 — T hej f * i K ! ■ #

;tfunk Machine shflp is being. ■ I m f t i A noved"to the former Anderson: • p i . . . ,um btr company locatcd o n ' . o A o i i i ' louUi Rail street, which T . V.]luunk purchased several years D U M O N T ffo, (oil A The building has been rcmodel-

d and insulated wilh new p i i A n a 1em cnt floor. Front part of'U ie • « w « C / iUllding will be used tor partsild ottlce. ■ % ■ ■ ■ %SU-unk Is also adding an auto U L U

.-reeking service lo the machine r F 1 1hop and tt-ilJ handle auto parti, "Lumber and hardivafe will re- D A n i i

iftln-at-the-bullding-loc'aled on le easl end ot Soulh Rail street. Q P P Zane Alexander will continue « ^ C I \

B m achinist In Uie nev? loca-

ir ' B i f ' r T '1‘111

i i ' i i i r H r P T

Align Front End. - t o m a n u t a b l u r o r ’s ^ ^ s p e c i f i c a t i o n s ^

Adjust Bral Repack Fror

Balance F ro h l/^ f l |^ M Wheels / f v U

\ TOROHCr\ B ^ ^•c‘»plad.«niTBrptlH-TI

an d to ralon ba r ad]' n o llnq lud td


! I j Whllewf

'J«r Neui Trtadi. idtnllfitd bv A 'Midalhon and thap mart, or* 2 1 FO

OUARANTBBO^ in .njl |i„ f l | H

r i t - , ' I I l l '' fll J l

10 MAIN SOUTH 733-5811 |Lj

. . .' will l,etM llm on ia ijiL sta ,... ™ *i,ley. a t 3:J0 nm Kave* for | |, f ( n lla n ' mlulon


Iregor. Son of Mr, IcGregor, Burlry, 1,

14-day leave line .([IT^ Icllng nine wcfks biHc ,?Ig a t Uie naval traininr iS a n D lo g o .-

TUBES TESliiF R E E . ; ,Ist.Closs Rcplotcnyn • PARTS— R C A .

D U M O N T -RAYfHEO\(all AmerlcQn)Phone 733-1037

P E R R Y ' S„ R A P I O & J V

S E R V I C E67-1 M erion Sireel .

djust 6ral:es and 1 pack Front W lisejj

^ ■ - . A n y Amerli:<n m m o d o c a r I

• if iT Js rp in rT n in H itf -^ B ralon ba r a d ju s lm sn t^ H


l o m p l e t e S e t

o t T u b e l e s s

V r m t e w a l l s


4 F o r



J ' . 8 A J^\ T O ,.

FilerW dm an Is ^ R e e l e c t e d H e a d m

g g l ’ o i ' SC ^ M ir ttlo n council a t tJ>e « -

cart r r r t.xti.1 in T w in FaW,« S h in ). r H " - '‘IS 9 1|5£s“srs;”K i [

S e i T hey *m .« r r e one- « |

P « ter»on . D uhi •J S t S “ e n t M d M « , H « rx> ^ f B u h l . U 'treM urer.

were given by {)K5l- i a w f i iS l r c m 13 clubJ.'-Alio (tlvlne

*w e M « . Heber Loukh-

f i ? ^ n n Bureau «n(l civil dc- K a f l S rf - Mr*. C m li Dunlnp, I’o* ■ H n I S l ’ Orange, and Mrs. Chll-

preslden t's-rcpori,.........' ^ ^ h a n T r e a d •me-£on.-iU-- ' | M»,«M-*nd-bylftw/'-____________‘to e n ce SchulU wa* p m cn l- H g / r e l i t f o m the council. , • ■ g f ;

u n . A8i»e* WIUI intro.-tied 61ie is the p r e c n t home ^ M tfa tlo n agent from Jer-

SSTind will be the new Twin . county hofne demonstrn-

‘*uri*John Hayes made an a p . ;lor club donations to ilie

Sernatlonal P e a c e Onrdcu, iB S W l

The invocotlon was' plvcn by Koii.-» . u - Clirfort Thomns, Filer, J-<lward n..vgTQUDd music durlnit Hit “f t .Seheon waa .played by Mr.v -------------■Utford Brown. Buhi; T lie Mrr- ^

n Married* club was in clmrgc ^ Q (i5 Uble decorations. • |

Belly Carey. Kimberly, *pokc A btr expemincca a« an In ter. DUHI- nitlonal Farm Youth Exclianfie Woiiicn ^Ell;;Floor Shciw, Is S f n Given a t B urley M rv rh cDlCtO, Juno 0 -M r. antf Mrs. ' ‘‘s'rinnr

Don Whipple, dance dlrcclors or • laeDfclo M utual, were in chnritc ^ =

i 'u s h ^ ' i i n d 'n o M a . " 'MM. Bruce T urner played a

Dfdlcy of ••rose" tlUe sonR,.[hnce numbers were "Clarinet "pipers" and "Shortfakci." ,

D,ncera were Wllllam’Tlinmp. ' " wn. Michael Thompson, Colon ^Br»-awr, E ldon H urat, Neldoii „Ullehell, John DarrlnRton. Mel- rln .Darrlngton, Forrest Ward,U rrj Meade. FILEn-

CtroUm W hipple, Julia By- ni. ct Wc; m e r, Linda Jlbson, J a n Is Mr.v !■ rci iBehmldt. Nona Lee Jacobs, Mar­tha BarrU, M erna Voyce. Slier- Genera rle Turner anH Mr. ^ond-Mr». nuxllbry, Whipple.____________________ Vi'teriin.*;,

Sport ShirtsP o p u lo r w ifh Pep b c c o u sc ' o f th e c a r e f r e e c o m fo r t a n d gooB Icxjks. S iz e s S -M ^L-X L

2.98 to 7.95,

"Grand/Slam" G olf,• S ty led b y M u n s in g w e o r,

fo r f r e e d o m o n d fun!A h o s t o f P O P -u lo r co lo rs .-

• S&H G reen Stanni


HKTA SIGMA l 'n [ OFHCEIW. Inktall ,y Koiii'i caCr, are. from letl. Mr*. GrnrcD 1 r, ^:<lward .Man»flelil, vice prtildent; Mr*. : ,e drill, and .llrs. I'aul Kastman, In iU llin r »i

Social Events 'SS.X"• __ ___________________ the (li-piirc In Eolsf 1::•. DUHI- — United Prc.'ibyterlftit bers n :c u ;e Woiiicn uill hold their lost mect-

inn pt the .<i-fl60ii nt;2 p.m. Thurc- Unllv cli liny. June M.'nt the cliurcli. Mrs, (niejii-pii- r ,1'iiu! F, SV. Anll\ony. v,lU nf.rtay mKlve nn lllu-slrntrd tall: on "V/om. Jiim ts Mr cn In ne«' nftilons of Alrlca.".Mrs. Thoiiuw PerkUa U program T k Iii K

, chairman. Ordi-r offf . V V --i*ia>«?et Ht B

Mnslc Vnllcy Salnlpaulla club Ma-ionlc ti ' iMll m eet lit a J), m. Monday a t. (he home of Cliini VS'alton. FH -ER-

^ ¥ Thursday“ JKIlOME-Clvlc-clUO.-WllI-nolrt Pn lir 'n iiii 'a luncheon a l 1 p. ni. Tuesday lloracu Sii a t the Am.erlcan Lealon h a ll. .Mr.i, UuKor Tlioma.*!. Twin Falls. FlLfc'R -wlll rrvlfw Ih t book "Lire With TuiMday jWuiiH'n line! Jion’ lo Survive It." D.m Kiiul

^ by Dr. Edward Peck. Mrs. Oren „ Boom- win slnK, aeeompanled by" Mrs, Kenneth Shew. \ /V I O O S] !(. :t If.' F IL E n -F o u r Square chib will L - h O O . meet WedticsJay u t the home ol ofnI Mr.v Fred Knupp. . .,cialon uf

>l- * * of the WoOeneral Lawton camp and the home <

s.- nuxllbry. United Spanbh W ar upp. V deran.i._ will meet a t 3 p.m. Officerj

t a ' * * *t i r m v ■ ' Select a

-------- yout-tnos

fab u lo u s

J ___ bcands_Ql

M agic V

n a tio n 's ■

c o u s c ' \ . ,Drt a n d y

^ 7 ^ 9 5 ;

Golf Shirts.

:o lo r s .‘ •

5.00. GENE

^G 0 1 F _

----------------- ^Wosh-'n-V

•V .............c o re , o n d c

S t a m ^ Use Your \ . l

- p -

> ~ .-1

............................... I

ltd. Inntallcd n t a Rieetlnr a t ehapler oilI. Gfnrjto Hoar, trra tu rer; Mra. ItoljerJ Teliml; Mr>. .Mnx Malhew*. prr«l- Oarv 'i'liumn iU llliif (itllccr. Olhcr Omicron phm'u)

Sundny »i th e American I.fRlon rhull. lU'iKir;;; vMII be KUni on J O u H Cthe dep;iriii)L'nt convenilon held nIn Eolse Iw t wcek.eiid. All mem* D O O Z e tbers n if urKcd Ki nltimd. , . ,

¥• ¥ -f n N p vUnity club will liold H.i nnnual '

Kuesi-pi,. m n'ilni: a t 2 p.m, Wed-] FA inriE L l ftfirtfty iiv th e home ol Mrs.'F-^Virlilsr nnd James Mr.vcr.-.nllh, I'verc unllrd

•A -V- » dny. M;iy 2B,TKhi Kiii:.i chaplcr Nf 2D.I The bride

Ordi-r of llic Exilerii Star, will] Mr, and Mi pH-et a t B p.m. Tuesday a t tlw Kclchum, fo) 'Ma-ionlc teini>lc. dcnt.i. l l i e

-!{■ ♦ ¥ w n of Mr.FII-EfV-M aran club will meet Boo.w. F.ilrfi

Thursday a t the home of Mra. T h r brlrte PnU r'B iindyi TwHi 'Falls, Mrs. Of 'C umris' c Horace Siiilili will be co-hojtess. and was va

* H- H- clna. She IFILER — W C T U will meet local lelcphoi

Tiic.iday n t th e home of Mrs. x},e brldfit Dan K au /fm a n . dbcharfied 1?

, * '‘" ‘1 ■* M o o se W om en S'Sm. C h o o se O ffice rs sbp,r. c,...

New offlct-r.s were elected a l a Jloffman. co-c .icislon uf Uic Frlcndslilp circle CarUon, dccre of the Women of the MOMe n t rII Malone, pthe home of.Mr.';, Bonald Scher- Secret slstiupp, Mrs, A rt Fan

Officers Include Mrs, Ted wm a Rue.st,

9 R i l a r { »

;c t a g i f t o f S port Shirt;

c-tnost-E O E ijIn r g u y-£ ra

u lo u s se le c tio n o f fanno

nds o t y o u r " I .D " '. . .

gic V a lle y 's hom e o f tl

ion 's f in e s t b ra n d s ! !

M en 's W,- C s _____ stteet

W kAr I M j * ' .

ifg ' ■' . ■

G E N E .L IT T L E R j H

GOLF SLACKS 1 1tV o sh -n -W c a r-w ith l lttlD _________ ’ IBa rc , o n d c o m fo r t , g b io r# • - . • j g

, 10.95 f l. W

lur I.D. C h a rg e A ccouni

chapter niflcera a re 'M n . llr lrn T linnie, <!j Itnljert Trier, aeeretary. Atalillne In Die err Gary iliompjon and Mr*. Owen Newbry, pird phutu)______________________________________

Jo a n E skridge, C o u n ty Boozer U n ited O fH o rt In N e v a d a R ites

FAinriELD', June 0 ^ Joan s ira ilcn counc F.sVirlilsr nnd Arthur H, Doojer Fe.stcr Anders ivcrc unllrd In marrlane Salur. conductlni:. tiny. May 25, In Elko, Nev, l l i e chiU vi

The bride Is the dauRhler oJ .^ct of bylnu.s Mr, and Mr.i, Dean E-'krldte, by the bylnu.- Kelchum, former Palrfleld re.^l- Ed Koe.iier Jcnl-v l l i e brldeproom Li the nual Ooodlng >on of Mr, nnd Mrs, Arthur William Maud 300.W, F.ilrfleld. erland and .M

The brlrte Is a 1002 (troduate laml were ap If ■Cnmris‘ cbunty'“ lilgh achool of schcdullnK ,nd waa valedictorian of her clubs to "alt It :lns.i. She Is employed by the during th c Inl ocal telephone company. I t

Tlie bridfftroom was recently projceis A ur, ; llscharsed from military aervice the la lr 's open md Is employed by the Iorc.it fair will ru n j w lc e . They will reside tn K oester oski

(0 Improve th th a t Ideas be

ioper, chairman; Mrs. Lewl.i I t wa.i voted loffman, co.chalrman; Mrs. Paul the home ecor JarLion, dccrctary, ond Mrs. Vlr. n t,lh e fnlr.:ll Malone, publicity. ■ ■

Secret sljtera '. wero revealed '.Irs, A rt Farris, Bountiful, Utah, ^VM a K u c . s t , __________ C

m 1;^Is

•S h ir ts fo r j^f' \

i i y f r n m t h p !_____________ A

• fam o u s

= o f th e

s ! ! ^

jltrejitJF loor____________ ;


I I N C A ]


T f r 1 ~ ancient V t h a \ W hfte Stag a

' J P‘"“ 'jf notched collar,

. , , tom side vent] under th e t m

. j tbea P a n t o f

T H Im ) e u y < ^ coialf K ' row waistband

" B H 1^ 1 Tn/^^«w

— —-^1— — -BarattJM iPM ti

.ccount ' ■ 9 Q

Tlinrne, <!irr<-|or, and Mri.In Ihe errrmoiiy were Mra.

iewbr)', p lrd in . |Timc«.Newa

bounty C ouncil j )fH o ffie s M e e tsHAGERMAN. June 9 — Tlie jodlns cotmiy home demon, ration council met. with Mrs '.ster Anderson, vice prealdent. nductlni;.n i e chll) voled to accept Uie t of bylnw.s. n.i reciimmenUed

lhe byliiu.i comtnUlec.Ed Koe.iier apuke on the an- lal Ooodlng county fair, Mrs ' llllam Maude, Mr*. Hazel Hav- land and .Mrs, Kenny Btrlck-Kl were appointed In c h a r g e __________ ___schcdullnK women of Various' .

lbs to "all ln " 'a t the buildings r ln s th c lalr.[t was dfcldtd lo JudRC the sjceifl AUR, 15. to be ready for : la ir ’s openlnB. Aur. 10.' The r will ru n Atn;. lo -is.{oestcr oskeU-Jor auggejllons JImprove thc fair nnd asked r

U Ideas be m alled.to-him , f:t wa.1 voted to donate *10 to J J; home economics 4 .II project ,the fnlr. j-----------------— ---------------- RHOC

y i c


l\ ^ W IT H

Yl ^ JE

I . . .(R ig h t) , th e**•' • . je o n fo r o l

tW itie s . T o -------------------------------------------1 —

2 ^ ^ Im . 5 c o lo r


discovers a treasurein the ®'''*

I N C A I N D I A N ^

P R I N T S H I R T r - x —

of softest pima ,cotton broadcloth

lit ancient batik p rin t is a | . h fte Stag exdusivc in good*•gold p im a cotton broadcloth 'ith * t\ casy .cue fmish. Tiny j . ■ ^Itched collar, roll slecvci, bot*ra side vent* to wear over o r -ider th c smooth fitting Bata. I .ea P a n t o f richljr texturcd, Iiy< are com bed' cotton. Nar< | > • 7 /^ ^ B 'S kw w aistband, side lippe r and

ca lo d ia o Shitt, ........ • '(» ixe*).(co lon) <355

(sixes) ( c ^ ) < 7 iT _

!nd F lo o r S p o rtfw « ar '

~ G i r W W q

a g e r m a n l D S

l u t u a l G a t h e r s - ' “™ ; ; : « . r , , :.GERMAN, J „ „ . . Sl„. I ' ™ 'I Udy conducted tlir Mutu.l! ,,V l'Ifr-inir nv- tilting, wllll Rhiind,i WiK,<I •In* th e ihrme. Mr . J.-,.,cock wns chori.«;er, mtlt \Vil. fu m rrn im ia for c:ilne ns p lanhi. iXn-.vy im i. ScpieiRave the liiKc.Titui!, Clanies were ledla Malda held ,. and .st n i.nil Knn-n ,K

A n i BrFas


BEN CASEY BLOUSISizes 30 10 36. while, powder, block. Fino combed cotton and dacro n ...........

2nd floor Sportswear

^ w in a into as z _______________________Jjum m er oj'VITH

-------W RA N G U ERT

JE A N S , ^f o r m is se s o n d g irls____________ •

l ig h t ) , th e n e w fash io n .son for oil outdoor a c - /v itie s . T o p e r tid le g — / ,lD - f r o n t= v o n 3 v c d ~ d 6 T ^ W ^ ~ ^ P ^ yn . 5 Colors, m isses 8 to v \ V iT M0.

3.98G ir i t ' t iz o i 7 to 14

K g

J B ^ S ^ v i A v ' ' ‘ m p f M■ ■ : ' ■ ^


....... - - - - - -

'ririji' W n r M ■

L o w e r . L e v e l

-.1- ' ' ■ ■ ; ' . s : / . 'niKht, vnrtrr the dlrecllon,- S u n d a y Ju n o ‘ 1' rlr lc;\chfr. .SJr.i, Eil U r - ' r > ' I’liiTis wj-re iiiiulp fi)r' il'e ‘ " i r r h o 'l s l i t iK i llo nllend the churcli c m i - , - - ----- -•........ —

e S«ll U k t Cuy, Mjs.; ........ .. „tl and Mrs, Iluy KciVt/er " cc;impnny'the Blrb.. , M> . l->ed ie llar, M . Ur;.ori reviewed (lie clrls' Sl.intey- Pciifolrt. Mi rnirnla for cIbm iiunrdi lo Wi:!l:mi .Mat:dr. Mi rn In Scplcmbrr. ai;;l Eil I.aiMju. ‘ lies were led by Terri L ir- -Ilie brnrciluiion w till Knren K enltzjr.______ iD.umy AiCueiia. ^

FashhnFias BEN ^ S EKOOKII

COAT!a ?

/ A N E W T W IS T T O A N O L D FAV( I — By RH ODA-LEE JU N IO R IT E S . I 'JK o o k ie" C oo ts b e a u tif u l ly h o r d s I * d " w ith 0 lif c -s tz c d .’ p G 'r f r a i t - b f . f BEN CASEY. S izes 8 to I . ••


'.i jl

BLOUSES ■c r o n ............

-o a ^



J | m F W | h (A bove) CroQiO'

o w n f a s h io n Tn

sh o r ts ! 5 co lors .

j M 8 to 1 8 . G i r l s ? 1

« .. G IR L S '.F L E E C E .

BO A T N E C K PU L LO V. • 1 0 b % C o m b e d C o tto n

' : • 'C o f o f r o s r Q n d 'W a ih " a b l« ~

------------------*0-14— — m

day , June‘ 10, 1952 Fo*ls I itiic i N e w s . J J

y.d pre-.nt «,rc Mr. and 'red Zellar, Mr: and Mrs.V Pfiifolrt. .Mr. and Mra. n .Mat:de, Mrs, Kenltier ll • brnrciluiion nlven by AiCuelia. -



• ..................................i O LD FAVORITE IN IO R IT E S .. . .Fully hond screen- __poftrqit- b f -T V 's


p i "


ve) C r e a te 'y o u r fash ion Tn rojt*up

:s! 5 colors. Miss«s 18. Girls 7 to M,


L E E C E .

p u l l o v e r "J C o tto n

^aih"abl« “

- ^ 9 — ----------- --

T & r -

S u n d o y , J u n e 10, 196 2 I ' 1 2 T w in 'F o I l s T im es-New sI

, M iss B urgess, ■ S h ir le y W ed in 8 T .F . C erem ony , g

JEROME. Ju n e 9 - D»rlene 5 Fem B urseai. daughter of Mr. g a

. in d Mra. E lm o M. DurgeM. and f S Melvin Ray Shirley, wn of Mr, u )d Mrs. BcMon 6 hlrte>-, all Je- ■ rome. were m arried Msy 3 alU ie ■

_,-T »’lnJnJJa-C h«rch of ChrUt.______■— The ainnt«-rlns-cei.ematur-A‘U _ H

performed by Carey B. l/xiney. ■ m lnliter of th e Jerome Church H

•' of Chrlat, before » bwkBrtwnd - ■ of beauty baakeu of pink gladloU H and candlbi. ■

"Because”, and “I Xova You ■ Truly" wer? aung by Mr. and ■ Mrs. Claude Cewis.' AlblHil. ' " ■

-------Tbe bride wore ft itr«nrnT ttr^—■• . gown of w hite chiffon over taf- ■

. feU and net, w ith a fllted bodice Hcovered with a ahort Uce jRckct ■with th ree-quarter length tIcevcJ. ■

H rr el'bow 'length vrft, belortg- ■■ Jng to Wilma I^euley. »bier of H

the bridegroom, waa held by aqueen'* crown of aeed p«rl» and ■aurora borealla sWnes. B

Her only jew elry w u a double Hstrand of pearls, belonging to Hlhe bridegroom's molher. She ncarried a w hile Bible ouned by HU nda Bhlrley, nlster of tbe bride- Hsn»m . W hite carnntlont and pink M ro.iea iw d w hll« n e t eorered theBtble. ■

• '• U ndo Shirley. sLster of lhe H bridegroom, woa maid of honor.

—JU becca -S h lrley^e tjte r . of. tlie; bridegroom, v a a brlde^nmld. Tlie H maid of honor woro a blue vel- veteen aheath d r e a wllh three- H q u a r t e r lenRUi tleeves. Thc brldewiald wore an aflua cryalal- H line d reu w llh a - filled bodice. three-qunrter length aleeveA and « full sk irt. E ach wore a wlilte H fur headband, w hile gloves nnd while shoes a n d carried bouquets of white carnations.

Von arovcs. Alblon, was b u t m u t. David B urgua , broliicr of the bride, and O ary Duncan, both Jerome, were usher*. Oary 0un- j —

* * ^ m ^ y Shirley, brtther cfthe brldegroomr was rlngbearer-----------He carried a. w hite satin pillow , trimmed w llh lace. T i* pillow P r i p wa« mnd# by Joyce Hatmaker, ‘ fihonhone.

The brldeproom’a molher wore % beige sh e alh brocaded dreu o £ c i with a m a teh ln s coat and acccs- n,e f h torlcs. home o

Tho reception was held In the Declo,, basement of th o church. Pink 75 ^ e r flowers and p ink and w h i t e om .( streamers decorated Ih t gilt and Mi table. Mr. ani

The bridal tobla v t s covered fftmlly, with a lace c lo th and centered ert Peti with a th ree-tlered wedding cake. Hnrral Pink and w h ite rose.1 decorated n n j m the cake, topped wllh a wlilte Mr nn bell hanging from a heart of Rjr. ^nc flowers and sa tin ribbons. ny, poc

P e g g y T hurston .' Murtaugh. jnf. 1 ' regUtered th e miesU,. A alngle Mra Ai _plnk_rcae_tlW orft}rf Qie guest Aian P

table. Jo jxc H atm aker. Bunny Kelley. Cliapmati. Caro l Mallea and m C a m a H ia tt p resided a t the gift romllri Uble. otto M.

Assisting w ith ihe reception n i c f were Mrs. V etslu Carter, Mrs. pr U lilan Phillips and Mrs. Vera Tatlersall. a lt £den, and Mrs. p . Lucllc Denay. Murtaugh. r O T

T he bride w ore a lavender two- . , piece wool su it w ith while acces- \ / j c sorles a n a ”Qio corsage from her bouquet for a honeymoon trip to ARCC California. T he couple will reside ney ht 11 mlles n o r th of Jerome, where Va.. nfl< the bridegroom works with his and Mi father. '. former

The bride w as graduated In his sUI 1M3 from Shoshone high school, Twin F

_TJia_lirldeD»oia_aU«i)il{A_®S; _ A dm ohcme achools. ney hoi

Wedding guesta were from Je- and Mr rome. Burlcy, Paul. Shoshone, Mrs. o: Albion. M urtauRh. Eden. Twin and Nl P^IU and P iy e tte . Lucille

___________ M « _________ TnTTirTM»MOTHERS PRACTICE Mr. an

MALTA. J u n e S — Singing Joseph Mothers o f th e R a f t River LDS Salt U stake practiced 'Wednesday after- Ralph . noon a t th e M alta itakehouse tello.

-Tf»n~wrg.- H. E .- Klng~dirtctln-g “ 7 .IrT i and Mrs. K ay Udy accompanist, and fan

W f t M

, ; -


TOO! '

6 2 I ' ' ' '

arlene j, ^ ■ S ^ | R f n & •|f Mr. w As. and>f Mr, / i %>11 Je- ^at

hurch round -MoU



)Odice .'

lortg-t r o l ''by a . ■ K.I ' .

ouble '

‘sSd by 'ride- % rpink I the


tlie:Tlie ^ vel- ' ^ j 2 5 ^ 1 r ; _ '

■ree-Thc .tlal- 'dice.and ■ W kT-W SF

. ' . n f i . V iV .K w V \ |V *

\ r > i \ . \ V b u t '' ' '^ O I k V V j 'T of 'both , ' - - r ^ .Jun- > ■ • - .• -■ ■ .................2. ----------------Mil, AND MB8. MKLVIN-RA

________________________ (Davli phcte)

I” Fries F am ily Jud ; S ta g e s R eunion T o t-

iress DECLO. June 0 -A reunion ot [ o K ^ < « ' the Fries fnmlly wns held n l the J '- 'I - '

home of Mr, and Mrs. John Borti, Judy 1 Declo, A dinner wm sen’cd. Some queen 0 75 members nttended. 50. Job's

l i e Out-of-town relatives were Mr. sonic tei and Mr.i. J. V. Pries nnd family. O ther Mr. and Mm . W. O. Harral and pllt. sc

'fM family. Buhl; Mr. nnd Mrs. Rob- Drake, tred ert Pehrson, Mr. and Mrs, Uoyd PlppUt. ake. Hnrral and family. Hansen: Mr. er, mars “ ed and Mrs. Lnmnr Wlnwnrd nnd Tlie pi

Mr. and Fred Wlnwnrd, Orace: Wllkerso of Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Pries and fam - member;

Ily. Pocatello. In f wof*Mr. nnd Mr*. Verl Winward. ^

nil® Mra. Agnei Kelly. Mr. nnd Mrs. held Jur ““ t Alan Fries. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cl" ""y Kelley, nnd families. Burley; Mr. Bwapo and and Mrs: Carl Richardson and yf'’’® jU t family; Alblon. and Mr, and.Mrs.

O tto Mafcr, Rt/pert, '4™ The fnmlUes of John BorU and

bUs PrlM. Declo. also a ttended,,'era 4. ^ ’ ‘ •'O o-ti>irs n I I observed

P arty H onors S; V isitin g S e a m a n S ?;-:) to ARCO, June D -D ale Earl Den- A pari side ney has returned to Norfolk. «m ora lereVa,. ftftervl.iltlni{hl*perentfl,Mr. bethel his and Mrs. Orville Denney, Arco. f f r o nsl

former Twin FalU residents, and ^ In hU sUler. Mrs. Margo Tamme,

ool. Twin FalU. 'h s i .„A P firty -ffn » > ?d n t th t P t a i

ney home. Ouesuj included Mr.Je- nnd Mr*. Harvey Vader. Mr. and n*vf^ i . >ne, Mrs. Olln Plummer and fnmlly win and Nina Phillips. Areo: Mrs. asola. B

Lucille Tnmmer nnd Mrs. Marce Robert t__ TiiTTirTM» nnrt «nw« Tu’In Pn11«- finrl Xtrn

Mr. and Mrs. Mnrtln -Murray, Mennn, Ing Joseph Kelso and Onry Tamme. Oultar DS Snll lAke Clly; Mr. nnd Mrs. Dale Dei :er- Ralph Jones and famll>‘, Poca- A dnnceIUM tello . _______ _ _ Bertha's•Ing Mr. ond M r^ Sam OuIsHsola “TSenne; list, and family, Rupert: Frank Gula- de.Hroyei

S P W P f^ ilS ^

1 ^ 1G lv

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j to e ig t i t . .:,! P s t a y s o f t n „ ; & ■ ■ golf P k i]lP & § h o e s . CASUAL El

Make things sof- t f --------:• '-------%................ Rolne Hush Pup;

- is t/iplMannfd soles are sorin;

B 9 B P |M | | ^ B p P M , m protection a • • • malies Hush Pui

|® \A 'nere.bnPuppies w

-------- U and colors,; so

" % iE n g i

[ M i s s

R a v s

I n T e

marriage daughter '

■'• LJ f m i i M ‘ IWateni. £ Isten. so n i

a j y ' ' ' • - ■ <M. Rarsu~-t—■ .! emnlzed l

’ - 1 jF*!'*-1 w ^ I »¥ ■ Pfealden

F.g j - i.y . - , 'M 1. J flclated,j f a ' H A I Afi«r tl

’ i- ‘.7 ;w n . V rP;~ i 'hosted a '?

f f l K i t i ' . V'l !couple Wi.y ^ . V • ____:- - f i f f l _____ : J J lp n .M a v ;

, l i .B ■' recreation•i '■< •• vT- ■ p M - ■ I The bri

V ■ L r' llenRth Uc- ^ ^ J ' pearU heli

-------- ------------------------------------- _5i_.Sh8.eam e__________ L__________________ _J_;jiD dJl!vof

:1 Brideuni. •. i f •-.' ■« DUcher s

\ Each won■ t a ,

/ J , l " TI18 briiI,. hels# and/ ; * dre.-J. The• . . • . Broom wor

§ / 'Each wore. J»nd white

Mil ! nations,n l The hallw [nrrangemei


— ’' I ' ,Helncr am •(Utah; Bruc

........................ ............................ :and .V crn \C j j L . . ........ .......... . . . . . 1. o if t beni: ^ ' v • rltition ai

• i T«m PalU', ■ Rftvsten. I i

| |K r i< iS . ' ' ' cards wer.

r - 5 l i 3 B b '. • ; i oi>e.-.tswI v ' U P * Stnnley J,I i i i - ' ' K ; 'rn iu .W V ^ S W . ' fcv; ■'eOkiB E a X **. ^ Ontce NellT S a ( j r r Ann .Mnrle, J . \ J Holyonk. Bs L W N - in v - s u m L E i----------** _____________________ ___ Dnrrel Hnn

Scovll and

J u d y R o m s e y e r

T o H e a d T . P . r S " r ;

J o b ' s D a u g h t e r sX. Judy Ramseyer wns e l e c t e d Tlie wedd le queen of Twin Fnlls bethel No. ed by Mrs

50. Job's Dftughters. nt Die Ma- alw cu t nni :r. sonic temple. Mrs. Lloydy. O ther Officers are Mym» Pip- M w tr c id pllt. s e n i o r prlncc.w; Sandra P. Ravsten, ]. Drake. Junior princeu: Sandl aten tntve n •d Pippllt. guide, and Kathy Hard- A duet t r. er, marshal, Mra. Nell /id Tlie past honored queen, Kay Allen gave

Wllkerson. p r e s e n t e d council sung by M members a trophy for outsland- and Mrs. ing work during the year. Twin FalU.

(]_ Installation ceremonies will be Riven by Ci 4. held June 13. "Lucky Joble'* was tem. Burlc; ij, Judy Claric. Korl Blir. Scrapbook ettmmllteo reporU nUhed dom

were given during a meeting a t The new J thc first of the m onth. Oay Sut- been emplo'

ellff waa -Lucky jeb le.- A blrlh- S d T h S d day party wos held alter the ,1“^^ l i

meeting. attends' ‘ ’'G o - to -c h u re h " Sunday was .rr«itv

observed by th c bethel a t the S , / ’««»>] Pirst B apiu ttchurch . A breakfast n t .h honoring m others was held after n " l . f . to

1 services. D lona Ballnntyne was _ • ---------"Lucky Joble."

A party honoring graduating , senlora wns held a fte r a recent r bethel business meeting. Olrls O N L l 0 wero naked to submit Ideot for rt bethel scrapbook covers,. I t waa decided to take bukets ’ of food to the Ooodlng deaf and

^ bJInd K hM l, Severnl members

0 tions for Amerlcnn Wnr Mothers.“ Betty Jenkln.1 was "Lucky Joble,"s. asolft. Bellevue; Mr,..nnd Mri.;e Robert Knight. Jerome, and11 a n d Mrs, Ben W olfc.and fumllv, __________f, Mennn,e. Oultar tnuslo was played by ». Dole Denney and Oory Tamme.I. A dnnce wn.i held n t Harry and_ Bertha 's tavern. Butte C l t ) \ _____________a “TSenney Is se rv lng liboard 'lhe I- de.Hroyer USS John W. W eeU

I S i F —

^ i - F O O T ^d v e

b A

m ^ 9 .9 S ^

H u s hP k i p p i ^ , 0 .


• ® » ' W" m i - J: ii'i S K ' - E H»s» Poppits.-nio J '« nplMamri to b,1 are springy cmhi^ cfppn BuX - 4 ^ iratection against tlift _and'’stains 7.--s Husfi-ftppics-a_snjp-ti).ci(-an,- -*-.7 .-.....^;.-A mere.bmshing doej-'itt pj-u, 'Puppies now available in all styles

colors,-so shop early, • • A RN EI

1 “ " d R

a ' ,|M iss W aters Is R a v s te n 's Bride-'- In T e m p le Rites

IDAHO ’ FALLS,. Jurie » -T he i f ^ Hmarriage of Sherryl Water*. daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Leroy

‘ {Waters. Burley, to Curtis Raf- 's ten. son of Mr. and Mra, Frank M. H arsten. Htybum. was sol*

.! emnlzed May 5 a t the Idalio I FalU LDS teniple.; President WUllam Kllpsck of- flclated, ;

I After the ceremony. Mr. andj ^-n tT re rV rP rR a v * tc n rId ah o -F aiU .-;-^^ B — ■, -h o s te d a-w edd in irb rw kfu trT he - ^ B —

I couple wta honored at a recep-: j l p n Mav 20 a t the Burley sUke i

recreation hall. ; JI The bride wore' a •ballerln'll J.lenRth Uce gown. A''cro«'n of: m■pearU held her veil of illlunlon.j

- .S h e carried a-bouquel of orchlds.-----------------_:aD dJ|ly o f.the volley. ________

Dfldeunalda wcre~htH, Leon *DUcher and K aren Thurston,,Each wore a tonserlne-colored: M n n p r gott'n and a corMge of talisman

Tlie bride’s mother cho.ie a ' 0 belse and brown embroidered L J ,- . . iC O dre."J. The mother of the bride* n U U j C Broom wore a green linen drea , haOER.M. Each wore a corsage of tangerine y W. ( and white orchlda and split car-i{j,eir golden inations, [7 lo 9:30 pI The hall was decorated with Hftgernian M InrranBements of talisman ro.ies. „ u p je ren«e 'tnnKerlne ond yellow chrysah* .j.,

Dfsl m an u-n< Nell Strnuss. «.i,preHeyburn. U.iher.i were Thane „nrf

.Helncr and U ent Burch. Proto.•( Utah; B rucr NelUon. Idnho P a l l s . ) ‘ iand.Vcrn W nters, Burlev. ‘" X . ' T - , ,1- O lft bearers were Colleen Ar-j rltition and April Arrlnglpn, Carbon wii. T«m PalU. and Kimberly Ann hrecder unti Rftv.ilen. Idaho Pars. Th«nk-vou ^353. ® cards were presenled lo the stale Hobtel gue.ii. by O lenn ArrlnRion.- fo r.1*0

I Oue.-its were reglitered by Mrs. They move Stnnley J . Vandenbark, Twin ley In ISO. I

I Pnlli, Ooodlng coiii Olfts were arranged liy Mr.i. pltal board I Dee Olfford, Rexburg; Mrs. they are a Bnice NelUon. Idaho Falls, and church work Ann .Mnrle Pearson and Carol civic actifit;. Holyook. Burley. TJie coupie

RefreihmenU were served by john.Car.wn, M rs.'L .iw rencrH nnK i and Mrs, Mrn’,'JackH()l Dnrrel Hnnks. Burley: Mrs, Bud Blauer, WIcl: Scovll and Mrs. William Helle- n -bcwell, Heybum . n,„n and Du

Tliey were avilsted by Sufan n re They ha Arrington nnd Mary U nne Ar- rlnglon. Tw in Falls, and Jnnel * „Holyoak and DeAnn Larson, Bur- i , , t n rley, ttfcuD

Tlie weddln? coke was deeorat- ^WENDELL, ed by Mrs. Leo Tliurslcn, who also cu t and served It. avisted by W in wcnue Mra. Lloyd Robln.r Burley.' marriage J u

Mfl^jer o f ceremonlM «a* V. Mf. and M P. Ravsten. Mra. L jnn A, Rav- aten gove a prayer. « "■

A duet WM sung by Mr. ond ________Mrs. Nell Anderson: Mrs. Alfred Allen gave a reading; a duct was were Mr. am sung by Mrs. Howard Arrington Ingcr and W and Mrs. Stanley Vnndenbark, Killer, all Og Twin FalU. and a piano solo was Mr.i. Darwin given by Carol H nnU Vem Wa- U tah; Mr. an ters. Burlcy. gave a prayer.' Mr. nnd Mr

Knrl Black'* orchestra fur- Mrs. Levi Al nUhed donee music, U tah; Mr. an

Tho new Mrs. Ravaten haa LewUton..UU been employed a t the Idaho Bnnk Mrs. LoRci and TVuit. Burtey. Ravjien foJ- City; Mr, and filled an LDS mission In FInlond Orem, U tah; and a ttends Brigham Young unl- Ravslen and verslty. and Mr. and

Tho couple wm reside In Provo, denbark and OUh. Howard Arrin

Out-of-tow n wedding guests Tw in FalU.__


KORELL PLUS-SIZES FIT YOU PER . » . wifh n ^ o lfe ra lm s if yoyVe.S' 5"

I. Ii;« P'=B=-':cH.d for you, lh, IgnW wcmsn («''s" end!. 11 Jtyied - !h rotio.iM^: j:* tilx m w ovr.h -qU 'r! • ____ ' -•

s. in on K3|,J I, „.J.

. . i •/ cJ".t3,i.d , | i , ,,,p p ,j ,j

f. '! : j


" 0 ’fA ‘i ...... ;...... S 1 2 . 9 S lo

AND M118. V. W CAItSO ------------------------------ — -[T b a y tr '^ e to l —

H a g e r m a n P a i r

T o S t a g e O p e n

H o u s e J u n e 19HAOEn.MAN. June fi-M r. andiiuck dinner v

.Mrs. V. W. Carson will celcbraielRellcf society, their golden wedding anniversary!tlon of .Mrs. E 7 to 9:30 p.m, June 10 a t the Douglai Wc HaRcrnian MethodUi church. Tlie ceremonies. D couple renue*t.i no-gifU, :gave the Invoc

The Cnrsons were mnrrled: Top dance n June P. 1012, a l Clay Cem er.iby^John MaiKhai.. where he »ns a merchant, and DeAnn farmer nnd banker. They moved Clark and K at to Ooodlng In 1B3<. bringing with a tap dance. thetn some OS ih tl r purebrcdtP #>'«“ >V rccU tered'H obieln h ttd .- . . • 1

Carwn wn.i an active HoUteln breeder until hU rellremenl in . j- 1953. He .wns pre.ildent of the . ta te Hobtein Breeders f.«ocla- occompn lion for .two terms. palnee. Jac

They moved lo Hagerman val- sook.i were ley In ISO. He ha.i served on Ihe retiring bishop Ooodlng county Memorlnl ho.\- c , Choules nin pltal board for many years, nnd gnve o sh o rt t Ihey are active In MelhodUi nltlon w ai gli :hurch work.'Orange and other chnm a n d ' C :lvlc »c tiflt;« . cJerti.

Tlie couple h a i five children. R. K. Bendo lohn.Car.wn. Mlltonvale, Kan.v; diction, kfrs'.'Jack BOUe; M rsn.. W.Qlouer, Wichita. Kans.

Mra, Robert Oaaton, Hager*; nan. and Dudley Carson, Eugene.3re. They have 10 grandchildren nmtd one grenl-Erar|dchlld, U

WKD^ING NOTED ' WENDELL. June fi — Elfanor Orntzer and Charles Freeman.: t»th Wendell,' were united In- marriage June 3 o l Elko. Nev.Mr. and .Mrs, Floyd Lancaster • m ended the couple. Mr, nnd:Mrs. Freeman will reside In Wen* ^

cere Mr. and Mrs. Dean Sluck- >nger ond Mr. and M rs^lrvlne Ciller, all Ogden. U tah; Mr. and .Ir.l. Darwin Connell. Smithfleld.' n n h ; Mr. and Mra, Vlvlnn Allen.',(r. and Mrs. Seth Allen and^,(rs. I^v l Allen, a ll Richmond.!Itah ; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Allen,',ewUton. U lah.

Mrs. LoRcne Scott. Salt Lake :iiy: Mr, and Mr*. L. A. Rorslen,>rem, Utoh; Mr. and Mra. V. F.U i\ilen and family. Idaho FalU, ‘ nd Mr. and M ra Stanley Van- enbark and Bishop and Mn. toward Arrington and family, all'“win PalU. I


t e \ ' r ” H

i — i 5I -Bings

i l $ . /----------------------------------------------- w b m

Iy)n ey-bai

® N(O h

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owVe.S' 5 " Of under!

>sn (S's" and «nd«r)I R M

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’0 rOjiAj far'ol’.torsnil9 , * * 1 ----------------- --- j U ^

■ S .

2 . 9 5 to ; i 7 . 9 5

^ ^ " '■ s h o p ^

LingnqvP la n s to

’ Mr, MrtB f ' . ' ' Twin FalU. innc^ F ' m en t'o f theirH i f e s . to Richard Unf

and Mrs. Unari Foils.

■ Mtu Rase Is' of Twin PalU hi

m "B ; . ‘ . '- . some school In 1

No definite wtT * ® ® l>ecn « ‘-

^ M emorii.iMi'M M a rk ed

^ '■ ' . - r L A P M s ,. v c ^ o ^ ........... ....

!“ • '________________________ S m in , or Coll.-----:---------------------------- ------ AUJillnr?--Patria'

iish o p s Feted^t LDS P arty S n / , . ?HAOERMAN. June 0 -A partyiVroU RafnM, 1• the outgoing bL«hoprtc waaiMr.v Wllllijm Id a i the LDS xhurch, X pot*! Mr.v ;k dinner w aiUerved by the: The report of i lief society. urJricr the Hlrec-I mliiee showed n of .Mrs, BrneA^o>ley. j home calU, 12 cn 3ouglai W ood' vcM^mwiter ot, ilonj of food «hi •emonles. Douglas j o h n so n 'flo n e ra had beer « the Invocotion, : ber*. A curd v t[ »p dance numbers were giveniRioup lo be sen'

John M artin, Jonn Mnrtln SInu, a sliutln n d DeAnn Leatham. Brenda| Wllllnm Jewell, irk and K athlene Choules nave; ed on the area tap dance. Violin dueU were|Twln PalU. Mrs. ,yed by Jo,^eph Cline nntl Don; Buhl, nnd Mr.i- ne. accompanied by Wildn'Klmljcrly. were ne. I lhe auxiliary lo'CBhetie Wood, Dpniile Sm lih!ihe plenic,1 Kay Wood did n iiip dnncel Oeori;e Schoe nine. Mrs, Jo,«ph Haycock! gmerai chalrmar 15, nccompanlcd by. Mrs. Ven-: Mrs, Charles H Prince. Jack Allen abo Ming. dent. «avc a repc

Jook.i were presenled to the. and her hu.»bar trlng bishopric. Jack Allen. W,! World's Fair. T Choules and Vern Loit: each’port was given I ■e a sh o rt tnlk. Special recoK-lMis. nidgewsy g. lon w ai given lo Jame.i Me*{and eIo.fing thpui im o n d ' Carl Udyns. ward nlng. rti, I The next meel, 1. K. Bendorf gnve the bene-1 Sepl, 3 nl Jerome lion. ___________________ I Mrs, Blswell and

B rand NevJU ST IN i



• Csmblnei wilVN lUndird bteidci

• No ricfnti r.ttd«• ^ichlen tfyml

n f l l l ^ ^ U * Bituillul, luncileW | | | | | l PERF

■ ^ ■ L l s t Price $150 s e :

■ ^ B S | i i ' i ml lm

New for Fishin(-'WORM-OUr

Workrlike~Mtigic!—•Bings ishtn' w orm s righ t ouf oF tt g round l

WOI?M OUI does nol harm w orm s^ gra o r p e ls . Com pletely safe . Sold on o mo ey-back guaranleo.

"Fithin ' W orm i A-Plonly w tlh WORM OUTl"


f y o i i - r a


SS :

H j

J i a ? ^ R o s e W d i ,

i n g n q w R e v e a l ■ ■ j | H

I a n s t o M a r r y . B ^ Hir, and Mra. DeWoln R w ^In FalU. announce thc engage- & ■ n t 'o f their daughter. Ncdra, ^Richard Ungnow. son of Mr. A T SI Mrs. U nard Ungnow. Twin ^

IL« Rose Is a 1902 graduate v jTwin PalU high school; Ung* ' * ^ 1 |r—wna graduated from t h e ............. - ^ i j Sle school In tfido. ; ^ B0 definite weddln* dale has "

" ♦ ''

\ e m o F i a r D a y — m U T

\ a r k e d b y B u h l

A P M s a t M e e tUHL. June 9 - A niemorlat N>:iilt,\iram _lilghlighted-U ic.r«zuluri--------- ll.*eti>srij..iliig of Colfax Na 13, Uidlr.<— -;iltnr?--Patrtarchs-Mllltant. a i r S h n W P rDuhl lOOP hall, I ’■>' '^ V V C I

urlclpallng ln the ceremony: HAOEHMa N, ,l e Mrs, A, O- BUwell. B u h l .l 'r wa.i ln 'l,| Mi >) wrote lhe program; M r s . ' * ‘'fi'ni:.i RafnM, Twin F\ifU .'kncf f'-"', William Jeivell. je rom -,1 Ja.v Dm In-.. Oarl Rldgenay,w.is p l n n L ' . t . ' E r i vhe report of the vb ltln j com* ' ' ' ‘‘arr lee showed 24 hojpltal. 18' le eal!.i, 12 cards. Ihrre dmi;.-f o f food 22 bouquci.'* o f ' ‘'f,- L had been given 111 m em -, W '" " ; " - / ' ’r-'.. A card was signed by ihc O u if ir . ip 10 be *ent lo Mrs, Mabel'.1, a shuiln Dl Portlnnd. Ore. S o c h l U l i

llllnin Jewell. Jerome, report- •)n the area picnic July 8 a t THERMOGRn PalLi. Mrs. Lxland Hudson, PIHOTO-EN*I, nnd Mr.1- OnrI Rlrige'vay. WEDDi.Ucrly. were appointed frtiiu , .. . .auxiliary lo make punch for inviiaiionplenic, ■ ■■ ' A nnouncciiv

tome fichoeler. Burley. Is • m ost beau litiTai chairman for lhe evenl. .u „ ♦!_rs, Charles Hnrl. Pller. prc.il-: °. «avc a report on.a irlp she , P c r s d iKher hu.tband took lo lhe □ -

id's Fnlr. The publlcliy re- d e ce p tio n acwas given by Mrs. Blswell, B ridal Book;Ridgeway gave the opening. » [ | SAMPLES (

T h e W l l k .le next m eetlue "’HI be held ^HONI 73, 3 nl Jerome, Ho.rtewea w ere;) ' »ANK i mu Blswell and Mr.i, H art. '

Mew Item s . .T I N T I M E F O R


i - W a y W a l k i e - T a l


:9mbln«t wilVI«,tilUt wllh • M««lmum powti ind lindird bteidciit ridia «low«d by F.C.Clo ricfnti nttdod • Syclobe. hlgh.Imp.ttj»cl»Ien tfyml eenltolltd _ , , , , ,, , • Uohlw«lgli»-6nl/ U«uii(tj1, functlenil diiign « 9 t„n»l.tofi ind I dl


$150 set $ 1 1 0



w o rm ^ grass” lid on a mon*

ly w tlh

t®®So Ftn*I So F e m o u t

-------------------------- 1 . So Sur* Te Pt«ai*

^ -k N ew Packageai* New Auortmeni

K ept f re sh e r in Twin - IN o n l y W hitm an re fn g i

case .

Wh ARDEN COSMETKIncluding th e f in e it

H . Soop on $ 1 $<H R .the m ark e t today .. I to i

— r ^ ' ' E N G L isH “ L E A TH E I!“

S ^ T D T I 0 N r £ ~ C T A 1■ j f iM j__ C oim otlci' _ . $ 1 $ t

^or m e n ............. . I to ■

D r w f l

, f f

I t iN i:iiii.\ iiDs,.

— Il-*etl>sfij.,.|,i,„,j,-----

ihow er StaqSlAOEHMAN, ,lin „ .5 ^ ,Wii.i ln '1,1 Mi>ancl hifftiii riv. 'i’/ . '

> I'hunjJ}. (kiIIIi - , Ja.v Diiiln-, >1 I'J, lo M r.. E n , . , -I,;..';

5 - ' ' . . 'So.Me;,:,e,'Ulc-s. Mi>. Mitiui Iv,., ' id rll: Mr- , S>h.i„ c iiu .‘, D uifiT.

S o c i nlll/ Cnrrcct \ THERMOGRAV[Oof PHOTO-ENGRAV£0- '

WEDDING Inviiaiiohs nnd

A nnouncciiients, Ki* n o s t beau iitu l lelcciicn

in ifie t^qnliwffsi.

, Pci-!<(iii(iH:ctlP ecep tio n accc5'.or,ej. B ridal Books, R,l)lti,F«K SAMPLIS OM KQUIII

'h e f / iU s ilf IdnhofHONl 7334U}

BANK I must eiDO.

IS . . .

•AYA TEe-Talkiel i R A D I O / -

Imum power ind tingf >«d by F.C.C Jbe. hlgli.Impitt pl.itit

w(lgli>-onl/ U sL mitton ind I di»dtO R PLAY

Q 9 5



tn*B tnoui ur* Te PUai*

c k a s t i \ na A uartm ritl

e r In Twin Filli* ilm an refrigerMffd

^ ' c LEATHEB _ >’

S"SOAr" ;


n .j|ey :M arries .j n r b a r a W i n d s o r

n W e n d e l l ' R i ’f e s . JP'L -«D E U i. June 9 -B n r b n rn . /■ _

diuRliWr 0/ M r o iw d H. ^Vmd^or.

! i : S i » ^ « c m « l h e b n d « o f f 'S . t WillUm Ballcy. son of

jn fiw a M*y M a t C hrlsi y S S S d m r c h , wendell.‘ d o u b l e rin* ceremony «aa ^ ■5 !;n rf by Uic ROV. Ilnrrj-

^/cddlng music w,ii ^ by Enill Undcrmiin, Dulil. J ^ b V wore a « lrq « lenKth H B

» S ^ - b r B c v e r i y T 3 a n p y n « ; - w - - |^ « f X e d WlUl a IJOdicft2 S uny »trup.-> ond o sho rt- W M l s y a l Uic -vini. nm - H

‘ 'b r i d e ’s elbow IcngUi lulk'J , -a s borrowed from Uic .ilMcrn w b rt ( Ie ro o m . S * 0;carri« .i-* - H M " 7^or-w hil«.«rchlil* .B iuU 't:(l - H M ^ U o n s .a n d w o rc a p e o r ld ro i )

a K)< 0^

* ^ rily n AiuielU Windsor, sLi- ,„ o ! Uie bride, wa-n maid of Mior.und Beverly Bnlley/nlMef j t i i e brldenroom. wm ir id w - ••td. Ttielr gowns o t red coicon .-

IdctiUwl. Tliey were fnrJi- i«kI witti round nectclliicn nnd M — nttim d »klru. Both dn-s-'es | M | | | r«« m»de by MLvi Boltr}'. B H

•mey carried bouqiiel.i of white {tmnllDnB.

ttuold Lm broUier-ln-Utf of Ihe brIdoRroom. wut U(-. l nuL and M arrln Thnutc »nd ^ n 7 Adams, Wendell, wen-ditm . I

‘m« mother of th e brtile wori’ i t m en cotton fitted drc^.s. Thi' [ brul(sroom'< mother m'1ccU-i| ni

cotton suit. Each wore i> I puik carnation coRiuRe. j

gome ISO Kue.its iittendid tlu- irddinR nnd reccptlon.

n^-e Ann Roesler. Filer, COU.1I11 cf Uic bridegroom, wiui In clmrRc- ot the RUKt book. Olftx wrre a r- nnitd b r M lu Roesler. nnd Dt- !,■» Aufderheide. Wendell.

ITir tliref-tieri-d weddlnc r;ike,with weddfnR bell;, and I ^ H I

llir of the valley, had n iieari- ,Hiprrt tavcr fOT the bui.i;. TlitvOie wM cut and servcri by Mi.s.;------------jUrtln Roesler. Piler. m int of Uie' bridrttroom. Mrs. CMcar T liiw tp;«ur«J coffee and Mrs, EMhr-r: jiedffS, Twin Pails, aunt of Uic-' CJldrgroom. served puncli* 1 r U l I for a wftdinR trip, the new ' r . , ^ ^

Mn. Dailey c h o « U bcli;c c o tto n ' L V G n Irtu with belRf aceeAsorirs. ‘ .The bride was Kraduatc<l frc-.n' „.,‘n „

f l u i d s high school, Redlands.' ,CiUf.. and Hollywood np.’iuiy col- ...n tft . Twin Falls. Bi.l|.-y wus "V,, rtduated from Wendell hicti “

ichool and Li serving In Uie nnvy ' “I"''''' board Uie U 83 submariiip Vein- f ■'or. ststloned In San Frnncl-co.■ms couplc plan to rr.Mde In,

Stnm nclsco.Out-of-town BUC.1U were f r o m ] 7'“ ' ' '

CildMlI. Nampa. Ed.-n. n i i r r i - ; ‘ ujn. Mdbn, Buhl. Filer. Tw in , l‘V f .il5, Ooodlng and H agennan.

Cakes M a d e a t - Area 4-H S ession

DURLEY. June 9-Anlllu.-<lnit- fitior lem ed talk on how to prepare n box the body ike hiRhilghted the nieellni; of In bl-icic < tiB Handy Annle.i 4-H club a t dish brov hf home of Mrs. Rulon Stoker. Dili Bittroup leader. The tnlk wnJ! Riven Rentner,br Ann Ben-ler. H’n r fon

Lculie Funk led tlie plcdKC. nnd hult(Von Young. *ecretar>-, wa.i plnced I ''‘l’ K;n charge of a unit cookie -slicaiti.iCwh member wns Mked lo mnke to covcrMtief rolls o jid bring gome to der.vJi( nexl meeting. At Mar

ntfreshments were served by a KJtnlse Funk. surface li

M arian M a rf irT s H s i P a tte rn


WlOK WHIRLER'"urii;. Kny. newt You’lH o v eI' ‘pin of a fulJ.circlc skirt, Uic ______

W t tha t Rlvcs ft Uny wnET ?i.'imtLaicws to-sow In crlap '“Olb. r.iyon.»’f 'm ra 'f .a lU m -------------^

>0. 12. H . 10, 18. SlM 10e;‘« and laefcrt tflfc*. RK ynrrit __________

Jnbrlc.yiiinj-.five- ccnU ”ln~coltis for ---------------'*•' P .itie rn-ndd 10 cents Ior '•li.li^itiern for flr*t-cln.is rnivll..5 “ lo Mnrinn M artin .'‘imr.s-NcH-s, pa ttern depart-^

la ih jttrteU Wew •

‘">f. nrtdrM w llh xone. size

“ 'rAI Exiral Exlrn big *uni- " i’-ntern cntAlog-over HXI

all ftiMi. occasions.3j cents.'

r ' ' j n

•I -- fy.- f -of ‘ r fy, ^

H S fe jk ; " ■ ■:h ;

• — --------------------------- --------------


k-IT . ,

:d‘P r ' v

'n .- I-id

u'! '



MK. ANH M nS. WILUAM LAlIIIl -------- ---------------------------- )l)»tU photoi------

' ; W o o l l s " l n " H a r r t

' ' . F o r F a l l , W i n t e r R e p o

::1 E v e n i n g W e a r b . K S '

'- 'cod i, crxil. cool ot the evening*, m « r ™

I, Tlie luaonvcniuiital iwe oJ y fthccT wDcils for foriiiiil apparel ^

iliroUKliout the new fasli- Pckrv Li lon colkxliiins belni: previewed ^ ,„p

„ hv New Yurk unrinent mnnu- .^0^,,' t-'cnirrrs.

,, | .S a im ll te;imrd wlih Pa'e . 1. . , , , "Itw rn l.i in i-ventnK suits. Wools . *!.slmw up n.s slinky, floor lengih , ,

evinltiK Kowns, And floral bro- H Q Q G cades line tweed conts or oUior » bulky wooh-ns and tcp short S n r i P

- -formni—d r w r n —repentlnff—the brocntlM. HAGER!

Dej|;;ner Jacfiues Tllfenti oJ Marlon P I. Moute Sano and rn iw n siiowed tlie moktn- fitior lenRih tominl.i -iculplurlng the Rellel X the body In eJilffon welRht wools er.i were ( f in bLick or Knyptinn clny. a red- Sherwoodt dish brown hue. Ran.

Dill Blnss. dc.sli;niT n t Mnurlce Mrs. PrC' 1 Rentnrr, used souffle wool* for Imt leadiei

lonr formnLi with bared backs one anothi . nnd halter or scoop from necks. The next 1 I,uls E.'iteve« did sheer woo! be held Ju .. -shcaihs with ehUfon, .topplnKs e to cover otherwise bi>’re' shout- Designer 3 der.v Townley I

At MarquLse, the .-(how stopper long, flow y wn.-: n kelly green coat wlioie wooLi In

surface looked deep-piled as an acre bias t- uTushorn .-liieep. Il.rppj»-(LSJ»JiHC Jjlack. o r_

.-intW'i.formdt Rown; tlie satin nnme for w(us repeated. In the coat hnlni:. P. Kenned

d p c i r F r i3 e y r U n l i l '? ~

_____________P L A N Y O U R T R A V ]


_________ ENSEM BLE LIKE Tli

All o f Ihe costum e’s fajhion ve

fre sh ly translaled for jum tii

in seersuckcr.

ico fsu ck cr w ilh a city a i r - d t

h a n d so m e -a n d blended Irom aco

co tlon for a silky look.

Slim slicsih , lined ja ck e l. . . .sof

o r b row n sifiped with black


Jo b 's [HAOEHM/

M ^ 33rd r.'.ilmW for InslalhilM ' •Jcliu-l No. 45^ r '

. • ' iii.Maiiitu: I' ■^-•-5' Pope, ri'tirli

• • .' I’upe. .sviilorSklniiri', Twl todl.in; Mrs. rome. yilidi-:

, ■ mor.’hal: M) _____ _____ . - . . rrct,r;i.-i-; .\i

■- ihaplam .’iiVi'd' imrrnlor.

'' . " Ill.M.'illi-<| V- . ■' <jnfriK K-ii'C

. prtiice.-.s; Vk prlnav.-., Ul

. ■ .sli;il: Hharoi ; • ------- — mer;xn-Ti-rr-J

.... .......... ......... .....................■- 0:hl.Uirl.-*'HJjK '* • third mc--'.en:R ' ' • Un. tuurin ir

nard. (ifdi nnB | ' Evrlyii Uo>P-/ rl n fhrritj,

CX '■ ' lor cu.-.iudliiii

' \ : !>■ ;•*■ ' -senlur cuMod

' ■ s . qui rn> pin,( ’■, si-nitcl. MISS :

honored qui-e- 1:

senlfcl n cor.-cc - \ - V- - Null Brack

V“. \ , -vJ ' Brackrir willN .4. ' J . ; ' whili- Uibl.' I

L , V ........... I'UIsenior p

M tloiioF duci'd ^^rle• ; ► ; .Mrs, Perrj’

Mike Prw ton Tiie new qi

pareiH--!. • Mr Bracki i t : her Or.t Brlickel

T ' Joan BrnckctI ■ mill licri Brrn

. r.i'', I b r o i h d s , ,>• ' i- . Council m

ASI LAIIIIIAT BAILKV »era Mrs. S<-photoi-------------------------------- diftJijVirRU-i-----------------------------------------------soclate Ruard

H arm ony Bells ■/ , Rnlpti Bi-hreR eport Parley

BUIiLKYf June 0 — Harmony unrvn- Ea-Io' BelLi 4 .H ;tlu b met. with l.lnda Mrs. Jo h n 'L t Glllrspie Rivtni; n Uilk on fricmi- .<ioclnblllly' ^ sliip snd denionHraUnB apple- inrccuir of ni'i sauce cooklra,. nrd WlneRur.

Knren Hill denionstrnled to- mato rKRUOK.s, nnd Pamela Pal- inrd Rnve a talk on u,ws nnd oKS wi typM of scKsnrs. •|„iroduce

PcRgy Uir.son was welcomed n» e„io„ yi.ijn. ft new monber Linda Olllc.iple. „„(j Th< Rroup lender, dlstrlbuled mnterl- 21. Duhl. .Mr al nnd showed how to make i,oduced' tu cloths Ior trays w cndtll No.

* * * No. « .

H a g e r m a n L D S

S o c i e t y „ G o t h e r s . _ T T Z tHAGERMAN. June s — Mrs. master coutic

Marlon Pugmlre demoMtrated DeMolny. the making of plastic doilies s l M lu Brack the Rellel sodely meeUng. Pray- to Uie Instn! er.i wero given by Mrs. Charles Lcve InTltetf Sherwood and Mrs. Belle Mor- tn-ii.altntlon c gan. June 11.

Mrs. Frcd Zellnr Rave lhe vi. lt- Mrs. Eaton Ing ieadieraim ««age on "Cherish atiend th e lm one anotbei'.*' as the Wende

The next work day meeUng wtii Refrtsh-.uen be held July 3. council meml—------------------------------------------- Moyne, Mrs.

Designer D oland Brooks, »t Behrens .icrvl Townley Included a group of Mrs. B erl long, flowing lormala in sheer floral plcces wooLi In hla collection. These ble.i and serve were bins cut and came either In poured coffe< Jjlack. or_Vtu/k_J^lle..-_a_ncv,: Chaplin..preaj nnme for Iv-ory a fte r Mrs. Jotio bowL P. Kennedy's trip to India. Norwood, »

T R A V E L ____________ ^ ^ ■

J A C K E T f f l B p

IK E T H I S ! ■ ^ ^ i

Fashion ve rsslility

for ju m tiie r f t r o m

:ker. Lii- J i

;ity air—da rk ly

Irom aco to te a n d l O p U B j M ^ V

silky look. J j j H w M


9 1

- .V - «

R u b y B ra c k e tf to l ,„ '“" f t ; 'H ead H a g e rm a n , ' Jo b 's D a u g h te r s ’ ’ :>

HAOEHMAN. Ju n e 0 - Tlie : . J ,U J3rd r.'.ilm cerem ony was u.vd * J g t tor Insiallailon of -Dtriceri for . ■ *;eiiu-l No. 45. Jo b 's DsuRhUTi, nt . . ■ ' :he .Masonic it'.iip le. ^ ' • ; ' ■

Iihlailiiu; o fftcer.i wrre Doima Pope. ri'tirliiK queen; Bonnlc. • . f’upe. .sviiKir., cuatoriUfl: Knthy' • sklniiri', Tsvlii Knlls. Junior cus- .^odt.in: Mrs. U-oii llari-snn, Je- roine. i:iiide: Mr.i, I’errv Uiui-vn. nar.’hal; M rs. Virgil'Norwood.:rc.>Mri'; .Mr. T Merle Owsley.WlsIGI,TIT XTrS:— MlKi‘~ P r r 5 t f l I t :~ ^ ^ B S H ” :haplalit. and ^Ir.s. Henry ChcrrV. ' ^ ^ ^ a j i ; ^

Iii,Malli'<j w ere Riitiy Brnckctt.)n<-'eti; K .iiot LoMdyne. .vnlor irliice.-.s; Vlckl Behrens. Juiilur irlnav.-., Dixie WliuKMr. mnr- .li it: hharon Sllrckluiid, tirsl rTier;xn-Ti-rr'JPnnctte-Hiilinr.”w - - - ^ ^ R ! t f » jih l. S lu rry —iluluie.—l^ ^® **” ■*-hird inc--'enger: K nlhy McNur-| lll 'H Y In. tuurin itie .w rn ter; Hose Ml-j . (puiimrd, fifth iiies.ii-ljKer. ' ------------

Evrlyii Uoyer. librorlnn: Stifr- p . ,•I n fh rritj , treji.iurrr; Sandra KeterSC •Vlnexnr. recorder: Laik Cnrtson, ,>utrr k-iiiird: V nyrctln ,Cook. In- H n < ; J p | ier Ku.ird: C nro lyn Cniidi, ju n -! ' 7or cu.-.iudtnn. n n d Knlhy MIIIit, A f M r i / ' cnlur custodian. /V \U ^

Du;in;v. Pope prcscn tn l Ruby, JKROMK. Ji 3 r n r k e t t w ltli the honored’P'''-' “ns ntten |Uien> p in , Mbt-i Drnckett pre- reunl-n■I'nitcl. Miss I>ope wllh the pnsl I - '‘iillle.s iilli' lonored qiieen's pli). Klfls of the ■■'•'I-'*. C;trev, itUiel, MKs B riicketl wu,i prr- -“ id Jenr.iie. • enlnl n c'lrinRc Jrom liie bethel, -lhe fiumln- Null U rnckelt presented Kuby of officers in

Iracketr w llh iv w hile K 'vel and ami neni-ato. y I'hlli- iiibl<' Irom tie r faiiiil.v. risen Ilju-aiu',

Umuiii' Pope \va.s presented A eluded Mrs, «i.st senior prlnce-'a' pin. Whitby, pri- lc

Piist lioiioretl queeiis Intro- i» ii . wcietnry liici'd n e le 'M rs . Leun Hanlon, .■.•m, publlcUy < .Irs, Perry* lUm&on and Mrs, Amy Davi.-i Pi pfikc P rw ton . l;iilon>..

Tiie new queen Introduced her i.-ninii,.* 0 lareni.^.. M r.- a n d Mrs. Noh'bmihrr.s alten Iracki i t : her Rrnndnioilier. M r s . p c t , . r , s )r.i Brlickelt. ROKfr.son. and j,,,-!; iil.iitmui oan Brnckctt. CheiiU-r Bmcki'tl |',.i,.rsou Inin nil lie n B rnckctt, her sLster nnd Minton Peter.- iroihri-.s. , , ; •'"'d ‘he Loul.'Council m em ber.i liitrodwcc'd:-j-;i„, j.-ajj..;

.era Mrs. S c o lt Preston, Ruar-; , ,Un; .VirRU-W0ra'O£ul.-aaJiiR-B,s.!,,,,!f'i“ ,Delate Runrdlnn; Mrs, Norwood,''/ f / ircctcr of epochs. 1 ^ ^ 5 'Mr*. B raekett, liecreiary; Mrs. .^1''

inlph B.-hren,i. director of II- nnce; Mr.-;. R ich a rd PoiX;. dl- Mr,-!, John pctor of parnphernnltn; nwlstetnrvey Easlon, be thel trea.iurcr; | '0 “ “I'd Mr? Irs. John LeM oyne, direclor of i^eUey. Dclablltty; M rs. Merle Owsley.l *Ireeuir of niu.ilc. Mid Mrs, liow-i P \ i p f t* i^ 4 rd WlneKur. d irec tor of hospl-! I iJ N 1 ^ -I

Mrs. Alan E rw in . worUiy mn- I W om enrou. OKS, was n KUC,M,'Ouardi- „ a g ERMAN i» Introduced w ere Mrs. Jame.,:alcn, Belhel N o, 12. Wendell,nd .Mr,s. T heo Love, betiiel No, i,,-i, ih lser1. Duhl. Mrs. I^orwood was In- j ; , ‘nt.KLsirnllorodueed tu piu.1 RUardlnn of n ,n . snturdayiTcndfll No. 12 nnd HnRennnn remnlnde;'0- , lunch will beNorwood wn.s Introduced as n,p dm rch dl

ast oMociate guardian ot the .[agerman bethel. Douglas Beck- g,^(, pm Snti

inster councilor Uie north side

M Si'‘ B raeke tt-p re .vn ted s U a » f ' ‘’T : J Uie liistiUllng 0fJlceri4 j H ^ B C " ^ * ' " ‘« ove InTltetf m e m b e r s V l S H }''® ;i.«aUntlon curemonlcs’^ E

Mrs. E aton invited members to itend th e installn tlon of offleem ■1 Uie W endell be thel June 13,Refresh-.uentj were served by gunrdlnn, pres<

5undl m em bers wlUi Mrs, Lc- " "d Bonnlc loyne, M rs. W lnegnr nnd Mrt- rlngs.'-enrncd ehrens .icrvlng. points.Mrs. B e r l CnrLion arrnnKcd Evelyn Boye; oral plcces on th e serving la- Delva Sllgar sa te.1 and served cnke. Mrs. Cherry pnnlcd by Ki aured coffee a n d Mrs. E, L. rending also whaplln presided ftt the punch Pehrcn,i. ___3wL Tlio next meNorwood, kcUng n s t o o l a t e June 13.


f ’

S o n J o y , J .jn o 1 0 ,v l9 6 2 w in .F o lts 1 im e j-N ew s | 3

ItrU Y mt,\CKKTT _(Dudlrv ]i!,„inl

^eterson Farnily Has Je ro m e Fete \ t M oose Hall jJKROMK, June y-Sevoniy-flvc M'I'.sons ;iiteiid<cl' Ihi- Pfterhon nilly reunl'ni nt ihr Mooie hiill..>mllle,s iillriKli'il from Idaho >.iM.i, Ciirev, Malta, 'I'win PulLiId -

(luiiiUi's n boardofflcrrn m tintsli tin: research ^ ^ ^ B B

(lie Pci- utftccrs In-

lull'd Mrs, Diiriiiliy Peterson hllbv, llarbarn Ru-

M-cietnry: Mr^, Cliff Pcier- publicity and Mrs.

public re-

PeiersonIncluding the

Uiur Peivr.son- Mnlta-ck Peterscin nnd Levi-lorson Iiiinlly, both Jerome; in ton Peti'rvoii fnmlly, Carey, fl lhe l.oiil.i PrirrMit Umlly.

LouU Peterson, (tie only sur-.'oi-'of i n c five tro thcrj,-7ioR' ------ '—es In Apnche JuncUon, Arl*.• wn,i iinnblc to nltend becnusc 111 henllh. . , ,

Mr,-i, John A. Peterson wm . 'MC.W. nu lsted by Wltbiv Peu r- 11 und Mrs, Helen Peterson ••l.' ey.

) is tr ic t LDS ' .^^omen to M e e t . . ,IIAGER.MAN. June 9 - Tlie .strict women's laMltulc of the V i v '-•orBantzed LDS ciiurch will be VId In HiiRermnn June 10 and, neKt-Mrnllon will begin a t D:n. Snturday wllh ch ives-foi ■ ■e remnlnder o( .the day. Anch will be served nl noon a t B H Ve church dining h.ill. B ■ KA bnnquel will be aer 'ed at20 p.m. Snturdny a t Uit Buhlitscoparchurcn.“ w iih - tiM ic ii- ------in services lo be held nl the B f l I ^ n e o r g t m l u d church.H n t services will be held Sun- y n t the Hagerman church lh n bn-iket luncli a l noon, rs, A lbert Sharpe, district Ider, will be In charge ot Uic sUtute.

irdlnn, presented Donna Pope d Bonnlc Pope with their iR*,*'earncd by receiving tXJO

Svelyn Boyer gave a reading ^ H f iIva Sllgar sang a tolo, accom-nlcd by Karol LeMoyne. Aidlng also was given by VlcU ^ Btircn.i. ___ _____________________________ 3

:ie 13. ~ -____________





T h e n e w tra d i tio n in c o a t o n d su

0 t r e a s u r e d co ilcc tio n o f w e a ro b li

------------e s t“ n o w " f o b r ic s r f I '’c d ‘ W lth ~ th e

n e w e s t ,fu rred fo sh ions o r e h e

co lio rs o f p rec ious m in k a to p o s

------------lo m e 'fn sp tre d - tn te rp re la tio n s -o f -E

u n s t in te d u se o f fho f in e s t f u r s 1 , • S om e o f th e fob fics u se d o r e lyji

so p h is t ic o tc d , fex tu ry RESSANT/*i

s o f t C O N D O T T A . . . A B A C U S

, c re a tio n . . . H O C K A N U M 'S gc

F O R S T M A N N 'S lovely C O T IL L IO

m in k s , th e /n o s t d ra m o fic o f blue

f i t fo r a q u e e n . S e le c t y o u r fu rn

3 .

I S / ^ '• / j !P- a

igeI HT I O N H

i | T f e ' 6 :

M t o n d s u i t sty ling fo r fo il, J 9 6 2 . . .

)f w e a ro b le d e s ig n s sh a p e d f ro m rich*

w l t h - t h e - n c w fo sh lon - s h a d e s l - 'n i B -

is o r e h e re now! C o a ts r in g e d in

k a to p 0 sw eep o f lux u ry fo b r ic s . . .

a t i o n s - o f - E u r o p e o a J c s i g a s - _ ^ ^ f f e t l _

n e s t f u r s a n d m o st lu x u r io u s fo b ric s .

ted o r e lyixury, b ru sh ed K A R IM . . .

lE S S A N T A . . . EINIG ER'S s le e k a n d

A B A C U S , m o st b e a u tifu j p lo id In a ll

'JU M 'S g o rg e o u s FRAPPE . . . e n d -

C O T IL L IO N . Furs o re f in e m u ta t io n

t ic o f b lu a fox sk in s . . . a n d b e a v e r

y o u r f u r r e d fa sh io n todoy .

119■ D O W N^ HOLDS

■ YOUR •

W s e l e c t i o n : .____

^ '6 2

9 6 2 . . .

o m rich*

J e s !- T h « ^ --------- -----------------

ing e d in

ir ic s . . .

^ ^ £ f e r i _ . - -

: fo b ric s .

:iM . . . _____

le e k a n d >

}id In a ll

. . e n d -

n u ta t io n

d b e o v e r

?.......... ’


S u n d o y . J u n e 10. 1962 • . [ _• 1 4 T w in F o ils T im es-N ew s; I

News of Record

TWIN FALLS COUNTY ITwin Falls DlitricI Court Tl

Mis. Alice Q. s iuon granted v divorce from Lyle Sluon; «!ic , Brantcd custody of 'tw o inlnur chlld rtn end awarded j I'M Ford eiatlottwason, t i l howseholii ■, • luriihhlnK-''. favlngs account at

. F lrs l BcvpraLaavlujs-nnl-Lojii _ _------ fcanclndnn. '-A

eu iis tt M em orlnl’park; lie o : - ~ i dered to pay MO p tr tlilld jutli i n o n tli clilla aupport and avord*. i . ed a 1853 Chcvrortj pickup truck' / u ltlj campcr. horse trolliT, t»o, I horsH und t»d colt*, und iwo V apacM ftl Sum et Mcmunal park. . 'J liiim y’M iim ri'niui' KraillfO n '

— --d lrorW -from -M r* .—T *u»ru_Ju ------Afurtln on m urid* of e u tim e • iiicuu l cruelty; married Nov. fl,

• lUai, nl Elko. Nev.: »lie aaardcd hoiuehold and kltclien lumisli- Ju"

• Insa and ho awartlcd equity iiitlie 'Stfpphlre lounjje, 351 Second ®"* AVenuB east.

M n. E thel Lewis granted dl- v o r c e rrom Dill J. Lewis on (tround* of cruel and inhuman }' treatment; married June I. ifiCI, ‘ , Kimberly; ahe granted caiioily of two m inor children and award- ed real estate, a tSU Afffcury nnd household turnWilims; lie * ordered to pay »37.M per child oa support each monlli and awarded u 1050 Uulck. Runs. JWi- lng equipment, a enma set-an'l A n personal eliccls. r p _

Mrs. Edllh McOee granted dl- 1 U vorce Irom Mlcliael McOcc; y ,^ grounda of grievous menUl cnj- city; married April 13. 1DC3. La.i V e g a s , Nev.; no eomniunliy •property. jrces

• M n. Mnry Jo Stewart granted divorce Jrom Jofiiea Paul Hlewart ^ on grounds of'extrem e menul ,1 . crucily;' married Nov. 30, 1B50, .{^j Ooodlng: she granted custody o ' . w

. Uirec minor children and CMiody . ‘or n child to be born; he ordered . j .u q

to puy *20 per montli child sup- port for each child ond ordered *“ •

_to_j)ny all doclor and hospital expenses resulting from birth of , unborn child; Ahe awarded com- f J munlty properly, and he ordered ” to o-viume community obllgaiioi'S or tho couple. p |U

Mrs. Barbara McNabb granted divorce from Richard llerman }ia \ McNabb on (trounds of extremL* govern cruelty: married April B, 1057. win t Kelso. Waah.: petition slates he census left home June 17.1001. and did ](,tal r n o t return; ahe awarded custody poyme o t two minor children and p ri„ awarded a 1M3 PlyTnoulh and household rumUhtngs; he or- S dered to pay $50 per monlli child ,. aupport for coch child. have i

Mrs. Eva'M elton was granted ' a divorce from Dennis Melton

on grounds of extreme cruelty; • m arried December, 1954. In Twin Fnlla; she aworded custody of ilve minor clUldren: he ordered to pay $25 per monUi child sup- 7 - po rl tor eoch child; no commu- n ity property.

Mra. Valdl Collins granted dl- f'o''®- vorce from Bobby E. Collins on “ p" f ‘ grounds of extreme cruelty: mnr- ried Sept. 20. 1054; oh# grantsd “n a w custody of three minor children maximi and a w a r d e d mlacellaneoua DfiUR’"- household furnlAhlngs; he or- “ "ff dered to pay » « per child per J«ve: month child aupport nnd, award- « ed o IBSO.Bulck and fumiture purcliased from Haye* Pumlture W nnd

—company.-Twin Fall* Cw nly a e tk M cost

Marriage licenses were Issued Km*'®*' to Charles Eorl LnnRley and « Mary Carol lllll, both Buhl; Euscblc Jnmea R, Nielsen and Eiroan costa h Melvlnn Tlner. boui Sacramento,

D o«m an, Mont.. and Sharon Lte vchlcle McBeth. T»'ln Pnlbi.

Twin Falls Juitlc« Cenrt John IL Richardson. « 0 Third ^ Bi

«venu# north, W nnd costa, foil- Chari In T»yi<t>-r vr|^]pifl annually: «rralgn

Robert W. Lnyton. 1B9 Maurice Botintr streel north. S5 and costs, no owner’s name on vehicle regl»- trotlon; Susnn Peters, route 3, >0 «o>'' Twin .'Palls. IS and costa, failure "

- t o transfer-Tehlcle regtstraUon:Thomaa Jemcnex, lobor camp. 15 'nnd costs, no Idaho driver^ 11- >]• O' ccn se ;7 o h n A.,QuolU. route 3,Twin FalU. $9 and coats, expired driver's license; Duone R. Eln- ■ ■ ■ «

- t pAlir. ■ rnu tc ^ _ l K l n _ £ a ) l j ^ t I ______and costa, 3.0CO pounda over reg­istered weight; Peggy Schwab. ’Eden. t5 and costs, expired drlv- ^ 0

ley. t5 and costa, expired driver'* license; Betty A. Ornnt, Eden,»5 and coats, expired driver's ^ ^ 5 license, and Elhnlene Kay. Duhl, •S5 and costa, failure to transfer regLitratlon. ,5"

Twin FalU Pollc* Court /XLarry D . Hall, 12 and co-'la. (' •

fftlluro to dtsplAy license pUtes; Ju Jf fi Calvin Ooold. <7 nnd cosU^oLiy it < muffler*; Jerry Arils Joifea, 20 mr days In clly Jail, ttO and cosu for indrccnt cxpM ure;'lall *cn- f l lence suspended for six months ^ providing no shnllar charges are mndo during th a t time.

- V k iio m T c OUNTYPoiict'Coun

> Je.-we ,Aldcrcte, Hi. No. I, DAVEI Ooodlng.'110. no driver's llccwe. ^

Thomns C. Davidson, lUrrLion,Ark., $10, expired driver's license. UfiofT

Clerk's O dicrr n i to nRay J . Wcbb versiui Uex Mc- M>Trn 1

Clane. sull for $l.C80,BI. Wrbli o f a r a claimed McClane pennlUed hl< H ihiL home to wander 011 lhe Wchwui’

, where It wna struck by b 1D59 'Pord truck driven by Wcbb. ______W ebb ask.1 for (SSd.Bl lor dam- non ag«3 and WOO for lo.vi of uw of I 0 th e truck while being repaired, plua 0* Interest and coMs.

LINCOL.N COUNTV - Ja rtlee Court

■ Davld -K .-O neida . Sho.ihone, m * lined 13 nnd »3 costs for viola- t \ »•<

— t , - H . t - l l i - «lT« nf v,.hlrU nnrf » yjload lawi J « i « Oolllnndln. %3 /rt '*

• - u id (3 costa for vlolauon of llic n * aixa of vehicle and load law; Vln- H cerit* Oulsasola, »s and U ctnis -“ J L - for expired driver's license; Ja m es ,W . Davies, »S and »3 costs isr vlolaUon of th« fender or cover ovef wheel law : Oeorge W. Usli, _ _ Rupert. » fine, no eosU. for « • IJJ h ired driver’# license; Samuel 0. J 5 j


. A

grwted p "

:nliiur K ' f c — 'J I'MliieJioJtf ; • •• •,lUnt at•J Lojii \ _____ _icri ot ' ' j K m - '

'1 P“« - ft IAI’I'KIX'

xjrcnif ' • f . '» n l - l e '6ne of*two R i c h - ----->jOV fl fJ'IJ dclepitr* lo IJoyi' Ktsl«»arded "h 'f* ’imlsli- Junior college, lie replaces Illy III I’avlfl WhlteMll. Richfield Ll*Second »"* delegate who U un­

able to a lirnd . Appell will ac<. company Tony Janocn, ipon-

fr, Mired by the American Legloa • ,, po.l. The neir delegate was se-

I Iflf.i lected slternate from bolh-tbe

“ 1 ^ / (he son or Mr. and Mr.. Ed- "» rd Appell. northw est Rlch-

, fidd. and aerved os junior c lau p m id e n t._______________


it;, Two in Family < ,d d,. To Get DegreescOcc; WENDELL, June 0—Mrs. llc r-

'™ ‘ schell Lmnl) and h e r daughter,'• Mm. Robert <I.lndni Parkinson, lunlty ,.,]! rftelve university de­

grees In ccri'.nonlea Sunday. - Mr.t. Lomb will receive a moa-

, ters degree In llbrnrliinMilp from the University of Oregon, Eugene,Mrs. PorkhB on. will receive n

7 “• bachclor o t orta degree wltli h igh honora from th e Unlver.iUy of

s u ^]i‘red Pl< nipital M0.W0W for the summerlh of ’ehero-Pnrktnson-'wlll-be^orkinR •• • com- “ sovcrnm enl phyalcs project ,

a l tlie university.

Check Payments■man HAVANA. June B in - Thc remtf government nnnounced loday It 1057. will begin a cllywlde housing a he census Monday lo weed out li- I did ifdol resldenta nnd Ictinnli whose iWoj pnymenta nre In arrcnr.:.“ 5 Prime M inister Fldrl Caalroj

aaid Mny 30 thousands hnd mov- ed ■ Into em pty homca on the ir I

:niia jM nnnU. hnve pnld no ren t lo the rov-

emment. Cuba'a only landlord.

« . costa for expired driver's 11- . Qf cense.

O ther fines were a.ws.ied O a- luu . len W. O uthrie, tS and t3 coata

for violation of th e re.-strlcted li­cense Inw; CIny Bum um. Sho-

1 dl, shone, 15 nnd 13 costs, for vlola- , on tlon of Iho fender o r cover over imr. whecU law; Milford Jone.i. 112.70 „[.(j and W c03ts.~Tor exceeding the Jrin maximum weight law; Nenl It.j (OUj Dougina, t i and t3 for perm it-' or- ‘lng an unnutJiorlred minor to ' ner drive; Clifford M. Shelby, (12 and I

nrd- »3 costa for vloloUng the "no lure Paa.Hng" rone: I* rry D . Johnson, lure M nnd »3 casts, expired driver's

license; T heoore C. CIny, $3 nnd »3 costa, expired driver's llcen-ie;Karren Bogu.ilnwskl. $22.70 nnd $3 costa for grow lond violation:Eusebio Anchustcgul $3 nnd $3

nan «>sta fo r' expired driver's ((cense, nto, Bnd Alex A nchustcgul $3 and $3,

L « vchlcle Wld lood law. i

CASSIA COIINTV ^Ird Burtey l*robate Coui;! all. Charllo McLftln, Twin FalU.,lly: arroigned on n forgery charge.r j« BuuiiJ unii U> dL'' t r lc t-court-;------- 1 --------

no Clet1i-a Office2ls. Marriage liceiue.^ were ls.iucd J 3 to Boyd E. Van Lcwcn, 20. Hey- lure Ixim. and Ida Ann Rajsmussen, o„. lB..Paul:Jfty_R..Omj-..lB, Tooele. ;V ,

U Umll, and K orol Edna K night. - V ■ 11. 17. Oakley, ond Mlcliael J ., 3 Standly. 30, and Mltzl Suunne Ired Threlkeld, 18. bolh 'T w in Falls.

_ t l _____________________ __________ ______

"*b' '

>M»r* t ^ u » « iMvrr a w t* ^ , r*kciti


nse. U flo trthcdlrtuK lairtieuoieilasa ArMtor* briRht Dew color. Jtm iaU ^

Me- »fTrn pan* Wiler wilh oa« bottU■eWi o ra e .n .T ln i.T l,« ,p « ,t .g ,U < » , I

1>'' riib l in your own l l r U | K on.N o1D59 *pr»jl»g or ipccUl e tp lp . 'ebb. ________:________________ ,am- HOM.ioiic.MOM.iNHAMi.Mii, I |e o( oooi>ii»-woM i im oip iIred, -

13 3 'i l i i H it*— — —

v m - -

imes I; f ar "

i ' l ^




V ; 'i r

■ ■■

J]lleh- revolutionaixXi:^ p new

spin-dry H° ' cotton ■); broadcloth


~ Cy^zn^affa/f.Spinsmooth Plus”

son! with exclusive W-de-laa- B e l f a s i ‘ s e l f - i r o n i n g 1 0 0 %rom

G o ld e n K c c d l t P J a i l o r i u g

of Slnnhattan’a unprecedented b rcn k t • you th c m ost rcmnrk.iblo w ash ’n w e

to takes th e d r ip c u t o f d rj'ln f.

.. . t J^ccps Ita i l t f o r l lfo ____ _lect a can bo w aalied any wny — &t '

m erclally_ • atnya w h ite . . . can bc fully bleoc

^ • hns a G rip-T ab ftuhlon collar wf b

lng • convcrtiblo cuffs

oJs'g • cxcluslvQ W -A - 4 . . . fo r m ois tu re

• • ' • longer w earlntr collar and cuffs

ov- T h tro 's 80 m uch lo Spinsm ooth Pl leir to try i t to app recia te i t lnil

I ^■'''' I ^ K I '"d f{\ ■ > ie; /h: \yn- ' -«^-

n i N K

$3 ’ u " fe r A / j p g a i ^

M . /t \ l lall j r - A A P - K ^ w S f l W i

ed! 7’n.l j ' j ^ S l ^ N S B l s a r

/ , ' 7 / 3 s t >I / . • / / s ty le ,

j j ' l c o r

J p ^ O PEN EVEN I r

^ BUD'S• Lynwood Shopplrfg


CARPETIl] : In s ta l le d over rubb(

i McCLAIN- ~^='noIeum-all^|-Carj^

6 1 4 B lut L oke, N o;t)i


\ B / ^ Fo r

^ ¥5.00■ . . w a l

Plus”ive W -A -4"

6 3 0 Bli n g 1 0 0 % c o t t o n 1 _ _


nted brcnkthrough brings0 wash ’n w ear sh ir t ever... jylng. ■ I

wny — a t h o m e o r com*

! fully bleached |(on collar w ith snap-close

8 1

insmooth P lu s y o u ’ve go t /

> '

1 '■ C O T T O N M G A S U A tS - - ■

F . . M . 9 8 ^3 sty les. Belt loop'

style, T ob side ondco n tin en ta ls . TOWER

:N e v e n I NGS T l LL 9;00 ! C D

UD'SDUDSShopping C enrer J P t

T " Z ~ l i LIBBY'S-

L T e x t u r e d H D

ETING ^r ru b b e r p a d s i f f ;

9 S ^SQ . Y D .

M N 'S‘C a rp e t’ S h op

7 3 3 .7 H 7 __________

V A CA TIO N a n d T R A \

DRESSE3 .9 9 to 8.5


MODE 01HOURSi Mend»yW«ilfmd«yftldiy 10 AM. to 9 P

r THE SHOPPING CE For Fine REAL ESTAT• B eautiful brick home. 3 bedroom s. 1

c a rp e te d dining area. Convenient kite room . Finished ba$emenf. double gat lng . Sm oll p a i lu re . 'EXQUISITE VIEVi/.


• 18V^ A cres - N orlheast location. Su d iv is ion . O w ner wishes to sell as unit, w a te r right.. Can be boughl on good

G E M STATE RE630 Blue Lakes North


FREIM o th a n d M ildew Pr

8 lbs. $ !Dry Cleaning;-. ■

KELLY'!i d i o i g r i e

L A U N D R Y A N O C L E A N l

8 :0 0 A .M . to 10 P.M.— Sundays 10 A.i


FR A N K STREE RIPE — No. 2>/2 Tin



i Hm m m r K *m d TRA V EL M M A

iSES, 8 . 9 9D T H E O R I E N T " ~


(«< G C E N T E R


edrooms, V/2 b « lh . love ly 'V , \venlent k itchen e n d uiiliiy i ' ‘ f . i double g a ra g e . Landscap-


I « H e cocation. Suitabl® for sub- 1 ^ I J / * -sell as unit. D eep soil. Full I • F i e O ihl on g o o d te rm s. j

E REALTY |7 3 3 - 5 3 3 6 | ----------------

N E 3 0 f h I A

E E —Jew Proofing

,1.50 »;•H EA V

Y^S I ZS H IIC L E A N IN G I M W^ Q ^ j E * f ■m m

^ • M o g ic \i a y s lO A .M . t o 6 P .M .


LUNCH MEA--- ------ ^7-VARIETIES---- —

) .................................................................................


I A M r S C O T C H ■

leNIONA^ T b /^ ___________ SPICY______________


n u L J t J U U U i * ■ u ■ M _a ■ a

> HOP W I T H E/ P L E N T Y O F



• H e a v y D u ty M e ta l Fr• H e a v y W oven S tr ip e d

HAMMOCK WITH .OUT FO N L Y ............. »4.!

S T A K E - I T



$ 3 . 9 9 ^


KING'!• M o g ic V o lley 's L argest V a r ie ty D ept,

Lynwood Shopping C enter


p H

............ . . ,2-lb. bog ' 9

.............3 ' 8

4 forMjSC O TC H TREAT— 6.0Z ,

0NADE..10for1.BAKE S H O PS! -



K I N G !



e t a l F r a m e

J t r i p e d Covet

.OUT F R A ( i |■ ■ . . * 4 . 9 9

flAIVlP_____ electric

1 0 .

t ( *■

G'Sir ie ty D ept, Slot#I C enter

bog 9 8 c

for S 9 C

. . r 1.00

for 1.(111


l 9 K m E


[ A I P U E

A dm iral Vc Second in T S tre tch D ri

Y O R K , J u n e .0 {/Pj— F iiv o r t .Jn ii ra l’s V o y a g e r i t rb t oti t h t w ire S S i h o f th c s w o n n c lm o n t : E t l o n ' l o th e ilfe.lon(T-(lrp,.m s oi , W itlcner. I t w a s p e rh a p s th u ino ________ _— ~ Ik-lnifint

jston-Seems_. SnS^ . ill 18G7

i e d o n u n , : - .....

storking Out S vFALLSBURO, N. Y„

i..S e rv e rs a t hi* trfllnlns camp -'r.’.i S ^ e v hnd never nfen LWoii (niiij;c

M hWd ^or ft flRl't. >hi- Kcniiiis the n n i t ’:rcBl clas, /on

2 » 5 c .m p I - . t evtr l»a .' M.liian said In cxplannUoii. "Also, imlnl .Jn w?en-l had a glove on for Mx finL'tirci n ,^ lhi nnd I need the wofk," of rl;:ht , mton M ld \h ? hoped -to br A c:o-,vt 5*fl lo his planned flKhtlim o» a aum tlthi of 212 by the end ot tlic pcraiure i 2 u i He will RO' to ChlaiRO to thc ihlrd fll ohlcial contracts there for triple ero\ 't fljht a t th a t lime, and then w idrner f off for two or three wrck.v American , •I *#nt to pu t some ttciKht prcJHlrni Kt on, so I will have r.onic* brrn iryl jfil to work off." he *nld. "It prlzr .,inc< a be like tralnlnR for two finbhrd l! |liU.“ .'.Inricd fl Uiton plans to return lo hlj Bi'Imonu np hrre un til sl* wckIis betore to"-' In 13< *nsht,'w hen he said hc mu.,t showlni: w, r u p ' f c*nip-ln -th r-cliica i:o 'TliLi wm m, by order of the llllnoU Slioeinnker BimiMlon. live of Fr

----------- -------- «lih Gnllt

Standinffspl0NEi:R^LKAnun^^_ ru lIarR a?

Hxlc Vtlirr II. iValrll‘1 I'l. [Thirty, ri-1 « .. . ;i i; ..•■M m; su n , i:T r . i u r - "in fiu'oiciuiia ____ i» 51 ‘ ciiinc lo NIlk Till! - H f- .” 1 15 mlrnj-.i Vo>

8 .t« 4 « -. u .« u .Ibb. I, llllllni. :, $3 70 10 .,1:c « ' riiIi"o.'V.i.i‘,’r?-liIM * ' . •’•ilpi'f. V

---------- 700 Jrr;ic-y

u' m. ot"cr:. (Orlr Mtnr. .rh*-litl'.li JKO.S.W fa

NATi0Nriru;A.;iii:w I, IVI, CH The wlni

4 ____ ■- —_I tflllfUfO ___<0 IS .’■'I' ■w?. S Doc J

ial«n1i ______M :s » .;? l;.i A rgO I

in g l e wr«I..k ----ZJS rPI-DOC

Xilardar'. n»|Bll*N« Ypik 11. rhlc«n «. foiirht fll

* S31J50 Arns.iBniiri, I'hii.il.irhk *1, ycnr-olds fUiiiiykt* i.i . I'Kuimnh t-j. drr a pov

iv i / . ? n r ;« i . .K« y«k 4.:. chicM.i 3-1 i.«„r..i TaklnR ts v ' s . i i i ' ’ '■«. U.r,i, K.n r r .n r |.^ 4 I’M!..! Mial;f off '.-H* IB, Clnflnn«ll 1 I p. Aniflr. 1,| mced hM's ' i i h ' ' . ’, ' E l z , " " "!«. jSiiluriliiy <

AMKUICAN 1 ’W 1. 1'fi. i;ii rinre capt" 7 " '* - ......-V~ i r ~ ^ r T - ilrrl)y'whU" I ^ u ------■■■.13 M riSi : '0 '■'«twi W ” s« :« itm J InllcU to i2 . , u , 3,^^^ g,■iiMFf . ... ”■, -a .»r,j H olf llie pa(

■ • V: i!,', •}}!; whiic diuc ‘■kinii-.n': It -in [a:! u i;i n* Ihc rarl

;■■■ V ,S '; : ' ; ’. ': ,

'n .;" ;’! " '” PHJLADI ---------- Eddie Khn

WMI ?M), W».hlnfinii t-l (flni ImcU U'lt U A«r“ll]‘ V K .n ... Cl., 1.

r2J‘‘ Sn\VATER MARATHON inim ' B *ldu*r^ Florid* lonf dliline# fwlmi


I V o y ag e ^ n T ig h t ^ D rive ■’j— F a v o r e d .l.-iipur iiu scd o u tII th i; w iro toiia.v in a b li.s to r- I I b ^ n d n io n l s ta k e s a m i b r o u f i lit c ^ r - ^

■(lrp,inis o f 'h ls i iw n c ’r , G co rjrep s th u ino.st v id e op en o f a ll

Ik -ln ifin ts r u n s i n c c th c ^ '^ Ic llil1 ' e v e n t f o r :U y e ar- ‘

- old liorscH-WHS in :u i(ru ra tp d -------^ ; —111 18G7 a t oil! J c ro m e p a rk \ in Ihr Hru!;x, I-Vccl W. Hooper's

- -AilautaJ'*—V<i.t«!!e—icd -niwL o r ■ ■ ■IMP way III lhe IV-mlle race but coiildti'i iiold off JMnur v.w<\Jockey Wlllle Shoemaker In one I ■ ! brrflili.[ni(|„;> instnni nl the flii* I

1 Ailintnil’x VoyuKr. the coll who wii MipjKiTd lo inivc: the Ioiik

• roiiir of Ih f nice, Kot ^rcoiiii C s W m ) plncr by l \ |rii,:th% ovrr Crlui. — -

^oIl Saiiin, from i’cicr W, Sal. - ■1 nirii. .'r.’.i Crliii.'.on Klni; fnriiw. .1 (!<iirj;c W, I'opp's Dfclclcrtly. '

llu- Kcniucl:y (lrrl;y winner. Jm- 1 fourlli. Donald !*, Oo.u' V 4 k

Gird; .Moiiry. I-ri-.ikiir.-.t victor. J . * imlid.Jn Ihc home M rttch and M H V flnbhrtl nrxt lo last lu lU t Held 3of rl;:hl ftUr.v ...............• i.v u in s

A crowd of 50.03:' lurncd onl d»y i i J il | on a .iunny diiy with the trm . tape iu .i 1 pcraiure in lhe mic! 80*. I t was *thc Ihlrd InrKMt to wllnras Ihc ___triple eroH-n finale.

WIdrncr, clmlrman of Ihe I j l l T American Jockcy club iind former *prc.,Hlrni of Belmont park, hx, NRW VOI brrn irylns lo win this bis bump nnd a prize .,incp h L ilo i t Jack I'llRli the diffiTci finbhrd third Jn l9:o. He hnd and ilufent I .'.tai-tcd flKht horte., in Mvcn mont sicab Bi'lmonu willl nn entry of two Wiiiic Sht coll.. In 13«. lju l hL, Uen previous 'o t. mimnn .,hoKlni: WM ihrcc .iccond placcs. efo*'"' cla.s.M ■'TliLi wa:, liie third Belmont for Shoemaker, tiie 31-year.ol(J na- 'live of Fnbea^ Tex., who won «llh G nlianf Man in IB57 nnd Sword D.inccr two yeara Inter. m U cr said

Jnipur. ft dark bay son of Nn.,- Kucr's, lirciii I rullah-Rftrr Perfume, by E ish t him run fa [Thirty, returned *7.70. J4.40 cind clcrt off ii> i S3 in. Uic lonKc.M-jirlccd Bci- Yr;i?ji. l h

, mont fiivorilc .since pnrl-mutuels 10 day;, for ciiinr lo Nr»- Vork In 1D10, Ad- Pre;il;nc:\ i mirni'., VoynKc reiurned ilAO nnd mlttr;] tiiiH SSM,'whilr Crinwnn Sntan p iid ••bruslird" J $3 70 10 .,how. • Ih rH lrr.

J.ilpur, who Ijnd won llie $130,- , "[700 Jersey Drrby .Mny 30 nt G ar- hnlf-milc pu di-ii Stair I>;irk on a dUitiunllflc.i- / ‘" ' '" '’i tliin of Crlm.,on Siiiiin. collected J™''5ir9y,0 for Ihc blKcr.M p r i« In Dclnmni-.i history "'5'

T h rw lnn ln . tl.nc =:=8 .-5.

D o c J o c o y W i n s

A r g o n a u t S t a k e s Crlmsnn SnINGLEWOOD. C tillt, 4mi« 0

rPI-D oc Jocoy bnrcly headM I Ro.v.il Atlftcl! today In n hard* ... ' fourhi flninh lo rapture lhe j .swUehcd i S31J50 Arnnnnns r,inl:c.i for 3- him it few ycnr-olds nl Holb^vnod pnrk un- jh r little Ti drr a powerful ride by Jockcy Rure j hod Willie Hftmial?.. ^u i nfier thi

TnkinR the lend Kohis inlo th r and Jujt dr Mrrtcli, Doc Jocov could not the wire in i

Uhal;r off Rovnl Atlflc’< ns tiiey Brnullo Di i raced hpnd-nnci;hc.»d down to '"Iml'* Voi’a ih r wirr lo th r ri;crr., of ft hlK fe-nm of ll

jSiilurday crowd uf >ome *'•1 f|'„ DO. n,....

Irlnre cnpiurliis the Cnllfomla. j 'ilrrl)y which rnrncd him a tripi^fin , . lo llie Kcniucl:y derby but hc fniicU to sta rt in Ihnl elnwic. ijpset vlcloo'

Black Shrep closed from far the .,ame rn. olf llie p.Ace lo Rct up for third Shncmnkcr while Dine Scrpniidew4k'n,, fourth Ifornia nt 7 I

iflx Ihc rarly Jcadnr. V.’nliet Lifl- cnrnRcmrni („u .i „.i,rr, th.. Ifni rnring'drr.s.icil liurr

t o T 5 ? S f• KAGI.KS StGN TWO >’lelefy

PHILADELPinA. June 8 1 1 - Eddie Khnyat nnd BUey Gun- SIGNS i: nei,. ft pnlr ol vclem n deftn.'We BALT1M05 IncklM, hftve alRncd 15(12 con- Tlie DiUtimoi IracU with the Phiindelphin end Glno Mi Enule.,. Kcnrrnl ninnaKCr Vlncc sewon in lh

’ J .

ciia.4 S .U a iM Ire lm tr. .l«pp«l •"* •< ‘ “

N S B E O* * ¥ * ^

3 = . M : -

T T * — .......... — I

J.VUIKS COl!NTKl» a t the end of Ihe helmo dsy 11 Jaipur, Willie Shoemaker rldlnc. th ru iti lape Juti In front of Aiimiral'i Vn;acr, C rls

* it >/. * .* • *

Bump, NoddingNRW VORK, Ju n r 9 'IPO - A tiir day nnd K

bump nnd a niiddins head mnde mont park ieai the diffiTcnrc bciw«'cn victory Icndini.' in., rlv,and defeat for Ja ipu r in tlic Del- ------ - — ^mont !iicnk.s. W "

Wlllle Shofnidki-r. Jaipur's pi- • ww C lot. niimnii'il n ite r llie triple :ro*n cla.s.'.ic ihnl Crimson Sa- tan-, w ifh -« n tro \T r.!s l- Manny rt,Vcar-a in tiir .wddle, bumped Illm nbout n furlonij from home.

"It wayi’i n ^olld bump but I knew- wc made coiilnct." Shor- maker said. "So did Jaipur. I,KUi-s, brciiu.M' ific biunp imidrl g him run. faMer. Mr- rraiiy lev- ;lcrt off IU Kio.'r lln a l jitrldc.,." i ' — ■ ■ ■

Vorji. l i |( i u;i-; .Mi,peii(lrd for 10 day.', for imi;;ii rid ins In liir Pre;il;nc:, last m onth, iii.so nd- ',■nlited iii;ii c r i n i . i o n Snum p ;'bruslied" Ja.uiur i» the t'is\ tor I ihr Hire. k .

"I tliouitht I will 11 nt lhe linlf-mili' piijr ihp v,-tiy iny iiiir.,e Jw-. n'li-*. ruiinini!." the fiery Pnna- i A ’. manlan Jocliry said. "Cut liicn lie Marled lu;'i:inK In. 1 whip M r Ritli my Irfl lo try and net lilm P ‘itrnlKhirnrd oul bu t Jt wn, no ^ood. Hc w.a., lii^RliK so bad I :ake him up near liie finish,"

Sbnrmakcr nbo n-veinrd he iw'iiched his whip from h t, left0 h i, rik’h i hnnd ns Jaipur.:rlmsnn Satnn nn.l Atlmlrnl's/oynKc drove I li r o u i; h thc M g y y V iirrlcli In.a furious finish. P H M J : •'

"He iJnlpuri d ld n 'l lnke kind- U C f f - g ^ y 10 my icft-hnnd whlpplni; sn ’ .swllehed lo ilie rlRlit nnd h it ' I j f rilm It few sond whncks." .,ald hr lltile Texnn. - I still «a.'n't urc I hod CrJm.'.on SatJin bent . f lU y . ' y " IUl nflcr th a l 'bump he cftme on [d jk . . ' ■ » ind Just dropped hla hend on U f J E i ' . * hc wire In time." E s j . , tBrnullo DncM, whn rode Ad-

mrnrs Voi’aRc. sndly wfttched a 'Je-nm of the race on n tele- l.iion sri in the Drlmonc park ockcy quarter.,.•"My r\in n RPt>il rncc btil lot Quite cood enuuKh.'^uild.iho — rim • fftced Pnnnmnnlnn, who

year booted Sherliick to nn ip,et vlcIorj- over Cnrry Onci: tn hr .,ame rnce.Shnemnkcr flcu- In from Cat-

fornia nt 7 ihls mornInK for hL', nrnRcment on J n l p n r nnd rr.s.ieil liurrirdlv iiftcr_Uii»_ncl. f - - * - - lont In order lo cnicli a 7:30 .-m. plane for home.His vlelory nbonrd Ja ipur wn.-; -v.: ' ■■■■ ■

Jiocmakcr's fourih straiBht of k ’- .. ; ' .SIGNS U lh CONTKACT

BALTIMORE. Ju n e 07ie Daltlmorc-OolU siRped slnr STARTING nd Glno Mftrchctll to tiL, H th 'S aturday '! rot ;Mon in tho Nntlonni Football p o o m t roundi atutt-todiu-.___ ■ to « .? a B n d fi

1 ^

■,0 waler after com pletlnf a three-ralle p u u c e ora to tho lU ila a m o lnU ud .(AP wlrepboto)


—m II

It the ttelmont lUkes Satur- MvnuH Y c»rj idine, th ru ils h li note to lha tioih slilri of ll: oyacr. C'rlmtoo SaUn. lefl. half mliet. i.\I

ding Head Let Jr day nnd cnve him th r Del-1 Hollywood park jn t park leadership. He aho i.i "I'm Klad lomi idini.- his rivals a t the current I - l cnn um‘ lhe


'm m

f e

f r ' - .a" ' '* -slJ

B K z S h ■'*■'''5' f ISra

STARTING OUT rOOItLY. Bam Snead w u fc tturday 'a round tn ihe Golf e la u « t Clifton, N.; >or«>l roundt of thc year. Snead, who enlered tli i.a.lA .aad-itlLout-aLcantcnU o n ^ tA C-wltephoti

V-' " ' ' " ' - ■' Utah Stal ------ ■ — -Three^ll- - ' CHICAGO, Jur

Utah State unlv<

: placed Ihree me; 1 CoUcce AU-Stae

Vjj[l . .! wlii meet lhe On * j j f 5 er.t in Soldier flel

^ sqund of 50 t 'V jiB .j'tt. slnle., will compel

- Nntlonni Footbniiplon Pnckers In U

TlieIcnn Merlin Olsen

Clyd; Brock-

■ , | I: TWI &REI

W r ' R e c r e j

W r T A P — 1

— ■ i ' 0 i


I Junior 1llie poatace Irom Capo del 1 . flrepboto) l |

T S T A K I• ' ♦ ¥ ¥ # ' * *

nucl Y carj lidlnc. Max third. Thi> iifflcijl Irai ii h sidri of Ibc flniOi a t once. The rare rovrred i If mlift. i , \ r uirejihnto)


jet Jaipur Takeywood park mreilniT. nailon', n;cv l sur'm Klad lomorrow u Ktmday couniry coiliimilcr cnn UM‘ Ihr rt'.si." miIiI the for Ihr nirpnri.

/£IVS S u n d a y , Ju n e 10,

nead w ai force4 te blast out of * t n p oa the : Clifton, N .J , and tlia t iet ihe pace tor one of tt

0 enlered the day w ith a tuo-Mroko ed{a on the

ah State Has sr.X™refrA ll-Stars- bnjcbnirdinmplonsliCAGO, June 0 <APi - ‘‘“"V State university's Skyline

•cnce football ex-chnmploiu Slaic 2-0 oi1 Ihree members on ihce AU-Stae squad which elimination tournan: aeet lhe Green Bay Pack-

Soldler fleld on A ur. 3. Slnle tncklrs fnr qund of 50 players from H Rnision. wlli compete anainsi llie In addition lo ih

ml Footbnii icaRue clinni- nald Carolnnofldal ’nckers In the annual con- Lamson of Wyomln

the tenm.threeARgles ore All-Amer- Brock i. In the r .lerlin Olsen. Ciark MUler lec end this may pre lyd; Brock—all th ree Ulnh llcipailon.


L .



: r ^ i g n - U p r M o i i d a Y T : J i i n e J U

9:00 a . m. to 12:00 a n d 1:00 p .m . to 4:0(

unior Hloh School Gymna!

E E S B Y^ ^ ■ I ---------- -------

B errj ^ p l y - L e t s '

B a ltiV ,i^ -i.rc T |-a ,'ii |

fcWilW ~ I ' I I'l I - h i i l c r V r o l p . r r : rall.v b,x

' ” "!'h o v e r th tr I ' ‘>’!i . '^ irai^ 'lil \

^ ^ 1 ^ , llu- V ankt'e .s ,_ \v )'jiitl-h inK Wi

S B J ^ • a l fonsL 'c iil

.1 lun in llicr ^'r;llr•tll .'^.iliii(liiv'-i

. T crv , nm S t n H C c I'Miblll.Tllnii of Whi .Illll C’li.iti-.s had pile

_ — ■, I'.ii k ^hl[lout.■'.~ ' ' liiHiKii- Uran Cii;

■ li;- fif 't rom plrli' i in.i'iirs iwul U-oii Wl

.U !:H *rilrfnl'n i'\{nr ciiaiu-.-. picking u

■ g | | M | a | | M vi,':.,rv in <1.lu

a < iK 3 a iW ! i! ;3 ! r r _ ^ ll•l;-. nnild .,corc ' ^ M\lh, « h n i Jo-'C T:i

, Ill' ll and c;viie In ot______-__ ;M.uuiv JUnem'T..Iifflcijl Irai l Iihi.lo slim*!.” 1 ' hom?r.ace rovrred .mr and ..nc- ' Jn>»‘ 'y>'

An:;i:U ulicnd t*0 tl(. !/,•' tj. If ,f. til'd him fnr lhe Aim

huinrrun lend w ith I I T T T » ‘’f Ilaltlmore nnd N.ake-Wm', ntvM Mi^fr^^fui orci'S 'fO '" the ir

_____________ [that Included c ts:it

, Ju n e 10 , 1 ,962 1 5 uailluK ihe Chlsc wrre I-ula Aparlcio.

P his Ihlrd hom#run son. n-aoumc’ fliid 'a f V A Vox. who tripled hoi

WMW bntled In. and Joe C M who iinKied, doubled w , Cleveland unioadci

attack fcaiurinc Wli----------------- - — and Tito Frnncona, 11

# V f'"" a l^ 'IO victory »-

3 e ^ * Kirkland, h lttln s Jlime, *ma.shcd ft U>r<

• w \ S E S K 2 < B ^ S B •'h'Rles. wnnd drove In four i conn hnd n homer. Alncle. scored three

Chuck Collier bln.s run into the In llir bottom of tlic

ft i-2 Detroit TlKcrs 1

Alrnlsht ihrliier bei ' ^ lenms.

Cottier. Koat o f C J w ^ lory Friday nijiht.

J V V •«» ^ Icadott ba llet In itM■ ' scorcd Ihe tylns n.

Schalve's alngie.


b a li


tn p oa the flrat bole of for one of the ■lamm er'i 9 R S n | | ^ ^ 0 |

I edca on the /leld, ikled

,’INS NAIA TITLElOSEPH, Mo., Ju n e B in 3 f 4 0 1irsla Southern won thei __________ *•i diamplonsliip of tlie N a- « ■A.-LWCliillQn of In lercol- j C O / 6 5Athletic., by cdRlnii Port-laic 2-0 lonlRhl in Uie P lot the flvc-dny doublelion lournament. NOW FOI

incklrs for Coach John TH E ULTIAA/

Idlilon lo this trio . Regi- "I?Fl*h^h*unu-olnn of Idnho and Chuck ' p ,1 of Wyominc. “ 1*0 made m. —ra c k 1: I, in the military serv- —T ratIhls may prevent his par-

------------ ★ R ugged— \

Check th e B

PARK# Full Lcng

NDEPT.* . . • • ' E ase o f R

(ATAges) ■• • C h o in D ri

l I N G — D R IL L f ra m e

SM H G "R O PE ■ . - ♦ - S h o p - o rS d -

f t f n e : :? : ! ___________ r r A l I r N e w iMReduced A

1 2 : 0 0 , L - -------------

to 4:00 - - BAIDV

SymnasiumL JIk aH a

Y “ N O S I

e r r a ’s H om er ets Y a n k s D r a ltim o re 7 -3--------- lly T h r" .\.T ,.< i4 irir i‘fr;s--------------i. | 'c T i-a , apiH 'iiriii;.' in liis li.n iK iilj jjjm ic i s ’ ro le . r rn j ;} ir d “n” th r r r ;n in " 'lv » n ic i—ln~ in rall.v Uy lhv New Y nrk Vaii!;('c.> fo r . o v e r th (r B .illin ic irc O ri.ili-s S a l t in la ,v .. 'l t s t r a i j r l i t v ic lo r .r fo r ' '

: ? f S ' - f e ^ 4 ^ a l n t e r - L .; fo n sL 'c iiliv e innh ijrs , i - ,

.' .iliii(liiv'-i cam r. RaliUi |-^ ^-v

.«K M U N T . U• Uran C ilaiicr pifcliril AiiidUI I’aliiirr liir,, i

rom plrif «.inir in i;,.' .■•u-aul .Mrp in n foiii.WUl U'on WuKncr hit in.- l‘> 'he- pmn.iclr ofii.fun n.s Iho Lix, Ann"!.-, al i;iilf tin-, w i.k in tli Irf.-ii'iil Knii...i.s Cltv -1 Oprn cliaiiipiiiii.'Iu|> ai <•. pIckliK u;) hL, foiiitli pi'tkrd O.ikinimt Ci>i III .M-vrii diTL'lotti, wa.' course hc knoii;. nhiit for 10 lm .,. H-il till Ai.h- back yard.nild .,corc .miv In in?, n ie niu.'culnr po;\cr hfll Ja'C T a i lai)uii dou- ni'liliboriiii; [jiirnb''. r 1 c;viie In on a sl:i;;le b) ih r <>prii n.s part i'vo ■ JUneni'T.. l i f s Sor Wmi.vH-i’., !ium?r. n . 3D0.f..ci " f 'h e Masirrs. f Jnhn W’y .ii', put HiclBci'Wi otiriis and lhe head t-0 in. uio Ihlrd. jiltoiirimnicnia. all tn oi fnr lhe Aiiierlcnh Iraidic* I’atmer came close lr

I lend w ith Jim Grnllie^nhiB th f Masters atic nore nnd N orm C.uli of;hrfnrc ^llpplnlT lo seci

jllritlsli cin^'lc nnd to micsRO w im c Sox d c - ' j l 'f '’OA. w ith the ifl Irom Ihelr usual .script mmeled the Minne’.otn Mronsboy•5 with * J3 .ii:: atta,it;vven belter posltlonio rluded c ls ;it exiro b,v.ci'‘ ' “'^ consldei

.,wccp louither thnn Bc

^ lhe C Jj»ox J h . u aU Aparlcio. who belled ®i hom#run nf ihe s« - i Oumc-fliid'alnKk-rKenrc--,'' T , r ;

. 'K o r a . x s p / r Hled, d o u w rf « „ a U IJIJ , 3 » J ,md unloaded ci blR-Run round Fridnv and Ihe ^aturinc Wlllle KUklaiid Ipro,.,,,^ 55 , ,o ]„ gnl

•r.r ‘h ^ 'r p ’ the 72-hoie;l° Americn-J mo.st Impo:ion Bed S o \ . ^ ^:id. h lttln s .203 nU<i;nc be a playoff oa Sunda: a.shcd ft Uirec-m n Unm- ------ ----------------

Slate Annoid n homer, '.riple snd openinc schedule fo: cored three lime., nnd m ils c ity r e c r e n t i c RBI. mcni'. t ndull softballCollier bin-sled a home- announced by leORU'

I the Senftton ’ bullpen Clind DrowninR. itlom of Uic IOlh lo H'vc Tiie.idny, 7 p.m.. Ro lon ft i -3 victory over v*. Koto'# cafe, and S oil TlRcrs In lhe third llscn'a vs. Buhl Merel Ihrliier between Iheie Wednesday. 1 p .m , 1

Insurance vs. Dllck o , Foat of D ctro ll'j u ; - ftnd 0 p.m.. Outlaw* day nislit. dou'uted as lounge, la ile t In i t ' t n ln ih and Friday, ^ p.m.. OuUi he tylns ru n on John erro Life Insurance a I singie. Koto's vs. Allison's.,--------------------------- Friday. Bllck and 3■1E3-NEW S WANT ADS meet Buhl n l Buhl.


3 ,4 o r 6 HORSEPOW ERScales 45 degree slope with

Rider and /all packN O W , F O R 1 9 6 2 , T RA IL CY CL E OFFER IE U L T IM A T E IN M O U N T A IN SCOOTI

—New you call ride Is where the b i | onei are- —FUh. b u n t. eni your c>t»e w ith ea«e~

D e s l n ^ for rouch- country W here UiMgoInt U realljr routh

—rac k In over nicht to the high Uke»— ^ T ra il-cy e le openi up new *Uto»—

for the »porl*man —A rea l Irrita tln c machine for l a r m ^ i ^

lugged— VenoHIc— Engineered to take


F ro n t o n d r e o r b ro k cs— P o w er s to p p in g tim eFull L e n g t h Skids— c o se o c ro ss logs rocksL o n g er W h e e l Bose— m o re p a c k room S u re G r ip B a llo o n T ro c lio n T ices E ase o f R id in g -C o n to u r e d s e a t , f ro n t pe n s io nE x h au s t G o s— piped o u t th e r e a r o f m bc C h o in D r iv e T ro n sm issio n — p lu s arc*we f ra m eS h o p -o fS d -G o m p o re— T r e ile y c le - is - th e -b

FISHING SEASON SALE![«TN ti^ _ M a c h in c i - ......... ................. C ' f l ^leduced A l Mtt'eh A t...................


m e r u n - 5 D rop

Udilj jjim ic i iu a i i in d i____- Iv ^ m c r^ n -c t im .ix - .a ------aiiia'i'.-: fo r ir i- s a l t in la .v ./ I l^ iv a s tlm

nier Looms “ l‘"av«rile^^• Openl u s r. i ' . i . .Iiinr 0 l . r -I’aliiirr llir.. l» t.ikc llir irp III n Joiii-'.H'ii climb ' piiin.icli- i>f piDfi'Nsiiin- liis w.'. k III tlK' il'Jiui U.S. lariipKiii.' |u|> al llir .s.ind*0.1kiniint Cininiry ciub IC knoii;. nliiio.’.t llkr llU •d.lu.'culnr po’.'.-r-man from 1111: [jiirnl)''. Pii.. |i;okj 10 1 n.s part i'vo of-Ihr coal

Sor Wmi.vH—Iht ki'.mhI the Mastrrs. U. S. nnd —

:ilinis and the U. S. PGA cnia. all tn onc y rn r.. . r came close In lOCO. win- ,: Masters a^d the open llpplnR lo second In iho' :lnvlc and to srvcntti In1. Wllh Ihe lfl02 Masters endy nchleved. the 32-Mronsboy ftecms in an

ler position to accomplUh ptTls consider to be a uiiher lhan Bobby Jone.<’ the U. S. and Brltlsli

V and lh e U. S. av\<l Brli- !i In 1050.IV fiold oMSO, ftll bu t-ia -------in double qualifying tests nst.io-coost. will bcBln laull on the 0.694-yard,5-71 course before tho If lhe griu« next Thurs- rninc. Anoiher JB-holo ridny and Ihe stainlna- 16 holes on Snturday will

tiie 72-hoie l e s f f o r t nio.st ImporiAnt Rolf

event of a tie, ihere'il •off oa Sunday.

; AnnouncedIK schedule for the Twin / r e c r e n t l o n depart- idu ll softball league Is cd by leogue director ownliiR.ly, 7 p.m.. Royal loungo '# cafe, and 0 p.m., Al- s. Buhl Merchants.:sday, 7 p .m . Sierra Life :e vs. Bllck and Reese,).m.. Outlaw* V*. Royal

’, 7 p.m.. OuUflW Ti. 81- 0 Jnsurtuice and B p jn ,/s. Allison's., A t S p jn .Bllck and R eua will hi a t Buhl.___________


>OWER ^ipe wif/i o c J c


big onei are— e w ith ea»e— inlry

rough Igh lake»—»U to»-

red to ta k e i t :A:

;YCLE F a o tu res

sr s to p p in g a n y -

c ro s s lo g s o n d

p a c k room r i te ss e a t , f ro n t su s-

r e a r o f m b c h in e ■plus a rC 'w eld ed

c ie - i s - th e - b e s t— : r r ~

:a l EI

:o.> Inc.lUTH

COWBSeven-;RuL etsM agiG la im il-

P O C A T E L L O . J u n e 9 m - ~ n m ^ r r U H r f i f U r J i f i i ln p r - { n id - f i

r a l l y a t f iv e r u n s ig th c eifrhi T h c w in p u t M a g ic V a lle y 1 ' P i o n e e r leaKUe n s BoiHe b o a t

-----------— --------r - ---------- b il

E l e c t r i c s U s e Wl

1 0 - R u n R a l l y ^

T o T o p Y a n k s i™

GREAT FALLS, June 9 (fl - O rciit m i s wna lirld worclf.w ror oni the firxt aevcn InnltiRii tonlnhi, then exploded for 10 runs In ilie jr,i flifJiUi to ow ttlifJiJi Ujs Jdalio / Falls YankcM lo -l. hoi

Up until tlie elKhlh." llie Elec- f in Irlca had only Ihree men rcnch r ilrs l on two h iu nnd n walk, boi

'G ren t FolLi Rol five lilta and look rur cdvflnlace oS ihree baJIu and one three Idnho FnlLi errors lo Kore ih rthe lr ruh .1 in IUc seventh.---------- Jtr.

Two ot Uie errnrn were made T by second bnaenmn J u H a n Mrt v jcen tc . A fter Vlcentc dropped ft dauble-fJ/fly ! o f W i *rc-ond error, he Krnbbcd the Elec- Icy tr lw bnsiTunncr, Dob lleavea, nnil L wouldn'l lel liJm run nny furtliiT. rel T he umplrM I d Rcavea t.ike Jioli third bccftUic of It. “ 'f '

T lio iilB fti: o t Hie innlpK wa* a i,.“ th rec-run double by Dcrrell G rlf- a . rn th . ■ ■u t.y . » J ‘- ' W' V ' " U«m. 4 I S nhrlflllh I l l s k,*,|

--CiJnllll— *-» " ‘- ‘1 M, I'V/R«trl» i B 1 Dll^»u 0 0 0 tl Vlncnil. * « » ‘ * »-lrtCrdarit S O O o'Jonn ® T “ T Mr*aKr>tx 4 0 0 oU-IUtfM 0 1 0 nJ‘ltk»rln»’S « 0 0(Vcni-.k 4 5 1 0Mi'l'U'i 3 0 0 0 ArnHl .1 Z 1l^giltr* 0 0 0 0 1!m»1« 4 1 . .Iliitt.ll 0_0 0 ® J . U .

Touii Sl i-’e"i'l Tot.u n io » * a^ n A—W»lke<l fur Jc.nra In flih,

K—Vktnl. J. C.mlll!. W'>»n. U w r k-t . PO-A-Mihn K«lli IMS. M„lF.lU 2J-U. m --V.r.cl. Vlf.nl. .nd n|._.Kotr: Vlnr»nl», K«T»tl »nil W t: in,|„,Crlrrftii «n<t ^unn. LOU-ItSAka ttlU tXiilI, Rrt*e Kklla S. •II

:n —lUimi. (iriirith. s n —r*ni(i. Aii.n11. I. Til till en

Ill J i ’1 '1^ S 4 B * 0

it)!S 'rk jrov i~ » '’ t J I J • * lUlk — Miililoi. I}—Cunknt, Tbon* |[ |« i

»cci. T-::aO. A-M J. Hlonl-■ Ylnrl

C o u n t r y Q u b S

W o m e n S l a t e

H a n d i c a p K

Tlt9 BIuo Lakej Country cJub Jf,™ Women'a Golf M sodalion will w»it. besln Its unnuttl fi<-hole handl- Court cap tournam ent T uuday. an- j,(, nounces Mr*. Peter Shawver, x»mr tournam ent chairman. 0 ‘”»'

Q ich round v lll coaslit o f JB Tet holes with the »econd round act JJ**'* fo r June IS nnd the third. June » - se. mn J

•palrine* and tee-off Umes In- Aii«n d ud e : «"•

------ e ;90-«Jnir-M r«r«,.?larlo«r^ln. m iLJ . aw B cr. Mrs. e . Harper and _*i'- Mrs. J . Sinclair; 8J7. Mrs. E. Everton, Mrs. T , lUnton. Mrs, L. N eher and Mrs. K. StrauBhn; K'T’p 8 :« . M n . R. Carlejon, Mrs. V. co iner. Mrs. O. Davla antJ Mrs. u - M.- Cosgrlff. l\nd 8-,53. Mrs. t . « L i H w ltm . MH. J . n icnryrMnrr^iV: - = Feter.'.on. and Mrs. M. Oreslc;. ■

.Q;07. Mrs. t . Dlick. Mrs. D. ■ Borln.10. Mrs. M. Cook and Mrs. ■ R. LeBnron; S:1S. Mrs. C. A. ■ Shnwver. Mrs. 11. Sherwood. Mrs. ■ S. Thompson and Mrs. V. Un- H tinder: 0;2J, Mrs. W. Driscoll. ■ Mrs. O . HO.M. Mrs. E. McVcy and ■

— M fB^Em -Pcrrln»|-C i30,-Mri . A. - ■ Wextcrfrrcn. Mr*, o . U n u . Mrs. ■ F . can>ent*T "nit Mra. E. Mc- H

• .noberts, and n;37. Mra. I t. ■ Scbwendlman. Mra. C. McWll- ■ llnm:i. ^t^a. J . Dl.tke ond Mra. ■

----------■0;52. Mra. P. McAtee. Mrs. T. ■

Larson, Mrs. E. Csln nnd Mrs. V. ■ Detweller; 10 a.m.. Mrs. G . Slm* ■ mons, ^^r*. A. Walton, Mm. D. ■ Bnrry and Mr*. D. Drown; 10:07, H Mrs. W. Clnrk. Mrv O. F-dRSr. ■ ^^W. O. Voylps nnd Mra. 8. W Floyd; 10:15. Mrs. E. Cbilbom. | M rs. C. Fnllls. i tr s . M. Miller nnd Mrs. A. Doddv. 10;2J. Mrs, ,i . J . Mullowney. M rj. D. Hojue.Mrs. V. Hudson nnd Mrs. D. New- ^ comer: 10;S0. Mrs. A. Pene, Mrs. B r . need, Mra. C, perklns ond Mra. W A. L u ll: 10:37. M n . E. Martin, g M rs. D. noRerson. Mrs. It. Sf^ia, g end Mra. A. McDonald; 10:45. B

n . Choffee, Mrs. R. Cun- B nlnchnm . M r^ B. John.ion and ' B M rs. C." M cM aster,-nni ,10:52, R Mra. M. Snioek. Mrs. D . Boll, U M rs. R . Spaeth and Mrs. C. Qrny. g

MACIC DOWL Krtfi T«Uu» U un* ■

lU rn Molrn»«» J.I: Jlnlt, f j

s.2- Orrln rir(«l«J FlunVw l-l. Rlllsh lmlklilii«l K*m« l.<iclll« Orrln V

■ i , " % l :o ,i hi.h 1-.ll,i,l.,.l g^rif* ^1 ! : . a

~ ■■ tr.m-K»ni» ~JhOnln^Ail

nowt.AnnoMHl ^ l t luixllctp Trh l ^ t n t

IMlUW Alt'er k»u +1A II i Arn }.|. .L

lllcb IndlrMoO c>tn» lloUrU AiH- E«r-ft >M= *’'‘='1, a

ll t i l '•■?«»»*»»• hl«*i h»nJl.MriM OII « II i m , kM • U B «•»“ DB « D 14TB. • Bli

T50Y STR un Rally “ ag ic Valley &n - t o W in I0 9 m — Miiltic V»llQ>- KOt «cvtn S? I n p 'im d 'f in n llr s to p ii e t l -n - I ’octttcUo — !fith c e if rh th to w in U -1 0 to n tg h t. ■ g

V a lley V A p a m c s on to p o f th c M)iHC b o a t BilliiiK.'i. M«K‘c V nlley’.s R---------- b i g - f i f t h . - i t a r t e d w h cn W

M ic k ey P h i H i p s w alked , t* .S C w m niiiK ' I ii tc /ie r I>«n Hea- a 2

^ i » t f J m i .4 t n i L G t j m W ea- _ g f i1 1 V ton walked. Tlirn Phllllps scored W

•^*■7 on n wild pitch. ( 6■a Adolpho I'hllltp.f walked lo re* IL,

n i r c load the bosrs. Dob Camib filed )[Uoul. bui niilKxly coiiW ta f up jMand score. Wllh two awny, Hank W

' “ Allen stepped up and alnsled In T j •le.w for one run. Jim Couch *ln«led InlonlKht, m o more nnd Fred Walter* t t1 In the eriickrd out a threc-run homer. 2 I Jdatio M olplio P im p a hJj » solo ? »

homer for . the Cowboys in thc Me Elec- flMl. r aI reach PocalcIIo came back In llie I BI walk, boilom of the eluhtli with five B i nd look ruiM. Ineludiim two homera — W t> nnd one by Qnt;e Naudnin, good Ior 70 acore three runs, and a aolo one by jc m 'F u n lc :-----------------------------1 made TunlRlita victory made It two u H a n a t r n ls h t for the. Cowboys aa a & ipped ft tJirce-run Iiomcr by Hank Allen ^ j j „ e - Friday n l jh t prOYlrtr.d MbrIc Val- • s l f e Elec- ley with n 0-3 vlctoo’. Dtf •es, nnd Lefthander Vern Kemp and 'urthiT. reliever Ted Dillard comblncil to U ii a l.ike Jiold Pocatello to sIhrIo runs In , f f

three differetil Innlnm. R f

II O rlf- p - h iS ^ y J j: I j y s ; !

0 O’ S —i - -' ‘ * lMm*r n o n O'Cl.inltiiii 0 It 0 0

1 ; ; liiiiilj I : ! : 15' T t s---------- I t I ------

*" « * A--SjnIfk“.!.Ii'V-J tlwVnnVn° Mh” ^

UTwr j:_AIIfn. Kuhinn, \V«l.,ti. rO.A— S l , »Uirlr V.ll,., 21-*. r.«l»llo t1.ll. , , ,

n i‘-Hiii.1*ln •III] M*l»rn: W..t.,n. ‘ o r tiu to'ii-»iMi»*vl"iir°**rMiuiii“7 — ~T .~ . , „ i ” : s ; : r v . ' s . - s h - * i , is i i i s : <> iDU SO SII-K«I.

i ! wI 'K H iiP -iir rii,.n ic .m m .u . N«u.M X f <!Isn); br llltl (A.rhllllMl. W l'-lln . LOi

trr :, llowklni. Ylnillnt, U.«.r]r. Jim E , J’JI—W*)i/.>» - il,i,rn. V-DtfU »n<J JiUt

e .U .,U IK'S!;

A. I'hiii x 4 0 0 o’j<ihn><in t « 1 0 durlni

. will w ij?m a I } | J 5 g ll

'*^*1! * I I llVtriloii*'' S O I O could■ M. rhlllpi4 0 J OlUoIta ,4 1 1 I‘" " ■ E a - - ^ r S E

June B_tv,uch. w«ion. *. I'Miiip*. C r- the L-"li;, DlwCnuVlL" W n

M In- Aii.n: Crao..Couth >nj Aiiin: Wr.1. f>‘art«en. Couch ahd AlUn: AlIrn and te n . .

m P -M u l« V«1l.y 4. Pocu. {UftJjr and *11—N»u<l»In, rtnnm. w»lurf. SD— ~ T t I

uBhn; ® 2 J * * Jrs V T,-.------i i ? ? 1 . t “ 0*6

Mrs. U-DuncttiTn.1 n«»l«. T -J i» . A.*" r*. - t. «»t p«id (uott «hii.ir«i.i.__________ waa a

s is . '

A..M rs.


r s - * .Mrs.llle-

n .icwii-


[ rs .v .Slm* I

rs. D. ■ f i t ■ ■■ W W i r ‘ ' ■ y , \

MRar. VT- - ■ra. 8 . i ^ W . J ^ • V vIbom, E y> !^V i.'- ■Miller ^ j §. Mrs, ,1 ..• -.Tiloiue. ■ / / J f l.N ew- Ifc . v J i l W * - /'.M rs.dM ra.


n and

^ ^ s J:..w <',.v . . . ■

t e ------------- ^

s . " - ‘ t J s

T O P C ll1 6 Sundoy, Juno lO r 1962

Bes-Vea. ^cofed

llank .. ^ed In ^ ■Tfl i 111<1 in

mer. . '^ •solo ? g y * c ^ a 5 S i c a s y

1 the g g S / i a B f f l f f j r o y ^

the t |B S W S B |B B r M rfive ^

. twoaa a r a j rtri'SW B BoyAllen Val- '

and(Il to

_ i J

s 0"

'•A - SLIDING T1UPI.K Is completfd by J t aa Kleh Itollins. IMInnesota third baaen

n>»n! four ron* In the Innlne and weni on to

S2-M ileR un “ I By Beatty = Was on Paper

^ 3 ANGELES, June 0 (AP) dwrcc i.fir. Jim B eatty ’s record two-mlle run Ihn t ' »n<J liUt n igh t was pj.mnetl Uirce cpnrrl

m ontlu ARO, h is coach, MIhnly Mm Iglol, said todny, corrot

. W hen B entiy crossed the fin- „ lbcd 1 0 Isli lin e In 8 mlm iles 70S necomi* (Ion f 1 0 during thc Southern Pnclflc AAU fcs-ioi } > meet, ho rn n almost exactly In ytar-i i 2 Uie tim e IrIo I hnd charted. ,..rMii I I " I Itnew Inst M arch w hat JIni , ‘I ? could do." iBlol anld as Bcnlty *" i 1 worked ou t early Snturday, “All

of hla tra ln ln s alnco then waa "Sh----- aimed a t lo st niRht'a meet." blnclc

? iBfol. n H ungnrian re/usee who » Z i coaches Uie dlsU ncc runncra for Ulccl. Car. the Loa Ansclea Trnck club, dls- cn he

played b cm p h In which he had take 1 v“ i. charted Beaiiya' tim e by quar- and te n . Bcaldo U wna Bealty's nc- '

!•»«• tunl pcrforanco FrJday n ljJ it. ze tJD ^ T t~ a h o w e d ''l l i a t~ 5 t~ lh e ~ mile b i i l 'lh f iii<D. m ark B eotty Wfs & lltlle more nlzcd.. ^0 th a n {our seconds o ft schedule,

* T hen hft jrmdually made up al- uic Is iv i m ost nil of th e tim e. a a U m

v i , T oo best previous tim e of 8:30.0 nui, Ca waa acl by M urray Halberg ot

A - y l S L — M

I— .v and c^arli

in Uie »,orlj iwo-mll, rcronl. n«»y The rer«

J lllE F S ,196Z T I M E i .

W - *^ — ,— , = _ —

p r ■


inletcil by Joe Cunnlntham , Chlca{o W hite So) third baaeman, leapi and mlases a h lch reloy weni on lo w in handily . (AP wlrepho to ) .

KayoedLOS ANGLES, Juiie 0 CT

— T lie u’l/e or O o i- f fc o u s GeorRC, th e wn-stlur with the T "I

I* curly blond hair, wna Rrant- J O l J cd nn Interlocutory dlvorcs

\P ) di’crce yc.slerday on tMtlmony BUHL, run Ihn t CcorRC used her ns a liend wr irce cpnrring pnrtncr. l>'Kh sch>aly Mrs. Evflyn W lnsler, a i l" ," - 11

corroborntliiR wltntM, <les- fin- crlbcd Mr.s. OcorRc's condl-

tlon n fter n recent non-pro- , -n l “'.U fc.v.lonnl boui with the 47- " ' ,

^ 4 -ear-old r c l J r s d o/f-bM t , , J , w rcsller, now a tavcm opera-

“All wrestllnRwas "She h a d tw o beautiful .,. ,,1,,

blnclc cyiMi. nnd he r face wnssho «:io!Jen," Mrs. WJri^Ier to.?!- , , ,for Ulccl. "She anld he Imd i r n t -

[lls- cn h e r up and sho couldn't nnd madiImd take It nny more." cause ot

New Zealand Jnit j'en rJn S«'«Icfi f ' f i nlle bu l'lh rtim e-JiasT io t b « n recDj- lore nlzcd. Creed, ;

Next event on Beatty’a echtd- vcrslty of uie Is ft m ile run Id the Nntlonnl n t Filer I

_ AAU m eet June 22-23 In Wai- 30.0 nui, Calif. *'J i ♦ ♦ . ¥ ¥ »•

1 £ ^ H k

, T atmn,i exaellr « |,» i |,[,T ( l h e rernr.| . r t F n j ,y , , aP wlrephntr.)-

g ,H lK E^ ^ S - N E W S

r ■ * _____________ ffa m o tw= r e c o rd . '

A i - 'l - .A '. - k '' ' J - u t e - w a i t« * ! X '

- l.‘t y - lh e - -

■ ' " % i_ 2 _ - run alnRh

r \ r T 4 . ~ . < H ickm an!i i ’** ^ Cll(, Co

«tvrtV I Ih lrd 'J jM fj5ja>*:V'»rT.'VT Yorkers’

Rames. wii

T he Ml♦,< ihelr first

b l l y a year

w ithin n • ■••■ Plratcs4*3

■ ,.-^ 5 - .- .,.- .' . A . ■ • • of Mack J'! o f B o b s h

m '.'.',. > • - er.■ Jones dr■ . IV bases—ll j t ' ' . •■ homer and

• slnRle In 11

' ' eiRhfh ha. . - pa

.. more runs

L. - '

- - at.b.-it a s a Dob Puj

y - : '• tionni Icai' • ' ’niii--- ’ ■■-■>'*••• • '••• ' lenmed wl

K S " 'I* performnncp u t down I

to W hite Sox, a i he {eti lo the bae He didn’t i I h lsh relay throw. Chlcaco aeortd Purkcy, i tphoto) • tor -, had 1

-------- ------ three hlU

treed Leaves "-‘"s';,■wvr . 1 » doithou.sc ii WresthngT 1 . T » 1 1 LouLs CanJob at BuhlBUHL. June 0 —Jim Creed. Sadecki

. hend wrestllnR conch a t Buhl and atronR hiKh school for tho past three aRCr Johni ycnrs, announced today lie iins dny’s Rami reslcned to ocecpt a teaching w hat th e 1 nnd conchlns posltlorf a t Snn worst cxhl LorenM high achool, near Onk- ever seen innd, Cnllf. dlnmond.-

Creed anld he will work on his falling to i doctorate in lorclgn InnRUaRC a t Rnme, (hen the University of Cnllfornla The 21* while hnndllnR he.od foolbnll and southpaw ti wrestllnR dulles a t San Lorenzo, way before

•'I dislike Icavlns Buhl be* the ir fourU cause my family nnd I hive cn- wna a smi Joyed very Rood relntloiu here Sadcckl tu nnd made many friends. But bc- ? cause o t the Qoportunlly to ad- itra l’c h l h it

. vaiice my education, I do no t Inning, feel I can paaa up ihls'Job,’ he -------

1 9 6 1•• Creed, a gradual# ot the U nt- •*■ '''-'■ *■ i - vcrslty of UUih. UuRht two years A - 1 _ _ _ y> a t Filer before movinj to Buhl. A C l V c l

Ho and hls lamlly will leave Buhl »


tctodny In lh<


"'ill nl ” Dwyrr Qr Sun

Cl’nndliE ^ ^ ^ K K Q Q O t ^ S ^ ^ ^ H Pocntello.

women'a Mn ttirccT car-m

D wyer n-oi nA * ‘ seeded No.

.■ t i ' ■ \ Rcr. S a ltL nkI Hcntces. I>o<I seeded No. 1

V Crad Hum. Tn’ld F<il2.i I

don BrynUiL- nnce In th e (]

k f l 3

, Ha

, ' . q ,

. _________

fd tlm r, far rarh qu ^ lfr , and

E LEAG1Mets Hit Doub] First Time, Dr(

By The AT h e N ew Y ork Meta Bcorcd in doubh

g am e h is to ry Saturday, «m inR from b gutnc twice delayetj by rain, flie M eb record . T h ere wns a 12-mi ute d e ^ y du te -w a i t in -the-N ew Vorkfif th . A f te r th c sccond dc-l.< iy -the -M etftr- i> ea tiiiff-U iiiCuba a f if th tim e in si.xRames, fashioned Uielr blRK»t 'Inning In six games. Catcher Snmmy Taylor clubbed a two- run alnRle and outfielder JimHlckmSh'shiBied lor a ttilrdTum

cut; Cook, returnedthird* baaeman, h ll the SewY6fis'ers’~ n fa i“ hom er~in-Kim tgames, w ith a bases empty b lu t In the

T he Milwaukee. Bravrs swept Ihelr f irs t doubleheader In near- ly a year and handed alumplRft Pittsburgh its third twin defeat w ithin n week by defcaUng the Pirates 4*3 and 6-3 on the bittlns of Mack Jcnea and the pitching of Bob Shaw nnd Tony ClanUi;-

' Jones drore in three runs with A bases—loaded walk, a 420-foDt homer and a decblve run-seoring BlnRle In the eighth InnlnR of thc f lrs l Rame, and then belted his eighth hom er and collefied a double, paving the way fur two more runs In ttie nightcap. W T^' ■

The H ouiton Colts erupted for It , : ’ '" ' , elghl runs In tlie fifth Innlnn f ' nnd went on to crush Loa Anseles' . 1 ' • ;• Dodgcr*-J3*J. A ’ ■

Backcd by Houston's l3-hlt : ' V ' . •free-scoring barraRc. Bob .Bnice I ^ ^ • -•brtesed In with a acventOill j ,.•.pitching v i c t o r y , Tlie rld it- ;. • • ^ hander won h is fourth game of . I,lh(t year agalnsl cne Jaw. Tlic J ; , , fonly run he nllowed wns Tommy I ■ , | iDavlj lU h homer In the second ; .. #1a rte r t;ie CoIU h.id Ju;npetl In* / ■ m to a 3-0 lead In their first turn , f l j lat.b.al ncalnst-8tan.WJIIlnm.v___ ______! ■

Bob Purkey. wlmiJnseJt Na- •; m m tional league hurler this year, teamed wllh relleviT Bill Henr}- on a aix*hltter leading Clncin- nntl In n raln-.ipatterrd 5-1 vie- j ^ K H B tory over Philadelphia.

I t wns Henry’s superb clutch performnnce In the seventh Uiat p u t down a potent PlilLV Uireat.He didn’t allow a h it thereivlitr. tHANKPUI

Purkcy, who took his lOth vie- Vork Mi tor^-, had shut oflt thc Plillj on »on tlie flrat th ree h lU until two alnsles and m* |Roy Slevers' double pul over a doutile flgurea marker In the acventh. CWcaio ll-C,

Ray Sadecki moved from U ie-------------------do[thou.« lo the throne room as ___hc h it his f lrsl major league I . , A T J T homerun and pitched the St. V / V »» Loub Cardinals to Uielr flflh RtrnlRht victory fl-< over the skid- m • dInR San Francisco Olants. I T

Sadecki had been lined $250 M V , / t« A and atronRly censured by Man- g ia tisiiti jhi aRCr Johnny Keane after Tum* , , dny’s Ramo with the Reds for eariitd-ruii-avi w hat th e manager termed ’ the ^ho atntlstlc worsl exhibition of effort I ve ^ ever aeen on a major IcaRUe jn j 3.03 dlnmond.- Hc wns suspended for Tl,ufj(iuy nlgl falling to show up for thc next Billings. As f gnme, then wns relnstsied. good ns a shQ

The 2l.ycar-old St. LouU “* “ southpaw tiad to do It the hnrd 0 All way before aendlng thc Olant.^ to ” JiJi the ir fourUi atralshl loss. There [mnn,, _ „ wns a amatterlng of boos for ii.ii*» . _ 11 mu' Sadcckl n j ho »a.i mnlled for « v • i:-< towering home ruM by Wlllle Ntays and Fcll|ie Alou amnng five s tra igh t h lta in a Uiree-run Hri,t Inning. r i^ i liio ______

1 9 6 1 - C h a m p s -

A d v a n c e i n II Alirn ___ *JI '

T e n n i s ' M e e tSUN VALLEY. June Q (A P I-

rh e defending champions. Bob jfDwyer. Mtx^oiib. Mont., nnd ilrs. Bnrbara Ch.'.ndler, Bolsr. idvanccd to th r Qiinrlrr-flnnls ' 'odny In lhe niinii.il Sun Vailey ii,n„„r-. ' ; i inrdcourl tenni.^ chnmpionjhlps. 7 j

QunrlcrfinaM. fcmlfliials nnd J.’/,'''"’ • J ," Inals will nil be played Sunday. Iw lI* '" '-TWTPr—orfraTPO-Jonn-slnrte: rt,-™.i.T------- ~ 4 -u n Vnilcy, locliiy. 6-0. 0-2, and •= ^Irs. Clinndlrr brnl Ann S lu lt'. -'ocatello. C-O. C-l.Mrs. Ctinndler has won thc i.'i

rom.en’a MnKles tllle thc past ■i.J,','.'.'"""-',':. t irc cT ca r .^ h u i ' iccucd no, i. j,,,y t „„i, Da'3'cr «-on Jast year but Is it'Mr run- fvjri

;cdcd No. 2 Ulll year. Jim Foul- i"J. Uui;. uttr.i h cr. Salt Lnke City, who bent Cy r ,u l' Vilim,* lcntKc.v Pocatello, C-O, B-O, Is ’ceded No. 1.Brad Hiimiilirryi, 19-yenr-oli| iii.'.'I'T'iL '.'^r'I '

•n'Jn F « lh m.ui, M r.U fd Oor- -ii r.ii- r,< on BrynUiboii, C-1. 8-8. to ad- j'"''",'' nee in th e ^ uarirfllnnlv vii.i iViri,''rI'’’T,.n-i'

■ D O Y O L j

3BEDR0(Have It Now'... |-



, _________ COST ____________

★ ea sy m o n t h l y PAYME

” 'V rT S E E lT S TO D A Y . . ' T F r ^

. C n s ' i L E

louble Figures f , Drop Chicago;

Sy The AuoelAlcd Press>d in double f ig u re s fo r the- f ir.st tim e i inR from b e h in d to w hip th e C hicapo

The M ets co llec tio n of 16 hii.s al.so w ute delay d u r in ^ the second, and an hoii

i V .'■

- I - - - i f f - ; y

. f l E ‘.

THANKFUL FO B EACII ONE, Caaey Stengel. New Vork Mela, ataumed thli a ttitude h tlilay v won the f ln t game of a doubleheader lo m a p : atrtak. IIli gm U tude paid off aa th e Meta Sa) loutile figures for th e flrat Ume In the club'a briel t'hlcago I1-6, (AP witepholol _________

GowboyHurlers Team in ContenSlatlsilc.i Ihow why Uio MnRlc Vnlley Cowboyj

irsl plnce In tiie Pioneer league w ith eight anitd-ruii-avernges of less thnn five.Tho atntljtlca, released today by WUUam J . Wei clan, show Dee Weber nnd Bob H ellmer tupplii D2_ nnd 2.03 avcragea, respectively, Ho'.rtvcr. W hursduy n ight when he gave tip no earned r llllngs. As fnr as ti!s perw nnl record Is conc >od as a ahQtouL

TEAM nATTISn ^ 0^ All _ n It JIISlllIII Tll UMI .mi .SK 1111

iiiJiio' ai i:iT s h J ll 74 M SB tIs 2K. < *» :i'J iiiini . SN i:j.i XI] 4V IT 31 f.:« jds r . n - c

t.V^iu' 34 i i: i r>a 2^t i i f lit m :iu 10 '» "i!i

TKA>rm;LIHNCiil"c. ° li'i’ ivs r>.

[jlt — T«

I.SniVIDHAl, nATTINO a AH n II 211 Sll n il tii uui s» .si- :

Alirn ___ JT Ml! 3« S5 10 : 1 uu 4 |I l l ' l l___ i: SI 7 IT 5 a ll I 1'■'h ____ r.: Sll u II I s .ij : ,ir'iilill|„ . ~ -l' I'lr, I* ;< 4 ] |.H [

O’ W f fI'mr.r". ■ ; * D l.iHi \'f. li 4fl 4 io ;

II* '" ’ ;; i >1 u u -5__ ■ , * ____i< r ? .v.il ra u tn .u' i i

■It. . . J : a .IOJ 41. 31 4J 4 :i J II IU-niS(J Ml.tllflllH

’'ifcnlKirr IiaiiV lVrn,...k. Ci»l I'»lti. .3H.1. Hun» A-I'

tlif fun. ’ rrJif iull'tytuV*. r<*ra/'l.'ii*p'-V'<-» «|

^ n , J HTi iiisi; t.rA nf;i«^ ,

• r: |!; ,i,h /.1,,'i., -*'liffI'liflir. - Ti.rti Mrji.r. Illllliiit>, U. IlK l,ilinii.ii-Jrrrr Hun


tOOMHOR.. Have It Basic B

a v a i l a b l e

3U. TO c o m p l e t e A T L O W E ST ^POSSli


. . Frco E s tim o tc i , . . N o O bllgoH on.

"Everyfhing to Build Anything'


res fora g o 1 1 - 6

h its also » „ s

i ( V*

r » V / f ,

• \

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'asey Stengel. m a n ] { t r , | ,A tude h-rlilay uh rn i.'. *l. J ider lo m a p a l7 -» n i(b ,)H th e MetJi Saiiinlax u o r ^ H he club'a brief hMur; is t f l

rlersKSlntentionlalley Cowboys nre b a i t l lq f l

w ith e ight hurlcra b o u S

/illlam J . Wels5, o f llc U lrif l lellmer tupping ilic Mifl < ■, HO'.rtvcr. Wcbrr l o x c t iH no earned nm.-, In Icii^fH

tcord Is concerned, It t u H

H^uiu .sH.|iFiiii iii's:i fo ijii^B

I It : i: ij ri . 1 ^ 1 ®

' Tsi.’ I'o '» '» ;'| m |“ S UNO BIVS h "il

iU 7; 11 ATTINOrn nil iipsiim^

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5 ____l l '• 3 ;• I: i u I ."7 J »

4 :i J H I -4 Uiiriiis

,B liil.-'*(Hl„ Kiim«K U'-w lal !>'i'...*’'i.u'ii"k'vriiu*. i'.



lOMEasic Builf !


O bIlgoH on_-___ _ !"

A n y th in g "

;u m L IS BURLEV ,

to Sari pullmer-Pei Fight A fterPIT T SB U R G H , J u n e 9 W ) - T l i s n •jfnff f i t rh t b b tw e e n G ene I 'u l ln ie r

M h iv e th e N a t io n u ! B ox in j; as.'<o *11 F u r th e r , t h e iNBA is “ v e ru

title c in im n n ts w ill H t.ze

. T h e bo tfsciuTiiiiicn

>'ullmcr.Is JTCOKIll?!

0^/-Aa-ANGLESt r W K «V nOVEV ] kins uf M

n r i r tu n d - J a r « ? psrk !omr; Nfw-Vork; g „ d youTe bound to M c.rnp rn -K l

T l.un .! W jv rn a i

„ i u r « o f 5 p ^ ^ ® ‘ 5 mlMinSrri'iIi

‘ c a d '’ imd l e S ' D ^ f c ' 'f^ tln one o t d1oiiMiI | / co

U>r.v)/i.'the^ to BIN Sullivan,tt. Icrdnv,M P l t e h e r ^ ^ a - ^ y ^ M ilmi iiii-i be

Iff, itrJklnit _ dfr. We on:I t tn d »tlH “ • '* ' nnn Pcmif

i Ooe man m ade four errors, n .tit in Jui BHtUr nolhlnB w en t rlt:ni. o«.", voutd not have been «o "Wc wou I ir BUUnes hud picked up nee (lie ink ut Hve Jiomeruns a n d scored ship wtilKd nfll. But w ith every out, thc —but wc ■ i a ^ l d only ih lnk or what mctt the ( kr'hftve been w ithout the six muiitlis.

Urkoii llt t t of the rccurrlnfc polnt.i ot »>;“b.11 !* thAt crron. come lij ,cbtJ. With ench error, thnt mdu»l. and the -tfftm lo j» sullivim tw

become wmewhftt tlcht- ,UltT three o r four evcrj-one commltiee.

TO-H»ht-a-pliiycr_)s. lucky, lo ccrii«d.-ho l n isffTB hi* eycbnUs. _ j,o i um t chll bMlca'Iv WM the ewe Promoter h Hink Allen. IronlcAllv. lie Syrnciu.c. ^ t dftllv sna«<:cd one of the Uic Uurfmii fceti h it balls of the nUl.t- confident n nn those alow onr.i—the one* »’oulUn t be had time lo Uilnk on-yoii noth.ichllt Id tell from his movemcni.t that Fullm iru telllnj himself th a t lliln promise to . t he wnsn’t polne to niKv fenu Pende t more he concentrnled. lhe j„ l lUr he became. H e was. ns ,on. Fullme » a y In the trnde. ••psyched. *ent' Sulllvn Tobably many of l h ; fnn* who the details i e vlfwlni: the ir f irs t same of he told Sul m r . went nway WonderlnR would have

’ the Cowboys could be flcht- liabilities If for the lltlc. T he frxir.lmllon to pull out

IJie fvenln: w m . fle.iplte the Penclcr. m . Msglc Valley wxn In »II(^ • Laier, wli tnillon. And In th e wake of formed of I j tt errors, the effoctlve pitch- Sullivan’s Ir of t«o Bllllnna hu rlers be- “Now bM w

i« mlnlmlted. Ttest assured, is beatlnR I Cffiboys are capable of play* tad usually ploy, m uch bct- p | j ^ g Q |

ne thlnir th a t was bound to t j r j , I m the ' unexpected ln)unr A H U &

?’S 2 ; ; = s ^ ' ‘i , S ‘ i."”o r ; ; ™ c m N .1 discovered it. TUMdny Xl'i’V f 'H n r I . 11.1.0015 lo reloln the “ S j f J " '* " ' . , t P oc le llo o n J p k y the g " ' ' " . ; , ; ; . „ « ,l M lo r . t a . l » eor- Irr wrRerv. B u l It pnlns him rcDorU Is bound to clow him im

lewhst- since Rublno day-ln 1 out (lives nwny nolhlnit lo “t^.hertslop In th e lenRue. this led ^ujr

ul It veri- abniptlv on's a^mnjor^rea b«u«ht m an aw r Jack Phil- fsce-lo-faee w llh hU secret n nM " * ' of the .orln^. The verv word

ury- around th e Cowboy .club- je has sent manntter Jack j, , . p , ,, , lIpsseorchlnR for th e nearest

« of wood on which to k. flo thin Is th e cowboy IMie 1. 1, 't A PTOTI. rew nte.U o y lie re , i .t o j t 'h e ; ^l.e boys are loaded w ith pltclicrs Philadelphia cither h w for- s i d

en'or been unable lo send _____r help. T,\KKSr the past two smmes. a cen- ^ oj^q Bg eldrfhaa been Pl«yln« iM*'.'’ lUPD-^Pat

a catcher 4n th e outfield. ^ n.g.under- mH{lcldcr_0ut-0f_hls_regulM u,> fir«t m.ii lon and lhe th ird ;basem an entertainmei fd lo rhorl-iloo. Milp for theTtm fiublno w s fount! to y jf fund.

lh* hrrnin. m onarer Phil- -----------------could do nothin? but_ae_nd_a

i f f lo" lliat position^ olnlnt mnnacnr phllllps In cklne on wood, one more ]n«! «hlle Rublno Is slrtellned U m g ; M lid force the Cnwfaoya tn play llctifr fomcwhPre every-day.' Injiirirs th a t turned n 3 firjl-hftlf clii'j lust year In- >n alm-rnn and n t th n t time M g E k M tfsm was ton-lirnvv wllh

;<r mfn. nlll* Hobhv Sander* ifv i-M rK I cfiiiirt- ninv nnywhcre.P in ihyi tim e, the Cowbov*t I'f'-ii v lrlnnlly. e lrh t IronI and n pllchiT. Cruises nnfl<u.« hlcli loslcnlly would call» finv r r tn o o f '. Inve hrrn T!‘) j | j r j^ftl nml the rltib hns sUycd i J i J S I ahe ililci- nf th e race. ^

■prr.vtitiiia of UiC senson so

real pnii* m anaijcr Al no- • n 'vfr knonn to be n. shrink- a t H B ivi-'lfi, nrnh->*jlv net some y m W *

I of a record here th is week [WjNWf^n 1)' vns VIeVed oi<t. on the m B F ; ; . ' 1 pitch n f .t l i* gnme,

fovrr nelatn'ier, Billinr* skip- P g f j j I I* » v<*rv Rflpnt student of W r f c J

'xnie who rlemnnda hustle on Irnnti by his niavera Ke 1*' mnn tn t.il«; to, nhoWlnit ?rP.jii'd'‘rM nn lln ::_ fln d d e;

'0 Ihr iramr. He couple*' l"i •' loi'-h (if •'for^’ i*-tls- t_-> Pi!";r vrr” ttood listening

"I'r nil h r .hipan'la.husllp.____l>H M'ntfo p'lniiD* IS mv Idea

I'udlfr," h? "Whenllrsi ,i,e v /nnu to bc'nnW irn lif-.i on seeond he

to br on th ird nnd on third he wnnU to

Die cliiqout. Ite hn lfs to iN’:ima

'"""S-Playera'In thB ’lemiie ," \rn ,K l or b r lte r ability ANOTlIBIl ? choose him o w m o tt of MusIaI lUdei

'■ htf career w

Jarictiori P en d er ® te r A ll ^’)— T lie m id i ile w f ij rh t t it le - ' e l 'u l ln ie r a n d I’aiil I 'e m ie r x in j; as.'<ociutioii'.s ble.sj<inKI irt “ ver.v^-h;ipi»y” lh a l th e ' .:t a t H dZL'm aii. M o n l., A iijr.2«, a n d « ‘t t ^ t h e n iiid illc . — ------------^ h ^ iir it fin a llv w’im ' J ____ ,sc h e iln le i l f u r Ju n u 9 b u t i : ' - — th e n wa.'i d t:|.iv cd becnu.ie 1-- •’ of u lack of'il tvl. viMoii sporl.^ r. . :

l-VIIincr. West Jordnn t;iali Is rrcOKnirnl i.s ;iotld clmniiilon »v by Ilic NBA. and I’rmlcr Brook- . -d tme,-Mn,^V.- K-cansl,!rrTd- 'lh? kliiK of .tlip KlU-poiind »n bvKfw-Vorkr-.Mn-t^arlificHtirTiV rnpr^aiKl t),;

Aiipareiiily th r- NUA'S rulliR- to f'ltllmcr InM WeOiifMlay ihnl he had Io defend In* title by Aur. s . nnd aKolnM UirL TiRcr of Nigeria. u rr;iill of n m^undrrMancIliiK. 'Mu- rUicl wa& a-iurd by Pnul Sullivan, chnlr* man of ihe NBA's world cliam- plon.shl|i commlltfp, but without tlie approval of Ur. Charles P.Uir.wn. Die NUA pr<’ Uk•nt.

Sullivan. Plit?buriih. said yes- icrrtay, "We had no tntormailan m at this bout (lhc orlKiiinl June 9 lironiolloni wns on wlili Pen­der. We only knew tlial Fullracr ann Pender were ."iuiiiio.sed to mtK In Ju n e - th e n It r a s called

"We would be very happy (o see llle inlddluwul^lit cliainplon- shlp settled belween lhc.se Kuyi —bul wc w ant lhe winncj- to meet thc loji conlcmler wltliln six inuiitlis."

Ur>.on hnd hnld In Tncoma:"I favor the flRht between Pen- ^ der and Fullmer. I don’t believe i any olher should be nrrnngcd or h evi-ii considered a t this time. Mr. I SuIllViin look Ills action wlihoul /corwulilnR m e or lhe executive . commlllee. As Jar as I'm con- ccrncd,-ho.]x >.UtlnH-tils-oplnlon —- iio i th a t of the NUA.'

Promoter N o r m Itolhscmid. r 1 ^ 1 Syracii!.e. N.Y.. who ta sU glns f : ' / J l thc Huri'mitn bout, said he' w al ' ' confident all nloiiR th a t there wouldn't be nny difficulty. THAT'S A

nothschlld snld he was lurc that Fullmer would keep his promise lo fiRht Tiger If he de- feau Pender. •

In S.ilt Lake Clly. Marv Jen- T P 1 ? ton. Fullmer's manager, said he X • 1. • • sent Sulllvnn n letter explalnlnR ' . lhe details of Ihe fiRhl. He snld ' P « l r ^ he told Sullivan th a t the NBA X d K l 3 would havo to aMume contract liabilities If Fullmer waa forced T a / t S/-v Co pull out of the IlRht with J u C l l i U Penilcr. O

Later, when Jenson wa* tn- formed of Ijirson 's Mnlcment and ‘>'‘i*''“ d bhcxr Sullivan’* Intest words, he snld, P**’t dropped •Now nil wc need worry nbout •'1s bcatlnir Pender.- « « J

- day nlBlii.

Pinson Is Fined run oulburi.t

And SuspendedCINCINNATI. June 9 fAP)— F^iV'pllchcrs

l^ada Pln.son. leadlnR batter for shoihone hill;he Cincinnati Red*, waa sus- dujj eonlrlbuijendcd two dnys today and fined iq »*,- .ause jy National lenirue PresidentiVarrcn Giles, a RcdlcR spokes- . *

™ "Z"ttThe penalty stemmed from an ..(• ,

ncldcnt a t flrat base last niRht d It out •hat led umpire Mel Steiner to p ,.),rjecl Pinson from the K am c-tlie ^ „lutflcldcr'a flrat bantshr.ient n* ‘‘ y ,,I major leasuer.

Pln-wn wna on flrsl base In fnnitie fourth InnlnR and dUR for .iecond when tenmmnte Frank ®P" “ lobln-son rapped n fly to riRhl leld. P h lladclphb’a John Calll- 7 on eaucht Iton cauBiit 11. boiinccd hta .siPlMon reversed nnd dufj back _ . .

own rd—flni I_(nat_nnd—hla-Tm-^' tilir>fri nntnenlum carried him inlo Um- ™"* •'lire Sielner who called him mil,’ln.ion iirotcslcd the cnll nna lumped Slcln tr.

---------------------------- Tlie ''A" clT,\KKS KAItLY I.KAH pIlchlnR of Jii

LONO BEACH. Cnllf.. June 0 Eller. Mike A; U PD -rPat HarrlnRton. Jr.. ahoi KlnRhorn to . two-undcr-par 70 today to take

ntertalnm ent golf champion- -S ii^iono pi hip for the motion piciurc rc- on base, two > icf fund..___________________ _ o n a w ^ . ___

< %aKbPI


rHE T tM E S -h /g w .

^ “ J* ■ .

I ^


la*t at umpire Al .Smllh In prolrsllnjr a ileelsln mmedlately ihroivn out nf the eame. No. 36 I* Ultltnore. (AP wlrephino|

r , F ., R u p e r t L e a

f a k e W in s i n L eai

r e g io n P la yThe Tvi’ln Falls - K ' lenm inked Sho.^horu- D-0 nnd n u - lj |'n “nli'kI""' r t dropped Ihe Twin FalLs •'« ' A.Tmiih.CMrVs., xin 6-4 In .Maslc Vallcy Anicrt; K*hn<-. Dhuui . . . n LcRlon Juiilar biii.eball Frl-t I*-'-"y nlBlil. r,i,ii,..,n. cm.’L-,,nupen cnme up wUli n four- n‘|*'u,’n K»n''.'’ i-irn oulburi.t In the fifth Innlnt, T«iTu>ir.'ii>uiinui<!’

wipe out a 4-1 duflcR ullli natioNaII MannlnR providing lhc keyigle. At Shashone. four T uli f. Abiu, .Sm. Vnn. Ita pitcher* combined to liold Wiiiiimi, chic»*« Mhone hllle.s.1 while lhc cnllre M„,Vt «i U u"/ ‘ lb eontrlbuicd nt lea.M one h it i)..n»'rt.'.Han Ft>nthe cause. iin»i, rimiiurib,rhe Twin Pnlta •'D' club ;ipoi- rt^nirin.Vw i'“ / I Ruperl an curly run but oih^u , n»n. rmn. Tie up with three In thc /.ec-d InnUiR. Catchcr Ed Storey m is'i,rUd It oul wllh n .slnsle nnd _Am»rinc u » n ._• Tn-ln Falla club lanjely relied 1

walka nnd wild throws lo iltre Uie three runs. K.ni>r.Ti«r. 1;lupcrt got to Oary Dillon In I’""*"* >•t fifth InnlnR.n» Bob-Jllelson .mcd wllh a alngle followed by AoirirtnUaVur'iivlk and nnd error. T lm t « o r - n.bern, Aitiimn <i

two runa and R upert went ,1:ad for ROod when MannlnR K o K ^ i B r - r;meed hta .single to rlRhl field. K«iit.».Tiir™ .v

I In lhc top of thc acvcnUi "" ‘cr iRO were away nnd then . ami.iiicad Twin Falla In check fo r the nono«n, inJUm .1 three ouls, ^ Kor'«ii. Ti^r»H e "A" club relied on the f/X X TA '^sru"'’;hhiR of Jim Blakealec. Rusiy iiunnitK.TKnttr. Mike Archer nnd Kcndnll wifitmh.m. aiMmiRhorn to blnnk the young kationaij-slione crcw. pa rtk jlpn tlng .lu -----------first year nf Legion ball.___•

ilioaliono p u t only U)rco men ,u«uiii. I 'h iu _baae. two on errora^.and one .•

r j | a n | B n

Jg met S tln rdn r *a S U n 1 Francisco G lanu Ilk op th« 7001ta doable o f Tcny Vcoion. T npit, LooUflc on nre 8 u> | OTtr the Glanta.

S u nday , J u n e 1(

A f l

j E

IK ol the N ew York Yankees ns he cuts limxe Inr a ilrelsln n » t flrat bane. Marlx bumprd S e. No. 3C I* Y’nnkee coach >Vally Moics. Vanki

L e a g u e A ll-S ta i

L e a d e r s I s A n n (

.... . B y C o a .I vm' A' A l -[ 'i ',T CHICAGO. JUIrnri.k.t,.!,cir. <« i'.i i i j h Cp:ich O tto Grahmiih.CiiirJs.i ...«j 11; VJ M .-Iti hilve s'Jeclcd a .n

1 !',’;' ..... I'J UJ :1: 'v'-; er.s from 24 .stateTiari cir.ri.titi 39 in; ;n 11 Hic nnnunl All-Si11...,n. CM-’ii-,, _ u -jiiii I.1-. .Vlll m Soldier field f^’n, K lr.7 i'iV t i "ill' <J iiriji i The All-Slnr.splf. l!*uiin.ji« . u ll» I i 4J .31U Green Bay PacJ

NATioSAi, i.KAtnn: of the Nntlonnli; All II H i‘(X vihich hns provli

km,.Sin.Vnn. . o: :n5 3K :i .Jin tlon .since the li«“ '■ » tu t -

i.t.j<i. u.ui. y: H7 r: i t .n t in nil. the profcrtMasctj&sas *• •»» •> “>l.n. Chif.m . M ir . M III .j:- with two Rnmrs ■.In. I'hii.. . . *••, Ii-.r. ■:» !■* . i:j Thc Phlladelphln j'su'i'JiuU*"' whlpptd the AIl-i

n(isii:m:s’s Graham'.s list. . r i c n u . r . . N . t io n .iu .i« « n lo « durlnR t i,Ti*rn ir. M.,.,«;i.ni. ;o la-U fall. Is not ik.Orioirt l i t'c,ii« l i several passible iB fT iim '' i r i i l 'a l 'c u u ’’ 1« n'llltnry .service. 1 ■lin, indun. 1: .M' U is sCrve list Includt

riii.„n, iir.li 13 clKht m ajor collc;- - WINS nATTrn in --------- t iic ' Soulhcijal

henda thc Usl wll o;r. An,jN ui<V| I..i:i.n^^^^^ «hllc tllC SouU>' riMn. w.Soi c i.ni. i l will contrlbuic fl’i V S S ' S S ' J l S u i . !5 » l« T e „ r .u r ._______ p jl tu ix u ______________Some of the bii(Rur.1 on C „r .Ir,..... Will pnrilclpate I

AMKKICAS i.i:A(a)K Rame will be qur»v i .- 'M , iiadl of Knnsna ai

ltc"v’j i n " ............. "4 'i ’.loo rlef of North (b,.uVf..s»n»i.ii, . 1 I .mn llalf-baek.s AnR« iiky. Ansri. , . « a .710 Notre Dninc and

s s . t ; ; t , ' J i :s!jrATioN.i, „ ,

• 7 o i . ^ T : r "■ Z s I Utah Slate. Ray .------------ j - }— “ 'd -a rt-p ay n crm ttn ;

. 1, i>,»ii[rn . . - K 3 .Min western and Cha l^i-ilta ■■ < _ l >"H iO hlo^lnle._____

clieo G lanu Charley Hiller (SS) and Jo*e Pafan ' Vcoion. T be CactllBUa woa t-S, s u k ln f It the Glanta. (AP wlrephato)

J u o c 10 , 1 9 6 2 ly 'N ic ld a U

165 Recc Golf Cla

. J ® W CL ipro.s-. n! j , W Jack Nlcklaus, wit:

' , ........ iinl 7-iiiJtIcr-p;vr.___ 1'tnMlTV.Bld, witll I

lhc Iriul 111 llir • • . • C:.isslc ivllll :U7 t

Siu-.ul b le w III. ‘ i'aliiicr t'oniliuicil

iloii'. slump.'T lu ' 50.} rar.111.t

' • r;.rrli-d a lvvii..-iti till' tlilrd roiiiicl,

------tjvrr tlie-piir-7J l ‘icouriiLaiiilJiJl..xv

. Illl- paceMi'iiliuhllr.

(allrdHe ^hol n .scriinibl

oi'kt'd pernil.-.:

lo i;i'l Ilt .-liiipr lol k;ml. rrferriiii: i<i t

I . piOli,Olip sliiVllii;;^ . A -.«• Oakniotii, I’n, Whr

' ^ ' iirced Him he ntourimineiii, Paltni

I l looked like iv i flnlili for ih r (iii;

le cui» liiMe wllh a verbal a tiumprd Smllh and w »a-l — ■'tone*. Vanki won 1-3 over ; »

11-Star L is t 1 /■ /

A n n o u n c e d f'j 0

C o a c h e s ^llCAGO. June 9 — Head I—.h O tto Graham nnd Ills;,Illff \ \ v i ls'.Iecled a .V]und of 00 piny- / l \ .

rom 24 slatf.s to compete In / \\ V U InnmilAlI-Si.ir football game \\)Idler field Aur. 3. j \\ \ ^e All-Slnr.s will meet the ' \ \ 1 «n Uay Packers, champloas \ \ l \ \ I nIC Nntlonnl Football le.iguc 111 \ \ f N , .:i hns provided the oppasU \ \ l \ \ /% K.since the Inception of the \\ » • A<7 = '\N in 1034.

all. the profcaslonata hold an W « = “ acdKC in the classic acrlcs' 31u o Rnmrs ending In Ues, I \ \ J ___ □

Phlladelphln Eagles laat yenr \ \ I T T "Md the All-Stars. 28-H. U f l T r -iham'.s list of playera. nlll U \ \ t P ~rs durlnR the ISOl aea.son: ' ^ Mfall. Is no t final 'becaase' r i v ^ W a a l r anl passible membera are In ' I 'iry .service. However, hta r c \.. ‘i \

list Includts playtTi Irom I ,i ”m ajor collcgc conferences, f

c ' Soulhci)alcrir"c‘ohrcr‘encc' ~ r n r » i f r1 thc Usl with eight playera v i* i V * * \

thc SouUjwcst confercncc lontrlbutc five men and the ^

................................: Y ' \ 1pnrilclpate In the All-Star [ T H I

win be quarlerbftck-s John i — --S .of K ansas and Roman Gab- li '- f i* iof North Carolina Slate; I backs AnRClo Dnblero of' Dnine and Emle Divta of UTil■use: fullback Bob Ferguson' , w i ' P f lilo S tate and such ouuitaad- ST':.\Inemcn as Merlin Olsen of IState. Ray Jacobs of How- t r 'iA i f l

n jT ie rm trE cnoirorrrorih™ ~ r 1rn and Charles B rjnn t of P'-i-'i |_SlMe.__________________ \ - ■)

'iXr?.r.va'51 Beoi

cldaus Ties!Gonzales t( Record in.:>|^i?C“P:

1 « ^ 1 , '" J .V — Itlcliard tPr

i t C lassic^ro.V. N ,J . J.m f 9 V “ lUloiial BimileiIlcklaus. with n p;.-1.,,;;,,... ="<■»>' c°''uadcr-pM . C5. D.t.o ■'•'J*'' '■'!>' ,•WBld, with » fi7 :hiit ::i'M Cup (;ul 111 till' SK'OO'li (;!>:;■' Iv rnnrhrr m-iar ll;

ivllh :u : linl,iv ,1 !M-‘il III h li hiiilir,b le w llli ;\:iil Xtm.lil l if ii .a ! is .■.,iM Ilf »

• contliuicil 111 h i.'!iit:;,; i- i ' 'l ; i 'r '' i ih ii'<' I'' ,„n|V ,i.';i;i'v [j.'.cl; iKHil W50.}rar.iil,t -ii.-.ul. . • : , , : '‘ri' r,.ii,ii:.l al Cir a l\vt|.>iii);;.- Ir.ltl •!! ••"IV-

ird round, -.kif.l tn ,i :.i ie-p;ir-7J l ‘iip -r M"iiIi-.'-t - ,r.ir-tn t!•r^^sd ? rn ailil-Ii:ll ■'.i:vi:ii ■ ,i!: - ' mmiii f f ' jirl.T ti

lUhllr. I’.-liiiri, Illl' .M.._ II, plnce. ah u m 1)1011 ar.il I.Mdm: .1:, N;r;-,|,ius nnd Kiii':wiiiniT. Iltl tllf til':,I lifiif-L iitlcT , Illl' ri'.

I (lay failed ic< l):i,ik |i,ir, , inuiiini'ii. wiih ::i»8 iII n .scriinibtin;; 7.1 Inr jl;i idund :u.'ked perml.^^loll_ ici_ isiih- • iii;n - .w rrc tli'd i

!l.i::iry. with (IP: \\ Hhe U> »:ii li"i?ir iiii.l-trv T-!itt-lfHrh-Hiilrt*,-ii Ilt .-lliipe fill 11',■' npt 11 ' 111 (• ,1 1 V c . ' I ci n,I'ferrliii: I<i Iln' 1>: i l!;i:u- I'liui'iui into tin- pH ip sliirllii;: "I liiii.'jiav 111 < !i. H,.|r<| a J-'i-v Itll, i’n, Whrn Ilir .illk-i il- ;tin l„iiiiar Tci'll \ Him he leiiiiilii ill 111,' u inn il pro in |U,'i3,

ineiii. Palmer lomplu-d, j.-.r;] n n n k i i i s ukrd like IV ravaliy i'li;ii;;c Uuyiiioii i\cic ln-d for Ih r (iiiiil fniiiid ^iiii- Imird-by Jack Biiilii


-^^N ew LightI # SPORT ORf SHin

O N L Y . . . 2 ’PLEASE HI

• Socks


f ^ J f e s s S I' All Sizes A O "

Stylesand colors . . V




Beautiful Free GI

zales to Hfead A l l e n P o i isCiipTeam p , . . ,v o « p ,HLY HILLS. Cnht,, June U i . t * > C S 1 t Itlcliard iPnncho) Goii-orld proftr-Moiial ti-iiiiL'. l i . l I , . . . , - - _III I'Ulii Ihjics'und I'xlci' U l l l l l l ” » iJlonal Binaleur kiiu;. -,\.i:. n o t« v tnm. n (»•“ w.'“ ......... a,::s s -,»'i;o,!;,s;„i m ' c w c n * . n „ u .,irh rr Iii-idrlhr aillii)itii',-r.llli hiiiiir, ........... .................

tis .'.li.l III' liiiuld I'l'! M- ....... ■■", .....

.'.ck lioiil Wliiibri': iLiil.i al Cirvtl.ir,:!


iiiiit place, a M iotj' n.iriL, ' , ; „ . ,,ius nnd Kiii':trr«,ilil, «iv. r, . . .1 , ,, , • v. iitliT, Illl' ri'l-:iiliK: thii'ii i.'.i- '.i- ■■ " ■■ ■■i.s..III. Wllh ::i»8 afcli'r n tiiira ,•.......u. ;-..i,. • , ..........-w rre til'd at- : ‘J9« itii cn: Wm Kill.. :i). ........... . • ' - • -

rh-Hi.lrt*,-i. <li*i,k- lt..i.. ....'r,,..!. .1. c.,ilv c ',M iin , -li'\„ MiK' . ' '" ...... ........into till- plruirt' ivnn ,1 •„ , ,

mar Tci'll ^tuilfiit »lio i i " • I' l ' ',)i'o 111 IU.'i3, . ' .I ..... IIl i n i v k l i i s and I'l.'ii!: ' ' i '" •• ................

I «cii' tied III :iu , Itll- ......... •,; •. :y Jack Biiilir. Jr.. ill VII ........... • . ■

Lightweight—^■ O R D R E S S

IRTS■ 2 ” t o 8 ”

^SE HIM with . . .

lelfs •Jewelry ocks •Billfolds J

7 s i a c k s |

' \ I

no \ 6.95

rful Jarman

i Shoes t t im r■E LINE O F -


H H K f f S f B S U s e O n

W g n | | j | H - 30^0-90-

;e Gift Wrapping!

jn Powers ives Past lings .5-2

June 9 '.r --M a rc la l ; I'AO hnnieruns and Clay U'lll Ullllnw to four hits ■ beat llu- MiL'taiiKs 5.J

I I'lltl Miu,I'll ini'iii ixitli


1:1 -

) p e n ' t i l ^ i d a y N i g h t

- IIry J '

5 rT r i n - = « - — —

> 0 0

) g

1® ~

2 . 9 5 ^


)BES M .«

U s e O u r

0i60-90"Doy- “





W E IN V IT E you to shop tJ you to be ju s t as convinced the g rea test buy of the yea Plus luxurious NYLON p; TW O chair scctiona and ce d iffe ren t look each day if

— rdeliversitrto 'your'doorl—

We givTTSinhT

m a


to shop the town fo r th e equal of th onvinced asAve a re ( a n d take i t fro: )f the year! Each b ig , plump cushi( YLON pile F R IE Z E AND ALL F na and center cui*ve section . . . wil :h day if you like. See this amazin r-doorl--------------------------------------

r fh rB E S T T O K IB lT W

ANOTHE— m - i H t

ST time ever! ~



ual of this s tunn ing value at CAIN’S ke i t from us YOU W ILL be!) that ip cushion is fu lly reversible, and •: ) ALL FIV E PIE C E S ARE includ 1 . . . with all these units you can gi } amazing buy a t CAIN'S TOMORi


HER GRAIr«citEsA-(

4EW Luxury 1 OtSOFAJUiir 1


i t CAIN’S. W hy? Well, we want be!) th at th is is without doubt

ible, a n d -100% PURE FOAM!XE included, two arm sections, i ou can give your living room a TOMORROW! Ju s t §10 down

OJA’------ .-----—.«•I*



t W

' ' ' ' ' W

t t

r 1 1 1 ' I

0 1 1 1VN IISaI a

want ' v ; v l ^ « i | 8 1 \ t tloubt vaL ^ H M i i E m \ n)AM! Y 4 S I i R H \%tions, Y i ' ' V a | w Wlom a n m w l ldown ~ #


3J WRn^ffj(g rvAGiiv



’ E l f l N C i P

\ • ‘

SIIh ^ss

; I w/i • W8EG1 fe 1P \' wf '

! H 1 ' V


V V A i l

K W E K k ^ '

W p

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . / • ^ ' I ': '';.

;i WATCF FOR MOI Ii grand

S B ^ W —OP-EhiUti o l j j j j j j j f l< special

I T *w | _ -



f . . :

jIow injT , S 'now iT jR .. B o y , C irl.

■ E qu ipm en t M o d ^ jb - in K H ock C

u v . . ‘ Fam ily C om lcS . . . Magic ^L > «"y •

unH p:

OPEMNG DAY O r KISJIINO a t Slijio (Bsdl StnUh cnjoyliie every minute of 11, lhe irirB), ta riy morning sun ^vclcamf, ar tdrtnUffC of the tlluatlnn . Tlie {iholnjri n t and recorded lhe event fu r poaterllr.

If. 1. >(■ 3{. >(.

Perhaps, A Is M ore to

Br 0. A. (Gui) KELKF.R lUhlnK ■» TtaM-.Vewi' Feature E ditor In caiO ; Soat people ro fishing lo fluh, story tliU

Mit people don‘L T h is Ia a to rci |: wtt Iboul thtfie w fio 'db no t. iWhk.Kot Ibhlns when you ro fl«h- Peopta

ti{ tllmlntktu cleanins fUh, be* from pco; auw If you do no t fUh then the great ou cannol cAtch any nnd n o t of fbh 1 itchlnc ony you have none to matter o: !fin. Do you 'follow? After nOr, perhaps you ore the tim id one musi

rpe «ho. not w anllns to fUh. thero ahe hinb }-ou should o t least ro is nothlr >iroui;h the efforts bccause who RclllnR oi rcr heard of people who ro down to

_ ; 'N

'• " 4 ■

tS lT OK SCIENTIFIC EQUII*MENT wl lo a MartaufU science club It examlnti

nwh, M uriaujh teaeher. I t Is hU plan to p * * * * . *

M urtaugh i Io E stab lisMimTAUOlf. June ^ - i f W lHopcraUon. i ^-Kr{Jor^a«i^^^Iu^l5u^h-h^RR c rT ilU ir " 'oel Wfnce Instructor, has hU Al preier

w. uirrc will be n aclcnco club h M “borroi * ‘■■‘We to all Interested « tu - ond Is a lt "t’- . shape for I

clul) will bc separate from mind. With '« iioo l, tnnbllnR It to operate ItudenU, h ' Har around, find the purpose pointed Ihi■ UP lo Hive Interested studen ts tlon of th ' opportunity lo compcte Item U m l

‘ "n huml f»/'Ml'7„.iih frcnl Kindmore heovlly endowed that

urcftin Is t a k l n R lhe Inslnii ^ . ' k Uiere b no Iron-clad 11.000 In “.“ ec that l l ever will take equipment

U vl'iu iav« « Inl. nf pn . of memben

3o y . C irl. A dd Uj) t.» F u n la .s y . ,. .

K H ock CVe.L-k Ko;ul . . ; L i f e in M a /

. . M ag ic V allcy P o r t r a i t . . . C la.^ sified i

Tl a t Matio YriervuIr found E. E. really dsli'ilnute Df 11, The cold wind made eIub,^laJ ,^velcome, and the lloherman tcmk h<>u»e It lihe iiholnjrapher found him this day? Up <r poaterllr. Who r«ta up early lo like Ihc oj

I, A fter A ll, to F is h in g 'fUhlnR nnd not make an effort? nnd Uien In cat.0 you have followed the best spots

1, story tills far, kc are Jiu t nboul who got tii a to Rct into the meat o f the So you r

IhlnR. [Ip early iI- Peopta RO fLshlnR to get awny ltn o i? 'O f i '• from people or just to ill . W ith And, ns n the Rreat mnjority the number when you r >t of fbh In the creel Is only n wnter ond 0 matter of cro. a ll taken, ;

After nil. to really ro fWilnK thinR to dc d one musi get up early and Ret People f rI. thero ohead of Uie crowd. Tliere out your 11 0 is nothlnR so exasperailnjt ns Might ttngl o RclllnR out of Uie ear, rushing So you do i0 down to the edi;e of the water Is coming

irM ENT which would be «»»H* ■" selentlfio U examined by WlllUm K. Sor- f«»‘* *

lU plan to pUce more lhan *1,000 ITlmw.New * * * * *

;h Science T« Wish StudeniopernUon. a lol of work and a lot lng_ l» c ^ ns r r i lU l--------------------------------- - w n e r .-o j^ ia

Al present the young ln.ilryetor

ond' if ^ ^ m p tln R lo pu^ U m T o L sn ^ 'u shape for Uie purpoie he hns in j “mind. With th e aid cf a Rroup of sen ^ Itudents, he hns remodeled nnd ‘I’® ;

the insmiclor h « more • Uian he t a u g h ^ ^II,000 In perscnnl K enUflc He oUo ^ e equipment which wUl be for m e P“ , '^ 1 '“ '* :01 memben. A t preieal the build- rcrtlly . » co

I! itl M ii/ic

la .^sified .''ci'tiim .I T iio W ogic Vc

•________________________ T U LN [■]

K k <“ . f

. . . ^

w S H P JflUreally fijli? Smlih. ulio U head chcf a t the till elub,*1iai a strram full of liic ones running t houoe It he r rillr \ranted to go fiMilng.' Smi day? Up early and drive to Macie, m i . tirlri like Ihc opening day. rrim e» .N e«» plioio)

11, T here Res ig T han P is lnnd tlien finding thnl all th e le tting up o best spots are taken by people T hnt b g o who got tiiere ahead ot you. All logs ore

So you gei up early. O etilnc Is cnrly. and pp early Rets one ilrcd, docs cnuSe you roi It no i7 '0 f course It docs. is Illled with

And, ns mentioned before. Is no plnco i< when you rcI to thc edge of th e bo you nil do wnter ond tlie best spou nre y o u r eyes si all laken, you mu.il find some- jog «ure looks LhinR to do. I t la your imr

People frown when you Uirow a «lninR posl JUI your line over tlielr hcnds. ]y anrife into Might ttngle wllll their line, too. A fter nil yoi 50 you do no l do Uiat. The .iun things a t o rnr 3 coming up nnd Ihe wind Is (Coniinx

. ^ 0 0 MM

n iclenlifio equipment a t the dU posal e( Muria Icnls In a club which could operate ihrouj ITItaes.Newi pholo)

* * > * * *

! T eacher Tr; lent S tu d y Cg Is cosUng nothing, but th e biological sclenc m er.-by-lnH —wlH -h8Te-to-be •ntc-of-tnnh 'S n jtured ol some form of ren t o r th e r irolnlng ali.placem iul.bB v a c a t e d . ,___. ,O u t soon, IfTlie building formerly housed continue, there store and Ute potlofflce, Sorcn* ano ther driving n b serious about attempUng pie o t months, i

whip (he building Inlo shnpe Kiven n fcllowsli id getting money to m aintain Miy of Idaho

He is conslderlnR po&slblllly Science founda s personal loan If outside a id p o r t a t the unh some sort is not forthcoming: and will major

ugh for a year and prior to th a t te w h ’^ i r M a ^ , uu g h t n l Lognn and Nephl. h e believes that s also has engaged In off cam - by the students IS teaching for Utah SU te u n l- h e con ’nip" th rslly. m college he majdred I n (C*aUai«4

W ag ic Vcllcy N c w sp d p e r Serving N ine

T U L N I 'A IX lT ^ I l iA H o T s U N O A Y r J U

H M E is titb<-i'

ipiiich.vriik ! n 11 ll:cr be

'jU.'it N. .Mi'nrli


/ ' M l . I I N o» ,ie« in i:i4 b A ' J f . /v J li’Ii'c, bill

• i ,i:».!irr :* nni)t:to i

j.'tii' vuuld iii'i'! ^vi.siiiii cii.Mo;n

1 ^ 1 nn(l j:ill(iil 10 It

I U-'U-illy riK-I tlieir &:inp\ iin

, I tn lhe fRctoiv, i' >■ \ Mr.i, .Mcnchnr.t

!h-Ilovcrs ,slieI lie nL-liiiAla’Uii ft n nnd huA’ to

^ B r S t l J R a iW ff S t t flW q After tne tiillt -'cr.-ipi toi:(

K S ^ clinca ihcn hai;p.illciii. There i

I ond ili:it UuS III j wild l).ii!lu coloi r.vary Ilare nc

a * n B if r^ r ^ ^ .work.tlc:!gii.___)* nclin<

M liiB S n itl^ S ty 'f f l iiwS m itX'Pohitvd .M.nr her rt

to the lo form cen

/ ] g ^ ^ | ^ ^ H j | | j | j | | j | j | | | After she giMrnctaca claln

icr a t the «lue Lake. Country {,°‘[ ,? ,/ r U ie 'r 'i e* running rltb l by the club ilork 1 r,,J fi»hlnc- Smith’s bag opening ic, r n i drive home. N othing » a d T l e n ? J

* * * ... n ' " " ‘* * * * She sUtchcd i: - I f er by hand, cu

I B ^ ^ 1 1 — ming AS she pr<W\ P J J l l v «"e ‘cX W ( 4 > X X V sides matcli. He

discovered Uiat" ! • 1 • to nller her pla ishinfif• She then dec!

T hnt log over Uicre h hnrd, ^ bec.ime hard 11 logs ore hard, Uul then I t e„oujh p i„cs u ■ cnrly, and >-0u nre tired bc- j,,(i [q make se

‘'."I »he progreaed.Illled WlUl people n;:i Uiere prom Uia Um no plnco to, throw your line, u ,e project, it u

I you flit down. monUi to llnlslYour eyes st-irl to droop. T lin t worked on i t nh 'S sure looks hard bul perhnps nnd devoted qul

Is your imnglnntion. So. from week-ends to It. Altilng position, you gradual- There was or

' alltik Inlo a horizontal one, to sewing togeti: ftc r nil. you never do Ihese sore fingers, lings a t 0 rnpld clip—who wontA ''XTrs. Menchaci

(ConiiniMd fn r i ( t » ) haVe finished U___________________ • she had more i^ ^ B | | | | | | | | n H | | ^ day. During

MenchacatnryM hM luA nl’fnoal know that durt month A teacher

In addition to on

gaa-thC-fesi of tl cnre of. Tivo

lime OCCU]

Wiler r - ^ B Sma

I U ttle Joyce £mfor g pet, by t.lt tha regular

I t Ll a bab / Jack liked the first oi her dad, Darrel her anoUier

. A few weeks i. A ’ and some friendi

W ' > ^ H I K lackrabblts near : ii j i iW T ff liH w n victims had

rabbit whlcb the caught and broi Joyce.

■ J J i U W i g w g H ^ a i K Tlte problem wn ^ B ^ f l H B ^ 9 S l 9 i ^ H H n Jaekrabbit thal ^ B H U ^ ^ M S S ^ S b weeks old. Mrs. i

they blrdcAge a

chlldiBugs Bunny carrots. Wh^l

^ K B H B y | S H B i smnli baby Jackm Well, UlU pro:

solved. The baby lal of Muriauxh science slu* fed milk lhroug^ c ra te ihrougboul the. year, botlle. I t « u a 11

feed Uie rabbit i * * * * soon got Uie hani

— ^ a Joyce had a petf I nnmed Jackie.

I l * V i n O ^ If one Jackral J L X T J . J . L c i | pet, then two joc

^ be even beller. / - > | - | I A few day* I

5 Club. EEH-;logical science. He U a gradu- sw w ds of- I - o f - tn n h - s n tr n n d 'to o k ^ r * Uvestock^commt r training a t BYU, * secoiyj tlu t soon. If Uie dream u to Joined the first 1 tlnue , there will ’have to be '“ ' ‘I Joyce had I tUier driving force for n cou- rnbblLs to .boiUe o t months, Sorensen hns been *nd rabbit was n jn n fellowship n i the Unlvcr- Bottle feeding ’ of Idaho by Uie N ational over, os the rabb: ence foundaUon. He will re- lo nibble a t greei t a t the university on June 18 to grow.I win major In entomology. The presence ol te -has-tum ed-dow ft-o ffcre-to r^ l^** !* -*^^*^ :h In larger schools because men'ber of Uie & believes that, given some help a wy lethe studenu and townspeople. I " ' » “eh blggw con "up- Uie Interest m * d -

(C«aUB*«4 «m r tf* • W h e a o M o r t

rving Nine Irrigotcd Counties I__

n I iA V ,~ JU X E 10,~ l9 G 3 ~ ^

Local Woma] s titched One\Vo:iirii h.iM-.lM'-'ii .silidjliic to - ' * *;hcr ll;Uih-,u): i; g iu lti lo r ;l0.1 iiuiMbvr .11 Vf:t:s. In th e •V. Df tllf jm.iiriT/, u nulUlnx r «.:,■> 1)111!.- ,1 .-ocl a event. If iclr.vriik (null., m u- Miecc^'liil'd crjj_;o,r;j„v.iiy u3uldurt..o i.li-;-_________

tllUu.^ be p,iicliwo:ki'd to - 'U u t : - __________________ _ . ■ •• . . .’lhl> Mii.i tlip Mi's.,'n N. .M<'nrli;ua. 173H H.iriiion rlc iivcniic, piuijcd,Mi,v Mriuii.u.i, like ni n li y , - , •>,iirn. m-i-clc.i « ruu nnd ru^.^: . ’ '• i: lAKn^lvo Mi,., M tlicliacai .• , • '•,■• .. cldcd tt) m,i'<i' (111,- on th e fllvle • ' ,1 - . , lhe old r,i:,-;i',',.irl: qu iiu . T lic t r,,'f

Ke she iln'ii-;ai nboui 11. ih e |Jlf 111- liI.M i'i;ii It would w orkl J j y ;’> ! ucrlalucil, ♦So», ieiiiiii: a qiiilt together U . 1 p liiliic, bm ^^lvlIlc n rug to* ' ' i 'I j::!irr :* nni)tlR'i, -io find out!,.' to !. '.V a III" jii.si w hiitl .!• would iii'id Mr,‘. .Mriichnr.ij ' .’. 'v - •lllll Cii.Mo;n Hoor.i of Idnlio - ■ d jiilktil 10 lt,Tynioiid D,is.s. tliCj . • '

J-'unlly riK- 'dlstrlbutars send t tS t M U IS l i:lr s:inp \ and reiniiaiit.i bnck B C ^ ^ M g rthe fnctoiv, l!u»cvc-i'. Bum le t f K ^ g j ^.1. .Mcnclinr.i llle;: ih iough liic S m J r ■ •■•■ lovers and •;i;iict the plecc.1• ftould lUNl for her p a tch - ., ' rk rus. He iiLso ihnwed h e r th e W ■la-up of ft niK. how to c u l l l y- ,. j* , .- d how to .icw II. , • f ■Uter tne Initial .Mep of ge tllng '! .w .ipi ioi;tthi.'r Mi.%. M en- ;• , i J ica then had lo dccide on a - .. .■ . / ;ic!ii. There WU.1 one d ifficu lty ' k-' . . /J tliat M.i* 111 rctliiii; rrm iin iits , ' •'/I b.iiilK coIoiA to mid thc ni-e- . v ary Ilare ncc<lcd for p n ic h - 'r >..rk.tlCJlgii______________________ ; _ »■Ir,i, Mtnelincn decided on * . -•pointed .M.nr dc-ilun for thc llcr of her rug and jii'occcded work the dllferent rug plcccs form the center of the ruR. ifier she gol started Mr*. iictaca clainu th a t she tic - L ' ed much of her Apnre tlnie to LiMlng the rug. Moal of th e •k on the rug wns done in th e ill)-room of Uielr house w here J had plenty of room to fll th e [I 'f tw ltr fT i

CCS loseUier and to c u t them . he sUtchcd lhe pieces to g c th - r?. j h s B r I by hand, cutting nnd tr im - ig ns she progrc.v.ed. At llrs l

planned to hnve nil fou r K ^ # A ’<T r!™ rs match. However, slie aoon :overed Uiat ahe would hnve r . A j S a t e i i c ' nller her plan, T liere sim ply . rcn’l enough large plcces to kc four sides molch. > ^ ''V 2 g C n n jihe then decided lo make o p - *j' lie sides match. Mra, M en- ▼ ^ '.T g W N ica noted as Uie rug gol Inrger | became harder to find large w. ' wgh pieces to m atch a n d ahe ,I lo make sewrol changes m - progressed. ' l S < 2 M S S S «

tom UiB Ume she s ta rted on project, it look her nlm osl a ll« i

lUi to llnUh the rug. She ked on i t almost every n ig h t >■■■" * ^ n i i devoted quite a b it o f he r k-ends lo it. PATCHWORKhere was one big draivbock Menehsca needc sewing together he r own m g , wake • paichw'• fingers. where she purcl fris. Menchaca probably could "»s to go i e finished the rug sooner if oeeiiples the ma

had more Ume during th e . During mo9t of the m o n th However, the r& .. Menchaca taught e lem cn- Is used to seeing ’ s c h o o l a t Mornlng.ilde hard ot work on M luA nl’moali fchoQ l.icachcra.nfgJigU -fD r laa i w that during th a t f l n n l some unusuni ci Itll A teacher doesn't hove a ordinary amvns i \i deal of spore time. quilted material iI addition to teaching school for the living roo

working on Uie rug th e re originally Mra. N

r o ^ 'o^S ^ounS ra^ n ed-UMis*-tha-pat-lime occupaUon by nny

sure. It would blend In

Vild B aby Jt }mall-Ghildr€tile Joyce Emlih has a rab b it loose the dog pu

li_ls_not cQro;nDUoii_imm_regular while rabblia like caught.

; youngsters have. Instead . . ,,

T“ i,“ .,0 lhc “ » <•"some friends were h un ting * *rabbits near Eden. O ne uf victims had a smoll baby ' r X " “ 7 ' f It which the hunting p a rty - 'I I h t and brought home to •! '.

.e problem wns where to keep :krabbll Uial was only a fow s old. Mrs. BmlUi had .,he er. they converted an old Age Into a rab b ll.p en , .

all children .know th n l Bunny eats Ehner FMdd's

itsT W hfl do you -feed &I baby Jaekrabbit?!ll, UlU problem was tU od. The baby jaekrabbit was milk Uirough a doll'a babye. I t « u a lltUe d ifficu lt to Uie rabbit o l f ln t , b u t got Uie hang o f .th ings and

B had ft pet th e 'protapUy

one Jaekrabbit Is a good ■ then two jockrabblta ahould renfew after the f l r t t

-abblt was brought home. el Smith found a second .

Jacknbbll running a round grounds of-t>ie Tw in T alU Ltnefc-eflmmmtfm i^ t^panT.

a secoivl boby Jaekrabbit d the flrat In. Uie. blrdca«e Joyce had two baby lo c k - its to boiUe feed._Ttie k c ? .. B ^ H ^ E S S rabbit was named Billy. ttie feeding U Jusl about as the rabbits ore starU ng

ibble a t greens and sta rtin g -ow. R I ^ ^ S i 9 9 ne presence of the baby rat>- m f c i c r t i H l B l>la_dblUfhlng tn n n ly ,,Q n a--------------------------ber of the Smith household, SHOWING OFI er. a toy len lcr do* w ho Mr. and Mr*. Boi much bigger than th e r a b - bolUea (on of mil

tbe nbblU was-c lea o u or Uia n b b lU s e u slock comnOuloa


m an Needed)ne Eront 0 1

* * .. ' * '

ITCilWORK. RUG Is cxhlblled by Mrs. Ju \n lehsca needed a m g for one of her rooms and e a patchwork rug using eld aeraps nnd rem re she purchased the scraps and learned how was to go into ihe family room, but belnr a [)lri the m aster bedroom. (Tlmes-News photo)

vcvcr, the rest of lhe family enrly American fu ■d to seeing Mrs. MenchncA many women Mrs. ; nt work on do-ll.yourseU served ttie right t<

unusuni curtains oul of go Into Uie mn-Ucr iry oinvns nnd took some On Mny 31 the d material to make dra'pes Ished and Mrs. Mei le living room. Custom Floors of Illnally Mra. Menchaca wnnt- U loW- After all thi......... nm fnr «tltChlng ShCWaS g'4ii*-Ui«-patchwork-rug-for. H eraeirUie luxury o

imlly room. Uilnklng th a t leisIonnU do a proix lid blend In well wllh her ting the rug In pinc

r Jack rabb itj dren-as-H ou

the dog pul-i up quite n ping in to see Uie 111 oUon„mim U ie ,rfleeaL J t A n U o y c c i j l d e r j 1. hn.1 n few friends dall unusual pet« lhe baby According to Mrs

bblts n iu a c l n lot of traf- baby JnckrabblU i0 lhe Smllh. home a t 233 better than many i oyce would sometimes have pels the family h a r Uiree playmau-s drop- so fnr has been Inci * * * * * * *

)W1NG O FF b e r pet baby Jaeknbhlta b Joye« od Ml*. D arrel' Smith, U l A lh street. Joyee'a1 (on of milk while oaa of tho rabU ls makes ■: tbblU w as-caoght oa a h u U a r tr ip and the o commUsloa oompany sa lt yairi. (Ttaies-Ntirs


led R u g so Old Scraps

* * * ¥ Jf V

r '

L . '

r Mrs. J u \n Menchaca, 1764 H annon Park ai r rooms and Inilead of w aiting io boy one she ips nnd remnanla. She eontacted Custom Floor learned how to sUtch 'ih e pieces together. Ori but belnr a woman abe changed her mind a News phnto) ____________ ________ -■

American furniture. Like Mra. Menchaca ea vomen Mrs. .Menchaca re- sp e n t Ic&s than 110 i ttie right to chnnge her to mnke her rug. The

■ Uie mniter bedroom. alro and hard wort; i•toy 31 the rug was fin - th e things tha t dou 'l: n d Mrs. Mencliaca called tng.. Floors of Idaho lo have jn j^ rs Menchaca'jrslh e luxury oi having pro- rastnTia-fcw-BOiiiein lU do a proper Job o t pu t- a te the ir bedroom rui» rug In place. Mrs. Menchaca.

bitsu D eligh t I^ u se P e ts—to see Uie llltle creatures, they make llttte or yccX D lderjlilcr_aiorIft* .Wiicii_lh£y_Are_lumi ew friends drop Irv ' th e floor they quick ding to Mrs. SmlUi, .the of sight, nckrabblu actually are F lans right now ca :hon many of the other strucUon ot a pen tc e family has had. Peed somo and ctIcUoq fcoi las been inexpensive and cage.«r A * ' * * *

ttlta b Joyea Bmlth. rlgbt. reet. Joyee'a MtaA tua tU h M i «M 'trM W i Uis makM a p lU B ind )a t i r h a t It U fOtB( t* I Ip and the other n h h i t w at touatf a t th s T v ta l T taies-Nnrs photo)


SO Sheaps

¥ * V , ¥


nnon Park a rtso e . BIrs.» boy one she deelded to Custom Floors cf Idaho together. Orlgtsally iho

d her Bind and bow 11

Menchaca estimates ahe ic&s Uinn 110 for m aterial e her rug. The big expense

d hnrd wort: a re a few o t ngs tha t dou'l have a price

trs. Menchaca's o«7i mind lOtts how much It really d few uuiiieii w illipprecl- lr bedroom nig as well as ienchaca.

g h tts—— -lake little or no noUe.Ihfy «r> Uimrri 1«a«i.nn------Or Uiey quickly scamper sight.: right now call for coa>Q ot a pen tor the two- id erlcUoQ f ra n thc blnl*

1 * * *

'e M 'M '.fW ’M l k a ^ .I IU fOtBK ta M . Om t ( : a t t h t l « t a r a O a l i i * *

2 0 Twin K>lls T im os-N ew s

XifeJtLM A f e i C

M n. JulU r » k « B«U>rd. a D) 7CU1, itya aho may be the only i (OIU who ftre &U (o rm er Jocko'c > tTBlnen u id rtc litg otU eM s. Six l u t Sunday for her 60th blrthdaj k l Conner, near ELBA, ahe lived

• 1000, to Aftson Parke, ALBION. ‘ Ihey moVe<i.to Declo wlicre ahe hi t n ’lheLDS church. M ra.'Ballard

----- hw acn 'c iU L aJlie-E rJm ^ eoun*aelor lo two d ifferent prefldenta In thc Declo ward a n d h u been '» fUlllnt Relief aoclety-U acher alnce the aoclety w u formed lo V k \o In I M . B h e aUo hai

. aerred u »t*ke mlaalonary and----- »(a-a-B««jUve- leafier ln_UlC

MIA.---------J M Ja n d in

1947 ahe m a rr le a^ ra Jn rB a lU n l •Who d icdln 1950.

M ri Ballard aaya her aona IniertJl In rae lnf a larled ahorl- ly afwr World war I when one aon. Va«o. alarWd to rlda horaca«{ Olt Itlra anil roHtoa..,_:___

ThBTttclnf bu j fh tim e w m to bile five of h e r aona who all became joclceya. Fou r of them turned out to be good trainer*, an unutual iwlat In the racing profeulon.

Iran Paj-Jce, the th ird or the family line to get >nto the game, turned out to be th e top rloer and btcome the world'a cham- pion In I»2J «i>a ' S 'The world record waa eatobllahed a t the raee track . in I^ton la. Ky,. when Ivan rode 10 wlnnera In t io days, five ench day. - ■■

He rode In four o th e r racea i thoae l«o daya. flnU hlng aecond '

‘ once and third twice t n i out- i aide the money In th c o ther try. J Ilia record haa never been beat­en. ^

Ivan Parke haa been one of di Uie nallon'a top tralnera for n. thB pait 30 yeara. H e won Kenfuctr derby In 1W5 for r re d tji W. Hoowr. one or th e b lgieat pi name* In rw ln« and owner, th a t « « 4T. of Hoop jun io r.

— ~lvan,-«ho.llves,W lth_hts_w lfo j£a t S tew rt. Fla., tru lna horaea jj 'a t Hialeah In the w in ter and ^ groomi eJiampJena « t New Vork In the lummer. ^ , th

Durley Parke, tho aecond o t jj, Uia brolhert to beg in * .m c |nK career, itarU d to rW e to Zft- r Tilda and Caliroml* la 1 « 0 -H e alao U a horse Im ln e r a t Hla- le*h In lhe wlnWr a n d New York In Uie lummer. nl

Monte Ptrke U a horae trainer a l toe tracka In N ew O rleans ^ in tbe w ta te and York in Uie aumnier. He w on many

' horse before leaving the

Parke, th e youngeat of mj th# bnsUien, waa b o m in Declo ™ whUe Burley waa * Jockey tn : Nevada and-C aU fsrsla. H» grew ye tip to become a good Jockey on In hH own. At p resen t bo la a W trainer a t B laleah and New on York. •

Oharles tra ln i horses fo r Hooi>- ha er and handled top-conlendM Croder In Jast y « r » Sentucky o derby. IJ

Vaico Paike, who aUU m ain- Ulna a home in D eclo, apenda Uie «rtnter months in Phoenix,

• ArU, where he Is direc tor of 3 r a c m j 'a t 'IMrf Parad lae race 8« track, la tlio sum m er monUis « he goes to PorUand. where he Is a state mclng commUsloner.

A btoUier-ln-lftw o f th e Parkes broUien. who m arried Ruby _ ‘ Parke, Elmer K alensky. Holly- wood, Fla., Is abo a m in e r a t ^ ' H/ttleah and is now with Ws family In Toronto. Canada, to J spend the aummer. ^

--------Ttirw oUitia - ao n a - w n l - l a to aSJdifferent fields. T hey ore Norvln Parke, Dedo. E lm er Patke, ^ OOODINO and G ilbert Parke, j DVJHEY and PftMJiJx. Mra. Les­ter (Della) Hogg lives In Nampa.

Mnt TialUrd hoa 37 grandchll* dren and f t greni-grim oehtP'

M n Ballard h a s spen t the past three winters Irv Florida, Loublsna and Phoenix w ith her children and tws a llended many of Uie' protnlnent races a t the dltferent raee tracks.

She goes by Je t p lans and says during the p o s t 80 years

------shp-hM sw ii many—wonderful'evenU Uke place. She la alert to all of Uie great advancemenU Uiat Imve taken place. This Is a wonderful world to Uyc In and

anyone to live In a t UUs par- Ucular -Umt. aho feels.

Wheii Mrs. O m ar Prleke re­ceived her diploma lost week at Uie Coliese of Idaho lfw a .i 38 ywr.t Jlnce ahe took h e r flr*t collfsc courat. ]

She flret rnrolled a s a college' student a t the form er Lewiston |

T H E / /- n e w


-------------------------L icensed— AppxoxeI? c o H e n t F a c il i t ie s fo r th

• E loc trie H e a t • Mode;

Open Hou:

- N orthw est of T

n o s -N e w s S u n d o y , J u n e 10, 1962 p

1C VALLEYtUard. a DECLO resident for mare Uian SOB the only moUier In. the world to have five J;e r Jockeys and all became well-known horse H’/ie u i5. B h e ^ a s honored a t an open-houM “Ith bUthday knnlversary. Bom June 4. IMS, «k. ahe lived Uiere until h e r marrUde Nov. 8. ojALBION. They lived Uiere unUl 1813 when *»

■here she ha* resided tlace. An tcUre Jrsoer so•r8.'Ballard ' “ i , * ' * ..... * • - ”

Men ^ t y - U o ^ »

onary and ^ uL_in_uie

m and in *<n rB a lU rd Jll

seher sons' thted short* on when one ide horsesos,,,_ :___ • r.I> ' r "

tm a who , j p '■ ' ^ir or them O -r. ' - ': trainers, 1 ^ ‘ ' wehe racing , rc(

the . . . ' ' ) Ui°the game. whtop rider Th


s U b l l l ^ MRS. JULIA BALLARD Latohla. • • • Declo resident fer no t« vo

J . I n n m " " " " M “- te r lllrttodiy, annlrer**^ "eo

ie r races U it Sunday, fibe l u i five m u s ' ap< IB aecond «ho are a ll fonser Jockeya alil and out- and well-kncrwii horK traloera Ui« )ther try. and racing efflcUla. -j:en beat- gj,

Normal school In 1034. In those I one of days, ahe recalls, cne went Co £ui ners for normal achool a 'y e a r , uug h t u . , won the two, then w ent back for a sum* for Fred nier session. A fter following this 5,jj 1 blgfcst pattern for th ree years ahe mar* tiej n e r U iat ried Omar Frlcke, a cattleman.

They had a ranch a t KINO guli h tsw lfe H iLL.X or_m any_years_^U l In as I horses 15^7 prleke was thrown from' fuli

* horse and received Injuries wor ew York JflcapscJtated him. Until Lor

, Uilj Ume ahe hsd served'occa- and aionally as a subsu tuu teacher ii'c

a raclnK King HUI and OLENNS FER. II in Ne- RV.

After his. accident Uiey moi,ed a ti Vork ‘fl OOODINO and she sUrtcd Uc

16 yeara o l extension courxa, —

5 ," C /■ In 'U ie She took classes a t JEROME

“ . a n d TWIN PALLS and two sum* “ ngest of mers commuted to Boise tor n Declo summer school. test ckey In Now for the first Ume In IS a t t

grew years she h a s n o t been enrolled Fan ckey on In summer and night eiaues. day 10 Is a W hat are h e r plans? To keep mg. id New on Uachlng special educaUon TI

student* in Cafdwell where she the tr Hoop- haa U ught the past thrte years, on mlender --------------------------- sUti

“ ‘““ SandyReelected .S H Board Chairman Src to r of HAOERMAN. June ft-A lfrtil ~ le race Sandy was rcelected chalnnan v.;.. monUis of the MeUiodlst church official le re he » t a meeting Wednesday ?? “ ' aloner evening. Vemon Rnvenscroft was , Parkes <^halmian.

' Rubv ^ pluaalng session will be held Penc Holly- Sunday J u n e 24, following oem

liner o t «hurch services. wlUi a pcUuck rang lUi h is andada, to At th e nex t meeting of Uie Mi

board. In Ju ly a lay leader. Sun- and nt_JnU> gay school superlnlendent. and wry; Korvin nojp!t*l M d H om a ile«'*rd will Patke, ^ e la te d . USEParke, ~ a

JidclUU ■ W H Y G AW i t h i/O H r c l o t k i

n t the .Florida, HAVE YOUR CI llh her ___ _

CLEAIla andI years WITH PROFESSION:"5S 2 « y S - , ; - . T i f r , i . „ . . T O s


______________ WITH PROFESSION

^ RI CHARD iiii . CLEANT first!

1 Use ou f drive-ifi w indow , ba^ college' -



|= A p p x tjx c d = A cc cp } cd — RcaJ-WomciiJeov Nes for tho Complele Coro, ond Enioymci

• Modern Dining Fecilitiei • P,iychj

House Sunday, Jur_ 1 to 6 P.M.

. EVERYBQDY_W£LC0ME—cst of Twin Falls on Horcldclf

1962 -------------------------- ^

~ A S Y O U R P: I----------------------------- ; “P e n t e c o s t ,

• %. I T i r e REV. baw ■ \ f DONALD L. HOFFMAN OS M I Pallo r, F irs t Christian Chn/cb agol

This U the day of Pentecost, a It." Uian W ieM l'O ay slso eflUfd the falll

lave five >'«“ t of Weeks. Uie Feast- of Blm vn horse Harvest, and th e Day of first- Tl •n. house *™'ts. During the p a a - over chui ■4 IS53 tea*t. a J~rftua> -» — - ~ r ta ■Nov. 8| opened Uie e a r - f S i - ^ f c L ^ - S were 113 when ly reaping sea- reJrsder son. which l a s t - l ^ K /%•'< way. y . . ed. officially ness

days, a “week o f f l B ^ A ^ H J caus M M . w *ck< ,::j^ t h e B » 7 5 ^ 3 i-! swep | H B Wih dsy, even men'm m unio the m or- > forct

seventh sabbath T kM H shalf ya o u m t K r H J ^ :I ^ H . f i f t y d a y s ' B

< L e Y .- a 3 S l 'S ) , - M r ;u w iu ._ L T ^ . which was th e first day of the I A weet. n r nur RunriaY w ai ob-

■ ^ 1 served the F east o f Penlec6s l . in i / g ■ ■ ■ the earliest observance. It was | K w tn ■ agricultural /esuvsl. Later. B H B It was a l ^ observed as a com.* nguo r W f l memoratlon of the (living of Uie

Mosaic Law of Slnol. which sup- ‘ pv: posedly took place 50 days after VIOM

the exodus from Egypt. f I t was on thU day. s e v e n or k

weeks a fte r o u r Lord's resur- repre f c ■ rectlon. th a i Qod poured out HU latlor

, Holy Spirit upon Kls apostles. Ma i the 12 Uien Including MatUilas. An;e:

who took the place of Judas, mlles This was the beginning of His Wli church, for on lh a t Ilrst Pente- range cost n fter C h rb t's resurrecUon. «y ti

'RD 3.000 people who rtcelved the to thi• no i« word and were baptized were bjjtei redon “added t o g e t h f l r . “ who then ■*f*iy7 "eojiClnucd steadfastly I n . the if,e t e sons apostles' te a ih ln g “ B nd-ftllow - jjon 't ockeya atilp. the breaking of bread and - ■alners Uie prayers." (AcU 3:45)______ Thla ehurch was the "Body of poaltli

Christ.- His "Bride.” I t was the feciIVi church of w hich He said. "I will Jt*'®

f>‘ “ build My church .- He U UieHead of thU c h u r c h . I t had '

» *“!"* great P alth In Him. l u leaching ' ng UjU y ,a j o f th e Inspired apos* 'PPea e m ar- t i „ . i t s government was con- ,Jh e ‘leman, ^ fgn tlonal. under the spiritual effMt, KINO guidance of th e apostles, as long re&rs.

nUI In as they were alive; (hen It was by an ■■from' fu ldE d-by-the-H oly-B U »le .-JU ncr._j nJurles worship centered around the saya 1

Until Lord's Supper, o r Communion, frte b 'occa- and Uie simple worship of Ood must 1 eacher the Father. “WeI FER- l u Urm s Of admission were

falU) In ChrUt. repenUace (or mm'ed a turning away from sin), a pub- sUrtcd Uc profession of one's faith, and ourws,

« Talent Contest K ‘■“ 'S e t on July 21 ^

'^0“ = HOLLISTER. J u n e f l - T h e 7 ^ for county Farm Bureau U len t con- /

test was announced for July 21 In 15 a t the Salmon T rac t communltK

irolled Farm Bureau meeting Wednes- s a lasses, day n igh t a t Uie regular meet- #

keep mg-caUon The county pclnlc will bo held t she the saffle day. Action was token years, on resolutions aent from the

SUU offue.- J I t was decided to draw up a c Q resolution opposing the firing of

county ASCA commltuemen by j n Uie s u te committee without a . , , - 4

T hero will be no July meeUng becnuse of tho Fourth or July

5L« holiday. T he August meeting will “ picnic w ith Uie place to bc

announced Inter. Mr. ond Mrs. ^ C. J . Boss. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon ^

;he>d Penderfrafe and Mr. ana Mrs. fV owing Oene O rlff a re in charge o t or- U oUuck mngements. Ice cream, coftee f l

and punch will l>e rumlshed. W f Uie Mr. and M rs. C. M. LanUng ^ Sun- and Mr. and Mrs. Asa W hlu

. and wrveri retreshmenm.__________________


G A M B L E ? mr c l o t h e s , t h a t i s ! " ■


lA N ED ;iOFESSIONAL CAREICO In beHeFelotHoTcIeYnlnB:-----------------------


V R D S b N ' S ~ i ~ EANERS Iindow , bock of o ld P ostoffics H

^ | l

Wanor “N U R S IN G HOME


iomciiJeo.Afm osphcfC-__________ 'E n ioym crit.o f O u r G u e s i s ........ ! - •

• PrivchJ B a lh t A voiloblo

J u n e 10thGME— ^ ^ ze lde ll A v e n u e - j!

jR MINISTER 5^ e n te c o s i , t h e B i r t h d a y o f t M . C h u n

baptism; all such Were c l « ^ u id li AN OS they who had been “w m cult/ :hnfth again* of 'w a te r and the fiplr- prlmlt ecost. a It." Its terms of fellowship were The « Urd Uie faith In ChrUt and obedience to credIU east- of Blm In all Uilngs.- worldf first- U ils church was a uniud If U 1 . over ehurch. For a long time Uiere today — t ere no dlrUlons. Any problems falUi ;

were prayerfully and quickly ago, U * solved in a brotherly and lovtag first.”

’ way. There was a »plrltual one- tem U. r j a i ness o f all Cfirlst's followerf. Be- the N.

cause ibU was true, th a t ehurch w u . li swept the world In spite of tre- Uolled mendous o p p o s U lo o - h y ..U ie cburtU

i forces of poganUm and o{ evil, 'tum lr

i j i Paraguay Ruled 1 '."■iffiftatin-Anierican Eas ob- ^• g tn n [— 'g p y c rONr P im guny,' Jone-tH enstle It was (A P i-People have become Uie eral ex

mdln export of Utls landlocked pcnrlt! ‘ f'’.?* n»tlon ruled by thc dean of Lat* craU:

In-Amerlean d lcu tors. »lon by;h sup* By unofficial esUmates. from Pedltloi s after ,g 750.000 citUens h a v e Parai

gone abroad In the last dKade eral lm x v e n or m . The la tte r figure would -Studi resur- represent nearly half the popu- well 0

IUl HU latlon. groupsjostles, Most of the emigrants go to among itUilas. AnienUna. Buenos Aires, 1,000 parUes. Judas, mlles away, Ij a sort of Mecca, Stroesii or His Wliy do they go? Thc reasons credit 1 Pente- range rrom Uie political Insubll- Uie con ecUon. ny to limited job opportunlUes Offlcl d the to the belief thn t things must be the 23

*«re be?Ur elsewhere. supposeI then Tj,e emlgro'hu have Included ly placi

the bulk of the political oppasl- more r ellow- tlon-ttJ-PTWldent-Alfredo fitroes#- oen t.-n<1 »««1 ner.- --------- ---------- Uie govi

■niousnnds of sullen, angry op- some X 5dy or posltlonlsu remain, bu t Uielr et- There u the fecilvenesfl has been muted by a Stroessr 'I will ^tste or siege. ThU puls the cici- reached J ten directly under ths Jurlsdlc- tha t ms t had Oeneral fitrocssner, 49. tlsU relehlng "ll'» only theoreUcal recourse to Hepubll apos« appeal: countlucon- l h e sU te o t siege has been In horrors.

Irituat effect, with brief lapses, for 13 Foreig I long years, f t is renewed eveo' ^ days to knou* t was by an obJl/rlng congress. Slroess* up consi s._jl4 ncr._?.'hq_ha*_nilrt since lflS4, laUly, c

the saya the 1003 elections w lir'be Irlsoiu." inlon. free b u l th a t the «Ute o t siege freedom ' Ood must conUnue. line. Th

-W e art a geographically de« police ra

e (or


-T h e 7 ^ - ^con* / I youi

ly 21 f -------- a eunltit r ' \ I ■=—TS—^ e s - - i l ------■ I I I !neet- 0



up a ign by






■Ung% iu



IVIENEI_______Fresh From O ur B




3 Pkgs. 2 9


I No. 2 CANS

j l ^ For.......

ER SEE^ IT 1 ®i J ^ . C h u r c h ” ------------------------------^ ' O U liMfad and in s p iu o f the g reat dlffU s y S ^ m eultr th a t was a resu lt of Uie R fiplr- prlmlUve condlUons of Uie day. WABH were The enemies of t h a t churtn unless t:

ic« to credited It wlUi “turning Uie expected world upside down.*; , uut bUt 1

in iud If Uie church as we know 11 Uiere today would have u great a blems falUi as did th a t of 1000 years [oiaiuie jlcklT ago, 11 It would pu t "first things ovtag first.” If It u led honesUy to pat- one: tem lu e u a f u r lh a t pictured In Be- the New TesiameDt. If It tnily

lurch was. ihe Body of ChrUt con- —; u e - uolled by ChrUt the Head, the ^ f-m e £hUfCll_today * o _ u ld alM Ix evil, -tumlng the world upside <fe»'fl.

uledbyDeaiibf .ii'ibeen maican Dictators —

mc-tHen»M«a3-eounlfyri-th*-burJy-fl«n- ; Uie eral explains. "The sU U of siege Kked Permlli Us to protect our demo- J J Lat* craU: InsUiutlons against Inva- '

slon by communUt-lnflllrated ex- from pedltlonarles.” " ‘7 ® ,^;a v e Paraguay has turned back ser- !cade eral Invasions In rour yean. • • rould . Student leaders report small, ,o pu -w ell organised pro-com m unU l “ i f ”

groups In the university and „ fsUmat0 to among some or Uie opposlUon1.000 parUes. But Uiey argue U a t t>ll“° " , ® a, Stroesiner K attem pting. U dlj- isons credit his opponcnu by applying abll- Uie communist label. . VilUes Officially. Uie army's share of “!t be Uie 23 million dollar budget U ^

supposed to be 29 per cent. High- "®'’ uded ly placed foreign sources say a XBl- more realisiSe figure U 60 per . R«Q«tl >es9- oenl.-The-r«t-BO«sjnosUy-U»-run tax - ! ! « . — Uie government, a bureaucracy of op- some 50,000 people. •

• et- There U no evidence that the the l « u By a Stroessner d ieu torsh ip haa ever basic ^ p clcl- reached the level of blood*letUng Idle- tha t marked the TruJlUo and Ba- sUtlons. '

49, tU u re^m es In the Dominican they ston e to Republic and Cuba, bu t there are on payme

countless stories of prison camp paying 7.C1 In horrors. THert a r 13 Foreign observers In a poslUon ress. Undt lays to knoif say Suoessner h u eased try has bi 'tsst up considerably on hU opponents a toUl of 654, laUly, even cleaning up pollUcal Conslructl ■'be prlsoiu.-Som e'prUoners obUlned tor worke lege freedom by paying fines In goso- poor don't

line, 71115 came about when the their eoun de* police ran out of credit a t Uie gss ln*Amerlci


l E f i S x ^Our Bakery __________


N s ^ r i^ JPKINS ^ J2 9 c ^ ^ ^ U

g f c —


ll Planned Eenned: J Some Relief for Itfl- By 8T E RU N G F. OBEEN P«^lO 18 < Uie AP Eeoaomle A ffa ln Writer The corj

WABHINOTON. June 9 lfl - P«r 'P ftn Unless th e business ttcovery ua- » someuii

expectedly cau h e s fire, the IM3 °u x bUf which President Kennedy been unaei

It pisns to send lo congress later Some ba< * UlU year will call for tax rellet pany the gi

^ loiallng perhops 6 blUlon doUan reforms U i a year fo r Industry and con- eliminate-1 sum en. clal conces

f Tax ra te s from top to boltom sUtched or “•y would be cut under )he broad orer the yi ? ! orogrom now being drawn up by special grot^ Uie admlnU lratlon:----------- -— would-cocn«

- e e c r e ta iy — o r— Uto- - T^easuqr _B uch_a_— Douglas Dillon says the uzpack- mean a t Ie

age U aimed a t spurring mail- budget defl mum long-range e c o n o m le ably would growth. H e says n o deeltlan has csl J9M, » t>een made on how ta r to go In emment sp otrsetUng lower UX rates b y ---------------

■ ' broodeninB -the-l»se-or the Ux - j - .—------^ structure and'-cloalng loopholu. U r f l V

!** ravor a solid lax reduction for Tljbusiness and consum ers.« would j j C I i f

* be, in effect, a raUe In take*home pay for workers, a source T 7 _ ^ T

, of fresh caplU l for investors and J ; 1 a bow t in the a fte r-tax proflu

J, of IndiMtry which would be avail- HAILEY, igi able for reinvestm ent. plnls of bl<,ri Estim ates o f th e net tax t t - ler Uje Red _ Hef are running os high u 7 to be held fi Bt billion dollars. Five billion U day a t the

more frequently menUoned. as slum.,2 being about th e minimum cut Mrs. Oran ‘ which would m ake enough dlf- states th a t 1

of ference In consum ers' paychecks nel aoA Uie i. to encourage purchase* of new nel be hen

cars, homes a n d major appll- requesU that . ances. give In an e

Reductions In the lop Income thU loss, in u x I» u from 91 per cent fo Dr. Roben , / ^ H a ^ B 3 - p t r - c e n r n u .b e e n in'attendant

considered, a t th e other end of tile will be li the u x u b le Income scale; the teen: Myrtli

•r basic 30 per cen t might be drop* recepUonUt;[ g --------------------------------------------- and Mrs. Pnk- aUUons. To m eet the shorUie Mrs. C, W, n they s ta rted releasing prUoners ley Board, K -e on payment of gasoline, several Mrs. W. D ,p paying 7.000 gallons Emory Dleti

TTiere are sooje a lfn s of proj- sides, n ress. Under S troessner Uie coun- Phllllp Elli d tiy has bulll up lU river fleet to load e<julpme J a toUl or 30 ships of 1,000 tons. Callers fn J Construction or low-cost homes dude M ri d tor w orkcrs-is..iindcr_ji’ay._'nie Mi;s._L._N._J- poor don 't seem as bad otf is Noel Pratt, • e their counterparU in oUier U t - Bylngton, Oa

ln*Amerlcan countries._________ seph Bergln.

I I F y O O R U CEN SC H O M B W y O U ft A D rO 'D A V 0 8 ON UC I M A R K E R CARDS ON FEATU1I WU w iu RKCjw m v m

' ^ A ^ H I N G T O I ^2T-211'

nnedy Tax Bill W il for Industry, Con{

ped to 16 or 18 p e r cenL rise to SSThe corporatlofi ta x .ra U of #2 The antlelp

„ per cent .probably would be cut 3 billion do to someUilng below 50 per cent, budgeted 01

a A range of 47 to 49 per cent h u result o t bu y been under discussion. space and rI Some bad news would aecom- D u p lw ^ :t pany the good. A whole bundle ot mMt odmln 1 reforms U under conslderaUon. to **W ,tf be c- eliminate- the patdiworfc a t tpe- ^

elal fonft**’'^" and exempUons not to rescn sUtched on to , th e tax structure strategy for 1 orer the year fo r th e benefit o t * world of r special groups. B u t a ll .taxpayers- would-cocne-out-aheod,— -----------Tho K en tr _ B u c h -a _ lw _ re d u c ilo n . woia.<I• mean a t least one more year ol• budget deficit. Revenues presom* « 1 ^ : ably would be c u t seriously In I U - » J csl J9M, » - je a r Jn which gov-1 emment spending i? expected to Reclsi, ----------------------------------------------Second, m{ ________^ _______________ buslneM to

, Drawing Is:Set Monday ;£V^‘ For Blaine

HAILEY. June > -O n e hundred and forcefu plnls of blood Is the quota se t grand deslgr tor Uje Red Cross blood drawing The seconc to be held from 3 to 6 pfli. Mon- betU r. T he : day a t the high school gymna- usub liberal slum. tor depredn

Mrs. O ran t Hawkes. chairman, and equfpm states th a t forest servlee person* seems likely nel aoA the naUonal guard will Kennedy's fi not be here to give blood, and slon progm m requesU th a t a ll who possibly can credit fo r b give In an effort to make up for panics w hich thU loss. equipment.

Dr. Robert H. WMght wfll be T he adihli In'a ttendance. M rs. Oeorge Klb- den t these "ni tile will be In charge oT Uie can- many of Uie teen; M yrtle F riedm an will be to th e e tiitlr recepUonUt: Mrs. Robert Rlggen improvement and Mrs. Frederick Povey. typUts. they m ay inc

Mrs. C, W. G ardner, Mrs. Hed- ness less a n t ley Board. Mrs. HaClle Clements,Mrs. W. D. EUway and Mrs.Emory D ietrich wlU be nurses S l Q f ]

Phllllp Ellway will unload and BURLEY, . load equipment. Knothole bus

Callers fn each town a'lll In- scheduled fo r dude U h . R ay Srow n. Ketchum; dsy a t th e Mi;s._L._N._Purty._Plcabo: Mra. Irom » o jn . t Noel Pratt, Corey; U n . Vemlle Al! In te r u l Sylngton, O am ielt, and M n. Jo- Uie ages of 1 seph Bergln. Bellevue. (to reg lsu r b;sE NUM BER A P m R S t i m j l I s d J P 0 8 ON IfC E N SE P S I C e I f t l )N F E A T U R E OlSPWfffi I * ■ y A l U A B l E P R i a S / | " = = ^

F R EV2 Gallon



------------ — If—Youi^-GAR


A PPEA RS in th is

~ ■ 2 T S 8 ; r

— iW rtX tSUA N D


l 2 i ( D^Bunches ^A

T -2 1 1 9

11 WiU Offer , Consumers

Irise to 05 or 00 o u n , , , , . < 2 The anticipated t 3 billion do llars fram Jbudge ted outlays l, s riau lt o t bu ilt-in I n c m i '

space and millUr^- n ro -« i '' li*. Despfw th e pro.,pfc-i:^ S -f U m i odm lnU tm ii6n J said to be convinced t l u ^ * ^. medicine is needed to , not to r e s c u e - K e n ^ f e - K . strategy for Amtricai,

s . r “ %„ T S .

—it-in v o lv rs; - -

^ r u s r r , : : £ g .Second. m aklnB It pa-,&

buslneM to amnNj Uie , * n e ^ e d fo r moder«ir;,C(on",~? naUon's IncH.striM ,,1!,,'°'^ n,

The riM i opproftch L ' Into grave U oub'c s f ^ w r tW l ta . t p r l c . out to Improve thcir nrrV,. the trad itio n a l u a y - . ' ‘t ^ boost. K ennedy ' rrscted and forcefully to grand deolgn. ^

The w o n d opprMcf, j,treasury s lio ril /^

UsuB liberalised tax MloV.n- tor d ep redation on inarhi?^ and equfpment.- nnd seems likely to enact Kennedy's f lrs t-p i« ,« , « slon prognim , bum sround. , credit fo r big and llllle i T ponies % h\ch Invest tn new

T he admlnlstraUon u ewfi. den t these mcixsurcs i^lll l a J l ■ many of Uie riiiftnclal o U t ^ l to th e a n t in g o f cout «nd iS I Improvement o t eftlclcncy. || « I Uiey m ay incidentally i„ak. 1 ness less anti-Kennedy. ■

Signup Set IBURLEY, Ju n e S - in e d ,u u B

Knothole baseball restjirjuan i l scheduled fo r Mond.iy nn4 7Vn.B dsy a t th e Burlcy swiniEiaB trom » a jn . lo noon. ■

All In te ru le d youiliFttiTK jB Uie ages of 7 nnd 15 are v n d l io_ reg lsu r by T uesday. ■

r ¥ ¥ ln llo n o f I

^TSON'S I;ream Ir C h o ice of I

kes-41JR BAKERY | |

ii^-GARi-S------II: NUMBER II in th is AD. II

t S M f HND I


91H R D R T ^

HEAW ROAD CONSTRUCTION EQl Momm wblch will tee approxlmBld/ fl ^ U if ie iDOuaiftlB trad e d and okltd. In I

# # # ¥ . >1

Heavy Equipmen Magic MountainIt ij a lonR way from now until of nboul a ilUnj icftson a u r l s nex ; yenr TJie work BMiElc<nounto]nbuc when Hull the prese a comn there will be only 11 mure tou lUlM of gravel road le ft beiwccn Coiutru inwn and the eport aren. prove lo lUiTy equipment of liie Enlon able, In

MuirucUon company. Wcnclcli. drlvlnR ui incwenj»Bed In reurddlng, new arew, III oailnicUon and eventual olIinK throunh

Liberal Party H( Power on Issue cCnTAWA, Ju n e 0 W—Another Quebec. '

ijf, another dollar? exptci loUiifr B. PcftTson'a Liberal provinces,

jftr. itrlvlnB to tnke over the better thiormiflient in C anada’s elcc- west, whelotu June 10. haa a new version: 12 seats.■AnoUier dny, a n o t h e r 82J The Lil

ffiU,” 22 war ojIt ll a Jibe a t th e rullnK Con> Inft up

tniilve party o f P rim e Minis- Louis 61.fr John DlefenbRker. who de* was forel!d(d lo devalue C anadian mon- pnrty lear Jusl «v cn weeka before the rent rctlrIttilon. DlefcnbIn mosl countries the rutlni; Liberals

Jrty would have’ a hnrd llmc the nextclUnK away w ith It. In Canada victory,iinj vowrt a te Inclined to ac- Tills y<tpt Ilic action na ft wny of fae* thc stnrt,tij up 10 the realities. louRli-inlThere seems to be a fetllni! Penrsormong clo.ie followera of thc lhe wn.-iti

illl lose votes to Pearson 's party date lo "< tnt nol enouRh to ca ii Hie Liberals

^ ervailves Uielr hold on the movlnR 1 (inj. slnnd forThe igSB eleclion bbvc Dlefcnr todny." T »*r n virtnr;.- _ ■?m xicfcjia a .fill In parliam ent against t t servnllves tf the D berals and cIbIH Jor a Tlic C ilaor p.uty now called tlie New prim# ml faiocrnilc. ' peu theirThe-present stnndlnR Li 203- f c a « of W. with three vacancies. wide - ran Ttie key provlncta nre Ontario future. T Ilh es seaU and Quebec with lendershlf S. In 105B th e Conservatlvcj nnd “bn tptured 67 In C n tn rio and M In nnd buret

fo introduce I ^ i ^ -ANNIVERSi

wrERN r/oNAt D E E P Sthe only silverplate inlaid wi


D aiS im - S

Ilr»iily ani] V tliir of finn Inlfmillo

**" » um plrle Annlvertiry Itoie SllvrrSe

« t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l SIIV E

y ilO S EQUirM ENT ll preaicd Inlo tervice J ixlmBlcly five more m llri ef the neek creek i i okled. In Ih li IniU nce the bcw road Is lo' rep

i f * *

)ment Modernizing itainSki, Picnic R11 of nboul five miles of th e road, should be ir Tlie work will run from end ol lhe cotuicu ll the prt'seiil oil nearly five mtles Many cui .1 mure lownrd the ski area. from the r n Coiutrucllon ihL't summer will atructlon |

prove to be slightly uncomfort- case.i IIIU n n nble, In som e ' cnse.i. for those er road po. II. driving up th e canyon for picnic Ofllclals w areas, However, traffic will no quate dralt ,g through and no planned use Insulled K

ty Hopes to Gain C sue of Dollar Devair Quebec. T his yenr the Liberals Tlic lwo

expeci lo make Inroads In bolh lor and un ll provinces. Tliey also expect to Tlirough e better their 1058 ehowlnic In the Ctnsdlans ;- wcsti where they Rot only one of world’s sou i: ^2 seats. brought flvJ Tho Liberals were in powe/ for lum over t

22 war and postwar year.v wind- a slide beg; InR up u n d e r . Prime Minister ket rate w.

.- Louis S l. Laurent. Pearson, who cents for n was foreiRn secretary, look over govemmenl

,- pnrty leader.nhip when Bl. Lau- of economli e rent retired. He Li 65. peg the Ca

Dlefcnbnker. C7, routed lhe U.S. cenu. g Liberals In 1057, nnd wenl on Pene the next year to pin down the

“ ' ’ v iu 'y c a r 'a campalRn, dull althe stnrt, has grown li)io a noisy, ^louRli-UilklnR specimen. '’Diefendoil

e Penrson n.isnlls whnt he ealU e the wn.ilcd ycnrs of Dlefenbnk-

y dnie w ^"clean"ur^ilie'm c.«."’i'lie Dfiii;- Job e Liberals urRc: •'Oel C a n a d a returns fro e movlnR forward ftRaln, Tnke a proauciion

suiMd for lomorrow, vote Llbeml displace hi r todny." Tlicy sny Canada’s pres- a iict_hfla_iaUcn_undcr_Ui6.Con; t servallves,a Tlic Conservatives, w ith Ihe V prime m inister leading the wny,

peg the ir drive for votes to de- - f c a « of ihe lr record, plus a

wlda-ranglnR proRrnm for the 0 future. T h e y call the Liberal tl leader.ihlp " the calnmlty chom*”'J nnd “bralnirustcra. bemonncrs n nnd burenucrnts.”_____________

•ot/uce new! I IIVERSARY-ROSE-------------

E P S l L V E R t T Tinlaidwith solid silver l Y U '


\ 7 reg. price Y will be $7.50 * 4 $ :

—nn Inlfmiliontl UeepSllvrr m i .

>ie SllvtrSer>lce.A »kforJet*lk .

W ha l S11VE« C O M P A N Y "

iH I j *

'S . ; ' V =i ..t

lo Krvice In a I tbe curved road which Ii *eeileek creek road In the old roule. The work :«d Is lo' replace | U’endelt. |Tlfflei-Ne«i pholo]

¥ * V ♦ ------------------, , _ _ areas of poM

izinfirRoaato^ ------------------ ------------ T 7 .e-a rc -rtlie Regions rS'JuS;

^ ccislble from ’should be canceled because of communltli lhe eoiuicuctlon, wn''* “ ch y>

Many curves are be inf removed from lhe route a.i the new con- *’* completed Islrucilon progrc.ues. In a o m e ----------cnse.1 fllU arc maklOB a sualghl- DAUGJ er road possible. HOLLISTEl

Ofllclals polni ou t Uint nde- p quate drain pipes are aUo being Im a lM to p ,o i« i l h . ro .a In ^ “nS

r ll a t YkoiA a

lin CanadaI*k V. Tl . • work to holdDevaluation aT..n

cent and a Tlic lwo top Issues are the doi- showed 48S.CK

lor and unemploymcnl. per eenl -’Tlirough m uch of the ’80s, Tlie prime m

Ctnsdlans though t they hnd the pioyment will world’s soundest dollar. I l often level In hlsic brought five o r sl* cents prem- summer, lum over the U .S . dollar. Then The New E a slide began, and the free mar- beaded by T. ket rate was nround 85-07 U.S, socialist nrer cents for monU«. O n May 2 the w n i t conl^c government, under the pressure j, ^ j|g„ of economic prospects, decided lo •» he ren peg the Canadian dollar a t n n j u^gcs n U.S. cenu. care program

Now Pearson says In effect: arms ih any 1 The Conser^'atlvcs have spoiled Tlie Social our dollar: give the Liberals a ed by Robert chance to clean u p the mess nnd Alberta, proi the dollar ^'lU no longer be a budget deflcl ’’Dlefcndollar" o r "Dlcfenbuck.” Idea of "the

The ConservaUvefl sny devalu- Tliompson lui ation will help c reate thousands pirUes logelh ur~iji;Hr Jots77^rtng~nbotil hlhUci vaker-teatn. returns from export^, encourage Each voter, 'production of C anadian goods to member of p displace higher priced Imports district. T he : and have only a fraeUonal effcct whieh wiris a on living costs. becomes p r l

Y O I----------- T-O-AfT-— -----Both-ope


* SPACE KrrCHEN““Equipped for, 14-doy Flight for 3 Liv« d em onstra tion every hour < hour.

* "X-RAY" HOMEAn " In s id e P i c tu r e " o f fh e G old M e d a

i( $400.00 in Cosh Prize 4 $25.00 Cosh Prizes

fmerchantsdispcW hot'es dheod for your fomily. I

-------- bett« r-than -cver.!-------------------------

^Free Kiddie Train Ri<• W h ile M o m _ o n d D ad se e th e show

Which show, to '

D oor Prize-F

which il *eea a t the left. Thli li one ef Kvera . The work la bc l»c done by the Eaton Conilr -Newi pholo)

/eas of posslblo f loodln j from •</>/)arly snow m elting or from sum- l U U ~ r I l l l

Slated-fopular In the s ta te In both win- n n „ , cr and summ er use. Easily nc- . ealble from Tw in FalU andoili- r communlUes It a ttrac ts thou- 5 ,^ . . n i . , . . l . K . r , I I u .xp .c i.d hat thc road construction will . c n p l » . J I . y l . t . . u m a .r , “ i S l d i . T ,

D A U G llIE B DOUN ..I .U ’ lB TptaJ HOLLISTER, Ju n e 0- M r . and and only 151 pi

Irs. E. Henstock have received Members of th ■ ord ot the b irth of a daughter set up the cq0 A 1/cl and M rs. Homer Nor- Ettes who will Ll a l Ykotft a ir force base. Tok- nnd recepilonLii 0, Japnn. Mrs. N orris Is Uielr PrltJ;. Mrs, W< .ftMShltr. ■ Jnmt% RvmeU nceords,fork to hold-unem ploym ent to , wo per cent o f th e Inbor forcc. Mrs, Jack P l Jisl yenr It ftvcrnRed 7.2 per Knopp. Mrs. f ent and a m id - April report ^Ivln Noli howed 485,000 unemployed or physicians nnd1 per eenl of Uie labor foree. wH* help with:iie prime m in ister says unem- ------------Wyment will be a i Uie lon’est DAUGH evei In history by the end of RICHPIELD.ummer. '■ car Jolitwoci ha*The New DemocraUc party Is CaUf.. lo cnre

leaded by T. C. Dougins, former Mrs. BIII Augus loclallst prem ier of Baskatche- gery pnUent-. U mn. I t contends dollar devnlua- Uncs are formi lon Is a sign of ecoaomlc mal- dents,Ise to be remedied by planning, nd urges n nnilonal medlca( are program. I t rejecta nuclear | - « ■ _ xms lh any form. 161 A nTlie Social C redit party head-

d by Robert N. Thompson, of ■ ■ P IL Uberta, promises an end lo L L I I ludgel deflciu. I t assails Uie r C I 'dea of "the w e l f a r e stale." " " "niompson lumps the two major ' « . . . . larUes logelher as “the Pearson- * PLANS

Each voter,casta a ballot for a 4 ■ nembcr of parliam ent from his' district. T he leader of the party I I’hich wins a m ajority of scats 119 q . j c, ■ecomea p r i m e minister andl enra-K-tataln t t . ■ ■ ■ - ■


rALLEY • iH O W • GYM- •EN" 'ligh t fo r 3 M e n #ery h o u r o n th e h o lf

tt E 1 ^Gold M e d a ll io n H orn*

I Prizes ’ .Prizes DailyDISPD kY S--------------- ^ir fom ily . S e e i t o il— w

lin'Rides “ ™:e th e s h o w ._________ •„

, to see? See then

ize-Freie W eek-en


K H H Not ISMarine

At ifx n ih ry < In World Wiir II

them ((Ul Robi'ri W. Slept

is sure

^ B B 8 ^ 3 5 3 S S ^ S 6 ‘ ’ Throuch the times huve elm

Steph;in-*]s lie


m ajor she the «nnie ore


e n Va son


grndunted Palls high Acho

enlered tli Idaho for

loslly and Krndunii sUtutlun in ' 1039

B J P a a S p iB K a B ^ gree.About Uint tin'

enter thi; nmrtiii: unlcercd for dul

C ^ w R ^ i y M u S on officer cnnc’. . ! Quniiilco, Vn,

Prom Uicre ht"“S i . a* a second lieu

' V ■ ' nulcncd to offlc• L ' • ; ■ • ■ a i the snin< lo?

— U . . ; his gradurttlon f . . J he was a.vdRned

" ■ ■ U wns Just abc Pearl H arbor th

Dne ef ieveral minor ehanget to the Bnmoau ICalon ConilrueUon compan;, whal the marine

try officer.--------------------------------• “Our ou tfit did

00-Pint Quota T . ”™latedfor Buhl“ to Camp Pendlf3UHL. Jun» 0 -W e st End resl- ^ O c^ nsld nia nre urged to meet thc IOO- “l l quoin se t'fo r th tl area when '" “rlne corps cn B Red C roii bloodmobllo pays . anmial visit Irom U p.m, He Tclumcd I rough 3 p.m. Tursday nC thc with the m nk of ihU<xia(e hall. gnlned m njor nII Is noted nrca residents re- “ '.'j' ived 184 pints of blood last year Midway islands I d only 151 pin ts were donnied. He received h :mbers of the locnl VFW will April. 104S. nfter ; up the cqulpmcnl. jay-C - six yenrs with lh tes who will serve as tj-pLils listed as one of 11 d recepllonliU nre Mrs, Oeorge in the corps w It*. Mrs, Webb Mnlone. Mrs, Tlie Mrs. 6ti mt% Ru.v\eU and Mrs. Lan>' tho sergeant — ■cofds, n t the sam i tlm tServing as nurses-aldes will be and they were n •s. Jack Pleld,i. Mrs. Jerry 20. m o . In Snn lopp. Mrs. Prnnke Olese nnd Mrj Stephan •s. Elvin Noh, The three local ed the corps with yslclans nnd registered nurses ficcr train ing 11 iic-lp with Uic drawing. through the com

---------------------------- couple of brokenDAUGHTER ILL lo drop out,untll

IICHPIELD. June O-M rs. Os- for tralnlnR npp. : Jotitwon has Kone to Concord, K g raduate o t Ilf., lo cnre for her daughter, of Minnesota a t •s. Bill Augustine, a major sur- electcd to stay •y pnUenf. there. TJic AUgus- and wns Riven tl cs are form er Riciifleld resl- gcant. H er scho( its^_____________ ___ _ Hunler coIIcbc. I f

let Anderson Lumber help yoi


Anderson Lumber132 3 rd S t re e t W c i t P h o r o

LAgT <BE-TW0-&I^P>i

- 1 2 - n o o g J ^ ' J - S L - p ^ i

• — LANDSC• See how you9 Homes by Eugen

t h e m b o t h ! ' A d m i

ik-end for 2 in Si

AGIC v a l l e y PORTR/

' ar Memories: Mari ot Necessarily Goi•Ine fcrKtnnis c.in': cook. •► ♦••********* ;liI lliry could ni't ♦ orld Wiir II. WVll, «[ I,•x l J . ‘'f them ^uuldn’i and •:t W. Sti-plwii, Twill Kiillx-* ' • ^:iey, is sure of ll, II1- ni:ir- • ^

rough th e yrnr5, il;ait;;h.'*have clinnccil nml imw *_______ _

s te p h s m * a VTOti'rnn:ni<‘''« s. He m e t lu-r ni Ca:i)|)'«ip tpn 'du ring the wm. J le ’j . ______. United iitiitrs ninrtiic l>r|1. « r and shc wa.« n i*e enme orci>iilrn;inii. ’I1i<'y *a l-U lc -h o iiiv -o (- tt- mu;uHl' * — -------

i cuttlnc. hockjto-U ie-A Lirt.t----------* Mory It Is found thnl Knli- j , ^’. S trphnn wus born In TMn *

a son of the Inir Kr,'Hk t li-phnn, plOiu-i'r locnl n t- .» y, nnd Mrs. SU'pliiin, who ♦ We.ildrs here. ;J ^grndunted from the T uln ♦ 'h igh school hi 1035 a n d ', enlered tliu UlIlv^r,^lly o{'»

> for two ycnrs study. H c 'J aferrcd lo Stimford unlvor--*.nd grndunied from Uiul in - | t lon a UA d c - | l

Umt he loIhe nmrliie *

red for duly.ifflcer cnndlditic cliuM o t l l

U ,im Uicre he grndunted second Ileutrnnni -and wns led to tralnlnR clnss ^e SAiiitf lo(»lloii.'{’'ollowing * radurttlon from this ciiursc t as a-^gned to San Delgo. , t’os Just aboui 30 days nftcr *

H arbor th a t he was sent " • 1 n 111 e Bnmoau islands. He was wna (mnk and all (he m arines call on Infnn- Stravt.

>fflcer. After Uielr m arrJr ou tfit did noi fly or ride," turned briefly to Tv inn rcCJJlLi. ‘’IVe nallced." went lo .Moscow n stayed on thc Islands for 20 ‘«red thc UnlvcrsI h».and-ihea-w a*-»ent-back (orjhp, ll|[1y.pf.lau amp Pendleton, l l i c cnmp I"* t'lls U"ne. Sic ar Occnnsldc. Callf,, and is U'ot he dl.Kovered and was then. Uie largest knew notlilng ab

10 corps canip in lhe nn- They storied mnrrl.school In' a tralle

, n . ™ d I ,™ t l . . u t o a . i ' ' "ll.c ronH orc» W «lnbu l« .on “ “d m ajor ranklnp. He was c i..'i.- .i iMm^ri ,e n i to 111. 1I.W.U.,. nnd t “S h

, y | . l . n a . lo r lu r tl„ r Uu„. “ m 'i'i.'^ • " n ™ . received his dlsclinrge In thnl fentured a Ini

, 1046. a fte r a total of nearly stove and unregul jnrs with th e corp.i. He wns Following hls gra as one of the senior majors thc U nhw lty the

10 corps wlien discharged, lumed to Twin Fn J Mrs. 6lephan-to-be — entered the law fir ;ergeant — was discharged fnther hnd establish e same tim e the m njor was Slephan was a Ic ;hcy were m arried on April Republican party a HC. In Snn Diego. nomlnnled for the.iI. S tephan hnd also enler- ernor of the slate, e corps with the Idea of of- November. 1052.

train ing but half wny Now known ns Rt gh the course a fall and a phan, allorney. Uic e of broken ribs caused her sullo of offices li ip out,untll nnoUicr opening Fnlla Dank and Ti ■alnlnR appeared. building,iraduate o t the University SttpVian to aclV innesota a t the Ume, slie fields. He mnlntn: d to stay wltli the corps vns given th e rnnk of ser-,. H er school had been a l - C U A I I :r college. H er maiden nam e . N M A I I

lielp you w ith *


BOR • F IN A N C IN G , N othing

" nZS°'o JONC

r CHAI3 - p A M i t Y - F O N - E



6 T O TA L ELECTRIm e d a l l io n sh

[4DSCAPED-DEC0RATjw you and yovr family c a w " i f Eugene E. Breinholf, Ansel H

i• a n l p«*^ •*«*

| | to t h e t r

Emission is F r e e !

in Sun Valley!

Sunday, Junendoy, J u n e 1 0 . 196 2 Tw in Foils T im e s .! '


Marine Sergeants y Good at Cooldnj

Jv -i


-ank and all) Sgi. Mary ship In the Amerlu iTAVt. uclaUon, and th e Id:r tlieir m arriage they re- soclaUon. He la a 8h briefly to Tw’in Falls Uien member of the Maj

lo .Moscow a-iiere fie en- AF and A,^f, No. 4 thc University o f Idnho former member of . ^Hl[1y.pf.law . It_w'ns dur- Hjver_Area_co_uncl2_ .is time. Sieptihn recnILv Scouta, and a l lh e p e dl.Kovered hLi new wife Is on the troop comm notlilng about cooking. Presbyterian church.

;Uirlcd m arried life a t the a'm em ber of lh e Ar I n 'a trailer which, he g!on nnd the Elka clu

emiltled him (0 note the He Is a posl-presU if cooking skill a t close local Klwanls club,

which wa.% also held had learned a IKlIe about by his falher.?, lie recalls, when they At the present Umi Into n bnrrncks type hou.ie ond vice president 1 (ntured a large coni cook llnnce Credit corpora and unregulnted oven, member of Uie Mi iwlng hls gradunUon from hwpltal board, n h w lty the couplc re- As a member of t to Twin Fnlls where hc club he wns Instn

I the law firm which his arranging for nn api hnd established. Tlie elder Uic U 3, m arine cor n was a leader In the Twin FnlLi next Oct< lean party and twice waa Mr. and Mra. Ste] Ued for the.office of gov- essi of thc city and of the slate. H e died in Uiree children. Pam ber. 1052. sophomore a t high. siknown as Robert W, Ste- Tom, 13, Is in th e e! attorney. Uie firm hns a and Pnt, a daughte of offices In Uie Twin grader ac Momlngsid 3ank and T rust company The entire family g. . ' - two hobbies' la aeatnan to active Sn many warm months I t ta sw

Hc m aintains member- In the cold m onths J


I t's Iho N e w Sonefona W /ip -fo r®

I t w clglu on ly 1 /5 of an ounce. - A id s p of a henring o idw or^

in liie e ar.N othing w o m m clotliinff.

Fcr Fiec DoaUel Shouvii "FISP-EAS^ C S T

>ONOTONE P H o T iE '7 3 3 '

INCEt)N-EVENTS— ^ -miss—thetn!— -—



ORATED-FURNISHED i c o n ! " l iv e Better [lecfrically" Ansel H ill an d A lf Jensen a n d

^ R I V E O U T FILER AVE. EAST 1 ^ TO ALTURAS DRIVE H i t t t n t t pert new h igh achool) end north [ l | to th e tn d o f ttree t.


;ants Are )oking

r ri

m PA L !



the American Dar as* n, and th e Idaho Bar as- n. He la a Shrlner and a r of the Masonic order. i A.M. No. 43. He U -4 member o f the Snake

\rea_counclI board, Boy nnd a l Uie present Ume le troop committee' of the crian church. He la also )cr of lh e American Le> d the Elka club,

a post-president ot the Clwanls club, an offlca va.% also held a t one Uma falher.e present Ume he Is lec- :e president of the Re- 're d lt corporation and a ' of Uie Maglo VaUey board,member of the Klwanls c was Instrumental In ng for nn appeahxnce of I, m arine corps band In alLi next October. ,md Mra. Stephan reside ! the city and they have

ihlldrcn. Pam. 15, is a ore a t high, school, while ' I, Is in th e eighth grade I. a daughter, a fourth ac Momlngslde. entire family engages in bb ies ' la aeaton. In tha lOnths 11 ta swimming and cold m ontha It Is skiing.

tlNGAIDILDIW <p-ftr®


r - a v ' c i u = ~

F T W I N F A IL S H O N E 7 3 3 - 9 0 3 8 ____I ^I




m m ^ iES

IISHED ctrically" iseii a n d Sons

Te a s ti t r e e t ‘jll : n o r th | 1 | ^ j r

oils Times-News 2 1

■ ■ I

O B& U f o r BCXSUCE CLUB t b u cmBwd WlUlam E . S e rcu e a A >dtnet WMhw, Bw b»w i ^cpi

Antisubmarii In Modem C(

PEAHIiHABBOB,K»wkU.JunB 1 e (AF)~^me Old oalU o l the IT ^. 1 n»Ty jqulrm uncomforUbly when « they JiMf «nti4Ubffl«rtn* w»r/«re ^ dMcrtbed u - m e wxl seek » t • < u ." t

“Bure. p v t of our job,” c u r s Vloe Adm. Jotm s . (Jlm m r) s Thocb. c om ntsde r of antlsub- ; OETlne WBrfiT# Ior«a (ASW) In o th e fic W e . ‘B u t com jianble r. to 8*jlnJ>» «uc«*tful <ju*rt«r- t ta c k in lodttan se td i to know only how to throw the ban."

T h e Klmlf*!'* point U well o taken. By tha Tery nfttme of lU e OTfmnJiHloo, ASW encomptasei 4 tbo Mptctivm e l th» u tr j : ;>lu}fia, « beUcopten, >hlpt, ihore ft«Uon5. t and the lub m u ln t Itielf In ti<bt l te«m openUoDi. t

Tha recent f lrln i of t tubma* jj r ln e - ltu n c h rd Polu ls m lu lle w ith a nuclear warhead In tbe v Chrljtjnafl Uland nuclear aerlea . demonatrated the threat of sub- i marines, American and Soflet. I t ^ allowed th a t tha Folarla can do 1 lU Job. ' I

V s . naval aulhorltlts know the ? Soviet Xinlu) baa (he tam e aub ' potential. If nol aa refined as th e ,, PolarU. They predict ll Is only a m atter of Ume before the Rua- alans have w methins compar* able.

Thacli, who helped develop modem antisubmarine tactics, lees the n nllUon square mllea of tbe Pacific and eastern In -!

~a c5 ro ee B m n h B -k eT -to -A B w M The Soviet Union. wl(b 430 subs at-laCeat count, for the blssest

' f lee t,lo the world, bas aeveral ports kepi open the year round. I ta nelshbor, communist China, bas bullc' .che fourth lartatC sub* marine armada, starting from •cnktch 10 years ago.

“If a j ln a had had suba during the Korean war." Thach sold. “th 6 -w h o » -« o T y -th rrr -m l» h t have been different. Our job eer- tcJnlj’ a'ouJd have bren magnUJed many Umes."

_________ZbachJKlleves if trouble comesfrom beneath theieu7IKe~wEn$^ Ing slsnal will be uunded In the Pacific.

“The PacUlc b a Urger and more uninhabited area," the ad­miral aald, "Without the expanses of Ice. rough water and difficult underseas termln of the At­lantic.-

The ,navy operates more frtely In the Pacific than in the A tlan­tic. The reason U pollUcs. The A tluidc problem U compounded! by split commondj and overlap­ping aulhorlUes Involved in KATO. The navy declined to comment otflclally, bu t h igh-

. ranking olflcers nod In agree­m ent when tbe subject U raised.

Ifov Is ABW dalng Ics Job and w hat Improvemenu are needed?

Prom Thach.-oae a n s w e r : * ^ e 'r e making progress. Our problem requires major advances In techniques and. equipment to

' keep up with the advances •c b ltred In modem submarlnea. MayM we'va improved the past nve or 10 years by 400 per cenU

••But Wllh the laniaalle devel­opm ent ot 'the submarine, our advance h is not been enough. W e sUU hava a long way lo go to be able to neutralize nuclear and mUsUe-flrlog aubi. V/e are fight*

_____ ing todar s batUea w)U\ y e su r-d a y s weapais.”

U £ . attack wiihmarinea have a m arked supeilortty over Soviet

^ ' r e V i 7 “aolH «ity o u ts l^ 'th 'e---------- iron curtain. J u t - th e » e - a a m «

authorltlea add: *There Is no reason to doubt that-baloraJong . they (the Rusalatia) will bavei reached tha same sU ndards .of I cxceUesee the United States has gkttaload."

T M A aerteaa Potari*. wfth 18 ?■, rjabaUea-eaeb ronw iw K rom -b ty r

■ . iw a tb the surfaw and rem ain ' , . , i i * » « i e d tndeflniteijr.. E a c h , ,8dnB * e » » ^ a half-megalon

.. ‘auele if . *«rtwad fcith a desuuc- ,Ww power o t M0,000 tons of

^ 9 Twtrj Foils Tlme^News

[X CLUB f e r iD tm ated atadeata s f M nrUOfl Sercnaea to aU rt'reaovatla* tb e a trnetura

tenaen ba p m fer * year-areand locatloB wt

tiarine Warfare Is •n Conception of waU,Juna TN T. W ith Ita range of up to h f the TT.S. l.Wfi mUes, the Polaris missile it tbiy when could h it any target in th e Soviet a » w arfare f lp lon or communljt C hina. . D I aeek a t • a iin igenc«“ *ourceB-e3tftntte n*

th e Soviet submarine flee t in - ^ our job," elude* about JO m U slle-launchlng «" (Jimmy) subs, of which 10 a re nuclear- “ ■oUaub- powered. I h e Soviet missile* a re P>

(ASW) In of shorter range — about 850 m parable mJ}e»-*nd only two to fou r can sl quarter- t>« mounted on each sub. Vito know command »1

m aintains a 3<-baur w atch over U well millions of mllea w ith some 100 «

ure of lU combat ships, 6W airc raft, nearly A; compasses <o submartnea and 24 abore co- y ; plM6», om iD tU ae eeater*. JU beadfluar- ‘‘ ' staUons. te t* Is a t Pearl Harbor*a Ford « f In tigh t idiuid, hard by the sunken bat-

Ueahtp U.BS. Arizona, America's le a subma- monument to unpreparedncss. in 'a A5W forees are .broken into «<

hunter-klUer or HUK groupe op- t of wb“ 2 * '^ ^ through specified

I t ‘hi* Jir S n do W eetem Pacific from Soviet ^

. Kam achatka peninsula p ast For- *h» PhUlppincs to

Vietnam and T hU land. plt h . A HUK group - submarines, fa

t Ll otSv c arrier plane* rothe Rua-

develop , tactics. * ____ ___

b le c o ^ ^

n pounded 1 overlap- olved in

^ t ^ g h ^ M A G N A V O XIn agree-

T E L E V I S I O N . . .


l i S S ' S IN A N Y D E C O Radvances

jbmarinea.the p ast , rT hB Challnn jB r ------^ r cenu . '. 19- p icturo. Optical

Irine, our fcduce rcflcc*D enougb.1 tions. T elescop ing an-ty to go to i te n n a s . O p tio n a l te a

O tc o ra lc r c o to s .

jutsldo'th-e ------------------------------------------ *■-

S ^°! JITTER PICTUBmdards .of

I f ro tu 'b c ^ ~


a S ^ o f 420 MAIN AVE. SO.

nej-News Sunjay.-June lO. 1962

f M i r t a ^ i r i i l i h 'i a e o I -<ould*HBay “a i-a - wI a t n e t m beUnd b ln . slad tnU of U rger acbocatloB whew stndents (Tlmea-Newa photo)

re Is Major Job Sc of War on Sea Is

f up to helicopter*, destroycrs-la highly A J missile mobile and plays cn the suw ig tb

10 Soviet and weakness of i(s componentt. la . Dslni an aircraft carrier as a cstftnatfl nerve e«nl«r.-a.llUK jtro a p .c w lee l In - ««*■ • stov 'unchlng on “ weapons , \nuclear- w d specUlc skills of each ot lls sllea a re ?««*• “ApOUt 850 Weather and sea channels fine : 'our can stand as naluml allies ol the ■

Wesl agalnii the submarine. So- h _ jnim and »1« «ubs miul more lo the outer ch, x h over through narrow stra lu which S ne 100 can be clcaely w aW hed-and are.

nearly And many Soviet ports, notably ‘ jore CO- Petropavlovak, are kept opera- ^ _ awjfluar- tional p«tft ot the year through -a Ford UM of Icebreakers. ^:en b a t- I t l no coincidence hunler-klt- i merlca'a ler roup* do a lot of the ir work x h t dness. in the North Pacific along K am - study en into eehaUa, for Petropavlovsk, th e ghoul niM OP- *** Vladivostok, th e velopii to n u . Iceland-Raeros gap from th e njaxir 1 Is the Norwegian sea for Murmansk and >-111

Sorle t t^o Denmark stralls fo r p o r t s reitiiy a s t F^r- nM ' Leningrad. Rdid.tines to Nuclear wbmarlnes have com- wllh

plicated ASW because of tliclr poten marines, faster speeds and ability to rc- restln

planea, roain subrowsed for long periods best i

1 . ^


J H . . . ,

D E C O R .

Hr.)plng 3n. t j J \ \ \ \o n a l tea . ^ ' \ \ \ \srcofjw s. L ^

^ 5 0 ---------------------- ------------------------------------

cart extra



dy -“a i-a -m ilt-a n d -p n t'tb B m ielv ei-« i-« jtia l-« Df U rger aehool*." The teacher's oldest aon, Ja ewa photo) ^ , _______

b Science Qub I- Is Organized

At Murtaugh sBlne n y . • Oontlooea Kroia Page 11 P " '‘L ie n ee Jn this area and rabe

*t*ndftrdf.-Why does h e wani to . ’''® A” sioy In a amall town, and teach

a t a small school, a* long as he can?

“A town Uke Murtaugh Is a innets fine place to ralae a family and - f the ■ ■■

of tim e.hi J O n land ASW s problems are

J twofold: lack of publle Interest . M ' and too little money. The opcra-

tion doesn’t have the glamour of 'P '™ * nlr w ar or the performance of fough development. ASW Is a

grimy, messy job but one tha t has to be done,

work T hach a.«ened th a t the same K am - study and priority—and money— •

th e ghould be given to ASW as to de- :, th e velopmeni o t modem killer aub*■ th e marines.k and -T he defense faclllUes are o r t s reftiiy the key to this tlilng.“ he

Rftld. “WhM we come down to, com* wllh both sldea having the same tliclr potenllal. Li the bDlllstlc balance

;o rc- resting wllh the side wllh the crlods bes t ASW tenm."____________

_______ j e ______________________ ^ ______


7 3 3 -2 2 3 3

. ' Dri Set F o i

ROPE scaalon class to teach en couniy Monday, dlngton. program

Studet■ ■ ■ ■ n H B r a M E e K courae ■

transpor bus schi during

.. Classe*^ 9 u

Five d

3«. A m olast - ro


iDslrui HuTTt,' ( Newman

dingio/i.^ ^ ^ ^ M n 9 t ‘ X'‘l ^ E a h i K a u u c lo n

/ P ^ ^ H complete Junior c

^ ^30 the Juni

for class the

He rei Ju

7cars o( driver’s

ingsored by

by the aMoi

from the

p vi-Bn-«jnal-®ppcrtnnlty-fooUng-wlUi- —Ideat aon, Jared, t, sUaitf wftb him . . 0 m

----------------------------------------- 1390I bring up youngster*,- Sorensen

I ) He should know because he haa V n

1 seven children, four boya and th ree gtrts, rangliig up (a £ years old.

I He, bis wife and family Uve ^ 1 acroas the street from the high I ^ acliooL I qumJ/T: I On a amall school's teacher fLYV

salary Isn t It hard to feed lh a t kAR , , m m any .youupt«»,.he_im .asked?. ..... imsiji

His "II «w y" -a he

Is aand

ith a t

z Ik M-J


! H A PPY L U N C H IN G llC heese n n d P c a c h Sala ta.Mtes( sa lad id e a in r lh c fc \ p len ly o f p ro te in

i _ _______________ ih a n ks-io .ihc .co tiagc-c liI ' made. SoHen tw o packa j" aJln in !«c u p o f cold u af

• unlil il‘s dissolved, ihen c

I F -

■ t - '

r - - r, ,'i.H

" C O L D C U T S U P P E R S S U R P R IS E w h en y o u sei Cliccsc C akes! T h e y 're a i

I. iiy satisfying (0 th c appcii p rp le in . E asy? D efin ilc ly p o u n d o f C h a lle n g e Li

_ _ _ _ _ _ " ‘‘h t i c u n choppcc fu m b .i71> 'g fe iirv< -cu^-ic h o p p cd g re e n p e p p e r , a

; Z ' ”


7 The Chalk

Driver Qass Set.Monday E F r■ r i n . UieFor Rupert

R UPERT. June >—A sum m er reducing 1 scaalon of the driver train ing teen-*»e '

to be conducted by four pletcd thc teach en frora the Minidoka —couniy high school will begin u s E TIM;Monday, according to j l m e r E d * _________dlngton. who ks Id charge of the program.

Students wishing to lake the Tcourae are to provide Ihelr own transponatlon , M onday._wlth^a bus schedule to-be worked oui during the flrsl day’s scailon. tlfmWUK

.. Classes wlU-be.held dally from 9 a jn . unUl noon for 12 days.

Five days wlU be given to claas room Iruiiucilon, ending June M. A minimum of JO hours of ' ta j «

— c la s s -ro o m -- lu tru c tl^ Is re- »Dulred. The driving Iniliiictlonwin bo completed during July f j r p ^

- B f f fT lW a t^ th -w h e d u le a -lo -^ worked out convenient to the students. B u E j

iQsiructort will Include Harold . ~ ~ ~ ~ H u r i t , ' Olen Maughan. Orover Newman. U land Hepworth and Leland Durfee. Aceoraiqg..to Ed*dlngton. there a n 10 qualified In- s tju c to n a l Minieo who have all completed the course a t BoUe Junior college.

Zddlngton reported tb a t there sre 130 studenis registered for the June classes, and tha t any StudenU mtcrMtcd In signing up for classcs could conlaci him a t the high school or a t his home,

He reminded teen-agers lha t a fte r July J, all those imder 18 years ot age wbo apply for a

. . driver’s Uceate.wlll have to have a ccrtifJcste I r m a driver train- ing courw. This coune U 'tpon- sored by th e department of h i w ^ ^ H enforcement, and U no t paid f o r ^ ^ H by the achool district, E d d ln g to n ^ ^ H said. Money for the courses c o m e ^ ^ H ^ from the drivers'license fees. ^ ^ ^ ■ 6 $ '

Tite aummer program iao ffe rtd^ ^ M ^

V O L ^ PB a i l o r s S c ^ p l y i H ~

1390 H ig h la n d A Y en u i sn . 733*5571 H

g g i g g O S B B l

;3 ■ "er ‘’fm voO D • CEIUNQTIIE | ^ B Ja t HAROBOARO. • REDWOOD i t ..... IHSUUTIHG BOMO • OOOK ^ M l

•JC H IN G lo vou. wilh this Spicy C hallcn^P cach S a la d ! l l 's ihc h c u riie s i. b le u chc

id e a in m any a y e a r . . . a n d p e p p e r t'o f p ro te in punch in ih is sa lad , c re am , v

.c o tlag C -c h cc ic J lM c ji.lio w .i i!s— qiia tL -mtw o packages o f unflavored gel- n io ld o d of cold u afcf. Sd'r over ho t « 'a fcr o r Ived, Ihen com bine w iih I p o u n d , p in g . Sci

............ . ; j . r

S U P P E R S PA C K A T A S T Y o n io n . Sle n y o u serve up these C o ttag e m ix tu reT h e y 're a crispy delight, h ean* u n ti l IigI th e a p p c iiie , a n d packcd w ilh lo m a io ?D efin ilc ly ! Ju s l c o m b in e one w a lc h thi

i lle n E c L a rg e -C u rd C o lla g e T h is recieup c h opped nuls. li cup b rea d n a ckcd r7/a c u p Chopped c c l ^ , '/4 c u p a t y o u r si 1 p e p p e r , a n d c u p c h o p p e d


because of the lack of time lo fit 5 I 0 \ I 11 into the school program dur- HAILEV. ing regular school time. W ith the cieon Chid enrollment o i M fieshm ea this U)io tb e “A fa l l th e demand fo^ th e courae Alturas VL would be loo great to handle In tlx miles 1 lhe Ilm lud lime schedule. property h;

E ddlnrton pointed out th a t the Idaho many insurance companies were Vert McBri

T reducing the Insurance rales on s ta r t removl t S i - ^ driver* wbo b a d com* la* ou l the

ir pletcd the courte._______ m ^ ^ m m


'\ Bon

.★ .N O

' * N 0

K U M l W i U i U S COI


H IC # IB T H E L A R G ^ ^ L E C

N aw A rr h

terms. Imrtloar


CLAUDE BROM U SIC____________________________


•• Iv; ny. I'.-.cjr

C h a lle n g e Collage C h c c s c r '.i p o u n d c n ii b le u chcese, '/i c u p m a y o n n a ise , a n d sal p e p p e r to ta sle . L as l, fo ld in l i p in t C hal c re am , w hipped . T u r n in lo a ligh tly oilcti

— quatL -jnQ lil_and_ch iIL un iiL JitiiL _S crV i n io ld o d w ilh s liced p e a c h e s ; le m o n nu n a is e o r frcnch d fcssing m akes 3 lusc iou : p in g . Scn-es 6 . '

o n io n . S a lt a n d p e p p e r , t o ta s le . S h a p e m ix tu re in io lla l c a k e s . S a u le o n bo lfi:! u n t i l lig h tly b ro w n e d . S e rv e u p w ilh lo m a io s a u c e , y o u r f a v o r i le c o ld c u ls , w a lc h th c sm iles b re a k ouJ a ro u n d lh e U T his rec ipe will se rv e 6-8 p e o p le . Proi

_ E a £ k c d _ C h rillcn g c .C o ita g t.C h c S s t4 L a i!^ l a i y o u r s to re o r d o o r .

I of fine dairy foods

It MOVES TO n«T»- r- HAILEV. June « Cleon Chick. H u»ri 1* Into Use -A - in m t iJ?* AJtunu VU.* . u b d S l ^ n six miles north of lu ?

property has b « n o u ^ - It the Idaho U n d WT Vert McBride, n s ta r t removing ^ «I* in* ou l the wbdlrJin^j n a ? ^

g P * ^ A s 3 R ^ 5 n ^IN TME, WOEID To

I Borrow Monj. $ 5 . 0 0 to $500* N O A ppIlt,iio„ .

★ N O C o n lr a c x★ N O Co.StBB,r, J

, * N 0 W . l 4 JCONFIOENTIAl

B & B LOANS_.lICW 5IO_fAWHU0,u,_

S h o th o rt t itM iin S t



CARPETS INew Arrivals Big 1 1SofeefJon J l Quolity • I I IN M AGIC VALLEY IIOVER 40 ROLLS In (tock. II

kA ll pa tterns, coloa Eair I I 1 terms. Immediate uperi ! ■ I :&stalla tios.---------------— H

r i o ' I1 I W M .„ th I INo Down PaytDCBt 1 1


BROWN'S____ Fc/Rwnraitc I


i p o u n d crum b led -----------a ise, a n d s a il and I l i p in t Challenge I ligh tly o iled one*L iitH L -S c rv c .tiik ________s; le m o n m ayon*:cs 3 lu sc ious fop-


la s le . S h a p e ihislie o n b o lh sidesv e u p w ilh ho i e c o ld c u ts , and i ro u n d lh e Ublel p e o p le . Protein* l ic S s c 4 s * a v iJ la W e _ _ _

r -

foods : : j

ONE WAV TO FIBU li lo lUU Calclilns u u p e rU n t M i l ml<b( louiid. A zood r art ts ibe (retb «lr. oul In Ibe open. Tb.

. * * * • *

Perhaps There I (Ashing Than Ju!

ConUnsed From P«ie 19 jinoon. • , ittTM : aJteoJJwj a t a lljne'tnoirjioa H thUT « 'So your head meeu tlie Ior. tlir cm

;S l]y "n o t-i] iid r-T lin t-ju n -Is - a o - t t i rttln* higher and nice (ind dock, ni ^ You Uke t deep brentli. a nibbli a re ft il«h. cross >-our nmw Tlie t t r your chert and what hup- rc.uliiK niT UirourliTou are uleep . tlm t ihiAnd belne • aalecp, »ho carc.i Hio .iho out fUhlns? So U:•nw elderly couple aeaitd nenr >">nd Is M on the boftt dock are fUli- sudtlcnl; I t At least they look like they “ orUI h re. But their eyes wander here to ftomt Bd- there, their Uiougliu arc eompcil tf iT ay and they are wsklnR crti 3 the varm sunshine rcMected Tlic i If the water. ftnil itie•This Is flahlnf. «>oji UiWho c a m If tbe tlsli Ilt there so hns

re any) are nol bltlns Just Tlie ' lor. This U living. All Is slow, water 1 Iiere Is no pressure. In fact. gone, bere Is no nothing. You could You i IUt as wtll b t the man on the fishing.

( § © ( C

.. . . . . . . J

b ± ^ - ;r r jT iW I W ' 'W>|

V A z ^ u «

' v " - > y' r - . V

JU Catclilnc lom eth lnc l» not really a alllmu d. A zood p a rt of tUblpc li (Cttlnf fo r the >e open. Ttie elderly couple form lbf would ■

* * * * ------------

ere Is M ore to 'v s___ hnve ad<

in J u s t F ish ing «jinoon. T h a t Is Uie kind Of re- n n u

ine'moirjioM Uierc is «7ien riothlnff X l i r tbllM nnd the sun Is warm In m n

OK. tlie cnrly monilnK, I f l |K'I s --a t)- tn c " elderly "couple on the ‘nd dock, n t lenat one of Uiem. geU ,

iwi Tlie fellow who has hU head .p- rc.uliiK on Uie log silrs and

Uirourli h a lf clo,sed eye* notes IvUnit there U nn open space a t >

res Iho -Miorc, ” So Uic spell 1.1 broken.. The

•ar mind Is no lonRcr laiy. The sun . ,1, . suddenly 1* no t so. pleasant The

worUI hn-i returned from a trip cjuHrmft, ;rc to ftomcplnee or oUier, The old cliurchMirc compcllilvo. sp irit returns. Fill aueuL irtnu the crtc l! ^:ed Tlic mlnutc.'t p n » Into houm of corrui

Ami the houra keep pace so Uiat tics." "Tsoon Uie dny has ended, and laUve ga

rre so hns th c tr ip . . ce.vtul (js t Tlic wnrm sun Li cold. The people a >w. uatcr Is sUlI. Tlie people are the refuct. gone. . . Chrlstlnrlid You are hom e and hare bten Lee Johe fishing. W el» tcr deline.i a fish- Merl Leo

) ® [ L as a

r R E F R I G E R A T I O

|::> AIR CON" i ' / A b o u t as ciosc a s y o t

le a v in g y o u r liv in g r o o m

r c f r ig c r a t io n - ty p c . c lc c tr ic

g iv e s h u m id i ty c o n tro l *1<

s m o k e a n d o d o fs f ro m lh '

■; w a r m th in w in te r, y o u ’ll

th c sum m er. It's another w

\ Y o u l iv e b e tte r e le c tr ic a lly

iS E E T H E N E W - M R C O I

A T Y O m T A 'V O R l T E ' I


^ Snake River — -Blectfical ss

I t

ft tlllinurlic aca ln it an early iun areV p lca l fo r U>f fun. Tliry may be member* of tha t

• would never really eat a fl«h, lTlme!.-Nen»

erm an a.i "a person who fishes for sporl or for a living." . i ^ a n Q V I

} Webster could Just ns well n / f jhnve added; i V l a ( 1 6

*'0no jio i e. l)ccllllly Inicrcited u q l l IST, ________________ Holll-Rotcn

^ home of Mr

I Three Ministers ;.Talk,tQ-Kiwanis...“^“ -"™

FILER. June B —Three mem- FIccnor mm bers of thc Filer Ministerial ns- Jelly sandwli

4 soclnUon presented a piinel pro- nor and He ' grnm for Uie Klwnnls members wlchcs. Sic

n l Uieir Tucsdny lunclieon meet- Sherry OalU

TTie Rev. Alien Recsor served u . I ^ 'L ^ h c as modcraw r and the Rev. F^ank

* BchweLutng nnd Rev. Eldon . “ u„m « < ’ Shields spoke, ‘ ' v a a j j ® Introduced by Kennelh Shook.J clialrm an of Uie support ol ( ' I | i “ cliurchM commlltce. lhe Uiree V < iu '* dlseus-ied "Tlie Clirlitlnn facing Tlic Snip

a world of crisis.- "Tlic problem club «nei Pj a of corrupUon In American poll- home of .Mr t tics." "Tlie po,wlbllllle3 ol legls- Dcmonstri i laUve gambling In Idalio." “Sue- Christy lllll; . ce.vful co-exblcncc of Russlnn packago enk

e people and Americans" nnd “Is field on cho e the refugee problem part ot a E nlcrlnlnt

Chrlstlnn'.i obllgiiilon?" Btanger foil 1 Lee Jordnn, O. D. Snckett nod AMlgnmenui - Merl Leonard were gucsti,______ elude tJie m

s a mountain |


A T I O N - T Y P E E L E C T

ONDITIONINISC a s y o u c a n c o m c fb m o u n ta in a i r w

I g r o o m is t h c p le a s u r e o f e n jo y in g m

e le c tr ic a i r c o n d i t io n in g in y o u r h o i

o n tr o l s l o n g w i t h co o ln ess , a n d t a k e s

f ro m t h c a i r . J u s t a s y o u g iv e y o u r f

r, y o u ’l l w a n l t o g iv e th e m C O O L N E

n o th e r w a y lo k e e p tliem h e a l th y a n d h

e c tr ic a l ly l

M R C O N D I T I O N E R S O N D IS P JL A -i

O R I T E 'D E A L E R ’S S O O N ! - - ' ------------

PANy I N c d o ^ A T I O N WITH

Uver Valley |E ^ LAssp.ciai/on-J^^

, I Stud;

'■ ■ ;Cbaii'RUPERT.

■ ■ T. rii'CUMloii Cldam vs. ~coi *i"^d by Cl

M L V 7 > > ; nuuiaiirr Iu;------------- area to r . , i i

Cii.imbcr I ' Tiiur.\(iay. h... - I . , ,

~ . • - . 'I 'S rii'iilnt llic !tllf tlirc ;it r

^ H r sn;ti. mul-(liticrcncr in till' two difi e:nln^n^ nn lim ccflfiind

P l ................." L - 'T j R^l'i'*

n r ' si!ih r"[r< 'i.^ j f ii • * l!io cIliiillbiT

I ^ ^ 1 ^ ' ■ —f fJcMii ^cl1(■lil

-------~ " * Inciudrd t— *•• n in i coiitr.^t,

tlif children,

^ - -»«-* ■ •-.* M'nilniir lirli.. [illo, nnd i:«

dbcUA.iloiis t. '.V -' iH-ndlng K in'■■Tt • • - .K .v pointed ou i i

« . V m « i o t I . , j - t ‘" ■ " i y " - - 'hers of th a t numerous clan who lTlmei.-Newa photol

Sandwiches Are Made a t Parley 1 %

HOLLISTER, June D - Tlic Holll-Rotcra club met a t Uie; home of M rs. Steve Pustoor with ,Christy Thom pscn and Juanllaj .Meyer demon-ilratlng tuna fish D and s a e t t pickle aandwlclies, | 1 X 0 C —Ro.io “A nn" Pnstoor“ Brd “ Ellen:FIccnor m nde cream cheese and ■ ■Jelly sandwiches, and Susan Plee- I— nor and Helen Meyer, egg sand- ' wiehcs. S tephanie Pastoor and Sherry Oallen mftde a fruit crisp. | L . /.x X

Roll call was ways mothers! 0 6 T used to chop nuta. Bue Fleenor led uto pledges. Mrs. C. M. Unt> lng woa a suest. ^

Club Meets ^Tlic 6n ip.nnd-SllU h I t 4-H '

club m e t Friday morning a t the home of M rs. Clarence Holllfleld. '

Dcmoru.trittlon.f'-were given by Christy Hllto on "How to make a package cake" and Naney Holli- field on ehooslne patterns.

E ntcrtnlnm ent by E a r l e e n Btanger followed the 4-H pledge. jAMlgnmcnui were given to con* ^elude th e meeUng.

in pool! ^. ■-..■a""

r r ■ '■ - j:'- ^ < S a

'M m i J i


iVtgy l p l: i 1 ■ __

: L E C T R I C ^ l A s

m i n g =ZEE

ta in a t r w i t h o u t - h

i j o y i n g m o d e r n | - 1 Q | |

y o u r h o m e . I t

and U k « dust,

Ive y o u r f a m i ly

C O O L N E S S in V l l t l

Ith y a n d h a p p y .

D I S P L A Y _ y | |

Studv Course Area Ji IsU i-ed b y Cbamber Aide Zl l 1’.',','

IIU PERT. J« n t 1 -A .n d ■'c m r .r „ U IM - K r , . '

J«;n V . -io,,,,,™,,!.,,,.. '■N.rd b r Cll»rlr., d W d rt'ii.'iiiaiirr In: il-.r InUTinounlnln Tin; ,'Hicl>'ni ut-a to r . ilK' ’iu;etl S t [»t f ‘ ''l i.im bcr i>r-C.i;imirrcc. ul ihr tlon nl iiicrtic riiur.\(iay. hnuliiiin mceiliiK ot '’•lio iiroilcd :lic R u p rr i tli.uiiijrt. oyciaiioii, nml- .T h c -c o u .,* - ;. ,,^ ,-„ ,d . . ,o -« r . .a I_ u ld . Iroiu- jiiaUit llic An„ r;. ,.n jM'oplp -Itll "he th re a t ol. ic);ti;iniiiiMii. Siaric ““ d m 't '"iilf in;ti. n n d -^ho•. •> ;iir pronounfrt-ivt^c-of ..a;d-a liticrcncr in'viij.s ol livin:: under Pi'i^iirn",Ilf two diffi-rrii; i(irnu o! gov-, Cliniiibrr pr riiuncn;, nnd 'i i i .v r t fiip impor- iniiodiifi'd D iuiccflf linden-;,iiiilinu tlic 'ed lf- (Hibllc ^ri-hiUiiciL-iicr^. _ _______ ___ Miifc cmpl'iypi

•nie n u iH 'ird u n ib rr ^nso iiro l nnd the Npcaki hr fli.sl 111 Ihr :iriM lo-»ponM>r A iiicflini; hi—ro tir s r— IT;ir:ti-,Tl-lSolltrc.s,":tors ti scnertitli il.irk .'iii<l. iiiiU lu- na'nunig.'d 'llt'i’rl Ofi'n !io cliiiinbi-i ll) .Mt up cciursrs In tor ro<lcn hr moic rccrii! oiihnert course, nouiicrd that

A rrp o it nn plan,, for lU f'C ont^li.ni.i pr leMn sclii-<1ulrn tor thl» Sa lu r-!

Inchidrd tMll b- a bcrt-lliln-: M c r c h n n i 111.? contrM . uiili iiopliir.' to be 'fl^fl* iven lo Ilir niiiiicr.v gnmcs for|ufK''> by-.S rs, h r clilldren. a Aprclnl niii^i a n d ,‘heir candidal , iliince. jlhe riding con

Jones nlKO r.porird nn tlie!‘"«.■mlniir Iirlrt rc-rniilv in i>u<;n-' 1!' ’" " “ '' lllo, nnd Kiive liUhliiilii.s ot thei she reported IbcUAiloiis tlKTc ennccnilng iheilelpvlsloiis np; lending KinR-Ander.-on bill. llelglrU Li pluniiri lolnted OUI Him tn Idaho, a plnn|*t'ow Achcdulc o adequntcly linnillr (he sltua«lof June 2S,

B a r b e e^Ready. ?&; S:e fyeJ H o t . . . 3 Ib. ave befo re cooking!

mHaley's Veal


A ssorted Co<ZEE

Toilet Tissue 12BARBECUE 1

Charcoal 20 >

r a

Irea Journalists tece!ve Stinends S Z X V .rX)CATFXLO. Jun r p - TMO|lil«h .'^chool. \iiKtc Val-ev hl«h .•(.hool . S i a t e _ c t ^ ^illsls have 1>ern aunrded SIQOnho s ia lc Jouni.il mrholarMiljwcording to Frank Hiuh. sciUin.ulrt]ian of the Idnlio Siaic coU;s JuurnalLxm departinenl.Tin; .'Hicl.'ni.', >.r|pri<'(| f„r ii;r

llui'ru. liroi1.'<l ;i-L 'M lirr «,i,. m fiai;oii, and :hiu ;ui\ .t(lii;!ain._ u ld . Iroiu—Ulc—JcdciiU - l . - v . '! - -------------------rjid r^.^ull in a lil;;iiri [ii\ l.M.I, Y O U I (I ni't iniiirriiiHv iinpuivr ilip I V I # ^C-uf..n:d-uv.iiLtt>le-undri o .— — '■ ■

L’liiiiiibrr prr.NKleiii Krrd M i.kr K A I li'oduri'd Di>n U r.i .n , IIdi.m,' bile ,ri-hii:mw%- nci’iil ' fur llir irc.cmptoynicm ,'fcnrju . ullice. A l(I the Npcatter, Charlr/. St.irk. | I M \ nici'ilni: ut clininbeVi ditvi:-•s tl scnertiilcd for. MonrtayjTtnu- — ;----------------i7.rl Uran Huiiler, chiiiriiiaii • lh e ro<lcn quren contc.v, an- * u /;.k ' . uiicrd that nil rn lrirs u n e in vviin aiitt.MiiliM practiced Wrdnc.Mlny of you r:lil nt llip rodcn troiintU ulirie \A/l«iii■y «rro toaelicil in proper rtd- w n a i a; icclintqur.i. Count <t l c r c h n n t s .ipomorlnc th f j o |i i t |ereii coiilc..iniiis «cre e.spci’mlly ;ed by..Mrs, Hunter to suppon Mr candldaic.1 and to ailend

; lirld Juiic 24 al the rodro F FIDEI ninili.^hc reported tlmt nl lra.sl three ■ — . _ rUsloiis npprarnnces lor the ■1* Ll pliumrd, with n liftlf-hour H )w Achcdulcd foi> the evening June

e c u e d (efve! Piping ___ ^

feal Cube Ste


1 2 „ i i . 1 8 ™

2 Q i b . . l " [ _____

S u n d a y , J u n e 10 , 1 962 T w in F a lls T im

n u on the basis of stholnrship frwhmen in Jourr acuviiy In Journalism during The winnera arc

I .'^chool. will enter Idaho Rurley. and CU le ct>lIeKc In September ns Paul,

illW CAN i f i M


W ilh' a checl<ing account here , you can | of y o u r bills, w iihoui ever leaving your W h a t 8 limc-ancJ-'cnejgy-Sftvcfl A chocki c o u n t o ffe rs so m any advan tages, yei so liitle . O p e n yours today.




C h lc k e

Steaks 8 '°


....................... . ^ dos

Bamboo Lawn Rah

4 9 ^Wj

s s s s s .

in F a lls T im eS’N ew s 2 3

hmen In Journalism, he winnera arc Jack ff. Bailey, ley. and Claudia Orefory,

H :re, you can pay all leaving you r homa. wcrl A chocking ac- 'a n ta g es , yei costs


Branch o t Filer H ID AVENUE EAST ■

k e n

8 - I


.OUND” ~

nRokesC '


j a p a n |H T

— ACEOSS — lM Lirj«pU Bt - - | S t SJipan Is knownSTUembnnouf iCuOl

, •* Um "L ud ol peucb r c m

i i m x ? " H B IKShoMlas 01 InautiUOtt l i g

Tiurblu U R i/ i . | T |g— ISTltUi------------- BSIWyiMIM— t e i *

— ^ IitttU on--'<iCB 7n4ai------------13K*"?' ISFtmaleruS ISJipi

s = - “ - = s s ;U D I ^ Snom udita U ilin fteO(nb.fom) a rub SU’ilch

sesem w rul 4Warfc>] 2S(‘<ni37itiiiincur BCorpH , SaCcui

“ aiCoeniunl <cemb.form) 29£ndM n p o w e r eCoUtoumi (comMFUottleU TSpIlUnlwo SOAnge

i^nU aMoldloci n ElectM -& n|out(r O lloru ldcn t) asWhUi

Cimest 10Dtp«lf(ab.) OTnimi

1 K I p“ra-------------------------------------i T

IB 16"

g - m s — L s ---------------

1 i T |45-,- m : M p r 3 ~

M nlor Hoople____________. ^ _ ( l S D E E ^ '

M • AN TO W YOU AI f n -6 0 ( N ^ r THROWTHAT 6MEI.T 0 « < S OOC7WHv:TH‘<5UY^OM1Hi5 PiEffU SB g!0&Eir0HE‘. fC ( f{ )0A IT / t WAS FISHIN' H ERey/

M Y B A i r y U n E ^ ? ,WORMS w ^ f? e

^ O u r O u r W o j -------------------- —

(iMIfFdooe «oaH.wiMT»THB V w e u i.y : IW MCTTSItr w s MAe«A ByUC>\ WHCM vc " v \ O A M PitV T w erw usA ie la e A u iu

Vl^IUM6Ull»CVSM3UaH y ’EM, MOTf T ooncH soirtB .w irp "thatbuc


M orrho Wayng__________

KHELLO?- o a HI, M IC K ^ ^ \ w L— ^ H A T w 6 P O

„ J lim u u in c tiio r MOutdimtimrt —_ J :-------13 Bw5i>y.-- M ffiy? <2»--■ i s r , i > p.

g g s " " ”'” i ' S f f i * " . ) M

” " S a ^> iOAngen SO noyw IUll»n . «K EIeclrl«l:nlt Jimllrnim# ;••■

" f ' s s ; . M m ; Q


3 " S “ S T

q r | ^ _______

hC INDEED ! WBIL, M.V FfTlEN 0 ,1 f i S h INSPfCrO R HOOPL6, OP THE- #U \6 T A T e R 6 « e R lE S /-^ F £ iR y I hW 1 VOUR INFJJKMATlOrJ.-WIS *• '' ^ l \ SPECIMEN OP -rW6 PSKCA- c ) / FLAV£CCeis/5 liM .E K E L 'O ' y e e ifJG CAUGHT » /S a £ N T (F lC 1— 1 L /o a S E R V A T lo J . “S /( / jQ T ^ e A t y e r g ^ ^

V wGLii.ysuR LUCK juffnM M orrC-\ WHeWVCUTRIBDTOCOeeeTHB ' loeA M iu aJC B /isA ip rP F K y

/•E M ,M a rF « ’eM-5ox*)cB ^ _____^ T H jra ^ g B T O F F is H c u r j

pg«m T B ow n .v y .rL * :. t - t “ W h


- • y ^ . - F T S T w e u s u A L X ^ - - ( a - j s l ?> V W1U3 SA T U trcw y . r- ^ r "

n S id e G la n c e s

L i | h | : | =

“ G o o d m orn in i? , M rs . C ra n e t c e n U , s o n ^ Bnd d a n c e a d lm e —4 t h o p a c k a g e d e a l f o r a q u o r l e r l "



. 4 . . : ^“ I ’m tr y in j r to j r e t jh lm lo tc a c l

t r i c k s — h o w - t o d is a p p e a r so f a s t t i m e ! ” '

S w e e f ie Pie

( m C

S3 ^ A J ‘

^ c ] » i


’ W " " " V ^ A«uii

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“ W h o , a s i f I d id n ’t k n o w , p u t in t i

ISX I'lX ■rVA'J'? A IIMS 1i I WBIT I UAVB. rr'5 JUIT OFTCN U«.OW V< TUAT lAMCWIOUSABOur I'lLfllBMirtOCB l vou.vouA K ew fyTK iou?, f iPVou‘u.«BMn

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I. C r a n e t S h o e sh in e , 20 a d im e —« r w e ’ll s e ll y o a V * T ’

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r d like the-thir

B aas

■ r CBEE'

m to tc a c h m e o n e o f h ta i r so f a s t w h e n i t ’s b a lh

S h o r f. J F g

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V, p u t i n . t h * T V d in n e rs :”

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FTW \ y : i .o m } --------- \ ’ } ^ JAfllBMirTOOOKnOHS) IdUSTTO

D a n ' l

fg A K e t.1 ' -frtg P r t ' - -,. r ^ g -

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C a p t a i n E o c t

H i ^ ^ H K p M M M K ) » e d l V L I ’ AST l ^ n B BMS 5C0KBi AND n e T)KM f

B B n H B i PaPuaK ri>TD O um iA rTH i

■ " K

F re c k fe c _____________ _______

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1 _ G o i o l in e A lta y ____________

^ " V C crta ln lu^f^r d like-to,l(»k over W Juiiy-jf. I S

to give us fo:* the.. ^ luanfc iWm

B u g s B u n n y

-----^ rWAVEAPIl------------------ 1 ------------- - I ’LL M W

. f CfiEETIN'S, PETUNIA'IfiO T l — -----^ A N ew LINE rSHOWYAt J \ ( ^


Sho rt Ribt

A l le y O o p


r e c E iv e o w t h e NArioN's V u v e s t t x k W » E R . ^ W s i O E N T


D ixit U u g o nM I I 1 p HEKt WHY DC



D a n ' l H a l t

\ .

W T I - l O K a m o d e l i s m e r b . ' / a Y E V /rrH ) p rc » L E M IN UG M TAN p )— —- c s h a o e t o m e - < C C »^^ \

Hii,V£ A HEART. I HAVE ) A C A M ^ R A — r --------^

S S j Jo o n p A i T f O ■ H O LpnA rT N O *lB w |L< £ ' «neT)KMrROM ■ ruuuaoiAUo 3um iA rT W «i, H y m iC A u r o w T ^ S a S ^ ^

f o u o iw M B J ^ g i T ( fc »




j M # a

i S p B ^ a P ° E ^M ig o w o — - VariTTTf w o b k h e r I - -

— ■— < r~ ~ i- ^

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r r r ^ V U T W IS / t h a s s k V w i l l b e s M n o o t h e J STR IC TU V ^ DEALS Ai

A a u S lW E S S ^ TDMAKEW A V ^ O E A L ./ /;— 7 FELLAS,!r-------- l^Ll'LABNE

M Pa.f iSSt'i ' ® VcS-f4i

H B 9 t r » 7 V |r f l i 4 'T M e c ^ F i H D T H A r H S S DCAU.M BORRMED CAR WB ASAHDOUEQ

U j j ^ ^ w ^ ‘oc o u r ^ ,

5 0C K W ILL L Jtf, , I 'V E S C ir/. J U S r iH B S ^ W - i W ^ s h e S a u I

t^ iK iu 'W nD iil no-nol u e t,T I .thought he’d ' 7 J ^ 4 S I Mr. Lott fe still ) now. Are ipu 5; — out of tomn. J has called htm: b 5 '6 i d e o n H > ^ ; a r » « e ? ^ tasaiven Mr. O — v SLott a 1 ■ / / / ^ A ^

IspMikon I he cottage ]

l^SI \ ^

n [N0W,T;JeN, "Xi H K l c / ) / l wHATA«e>oo) / I j / r M

ipDKG '— . . 7 /5KETi / - A / J n

{ b r r ! 9 o / € ^ 3 | ; IT V

W YOU g e t / aw, C'M O N.C U r.Jl-*™ ^ SAVIN’wi AT-THINa - — VDU-KNOW— AI-KNOW^OONNA i ITA HERE \ BETTER-N f BETTEE-N ) \VE BOI IRE I DO A .j ik T H A T .' L WHAT? 7 mX»CA " '''P I N^ S T l c / y / A ^ D > , ___ __ _ J V

i P ® a■ nw sT N iS eA ^

i J t d m a k e v Vi k ^ - f FELLAS, Nc S V m- X

i M | r


thought hVd ta b2;’<hT LU. Are you sure e ':?cn . 14 c a llf J him? 1- rgot-u)ith businesjaiiai



IT V L ' w MAJ(ES > ^

MV T T W “ flW R— 7 ~ ^ r. CURU /

- » * i SAVIN’WHWMXfK•jovA oonnaoo-wwmrECN hVEBOTH kHOW, AT? T w CANT poir.'


R i f .

' 9 \I

E 3

llarketDips; KeiStocks FaU Rec Moderately

w «k wn”*in atrlUni; con- conRrc**

p » “ ' “

ihKjjly *nd few*

b4Unce of the ^

* ^ n , *001# broker# a ttr lb u l^ j *j"

? i i £ j eOMliJeraUoiu. olhera Vo.J f g ^ rtllr v u clM^y ^ dcull5,

2 ^ DlUm'i Monday niBht ^ rcnee ' f ^ o r e tbe New York Fl» visions o

S sa'lE >■>"»■••'"« > * • '■ ' th» t the Prealdent Kennec

•%., L»k Btop-saP 1“ cuttlnK bln Uio ' ^ w ^ U ye«f K> S u t he« £ S ? , id U>fl dr^gglo* m ar- woul<! nc ! ? 5 m « r . he wjuelched such by otherS i f w 1 "only for poMaso.of dr.slnncil ‘ 'in r u x me«aure3 and Wylnit iom irvciS K c S l l n * would be Icfi Ur^inK^ a i y t u•V it i o u l ft pojslble cut in rccouinici

I. ^ u l r e m e ^ “Im tad- ''olii: •'Tt ^ r » leading HnimclBl pub- Jo .ta n t ^ ttld It had learned thnt ^ ‘‘ifh on

^ n u r k t t recovery hnd UiKen " » '■ ^ And aa one analyst noted.S i l » d U a margin cut T •liS PWPI" *Pec‘H'“ ‘>'» J u l■M..th to buy much on mnriln," ,

observer* Uiought they ^ lome fu rther light ac- siuWlon by the big instltu- isa Ihen the m arket waa near i.. » r .t ; r^ tr tly )o»-. but m o u of Uie »■; titof e a u airaln wn# a tlrlb .

^ lo U ifW ia ll Investor. lu.jn'; hWf, jUbuilneM newa, with the cx- ;rtion of the-aagglng *ieel-pro- ^ :,v* i.;,',, rtlon rate, continued fnvor- i«.;;,.n.-:n;

Auto »alea In May were Uie -1 iin« 1B55. atore juilea were * c .i ; . ; 71 jor,(Ui:ldenila laat montli were .ir..i,.: vr. laihead of IDOl. and the com- BC* dfpartment reporied a JO If «nl export Jump In April iic.<< sn, tr uirch.Alio iMtallmenl credit In April j- 'rtM IW aharpent gain In U o tujloilcnllns airong conaumer jftnfBit, the gold bukIm held wl^^hiitii. Bthanjed. and n UPI aurvey .p.jTMtal th a t» few big compnn- ”9 sen planning cutA In capllnl (iiUxi becausfl e f tlie alock 1 ,..u. artrt decline.EUoditd and Poor'a Inclusive

ailoct Index waa down for the dknvkii, tWeoRKcutlve weclc. this time Coimntni » laini OO to 68.4S, equal to n . so fb e l te r lh a n 4 J billion dol- .-.so i^w,r n lo paper valuta. ^ 1->Tli*Doii--Jonci averages ahg.w- lladUtrlalS off 0.44 to 601.C1. SrIIrr. r1.c,|, lidoim 2J8 to 120J3, utilities M«h r, flOfll (0 113J5 a n d M atocka irra US to 308.25. (hl'l ', “ n.:Tndlnj for the five-day per- . ijiownled lo 31,041.(00 ahnrej 3 ; 5 ' copirtd with a record shatter- .i.uichur .r :;« ia.230 aharea In the pre- i'J';’'’ OihoUday-ahortened week and ,il.T:i.UOaharealn th e aame IfiOI ix’^n.it no:

____________ , :sE.“;:Summer Class ipplicants TakenBURLEV, June B-AppUcanta re iUll being accepted for the

Wrlnlendent Ezra Moorc saya * " ! ' I'Uio iw eljht elaMfa will be offered hii*'"! v d•X fnide* one through eight. tiT k.suT t!!«reported elementary claawa »>■ , ’

fj!n Uonday n t Dworahnit ele- ■o'.*’ £U:;-«du>ol-flnd-«eventh-«nd la ion— iwi'ti iMh gmder.1 will m eet a t the it,w-i».i>o: •slor high achool. He added tha tWur education and band In- »minalon are already under way. “ ■*a itudenla atlll can enter any J"4 hl.h'.V’'flbese claasea. hithfr: fr«<i Tlur# nre 24 registered for

yiir'» trnlnlng w hich'm eeta a t IV ifl n .:la . le tk dnya n l the Junior m r..iW uhool. Time adju.<tmenta <>>-It i.mu0'6rhf»cTe“fo^nH lvidunl atu- ' ’’hUIT so u'=U In band. . t«-iVAppllMilons also are still be- u r t.— .n-t< accepted for a speech clinic 5 So •yeJUUria^uaa-18,-Tl>«r*-ar* - i - : **!n«d up to date. The pro- n a tall all age groupa. .

Highliners’ 4-H Meeting Is Held^ IllKhlincra' 4-H «lub m ri tV " ; - ‘."i

nt the home of Aleta[JJte. Roll call waa nnawer- Tu«,i.r. N.f tr natnmK parla of a calf. i» i»;‘ fttdln^ n,vilgnmcnt from the :,ia.\n*,*nTi•~phlet, -Tlie sound Horae," Nn. a sio-i ~ nrm by Helen E. Caudle,

lollowed by a dlacuaalon * fJlui—.s'l., Inw*!* lh*n ll

were made for a plcnl: ■’g ^ . June H, to a ta r i the club w*hff!

projcct tour. Thc tour v«ifr* full J rod n u , refreahmenLi and

or 11,. p rolccu. f e S 'U li 'J;“ a» Crane, prealdent, led the rhnif, .n.i |.

In a special tribute"rini: Mlw Caudle 'j blrUi- I j X siioo

veh ic les c o l l id e»TOLEY. Juno B _ A IMS[a^ili 4.,j(ior sedan and a ."4 fommut

‘ ftrd Iruck were lnvolved In»5Wfni n t th e Durley atock .^ k-H prinr

^ J liu rN in y , Damage to the •"'-Hr :.oo 1"lllch belonga to Amoa r , ' “ V,;,!,v“ wr.—Burtcrr s’ 3; JL iS u r -1.

J* Itua, *hlch belonged to ^hH"- fo -m Schrltter o f Aberdeen,

dumagcd._______ '_____ iu iih u rl.w i

^ lW F a U 7 M l iU,, UVEBTUC* Ll'

------------- -------- ltl.0».II.09 i«a '* 'U l i t r r j j ^ j [ * ;» ! * l .00 Ura In l«<l*

a p : g - r = ^ ' j ." " s ? ! l H I Z —

•vi, 'OTATOt* ** **•'*” N«. I r in wk : , - - --------------------- I1.6S.1.M H®. 1 ,


Kennedy Seeks Inc Reduction to Boost

■Hy JA C ltd .f:m ;it Give bu.AP U u . l n c .Ve„, ,vrlier lar in tr f

NEW YOflK,- June 0 if, _ IHnm nuu- President K e n n r f l y promised "'UhnrUv- during thc...weciJti».jccoiiunEiiii by.. 5 _ a i i e an Income tax cut nnd preuied threnieib;- congress for action lo kcru the transnoi un ,r economy from fnllrrlni: ■ bus iravc]

He conceded ilini lils hope of f i mh a ltn ln lnc a iSB'J erononiic out- <>'’>>' li.i'4 pul of 570 billion (lollnts prob- “ U'l '‘‘'li ;, ably will n o t be re.illwd; ntid put ommi-nornJ some of the blame on the stock ‘if-'r. m arket decline, grow luiir

Tlie acrau.ihc-bnnfd mx re. CurrcnU'duciion-form divitiu?iu nrrdlbF; rumilni;'

g porntloiw 'would. » cnivci'cd by '‘"H. congrcj3..bc .effccuve nc*; jn n Kenntdi-« !• market (ic

First word of the'nilmlnlstrn- “ Vfr-l’fK'iJ tlon-a intrn ilon came Monday » '« l

nlKhi from Secrcinrv of the' treasury OouKlan Dillon in a “P

New York Rpeccti, He cnve no altualloii.: deiall5. Dr. M.r<y _Keimtd>i-H.I(|.nt-h!»-finrs-cmi-

ference Tliursdiiy ihnt the nro- JJ«novrr T• visions of lhe tax bill Kon'l be '’" '‘i r completed until t» ^ u m m e r. He

added th a t the tRinimciidailon ' “ iwill be APni to eonsresi ihLi '■peil'il

™ year. reductlnn 1t Kennedy declined to jiiy hoiv *hnt it g big the reductions miKlii be Increase <11 e But he did .say thm (he cut.i Some br.- would no l be coinnlctely offtei “nnoimccni tl by Olher provisions of the meaa- «- urc which presunmblv would be f'’'" '' ' f dr.slKned to recover some of the thm 1 t lOM irvenue. - • e;l 11. wyi I Urnlnn congreM lo net'quickly i^>*dy f«r

on I'cuiminlc nu-nsurcA he haa levels I) rccomniended, t h c President. aald: •'There Is no need for us . f’’’'''. lo .stand helplessly by nnd '!t waich our economy run out of Walle BaJi," ented tlmt . Some of these measures, he be sptllrdn said, would; iranalnled II . ---------------------------- ----------------- tlpii iihicJ

! Livestock Lo.sclili'ot iJtail’N wre. Or;lJKN, J umV » lAi'i illsUAt -. r . i t l . f„r 721.550. noi

.ml h.l(»r. f t.,.|„ .t ,|, . „ |„ ; tOl.lled $1

B w r ' . ' j r z H i i ’ . 'irr '/ 'w V u '/f»>i.i. •u i,ir : . I.unlll.r .lr.™ tr.<i previous v ' h iff' 'JJO- fof the ct

’ :c/iii'^V">’i i n i ( T f i f r 1 . be-followed ! c . i .« 7 s ; . V .l . . : ; i r« i .» om crs. i• IL'U:'’' ' •"'! tude, warn

1 iIm<< sr,„ ; hH,! March., n rw .\!;;i‘;,t,.■ i:.:-.-i7,::,; mi.f.1 l.J H5r:(o ii,ri:.:% roomed aloi I i " t : m i.-i 1.1 -jira-v.ii It., ir.,:t.i:.so; induslfial p

' .i».ii»; •|iiii>it .iii.Khi'r l.ml- rnc-iir ber nf reco:' »'i 1-'; P’or Oi'i'e1 ibir,- M l),: .t,,;*;,i!i';,ot.'i.m“i- “ -I <>f 38*.b<4 t; 1 |..|1. tfi.w; .i.usiiirr .- r , cull lo Rest month

too,i .h..rn :.J „ .||. i.so.4.00. Industry

■ in K lh ,: t.KNVKlt, Ju .rV iAV) (UHDA)- I’''0^»CHor Comi,.rnl wllli 1..1 wmI’i c1-» : wna esilmnt

<-..,k-.M .urh.rr .i„ r. l,;oo It-, J2U21 Insl■ :s^0 hwf'r' M f r i r 'S *>">-

I indr lo ::.’ l..w>r: huili •lo.lr': frKl- O n Ilic 0.Luilllfr .Irft. dUCllOU fell

s lll,~ k'ci I r,'(i '' ‘’'C f'1'’th S: c„..i,i«hrMii.rVn.i;;iii><;i<:io:iii;in; on,s8(i.ooo

r.nnrt. .n ,1 IS.l.MUO; Wll. bcIow Uie pVi i'A ifn -I 'i ' , r . i " ’ With the

H h~p-Maurhifr'.Pilrc 'l.iiTu in- down to ab<t .:i hkhrr: • « « itr..!, m ss-so hlsh- paclty fromrr; ffriltr Un>t unfh.i.«<^; end of Manprim-V'ii.!'dj III -1 o J .'i-s■ .i« ',I,i i layoffs and.n.l Ulllllr .hmn mciclr .No, : J.M. The rallrr./.i): f.w r «4.7o II., .piini f» i»r i.miH rcpresentlnj

is.un, with recomrI I„ r .-n .r r ..- . .n.l ,lll..tc..t,lnS4 Idenilftl fa<

«''o‘’’itr :V kii»Vrh«vi« provides a vx rifhu 'iu .iiy to :s* Mfhrr:'Kiri,..i ccnta an h< .ml ( 111. i-s i«j-:j» 1I-. i«.io-i:.io: in nnothiUI.. No. 1.1 .4 0 .j^ ih . U.ICI.1I.H. n,jn[_ |,,g J

OMAHA Trfllnrn.MAIIA. Jun. 9 lAI'l (iisnAi- would "spcn

s t^ k * ^ .o r i .V i hdff‘ri‘ »^sri.]«^^ ^ 1 h n ? r whi;hVrr;V.f™^.V..i": M Pennsylvam.

H f James'Honor'

:«:iH|.n:i>»l f-^lrii .nd choir. HAILEY,Jlm iV im l'm illum li.oV.iy.M?' ‘’f 'f

’.Shrfp 11,400; .inlnie al.utiilrf Uml* Dowlden a t .......... ff..p l.ml.. >n<l »f.rll»{. I.M- Hie Hnlley"'

ff».ifr i.mi«-fhiiif» »mi f.nfr 4MI Ik (ho bcnedlcll

hlih.r; .nwf.tf..lr; Mr*. HarOll r ? 7 T f V V ' '* i * u \ 's ' i h i s s f c ~i«:oo‘; i l j J!0JM Ih. n.ooo«.:i" mIxed quarle

ciiirA do colt waA orgiClIICAflO. Jun. » (ATI L, D BOwll

» 'i';rimi m.Tr‘rf,:; . h / . ; ? ; Mark Dowid 1Iih:< -fom p.m i wilh KrWir I."'and Leon Bi

! K : : : s . r ; . ’- ;.! :

Nn I .n.i s :i» II-, i:.:», •n>> '• '» ‘*0' waa ded p.M • ttrrr 'l .r •'>'* Fergu.son, O rTuriii.r. No, l.J Ihl. Itt*; ______

Cyclist In Aut

siH iH B S iS oS lS ,;.r . 5WS *"•* ed lefl arm hil ‘‘’fL,!:'*Vuii, V.Vi;‘ ’' i ' l l . motorcycle hprlnlr l . : :0. l ,« s Ik .l‘u.M»f .l~r* llded with A !}7,:r..:«,5s. '« * ’’’i'* M«. Hannah)X ^?.m i“ iVi J; 1 ito i'^o . w»y 2’-

I", Kiser *aa t .IMT. m i.^ mortal hwpltj-5'i‘sr»i 1,0“ iiiiil rn’iifi afnbdlaiJ?im. ! : « » » 'h ’l f " * « 'i ',s ^ » ';" -D « y pu'lc<t '

med Uie right.nrt "hoirJ t""*": KLser waa tl

.»d Mmmrrci.1 bull. iMo.:o,»o. »'■»> u,b ear and 1

3 S S ~ iH S ‘v:..'-s _____

umu’’ .'ml'’ <W« "ifr,1r, ' m'’ nUHEA

’ M.10II ilir ■ meet a t 8:30i.n.1- u,M.:a,o«. fM 10 i»>i tlie Murtaugh

, /H :Iiu.

o S " .

K -, » r

! ! ; ! S ; i K . . 5 n 7 , ■»■ y " '

:s Income Tax Grain Joost Economy Resno

b y . .5 _ a 'i - .£ ,n i_ U _ ;_ r w ^ u u CmCAC.O, . threm eib; jq p „ ’ p m - r a n i r e j -raiisporiaiim, tnx on train mu »«

bus lr.>v,.i. sure Uil* weelHo coii.r,ir,Prt thn t the rcoii-' trade

omy li.iv vrry Kwd' v ita lity | Compared s and Uiih ,rom r rc lw h ra t «as offommraopd i^i.,lutlon c o u ld 2'^ m 3 - .; oat come near Hie 570 billion dollar 0” '• up tl RfOM naii.„.,»l products Jrvel, ’» 2 'i . and'

llie .niuion'*.output five lo.up acvcj w rumiliii: bfiueen 550 and 500 Favomble cn blMlon .l..liars « year. and onts ^nd 1. Kenntdi- attributed the stock of Uie lurvM t mnrxet (cclme mainly tii nn winter wheat

" M 'ln « buying In most i ''* P " ‘,» '■•'t July mid Befor some t;mr th a t U would not of corn iimible

hold up nf.rr ffaiiMtlon of the tho wa.oii wlin ? .. y ■ ------------ rq iia ia '

| n ^ s r \ ; ' ; s r . ; , s sIncrea-e <i:^iw,ible Income.-

Some broitrrs f d i tj,c DUlon "

P ~ ’T";>':[, t"n7res"lnf’n “ ‘'^astock mnrkei full tha t had ^ c n “ *' ' ” ‘'1' deep thiH ,:„y. o ihers dl.'couni- ’" '’’vesl 1; e;l 11. Mvi,,;; Ihat urlcr.s w rre '* ''’'" ’' ' ’ ' •'•‘" " ’I rcndy f.ir n rrljoiincl from the bidding bj

a , , , ' . " * . r ' s r . ‘»The Pre^l(|l•l1t•,s . s t a t e m e n t Io« over 1 ccnl

fnlled tn stir ilir market on Frl- **"* looked fc day. Wall street nnalyat.i Indl- yecated Ilmt dcuils wouia have to ^^^m luKlslatloi be sptllrd out before Inve.stora Long llquidat iranslaied ihelr opinions into ac- corn pll. uncov tlon iihich uould nffecl the as price; mnrket, aelllng sentlm

Volume of trading, which a t Kraln.s. 40.503,230 share.s lhe pri-vlou.s Buying Intel hectic wrek, Irll to 20,041,630. mcd Irom a be Tlie level ;i year nco wns IB,- the Mocks In i 721.550. Bond Mlrs for thc week nenpolU will totaled $11.7-8,000 pnr vnlue. aBaln.st rec en t: compared «iih S.'>5.510.000 the Germany. Ooc previous werk and JOT.D32.000 caused s e l l l for the cnmparablo week laat tnonlhs. yi''''". Slack demani

.Some_broktn-iaw-lH-acllvlly eau«d-scalier« on the stock market a hope for beaiui. ftlthough mnrket i.tnliilirjiilon which may er In the clashbe -followed by an advance. _______

Others, In a f>esslmlallc a ttl- FAIR PL tude, warned tha t this wasn't HAOERMAN nec-wnrlly the end of thc ahnrp were made fo dccllne which began In mid- contesi to begli

cow. About n:The aiiiomohlle I n d u s I ry prcwed Uielr I)

roomed nlons nt the hrnd of the n l the Thurad Induslfial parade. In May ll sold Instructor Bor 5G5.M7 U , S.-mude pii«,senKer W. C, Chaulei car.-.. Ihe hIclieM .since Septem- the boya to M ber nf record 1D55. will be held

For General .Motors, with sale.s plans, Tlie nex of 301.644 tmlts. It was the big- will be July 3nest month In It.s history. ---------------------

Indw try .sales since Jan. 1

“r.£si ;r“,ris Clasiwaa estlmnted at 151.434 agalnal 12U2I last week and 127J83 a fear bro. .

O n the other hnnd. aiecl pro* iJ O n tducllon fell during the week for lhe ninih stralRhi week. Output t u a V ’t , Df 1,58«.000 toiw waa 3,8 per cent W ANT i uelow Uie previous week.

With the Industrj-'aliroductlon lown to about 55 per cent of ca- u n .n r-r laclty from 80 per cent a t the 7 n .n f-r •nd of March, producera ordered * ayoffs and short work weeks. 1,0

The railroads nnd 11 unions . . „ , •cpresenting 450,000 nonoper- '? g " ; itlng workera agreement In line 4 D*r> Oni» flth recommendations of a orea-denual fact-finding board. It ' -------------irovidcs a wage Increase of 10J8 c n u an hour. T mIn another railroad develop- NUMfll

nent, the Brotherhood of Hall- ond Trainmen announced they » p i* ^ »•ould "spend whatever It ukea"

'ennsylvanla Railroad*,- Norland

Fames Bowlden ''•™ ffonored-at-Rites "HAILEY, June 8 - L a a t rite.'j n u iern held for James Orville 'owlden a t 3 p jn . Wednesday a t From Dtihlle Hnlley wnrd chapel of Uie DUI 1 DS church with Bishop Lloyd, Smith. -------------Hownrd Allred gave the Invo- <*t ACCiEl Itlon. Desmond H. Welch gave10 benedlcUon and Bishop Har. ______ ANNUUhrUuliTer wns spenker. ClaaalflcatlojMr*. Harold Buhler and Mra. ,. L, Hall aang a duet and Uie - . . . . “ ‘VioIxed quartet of the church aang Clautflcaiior-numher, M n Thnmni N O rU i.__________ eINA>lt wnA organist, ClaaalflcatiorL. D. Bowlden, O. U Bowlden, „ ark Bowlden. D url BowldenId Leen Bowlden. all brothera OliaaUlcaUon

the deceased, and O ordon ________ REAIt_SU, Mrn, ndwldcn’a 'Tiroihcr. ClaMlfieauor :re pnllbearera.Tlie grave n t Uie Hailey cane-O' waa dedicated by James B, CUaalflcaUourrgason, Orem, Ut«h, AORIC

— ---------— ;---------- Claasification

.yclist Injured, Claaslflcauon

n Auto Crdsh m js c e l iDURLEY. June D-Lyle Klaer, ClaasJflcaUon . jrley. received a bndly fmciur- A iR ritA P r l « i T m h m JY U .v when th .

storcycle he wna driving col- ' - “ “ “ cauua , led with n 1857 Ford driven by AUTORrs, H annah Day on SUte high- CluaUlcaUoa :ly 27. _______________Klsrr wns taken to Cassia Me- 1 . _ j c „ „ , irlal hojpltfll-m Vem McCul- ;h'a amb'dlaticf: Police aald Mra. l o s t . On. M i« : ,y pulled away from a atop n when thc motom-cle ram - .■d Uie right front door. cr^'k 110. 1. iuiCLser waa thrown to the top of «««»•______t car and then hurled to lhe u ) s t i ju m irurm l . _________________ ? a .V . ‘ " " ' **

nUREAU.TO MEET Hm w ll.r-lih*iMUn-TAUOH. June 9 - T h e jrtaugh i'arm U u r e a u wiH ho.uib s<n>rui ■tl nl 8:30 p.m„ Monday, a t ••Ch.tm." Uf.n.« e Murtaugh Orange hall.


j'p b l^ r.t hi* «rnra"'ltnini ntlfhbora fnr iS ll<iu». ItclM. td.ho until ■rmp.Uir .lurint

’n. Jun« :i . IHl for th . felk>»ln*i f*th.r .nd bn>lb>1(M| fnr IlAnrin* U.- cnufu l think.

„u7. fnr .b . «l*hw.„ . . 8h^ rk.r.1 Jn

"" Srrrrn."'.'»‘ln>' nndlUdru *mua b. an<i f.mll

S ' o S i . F lo tU ti'’w".M*bidr*"*‘ '*'* *“ v is r ro n s w t •«i.” TM) CFIAMKH r . l l . Clly rk t.!

But. I'urrhulni Aftat 7 d tn <mk. U ,ii.h» Jun. 10. u . n . im rhaii. Tasjtw.

J f a i n M a r k e t R q I S

R e s p o n d s t o -------------------

s e l l i n g U r g e ' r a s l i i i s rO O f'''

cmCACrO, Ju n e 9 ITO - Al! 5 '.*ni‘A 77«.j’,r,' itlu lu rPT fr-except—fyg—f«U tJAtKWA-l^-'-itmck under active aelllng prr.s- Summii. » um . re this week on the Chicago {!*’•ird nl trade, I i,„, > ;i 'Compared ' w ith last Frldn> whv i av m.,.,'irat «as off ‘4 to 7’. : com off . ‘.1. ;;f M.nr -1t 103 -.; oats o f f l to 2>i: ryt i t , , , " "f '• to up th ree ; soybeana ofl . t. ui i.i^r. ti.vto ! •;. and 'drum m ed lard off ________

.e lo u p Aeven. polntA-------------- P e n o n o lfS D c ’Favni nble crop rcporta for corn ----------^Id Outs nnd hedging aa a result 'r.Mdn/r. |ViIm,''.‘

Uie h»rvM t-tnov£mcnl-ln the A..nu. .S.mh,n irr wheal bell dlscouraned tiiiiioi-iiACTu- .lylng In most gralna, n n " ' * ' 'July Iind Beptemt>er deliveries ' ' ' ’ corn iimibled lo new low* for i'nf„,m,u„n. rhli

0 (leasoi^ whjle o ther com fu- :ii ;, Wm.i>ii.lf» rquale3 p'rcvlbus • marks, voMFvrTTTTTTrlybeaii oil alao touched new (•’'

' ' i ' i ; , : ; ' ; ; ; ; 'Selling prrasuro mounted earl) ___________lursdny on new.i th a t the sen- 1 wii.i. m. i.|i.,fr n voted to ban aalea to commu- ‘‘I counlrles. Including Poland k h j,u n >iI a i l- d Vusnsinvia w hich have taken m..t pn<r..in< rge nmounl* Of so ft red wheal. w..in>..i.r. l'h..n le b.m «as revoked la ter In the iluil,! ',

S'earby wheat futurca met aup- iin'n'.i.V. ri aa a result of rain delays to niiVATt; d.imi., e harvest In th e aouthwest. " ji in.<"ii».ii"i luntry .srlllng rctnalned light. '. " r n . 'i J i : . n! d bidding by exporiera firmed iiA.>rf;ii rt.u /ut. nt prices a t the Oulf. ir., Anr in .m i,;rh e May, ID03. w heal contract ';i over 7 cenU a bushel na deal- .=------^ -s looked for lower aupport Beaufy S o lo n i lce.s nexl year under pending >.i>riA-h n ..u ir rm li'Klslatlon. n".™w«"'*i-h."n.Long llquidaUon dominated the {.bx-lAtT i<» rn pll. uncovering atop-lois or- i.u,in« iii.hon, ra aa prices weakened. Tlie iinui)r'yhiii. in Illng aentlm enl affected all tOMfi.wh u .u ir aln.s. “ “ '."1' ‘ 'iiMutiBuying Interest In rye stem- h. i„ w ,.i, tsj

from a belief th a t much of iiAuicurriM ;. h e Mocks in Chicago and Mln- apolU will be ahlpped out Vf*ii?’aln.st receni large aalea lo West r —r — 37—------- :rrmany. Oood c rop prospecta Boby a lr r e r f—( used s e i H n s of deferred hrliahi.k cbiiit c

31nck demand for aoybenn menl * Vi’,h'*liv'lud'’ nuw d-scattered -aelllng-of aoy- —rhfiM-TM.jioir"^lui. although prices were firm- LicKNhKb rhii.i In thc closing sca.slon. •"'* "

FAIR PLANS MOVE HAOERMAN, Ju n e 9 — Plans 7 jj.tin . cr 7« -jire made for th e atate FFA =-----,-------------- ;ntesi to begin Ju n e 24 a t Mos- tm p la y m a n f > w. About nine membera ex- JOii oi-tNiNos >1 cased Uielr Intention lo attend S/.is**'

the Thuraday meeUng, FFA . itriictor Ronald CarUon and Help W o n te d - . C, Chaulea will accompany i;xi’>;«rKNCED wi f. boya to Moscow, A meeting Cm... Appi ll bc held June 21 for flnnl , ■"» cmf.- shn.. ms, Tlie next regular meeilng in ll be July 3.__________________ pi.i

ClassifiedDon’t Forget


A re L O W WA.;TKm- .|;nV»11 D .n r-r lh. prIf. ef It AUlllTlCIUH m".n

i t r .u p to 14 Word*

II Durt Onlr M,:n c . h frlc. .*™ py^iist.

: s ; ; ; s s : i= ’: E S f:i: : . r____________________ Wtlf P.O. nnt

' ' 2 MKN. HutlrrlUl.hllihMl rmlft.


m pl»M ■ W.i>» A4 IBTb. T..u~.IT.-. A

im"BiiHey,”Hu‘p;erl,~PauirT)«l8 and Norland. Dial 678-2551 .

im Ooodlng. Jerome. WendeU b i j O l ,od Ilagerman. Dial S3S-251S

im Filer. Ilfllttster, n o g tn c n _______ J T H T Tand Jackpot. Nevada.

DUI 32C-S375

From Duhl aod Ca*tleford IN E L E C I Dial M3-4IM8

' Interviews willCLA SSIFIED IN D E X Twin Falls durl

— ANNOUNCEMENTS----------- ^R-ttkaJot-pcraiClaaalflcaUos 1 tnrougti 10 In high aalarli

EMPLOYMENT Jobs wlUi theClautflcaiioD 12 through 24 m dujulej.______ EINANCIAL__________________________Claaalflcauon 30 through 38 BCOOOLS.INSTBUCTION ApplleanU ahoul OlaaalflcaUOD 40 Umjugh «8 ^_____REAId_ES_TATE. _ ________ _____Tlaulflcauon 50 through S3


:iaasificalion 90 th to jg h >t candidates for LU'ESTOCK opportunltj

Asslflcauon 100 Uirough 118 full-time Incomi IkllSCELLANEOUS Ualning period.

aaalflcaUon 130 through 1(0 AIRCRAFT AND BOATS aaalflcauiJ lt>5 Ihrough 17J le lepha

AUTOMOTIVE appolntmenu lo.

t e n d Found____________ 1

ELECTR»...« .»> CU..lfl.»l.__________r i JobnMii).ba.l mutor on Hllm

t r a i >•> tnd ]nd {Wnilh. n«».rd. Pbunt

1312 8 t h A v

! i’n*"8iwwull *bullT<If.'* * Jw TwlH Fallth.nn." Llr«n.« No. J»*. fUw.rd.

T n .es» .” *’'° ’‘" ' PH O N E 7d o f t h o n k i - - — - - 3 -

w*Ui7 du"riBi '<lllr'‘w.ri{“ taM*of HAVe x t r a 1

m - . . J l a y i n g A lK ' S ™ Y A W i

•»“,•! c .„ni. —^ ; -------------F D R T f

--------------------------------- - B E S U I .Si: PHOhi r n r r . w

{aise V acatio il o r t i 8 H elp. W a n r c d -tllK-ill^XKIl Cur.t n.nth »r«n "'ANT ..I.I.r m.n. Ih. K.ir lnfDrm»llo« »nj‘.'nl‘A‘ " « ' ’ r '* iiA^ WANTKI)

lo n o lf S p e c iG l N o tlc # i - 9 Vron*: ^T<h^7t!uS„ „ _ B,,|,'ii|, t-or..(l«tf Lr.l. •'Illin* ........ .: : r J r - ■"JKll'KACTlr nrr%» il.Ml.llJt Uf ■'"* 1 * ''- «** .1 2 ni.^M.5jUn. u : .Vn.ih W..hln»; i"‘„ .i ';" r l!rr ."ro

i ; 'T , ‘;:!i;ii''^''‘’* ” *• nliiit-l(i.s-;m,.i,.“ :IB O.S ii.fr lu”liuill.r'. ft«.m U.Ih *Tlil

Jl.l. n.. loii.pt U. i«puB..bii~r.>i ___r Ufl.i. ..thfl Ih.n i;XI'Klttf;NrKn II

nf» llllliM,ii..n, m.i.ruir. I’bim. H«llInK ]..rk<-l1-H17, Tuf«.l.r. Thui»J»r »nJ i,i »-«r r*i

E x p K R i

a u t o j i

' ‘' " = c nV c«r a ™ ,

c ljl . I.-. „ . . . b, W "iii.hoi,,_ Id.hn n .lu r tnd O th e r E

in.>.Th"Luir i’r .u..n.«l S ,100nlVir ‘ V”urrAttV A j.mrV'Tai Com m i;>in w ,.i, 7s3.es*:,r^ UTriNi;. h .lr .^,lln..^.|n.li.,, H A H B A U G

ly S iH e r f- C h l ld Cora~ 16

rhln%‘ ?.il7o:ay ' P R O F E S J

lb “i S . " n.it».n;;. "(.rJi.h:^'______ m e_c i i ,rhll.l r . . f In mr b..mf, Bxccllcnl O,

p.1.1. and rrii.bit. I'bon. IJJ- • P e rm an en t E

“ •-|m .ri;El- child » r . «tn.t.i.tm . Cf 7»-6i>i ..fnint..____ G enera lp lB ym enr A g in c te s 17 E xpw 'cnceOl-tNINOS . t •T.r.onn.l 8.rYlo. ArPir In »>(l( V.llrr.” IOO Diu. Uk»nh. fbon. 7».tu;. M A G IC VP W onted— Femolc 18 M O T('• Cm... appir la p»r»iin, nnj,'; _________________

H elp— M o te o r'I __________________ oim IIUHlNhJtS I. IIAN w.nlpfl (o ...cBibl. J.wflrr *■'* rnlnH.|>»r.t,

h.m«. m.rco to w « t ll.r -ilhqu.llly wofkmnnlnt. C.llfnrnl..____________ " " 'I « PI"'™ ':TKD:~t4ur.r. .nd .Idf., Applr - ptnnn . to .'IkyYl.w U.Bor, «40

tf A..nu. W>.c.____________ OPENINGSINCKH aKWlNi: CUNTEIl now QUALIFIED

UrT*"DC‘’l«mmU.''lon‘ «ml*.n; S trictly COr..flU.'^.nd iJi NO

p W a n te d — M o io 19iTEl.; ~ (i;nV;»r~f7fmh'.n1~ h~. ^ .r l .n "•l.nrfd. Thnn. 711.61#7. Arrhllfrluf.l Kn*l

;’vtFKim:NCBU lrTl».lo7imd ftfl.t.l }I^w*n^»rid*».r<r'«< " "*"• Coupl. u o rrU k■ _________________ m.iunuln f.blri :itll.lHIIKU Wslkln. ruulM. Cllr V.riou. .nhfr mxlIt* P.O. Unt tOJT, Cltr. K iw rl.ncd 'TV uKN. ilutlrr or iluptn >rf.>. {’[{)'* "'•"••••r. .Mlihfd nwlrt. D.l.lli. Doi m r. Vr.dln«"*pUnI'

Km>wJr.U. of Top po.Ulon.

P E R S O N N E L A or M A G IC

■ S E C U R E ■■A g cn t» -S a le « m e


IN ELEC TR O N IC S Work W o n te d

‘'ivi*n%*»n?rvlews will bfl held In cVr*i’'"in Falls during the nexl 3 cuaxosi^ h .r k a Jo r-p e ra o a i-ln le rM ted - rAiKTm n^im crtiiri high aalarled electronic* ^ “ “ hluunl** v>rL°I wllh the mlsalle/spara s<m h i . iiuhi.

WANTKU: l l . r .Uck UUlCS. I’hnn. 7a*.lt«:. Tw

»0K UKl-jaJUAULK ---------------------------------------—T*r(fwflrBrf»n~7n:

lleanta should be between 7«7 'M‘j'iii'*wiii.*! ages of 18 and 38. custom h .r thoppi---------------------- . yranch‘‘nr-Vrm-Kl'll

Wt f.p .lr l.«n BIO'llfying testa will b« given apynV kl«rwin Falls and auccessful i n ^ .n lldales for train ing will

: opportunity for part- or gVi!Tb..ii'“r h T '’S jtime income during Ute i-aiT tin ui iiou.'.. ,Ung period. Tay.asH!! *'

CUb-rou IwUnr and n.w h«l.r.. N»w 14.S4)0S. KlmlMrlr.

:e or telephone us now forilntments locally. All ap- ..eif. __________

.111 w . CUaiOU FAKUIJ4U.Itlons will be considered. [nt rngnd h.v ball Inc. r . fUdIk*. 7S]


T R A IN IN G ■ W eaver L amTas-77t

12 s th A venue E nst T R E E

T w r - F ^ \ s , - l A l V o

PHONE 733-2386 BO B W E ^

...................... D O N 'T P U THAVTT • CALI. Df

EX TRA IT E M S uSlAYING A R O U N D ? “ V i ^ E F•RY A W A N T A D w. b .«

rlt. for appIylB* all

g e m S P R A p h o n e s e r v k

,783-0931___________ Ttanj___________

tio n Money wiW o n t e d - M o l e 19 | W o fk -W o n t« d

'iir S..mil. ni,.ri,lna. ',.|'il,. ” | . ‘ "."7!__*

' I * , i ' , " ' i ' ' ' '’" ' ' l’.lr.lln« ^^w.nlrd. .

ttKNFKl7~lirKV;u“ V ^ .lr i - . :n-V' v!^i\-)i"‘i‘i~rii?/;;

"r'iV’' ’i’i-t..f'frr» I..^^I'.^'T.I^ l,AI)V,'ViiJ.ll..lhirilr..

IK ...r.s .ml 'irnii

E x p K R i E N c K i )

A U TO M O TIV E “ c u g g

M E C H A N IC ..... I" >«•!

Y ear A round Work ^ROTO^TljV/lih *

O th e r Boneflls S ' P O C

$,100 Piii.'i . ' t S imC om m ission Cntfn. I.“ n ‘ln d 'f


M.ln ^ m c i l O ppV rrtl

PB O FE SSJO N A L , i S i i i ^

_M E _C IIA N IC ______ i iv S u u - ? - u M t- u iIxccllcni Opportunity **'rm n n en i Dnployment »iiiiiii. oil. f..mp.ny

G enera l Motor ^ ilii'illom 'Mn' '’*guaJxpcrlence Preferred ».i..^^inrMim.iii Co.

Applr In I'.non AllKlllCAN Oil. COh


M O TO R S n ! 1 . 1

________________________ f i i r . ' . l ' r ' k T r . ’;- M o t e o r Fem tile 20 ^m rnp.^H uaU H 'c

I. (IK-1. >r .r* I>.|.

O PEN IN G S FO ft’ n m « l Cb»mlcil CoitU A LIFIED PEOPLE .nd Bouth. S.li U k .Strictly ConfldenUal „ .5 nEoiCTitATioN r a FO R S A

. p . ™ \ n / , „ . . . l o„l..i' M .L uni *iih cffic. . . . locaUbn"urtu,,) K n,in..r. Doing EXCELLENnrn. - CONTAClm. . . I f . wcm.r. .nd .fjif. TRUMAN BR


b u s i n e

w"*!*.” o fV irS iu .U nt'D khr BUIL"Dirpo.Ulon.

S O N N E L SERVICE M A G IC VALLEX- |lu. U k « North c .ll hJ4JII ihowroom t‘rond.r l(«.Ily Uulldinc Kitfll.nt tilllitlM

i- S n l c .m e n W 'n f .1 22

; ; 'r .* „ h ‘’s s i y 7 . q s t r a n d e e ^W o n te d __________ Ula.‘'ivi‘n%*a'l1ir*' *'°°'*' ___________________

liirJI cVt*i’to^hf«l“ % '5 o n ' In v e itm e n ti

, v , i r ; ^ : i ^ ; " • v r - w S z

Unr. V»rnon Ol.ndtr. I'btini IntUfOnce

jij.l&ft;. jv in r .ll.. >t. .«f'

Vl*'*'’?,' KlmUtlr. u p 'ta XL

U.a."EIal!r.°"*r"‘i« S L J ' i'*’""* ’ ®*‘"IWrTlf.. Kimberly ito^i. ’ —iiSf:______________

nid^ »Md. .umntr^job. Mortby W a n te d

*'.r>a blu«k «urk Drl.f.~ i"o■11. rhnn> m-M07. M u lic L e i io R t

" ' u - s " . ; r s ; " “ “S ' a s a r K

. 'iS .y . i ! ! ! ” ' Schooii____________

»-AKUl>4U. piowiKc, -Olh. PLAN NOW TO .and. har ballDr. k.rrnl.

------------ j j j Q j j

bullt-ahniba and ..trfrMii.INCOM

R EE ESTIMATES n i A m o n a siO K *ClAN, IlMutldaM .r«

j v e r L a n d a c a p in f f “ j*


, . .U .W “ ■ra ^

O B W E A V E R .AT»nD»Bait-------m.TTtt" SJdlSI. 1

hTT P U T IT O FF u ' K ?CALI, u s POR Ttm. u. . u l f CH B

P i ^ E M l ' & . S l f ?. i t p . tnc tor asd pkk«» .r .uia.______applrlBC all tJlNa t t n.Id iu.1 a -utK la“ A

? ac JE aa t-fito lce _________CaU CoUect

3M S P R A Y IN G S E R V IC E r ' r l l ^ o ^ a ^ M "

_______________ m-uM . ____________

y with W ant^/W o n te d _______ 2 4 S u n d a y , J u n e 1

* ' T im cs-/ iiAi.itj.;.~ i-Mii;p“ kn.i.i.i;, -----------------------------

............. H o m e , For So le

ncl li.lini anil *rirniMn[ii«! I«i;rn1 |..iii >.n1, ' I

II W.nlrd. I’hon. 73>.:»JJ, «»r.lMi.

iw I'rV M aiJ'*" '* l.l..h..lMIINKV r..r roll'iir: Will .lu p*''llltrll!',l,*

Ui.iU.li. lo. mjr.huiu.-on- YAn ...TTrr. » K r boor, t . P.r L .k.i. C.n^l

■;..... nu.liflrd pahu.f ..r p.i»r- ‘ 'V J '

j i i n V i ' i r I’v-vv ;.'" ,';™ .""" '" '.‘'nu 'hnulrt.^’ lM rr'^i'.'l;'h .............

f i:'ich f.ri>».ilrr. flf. Vf.ntib. 1”/ »Vlu~ .n'i .Tnrf

________________ L .11 ll-Ilhii’. lifm* hi.

HAv' a m - r iS f i , Lii’vVl.Y ...-w ,1 i,f.n; KIN. Iluhl

CUSTOM ----------------HAY HAULING )f.rK!‘!'’Ihlf!r'i,V.|r',I.*rr

irwhfi* In >tasl« V.IW ,|ih . ii.rh f l ’i'»o"n._______________ Hfl— ..l ffnflnu. I...ROTO-TILLINQ .- n .r t>>o i',.„|.r

,. l.»n .. arr«»f.. Fold J,

' d i c k ' f o o l e r '’’ " ."r ';!''.! ’’fi'T viii.iiinir__ :______ ;— f Uf to .fh...i. . n d .

. l '-17‘lIV'Vir.n .rrf .fr.. Li'iVkI v h.,mf."iE N N E n P D A V ls ’’ 'bi^Wm'.’. *IihAvfnu.tU .t 7.11-;i30 J - l -'It^ Apj.r..

mf-N.w.. ------- — T T T r fw” ."'!'”« r'wfllfnt' bu.lnM..*!’hiinJ t?lu,T‘“h?.u y* i ’ll'^d^ 1_________________________ Jfrnm. S;).;SI8.

£. f..Ip.ny . I f . J l.f. K.fflifnl lof.lliin. Jrnmc »S monthlir. M.sle

? ” .ll.m)!*r.'";rr .lor,. i To llv” .')W^'K!tTTh‘r!^ 'irnv^rin7ntV-o*;'j?n, u'r.'-.au.’i . ‘’? r 'o S . iL_______________' -In-., t b.lh.. l . r i .“ x s a ; . K . r i . hll, rin.nflal ...l.i.o r. Io ^ _______.1 n .n . Phon. ,U.S>.( or i,rx,.hT WmUirrnu

nVf.1 ViwiVlor fcltt .» .lf ldf.«T I h.r» ju.l |h . '

. or /ubmll rour' p n t^ U ^r''|ilrnlr"’nf**r."1*•'■•h-rcxim^dfodorliinf fif. Kirfllfnt lof.tlnn.

S ’sX's'.S'SIf; A1.0 fimnlfl. Iln. ot }.ol- |«0(: 7JSW;«J«,- .upiillf. .v.llabl. lo .uppl.----------:----------------------Cb»mlc«1 Coinp.nr. 1«0 Wtil' * n».!roon>—Fin

Ulh. S.11 U k . Cltr. uub. JMMKDUTr. PMBP.S

F O R S A L E •

at l« a u b .]" in fown M A G IC V A IEXCELLENT Business R E A L T :

CONTACT; lai Olu. Uk*.JM A N B R A D L E Y ’«•*

A G E N C Y -------------------------------i5« o.kio' A*.nu. connr.n lot. a t»

phonr«:a'a-^''*' ' ' .od fo».<l fflllnfj. Spai

' Kllh hulll.in appllanrrb u s i n e s s

B u i r o i N Gl-ronla*. 6 :t0 ^ **"• ^

r M I T T O N E E .rf. .guar.____________________I .howroom .p .f .. -------------------------------•flLnt ^lllillr.. B U S IN E S S I S>1 for r.Ull btiilnM. Wll HAVE MOHE Dlcfllr. btilldlnc. n l..* ’'wE NKKD'mJJnd A ,.«u. Norlh. W M ' W. h . . . on./ »»lu. I.ft! a IWroorn

D D w o - i N v n t u -------------

A N D E R A G E N C Y............ H A M L E T

R E A L T Yrjkj Did*. --753.<07i

— ----------------------- J j u . m „ . ,

ti.wo. (rt 10% mure plu.t.ln wllh poalUr. .Kurlu. _ i _

- Ace 33 full, fini.hfd ba.rm.ol.llu In .11 kind, of liuur. S!'!, d n ..l fUlal». Llord K«b. ^Jfflrr. 7M4>S6B. * prl*. and v.ry soo

to L oon J ? { Wifoom hom..IIVATE mon.r. WMM iSoi f tfd . Full flnUh^l ba0 rim n.N .>.. fum.c. hMt. Own.r i OANH I Twin r .lK Fll.r. ••“ <««. L - . th.ri«u?. L L O Y D R O B EId'raneh li^ n .-ion , urm. A G E N C Y ohn J . WotU, lUallor. til*______________________ I:T Sh«h(,n. Strt«t NortW o n te d ___________ 36 «<■» muiupi.. lov«imfnWoan OBPonutillr lUnt butlRMa. Could um '

Cltr- I DWroom., m bait. e t t o n t < 0 f?i^*"hot ".tJ?*h«u3N and m llar l«K.n.. L«» «'• A VALUE at SH.BI Jlr Sludla. Phon. 7».<m.

^8;i«“'S!‘n'd*T^“ V.‘lL ''w ! ? .„? ri" irrd '’'*fl‘il.h rfl-boa. tl4-3»a3. J.rooifc Qualllr. |» 4 5

4 4— — — ClM. In o1d« J b«d H NOW T O EARU S 7 . ' ' ; V T . " . t i . '

H I G H K O B I N S O N - F E L


noriasiO KA L uKxtrri- ---------------------------- —j r jw h /" ^«AN AJTW B;

and financial lnd^°d! J"™*. «l>^rful blf»|» k » almo.t a n r trth.r prt>- liom. Th. futl^

Y ARTS ACUJEMY l L S 7 r i S ‘'f!III-UAW WEST _ ^SlnT l ---- ' ■_____________ bnlnnlns .» Ih.r* wpiFor S a le 50 ‘

» u a d ^ s«.mT ^ p w . of thu^^ itihtftti^ a ^ y t l \~ T i ' ' r ^ ~‘~ 'i“ y i7 " thla to tha oo* »«i1 .»IL - Call Burkr I7MIU ^ S S a u iS i S S rS S UloUn.nt. aaMS' Huhl . IdIwo badm n. sata*.. n a » tk f t t .9 n i wtlh patk

t .u ia ,'___________ ' Boih-tf a ^ I bWM* «M i i i r J I S R S t

rnahh paJntad, *«a«lMw t ag ^ t . Haaw- y itc — R O u K x W e u T r m uad. for hem» l> Bor- . RTTA ^^rVw con.ldOT- rwUai wl*0 bur la nU .kk partr. Fnak Beetii'oth. Zloaky MoUBUln Baaltf. UOWb n*4IT<

int^Adsd oy, J u n e 10, 1962 F oils T im c s -N c w s .

» For So le__________ 50

"li f*r-

I' u tk

«,—1 ,.uil..,|1,tini’. .n.l .riL. I.ii.lnr "" »Uib-.r

K T>,ri'.i’ ni!'.l.i h,.,nf. lor lh.

r ~ ..Vw ,l l,f.|l,V,n, P . b.in. C.iI.fllMX. rif|.[.tAff. rrnll.l

N r.r hi."'.rh% ‘i’ I W -

M lhir<> I.Vlr.Mim .ml d 'n 'h '^ all.rhfl i<.i>T..ifn aiixlmfnl.

lo' ^nd ' rrurehrlr* U -|..rm..ii, Ph.'of 7i]-oq<l.

r>l' I'lVfrnfnlT alUf^.d fMul] fll w.IfT. Apj.r....^ f..r*iu.':w :’fltf ll«.»:,». i:iO f.ih, I'b.,n.

ik^tjlAUK: t ru-m'^n.-.Un '

.-w “rir. rrf*w>. rr }rio!l> ' .■ a;'i.;»i8“"

r». ^lV"|r«lK‘ / i ^ r ^ uonlhir, M.sie Vall^ Rf.lir!I. Iwmr.ll.lf |...r..lnn,NKIt; Thr.^ iHniroam bilfk full, b.irm.nt tifloi llnl.hfd, lu .r . fc t. Qualltr wood win.J balh.. ■‘"B

*Vu*7JJ-IOlV 7JWK»!

jrh T W.*U,rrMllkt'a m tlint>. build onto to .ull rimr o.n I h.r.^ju.l lh.

xinr, itrd .n . l.wn ripan.lnn, rfllfni lixatlnn. (In.. lo rrttf nd .fhi.il. l-rlc, « .7 » or will Itn 3 I.M<ro<iTn hnmt, Pr.nk ^Kwkr^.Mounuln D«llr. U l. '

i n».!roon>—Flrtpl.c.)IATE POaBPJSInNt Onlr


IK! Olu. UkM Nnnh t AnrUm. 7J}40t4 E.anlnn

;n LOT. a bwlroom.. I 'J Maullfullr IritUtKi Inl.rior,Ml rrlllnti. Spaclou. kllebtn illl.in appllanm. baiftninl.>r*. doublt laract. HB.tOO. it larmi.- n r iiour.. a .btJmm.,rm.nl. birth rabln.l.. b.td- oort. H a«r«. Pried u ..II,

IT O N R EA LTY-JH,li>a!i.anrilma, ___

; iN E S S IS GOODtvr. MonE DUYEnji. but VE n'kED'MOnK* L w l W. h .v . en. trtm.adou.

>ft! a tlfdroom hom. with____iooi , u l licaUon.’oNLlf


I*.' --753.d07i Anrtlmi . mb«r Uulllpl. U>IJb(

“ eiran.“ tomforl»bl«. 'w.H il.hfd ba.nn.oO, w.ll la iriKt, bMutlful flrfjlar..(a . furnar.. R^Joc.lloo.

Mroom bom., fullr tar- ^Jll flnUhtd baMmtnU oil h.at. Own.r Iran.fmrrt

rlfk.. U u than IH.OM.OO

)YD ROBERSO N A G E N C Y .............

hon. Stnwt North m 4 t( l a.mb.r MulUpIt LUUaf

»m., m hath., n ra tt . t. <ov.r*<l patio, ratd

>om fcrfck. douhla |traz<. Quality. "i Im M. "*■

n oldn i badrxms wllfc porfh, Nica yard, btala

L aS.IH.

^SO N -FELD TM A N•A»mu. «M »UmUr UulUpU LUUoi

ilAK A TSAR OLD It thit > 4 acr«. a plMual bpd. ihMrful birth Uuhra with arta. ahlninf hardwood

r h . full ba.ra)nt !• Jul for a handy w wlih a

’ fJnlib It Inu fa^"ly idiron. tie. Tba Uwn, Ilk.; - i - u , ’s ; ”W £ i spnbbin. for awhlla.

reu-dr<w4el»-«fce-4dw.ap--------<t.llfbtfi>l a badraem toa.

r t i t S S T i S i S Krard wtlh patle, altacM

f YdU'liE :I . Sundoy, Ju n e 10, 1962

2 6 Twin Fo»> Tlm o-N ew

H om ei For Sole • . ' 51II YKAIU* of n a l n u u nprrtrac* I

Twin r«IU »t rovt urrlet. K«rl C.^ yr«ytB»B. r«*Har. _______

1 UWItOOU brkk. fullf tirtMm inpro. (tueh^d ftra ii. p«tl<>. Itl lloUifii lU .W . Ti*-«UT.

oa Ti(Al;r.; ( IM <tk Wni.wut trftlUr ca dow

, wrmniL Wriu ««. W»ll».wiiL'mi:K tiunm ur miiidc.T i wil

(M7 »UI to *M • ItMllor. Cdl Boltf______________________

MCK .2 'bf'lroam haa* n**r U d» x.J ----------»6»»-ilown; t1»0C.-A»«-IU*ltrrTJV

I I UtOllOU h..m. on JW «tw . N,-nlr« MnJ. ■«»«,. I»nr«

>hl(l»n himir. Hmill <U>wn purnfn'.

. JiW.UUWtf: tiWi.-»rp<t. ulllllr nxim. rrdocod (,nrr<f

■&KW. ~NUUKIIN : b/Jroom #umm.r S-bom>. nurth of K«ubum on Wax!' iu«ir. L«n>> ooixM lol. Pbuot iu>

n 'V«U^,‘^ ...rr l.ti .thi'’ V ^l.r"’tnl«fljn V«II»r b> JIutlrr. For »ellon

ONLY l«10 1K»WNI J Wdn..mri.ltfh kllfh/n. •Ilnlnc room. ■•rs(«. P»1lu.« rciim irml /Inlthrd Uwmrnl. I'rIrrJ UUw Vllh >ppri>l»l. » lt UdnilM.

OU’NhU >r.u.Vrr^ll C.m.M.r .nr nff.r un U<uUfullr roi>rlMl,

\ ' ' I >r rW. AUi tVix) Ktrftc,.

'I 'DV IlWHKll. 1 U.|n»m. full U,*.' intt«. J'.i Ulh*. IWlni

II hum, Mronm. hill. C*rr<>tl. <H>-

• U v 'o W K K K r 's 'U n l l .lltlnr »n'l f»mllr

------— btim'|inritBtlU*'ii«t»i'. tfraprt «n-•lOtrtJ. Lo» tlnwn pirnwnt. «rrH>nppro.e.1. Thnn» _______

w n r CAN »UML^;TT IlKAI.Tr -Mll

lniur»Bf». nn» or h«r« «nr I tt Ihi i»rvtn'yt.u dw»nr..______

cnAclou.s p m ;s ii t iv m n i i. bxlroom •pllfl*T>l. »IMo->ill

' S ; 2 ' ' i : ' ‘ r L 5 : F ' Skllrb,B._ _ , , .

JE R O JIE R EA LTY---------- KMoft-»Unt!r------ '-Offlf* SJI.tWO^

iloDi* i:4-]lir

NICK I DEDnonM »lih doubl.

(trj)ATE 3 HROUOOK UUICK. rifu in l Ilrlni RHirn. f.milr tucm wllh flnpltc* .11 on on. fliwr. <71

81’ACIOUS J nEDnOQU r«AMB •nil I . n . Ilrinr a rt.. rirtrU o, doubl* ( .ra i . , Ont blwkto Cllr I'ark.IJ ROOM HOUR. <] .Mrtm.nUI n« r KI.IX on on. »cr.. IIMOO.

C. LO O N EY REA LTO RFj.rl »i>rnf. H4)f.n.nAnn IIoffmul«rin Sbothnn. 7»^40tl


PR IC E R ED U C T IO N ?Ownir bM auUioclwd tu lo Mti *V ' n iA yaluaUon. Tti^. It ofl. or T« la j

Initon irhnoli, Dl> tar^lMl IMnc - -m ?(l'llw hjrw /lh" b ^ f S t^ U r ’ ^"^^w iM -V w o|b«*hi* I*cr*tst<l ftniW ttmr rtnl hu U r« pall*. T»nn» l»M .lown plu. FHA f <lo.lnt nata and monlhir turmrnU of IlIJJO. Ch«k Iblm (« «h»m. ton».flltBf. and KM f«.l of U f r In* wm/ort. *<


niMi n iu » u itk iM.'ioii “tes iodfiu Eaat TU.»Oi _

■ W H Y R E N T ? ■'ONLY ? « 0 DOW N '

honw with full butmtpl. LOTS ° OP UTKA8. Indudlni tilra ^ balh and flr«nlie«__ DmiUfalh-----S S i h r t L v - , t

T W IN P A L L S . .R ealty & Insu rnnco

’’’ " ■ S K . . , , , . . !Art WaUon. S .In ;j].|StSIlrrl.Carr TlMlt*AwjBhMon _


Blth fu||_{lnlihrd-t.M.»wit-oB- Tl ------ nfiI3.nl nrwl. lift,JOO.


b»rrlt«."tMM,'' *”'*• '1 IICOIIOOM

WItK (ull flnl.h^l bMrnitnt. !b f»»J Iw.llnn. It.OOO.

.1 IlKIHmOM Wllh n,» rufi..fr. i;.o«i.

SCompltitl)- fiiinlihr-l. |il,r,ilii.

Taylov Agencyqffir»

Urmbtr Miihlpl* Utlliii





( a t t h e )

'S H O W of H O M ES’• • North on’ A iniraa. SUrta

• s»turdfty » t Noon .

Ib. work. (ralaUM. •*«.),. B« iBf* »n4 ratl«»»

s a a s W wwZIuMbeW BwSalak— ( .« b«bd t m i oonr. /«»• » >OSTJ

k e y r e a l t y

ilE SURE TOJ, 1 9 6 2 H o m m F o t S o l i ■ 5o I

m e j-N e w s d r ic x i dedhoom. AiirMti»«

_ 1 ^ _ = 2 ’ i s toeallen. RrOUCCa l U ^«Mrtn«a la How etl/.JH.OOt, w,lib_H.eM_rrlea. Karl C. do-B.--------------- ---Z AcnES. &»d I b*droonIilljr tarpMad. on E*al «!(• of Twlo F.ll.. HillI, patio. I tit trad* for Iwiti. In r l 'r o ' •♦11,I. 1I1.4UT. iiinnO. I lu I lOod fulMliiK Io».IM t^ WwC tak" a fiOOO LOOK HEUt

i f ¥ ir. Call Baallr. TtJ , , 'W ’X Jti. A KKAl- 60UKD tar L ~ ^ '' - M - t j v --------c a l t ; R E A t T Y

Inr ir.lltr 1»IJ Addlwn Pul

“ *** O P E N

In s p e c t io n

b.1.1. M . SUNDAY 3 - fl P i r ._ _dwcod itnftd | .y y m tg y yuTi-t-^l—r -

oua ^ummtr wjh |ino'lIr° pin* ll>lnv roun «ndim on Wood dlnlnc ronmi. fullr ranxttd. »lthI. Pbuo. IU. bullMa bulrhrt. bwilxaan and

«utb«. C«r flr»pl.f». J Uth.,t.. .Knnlltr fc>..lf rard -ll* k.u of rt.l co.il

Valltr tn.Ri I'rl'* r*ductd for IhU aha—For a«lon Inf. lo lU.MO.

3--------r r - r «0 WAI-NUT NOIITII. j brlmom

S ' ***• ooitm.. . , Juturw with flf»plar.. Juil rlcht (or mi-dtrn nr lUrIr Am>rl* •

nnildtr anr can .l^ur, KulJ ba.rmrnl. alluh'-N Z •rlMl, dra|.*d larart. <'«mt In. It'a or«n Ur ' lYiXi ruur ln«l»<llun. > li.»0.

L Y N W O O D ‘

bSri." '^;.* ' R E A L T Y iFIIA term.,* t,o illu, U l t , I!l,a, No. Tll.Mll u . caiptl.4 john lUihup. llrtibtr____ --------------------------------- I•Irapta nn* UimUr UulUpIt UaUnfnwnt. «rlHl«;______ - _

burir». w. i n o H QUALITYLl *1 Vl l!.il UIMACOI.ATK—WKLI. AKRANn-

. . . . . . . • WullfuJ OTTMlna »ni ar»ti*tVi».v m n i I* full flnl.b*U Uirmtnl. No (r>ltln( ~.al .IO.-.II I,„4.taplnf, YOU MUSI UtK p o r r n .

Iful Wrck EEMr-RCTIIlED? ,- - - -WHY-KOT S n : Ibl. f i aerti*.

L T Y J'o:n‘. ‘b.^^lnT'”fru’ir.I;*.rO H L‘’« ----- in .w .------------------------- ---------- ---

• CA N T DRIVE TIIKN BEE TllIB. pl«*ln« t b«f. -

t"ln’'r«*! f*"* ctnltr. C.rp<’rl. f»nc*.l j.rA l,»lt of "po.l«.” «)NI.Y 11.000.


IIW. .1* J nEDnOOM HOME. «aa heat.


* AVAHTMEN7S. r.nlln* lur >Jt . ilMOO. ,.,h . Walkinc di.Unc* lo town.


« a ln l! . g e m S T A T E R E A L T Y g

S M S t b ^Jltiv MnttnmUh 3«nRi.a:i4ia»

--- :-------- JI01llu«Uk..North 73WIM -

S 2 ! ? '. . F a n n i t o t S o l . 5 2 ^• Twin ran** «»l-Uf. Ittuim.Wr

ir i S • W A hT ir"! b u r - » a c r» — i;nlS. ^ifait b»r,‘ pre»*d land. Writ* i!i«<ripllon andid "Irrrr. ptlfc, llm 11. KImWtIr, _ —I. Flnlih. «u ACnta. IIK walar .baraa. Loy*l» *

llKh bomt. Tola] prIr* I28.0M. Fam.r'a _ hu laro ll>.llr. .nuhl. _______ C'

~ " r 'S S - . a - i EJ S T ;

rifbl. Harnld rack*r Ai.ncy. Don n n IU«t, M4.T66II. HhMhont, n' • U- YOU w^nt to atll-lrad*; ContaO

flnU. n i..r UmiUj-. DuhL W#it T

HOMES, Urm. and .ukU rsncbti y Ip ...,T alM, K r t i ’" !'

------------ *V autff^V l.w ^li” oM, iSoOQ dawo! '


iKf^VEHBON " ^ L T Y ‘f ^ . « n kII. lAJTM s,lmon lU w alock ranthta. I'hBfl*

“ *,0 *"* &TOCK llANCII. 3<u .era. raura ■ ' lo handl* lU cow. nil r*ar. 2

,LS rva','!.II9.M0I 30 A<;nCil. Htary aull. «>

iSarf* water. 'Oood 8 bedroom hninf, fincO , 1 u, lllcbfltld. «.tO» down.-Dry-

71 it<( ll** tnt». Tradta — Mot.la — Duil*

iliiiiS r p . ^*«'*'aew. ”«^i7rtnt^8 bJd‘ m ‘“homi

----- atparaltl* for t(0 Btonlblr. Inimtdl-a lt »ownilon. a tnllea ^rom Twin F<tU. j Call *•* P-“ -

act" wllh 100 arrta farm land, «0 _ arm paalui'. All frnrtd tn-t rnai r fri>rr<l. N<Mlh<liIc water rlfhl t:.M>|«r arrt. A r-Kl .i« k or .l.Iry ratirh.

' l ^ : . ; 3 o ^ i , n n ' ; ^ n : w a ^ ; . ^ : - ^ anf.l ^ ' " ’inurnt. *Eail Dunbar. ^

mtnt. !b phi'nt llirtil. »»•»»;<.____________ _

4 Cnll. fin* r-.mp land R,-..tb of _

ut.lt. C.ll t»nn‘»l.‘. . r l lor detail. „

R O B IN S O N -F E L D T J IA N •_fU * w 73J.ISM _

I ^ c y ^

lillsioj h)^».“ wr'lmprov*em^nu indV n" - « « n o VM w atl..

!!!Z_____ B IL L C O U B E R L Y ^

) R E A L E S T A T E S

“ACROSS FRO.M SEARS"Qtci.^ iss.aUii

,TY g,“S.,Slr- a::!!: ri 'Y O U l s:o

'M E S ’ JlOOirTKll'M^'’"* ^

Sl»rt3 -

lOn hnme. « .T.nfSki^tarn fin” —s n s r ^ f S S '? ” ' ■!!

T, - L Y N W O O D " -

;V"^^ R E A L T Y rback *■* •"“e I.ak« Hlrd. No. :jS.!i:H

FOSTl J,*n nijhor. I'rr.Vrr —

J Y "s=5;s-^_ __________ ------------------------------------------

ro GET A 'B5 o | f q r m t fo > Sgl« ' 5 2 * P '

WE HAVE n t r I t .lock rantbta Urr* * *' AtlrMtlra iiid .oialL C«U oa* WerssM Kcal'r. ij

; - r ^S j ')” --


oBimereial Earl lUraa* -- — C. LvsatT(urniwrtT «3-<0H___________I» Bbmhon. {,',or. >t<»f. *Q ACIlt:^ tu n llt.XH. Cnvv* IwH TJKU 60UKD food. JIar readr l« eui. 1 b«lri»« '" J ;

boma. d*«p -ijl. barn ami otber , |r v ------------ Blaea-.Ur^-W lCLfnAr/Er’for" *"«

^ ■ K A R L C. F R E E M A N ■ 7HEALTOR Iil

ITi niua U kn North 7JJ.U1I Ai Ueiqbtr Uulllpl. Ll.linf ; Vtii

Lori and Aereagfl________ 54 Cve LaIkiI; biuidlnf lutJ De.r ^tw Juiiiirr - A‘;------- .hlfh. Me^nabuTl-ho^. ;J W » , Ni^-

MttoorIaM^^^for^..U..Aiatlm.nl ^

!l>om"»’*d UuiujlNIi' loui lOODM-. il.tov. iV. * {i.‘Iw' Vnd **

KI»IU« HUlU)mO U .. h k .ath, hU aho- ■j,'.Vlir.*}«:tOM.* f'"

L-» 1.— CIIOICK ACitKAdb and ,..er front. TT^h. utMlo. lUiarmaB Valltj. Wan Dunh.m.ae.. Ju .l „ l«m .n for Behmiii .nd Muffler,’’aiu"jh«i'.' »af.n«an,____________ UNt.)P.n lor M -if*. ItoVk »{ Clu. 1SV

r \ 4 I'LOT etmtterr M. Uke.ltw Ail.ll-U lluf. Hun.et Memorial J'ark. I'bunt

. . a . . ' • ¥ '*S3M^^00*dIi’

' »'»

iiaf Kimbtrir lloaiL^OO' fronUfe, amall ^ HI_ _ _ _ _ omra^^ulIJlnf. | l> ^ r montb. I'boaa J”

,.«Nr; ; ; x , . i ' fflIf* ^ n d bom.. Dnlldlnri iluecoed. KietllentI rrx'tn. , butlneaa locallun. I’boo. Dubl «]• lr»ti*tVi».

rs i UtB „ ACIIia. I .ban. w.tcr. Coo4 I sI 'J loom hum* on elltd ro.d. rear Noi a e ^ ' ' to-b. ONLY C.CM. Some Urmi.

! 'S » S __.D A V E -N IC H 0L S0H ______ -HouJlaierman M7.4JJI

^ ^ — — I" M 'S BOILDINO LOTS ’ }:^


- a y gBMNO tUatlot«.__ _ .ur.

rilA - Cl - CONVllNTIONAL y'l,i

° ‘"-"r KEY REALTV !l?H1:4 Bboahon* Slr»et Wnt (n

Buiinett Property MCOMMKKCJaL Wall..n. IJl'-'fronia*.

<"> !">'• Orak* Ull > .■■»na _________ ran____ _ Orher Reo> Eitoto_______ M fTiii

5 2 u't*N ” "^B*d

— A p o r tm c n ttl iu rn ith e d 7 0 s’."

**” *• CUMVoKTAiiLh; el.V*.|n._, Kur ~ . HjJl

nv."DJn »'» A'11'll.^^Vr.t.

; Contacl Hon furnl«h»l’l. r>wiit

” i ^ ^ . 1 1 "'"■ .d ^ Klmbtrlr! ^r?a»".f7u*’,000 dawo! I'

m -Q ^^krAI f i " U s o t h i s h a n d y E g M 'S : __________________ s e r v i c e I

V 5i?= l iIbulldlnn'

£ g A nsw <u>a free". | f (h e Tclophcnfl of Any >

Dial 733-2386, Tclep n r b 7 r — ^ — — — Thc-A dycrtlic ” hiim°Ji' D njlaeu Servlee■om Twin

il^d* i«o A p p lia n c e Repo iring ___ _

; t { ! ? ; : .■ : : 'T « .K . ‘ 'r ..,! i “3Ineranth. ph.m* T.U.iiulK._______________ _ i;i!? n ;. l i * B o se m e m W o rk ____

Dunbar. J.Ttirt fanirt,elt, T.ll.aimi-

" 7 7 —h ___________ Bicycles

-M A N “' S “ p_________C o n u o c to ^ ________ n::;;;

■j r«m c m'n'~/an.r^il^K'h '.,»T l l n r . - . t i ' O ^

"■> oolr C leon ing

a - . - g ^ ^ ^ g a g S j T

E Contract: hnut*. In.luiiH.l an.l rrralr.m u ; - ..........—

l^ c o ^ m jo n ------------ :fV«Ol.n rnrr^nVT- ............... .-rtneS. ~

.Inf. ran Icellnc. .1,1...... cra.el-SU. i:0 *.1, ri.miilrlf iriiUc nHtrri.

't w ":1 i ' ' j ' rtravatltin*, nil .llil. W. ll.' ”

'« nvr,; . F loor Send ing , _, ,-oS d • He‘.»er-. M,..r S>rvlre. ’ TM-lpM, <

_________ _ F u e l .Q il_________5; ^

_______ In su ro n c c ________ _ ^

si.^hm ___ jn s u ro n cc

L BITE IF Y(____ 5 2 A p o r tm e n H — F u rw u h ed 7 0 H o j

uT uIi"! * ^

S S T ° 't4 rH ^ » T « '& . ^” ■ 3 «00« ba*«D*nt aparunaat. Cleaa - W,

and audfta_CaU -«ll«r-k-p.is^i« T tB

l t o b r C : ; . . — . . . afurnUh«h Adulta, no p»t*, m -« tb l o«

HilbK ^ &aa»r*"cib"o»i _ « «

I S " ? r a. , v» .lar. afl*r a w»*|i W.A N z r u ^ . w.i'b >.;iiiuu o r> .

" ' ” M«!« ___VtnY^ A rn^U TIV K fural>htd bat*>

54 h.iui*_ cl»»nln« aa pan'ren** Ca'il »'b-

^ ‘. w'iwn “ •o ;,'*SJ,‘JiuiVr“ f!ltiuhH.*iwo“ " “ ; VoCi— . vACj

A p o r t 'm h — U n fu r n l ih e d 71 O th

USK UKUnOim. „ound tl.,ir. wattV. ^ HT-, - ?.- aa.,ilatl.,n furnl.1.^1. Irie.l fur wu.b- Foll7 " I r / • -li.f ciiui.Ir. l i t . 7M I--U,r, "art,

I llKDUUUM burii»nl apartmenl. 1“ ' -■ . .-.T rirei.lar*. air eondltlanlnr. beat .nd —J i . I’JwM * a<er furnl.hetl. IllT.tO. ;oi Filer.

LAtlUK. si«.un>l Ilnir. 3 iu.im>. Prlrata Dei T-- Ulh anil .n trnnc. CI«*.|n, no peu.

r • ’itlina. altcltltlly. inqulra al buemenl

—apartmmt.-KH llarrt»n; -----------re. amall *■ IIKOHOOMM. eloa* In, N«wlr dec- b. I'boaa nralcil. firvplan. hard-ood flnnn.______ H»»l <«tnl.hwl. 3«i. yhont 733J100S. tbiu r n : ONK “ aiKl TWO UEOUODU apart- ■rallable. mrnl.. I77.S0 to l>0. Hlort. rv423.1U1. frli.m tor, beat. wat«r and aanlta*

llan f«raUb.4. C anm Vma. l-boa.■T. 7S3-IJ13. AVIV e^al ------------------------------------------------- No

*»• , • 2 B E D R O O M SF»ml-alr condition*.!, »rpunil floor,

Cood t .’tanluiluii and heal furnl.bcL n»»! I,.cation at 234 Uiu.. Ukt»

, rear Norlh. For further latomtlha —

urmv P H O N E 423 -5903 o) N ._______ ______________________________ E -

H o u so i— F u r n t ih c d 7 3 E3 HOOMa and bath/, eiuae-ln. I'hoD* R

? ? : ! r ; n S ' : ; ! s s ;

‘S 3 ' ’»^Pl!oOM.''‘'. "u.*cr !‘‘ »rig.. 710 —I.«cu<t. ti in per munlh, t children. *n.. |>rl., I'h.m. TJ.l-OIM, f“rt

Foil liKNTl Kurnlibfil nio<lern 2 ronni WAN'lummer cabin r u t .Id* M.cl. I(c*r- oo

n o , , »"lr. Watrr and electrlrllr foml.hcd, »l »i_ ,1 43B-«JS« or J'oal Offlc* Uox FTaft tal*. ».. iluptru f.w,

H o m e i ^ U t i f u r n i i h e d 7 4 beVc

* ^ n “ H^ir” !*‘ .^ '*urya*i;“

5 6 mo.lcrn^h<.m* «l*ss£ illu*. Lakn Fom

* IlKDIltlOM.S, mud*rn. C.r.fa anrt Ual Vj . ""all Ua.rm'Hl. IntwUa, « l Snd

*'*■ 7 IIKu'imOjTiirme. lil.n-k fn.m O.kI .■ Fenced rar.1. 173. Call 7S3.JUI;. ll.m '(fr

d 7 0 .Slal* ,it«.iir «ir 7«-it<«. ' ■ - J i i :ilie* *1. ArniACTlVl-: n*w .luiilei. I l«lroom, , 71. {!.-»] location. Slav* .nJ o»en, f l"

■ . - Fencfrt rani, T.11.;ilOI, 7».«ai;, _^“ • HKWl.Y t*0.n.,atrrt U bcdiipum bome.

r ^ '— »“ • iC ,

S i i s “i S S

= JN^lV M0»k;iA' ; b rnxim, E.rtllem

■ Wa»u;. nt.. 733.3.03. 3 a.m,-3 p.m.

:ter«.l*d rei\t onlr with ciptlun lo bur. I'hon. Inct.

k Action-Seii handy Directoi7 as a guide to de’ service Today . » . and every da\

_ 2 4 H o e r .n s w e r i in g S e r v i t> o f A ny A d v e r t i s e r in T h ii D irec to ry 3 8 6 , T c l c p h o n o . A n sw e r in g Se rv ice , Da i_ A d v c rtl je r_ W jll_ B B -N o tjt5 c d -» o -C a U _ '

Oaeu Scrvlce Ail. D ial 733-093L Tbrte lines, oa

ng M o to rc y c le s tofc

i.“ l‘lomI al"u’.peciai j l l l l i-------- ------------- Telci

L o w n m riw crs ---------------- Tbe 1.T.1 p l... |7.‘"|IU, ~iTTle' .h~ir ~ ’Hiaf***' li'lerraounlala

i ____ P a in t in o ^ --------' sT.:..l H~.HI,-,.. I n l , , “ „W .

i ------- -----P ju m b in g a n d H ea tin g_____: n.'T^ 1' iiinii.i.i.f_.M.i iir.nim~--v.-.|77 ---------

P o u ltry P ro c essin g _____rti,.- ,c<‘..ul,

J.nir. hlMl. rj._ulirr^s,„,pi,. : i j nh Arenue '" '' 'I

_____ R a d ia to r Se rv icc

oilini.V ■ R e a l E sfa ie '

_____ .'LjP ’,’,’ ' , • . ’■"j ■]---------

, R e n ta ls ______

SHIEHZEE ai________Sow F ilin g .. / —

' *vV.7em:,]'!;;!'!,';': ‘i » r J i i l_____

il:— Scp fic T o n k Scrv icc ■ '

»"|.|.1’,. *'iXr.‘r ‘o 'ii'»« . 731.30*;? c ^ \ u l

S e p tic T o n k Serv ice

' • S o w in g M o c h in e v wmdn-< tlj... vvhii. w«)n*^_nujiiVac»..a*U*.-Mr«ie*, _»»ilmi

to Aiw'rlaon'a. Buel'*/,'jdabfc 7JJ-:I

YOU 'DROP.A 7 0 H n u te t— U n fu m ith e d ~ 7 4 F o rm

v , , ^ . ML-K ONE Udroum boma. oil fitraacZ JOUN “julJI;- n ^ ^ a t w a . |-b/>n« 733.<m. b**B

hJU., Bb I 'iiOUU boua*. ek>* ■■>■ WaUr and COOU „ & r f S ? iu b .d . m w A e . - - * and

t. cirtB - Wial. ybon* 7»4tH . rttfllBO. .33.3I

~* oil and* fumac* fural«hil. Cblldrta ald^nI v a , " 5 ’r i .r . 'F K fA S J -’S ' i i ' tuS j

3 p.m. rake.b*dru>m iJUl'J-tX: C*n.et#d 3 heuruofu. U»- __ytd<J

— — - •Ch, Aiulu. to prt». 73J.J5K. 1J». tribal

— n - T R oo m * ~ R o o m .& .B o a rd —7 6'u su*^ sLKKi'irJ*; Iiooiia. Hr -ndiliTn:.;. sujTEii]

W.lklnt dUtanr* to tuwn. CcatletBau 0^-7. pr»fe,r*d. HI 7ih Attnu* Nortb.-- ti7t.

'®‘ fAobHe H om e y e tk in g 7 9ed b*e*> Ct^WTIlV p|i” i|lr **OMetlfB»«*nL* Ca'il I'bon* t iK I t t ur 7»J-»«6. .quttw

Bm ineu-OHiee-Rentolt - .8 0

“^LcauJiJVnjij^e^W^^ ar”*}*

ntrmnc*. OFFICK epac. ar.llabl.. Will rrmodtl n.llon led. Al U) (Ull rour mtilrcnieaU. PIcntr of dealer, .n* 7JJ. 9Mklnf .pa_«, M«llcal Art DulMlnt.. IHM rT

S s S ' L „ .v^ ^ _ _ _ 7il-4»l! af|ernn.in., JI,'*®, ’;d 71 O th e r R cn to li •__________ 8 6 cufcciT

IU Jir«o 'M 'iSX ‘u h!

.......... MOViNGl T i S, prlval. Heal a TRUCK from HETm aad pi.ni.,no pew. ' Sa>. lOf, ■ Hlilnn.____ . JMrtiHur. I'ad* and Oollla JmTsTj

f-«l'bed• -H E R T Z S Y S T E M

'lr dec- L ie ; c m rrbw . 731-U« T^tn FalU. Wak»

apart- 7i|.a«:'»*. r*- • Trucia and Cara j j"*?"”*• for rent

■ ' AVISRENT-A-CARSYSTEM Tlie I- N o»'flt0an’3 Union 78 Scrvlce pirdle

M A C K ’S U - D R I V Em£ i p h o n e 733-92-iDU k e » _____________________________■} ■

8 ■ TRAILERS *J3- 5 O Ior 3- cHC

^ E 6“ I'hoD* I t tocal and NaUon Wide 3 ;-------- i 3 C .CL’lioon "Tb. Ll,. B^t on Truck l.aa.-’ ---------- !J— ^ W a n te d to R gn t'— 8 8 jj_

* fura".‘‘” a ^ »nri'h!:?i^. TMS'g;"” '*

5 '^ ^ p ''r :o 5 • t: ,.! ”v ; r r T " r K p a trnlthtd, lllchlieM, or c.ll Uupeil. ,ca llo» I'ASTUKt: fur rent. :tu acre, mlied al-

SlaSSlS; MitlW 6:o WeaJell, c.enlnri, B.» p.m.

; . ' ■ ________________________ HLake. Farm Implomonti______ 9 0 ----------

*'I!!.,“.s .’

_____ ‘'l i e n . '” IN roi'V * '"! 3 IIUCKKT »urv. milk.r. cniPlel*, ">■'>< •I <;.«>l eondlll,in, l'h.,n._:3».331i ,Tn?77 “ 0 'VIIIE 11. c u t baler -Hh muluf. '6 ?• ni * »»•»"''«■ E*ctll^nl cunJIllua. '

zIILAVX .lulr bay lJaa» .» h C(

’*• l “w . w 'a n d 'u “ n°eu»lVVlon I'bunJ ” *'

— ritmpl.'lt- A. O. Lane. t>l Vlh Avenu. Eaat, Elk.,, Ner.da. HE k-

^ i i f B B B S r a M IB M-4 p.m. j,,n, rrcndlllon HM. S»" loa ipac-

Inc. readr lo plant anr amount of I. Will acrra, I1.2M F.O.a Wardtn, Waih-

I'hon. I ncton. U'rlt. or call, Filmm »;•».» »J4«». Bknn* and Connon,

b a l e ;

Services^lide to dependable ---------J V M J L d o i-------------------_ ---------------- ^

B e tt D!

e r v ic eD irec to ry Is N o t A niw cred , e rv ic e . D ay or N igh t.l-to -C all-Y flu .---------------------- ------- i-»ow-

rto Une3. o a i laotiU). onIj J5.« MOD

ta b le s -C h a lr s . . . Renting

------- T e lep h c n e A nsw er Sen/ice -------------Viiur telephun* li ne<rr alone----II

*nui[ii aertlf*. 7JM,1SC,

— 7 T elev ision S(>rvico - ..........^

TV Serrire. ‘.Z t.liZ M J.''lm

____ Tow ing

iil^.r IV.rel^r k. o 't,.

T ra ile r Pork ing

JTTTr ,C<‘.-ul.u Trail,, V/ll.. M.tlr V.ll,,', "-i" Irenue . ," ? ‘f„",t|" |",n‘‘ ' A ' “i' 1. 't' h.*> ------ I'hon.

c M ' i '

___ " - " / « . ‘‘ nj;:jilj"’t'»ni“n^ *“ iio.'''''ii

____ T rosh H j u ling ~

Jiman Interm-.unlain, Fuel f<,. 711.t!;i. JOIi>------ ------------ T T T I -------------------- fKilC

_________ U pholstery ouv:

"VocuijfTi C lea ners

J___ «j' ."‘ks.- Sufclitj— i L ^ --------Ca .

l_ _ _ - - ,OLlW eld ing ' n e w ,

^ ^ « ~ w ' repl.r,m„„“

to p A u n f74 Form tmplament* ^

— J„ur! bllKICK 4-urI. b**B t»t«naloB- rbon^733.m«-^_ ^

lUuttoa.____________ _ ®^peclaf^— gL‘.^.“ :.ir ;e r."T rn : gitK *^

H «v-Gr<— . L*td;r. 4330^:3. Kimwir.----- ---JuaJ , r „ t i ' '5 F i™ '“a*ad‘cirr dIT1J». tX.*Hnf Tne. Twin T.IU. Uu^W^

r u - ” E v S F k E ^ : '""uZ ! ! '!>■' 317t. Ilanwn. __________ cl/STOM »f a t-UUTTUil 3--ar pl«>.. trail—3-P>i<°t ler.1. Di' ' trp*. >IS» op- J.roma Implement. J f utXtHTin

e ol r.,m*-fio.-Jln«, b,la. I'h.iJSniMnl. *Tw” Fall, Tractor and u u , '”

J ? o i i r s ' ; . r . f . “ t i u r j ' x rill*«l uii> mtu piant*r—t’aU-Ugbl H»'*l»> 7T,u jivvj

ciodel nallonal. Er.nman and Farmbaad — A ir of dtcler. J*rom* 3;4-4JH, _Intl. l,i)U"r Ub^—t'a 'tr wtra or I'atna I ' t | « /__ ; ■ wltlwui ch*<klo» our prlra. ifcV.r'*. ^ ' ■■■ 7 ;8 2 T-ln ralla_or Hatellnn, ----- ,rlBdlnr.

— TfliVEIlsiL 3 -^11 ^WMllri^^l lk« groi. KItt

----- Fll^r ” :C^vi». iltnin8 6 'ClILCK ruur mlKer wlU a alike, 544- >•([,

-TT aw lw r. Tboo* TJJ.341:, UogPtaln 7^ :., ■, ‘ A^L hUte* ^'"P' C.1- T-ln yall.. _

3 CHOJ'J'Kl) har jeatuM. l.« and ,,h«.I. J Duane* Cu.U.m Farmfc Filer 3!»- jic.jjHI,

Jibl* «?M. _ _ _»uih. is-HT Joij.N UKEHI; biim. Animol— i t a . ' ' n m m

io ll's "LttWi; M irarlur. IIO

V. t:.SOO ruh, For Information, Kill C£ !_ J„hn.on. Bar.. 7JJ.33H. .renin.., IlIlKf

71l-a43l.___________ _________ ivnL rABaled H ny Lonciers

M Tlie beat on th e markel re-:e fordlesJ of ttto prl:e. * '‘I " 'n .*

ORDER. NOWI *,aitabi*.t l Allen Schlffler I , n •"

P.bla” ^ j ‘ p«i**Olnr.. =

“ 1D60 G EH L CaHle*- CHOP-ALL HARVESTER- 5 - -■wtli-rontlii»nt*r-hiolor,-iru-liir" “ ? « i:ss .B and 2 roWcorn bead altachmenU ..ktl.,,, * - Thl. macbln* Ilk* n*-, TEHUS.'3 c . 0 . Q R im N - DUHL

^ 3»-4m >• K.enino . _ * ‘

®® B A L E LOADERS u T T X ^ a t f a ,^ ‘ 5

i 'f . P A U L R O B E R T S ' S J

FS W E L D I N G j ; ; * "Vo‘,; and m -t» 7 .., Manufact ur i ng'

H jm* wnt of iw ila l al fair clil 90 ----------- .o n Hifl ^ ar M------------ a^uu r^^

IM Inlamallonal Ine»«i TticWr. - H l i ------_ _ Ilk. n*w. ATTH

IN For.1 tractor »Ub bUd. anj marhlnerr*lel., oveidrlre. cuhJn.lM

JSO Hunjepower Ford buUna Is. tll.3171. *

_ We Tifttle Jor Anything


i-hn too Main tiir**l Coodlnc. ld.ho <

C O N V E Y O R S E E D SPU Dfor .... dlrerl fhim bulk " " truck tu pl.nirr. .S.ee tlm. _ / all auer

and monerl 11 llJlJLtSTli' *• pade. Ilcl— M ID D LE BU STER BARSr ^trirovir*;’.'.!"! “*’• A;|uh. SPECIAL KIUL I'liooIII-

BALED H A Y LOADERS ll.ller |i.a,ler fur le.. 31un,rl

p s u l EQUIPMENTancl W elding Shop Km n,.r,r.

Paul W,b0 COIIUKCTIV,■ - - „ Irr’i'ir 7.H-

— a j r n v s T O i T T O o I s " “ s i r K ' t


B ett D lic, tom plclt ?“ ,i‘" ''7 ,i........................- I9 i0 each Vmi s a U •

T-Bar C la m p ,------------- , 1.15

Sinner Wccders wUh 0 Inch Ji.h'^’bridie •cxtcrwlon ........... jn JO each,. |'*‘r p j;]*.

------ i-Row-Cul'tlratprr-coTiiplttO------{ F ^ ‘* ? r- .... ................................ J310 r ----- ZiiiiL"


^ CEN TERL l^Mland Brl.e U^AU.r*

e ---------------------------------------- - " m,’;!!'.'!’,,,','V. TRACl-ORS Toimi.>; p,i1

— - -‘" ‘I A ^ r r i W ^EQ U IPM EN T ^a;;,.“ .i= ,r'

.lli-l'l (; J„l>n II,,,, l,i.cli.r: M.»lrl t'h .n, 7.11.1

^ .l i - ^ " l 'r 'friiniur rul'-. I

; i C .- ir iT A L C O M P A N Y '' 'S S i ' i S T‘ •’““ ‘■’'‘•“ If I'liMn, -.rr..:.

— ^ ----------------— - __________ Kli'ii.i;''''?,!;'

= ------------ MOT^T^RS""' d ~ _JOHN DKKHE So 6 b “ 'i '6M ivnF K itcu so .v No. 3jOUVKll No. 22 ___



' b a l e r s ; _____________________________ - i ’J i o ;

OI.IVKR iv,; 50- o u v K i i Nn, CO...... :


5 -PLANCT „ , d , „ ■ t !

. “ f t f i-ill lllaycr.M. of Dr:i

T .''lO l'N T A I.V .S T A T E S n l £; . C O ’l ' ; |

i -j-;\

NE' IN c l a s :?0 ,'F o rm SuppH ei___________9 1 1'A p p lio n e '

iS SYJ2°'^e4w/.‘r * “ bLaalc!'Ko’!:ice'L:SWATllEit eanva.^ Top Bualltr. “ illUtU) iOi

- h ; % 7

^ H ay -G ro m e n d Feed 9 4 —

- FIIEC ‘•‘*** l l t 'T n ”" '

^ ^^^ItrT ^-hony 733Sm. ^ F u r n i t u ^

S ' *''.J|iiCni*^Je™nie!'rb"n” 3» ^ KIM Iinilir-

_ TU l iu / i Cuud.Uy7l'b0M UNKINlblierr. Merlin Aikew, t,3<-zill. Wrnd,tl. ^

iw 5i';7.)My*rilri"* *°"- *

- *'»flBdlnr. 'Valltr Lanon. I'hon. 4:J. WK i.uy an,:« . , , , ilvnfl” ; , ’- »tln,Iinf. molaa.ra ml«, J'bun. i;.,- _ A » ^ > N.. lef 4447 Flier. FOllNrruilK

- **flVf^*4* inllfa*^wi'«l of Canrontl.l* Aitenu* 80,,rh«.I. Jerume, I.Uh, I'h..nt ,I»r. ,.

_ :-----1-— o’il.VaUe.’ f';i A n im a l B re ed in g 100- «fc‘'JSTKKr-U Appalo-. .ulMon. I j Alt.Mh'MIUM

Mb,;. l-Ucm™ for tv'uinr°ma^«. !? ! | | .h ir i i l).itibl. Tre* ll.ncli. Jenime. 3; 4.iCI0i.. Ki’n*'

JJ: “ 4M^^*■l^^Uht^h«u^l’ i h” w^^ y'°*“ • SIre.'"*Douhll.¥r««'7unft >!4!»Mj*- Jrr«m.-_________________________ Furnri.'ire.*:llli CACHE VAI.UV KKIIULAII IIr., nilEKUINOArt.SOClATION Inc chair ■

Owile.1 and optralH br Uairr Fannrr* fSS: awlni- wriler A. Ullch. I-hon. M»-4«S«, 2 cu.hi.in ..

IluSI. Jim Fo.lcr, phon. 71J-4»i«. Huchc. Hh.T»-l" >‘aH«-___________________ 8 ;

AIlTIFlCIAf- br»clln» -llh A.II.S. For furnitupr<iren .Ire*, all .l.lrr and beef jul|. uf r.lur,..altabl*. l).in Krellm.n, DANN!

l l B P ' USED Fin

c ° n ° m : J ! ■ 1°^ S ' ; ; ; ' S '___ u**d-l.iDo»tbI,-l«»-el**™-«rhcilen'. —

_________ .v -" 'li. IO;<;ISTEIIEU AnfU. c.i»«. Som. -lmf J ' " /"<her*w.l1-h.ine l.;5.it,M,_______________ eu,.t...r.l. | ,

I HEAD aprliiftr Hol.nln hilfei., twin l».l •_ utlo.«d. Alls bred. U iK helfeii l>,.rd 3I7.&U

will tmhen eo..n, 7aJ-»eiM. Il'J; .lu.ll,..

“ k ln ^ ‘i « ‘r?fi“ Uofl!‘ Ue°lor!'"v Mer' SKW ' KDIIlluhl. HJ.6«4. br.|ro..m .ul

UAIIIV COWS and belfen, Kr-h ur V'?'."Tf'"!*.ptlncer.. lOO'i. fuaranteed. Will bur ‘''i’l*.ir Irail. for all kjml. nf ll.e.t.Kk, . V*,"''An.l .prlnfcra fur Callf.irnla. Call •''l"'i‘al UeiII.P^or.Clr<le l|ufh«. lluhl. ph.me !

wrA"*.K 'b’’i£ l i : f ''ln nlr. Hi.I.iCr. ; ; ‘* L r ,£ '" caleea from Wl.cniln. Oih,r btee.i.

:[ ^ i u ' r T ^ ' " c S i - f S ! : '- .cent, itoul* l.'riuiwrl. Phon. 13: , ji7 "rariwl!*’

'I 'lA Y E smarhlnerr and callla . . . f»l the ____________

s T i i i i 103 , t e - g » i

. s . , a :S.ime prwijcllon teal«l anIm.U avail. tv.VS abU fur lale. Mleba.l I'amv Builw. ----

. _____________ "f.r."r“ '?nVlH o rs e t____________ 104 '‘.fi"*-''VlW^SAhKi S burim,^I« ^munthi old, .ill?,*

^pad4?“ 'le.'l'i*T.'adlni ’l*»1*l'l3* Kh?* Zb.M TII Tran. .h..n» Slrrrl S.,i,lh. I'hnne THJ.'.X c.indlllon. Jl

cVifl^l Ai’pal'^aV’/or T.Ve? l'h ,nj TEI,KV|.SION

will I...I. f.,r Utter ..dJl. bor..! PTnTy NICK 1 Jertime !l2l.4Jt<. ^ __ ii,,* (ul>* f

N"’,lh W.VlJl'nc .T! ^ E i

z : f a c t o rIrr I,r 7.H.3743. T.ln F.ll.,

s to rk C lu b7.YEAi;-tlU; rnri.ler,.!

ruV'frnC' um’. IH'

Vo»'sALK.'''iTudV\'!ojL''‘ r r 'T . Sw epi o f o l llttl* ui«.“p.ch .*ul'*?.-^' o i"ne"r WII.I. TIIAUK:

Jjlankru, clc., taOJIet 3J1"* “ “ B *

h.ir'pa.S. 14 c.rh. pVrk'^Jt/ll*.*!) Good T h in q

~ t ! l ^ . ‘'iiS^rt!''iTh?.'*^i"‘i ^ u l ^ (':‘, f " ‘i'i'..iu;.i P e ts o n d P e tS u p p l io H O ttjM'i^sAi.i; _

bt-.llil.r. i'u|,|,ir*! riui~777urT~w.Ti :p i |iY F c r t i l i « r i—

_I'h..n; ;.31.i|Vj_!"'^* **'*' *- tM~NACK}r7;“ aIIM.S-.; lull, akc ,.>-l,l,T7:i“T7, P 'lal.^. al.ii.

AlWrl Bchulli

0^ 1. ri'.TT-7~|.„;,t,l,',—I,,“ .|,.,r,| liri";.*?!'*!!,,,'.!"',’''’' Shrubbory-Pi

--------- — - luu l• 7

. nH.'.^l i)!i'V<;‘*':!i''i’. fJorlhern'Michnlnt.iiitK

' ‘ I’lir "Jl 'l M.;',.l.>; il.„ l„r,5 Oo«l.r plant

_____ E l l i " '!_____Ile-blml_r.

“ *.-ne Kc'” " " MilCcHonCOI

----------- -------------------------------------c i i iN c in i .L A K S;!.

F„r I',u „r I'.nfiL riCNIi; labln;^ leletl-lon dmr

Ki.,.u,lr, _ TttiVWllKKI.^

1 -^c ito ek W o n te d ~ 114 'i-ain"t tiu h h k

. ^ r y n p f r iuT! '.r '; ; ir ^

' r e m o v a l ■ Kimri;»7:ii^i;of Dcjitl Iilltl U*ple.it AIH i:il»ll'IU>US<

.L IV K S T O rK ‘ ^.4’^ le r• 3•.“ •TslnvVuVI.i'i V;V' ‘” '' '’^ 7 , M«!ryi.V.lW >n*».

l i 'A i i o n 'l i ) ! . : ’ . ' " " - A u r a . " ' i T A L L O W CO , '^T,’.'’ftnl; r « "

■ASSIH®)21'AppIi ioncci

"iiir hi) H itiin T T r - O

fd --

^ 116 up,_


»• r tp .h ^ lT ^ ii.

» UNj-TNibiieo' . i i , ' ' : f r r > - J

"■ * Wc^'^cli.f" ai‘ 'kL u ^ ^ ^ ^ ^, | 7a}.«36. ‘“‘S-fk


!n or aell. c \n , i a ‘K ‘,' ‘I* i-'aii

- ''od.VaV«~‘ ru l" r^ \ ' Ml 'i '"? ^= s n - ; : , i i ;•; •Aii~ hi ii'u‘M ;~g,..k,.r iT-^—-•>

Fu*nri.'ire.‘ ;i)lT W lULAli U'.u

Inf chair wllh vl.l„.,.„,‘"."k

Bl’OT CA.sTn----- -

DANNER PURNn-URE ;• toil t;h...h..n* S.,..ili


en|-,rt. f.ll; m.cailne U.lrt.nii MjW FDUNITria;: T-o. , ^

, S ] SIhin" a’rni3-p|r<r .S.Irm ma|,l!- I*;!,,.'!^,!^

*i t“'; i‘'.«Kui r.>cWrr. i

trr .. an.l l.„ Vprl'ne.

IIA Y E S FURNITURE IM u»ico l tn > t ru m c n ti Il<

Inir. 1136 ‘*rl!'h*"unfh‘r'MjlirB!l I.»iiwi»hI .Shi„.i.lnit (V„!»r. TlWi-i,

' i i S ^ ; ; n s n ; r , s 5

^'loo'^ lllh i

Radios— TV S e t i j

pmdlllon. *')IraI.m.M,',*' i'L.ne ' :it ‘

tTi.KVI.SION .eu aii.1 u.d 1rraiihe. I'rlccl tn «,», Uu.lt &,(. 1

T V ~ S C T 5 ^~ ~



S ^ r k C lu b ~ ~ 129

^ 'pl5i«pt'.Jnijpr^*V iU -

Svrepi o f o il K inds 131WII.I. TIIAUK: K.ir.1 lu:.l F.Irl.,.. M

|.-«t ramp trailer. l'b.>n. ;i).7U1

Good T h ln q i to^Eof^ 133

Fcrtillicri— Seedt______I ^lu .'.Al'Kli rcrtirie.I ..-c.1 i-,l.lun. 14

mllei , „ l „f il,,'.,,.. I'h„n,<;t4«rj.

Vrar .* t''*ei^l'*iIiUW. ‘Vhoi. * »• 2

W~NAi:K}i' frr1iri*.l l,l«. I.» “p,tal„r>. ale.l.nnl' relllfle.lunlixr'^ !1 AIW,I HchulU. Balmiin. IVn. 7»V A

IjlvTNK ANI> l-.ill.im M.ml.na IIW T t IIn..,i .e^l iMi.t<.r.. ab* nrrt ) . . r „„l .,f .„n,.' .l.K-k, .Maicui Ti*-

_ r ^ r . Ilnn.rii, 4:.1-6-H», _S h r i.b b 'o rJ -P la .n H -B ii lb iJ J i !«'/vjhVi:ui;i;N. Vmi m..». i:a. !•».“ 'z

'luu I'hTTi/NiAa fu f l i ' ■<llakcra i|..ien 78« r

f^orlhern Uichlir.n h.nlr r.m. » *,each ,-j

Oa«l«r planu. »ci[«lalil* tin u J

c m “ y i ” o R A ” ____^ t

~ ~ ~ IVblml I'arl.lan Laun.IrT___M iie c H o n e o u i F o r So le KO

AUo hlch eti'Ti'r:nm /ATL-ltt l'(mTA11I.>rn-ln» m.tkljj H«<

rjSi. rn-lcL.Uk. n.w.

in ir ’l'l'irm lu j: “ ^ ^ l ^ S

1-AIn''t TIIIMMKII, «all.>n. HiS ^

'■ S S ? i : r 3 2 M : S i 2 ' |L-,1,1-.. .-I^ .,,. 7M.37:.. ^

MH i:il»li''it>>US01W. anr . l> i ,^ J i l ‘ll. U^isn. C.F.M. K.e«llenl Iw*- ’* ' f-j

dt!ryi.v.iw >n.»aiieaAiiln*H.ippV ■?• H

V acation 1...... cqIc T40 T ruck i


c ;!!li -» iMTuIEVnZ:

»?•■ T»“” a ; "'*•''

nk f , Kim",,!/""

............. ............. - . CARLES

I f t S S r a i c n t r e B ------------- ^ p

-------------- - IVIl INTEII■ ,|ttB.laun>. totV*t. ,I J . b

‘" ’ I T .

^ * ,u : “ioiiN-8- — I«.»». . 11(1 INTWI w K O PPEL’S p*inr'

FATHER'S d a y ite» CIIEVI' s p e c i a l s

far r«tb«r'* ltS6 CHKVI *^,.oU lol ONLV. 8« tb*m m.tlr.Kr'i t li i lio[)(i>, c a m e r a CEN TER j t ' - '

t i m e ? .

H,ve ft u f e t r i p -, . ,b*k rour »uKl.r-ln.Ull Qg

I g g :ABBOTT’S M obilo Ho

m o SU PPL Y 5 F T ^«> .rd A..nu. W«i T T T ^

> Hfliieom W o n te d 141 ,jj .- ,v^, f,

?»; ■“, w m n I S

Ji£B t^s irifh -A ..oV .*w « i. •_-non.-7jr!vwti Ifom l'u»to»lr«.________ WANTKO lu)Hfl9 E cju ipw ont 1 4 4 rh!inV*;!M-s

MotiJrwon.. rbone »i«»l •ti>pt. I4IU, 4** A»«nu« WfiU. (»ii»lln«,j^ ;^ P h o to s u p p ly J H

^ * . r i b . " » " » » * ' § " n I^ A " 'Iting Go o d tr.r L-jlU [imrlnt frr"** *"A.U fStii tU.i> vp. «•>••'»■ ni

SMrtim Good*. Itl»h»«r M

.t ltc.C«H"l bMf In tcim »S< up.n tn tpJ m»p*. Wmt n t t TcIbu «.>-»»■ »■attuCoo»i*-___________ . iu:ros3>asKU T oT soie i f i9 Jn'L '.T i’ j1riBUIOUAH bo»t. botl imllfr, JH S-™p,."me


mtBCUAS bo«l. »0 hompow.f TRA Vi™rr Boior «t.d trmlUr. (Kjrf ^|,rfllan. Mlk* *n otttT. 1U4UI. y , . , v.lI y.nk.ifw Driy*.____________lOUKl-OWEK oulbotrd molor. I:b> unk, rrmoU contn>l. Ukt at>. ITF

t k a i■ULVUllNi; boat; St fcorupoaxr Borlw smb. >kl> and a<e«MtlM. tH i’. Forolgn»Sp

motor aBd'lrallcf'S lUrbaultK ilotBr “companj .

____________ A utom obilDBOATSi Tbrrt boai tralltn. (Iwo ----------------rull. r.acti under tSO. Conildtr R'

«. Jlon Jonrt. Klmb.rU, <«•

---------------------------------------- YOUfU

Skicmfl W ater 8kl5 RICE'2Sltl Bells ----------------

Life Pre.ierveri25',; O F F B E T


BUD & M A R K ’Slit :nd Slrrtl Eajt I9M STUD

_________________________ :-Ic-.r U rl!857 FORD“ AVE jo(

B O A T S WW a iE Vt trilndfr.


TCRNiB St TRADE5 l.lk» r .» , ■

See The New— COM

MERCURY 1000___ l21Ulna«_Un,tt__________ JtlBl-CHEV

MERCURY DEALER « ton. J.tiBUD & M A R K ’S lOjs c h ev

Tiouiwid Springs Murlns ^.io„. i-r>

m a g :*orcycle»___________ IBO ' j

g«r. I’hV,., UIUJII~l.H!MAN molnr acooUr ll» .

® w1n t r a i l c y 6l e 8

_ 401 ind A»«nua amilh U oW o tlc t & R e p a i r 1 6 2 » jic a d ji. i

forj baek beia* for Mrtle*. -------^ X -tn ra . Inc. . j.q„ oJ Iniiil KhMl brarinca. adjutl > • " ” •

. . . . c r v ,:J^I">lr oiilimoblla. ‘ ™ •'''


lo tw --------

i i S . r 3 L ; " " ' pTOXtB BODY SHOP IHJ CHKVI

; : ! j ^ nu. Waat T l» l» CHEVI■ - 1 9 ! .


lv>t» ChavrDlffl pickup,!.iy.''Tiy.wi: • -.......... ■ .

w ’ ih ” n i ’aa“ ",rH '‘l ' ' J ; i« i chev i

■ - " - ■ J !J - - l / ’.nd bouu f jm m i Ciisvr

l,W iSilti*EQUI

k™""' "llubl

>n Traffic IS Irnicfc* 191 A u tom obil'iHODEI. A inifk; IIM SAVE |4M ,

Itti'cHEVUiTLtT S V.n, l..„, 1-b.m; J .,.„u S 'i r t aJil.'hon.*’' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' »««

lMri;ilEVnUU;r m Un. „aln Wd, a f~ “*J 7 m .......

ylUM | >ond.“ .,n. I:U . « n 4 « .. ^LE«> RI.

C A R L E S O N ’S '. F O R C M C n t m ’’ '

M cV IiY ’S- - - P I C K U P S - --------- : y-Q L

IVIl 1NTEK.*<ATI0NAL ' i ton•tid* bodr, 4Hprrd. 1o« mil*- ’i"

___— V>-------------------. 25 M;i n i mTKilNATIONAL' ' i iw. ''i

n.rr.w b«0,. 1. . ^ , ^ 45,(wini. . One

IIU fOllD Ilantb«n, a'ul„mali.Iranimlailim. ntw cilnU Ll(

-IJjHviLyTSirciTnri-WlicerdilJr;--------------- —

. IIU INTKIINATIONAI. A .IB O . DCIlVercpainl. cleanV*"*""**'"'’' Y (

T R U C K S ' . j^ ^ Q 'l i l t CIlEVnOLbT «01.

Snprtd. n*« abllflft bnt b.4. ••Autborl,,.; . i i: i DotMif; D-4B0. :.

•l>nd. Ii>» mikaxr. <<>7 clraa.Uli (;HU «» Men VH.

:.<i>«c<i.ItSI CHKVnoLCT. 4«UJ, Ilrdrv

matk. i r van b«dy. t li i DOWii:. DJCA. t.ap..d. J.

•l>^. CooU tvailltlon Ihrvurb- iramral

M cVEY’S, IN C. ‘" “E ?Ill J.d Awnu. Wc.l ■ ■ISJ.MII » « f-OlU)

Pickup C o m p e r i I WX ttm.r.I. CA^l' TKAU.tl(. llulll.ln

■ ------------------------------ jg „ sxUDKM obile H o m o l 1 9 4 :.7 ^ V

It' VACATIU.S irillrr, Kirrllcnl ton*illUi... Ki.0, I'ho... Iluhl tU-VVIi. " *'**

»jK- IV»I t f . / l . IIV bjift. Kill. J5H im : F0UI>KliiaWlli nr |ih..n> ~ai.>iO<.______ ard In

* f , S .“ f i - ' I _ l i l l p » v i"17ion«~ 7H-S32C.________________ tarUt.4WANTKO lu t*iil f.ir 9 munUu. ilud- Jwi*™

.rn liallrr hu».« that wll] .l*,p (.I’hnn. ;3.i-sa;ti.________________ j „ , „ uh; k

i r TKAILMt biiui.. Kura dnn . In Urnari.jn«d ^ *li«[». n to . I'hun. ni4-llJl. (Iirlih .

lv.!i'rTrail'>‘r ' *^*°“* ' 'I""- -HiO* ; il(:t>U<l(lM, air cundlUonlnt.

of lluwrt. Thon. 4»M44J. » K DODCETOI-3 IN irar.l Ir.lUn. Uraltr for }gtl CMC \

Alntrtan. K.niklll Traoltr and ig.g .'iivv Kha.la, niu. t.akr* Trailer Park.Illitliwar M North. !**• bTUDt

d«luii rrfrlienttur. lart* ill* oil fur* vnter. awnlm. I2.0M. Thont jM C

IU:rO.S3>aSKl>! Crtat Lake.. IIM U S!(i-lO' lw,i> Wr-lro<in. auloraalle *aih-*r. Kmill down parmrnt. lak. ortr !I0 4eunlrart or buy rraionabir wllh uiual 1UHU0down p«»mrnl anil n»w ennlrael. B»»Daktr-t JJol.ll. Jlomra. 412 Addlaon «0y


All tieettlc. or trif eonlalnrf.ii.,lc ''all*T^^.«lr Jranehl..d g E L E C

K E N G A R F F S IT R A I L E R S A L E S „ ,

P»I.T ■_____________ “Wb*T.«U.to

ForoIgn»Sporti C o n 1 9 8 lonn r n v i ;rolltlCN ear rrpalrTpeeialtat. lun*. 4 I)w>i

un an.l t»irhaul. Dealer for (rail* and a'blkra. rb..n* 423.QM. Klab.rlf. SJ.COO

A u to m o b ile i For S a le 2 0 0---------------------------— --------------- 1D50 DODQ



----------n tAUIMi UKA1.KU-------------- ni55-CADT]RICE'S IN JEROME 4 .Ooo



— I N - f iU H L -------- -----------------


i m r o w *MsKalrlan. MO. :Hloor .port coup*. ,,

WW aiE V R O LE T ^

I9S1 CHEVROLET *3395 q LDSIl.lk* new, onlr 1.000 mile..

C O M M E R C IA L S1901 CHEVROLET »109S4-p.tA Ion* wheeiu...

nCBl-CHEVROLETr---------»n95------------ ---«

1958 CHEVROLET • J129SH-lon. I-P«d.


M O T O R S T ' ' '

ItM ltl19M CHEV

______________________________VI. t----------- _ lUdio, t

q u a l i t y


tHI CADILLAC harilvp. C ood

m . i^)HP V.Te^a-------------- -Ull 0^SMOnU.E H >.ard.op er^n4^i

l l i i CIIEVnOUrr ..Jan. Sund-■ rd .h lf l____________

ti l l ro n o .*Jan. aundarJ .hlf>.--------------------------•— .Bd Dr

--ti l l OLOBIdOBILS M -d a - . ^ ---------------------

PlP I C K U P S 18J, i n t e i

IMt CHKVnOLtT H•id . M . •■•••., 4-P«d. j» r JPJ, WILLI----------------------------- IH «

3 L - _ - ------------------ »«»»- drive J

______...................................................... '.U S E Dn n d ’T R U C K S ' Low.itwiii*

IMI CHEVnOLBT I lon. l - j r ^ tri.1.WIIl.------------------------ — » n « u i i t


m i c iiE v n o ix r w _ »««*•“ * r a m b l e rasla iljia j BmlrvWJJtaokWlito

_ ’r W I N F A L L S ,

e q u i p m e n t C O . " " \ i? i i 'L sHI-4410

IS No Place foj i h i m o b h t i For Sola 2 QQ A u to tn o b r ie i F

114 Koiii). i',!...,.a I^T*j"p’ni ' IKruUvarU. .

deal. - "»

LEO R ItE MOTOP CO ’iin l . , ok"L’ r f '" A


_________ ------------------------------- IS ij-C U E V i■ VOLKSWAGEN

HauU l;[, lu noff poumJi , l-„„|„n,.,|

1938 CUKV.IUcIr^ uiid Himdlcj *

Like n Drtam «i*niara

---------~ S 2 1 -8 d --------------------Delivered in Tttiii p#ll»


•■Auiliorli»d Voll.-.„n D.ilti-

------------------ 1955 M E R C '

S A K E .n u Y s ^ '.nr:• ■

t i l l »-AI.CO.‘i * d.,r .uii«n .a . 1950 B U IC K(un. ly,. mlltiie, auumalle : H<-.r ha

i« o ...... * j - r . 195G b u i c k

..............! & .i« o ro u n 4-.Kr-Tj;un--------------- -----------

Stanrtarrl Uin.mU.Inii . UJ-Jm i BTUUKIIAKKU U ri. 4 dwr, ---- COM M E

^ i i . c r , ' . : 1957 g m c

u t l STUDKIIAKKII Ulk •uii.inwa»..ii V., Slandaid wilh ■'"‘•k and

! » t r o u r r . i , i . n . t«- « ‘I ? , 1355 D O U G i

jm : F01il> t JooT. Sun* 1951 F O R D• rd IranimlMlun-------tiHI >,

« « CUKVKUI.CT' IWI Air • ioor _... ' lo s s u o d g i

Jiul . ..........:___ 1141 'd Tun.tS « HUlCK Centurr h a rd to p

bjnafiuw. i.f.uii(ui Mon. Bring Your Ca

» » r o n D c u : , : m , « . v . ; i ; rI j iu cr. aulomail. o,--n K..

P IC K U P S ^ : :* i^ lT .r* ni h : dodce H l«B. 4..p*ri MM}M1 CMC hi tuR. 4..[>e;d __ |Uk _______________J*4» CHLV », tj,n. 4.ipeed _Ji»5

M cRILL’S .7U SED CABS - ASCO 41k Arenue Wejt ^

1U-IU0 *u-iii] T T ^ P F iRoy' Howard, ManaEcr

™ ’61 f o r d

W ILLS ..S^ r-pa 'i^ :llrw. |Onl>

S E L E C T U S E D CA R '

s k c i A L S

“WbfTa«uitomet» »end their Jilind.” b™h«. *“ lTiwhlla wal


: j,COO mile.. ^ ™ '.T b «

1950 DODQEVS ri«n~r 4 to r .Utlon '5 8 F O R Dr*t?mali« tr»Mml.” u" iS^l TlanJrard lr

ONLY 11795niSB CAPILLAO— --------------- ^ 6 - F O R B -

4 Door ri*«lwood 8pe«laL Ellr^'rtlrp"'*

0N L Y M 3W .55 f o r d1859 RAMBLER-------b^la“? ^ 5 . ^ ^ ’ri"frS^S------------

mllea... B h a rp .^^

1958 PLYMOUTH ’*3

up'. X ’55 FORD ^biakM, radio. bMter tnd

“ f t ™ g g g v

1938 OLDSMOBILE ' _________Vd'ior’ h'A1*r*'*and «'• *(V«rT

Ibdramalle. lUal ibarp. . . .ONLYI1M5 ’60 C H E V

Corralr 4fiSO CADILLAC tran.ml.Uo----- 1 dwn li.rdlnn rn«at.tott.________ ll»

’50 CHEVONLY 11195 Ihl Air J

959 CHEVROLETVI ZIO 4 d ^ r .Man. R.dlo. '5 8 C H E V

■ -.baaUr »od-I’«w.rfUdfc-U.m-- -------- n.I'A Ir hepl«.U- rteondlll^ned. lUaH, to

ONLY *795

19S« CHEVROLET ' “VI. t door aUUea *a»on. 'f i i P O N T I ilUdlo. bMl.r Md I'owerjlld.. t

ONLY IBIS J C f f l !t

1956 RAMBLER >L«^mTiMCualom 4 door lUtlon v.ion.Radio. b**\.r. ltrdrai».lle. '6 1 C O M E TCompl*ul/ rmndKlaiMd. hi


''*• '5 8 M E R C LcU S >r.n.mluloa. ,0NLYIM 5

(Clean)1953 B inC K —

4 Door ..dan. Radio, heat.r

___ f f i f “ il9S _ ----------------------------COM M E

P I C K U P S M5 I N T E R ]____ J-Ton plek.

195« INTERN-L ton 4 995

1958 WILLYS C«b loru»rd 4 '5 0 S T U D E wheel drive pIckup..ll09S t i ton plct

958 WILLYS 1 ton 4 wheel „ „ „ „drive p lc tup -— 4130 C H E V

ton plel

— -------- W ILLS ------------------ .'63 -G M C ___. ’.U S E D .C A R 'D E P T _______ y<-n.p«h.Lo..l(Wlll« TIMtn' ■‘■•’' ‘"rb0B,7u-Tju '5 3 D O D G E

U4 Oil AwDB* We.t H loa pl.ki

N E W C A R D E P T . ic q q m cHAMBLER - JEEP

Bu.liv...Pb»M7IMm - „ H to a p l .k t

M O TO R r !u l’*UlUbuibuD.tllmlWMl Uai

e for dn Old’om ob ile i For S a le 2 0 0 A u to w e b l le i F

N C. ;E.*.-KtK8 Cb»»i .l.l! Tb. '"i* ' ' ‘|V“1‘.VrJ t u bea.k'iartata toT Um I« VaU I ilwd to wll. I t::__________________________ L E E PC

O L D S M O B I L E ' " T Z l


T-'inVa’i r id ih o ? . Ilan.*n. Id.bo


io 5 - C n E V R O L E T -? 5 9 5 - ■ y ^ u A r i ' rMA^r|_4 door. VI. radio. Q U A L I r

157 K O R D ' S 895 ' 1SG2 C O N IrL..,„n JOO, V«._l..dDor.____

‘. " S ' ' . C O R Y

l- in l l l . l lS - s m s .■■ ...citi.

...................... W a g o i i E

158 OLUS ■ » M 0 5»■. J Door hardtop. VK. 1B5B CHEVROL iMliamatle. radio, new 2. ,g jj CHKVROl

ItiSS MEHCUR')C1 F O R D ' ? 2 1 9 5 r o n o Coi


I5 3 B U IC K $29 5 ■s,.?S’e V “ ;: ll—r hardtop. Iladlo. h.at- Lon(f Whceller, ..loua. .55 CHEV. ' j t

-^^hSTSll.<llo.,Hj..r.le«rln(.D}na- Itie BOOk Of

----- tk .,--------------------------------..'M DODGE Du• • - • Tlie bln V8


C A R L Ela S D O U G E S 735 PONTIAC c a i

■J T.m. l..hr wb*«lka... VH.6.«l.«d. T H E '

•51 FORD

H A S (153 D O D G E 5 3 0 6 .

, p j g j ^

ing Your C ar In for Service

II Shop W ork G uaninw ed SO F O R A P

0,.n »:..nlr... tll’ I ^flalnmen'a Hum* I'bonr.

.n Kunt ;31-ll«4!b"»i'JJllei"“"’* n i a i n 1957 (

.* up<r II. 4 dooi br.kaa. all whlt*

W I R T O L I N ’S 511

• a y . 19G0 (A - J . ■ 2 dvor Impala f

beater, power ;I brekn. f.ctorr

U S E D C A R S ' t s j

1 F O R D 52199 1958Calail. 4 door. V«, oxrdrlve. 1 door Cuttom 3i

’ ' radio, pa.ltled da.b. whlla wall « rrllndir motor.Iliw. lOnlr ll.CfrO mlln, Ilk. mlulon. luton.

• ? 8 ' 0 F O R D $1849

Calail. 4 iW . V«. Crul.o- • I 9 5 7 <malic, power alKrinf, power V j - ..... t. brake.. Iladlo. paddri d..h. i j r ' , , 1 1 5 : ^ " - whll. walli. 11,000 mile. ™(Ill.ek) •

9 F O R D $1749 ^ti?i“ cma‘il<!“ powi7’'af.r»rlnj! 1959 (j«.w.r brake., radio, whlt. 4 j„or Impala. watli. (Eieellent rondllionj be.ler. pow.r

8 F O R D S870Falrtan. 1 door. ( crllnder.pi*dd'ed da.™ wh1lVwi:iU.* '■ 19 C0 CC

ralrlan. 4 door. VI. Tori^ b°.i‘lef.'*" " *"X l:- si-^

5 F O R D $499 1053 rB * l ; | i S

---------------------------------------------- y n i traniml^yj

' PONTIAC 4 door I 68

. PORD Victor!* Cotipe | 12fl 1953 I FORD R anch Wngon p iB 4 door.' V8 mot.

______ tftnamlMlon.

0 C H E V . S 1620 S P E C LBliearn* 2 door. I crllnd.r.

0 C H E V S 1370 " " “ T iCorralr 4 door. BUndardB E " , ' ; s . ( i " A r ‘ ' “ 1055 (

0 C H E V 513B0D.I Air 2 door. VI. Fow.r- $ 3 ‘(Ud*. -hlt« waiu.

8 C H E V 51279'H . r A i r iiarJinp- roup.. VI. C O M M L .

Tow.r .tearin*, radio, beaUr,•b lu ■alia. 1837 CHEVROL

>; lon elrku' tnr. 44P ^

1 P O N T IA C S187STenp«t 4 door. 4 rrllnd.r. . ]9<ll CHEVROL.tandard trvnimlialun. he.I.r. il ton. lonewhiu walb. lEiIra cImb and |n<i.r molorlov mlint*) mUilon. I i

1 C O M E T 51799 1959 c h e v r o l

t™,’! ." ' mUalon. 8*.

8 M E R C U R Y $1079 » w w ^ v eMontclair 4 door. M*ra^aile,power .IMrln*. t«w.r brake., '® 'radio, b*aUr. «hlU walla. » m oo(Clean) pQRD

______ __________________ H Ion plckn

- C O M M E R C I A L S ---------S ? ? r . c s

5 I N T E R N A T 'L ? 60 "

t r u

0 S T U D E , 5220 WM J « " Dli ton pickup V l * ^ * '

0 C H E V »20Dt.B pick., CHEVnOI

3 -G M C -------------------$ 3 4 9 -

3 D O D G E $370

G L E N G ' . ,


' JEROM E - Open EnnlacaIt rbon. 1144141 IU1«B.I>'| >1,m. i-boB. TJWtM Cbarll. JUUi,

lr« Brvoka Um4 Car tXn W.kbUaaa«.r Adrian Stocka

)ld HackI Chco m o b ile i For S a le 2 0 0 A u to m o b ile* Foi.U .1D, . J . . , , r . i i . . . . . .Hd u, »ij. i h.^. .. ‘

L E E rO N T U C . .[ TRUCKS - IN JERbME CAUILLAi: . ixiii ir

CIIOICK STOCK ._________ tr.de.' 7aj-IIJH tujI* mixleU. rnred lllihtT Dank _

MILLER SALES 1961 POJnwn, Id.lw I'hon. CM Ut

CA RLESO N'S “T ”! ™ " UALITY ” CARS""902 CONTINENTAL n . i " ; ; . ' ' . '" .U r Al, j . . i_

)61 CORVAIR $1996

~~7:a r l b

W agons Galoj'e „i,i0 WILLYS $1895

II e>|l.4«, (..heel dil.e. -------------------- !-----B CHEVnOLLT tlI99 X T r5 CHEVROLET S 595 iN ^S MEHCUnV • » 5SS8 FORD Courier t 695I* ford ...H IVIJ r,.nl < w.fon. L J U Wninf In .nd will b. pilced ilibt.

C A R L E S O N ’S p A Y MC O M M E R C IA L S i r n . A i u

INTERNL >, lon $1095 ' _________ ^Booit $1525. 4-speed. N O D O W N PCHEV. S ton J1295

S v * '! " ' . ™ '’ ‘■ ■ "'S i NO DOW N PLow mllenRc. 4-»pfed. vFORD *i-ton, 4-i>peed. For w q DOWN 1the Book of * -58. w w r tDODOE Dump-------- $ 1 1 8 4 ------------- -,,-.v;=r----Tlie bln V8 enRlne. brand 195 5 C H E V ,new tlrea. 5-ipeed (ind 2. I'.iair 4 d. *peed,'5-yard wnter level ‘IxxJy, all ill real jo o j con* ^ mil.ioo ju,dltlon. ^



lH A S_G O N E M 51 C A D IL I“ - 4 door. Cl

F I S H I N G;. 1953 D O D G E

) F O R A R E A L D E A L /inub.'-

1 9 5 3 D O D G E S E E T H E S E . « ioTTeia

*r. blu* fin

1957 O L D S .inp-r p o R Hwr II. 4 door bardiop. Radio. 1*’“ ® ^ rulk 'i a” "whlt*.” yLlT'raB.r’m ' b*al«r,‘ Run

51155 ' 1055 VOLKSlM an, lUd

. 19G0 C H E V 'iloor Impala rone.rtibl., Itadi^

i . S E ? - = y o u r

m o t o riooF Cuttom 100. Iladlu. bealer, 114 Uain A .rrrllndcf motor, itandaid traoa- TTour AothoriMdiilon. luton. palnU DaaUr

?8 9 5 ________________ _

b o b e i

51105 SPECL

1959 C H E V ] t i i ro n o Counir7door Impala. barrltop. nadlo. aUlbin wantIler. pow*r lUertnr, power baalar. CnilHko. whll* w.ll tirct. t«lnl. R*«llr ■

$ 1 8 9 6 -----------------

lOGO CORVAIRloor deju.. 700, « yrlli'der ^ paint,. »og< Un, .und.id traMBiiulon. radKT^ j , „ DODGE UaUd

« i 4ni; Fow.rfllia, radi

1953 CHEV« r B.1 Air. Radio, bcaler, .lan. }«» CHRrSLrR tj tr«n.mlMW____________________ door-JlOli-jc

? I 9 5 *barp. -----

1953 FO R D ‘“' j i S s ; ?loor,' V8 motor. Fordomitlc nsn lu lon

SPE C IA L $75 , "“ S S

-1 9 6 1 -e A -D lL L A C ------------jm-oiMMOBiLBdoor hardtop. lUdlo, beater, UrdraaaUt. wliu wall tir« . —


1955 O L D S ^ji«'ij^r.|_Aujot

$ 3 3 r Illl m aco n v u.VI. Radio. bM

C O M M E R C IA L S „ „ ro n o viciort7 CHEVROLET I10S5 , S J ^ rT t^ 'ln ?

>i lon pickup, I rrllndrr mo>


mU.lon. I p ., n.kb*r. ■ ''fc ,*9 CHEVROLET $U95 ------------

Ji toB pickup. V« motor wlib<ulb warr»nl.d 4«p»d tram- , i n pOnD raltUD mlMlon. 8*« tbi. o*.. ^ a . VI.

OWILLYB .< » E ' S r i s . ’!;t.wbMl drt>a. Canrai to>.For rubln* and huBtlu. tbli•n . I. • bOMT. t i l l rORD Cuatoa

dan VI. radioJ FORD $1U emtUt. p>iw«'

H Ion *

-----------COMMER■ S ' i J - r ^ ■*" , m .■K.DO . V „

t r u c k s „ „ dodok h to4 FORD wld. boa ___

.■w^Lonf »b^lbjj«.^ ’*** S^«b«% aMa -Ilh 24p«1 u la . J

0 CHEVROLET.......... ,jj;j ^ 1 0 ) H to.)a- U9IIC whMlbaaa, l.llitO tire*. ___________jrllnd.F motor, 44po«d tranimU.K » iik 'U p iia“aii.; on&-7,wo— ili rz i i f iv n o E r r '!«■............................. . , „ • - loder.

I t 3-TON T


c w . “ O T O S600 and At c

~ S arian Stocka 7« .m i

Change for anobilet For S ell 2 0 0 Autemobilee For :

^B^'a^'V*" tth* Al«u.°*’) i.* ”

L'ik. iL 'irk JIr^ 'o rrVlMv'rilk... — - - ■------;____ ^ • .I.H.. »i:So.


161 p o i T I i a c • f t e Fwill lak. llvMt<«k. a h.>i»e, :3SO]d9.

JEVILLE CONVERTIBLE c t )'A' MA.s-TEtu' i r;d~ aI«^.er .iWili.s and hi.Vr,. Chrjiler, IU I Mercu Hul-le.lhrr-biirhet-eratt.-hr*- --.ed.n, - Km'.-e.ll.rT Ilk. raill,.. heater -.lh, I,. Ateou. South.

r ; i ' 7 s p a e t h i n j. p n c i u-inrr UQUIDATION — ----------- CONTINU

$2995 ^ T A L K Il


:1AC CO.LLAC 0« c ' • •-------------------------------- F o r Thcrnflel'

N O 1*81 CHEVROLETCoKiale 704 4

1 rowertllde, wbh

d o w n ,r.lr l.n . IOO 4


DOW N PA Y M EN T ‘V X '{iM^’Sd'Vrry.harp 1

DOW N PAYM ENT » » c ij e v r o l e t4 Dour C rrlln<■ Irantmliilon.Oni

. TOWN PAVME1.T , , , , ^ 8 0 __________ _____________________ Cuiloin« door ltdi C H EV . $606

Ilelair 4 d«ir ledaii. IU* dlu. h.at.r, automalle Irani*sl::lon-}«?'"' ”1' v r c o m m e r cmlMlon Jun o.e.h.uled. „ „

P L Y JIO U T i: $ H 6 J.‘i,Iladlo. h e a t . r , ilandardtran.mliiion. Verr food 1IS7 rOIII) % ton w condition. 4..p*.<t. lU.l .h.

I C A D IL L A C • 5G95 ” »rieelwood. « d,.or. BbarpiWill* w*)i lire*. tolH ‘ -------------


' F£S.° * T H E IS E

F IN E a*r. blu* flnUb.

19C0 CORVAIR 1.i F O R D $29 5 i,i^n:rn.'"‘r':iio!“

4 dour. Full power; radio, tr.meir nice lib*al«r. Run* (oed. bnullful blu.

$595drte., radio, b


MOTOR CO.U.rromallc, rad:

114 Uain ATma* Boalb ‘I'l* ''*>1 ur A Bth^^^V olkjw w tt ‘ "-I ®“‘ ----

--------------- :-------------------- i M BOIHK Bupei4 door baidlop

SOB E E E S E ' a : ' f ™• m l aharp car

SPE C L\.L S 1958 CHEVROLETt door arlan. { nnlib. Clna 01

’ORD Counirr dedaa 4 door Ip'iUllon wana VI. Radio. f»llr *qiilpp.d .>*al.r, CnilMmatlc, lulon*


’ONTIAO 1 door VI, ](7dn>- Jeeal e w a ^ l .natlc, rndlo. b«aUr, 1 ton. ____________aial, «Pod Uraa. OnU _I»HlODOE UaUdor 4 door VI. IQJJ PLYMODTH■ow.rf»la, radio. baaUr, pow- “ ** 4 i f r . .tafdair .Uariii#, pow.r bruw. On. alon, Uila baAUU■wBcr alM (Imb ear, 5** u „ , „““ *“*• ■ a«*. VI .aiina a

caa aa.la* orarfllR rsL ra N.W Terk« ( barJC -----... HIM

s ;^ s . . '“i5sai-',;s t h e i s i

MOTORS.H>DCn Comrt. VI. po>.r. ..I l i a tranimiajlon, .S-tos. n . Zuleat PUm Ir

■alnt, Nlc* <l*an car _ | l l l Is Biv • C

,«8U O B .L B ^-*or-« V ^-IrdrunaUe, leblu wall Ur«, ___________________

T H E e :

. a c o n v „ , . u u . , . B IG L(rt. Radio. bMUr. Radgcri lo ----------------------------- $711

racinf lb. Sinara^ n o Victoria } door VI.''oidomalie. radio, baa t . r .«w.r at««rln( _ Onlr IWH jg g Q g u i

221 ElMlra 4 door bi HJDCE * door. VI, rower. All th* fin. Buick acc111., radio, bMlai ____ li l l fow.r«] aad wlUi air

V.ir abarp aod d mrjlEVnOLtr B«I Air > doorlanllop VI. Automall. Iran*. .nlalon. Worth .ora 1 958 'C A D H

------------------------ **” Sedaa D.VHW. A r*.Verr abarp aod claaa.

rono I-alrUD. 100. * door Cadlilaa arcmeHa. >«dan. VI. radio, boaur. . . . .Pordomatic. N.w Um. Cl«n , '' 1SB7 CHRY

Wloiur 1 iaar W aFORD Cualom 20*. 4 door m- uan.mla.loC%adirhUn VI, radio, baalar, Tor4. sic* (amllr c a r ^ l>maUc. aolld aunUa coior and prfca.■lira abatv. ________$IIM

C O M M E R C IA L S — -.

i l ™

« ) « .£ « to., n _ C O M IIE R C

S ,“ . 5 - ? U y j ' ^ ‘S S 1057 G M CDODCE 1 ton. VI. dnpaad, .luab , , . -n,- I lll) tlr»,*l^pa*dronD H ton. VI. f c * ^

i i i f i v n o E r n tT S S T f o i: --------------------------------

1 9 5 7 'C H E V R CIt 3-TON TRUCKS U Tea pUki

■ in . STOCK S % S r

B O B R E E S E W O E K l

B R O T H E R S I» 3nd ATcaue SoaUt- Open till 6 p jn . PONTIAO, CADn r UOOB D. a cBud) Bank

ir a Good Carob ilee F o r S a le 2 0 0 S unday , J u n e 10, IAL JEEf. l l t l . Thon. j.r- Tw iA 'FoKs Tlm cs-N

^IIED^ Cadniae^^deaW _»jlnj_- .^ te . rle.n l.l^ja-Pontla. Companr, Hutwrt. fuJ*^.in*liU *"L_______________ :______ nu. We. i phone ’7iy.r r .“ “Kmh aVr he‘"'.V and W lR lllL IN FORD• r. « ..rd .l... rle.n. IIK of Wher. ,„u a l , . „ , le llrnt<.ek. m *ut o( bur on a u>H r.r «r ne. r.r-iaaoada,______________^ \ --------TEtO vied ean. HH Cbaio-

is ia PONTIAC 4 <3«'k X y K . " » . V - v ; ; a ......South.________________

b n I N J E R O M E ’”^6 r o n o V8 mmio:QUIDATION SALE _ fowcraltcrliiit, i ■ CONTINUES - - Jc-ti»n!tmiMlon;

P A L K IN G 1000 DODGE »e d a I

~ c A i ^ ----------- s s n a ! ’ .:! S p c n k . . . . . I960 RA-AJBLER sed

r T h c m fie lv c s . . . . .........

HEVROLET $1885 ' - ^b r o w n i i

k. n.w IORD $1695 AUTOilri.n. 100 4 donr. H.dln,inlcrmalic traniml»lon. !• H me I’hone 7M-; ne. CrMn and while.ONTIAC $605 ---- ------------------------- -l»..nr h».r.llop. nadlo. Iljilra.

and wbll. 2-lon.. CONDITKHEVROLET $CS5Duor ( crllnd.r. Riand.rd H T .1 _

.n.ml»lon.On.own.r. Nic*. M a k C S £O RD ' $495

£'3,U” '»'S;*.!fStiS:'— ^DIFFERE>

I. sland.H ira«;r.ItaS: «nd ltlon and topi ini l r ______________ IUH wice, too. Shop andDIID « ton with duaU. VI »«« <>l«e:■P**d. n*.i aharp. _ ii0 9 i yourtelf.

? " ? r i ? o i i “"2'J.Jid” ^ i t L IN C O L Nr VI, 4..p.*d, 2-«pt.d. W«w Hardtop 2-do

C H E V R O L E T , In c . owner ioti-mii«>T«m» }ll.ll\2 . tda>»EVENIN06 UNTIb§P,M.------- 1 9 6 0 -T -B IR D —nda,. ID a-m. to I p.m. ^

' " Uie penon delop per/ornia

FHEISEN ’S1 0 6 2 . F O R D

'IN E CARS ■ S '™ ;? ;and of'coor*!

auii'fiii "blu. 'f 'i"u^ nIm 1 958 F IA T------------------------ I i» i 4-door dlatlor

ORD Falrlane 1955 F O R DDoor. D.aullful blu. fInUh, V8. 3-dOOr n l

i l -?u, i « ‘ n ;'n " ' Tu% o"- <>verdrl»e.rle., radio, bMl*r. whlla

SPECIA]ERCORY I 9 6 0 DO DG .~m a"ii:' r is ^ * b * D art 2-door one JiJT .Id*’ wIiiT c u n in: car tha t h a i lot i* and o u t-------------- t t l l lota Ot e«tTa equip

.o in K B u p e r A S te a l a l

. door baidtop arlUi powar —M*'“?iiS" 'i,^"M »t'* .^;ri ’ $ 1 4 9 5

^rlj.l‘*.hrrp“« r t H ^ H I * ' 195 9 P O N ’n A C CatAllni 4-1

HEVROLET Standard trandoor arlan. Sbarp 2 lon* radio, IpOtUlj.'^-.u 'ijrrd " l f i ”r;'.il:!;5: t u « . a r e uII, a,ulpp*d --------- |I»II jggQ

[ERCOBY Clu>) Sedaa. ’•nllr »!ulpp*d with U.rco- .uuc. b*aur. On* . extras. An />eal ewau, Nlc« aad .Uan, ymtH a^aec l

--------------- JS S ft-G H E V .--------YMODTH 4 - door lUUo

n. and baa varr low mil*.r I9 6 0 F O R Di f f 4 - door. Tot■oar w IlOH

le u Interior.

T H E IS E N ')TO ES. IN c! COMMERCI.aleat Plat# In tia WarM 19S0 F O R D

______________________ dual purpoaeget CV or pl(

T H E B I G , 1 958 F O R D ■-X_________ _________________y .S M i.iflT

Here U onsB IG LOT

VaUey.n , lb* 6,uara la *np«t

. * ; . to n v». 196 0 B U IC K c u i t o ^ ^ . •

«tr» 4 door bardiop .edaa, • real t»p A-1 U"aad^iltb t'reooiooBlnlfc 1 9 5 g C H E V .»arp aod cl»o. ------ li - _ la o _ p U

ipetd . new m

!5 8 'C A D IL L A C S 5 ' S o S «D.VlIta. A r*«Ilr tin. rar.“ 2 c ‘.£ i r i l r “- 196 8 W IL L Y S

19 5 8 V O L K S .pickup. J t r i omjr. try Ibli

19G0 B U IC K 1 958 F O R Dn I iloor aadaa. Oraann*. .. -H»tfln.plclnip

• radio, c u l t• Perfect Urf»

hltcb.;0 M M E R C L U -3 -

195 8 F O R D '^ /'V t/-. J"-*®® *•*<“G M C 5-ipeed. 3-Kh ? e 5 r " i n S T i \ Mtlm , 'S^^atd axk. b«Ur. «“ *7 *•*“ ■

d r i v k i n t o :

----------------------------------------8K S"0U R "B !a"aB

C H E V R O L E TU N I O N M O '

^ P H O N E 7 8 ^

V O R K M A N : O P M i v w r n A !

■ T H E R S P O N T U C


Caroy. J u n e 10, 1962 ^ Is T im es-N ew s 2 7 sb lle i For S a le 2 0 0U -liS > ^lercurr il.nUr^r---------

h»rHi..p. M„n, plni, ,„4 U.n l.l.ck .nd white Inierlof.

■I .T phony’7ia!;o7or‘ *’** iilLIN FORD SALES

^r.? ')r‘ne.*rl,ljKnO>V>:

ONTIAC 4 door ledan. eri’..c leiin^...... ______________ ,

DltD V8 station wagon, 3ucraitcrlii{[, auiomai- -ti»n!tmiM lonr"A "real‘- — ly ............................$«J5

ODOE s e d a n . V e r j nm w l lh arjtomatlc -

A-AJBLER sedan wllh •trdrlve ............... J12<5


AUTOll^me I’hone 7M-:i9l


M akes a

F F E R E N C E ^

find each of these A-1 Can to be In tip top on and topi in appear- A), shop and compare II lee ttie dlflerence lor

L IN C O L N 52995Hardtop 2-door. Fully equipped. Local o n e owner low mileage ear.

T -B IR D --------52995------------Tjje perfect match Ior Uie penon demanding lop per/ornianca and lunur^-.

F O R D 52395Oalnxle 4 -door. L eu 'U ian 4.000 actual miles and of'coorse carries our 12,000-mlle war­ranty,

F I A T 54954-door dtatlon wagon.

F O R D $575V8.3-door ranch wag­on. OverdrWe,

SPEC IA L .I 9 6 0 D O D G E a rt 2-door one owner Uiat haa lota and oC extra equipment.

A S te a l a t

?1495P O N T U C J1B 95Cat*llaa 4 -d o o r V«. Standard tranimUiioa. radio, ipotUsbt. new tires. A real beauty.

C H E V . 11895Bel Air 4 - door VI. PowergUde, a ll th t extras. An A * I buy youll ajfseclACe.

,€ H E % ----------H 4 9 5 ------------4 - door alaUoD wagon VS. In tip-top condi­tion,

F O R D ?15454 - door, POrdomaUc,new -palnt a u il ' iyot*------------le u Interior. B art^UTlOgS.

M E R C IA L SF O R D »1595 Falcon R a n o h e r o . P'ordomatlc, r t r j lowm ll«a««^ -r«a -4 ilaao ------------dual purpoae penen- ger car or p l c l ^ .

F O R D - ^ 16961.4>w T>l«la ------------

Here U ons o f tha aharpeit uted tmclca you can find In Uagle VaUey.

F O R D J79B> i- to n VS. 4 -tpeed . custoih cab. TbU U % real top A-1 unit.

C H E V . J1 1 9 5- l i— M o-plclcup— 4-------------speed, new motor, ex­cellent tlrta . O n i yoa can count en . '

W IL L Y S 11196jeep pickup. 4 -w bitf drive, TbU oa* wtU take you where thegolni'a loogb.

V O L K S . » T 7 6 ,pickup. For m l eooo- omy. try this one.

F O R D f l 8 9 5-H»ton.plcknp..4-ipoed.__ ___

radio, e u i t o m eab.Perfect U rtt. Krtngelhltcb.

F O R D '" J1 7 9 5F-600 3-ton truck. V8,5-ipeed. 3-ipeed axle.Ju s t right fo r heavy duty farm work.- -

JRIVK IN TODAY ,3U R " B ! a " a K c * o r r o ir " : :

ION MOTORS H O N E 7 a ^ J 9 ; ■’

x m m t d B lO T T O •-

5SX iii5* “ S 5 5 t T f i ^ i S 3 gJ4.W, B.U • M»4I«

- : . v_,

- -------

I I —


i L t w v ^ - L - .PLOP ON THE NOOOIN •llJ Ui

defeDHtcH u IndlMUd. U r r j Iv o f ih li em rrow n tnowWlI broui

* * * *

WORK OF EAGER BEAVER U •outb hlUi w hen de«p ininr drifU KtrU »e*m (o Uilen *&d •1>l*y poi Newa photo)

* * * *

M o w in g . Sno^ U p t o F a n t a s ;

Never iindereailmite tho power r o f « woman. r

As far as thnl It eonccrned, sever undereAtlmsle thc power o o l even a wonrnn-lo-be—lIkt, Ior b

- Instance, a little sir). dCaso In point eoncema Debbie %

V/UT and L any lytrson. friends a n d t^elghbots In Tuln Pnlls. Only ft fence se p m trs ihelr re> specUre homes and so bolh are a p a r t , ef the nelKhborhood••gang.-- . . ----------------- ;

. . I a iM l. the children In lhe a t t a really do hare a club <re-' {loed word for gsns) and Debbie Is treasurer. Only trouble U U)e club bas no money m Debbie has Uttle. If anylhloc. lo do. And t l ia t Is ths reason for thU siory.

i j t r r r ls the rough and tumble type- Debbie Is the shy. jetlrlng UttJe thing. T hst li unUl cerialn a ltuatlons develop.

--------------rp rtM eiryoonc jttT iirrw e'tai)"; _ ______ W hen Uwn .mowlnif . t i m e .

. c«mM. Debbie can vsicti «.hlle r ^ r ry does the work. When he p l a i n s the life o( be&Trr» and

1'. ttjeJr habits ahe-Uittro a tten--I tiM ly.I B u t le l him turn hla back in a1 ao o v and he hM -had it.-

<!«• shy Uttle girl U suddenly a • tooboy capable of glvmg Larry-

I Ws money.80, never undereiUmaie lhe;

* ' P O * ^ ^ * w offiio-or a lutic

• 2 8 TwIn Folli Times-News'»S -N ew » S u n d a y , J u w 10, 1 9 6 2

_ L _ -iZ -V-

GIN and Oie llUIe girl prove* ihe ii not as thid. Larry Iverson Is on the recelrlng end a»iwbsll brought down by Pebble W srr a s th * if. * * *

V iw vCrf

JEAVER U explained to Debbie W arr by L a r n •now drUU stu i abound snd ip rln t U Ute In Id •liUy possum" unUl an opporiunlty for ma:

* * * * * .

S n o w in g , B oy , G ii n t a s y W h ic h P r o vthe power Rlrl. T he reacrve ia there when

needed. Ati:oiicerned, Por the records. Lsn>' l.i n w n n . hc power o f Mrs. RuUi Iverson, 84S Hey- rc: —like, lor burn avenue and Debbie Is Uie tm

dnUBhter'of Mr. and Mrs. O U ell pli na Debbie W arr. 316 Terrace drive. Wn. friends S i i S S S i S S S ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Un Falls.; ihelr re-

;S , aa«'S (S! in to bankruptcy I

nd Debbie j

^bble has 8°** strikes anotJ' do. Andi TslU snd injurei KunKlf on your pi

‘tranger.A nyoneoftheJccom m oo' iy. tetirlng ‘ law suit which might wtll l e a r e " ^ lUl CCTialn Personal Liability Iniurance will p

r r o n t a -ng , 11 m e . . . . ........................ , ,

\vhcn he» rrr» and ■

suddenly ^ | | H | k

IUt as they frollo In a in«irdrl(t In the south : end anotr In the area tlils late In Ihe year Is ,rr a s th e defen»eless girl theory being cxpio

if. If. * * — —

Tssna;jj ijwmigE« Ne’i n | i | i i i « | ^


^ ■ | w | | j | C g | | a ^ ^ ^ ^ H ley meElks I



^ 9 V J M i rw ' ' ^ 3 r

i~ ’ ^ m w m _________ •'____B '.V.

K r - •' :

T by L arry Iverson. Loestlon 1> in (tie U late In com ln[. In growing up. Uttle Ity for m astery presents itself. (Tints-

, G i r l , M A dd * ro v e s P o in ts when And anollicr Uilnt. This entire

/ttory U Ju. 1 a fanlnsy. I l Is Juu .1 n w n n sijenky wi\y to tell Tlme.vNews 5 Hey- readers llmt ll la atlll pavMble lo

Is Uie mow n k u n in Ta-Iu Fnlli and . O'Dell play In the snow In the souih - «

h l l la -a l l m tlie same day.

trikes ano ther p la y tr , . . s delivery miti, on your property , . , yow Jog b ii« x< c o tm w _ o ^ r« n _ c fs could licvclop in;o _______II lesre you pennilesj. Hsnfonrs low-coit ance will p r o w t you sgsintt lueh poi.


^ B B a S O p ^ u3-t)iM

>rd Accident and Indcmniiy r s f l >roup • Hartford, Conn.

?62_ - • '


w hile

Ml-F w ^ H GilI : B H I iu1 / .J f , eery, nr' V ‘ '- • '• • 'I 'I “ t Safe_______ ________ • m ost-c(

th e nni bnnquel S t. Nld

, i TlicL• ■ -, -• • ■ f,. ,V - -. ;-■•.• , .j lonR CO

.■„ .,n. , .-,j>-. ^ — l- ...- -- i-* . ■■-' n u p e rt th e ir c

In the south hllls. The fact tbere U done b; a (he year Is even more unususl than Fcntu being exploded. (Tlmes-Nws photo) que t n

■ New Trial Eyed Juo.I In Robbery Case so?^o?.^■ aURLEV. June »-Defen»e a t- ^ ^■ toriitys Ior two ai-year-oW B ui- pcarcd■ ley men convicted of robbing the u ,u wei■ Elks lodge corelnker hu t Feb, T iie J H 10 havo un lll Wedneaday to sub- (o r xtio■ • mlt briefs asking for a new trial, lowed I m Judge Edward K. Heap recently w hich t■ sentenced G ary. W. Ssker and Rolllr■ Donald Eugene Kolllns to not o f robb H - more th a n four years in Uie Burley■ Idaho ' prison after they were tSO. mi■ tound suUly by a dlstiici eouil nnd t1»


^ J l' . i

1 , - 8 - if' ^ I

P ro m p t_____ ; _____ D U lln c liv ._________

4d F re e G ift^ ' W ta p p ii tg (he titleo ts- .

" N M N j f i i i j S ]tm lre * N K L a * M iN io N io t H o i AIS JUU -News Ible to .1 and

“ "Your G obbles n Fetherwates”..9 ■ T h a t’.5 the m y you’ll- re fe r ■tb'l^ I t they w illbcn trL '.i.iu redp .ir lo fyoi ' j 8i<le-Kore.i, uniin.'d coolnc.H.t, F lexmtl sonne.'«s, Atikle-F.ishioninR . .

^ . tru ly superior pnlr o f .<hoc.s. I ___ "'>'■? 'Tlilc.l.

roit 2 3 .95

O th e r N unn-B ush S h o e s frE dgcrton Shoes f ro m

Buy f h o c i fo r Po ther’s D oy oT RO Ih o u so n d s of M agic V olley m e n 's ctJ in o u r f ile j.

n o f st w in fa l l s s t o

I ' • - STAKTING A DAtKV MOWER Is work I w aU h bu l leldora help. U rry Iverson wi ■ - w h ile Pebble Warr loolis ccnttmed. b u t i

I Mi-s.Heivlitt,I Gibbs Given I Rupert Award^ RU PERT June 9-Mra. Eflthcl be modest

He«-mt.cJefl:fltche.'fJ£lirfl.ffrO' C. Paul eery, nnd Ted Olbba. meat cutler corcmonle.- n t Sftfewnys, wel-c named na the which Inc:

___most-courteous-sale* psrioii* o l Wflnderernth e nnnunl employer - employe complied banquet Wednesday night al tlie er Perotto S t. Nlcholns parish hall,

j T lie bnnquclcllmaxedn monlh*:1 loiiR contest, with cualomera a t \

R upert biL^lticss hoairs voting on i th e ir choice, and Ilnnl Judging

U done by n commlltee bl tevtn, ,n Featured speaker a l the ban- V |o) Quet was Dr. Donnld Walker,. p Q— president of the Idaho State col-; | f l

Jury. IJudge Heap toJd Norman Nlel-

2 son. one of lhe defense altobeys. he could hnve until Wednesday to subm it the brief when he ap-

'ur- pcnrcci for bolh clients In courl the u iU week. |’■eb, x jje Judfte added tlmt Prosecu-,“>>• to r Thom as Church would be al- -lal. lowed three days after that In Uly w hich to reply, ind Rollla-i nnd Daker were accused not o f robblnR George Siedmtn. S2.Uie Burley Elks lodge caretaker, of ere tSO, some clgareltea. hls wslcl)Mil nnd tU\b. i


K m ^

Thli Is j(

s' ' . ^ H i for own.• --fiati-ikii

3 .9 8 c


. ■ T i (3B i j s h h H ^

. ^Dn c/ '-ble Stitched fc tes” .. f e■riT cr'tb ''them ..”Tbec.iuse . i | :■',d p . i r to f y o u r l i f c ! Covered J 'Dlnc.H.t, F lex ib le Fclhcn\-ale ' . -ioninK . . . m ake them n • • J >f .'hoc.s. BctU ir fit, more

- _ _ _ _ _ _

lh S h o e s f ro m 1 9 .9 5____ ___e i f ro m 1 4 .9 5

3 e y oT RO PER 'S . ’ . where Iley m e n 's s iz e s a re rccord-

' . v v A P ' pB'x

'■-'■s sto ' re

'ER Is work for a boy. Oirli can I . h im . IH s iverton wrestles with a mower sex.“ whlel

rmed. b u t still n o t about (a aJJ I photfl). /■

‘ URe. His topic was ‘'irow to get nnd two voei nlong w llh the natives.* taken Bowman, ai Irom an army survival booklet. Howard Bm

In h is talk, Dr. Wnlker pointed T he wlnm oul th a t eoiirteous people were tesl. Mrs, people who were genuinely fond Chester Frei

■ of oUierB. sugge.itlons for Retting Thc comr ftlons w llh others Included be thc bnnnur

■ friendly, be honest, be generou.^ Klebe. Chesi I be modest and be eourtjous, B lrrer and \ • C. Paul Moore H’as master ol JucJffw io. •cerem onies for the p r o g r a m contc.nt were : which Included numbera by the chairm an. .V ; W flnderern.-(iii-imtnimental-trlo E d -8 mith,-! ! com plied of Pete Espinosa, no;?- Jay Broadhe ; c r Perotto and Robert Bro.-»dhe.-\dlan<^John C,

I Y o u 'll A lw ays

Fashionable Bli

' Thli lilein li! In Hon-Stop Coofdlnjle ouKif \ \ fof lown. Smisfiing builon \ \

^ f i wit t Utt loppod-omii---------- .\-------- \ -----------solid color blswe. In color, \ \3 .9 8 & 5 .9 8 y \



Y o u

Jeanie Blouses by Blue Bell. MSleevele.u and ahort sleeve— ■

Mnny w ith matching ahom! cftpri pan ts and sJslrts- I f S

3Jt8 snd s.3g . . ‘Ruffled "Lls* BIous'cs . 3 S i ' T w i O

him . I t Is all part ot the process o f growing u ' lex.” wbleh more often than no l U a mlmor photfl). ......... .

nnd two vocal selections by Claud Mrs. Qllmc Bowman, aecomponled by Mrs, w inners wlih Hownrd Bruns, . plaques.

T he winners of last year's con- --------------------(est. Mrs, Betty Domell and y ,u «Chester Frelsen. were Introduced.

Thc commlltee In chiirKC of the banquet were Mrs. J a n eKlebe.-Chester FreLien. Clarence ’ -------B lrrer and Wayne Bell, , -------

jucJffRs Sor the /Inals In the contcst were Mrs, Ruby Ollmore. ’ «*" '« ' — chairm an. .Mrs. Cnrl Kcely. Mrs, Om.Ed-8m ith,-M r3,-neth-Tnim bull, t-mmihJay Broadhe.id, Herberl Vaughan J ------nn<^Jolin C, Mcprlde. 11 "'J'," *

/a y s Find

e Blouses. ^

X y ^ / ' " J

I k r 1 ^


L - -----------------------

d g c ro n oh

• J Fashion’s fav o rite j

-------------- too I-G are— free-d ac

\ fabrics and easy ca

— \ ------------------- S l e tv e le s s ) — s h o r t — ai

\ sleeves. Forever fresh\ \ in white and light-h

\ \ “"“•••W Sixes 7 to

4 1 3 ..9 S to (

U s e R o p e r 's “ O P T I O N ” C h a r g

jd o n n k e n n y - i _BliSm orf siyling in fincsr cosy co re fabric

prices. W hite end the seoson 's-besf nc voriefy of collars ond sleeves.

I 2.98 and 3.5You Always Get'Mo7e

H O P t tI f i V t f r o m R O P E R ’S — i t ' t

Twin Falls - Burley - Rupei

of growing up for (ht - « t U a mlinomer. (Tlmtj.j

Mrs. Ollmore pre.^eIltrt .vinnei'ff wllh t;6 bondi jlaques.

B.U...J.I..I. 1I.1„Mill -Itkin KUI. ,t Idihi ,

KUi Cqui.1,.

l» c « m r ---------- M. ,On.ld. Idth.


\ 1 'Im

^ ''^ D tb o n a lr f a ih io n ...

d g c ro n and cotlon ihl

f a v o r i t e a n d y o u f l

- f r e e - d a c i 'o n - c o t t M

1 e a s y c a re c o t t o ^ f

- a h o r t — a n d — r o l l ^ H

e v e r f r e s h a n d l o v ^ |

i d l ig h t-h e a r te d (^M

es 7 to 15 J

' t o 6 ‘^ f l

V ” C h a r g e A c c o u B

^ B l o u s e l

c o re fobrics a t low, o n 's-besf new colors.

d 3.98 It'M oTe^^tv^B

F MR ’S — i t ' t R l e l ' l ' ■

- Rupert - B i l l

j ,

I h o u s e

j ] W

I N G B eE H ^ Sr o R . H P b m I

ITE E B i i

[ i p i

^ y s B ^ ^ s

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P'. N 0 W A R 5 - N 0 C R I5 E 5 ! 'N W TH E C a w F O R T IN ' V uAXEO 9 0 E OF W E NEW5.' , f . S

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THE u n i t e d N A T 10N 6? n E \— r ^ ----------------------- TE N S

. ^ ^ ■ i ^ k / ^ UNiflBP! 3n ^

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p - ^ % — r T w ^

S U N D /

I ^ 4 f ^k ~ \J 'F L A S H ' TURm — ------ OUR &TAR REP<H I HERE A T REL

k . M I WHY N dT 6 0 '


^ FLA SH; NOW I [jKbjOW WHY MCfiEE \ f l ' * ? ,


TKVING TO p u b l i s h T H E F IR S T i S S U E l ^ ^ ^ / ^ j j B H

~ ~ ~ i ~ '

X N O P E ! ^ ' Y /MOSEv”/ TOO /MUCH PA R K .../M E 0SE I ' l


U N R E ST ■ ^ m t 7 7 Z ? - K > i xw t h o s e

\ PLA C E S I . j l T

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N ^O v\\ i i / / A ' ^ * ^

J N D A Y , J U N E 1 0 , 1 9 6 2

■ ^ ^ 1 1 ^ f ! ^ \-THIS IS X W A T> I I' TURDLE, t R E PO R T E R r T R E L A X .. /T 6 0 0N GNMENt /H IM ?


■ J f f S l l ' t r f : EVER

PIR 5 T Is l ^ H i B ’ H T v h OUT, r


■ , JAci



^ / T J 2 3 R 7 ^ ^ ^ ® 4 N . VOU

f t

P 9 k

f f : . J * ~ ^ . L l / ^

': __________ _ • / n o w . yc^ G O T TOBLAXES.' \ - V -FtAS

S O M E O N E 'S . \ Z iT fN lN Q TO iASSASSINATE ^ : . M• t h e b a j a m i / I | R

i ■


I t r X T T ^— J ^ S - L — , J i ^ f c . _ / s u r e ! CO; a ^ g H l A L O N S , YOI

U f r J B ^ 'I FELLER .. . I ^ ■ i H SH PW VOU S

| \ R ^ RE L A REf’ORTIN

‘~jT . - iw j j I ■- - - -

/ S L O W D O W N ,' IF W E ' X | GET FIRED IF T)

' -W EV ER DO ' p V. BA TCH ES/M E H/ T j 6 E T TH E I I -------- , J ------

F IR S T ISSUE / • .OUT, i r 'L L ; ‘ ‘ V

J BE A '• I • ^ •C R A C K ER ’ ;

J , JA C K , i L . ■ ■^St a Cy V e a s y j / ] . -

! ~

[ — ~ - V

f L O O K ! THERE'S T H E ^ A JA H O P ' ^ ' / y a h o o d Y ! H is c o u n t r y ' s a t / f.


N ^ V O U , FLA SH ! > - - ; ^ O U F

<^P)i “ s-iB^K_ x M - 1 : H f f l

\ A o u ' r e ^ b a j / w , ' I ]{ ' OP B f 'E .

V f l a s h ' ' '\ ^ S H ' y > - ^ - - < 1 VAHOC 7 - r - - T < PRE

J B i r i ^

' - ^ 8RC%S^eSlL.


; : 3 C k - iL 0 N 6 ,Y 0 U N d \ f . M 'ELLER ...I 'L L I ■ -p w VOU SOUfE I ■?)U. RELA X ED / IIL «=^?el»O R T IN 'i / .

i p o w n . s o n ! i 'l l ^ '?ED IF TH E EDITOR 1 E S HURRVIN'J^

2_ . - ' J | P ^ H '- ;la ^ A i t . 5 ^ -J

; T " ^ %V <. ' i

MIT / n o p e ! N EW S = 5 f OF H IS V ISIT n /MIGHT D ISTURB • ■ ^ ^ O U R R E A D ERS! J

I1 S ^ $ '' I^ ^ 1 K_________



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r i i i §. 1

A / lbttubi^ vrZ ^^ P) i CO.SKPAHV W ?(?R V ,A W .l i

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R V / W H A T A j . . .T H ' O N L V - BRI(« I B L E WAY IN T H I S A W F U l H A F T A G O / i IS K N O W IN ' G___ [ O O P K N O W 5~7 ^ r - ~7' I H A P P E N E D T

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