Last Time Buy and control policies with phase-out returns: a case study in plant control systems

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No. 2009–66


By Harold Krikke, Erwin van der Laan

August 2009

ISSN 0924-7815


Last Time Buy and control policies with phase-out returns:

a case study in plant control systems

Harold Krikkea and Erwin van der Laan

a. Corresponding author, CentER, Tilburg University,

PO box 90153, 5000 LE, Tilburg, The Netherlands, [email protected]

b. RSM Erasmus University,

Department of Decision and Information Sciences,

PO box 1738, 3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, [email protected]


Abstract: This research involves the combination of spare parts management and reverse logistics. At the

end of the product life cycle, products in the field (so called installed base) can usually be serviced by either

new parts, obtained from a Last Time Buy, or by repaired failed parts. This paper, however, introduces a

third source: the phase-out returns obtained from customers that replace systems. These returned parts

may serve other customers that do not replace the systems yet. Phase-out return flows represent higher

volumes and higher repair yields than failed parts and are cheaper to get than new ones. This new

phenomenon has been ignored in the literature thus far, but due to increased product replacements rates its

relevance will grow. We present a generic model, applied in a case study with real-life data from ConRepair,

a third-party service provider in plant control systems (mainframes).

Volumes of demand for spares, defects returns and phase-out returns are interrelated, because the

same installed base is involved. In contrast with the existing literature, this paper explicitly models the

operational control of both failed- and phase-out returns, which proves far from trivial given the non-

stationary nature of the problem. We have to consider subintervals within the total planning interval to

optimize both Last Time Buy and control policies well. Given the novelty of the problem, we limit ourselves to

a single customer, single-item approach. Our heuristic solution methods prove efficient and close to optimal

when validated.

The resulting control policies in the case-study are also counter-intuitive. Contrary to (management)

expectations, exogenous variables prove to be more important to the repair firm (which we show by

sensitivity analysis) and optimizing the endogenous control policy benefits the customers. Last Time Buy

volume does not make the decisive difference; far more important is the disposal versus repair policy. PUSH

control policy is outperformed by PULL, which exploits demand information and waits longer to decide

between repair and disposal. The paper concludes by mapping a number of extensions for future research,

as it represents a larger class of problems.

Key words: spare parts, reverse logistics, phase-out, PUSH-PULL repair, non stationary, Last

Time Buy, business case


1. Introduction This paper discusses how service repair firms apply reverse logistics in supplying spare parts for

servicing aging mainframe plant control systems. Plant control systems are used for automated

process management of large industrial installations. In the final stages of the mainframe’s

product life cycle, spare parts become scarcer and expensive to produce. Repair is a good

option, but failed parts cannot always be repaired. This paper therefore introduces a new source

that can be tapped to achieve this: phase-out returns. These are returns retrieved from systems

that are being abandoned (phased out) by one customer, but may still fit another customer in a

second life. In particular for aging products such as mainframes, phase-out returns are used to

guarantee availability of spare parts for products still in operation. Due to today’s replacement

rates we often face multiple so-called phase-out occurrences and supply of phase-outs can be

abundant. Often these returns are in still good (‘repairable’) condition.

In the service process, three major actors play a role. Original Equipment Manufacturers

(OEMs) fulfil targeted service levels to their customers at a certain price. Customers include oil

refineries and platforms, offshore windmills, medical facilities and nuclear power plants, all high-

value capital goods. Failures of plant control systems are rare, but incur tremendous downtime

cost when they happen. So a high availability of spare parts is needed.

At some point, OEMs outsource the service to the already introduced third party repair

firm, the focal company of this study. This service provider then supports customers on behalf of

the OEM for the remaining product life time (usually several years). General terms and conditions

(i.e., service levels and prices) on both servicing customers who keep the old (mainframe)

systems and scheduling of phase-outs of others are formalized in an Extended Service Program

(ESP), which is a deal between the OEM and the repair firm. The repair firm takes over full

operational and financial responsibility for service repair of the mainframes. Based on the ESP

the repair firm makes Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with individual customers, concerning

similar but possibly differentiated terms and conditions.

The timing of outsourcing to the repair firm usually coincides with the conclusion of the

OEMs production of new spares. It then offers the (one-time) opportunity to acquire a final batch

of new service parts to the repair firm: the so-called Last Time Buy (LTB). Alternatively, the repair

firm may want to use future phase-out returns as a cheaper but more uncertain source for spares.

The repair firm balances between own (profit driven) interests and

customer service. In this balancing act, often repair firms apply a combined

control policy for repair and disposal decisions and LTB. A major issue is to

decide to repair or scrap repairable returns immediately upon arrival (PUSH) or


on demand (PULL). In our opinion, decision support models can make the tradeoffs more

visible. Figure 1 summarizes the problem at hand schematically.

Figure 1 about here

Triggered by a real-life business case (ConRepair), this paper investigates and evaluates the

modelling and optimization of a combined LTB & control policy, with the additional option of

phase-out returns. By documenting a real life case study we identify this new phenomenon, which

has thus far been ignored in the literature, and whose relevance is increasing with shortening

product life cycles. Phase-outs complicate the analysis considerably, since they reduce the

installed base and with it, change the demand- and return rates over time. At the start of the

planning period the demand for repairs will be relatively high and phase-out volumes low, but this

changes over time. Clearly, the time-based matching of supply and demand is complicated as the

problem is non-stationary. In optimizing LTB & control policies one cannot simply rely on net

demand throughout the planning interval as most models do. Sub-intervals are necessary. We

adopt a simplified (single item, single customer) heuristic approach as a first step. We use a cost

driven model where lacking service is translated into backorder cost and penalties. The aim is to

maximize overall profit for the (focal) repair firm, using generic LTB and control policies.

The case results in turn have consequences for the generic policies; as they are

counterintuitive. In fact (endogenous) decisions of the focal firm turn out to have little impact on

the overall result. ConRepair depends on exogenous variables to maximize its profits, while the

endogenous policy variables serve the customers’ interest. Optimizing LTB volume does not

make the difference; rather, it is the repair/disposal control policy that is of major consequence.

We show that PUSH is outperformed by PULL, which exploits demand information as it waits

longer to decide.

Section 2 proceeds by developing the business case of ConRepair, and introduce the

problem. Based on this, Section 3 reviews the relevant literature in order to obtain building blocks

and motivate our modelling approach. Section 4 gives a (mathematical) problem description,

including assumptions and delineations. We then develop an appropriate model to analyze the

issues at hand. Section 5 validates the heuristics used and presents the results of an elaborate

numerical study using ConRepair data. Finally, Section 6 contains a discussion and the

conclusions. The results and limitations of our research are used to indicate possible follow-up


2. Business practice


The OEM in this case study is Honeywell Industrial Automation and Control (IAC), a global player

in industrial automation. It produces and maintains Distributed Plant Control Systems, i.e.

networks of intelligent (automated) mainframe stations that control an industrial (chemical) plant.

Because of the high capital value of these plants involved and their dependency on control

systems, the latter require prompt service in case of failure.

Nowadays, desktop-based plant control systems serve increasingly as an alternative to

the existing mainframes in the field. Customers, of course, replace their mainframe systems at

their own discretion, and some do that more quickly than others. Hence, the phase-out return of

one customer (who introduces desktops) may well serve another customer as a spare part for

mainframes that stay in operation. The installed base, i.e., all products in operation in the field,

now provides two sources of returns (defects and phase-outs) and also serves as a reuse market

(demand for spares). Due to the phase-outs, its size reduces over time.

Returned parts are repaired and made available again as spare parts, complementary to newly

acquired spares. Phase-out returns represent larger volumes than failed parts, as both return

rates and yield (the percentage of the return flow that is repairable) are higher.

Honeywell IPC has outsourced the service of controllers of -amongst others- HPEP,

Excel EMC, DGP and Mikronik- to ConRepair. ConRepair was established by a management

buy-out (MBO) from the former Honeywell Amsterdam Repair Center in 1997. The company

oversees the financing, planning and execution of the entire support process, dealing directly with

the final customer, based on the ESP.

ESPs concern the service process for “mission-critical” parts only. The repair firm commits it self

to collecting and testing all defect and phase-out returns. We deal with expensive parts but failure

incurs even higher collateral (downtime) cost. The repair company jockeys the pooling advantage

using commonality between customers to both improve availability and reduce cost.

The time-period covered by an ESP is negotiated, but is usually 3 to 5 years. The contract

period represents our planning interval. When the ESP agreement between OEM and repair firm

ends all service is terminated. Based on the ESP, one develops individual SLA contracts between

the final customers and the repair firm. An SLA defines minimal service requirements fulfilled by

the repair firm and prices to be paid by customers. Availability from stock (either new- or repaired

parts) and the total reliability (including delivery backorders within at most one week) is

measured. New parts cost the full catalogue list price, while repaired parts generally cost less

(about 80% of list price), but usually also have lower cost. Companies like ConRepair generate

income by charging the prices in case of actual failure; thus, if no failures occur ConRepair has

no income, but still all of the cost. The repair firm pays the OEM for the LTB, which represents a

major investment at the start of the ESP planning interval. Although largely exogenous, phase

outs scheduling is essential. To be of use in covering demand for spares, phase-out collection


must take place (just) before failures. Because phase-outs decrease the installed base’ size (of

mainframes) smaller, demand for spares decreases during the planning interval and phase-out

volumes increase. This essential input of the control policy. As mentioned, the basic options for

control policies in practice are PUSH and PULL. In the literature, e.g. van der Laan et. al (1998), it

is described in the following manner:

1. PULL policy: all repair activities are done reactively as soon as the serviceable inventory

position drops below the base stock level. This policy is expected to keep serviceable

inventories small, but there is more dependency on the inbound repairables inventory.

2. PUSH policy: all repair activities are done proactively, upon arrival of a part return. This

policy is expected to have larger outbound inventories (whereas there are no inbound


PUSH is more intuitive, and has more flexibility to schedule repairs conveniently as they are not

directly needed for service. However, it also bears the risk of repairing parts that prove unneeded

later on. PULL creates a time advantage by waiting for actual demand and delays financial

investments (read repair cost) until actually needed. But it introduces additional lead-time for

repair when serviceable inventory is too low. PULL operates in practice as a base stock level with

one-for-one repair; repair starts whenever a demand arises. Please note that PUSH is not a

special case of PULL, even if the base stock level is set arbitrarily high, since PUSH is triggered

by product returns and PULL is triggered by product demands. Contrary to PUSH, PULL builds

up an inbound inventory of repairables. Take-back of phase-out parts increases the possibility of

oversupply and hence the need for scrapping repairables prematurely, i.e. scrap upon arrival.

Similar decisions such as LTB-volume may have different optimal values for PUSH and PULL.

Next to the management of repair operations, a disposal policy controls the inflow of part

returns. An (also optimized) dispose-down level stipulates the point at which repairable inbound

returns are to be scrapped instead of repaired— namely, when the total number of parts in the

system is sufficient to cover expected future net demand (demand minus future returns).

Scrapping excessive returns averts the costs of keeping stock, but also removes the possibility to

repair at a later stage. Non-repairables are scrapped immediately at all times.

To determine the Last Time Buy (LTB), the customers forecast the expected number of

failed parts based on historic failure rates. The repair firm has to forecast the repair yields.

Although so called planning interval is fixed in the ESP, uncertainty is caused by the demand for

parts in the future, which depends on the failure rates and (on the supply side) the number as well

as timing and repair yield of future phase-out and defect returns needed to cover future demand.

3. Literature


The literature on spare parts management is abundant and may be divided into two parts:

scheduled maintenance and unplanned maintenance (Kennedy et al. 2002). For the latter, safety

stocks need to be in place in order to be able to deal with future maintenance activities. Typical

decisions that need to be made are whether to replace or repair on site, and where to

strategically place inventories of spare parts. Since the Last Time Buy decision, the repairability

of failed parts and the non-stationarity of demand due to phase-outs are relevant for our case,

this review focuses on (combinations of) those aspects.

Papers in the field do not typically deal with drops in demand as the installed base size is

stable. In that sense, our research is related to the literature on product obsolescence, where it is

commonly assumed that, whereas demand is stable during the lifetime of a product, the

remaining lifetime itself is a random variable (David et al. 1997). In our case, however, the

remaining lifetime of a product is fixed and known due to ESP, although demand may drop due to

planned phase-outs. Cattani and Souza (2003) acknowledge the importance of the Last Time Buy

(in their case, ‘end-of-life build’) decision, and focus on its optimal timing for a fixed and known

remaining number of periods of demand. Building on earlier results (Cattani 1997), Cattani and

Souza (2003) quantify the benefits of delaying the end-of-life build. In our research, the timing of

the Last Time Buy decision is fixed because it concurs with the moment of outsourcing of OEM to

repair firm. Also the period which the repair firm must provide service to the customer is a given.

But in our case demand for spare parts over the planning horizon is non-stationary, as the

installed base changes over time, due to phase-outs. To achieve optimality, the control policy

must deal with balancing supply and demand, which enhances the importance of the scrap

versus repair decision.

Few studies combine Last Time Buy and repair/disposal policies, let alone phase-outs.

Below we describe those who have come closest to our problem. Teunter and Klein Haneveld

(1998) describe a situation in which an OEM stops supplying spare parts for a single machine.

The operator of the machine is offered an opportunity to place final orders for a number of critical

parts to keep the machine operational up to a fixed horizon. Based on this horizon, the failure

rates of the components, the prices of spare components, holding costs and machine downtime

costs, the size of the (near-)optimal final orders are determined. Unused parts are scrapped only

at the end of the service period, which means that such a policy may lead to high stocking costs.

In another paper, Teunter and Fortuin (1999) consider a more complicated situation in which

failed spare parts can be repaired and reused, and unused parts can be removed from stock

before the end of the horizon using a dispose-down-to level. Since the cost of repair is assumed

to be negligible, all returned items are repaired and re-stocked. Some of the theoretical results

were applied at Philips, as described in Teunter and Fortuin (1998). Our case is similar to the one

in Teunter and Fortuin (1999), although we do not assume that repair costs are negligible nor that


all parts can be repaired. Repair cost reduce the viability of immediate repair (read PUSH policy),

particularly when subject to a quality based yield factor as is the case in our study.

The above-mentioned papers constitute a category that resorts to newsvendor-type

approaches to determine (near-) optimal final orders. In contrast, Spengler and Schröter (2003)

take a system dynamics approach in order to take into account product life-cycle aspects and

dependencies between sales and returns. Rather than focusing on finding optimal final orders,

they investigate whether and how parts reuse can contribute to spare parts management after the

final order has been placed. They also explore certain system dynamics.

The next category of relevance is the case of seasonal products with limited

replenishment options. Although they lack a repair process, returns are explicitly modelled. Many

products, such as apparel, are demanded during a short period of time only, while replenishment

opportunities are very limited or non-existent. Mostard and Teunter (2006) analyze the case of a

Dutch mail-order company. A single order is placed before the selling season starts. Purchased

products may be returned by the customer for a full refund within a certain time interval. Returned

products are resalable, provided they are returned before the end of the season and are

undamaged (this equals a yield factor in the sense that the fraction of returns that can be reused

is fixed and known). Products remaining at the end of the season are disposed of. All demands

not met directly are lost. A simple closed-form newsvendor equation determines the optimal order

quantity given the demand distribution, the probability that a sold product is returned, and all of

the relevant revenues and costs. Although Teunter and Fortuin (1999) and Mostard and Teunter

(2006) explicitly model product returns, and Spengler and Schroter (2003) control repair and

disposal implicitly through recovery and recycling rates, the repair process is not very explicitly


A final relevant body of literature concerns models with combined new manufacturing and

repair operations where control policies deal with an inbound repairables inventory and an

outbound serviceable inventory (for an overview, see van der Laan et al. 2004). The latter

consists of both new and repaired items, which are assumed to be identical. Convenient policies

to control the repair process are so-called PUSH policies (part returns are repaired as soon as a

certain quantity is reached) and PULL policies (a certain quantity from part-return inventory is

repaired as soon as the inventory position drops below a certain value). Depending on the cost

structure and lead times, either PUSH or PULL will perform better (van der Laan 1998, van der

Laan 1999). No last time buy applies to these models.

All of the above papers take a cost-driven approach, meaning that falling short on service

levels can be given a monetary value by means of backorder- and penalty costs. Service-level

approaches (optimizing service levels regardless of the costs) are described in general terms

(without returns) in Fortuin (1980, 1981), Sherbrook (2004) and Muckstad (2005). Service

models are more intuitive to customers, but more difficult to use because a constant monitoring


and calculation is needed on the achieved performance levels. At each point in time we must

check whether we should start repair operations. This aspect demonstrates the major drawback

of a service-level approach, which is simultaneously a ‘look back’ and a ‘look ahead’ policy. Its

mere look-ahead nature makes the cost approach more robust than service-level models, which

are inclined to overcompensate past drops in performance. Also it allows for unambiguous

interpretation of results as it is unilaterally monetary.

We do not know of any papers that combine the last time buy decision with explicit PUSH

and PULL repair decisions with limited repair yield (of two streams). We are the first to introduce

the phase-out phenomenon into the problem. The solutions as suggested in the past literature do

not suffice to deal with this situation, because in order to exploit the phase-outs we must model

volume, timing and yield of both return types explicitly because their behaviour is totally different.

Also we must connect phase-out occurrences to installed base size and hence demand for

spares. This paper develops control policies and heuristic control rules to facilitate the integral

management of acquiring, repairing and disposing spare parts, while monitoring the performance

throughout the remaining service time after the last time buy.

4. A modelling approach

4.1 Problem description, assumptions and simplifications

The installed base, of size IB(t) at time t, is serviced through a pool (serviceable inventory ) of

identical spare parts that are either new or repaired. Demand fulfilled from serviceable stock,

consists of new (unit cost cm) and repaired (unit cost cr) parts. Scrapping of unneeded or non-

repairable parts is assumed to incur zero cost. New parts are used up first because of their higher

capital value; the use of repaired parts takes place at an increasing pace over time. There is no

quality difference between new and repaired parts. Although engineers have other duties, such

as calibration of new systems, repair gets priority once repairables are available and repair is

needed, so we linearize unit repair costs and to set repair capacity to be infinite.

The customers that operate the installed base are identical in the sense that they have

negotiated the same conditions and prices for new (pm) and repaired (pr) parts as well as similar

service levels. The presence of an ESP as a foundation for individual SLAs makes it feasible to

model the total installed base as a single meta-customer.

In line with general ESPs, failures are fixed at most one week after the initial call—

considering that, on average, redundancy in the mainframes keeps systems up and running for

about that period of time. Repair lead-time is assumed to be one week and fixed. Available parts

are delivered from the serviceable inventory immediately; otherwise the customer has to wait for

the part during the (fixed) repair lead-time,


To monetarize service levels, low responsiveness is penalized. I*f no serviceable stock is

available, then the demand is backordered, and a penalty fee cb per part per week is paid to the

customer to compensate for the delay. Backorders that are still outstanding at time t=H cannot be

fulfilled anymore and are penalized with cf per part (cf >>cb). Hence, penalty costs cb provides an

incentive to offer a certain availability of serviceable parts throughout the planning horizon

through an optimized repair policy. Penalty cost cf provides an incentive to guarantee a certain

availability at the end of the planning horizon through an optimal choice of the LTB.

Part failures (a Poisson process with failure rate in the installed base both generate

demand for spare parts and cause the return of the failed parts. The service provider has to place

a final order for a specific part at time t=0, but it has contractual agreements to provide service for

that part until time t=H. Then at time t=0 it needs to optimally choose Last Time Buy quantity, Q,

and its future repair policy taking into account stochastic future demand and part failures and the

deterministically scheduled phase-outs in order to optimize its profits during the time interval

[0,H]. Since all demand is triggered by failed parts in the installed base, demand is itself a

Poisson process with rate )(tIB .

Standard procedure would be to determine the LTB based on projected net demand over

the entire planning interval [0,H], But with phase-outs this may not always lead to sufficient

performance, as the following simplified example shows. Consider a deterministic world with an

initial installed base of 100 parts, continuous demand for spare parts (4 parts per time unit) over

the planning horizon (100 time units), but parts cannot be repaired. However, there is one phase-

out occurrence of 50 parts after 50 time units (so halfway) and they are all repairable. After the

phase-out occurrence the installed base halves and therefore the demand drops to 2 parts per

time unit. The net demand for spare parts over the planning horizon equals demand prior to the

phase-out plus demand after the phase-out minus the phase-out returns=50x4+50x2-50=275.

The LTB could therefore be chosen to be 250 and no stock-outs would occur. Note that the LTB

is sufficient to handle the demand (200 parts) prior to the phase-out occurrence. Now suppose

that instead of halfway, now after 75 time units (so later) a phase-out of size 75 (instead of 50)

occurs. In that case we have the same net demand 75x4+25x1-75=250, but now an LTB of 250

parts is no longer sufficient to cover the demand prior to the phase-out occurrence (4x75=300


In other words: the non-stationarity of the problem and the fact that demand until the first

phase-out occurrence may exceed net demand complicates the optimization of both LTB and

operational control. Therefore we have to split the total planning interval into subintervals and

formulate minimal availability for each one of them. Otherwise we bear the risk of (huge)

temporary drops in service level. One way that is effective and tractable within our modelling

framework is to specify a maximum acceptable stock-out probability, 1-p just before a phase-out



At ConRepair we observed that phase-outs are scheduled by customers. Therefore, in

our model we assume that the timing of phase-out returns is deterministic and known at the

beginning of the planning period. As these phase-outs reduce the size of the installed base,

future demand for spare parts will also be reduced. Both phase-out returns and returns of failed

parts can be repaired, but they may have different expected repair yields (yP and yF, respectively).

To control the repairable inventory N(t) and serviceable inventories of acquisitioned parts M(T)

and repaired parts R(T), we employ either a PUSH policy (repair upon arrival) or a PULL policy

(at any time t repair parts, as long as the inventory position— that is, serviceable inventory

M(t)+R(t) minus backorders plus repair work in-progress— drops below base-stock level S(t)).

The fixed repair lead time equals L. As at some points in time the number of available parts may

be deemed sufficient to service the projected future net demand, it may be cost-effective to

dispose of some of the incoming repairable parts. To accommodate this, we introduce the

decision variable U(t): any incoming part will be disposed of if the echelon inventory position

(Inventory of repairables plus inventory position) is at or above U(t).

In order to maximize expected profits over the interval [0,H] we need to develop rules that

optimize decision variables Q, S(t) and U(t), which is the objective of the remainder of this

section. The complete list of notations and base-case data is given in Table 1. Note that data are

confidential and therefore normalized. A schematic representation of the model is given in Figure

2. The complexity makes a heuristic approach needed. As even the heuristic problem poses quite

some challenges we limit ourselves to a single-item, which however does not harm the generic

nature of the model when assuming that demand for individual spares is independent. We also

assume perfect information on all parameters, even in sensitivity analysis, meaning that all

decisions in LTB and control policy can be adapted when input values change. Exogenous

variables such as failure rates, repair yields and variable (unit) operating costs and revenues are

constant in time. To explain the model in a lucid manner, we start with a stationary situation

without phase-out returns.

Figure 2 about here

4.2 No phase-outs

Even without phase-outs, the analysis is complicated by the fact that there are three different

stocking points: for newly acquired parts, repaired parts and repairable parts with carrying charge

(hm , hr and hn, respectively). Schematically, if we ignore the repair lead-time L (which is

reasonable, as L is very small compared to planning horizon H), then the inventory processes

under PUSH and PULL control follow the behaviour depicted in Figure 3.


Figure 3 about here

Since there are no phase-outs, the installed base is fixed ( )0()( IBtIB for all t) and weekly

demand is therefore stationary, with expectation )0()( IBDE . Under PUSH control, the

inventory of new parts decreases from the initial level Q with the average demand rate until all

parts are used (say, at time X). Until that moment, repaired parts have accumulated to the

expected value RQy (Q demands cause Q returns that are repaired upon arrival with expected

yield RQy ). As soon as the new parts have run out, demand is serviced through repaired parts.

The serviceable stock decreases with the net demand (demand minus repairable returns) rate.

Under PULL control, returned parts accumulate in the repairable inventory N(t) until at some time

t the inventory position IP(t) falls below level S(t).Then a sufficient number of repairable products,

if available, is ordered for repair in order to restore the inventory position to level S(t). If the stock

of repairables is not sufficient to meet this level, then all of the available parts are repaired. To

limit the number of decision variables, we assume zero fixed costs for repair, so that no batching

takes place for economies of scale.

As long as repairables are available, the PULL policy operates as an (S(t)-1,S(t)) policy. If

demand during lead-time follows a normal distribution with cdf G(.), which is reasonable since the

underlying processes are Poisson processes, then in the long run the near-optimal base stock

level S*(t) satisfies (Silver et al. 1998, p. 255)

),(),(1)( * LttDVarkLttDEtS ,





and nrb




(Silver et al. 1998, p. 266).

The purpose of the Last Time Buy quantity Q is to stock sufficient acquired parts at the beginning

of the planning period such that stock-out costs at the end of the planning horizon are well

balanced against the operational costs during the planning horizon. If there were no phase-outs

to consider, we could have formulated the problem as a standard newsvendor problem. Given a

certain realization, z, of net demand over the planning horizon (i.e. zHND ),0( ), the profit

function is given as (see Silver et al. 1998, p. 404)






where v denotes the cost per unit acquired, p denotes the revenue per unit sold, g denotes the

salvage value for any unit not sold by the end of the planning horizon, and B denotes the penalty

cost for demand not satisfied at the end of the planning horizon. In order to fit our problem in the

standard newsvendor formulation, appropriate values of v, p, g, and B need to be developed.

Note that v should somehow reflect the inventory carrying costs. Theory tells us that the expected

profit function reads as

)),0(Pr(1)()(),0()()( QHNDBgpQgvHNDEgpQPE ,

and is optimized for the Q that satisfies



),0(Pr . (2)

Under PULL control, the repairable inventory reaches its maximum as soon as the inventory of

newly acquired items, Q, is depleted at time t=X. Just before that time, at about )(/ DESX ,

where E(D) equals expected weekly demand, the repair facility starts processing repairable parts

up to level S(t) (see Figure 3b). Assuming that inventories linearly increase/decrease with the

return rate and (net) demand rate, the total inventory carrying costs are approximately given by





















Timepoint )(/ DEQX obviously depends on Q, which makes optimization problematic, since

total carrying costs are quadratic in Q. However, the fraction of demand that is fulfilled by newly

acquired parts, HX / , is approximately equal to 1 minus the fraction of demand that is

potentially serviced through part repairs, or FyHX 1/ . Using this approximation, the

inventory carrying cost contributed through Q during time interval [0,H] is then approximated by

2/))1(( HhyhyQ nFmF and should be included in the cost per acquired unit v.


Turning back to our newsvendor formulation, appropriate values for v, p, g, and B are as follows:

2/))1(( Hhyhycv nFmFm - unit acquisition cost + carrying cost per unit acquired

mpp - unit sales price of new parts

0g - surplus is scrapped against zero profit/cost.

fcB - shortage is penalized against cf per unit short

Equation (2) then becomes






1),0(Pr . (4)

Under PUSH control, all repairables are ‘pushed’ to the serviceable inventory upon arrival, so that

the total inventory carrying costs simply read


XQHhQyhXQ rFmrFm







Through FyHX 1/ this is approximately equal to 2/1 HhyhyQ rFmF , so that

under PUSH control 2/))1(( Hhyhycv rFmFm . This expression is similar to that under

PULL control with hn simply replaced by hr. Hence, as the values of p, g, and B remain the same,

under PUSH control equation (4) holds with hn replaced by hr.

In order to prevent the build-up of excessive stocks of repairables, we adopt the following

disposal policy: do not accept incoming returns as long as the echelon inventory position

IP(t)+N(t) equals or exceeds level U(t). In order to derive near-optimal values of U(t), we analyze

the impact of accepting an incoming return at time t through a marginal analysis. Suppose we

accept an incoming return, and IP(t)+N(t) is raised to U(t). The marginal investment vt of

accepting the return should cover the marginal benefit of accepting it (sales value p +avoided

penalty cf times the probability of selling it), so that

))(),(Pr(1)( tUHtNDcpv ft ,






1))(),(Pr( (5)


for appropriate values of vt and p. Under PUSH control, the consequence of accepting an

additional return at time t is repair cost cr and total carrying cost )( tHhr , so

)( tHhcv rrt . If the part is sold at the end of the planning horizon, it generates value

rpp . Under PULL control you invest in repairing the part only when you expect to sell it, so

)( tHhv nt and rr cpp . This rule adjusts the desirable inventory of serviceable and

repairable parts as more information (past demands, returns and repaired parts) becomes

available. Note that one should dispose of all incoming returns whenever HtLH , since

they cannot be repaired before the end of the planning horizon. The values of vt and p are

summarized in Table 2.

Table 2 about here

4.3 Full model with phase-outs

Phase-outs complicate matters in two ways: 1) demand is no longer stationary over the planning

interval [0,H], as the demand rate decreases after each phase-out occurrence (demand is

stationary though in between phase-out occurrences), and 2) it is no longer valid to determine Q

solely on the basis of the net demand during the interval [0,H]. To see this, suppose that phase-

outs are planned at times nii ,..,1, . If a phase-out is scheduled relatively early, then Q could

be calculated solely on the basis of the net demand during the interval [0,H] (see Figure 4a),

since during the planning interval [0,H] sufficient parts are available to ensure reliable operations.

But if a phase-out is scheduled near t=H, this same Q may not be sufficient to satisfy demand up

to the phase-out occurrence (see 5b).

Figure 4 about here

One way to get around this issue would be to specify the maximum allowable risk, i.e. stock-out

probability (1-p), that management is willing to accept just before a phase-out occurrence at time

i . Based on this maximum allowable risk we calculate iQ for each interval [0, i ]. Taking the

maximum over all i ensures that at each it the stock-out probability is at most (1-p). Section

5.1 elaborates on the proper setting of p.

Although the inventory process is more complicated when compared to the case without

phase-outs, we choose to use the same approach as in the previous section— that is, proceeding


from a particular timepoint X onwards, allow inventories to reduce gradually with the average net

demand rate.

If we let Hn 1 and 00 , then over the complete planning horizon H the Last Time

Buy quantity Qn+1 should satisfy


nn cp


1),0(Pr 11 , (6)

where under PULL control 2/)( Hhyhcv nFsm , and is an approximation of the

fraction of demand that is fulfilled by newly acquired parts:















Note that for n=0 we have )()0( HIBIB , so reduces to )1( Fy and equation (6) reduces

to (4). For ni 1 , we choose to satisfy the following conditions in order to maintain a minimum

performance just before phase-out moments i :

Pii QND ),0(Pr , ni 1 .

Under PUSH control, the same expressions hold— with hn simply replaced by hr. The near-

optimal value of the Last Time Buy quantity is then calculated as

ii QQ max .

In the same vein we determine the dispose-down-to level at time t for planning horizon H:


tn cp


1))(),(Pr( 1 (7)


Pii tUtND )(),(Pr , ni 1 ,

where vt, and p are given, as in Table 2. The near-optimal value of U(t), finally, is calculated as

itLi tUtUi

)(max)( | .


The above-mentioned heuristic decision rules applied together should minimize total net profit

NP, defined as total sales minus total acquisition and repair costs, minus total inventory carrying

costs, minus total penalty costs. The next section first assesses the quality of our approximate

rules by comparing them with optimal solutions obtained through enumeration. Subsequently, we

analyze our policies for the base case of Table 1 and various other scenarios.

5. Numerical study

The base-case scenario for our numerical study is based on actual data from ConRepair,

collected over the period 2004-2007 for a particular part (see Table 1). For reasons of

confidentiality, the cost data are normalized and the part name is not specified. We assume that

parts fail according to a negative exponential distribution with failure rate . Hence, between two

sequential phase-outs i and 1i the demand (and return) process is a Poisson process with

mean )( iIB . For the heuristics it is convenient to assume that net demand during some time

interval is normally distributed. This assumption is justified, since between two sequential phase-

outs i and 1i also net demand is a Poisson process, with mean )()1( iF IBy .

We apply the PUSH and PULL heuristics as developed in the previous section, analyzing

several variations of the base-case scenario through simulation. Each simulation run consists of a

period of three years (150 weeks). For each scenario, the simulation was run 3000 times. The

observed maximum relative error in the net profit over all reported simulations was below 1%.

Section 5.2 reports the base case and describes the impact of exogenous changes in repair yield

and the size and timing of phase-outs. Results are represented in terms of (net) profit,

contribution of the LTB, disposal rates and availability of spares. First, however, we validate the

developed heuristics in Section 5.1.

5.1 Model validation

As a result of model complexity, we had to resort to a number of approximations and heuristic

procedures. Although optimal solutions (obtained, for instance, by extensive (enumerative)

simulations) may be preferable, this can only be done for Last Time Buy quantity Q and never for

all control policy decisions. Moreover, the derived formulas provide us an easy handle with which

we can interpret and understand the numerical results, since they are more lucid and closer to the

actual decision-making practice. Finally, there is the practical advantage of a considerable

amount of time saved, compared to enumerative simulation. A drawback is that the approximation

of the expected inventory may perform poorly, especially when phase-out volumes are large. The


heuristics should therefore be of sufficient quality. This we will check by comparing heuristic and

optimal values of Q.

Figure 5 shows the actual behaviour of the inventory processes for the base case (see

Table 1) under our heuristic policies and near-optimal decisions. It can be seen that these are

very similar to the stylized pictures of Figure 3 that were used as a basis for the inventory cost


Figure 5 about here

In order to evaluate the accuracy of the Last Time Buy heuristics, we disable the disposal option

and initially set 0p . Table 3 shows that the heuristics for the Last Time Buy quantity are very

accurate for the complete range of possible repair yields. The PULL heuristic slightly

underestimates the Last Time Buy, but this hardly affects performance; all scenarios of Table 3

show heuristic Last Time Buy quantities that differ less than 2% from the optimal ones, while net

profits differ less than 1% from optimal. Considering that this is comparable to simulation

inaccuracies, the differences in net profit are probably not statistically significant. Increasing the

size of the Last Time Buy decreases the length of the period that parts are repaired and thus the

probability of stock-outs under PULL. The PULL heuristic does not take this into account, thereby

underestimating the Last Time Buy. The performance of the PUSH and PULL policies depends

on the availability of repairable products, and is therefore sensitive to stock-outs of repairable

parts that may occur just before a phase-out. The performance will therefore depend on the

appropriate setting of p (see Table 4). An alternative to the service-level approach in setting

p is to follow exactly the same cost-based control rules that are used for Hn 1 for all i ,

and then to take the maximum values of Qi and Ui(t) After some experimentation, we found that

the qualitative results of such an approach are identical to the service-level approach. For ease of

presentation, we therefore adhere to the service-level approach.

Table 3 also shows that the differences between PUSH and PULL regarding Last Time

Buys are rather small, which suggests that inventory carrying costs are only a secondary

determinant of the Last Time Buy quantity. Indeed, expression (4) claims that the main trade-off is

between the unit acquisition cost, on the one hand, and the unit sales price and unit penalty cost

at the end of the planning horizon, on the other— unless the planning horizon is very large.

Tables 3-4 about here

Evaluating the accuracy of the disposal policy is rather difficult, as we do not know the structure

of the optimal policy. Its performance, however, can be compared against policies without


disposal. Table 5 shows the value of disposal for varied phase-out timing. In general, disposal

appears to be beneficial, and its value increases as the phase-outs move further towards the end

of the planning horizon. PUSH benefits much more from a disposal policy, as it is punished more

severely for excessive stocks than PULL is. Expression (6) predicts that the disposal rate

increases with higher inventory carrying charges, higher unit repair costs and lower unit sales

costs of repaired parts. Based on (7), it is easily shown that for practically all relevant scenarios

( rr pc ,and frn cHhHh ) the disposal level is generally lower under PUSH than under

PULL, which means that PUSH, on average, disposes of more product returns than PULL does.

Table 5 about here

5.2 Base-case results

Table 6 reports on the performance of the PUSH and PULL heuristics for the base-case scenario.

In terms of net profit per week, the PULL policy is superior to the PUSH policy. This is due mainly

to the difference in total inventory costs and penalty costs. PULL’s emphasis on less inexpensive

repairable inventory, rather than on repaired inventory, provides an important cost advantage.

One might expect a firm to consider a PUSH policy in order to guarantee a higher service level,

but results show that this is not the case. The explanation is that to reduce the investment in

expensive repaired inventory, the Last Time Buy quantity Q is suppressed and/or more returns

are disposed of. The probability of stock-outs then increases, resulting in service levels that are

lower than under PULL. Actually, none of the many scenarios that we analyzed yielded a better

performance for PUSH, as compared to PULL.

Table 6 about here

5.2.1 Impact of the unit repair cost

An important determinant of the performance of PUSH and PULL is the unit repair cost.

Intuitively, if repair is cheap, PUSH may be a reasonable option. If repair is expensive, it may be

better to use PULL. Figure 6 shows that while PUSH always performs worse than PULL does, its

relative performance becomes better for smaller cr. Here we modelled the carrying charge for

repaired parts as rnr cwhh , with w the opportunity cost of capital, in order to reflect the

financial impact of stocking repaired parts. So, hr increases linearly in cr. It is easily shown that

when cr=0 (and thus hr= hn), PULL is equivalent to PUSH. As cr grows it becomes increasingly

attractive to temporarily stock returns before repair until they are really needed.

Figure 6 about here


5.2.2 Impact of the repair yield of failed parts

There is, of course, a time dependency between demands and returns (in the sense that a

demand generates a return at the same moment), but the lead-time implies that one cannot

benefit directly from that relation. In order to satisfy a demand directly from stock, a demand has

to be fulfilled through a new part or a repaired part that had been returned in the past. It appears

from Figure 7 that if the repair yield of failed parts rises, then the net profits increase— albeit less

than linearly. Although the Last Time Buy volume naturally goes down with increased

repairability, one has to rely on a return flow that is stochastic in timing and yield, which means

that the Last Time Buy volume decreases less than linearly. It is important to note that

serviceable inventory stock-outs can occur only once all new parts are used up. With decreasing

Last Time Buy volume, the time tr that all demand is satisfied directly from stock through new

parts goes down too, so that the risk of stock-outs increases. This is also explained through

relation (8), which shows that service level goes down as tr goes down. As the repair yield

approaches 1.0, virtually all demand is satisfied from repairs, so there is no time for accumulating

safety stocks of parts. Service level therefore decreases sharply. The total fraction of demand

delivered ( ), however, remains high overall, so that customers can be confident— even if they

are more dependent on returns. Note that the difference between PUSH and PULL diminishes as

the repair yield approaches 1, since there is hardly any opportunity to stock parts.

Figure 7 about here

Analysis with the repair yield of phase-out shows similar results. Intuitively, one would expect that

phase-outs, being a cheap source of supply, would enhance both service levels and net profits

with increasing yield. Unfortunately, this is only partially true: too high yields lead to carelessness

of the control policy regarding safety stock levels.

In case both the repair yields would be zero, the Last Time Buy would have to fully cover all

demand for spares, and ConRepair’s operations for this part would no longer be profitable (note

that demand will still go down). Next to the repair yield of the phase-out returns, their volume and

timing proves even more important as the next section shows.

5.2.3 Impact of phase-out volume

Next, we vary the volume of phase-out returns (Figure 8 and 10). As most of the demands are

fulfilled through repairables, this is quite an important scenario. Observe, first of all, that net profit

decreases with phase-out volume (Figure 8a). Reductions in the installed base decrease total

demand for spare parts over the planning horizon, so that net profits decrease as well. The net

profit per unit demand initially increases up to an annual installed-base reduction of 30% (Figure

8b)), since the returns coming from the phase-outs replace expensive new parts (hence, Q


decreases). At some point, however, the Last Time Buy cannot decrease further, since it has to

protect against demand leading up to the first phase-out. An increasing volume of phase-out

returns needs to be disposed of, and the relative contribution in fulfilling demand by returns goes

down, forcing marginal profits down. This explains the convex curve of relative Last Time Buy

contribution in Figure 9b. The diminishing role of returns also explains why the difference

between PUSH and PULL decreases with higher annual reductions in the installed base. The

superior performance of PULL is reconfirmed, however, as it waits for the right moment of repair

and fewer returns are scrapped prematurely.

The managerial conclusion would be that phase-outs might be a source for returns, but

that the effect of reduced turnover overrules all effects. In other words: no phase-outs may be

best for ConRepair, since the installed base then remains of maximal size. But phase-outs are a

given, so preventing or reducing them may not be an option. Next, we investigate the impact of

the timing of phase-outs.

Figures 9, 10 about here

5.2.4 Impact of phase-out timing (and frequency)

Spreading the phase-outs (that is, increasing the frequency of phase-out moments into smaller

batches, whilst keeping the total phase-out volume stable) hardly affects performance, so we will

not report any further details here. A possible explanation is that inventory costs are relatively

low, and if parts are returned in time and are not scrapped prematurely, there will be sufficient

repairables available to meet demand. This result also strengthens the idea that phase-out

returns make the difference mainly at the end of the period H, and failed parts fulfil much of the

early demand, despite lower yield, because they are more equally spread. We therefore

investigate the effect of changing the timing of an individual phase-out event.

In the scenario of Figure 10 there is one phase-out occurrence, and its timing is varied from week

25 to week 125. Phase-outs reduce the installed base, and thereby demand and net profits.

Delaying phase-outs maintains the installed-base size and thereby total profit. It is even more

instructive to look at net profits per unit demand to investigate the impact of phase-out timing.

Delaying phase-outs at first increases net profits per unit demand, because the arrival of the

phase-out returns allows the firm to become more and more aligned with the demand for repaired

parts. Profits improve, due to lower holding costs. At some point, though, the phase-outs come in

too late, more and more returns need to be disposed of and marginal profits start to decrease.

Total profit keeps increasing, but the curve flattens. The managerial implication is that it pays off

to delay phase-outs somewhat, although marginal profits decrease.


In this scenario the gap between PUSH and PULL is the largest when the role of returns

is smallest— that is, when phase-outs occur either early (little demand, hence fewer failures) or

late (excessive phase-out returns are disposed of) in the planning period.

Figure 10 about here

5.2.5 Wrap up

PULL is better at matching supply and demand because it waits longer to decide and uses actual

demand information. PUSH often scraps too early or repairs too quickly. PULL, at the end of the

day, leads to lower operational costs and due to better service has fewer problems with penalties

and backorders. Last Time Buy quantity hardly differs between PUSH and PULL. The role of the

scrap versus repair decision outweighs the Last Time Buy volume. So control policies should be

PULL-driven repair combined with a dispose-down-to level geared optimally toward controlling

the inbound returns.

A main paradox in our study is that customer vigilance leads to a service-level focus on

their behalf, whilst repair firms want to maximize profits. Results show however that the

profitability of phase-out use for ConRepair is low, because customers get a discount. Profits for

ConRepair could be boosted by increased prices for repair. At the moment, all cost benefits are

transferred to the customer: whereas the quality of repaired parts is equal to new parts, the price

is only 80%. An alternative is to reduce repair cost leading to the same effect.

At first sight, therefore, there doesn’t seem to be much point in take-back and repair of

phase-outs. Lower phase-out volumes are actually beneficial to the firm because the installed

base remains larger and the demand for spares stays high. Although an exogenous variable, this

may be communicated to the customer (and OEM). Managerially this means that merely the

scheduling of phase-outs can be adapted. It is essential that phase-outs are available as late as

possible but in time to be reused.

There is another exogenous factor that has a big impact on profitability: the repair yield of

both failed parts and phase-out returns. Once collection timing is optimized, collection quality

must be ensured (by e.g. decent packaging), in order to avoid transport damage. Although

endogenous variables can optimized by PULL for the repair firm, the exogenous variables have a

stronger impact on the profitability.

6. Conclusions and outlook

This paper studies the way in which (mainframe) plant control systems can be serviced using

phase-out returns. The case study at hand represents a larger class of problems. Not only are


ESPs & SLAs of increasing importance in service logistics because downtime of installed bases

is increasingly costly. Shortening product life cycles and replacement rates will boost phase-out

returns. The global service and support market is growing. In 2010 it will represent a potential

turnover of 90 billion US$ per year (Blumberg, 1999, 2005). Improving performance in this field,

as presented in this case, represents millions of dollars.

Practically all OEMs in capital goods at some point stop servicing and new spares

production. Customers may abandon the mainframes phase out their systems, causing phase-out

returns. At the same moment OEMs outsource to a 3rd party repair firm for customer who keep

the old products, and offer Extended Service Programs (ESPs) for the remainder of the life cycle.

At the start of these programs, OEMs generally offer the opportunity for the Last Time Buy (LTB)

to the repair firm. An LTB of new parts can cover demand for spares for the given ESP period.

Alternatively repairing both failed parts and particularly phase-out returns is possible as well.

Repair is cheaper, but it introduces uncertainty. Service-level Agreements (SLAs) define the

relationship between individual customers and repair firm.

Many parameters are written down in SLAs, but some trade-offs aspects remain difficult.

This is clarified by introducing decision modelling. Contrary to existing literature, we model both

types of returns as one of them (phase-outs) directly impacts the size of the installed base,

leading to a non-stationary system. A dispose-down level is needed because oversupply of

returns is likely to occur. We introduce subintervals to deal with net demand before phase-out

occurrences. We also explicitly model the repair process with yield factors and optimize inbound

and outbound inventories with PUSH –PULL policies. The model translates lacking performance

into backorder and penalty costs. We prefer this to the service level approach because financial

consequences of malperformance can be modelled unilateral with other cost. We develop an

efficient heuristics model based on cost-level optimization.

Policies are optimized in a single customer, single-item situation with subintervals. The

approximate decision rules prove to be both efficient and close to optimal. The resulting policies

are not trivial, but in general PULL policies perform better, if well optimized, because they wait

longer to decide. Postponing repair and scrapping of returns pays of, due to exploiting actual

information on the dynamic installed base, related failure rates and the inbound inventory of

(phase-out) repairables.

Customers strive for maximal certainty, whilst repair firms (such as ConRepair) aim for

profit optimization. But the SLA and corresponding policies achieve the opposite effect. From the

perspective of the repair firm, endogenous control policy variables primarily optimize customer

service and exogenous variables mainly determine the company’s profit. It is remarkable, that

cost benefits are passed on fully to the customer. This calls for a reconsideration of the ESPs

terms and conditions. Formalizing decision making in a model makes trade offs more visible, and

we recommend that all parameters, such as penalty structures, should be part of an SLA.


Another suggestion for further research is to extend the model into multi-item situations.

Also, one could investigate, for example, options for selective, condition-based take-back,

applying local testing at the customer site. Moreover, all sensitivity analysis in this paper is carried

out presuming a priori information about parameter changes. Under these circumstances, policies

can be adapted in time. But suppose that information becomes available after the Last Time Buy

has been acquired. Does the presence of phase-outs strengthen robustness of the system, or

does it instead constitute another source of uncertainty itself? Another dimension is differentiation

of service levels into e.g. platinum, gold and economy contracts. It would be interesting to

investigate how control policies are influenced by such differentiation. Finally, optimization

procedures could be extended with exact solutions, service-level models or hybrid PUSH-PULL.

In this, a ‘fair’ calculation of penalty costs, based on collateral cost in the supply chain or

insurance fees, is a fruitful area.

In general, the interaction and synergy of service - and reverse logistics deserves more

exploration. This paper is a first step.


We would like to express our gratitude to dr M.C. van der Heijden of Twente University of

Technology, Netherlands, for his critical comments and good advices.

This research is partially sponsored by Transumo ECO project, proj. no. GL05022b.



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Table 1: Model parameters and base-case data (retrieved 2004-2007)

Model inputs

H Planning horizon (weeks) 150 weeks

IB(t) Installed base at time t (parts) 0≤t< 50 : 500 parts

50≤t<100 : 400 parts ( 501 )

100≤t<150 : 300 parts ( 1002 )

Failure rate (parts per week; total failures follow a piecewise

homogenous Poisson process with rate )(tIB

0.02 parts per week

L Repair lead time (weeks; deterministic) 1 week

hm Carrying cost for newly acquired parts 0.042 per part/per week

hr Carrying cost for repaired parts 0.026 per part/per week

hn Carrying cost for repairable parts 0.010 per part/per week

pm Price of newly acquired part 10 per part (normalized)

pr Price of repaired part 8 per part (normalized)

cm Unit cost of newly acquired part 8 per part (normalized)

cr Unit cost of repaired part 4 per part (normalized)

yF Probability that repair is successful for failed parts 0.7

yP Probability that repair is successful for phase-out parts 0.9

cb Backorder penalty per part 5 euro per part per week

cf Fail-to-deliver penalty per part 100 euro per part

1-p Acceptable probability of being out-of-stock just before

phase-out occurrence, specified by management


Control decision variables

Q Last Time Buy Quantity (PUSH and PULL)

S(t) Repair-up-to level at time t (PULL)

U(t) Dispose-down-to level at time t (PUSH and PULL)

System process variables

D(a,b) Demand during time interval (a,b] (Poisson process)

R(a,b) Repairable returns during time interval (a,b] (Poisson process)

ND(a,b) Net demand (=D(a,b)-R(a,b)) during time interval (a,b] (Poisson process)

M(t) Inventory of newly acquired parts at time t

R(t) Inventory of repaired parts at time t

N(t) Inventory of repairable parts at time t

IP(t) Inventory position at time t (= M(t) + R(t) + repair in progress - backorders)


Table 2: Parameters that determine the disposal quantity under PUSH and PULL




)( tHhn

rr cp

)( tHhc rr


Table 3: Accuracy of the PULL and PUSH heuristics for varied repair yield and 0p .

Disposal option is disabled; all other parameters are according to the base case.







Net profit


Net profit






Net profit


Net profit


0.3 701 707 13.10 13.28 700 700 9.38 9.38

0.5 457 466 20.52 20.69 456 456 17.55 17.55

0.7 212 222 27.06 27.27 210 211 24.83 24.84

0.9 49 50 23.54 23.54 49 49 23.18 23.18

Table 4: Performance of the PULL and PUSH heuristics as a function of service-level

requirement p ; all other parameters are according to the base case.


p Q Net profit Q Net profit

0.900 212 27.06 211 24.84

0.990 225 27.25 225 25.20

0.995 229 27.21 229 25.25

0.999 238 27.06 238 25.19


Table 5: The value of disposal for varied timing of the first (and only) phase-out

occurrence 1 .



Net profit


Net profit

(no disposal)

Net profit


Net profit

(no disposal)

25 22.70 22.70 19.75 19.90

50 25.11 25.12 22.50 22.58

75 26.53 26.40 24.38 22.09

100 27.35 27.12 25.18 21.06

125 27.82 27.70 25.24 19.97

Table 6: Performance of PUSH and PULL in terms of costs and benefits per week.


Sales new 15.00 15.00

Sales repaired 51.94 51.87

Production/purchase costs 12.00 12.00

Repair costs 26.16 26.01

New part. Inv. Costs 0.76 0.76

Repaired part Inv. Costs 0.19 1.72

Repairables Inv. Costs 0.35 -

Backorder costs 0.04 0.17

Failed to deliver costs 0.17 1.00

Subtotal 66.94 39.68 66.87 41.67

Net profit 27.25 25.20

Q 225 225

Percentage of returns disposed 3.6% 4.3%

Fraction of parts delivered

directly from stock

99.65% 99.45%

Fraction of parts delivered 99.98% 99.88%



Serviceable inventory

Last Time

Buy usual


Phase-out and defect returns



customer site


Figure 1: The service process and reverse logistics with Last Time Buy opportunity


Figure 2: Schematic representation of the model

Last Time Buy


Inventory of acquired parts, M(t)


Inventory of repairable parts, R(t)

Inventory of repairable parts, N(t)

L, cr

Failures with rate IB(t) and yield yF








cb , cf

Scheduled phase-outs with yield yP


Installed base, IB(t)


Figure 3: Inventory processes as a function of time under PUSH (a) and PULL (b) control without phase-outs

(a) (b)







X – S/E(D)


Repaired parts

0 0


R(t) N(t)




Figure 4: The effect of phase-outs under PUSH control: an early phase-out (a) and a late phase-out (b).

(a) (b)














Figure 5: Numerical example for base-case scenario under PUSH (a) and PULL (b) control

(a) (b)


Figure 6: Performance of PULL and PUSH as a function of the unit repair cost cr


Figure 7: Impact of repair yield

(a) (b)


Figure 8: Financial impact of phase-out volume

(a) (b)


Figure 9: Impact of phase-out volume with respect to Last Time Buy quantity and service levels

(a) (b)


Figure 10: Impact of phase-out timing

(a) (b)