Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online oleh : Sando Sasako Penerbit: CV Serabdi Sakti Jakarta, Desember 2015

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Mau Jual Buku Online oleh :

Sando Sasako

Penerbit: CV Serabdi Sakti

Jakarta, Desember 2015

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Copyright © Sando Sasako Hak Cipta dilindungi Undang-Undang. Dilarang memperbanyak isi buku ini, baik sebagian maupun seluruhnya, dalam bentuk apa pun, tanpa izin tertulis dari pemilik hak cipta dan penerbit. Diterbitkan oleh CV Serabdi Sakti Graha Anggrek Jl. Anggrek Rosliana VII No.63 Jakarta Barat 11480, Indonesia Tel. / Fax. +62 21 5367 3649 Tel. +62 21 3218 7118 (Flexi) +62 21 4027 8375 (Fren) Categories: self-help, self-improvement, hobby, arts, idea, business, leadership, innovation Keywords: market analysis, industry analysis, e-marketplace, online shopping, e-book, e-reader, written message, freedom to speech, information dissemination, information bias

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Kata Pengantar Tulis dan baca merupakan dua hal yang berbeda. Tulis atau tulisan merupakan salah satu bentuk komunikasi non-verbal. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman (shared understanding) bagi pembacanya. Konteksnya bisa berupa cerita (storytelling), pesan (korespondensi), kesan (diary), petunjuk (how-to), atau semacam pengumuman (publikasi). Dulu, komunikasi tertulis disampaikan dalam bentuk gambar (icon, pictograf, hieroglif) di atas batu. Seiring perkembangan zaman, alat tulis berkembang ke lilin cair, tinta, pewarna, atau lainnya dan media tulis berkembang menjadi tanah liat, papirus, kertas, dan digital (disket, CD, sosmed, atau lainnya). Bentuk tulisan pun berubah menjadi alfabet (huruf, simbol, grafim) yang bisa diadaptasi, syllable, logograf. Media penyampaian komunikasi tertulis pun berkembang dari wired menjadi wireless (gelombang elektromagnet). Di sisi lain, baca merupakan proses men-decode terhadap kode-kode yang dibuat oleh penulis. Kode-kode tersebut bisa berupa huruf, kata, suara, gambar, sketsa, atau simbol. Pembaca hanya bisa men-decode tulisan bila dia memiliki kapabilitas kognitif dalam hal pengetahuan, pengalaman, sikap, dan komunitas bahasa tulisan tersebut berada secara sosial dan budaya. Proses membaca membutuhkan kesinambungan dalam hal praktek, pengembangan, dan refinement. Proses membaca pun harus dibalut dengan analisis kreatif dan kritis. Proses yang kompleks ini tidak bisa dikontrol atau dibatasi pada satu interpretasi atau lebih. Bila demikian adanya, tulisan tersebut tidak berbeda dengan doktrin atau dogma, ideologi, keyakinan atau kepercayaan (beliefs) yang tidak boleh dipertanyakan atau diragukan kebenarannya. Berbagai dogma yang membelenggu semakin kehilangan makna dan keberadaannya seiring berkembangnya intelektualitas dan kesadaran manusia akan pentingnya arti kebebasan. Puncaknya adalah kebangkitan Maximilien Robespierre dan kelompok Jacobin dengan menerapkan Reign of Terror (1793-1794), membebaskan masyarakat dan negara dari nuansa keagamaan (dalam hal ajaran dan tokoh-tokoh agama), dan lainnya. Liberté, égalité, fraternité pun menjadi satu dari berbagai slogan dan muatan propaganda selama berlangsungnya Revolusi Perancis (1789-1799). Sebagai pengacara dan politisi, Robespierre diyakini sebagai pelopor penyuara frase tersebut sebagaimana tertulis dalam pidatonya tentang organisasi Garda Nasional (Discours sur l'organisation des gardes nationales) di tahun 1790. Melalui doktrin 4 kebebasan (Four Freedoms) F.D. Roosevelt selaku Presiden AS ke-32 di tahun 1941, kebebasan pun mendapat momentumnya dengan pembenaran AS untuk melepaskan prinsip non-intervensi dan berperan sebagai polisi dunia terhadap pihak-pihak yang dianggap mengancam: 1. keamanan nasional (US national secutiry), 2. wujudnya demokrasi (Freedom of speech) dan 3. kebebasan beragama (Freedom of worship) di dunia, 4. hak untuk hidup layak (Freedom from want), dan 5. bebas dari rasa takut (Freedom from fear). Walau begitu, kebebasan mendapatkan informasi pun harus difilter menurut standar ganda yang biasa diterapkan oleh pemegang kekuasaan (di dunia maya), dalam hal ini oleh Google, melalui berbagai algoritmenya yang kompleks dan memihak kepentingan AS. Lebih dari 90% pencarian informasi di internet difasilitasi oleh Google, langsung maupun tidak langsung (melalui Google APIs).

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Bila ada search engine alternatif selain Google, jangan berharap mereka akan bisa independent. Mereka pasti akan dibeli oleh tech behemoths dan tech leviathans. Beberapa search engine harus tamat riwayatnya setelah diakuisisi, seperti blekko oleh IBM, TheFind oleh Facebook, Zagat oleh Google, Summize oleh Twitter, dan lainnya.

Bagan – Harga saham Alphabet Inc., perusahaan induk Google, 1 Januari 2015 – 18 Desember 2015 Sumber: Yahoo Finance, http://bit.ly/1mtz2Ax http://chart.finance.yahoo.com/z?s=GOOG&t=1y&q=&l=&z=l&a=v&p=s&lang=en-US&region=US Bias informasi yang disampaikan dalam SERP (search engine result pages) yang komersil membuat gerah banyak pihak. Salah satunya adalah DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). Per September 2014, melalui Program MEMEX1, DARPA memulai inisiatif pengembangan teknologi search engine alternatif2 untuk menambang informasi dari underground sites3 seperti darknet, Dark Web (encrypted network seperti Tor dan I2P4), Deep Web, atau yang sejenis. Memex diharapkan menjadi Google-Killer app. Onion.City5 merupakan salah satu search engine bagi Deep Web. Sejak tahun 2014, Grams yang hanya bisa diakses lewat Tor, merupakan pelopor underground search engine, khususnya pasar darknet. Deep Web, Dark Web dan lainnya tidak diindeks karena hambatan teknis tidak bisa dipenetrasi dan atas dasar pertimbangan untung-rugi. Beberapa metode yang membuat search engine standar tidak mau menggali lebih dalam, antara lain: 1. Contextual Web. 2. Dynamic content. 3. Limited access content. 4. Non-HTML/text content.

1 http://www.darpa.mil/program/memex 2 http://opencatalog.darpa.mil/MEMEX.html 3 Situs-situs yang tidak di-indeks oleh kebanyakan search engine. 4 https://geti2p.net/en/ 5 http://onion.link/

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5. Private Web. 6. Scripted content. 7. Software. 8. Unlinked content. 9. Web archives. Walau demikian, beberapa deep web search engine berhasil dikompilasi oleh McCartney Taylor di situsnya, http://deep-web.org/how-to-research/deep-web-search-engines/. Last but not least, kalau buku yang mau anda jual online tidak tampil di SERP, ya jangan kecil hati. Anda kan berhadapan dengan behemoth dan leviathan internet. Dengan nilai kapitalisasi pasar lebih dari US$ 600 milyar sejak pertengahan Juli 2015, Alphabet (GOOG, perusahaan induk Google) merupakan perusahaan kedua terbesar di dunia setelah Apple (US$ 658 milyar). Jakarta, 18 Desember 2015 Sando Sasako sandosako @ yahoo.com Mobile +62 812 8056 516

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Daftar Isi Kata Pengantar ............................................................................................................................... iii Daftar Isi ....................................................................................................................................... vii The Big Picture ............................................................................................................................... 1 Untung-Rugi Keberadaan e-book .................................................................................................... 4 Penulis dan E-book yang Laku di Pasar ........................................................................................... 6 Format dan Fitur E-book ................................................................................................................. 7

E-book Features .......................................................................................................................... 7 E-book Reading Devices ............................................................................................................. 7 E-book Readers menurut Pembuatnya ......................................................................................... 8

E-book Readers yang Tidak Diproduksi Lagi .............................................................................. 8 Pasar Tempat Jual-Beli Buku Online ............................................................................................... 8 Tiga e-marketplace Terbaik ........................................................................................................... 10

bukalapak.com .......................................................................................................................... 10 Panduan Jualan Online di Bukalapak ..................................................................................... 10 Tingkatkan Reputasi .............................................................................................................. 12

tokopedia.com ........................................................................................................................... 12 Keuntungan Jualan Online di Tokopedia? ............................................................................. 12 3 Langkah Mudah Jualan Online di Tokopedia ...................................................................... 13 Buka Toko ............................................................................................................................ 13 Gold Merchant (Listing Fee) ................................................................................................. 14

TopAds (Promotional Fee) .................................................................................................... 15 elevenia.co.id ............................................................................................................................ 15

Cara Berjualan ...................................................................................................................... 16 Pendaftaran Seller ................................................................................................................. 16 Ketentuan Seller .................................................................................................................... 18

Bibliografi .................................................................................................................................... 29

Web .......................................................................................................................................... 29 Documents ................................................................................................................................ 30

Attachments Reading Sources ........................................................................................................................... 35

1. 16p Several Reviews and Analyses........................................................................................ 35 2. 10p Alexa Ranking ................................................................................................................ 51 3. 74p Wikipedia Terms ............................................................................................................ 61 4. 18p Some Info on eBay ....................................................................................................... 135 5. 40p Indonesia case .............................................................................................................. 153

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The Big Picture Dengan pasar penerbitan senilai €30 milyar atau sebesar 26% pasar global di tahun 2012, AS merupakan pasar terbesar bagi industri penerbitan global. Hampir seluruhnya, sekitar $29,5 milyar merupakan penghasilan (revenue) industri penerbitan buku. Walau demikian, trennya tidak begitu menggembirakan. (http://bit.ly/1mnbBc4) Penghasilan dan jumlah penjualan tidak berubah signifikan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Internet yang memfasilitasi transfer informasi digital seperti mengebiri preferensi orang untuk membeli buku, baik secara fisik maupun secara digital. Pun kalau ada beberapa pihak yang membeli produk (digital), mereka cenderung akan berbagi dengan pihak lain (P2P). Akibatnya, semakin banyak penerbit mempublikasikan bukunya, baik dalam bentuk judul baru, edisi revisi, atau pun cetak ulang. Tipe penerbit pun semakin meluas, tidak terbatas pada penerbit global, penerbit indie dan self-publishing pun ikut meramaikan dunia buku, baik dalam bentuk cetak maupun e-book.

Bagan - U.S e-book sales revenue 2014 Sumber: Statista.com, http://bit.ly/1MCfZwn, http://www.statista.com/statistics/190800/ebook-sales-revenue-forecast-for-the-us-market/ Sementara itu, dengan nilai $3,3 milyar, pangsa pasar e-book di AS di bulan Maret 2013 naik pesat menjadi 25,5%, dari 2,70% di tahun 2009, dan 14,9% di tahun 2012. Di tahun 2016, PwC memperkirakan pangsa pasar e-book global mencapai 17,9%. (http://bit.ly/1JbdSMa). Nilai tambah yang lebih besar bisa didapat dari penerbit yang memfasilitasi e-book dengan menjual e-reader. Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, dan Sony merupakan 4 pemasok utama e-reader. Dengan Kindle Firenya, Amazon (AMZN) mampu menguasai 55% pasar e-reader global. Di tahun 2011, Amazon bisa menjual Kindle Fire sampai 5,5 juta unit dan diproyeksikan sekitar 27,8 juta unit di tahun 2014,

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menurut Statista.com.6 Di tempat kedua, Barnes and Noble Nook memiliki pangsa sekitar 22% di tahun 2012. Proyeksi yang dimuat di situs Statista.com dinilai terlalu optimistik, mengingat kondisi riel bersifat kontradiktif.

Bagan - Monthly e-book market share in the U.S. 2013 Sumber: Statista.com, http://bit.ly/1JbdSMa, http://www.statista.com/statistics/234102/e-book-market-share-in-the-united-states/

Bagan – Consumer book sales di AS, 2008-2017 (US$ bn) Sumber: Statista.com, http://bit.ly/1I8aQxn, http://bit.ly/1YfS5iE, https://d28wbuch0jlv7v.cloudfront.net/images/infografik/normal/ChartOfTheDay_1159_eBook_Sales_to_Surpass_Printed_Book_Sales_in_2017_n.jpg http://www.statista.com/chart/1159/ebook-sales-to-surpass-printed-book-sales-in-2017/

6 http://www.statista.com/statistics/215766/amazon-kindle-fire-tablet-sales-forecast-since-2011/, http://www.statista.com/statistics/234102/e-book-market-share-in-the-united-states/

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Keberadaan e-reader yang ekslusif mendapat pesaing sangat tangguh, yakni dalam bentuk e-reader apps yang bisa digunakan gratis di semua gadget (smartphone, komputer tablet). Penjualan sebanyak 23 juta unit di tahun 2011 diyakini sebagai masa kejayaan bisnis e-reader. Semenjak itu, penjualan e-reader semakin menurun menjadi sekitar 12 juta unit di tahun 2014,7 dan menyisakan Amazon dan Kobo sebagai pemain utama di bisnis e-reader. E-reader pertama kali dibuat Sony di tahun 2004 dengan nama Sony Librie. Persaingan yang sangat ketat di bisnis e-reader dengan Amazon, Barnes and Noble, dan Kobo membuat Sony terpaksa harus menghentikan bisnis e-readernya per 1 Agustus 2014. Enam bulan sebelumnya, 6 Februari 2014, Sony terpaksa harus melepaskan pelanggan e-readernya ke Kobo Reader Store milik Rakuten. Bila Sony baru melepaskan Sony Readernya di awal Agustus 2014, Microsoft justru mengaktivasi kembali Microsoft Readernya di Windows 10. Microsoft pernah menanamkan Microsoft Readernya di smartphone yang menggunakan platform Windows Pocket PC per 19 April 2000 dan Windows Mobile. Selain itu, Microsoft Reader bisa di-install di semua komputer dengan sistem pengoperasi Windows (termasuk Windows 95).8 Kelebihan Microsoft Reader yang paling menonjol adalah kemampuannya untuk membaca teks yang ada di e-book dengan standar Microsoft, yakni file dengan ekstensi *.lit, termasuk didalamnya teknologi ClearType. Walau demikian, pada pertengahan Agustus 2011, Microsoft mendeklarasikan penghentian dukungan pada Microsoft Reader secara efektif per 30 Agustus 2012 dan penerimaan ebook baru per 8 November 2011.9 Di akhir April 2012, Microsoft membeli 17% saham bernilai $300 juta di Barnes & Noble Nook, perusahaan e-reader yang didivestasi Barnes & Noble yang ditaksir bernilai $1,7 milyar.10 Nook dinilai jauh lebih besar dari perusahaan induknya. Walau demikian, kerjasama tersebut berakhir per 4 Desember 2014, yakni setelah nilai bisnis Nook turun 50%. Nook membeli kembali saham Microsoft dengan nilai $120 juta. Pada masa itu, Nook ditengarai tengah menyiasati strategi untuk memisah bisnisnya ke dua unit, yakni sebagai pengecer (fisik dan e-store) atau perusahaan teknologi (e-reader Nook) dan perusahaan toko buku yang memasok buku-buku perguruan tinggi.11 Menurut PwC, di tahun 2017, dengan nilai sebesar $8,2 milyar, penjualan e-books, tidak termasuk buku pendidikan, diestimasi lebih besar dari nilai perdagangan buku cetak. Walau demikian, angka tersebut belum bisa menyamai nilai penjualan buku cetak di tahun 2008. Penjualan buku cetak diproyeksikan turun dari $11, 9 milyar di tahun 2012 menjadi $7,9 milyar di tahun 2017.

7 Michael Kozlowski, The State of the e-Reader Industry in 2015, 20150924,

http://goodereader.com/blog/electronic-readers/the-state-of-e-reader-industry-in-2015 8 Kevin C. Tofel, A brief history of Microsoft’s e-reader efforts, 20120430, https://gigaom.com/2012/04/30/a-

brief-history-of-microsofts-e-reader-efforts/ 9 Paul Thurrott, RIP, Microsoft Reader, 20110816, http://winsupersite.com/blog/supersite-blog-39/mobile-

computing-devices/rip-microsoft-reader-140219 10 Zach Epstein, Microsoft invests $300 million in Barnes & Noble, Boy Genius Report. 20120430.

http://www.bgr.com/2012/04/30/microsoft-barnes-noble/ 11 Alexandra Alter and David Gelles, Barnes & Noble and Microsoft End Nook Partnership, 20141204,


Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Untung-Rugi Keberadaan e-book Cukup banyak pihak yang mencoba mendeskripsikan untung-ruginya e-book. Kebanyakan gagal memberikan perspektif, kecuali mencampur-adukannya dalam format all-in-one. Minimnya sudut pandang dalam menggambarkan suatu hal membuat banyak pihak menguraikan satu hal dengan bahasa yang berbeda, tetapi mengandung pemahaman yang sama. Air dan minyak tidak akan pernah bisa bersatu. Mereka hanya bisa disatukan dengan bantuan ‘pihak’ lain, yakni sabun. Ketika disatukan, mereka sudah kehilangan jati dirinya. Air, minyak, dan sabun bila disatukan menghasilkan air yang keruh. Kalau air sudah keruh, banyak pihak yang ingin mencoba memancing ikan, mencoba mendulang emas. Dalam kasus e-book, 3 pihak yang berkepentingan adalah pengarang (author) yang berperan sebagai produsen, pembaca yang berperan sebagai konsumen, dan penerbit yang berperan sebagai makelar, pedagang, dan distributor. Ketiganya memiliki kepentingan yang bisa berbeda sama sekali, atau malah sangat mendukung satu sama lain. Pro dan kontra menjadi suatu keniscayaan. Dalam kasus e-reader, hukum Say (supply creates its own demand) tidak berlaku. Permintaan atas buku yang bisa dikonsumsi tidak secara tradisional sudah lama dicoba untuk dipenuhi banyak pihak melalui berbagai inisiatif dan imajinasi. Beberapa nama historis mencakup Bob Brown, Ángela Ruiz Robles, Roberto Busa, Doug Engelbart dan Andries van Dam, Michael S. Hart, dan lainnya. Setiap konsumen memiliki preferensinya masing-masing dalam mengkonsumsi buku. Beberapa faktor yang bisa mempengaruhi prilaku konsumen buku mencakup harga, ketersediaan, memiliki kesesuaian dengan gaya hidup, cara hidup, pandangan dalam hidup, atau lainnya. Sering terjadi, konsumen tidak bisa membedakan mana yang menjadi kebutuhan, keinginan, kesukaan, yang mana ujung, mana yang pangkal, atau lainnya. It’s all mixed up at once. Kristalisasi jawaban atas suatu permasalahan pada satu kata bisa sangat memudahkan. Walau demikian, tanpa upaya pendeskripsian yang layak, kristalisasi sering diinterpretasi berbeda. Kepala boleh sama hitam, kepentingan pasti berbeda. Di tahun 2000, ulasan Stork bisa dipakai sebagai acuan dan referensi pada kepentingan pembaca sebagai konsumen dan penerbit sebagai pedagang. Stork menyebut kepentingan pembaca sebagai keuntungan (advantages) dari penerbitan e-book dan mengkristalkannya dalam 6 kata, yakni readability, usability, changeability, portability, multimedia capability, dan availability.12 Kepentingan penerbit disebut Stork sebagai hambatan (obstacles) bagi penerbitan e-book dan dikristalkan kedalam 6 frase, yakni resistance to change, font issues, lack of a standard format, digital rights management, reproduction of graphics, dan reader hardware.13 Kepentingan pengarang atau penulis diilustrasikan dengan baik oleh Doctorow dalam fokus tulisan Forbes di awal Desember 2006. Kepentingan penulis adalah semakin banyak keterlibatan penulis dalam berbagai aktivitas terkait penulisan seperti mengajar, seminar, penterjemahan, lisensi, hibah, atau lainnya.14 Kepentingan penulis yang lain terkait e-book yang dibuat adalah penulis bebas dari sensor dan kepentingan penerbit sebagai penjaga pintu, mendapatkan akses dan waktu yang lebih cepat untuk

12 Paul Papanek Stork, The Promise of eBook Publishing, The Internet Writing Journal, October 2000,

http://www.writerswrite.com/journal/oct00/the-promise-of-ebook-publishing-10007 13 Paul Papanek Stork, The Problems of eBook Publishing, The Internet Writing Journal, December-January 2001,

http://www.writerswrite.com/journal/dec00/stork2.htm 14 Cory Doctorow, Giving It Away, 20061201, Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/2006/11/30/cory-doctorow-


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masuk ke pasar dan distribusi global, royalti yang lebih tinggi, dan memiliki kontrol kreatif yang lebih besar.15 Besarnya sensor penerbit berdampak pada banyak berkurangnya keanekaragaman buku di pasar, baik dalam hal mutu dan preferensi pembaca, disain isi dan cover, harga, bentuk promosi, dan lainnya. Pun dalam hal keuntungan yang bisa diterima pedagang ritel dan penulis. Penerbit biasanya memberi royalti bagi penulis maksimal sebesar 25% dari cover priver atau minimal sebesar 12,5 sampai 17,5% dari daftar harga (katalog, list price). Penulis yang menerbitkan sendiri karyanya bisa mendapatkan bagian sebesar 60-70% dari daftar harga. Penerbit memiliki kriteria dan preferensi tersendiri bagi buku yang bersifat menjual dan laku di pasar. Dalam prakteknya, penerbit yang myopia tidak akan pernah bisa menebak apa yang menjadi kebutuhan, keinginan, dan preferensi pembaca. Melalui chain-store miliknya, tidak jarang penerbit berperan sebagai pedagang besar yang memiliki ruang peraga yang terbatas dan membatasi dalam hal ruang (shelf-space) dan waktu (shelf-time). Pembaca sudah menjelma sebagai kurator (penerima, penjaga, pemegang) dan arbiter (wasit, hakim) terhadap buku yang layak dan enak dibaca. Sentimen pembaca disuarakan dalam bentuk buah bibir di berbagai media sosial. Bila bagus, buku bisa menjadi best seller. E-book pun tidak mengenal istilah tidak ada stok dan buku tidak laku dikembalikan ke penerbit atau penulis dalam bentuk sales return. Dalam rangka mendapatkan reputasi, penulis indie harus berkorban dengan merilis e-book secara berseri dan bermutu tinggi, setidaknya di mata penulis. E-book yang bagus tentu merangsang pembaca membentuk fan-base yang fanatik atau malah justru menentang. Fan-base yang fanatik biasanya meminta penulis untuk membuat bukunya lebih baik dan menantang, atau lebih cepat dibuat mengikuti tren (rapid publishing). Tidak jarang cetak ulang atau tulis ulang e-book hanya mengganti cover dengan image yang lebih baik, deskripsi buku yang berbeda, dan/atau harga yang berbeda. Buku yang sukses di pasar banyak diadaptasi menjadi film, animasi, berseri, atau layar lebar. Walau demikian, tidak jarang dan banyak karya penulis hebat justru hancur begitu diadaptasi menjadi film.16 Penonton dan pembaca merupakan 2 audiens yang memiliki preferensi konsumsi yang berbeda. Belum lagi perbedaan dalam proses mengadaptasi buku menjadi film. Tidak akan pernah ada rumus dan resep manjur dan cespleng yang bisa membuat adaptasi buku best-seller menjadi film blockbuster. Kemauan pembaca dan penonton tidak akan pernah bisa diprediksi oleh siapa pun. Beberapa pembaca lebih menyukai buku tradisional, yaitu yang dicetak. Kenyamanan dan mudah membolak-balik halaman yang dicetak merupakan seni tersendiri, dibandingkan harus men-scroll halaman di e-reader. Termasuk didalamnya kecepatan dalam membaca, melewatkan (skip) beberapa bagian buku, melompat ke bagian buku yang lain.17 Buku cetak tidak memerlukan energi listrik bila diletakkan dalam waktu yang cukup lama. Pun dalam hal daur-ulang. Bahan baku kertas bisa didaur-ulang dan berasal dari sumber daya yang bisa

15 Mark Coker, Why eBook Retailers Are Embracing Self-Published Authors, huffingtonpost.com, 20130212,

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-coker/ebook-publishing_b_2663965.html 16 Saabira Chaudhuri, From Best Seller To Blockbuster, Forbes.com, 20061211,

http://www.forbes.com/2006/12/08/successful-film-adaptations-tech-media_cz_sc_books06_1208moviebook.html 17 John Schrock, https://disqus.com/by/npr-defd66d9a2238dc728d6e71da780714e/ dalam, npr.org. E-Books

Destroying Traditional Publishing? The Story's Not That Simple, 20121227, http://www.npr.org/2012/12/27/168068655/e-books-destroying-traditional-publishing-the-storys-not-that-simple

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diperbarui. Sementara bahan baku e-reader termasuk ke dalam kategori hazmat (materi berbahaya) seperti cadmium, lithium, plastic organics (Organic LEDs), liquid crystalline, cobalt, gallium, germanium, indium, platina, rare earths (yttrium, scandium, lanthanides), tantalum.18 Di sisi lain, teknologi HTML5 membuat hardware dan software harus sering di-upgrade dan di-update. Aktivitas browsing di internet semakin menuntut kinerja maksimal dan terbaru dari hardware dan software (resource hungry). Browsing dengan menggunakan Windows XP menjelang akhir tahun 2015 merupakan kesia-siaan. Auto-update browser dan terutama Adobe Flash, Adobe Shockwave, download manager, dan lainnya merupakan suatu keharusan. End of support bagi Windows XP yang dipropagandakan oleh Microsoft harus disambut dengan baik oleh para pembuat software lainnya. Termasuk didalamnya Oracle yang membuat Java, berbagai plugins yang harus ditanam (embedded) oleh Mozilla dalam Firefox, dan lainnya. Penulis dan E-book yang Laku di Pasar Pertanyaan yang menggoda lainnya adalah e-book apa yang laku di pasar dan siapa saja penulisnya. Enambelas penulis ternama mampu mendapatkan penghasilan kotor sebanyak $355 juta dari penjualan e-booknya selama Juni 2014 sampai Juni 2015, tidak termasuk pajak atau fee lainnya. Ke-16 penulis tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:19 1. James Patterson, $89 juta 2. John Green, $26 juta 3. Veronica Roth, $25 juta 4. Danielle Steel, $25 juta 5. Jeff Kinney, $23 juta 6. Janet Evanovich, $21 juta 7. J.K. Rowling, $19 juta 8. Stephen King, $19 juta 9. Nora Roberts, $18 juta 10. John Grisham, $14 juta 11. Dan Brown, $13 juta 12. Suzanne Collins, $13 juta 13. Gillian Flynn, $13 juta 14. Rick Riordan, $13 juta 15. E.L. James, $12 juta 16. George R. R. Martin, $12 juta Empat dari 16 penulis terkaya ala Forbes merupakan pendatang baru di bisnis buku fiksi Young Adult (>12 tahun), yakni Green (The Fault in Our Stars), Roth (Divergent), Rowling (Harry Potter), dan Collins (Hunger Games). Buah karya keempat penulis berhasil diadaptasi menjadi film yang menarik penonton menjadi pembaca. Menurut Barringham, thriller misteri merupakan fiksi e-book yang paling banyak dicari, disusul cerita cinta, dan fiksi sejarah.20 Sementara menurut aplikasinya dalam kehidupan nyata, e-book

18 http://www.oeko.de/oekodoc/1375/2012-010-en.pdf 19 Natalie Robehmed, The World's Top-Earning Authors 2015: James Patterson, John Green And Veronica Roth

Lead Ranking, 20150722, http://www.forbes.com/pictures/emjl45mkhd/the-worlds-top-earning-a/ 20 Ruth Barringham, Which Ebooks Sell Better on Amazon?, http://writeaholics.net/articles/2013/which-kindle-


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yang paling banyak dicari adalah dari jenis kerajinan tangan (crafts), keagamaan, olahraga, self-improvement, komputer, diet, hobi, musik, perbaikan rumah, dan uang.21 Mystery/Thriller 360,000+ Romance 270,000+ Historical Fiction 190,000+ Biographies/Mémoires 160,000+ Literary Fiction 150,000+ Fantasy 140,000+ Religious/Inspirational 14,000+ Women's Fiction 140,000+ Cooking 130,000+ Science Fiction 120,000+ Teen/Young Adult 110,000+ Action/Adventure 110,000+ Horror 100,000+ Advice/How To 90,000+ Sumber: BookBub Format dan Fitur E-book epub, mobi, cb* (cb7-7z, cba-ACE, cbr-RAR, cbt-TAR, cbz-ZIP) merupakan beberapa jenis atau format e-book generasi kedua yang paling banyak beredar. E-book generasi pertama memiliki ekstensi txt, rtf, doc, pdf, DjVu, htm/html, chm, lit. File dokumen berbasis XML yang dikompres banyak digunakan untuk keperluan pengolahan kata (word processing), angka (spreadsheet), presentasi, dan bagan. Sementara file XML yang tidak dikompres biasanya berisi struktur data. pdf, DjVu, dan cb* merupakan 3 dari beberapa file yang tidak mengubah layout dokumen (fixed-layout flat document) saat dibuka di mana saja dan oleh siapa saja. Sementara dokumen yang berbasis htm/html, XML, epub, mobi, bersifat fluid, fleksibel, elastis saat dibuka. Tujuannya adalah supaya layout output bisa menyesuaikan diri dengan resolusi layar monitor, hardware, sistem pengoperasi, dan terutama preferensi browser atau sejenisnya dalam me-render isinya. e-book readers by filetypes.png bit.ly/1YdZIWO http://s6.postimg.org/as03851lt/e_book_readers_by_filetypes.png E-book Features Beberapa e-book memiliki fitur video, suara, tabel, anotasi, bookmark, word-wrap, DRM, standar terbuka atau tertutup, dan bisa interaktif. E-book yang memiliki standar tertutup biasanya hanya bisa diakses oleh e-reader tertentu, khususnya yang diproteksi oleh DRM seperti file-file kindle dari Amazon yang tidak bisa diakses oleh Nook buatan Barnes & Noble. e-book features.png bit.ly/1TNXx5V http://s6.postimg.org/c1xwn6vdt/e_book_features.png E-book Reading Devices e-book reading devices.png

21 payloadz.com, 10 Types Of eBooks That People Love To Buy, 20131125, http://talk.payloadz.com/10-types-of-ebooks-that-people-love-to-buy/

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bit.ly/1RmSQSC http://s6.postimg.org/4ah6omr8h/e_book_reading_devices.png E-book Readers menurut Pembuatnya e-book readers by maker.png bit.ly/1NvolEb http://s6.postimg.org/ijgt6p5r5/e_book_readers_by_maker.png E-book Readers yang Tidak Diproduksi Lagi e-book readers discontinued.png bit.ly/1m4BY61 http://s6.postimg.org/75u9vhv8h/e_book_readers_discontinued.png Pasar Tempat Jual-Beli Buku Online Pasar buku online menjadi pilihan penjual dan pembeli atas dasar berbagai pertimbangan. Calon pembeli yang sudah mengetahui buku apa yang akan dibeli akan mencarinya lewat online store, e-store, atau e-marketplace. Di sisi lain, penjualan buku online menjadi alternatif bagi penjual yang kurang mampu membiayai biaya merchandising secara visual dan fisik. Merchandising membutuhkan disain dan display fisik terhadap ruang dan rak peraga, kemasan, penetapan harga, sistem paket promo, waktu yang tepat (season, siklis), dan lainnya. Termasuk didalamnya adalah kemungkinan akses terhadap isi dan daftar isi serta ketersediaan pramuniaga (shop-keeper, shop attendant). Siklus tahunan di suatu wilayah bisa sangat berbeda dengan wilayah lain, tergantung adat dan kebudayaan setempat yang berlaku. E-store membutuhkan infrastruktur IT yang kuat dan handal dalam menangani search queries dan memberikan pilihan produk yang relevan. Konsep ‘relevan’ menurut calon pembeli atau pembaca bisa sangat berbeda dengan konsep ‘relevan’ yang dimengerti penjual. Tidak jarang, calon pembeli hanya bisa mengakses halaman cover depan dari buku yang ingin dibelinya. Di sini, konsep buku yang dimaksud lebih mengacu pada buku cetak. E-store seperti ini sangat banyak jumlahnya. Mereka hanya me-listing judul buku dan harga. Ketika pembeli sudah memesan (dan membayar), penjual akan meminta toko atau gudang distributor (miliknya atau pihak ketiga) atau penerbit untuk mengirimkannya ke alamat yang diinginkan (ship-from-store). Pengirim bisa dilakukan oleh Kantor Pos atau jasa kurir swasta. Sistem ini disebut drop shipping. Bila alamat tujuan pengiriman adalah toko terkait penjual yang dekat dengan pembeli, sistem ini disebut ship-to-store, in-store pick-up, atau click-to-brick. Ada pula sistem click and commute, yakni produk dipesan untuk dijemput di suatu drive-through. Bila penjualnya memiliki toko secara fisik dan menerapkan e-store, penjual tersebut bisa dikategorikan sebagai perusahaan bricks-and-clicks. Toko penjual bisa bersifat indie, chain stores, atau franchised stores. Toko yang ada secara fisik disebut brick-and-mortar store. E-store yang tidak memiliki lokasi fisik dan hanya ada di internet, perusahaan tersebut disebut sebagai perusahaan pure click atau pure play. Keberadaannya tergantung pada host atau situs yang menampung keberadaan mereka, berbayar atau gratis. Situs berbayar bersifat periodik, bila tidak dibayar, nama situs tersebut akan langsung di-non-aktifkan oleh host yang menyediakan space dan platform. Situs gratis rawan kena sanksi suspended, disabled, atau lainnya. Implementasi e-store membutuhkan waktu dan uang yang signifikan dalam mendefinisikan sistem, user interface, disain, pengembangan, pengujian, implementasi, dan menjaga operasionalisai web-

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store. Transaksi atau perdagangan yang terjadi (e-commerce) menghilangkan batasan geofisik antara penjual dan pembeli. Biaya dan/atau hambatan mengganti (switching barriers and switching costs) supplier bisa berubah. Hal ini tergantung kemampuan IT e-store dalam mengganti supplier dan vendor mana yang sesuai, terdekat, tercepat, termurah, dan lainnya, tanpa harus melibatkan interaksi dengan pembeli (without disrupting users' shopping experience). Di sini, e-commerce menantang kemampuan e-store untuk mengintegrasikan seluruh fungsi inter-company dan intra-company, yakni mengatur 3 arus, arus produk, arus finansil, dan arus informasi. e-store harus bisa memberikan pilihan seleksi yang lebih banyak, harga yang bersaing, dan akses yang lebih besar terhadap informasi. Informasi tambahan terhadap produk bisa berupa latar belakang, advis, how-to, instruksi, prosedur keselamatan, demonstrasi, spesifikasi produk, kebijakan sales return. Beberapa e-store menyediakan fitur real-time chat, IVR, blog, e-mail, atau panggilan telepon guna memenuhi pertanyaan dan keingintahuan pelanggan. Dua dimensi utama dari beban informasi (information load) adalah kompleksitas dan kebaruan (novelty). Banjir informasi baru dalam hal banyak ragam diharapkan bisa menjadi impuls bagi pembeli untuk membeli. Dalam rangka membanjiri informasi, eBay mengoperasikan 52.533 server yang mengkonsumsi 20 megawatt listrik dari puluhan situs. Beberapa e-store menerapkan kebijakan return yang baik sebagai kompensasi memilih mereka daripada toko lain seperti label gratis kirim balik (free return shipping), tidak ada fee re-stocking walau tanpa ada kesalahan dari merchant. Di Inggris, re-stocking fee dilarang bila konsumen membatalkan pesanan online-nya (Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Act 2000). Sistem ERP yang diimplementasikan e-store seharusnya mengintegrasikan dan mengotomasikan manajemen supply chain dalam hal manajemen order, pembayaran, akuntansi, pengiriman, dan penggudangan. Di sisi pemakai, sistem tersebut menghubungkan konsumen, pelanggan, agen, distributor, supplier, dan perusahaan jasa secara online dengan sistem e-store. Transaksi bisnis bisa diselesaikan secara elektronik (paperless) dan real-time. Beberapa e-store menawarkan fasilitas (omnichannel) kepada penerbit besar, mulai dari pemenuhan order, angkutan (freight) sampai layanan pelanggan. Solusi pemenuhan order dan angkutan bisa bersifat regional atau tersentralisir, berupa sistem manajemen penggudangan, logistik keluar-masuk, layanan pengembalian, pengemasan, personalisasi, perakitan, dan pengiriman kado. Sistem pembayaran dan perlindungan bisa mencakup penghitungan harga dan diskonnya, pajak, ongkos kirim, verifikasi alamat tujuan, tinjauan order, pencegahan penipuan (fraud), otorisasi kartu kredit, penyelesaian pembayaran, dan pengolahan pembayaran alternatif seperti internet banking, mobile banking, transfer bank, outlet ritel, atau cash on delivery. Program perlindungan berlaku bagi pembeli dan penjual. Beberapa pilihan sistem dan/atau solusi pembayaran inovatif yang sudah berjalan di Indonesia mencakup DOKU, Veritrans, ipaymu, Indomog, atau lainnya. Pertimbangan utama dalam online shopping adalah trustworthines dari sistem yang ada, yakni mencakup penipuan (fraud) dan keamanan bertransaksi. Pencurian identitas, produk cacat, spyware merupakan beberapa contohnya. e-store, e-marketplace, atau online marketplace memiliki variasinya tersendiri. Ada yang hanya berfungsi sebagai pengelola pasar seperti eBay, ada pula yang berfungsi sebagai stokis seperti

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Amazon yang menyimpan produk fisik atau dalam bentuk elektronik dan mengendalikan proses pengiriman. Online shopping yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah terkait buku, booking tiket perjalanan dan akomodasinya, konser, atau lainnya. Produk digital lainnya yang dijual online mencakup file gambar, audio, video, software, video game, content provider, (confirmed) (status) information [location, purchase order, tiket, invoice, inventory, logistics, kontrak, sistem pembayaran, betting markets, jobs]. Metode penyampaian produk digital disalurkan melalui jaringan terditribusi DDN (distributed data network) dalam beberapa sistem CDN (content delivery network atau content distribution network). e-store biasanya mengenakan listing fee, closing fee, dan promotional fee. Fee yang dikenakan ada yang bersifat tetap, tetapi banyak yang variabel, tergantung kategori, berat, dan pilihan pembayaran, metode pengiriman. Fee promosi mencakup pemasaran afiliasi, atribusi, database, CRM, email dan mobile, iklan online tersegmentasi. Keagenan digital mencakup layanan analitiks dan optimisasi, kreatif, studio, media, search engine, disain user experience, dan riset usability. Walau demikian, masih banyak orang yang memilih menggunakan buku cetak daripada buku cetak versi digital. Aspek tangibility mencakup keinginan konsumen untuk menyentuh, merasakan, dan menginspeksi buku yang ingin dibelinya. Beberapa dasar preferensi terhadap buku cetak mencakup tektur, aroma buku, berat, penampakan di rak buku, sebagai status dan simbol pendidikan, kebudayaan, dan kemanusiaan. Selain itu, beberapa peraturan mensyaratkan toko ritel memfasilitasi local content minimal sebanyak 80% dan batasan kepemilikan waralaba. Tiga e-marketplace Terbaik bukalapak.com Situs Jual Beli Online Mudah & Terpercaya - Bukalapak 20151213231322.png bit.ly/1Mfr1DR http://s6.postimg.org/fmydk5pb1/Situs_Jual_Beli_Online_Mudah_Terpercaya_Buka.jpg bukalapak – buku.jpg bit.ly/1J9T4Vw http://s6.postimg.org/3mcxjfhwh/bukalapak_buku.jpg Jual Buku Pendidikan Lokal - Import – Bukalapak.png bit.ly/1NnO57F http://s6.postimg.org/j946wsvod/Jual_Buku_Pendidikan_Lokal_Import_Bukalapak.jpg Panduan Jualan Online di Bukalapak Berjualan online di Bukalapak itu mudah dan aman. Ayo jualan online tanpa dipungut biaya (gratis) di Bukalapak! Panduan Pelapak Jual Barang Kamu bisa menjual barang dengan harga yang kamu inginkan. 1. Klik Tombol Jual (https://www.bukalapak.com/products/new), Pilih Kategori Barang 2. Kamu wajib mencantumkan perkiraan berat barang untuk perhitungan perkiraan ongkos kirim.

Masukan Detail Barang seperti nama barang yang menarik dan detail, seperti Merek[spasi]seri[spasi]tahun.

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3. Gunakan foto barangmu yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan minat pembeli. Upload foto asli barang yang ingin dijual. Pastikan kualitas foto yang terbaik dan barang terlihat jelas dari berbagai sisi.

4. Pantau lapak kamu dengan secara periodik memeriksa halaman Transaksi (https://www.bukalapak.com/payment/transactions#seller) untuk mengetahui jika ada yang membeli barang yang Kamu jual.

Kelola Transaksi Kamu bisa mengelola dan memantau transaksi secara langsung di halaman Transaksi. Setiap transaksi memiliki 5 status, Menunggu, Dibayar, Dikirim, Diterima, dan Selesai. Warna pada Icon status menunjukan status yang sedang aktif atau telah berlalu. Menunggu Menunggu, Barang telah dipesan oleh pembeli Dibayar Dibayar, Pembeli sudah melakukan pembayaran. Silakan kirim barang ke alamat yang

dituju kemudian lakukan konfirmasi pengiriman Dikirim Dikirim, Barang sudah dikirim Diterima Diterima, Barang sudah diterima oleh pembeli Selesai Selesai, Uang hasil penjualan sudah ditransfer ke rekeningmu Kamu akan menerima e-mail dan notifikasi setiap terjadi perubahan status transaksi Pengemasan dan Pengiriman Barang Kamu akan menerima e-mail, notifikasi, dan sms apabila pembeli berhasil melakukan pembayaran. Pada tahap ini status transaksi adalah Dibayar. Kamu dapat mengemas barang daganganmu lalu mengirimkannya (melalui kurir, dll). Ingat, pengemasan yang bagus dan pengiriman yang cepat akan meningkatkan reputasi Kamu. 1. Kemas barang jualanmu dengan baik dan menarik 2. Alamat tujuan pengiriman dapat dilihat di halaman detail transaksi 3. Kirim barang tersebut melalui jasa pengiriman yang dipilih pembeli 4. Selesai dikirim, tekan Kirim Barang pada halaman Transaksi

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- Dukungan pengiriman - Dukungan pembayaran - Foto profil toko Terakhir, klik "Buka Toko". Masukkan produk-produk yang mau kamu jual dengan klik "Tambah Produk" di menu "Toko Saya". Bisa juga dengan klik "Toko" Tombol Toko Saya di header menu, lalu pilih "Tambah Produk". Isi semua informasi tentang produk dengan benar dan lengkap, seperti: - Nama Produk - Kategori produk - Deskripsi produk - Berat produk - Harga produk - Foto produk Setelah itu, klik "Simpan", atau "Simpan & Tambah Baru" untuk menambah produk-produk baru lainnya. Mudah kan Toppers? Catatan : Perlu kamu ingat, semua produk yang kamu upload harus memenuhi ketentuan upload produk yang sudah kami tetapkan. Lihat selengkapnya tentang Ketentuan Upload Produk https://www.tokopedia.com/terms.pl Kamu akan menerima notifikasi jika ada pesanan baru. Kamu bisa melihat pesanan baru dengan klik "Penjualan" di menu "Toko Saya". Bisa juga dengan klik ikon "Inbox" Menu Notifikasi di header menu, lalu pilih "Pesanan Baru". Untuk menerima pesanan, centang pada kolom pesanan yang kamu kamu proses, lalu klik "Terima Pesanan". Selanjutnya, klik "Respon Pesanan". Catatan : Jika ada suatu hal yang membuat kamu tidak bisa memenuhi pesanan, pilih "Tolak Pesanan" dan isi alasan yang sesuai di kolom "Alasan Penolakan". Gold Merchant (Listing Fee) Gold Merchant merupakan program berlangganan dari Tokopedia, nikmati fitur istimewa bagi yang berlangganan. Hanya 100ribu/Bulan. Pilih paket yang Anda inginkan dan langsung gunakan. Tanpa tambahan biaya apapun. Paket Lama Berlangganan Biaya BONUS Kredit TopAds Standar 3 Bulan Rp 300.000 Rp. 75.000 Best Deal! 6 Bulan Rp 600.000 Rp. 150.000 Free 1 Bulan 1 Tahun Rp 1.200.000 Rp. 300.000 Free 3 Bulan 2 Tahun Rp 2.400.000 Rp. 600.000 1. Dapatkan lambang khusus Gold Merchant untuk toko Anda. 2. Lihat Perkembangan Toko. Mengatur strategi penjualan produk menjadi lebih mudah dengan

fitur statistik. Pantau perkembangan toko Anda, bahkan hingga detail penjualan produk per-harinya!

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3. Pusing Kebanyakan Order? Sekarang Anda bisa menambahkan user lain sebagai Admin toko Anda tanpa kemampuan menarik dana hasil penjualan. Aman bukan?

4. Kurs Dollar Naik Turun? Tidak usah pusing, dengan berlangganan Anda bisa mengatur kurs harga produk sendiri.

5. Download Laporan Penjualan. Mau tahu data penjualan Anda setiap harinya? Dengan fitur ini, Anda bisa mendownload laporan harian toko dalam format Excel.

6. Upload Sampul Foto Untuk Halaman Toko. Jadikan halaman toko Anda menjadi lebih menarik dengan kreasi foto Anda sendiri.

7. Tambahan Jumlah Etalase 8. Pantau Permintaan Pasar 9. Tampilkan Toko Fisik Di Catalog TopAds (Promotional Fee) Fitur TopAds (Beta) untuk saat ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh pelanggan Gold Merchant. Tingkatkan penjualan anda dengan fitur promo dari Tokopedia TopAds! Keuntungan TopAds: 1. Tingkatkan penjualan. TopAds membantu anda untuk menarik calon pembeli secara lebih

efektif. Toko dan produk anda akan lebih mudah ditemukan oleh pengunjung Tokopedia. 2. Menjangkau dengan tepat. TopAds membantu Anda menjangkau calon pembeli yang sesuai,

melalui pencarian produk dan penelusuran kategori produk. 3. Efektif dan Efisien. Dengan TopAds, hasil yang anda harapkan sesuai dengan biaya yang anda

keluarkan. Dimana iklan promo Anda akan muncul? Beranda, Toko Favorit, Pencarian Produk, Kategori Produk, Hot List, Mobile Apps Berapa biaya berpromosi menggunakan Tokopedia TopAds? Biaya flexible. TopAds menyediakan sistem anggaran tanpa batas waktu atau secara harian yang dihitung mulai dari Rp.50,- per-klik. Hanya bayar bila di-klik. Anda akan membayar HANYA jika pengunjung meng-klik iklan promo yang anda pasang. Bagaimana mulai berpromosi menggunakan Tokopedia TopAds? Bila Anda sudah berjualan di Tokopedia,Anda bisa masuk dan memilih menu "TopAds" di sebelah kiri 1. Tambah Kredit. Anda perlu membeli kredit untuk memulai promo. Pada bagian kanan atas,

tombol "Tambah Kredit" akan membawa Anda ke tampilan untuk memilih paket yang Anda inginkan.

2. Tambah promo dan cari produk. Anda bisa menambahkan promo melalui 2 halaman di bawah ini: a. Pengaturan TopAds. Pada bagian kanan atas, tombol 'Tambah Promo' akan membawa Anda

ke tampilan untuk memilih produk yang Anda ingin promosikan. b. Halaman Produk. Anda juga dapat mempromosikan produk dari halaman produk Anda. Tekan

tombol "Promosikan" di bagian kanan halaman. 3. Tetapkan biaya dan jadwal. Anda dapat mengendalikan biaya dan waktu iklan promo yang akan

ditampilkan. Setelah puas dengan pengaturan yang diinginkan, Anda dapat langsung mulai berpromosi di Tokopedia.

elevenia.co.id PT XL Planet sebagai pihak pengelola situs www.elevenia.co.id tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran informasi dan tampilan produk yang didaftarkan oleh penjual. PT XL Planet, a joint venture between PT XL Axiata and SK Planet ltd. All Right Reserved.

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elevenia - Surga Belanja Online Anda.png bit.ly/224Zv7U http://s6.postimg.org/saiqaetlp/elevenia_Surga_Belanja_Online_Anda.jpg Koleksi Buku dan Majalah Terlengkap & Terjangkau - elevenia.png bit.ly/1k0FAES http://s6.postimg.org/os6qe0spp/Koleksi_Buku_dan_Majalah_Terlengkap_Terjangkau.jpg Cara Berjualan http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/how-to-sell.do 1. Daftar sebagai Seller. Kunjungi www.elevenia.co.id, lalu klik register

(https://www.elevenia.co.id/register/memberRegistForm/memberRegist.do?isSSL=Y) dan daftarkan dirimu sebagai seller.

2. Pendaftaran Produk. Buka http://soffice.elevenia.co.id untuk mendaftarkan produk anda. 3. Cek Status Produk. elevenia akan memberikan notifikasi mengenai order dan pembayaran yang

dilakukan oleh member. 4. Kirim Produk. Paketkan produk anda dan datangi agen JNE terdekat untuk melakukan

pengiriman. 5. Konfirmasi Pembeli. elevenia akan memberikan notifikasi kepada member untuk melakukan

konfirmasi status pengiriman. 6. Hasil Penjualan Diterima. Setelah member melakukan konfirmasi penerimaan barang maka

elevenia akan segera mengirimkan uang ke rekening bank anda. Fasilitas untuk Penjual di elevenia 1. Photo Studio 2. Training 3. Seminar 4. Konsultasi Penjual Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat Seller Policy http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/seller-policy.do Pendaftaran Seller http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/become-seller.do 1. Cara menjadi penjual elevenia. Langkah pertama, Anda harus terdaftar sebagai penjual untuk mulai membuka toko online Anda di elevenia dan menata produk jualan Anda. Untuk produk pastikan Anda telah membaca ketentuan produk di elevenia. 1.1 Pendaftaran menjadi anggota elevenia. Pilih tipe klasifikasi anda. Apakah anda penjual yang tidak terdaftar sebagai perusahaan (individual seller) atau penjual pemegang ijin usaha (corporate seller). 1.2 Mengisi informasi penjual. Informasi penjual akan berkaitan dengan kelengkapan data pengelola Toko. Untuk diingat, bahwa nama toko TIDAK DAPAT DIGANTI, jangan gunakan nama perusahaan/merek yang sudah terdaftar. elevenia berhak menghapus atau menangguhkan toko anda, jika pemilik perusahaan/merek yang bersangkutan mengajukan laporan. 1.3 Informasi Rekening Bank. Informasi ini digunakan untuk melihat kesesuaian antara nama pemilik toko dan nama pemilik Rekening. 1.4 Verifikasi. Anda harus mengunggah KTP, salinan buku rekening dan NPWP, untuk penjual pemegang ijin usaha (corporate seller) sebagai bukti kepemilikan informasi rekening Anda atau mengunggah scan, foto maupun screenshot/screen capture internet/mobile banking dari informasi rekening Anda.

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadi kesalahan/kekeliruan saat transfer antar rekening dikarenakan informasi rekening yang diberikan kepada elevenia tidak sesuai dengan rekening penjual. 1.5 Menyetujui Terms & Agreement. Mencentang persetujuan Perjanjian Penggunaan Layanan (Ketentuan dan Persyaratan) dan Perjanjian Penjual. 2. Mengelola produk di elevenia 2.1 Hapus Produk. Gunakan fungsi Hapus, untuk menghilangkan produk tertentu dari daftar informasi produk yang ada di toko Anda. 2.2 Sembunyikan Produk. Gunakan fungsi Sembunyikan Produk, untuk mengubah status produk dari "aktif" menjadi "tidak aktif". Hal ini dilakukan Penjual apabila terdapat penyesuaian yang harus dilakukan terhadap produk tertentu. 2.3 Aktifkan Produk Tersembunyi. Gunakan fungsi Aktifkan Produk Tersembunyi , untuk mengubah status produk dari "tidak aktif" menjadi "aktif". Hal ini dilakukan Penjual apabila penyesuaian telah dilakukan terhadap produk tertentu, dan produk siap dijual kembali. 2.4 Ubah Periode Penjualan. Gunakan fungsi Ubah Periode Penjualan, untuk mengatur periode aktif dari sebuah produk. Selama produk tayang dalam periode penjualan, maka status produk tersebut adalah "Aktif". Dan apabila periode penjualan telah terlewati maka status produk tersebut akan secara otomatis menjadi "Tidak Aktif". 2.5 Ubah Harga Produk. Gunakan fungsi Harga Produk, untuk mengatur harga jual yang di inginkan. 2.6 Atur Diskon. Gunakan fungsi Atur Diskon, untuk mengatur besar diskon dan periode berlakunya diskon yang di inginkan untuk suatu produk. 2.7 Atur Pemberian Reward Kepada Pembeli. Gunakan Fungsi Atur Pemberian Reward Kepada Pembeli, untuk mengatur jenis reward yang ingin anda berikan kepada Pembeli dan detailnya. 3. Product Registration 3.1 Klasifikasi Produk. Masukan nama toko, pilih klasifikasi produk untuk menentukan apakah produk adalah baru atau barang bekas, dan pilih kategori level. 3.2 Informasi Produk. Silahkan masukan nama produk, kondisi produk, terbuka untuk 17 tahun kebawah, silahkan mengunggah gambar produk untuk gambar utama dan gambar tambahan, lalu mengisi deskripsi produk, dan keterangan lainnya. 3.3 Informasi Penjualan. Silahkan tentukan untuk mengatur periode penjualan, harga produk dan jumlah produk. Silahkan masukan informasi tambahan untuk meningkatkan penjualan, seperti untuk mengatur diskon penjual, pemberian token, pemberian poin, diskon untuk pembelian lebih dari satu, pilihan produk, minimum pembelian, maksimum pembelian, dan informasi hadiah. 3.4 Informasi Pengiriman. Silahkan pilih profil pengiriman, lokasi, serta atur biaya pengiriman, berat, menentukan garansi pengiriman penjual, informasi garansi, dan informasi pengembalian/penukaran. Silahkan juga untuk menggunakan fungsi pasang iklan, dimana Anda dapat menentukan jenis dan periode iklan. 3.5 Pembayaran Biaya Transaksi. Silahkan atur mengenai biaya transaksi, harga paket diskon, total pembayaran serta pembayaran. 4. Settlement. Jumlah yang harus dibayar oleh elevenia ke Penjual Anggota untuk setiap transaksi diselesaikan melalui website. Jumlah pembayaran akan dihitung dengan mengurangi seluruh biaya jasa dari jumlah yang dibayar oleh pembeli. Penjual harus memilih metode pembayaran setelah pendaftaran, baik pembayaran melalui transfer langsung ke rekening bank penjual atau melalui deposit penjual. Penjual dapat menyimpan deposit sampai dengan maksimal 6 bulan dan atau sampai dengan jumlah maksimum IDR 200.000.000. Penjual dapat setiap saat mengajukan permintaan untuk menarik rekening di elevenia dan jumlah yang diminta akan dikirimkan ke rekening bank penjual sesuai yang diminta dalam 2 (dua) hari kerja. Jika saldo penjual melebihi jangka waktu maksimum atau jumlah, elevenia secara otomatis akan mentransfer semua uang ke rekening bank penjual.

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Ketentuan Seller http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/seller-policy.do 1. Seller 1.1 Tentang Seller 1.1.1 Pengertian Seller. Siapakah Seller? Anggota yang terdaftar di elevenia untuk melakukan aktifitas jual beli. 1.1.2 Jenis-jenis Seller Seller di elevenia dapat diklasifikan menjadi, "Seller Perorangan", "Seller Badan Usaha", dan "Seller Global". Jenis Seller Definisi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Anggota yang mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai penjual perorangan / Individual Seller untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen - dokumen sebagai berikut: * Wajib : Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan Nomor Rekening Tabungan (Mandiri & BCA) * Opsional : Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller)

Anggota yang mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai perusahaan untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen seperti berikut : * Wajib : Lisensi Bisnis (SIUP/TDP), Nomor (NPWP) & Nomor Rekening (Mandiri & BCA) & Surat Pernyataan (Statement Letter)(Jika nama yang tertera di buku rekening berbeda dengan nama yang terdaftar di SIUP/TDP) * Opsional : PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak) dan Surat Pernyataan & Buku Tabungan

Penjual Global (Global Seller)

Anggota yang berlokasi di luar Indonesia yang mendaftarkan diri untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen seperti berikut : * Wajib : Passport atau Sertifikat Pendaftaran Pajak, Nomor Rekening & Buku Tabungan dalam mata uang US Dollar

1.2 Kebijakan Umum untuk Seller 1.2.1 Kebijakan ID Seller elevenia memiliki hak untuk menghapus ID Seller dengan ketentuan seperti berikut : 1. Seller di bawah 17 tahun 2. Seller yang mendaftarkan brand/nama perusahaan yang tidak memiliki bukti valid 3. Seller yang menggunakan kata-kata terlarang atau ilegal 1.2.2 Penarikan Keanggotaan 1. Hal-hal yang akan terjadi ketika penarikan keanggotaan langsung : * Data poin non-tunai, nilai, informasi anggota, informasi perdagangan dan lain-lain akan dihapus ketika terjadinya pembatalan keanggotaan * Informasi identitas seperti kata sandi, alamat e-mail, dan nomor KTP akan disimpan, untuk menghindari hal-hal seperti pembatalan yang tidak disengaja & pendaftaran ulang setelah anggota menarik keanggotaannya * Jika masih ada informasi transaksi, informasi dasar yang mungkin masih berhubungan dengan informasi produk, pembelian, ID dan informasi transaksi akan disimpan selama 5 tahun setelah kepergian anggota untuk manajemen informasi transaksi penjualan 2. Hal-hal yang TIDAK AKAN terjadi ketika penarikan keanggotaan langsung :

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


Jenis Hal Metode Penarikan Informasi Transaksi yang sedang berjalan (pembelian atau penjualan)

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah transaksi selesai.

Siaga atau dijadwalkan untuk pengembalian dana

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah anggota menarik seluruh uang yang tersisa.

Poin tunai yang dapat ditarik Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah anggota menarik seluruh uang yang tersisa.

Produk dan spanduk yang berada ditampilan iklan

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah masa periode iklan selesai.

Informasi yang dicek oleh Pusat Transaksi Aman/"Safe Transaction Center"

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah pihak kartu kredit mengkonfirmasi informasi tersebut.

Data mengenai point yang tidak dapat dicairkan, scores, informasi keaggotaan, informasi transaksi, dan lain-lain akan dihapus secara bersamaan di saat pembatalan keanggotaan jika anggota menyetujui poin-poin di atas. 1.2.3 Pendaftaran Kembali Setelah Penarikan Keanggotaan Setelah masa tenggang penarikan keanggotaan, pendaftar hanya dapat mendaftar sebagai Anggota Baru. Jadi pendaftar hanya dapat mendaftar dengan ID baru karena ID lama mereka tidak tersedia. Anggota Seller yang biasanya menjual produk, dapat mendaftar sebagai Anggota Baru setelah 2 bulan (60 hari) dari waktu penarikan keanggotaan mereka. 1.3 Pindah Keanggotaan 1.3.1 Tentang Pindah Keanggotaan Pindah keanggotaan terjadi jika ada perubahan informasi terkini anggota ke informasi anggota baru. Transfer keanggotaan diperbolehkan untuk Pembeli Umum menjadi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller) dengan menggunakan ID yang sama. Untuk Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller) menjadi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller), Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller) harus menarik keanggotaan mereka saat ini dan mendaftar ulang sebagai anggota baru. Perpindahan Ketersediaan Catatan Dari Pembeli Ke Penjual

Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Tersedia Penggunaan ID yang sama, menyetujui "Layanan Kesepakatan Penggunaan elevenia"/"elevenia's Service Usage Agreement" memberikan informasi tambahan dan dokumen pendukung serta melakukan prosedur verifikasi sebagaimana ditentukan dalam halaman pendaftaran

Dari Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Ke Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller)

Tersedia Pengguna ID yang sama memberikan dokumen pendukung untuk dilakukan verifikasi dokumen

2. Fasilitas Dasar Para Seller akan mendapatkan beberapa fasilitas dasar seperti berikut: Tipe Penjelasan Seller Balance Akun Seller di Web Site digunakan sebagai akun untuk melakukan

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


pencairan dana/Settlement di Web Site. Seller Balance akan ditransfer ke rekening bank Seller sebagaimana terdaftar dalam database elevenia dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah permintaan Seller.

Seller Reward Points

Poin yang diberikan kepada Seller. Seller Reward Points tidak dapat diuangkan, ditarik, dan / atau ditransfer antar anggota. Seller Reward Points dapat digunakan untuk membeli iklan, dan / atau layanan yang tersedia di Web Site.

Seller Credit Points Poin yang ditawarkan kepada Seller dengan metode pembelian langsung di Web Site. Seller Credit Points tidak dapat diuangkan, ditarik dan / atau ditransfer antar anggota. Seller Credit Points dapat digunakan untuk membeli iklan dan / atau layanan yang tersedia di Web Site.

Seller Score Skor yang diberikan oleh elevenia ke Seller berdasarkan nilai transaksi dalam 1 (satu) keranjang belanja. Seller Score tidak hanya akan diakumulasi tetapi juga dapat dipotong. Akumulasi skor menentukan Status Seller, ditunjukkan oleh Seller Grade.

Seller Grade Seller Grade/Klasifikasi Seller ditentukan oleh Seller Score yang diperoleh oleh masing-masing Seller selama bulan sebelumnya.

Official Store Seller Resmi yang melakukan aktifitas Penjualan di elevenia. Safety Delivery Garansi pengiriman dari Seller; Seller akan bertanggung jawab untuk semua

insiden yang mungkin terjadi selama pengiriman produk mereka kepada Pembeli.

3. Seller Grade Semua Seller Baru yang terdaftar di elevenia secara otomatis akan menjadi Seller Basic. Seller Score menentukan Seller Grade masing-masing Seller, dihitung menurut jumlah akhir yang dicetak pada faktur transaksi (mis. Jumlah setelah diskon). Seller score diakumulasi untuk jangka waktu 1 bulan dan tergantung pada akumulasi rekening. Seller Grade dapat ditingkatkan atau diturunkan. Tipe Seller Scores Platinum ≥100 Skor Gold 50 - 99 Skor Silver 20 - 49 Skor Bronze 1 - 19 Skor Basic ≤0 Skor Meningkatkan Skor Seller dapat meningkatkan Seller Score berdasarkan nilai transaksi. Nilai dari 1 transaksi yang selesai di 1 keranjang belanja menentukan jumlah skor yang akan diakumulasi. Nilai Skor < IDR 1.000.000 +1 Skor IDR 1.000.000 - IDR 5.000.000 +2 Skor > IDR 5.000.000 +4 Skor Pengurangan Skor elevenia dapat mengurangi Seller Score - Seller dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: Kasus Seller Scores Pembatalan & Pengembalian Pemesanan - untuk alasan yang disebabkan oleh Seller: * Pengiriman diperkirakan terlambat * Salah memasukkan harga/informasi produk * Barang habis terjual(semua pilihan) * Pilihan habis terjual(berlaku untuk pilihan yang berkaitan)

* -4 Skor * -4 Skor * -4 Skor * -4 Skor

Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online


* Pembatalan pemesanan barang pre-order * Dan lain-lain

* -10 Skor * -4 Skor

Penundaan pengiriman: * Pengiriman ditunda ≥ 3 hari kerja setelah pembayaran selesai (setelah status "payment complete") * Pengiriman ditunda sampai 3 hari kerja untuk sales lokal dan 8 hari kerja untuk sales global setelah order sedang diproses (setelah status "preparing delivery") * Ketika melakukan pengumuman keterlambatan pengiriman

* -2 Skor * -2 Skor * -2 Skor

Memperpanjang tanggal pengiriman Pre-Order -2 Skor Tidak memasukkan nomor resi yang valid -5 Skor Pelanggaran dari ketentuan garansi pengiriman oleh Seller -10 Skor Tidak menjawab pertanyaan buyer (Q/A) dalam 1x24 jam hari kerja

-1 Skor

Keuntungan dari Seller Grade Tipe Seller Reward Point Platinum 300.000 Reward Points Gold 200.000 Reward Points Silver 100.000 Reward Points Bronze 50.000 Reward Points Basic Tanpa Keuntungan Masa berlaku seller grade points adalah 30 hari sejak diberikan oleh elevenia. 4. Biaya Transaksi elevenia mengenakan biaya pelayanan kepada Seller untuk setiap transaksi yang telah selesai (Biaya Transaksi). Di bawah ini adalah detil dari Biaya Transaksi oleh elevenia:

Kategori Biaya Transaksi Barang tersedia Barang Bekas

Fashion 10% 5% Beauty and Health 10% Baby and Kids 10% 5% Home and Garden 10% 5% Gadget and Computer 5% 5% (Untuk Biaya Transaksi aksesoris dan suplai kantor 10%) Electronics 5% 5% (Untuk Biaya Transaksi aksesoris dan suplai kantor 10%) Sports, Hobbies, and Automotive

10% 5%

Services and Foods 10% 5.A. Produk Terlarang 1. Produk palsu. 2. Narkotika, obat-obat tidak terdaftar, atau terlarang, obat dengan resep dan obat bebas. 3. Produk suplemen dan vitamin tanpa ijin dari BPOM atau Dinas Kesehatan. 4. Pornografi, barang cetakan atau benda yang dianggap bertentangan dengan norma-norma kesusilaan. 5. Senjata tajam, senjata api termasuk airsoft gun, dan segala benda yang digolongkan sebagai senjata sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yg berlaku. 6. Kosmetik bekas, tidak terdaftar, berbahaya atau terlarang. 7. Emas, berlian dan logam mulia serta batuan mulia lainnya.

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8. Barang-barang yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan dan kepolisian atau kemiliteran. 9. Bagian atau organ tubuh manusia. 10. Barang-barang yang dianggap dapat melecehkan pihak atau ras tertentu atau dapat menyinggung perasaan orang lain. 11. Barang-barang curian atau barang yg terduga didapatkan secara tidak sah. 12. Bahan atau barang berbahaya dan atau mudah meledak. 13. Barang cetakan atau rekaman yang isinya dapat mengganggu keamanan dan ketertiban serta stabilitas nasional. 14. Tanaman dan hewan yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang. 15. Uang tunai dan surat berharga lainnya. 16. Perlengkapan dan peralatan judi. 17. Minuman beralkohol dan produk bertembakau. 18. Produk yang menggunakan logo elevenia tanpa izin. 5.B. Produk dengan Ketentuan/Pembatasan Penjualan 1. Susu Formula Bayi dibawah 1 Tahun: Tidak diperkenankan dijual dengan menggunakan promosi dalam bentuk apapun. 2. Produk direct selling / multi level marketing: Penjualan produk Direct selling dan MLM hanya boleh dijual dengan metode penjualan dan distribusi sesuai ketentuan masing masing pemilik usaha. 3. Produk yang memerlukan dokumen/syarat pengiriman khusus: Produk tertentu tidak dapat dikirimkan atau memerlukan dokumen dan penanganan khusus untuk pengiriman dengan jasa kurir. Penjual harus memastikan opsi pengiriman yang sesuai untuk masing masing produk. 4. Gesek tunai kartu kredit: tidak diperkenankan menjual produk apapun yang memungkinkan terjadinya pengembalian dana tunai, seluruh atau sebagian atas pembayaran dengan kartu kredit. 5. Produk khusus dewasa: Produk khusus dewasa, mengandung konten dewasa dalam gambar/nama/deskripsi produk harus dijual dengan menerapkan pembatasan usia pembeli. 6. Pengiriman dan Pembatalan Dari payment ke preparing delivery http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_2.png Dari preparing delivery ke on delivery (input AWB) Pengecualian : Pembatalan otomatis tidak akan terjadi apabila Seller memberikan notifikasi keterlambatan melalui seller office http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_1.png Dari on delivery (input AWB) ke product delivered http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_4.png Type of Process Limitation Period Notes Order Placed - Payment

2 Hari Kerja 1. XL Tunai, Pembayaran Tagihan: Pesanan akan dibatalkan secara otomatis pada Hari Kerja ke 3

2. Bank Transfer: Order akan secara otomatis dibatalkan pada Hari Kerja ke 5

Payment - Preparing Delivery

2 Hari Kerja (normal) ≥3 Hari Kerja (- 2 Scores)

1. SMS pemberitahuan otomatis ke Seller pada Hari +1 & Email pemberitahuan otomatis ke Seller pada Hari +2 (dari tanggal pembayaran)

2. Batalkan Pesanan otomatis pada hari ke 3 dari tanggal pembayaran

3. Pembatalan berlaku bagi segala jenis Seller dan jenis pengiriman (Global/Lokal & Kurir/Pengiriman Langsung)

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4. Seller harus menginformasikan kepada pembeli melalui sistem sebelum hari ke 3 setelah pembayaran untuk menjaga proses pembelian

Preparing Delivery - Input AWB

2 Hari Kerja (Local) 7 Hari Kerja (Global) ≥3 Hari Kerja (Local) (-2 Scores) ≥7 Hari Kerja (Global) (-2 Scores)

1. SMS pemberitahuan otomatis kepada Seller pada Hari +1 dari tanggal persiapan

2. Email pemberitahuan otomatis kepada Seller pada Hari +2 dari tanggal persiapan

3. Batalkan Pesanan secara otomatis pada hari ke-3 dari tanggal persiapan (SELLER LOCAL)

4. Batalkan Pesanan secara otomatis pada hari ke-8 dari tanggal persiapan (SELLER GLOBAL)

5. Sebelum hari ke-3, Seller local perlu memasukkan nomor AWB dalam sistem untuk menjaga proses pembelian dan untuk Seller global sebelum hari ke-8 perlu memasukkan nomor AWB ke system.

Delivery (Input AWB) - Delivered

2-3 Hari Kerja (Local) 6 Hari Kerja (Global)

PENGIRIMAN OLEH KURIR 1. 3 hari setelah pesanan diterima pembeli (status

product delivered),apabila tidak ada konfirmasi pembelian oleh pembeli, maka sistem akan secara otomatis melakukan konfirmasi dan pencairan dana akan diberikan kepada Seller pada hari kerja +2 dari tanggal konfirmasi otomatis

2. Konfirmasi pembelian secara otomatis pada hari kerja ke 13 dari tanggal pengiriman (Tanggal Pendaftaran AWB)

PENGIRIMAN LANGSUNG Konfirmasi pembelian secara otomatis sejak 3 (Tiga) hari setelah diinput tanggal penerimaan

Untuk pengiriman dengan menggunakan partner kurir kami, apabila nomor resi yang dimasukkan tidak akurat, maka tidak akan terjadi pergantian status menjadi pengiriman selesai, sehingga tidak akan ada perubahan otomatis menjadi konfirmasi pembelian, kecuali dikonfirmasi oleh pihak Buyer. Pembatalan otomatis oleh system hanya berlaku bagi pengiriman local dan global. Untuk metode Pre-Order; Seller harus memasukan tanggal ketika produk siap. Saat produk telah siap, kebijakan yang sama dengan metode normal akan dikenakan. Untuk metode pengiriman langsung; 1. Seller mengirimkan barang langsung ke pembeli dengan bukti penerimaan 2. Seller harus menginput tanggal dan informasi penerimaan di system 3. Email notifikasi bahwa barang telah diterima akan dikirimkan secara otomatis ke pembeli 4. Pembeli harus melakukan konfirmasi pembelian bahwa barang telah diterima. Apabila tidak ada

konfirmasi dari pembeli, maka system akan secara otomatis malakukan konfirmasi penerimaan setelah 3 hari kerja dari tanggal pengiriman email notifikasi.

http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy_6_5.jpg Seller harus melakukan pengiriman dan memasukkan informasi pengiriman termasuk nama perusahaan pengiriman, nomor pelacakan, dll. melalui Seller Office dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal konfirmasi penerimaan perintah pengiriman.

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Jika Seller gagal melakukannya, elevenia dapat memotong Seller Score, dan memiliki kewenangan penuh untuk memberikan pilihan kepada Pembeli untuk membatalkan transaksi pada hari kalender pertama setelah hari kerja ke 7 (tujuh) setelah konfirmasi penerimaan perintah pengiriman. elevenia tidak bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban atas kerugian kepada Seller sehubungan dengan pembatalan tersebut. Jika terdapat permintaan dari pembeli untuk melakukan pembatalan pesanan, Seller harus merespon permintaan ini dalam sistem. Jika Seller tidak merespon pembatalan dalam 2 hari kerja sejak permintaan pembatalan, maka sistem akan melakukan pembatalan otomatis. Untuk pengembalian dana, jika ada permintaan pengembalian dana dari Pembeli, Seller akan menerima email dan sms dari elevenia.co.id. Jika tidak ada respon dari Seller dalam sistem seller office dalam 4 hari kalender dari hari yang diminta, akan dianggap bahwa Seller setuju dan akan otomatis disetujui oleh sistem pada seller office. Untuk pengiriman kurir, Seller harus menggunakan kurir yang sama yang dipilih oleh pembeli. Jika Seller gagal untuk melakukannya, elevenia akan mengurangi poin dan memiliki hak untuk membatalkan pesanan dan tanpa melalui proses klaim dari pembeli. elevenia dalam hal ini juga dapat melakukan penonaktifan produk Seller dari website. Segala macam bentuk administrasi yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan proses pengiriman hanya dapat dan wajib dilakukan oleh Seller yang nama dan identitasnya terdaftar di elevenia. Pihak elevenia tidak menerima segala bentuk penunjukan kepada pihak ketiga atau vendor lainnya oleh Seller. Seller bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap nomor resi pengiriman untuk setiap pesanan di elevenia. elevenia akan menyarankan kepada pembeli untuk melakukan pengiriman dengan menggunakan asuransi. Untuk pengiriman produk dengan menggunakan asuransi dan terjadi kehilangan barang, maka elevenia memiliki kondisi sebagai berikut: 1. Apabila pembeli memilih menggunakan pengiriman berasuransi, tetapi penjual tidak

mengirimkan menggunakan asuransi, elevenia akan melakukan refund kepada pembeli dan elevenia tidak melakukan pencairan dana kepada penjual.

2. Apabila pembeli memilih menggunakan pengiriman berasuransi dan melakukan pengiriman menggunakan asuransi tetapi terjadi kehilangan barang, elevenia akan melakukan refund kepada pembeli dan Penjual harus melakukan claim kepada kurir dan elevenia tidak melakukan pencairan dana ke Penjual.

3. Apabila system telah menyarankan pengiriman produk dengan menggunakan asuransi, tetapi pembeli memilih untuk tidak menggunakan asuransi maka elevenia akan memberikan pencairan dana ke Penjual. Nominal penggantian yang diberikan akan mengikuti kebijakan dari jasa ekspedisi yang digunakan.

4. Apabila terjadi kehilangan maupun kerusakan terhadap seluruh ataupun sebagian dari produk yang dipesan, maka proses klaim ke pihak ekspedisi dapat dilakukan oleh pihak penjual, setelah proses pengecekan dilakukan oleh ekspedisi tersebut.

5. Dalam hal adanya ketidaksepakatan atau perbedaan pendapat antara Penjual dan Pembeli mengenai hal ini, maka Ketentuan elevenia yang akan berlaku.

Pembeli berhak melakukan pengembalian/penukaran apabila menerima order dengan kondisi produk yang telah/mendekati tanggal kadaluarsa. Produk kadaluarsa yang akan dikembalikan atau ditukarkan harus dalam keadaan utuh.

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7. Settlement Jumlah yang harus dibayar / "Settlement Amount" oleh elevenia ke Seller untuk setiap transaksi yang terjadi di Website akan dihitung dengan mengurangi biaya jasa/ komisi dari jumlah yang dibayar oleh Pembeli. Seller harus memilih metode pencairan dana pada saat pendaftaran, baik pencairan dana melalui transfer langsung ke rekening bank Seller atau deposit ke Seller Balance. Jumlah pembayaran pada proses pencairan dana akan mengikuti proses seperti yang ditetapkan di bawah ini: Buyer Confirmation http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy6a.jpg Non Buyer Confirmation AWB Tracking http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy7a.jpg Non - AWB Tracking - 1 http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy8.jpg Non - AWB Tracking - 2 http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy9.jpg Tipe Proses Penyelesaian (Settlement) Buyer Confirmation Dalam 2 hari kerja (setelah konfirmasi dari Pembeli) Logistic Tracking Dalam 5 hari kerja (setelah konfirmasi dari Pembeli) Direct Delivery Dalam 2 hari kerja (setelah menerima bukti pengiriman dari Seller dan

konfirmasi dari Pembeli) Seller dapat setiap saat mengajukan permintaan untuk menarik sejumlah uang dari "Seller Balance" dan jumlah yang diminta akan dikirimkan ke rekening bank Seller yang telah didaftarkan dalam 2 (dua) hari kerja. Deposito Periode Penyimpanan Maksimum Jumlah Maksimum Seller Balance 6 Bulan IDR 200.000.000 Jika saldo Seller melebihi jangka waktu maksimum atau jumlah maksimum, elevenia secara otomatis akan mentransfer semua jumlah "Seller Balance" ke rekening bank Seller yang terdaftar. 8. Bagian Internasional A. Perdagangan Internasional Seller yang berada di luar negeri (Global Seller) dapat mendaftarkan produk mereka di Web Site untuk perdagangan internasional dan adalah penting untuk diketahui bahwa semua pencatatan produk dan transaksi mengikuti sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku. Global Seller bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa transaksi mereka sah menurut hukum di kedua negara, yaitu negara Global Seller dan Indonesia. elevenia sangat menyarankan Global Seller untuk mempelajari tentang hokum di negara mereka dan juga hukum Indonesia. Global Seller harus memastikan bahwa produk yang mereka jual dapat secara sah diposting di luar negeri di mana Global Seller berada dan juga memastikan bahwa Global Seller dapat secara sah mengekspor produk ke Indonesia sebelum mengirim produk tersebut. Global Seller harus mendiskusikan kemungkinan ekspor dan / atau masalah impor dengan pembeli potensial,

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melakukan penelitian yang cermat, dan menyewa seorang ahli jika diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa semua transaksi mematuhi semua hukum yang berlaku. B.Pabean/Customs Pembeli di Indonesia dianggap sebagai importir produk dan harus mematuhi semua hukum dan peraturan Indonesia. Pembeli harus memastikan bahwa mereka secara sah dapat mengimpor produk ke Indonesia sebelum membeli produk apapun. Pembeli dapat dikenakan bea masuk dan pajak, yang dikenakan setelah pengiriman sampai di Indonesia. Pada prinsipnya, biaya tambahan untuk pemeriksaan kepabeanan harus ditanggung oleh Global Seller jika tidak ditentukan secara eksplisit dalam halaman detail produk/ "Product Detail Page". elevenia tidak memiliki kontrol atas tuduhan ini karena ini tidak dapat diprediksi. Global Seller dapat menghubungi kantor bea cukai setempat untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai kebijakan pabean Indonesia karena ini bervariasi dari satu negara ke negara lain. elevenia menyarankan pembeli internasional dari Indonesia dan Global Seller yang akan mengirimkan secara internasional untuk menyadari bahwa pengiriman lintas-perbatasan tunduk pada pembukaan dan pemeriksaan oleh pihak pabean. elevenia atau Global Seller dapat memberikan permintaan tertentu, pengiriman, dan informasi produk - seperti judul - untuk perantara internasional, dan informasi tersebut dapat disampaikan oleh perantara kepada pihak pabean untuk memfasilitasi bea cukai dan sesuai dengan hukum setempat. Otoritas Bea Cukai berhak meminta elevenia atau Global Seller untuk menyatakan nilai dari produk yang dibeli langsung. C. Cancellation and Refund Untuk pembelian dari luar negeri, pengembalian disebabkan oleh Pembeli mungkin tidak praktis dilakukan karena biaya pengembalian yang tinggi. elevenia atau Global Seller tidak bertanggung jawab dan menganggap tidak ada kewajiban untuk kasus tersebut. D. Proses Penyelesaian (Settlement) untuk Global Seller 'Seller Global' dan 'produk yang dijual ke Indonesia', terdapat peraturan konfirmasi penerimaan produk terpisah ditetapkan sebagai berikut: 1. Untuk 'produk yang dijual ke Indonesia', 22 (dua puluh dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal

pengiriman, konfirmasi pembelian otomatis akan dibuat dan penyelesaian pembayaran secara otomatis akan diproses setelah 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal penyelesaian tersebut;

2. Email konfirmasi akan dikirim 15 hari kerja setelah produk dikirim oleh Seller. 3. Semua jumlah penyelesaian (Settlement) dari 'Global Seller' harus dibayar sesuai "Seller

Balance". Pada permintaan transfer bank, jumlah pembayaran tidak termasuk biaya transfer dari bank ke rekening terdaftar yang dibuat;

4. Ketika Global Seller tidak menindaklanjuti permintaan untuk pembayaran "Seller Balance" selama lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan, elevenia akan secara otomatis mentransfer ke rekening bank terdaftar Seller dengan jumlah total tidak termasuk biaya transfer bank. Namun jika Global Seller memiliki "Seller Balance" di bawah Rp 500.000 (lima ratus ribu Rupiah Indonesia), transfer bank tidak dilakukan.

5. Jika rekening bank terdaftar di luar negeri, permintaan pembayaran transfer bank harus diproses secara terpisah dan seluruh jumlah yang diminta akan ditransfer via bank pada hari Selasa. Hari tersebut dapat berubah tergantung pada berbagai situasi yang ditentukan oleh elevenia.

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6. Konfirmasi Pembelian -> Verifikasi Transaksi -> Permintaan Pembayaran -> Verifikasi Bank -> Konfirmasi antar rekening bank di luar negeri -> periode yang cukup dari waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk prosedur verifikasi umum, misalnya. transfer bank, dll Jika tanggal transfer pembayaran jatuh pada hari libur umum/bank, transfer akan diproses pada hari kerja berikutnya.

Biaya transaksi dan biaya lainnya yang ditentukan oleh elevenia, yang mungkin timbul karena transfer bank luar negeri ditanggung oleh Global Seller, dan nilai tukar harus mematuhi nilai pada saat transfer bank. http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy10.jpg

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Austan Goolsbee, "In A World Without Borders: The Impact Of Taxes On Internet Commerce," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2000, v115(2,May), 561-576. Jeffrey R. Brown and Austan Goolsbee, Does the Internet Make Markets More Competitive?, NBER Working Paper No. 7996, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, Nov. 2000, http://www.nber.org/papers/w7996.pdf Jeffrey R. Brown and Austan Goolsbee. "Does The Internet Make Markets More Competitive? Evidence From The Life Insurance Industry," Journal of Political Economy, 2002, v110(3,Jun), 481-507. Luis Garicano and Steven N. Kaplan, The Effects of Business-to-Business E-Commerce on Transaction Costs, NBER Working Paper No. 8017, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, Nov. 2000, http://www.nber.org/papers/w8017.pdf Luis Garicano, Steven N. Kaplan. The Effects of Business-to-Business E-Commerce on Transaction Costs, in Severin Borenstein and Garth Saloner, editors, E-commerce, Conference held January 26-27, 2001, Published in December 2001 by Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 49, no. 4, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Luis Garicano & Steven N. Kaplan, "The Effects of Business-to-Business E-Commerce on Transaction Costs," Journal of Industrial Economics, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 49(4), pages 463-85, December 2001. Karen Clay, Ramayya Krishnan, Eric Wolff, Prices and Price Dispersion on the Web: Evidence from the Online Book Industry, NBER Working Paper No. 8271, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, May 2001, http://www.nber.org/papers/w8271.pdf Karen Clay, Ramayya Krishnan, Eric Wolff, "Prices and Price Dispersion on the Web: Evidence from the Online Book Industry," Journal of Industrial Economics, Blackwell Publishing, vol. 49(4), pages 521-39, Dec. 2001. Karen Clay, Ramayya Krishnan, Eric Wolff. Prices and Price Dispersion on the Web: Evidence from the Online Book Industry, in Severin Borenstein and Garth Saloner, editors, E-commerce, Conference held January 26-27, 2001, Published in December 2001 by Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 49, no. 4, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Austan Goolsbee and Judith Chevalier, Measuring Prices and Price Competition Online: Amazon and Barnes and Noble, NBER Working Paper No. 9085, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, July 2002, http://www.nber.org/papers/w9085.pdf Austan Goolsbee and Judith Chevalier. "Measuring prices and price competition online: Amazon vs. Barnes and Noble." Quantitative Marketing and Economics I, 2 (June 2003). Todd Sinai and Joel Waldfogel, Geography and the Internet: Is the Internet a Substitute or a Complement for Cities?NBER Working Paper No. 10028, , National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, Oct. 2003, http://www.nber.org/papers/w10028.pdf Todd Sinai and Joel Waldfogel. "Geography And The Internet: Is The Internet A Substitute Or A Complement For Cities?," Journal of Urban Economics, 2004, v56(1,Jul), 1-24. Judith A. Chevalier, Dina Mayzlin, The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: Online Book Reviews, NBER Working Paper No. 10148, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, Dec. 2003, http://www.nber.org/papers/w10148.pdf Judith Chevalier and Dina Mayzlin. "The Effect of Word of Mouth on Sales: Online Book Reviews." Journal of Marketing Research (August 2006).

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Dina Mayzlin, Yaniv Dover, Judith A. Chevalier, Promotional Reviews: An Empirical Investigation of Online Review Manipulation, NBER Working Paper No. 18340, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, August 2012, http://www.nber.org/papers/w18340.pdf Dina Mayzlin, Yaniv Dover, and Judith Chevalier. "Promotional Reviews: An Empirical Investigation of Online Review Manipulation." American Economic Review, 104(8): 2421-55, 2014. David S. Evans, Richard Schmalensee, The Antitrust Analysis of Multi-Sided Platform Businesses, NBER Working Paper No. 18783, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, Feb. 2013, http://www.nber.org/papers/w18783.pdf Hongbin Cai, Ginger Z. Jin, Chong Liu, Li-An Zhou, More Trusting, Less Trust? An Investigation of Early E-Commerce in China, NBER Working Paper No. 18961, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, April 2013, http://www.nber.org/papers/w18961.pdf Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, Neel Sundaresan, Sales Mechanisms in Online Markets: What Happened to Internet Auctions?, NBER Working Paper No. 19021, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, May 2013, http://www.nber.org/papers/w19021.pdf Liran Einav, Jonathan D. Levin, The Data Revolution and Economic Analysis, NBER Working Paper No. 19035, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA 02138, May 2013, http://www.nber.org/papers/w19035.pdf Liran Einav, Jonathan Levin. The Data Revolution and Economic Analysis, in Josh Lerner and Scott Stern, editors, Chapter in NBER book Innovation Policy and the Economy, Volume 14 (2014), (p. 1 - 24), Conference held April 23, 2013, Published in June 2014 by University of Chicago Press

e-attachment – 1 Lampiran 1 Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (1) - Analyses Determining Where to Sell Online ................................................................................................ 37

Shoppers Want Speed ................................................................................................................ 37 Amazon Gives Credibility ......................................................................................................... 38 Price is Key on Large Sites ........................................................................................................ 38

How To Compete Against Giants In On-Line Markets .................................................................. 39 What are the weak spots of on-line giants? ................................................................................ 39

Investment In Tokopedia May Be the Boost Indonesian Ecommerce Needs .................................. 40

What Makes E-commerce Work in Indonesia? .............................................................................. 42 Retailers Take a Look at Indonesia - and Like What They See ...................................................... 44 Digital Advertising Takes Off in Indonesia ................................................................................... 45 A start-up B2B e-marketplace for Indonesia gets $2.5 million in funding ...................................... 47 Indonesia to Become the Largest B2c E-commerce Market in Southeast Asia ............................... 48

About yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG .......................................................................................... 49 5 Things to Know About Indonesia's Online Shopping Day .......................................................... 49

1 More than 70 e-commerce companies participate ................................................................... 49 2 Big brands join the trend ........................................................................................................ 49 3 Biggest agenda for e-commerce in Indonesia .......................................................................... 50 4 Many websites down due to increased traffic .......................................................................... 50

5 E-commerce in Indonesia to reach $25 billion in 2016 ............................................................ 50

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2015-12-13 01:20 AM http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/stories/2008-11-07/determining-where-to-sell-onlinebusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice Small Business Determining Where to Sell Online By John Tozzi November 07, 2008 From eBay to Craigslist, there is an assortment of e-commerce sites that can help you sell your junk or expand your online retail operations Whether you're unloading collectibles from your attic or taking your thriving brick-and-mortar store online, there's a surfeit of Internet marketplaces where you can set up shop. From giants like eBay (EBAY) to niche sites like Etsy to listing services like Craigslist, the choices can overwhelm a small business owner venturing into e-commerce. How do you decide which marketplaces best fit your business? For small retailers facing what some economists are predicting to be the toughest holiday season since 1991 (BusinessWeek.com, 9/23/08), it's a particularly compelling question. There's no one-size-fits-all answer, though e-commerce experts tend to agree it's worth listing on multiple sites. The e-commerce market is huge, with $60 billion worth of goods traded on eBay alone in 2007, according to the company. More than 85,000 businesses primarily operated as electronic or mail-order retailers in 2006, according to the latest U.S. Census data, and 77,000 of them had no employees. Finding the best platforms for your company depends on what you sell. You also need to consider how today's Web has changed since the early days of e-commerce: It's much more social (BusinessWeek.com, 2/20/08). Setting up a storefront alone and listing on marketplaces may not be the most effective way to generate sales. Instead, Amy Joyner, a former eBay seller and author of The Online Millionaire, an e-commerce guide, suggests that those serious about selling online write blogs and comment on others, join social networks, and participate in online communities. "If you're out there and you're delivering content and interesting information, there's no way it can hurt," she says. Shoppers Want Speed Online auctions, which eBay pioneered in the 1990s, may be a good choice for selling unique or hard-to-find items. But with the novelty of auctions gone (BusinessWeek,com, 8/19/08), and shoppers looking for faster transactions, the auction format won't work for commodity-priced items, says Joyner. Identical products that buyers can get from multiple vendors should be sold at fixed prices, she says. EBay sellers can choose to auction or list "buy it now" prices, while on Amazon (AMZN) all sales are at fixed prices. Joyner says Amazon also has a reputation for "easier transactions" than online auction houses, with fewer customer service problems, because buyers pay at the time of the sale. On auction sites, sometimes winning bidders don't pay, and disputes can lead to negative feedback or other headaches. EBay, for its part, says the scale and control it offers sellers makes it a unique e-commerce destination. "Only eBay provides sellers with the ability to brand themselves and own the customer relationship once the transaction has closed, all while delivering sellers unbeatable traffic and an

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unprecedented ability to quickly turn assets into cash," spokesman Usher Lieberman says in an e-mail. Some say businesses should list on both Amazon and eBay because of their sheer size-the sites combined had nearly 100 million unique visitors in September, according to Nielsen Online. What platforms sellers use is less important than how many people they reach, says Kurt Krake, founder of e-commerce consulting firm Search-Werks in Glendale, Ariz. "At the end of the day…it's how many eyeballs get there and how much it costs you to get the eyeballs there, and whether they're good, qualified traffic," he says. Amazon Gives Credibility He recommends serious sellers be on both Amazon and eBay in addition to having their own search-friendly name (BusinessWeek, 6/20/08) that appears high in Google (GOOG) results. For small companies, listing on Amazon can also help reassure wary buyers about credibility. "There's a legitimacy and security factor there that helps get you over the hump," Krake says. "For a small business that's competing with these titans, that's huge." That's why whatever grievances sellers may have against the e-commerce giant (BusinessWeek, 10/21/08), they're unlikely to leave eBay en masse for smaller marketplaces, because they have to go where buyers are. Startup e-commerce platforms are constantly popping up, but none so far looks poised to take significant share from the industry's leaders, says Sucharita Mulpuru, an e-business analyst with Forrester Research (FORR). While listing on free sites may be worth a try, she says, "if there's a fee associated with being part of these sites and they don't have a ton of traffic, it kind of begs the question, is it worth your time and effort?" But some niche sites may indeed be worth it if targeting a narrower group helps you find more interested customers. For example, craft marketplace Etsy has become a popular destination for those selling handmade goods. "I think you need to explore who your customer base really is and whether eBay is going to deliver that," says Joyner. Price is Key on Large Sites Trying to sell on larger sites may also be counterproductive if you can't beat the prices that competitors list. "How many other people are out there selling what you're selling on that particular platform, and are they able to price it at a price that undercuts you?" Joyner says. If you can't offer a competitive price, trying smaller sites where you can highlight your product's unique features may be a better choice. If all this sounds like a lot of work for a small business owner, that's because selling online isn't easy. "You can't run an e-commerce Web site half-heartedly," says Krake. And trying to do so can backfire on your brick-and-mortar business. "If you build a very thin, very unprofessional Yahoo! (YHOO) store, it's going to hurt your brand offline," Krake says. Some small business owners not ready to make the leap may be better off setting up a basic Web site that showcases their company and products, but directs buyers to visit in person to shop. For a look at the pros and cons of 10 online marketplaces, flip through this slide show. <hr>

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2015-12-13 05:00 PM http://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2014/06/18/how-to-compete-against-giants-in-on-line-markets/ How To Compete Against Giants In On-Line Markets Panos Mourdoukoutas Jun 18, 2014 @ 08:27 PM 1,680 views Do you plan to start an on-line business? Are you discouraged by the presence of big players with big pockets who seem to control the rules of the game? You shouldn't be. You can still beat them by exploiting their weak spots. In his best selling book David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and The Art of Battling Giants, Malcom Gladwell retells old stories of battles between weak and powerful opponents in which the weaker party ends up winning. "Through these stories, I want to explore two ideas," writes Gladwell. "The first is that much of what we consider valuable in our world arises out of these kinds of lopsided conflicts, because the act of facing overwhelming odds produces greatness and beauty. And second, that we consistently get these kinds of conflicts wrong. We misread them. We misinterpret them. Giants are not what we think they are. The same qualities that appear to give them strength are often the source of weakness. And the fact of being an underdog can change people in ways they often fail to appreciate: it can open doors and create opportunities and educate and enlighten and make possible what might otherwise have seemed unthinkable. We need a better guide to facing giants-and there is no better place to start that journey than with the epic confrontation between David and Goliath there thousand years ago in the Valley of Elah." Simply put, giants have weak spots that can turn what appears to be a source of advantage to a source of disadvantage. What are the weak spots of on-line giants? Online giants like eBay EBAY -2.16% derive their advantage from"network effects"- the benefits associated with a larger and larger number of people joining the network. The larger the number of people using a product or service, the more valuable the product or service is to every user. Network effects arise on the demand side of the market and help companies to quickly reach a critical mass of consumers-the early majority. The problem is, however, that as networks grow in size, the distribution of benefits across members may be unequal. Some members may benefit a great deal while others very little or not at all. Worse, the network may be fractionalized, divided up into groups that benefit only if the network moves in a certain direction. This means that a larger network may not necessarily bring higher benefits to each network group. That's where the weak spot is that may provide an opening to upstarts to grab a piece of the market from the early movers who have been building a network in an emerging industry. This was the case with eBay and Alibaba's Taobao site in China.

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"When eBay first entered the Chinese market, e-commerce was in its infancy," write Hanna Halaburd and Felix Oberholzer-Gee in the "Limits of Scale" published in April 2014 Harvard Business Review. "Thanks to strong network effects, eBay's platform became an increasingly attractive place to buy tech products." "Taobao's Chinese executives recognized that the company couldn't compete head-on with e-Bay in the existing market. So instead they focused on an emerging segment of online auction customers-people on the hunt for clothing and consumer products. Although eBay had a leading position in terms of overall market share, its share of the new segment-which could come to dominate e-commerce in China-was far less imposing. What's more, eBay's strong position with techies was no help at all in attracting fashion-focused customers, who were more interested in whether other fashionistas used the site." The rest is history. Alibaba is now ranked among the world's largest on-line retailers. The lesson is clear: Don't try to compete head to head against on-line giants. Instead focus on an emerging segment of the online market where the giant has a small market share. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:56 AM http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2014/10/29/investment-in-tokopedia-may-be-the-boost-indonesian-ecommerce-needs/ Economy & Business Investment In Tokopedia May Be the Boost Indonesian Ecommerce Needs By Aulia Masna SGT Oct 29, 2014 http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-FG004_INecom_G_20141028083744.jpg Pedestrians pass before a shop of Japanese telecom giant Softbank in Tokyo on Oct. 28. Agence France-Presse/Getty Images A $100 million investment in popular Indonesian online marketplace Tokopedia has been cheered by those in the company. But it could mean even more funding for similar startups, says Tokopedia CEO and co-founder William Tanuwijaya. "If we can convince and carry the level of the company to match what the investors expect, it will provide them with the confidence to put money into other startups," Mr. Tanuwijaya said. "This is what happened in Silicon Valley, China, India, Japan and South Korea. One story of success inspires other stories, and it eventually snowballs." More In ecommerce * Retailers Take a Look at Indonesia -- and Like What They See * Indonesia Turns to Technology to Build its Banking Sector * Indonesians Start to Embrace Bitcoin * What Makes E-commerce Work in Indonesia? * China's Redmi Gone in Seven Minutes in Indonesia Earlier this month Tokopedia secured the funding commitment from U.S. investment firm Sequoia Capital and Japanese telco SoftBank, which is investing in Tokopedia through its newly formed SoftBank Internet and Media Inc. arm, or SIMI. It is one of the largest investments of its nature in a consumer-oriented Indonesian Internet company.

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Indonesia has become an important market for consumer companies as more and more of the country's 250 million people enter the middle class. Its young, tech-savvy population and increasing access to the Internet has also made it attractive for e-commerce startups. A Google-TNS research report published in June predicts that Indonesians will spend up to $25 billion online in 2016, a more than three-fold increase from 2013. SoftBank says such growth is one of the reasons it decided to invest in Tokopedia. "In the Asia region, the growth potential for online marketplaces particularly stands out in Indonesia, and since their founding, Tokopedia has seen remarkable growth with their innovative business model," SIMI chief executive Nikesh Arora said in a statement. Tokopedia started in 2009 as a platform for individuals and businesses to sell their products online. As of August, the company said it had tens of thousands of merchants. More than half of Tokopedia's customers are women, and among the 2.4 million types of items that the online marketplace currently sells each month, the top categories are clothing, fashion and accessories, beauty products and mobile phone accessories. Tokopedia does not charge for store listings or transaction fees, but it only allows merchants to sell 50 types of products per store. Those who wish to sell more can pay a small fee to join the Gold Merchant program. Mr. Tanuwijaya declined to discuss his company's revenue but said he believes that keeping the core of the service fee-free is key to its success. This approach is similar to the one taken by Alibaba, the world's largest online marketplace. SoftBank is also a major stake holder in Alibaba, and Mr. Tanuwijaya hopes his company can replicate its success. "SoftBank's close partnership with Alibaba and their experience with building the world's most highly valued marketplace will be invaluable for Tokopedia," Mr. Tanuwijaya said. As for Sequoia, Mr. Tanuwijaya said it "has a unique ability to help technology companies and bring insights and experience from around the world." The company has already had very successful partnerships and collaborations with leaders of major American technology companies such as Apple, Google, Cisco, PayPal, Instagram and Yahoo. The investment in Tokopedia will help strengthen Indonesian e-commerce companies' image among international investors, said Hadi Wenas, CEO of e-commerce enabling company aCommerce. It will also mean "current players will have to raise their game," he said. Indonesia's online startups first gained global attention in May 2010, when Yahoo acquired location-based social network Koprol. The merger drew a wave of interest from international investors, media, and global technology companies. But many local Internet companies weren't ready to grow their businesses to the level investors expected and the spotlight quickly faded. Andy Sjarif, founder and CEO of Indonesian digital advertising company SITTI, said that the Indonesian startup scene wasn't ready for the sudden exposure in large part because it lacked "heroes" that people in the industry "can look up to." That has started to change, and the attention now being showered on Tokopedia could see more brick and mortar retailers enter the world of online commerce.

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Mr. Tanuwijaya sounded a note of caution however. The biggest challenge in building Tokopedia, he said, is a lack of human resources. Despite having 136 employees, "we need to admit that we are lacking in world-class talent, especially on innovation and technology." Most of the company's employees are fresh graduates, said Mr. Tanuwijaya, "but they are keen to learn, and are hard workers." And it's that kind of success story Indonesia needs, he said. "Building [a success story] when there is very little requires determination and hard work," he said. "In one to two years I believe there will be more investments worth above $100 million." secured the funding commitment http://blogs.wsj.com/venturecapital/2014/10/22/sequoia-capital-ventures-into-indonesia-with-tokopedia-funding/ Retailers Take a Look at Indonesia -- and Like What They See http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/06/05/retailers-take-a-look-at-indonesia-and-like-what-they-see/ Indonesians Start to Embrace Bitcoin http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/05/25/indonesians-start-to-embrace-bitcoin/ What Makes E-commerce Work in Indonesia? http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/03/03/what-makes-e-commerce-work-in-indonesia/ <hr> 2015-12-13 01:53 AM http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/03/03/what-makes-e-commerce-work-in-indonesia/ Economy & Business What Makes E-commerce Work in Indonesia? By Resty Woro Yuniar SGT Mar 3, 2015 http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-HE977_INebay_G_20150302184330.jpg The ebay Inc. website is displayed for a photograph in Tiskilwa, Illinois, on Jan. 20. Daniel Acker/Bloomberg News E-commerce companies in Indonesia have found a recipe for success by going after a growing pool of consumers with access to the Internet but not the brick and mortar shops selling what they want. "E-commerce is growing because Indonesians are finding it increasingly easy to get online, and the offline stores have not been able to keep up with their demand," said Susie Sugden, a co-founder of Vela Asia, a premium fashion e-commerce retailer that offers hard-to-find local and international brands, such as Lee Cooper and Jack Nicklaus. The company recently received $1.5 million in investment funding from Singapore-based venture capital firm Majuven. The investment was one of dozens that have occurred in the Indonesian e-commerce sector over the past year, including the biggest so far in Indonesian ecommerce, a $100 million investment in Tokopedia by Japan's Softbank and U.S.-based Sequoia Capital. "E-commerce also offers more convenience," said Kusumo Martanto, CEO of Blibli.com, a popular online business-to-consumer marketplace that plays on the Indonesian word for buy. Aside from the ability to shop from the comfort of home, most e-stores also offer round-the-clock customer care and various payment methods.

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Mr. Martanto says Blibli has partnered with 11 banks to offer more payment options for customers without credit cards. "And customers can exchange, refund, or return the purchase," he said. Some physical stores won't accept such transactions. There are also plenty of opportunities for growth in Indonesia's second- and third-tier cities, which still have few shopping malls - and thus, few brand options - when compared to the capital Jakarta, with more than 170 malls. Mr. Martanto said 35% of Blibli's customers live outside major urban centers. "But we're doing activities, such as roadshows, to introduce ourselves outside big cities." Founded in 2011, BliBli.com recorded 400% growth in revenues and a 400% leap in the number of customers between 2013 and 2014. Mr. Martanto wouldn't disclose total revenue growth for 2014, but he said his company served 2.5 million people across Indonesia that year. Rising incomes and growing access to technology, including the increasing availability of smartphones, has given a boost to the e-commerce industry here. Of the roughly 75 million Internet users in Indonesia last year, around 5.9 million had shopped online, according to latest e-commerce report from Singapore-based global logistics firm SingPost. It estimated that online sales in Indonesia will reach $3.56 billion this year, up from $2.6 billion in 2014. To expand their reach, many e-commerce firms have launched smartphone applications and designed mobile friendly Websites to fit to a market where many people still access the Internet through feature phones. "We use responsive design, which makes sure that customers can browse easily on laptops, mobile phones, or tablets," said Vela Asia's Ms. Sugden. "Currently over 60% of our sales comes from [PC] browsers and 40% from mobile [devices]." But Indonesia's ecommerce startups still have to overcome obstacles facing other industries, including a lack of infrastructure and poor logistics that can hamper product delivery across thousands of far-flung islands. To tackle this, BliBli has partnered with logistic companies that handle warehousing, last-mile delivery and cross-border management. It has also started its own delivery service. "We want to use our supply strength as one of our competitive powers," said Mr. Martanto. Another challenge is that the vast majority of Indonesians don't own credit cards, making it harder for them to purchase items that require electronic transactions. To get around this, many local e-commerce firms provide a cash-on-delivery service that allows customers to pay couriers directly for their orders upon delivery. Most sites also offer cash transfers. "Only about 10% of our purchases are [paid] through credit cards, the rest are through bank transfer," said Ms. Sugden whose company rolled out a cash on delivery across Jakarta at the end of last month. a $100 million investment in Tokopedia http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2014/10/29/investment-in-tokopedia-may-be-the-boost-indonesian-ecommerce-needs/ <hr> 2015-12-13 03:58 AM

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http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/06/05/retailers-take-a-look-at-indonesia-and-like-what-they-see/ Economy & Business Retailers Take a Look at Indonesia - and Like What They See By Sara Schonhardt SGT Jun 5, 2015 http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-IT641_INreta_G_20150604215930.jpg A woman use her smartphone at the Grand Indonesia mall in Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 8. Beawiharta/Reuters Indonesia is looking good to the world's retailers. The country elbowed out three others to become the 12th most popular of 30 emerging economies for retail friendliness, this year's global retail index from global management consulting firm A.T. Kearney says. What gave Indonesia the extra muscle? New infrastructure, increasing expansion among retailers to second-tier cities and forecasts of stronger growth in the years ahead, the report's authors said. While those factors helped boost the country's ranking to a record high, however, its middle ranking underscores that more needs to be done if the country is to take advantage of investor interest in its large population-the world's fourth biggest-and growing middle class. The report ranks countries based on perceived levels of market attractiveness, risk, market saturation, and speed of growth, which would indicate how quickly retailers need to enter or expand. China topped the list for the first time since 2010, with its retail market expected to grow to $8 trillion by 2022 and surpass the United States as the world's largest retail market in 2018. Mongolia (#5) and Malaysia (#9) were the other Asian countries among the top 10. One of the biggest challenges for the retail industry in Indonesia, the report said, is limited infrastructure--which can raise the price of getting goods to market, and even customers to shops. Jakarta's notorious traffic "is an impediment to shoppers," said John Kurtz, president director of A.T. Kearney Indonesia. For retailers trying to get global goods through Indonesian ports, he said, non-tariff barriers and problems with customs officials cause additional bottlenecks. "All those logistical difficulties are really hard on the retail industry because they operate on low margins." Some innovative startups are coming up with ways to cut through the traffic, including motorbike taxi and delivery services. E-commerce is also seeing huge growth in tech-crazed Indonesia. Of the roughly 75 million Internet users in Indonesia last year, around 5.9 million had shopped online, according to latest e-commerce report from Singapore-based global logistics firm SingPost. The Indonesia E-commerce Association (idEA) estimates that e-commerce transactions in the country will triple from $8 billion in 2014 to $25 billion by 2016.

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That compares to total retail sales, which reached $326 billion last year, down slightly from the $337 billion recorded in 2013. Slowing growth and regulations that restrict retail expansion could still dampen the market. The Ministry of Trade, for example, has limited the number of franchise operations a company can own. It also stipulates that stores must source 80% of the goods they sell locally. But, according to the A.T. Kearney report, the opportunity for investing in physical retail is currently at a peak, meaning consumers are demanding more global brands, retail shopping districts are being developed and real estate is affordable and available. The growth in modern retail in Indonesia is being driven largely by convenience stores in tier two cities, it says. Local brands such as mini market Alfamart are leading the way, but foreign brands like H&M and Uniqlo are also expanding in the country and new ones, such as American Eagle Outfitters and WHSmith, are entering. "For years now the news on China has been the development of second- and third-tier cities, and in Indonesia that is just starting to happen," said Mr. Kurtz. And despite a weak currency and rising inflation, he said mid-term prospects still appear good for Indonesia. "It's robust demographically, but it's also robust from a spending standpoint," Mr. Kurtz said, noting interesting signs from the way Indonesians are willing to engage with smartphones and trust their money to e-commerce. global retail index https://www.atkearney.com/consumer-products-retail/global-retail-development-index/2015 will triple from $8 billion in 2014 to $25 billion by 2016 http://blogs.wsj.com/briefly/2014/12/12/5-things-to-know-about-indonesias-online-shopping-day/ <hr> 2015-12-13 01:45 AM http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/06/15/digital-advertising-takes-off-in-indonesia/ Economy & Business Digital Advertising Takes Off in Indonesia By Resty Woro Yuniar SGT Jun 15, 2015 http://si.wsj.net/public/resources/images/BN-IX329_INadve_G_20150614130502.jpg A worker mops the floor in front of a billboard ad at a shopping mall in Jakarta on June 9. Tatan Syuflana/Associated Press JAKARTA, Indonesia-Rapid growth in spending on digital advertising in Indonesia is providing a boon to advertisers and telecommunication companies as increasing connectivity changes the way companies go about marketing, say industry analysts. And according to a recent study, demand for digital advertising is only set to soar. As more and more of the country's 250 million people enter the middle class, access to devices that allow them to view online content expand. Enlarged smartphone and tablet screen sizes have also made mobile "an increasingly popular way for viewers to access content," said Susan Salop, vice president of TubeMogul TUBE -3.13% in Asia, a California-based software maker for digital video advertising.

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"Indonesia is in a unique position where population growth is coinciding with unparalleled technological development," she said. Many brands now go straight to digital without having to spend big on more traditional marketing, such as billboards and television ads.The booming e-commerce market here also plays a role in propping up the value of the country's digital advertising sector, say experts. In the past two years, e-commerce companies "have spent huge amount of their budgets on advertising," said Italo Gani, CEO of advertising start-up Adskom, which helps local website developers deliver better targeted banner ads on their sites. And growing investments into e-commerce companies, such as Tokopedia, a business-to-consumer marketplace, are enabling them to spend more money on marketing and advertising on the Internet, he said. Companies are predicted to spend more than $800 million on digital ads this year, up 80% from last year's $460 million, according to an April study by data tracker eMarketer. Of that amount, $130 million will go toward ads targeted for mobile devices, a whopping increase of 200% from $4 million last year, it said. In fact, spending on digital and mobile advertising in Southeast Asia's largest economy is set to grow faster than any of the 22 other countries surveyed, including Argentina, France and Brazil. Growth will continue steadily through at least 2019, when the total ad market in Indonesia -including ads appearing on traditional media -is predicted to skyrocket to $19.58 billion, with spending on digital and mobile ads expected to contribute around $7.6 billion. Industry analysts say digital campaigns will be more effective if targeted for mobile than for desktop platforms, since people here increasingly get online through their mobile phones. Already telecommunication companies have been quick to take advantage of the potential. Network provider PT Indosat Tbk recently launched a marketplace called Indonesia Mobile Exchange, a marketplace for mobile ads that links brands with website operators to create more targeted mobile ads by drawing on data such as real-time locations of the network's subscribers. PT Telekomunikasi Seluler (Telkomsel) and PT XL Axiata Tbk. also help advertisers better target their mobile ads to subscribers by providing them with subscribers' demographic information, including age, gender and handset type. Social media promotions are also effective in Indonesia, a huge market for both Facebook FB -3.13% and Twitter. To aid in that effort, Facebook Inc. has launched a program called Creative Accelerator to help improve the way brands in countries like India, Indonesia, and South Africa advertise on the site. Video ads are also expected to drive spending across digital mediums, analysts say. According to a recent survey by TubeMogul, last year purchases of video ads in Indonesia grew by more than 600%, the fastest in Southeast Asia. The report covers Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

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"While TV advertising represents the largest single portion of today's advertising spending, consumers are increasingly watching video content on digital devices," Ms. Salop said. Internet connections still remain incredibly slow in much of Indonesia, however, meaning bandwidth-hungry ads, such as videos, often take forever to load, she added. Analysts also said some advertisers in Indonesia are wary about their pre-roll ads driving people away rather than wait for them to finish before their content plays. And in some cases digital ads have missed the market and been subject to criticism for delivering messages perceived as insensitive or insulting. Creative Accelerator https://www.facebook.com/business/news/storytelling-in-high-growth-countries booming e-commerce market http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/03/03/what-makes-e-commerce-work-in-indonesia/ growing investments into e-commerce companies http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2014/10/29/investment-in-tokopedia-may-be-the-boost-indonesian-ecommerce-needs/ delivering messages perceived as insensitive or insulting http://blogs.wsj.com/indonesiarealtime/2015/02/08/bekasi-ad-backfire-tees-up-a-few-lessons/ <hr> 2015-12-13 01:16 AM https://www.internetretailer.com/2015/07/13/start-b2b-e-marketplace-indonesia-gets-25-million A start-up B2B e-marketplace for Indonesia gets $2.5 million in funding By Paul Demery Managing Editor, B2B E-commerce, July 13, 2015, 2:19 PM Jakarta-based Bizzy.co.id is out to connect businesses across Southeast Asia with a broad selection of products and services. Lead Photo Addressing what it sees as a pent-up demand for online purchasing, Bizzy.co.id launched last week as a portal where businesses, universities, hospitals and nonprofit organizations can shop for products and services. Bizzy already carriers "thousands of products from hundreds of merchants in business supplies, electronics, cleaning, pantry and services," Ardent Capital, its financial backer, said in announcing Bizzy's launch. Ardent is backing Bizzy with an investment of $2.5 million. Peter Goldsworthy, CEO and founder of Bizzy, says he decided to launch the marketplace after spending several years as an entrepreneur and researcher in Indonesia and learning about the difficulty in sourcing products. "I was constantly frustrated with ordering supplies and services," he says. "In particular, I felt the entire process of sourcing, approval and shipping could easily be improved upon." At the same time, he adds, it became apparent that many of the buyers at companies had become accustomed to purchasing things online for their personal use, and also wanted to purchase online for their businesses. "Millenials are now the key decision-makers for company sourcing," he says. "This changing of the guard means they expect the same information [that is] available for personal purchases when they search for business solutions."

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Bizzy says it will offer products and services as wholesale prices to a broad base of buyers from companies across various industries as well as from such organizations as hospitals, charitable groups and universities. Businesses that have begun to trade on the portal include online travel services firms Tiket.com and Traveloka, taxi service Grabtaxi and financial services firm Halomoney, Bizzy says. Bizzy charges sellers of products a commission of up to 20% based on the value of transactions, and it charges flat fees to sellers of services, a spokesman says. He declined to provide more details on fees to services providers. Sign up for a free subscription to B2BecNews, a weekly newsletter that covers technology and business trends in the growing B2B e-commerce industry. B2BecNews is published by Vertical Web Media LLC, which also publishes the monthly business magazine Internet Retailer. Follow B2BecNews editor Paul Demery on Twitter @pdemery. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:18 AM http://www.pressebox.com/pressrelease/ystatscom-gmbh-co-kg/Indonesia-to-Become-the-Largest-B2c-E-commerce-Market-in-Southeast-Asia/boxid/752911 Indonesia to Become the Largest B2c E-commerce Market in Southeast Asia http://www.pressebox.com/uploads/thumbnail/width/400/height/320/id/761143.jpg Indonesia B2C E-Commerce Market 2015 (PresseBox) (Hamburg, 26.08.2015) According to a new report by Hamburg-based secondary market research company yStats.com, Indonesia has the potential to become the largest of the fast growing B2C E-Commerce markets in Southeast Asia. The report, titled "Indonesia B2C E-Commerce Market 2015" also highlights some important trends in Indonesia's online retail, such as the rise of mobile commerce. The fourth most populous country worldwide, Indonesia, ranks in the top 10 global markets by number of Internet users, despite low Internet penetration. Although only a low double-digit share of Internet users in the country makes purchases online, Indonesia is reported to have the potential to become by far the largest of the B2C E-Commerce markets in Southeast Asia, due to anticipated rapid growth. Indonesia is a "mobile first" country. Mobile phones were used by the majority of Internet users in Indonesia to access the web in 2014, and were furthermore the device most used by online shoppers to make purchases online. Smartphone penetration is growing, expected to top 100 million users and rank Indonesia among the top 5 countries worldwide by number of smartphone users, within the next three years. Additionally, clothing and other fashion-related items were the most purchased online product category last year, while the payment method most preferred by online shoppers was bank transfer. As the E-Commerce landscape evolves in Indonesia, the competition is dominated by marketplaces. The most popular E-Commerce website in Indonesia, Lazada, combined online retailing with the marketplace model and achieved triple-digit growth across Southeast Asia last year. It also attracted additional investment, as did two other marketplaces, Tokopedia and Elevenia. Meanwhile, the two major online classifieds websites in the country, OLX and Berniaga, formed a joint venture under the OLX brand to compete together in the increasingly competitive and booming E-Commerce industry.

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About yStats.com GmbH & Co. KG Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, yStats.com is one of the world's leading secondary market research companies. We are committed to providing the most up-to-date and objective data on Global B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment markets to sector-leading companies worldwide. Our multilingual staff researches, gathers, filters and translates information from thousands of reputable sources to synthesize accurate and timely reports in our areas of expertise, covering more than 100 countries and all global regions. Our market reports focus predominantly on online retail and payments, but also cover a broad range of related topics including M-Commerce, Cross-Border E-Commerce, E-Commerce Delivery, Online Gaming and many others. In addition to our wide selection of market reports, we also provide custom market research services. We are proud to cooperate with companies like Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters. Given our numerous citations in leading media sources and journals worldwide, including Forbes and the Wall Street Journal, we are considered one of the most highly-reputed international secondary market research companies with an expertise in the areas of B2C E-Commerce and Online Payment. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:41 AM http://blogs.wsj.com/briefly/2014/12/12/5-things-to-know-about-indonesias-online-shopping-day/ 5 Things to Know About Indonesia's Online Shopping Day By Resty Woro Yuniar 12 Dec 2014 5:11am Indonesia's national online shopping day has been so hot it shut down some websites as buyers scramble to snap up major discounts before midnight. Aimed at increasing brand awareness and getting more people to take advantage of the country's ecommerce boom, this year's event, the third of its kind, has add a number of online shops and big brands, indicating significant growth of the country's e-commerce industry, say organizers. Inspired by Cyber Monday, which originated in the U.S., Southeast Asian e-commerce giant Lazada started up Indonesia's online shopping day on Dec. 12, 2012 and dubbed it 1212 day. "We are only half way into the 1212-day, but I can say that we have already over achieved our targets," Lazada Indonesia CEO Magnus Ekbom told The Wall Street Journal Friday afternoon. 1 More than 70 e-commerce companies participate They include fashion giants Zalora, Pinkemma and Berrybenka, as well as online bookstore Tokobuku, and travel websites like Traveloka. Many sites are offering discounts of up to 90%, but Lazada has stolen the show, with deals on 120,000 products. Blanja.com, e-Bay's partner in Indonesia, is practically offering some goods for free, with discounts of 95%. 2 Big brands join the trend Beauty products from The Body Shop and jeans by Lee Cooper are being offered at discounts of up to 40% and 50%, respectively, while social media app Path is offering its sticker and camera filter for 99,000 rupiah ($ 7.9). Mobile provider Telkomsel and local bank CIMB Niaga are also offering clients additional discounts. A few other notable mentions: budget airline AirAsia, Intel, Microsoft and smartphone vendor Xiaomi.

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3 Biggest agenda for e-commerce in Indonesia For the dozens of participating e-commerce companies, today's shopping event is one of the last chances of the year to increase sales - and they've been prepping. Together the participants have built the event's dedicated website harbolnas.com (short for national shopping day in Bahasa Indonesia) to help ease browsing, which they hope will boost transactions three or four fold. "It is the 'grand finale' of the holiday shopping season," said Mr. Ekbom. 4 Many websites down due to increased traffic While browsing might be easier thanks to improved server performances for each site, some just haven't been able to handle the traffic jump. At around 3 p.m., sites such as sports-ware vendor Planetsports.net and smartphone seller Erafone.com were under maintenance. 5 E-commerce in Indonesia to reach $25 billion in 2016 That's more than three times last year's $8 billion in transactions, according to Indonesia E-commerce Association or idEA. Indonesia's e-commerce industry still needs help from the government since "this kind of business won't be a success if you don't have the adequate infrastructure," minister of communication and information Rudiantara recently told reporters. So to support the nascent industry, Rudiantara said the government and the private sector would invest an additional $24 billion into expanding the country's broadband network over the next five years. <hr>

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2015-12-11 09:06 AM http://www.alexa.com/topsites/countries/ID Top Sites in Indonesia 2015-12-11 09:06:28 01 Alexa - Top Sites in Indonesia.png bit.ly/1Ybx5nV http://s6.postimg.org/7f9rl0km9/01_Alexa_Top_Sites_in_Indonesia.png The sites in the top sites lists are ordered by their 1 month alexa traffic rank. The 1 month rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past month. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 1. Google.com Enables users to search the world's information, including webpages, images, and videos. Offers unique features and search technology. 2. Google.co.id This guide will introduce you to all the different ways you can use Google Talk. ... The Google Talk downloadable application for Windows offers many features for communicating with your friends and family. Instant messaging - Chat with all of your Google 3. Facebook.com A social utility that connects people, to keep up with friends, upload photos, share links and videos. 4. Youtube.com YouTube is a way to get your videos to the people who matter to you. Upload, tag and share your videos worldwide! 5. Yahoo.com A major internet portal and service provider offering search results, customizable content, chatrooms, free e-mail, clubs, and pager. 6. Detik.com detikcom is pioneer online media company in Indonesia, provides the most updated & comprehensive news from Indonesia & worldwide. Established in 1998 and joined Transmedia under CT Corp since August 2011. 7. Liputan6.com Liputan6 adalah portal News, Bola, Showbiz, Health, Tekno, Dan Video yang aktual, tajam, dan terpercaya. 8. Kaskus.co.id Kaskus is a home of The Largest Indonesian Online Communities. People come here to share information or interest, to buy and to sell. Unite Indonesian through a social platform. 9. Kompas.com Kompas.com is Indonesia leading & most credible news and multimedia portal. Previously known as Kompas Cyber Media or Kompas Online. Established in 1995, Kompas.com was reborn in May 2008 with improved contents and architecture. Kompas.com is an affiliate of Kompas Gramedia Digital Group.

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10. Lazada.co.id 11. Wordpress.com Free blogs managed by the developers of the WordPress software. Includes custom design templates, integrated statistics, automatic spam protection and other features. 12. Bukalapak.com Situs jual beli online yang aman, mudah dan 100% terpercaya dengan Bukalapak Payment System. 13. Tokopedia.com Mal online terbesar Indonesia, tempat berkumpulnya toko-toko online terpercaya Indonesia, menawarkan jutaan produk dengan harga yang sangat menarik 14. Ask.com Offers search for web sites, images, news, blogs, video, maps and directions, local search and shopping. 15. Tribunnews.com TRIBUNNEWS.COM :: Berita Terkini Indonesia Diterbitkan TRIBUN-Network "The National's Local Newspaper" KOMPAS GRAMEDIA Gedung Persda Lt 2 Jalan Palmerah Selatan No 12 Jakarta 10270 Telepon 62-21-5480888, 5359525 Fax: 62-21-5359523 16. Twitter.com Social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface.. 17. Okezone.com An Indonesian Online Portal offers news,economy,lifestyle,celebrity,bola, sports,techno and provide citizen journalism and forum for internet user. Part of MNC Group. 18. Wikipedia.org A free encyclopedia built collaboratively using wiki software. (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License). 19. Onclickads.net Onclick Ads is a world's leading popunder advertising solutions provided by PropellerAds, global ad network offering monetization opportunities to website owners while providing advertisers access to millions of targeted users from around the globe. 20. Blogspot.com 21. Olx.co.id Menyediakan iklan baris gratis dalam berbagai kategori. Terdapat versi bahasa Indonesia, Inggeris dan Belanda. 22. Instagram.com 23. Klikbca.com KlikBCA: Layanan Internet Banking dari PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. 24. Blogger.com Free, automated weblog publishing tool that sends updates to a site via FTP.

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25. Adnetworkperformance.com <hr> 2015-12-11 08:51 AM http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/World/Bahasa_Indonesia/Belanja Top Sites in: All Categories > World > Bahasa Indonesia > Belanja 2015-12-11 08:11:45 Alexa - Top Sites by Category- World-Bahasa Indonesia-Belanja.png bit.ly/1Ybx5nV http://s6.postimg.org/3x2d2d941/02_Alexa_Top_Sites_by_Category_World_Bahasa_I.png Many listings in Top Sites by Category are for specific pages or subdirectories, not for entire sites. For example, in the Reference > Maps section you'll find mapquest.com (an entire site about maps) and maps.yahoo.com (one section about maps on a larger site). For this reason, the listings in the Top Sites by Category are ordered by Popularity of this listing, and not by the overall Traffic Rank of the site. We use the same basic traffic ranking technology used for Alexa Traffic Rank - a combination of users and page views - but apply it only to the traffic for that specific listing. To find out the Traffic Rank of any site in the Top Sites by Category directory, just click the name of the site and you'll be taken to the "Site Info" page for that site. Sub-Categories ( 11 ) * Antik dan Koleksi ( 3 ) * Buku ( 25 ) * Bunga ( 12 ) * Elektronik ( 22 ) * Hiburan ( 27 ) * Iklan ( 27 ) * Kerajinan ( 10 ) * Kesehatan ( 7 ) * Makanan ( 4 ) * Olahraga ( 4 ) * Pakaian ( 38 ) 1. Olx.co.id Menyediakan iklan baris gratis dalam berbagai kategori. Terdapat versi bahasa Indonesia, Inggeris dan Belanda. 2. Indonetwork.co.id Situs gabungan berbagai iklan perusahaan Indonesia produk dalam dan luar negeri serta terdapat fasilitas pencarian. 3. Bhinneka.com Indonesia's No. 1 Webstore 4. Rumah.com Rumah.com adalah Situs Pencarian Properti Terkemuka di Indonesia. Temukan Rumah, Rumah Baru, Ruko, Tanah, Pabrik, Apartemen, Properti Komersial Lainnya di Sini Secara Lengkap 5. Rumah123.com

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Indonesia's largest property portal. More than 250,000 properties listed from more than 8000 agents all over Indonesia. 6. Rumahdijual.com Pasang iklan rumah gratis, terbuka bagi agen properti dan siapa saja yang ingin jual rumah. 7. Bukukita.com BukuKita.com adalah sebuah Komunitas Pencinta Buku dan Toko Buku Online Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang penjualan buku melalui media internet. Menyediakan berbagai macam buku (komik, novel, cerpen) baik fiksi maupun nonfiksi dari berbagai Penerbit dengan harga murah diskon gede. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. (Online Bookstore) 8. Bukabuku.com BukaBuku.com adalah Toko Buku Online Indonesia (Indonesian Online Bookstore) yang menyediakan berbagai macam buku (baru, bekas, lokal dan import) dari berbagai penerbit dengan harga diskon. Melayani pengiriman buku ke Indonesia dan international. 9. Rakitan.com Belanja komputer murah secara online di rakitan.com dengan pilihan sendiri parts yang sesuai keinginan anda plus daftar harga yang paling update. 10. Anugrahpratama.com Toko komputer online menjual notebook, laptop, komputer rakitan, PDA, produk IT, kirim ke seluruh Indonesia. 11. Sewa-apartemen.net Informasi sewa apartemen di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. 12. Medicastore.com Media informasi obat - informasi penyakit, berisi info dokter spesialis, artikel, berita, seminar, newsletter, forum & kuis kesehatan + apotik online 13. Bekas.com Sarana pemasangan iklan jual-beli. Memiliki fitur pencarian dan barang atau jasa terbagi atas kategori. 14. Belbuk.com Toko Buku Online. Tempat anda membeli buku secara online. Katalog buku lengkap, pengiriman ke seluruh kota di Indonesia. Cukup dengan klik, buku tiba di rumah. 15. Oke.com Retailer produk wireless communication dan gadget multimedia (handphone, pda, mp3, player, dll) dengan ratusan gerai yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia 16. Tanahabang.com Tanah Abang Fashion Busana Muslim Busana Wanita Pakaian Pria dan Baju Anak-anak 17. Kutukutubuku.com Menawarkan beragam topik buku cetak, film dan musik. Terdapat katalog bergambar dan terbagi atas berbagai kategori. Berlokasi di Jakarta. 18. Infokost.net

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Indonesia's leading website information about rental residentials (kost, homestays, guest houses, hotels, rent houses, rent apartments) in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Bali, Semarang. 19. Iklanbaris.co.id IklanBaris.co.id, media online tempat bertemu penjual dan pembeli beriklan barang dan jasa, bekas dan baru, gratis dan pasti laris. 20. 1001malam.com Menawarkan voucher hotel discount di Indonesia. Terdapat informasi fasilitas dan lokasi hotel. 21. Webiklan.com Menyediakan fasilitas pemasangan iklan jual-beli barang dan jasa. Terbagi dalam berbagai kategori iklan dan terdapat fitur pencarian. 22. Tokopda.com TokoPDA.com menjual bermacam-macam jenis PDA. Belanja nyaman di toko yang terletak di mall ternama dengan jaringan lumayan luas di Jakarta. 23. Rumahmadani.com Pusat belanja online baju dan busana muslim berkualitas, melayani pengiriman ke seluruh Indonesia, grosir dan retail 24. Palasarionline.com Bursa Buku murah dan terlengkap di Indonesia. 25. Produkanda.com Direktori bisnis, katalog produk daftar permintaan dan daftar perusahaan di Indonesia. <hr> 2015-12-11 08:43 AM http://www.alexa.com/topsites/category/Top/World/Bahasa_Indonesia/Belanja/Buku Top Sites in: All Categories > World > Bahasa Indonesia > Belanja > Buku 2015-12-11 08:11:41 Alexa - Top Sites by Category- World-Bahasa Indonesia-Belanja-Buku.png bit.ly/1RKIxqO http://s6.postimg.org/87h0xye75/03_Alexa_Top_Sites_by_Category_World_Bahasa_I.png Many listings in Top Sites by Category are for specific pages or subdirectories, not for entire sites. For example, in the Reference > Maps section you'll find mapquest.com (an entire site about maps) and maps.yahoo.com (one section about maps on a larger site). For this reason, the listings in the Top Sites by Category are ordered by Popularity of this listing, and not by the overall Traffic Rank of the site. We use the same basic traffic ranking technology used for Alexa Traffic Rank - a combination of users and page views - but apply it only to the traffic for that specific listing. To find out the Traffic Rank of any site in the Top Sites by Category directory, just click the name of the site and you'll be taken to the "Site Info" page for that site. 1. Bukukita.com BukuKita.com adalah sebuah Komunitas Pencinta Buku dan Toko Buku Online Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang penjualan buku melalui media internet. Menyediakan berbagai macam buku

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(komik, novel, cerpen) baik fiksi maupun nonfiksi dari berbagai Penerbit dengan harga murah diskon gede. Melayani pengiriman ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia. (Online Bookstore) 2. Bukabuku.com BukaBuku.com adalah Toko Buku Online Indonesia (Indonesian Online Bookstore) yang menyediakan berbagai macam buku (baru, bekas, lokal dan import) dari berbagai penerbit dengan harga diskon. Melayani pengiriman buku ke Indonesia dan international. 3. Belbuk.com Toko Buku Online. Tempat anda membeli buku secara online. Katalog buku lengkap, pengiriman ke seluruh kota di Indonesia. Cukup dengan klik, buku tiba di rumah. 4. Kutukutubuku.com Menawarkan beragam topik buku cetak, film dan musik. Terdapat katalog bergambar dan terbagi atas berbagai kategori. Berlokasi di Jakarta. 5. Palasarionline.com Bursa Buku murah dan terlengkap di Indonesia. 6. Amartapura.com Menyediakan beragam materi buku, buku baru, bekas, dan antik. Juga tersedia program referral/afiliasi untuk penjualan. 7. Kiosislami.com Toko buku dan vcd Islami online Menjual berbagai macam buku-buku dan VCD Islami bermutu 8. Biobses.com Toko buku yang menjual buku komputer, buku informatika dan buku teknologi informasi dari berbagai penerbit terkemuka. 9. Bukudedo.com Menyediakan buku bekas dan komik bekas. Terdapat katalog berbagai judul buku berikut harga, dan informasi pemesanan. 10. Inibuku.com Online Book Store di Indonesia. Menyediakan informasi buku-buku baru setiap minggu. Koleksi lengkap dari penerbit-penerbit besar mulai dari karya asli penulis Indonesia hingga terjemahan buku-buku populer dunia. 11. Cvalfabeta.com penerbit alfabeta bandung, buku pelajaran sekolah, agama, umum dan buku perguruan tinggi. 12. Angelzon.com Menyediakan buku komik dan novel. Dengan Update buku baru setiap hari, diskon menarik disetiap kategori, dan cara belanja yang mudah. 13. Anelinda-store.com Menjual buku-buku antik dan unik. Terdapat serial wayang, silat, dan informasi pemesanan online.. 14. Manualbookmobil.com Menyediakan buku manual untuk berbagai merk kenderaan. Tersedia dalam bentuk cetak, CD dan VCD.

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15. Komikbekas.portfoliokita.com Menjual komik bekas, novel bekas dan membeli komik bekas dari pelanggan untuk dijual di website ini. 16. Al-ilmu.com Ahlan wa sahlan, Alhamdulillah melalui Al-Ilmu.Com antum bisa berbelanja berbagai produk Islami dengan mudah, cepat, dan aman. Al-Ilmu.Com menyajikan produk buku-buku Islam, kitab-kitab berbahasa arab, CD MP3 dan VCD pengajian, majalah Islam, pakaian muslim, thibbun nabawi, serta berbagai produk lain yang insya Allah akan sangat bermanfaat bagi setiap muslim dalam mengagungkan sunnah sesuai manhaj ahlussunnah wal jama ah. Al-Ilmu.Com juga menyediakan fasilitas kajian online, maktabah online, ser 17. Maktabah.al-mufid.com MAKTABAH AL-MUFID : Buku Islam Bermutu | Murah | Diskon | Manhaj Salaf | Ahlussunnah Wal Jama&#039;ah - Buku2 Aqidah | Hadits | Fiqh | Anak Muslim | Muslimah | dll || Toko Buku Muslim Online Pilihan Anda || 18. Micopardosi.tripod.com Menyediakan buku dan e-books komputer dan Internet. 19. Bookoopedia.com Menyediakan berbagai judul buku novel, bahasa, masakan, dan buku textbook untuk pelajar. 20. Kutubmuslim.blogspot.com Toko buku Islam online, download e-book gratis, artikel, murottal dan kajian agama islam. 21. Distributorbukukita.com Bergerak dalam pendistribusian buku. Terdapat katalog, dan daftar penerbit. 22. Gilabuku.com You are looking for good books with a cheap price? Here is the place!!! We provide thousands of books in Indonesian and English language. Starting form novel, imported novel, educative children book, economic, politic, law, psychology, and not to mention text books. We always renew our book lists from various publishers. And the most important thing is our store always gives you discounts every day and every year. So what are you waiting for? Click www.Gilabuku.com 23. Penerbit-informatika.com Penerbit Informatika bandung, memerbitkan buku komputer, buku teknologi informasi dan buku teknik informatika 24. Sarana-hidayah.com Penjualan ritel dan distributor, dari berbagai penerbit di Indonesia serta menjual buku import. 25. Serbabuku.com Toko buku online, media cari dan beli buku lengkap. <hr>

e-attachment – 3 Lampiran 3 Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (3) – wiki terms Electronic markets ........................................................................................................................ 65

Impacts on business efficiencies ................................................................................................ 65 Online marketplace ....................................................................................................................... 66

Online marketplaces for services and outsourcing ..................................................................... 66 E-commerce .................................................................................................................................. 66

Business applications ................................................................................................................ 67 Governmental regulation ........................................................................................................... 67

Forms ........................................................................................................................................ 69 Global trends ............................................................................................................................. 69 Impact on markets and retailers ................................................................................................. 70 Impact on supply chain management ......................................................................................... 71 The social impact of e-commerce .............................................................................................. 71 Distribution channels ................................................................................................................. 72 Examples of new e-commerce systems ...................................................................................... 72

Online shopping ............................................................................................................................ 73 History ...................................................................................................................................... 74 International e-commerce statistics ............................................................................................ 74 Customers ................................................................................................................................. 75

Product selection ....................................................................................................................... 75 Payment .................................................................................................................................... 75 Product delivery ........................................................................................................................ 76 Shopping cart systems ............................................................................................................... 76 Design ....................................................................................................................................... 77

Information load .................................................................................................................... 77 Consumer needs and expectations ......................................................................................... 77 User interface ........................................................................................................................ 78

Market share ............................................................................................................................. 78 Advantages ............................................................................................................................... 78

Convenience .......................................................................................................................... 78

Information and reviews ........................................................................................................ 78 Price and selection ................................................................................................................. 79

Disadvantages ........................................................................................................................... 79 Fraud and security concerns .................................................................................................. 79 Lack of full cost disclosure .................................................................................................... 81 Privacy .................................................................................................................................. 81

Product suitability ..................................................................................................................... 81 Aggregation .............................................................................................................................. 82 Impact of reviews on consumer behaviour ................................................................................. 82

Business-to-business ..................................................................................................................... 82 Compared to B2C ...................................................................................................................... 83

Retail ............................................................................................................................................ 83 Etymology ................................................................................................................................ 84

Types of retail outlets ................................................................................................................ 84 Types by products ................................................................................................................. 84

Types by marketing strategy .................................................................................................. 84 Global top ten retailers .............................................................................................................. 86 Operations ................................................................................................................................. 87

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Retail pricing ......................................................................................................................... 87

Competition .......................................................................................................................... 87 Staffing ................................................................................................................................. 87 Transfer mechanisms ............................................................................................................. 87

Second-hand retail (Charity shop) ............................................................................................. 88 Challenges ................................................................................................................................ 88 Sales techniques ........................................................................................................................ 89 Customer service ....................................................................................................................... 89 Statistics for national retail sales ................................................................................................ 89

United States ......................................................................................................................... 89 Central Europe ...................................................................................................................... 90 World .................................................................................................................................... 90

Consolidation ............................................................................................................................ 90 Future........................................................................................................................................ 90

Customer to customer ................................................................................................................... 91 Origins ...................................................................................................................................... 91 Business model ......................................................................................................................... 92 Product or service ...................................................................................................................... 92

Development ......................................................................................................................... 92 Communications ....................................................................................................................... 93

Advertising ........................................................................................................................... 93 Advantages ........................................................................................................................... 93 Disadvantages ....................................................................................................................... 93

Examples of E-Commerce ......................................................................................................... 94 Internet auctions .................................................................................................................... 94 Internet classifieds ................................................................................................................. 94

Marketing.................................................................................................................................. 95 Merchandising .............................................................................................................................. 95

Promotional merchandising ....................................................................................................... 95 Trading industry ........................................................................................................................ 96 Retail supply chain .................................................................................................................... 96 Licensing .................................................................................................................................. 97 Children .................................................................................................................................... 97 Adult ......................................................................................................................................... 97

Prop replicas ............................................................................................................................. 98

Brick and mortar ........................................................................................................................... 98 History ...................................................................................................................................... 99

Brick and mortar in decline ....................................................................................................... 99 Benefits of brick and mortar ...................................................................................................... 99 Drawbacks of brick and mortar ................................................................................................. 99

Digital distribution ...................................................................................................................... 100 Basis ....................................................................................................................................... 100 Impact on traditional retail ...................................................................................................... 101

Music .................................................................................................................................. 101 Videos ................................................................................................................................. 102

Books .................................................................................................................................. 102

Video games ....................................................................................................................... 102

Challenges .............................................................................................................................. 103 E-book distribution platforms ...................................................................................................... 103

Discontinued ........................................................................................................................... 103 Active ..................................................................................................................................... 103 Reactivated ............................................................................................................................. 104

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Microsoft Reader (MS Reader) ............................................................................................ 104

Content delivery network ............................................................................................................ 105 Operation ................................................................................................................................ 105 Technology ............................................................................................................................. 105 Content networking techniques ............................................................................................... 106

Content service protocols .................................................................................................... 107 Peer-to-peer CDNs .............................................................................................................. 107 Private CDNs ...................................................................................................................... 107

CDN trends ............................................................................................................................. 107 Emergence of telco CDNs ................................................................................................... 107 Telco CDN advantages ........................................................................................................ 107 Federated CDNs .................................................................................................................. 108

edns-client-subnet EDNS0 option ........................................................................................ 108 Notable content delivery service providers .............................................................................. 108

Free CDNs .......................................................................................................................... 108 Traditional commercial CDNs ............................................................................................. 109 Telco CDNs ........................................................................................................................ 109 Commercial CDNs using P2P for delivery ........................................................................... 110

E-book ........................................................................................................................................ 110 Timeline .................................................................................................................................. 110

The Readies (1930) ............................................................................................................. 110 Candidates for the first e-book inventor ............................................................................... 111

Early e-book implementations ................................................................................................. 116 Archival storage ...................................................................................................................... 117

Libraries .............................................................................................................................. 117 Challenges ........................................................................................................................... 117

E-book formats........................................................................................................................ 117 Formats ............................................................................................................................... 118 E-reader applications ........................................................................................................... 118 Dedicated hardware readers and mobile reader software ...................................................... 119

Comparison to printed books ................................................................................................... 120 Advantages ......................................................................................................................... 120 Downsides ........................................................................................................................... 120 Digital rights management ................................................................................................... 121

Production ............................................................................................................................... 121

E-book reading data ................................................................................................................ 121 Market share of digital books .................................................................................................. 122

Comparison of e-book formats .................................................................................................... 122 Format descriptions ................................................................................................................. 123

Broadband eBooks (BBeB) ................................................................................................. 123

Comic Book Archive file ..................................................................................................... 123 Compiled HTML ................................................................................................................. 124 DAISY – ANSI/NISO Z39.86 ............................................................................................. 124 DjVu ................................................................................................................................... 124 DOC.................................................................................................................................... 124

DOCX ................................................................................................................................. 124

EPUB .................................................................................................................................. 124

eReader ............................................................................................................................... 125 FictionBook (Fb2) ............................................................................................................... 125 Founder Electronics ............................................................................................................. 125

Hypertext Markup Language ............................................................................................... 126 iBook (Apple) ..................................................................................................................... 126

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IEC 62448 ........................................................................................................................... 126

INF (IBM) ........................................................................................................................... 127 KF8 (Amazon Kindle) ......................................................................................................... 127 Microsoft LIT...................................................................................................................... 127 Mobipocket ......................................................................................................................... 128 Multimedia eBooks ............................................................................................................. 128 Newton eBook .................................................................................................................... 128 Open Electronic Package ..................................................................................................... 129 Portable Document Format .................................................................................................. 129 Plain text files ..................................................................................................................... 129 Plucker ................................................................................................................................ 130 PostScript ............................................................................................................................ 130

RTF ..................................................................................................................................... 130 SSReader ............................................................................................................................ 130 Text Encoding Initiative ...................................................................................................... 130 TomeRaider ........................................................................................................................ 130 Open XML Paper Specification ........................................................................................... 131

E-book Features ...................................................................................................................... 131 E-book Reading Devices ......................................................................................................... 131

Comparison of e-book readers ..................................................................................................... 131 Types of Electronic-paper displays .......................................................................................... 131 Commercially available devices sold by maker or designer ..................................................... 132

Discontinued Models ........................................................................................................... 132 File format support .............................................................................................................. 132

Changes .................................................................................................................................. 133 Rebranded devices .............................................................................................................. 133 Other mobile text viewers .................................................................................................... 133

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2015-12-13 01:23 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_markets Electronic markets 6 June 2014, at 16:36 Electronic markets (or electronic marketplaces) are information systems (IS) which are used by multiple separate organizational entities within one or among multiple tiers in economic value chains. In analogy to the market concept which can be viewed from a macroeconomic (describing relationships among actors in an economic systems, e.g. a monopoly) as well as from a microeconomic (describing different allocation mechanisms, e.g. public auctions of telephone frequencies) perspective, electronic markets denote networked forms of business with many possible configurations: First, the topology of electronic markets may be centralized or decentralized in nature. Centralized electronic markets are hubs which often provide services to their participants. Decentralized settings involve sequential relationships within value chains which often are found when electronic messages are exchanged directly between businesses (electronic data interchange, EDI). Second, the services provided by electronic markets may serve infrastructural or allocation purposes. Among the infrastructure services are routing, messaging, identification and partner directories whereas allocation services enable pricing process which in turn may be static or dynamic in nature. Typical implementations are catalogs, exchanges and auctions. Third, the relationships of actors involved in electronic markets may be stable or atomistic in nature. The former usually refers to classical supply chains where business collaborate during a longer period of time. In the latter case, the transaction partners are only stable for a single transaction. This is usually to be found in auction and other exchange settings. This leads to two definitions: In a narrow sense Electronic Markets are mainly conceived as allocation platforms with dynamic price discovery mechanisms involving atomistic relationships. Popular examples originate from the financial and energy industries. In a broader sense, price discovery is not critical for electronic markets. This covers all forms of electronic collaboration between organizations and consumer as well as vice versa. Examples * company websites that serve communication and transaction purposes * electronic purchasing systems on EDI-basis as well as based on catalogs * systems that support the configuration of products, such as car configurators * automated download of product information based on the scan of an article numbervn * activation of an emergency chain based on the monitoring of heart frequency * social networks that link consumers, such as recommendation communities Impacts on business efficiencies Electronic markets are attributed important impacts on business efficiencies. From an industry perspective, transaction cost economics were used to illustrate the relationship between electronic markets and electronic hierarchies. While the former are in line with the narrow electronic markets definition, the latter are also included in the broader definition. This may be explained since in reality electronic markets have emerged as platforms which combine several modes of governance or types of coordination mechanisms. These "all-in-one-markets" link the possibility of competitive bidding for price discovery with the advantages of a

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predictable relationship to encourage relationship specific investments (non-contractible issues) and functionalities for closer collaboration. This perspective shows that it is important to distinguish between the market platform itself which creates an infrastructure between multiple parties and the coordination mechanisms operated on this platform which might be market-like or hierarchical in nature. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:21 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_marketplace https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/emarketplace Online marketplace 16 November 2015, at 10:43 An online marketplace (or online e-commerce marketplace) is a type of e-commerce site where product or service information is provided by multiple third parties, whereas transactions are processed by the marketplace operator. Online marketplaces are the primary type of multichannel ecommerce. In an online marketplace, consumer transactions are processed by the marketplace operator and then delivered and fulfilled by the participating retailers or wholesalers (often called drop shipping). Other capabilities might include auctioning (forward or reverse), catalogs, ordering, wanted advertisement, trading exchange functionality and capabilities like RFQ, RFI or RFP. In general, because marketplaces aggregate products from a wide array of providers, selection is usually more wide, availability is higher, and prices are more competitive than in vendor-specific online retail stores. Since 2014, online marketplaces are abundant since organized marketplaces are sought after. Some have a wide variety of general interest products that cater to almost all the needs of the consumers, however, some are consumer specific and cater to a particular segment only. Not only is the platform for selling online, but the user interface and user experience matters. People tend to log on to online marketplaces that are organized and products are much more accessible to them. Examples of some online marketplaces are Amazon.com, Alibaba, eBay, etsy, Flipkart, Rakuten, Snapdeal. Online marketplaces for services and outsourcing There are marketplaces for the online outsourcing of professional services like IT services, search engine optimization, marketing, crowdsourcing, and skilled crafts & trades work. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:24 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-commerce https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_commerce E-commerce 12 December 2015, at 10:29 Electronic commerce, commonly written as e-commerce, is the trading or facilitation of trading in products or services using computer networks, such as the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerce

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typically uses the World Wide Web for at least one part of the transaction's life cycle, although it may also use other technologies such as e-mail. E-commerce businesses may employ some or all of the following: * Online shopping web sites for retail sales direct to consumers * Providing or participating in online marketplaces, which process third-party business-to-consumer or consumer-to-consumer sales * Business-to-business buying and selling * Gathering and using demographic data through web contacts and social media * Business-to-business electronic data interchange * Marketing to prospective and established customers by e-mail or fax (for example, with newsletters) * Engaging in pretail for launching new products and services Business applications An example of an automated online assistant on a merchandising website. Some common applications related to electronic commerce are: * Document automation in supply chain and logistics * Domestic and international payment systems * Enterprise content management * Group buying * Print on demand * Automated online assistant * Newsgroups * Online shopping and order tracking * Online banking * Online office suites * Shopping cart software * Teleconferencing * Electronic tickets * Social networking * Instant messaging * Pretail * Digital Wallet Governmental regulation In the United States, some electronic commerce activities are regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). These activities include the use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy. The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 establishes national standards for direct marketing over e-mail. The Federal Trade Commission Act regulates all forms of advertising, including online advertising, and states that advertising must be truthful and non-deceptive. Using its authority under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive practices, the FTC has brought a number of cases to enforce the promises in corporate privacy statements, including promises about the security of consumers' personal information. As result, any corporate privacy policy related to e-commerce activity may be subject to enforcement by the FTC. The Ryan Haight Online Pharmacy Consumer Protection Act of 2008, which came into law in 2008, amends the Controlled Substances Act to address online pharmacies.

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Conflict of laws in cyberspace is a major hurdle for harmonisation of legal framework for e-commerce around the world. In order to give a uniformity to e-commerce law around the world, many countries adopted the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce (1996). Internationally there is the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (ICPEN), which was formed in 1991 from an informal network of government customer fair trade organisations. The purpose was stated as being to find ways of co-operating on tackling consumer problems connected with cross-border transactions in both goods and services, and to help ensure exchanges of information among the participants for mutual benefit and understanding. From this came Econsumer.gov, an ICPEN initiative since April 2001. It is a portal to report complaints about online and related transactions with foreign companies. There is also Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) was established in 1989 with the vision of achieving stability, security and prosperity for the region through free and open trade and investment. APEC has an Electronic Commerce Steering Group as well as working on common privacy regulations throughout the APEC region. In Australia, Trade is covered under Australian Treasury Guidelines for electronic commerce, and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission regulates and offers advice on how to deal with businesses online, and offers specific advice on what happens if things go wrong. In the United Kingdom, The Financial Services Authority (FSA) was formerly the regulating authority for most aspects of the EU's Payment Services Directive (PSD), until its replacement in 2013 by the Prudential Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority. The UK implemented the PSD through the Payment Services Regulations 2009 (PSRs), which came into effect on 1 November 2009. The PSR affects firms providing payment services and their customers. These firms include banks, non-bank credit card issuers and non-bank merchant acquirers, e-money issuers, etc. The PSRs created a new class of regulated firms known as payment institutions (PIs), who are subject to prudential requirements. Article 87 of the PSD requires the European Commission to report on the implementation and impact of the PSD by 1 November 2012. In India, the Information Technology Act 2000 governs the basic applicability of e-commerce. In China, the Telecommunications Regulations of the People's Republic of China (promulgated on 25 September 2000), stipulated the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) as the government department regulating all telecommunications related activities, including electronic commerce. On the same day, The Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services released, is the first administrative regulation to address profit-generating activities conducted through the Internet, and lay the foundation for future regulations governing e-commerce in China. In 28 August 2004, the eleventh session of the tenth NPC Standing Committee adopted The Electronic Signature Law, which regulates data message, electronic signature authentication and legal liability issues. It is considered the first law in China's e-commerce legislation. It was a milestone in the course of improving China's electronic commerce legislation, and also marks the entering of China's rapid development stage for electronic commerce legislation.

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Forms Contemporary electronic commerce involves everything from ordering "digital" content for immediate online consumption, to ordering conventional goods and services, to "meta" services to facilitate other types of electronic commerce. On the institutional level, big corporations and financial institutions use the internet to exchange financial data to facilitate domestic and international business. Data integrity and security are pressing issues for electronic commerce. Aside from traditional e-Commerce, the terms m-Commerce (mobile commerce) as well (around 2013) t-Commerce have also been used. Global trends In 2010, the United Kingdom had the biggest e-commerce market in the world when measured by the amount spent per capita. As of 2013, the Czech Republic was the European country where ecommerce delivers the biggest contribution to the enterprises´ total revenue. Almost a quarter (24%) of the country's total turnover is generated via the online channel. Among emerging economies, China's e-commerce presence continues to expand every year. With 384 million internet users, China's online shopping sales rose to $36.6 billion in 2009 and one of the reasons behind the huge growth had been the improved trust level for shoppers. The Chinese retailers have been able to help consumers feel more comfortable shopping online. E-commerce transactions between China and other countries increased 32% to 2.3 trillion yuan ($375.8 billion) in 2012 and accounted for 9.6% of China's total international trade. In 2013, Alibaba had an e-commerce market share of 80% in China. In 2013, Brazil's eCommerce was growing quickly with retail eCommerce sales expected to grow at a healthy double-digit pace through 2014. By 2016, eMarketer expected retail ecommerce sales in Brazil to reach $17.3 billion. India has an internet user base of about 243.2 million as of January 2014. Despite being third largest userbase in world, the penetration of Internet is low compared to markets like the United States, United Kingdom or France but is growing at a much faster rate, adding around 6 million new entrants every month. In India, cash on delivery is the most preferred payment method, accumulating 75% of the e-retail activities. E-Commerce has become an important tool for small and large businesses worldwide, not only to sell to customers, but also to engage them. In 2012, ecommerce sales topped $1 trillion for the first time in history. Mobile devices are playing an increasing role in the mix of eCommerce. In 2014, one estimate saw purchases made on mobile devices making up 25% of the market by 2017. In 2014, there were 600 million Internet users in China (twice as many than in the US), making it the world's biggest online market. For traditional businesses, one research stated that information technology and cross-border e-commerce is a good opportunity for the rapid development and growth of enterprises. Many

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companies have invested enormous volume of investment in mobile applications.The DeLone and McLean Model stated that 3 perspectives are contributed to a successful e-business, including information system quality, service quality and users satisfaction. There is no limit of time and space, there are more opportunities to reach out to customers around the world, and to cut down unnecessary intermediate links, thereby reducing the cost price, and can benefit from one on one large customer data analysis, to achieve a high degree of personal customization strategic plan, in order to fully enhance the core competitiveness of the products in company. Impact on markets and retailers Economists have theorized that e-commerce ought to lead to intensified price competition, as it increases consumers' ability to gather information about products and prices. Research by four economists at the University of Chicago has found that the growth of online shopping has also affected industry structure in two areas that have seen significant growth in e-commerce, bookshops and travel agencies. Generally, larger firms are able to use economies of scale and offer lower prices. The lone exception to this pattern has been the very smallest category of bookseller, shops with between one and four employees, which appear to have withstood the trend. Depending on the category, e-commerce may shift the switching costs-procedural, relational, and financial-experienced by customers. Individual or business involved in e-commerce whether buyers or sellers rely on Internet-based technology in order to accomplish their transactions. E-commerce is recognized for its ability to allow business to communicate and to form transaction anytime and anyplace. Whether an individual is in the US or overseas, business can be conducted through the internet. The power of e-commerce allows geophysical barriers to disappear, making all consumers and businesses on earth potential customers and suppliers. Thus, switching barriers and switching costs my shift. eBay is a good example of e-commerce business individuals and businesses are able to post their items and sell them around the Globe. In e-commerce activities, supply chain and logistics are two most crucial factors need to be considered. Typically, cross-border logistics need about few weeks time round. Based on this low efficiency of the supply chain service, customer satisfaction will be greatly reduced. Some researcher stated that combining e-commerce competence and IT setup could well enhance company's overall business worth. Other researcher stated that e-commerce need to consider the establishment of warehouse centers in foreign countries, to create high efficiency of the logistics system, not only improve customers' satisfaction, but also can improve customers' loyalty.[weasel words]. Some researcher investigated that if a company want to enhance international customers' satisfaction, where cultural website need to be adapted in particular country, rather than solely depending on its local country. However, according to this research findings, the researcher found that German company had treated its international website as the same local model, such as in UK and US online marketing.

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A company could save money and make decision quickly via the identical strategy in different country. However, opportunity cost could be occurred, if the local strategy does not match to a new market, the company could lose its potential customer. Impact on supply chain management For a long time, companies had been troubled by the gap between the benefits which supply chain technology has and the solutions to deliver those benefits. However, the emergence of e-commerce has provided a more practical and effective way of delivering the benefits of the new supply chain technologies. E-commerce has the capability to integrate all inter-company and intra-company functions, meaning that the three flows (physical flow, financial flow and information flow) of the supply chain could be also affected by e-commerce. The affections on physical flows improved the way of product and inventory movement level for companies. For the information flows, e-commerce optimised the capacity of information processing than companies used to have, and for the financial flows, e-commerce allows companies to have more efficient payment and settlement solutions. In addition, e-commerce has a more sophisticated level of impact on supply chains: Firstly, the performance gap will be eliminated since companies can identify gaps between different levels of supply chains by electronic means of solutions; Secondly, as a result of e-commerce emergence, new capabilities such implementing ERP systems have helped companies to manage operations with customers and suppliers. Yet these new capabilities are still not fully exploited. Thirdly, technology companies would keep investing on new e-commerce software solutions as they are expecting investment return. Fourthly, e-commerce would help to solve many aspects of issues that companies may feel difficult to cope with, such as political barriers or cross-country changes. Finally, e-commerce provides companies a more efficient and effective way to collaborate with each other within the supply chain. The social impact of e-commerce Along with the e-commerce and its unique charm that has appeared gradually, virtual enterprise, virtual bank, network marketing, online shopping, payment and advertising, such this new vocabulary which is unheard-of and now has become as familiar to people. This reflects that the e-commerce has huge impact on the economy and society from the other side. For instance, B2B is a rapidly growing business in the world that leads to lower cost and then improves the economic efficiency and also bring along the growth of employment. To understand how the e-commerce has affected the society and economy, this article will mention three issues below: 1. The e-commerce has changed the relative importance of time, but as the pillars of indicator of the country's economic state that the importance of time should not be ignored. 2. The e-commerce offers the consumer or enterprise various information they need, making information into total transparency, will force enterprise no longer is able to use the mode of space or advertisement to raise their competitive edge. Moreover, in theory, perfect competition between the consumer sovereignty and industry will maximize social welfare. 3. In fact, during the economic activity in the past, large enterprise frequently has advantage of information resource, and thus at the expense of consumers. Nowadays, the transparent and real-time information protects the rights of consumers, because the consumers can use internet to pick

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out the portfolio to the benefit of themselves. The competitiveness of enterprises will be much more obvious than before, consequently, social welfare would be improved by the development of the e-commerce. 4. The new economy led by the e-commerce change humanistic spirit as well, but above all, is the employee loyalty. Due to the market with competition, the employee's level of professionalism becomes the crucial for enterprise in the niche market. The enterprises must pay attention to how to build up the enterprises inner culture and a set of interactive mechanisms and it is the prime problem for them. Furthermore, though the mode of e-commerce decrease the information cost and transaction cost, however, its development also makes human being are overly computer literate. In hence, emphasized more humanistic attitude to work is another project for enterprise to development. Life is the root of all and high technology are merely an assistive tool to support our quality of life. The e-commerce is not a kind of new industry, but it is creating a new economic model. Most of people agree that the e-commerce indeed to be important and significant for economic society in the future, but actually that is a bit of clueless feeling at the beginning, this problem is exactly prove the e-commerce is a sort of incorporeal revolution. Generally speaking, as a type of business active procedure, the e-commerce is going to leading an unprecedented revolution in the world, the influence of this model far exceeded the commercial affair itself. Except the mentioned above, in the area of law, education, culture and also policy, the e-commerce will continue that rise in impact. The e-commerce is truly to take human beings into the information society. Distribution channels E-commerce has grown in importance as companies have adopted pure-click and brick-and-click channel systems. We can distinguish pure-click and brick-and-click channel system adopted by companies. * Pure-click or pure-play companies are those that have launched a website without any previous existence as a firm. * Bricks-and-clicks companies are those existing companies that have added an online site for e-commerce. * Click-to-brick online retailers that later open physical locations to supplement their online efforts. Examples of new e-commerce systems According to eMarketer research company, "by 2017, 65.8 per cent of Britons will use smartphones". Bringing online experience into the real world, also allows the development of the economy and the interaction between stores and customers. A great example of this new e-commerce system is what the Burberry store in London did in 2012. They refurbished the entire store with numerous big screens, photo-studios, and also provided a stage for live acts. Moreover, on the digital screens which are across the store, some fashion shows´ images and advertising campaigns are displayed (William, 2014). In this way, the experience of purchasing becomes more vivid and entertaining while the online and offline components are working together. Another example is the Kiddicare smartphone app, in which consumers can compare prices. The app allows people to identify the location of sale products and to check whether the item they are looking for is in stock, or if it can be ordered online without going to the `real´ store (William, 2014).

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In the United States, the Walmart app allows consumers to check product availability and prices both online and offline. Moreover, you can also add to your shopping list items by scanning them, see their details and information, and check purchasers´ ratings and reviews. <hr> 2015-12-13 11:49 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_shopping https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/e-tail https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/e-shopping Online shopping 30 September 2015, at 09:51 Part of a series on E-commerce Online goods and services * E-books * Software * Streaming media Retail services * Banking * DVD-by-mail * Flower delivery * Food ordering * Grocery * Pharmacy * Travel Marketplace services * Advertising * Auctions * Comparison shopping * Social commerce * Trading communities * Wallet Mobile commerce * Payment * Ticketing Customer service * Call centre * Help desk * Live support software E-procurement Purchase-to-pay Online shopping (sometimes known as e-tail from "electronic retail" or e-shopping) is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser. Alternative names are: e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront and virtual store. Mobile commerce (or m-commerce) describes purchasing from an online retailer's mobile optimized online site or app.

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An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online shopping. In the case where a business buys from another business, the process is called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping. The largest of these online retailing corporations are Alibaba, Amazon.com, and eBay. History Michael Aldrich, pioneer of online shopping in the 1980s. English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich invented online shopping in 1979. His system connected a modified domestic TV to a real-time transaction processing computer via a domestic telephone line. He believed that videotex, the modified domestic TV technology with a simple menu-driven human-computer interface, was a 'new, universally applicable, participative communication medium - the first since the invention of the telephone.' This enabled 'closed' corporate information systems to be opened to 'outside' correspondents not just for transaction processing but also for e-messaging and information retrieval and dissemination, later known as e-business. His definition of the new mass communications medium as 'participative' [interactive, many-to-many] was fundamentally different from the traditional definitions of mass communication and mass media and a precursor to the social networking on the Internet 25 years later. In March 1980 he went on to launch Redifon's Office Revolution, which allowed consumers, customers, agents, distributors, suppliers and service companies to be connected on-line to the corporate systems and allow business transactions to be completed electronically in real-time. During the 1980s he designed, manufactured, sold, installed, maintained and supported many online shopping systems, using videotex technology. These systems which also provided voice response and handprint processing pre-date the Internet and the World Wide Web, the IBM PC, and Microsoft MS-DOS, and were installed mainly in the UK by large corporations. The first World Wide Web server and browser, created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, opened for commercial use in 1991. Thereafter, subsequent technological innovations emerged in 1994: online banking, the opening of an online pizza shop by Pizza Hut, Netscape's SSL v2 encryption standard for secure data transfer, and Intershop's first online shopping system. The first secure retail transaction over the Web was either by NetMarket or Internet Shopping Network in 1994. Immediately after, Amazon.com launched its online shopping site in 1995 and eBay was also introduced in 1995. Alibaba's sites Taobao and Tmall were launched in 2003 and 2008, respectively. Retailers are increasingly selling goods and services prior to availability through pretail for testing, building, and managing demand. International e-commerce statistics Statistics show that in 2012, Asia-Pacific increased their international sales over 30% giving them over $433 billion in revenue. That is a $69 billion difference between the U.S. revenue of $364.66 billion. It is estimated that Asia-Pacific will increase by another 30% in the year 2013 putting them ahead by more than one-third of all global ecommerce sales.

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The largest online shopping day in the world is Singles Day, with sales just in Alibaba's sites at US$9.3 billion in 2014. Customers Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to complete a transaction. Generally, higher levels of education and personal income correspond to more favorable perceptions of shopping online. Increased exposure to technology also increases the probability of developing favorable attitudes towards new shopping channels. In a December 2011 study, Equation Research surveyed 1,500 online shoppers and found that 87% of tablet owners made online transactions with their tablet devices during the early Christmas shopping season. Product selection Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine. Once a particular product has been found on the website of the seller, most online retailers use shopping cart software to allow the consumer to accumulate multiple items and to adjust quantities, like filling a physical shopping cart or basket in a conventional store. A "checkout" process follows (continuing the physical-store analogy) in which payment and delivery information is collected, if necessary. Some stores allow consumers to sign up for a permanent online account so that some or all of this information only needs to be entered once. The consumer often receives an e-mail confirmation once the transaction is complete. Less sophisticated stores may rely on consumers to phone or e-mail their orders (although full credit card numbers, expiry date, and Card Security Code, or bank account and routing number should not be accepted by e-mail, for reasons of security). Payment Online shoppers commonly use a credit card or a PayPal account in order to make payments. However, some systems enable users to create accounts and pay by alternative means, such as: * Billing to mobile phones and landlines * Cash on delivery (C.O.D.) * Cheque/ Check * Debit card * Direct debit in some countries * Electronic money of various types * Gift cards * Postal money order * Wire transfer/delivery on payment * Invoice, especially popular in some markets/countries, such as Switzerland * Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies

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Some online shops will not accept international credit cards. Some require both the purchaser's billing and shipping address to be in the same country as the online shop's base of operation. Other online shops allow customers from any country to send gifts anywhere. The financial part of a transaction may be processed in real time (e.g. letting the consumer know their credit card was declined before they log off), or may be done later as part of the fulfillment process. Product delivery Once a payment has been accepted, the goods or services can be delivered in the following ways. For physical items: * Shipping: The product is shipped to a customer-designated address. Retail package delivery is typically done by the public postal system or a retail courier such as FedEx, UPS, DHL, or TNT. * Drop shipping: The order is passed to the manufacturer or third-party distributor, who then ships the item directly to the consumer, bypassing the retailer's physical location to save time, money, and space. * In-store pick-up: The customer selects a local store using a locator software and picks up the delivered product at the selected location. This is the method often used in the bricks and clicks business model. For digital items or tickets: * Downloading/Digital distribution: The method often used for digital media products such as software, music, movies, or images. * Printing out, provision of a code for, or e-mailing of such items as admission tickets and scrip (e.g., gift certificates and coupons). The tickets, codes, or coupons may be redeemed at the appropriate physical or online premises and their content reviewed to verify their eligibility (e.g., assurances that the right of admission or use is redeemed at the correct time and place, for the correct dollar amount, and for the correct number of uses). * Will call, COBO (in Care Of Box Office), or "at the door" pickup: The patron picks up pre-purchased tickets for an event, such as a play, sporting event, or concert, either just before the event or in advance. With the onset of the Internet and e-commerce sites, which allow customers to buy tickets online, the popularity of this service has increased. Shopping cart systems Simple shopping cart systems allow the off-line administration of products and categories. The shop is then generated as HTML files and graphics that can be uploaded to a webspace. The systems do not use an online database. A high-end solution can be bought or rented as a stand-alone program or as an addition to an enterprise resource planning program. It is usually installed on the company's webserver and may integrate into the existing supply chain so that ordering, payment, delivery, accounting and warehousing can be automated to a large extent. Other solutions allow the user to register and create an online shop on a portal that hosts multiple shops simultaneously from one back office. Examples are Big Commerce, Shopify and FlickRocket. Open source shopping cart packages include advanced platforms such as Interchange, and off-the-shelf solutions such as Magento, osCommerce, Shopgate, PrestaShop, and Zen Cart. Commercial systems can also be tailored so the shop does not have to be created from scratch. By using an existing framework, software modules for various functionalities required by a web shop can be adapted and combined.

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Design Customers are attracted to online shopping not only because of high levels of convenience, but also because of broader selections, competitive pricing, and greater access to information. Business organizations seek to offer online shopping not only because it is of much lower cost compared to bricks and mortar stores, but also because it offers access to a worldwide market, increases customer value, and builds sustainable capabilities. Information load Designers of online shops are concerned with the effects of information load. Information load is a product of the spatial and temporal arrangements of stimuli in the web store. Compared with conventional retail shopping, the information environment of virtual shopping is enhanced by providing additional product information such as comparative products and services, as well as various alternatives and attributes of each alternative, etc. Two major dimensions of information load are complexity and novelty. Complexity refers to the number of different elements or features of a site, often the result of increased information diversity. Novelty involves the unexpected, suppressed, new, or unfamiliar aspects of the site. The novelty dimension may keep consumers exploring a shopping site, whereas the complexity dimension may induce impulse purchases. Consumer needs and expectations A successful web store is not just a good looking website with dynamic technical features, listed in many search engines. In addition to disseminating information, it is also about building a relationship with customers and making money. Businesses often attempt to adopt online shopping techniques without understanding them and/or without a sound business model; often, businesses produce web stores that support the organizations' culture and brand name without satisfying consumer expectations. User-centered design is critical. Understanding the customer's wants and needs is essential. Living up to the company's promises gives customers a reason to come back and meeting their expectations gives them a reason to stay. It is important that the website communicates how much the company values its customers. Customer needs and expectations are not the same for all customers. Age, gender, experience and culture are all important factors. For example, Japanese cultural norms may lead users there to feel privacy is especially critical on shopping sites and emotional involvement is highly important on financial pensions sites. Users with more online experience focus more on the variables that directly influence the task, while novice users focus on understanding the information. To increase online purchases, businesses must use significant time and money to define, design, develop, test, implement, and maintain the web store. Truly said, it is easier to lose a customer than to gain one. Even a "top-rated" website will not succeed if the organization fails to practice common etiquette such as responding to e-mails in a timely fashion, notifying customers of problems, being honest, and being good stewards of the customers' data. Because it is so important to eliminate mistakes and be more appealing to online shoppers, many webshop designers study research on consumer expectations.

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User interface An automated online assistant, with potential to enhance user interface on shopping sites. The most important factors determining whether customers return to a website are ease of use and the presence of user-friendly features. Usability testing is important for finding problems and improvements in a web site. Methods for evaluating usability include heuristic evaluation, cognitive walkthrough, and user testing. Each technique has its own characteristics and emphasizes different aspects of the user experience. Market share E-commerce B2C product sales totaled $142.5 billion, representing about 8% of retail product sales in the United States. The $26 billion worth of clothes sold online represented about 13% of the domestic market, and with 72% of women looking online for apparel, it has become one of the most popular cross-shopping categories. Forrester Research estimates that the United States online retail industry will be worth $279 billion in 2015. The popularity of online shopping continues to erode sales of conventional retailers. For example, Best Buy, the largest retailer of electronics in the U.S. in August 2014 reported its tenth consecutive quarterly dip in sales, citing an increasing shift by consumers to online shopping. There were 242 million people shopping online in China in 2012. For developing countries and low-income households in developed countries, adoption of e-commerce in place of or in addition to conventional methods is limited by a lack of affordable Internet access. Advantages Convenience Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers have Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as internet cafes and schools provide internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store requires travel and must take place during business hours. In the event of a problem with the item (e.g., the product was not what the consumer ordered, the product was not satisfactory), consumers are concerned with the ease of returning an item in exchange for either the correct product or a refund. Consumers may need to contact the retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund. Some online companies have more generous return policies to compensate for the traditional advantage of physical stores. For example, the online shoe retailer Zappos.com includes labels for free return shipping, and does not charge a restocking fee, even for returns which are not the result of merchant error. (Note: In the United Kingdom, online shops are prohibited from charging a restocking fee if the consumer cancels their order in accordance with the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Act 2000). Information and reviews

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Online stores must describe products for sale with text, photos, and multimedia files, whereas in a physical retail store, the actual product and the manufacturer's packaging will be available for direct inspection (which might involve a test drive, fitting, or other experimentation). Some online stores provide or link to supplemental product information, such as instructions, safety procedures, demonstrations, or manufacturer specifications. Some provide background information, advice, or how-to guides designed to help consumers decide which product to buy. Some stores even allow customers to comment or rate their items. There are also dedicated review sites that host user reviews for different products. Reviews and even some blogs give customers the option of shopping for cheaper purchases from all over the world without having to depend on local retailers. In a conventional retail store, clerks are generally available to answer questions. Some online stores have real-time chat features, but most rely on e-mails or phone calls to handle customer questions. Price and selection One advantage of shopping online is being able to quickly seek out deals for items or services provided by many different vendors (though some local search engines do exist to help consumers locate products for sale in nearby stores). Search engines, online price comparison services and discovery shopping engines can be used to look up sellers of a particular product or service. Shipping costs (if applicable) reduce the price advantage of online merchandise, though depending on the jurisdiction, a lack of sales tax may compensate for this. Shipping a small number of items, especially from another country, is much more expensive than making the larger shipments bricks-and-mortar retailers order. Some retailers (especially those selling small, high-value items like electronics) offer free shipping on sufficiently large orders. Another major advantage for retailers is the ability to rapidly switch suppliers and vendors without disrupting users' shopping experience. Disadvantages Fraud and security concerns Given the lack of ability to inspect merchandise before purchase, consumers are at higher risk of fraud than face-to-face transactions. Merchants also risk fraudulent purchases using stolen credit cards or fraudulent repudiation of the online purchase. However, merchants face less risk from physical theft by using a warehouse instead of a retail storefront. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption has generally solved the problem of credit card numbers being intercepted in transit between the consumer and the merchant. However, one must still trust the merchant (and employees) not to use the credit card information subsequently for their own purchases, and not to pass the information to others. Also, hackers might break into a merchant's web site and steal names, addresses and credit card numbers, although the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard is intended to minimize the impact of such breaches. Identity theft is still a concern for consumers. A number of high-profile break-ins in the 2000s has prompted some U.S. states to require disclosure to consumers when this happens.

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Computer security has thus become a major concern for merchants and e-commerce service providers, who deploy countermeasures such as firewalls and anti-virus software to protect their networks. Phishing is another danger, where consumers are fooled into thinking they are dealing with a reputable retailer, when they have actually been manipulated into feeding private information to a system operated by a malicious party. Denial of service attacks are a minor risk for merchants, as are server and network outages. Quality seals can be placed on the Shop web page if it has undergone an independent assessment and meets all requirements of the company issuing the seal. The purpose of these seals is to increase the confidence of online shoppers. However, the existence of many different seals, or seals unfamiliar to consumers, may foil this effort to a certain extent. A number of resources offer advice on how consumers can protect themselves when using online retailer services. These include: * Sticking with known stores, or attempting to find independent consumer reviews of their experiences; also ensuring that there is comprehensive contact information on the website before using the service, and noting if the retailer has enrolled in industry oversight programs such as a trust mark or a trust seal. * Before buying from a new company, evaluate the website by considering issues such as: the professionalism and user-friendliness of the site; whether or not the company lists a telephone number and/or street address along with e-contact information; whether a fair and reasonable refund and return policy is clearly stated; and whether there are hidden price inflators, such as excessive shipping and handling charges. * Ensuring that the retailer has an acceptable privacy policy posted. For example, note if the retailer does not explicitly state that it will not share private information with others without consent. * Ensuring that the vendor address is protected with SSL (see above) when entering credit card information. If it does the address on the credit card information entry screen will start with "HTTPS". * Using strong passwords, without personal information. Another option is a "pass phrase," which might be something along the lines: "I shop 4 good a buy!!" These are difficult to hack, and provides a variety of upper, lower, and special characters and could be site specific and easy to remember. Although the benefits of online shopping are considerable, when the process goes poorly it can create a thorny situation. A few problems that shoppers potentially face include identity theft, faulty products, and the accumulation of spyware. If users are required to put in their credit card information and billing/shipping address and the website is not secure, customer information can be accessible to anyone who knows how to obtain it. Most large online corporations are inventing new ways to make fraud more difficult. However, criminals are constantly responding to these developments with new ways to manipulate the system. Even though online retailers are making efforts to protect consumer information, it is a constant fight to maintain the lead. It is advisable to be aware of the most current technology and scams to protect consumer identity and finances. Product delivery is also a main concern of online shopping. Most companies offer shipping insurance in case the product is lost or damaged. Some shipping companies will offer refunds or compensation for the damage, but this is up to their discretion.

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Lack of full cost disclosure The lack of full cost disclosure may also be problematic. While it may be easy to compare the base price of an item online, it may not be easy to see the total cost up front. Additional fees such as shipping are often not be visible until the final step in the checkout process. The problem is especially evident with cross-border purchases, where the cost indicated at the final checkout screen may not include additional fees that must be paid upon delivery such as duties and brokerage. Some services such as the Canadian-based Wishabi attempts to include estimates of these additional cost, but nevertheless, the lack of general full cost disclosure remains a concern. Privacy Privacy of personal information is a significant issue for some consumers. Many consumers wish to avoid spam and telemarketing which could result from supplying contact information to an online merchant. In response, many merchants promise to not use consumer information for these purposes, Many websites keep track of consumer shopping habits in order to suggest items and other websites to view. Brick-and-mortar stores also collect consumer information. Some ask for a shopper's address and phone number at checkout, though consumers may refuse to provide it. Many larger stores use the address information encoded on consumers' credit cards (often without their knowledge) to add them to a catalog mailing list. This information is obviously not accessible to the merchant when paying in cash or through a bank (money transfer, in which case there is also proof of payment). Product suitability Many successful purely virtual companies deal with digital products, (including information storage, retrieval, and modification), music, movies, office supplies, education, communication, software, photography, and financial transactions. Other successful marketers use drop shipping or affiliate marketing techniques to facilitate transactions of tangible goods without maintaining real inventory. Some non-digital products have been more successful than others for online stores. Profitable items often have a high value-to-weight ratio, they may involve embarrassing purchases, they may typically go to people in remote locations, and they may have shut-ins as their typical purchasers. Items which can fit in a standard mailbox-such as music CDs, DVDs and books-are particularly suitable for a virtual marketer. Products such as spare parts, both for consumer items like washing machines and for industrial equipment like centrifugal pumps, also seem good candidates for selling online. Retailers often need to order spare parts specially, since they typically do not stock them at consumer outlets-in such cases, e-commerce solutions in spares do not compete with retail stores, only with other ordering systems. A factor for success in this niche can consist of providing customers with exact, reliable information about which part number their particular version of a product needs, for example by providing parts lists keyed by serial number. Products less suitable for e-commerce include products that have a low value-to-weight ratio, products that have a smell, taste, or touch component, products that need trial fittings-most notably

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clothing-and products where colour integrity appears important. Nonetheless, some web sites have had success delivering groceries and clothing sold through the internet is big business in the U.S. Aggregation High-volume websites, such as Yahoo!, Amazon.com,and eBay, offer hosting services for online stores to all size retailers. These stores are presented within an integrated navigation framework, sometimes known as virtual shopping malls or online marketplaces. Impact of reviews on consumer behaviour One of the great benefits of online shopping is the ability to read product reviews, written either by experts or fellow online shoppers. The Nielsen Company conducted a survey in March 2010 and polled more than 27,000 Internet users in 55 markets from the Asia-Pacific, Europe, Middle East, North America, and South America to look at questions such as "How do consumers shop online?", "What do they intend to buy?", "How do they use various online shopping web pages?", and the impact of social media and other factors that come into play when consumers are trying to decide how to spend their money on which product or service. According to the research, reviews on electronics (57%) such as DVD players, cellphones, or PlayStations, and so on, reviews on cars (45%), and reviews on software (37%) play an important role in influencing consumers who tend to make purchases online. Furthermore, 40% of online shoppers indicate that they would not even buy electronics without consulting online reviews first. In addition to online reviews, peer recommendations on online shopping pages or social media websites play a key role for online shoppers when they are researching future purchases. 90% of all purchases made are influenced by social media. Each day, over two million buyers are shopping online for jewelry. <hr> 2015-12-13 02:58 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business-to-business Business-to-business 10 December 2015, at 03:11 Business-to-business (B2B) refers to a situation where one business makes a commercial transaction with another. This typically occurs when: * A business is sourcing materials for their production process, e.g. a food manufacturer purchasing salt. * A business needs the services of another for operational reasons, e.g. a food manufacturer employing an accountancy firm to audit their finances. * A business re-sells goods and services produced by others, e.g. a retailer buying the end product from the food manufacturer Contrasting terms are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-government (B2G). B2B branding is a term used in marketing. The overall volume of B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions is much higher than the volume of B2C transactions. The primary reason for this is that in a typical supply chain there will be many B2B transactions involving sub components or raw materials, and only one B2C transaction, specifically sale of the finished product to the end customer.

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For example, an automobile manufacturer makes several B2B transactions such as buying tires, glass for windscreens, and rubber hoses for its vehicles. The final transaction, a finished vehicle sold to the consumer, is a single (B2C) transaction. Compared to B2C Some differences between organizations and consumers as customers include: * For consumer brands the buyer is an individual. In B2B there are usually committees of people in an organization and each of the members may have different attitudes towards any brand. In addition, each party involved may have different reasons for buying or not buying a particular brand. * Since there are more people involved in the decision making process and technical details may have to be discussed in length, the decision-making process for B2B products is usually much longer than in B2C. * Companies seek long-term relationships as any experiment with a different brand will have impacts on the entire business. Brand loyalty is therefore much higher than in consumer goods markets. * While consumer goods usually cost little in comparison to B2B goods, the selling process involves high costs. Not only is it required to meet the buyer numerous times, but the buyer may ask for prototypes, samples and mock ups. Such detailed assessment serves the purpose of eliminating the risk of buying the wrong product or service. * A B2B product in many cases is bought by a committee of buyers. Buyers are usually well-versed with costing levels and specifications. Also, due to constant monitoring of the market, these buyers would have excellent knowledge of the products too. In many cases the purchases are specification-driven. <hr> 2015-12-13 03:00 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business-to-consumer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Retail Retail (Redirected from Business-to-consumer) 30 November 2015, at 15:42 Retail is the process of selling consumer goods and/or services to customers through multiple channels of distribution to earn a profit. Demand is created through diverse target markets and promotional tactics, satisfying consumers' wants and needs through a lean supply chain. In the 2000s, an increasing amount of retailing is done online using electronic payment and delivery via a courier or postal mail. Retailing includes subordinated services, such as delivery. The term "retailer" is also applied where a service provider services the small orders of a large number of individuals, rather than large orders of a small number of wholesale, corporate or government clientele. Shops may be on residential streets, streets with few or no houses, or in a shopping mall. Shopping streets may be for pedestrians only. Sometimes a shopping street has a partial or full roof to create a more comfortable shopping environment protecting customers from various types of weather conditions such as extreme temperatures, winds or precipitation. Online retailing, a type of electronic commerce used for business-to-consumer (B2C) transactions and mail order, are forms of non-shop retailing.

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Shopping generally refers to the act of buying products. Sometimes this is done to obtain final goods including necessities such as food and clothing; sometimes it is done as a recreational activity. Recreational shopping often involves window shopping (just looking, not buying) and browsing and does not always result in a purchase. Etymology Retail comes from the Old French word tailler, which means "to cut off, clip, pare, divide" in terms of tailoring (1365). It was first recorded as a noun with the meaning of a "sale in small quantities" in 1433 (from the Middle French retail, "piece cut off, shred, scrap, paring"). Like in French, the word retail in both Dutch and German also refers to the sale of small quantities of items. Types of retail outlets A marketplace is a location where goods and services are exchanged. The traditional market square is a city square where traders set up stalls and buyers browse the stores. This kind of market is very old, and countless such markets are still in operation around the whole world. In some parts of the world, the retail business is still dominated by small family-run stores, but this market is increasingly being taken over by large retail chains. Most of these stores are called high street stores. Gradually high street stores are being re-grouped in condensed geogaphical areas along specific streets or districts such as the Magnificent Mile in Chicago, Illinois or at single locations called malls. These are more defined and planned spaces for retail stores and brands. Types by products Retail is usually classified by type of products as follows: * Food products - typically require cold storage facilities. * Hard goods or durable goods ("hardline retailers") - automobiles, appliances, electronics, furniture, sporting goods, lumber, etc., and parts for them. Goods that do not quickly wear out and provide utility over time. * Soft goods or consumables - clothing, other fabrics, footwear, cosmetics, medicines and stationery. Goods that are consumed after one use or have a limited period (typically under three years) in which you may use them. * Arts - Contemporary art galleries, Bookstores, Handicrafts, Musical instruments, Gift shops, and supplies for them. Types by marketing strategy There are the following types of retailers by marketing strategy: Department store Department stores are very large stores offering a huge assortment of "soft" and "hard" goods which often bear a resemblance to a collection of specialty stores. A retailer of such store carries a variety of categories and has a broad assortment of goods at average price. They offer considerable customer service. Discount store Discount stores tend to offer a wide array of products and services, but they compete mainly on price. They offer extensive assortments of merchandise at affordable and cut-rate prices. In the past, retailers sold less fashion-oriented brands. However in more recent years companies such as TJX

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Companies (Own T.J. Maxx and Marshalls) and Ross Stores are discount store operations increasingly offering fashion oriented brands on a larger scale. Warehouse store Warehouses that offer low-cost, often high-quantity goods piled on pallets or steel shelves; warehouse clubs charge a membership fee. Variety store Variety stores offer extremely low-cost goods, with limited selection. Demographic Retailers that aim at one particular segment (e.g., high-end retailers focusing on wealthy individuals). Mom-And-Pop A small retail outlet owned and operated by an individual or family. Focuses on a relatively limited and selective set of products. Specialty store A specialty (BE: speciality) store has a narrow marketing focus - either specializing on specific merchandise, such as toys, shoes, or clothing, or on a target audience, such as children, tourists, or plus-size women. Size of store varies - some specialty stores might be retail giants such as Toys "R" Us, Foot Locker, and The Body Shop, while others might be small, individual shops such as Nutters of Savile Row. Such stores, regardless of size, tend to have a greater depth of the specialist stock than general stores, and generally offer specialist product knowledge valued by the consumer. Pricing is usually not the priority when consumers are deciding upon a specialty store; factors such as branding image, selection choice, and purchasing assistance are seen as important. They differ from department stores and supermarkets which carry a wide range of merchandise. Boutique Boutique or concept stores are similar to specialty stores. Concept stores are very small in size, and only ever stock one brand. They are run by the brand that controls them. An example of brand that distributes largely through their own widely distributed concept stores is L'OCCITANE en Provence. The limited size and offering of L'OCCITANE's stores are too small to be considered a specialty store proper. General store A general store is a rural store that supplies the main needs for the local community; Convenience store A convenience store provides limited amount of merchandise at more than average prices with a speedy checkout. This store is ideal for emergency and immediate purchase consumables as it often works with extended hours, stocking everyday; Hypermarkets Provides variety and huge volumes of exclusive merchandise at low margins. The operating cost is comparatively less than other retail formats.

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Supermarket A supermarket is a self-service store consisting mainly of grocery and limited products on non food items. They may adopt a Hi-Lo or an EDLP strategy for pricing. The supermarkets can be anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 square feet (3,700 m2). Example: SPAR supermarket. Mall A shopping mall has a range of retail shops at a single outlet. They can include products, food and entertainment under one roof. Malls provide 7% of retail revenue in India, 10% in Vietnam, 25% in China, 28% in Indonesia, 39% in the Philippines, and 45% in Thailand. "Category killer" or specialist By supplying wide assortment in a single category for lower prices a category killer retailer can "kill" that category for other retailers. For few categories, such as electronics, the products are displayed at the centre of the store and sales person will be available to address customer queries and give suggestions when required. Other retail format stores are forced to reduce the prices if a category specialist retail store is present in the vicinity. E-tailer The customer can shop and order through the internet and the merchandise is dropped at the customer's doorstep or an e-tailer. Here the retailers use drop shipping technique. They accept the payment for the product but the customer receives the product directly from the manufacturer or a wholesaler. This format is ideal for customers who do not want to travel to retail stores and are interested in home shopping. Vending machine A vending machine is an automated piece of equipment wherein customers can drop the money in the machine and acquire the products. Some stores take a no frills approach, while others are "mid-range" or "high end", depending on what income level they target. Other types Other types of retail store include: * Automated Retail stores - self-service, robotic kiosks located in airports, malls and grocery stores. The stores accept credit cards and are usually open 24/7. Examples include ZoomShops and Redbox. * Big-box stores - encompass larger department, discount, general merchandise, and warehouse stores. Retailers can opt for a format as each provides different retail mix to its customers based on their customer demographics, lifestyle and purchase behaviour. A good format will lend a hand to display products well and entice the target customers to spawn sales. Global top ten retailers Worldwide Top Ten Retailers Rank Company Country of Origin 2013 revenue ($US million) 1 Walmart United States Decrease $464,162 2 Tesco United Kingdom Increase $120,052 3 Costco United States Increase$105,156 4 Carrefour France Increase $103,555 5 Kroger United States Decrease $96,751 6 Amazon.com United States Increase $88,988 7 Lidl Germany Increase $87,236

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8 Metro AG Germany Decrease $85,832 9 The Home Depot United States Increase $74,754 10 Aldi Germany Increase $73,035 Operations Retail pricing The pricing technique used by most retailers is cost-plus pricing. This involves adding a markup amount (or percentage) to the retailer's cost. Another common technique is suggested retail pricing. This simply involves charging the amount suggested by the manufacturer and usually printed on the product by the manufacturer. In Western countries, retail prices are often called psychological prices or odd prices. Often prices are fixed and displayed on signs or labels. Alternatively, when prices are not clearly displayed, there can be price discrimination, where the sale price is dependent upon who the customer is. For example, a customer may have to pay more if the seller determines that he or she is willing and/or able to. Another example would be the practice of discounting for youths, students, or senior citizens. Competition Retail stores may or may not have competitors close enough to affect their pricing, product availability, and other operations. A 2006 survey found that only 38% of retail stores in India believed they faced more than slight competition.[10] Competition also affected less than half of retail stores in Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, and Azerbaijan. In all countries the main competition was domestic, not foreign. Retail trade provides 9% of all jobs in India and 14% of GDP. Staffing Because patronage at a retail outlet varies, flexibility in scheduling is desirable. Employee scheduling software is sold, which, using known patterns of customer patronage, more or less reliably predicts the need for staffing for various functions at times of the year, day of the month or week, and time of day. Usually needs vary widely. Conforming staff utilization to staffing needs requires a flexible workforce which is available when needed but does not have to be paid when they are not, part-time workers; as of 2012 70% of retail workers in the United States were part-time. This may result in financial problems for the workers, who while they are required to be available at all times if their work hours are to be maximized, may not have sufficient income to meet their family and other obligations. Transfer mechanisms There are several ways in which consumers can receive goods from a retailer: * Counter service, where goods are out of reach of buyers and must be obtained from the seller. This type of retail is common for small expensive items (e.g. jewelry) and controlled items like medicine and liquor. It was common before the 1900s in the United States and is more common in certain countries like India. * Click and Commute, where products are ordered online and are picked up via a drive through.

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* Ship to Store, where products are ordered online and can be picked up at the retailer's main store * Delivery, where goods are shipped directly to consumer's homes or workplaces. Mail order from a printed catalog was invented in 1744 and was common in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ordering by telephone was common in the 20th century, either from a catalog, newspaper, television advertisement or a local restaurant menu, for immediate service (especially for pizza delivery), remaining in common use for food orders. Internet shopping - a form of delivery - has eclipsed phone-ordering, and, in several sectors - such as books and music - all other forms of buying. There is increasing competitor pressure to deliver consumer goods- especially those offered online- in a more timely fashion. Large online retailers such as Amazon.com are continually innovating and as of 2015 offer one-hour delivery in certain areas. They are also working with drone technology to provide consumers with more efficient delivery options. Direct marketing, including telemarketing and television shopping channels, are also used to generate telephone orders. started gaining significant market share in developed countries in the 2000s. * Door-to-door sales, where the salesperson sometimes travels with the goods for sale. * Self-service, where goods may be handled and examined prior to purchase. * Digital delivery or Download, where intangible goods, such as music, film, and electronic books and subscriptions to magazines, are delivered directly to the consumer in the form of information transmitted either over wires or air-waves, and is reconstituted by a device which the consumer controls (such as an MP3 player; see digital rights management). The digital sale of models for 3D printing also fits here, as do the media leasing types of services, such as streaming. Second-hand retail (Charity shop) Some shops sell second-hand goods. In the case of a nonprofit shop, the public donates goods to the shop to be sold. In give-away shops goods can be taken for free. Another form is the pawnshop, in which goods are sold that were used as collateral for loans. There are also "consignment" shops, which are where a person can place an item in a store and if it sells, the person gives the shop owner a percentage of the sale price. The advantage of selling an item this way is that the established shop gives the item exposure to more potential buyers.E-tailers like OLX,Quikr etc. also working on second hand goods sales. Challenges To achieve and maintain a foothold in an existing market, a prospective retail establishment must overcome the following hurdles: * Regulatory barriers including o Restrictions on real estate purchases, especially as imposed by local governments and against "big-box" chain retailers; o Restrictions on foreign investment in retailers, in terms of both absolute amount of financing provided and percentage share of voting stock (e.g., common stock) purchased; * Unfavorable taxation structures, especially those designed to penalize or keep out "big box" retailers (see "Regulatory" above); * Absence of developed supply chain and integrated IT management; * High competitiveness among existing market participants and resulting low profit margins, caused in part by o Constant advances in product design resulting in constant threat of product obsolescence and price declines for existing inventory; and * Lack of properly educated and/or trained work force, often including management, caused in part by loss in Business.

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o Lack of educational infrastructure enabling prospective market entrants to respond to the above challenges. Sales techniques Behind the scenes at retail, there is another factor at work. Corporations and independent store owners alike are always trying to get the edge on their competitors. One way to do this is to hire a merchandising solutions company to create custom store displays that will attract more customers in a certain demographic. The nation's largest retailers spend millions every year on in-store marketing programs that correspond to seasonal and promotional changes. As products change, so will a retail landscape. Retailers can also use facing techniques to create the look of a perfectly stocked store, even when it is not. A destination store is one that customers will initiate a trip specifically to visit, sometimes over a large area. These stores are often used to "anchor" a shopping mall or plaza, generating foot traffic, which is capitalized upon by smaller retailers. Customer service Customer service is the "sum of acts and elements that allow consumers to receive what they need or desire from your retail establishment." It is important for a sales associate to greet the customer and make himself available to help the customer find whatever he needs. When a customer enters the store, it is important that the sales associate does everything in his power to make the customer feel welcomed, important, and make sure he leaves the store satisfied. Giving the customer full, undivided attention and helping him find what he is looking for will contribute to the customer's satisfaction. For retail store owners, it is extremely important to train yourself and your staff to provide excellent customer service skills. By providing excellent customer service, you build a good relationship with the customer and eventually will attract more new customers and turn them into regular customers. Looking at long term perspectives, excellent customer skills give your retail business a good ongoing reputation and competitive advantage. Customer service is essential for several reasons. By exemplifying these valued qualities for a customer; companies utilize the experience the customer walks away with. Thus, setting the example for providing "great customer service." An organization who trains their employees about properly servicing the customer will benefit more than those who do not. Customer service training entails about how properly servicing the customer will benefit corporations and businesses. This being said, it is important to establish a bond amongst customers-employees known as Customer relationship management. Statistics for national retail sales United States The United States retail sector features the largest number of large, lucrative retailers in the world. A 2012 Deloitte report published in STORES magazine indicated that of the world's top 250 largest retailers by retail sales revenue in fiscal year 2010, 32% of those retailers were based in the United States, and those 32% accounted for 41% of the total retail sales revenue of the top 250.

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Since 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau has published the Retail Sales report every month. It is a measure of consumer spending, an important indicator of the US GDP. Retail firms provide data on the dollar value of their retail sales and inventories. A sample of 12,000 firms is included in the final survey and 5,000 in the advanced one. The advanced estimated data is based on a subsample from the US CB complete retail & food services sample. Central Europe In 2011, the grocery market in six countries of Central Europe was worth nearly €107bn, 2.8% more than the previous year when expressed in local currencies. The increase was generated foremost by the discount stores and supermarket segments, and was driven by the skyrocketing prices of foodstuffs. This information is based on the latest PMR report entitled Grocery retail in Central Europe 2012. World The two largest supermarkets chains in Switzerland, Migros and Coop, are cooperatives. National accounts show a combined total of retail and wholesale trade, with hotels and restaurants. in 2012 the sector provides over a fifth of GDP in tourist-oriented island economies, as well as in other major countries such as Brazil, Pakistan, Russia, and Spain. In all four of the latter countries, this fraction is an increase over 1970, but there are other countries where the sector has declined since 1970, sometimes in absolute terms, where other sectors have replaced its role in the economy. In the United States the sector has declined from 19% of GDP to 14%, though it has risen in absolute terms from $4,500 to $7,400 per capita per year. In China the sector has grown from 7.3% to 11.5%, and in India even more, from 8.4% to 18.7%. Retail trade, wholesale, hotels and restaurants (data from the United Nations) Economy As % of GDP, 1970 As % of GDP, 2012 1970 Value per Capita (2012 Prices) 2012 Value per Capita Consolidation Among retailers and retails chains a lot of consolidation has appeared over the last couple of decades. Between 1988 and 2010, worldwide 40,788 mergers & acquisitions with a total known value of 2.255 trillion USD have been announced. The largest transactions with involvement of retailers in/from the United States have been: the acquisition of Albertson's Inc. for 17 bil. USD in 2006, the merger between Federated Department Stores Inc with May Department Stores valued at 16.5 bil. USD in 2005 - now Macy's, and the merger between Kmart Holding Corp and Sears Roebuck & Co with a value of 10.9 bil. USD in 2004. Future Fortune called PSFK a "21st-century re-boot" of McKinsey & Company in their "Future of Retail 2016" report you will find actions and trends in Retail. <hr> 2015-12-13 03:16 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Customer_to_customer

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Customer to customer 8 September 2015, at 15:38 Customer to Customer (C2C) markets are innovative ways to allow customers to interact with each other. While traditional markets require business to customer relationships, in which a customer goes to the business in order to purchase a product or service. In customer to customer markets the business facilitates an environment where customers can sell these goods or services to each other. Other types of markets include business to business (B2B) and business to customer (B2C). Consumer to Consumer (or citizen-to-citizen) electronic commerce involves the electronically facilitated transactions between consumers through some third party. A common example is the online auction, in which a consumer posts an item for sale and other consumers bid to purchase it; the third party generally charges a flat fee or commission. The sites are only intermediaries, just there to match consumers. They do not have to check quality of the products being offered. Consumer to Consumer (C2C) marketing is the creation of a product or service with the specific promotional strategy being for consumers to share that product or service with others as brand advocates based on the value of the product. The investment into concepting and developing a top of the line product or service that consumers are actively looking for is equitable to a retail pre-launch product awareness marketing. Origins There are many different classifications of marketing. From Government to Business (G2B), Business to Business (B2B), Business to Consumer (B2C), to Customer to Customer (C2C). While many companies usually operate in one or more of these areas, Customer to Customer businesses operate only within that specific area. Customer to Customer marketing has become more popular recently with the advent of the internet. Companies such as Craigslist, eBay, and other classified and auction based sites have allowed for greater interaction between consumers, facilitating the Customer to Customer model. Furthermore, as it becomes more economical for individuals to network on the internet via social websites and individual content creation, this marketing model has been greatly leveraged by businesses and individuals alike. There are two implementations of customer to customer markets that are credited with its origin. These are classifieds and auctions. Newspapers and other similar publications were in frequent circulation and therefore were able to be used to facilitate a common need. Some people wanted things, other people had things and wanted to sell them. This was the birth of classifieds. The use of classifieds is referred to as classified advertisement. Normally used in text based print, classified advertisement is a now a strong vertical market that allows customers to communicate their needs with each other. In 2003 US classifieds market totaled $30.00 billion for both newspapers and online classified ad services. The oldest auction house is Stockholm Auction House (Stockholms Auktionsverk), which was established in Sweden in 1674. Auctions however, have been recorded as far back as 500 B.C. Deriving from the Latin word auge-re, which means to "'increase' (or 'augment')". Auctions have since a widely used method of liquidating assets, and has evolved into many different variations. The most successful current form of auctions is based on the internet, such as eBay.

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Business model Most C2C websites, such as eBay, have both streamlined and globalized traditional person-to-person trading, which was usually conducted through such forms as garage sales, collectibles shows, flea markets and more, with their web interface. This facilitates easy exploration for buyers and enables the sellers to immediately list an item for sale within minutes of registering. When an item is listed on a C2C site, a nonrefundable insertion fee is charged based on the seller's opening bid on the item. Once the auction is completed, a final value fee is charged. This fee generally ranges from 1.25 percent to 5 percent of the final sale price. After the C2C site sets up the system in which bids could be placed, items can be put up for sale, transactions can be completed, seller fees are charged, and feedback can be left, while the C2C site stays in the background. For example, at the end of an auction, the C2C site notifies the buyer via e-mail that he or she has won. The C2C site also e-mails the seller to report who won and at what price the auction finished. At that point it's up to the seller and buyer finish the transaction independently of the C2C site. C2C sites make money by charging fees to sellers. Although it's free to shop and place bids, sellers place fees to list items for sale, add on promotional features, and successfully complete transactions. Many C2C sites have expanded and developed existing product categories by introducing category-specific bulletin boards and chat rooms, integrating category-specific content, advertising its service in targeted publications and participating in targeted trade shows. eBay specifically has also broadened the range of products that it offers to facilitate trading on the site, including payment services, shipping services, authentication, appraisal, vehicle inspection and escrow services. Specialty marketplaces have also been added to serve the specialized needs of buyers and sellers. For example, eBay Motors serves the automotive marketplace, including vehicles, parts and accessories; and Half.com is focused on providing a fixed-price trading environment, initially for books music, videos and video games. Many online auction sites use a system called PayPal for sellers to receive online payments securely and quickly. A traditional credit card is not required to use this site because PayPal can be linked directly to you bank account. Product or service Consumer to Consumer transactions often involve products sold via either a classified or auction-like system. As such, the products and services bought and sold are usually varied in type and have a short development and sale cycle. Products sold may often be used or second-hand, since consumer to consumer sales are often facilitated through auction or classified sites. Development Since products are usually second-hand, surplus, or used there is seldom a long development cycle associated with the products that are marketed via this method. However, in the case of individuals who are looking to sell a product or service they have developed to be sold on the small-scale, there is a product development life cycle. However, even when a product goes through a development life cycle when marketed in this manner, seldom does traditional marketing research occur. Oftentimes

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individuals are looking to make a quick profit, and simply place their product in the market place in hopes that it will be sold. Communications Advertising Advertising is essential towards the success of any business. In the case of customer to customer marketing, advertising often relates to online auctions and listings. As opposed to the pricey costs to advertise in medias such as newspapers and magazines, products are already being promoted and publicized once users decide to officially put them on the internet. Potential buyers will become aware of products or services by conducting searches on the websites. Aside from possible fees and commissions imposed by the auction or listing site, advertising in this market does not require a substantial amount of money. Advantages Customer to Customer marketing has become very popular in the recent years. Customers can directly contact sellers and eliminate the middle man. Moreover, anyone can now sell and advertise a product in the convenience of one's home - enabling one to easily start a business. Therefore, a wide variety of products can often be found on auction sites such as eBay, including second-hand goods. Since majority of these sales occur over the internet, sellers can reach both national and international customers and greatly increase their market. Feedback on the purchased product is often requested to aid both the seller and potential customers. The actual buying and searching process is simplified and search costs, distribution costs, and inventory costs are all reduced. Moreover, the transactions occur at a swift rate with the use of online payment systems such as PayPal. Disadvantages Although online auctions allow one to display his or her products, there is often a fee associated with such exhibitions. Other times, websites may charge a commission when products are sold. With the growing use of online auctions, the number of internet-related auction frauds have also increased. For instance, a seller may create two accounts on an auction site. When an interested buyer bids for an item, the seller will use another account to bid on the same item and thus, increasing the price. Consequently, many users have purchased products at unnecessarily inflated prices. Identity theft has become a rising issue. Scam artists often create sites with popular domain names such as "ebay" in order to attract unknowing eBay customers. These sites will ask for personal information including credit card numbers. Numerous cases have been documented in which users find unknown charges on their credit card statements and withdrawals in their bank statements after purchasing something online. Unfortunately, websites often have a liability statement claiming that they are not responsible for any losses or damages. Furthermore, illegal or restricted products and services have been found on auction sites. Anything from illegal drugs, pirated works, prayers, and even sex have appeared on such sites. Although most of these items are blacklisted, some still find their way onto the internet.

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Examples of E-Commerce Internet auctions Despite the success of eBay, numerous other online auction sites have either shut down or consolidated with other similar sites. Creating an innovative and efficient business model is vital towards success. Online auctions can be categorized into five main models: C2C, B2C, B2B, B2G, and G2P. C2C refers to customer to customer, B2C signifies business to customer, B2B refers to business to business, B2G signifies business to government, and G2P refers to government to public. In recent years, online auctions have even appealed to major businesses. For instance, Sears has reported selling items at higher prices on these auctions when compared to discounting them in stores. The success of an online auction site largely depends on six variables: interactivity, product offering, level of trust, rate of growth and adoption, networking, level of commitment, and payment options. Interactions among users are crucial and thus, websites must be accessible and easily navigable. E-mails, community boards, and feedback all aid in increasing the interactivity. With the growing need for convenience, the variety of products offered can greatly attribute to the client basis. Especially with the growing number of online frauds, trust is essential in auction sites. Users must be guaranteed that their personal information will remain secured and that they will receive their purchased product in a perfect condition and in a timely manner. With the fast-paced advancements in technology, auction sites must respond to these changes by staying updated. Moreover, sites also need to constantly search for business opportunities in order to expand their market. A large network of users is also crucial. Having an array of different sellers, buyers, suppliers, and delivery agents will increase the number of users, which would also raise the level of interactivity. In addition, forming alliances with different partners will also aid in the site's success. The level of commitment in buyers and sellers also plays a role in the auction's success. Similar to the level of trust, buyers must be ensured that they receive their purchased item, and sellers must actually receive payment. Although most prefer speedy online transactions, it is beneficial to offer different payment options that will accommodate different buyers. Internet classifieds Internet classifieds are another example of customer to customer marketing. An example of an internet classified company, is Craigslist. Craigslist utilizes the internet to attract a wide customer and buyer base which employs the website to list and sell items. Since the customer to customer marketing strategy is strongly focused on serving the customer, the business model of Craigslist is simple: serve the customer first. Utilizing this model, Craigslist has developed into a prime example of a customer to customer driven 'machine', which focuses on the customer selling to the customer. Revenues which support the company are derived through subsidiary channels, while maintaining the model and convenience of the site. In fact, Craigslist makes no money off the customer to customer interactions that occur on the classifieds of the website. All of their revenue is derived

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from portion of the website targeted at businesses. Thus, in other words, their revenue is derived solely from their business to customer model utilized by businesses to post jobs and hire new workers. As such, it becomes apparent that companies who focuses on this particular model and, specifically classifieds, whether online or off, are often not focused on profit; but rather, on delivery of the service or product to ensure customer to customer interaction. Internet classifieds sites such as olx, quikr,loogga etc. are gaining prominence in emerging economies such as India, Brazil and Nigeria. Olx and quikr recently enabled their users to sell cows and buffaloes in rural India. Marketing C2C marketing is of critical importance to retailers. When a shopper buys a product, if it can be shared with the shopper's friends, that drives significant traffic back to the customer site. Additionally, shoppers trust user generated recommendations much higher than recommendations pushed by the retailer. Retailers like CafePress have implemented C2C marketing on their website and companies like ShopSocially are building C2C marketing platforms for retailers. Recent trends by Facebook and Wavespot that leverage free WIFI at a local business are indicative of C2C marketing's importance in SMB space. Most companies think of C2C marketing as the use of social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter. However, in many cases, the messaging tends to be business to consumer. <hr> 2015-12-13 03:26 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merchandising Merchandising 2 December 2015, at 11:23 In the broadest sense, merchandising is any practice which contributes to the sale of products to a retail consumer. At a retail in-store level, merchandising refers to the variety of products available for sale and the display of those products in such a way that it stimulates interest and entices customers to make a purchase. In retail commerce, visual display merchandising means merchandise sales using product design, selection, packaging, pricing, and display that stimulates consumers to spend more. This includes disciplines and discounting, physical presentation of products and displays, and the decisions about which products should be presented to which customers at what time. Merchandising helps to understand the ordinary dating notation for the terms of payment of an invoice. It solves pricing problems including markups and markdowns. It helps to find the net price of an item after single or multiple trade discounts and can calculate a single discount rate that is equivalent to a series of multiple discounts. Further it helps to calculate the amount of cash discount for which a payment qualifies. Promotional merchandising The annual cycle of merchandising differs between countries and even within them, particularly relating to cultural customs like holidays, and seasonal issues like climate and local sporting and

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recreation. Events such as Chinese festivals and Japanese festivals are incorporated in an annual cycle of shop decorations and merchandise promotion. In the United States, the basic retail cycle begins in early January with merchandise for Valentine's Day, which is not until mid-February. Presidents' Day sales are held shortly thereafter. Following this, Easter is the major holiday, while springtime clothing and garden-related merchandise is already arriving at stores, often as early as mid-winter (toward the beginning of this section, St. Patrick's Day merchandise, including green items and products pertaining to Irish culture, is also promoted). Mothers Day and Fathers Day are next, with graduation gifts (typically small consumer electronics like digital cameras) often being marketed as "dads and grads" in June (though most college semesters end in May; the grads portion usually refers to high school graduation, which ends one to two weeks after Father's Day in many U.S. states). Summer merchandise is next, including patriotic-themed products with the American flag, out by Memorial Day in preparation for Independence Day (with Flag Day in between). By July, back-to-school is on the shelves and autumn merchandise is already arriving, and at some arts and crafts stores, Christmas decorations. (Often, a Christmas in July celebration is held around this time.) The back-to-school market is promoted heavily in August, when there are no holidays to promote. By September, particularly after Labor Day, summer merchandise is on final closeout and overstock of school supplies is marked-down some as well, and Halloween (and often even more of the Christmas) merchandise is appearing. As the Halloween decorations and costumes dwindle in October, Christmas is already being pushed on consumers, and by the day after Halloween retailers are going full-force with advertising, even though the "official" season doesn't start until the day after Thanksgiving. Christmas clearance Sales begin even before Christmas at many retailers, though others begin on the day after Christmas and continue on at least until New Year's Day but sometimes as far out as February. Merchandising also varies within retail chains, where stores in places like Buffalo might carry snow blowers, while stores in Florida and southern California might instead carry beach clothing and barbecue grills all year. Coastal-area stores might carry water skiing equipment, while ones near mountain ranges would likely have snow skiing and snowboarding gear if there are ski areas nearby. Trading industry In Eastern Europe, particularly in Russia, the term "merchandising" is commonly used within the trading industry and denotes all marketing and sales stimulation activities around PoS (point of sale): design, creation, promotion, care and training of the sales staff. A merchandiser is someone who is continuously involved in business promotion by buying and selling of goods. In Asian countries, such as India, this term is more synonymous with activities right from sampling and idea conception to dispatching of the shipment. It is a job description that involves leading and working with different departments within the organization, suppliers and buyers to deal with timely deadlines and accepted quality levels.. Retail supply chain Merchandising at a Walgreens in Chicago

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In the supply chain, merchandising is the practice of making products in retail outlets available to consumers, primarily by stocking shelves and displays. While this used to be done exclusively by the stores' employees, many retailers have found substantial savings in requiring it to be done by the manufacturer, vendor, or wholesaler that provides the products to the retail store. In the United Kingdom there are a number of organizations that supply merchandising services to support retail outlets with general stock replenishment and merchandising support in new stores. By doing this, retail stores have been able to substantially reduce the number of employees needed to run the store. While stocking shelves and building displays is often done when the product is delivered, it is increasingly a separate activity from delivering the product. In grocery stores, for example, almost all products delivered directly to the store from a manufacturer or wholesaler will be stocked by the manufacturer's/wholesaler's employee who is a full-time merchandiser. Product categories where this is common are Beverage (all types, alcoholic and non-alcoholic), packaged baked goods (bread and pastries), magazines and books, and health and beauty products. For major food manufacturers in the beverage and baked goods industries, their merchandisers are often the single largest employee group within the company. For nationwide branded goods manufacturers such as The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo, their respective merchandiser work forces number in the thousands. Licensing In marketing, one of the definitions of merchandising is the practice in which the brand or image from one product or service is used to sell another. Trademarked brand names, logos, or character images are licensed to manufacturers of products such as toys or clothing, which then make items in or emblazoned with the image of the license, hoping they'll sell better than the same item with no such image. For the owners of the IP (intellectual property) in question, merchandising is a very popular source of revenue, due to the low cost of letting a third party manufacture the merchandise, while the IP owners collect the merchandising fees. Children Merchandising for children is most prominently seen in connection with films and games, usually those in current release and with television shows oriented towards children. Merchandising, especially in connection with child-oriented films and TV shows, often consists of toys made in the likeness of the show's characters (action figures) or items which they use. However, sometimes it can be the other way around, with the show written to include the toys, as advertising for the merchandise. The first major example of this was the TV show "G.I. JOE A Real American Hero.," produced by Hasbro in the early 1980s, but this practice has been common in children's broadcasting ever since. Sometimes merchandising from a television show can grow far beyond the original show, even lasting decades after the show has largely disappeared from popularity. In other cases, large amounts of merchandise can be generated from a pitifully small amount of source material (Mashimaro). Adult

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The most common adult-oriented merchandising is that related to professional sports teams (and their players). A smaller niche in merchandising is the marketing of more adult-oriented products in connection with similarly adtk3jult-oriented films and TV shows. This is common especially with the science fiction and horror genres. (Examples: Star gytat28, McFarlane Toys) Occasionally shows which were intended more for children find a following among adults, and you can see a bit of a crossover, with products from that show oriented towards both adults and children. (Gundam model kits) An early example of this phenomenon was the cartoon character Little Lulu, who became licensed to products for adults, such as Kleenex facial tissue. Sometimes a brand of non-media products can achieve enough recognition and respect that simply putting its name or images on a completely unrelated item can sell that item. (An example would be Harley-Davidson branded clothing.) Prop replicas Yet another path official merchandising follows sometimes is the one so-called prop replica market. Mainly focused on fan-made articles, prop replicas are becoming more and more famous as users tend to collect those pieces of movie memorabilia that med/big companies do not mass-produce, reaching even higher levels of quality than certain 'licensed' replicas. <hr> 2015-12-13 12:27 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brick_and_mortar_business https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brick_and_mortar Brick and mortar 28 October 2015, at 20:33 Brick and mortar (also bricks and mortar or B&M) in its simplest usage describes the physical presence of a building(s) or other structure. The term brick-and-mortar business is often used to refer to a company that possesses buildings, production facilities, or store for operations. The name is a metonym derived from the traditional building materials associated with physical buildings: bricks and mortar. The term was originally used by Charles Dickens in the book Little Dorrit. More specifically, in the jargon of e-commerce businesses, brick-and-mortar businesses are companies that have a physical presence and offer face-to-face customer experiences. This term is usually used to contrast with a transitory business or an internet-only presence, such as an online shop, which have no physical presence for shoppers to visit and buy from directly, though such online businesses normally have non-public physical facilities from which they either run business operations, and/or warehousing for mass physical product storage and distribution. Concerns such as foot traffic, storefront visibility, and appealing interior design apply mainly to brick-and-mortar businesses rather than online ones. The divergence between brick-and-mortar businesses and online businesses has expanded in the 21st Century as more and more entrepreneurs and established organizations create profitable products known as web and mobile apps. Many web and mobile apps are digitally distributed and offer value without delivering a physical product or direct service, thereby eliminating the need for manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution. Furthermore, the advent of reliable, affordable remote business collaboration tools diminishes the need for physical business operations infrastructure for many web and mobile product businesses.

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The term brick-and-mortar businesses is also a retronym in that most stores had a physical presence before the advent of the Internet. However, the term is also applicable when contrasting businesses with physical presence and those that operated strictly in an order-by-mail capacity pre-Internet. Some stores such as Best Buy, Walmart, and Target are primarily known as brick-and-mortar businesses but also have online shopping sites. History The history of brick and mortar extends from the earliest market stalls in existence to the high tech shops of the modern era. This physical presence has been universal in providing goods and services to consumers throughout history. All large retailers started off with a smaller brick and mortar presence which increased as the businesses grew. A prime example of this is McDonald’s, a company that started with one restaurant and now has nearly 35,000 restaurants in over 110 countries and plans to grow further which shows the importance of having this physical presence. Brick and mortar in decline Netflix is an example of how an online business has had an impact on a B&M business such as Blockbuster LLC. 'The rapid rise of online film streaming offered by the likes of Lovefilm and Netflix made Blockbuster's video and DVD business model practically obsolete.' There has been an increase in online retailers as people are using E-Commerce to fulfil basic needs such as grocery shopping. Sales through mobile devices have also risen, 'While total online sales rose 18% year-on-year in December to £11.1bn, according to the latest figures from e-tail industry body IMRG and advisory firm Capgemini, sales via mobile devices doubled to £3bn.' The convenience of information being available on-line has decreased footfall in retail outlets as consumers can access the same information whilst saving time and money, 'Today’s consumers lead busy lives and shopping takes time. Often it is a task. Consumers find researching and shopping on the Web far more convenient than brick-and-mortar visits.’ Another example of this is the introduction of online banking, online banking has affected bank branches on the High Street, 'Confidential details revealed exclusively to The Mail on Sunday show that Barclays will shut at least 50 branches this year.' Brick and mortar businesses are not limited to having a physical presence only, they may also have an online presence such as Tesco who offer an online grocery service as well as a brick and mortar presence. Benefits of brick and mortar The presence of brick and mortar may bring many benefits to businesses, the following are some of the things that can be influenced by B&M; * Customer Service: face to face customer service can be a big contributor into increasing sales of a business. Research has shown that 86% of customers will pay more for a product if they have received great customer service. * Face-to-face interaction: the elderly are used to a more traditional approach when it comes to shopping and prefer to have a demo when buying new technology for example. Research has shown that customers prefer to touch products and experience them before they buy. Drawbacks of brick and mortar Brick and mortar approach also has its drawbacks;

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* New businesses and fixed costs: Fixed costs are an integral part of B&M businesses, for new starter businesses it will be harder to keep up with these costs. Research shows that 70% of new start up businesses fail within the first 10 years. * Inconvenient for customers with busy lifestyles: People have busier lifestyles now and therefore find it harder to find the time to physically go and shop, online shopping would be more convenient for these people. * Expensive products: B&M increases the fixed cost, therefore the products sold in shops tend to be more expensive compared to online shops. * Wider stock availability online: Products maybe out stock in brick and mortar retail but online shops will always have stock in warehouses which may be quicker to ship out. <hr> 2015-12-13 11:23 AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_distribution Digital distribution 18 November 2015, at 22:53 Digital distribution (also called content delivery, online distribution, or electronic software distribution (ESD), among others) is the delivery or distribution of media content such as audio, video, software and video games. The term is generally used to describe distribution over an online delivery medium, such as the Internet, thus bypassing physical distribution methods, such as paper, compact discs, and DVDs. The term online distribution is typically applied to freestanding products; downloadable add-ons for other products are more commonly known as downloadable content. With the advancement of network bandwidth capabilities, online distribution became prominent in the 2000s. Content distributed online may be streamed or downloaded, and often consists of books, films and television programs, music, software, and video games. Streaming involves downloading and using content at a user's request, or "on-demand", rather than allowing a user to store it permanently. By contrast, fully downloading content to a hard drive or other form of storage media may allow offline access in the future. Specialist networks known as content delivery networks help distribute content over the Internet by ensuring both high availability and high performance. Alternative technologies for content delivery include peer-to-peer file sharing technologies. Alternatively, content delivery platforms create and syndicate content remotely, acting like hosted content management systems. However, the term is also used in film distribution to describe distribution of content through physical media, in opposition to distribution by analog media such as photographic film and magnetic tape (see Digital cinema). Basis A primary characteristic of online distribution is its direct nature. To make a commercially successful work, artists usually must enter their industry's publishing chain. Publishers help artists advertise, fund and distribute their work to retail outlets. In some industries, particularly video games, artists find themselves bound to publishers, and in many cases unable to make the content they want; the publisher might not think it will profit well. This can quickly lead to the standardization of the content and to the stifling of new, potentially risky ideas. By opting for online distribution, an artist can get their work into the public sphere of interest easily with potentially minimum business overhead. This often leads to cheaper goods for the consumer,

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increased profits for the artists, as well as increased artistic freedom. Online distribution platforms often contain or act as a form of digital rights management. Online distribution also opens the door to new business models (e.g., the Open Music Model). For instance, an artist could release one track from an album or one chapter from a book at a time instead of waiting for them all to be completed. This either gives them a cash boost to help continue their projects or warns that their work is not financially viable. This is hopefully done before they have spent excessive money and time on a project deemed unviable. Video games have increased flexibility in this area, demonstrated by micropayment models. A clear result of these new models is their accessibility to smaller artists or artist teams who do not have the time, funds, or expertise to make a new product in one go. An example of this can be found in the music industry. Indie artists may access the same distribution channels as major record labels, with potentially fewer restrictions and manufacturing costs. There is a growing collection of 'Internet labels' that offer distribution to unsigned or independent artists directly to online music stores, and in some cases marketing and promotion services. Further, many bands are able to bypass this completely, and offer their music for sale via their own independently controlled websites. An issue is the large number of incompatible formats in which content is delivered, restricting the devices that may be used, or making data conversion necessary. Impact on traditional retail The rise of online distribution has provided controversy for the traditional business models and resulted in challenges as well as new opportunities for traditional retailers and publishers. Online distribution affects all of the traditional media markets including music, press, and broadcasting. In Britain, the iPlayer, a software application for streaming television and radio, accounts for 5% of all bandwidth used in the United Kingdom. Music The move towards online distribution led to a dip in sales at the start of 2000s when CD sales were nearly cut in half. One such example of online distribution taking its toll on a retailer is the iconic Canadian music chain Sam the Record Man who blamed online distribution for having to close a number of its traditional retail venues in 2007-08. One main reason that sales took such a big hit was that the pirating of digital music was very accessible. With piracy affecting sales, the music industry realized it needed to change its business model to keep up with the rapidly changing technology. The step that was taken to move the music industry into the online space has been successful for several reasons. The development of lossy audio compression file formats such as MP3, allows users to compress music files into a high quality format, compressed down to usually a 3 Megabyte (MB) file. The lossless FLAC format may require only a few megabytes more. In comparison, the same song might require 30-40 Megabytes of storage on a CD. The smaller file size yields much greater Internet transfer speeds. The transition into the online space has boosted sales, and profit for some artists. It has also allowed for potentially lower expenses such as lower coordination costs, lower distribution costs, as well as the possibility for redistributed total profits. These lower costs have aided new artists in breaking

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onto the scene and gaining recognition. In the past, some emerging artists have struggled to find a way to market themselves and compete in the various distribution channels. The Internet may give artists more control over their music in terms of ownership, rights, creative process, pricing, and more. In addition to providing global users with easier access to content, online stores allow users to choose the songs they wish instead of having to purchase an entire album from which there may only be one or two titles that the buyer enjoys. The number of downloaded single tracks rose from 160 million in 2004 to 795 million in 2006 which accounted for a revenue boost from US$397 million to US$2 billion. Videos Many traditional network television shows, movies and other video content is now available online, either from the content owner directly or from third party services. YouTube, Netflix, Synaptop, Amazon Video, FlickRocket and other Internet-based video services allow content owners to let users access their content on computers, smart phones, tablets or by using appliances such as video game consoles, set-top boxes or Smart TVs. Books Some companies, such as Bookmasters Distribution, which invested US$4.5 million in upgrading its equipment and operating systems, have had to direct capital toward keeping up with the changes in technology. The phenomenon of books going digital has given users the ability to access their books on handheld digital book readers. One benefit of electronic book readers is that they allow users to access additional content via hypertext links. These electronic book readers also give users portability for their books since a reader can hold multiple books depending on the size of its hard drive. Companies that are able to adapt and make changes to capitalize on the digital media market have seen sales surge. Vice President of Perseus Books Group stated that since shifting to electronic books (e-books), it saw sales rise by 68%. Independent Publishers Group experienced a sales boost of 23% in the first quarter of 2012 alone. Tor Books, a major publisher of science fiction and fantasy books, started to sell e-books DRM-free by July 2012. One year later the publisher stated that they will keep this model as removing DRM was not hurting their digital distribution ebook business. Smaller e-book publishers such as O'Reilly Media, Carina Press and Baen Books had already forgone DRM previously. Video games Main article: Digital distribution in video games Online distribution is changing the structure of the video game industry. Gabe Newell, creator of the digital distribution service Steam, formulated the advantages over physical retail distribution as such: The worst days [for game development] were the cartridge days for the NES. It was a huge risk - you had all this money tied up in silicon in a warehouse somewhere, and so you'd be conservative in the decisions you felt you could make, very conservative in the IPs you signed, your art direction would not change, and so on. Now it's the opposite extreme: we can put something up on Steam, deliver it to people all around the world, make changes. We can take more interesting risks.[...]

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Retail doesn't know how to deal with those games. On Steam [a digital distributor] there's no shelf-space restriction. - Gabe Newell, Rock, Paper, Shotgun Since the 2000s, there has been an increasing number of smaller and niche titles available and commercially successful, like e.g. remakes of classic games. The new possibility of the digital distribution stimulated also the creation of game titles of very small video game producers like Independent game developer and Modders (e.g. Garry's Mod), which were before not commercially feasible. The years after 2004 saw the rise of many digital distribution services on the PC, such as Amazon Digital Services, Desura, GameStop, Games for Windows - Live, Impulse, Steam, Origin, Direct2Drive, GOG.com, and GamersGate. The offered properties differ significantly: while most of these digital distributors don't allow reselling of bought games, Green Man Gaming allows this. Another example is gog.com which has a strict non-DRM policy while most other services allow various (strict or less strict) forms of DRM. Challenges A general issue is the large number of incompatible data formats in which content is delivered, possibly restricting the devices that may be used, or making data conversion necessary. Streaming services can have several drawbacks: requiring a constant Internet connection to use content; the restriction of some content to never be stored locally; the restriction of content from being transferred to physical media; and the enabling of greater censorship at the discretion of owners of content, infrastructure, and consumer devices. <hr> 2015-12-13 12:45 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_delivery_network E-book distribution platforms E-book digital distribution platforms 12 November 2015, at 23:34 Discontinued * Sony Reader Active * Amazon Kindle * Archive of Our Own * Barnes & Noble Nook * FanFiction.Net * Google Play * iBookstore * Kobo * Lulu * NoiseTrade * OverDrive, Inc. * Oyster * PocketBook Reader * Project Gutenberg * Scribd * Singtel Skoob * Wattpad

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* Wikibooks Reactivated Microsoft Reader (MS Reader) https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/apps/reader/9wzdncrfhwg5 http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/reader/8a4ae377-a4ab-4260-9b80-f9382360e291 Microsoft discontinued its Microsoft Reader effective August 30, 2012. Microsoft reactivates Reader for its Windows 10 operating system. Use Reader to open PDF, XPS, and TIFF files. Reader makes it easy to view documents, search for words or phrases, take notes, fill in forms, and print or share files. To use this app, upgrade to Windows 10. Version notes This version has been updated to improve reliability and to address data loss issues On April 30, 2012, Microsoft invested $300 million for a 17.6% stake in Barnes & Noble Nook, which valued the business at about $1.7 billion. In December 2014, Barnes & Noble announced that it has ended its Nook partnership with Microsoft by buying back its stake. App details Publisher Microsoft Corporation Category Books & reference Approximate size 4.29 MB - 15.26 MB Age rating For ages 3 and up Accessibility The app developer believes this app meets accessibility requirements, making

it easier for everyone to use. Supported processors

x86, x64, arm

Additional terms Reader privacy policy Capabilities Access your home or work networks Report this app Report this app to Microsoft http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/reader-app-privacy Reader app privacy statement Applies to Windows 8.1, Windows RT 8.1 What this app does The Reader app allows you to open PDF, XPS, and other files. Using the Reader app, you can read files, zoom in to make text appear larger, search for words or phrases, and take notes. You can also save, print, and share files. Information collected, processed, stored, or transmitted The Reader app stores a list of recently opened documents. For files that are password-protected, the Reader app stores the password on your PC so that it doesn’t have to be entered each time the file is opened.

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Use of information The information collected is used only to enable use of the Reader app. The information is stored on the device and is not sent to Microsoft. Choice and control The Reader app allows you to delete individual items from your recently opened list. Saved passwords can be deleted in Credential Manager. Content delivery network A content delivery network or content distribution network (CDN) is a large distributed system of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centers via the Internet. The goal of a CDN is to serve content to end-users with high availability and high performance. CDNs serve a large fraction of the Internet content today, including web objects (text, graphics and scripts), downloadable objects (media files, software, documents), applications (e-commerce, portals), live streaming media, on-demand streaming media, and social networks. Content providers such as media companies and e-commerce vendors pay CDN operators to deliver their content to their audience of end-users. In turn, a CDN pays ISPs, carriers, and network operators for hosting its servers in their data centers. Besides better performance and availability, CDNs also offload the traffic served directly from the content provider's origin infrastructure, resulting in possible cost savings for the content provider. In addition, CDNs provide the content provider a degree of protection from DoS attacks by using their large distributed server infrastructure to absorb the attack traffic. While most early CDNs served content using dedicated servers owned and operated by the CDN, there is a recent trend to use a hybrid model that uses P2P technology. In the hybrid model, content is served using both dedicated servers and other peer-user-owned computers as applicable. Operation Most CDNs are operated as an application service provider (ASP) on the Internet (also known as on-demand software or software as a service (SaaS)). An increasing number of Internet network owners have built their own CDNs to improve on-net content delivery, reduce demand on their own telecommunications infrastructure, and to generate revenues from content customers. This might include offering access to media streaming to internet service subscribers. Some larger software companies such as Microsoft build their own CDNs in tandem with their own products. Examples include Microsoft Azure CDN and Amazon CloudFront. Here content (potentially multiple copies) may exist on several servers. When a user makes a request to a CDN hostname, DNS will resolve to an optimized server (based on location, availability, cost, and other metrics) and that server will handle the request. Technology CDN nodes are usually deployed in multiple locations, often over multiple backbones. Benefits include reducing bandwidth costs, improving page load times, or increasing global availability of content. The number of nodes and servers making up a CDN varies, depending on the architecture, some reaching thousands of nodes with tens of thousands of servers on many remote points of presence (PoPs). Others build a global network and have a small number of geographical PoPs.

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Requests for content are typically algorithmically directed to nodes that are optimal in some way. When optimizing for performance, locations that are best for serving content to the user may be chosen. This may be measured by choosing locations that are the fewest hops, the least number of network seconds away from the requesting client, or the highest availability in terms of server performance (both current and historical), so as to optimize delivery across local networks. When optimizing for cost, locations that are least expensive may be chosen instead. In an optimal scenario, these two goals tend to align, as servers that are close to the end-user at the edge of the network may have an advantage in performance or cost. Most CDN providers will provide their services over a varying, defined, set of PoPs, depending on the geographic coverage desired, such as United States, International or Global, Asia-Pacific, etc. These sets of PoPs can be called "edges" or "edge networks" as they would be the closest edge of CDN assets to the end user. The CDN's Edge Network grows outward from the origin/s through further acquisitions (via purchase, peering, or exchange) of co-locations facilities, bandwidth, and servers. Content networking techniques The Internet was designed according to the end-to-end principle. This principle keeps the core network relatively simple and moves the intelligence as much as possible to the network end-points: the hosts and clients. As a result, the core network is specialized, simplified, and optimized to only forward data packets. Content Delivery Networks augment the end-to-end transport network by distributing on it a variety of intelligent applications employing techniques designed to optimize content delivery. The resulting tightly integrated overlay uses web caching, server-load balancing, request routing, and content services. These techniques are briefly described below. Web caches store popular content on servers that have the greatest demand for the content requested. These shared network appliances reduce bandwidth requirements, reduce server load, and improve the client response times for content stored in the cache. Server-load balancing uses one or more techniques including service-based (global load balancing) or hardware-based, i.e. layer 4–7 switches, also known as a web switch, content switch, or multilayer switch to share traffic among a number of servers or web caches. Here the switch is assigned a single virtual IP address. Traffic arriving at the switch is then directed to one of the real web servers attached to the switch. This has the advantage of balancing load, increasing total capacity, improving scalability, and providing increased reliability by redistributing the load of a failed web server and providing server health checks. A content cluster or service node can be formed using a layer 4–7 switch to balance load across a number of servers or a number of web caches within the network. Request routing directs client requests to the content source best able to serve the request. This may involve directing a client request to the service node that is closest to the client, or to the one with the most capacity. A variety of algorithms are used to route the request. These include Global Server Load Balancing, DNS-based request routing, Dynamic metafile generation, HTML

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rewriting, and anycasting. Proximity—choosing the closest service node—is estimated using a variety of techniques including reactive probing, proactive probing, and connection monitoring. CDNs use a variety of methods of content delivery including, but not limited to, manual asset copying, active web caches, and global hardware load balancers. Content service protocols Several protocol suites are designed to provide access to a wide variety of content services distributed throughout a content network. The Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) was developed in the late 1990s to provide an open standard for connecting application servers. A more recently defined and robust solution is provided by the Open Pluggable Edge Services (OPES) protocol. This architecture defines OPES service applications that can reside on the OPES processor itself or be executed remotely on a Callout Server. Edge Side Includes or ESI is a small markup language for edge level dynamic web content assembly. It is fairly common for websites to have generated content. It could be because of changing content like catalogs or forums, or because of the personalization. This creates a problem for caching systems. To overcome this problem a group of companies created ESI. Peer-to-peer CDNs Further information: Peer-to-peer network In peer-to-peer (P2P) content-delivery networks, clients provide resources as well as use them. This means that unlike client-server systems, the content centric networks can actually perform better as more users begin to access the content (especially with protocols such as Bittorrent that require users to share). This property is one of the major advantages of using P2P networks because it makes the setup and running costs very small for the original content distributor. Private CDNs If content owners are not satisfied with the options or costs of a commercial CDN service, they can create their own CDN. This is called a private CDN. A private CDN consists of POPs that are only serving content for their owner. These POPs can be caching servers, reverse proxies or application delivery controllers. It can be as simple as two caching servers, or large enough to serve petabytes of content. CDN trends Emergence of telco CDNs The rapid growth of streaming video traffic uses large capital expenditures by broadband providers in order to meet this demand and to retain subscribers by delivering a sufficiently good quality of experience. To address this, telecommunications service providers (TSPs) have begun to launch their own content delivery networks as a means to lessen the demands on the network backbone and to reduce infrastructure investments. Telco CDN advantages

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Because they own the networks over which video content is transmitted, telco CDNs have advantages over traditional CDNs. They own the last mile and can deliver content closer to the end user because it can be cached deep in their networks. This deep caching minimizes the distance that video data travels over the general Internet and delivers it more quickly and reliably. Telco CDNs also have a built-in cost advantage since traditional CDNs must lease bandwidth from them and build the operator’s margin into their own cost structures. In addition, by operating their own content delivery infrastructure, telco operators have a better control over the utilization of their resources. Content management operations performed by CDNs are usually applied without or with very limited information about the network (e.g. topology, utilization etc.) of the telco-operators with which they interact or have business relationships. These pose a number of challenges for the telco-operators which have a limited sphere of actions in face of the impact of these operations on the utilization of their resources. In contrast, the deployment of telco-CDNs allow operators to implement their own content management operations, which enable them to have better control over the utilization of their resources and, as such, provide better quality of service and experience to their end users. Federated CDNs In June 2011, StreamingMedia.com reported that a group of TSPs had founded an Operator Carrier Exchange (OCX) to interconnect their networks and compete more directly against large traditional CDNs like Akamai and Limelight Networks, which have extensive PoPs worldwide. This way, telcos are building a Federated CDN offer, much more interesting for a content provider willing to deliver its content to the aggregated audience of this federation. It is likely that in a near future, other telco CDN federations will be created. They will grow by enrollment of new telco joining the federation and bringing network presence and Internet subscriber base to the existing ones. edns-client-subnet EDNS0 option In August 2011, a global consortium of leading Internet service providers led by Google announced their official implementation of the edns-client-subnet IETF Internet-Draft, which is intended to accurately localize DNS resolution responses. The initiative involves a limited number of leading DNS and CDN service providers. With the edns-client-subnet EDNS0 option, the recursive DNS servers of CDNs will utilize the IP address of the requesting client subnet when resolving DNS requests. If a CDN relies on the IP address of the DNS resolver instead of the client when resolving DNS requests, it can incorrectly geo-locate a client if the client is using Google anycast addresses for their DNS resolver, which can create latency problems. Initially, Google's DNS addresses geo-located to California, potentially far from the location of the requesting client, but now the Google Public DNS servers are available worldwide. Notable content delivery service providers Free CDNs * BootstrapCDN

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* CloudFlare * Coral Content Distribution Network * Incapsula (free version with Incapsula advertisement) Traditional commercial CDNs * 3Q SDN * Akamai Technologies * Alcatel-Lucent Velocix * Amazon CloudFront * Aryaka * Windows Azure CDN * CacheFly * CDN77.com * CDNetworks * ChinaCache * CloudFlare * Cotendo (acquired by Akamai) * Distil Networks * EdgeCast Networks (acquired by Verizon) * Fastly * Highwinds Network Group * HP Cloud Services * Incapsula * Instart Logic * Internap * KeyCDN * LeaseWeb * Level 3 Communications * Limelight Networks * MaxCDN * MetaCDN * Mirror Image Internet * NACEVI * OnApp * OVH * Rackspace Cloud Files * Speedera Networks (acquired by Akamai) * StreamZilla CDN Europe * Yottaa, Inc Telco CDNs * AT&T Inc. * Bharti Airtel * Bell Canada * BT Group * Deutsche Telekom * Hibernia Networks * Level 3 Communications * KT (formerly Korea Telecom) * KPN * Megafon * NTT

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* Pacnet * PCCW * Qualitynet * SingTel * SK Broadband * Tata Communications * TeliaSonera * Telecom Argentina * Telecom Italia * Telecom New Zealand * Telefonica * Telenor * Telin * Telstra * Telus * Turk Telekom * Verizon Commercial CDNs using P2P for delivery * BitTorrent, Inc. * Internap * Pando Networks * Rawflow Generally speaking, all Internet service providers can provide a Content delivery network. <hr> 2015-12-13 01:39 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-book E-book 10 December 2015, at 09:41 An electronic book (variously: e-book, eBook, e-Book, ebook, digital book or e-edition) is a book-publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other electronic devices. Although sometimes defined as "an electronic version of a printed book", many e-books exist without any printed equivalent. Commercially produced and sold e-books are usually intended to be read on dedicated e-readers. However, almost any sophisticated electronic device that features a controllable viewing screen, including computers, tablets and smartphones can also be used to read e-books. E-book reading is increasing in the US; by 2014 28% of adults had read an e-book, compared to 23% in 2013. This is increasing because 50% of American adults by 2014 had a dedicated device, either an e-reader or a tablet, compared to 30% owning such a device by the end of 2013. Timeline The Readies (1930) The idea of the e-reader came to Bob Brown after watching his first "talkie" (movie with sound). In 1930, he wrote a book on this idea and titled it The Readies, playing off the idea of the "talkie". In his book, Brown says movies have outmaneuvered the book by creating the "talkies" and, as a

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result, reading should find a new medium: "A machine that will allow us to keep up with the vast volume of print available today and be optically pleasing". Though Brown may have come up with the idea intellectually in the 1930s, early commercial e-readers did not follow his model. Nevertheless, Brown in many ways predicted what e-readers would become and what they would mean to the medium of reading. In an article Jennifer Schuessler writes, "The machine, Brown argued, would allow readers to adjust the type size, avoid paper cuts and save trees, all while hastening the day when words could be 'recorded directly on the palpitating ether.'" He felt the e-reader should bring a completely new life to the medium of reading. Schuessler relates it to a DJ spinning bits of old songs to create a beat or an entirely new song as opposed to just a remix of a familiar song. Candidates for the first e-book inventor The inventor of the first e-book is not widely agreed upon. Some notable candidates include the following: ~1949 Ángela Ruiz Robles (1949) * Ángela Ruiz Robles patented in Galicia, Spain, the idea of the electronic book, called the Mechanical Encyclopedia. In 1949, Ángela Ruiz Robles, a teacher from Galicia, Spain, patented in her country the first electronic book, la Enciclopedia Mecánica, or the Mechanical Encyclopedia. Her idea behind the device was to decrease the number of books that her pupils carried to the school. Roberto Busa (late 1940s) * Roberto Busa begins planning the Index Thomisticus The first e-book may be the Index Thomisticus, a heavily annotated electronic index to the works of Thomas Aquinas, prepared by Roberto Busa beginning in 1949 and completed in the 1970s. Although originally stored on a single computer, a distributable CD-ROM version appeared in 1989. However, this work is sometimes omitted; perhaps because the digitized text was a means to studying written texts and developing linguistic concordances, rather than as a published edition in its own right. In 2005, the Index was published online. ~1963 * Doug Engelbart starts the NLS (and later Augment) projects ~1965 * Andries van Dam starts the HES (and later FRESS) projects, with assistance from Ted Nelson, and other faculty at Brown University develop and use electronic textbooks for poetry and biology. Doug Engelbart and Andries van Dam (1960s) Alternatively, some historians consider electronic books to have started in the early 1960s, with the NLS project headed by Doug Engelbart at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), and the Hypertext Editing System and FRESS projects headed by Andries van Dam at Brown University. Augment ran on specialized hardware, while FRESS ran on IBM mainframes. FRESS documents were structure-oriented rather than line-oriented, and were formatted dynamically for different users, display hardware, window sizes, and so on, as well as having automated tables of contents, indexes, and so on. All these systems also provided extensive

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hyperlinking, graphics, and other capabilities. Van Dam is generally thought to have coined the term "electronic book", and it was established enough to use in an article title by 1985. FRESS was used for reading extensive primary texts online, as well as for annotation and online discussions in several courses, including English Poetry and Biochemistry. Brown faculty made extensive use of FRESS; for example the philosopher Roderick Chisholm used it to produce several of his books. Thus in the Preface to Person and Object (1979) he writes "The book would not have been completed without the epoch-making File Retrieval and Editing System..." Brown University's work in electronic book systems continued for many years, including US Navy funded projects for electronic repair-manuals; a large-scale distributed hypermedia system known as InterMedia; a spinoff company Electronic Book Technologies that built DynaText, the first SGML-based book-reader system; and the Scholarly Technology Group's extensive work on the still-prevalent Open eBook standard. 1971 * Michael S. Hart types the US Declaration of Independence into a computer and launches Project Gutenberg to create electronic copies of more books. Michael S. Hart (1971) Michael Hart (left) and Gregory Newby (right) of Project Gutenberg, 2006 Despite the extensive earlier history, several publications report Michael S. Hart as the inventor of the e-book. In 1971, the operators of the Xerox Sigma V mainframe at the University of Illinois gave Hart extensive computer-time. Seeking a worthy use of this resource, he created his first electronic document by typing the United States Declaration of Independence into a computer in plain text. Hart planned to create documents using plain text to make them as easy as possible to download and view on devices. 1978 * The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy radio series launches (first novel published in 1979), featuring an electronic reference book containing all knowledge in the Galaxy (plus much more). Unlike real electronic books, this vast amount of data could be fit into something the size of a large paperback book, with updates received over the "Sub-Etha" 1988 * Susan Abrahams Ltd in Oxford was founded as an electronic publishing startup for authors 1990 * Eastgate Systems publishes the first hypertext fiction, "Afternoon, a story", by Michael Joyce, available on floppy disk. * Electronic Book Technologies releases DynaText, the first SGML-based system for delivering large-scale books such as aircraft technical manuals. It was later tested on a US aircraft carrier as replacement for paper manuals, allowing the ship to rest 6" higher in the water. 1991 * Voyager Company develops Expanded Books, which are books on CD-ROM. 1992 * F. Crugnola and I. Rigamonti design and create the first e-reader, called Incipit, as a thesis project at the Polytechnic University of Milan. * Sony launches the Data Discman e-reader. * Charles Stack's Book Stacks Unlimited begins selling new physical books online. 1993

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* Hugo Award for Best Novel nominee texts published on CD-ROM by Brad Templeton. * Bibliobytes, a website for obtaining digital books, both for free and for sale on the Internet, launches. 1994 * C & M Online is founded in Raleigh, North Carolina and publishes e-books through its imprint, Boson Books. Authors include Fred Chappell, Kelly Cherry, Leon Katz, Richard Popkin, and Robert Rodman. * The popular format for publishing e-books changed from plain text to HTML. 1995 * Online poet Alexis Kirke discusses the need for wireless internet electronic paper readers in his article "The Emuse". 1996 * Project Gutenberg reaches 1,000 titles. The title target is 1,000,000. 1997 * E Ink Corporation is co-founded in 1997 by MIT undergraduates J.D. Albert, Barrett Comiskey, MIT professor Joseph Jacobson, Jeremy Rubin and Russ Wilcox. Their technology is later used to develop products like the Sony Reader, Barnes & Noble Nook, and Amazon Kindle. 1998 * NuroMedia released the first handheld e-reader - Rocket eBook. * SoftBook launched its SoftBook reader. This e-reader could store up to 00,000 pages of content, including text, graphics and pictures. * The Cybook was sold and manufactured at first by Cytale (1998-2003) then by Bookeen. * Websites began selling ebooks in English, such as eReader.com and eReads.com. 1999 * Publisher Simon & Schuster created a new imprint called ibooks and became the first trade publisher to simultaneously to publish some of their titles in e-book and print format. * Oxford University Press offered a selection of its books over the Internet through netLibrary. * Baen Books opens up the Baen Free Library and starts selling Baen titles as e-books. * Kim Blagg, via her company Books OnScreen, began selling multimedia-enhanced ebooks on CDs through retailers including Amazon.com, bn.com and borders.com. 2000 * Microsoft releases the Microsoft Reader with ClearType for increased readability on PCs and handheld devices. * Microsoft and Amazon worked together to sell e-books that could be purchased on the online bookstore and then downloaded to PCs and handhelds. * Stephen King offers his novel Riding the Bullet only as a digital book; at the time it could only be read on a computer. * Digital Book Index begins operation. DBI and the Online Books Page both organize electronic books from disparate sites into single, searchable indexes, creating large virtual libraries of ebooks. 2001 * Todoebook.com, the first website selling ebooks in Spanish. 2002 * Random House and HarperCollins start to sell digital versions of their titles in English.

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2004 * Sony Librie, first ebook reader using an E Ink display was released. * Google announces plans to digitize the holdings of several major libraries, as part of what would later be called the Google Books Library Project. 2005 * Amazon buys Mobipocket. * Google is sued for copyright infringement by the Authors Guild for scanning books still in copyright. 2006 * Sony Reader PRS-500 with e-ink was released. * LibreDigital launched BookBrowse as an online reader for publisher content. 2007 * Amazon launches Kindle in US. * Bookeen launches Cybook Gen3 in Europe. 2008 * Adobe and Sony agree to share their technologies (Adobe Reader and DRM). * Sony sells the Sony Reader PRS-505 in UK and France. 2009 * Bookeen releases the Cybook Opus in the US and in Europe. * Sony releases the Reader Pocket Edition and Reader Touch Edition. * Amazon releases the Kindle 2. * Amazon releases the Kindle DX in the US. * Barnes & Noble releases the Nook in the US. 2010 * Amazon.com releases the Kindle DX International Edition worldwide. * Bookeen reveals the Cybook Orizon at CES. * Apple releases the iPad bundled with an e-book app called iBooks. * Kobo Inc. releases its Kobo eReader to be sold at Indigo/Chapters in Canada and Borders in the United States. * Amazon reports that its ebook sales outnumbered sales of hardcover books for the first time ever during the second quarter of 2010. * Amazon releases the third generation Kindle, available in Wi-Fi and 3G & Wi-Fi versions. * BeBook releases the BeBook Neo, first e-reader in Europe with Wi-Fi. * Kobo Inc. releases an updated Kobo eReader, which included Wi-Fi. * Barnes & Noble releases the Nook Color. * Sony releases its second generation Daily Edition PRS-950. * Google launches Google eBooks offering over 3 million titles, becoming the world's largest e-book store. * PocketBook expands its line with an Android e-reader. 2011 * The idea of the next-generation digital book called 'interactive e-book' was proposed. * Amazon.com announces in May that its e-book sales in the US now exceed all of its printed book sales. * Barnes & Noble releases the Nook Simple Touch eReader and Nook Tablet.

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* Bookeen launches its own e-books store, BookeenStore.com, and starts to sell digital versions of titles in French. * Nature Publishing publishes Principles of Biology, a customizable, modular textbook, with no corresponding paper edition. * The e-reader market grows in Spain, and companies like Telefónica, Fnac, and Casa del Libro launches their e-readers with the Spanish brand "bq readers". * Amazon launches the Kindle Fire and Kindle Touch. 2012 * PocketBook starts selling PocketBook Touch, an e-ink Pearl eReader, winning awards from German magazines Tablet PC and Computer Bild. * Kbuuk released the cloud-based eBook self-publishing SaaS platform on the Pubsoft digital publishing engine. * Apple releases iBooks Author, software for creating iPad e-books to be directly published in its iBooks bookstore or to be shared as PDF files. * Apple opens a textbook section in its iBooks bookstore. * The publishing companies Random House, Holtzbrinck, and arvato get an e-book library called Skoobe on the market. * US Department of Justice prepares anti-trust lawsuit against Apple, Simon & Schuster, Hachette Book Group, Penguin Group, Macmillan, and HarperCollins, alleging collusion to increase the price of books sold on Amazon. * Amazon releases the Kindle Paperwhite, its first e-reader with a built-in LED light. * Library.nu - previously called ebooksclub.org and gigapedia.com, a popular linking website for downloading ebooks - was accused of copyright infringement and shut down by court order on February 15. * Ebooks sold in the US market collects over 3 billion in revenue. 2013 * On April 27, 2013, Barnes & Noble posts losses of $475 million on its Nook business for the prior fiscal year and in June 2013 announces its intention to discontinue manufacturing Nook tablets, although it plans to continue making and designing black-and-white e-readers like the Nook Simple Touch, which "are more geared to serious readers, who are its customers, than to tablets". * The Association of American Publishers announces that ebooks now account for about 20% of book sales. Barnes & Noble estimates it has a 27% share of the U.S. e-books market. * Apple executive Keith Moerer testifies in the ongoing e-book price fixing trial that the iBookstore held approximately 20% of the ebook market share in the United States within the months after launch - a figure that Publishers Weekly reports is roughly double many of the previous estimates made by third parties. Moerer further testified that iBookstore acquired about an additional 20% by adding Random House in 2011. * Five major US e-book publishers, as part of their settlement of a price-fixing suit, were ordered to refund about $3 for every electronic copy of a New York Times best-seller that they sold from April 2010 to May 2012. This could equal $160 million in settlement charges. * US District Court Judge Denise Cote finds Apple guilty of conspiring to raise the retail price of e-books and schedules a trial in 2014 to determine damages. * Barnes & Noble releases the Nook Glowlight, which has a 6-inch touchscreen with E Ink Pearl's Regal wave. * Scribd launched the first public unlimited access subscription service for e-books. * Oyster launches its unlimited access e-book subscription service. * Mofibo launched the first Scandinavian unlimited access e-book subscription service. 2014

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* US District Court Judge Cote grants class action certification to plaintiffs in a lawsuit over Apple's alleged e-book price conspiracy; the plaintiffs are seeking $840 million in damages. Apple appeals the decision. * Apple settles ebook antitrust case that alleged Apple conspired to e-book price-fixing out of court; however if Judge Cote's ruling is overturned in appeal the settlement would be reversed. * Amazon launches Kindle Unlimited as an unlimited-access e-book and audiobook subscription service. * Amazon releases the Kindle Voyage that has a 6-inch, 300 ppi E-Ink Carta HD display, which was the highest resolution and contrast available in e-readers as of 2014. It also features an adaptive LED light and page turn buttons on the sides of the device. * Kobo released the Aura HD with a 6.8-inch screen. 2015 * By a 2-1 vote, the 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals concurs with Judge Cote that Apple conspired to e-book price fixing and violated federal antitrust law. Apple appealed the decision. * Kobo released the Aura Hv(2)0, the world's first waterproof e-reader. * Amazon releases the Kindle Paperwhite (3rd generation) that has a 6-inch, 300 ppi E Ink Carta HD display and is the first e-reader to feature Bookerly, a font exclusively designed for e-readers. * In September, it was announced that Oyster's unlimited access e-book subscription service was scheduled to be shut down in early 2016. * B&N released the Glowlight Plus, its first waterproof e-reader. Early e-book implementations After Hart first adapted the Declaration of Independence into an electronic document in 1971, Project Gutenberg was launched to create electronic copies of more texts - especially books. Another early e-book implementation was the desktop prototype for a proposed notebook computer, the Dynabook, in the 1970s at PARC: a general-purpose portable personal computer capable of displaying books for reading. In 1980 the Department of Defense began concept development for a portable electronic delivery device for technical maintenance information called project PEAM, the Portable Electronic Aid for Maintenance. Detailed specifications were completed in FY 82, and prototype development began with Texas Instruments that same year. Four prototypes were produced and delivered for testing in 1986. Tests were completed in 1987. The final summary report was produced by the US Army research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences in 1989 authored by Robert Wisher and J. Peter Kincaid. A patent application for the PEAM device was submitted by Texas Instruments titled "Apparatus for delivering procedural type instructions" was submitted Dec 4, 1985 listing John K. Harkins and Stephen H. Morriss as inventors. In 1992, Sony launched the Data Discman, an electronic book reader that could read e-books that were stored on CDs. One of the electronic publications that could be played on the Data Discman was called The Library of the Future. Early e-books were generally written for specialty areas and a limited audience, meant to be read only by small and devoted interest groups. The scope of the subject matter of these e-books included technical manuals for hardware, manufacturing techniques, and other subjects. In the 1990s, the general availability of the Internet made transferring electronic files much easier, including e-books.

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Archival storage The Internet Archive and Open Library offers over 6,000,000 fully accessible public domain e-books. Libraries US Libraries began providing free e-books to the public in 1998 through their web sites and associated services, although the e-books were primarily scholarly, technical or professional in nature, and could not be downloaded. In 2003, libraries began offering free downloadable popular fiction and non-fiction e-books to the public, launching an e-book lending model that worked much more successfully for public libraries. The number of library e-book distributors and lending models continued to increase over the next few years. From 2005 to 2008 libraries experienced 60% growth in e-book collections. In 2010, a Public Library Funding and Technology Access Study found that 66% of public libraries in the US were offering e-books, and a large movement in the library industry began seriously examining the issues related to lending e-books, acknowledging a tipping point of broad e-book usage. However, some publishers and authors have not endorsed the concept of electronic publishing, citing issues with demand, piracy and proprietary devices. In a survey of interlibrary loan librarians it was found that 92% of libraries held ebooks in their collections and that 27% of those libraries had negotiated interlibrary loan rights for some of their ebooks. This survey found significant barriers to conducting interlibrary loan for e-books. Demand-driven acquisition (DDA) has been around for a few years in public libraries, which allows vendors to streamline the acquisition process by offering to match a library's selection profile to the vendor's e-book titles. The library's catalog is then populated with records for all the e-books that match the profile. The decision to purchase the title is left to the patrons, although the library can set purchasing conditions such as a maximum price and purchasing caps so that the dedicated funds are spent according to the library's budget. The 2012 meeting of the Association of American University Presses included a panel on patron-drive acquisition (PDA) of books produced by university presses based on a preliminary report by Joseph Esposito, a digital publishing consultant who has studied the implications of PDA with a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Challenges Although the demand for e-book services in libraries has grown, difficulties keep libraries from providing the eBooks. Publishers will sell e-books to libraries, but they only have a limited license to the book in most cases. This means the library does not own the electronic text but that they can circulate it for either a certain period of time or a certain amount of check outs, or both. When a library purchases a e-book license, the cost is three times what it would be for a personal consumer. E-book formats See also: Comparison of e-book formats

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As e-book formats emerged and proliferated, some garnered support from major software companies, such as Adobe with its PDF format and others supported by independent and open-source programmers. Different e-readers followed different formats, most of them specializing in only one format, thereby fragmenting the e-book market even more. Due to the exclusiveness and limited readerships of e-books, the fractured market of independent publishers and specialty authors lacked consensus regarding a standard for packaging and selling e-books. However, in the late 1990s, a consortium formed to develop the Open eBook format as a way for authors and publishers to provide a single source-document which many book-reading software and hardware platforms could handle. Open eBook as defined required subsets of XHTML and CSS; a set of multimedia formats (others could be used, but there must also be a fallback in one of the required formats), and an XML schema for a "manifest", to list the components of a given e-book, identify a table of contents, cover art, and so on. This format led to the open format EPUB. Google Books has converted many public domain works to this open format. In 2010, e-books continued to gain in their own underground markets.[citation needed] Many e-book publishers began distributing books that were in the public domain. At the same time, authors with books that were not accepted by publishers offered their works online so they could be seen by others. Unofficial (and occasionally unauthorized) catalogs of books became available on the web, and sites devoted to e-books began disseminating information about e-books to the public. Nearly two-thirds of the U.S. Consumer e-book publishing market are controlled by the "Big Five". The "Big Five" publishers include: Hachette, HarperCollins, Macmillan, Penguin Random House and Simon & Schuster. Formats Main article: Comparison of e-book formats Writers and publishers have many formats to choose from when publishing ebooks. Each format has advantages and disadvantages. The most popular e-readers and their natively supported formats are shown below: Reader Native e-book formats Amazon Kindle and Fire tablets


Barnes & Noble Nook and Nook Tablet


Apple iPad EPUB, IBA (Multitouch books made via iBooks Author), PDF Sony Reader EPUB, PDF, TXT, RTF, DOC, BBeB Kobo eReader and Kobo Arc EPUB, PDF, TXT, RTF, HTML, CBR (comic), CBZ (comic) PocketBook Reader & PocketBook Touch


E-reader applications Some of the major book retailers and multiple third-party developers offer free (and in some third-party cases, premium paid) e-reader applications for the Mac and PC computers as well as for Android, Blackberry, iPad, iPhone, Windows Phone and Palm OS devices to allow the reading of e-books and other documents independently of dedicated e-book devices. Examples are apps for the Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble Nook, Kobo eReader, and Sony Reader.

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Dedicated hardware readers and mobile reader software Main article: E-reader See also: Comparison of e-book readers An e-reader, also called an e-book reader or e-book device, is a mobile electronic device that is designed primarily for the purpose of reading e-books and digital periodicals. An e-reader is similar in form, but more limited in purpose than a tablet. In comparison to tablets, many e-readers are better than tablets for reading because they are more portable, have better readability in sunlight and have longer battery life. There have been several generations of dedicated hardware e-readers. The Rocket eBook and several others were introduced around 1998, but did not gain widespread acceptance. The establishment of the E Ink Corporation in 1997 led to the development of electronic paper, a technology which allows a display screen to reflect light like ordinary paper without the need for a backlight; electronic paper was incorporated first into the Sony Librie (released in 2004) and Sony Reader (2006), followed by the Amazon Kindle, a device which, upon its release in 2007, sold out within five hours. As of 2009, new marketing models for e-books were being developed and a new generation of reading hardware was produced. E-books (as opposed to e-readers) have yet to achieve global distribution. In the United States, as of September 2009, the Amazon Kindle model and Sony's PRS-500 were the dominant e-reading devices. By March 2010, some reported that the Barnes & Noble Nook may be selling more units than the Kindle in the US. On January 27, 2010 Apple Inc. launched a multi-function device called the iPad and announced agreements with five of the six largest publishers that would allow Apple to distribute e-books. The iPad includes a built-in app for e-books called iBooks and the iBookstore. The iPad, the first commercially profitable tablet computer, was followed in 2011 by the release of the first Android-based tablets as well as LCD versions of the Nook and Kindle; unlike previous dedicated e-readers, tablet computers are multi-function, utilize LCD displays (and usually touchscreens), and (like iOS and Android) be more agnostic to e-book vendor applications, allowing for installation of other e-book vendors. The growth in general-purpose tablet computer use allowed for further growth in popularity of e-books in the 2010s. In July 2010, online bookseller Amazon.com reported sales of e-books for its proprietary Kindle outnumbered sales of hardcover books for the first time ever during the second quarter of 2010, saying it sold 140 e-books for every 100 hardcover books, including hardcovers for which there was no digital edition. By January 2011, e-book sales at Amazon had surpassed its paperback sales. In the overall US market, paperback book sales are still much larger than either hardcover or e-book; the American Publishing Association estimated e-books represented 8.5% of sales as of mid-2010, up from 3% a year before. At the end of the first quarter of 2012, e-book sales in the United States surpassed hardcover book sales for the first time. In Canada, The Sentimentalists won the prestigious national Giller Prize. Owing to the small scale of the novel's independent publisher, the book was initially not widely available in printed form, but the e-book edition became the top-selling title for Kobo devices in 2010. Until late 2013, use of an e-reader was not allowed on airplanes during takeoff and landing.[52] In November 2013, the FAA allowed use of e-readers on airplanes at all times if it is in Airplane Mode, which means all radios turned off, and Europe followed this guidance the next month. In 2014, the New York Times predicted that by 2018 e-books will make up over 50% of total consumer publishing revenue in the United States and Great Britain.

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Comparison to printed books Advantages In the space that a comparably sized print book takes up, an e-reader can contain thousands of e-books, limited only by its memory capacity. Depending on the device, an e-book may be readable in low light or even total darkness. Many e-readers have a built-in light source, can enlarge or change fonts, use Text-to-speech software to read the text aloud for visually impaired, partially sighted, elderly or dyslexic people or just for convenience. Additionally, e-books allow for readers to look up words or find more information about the topic immediately. Material can be organized however the author prefers and is not limited to a linear path through the book as hyper-text can allow a number of paths through the material. Printed books use three times more raw materials and 78 times more water to produce when compared to e-books. While an e-reader costs more than most individual books, ebooks usually have a lower cost than paper books. Moreover, numerous e-books are available online free of charge. For example, all books printed before 1923 is in the public domain. E-books may be printed for less than the price of traditional books using on-demand book printers. Depending on possible digital rights management, e-books (unlike physical books) can be backed up and recovered in the case of loss or damage to the device on which they are stored, and it may be possible to recover a new copy without incurring an additional cost from the distributor, as well as to synchronize the text, highlights and bookmarks across several devices. E-readers normally include dictionaries. This allows the user to look up the meaning of words while reading. Amazon has reported that 85% of readers look up a word while reading. Downsides There may be a lack of privacy for the user's e-book reading activities; for example, Amazon.com knows the user's identity, what the user is reading, whether the user has finished the book, what page the user is on, how long the user has spent on each page, and which passages the user may have highlighted. The spine of the printed book is an important aspect in book design and of its beauty as an object The main obstacle to the e-book is that a large portion of people value the printed book as an object itself, including aspects such as the texture, smell, weight and appearance on the shelf. Print books are also considered valuable cultural items, and symbols of liberal education and the Humanities. As Joe Queenan has written: Electronic books are ideal for people who value the information contained in them, or who have vision problems, or who like to read on the subway, or who do not want other people to see how they are amusing themselves, or who have storage and clutter issues, but they are useless for people

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who are engaged in an intense, lifelong love affair with books. Books that we can touch; books that we can smell; books that we can depend on. Kobo found that 60% of e-books that are purchased from their e-book store are never opened and found that the more expensive the book is, the more likely the reader would at least open the e-book. Digital rights management See also: Digital rights management § DRM and e-books Most e-book publishers do not warn their customers about the possible implications of the digital rights management tied to their products. Generally they claim that digital rights management is meant to prevent copying of the e-book. However, in many cases it is also possible that digital rights management will result in the complete denial of access by the purchaser to the e-book. The e-books sold by most major publishers and electronic retailers, which are Amazon.com, Google, Barnes & Noble, Kobo Inc. and Apple Inc., are DRM-protected and tied to the publisher's e-reader software or hardware. The first major publisher to omit DRM was Tor Books, one of the largest publishers of science fiction and fantasy, in 2012. Smaller e-book publishers such as O'Reilly Media, Carina Press and Baen Books had already forgone DRM previously. Production See also: Book scanning Some e-books are produced simultaneously with the production of a printed format, as described in electronic publishing, though in many instances they may not be put on sale until later. Often, e-books are produced from pre-existing hard-copy books, generally by document scanning, sometimes with the use of robotic book scanners, having the technology to quickly scan books without damaging the original print edition. Scanning a book produces a set of image files, which may additionally be converted into text format by an OCR program. Occasionally, as in some e-text projects, a book may be produced by re-entering the text from a keyboard. As a newer development, sometimes only the electronic version of a book is produced by the publisher. It is even possible to release an e-book chapter by chapter as each chapter is written. This is useful in fields such as information technology where topics can change quickly in the months that it takes to write a typical book. It is also possible to convert an electronic book to a printed book by print on demand. However these are exceptions as tradition dictates that a book be launched in the print format and later if the author wishes an electronic version is produced. The New York Times keeps a list of best-selling e-books, for both fiction and non-fiction. E-book reading data Kobo Inc. released e-book reading data collected from over 21 million readers worldwide in 2014. Some of the data said that only 44.4% of UK readers finished the bestselling e-book The Goldfinch and the 2014 number one bestselling e-book in the UK, "One Cold Night" was completed by 69% of readers; this is evidence that while popular e-books are being completely read, many are only sampled.

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Market share of digital books United States US Adult Fiction & Non fiction book sales in 2014[132] Sellers Percent Adult non-fiction print 42.0% Adult fiction print 23.0% Adult fiction ebook 21.0% Adult fiction ebook (no ISBN) 6.0% Adult non-fiction ebook 6.0% Adult non-fiction ebook (no ISBN) 2.0% In 2015, the Author Earnings Report estimates that Amazon holds a 74% market share of the e-books sold in the US. Canada Market share of e-readers in Canada by Ipsos Reid as of January 2012 Sellers Percent Kobo 46.0% Amazon 24.0% Sony 18.0% Others 12.0% Spain In 2013, Carrenho estimates that e-books would have a 15% market share in Spain in 2015. UK According to Nielsen Book Research, e-book share went from 20% to 33% between 2012-2014, but down to 29% in the first quarter of 2015. Amazon-published and self-published titles accounted for 17 million of those books - worth £58m - in 2014, representing 5% of the overall book market and 15% of the digital market. The volume and value sales are similar to 2013 but up 70% since 2012. Germany The Wischenbart Report 2015 estimates the e-book market share to be 4.3%. Brazil The Brazilian e-book market is only emerging. Brazilians are technology savvy, and that attitude is shared by the government. In 2013, around 2.5% of all trade books sold were in digital format. This was a 400% growth over 2012, when only 0.5% of trade titles were digital. In 2014, the growth was slower, and Brazil finished the year with 3.5% of its trade titles being sold as e-books. China The Wischenbart Report 2015 estimates the e-book market share to be around 1%. <hr> 2015-12-13 03:50 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_formats Comparison of e-book formats 26 September 2015, at 22:39 The following is a comparison of e-book formats used to create and publish e-books.

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The EPUB format is the most widely supported vendor-independent XML-based (as opposed to PDF) e-book format; that is, it is supported by the largest number of e-Readers, including Amazon Kindle Fire (but not standard Kindle). See table below for details. * 1.1 Broadband eBooks (BBeB) * 1.2 Comic Book Archive file * 1.3 Compiled HTML * 1.4 DAISY – ANSI/NISO Z39.86 * 1.5 DjVu * 1.6 DOC * 1.7 DOCX * 1.8 EPUB * 1.9 eReader * 1.10 FictionBook (Fb2) * 1.11 Founder Electronics * 1.12 Hypertext Markup Language * 1.13 iBook (Apple) * 1.14 IEC 62448 * 1.15 INF (IBM) * 1.16 KF8 (Amazon Kindle) * 1.17 Microsoft LIT * 1.18 Mobipocket * 1.19 Multimedia eBooks * 1.20 Newton eBook * 1.21 Open Electronic Package * 1.22 Portable Document Format * 1.23 Plain text files * 1.24 Plucker * 1.25 PostScript * 1.26 RTF * 1.27 SSReader * 1.28 Text Encoding Initiative * 1.29 TomeRaider * 1.30 Open XML Paper Specification Format descriptions Formats available include, but are not limited to: Broadband eBooks (BBeB) Main article: BBeB Format: Sony media Published as: .lrf; .lrx The digital book format originally used by Sony Corporation. It is a proprietary format, but some reader software for general-purpose computers, particularly under GNU/Linux (for example, Calibre’s internal viewer), have the capability to read it. The LRX file extension represents a DRM encrypted eBook. More recently, Sony has converted its books from BBeB to EPUB and is now issuing new titles in EPUB. Comic Book Archive file Main article: Comic book archive Format: compressed images Published as: .cbr (RAR); .cbz (ZIP); .cb7 (7z); .cbt (TAR); .cba (ACE)

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Compiled HTML Format: Microsoft Compiled HTML Help Published as: .chm CHM format is a proprietary format based on HTML. Multiple pages and embedded graphics are distributed along with metadata as a single compressed file. The indexing is both for keywords for full text search. DAISY – ANSI/NISO Z39.86 Format: DAISY Published as: The Digital Accessible Information SYstem (DAISY) is an XML-based open standard maintained by the DAISY Consortium for people with print disabilities. DAISY has wide international support with features for multimedia, navigation and synchronization. A subset of the DAISY format has been adopted by law in the United States as the National Instructional Material Accessibility Standard (NIMAS), and K-12 textbooks and instructional materials are now required to be provided to students with disabilities. DAISY is already aligned with the EPUB open standard, and is expected to fully converge with its forthcoming EPUB3 revision. DjVu Format: DjVu Published as: .djvu DjVu is a format specialized for storing scanned documents. It includes advanced compressors optimized for low-color images, such as text documents. Individual files may contain one or more pages. DjVu files cannot be re-flowed. The contained page images are divided in separate layers (such as multi-color, low-resolution, background layer using lossy compression, and few-colors, high-resolution, tightly compressed foreground layer), each compressed in the best available method. The format is designed to decompress very quickly, even faster than vector-based formats. The advantage of DjVu is that it is possible to take a high-resolution scan (300–400 DPI), good enough for both on-screen reading and printing, and store it very efficiently. Several dozens of 300 DPI black-and-white scans can be stored in less than a megabyte. DOC Format: Microsoft Word Published as: .DOC DOC is a document file format that is directly supported by few ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format is that it can be easily converted to other ebook formats and it can be reflowed. It can be easily edited. DOCX Format: Microsoft Word (XML) Published as: .DOCX DOCX is a document file format that is directly supported by few ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format are that it can be easily converted to other ebook formats and it can be reflowed. It can be easily edited. EPUB Main article: EPUB Format: IDPF/EPUB Published as: .epub

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The .epub or OEBPS format is an open standard for e-books created by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). It combines three IDPF open standards: * Open Publication Structure (OPS) 2.0, which describes the content markup (either XHTML or Daisy DTBook) * Open Packaging Format (OPF) 2.0, which describes the structure of an .epub in XML * OEBPS Container Format (OCF) 1.0, which bundles files together (as a renamed ZIP file) The EPUB format has gained some popularity as a vendor-independent XML-based e-book format. The format can be read by the Kobo eReader, BlackBerry devices, Apple's iBooks app running on Macintosh computers and iOS devices, Google Books app running on Android and iOS devices, Barnes & Noble Nook, Amazon Kindle Fire, Sony Reader, BeBook, Bookeen Cybook Gen3 (with firmware v2 and up), COOL-ER, Adobe Digital Editions, Lexcycle Stanza, BookGlutton, AZARDI, FBReader, Aldiko, CoolReader, Mantano Reader, Moon+ Reader, the Mozilla Firefox add-on EPUBReader, Okular and other reading apps. Adobe Digital Editions uses .epub format for its e-books, with DRM protection provided through their proprietary ADEPT mechanism. The recently developed ADEPT framework and scripts have been reverse-engineered to circumvent this DRM system. eReader Formerly Palm Digital Media/Peanut Press Format: Palm Media Published as: .pdb eReader is a freeware program for viewing Palm Digital Media electronic books which use the pdb format used by many Palm applications. Versions are available for Android, BlackBerry, iOS, Palm OS (not webOS), Symbian, Windows Mobile Pocket PC/Smartphone, and OS X. The reader shows text one page at a time, as paper books do. eReader supports embedded hyperlinks and images. Additionally, the Stanza application for the iPhone and iPod touch can read both encrypted and unencrypted eReader files. The program supports features like bookmarks and footnotes, enabling the user to mark any page with a bookmark and any part of the text with a footnote-like commentary. Footnotes can later be exported as a Memo document. On July 20, 2009, Barnes & Noble made an announcement implying that eReader would be the company's preferred format to deliver e-books. Exactly three months later, in a press release by Adobe, it was revealed Barnes & Noble would be joining forces with the software company to standardize the open EPUB and PDF eBook formats. Barnes & Noble e-books are now sold mostly in EPUB format. FictionBook (Fb2) Format: FictionBook Published as: .fb2 FictionBook is a popular XML-based e-book format, supported by free readers such as FBReader, Okular, CoolReader, Bebook and STDU Viewer. The FictionBook format does not specify the appearance of a document; instead, it describes its structure and semantics. All the ebook metadata, such as the author name, title, and publisher, is also present in the ebook file. Hence the format is convenient for automatic processing, indexing, and ebook collection management. This also is convenient to store books in it for later automatic conversion into other formats. Founder Electronics Format: Apabi Reader Published as: .xeb; .ceb

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APABI is a format devised by Founder Electronics. It is a popular format for Chinese e-books. It can be read using the Apabi Reader software, and produced using Apabi Publisher. Both .xeb and .ceb files are encoded binary files. The Iliad e-book device includes an Apabi 'viewer'. Hypertext Markup Language Format: Hypertext Published as: .htm; .html and typically auxiliary images, js and css HTML is the markup language used for most web pages. E-books using HTML can be read using a Web browser. The specifications for the format are available without charge from the W3C. HTML adds specially marked meta-elements to otherwise plain text encoded using character sets like ASCII or UTF-8. As such, suitably formatted files can be, and sometimes are, generated by hand using a plain text editor or programmer's editor. Many HTML generator applications exist to ease this process and often require less intricate knowledge of the format details involved. HTML on its own is not a particularly efficient format to store information in, requiring more storage space for a given work than many other formats. However, several e-Book formats including the Amazon Kindle, Open eBook, Compiled HTML, Mobipocket and EPUB store each book chapter in HTML format, then use ZIP compression to compress the HTML data, images, metadata and style sheets into a single, significantly smaller, file. HTML files encompass a wide range of standards and displaying HTML files correctly can be complicated. Additionally many of the features supported, such as forms, are not relevant to e-books. iBook (Apple) Format: iBook Published as: .ibooks The .ibooks format is created with the free iBooks Author ebook layout software from Apple Inc.. This proprietary format is based on the EPUB standard, with some differences in the CSS tags used in an ibooks format file, thus making it incompatible with the EPUB open standard. The End-User Licensing Agreement (EULA) that comes with iBooks Author states that "If you want to charge a fee for a work that includes files in the .ibooks format generated using iBooks Author, you may only sell or distribute such work through Apple". The "through Apple" will typically be in the Apple iBooks store. The EULA further states that "This restriction does not apply to the content of such works when distributed in a form that does not include files in the .ibooks format." Therefore, Apple has not included distribution restrictions in the iBooks Author EULA for ibooks format ebooks created in iBooks Author that are made available for free, and it does not prevent authors from re-purposing the content in other ebook formats to be sold outside the iBookstore. This software currently supports import and export functionally for three formats. ibook, Plain text and PDF. It does not support importing or exporting in EPUB format. IEC 62448 Format: IEC 62448 Published as: IEC 62448 is an international standard created by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), Technical Committee 100, Technical Area 10 (Multimedia e-publishing and e-book). The current version of IEC 62448 is an umbrella standard that contains as appendices two concrete formats, XMDF of Sharp and BBeB of Sony. However, BBeB has been discontinued by Sony and the version of XMDF that is in the specification is out of date. The IEC TA10 group is discussing the next steps, and has invited the IDPF organization which has standardized EPUB to be a liaison. It is possible that the current version of EPUB and/or the forthcoming EPUB3 revision may be added to IEC 62448. Meanwhile, a number of Japanese companies have proposed that IEC standardize a proposed new Japanese-centric file format that is expected to unify DotBook of

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Voyager Japan and XMDF of Sharp. This new format has not been publicly disclosed as of November 2010 but it is supposed to cover basic representations for the Japanese language. Technically speaking, this revision is supposed to provide a Japanese minimum set, a Japanese extension set, and a stylesheet language. These issues were discussed in the TC100 meeting held in October 2010 but no decisions were taken besides offering the liaison status to IDPF. INF (IBM) Format: IBM & Open Source Published as: .inf IBM created this e-book format and used it extensively for OS/2 and other of its operating systems. The INF files were often digital versions of printed books that came with some bundles of OS/2 and other products. There were many other newsletters and monthly publications (e.g.: EDM/2) available in the INF format too. The advantage of INF is that it is very compact and very fast. It also supports images, reflowed text, tables and various list formats. INF files get generated by compiling the markup text files — in the Information Presentation Facility (IPF) format — into binary files. Originally only IBM created an INF viewer and compiler, but later open source viewers like NewView, DocView and others appeared. There is also an open source IPF compiler named WIPFC, created by the Open Watcom project. KF8 (Amazon Kindle) Format: Kindle Published as: .azw3; .azw; .kf8 With the release of the Kindle Fire reader in late 2011, Amazon.com also released Kindle Format 8, their newest file format, also known as .AZW3. The .azw3 file format supports a subset of HTML5 and CSS3 features, with some additional nonstandard features; the new data is stored within a container which can also be used to store a Mobi content document, allowing limited backwards compatibility. Older Kindle e-readers use the proprietary format, AZW. It is based on the Mobipocket standard, with a slightly different serial number scheme (it uses an asterisk instead of a dollar sign) and its own DRM formatting. Because the ebooks bought on the Kindle are delivered over its wireless system called Whispernet, the user does not see the AZW files during the download process. The Kindle format is available on a variety of platforms, such as through the Kindle app for the various mobile device platforms. Microsoft LIT Format: Microsoft Reader Published as: .lit DRM-protected LIT files are only readable in the proprietary Microsoft Reader program, as the .LIT format, otherwise similar to Microsoft's CHM format, includes Digital Rights Management features. Other third party readers, such as Lexcycle Stanza, can read unprotected LIT files. The Microsoft Reader uses patented ClearType display technology. In Reader navigation works with a keyboard, mouse, stylus, or through electronic bookmarks. The Catalog Library records reader books in a personalized "home page", and books are displayed with ClearType to improve readability. A user can add annotations and notes to any page, create large-print e-books with a single command, or create free-form drawings on the reader pages. A built-in dictionary allows the user to look up words. In August 2011, Microsoft announced they were discontinuing both Microsoft Reader and the use of the .lit format for ebooks at the end of August 2012, and ending sales of the format on November 8, 2011.

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Mobipocket Format: Mobipocket Published as: .prc; .mobi The Mobipocket e-book format is based on the Open eBook standard using XHTML and can include JavaScript and frames. It also supports native SQL queries to be used with embedded databases. There is a corresponding e-book reader. The Mobipocket Reader has a home page library. Readers can add blank pages in any part of a book and add free-hand drawings. Annotations – highlights, bookmarks, corrections, notes, and drawings – can be applied, organized, and recalled from a single location. Images are converted to GIF format and have a maximum size of 64K, sufficient for mobile phones with small screens, but rather restrictive for newer gadgets. Mobipocket Reader has electronic bookmarks, and a built-in dictionary. The reader has a full screen mode for reading and support for many PDAs, Communicators, and Smartphones. Mobipocket products support most Windows, Symbian, BlackBerry and Palm operating systems, but not the Android platform. Using WINE, the reader works under Linux or Mac OS X. Third-party applications like Okular and FBReader can also be used under Linux or Mac OS X, but they work only with unencrypted files. The Amazon Kindle's AZW format is basically just the Mobipocket format with a slightly different serial number scheme (it uses an asterisk instead of a dollar sign), and .prc publications can be read directly on the Kindle. The Kindle AZW format also lacks some Mobipocket features such as JavaScript. Amazon has developed an .epub to .mobi converter called KindleGen,[19] and it supports IDPF 1.0 and IDPF 2.0 EPUB format. Multimedia eBooks Format: Eveda Published as: .exe or .html A multimedia ebook is media and book content that utilizes a combination of different book content formats. The term can be used as a noun (a medium with multiple content formats) or as an adjective describing a medium as having multiple content formats. The "multimedia ebook" term is used in contrast to media which only utilize traditional forms of printed or text books. Multimedia ebooks include a combination of text, audio, images, video, or interactive content formats. Much like how a traditional book can contain images to help the text tell a story, a multimedia ebook can contain other elements not formerly possible to help tell the story. With the advent of more widespread tablet-like computers, such as the smartphone, some publishing houses are planning to make multimedia ebooks, such as Penguin. Newton eBook Format: Newton eBook Published as: .pkg Commonly known as an Apple Newton book; a single Newton package file can contain multiple books (for example, the three books of a trilogy might be packaged together). All systems running the Newton operating system (the most common include the Newton MessagePads, eMates, Siemens Secretary Stations, Motorola Marcos, Digital Ocean Seahorses and Tarpons) have built-in support for viewing Newton books. The Newton package format was released to the public by Newton, Inc. prior to that company's absorption into Apple Computer. The format is thus arguably open and various people have written readers for it (writing a Newton book converter has even been assigned as a university-level class project). Newton books have no support for DRM or encryption. They do support internal links, potentially multiple tables of contents and indexes, embedded gray scale images, and even some scripting

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capability (for example, it's possible to make a book in which the reader can influence the outcome). Newton books utilize Unicode and are thus available in numerous languages. An individual Newton book may actually contain multiple views representing the same content in different ways (such as for different screen resolutions). Open Electronic Package Format: Open eBook Published as: .opf OPF is an XML-based e-book format created by E-Book Systems; it has been superseded by the EPUB electronic publication standard. Portable Document Format Format: Portable Document Format Published as: .pdf Invented by Adobe Systems, and first released in 1993, PDF became ISO 32000 in 2008. The format was developed to provide a platform-independent means of exchanging fixed-layout documents. Derived from PostScript, but without language features like loops, PDF adds support for features such as compression, passwords, semantic structures and DRM. Because PDF documents can easily be viewed and printed by users on a variety of computer platforms, they are very common on the World Wide Web and in document management systems worldwide. The current PDF specification, ISO 32000-1:2008, is available from ISO's website, and under special arrangement, without charge from Adobe. Because the format is designed to reproduce fixed-layout pages, re-flowing text to fit mobile device and e-book reader screens has traditionally been problematic. This limitation was addressed in 2001 with the release of PDF Reference 1.5 and "Tagged PDF", but 3rd party support for this feature was limited until the release of PDF/UA in 2012. Many products support creating and reading PDF files, such as Adobe Acrobat, PDFCreator and OpenOffice.org, and several programming libraries such as iText and FOP. Third party viewers such as xpdf and Nitro PDF are also available. Mac OS X has built-in PDF support, both for creation as part of the printing system and for display using the built-in Preview application. PDF files are supported by almost all modern e-book readers, tablets and smartphones. However, PDF reflow based on Tagged PDF, as opposed to re-flow based on the actual sequence of objects in the content-stream, is not yet commonly supported on mobile devices. Such Re-flow options as may exist are usually found under "view" options, and may be called "word-wrap". Plain text files Format: text Published as: .txt The first e-books in history were in plain text (.txt) format, supplied for free by the Project Gutenberg community, but the format itself existed before the e-book era. The plain text format doesn't support digital rights management (DRM) or formatting options (such as different fonts, graphics or colors), but it has excellent portability as it is the simplest e-book encoding possible as a plain text file contains only ASCII or Unicode text (text files with Unicode or UTF-8 encoding are also popular for languages other than English). Almost all operating systems can read ASCII text files (e.g. Unix, Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, DOS and other systems) and newer operating systems support Unicode text files as well. The only potential for portability problems of ASCII text files is that operating systems differ in their preferred line ending convention and their interpretation of values outside the ASCII range (their character encoding). Conversion of files from one to another line-ending convention is easy with free software. DOS and Windows uses CRLF, Unix and Apple's OS X use LF, Mac OS up to and including OS 9 uses CR.

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By convention, lines are often broken to fit into 80 characters, a legacy of older terminals and consoles. Alternately, each paragraph may be a single line. The size in bytes of a text file is simply the number of characters, including spaces, and with a new line counting for 1 or 2. For example, the Bible, which is approximately 800,000 words, is about 4 MB. Plucker Format: Plucker Published as: .pdb Plucker is an Open Source free mobile and desktop e-book reader application with its own associated file format and software to automatically generate Plucker files from text, PDF, HTML, or other document format files, web sites or RSS feeds. The format is public and well-documented. Free readers are available for all kinds of desktop computers and many PDAs. PostScript Format: PostScript Published as: .ps PostScript is a page description language used in the electronic and desktop publishing areas for defining the contents and layout of a printed page, which can be used by a rendering program to assemble and create the actual output bitmap. Many office printers directly support interpreting PostScript and printing the result. As a result, the format also sees wide use in the Unix world. RTF Format: Rich Text Format Published as: .rtf Rich Text Format is a document file format that is supported by many ebook readers. Its advantages as an ebook format is that it is widely supported, and it can be reflowed. It can be easily edited. It can be easily converted to other ebook formats, increasing its support. SSReader Format: SSReader Published as: .pdg The digital book format used by a popular digital library company 超星数字图书馆 in China. It is a proprietary raster image compression and binding format, with reading time OCR plug-in modules. The company scanned a huge number of Chinese books in the China National Library and this becomes the major stock of their service. The detailed format is not published. There are also some other commercial e-book formats used in Chinese digital libraries. Text Encoding Initiative Format: TEI Lite Published as: .xml[citation needed] TEI Lite is the most[citation needed] popular of the TEI-based (and thus XML-based or SGML-based) electronic text formats. TomeRaider Format: TomeRaider Published as: .tr2; .tr3 The TomeRaider e-book format is a proprietary format. There are versions of TomeRaider for Windows, Windows Mobile (aka Pocket PC), Palm, Symbian and iPhone. Several Wikipedias are available as TomeRaider files with all articles unabridged, some even with nearly all images. Capabilities of the TomeRaider3 e-book reader vary considerably per platform: the Windows and Windows Mobile editions support full HTML and CSS.

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The Palm edition supports limited HTML (e.g., no tables, no fonts), and CSS support is missing. For Symbian there is only the older TomeRaider2 format, which does not render images or offer category search facilities. Despite these differences any TomeRaider e-book can be browsed on all supported platforms. The Tomeraider website claims to have over 4000 e-books available, including free versions of the Internet Movie Database and Wikipedia. Open XML Paper Specification Format: OpenXPS Published as: .oxps, .xps Open XML Paper Specification (also referred to as OpenXPS) is an open specification for a page description language and a fixed-document format. Microsoft developed it as the XML Paper Specification (XPS). In June 2009, Ecma International adopted it as international standard ECMA-388. The format is intentionally restricted to sequences of: Glyphs (a fixed run of text), Paths (a geometry that can be filled, or stroked, by a brush), and Brushes (a description of a shaped brush used to in rendering paths). This reduces the possibility of inadvertent introduction of malicious content and simplifies the implementation of compatible renderers. E-book Features e-book features.png bit.ly/1TNXx5V http://s6.postimg.org/c1xwn6vdt/e_book_features.png E-book Reading Devices e-book reading devices.png bit.ly/1RmSQSC http://s6.postimg.org/4ah6omr8h/e_book_reading_devices.png <hr> 2015-12-13 04:22 PM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_readers Comparison of e-book readers 8 December 2015, at 01:17 An e-book reader, also known as an e-reader, is a portable electronic device that is designed primarily for the purpose of reading e-books and periodicals. E-book readers are similar in form to a tablet computer, and usually refer to readers that use electronic paper, resulting in better screen readability, especially in bright sunlight, and longer battery life. When disconnected from the web, an e-book reader's battery will last from weeks to months. A tablet computer has a faster screen capable of higher refresh rates which makes them more suitable for interaction. Any device that can display text on a screen can act as an e-book reader, but without the advantages of the e-paper technology. On the other hand, most e-books are read on devices not specifically designed for reading e-books, such as laptop computers, smartphones, and tablets. Types of Electronic-paper displays All electronic paper types offer lower power consumption and better sunlight contrast than LCDs. Some offer backlights in low-light reading situations. With the backlight turned off, all have a similar appearance to "ink on paper" and are readable in bright environments.

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* E Ink: Although "eInk" is used casually to talk about all electronic paper displays, "eInk" was trademarked by the company Vizplex, which sells the majority of electronic paper displays. * E Ink Pearl: Vizplex's 2nd generation technology, which has higher contrast and a greater number of different levels of gray than their earlier technology. * E Ink Carta: Vizplex's 3rd generation technology, which has higher contrast and a greater number of different levels of gray than their earlier technology. * E Ink Mobius: Vizplex's 4th generation technology. * SiPix: An early competitor to Vizplex, which had almost instantaneous page turns. * LG Flex: Electronic paper that allows for a flexible screen. With these displays, users can bend the e-reader without damaging it and do things like fold it up to put in their pocket. Commercially available devices sold by maker or designer Notes: * Library DRM compatible - Can be used to borrow e-books from public libraries, e.g. the EPUB and/or PDF formats with digital-rights-management (DRM) are supported. * "microSDHC" is the most popular format for external memory cards. Devices which support a different card have that format listed. * Listed are only products for which either the product itself or its company is notable, as shown by having a Wikipedia article (without notability notice). Electronic-paper displays Discontinued Models e-book readers discontinued.png bit.ly/1m4BY61 http://s6.postimg.org/75u9vhv8h/e_book_readers_discontinued.png Private label hardware Some common hardware is resold in different national markets under various brand names. Below are the brand names associated with the generics in the above table: generic 6" touchscreen (2010): bq Movistar, bq Avant, egriver Touch (India), postitivo Alfa (Brazil), e-vrit (Israel), Papyre 6.2 (Spain) bit.ly/1NvolEb e-book readers by maker.png http://s6.postimg.org/ijgt6p5r5/e_book_readers_by_maker.png File format support See Comparison of e-book formats for details on the file formats. The most notable formats are: * .epub is a free and open e-book standard used by most e-book readers. * .azw is Amazon's proprietary e-book file format for the Kindle. This list is missing many of the 1st and 2nd generation e-reader devices from the 1990s to 2005. This list can be expanded by adding Unicode support information for e-readers. Such information is very difficult to find right now. e-book readers by filetypes.png bit.ly/1YdZIWO

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http://s6.postimg.org/as03851lt/e_book_readers_by_filetypes.png Changes Rebranded devices * Hanlin V3 ? BeBook (EU): BeBook, Koobe (HU), Astak EZ Reader (US), Lbook (UA) Papyre (Spain) * Netronix EB001 ? Astak Mentor EZ Reader, Cybook Gen3 (200 MHz version) * Netronix EB600 ? Cool-er, eClicto, Elonex eBook, eSlick, Astaka Mentor EZ Reader, Cybook Gen3 (400 MHz version), * Condor eGriver touch ? Medion OYO, Prestigio PER5062B, Icarus Sense, Pandigital Novel 6" Personal eReader, Qisda QD060B00 * TrekStor eBook Reader 3.0 ? Prestigio Nobile PER3172B Other mobile text viewers * All modern(Windows Mobile, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Linux) smartphones, tablets and other generic computing devices have e-book reading software. * Some portable multimedia players and older phones include a text viewer, e.g. several Cowon players, including the Cowon D2 and the iAUDIO U3 and Mobipocket Reader for Symbian OS. Palm OS based devices and smartphones are also usable for reading books. Palm OS supports PalmDoc, iSilo, Mobipocket reader, PDF, HTML conversion, text format, Handstory, TealDoc among many other software titles, and word processing. <hr>

e-attachment – 4 Lampiran 4 Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (4) – eBay How does Ebay make a profit? .................................................................................................... 137 How eBay Makes Money? .......................................................................................................... 137

eBay Marketplaces Business Segment ..................................................................................... 137 eBay Payments Business Segment ........................................................................................... 137 eBay Enterprise Business Segment .......................................................................................... 138 eBay Revenues 2014 ............................................................................................................... 138 eBay Profits 2014 .................................................................................................................... 138

Some Key Definitions ............................................................................................................. 139 How eBay Makes its Money (EBAY) ......................................................................................... 140

The Everything Market ........................................................................................................... 140 Putting Cash to Work .............................................................................................................. 141 Revenue .................................................................................................................................. 141 The Bottom Line ..................................................................................................................... 142

How Are eBay And Amazon Different? ...................................................................................... 142 Business Models and Pricing Strategies ................................................................................... 142 Seller Services ......................................................................................................................... 142 Additional Services for Buyers ................................................................................................ 143

eBay Fee Structure ...................................................................................................................... 143

Fees and Features .................................................................................................................... 143 New Everyday Rate Plans ....................................................................................................... 143 Check fees and performance .................................................................................................... 144

SELLERS: YOU ASKED FOR MORE FREE LISTINGS-AND WE'RE DELIVERING ............ 144 Plus, for those of you who don't yet have an eBay Stores subscription ..................................... 145 For sellers without an eBay Stores subscription: ...................................................................... 145 For eBay Stores subscribers: ................................................................................................... 145

eBay Vs. Amazon Business Model .............................................................................................. 146 eBay: The Site Your Grandma Probably Would Have Used .................................................... 146 Amazon: The Site For Web-Savvy Millennials ........................................................................ 146

eBay vs. Amazon .................................................................................................................... 147

The Bottom Line ..................................................................................................................... 147 Which is the Better Bet: Amazon or eBay? ................................................................................. 148

No. 1 and Growing .................................................................................................................. 148 eBay's Strength ....................................................................................................................... 149 The Bottom Line ..................................................................................................................... 149

Should You Invest in eBay or PayPal? ........................................................................................ 149

The Importance of PayPal ....................................................................................................... 150 Reasoning and Expectations .................................................................................................... 150

The Bottom Line ..................................................................................................................... 151 How EBay's Stock Could Soar Without PayPal ........................................................................... 151

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2015-12-13 08:13 PM vator.tv/news/2014-01-18-how-does-ebay-make-money How does eBay make money? | VatorNews - Vator.tv How does Ebay make a profit? And, like it does with PayPal, eBay makes its money from the section on transaction fees, which apply to sellers. The company lets users list their first 50 items every month for free. Beyond that, eBay charges a set amount, depending on what the item is. <hr> 2015-12-13 08:13 PM http://revenuesandprofits.com/how-ebay-makes-money/ How eBay Makes Money? eBay enables global commerce and payments on the behalf of users, merchants, retailers, and brands of all sizes. eBay provides technologies and services that enable users and merchants worldwide to offer their inventory for sale and buyers to find it, buy it, and pay for it. eBay generates revenues from the transactions and payments it successfully enables. In addition, eBay also generates revenues through marketing services, classifieds, and advertising. eBay enables commerce globally through three reportable segments: Marketplaces, Payments, and Enterprise. eBay Marketplaces Business Segment eBay marketplaces enable individuals and business to buy and sell online. The marketplaces segment includes eBay's core global ecommerce platform, located at ebay.com and its localized counterparts. It also includes eBay's vertical shopping sites, classifieds sites, and advertising services business. eBay derives majority of Marketplaces revenue from a take rate on the Gross Merchandise Volume (or GMV) of the transactions closed on its Marketplaces trading platform. To make the users more comfortable trading with the unknown partners, the platform offers a number of features such as Feedback Forum, SafeHarbor Program, Verified Rights Owner Program, eBay Top Rated Seller (eTRS) Program, and eBay Money Back Guarantee. eBay also offers loyalty programs for both buyers and sellers. Merchants and individuals can choose to list their products through fixed price listings or an auction-style format. http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Marketplaces-Revenue-Model-v2.png eBay Payments Business Segment eBay Payments includes eBay's core payments brand PayPal, located at www.paypal.com and its localized counterparts. PayPal enables individuals and businesses to send and receive payments online easily, quickly, and securely. PayPal connects with the financials institutions around the world and allows the consumers to make purchases using a broad range of payment methods. Consumers can fund their PayPal accounts by credit card, debit card, or electronic fund transfers from their bank account. PayPal also offers PayPal Credit, where a bank or other licensed lender issues credit products and extends credit to the customers. PayPal derives majority of revenue from a take rate on the net Total Payment Volume (or net TPV) that it enables. To increase trust and safety, PayPal has developed a number of programs such as PayPal's Seller Protection program and PayPal's Purchase Protection program. http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Payments-Revenue-Model-v3.png

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eBay Enterprise Business Segment eBay Enterprise offers commerce technologies, omnichannel operations solutions, and commerce marketing solutions to large retailers and brands that operate in general merchandise categories. Similar to the Marketplaces and Payments segments, eBay derives majority of Enterprise revenue from a take rate on the Gross Merchandise Sales enabled through commerce technologies and omnichannel operations suite of services, with the remaining value coming from marketing solutions. eBay Enterprise offers its products and services on an individual basis or as bundled solutions. 1. eBay Enterprise Commerce Technologies. eBay offers commerce technologies through its licensed open core platform known as Magento Enterprise. It supports on-premise, hosted managed (via partners), and on-demand (cloud deployment via partners) deployments. eBay Enterprise offers solutions to merchants for retail order management, payments and protection, and store fulfillment. The retail order management solution helps manage orders received from multiple customer touch points, determines most efficient source for order fulfillment, and includes an extensive set of reporting capabilities. The payments module provides a robust online payment processing engine with capabilities including price, tax and shipping calculations, address verification, order review, fraud prevention, credit card authorization, settlement and alternative payment processing. The store fulfillment solution provides ship-from-store, in-store pickup, and ship-to-store capabilities that provides retailers full visibility into inventory across stores, distribution centers, and even suppliers. 2. eBay Enterprise Omnichannel Operations. The omnichannel solutions provide the retailers and brands with fulfillment, freight, and customer service functions. The fulfillment and freight solution includes regional or central distribution models, warehouse management systems, inbound and outbound logistics, returns processing, value added services like custom packaging, personalization, and gifting and assembly. The customer care services are provided via telephone, IVR, live chat, email, social support, and a network of customer support agents. 3. eBay Enterprise Marketing Solutions. The marketing solutions provide marketing technology solutions as well as digital agency services. The marketing technologies solutions include a suite of demand generation capabilities such as affiliate marketing, attribution, database and CRM, email & mobile marketing, and online advertising display targeting. The digital agency services include analytics and optimization services, creative services, studio services, media services, search engine marketing, user experience design, and usability research. http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Enterprise-Revenue-Model-v3.png eBay Revenues 2014 In 2014, eBay generated $17.9 billion of total revenues. Of these total revenues, eBay generated $8.8 billion revenues, 49.1% of the total, from the marketplaces segment. $7.9 billion revenues, 44.0% of the total, from the payments segment. $1.2 billion revenues, 6.9% of the total, from the enterprise segment. http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Business-Segments-Revenues-2014.png eBay Profits 2014

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Of the $17.9 billion of eBay total revenues in 2014, $5.7 billion were the cost of revenue. This resulted in $12.2 billion of gross profit and a gross margin of 68.0%. eBay spent $3.6 billion, $2 billion, and $1.9 billion on sales and marketing, product development, and general and administrative expenses respectively. The transaction and loan losses and the amortization of acquired intangible assets expenses were $958 million and $258 million respectively. This resulted in $3.5 billion of operating profit and an operating margin of 19.6%. After interest and other income/expenses and income taxes, eBay had a net profit of $46 million and a net margin of 0.3%. Here are the definitions of eBay's key costs and operating expenses: 1. Cost of net revenue. It consists primarily of costs associated with payment processing, customer support, site operations, fulfillment, and interest expenses on borrowings incurred to finance PayPal Credit's portfolio of loan receivables. These costs include bank transaction fees, credit card interchange and assessment fees, employee compensation, contractor costs, facility costs, depreciation of equipment, and amortization of expense. 2. Product development. These consist primarily of costs associated with product developments efforts, including the development of next generation platform architecture, migration of certain platforms, seller tools, and payment services projects. These costs include employee compensation, contractor costs, facility costs, and depreciation on equipment. 3. Sales and marketing. These expenses consist primarily of advertising costs and marketing programs (both offline and online), employee compensation, contractor costs, facility costs, and depreciation of equipment. Online marketing expenses represent traffic acquisition costs in various channels such as paid search, display advertising, and affiliate marketing. Offline advertising includes brand campaigns, buyer/seller communications, and general public relations expenses. 4. General and administrative. These expenses consist primarily of employee compensation, contractor costs, facilities costs, depreciation of equipment, employer payroll taxes on employee stock-based compensation, legal expenses, restructuring, insurance premiums, and professional fees. 5. Transaction and loan losses. These consist primarily of: (a) transaction loss expenses associated with customer protection program, fraud, and chargebacks; (b) credit losses associated with consumer and merchant loan receivables; (c) bad debt associated with accounts receivable balance. 6. Amortization of acquired intangible assets. The purchase of assets and businesses results in acquisition of some intangible assets. These assets lead to the amortization expenses. http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Revenues-and-Profits-2014.png http://revenuesandprofits.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/eBay-Profit-Margins-Trend-Analysis-2014.png Some Key Definitions Gross Merchandise Volume (or GMV) is defined as the total value of all successfully closed transactions between the users on the Marketplace platforms during the applicable period, regardless of whether the buyer and seller actually consummated the transaction. Total Payment Volume (or net TPV) is defined as the total dollar volume of payments, net of payment reversals, successfully completed through eBay's payments networks including PayPal

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Credit, Venmo, and payments processed through Braintree's full stack payments platform. It excludes payments sent or received through PayPal's and Braintree's payment gateway businesses. Gross Merchandise Sales is defined as the retail value of all sales transactions which flow through eBay Enterprise commerce technologies. This is inclusive of freight charges and net of allowance for returns and discounts. Marketplaces Transaction Take Rate is defined as the total net transaction revenues earned through eBay Marketplaces segment, divided by Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV). Payments Take Rate is defined as the total net revenues earned through eBay's payments networks, including PayPal Credit, Braintree, Venmo, PayPal's payment gateway business, subscription fees and other net revenues, divided by Net TPV. Enterprise Transaction Take Rate is defined as the total net transaction revenues earned through eBay's Enterprise segment, divided by Gross Merchandise Sales. <hr> 2015-12-13 09:31 PM http://www.investopedia.com/articles/markets/042815/how-ebay-makes-its-money-ebay.asp How eBay Makes its Money (EBAY) By Greg McFarlane | April 28, 2015 eBay Inc. (EBAY) began in the mid-1990s as a way for otherwise unconnected buyers and sellers to meet, through the previously unknown method of typing in a URL. According to folklore, founder and current chairman Pierre Omidyar created the site to help his girlfriend deal in Pez candy dispensers. The company now officially debunks the legend, which was created to add public relations color to this unfamiliar, revolutionary new way of buying and selling. In truth, one of the first items sold on the site was a broken laser pointer. When Omidyar clarified to the buyer that the listing specified that the laser pointer didn't work, and was told "I know. I collect broken laser pointers," it became clear that the markets for obscure and esoteric items were larger than anyone had imagined. Put all those markets together, take a cut of every sale, and you'd have a viable business. By the way, even though the Pez story was fictional, there are still enough Pez aficionados among the eBay membership to warrant 10,652 listings for dispensers and dispenser accessories as this article went live. (For more, see: Odd eBay Sales http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0410/odd-ebay-sales.aspx.) The Everything Market eBay is an idea that came along at the perfect time - the moment that technology had advanced to the point that the ultimate worldwide marketplace became feasible, ushering in an era when spending money on bricks, mortar, or storefronts became more or less optional. Not that eBay doesn't have huge capital expenditures, mind you. Facilitating a site where market participants come together requires 52,533 servers, consuming 20 megawatts of power, all of it hidden behind the interface of a single unassuming website. Actually, that's not quite true. The company operates dozens of sites, the eBay brand localized for different markets from Sweden to Poland to Hong Kong. (For related reading, see: How We'll All Be Amazon.com Customers Eventually http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/060914/how-well-all-be-amazoncom-customers-eventually.asp.)

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Even 20 years after its founding, just the description of eBay is elegant in its pithiness: a marketplace for anything (well, except ivory, guns, Nazi memorabilia and a few other forbidden items). Finally, those collectible porcelain dolls and obsolete cell phones can generate cash, instead of just being donated to the local charity store. (For more, see: Navigating E-commerce: Alibaba, eBay and Amazon http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/102814/navigating-ecommerce-alibaba-ebay-and-amazon.asp.) Putting Cash to Work Like most of its dotcom boom brethren, particularly the successful ones still doing business today, eBay grew both organically and through acquisitions. In this century it's bought a company roughly every three months, including Skype which was later sold to Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and StubHub, not to mention a quarter interest in Craigslist. But easily eBay's most noteworthy acquisition was that of PayPal in 2002, which it purchased for $1.5 billion and will spin off into its own company in 2015. That makes this something of a story of two related concerns. PayPal will soon be publicly traded, and the spinoff will at least temporarily remove eBay from its position as a $68 billion titan. In fact, it's estimated that the sale will almost halve eBay. PayPal was responsible for 40% of the combined company's revenues in 2014. (For more, see: What PayPal's Split from EBay Means for Customers http://www.investopedia.com/partner/gobankingrates/articles/investing/100214/what-paypals-split-ebay-means-customers.asp.) While neither eBay nor PayPal has a literal monopoly, they're each pretty close. One is the definitive consumer goods market, the other the definitive way to get paid online. That's what business school professors call "synergy." Neither has any serious competitors to speak of. eBay boasts 155 million users, which is only 3,000 times as many as the next largest all-purpose online marketplace, Bonanza. Even the latter's low listing fees (3%) can't compensate for eBay's ability to offer 155 million potential buyers to every seller. Never underestimate the importance of being the first to market. (For more, see: 5 Successful Companies that Survived the Dotcom Bubble http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0711/5-successful-companies-that-survived-the-dotcom-bubble.aspx.) Revenue As anyone who's paid eBay's 10% listing fees can attest, that market share allows the company to make an absurd amount of money. Revenues increased to $17.9 billion last year, representing growth that's more sustainable if less exponential than eBay enjoyed in its early years. Not all of eBay's money comes from listing fees, though. Or did you not notice the highlighted listing on every page, every time you shop? eBay sells $2.8 billion worth of advertising every year. If eBay were purely an ad agency, it'd be among the United States' couple dozen largest. (For more, see: How Does Alibaba Make Money? A Simple Guide http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/121714/how-does-alibaba-make-money-simple-guide.asp.) Since 2011, eBay's international revenues have outpaced its domestic ones. Last year the company generated $8.5 billion in the United States, $9.4 billion elsewhere. eBay's second-largest market is the United Kingdom, where revenues topped $2.6 billion last year. That's followed by Germany at $2.1 billion. Curiously, the rest of the world is pacing growth in the Big Three markets almost note-for-note, accounting for 26% of revenue every year since 2011.

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The Bottom Line Not to overstate the case, nor to predict the future, but eBay certainly seems to be in an ideal position to maintain its dominance for decades hence. The now-diminished, then-unassailable players of bygone decades - United States Steel Corp. (X) is one example that comes to mind - seem to have been far more susceptible to competition than eBay is today. The barriers to entry in eBay's industry are prohibitive, the reputation of the market leader is intact, and it's hard to imagine future technology superseding what we have now, at least with regard to pairing up buyers with sellers. Until the internet becomes obsolete, it looks as though eBay will remain the online marketplace for the world at large. (For more, see: 8 Secrets For Selling on the New eBay http://www.investopedia.com/financial-edge/0611/8-secrets-for-selling-on-the-new-ebay.aspx.) <hr> http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/061215/how-are-ebay-and-amazon-different.asp How Are eBay And Amazon Different? By Investopedia | June 12, 2015 The electronic commerce (e-commerce) movement continues to gain momentum as more consumers embrace the convenience of shopping from the comfort of their homes through online platforms. Under the purview of e-commerce companies, both eBay (EBAY) and Amazon (AMZN) stand out as longstanding, major players in the marketplace. Both eBay and Amazon operate as online shopping sites, providing visitors the ability the browse through available products listed for sale or auction through each company's online storefront. While eBay and Amazon have each evolved over the last few years to meet the needs of today's consumers, there are distinct differences between the two companies. EBay and Amazon differ in terms of business models and pricing, services for sellers and ancillary services for buyers. http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/060215/how-amazon-competes-google.asp Business Models and Pricing Strategies The greatest difference between eBay and Amazon is the business model under which each company operates. EBay is an auction house, and the company simply facilitates the sale of goods between third-party buyers and sellers. Buyers visit the site to search for products they want to buy from a vast array of individual sellers and then bid on items through individual auctions. Conversely, Amazon is a direct provider of goods, and customers visiting its site view products that Amazon maintains as inventory in its large network of warehouses. For some products, Amazon allows third-party sellers to offer purchase options to buyers, but the company keeps the majority of its products in-house. Within an auction model, eBay employs a wholesale pricing strategy. In most cases, interested buyers must bid on items for sale on eBay Sellers list auction items for a three-, five-, seven- or 10-day period, and the buyer willing to pay the highest amount wins the product at the end of that time frame. Some items listed on eBay feature a "buy it now" option, which allows a buyer to purchase the product immediately, albeit at a premium. Amazon operates as a retail outlet, providing customers with fixed prices on all products. While various sellers may list the same product, there is no need for a customer to place bids or win an auction before purchasing. Seller Services

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EBay and Amazon differ greatly in terms of how each company works to facilitate sales. Because eBay needs sellers to list products on its site to generate revenue, the company is far more seller-oriented than Amazon. EBay actively invites sellers to participate in its auction marketplace, and the company provides platforms for sellers to offer products to buyers within an eBay store or through the auction site's classified section. Amazon is more buyer-oriented, actively inviting buyers to visit the site and browse through and subsequently purchase its own inventory. While some third party sellers use Amazon to distribute products, the company is more focused on attracting buyers to the site. Sellers through eBay pay an insertion fee for listing items for sale on the site, and they pay 10% of an item's sales price back to the company, up to a maximum of $250 per item. Sellers through Amazon do not pay to list items for sale, but Amazon assesses a flat fee of $0.99 per item sold. In addition to the flat fee, Amazon keeps a percentage of the total sales price of an item, ranging from 6 to 25%. Additional Services for Buyers Another vast difference between eBay and Amazon is the ancillary services available to buyers. Since 2010, Amazon has rapidly expanded its additional services, most notably through its rollout of Amazon Prime. The membership program requires users to pay a $99 annual fee but grants them exclusive access to expedited two-day shipping at no additional cost; digital media, such as movies, music and Kindle e-books; and unlimited photo storage through the cloud. As of 2015, eBay does not offer any additional services to buyers through its site. For more on Amazon's operations, read 10 Facts You Didn't Know About Amazon http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/060415/10-facts-you-didnt-know-about-amazon.asp. <hr> 2015-12-13 09:41 PM http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/ebay-fee-structure/index.html eBay Fee Structure Understanding fees Not only is it free* to list on eBay, you won't pay anything until your item sells. It's FREE* and easy to list. Fees and Features Pricing updates are now in effect To improve the visibility of sought-after merchandise-and help sellers increase their sales-eBay has updated fees and some listing features. This will assist sellers in choosing the most effective listing formats and durations. Review your listing strategy and apply these best practices for greater selling success and to help save on fees. Remember, you have unlimited insertion fee credits for auction-style listings that end in a sale† and adjustments to monthly allotments. New Everyday Rate Plans Effective October 15, 2015 http://p.ebaystatic.com/aw/sc/ebay-fee-structure/Selling-Fees-RatePlanChart-8.png

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Check out this announcement http://announcements.ebay.com/2015/10/sellers-you-asked-for-more-free-listings-and-were-delivering/ and our FAQs http://p.ebaystatic.com/aw/sc/ebay-fee-structure/PriceChangeFAQ101215_Final_v3.pdf for more details. Check fees and performance Fee calculator http://www.fees.ebay.com/feeweb/feecalculator Estimate the eBay fees for a particular listing. Fee illustrator http://www.fees.ebay.com/feeweb/feeillustrator Find out which eBay Store will best fit your needs. See where you stand http://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbayBeta&CurrentPage=MyeBayNextSellerAccounts&FClassic=true&ssPageName=STRK%3AME%3AMASAX View a summary of your recent selling activity. *Optional fees and final value fees still apply. You're charged one insertion fee per listing per category, regardless of the quantity of items, for any duration including Good 'Til Cancelled. Good 'Til Cancelled listings count toward your monthly allotment of zero insertion fee listings upon renewal every 30 days and may incur insertion fees and optional fees upon renewal. Terms are subject to change. Learn more. †Motors Vehicles, Real Estate, Classified Ads, Heavy Equipment, Concession Trailers & Carts, Imaging & Aesthetics Equipment, and Commercial Printing Presses are excluded. You will receive one insertion fee credit for each auction-style listing above your monthly allotment if that item sells. **Collectibles categories include Antiques, Art, Coins & Paper Money, Collectibles, Dolls & Bears, Entertainment Memorabilia, Pottery & Glass, Sports Memorabilia, Cards & Fan Shop, Stamps, and Toys & Hobbies. Fashion Categories include Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Health & Beauty, and Jewelry & Watches. <hr> 2015-12-13 09:46 PM http://announcements.ebay.com/2015/10/sellers-you-asked-for-more-free-listings-and-were-delivering/ SELLERS: YOU ASKED FOR MORE FREE LISTINGS-AND WE'RE DELIVERING Jordan Sweetnam October 5th, 2015 at 10:39 AM It's Holiday ramp-up time! We're excited, and I know a lot of you are too. But-I want to be sure. So we're kicking it up a notch and announcing something that many of you have personally asked me for: More free-zero insertion fee-listings, starting October 15*. You also asked for more flexibility with the free listing formats and categories. Done. We expanded the categories so that more of your items qualify for the zero insertion fee allotment. And, to help make the most of the Holiday selling season, we've increased the listing limits for tens of thousands of eBay sellers.

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Plus, for those of you who don't yet have an eBay Stores subscription (http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/stores/start.html), there's a Free Trial Offer that will take your selling game to the next level. It includes a higher monthly allotment of listings-yes-but more importantly, you'll have access to promotional tools (http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/stores/managing.html) for Holiday selling, and you can dress up your Store home page for the season. So, here are the details: Starting on Thursday, October 15, the following price and listing changes will go into effect: For sellers without an eBay Stores subscription: You'll get an increased monthly allotment from 20 to 50 zero insertion fee listings for auction-style, or fixed price listings, in nearly all categories†. This increased allotment also replaces the 20 zero insertion fee listings dedicated to auction-style listings in Collectibles categories And, for those of you ready for the next level, you can try a Basic eBay Stores subscription for one month-FREE. But, space is limited, so you'll have to activate it by October 31. Learn more http://pages.ebay.com/promo/2015/1001/FreeBasic.html For eBay Stores subscribers: Basic-level subscribers will get an increased allotment from 150 to 200 zero insertion fee fixed price listings per month And-for all eBay Stores subscribers-the monthly allotment of 100 additional zero insertion fee auction-style listings will be extended to apply to listings in both Collectibles and Fashion categories** Check out this chart to see-at-a-glance-what this means for your seller level: http://announcements.ebay.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/UPDATED_PRICING_CHART-e1444066188617.jpg Once this goes into effect, I hope this encourages you to list more than ever. Because, in a few weeks, we'll be launching our Holiday "Wish Bigger" campaign (get a sneak peek here)-and then it'll be on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1&v=P7Lb6-_aZF8 As always, thank you for selling on eBay. Jordan Sweetnam Vice President, Seller Experience * Optional fees and final value fees still apply. You're charged one insertion fee per listing per category, regardless of the quantity of items, for any duration including Good 'Til Cancelled. Good 'Til Cancelled listings count toward your monthly allotment of zero insertion fee listings upon renewal every 30 days and may incur insertion fees and optional fees upon renewal. Terms are subject to change. Learn more http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/insertion-fee.html#how. † Motors Vehicles, Real Estate, Classified Ads, Heavy Equipment, Concession Trailers & Carts, Imaging & Aesthetics Equipment, and Commercial Printing Presses are excluded. You will receive one insertion fee credit for each auction-style listing above your monthly allotment if that item sells.

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** Collectibles categories include Antiques, Art, Coins & Paper Money, Collectibles, Dolls & Bears, Entertainment Memorabilia, Pottery & Glass, Sports Memorabilia, Cards & Fan Shop, Stamps, and Toys & Hobbies. Fashion Categories include Clothing, Shoes & Accessories, Health & Beauty, and Jewelry & Watches. <hr> 2015-12-13 09:32 PM http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/052615/ebay-vs-amazon-business-model.asp eBay Vs. Amazon Business Model By Vanessa Page | May 26, 2015 For sellers looking to unload grandma's things, the decision to sell online is easy, and whether you list things while at home in your pajamas, have money sent directly to you, or drop packages off in the mail, it's all way easier than the yard sales of yesteryear. But, you still must choose which big e-commerce site to list with: eBay (EBAY) or Amazon (AMZN). eBay: The Site Your Grandma Probably Would Have Used The company that everyone and his brother seemed to use 10 years ago has fallen a bit out of favor in recent years. However, the eBay of today has snapped up quite a few companies since it first launched in 1995, including Paypal, kijiji, and StubHub, and, according to the company, had 800 million listings and 155 million active buyers at the end of 2014. So how does eBay make money? First, and most importantly, is Paypal. Paypal will be spun off sometime this year in a move that's expected the halve eBay's value. The money transfer/payment website is enormously profitable for eBay and, in 2014, contributed almost half of the company's revenue. With a 2.9% + $0.30 fee for each sale, Paypal fees can easily cut into a seller's margins. But let's focus on the part of eBay that's comparable to Amazon: the Marketplace. Back in its heyday the eBay Marketplace would charge users an insertion fee based on the item's starting bid, and, when the item sold, a final value fee. Today, every seller on eBay gets at least 20 free listings. Unfortunately, eBay still charges a final value fee. However, the final value fee calculations have been simplified, and these days, eBay is charging a flat final value fee of 10% of the sale price. For power sellers, eBay offers subscription packages which, for a monthly fee, give sellers between 150 and 2,500 free listings, a lower insertion fee for sellers who go over their allotment, and a less-simplified but lower range of final value fees that run from 4-9% depending on the item's category. Along with the marketplace, sellers can choose to upgrade their listings (better place in the search results, more pictures, etc.) or to list their items at a fixed price. Fixed price listings are subject to the same fees as auction listings and really only have the advantage of satisfying consumers who need to "buy now." Amazon: The Site For Web-Savvy Millennials Amazon has an even more complex fee structure than eBay. The company offers two options for sellers: they can either list as Individuals or as Professionals. For Individuals, Amazon charges $0.99 per item to list along with a referral fee that ranges from 6-45% depending on the item's listing category. On top of that, there is a variable closing fee which, for BMDV (books, media, DVD and video) items, is not variable at all, at a fixed $1.35 per item. Other products are charged a variable closing fee that is calculated by the item's weight.

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Sellers can list their items in 20-30 different categories (depending on whether they are selling as Individuals or as Professionals) and for BMDV sellers, have set shipping rates set and collected by Amazon. These set shipping rates are great for buyers who know that, when purchasing BMDV items on Amazon, the total price can be easily calculated without searching for individual sellers' shipping rates. Amazon allows sellers selling products already listed on the site to list their product simply by entering in the item's UPC or SKU (stock keeping unit) number. This process cuts down on the time a seller needs to prepare a listing because the relevant information has already been input by Amazon employees. Payment is completed by periodic bank transfers to the seller's account and sellers are protected by Amazon's Fraud Protection service. eBay vs. Amazon eBay, the original auction site, used to have complicated and expensive selling fees. Since streamlining their fees on May 1st, the structure actually looks simple and easy to understand. Amazon, by comparison, can be confusing and frustrating to navigate. Sample calculations would be helpful to compare the two sites but, with multi-tiered pricing structures and closing fees which vary by item category, item weight, and buyer payment option, any examples could be construed as cherry-picking or biased towards one company or the other. Amazon has a few advantages over eBay. For starters, the site does a really good job of making a buyer feel that he is buying directly from Amazon. Seller's items are listed alongside Amazon's, purchases can be made using "1-click buying" and, unlike eBay and Paypal, buyers can complete their payment without leaving the Amazon site. With Fulfillment By Amazon, a seller can even have his items stored and shipped directly from Amazon's warehouses. On the other hand, a seller might prefer to use eBay in order to customize and personalize his listings. With the ability to post catchy full-color ads within a listing, it might be more appealing and more likely to result in a sale than Amazon's neutral listings. In an effort to improve efficiency among sellers, eBay has begun a Valet Service that allows sellers to have their items listed and sold by eBay employees. If a seller is worried about being scammed, he needn't bother; both companies offer seller protection services as we as the ability to directly contact a buyer if an issue arises. Both companies also offer tutorials and customer support for sellers who are just starting out. Finally, there's the question of getting paid. Amazon has a multi-step procedure to set up a seller's account. Users are automatically signed up for a Professional account and for Fulfillment by Amazon. Account information is input based on a user's existing account (if any). Finally, there's a section for Tax Identity Information. That's right, there's no shirking the IRS when selling with Amazon. For eBay sellers, the process is simple: open an eBay account (or use an existing one) and start selling. Getting money into a bank account is a bit more complicated. Amazon users get paid via a direct deposit to their bank account whereas eBay users (usually) get paid through Paypal, a site that takes an additional 2.9%+$0.30 fee before allowing a user to transfer money to a bank account. The Bottom Line

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Whether selling through eBay or through Amazon, the key is to do your research. Given the different pricing schemes associated with each company, an item that might be cheaply sold on Amazon could demand high fees from eBay. For others, the higher price could be justified for the customer service received. eBay had 800 million listings and 155 million active buyers at the end of 2014 http://investor.ebayinc.com/secfiling.cfm?filingID=1065088-15-54&CIK=1065088 http://pages.ebay.com/sellerinformation/ebay-fee-structure/index.html Amazon's more complex fee structure than eBay http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=1161240. Amazon's shipping rates set https://sellercentral.amazon.com/gp/help/help.html/ref=xx_201633080_cont_xx?ie=UTF8&itemID=201633080&language=en_US Amazon's Fulfillment http://services.amazon.com/content/fulfillment-by-amazon.htm/ref=as_404_fba eBay's Valet Service http://sellforme.ebay.com/ <hr> 2015-12-13 10:20 PM http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/060315/which-better-bet-amazon-or-ebay.asp Which is the Better Bet: Amazon or eBay? By Dan Moskowitz | June 03, 2015 Dan Moskowitz does not own shares in AMZN or EBAY. Thinking of investing in an ecommerce company? There are a number from which to choose, and two of the most compelling are old darlings that continue to offer upside potential. A third company is about to enter the fray, but more on that later. (For more, see: eBay vs. Amazon Business Model.) eBay Inc. (EBAY) experienced its heyday at the turn of the century, when it was viewed by Wall Street as unique and exciting. Since that time the novelty has worn off, but fans would argue that the company is still a winner due to its more than 16.5% share price appreciation over the past year, its 0.39 debt-to-equity ratio, and the small 1.4% short position in the stock. (For more, see: How eBay Makes its Money.) While these numbers are indeed impressive, it's important to remember that the stock has been supported by a raging bull market, which has in turn been fueled by prolonged record-low interest rates. Top-line growth at eBay is present, but it's slowing, and in a more normal market environment, it's unlikely the stock would be seen as a top investment option. (For related reading, see: A Bull Market's Affect on the Economy) Amazon Inc. (AMZN), on the other hand, is a compelling story of innovation, diversification and growth and therefore appears to be a better bet. (For more, see: Should Amazon Be in Your Portfolio?) No. 1 and Growing The No. 1 online retailer (in sales) in the United States, Amazon is far from a one-trick pony. Its remote computing services business, Amazon Web Services, is accelerating and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing provides a consistent revenue stream. The company more recently has expanded into offering cloud storage through Amazon Cloud Drive and servicing customers with its Amazon Dash Button.

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The Dash button allows customers to fill orders with the press of a button - literally. Amazon offers the service for 18 brands (including Bounty, Huggies and Clorox) and if successfully turned into a mainstream offering, the Dash button would position Amazon as the market leader (and become an important revenue stream). Among other developing revenue streams are Amazon Fresh and the company's same-day delivery service. (For more, see: How Amazon Fresh Works.) For investors, the most frustrating aspect of Amazon is the lack of consistent profits. For instance, while revenue jumped 15% year over year in the first quarter, Amazon suffered a net loss of $57 million. In the second quarter, the company has projected a range of between $500 million in losses and $15 million in gains. Amazon's bottom line is always a guessing game. On the plus side, figuring out the top line is easy; it's always up. For the second quarter, Amazon expects top-line growth between 7% and 18%. And, most importantly, the company's share price has appreciated more than 37% over the past year. (For related reading, see: Is Amazon Overvalued? Compare Price-To-Sales Ratios.) The big risk with Amazon is valuation, as the stock is trading at 167 times forward earnings. But if you're the type of investor who ignores stock price valuation and focuses on the underlying company, there's no doubt Amazon is a long-term winner. You won't find this kind of innovation and growth at eBay. (For more, see: How We'll All Be Amazon.com Customers Eventually.) eBay's Strength eBay has not been particularly innovative, and its traditional marketplace business suffered a 2% decline in gross merchandise volume in the first quarter. And while marketplace buyers increased 8% to $157 million, active buyer growth has been declining on a rolling 12-month basis. The company does have a strong business in PayPal, however, which it acquired soon after PayPal's initial public offering in 2002. PayPal's net total payment volume jumped 18% to $61 billion in 2014, and new accounts grew 11% to 3.6 million. Transactions grew at a 24% clip to more than 1 billion. (For more, see: Should You Invest in eBay or PayPal?) What makes the PayPal story particularly interesting is that it will be spun off from eBay in the second half of this year. PayPal versus Amazon is an apples-to-oranges comparison and a premature conversation, but developments in the ecommerce space over the next year or so should be interesting. (For related reading, see: Alibaba's Goal: Supplant eBay, Amazon and Paypal.) The Bottom Line eBay is a good company, but the exponential growth is no longer there and it lacks the innovation that Amazon offers to find new revenue streams. Amazon offers a lot more upside potential than eBay. It's difficult to compare Amazon to PayPal at this stage, particularly because the two are very different companies, but both are impressive - and that conversation may very well be worth having down the line. (For more, see: Navigating Ecommerce: Alibaba, eBay and Amazon.) <hr> 2015-12-13 10:27 PM http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/040315/should-you-invest-ebay-or-paypal.asp Should You Invest in eBay or PayPal? By Dan Moskowitz | April 03, 2015 Dan Moskowitz does not own shares of the companies mentioned in this article.

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In large part due to Carl Icahn, eBay Inc. (EBAY) will spin-off PayPal in the second half of this year. PayPal's ticker has yet to be determined, but it might be PYPL, as it was in the past. However, that's not important. What's important is that you invest with the stronger of the two companies post-split. The Importance of PayPal To give you an idea of how much of a role PayPal has played for eBay, here are a few stats to consider. One - and perhaps the most important - is that $1 of every $6 spent online is spent using PayPal. Yes … it's that popular. PayPal currently has 162 million users across 200 markets. That's a lot of fees. Going forward, PayPal doesn't just want to be an online payment system, but a service you can use to purchase something online or use a mobile app, then pick up the item(s) at the store. (For related reading, see: Navigating E-commerce: Alibaba, eBay and Amazon.) Two, PayPal represented 43% of eBay's total revenue back in the first quarter of 2014. In the fourth quarter, it represented 45% of total revenue. That's a bigger jump than it seems. Three, take a look at the following FY2014 revenue numbers (pay attention to growth as well as actual revenue, the latter which indicates weighted importance): Marketplaces: Up 6% to $533 million Payments: (PayPal is a big part of the equation) Up 19% to $1.3 billion Enterprise: Up 6% to $72 million Now that we know the numbers, why would eBay be willing to spin-off PayPal? Reasoning and Expectations This really has a lot do with Carl Icahn and putting his people in the right places. The guy knows how to play the game. However, let's exclude that factor. eBay has stated that the spin-off will give its payments segment "more focus, flexibility, agility, and speed." That might sound exciting to someone attending a seminar where the host is promising gains of 200% per year, but there's no substance. Sorry, not buying it. In the fourth quarter, eBay's net income increased 10% year over year, with PayPal being the biggest contributor. On the same quarter's 10-Q, the following was stated: "We expect to incur significant costs in connection with our planned separation of our PayPal business." Then eBay announced that it would be reducing headcount by a whopping 2,400, or 7% of its total workforce. That seems to be a drastic move for a spin-off. Perhaps eBay is taking advantage of the spin-off situation and using at a smokescreen for layoffs, which it needs to implement anyway if it wants a shot at sustainable profitable growth. (For more, see: What PayPal's Split From EBay Means For Customers.) eBay could struggle to deliver profitable growth without PayPal. And while the stock has appreciated 65% over the past three years, and 6% over the past year, it's currently trading at 1,569 times earnings. Operational cash flow is strong at $5.68 billion over the past twelve months, and $10.10 billion in cash vs. $7.63 billion in long-term debt add resiliency, but these numbers mean absolutely nothing without a concrete plan for sustainable growth.

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Needless to say, when PayPal is spun off, it's likely to present a much better investment opportunity than eBay, which is suffering from a fast-maturing traditional business model. The primary reason for the accelerated maturity is intense competition. Some investors have speculated that a company like Google Inc. (GOOGL) or Apple Inc. (AAPL) would come in and scoop up eBay. While this is a possibility, why would Google or Apple acquire a business that's likely to struggle delivering growth in the future? If anything, Google or Apple (especially Google) would be more likely to acquire PayPal. This isn't a likelihood, but it probably makes more sense. (For more, see: Mobile Payments Could Replace Cash by 2016.) The Bottom Line Your investment decisions are ultimately up to you, but in my opinion, investing in a growing and thriving business like PayPal vs. a slowing business like eBay is a no-brainer. (For related reading, see: How to Profit From the Rise in Proxy Fights.) <hr> 2015-12-13 10:31 PM http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2015/06/04/how-ebays-stock-could-soar-without-paypal/ Corporate How EBay's Stock Could Soar Without PayPal By Maureen Farrell Jun 4, 2015 11:57 am ET In its most recent quarterly earnings reports, eBay Inc.'sEBAY -2.12% payment division, PayPal, was the reason (http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2015/04/23/ebay-stock-pops-thanks-to-paypal/) the company topped analyst estimates on revenue and profit. But eBay is set to spin off (http://www.wsj.com/articles/ebay-to-spin-off-paypal-business-1412075767) the unit in the third quarter, and investors are wondering how the company will fare once PayPal departs. UBS analyst Eric Sheridan sees a clear path to a significant increase in the stock. To get there, though, eBay would have to do some serious financial engineering. He proposes that the company increase its leverage and unload several assets. On the chopping block, in his analysis: eBay Enterprise, which helps companies with their Web sales efforts; a stake in MercadoLibre MELI -3.48%, an Argentinian online marketplace where it holds a minority stake; and ticket marketplace StubHub. Together, those assets could add up to roughly $2.7 billion, Mr. Sheridan wrote. Its 18% stake in MercadoLibre could generate roughly $764 million in a sale based on the company's $6.3 billion market cap. StubHub, acquired for $310 million in 2007, could generate $827 million, he estimates. A sale or IPO of its eBay Enterprise unit could generate $1.1 billion "conservatively," he wrote. On the leverage front, EBay could add roughly $5.7 billion in debt to its balance sheet, which would increase the company net debt to earnings-before-tax-interest-and-amortization ratio by 1.5 times, he said. All of that would give the company the possibility of spending up to $8.5 billion to repurchase shares. Mr. Sheridan said that amounts to roughly 26% of its overall market cap without PayPal. Additionally, eBay could have a hidden gem with Snapdeal, a privately-held e-commerce company based in India. Ebay has invested in two of its financing rounds and currently has a minority stake. Press reports, he said, put the valuation of Snapdeal between $2 billion and $3 billion.

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Beyond all that, eBay still has more potential for organic growth, in part by increasing its audience among mobile users and emerging markets, Mr. Sheridan said. Mr. Sheridan now has a $70 price target on eBay, which traded at $62.19 Thursday. EBay did not respond to requests for comment. <hr>

e-attachment – 5 Lampiran 5 Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (5) – Indonesia Case 10 Tempat Jual Beli Online Terpopuler di Indonesia Untuk Berbisnis Online ............................. 155 7 Situs Online E-Commerce Indonesia Dengan Konsep Marketplace .......................................... 155

Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/ .................................................................................. 155 Elevenia http://www.elevenia.co.id/ ........................................................................................ 156 OLX Indonesia http://olx.co.id/ ............................................................................................... 156 BukaLapak https://www.bukalapak.com/ ................................................................................ 157 Qoo10 Indonesia http://www.qoo10.co.id/............................................................................... 157

Blanja http://www.blanja.com/ ................................................................................................ 157 Zalora Indonesia http://www.zalora.co.id/ ............................................................................... 158

Pilih Jualan Buku di Toko Buku Besar atau Toko Ritel (Mandiri)? ............................................. 158 Memasarkan Buku Indie ............................................................................................................. 159 90 Persen Omzet dari Toko Buku ................................................................................................ 160 olx.co.id ...................................................................................................................................... 160 lazada.co.id ................................................................................................................................. 160 produkanda.com .......................................................................................................................... 160 bukalapak.com ............................................................................................................................ 161

Panduan Jualan Online di Bukalapak ....................................................................................... 161 Panduan Pelapak Jual Barang .............................................................................................. 161

Kelola Transaksi ................................................................................................................. 161 Pengemasan dan Pengiriman Barang ................................................................................... 162 Terima Uang Hasil Penjualan & Feedback .......................................................................... 162

Tingkatkan Reputasi ................................................................................................................ 162 tokopedia.com ............................................................................................................................. 163

Keuntungan Jualan Online di Tokopedia? ............................................................................... 163 3 Langkah Mudah Jualan Online di Tokopedia ........................................................................ 164 Buka Toko .............................................................................................................................. 164 Gold Merchant (Listing Fee) ................................................................................................... 165

TopAds (Promotional Fee) ...................................................................................................... 165 elevenia.co.id .............................................................................................................................. 166

Cara Berjualan ........................................................................................................................ 166 Pendaftaran Seller ................................................................................................................... 167

Ketentuan Seller ...................................................................................................................... 168 1.1 Tentang Seller ............................................................................................................... 168 1.2 Kebijakan Umum untuk Seller ....................................................................................... 169 1.3 Pindah Keanggotaan ...................................................................................................... 170 2. Fasilitas Dasar ................................................................................................................. 170 3. Seller Grade .................................................................................................................... 171

4. Biaya Transaksi ............................................................................................................... 172 5.A. Produk Terlarang ......................................................................................................... 172 5.B. Produk dengan Ketentuan/Pembatasan Penjualan ......................................................... 172

6. Pengiriman Dan Pembatalan ............................................................................................ 173 7. Settlement ....................................................................................................................... 175

8. Bagian Internasional ........................................................................................................ 176 7 Toko Buku Online Terpercaya di Indonesia.............................................................................. 177

bukukita.com........................................................................................................................... 177 bukabuku.com ......................................................................................................................... 177 belbuk.com.............................................................................................................................. 178

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kutukutubuku.com ................................................................................................................... 178

palasarionline.com .................................................................................................................. 178 bukupedia.com - bookoopedia.com ......................................................................................... 178

Review Tokopedia ...................................................................................................................... 178 MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA...................................................................................... 182

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2015-12-11 07:20 AM http://www.4muda.com/10-tempat-jual-beli-online-terpopuler-di-indonesia-untuk-berbisnis-online/ 10 Tempat Jual Beli Online Terpopuler di Indonesia Untuk Berbisnis Online By 4muda, November 25, 2014 alexa id 016. olx.co.id <- tokobagus.com 025. berniaga.com -> tokobagus.com (2015) 023. bukalapak.com 041. tokopedia.com 097. elevenia.co.id 160. qoo10.co.id 245. lamido.co.id -> lazada.co.id (201503) 008. FJB kaskus.co.id 397. blanja.com 358. jualo.com <hr> 2015-12-13 12:47 AM http://www.seoterpadu.com/2015/08/7-situs-online-e-commerce-indonesia-dengan-konsep-marketplace.html 7 Situs Online E-Commerce Indonesia Dengan Konsep Marketplace Dulu sewaktu saya masih aktif menjalankan bisnis affiliate marketing, situs online e-commerce merupakan tempat yang nyaris tiap hari saya kunjungi, untuk memasang iklan baru atau hanya sekedar mengecek pesan masuk dari customer. Dari situ lah, sedikit banyak saya mulai mengenal beragam situs online e-commerce yang ada di Indonesia, dengan konsep marketplace-nya masing-masing. Tiap situs marketplace online memiliki style / gayanya sendiri, meskipun pada dasarnya tujuan mereka sama yaitu untuk menyediakan tempat transaksi jual beli yang nyaman bagi penjual maupun pembeli. Melalui artikel ini, saya ingin berbagi kepada Anda, tentang apa yang saya ketahui mengenai berbagai macam situs online e-commerce yang ada di Indonesia. Tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-n1M3ksDQLL8/VchnSCcDzDI/AAAAAAAABfs/u_FnB86y9As/s320/Tokopedia.jpg Dari sekian banyak situs marketplace yang pernah saya coba, tidak salah rasanya jika saya menempatkan Tokopedia pada urutan pertama sebagai situs marketplace terbaik di Indonesia (versi saya). Ada 2 alasan yang mendasari pernyataan saya diatas, alasan pertama adalah karena mudahnya proses pemasangan iklan, seperti yang kita semua ketahui, pada situs marketplace Tokopedia, kita mempunyai kendali penuh atas toko atau lapak yang kita dirikan. Jadi sewaktu memasang iklan, maka iklan tersebut akan langsung muncul saat itu juga. Alasan kedua adalah jumlah pengunjung yang sangat banyak. Tercatat pada bulan Juli 2015 ada lebih dari 10 juta orang yang mengunjungi situs e-commerce terbesar di indonesia ini.

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http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-sKydzojrD7o/VchnRB8nrcI/AAAAAAAABfg/F_kLB7agJMQ/s320/Tokopedia-2.png Tidak menutup kemungkinan jumlah pengunjung Tokopedia akan terus naik, mengingat semakin banyaknya masyarakat yang mulai memilih untuk 'belanja modern' melalui situs online e-commerce dengan segala kemudahan dan keamanannya dibandingkan dengan 'belanja tradisional' yang terbilang ribet. Jika Anda tertarik untuk mencoba berjualan di Tokopedia, silahkan baca panduannya. Cara Jualan Dengan Online Shop Gratis Tokopedia http://www.seoterpadu.com/2015/05/cara-jualan-di-internet-dengan-online-shop.html Elevenia http://www.elevenia.co.id/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-l3gxePbhmuQ/VchnN-W9FZI/AAAAAAAABfM/0AgabrmzcUs/s1600/Elevenia.jpg Elevenia adalah situs e-commerce yang dikembangkan oleh dua perusahaan telekomnuikasi PT XL Axiata dan SK Planet ltd. Jadi jangan heran jika Anda sering melihat iklan Elevenia di TV, karena memang dari segi dana sangat kuat sekali lantaran didanai oleh perusahan besar. Situs e-commerce Elevenia tidak jauh berbeda dengan Tokopedia, dimana seller atau penjual akan diberikan semacam store atau toko untuk membuka lapak yang bisa ia gunakan untuk menjual barang dagangannya. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zlSy24S-6gM/VchnMm6Dk7I/AAAAAAAABfA/sHjoPebdztU/s1600/Elevenia-2.png Yang unik dari Elevenia adalah pembagian jenis seller. Secara garis besar ada tiga jenis seller yang ada di Elevenia : * Individual Seller : Penjual yang tidak terdaftar sebagai perusahaan * Business Seller : Penjual pemegang ijin usaha * Global Seller : Penjual dari luar Indonesia Saya tidak tahu pasti apakah ada perbedaan layanan yang diberikan antar ketiga jenis seller, namun yang pasti, ketiga apapun jenis seller yang Anda pilih, biaya pendaftarannya adalah sama, yaitu sama-sama gratis. OLX Indonesia http://olx.co.id/ http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-7T6Vz0ICoko/VchnOmcREtI/AAAAAAAABfU/7ZfmHFlQvlQ/s1600/OLX-Indonesia.jpg OLX adalah salah satu situs e-commerce dengan konsep marketplace terbesar bukan hanya di Indonesia namun juga se-Asia. Hal ini bisa dilihat dari banyaknya cabang yang didirikan oleh OLX di berbagai negara. Setidaknya OLX sudah membuka cabang di lebih dari 106 negara dan situs e-commerce OLX Indonesia merupakan yang paling sukses karena merupakan hasil gabungan dari dua situs e-commerce raksasa yang namanya sudah tidka asing lagi, yaitu Tokobagus dan Berniaga.

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Situs jual beli online http://www.seoterpadu.com/2014/11/daftar-situs-jual-beli-online-terbaik.html OLX.co.id memiliki setidaknya 10 Kategori dan ada puluhan sub-kategori pada tiap kategorinya, dengan kata lain, ada berbagai macam jenis barang atau produk yang bisa Anda dapatkan di OLX, mulai dari Properti (tanah, apartemen, rumah) sampai Keperluan Pribadi seperti perhiasaan, aksesoris, dll. Pasang iklan online di OLX tidaklah semudah memasang iklan di situs marketplace kebanyakan, karena disini tidak mengenal istilah Online Store pribadi, jadi semua barang akan terkumpul dalam masing-masing Kategori. Inilah yang menjadi alasan mengapa iklan yang tampil di OLX terlihat benar-benar seperti iklan (tidak iklan asal-asalan), karena memang jika kita ingin memasang iklan di OLX akan ada tahapan review terlebih dahulu sebelum iklan yang Anda pasang terpublikasikan. BukaLapak https://www.bukalapak.com/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-hZXgkrWDj-g/VchnMJmhjrI/AAAAAAAABe8/81zZGAn7AFo/s1600/BukaLapak.jpg Konsep situs e-commerce BukaLapak tidak jauh berbeda dengan Tokopedia. Bedanya, di BukaLapak ada semacam dompet virtual yang diberi nama Bukadompet yang merupakan salah satu dari 5 metode pembayaran yang diberikan oleh situs marketplace Buka Lapak. Sistem pada situs BukaLapak, bisa dibilang sangat menguntungkan dua belah pihak, baik dari pihak Pembeli maupun Pelapak, karena posisi Buka Lapak disini semacam rekber atau pihak ketiga yang memastikan bahwa transaksi antara pelapak dan pembeli berjalan dengan lancar. Dan yang saya suka dari BukaLapak adalah adanya fitur Reputasi. Sesuai namanya, fitur ini akan menghitung berapa banyak feedback positif / negatif yang diberikan oleh pelanggan Anda. Semakin banyak feedback positif maka reputasi kita akan semakin baik dengan begitu buyer atau calon pelanggan akan semakin yakin untuk membeli barang / produk yang kita jual. Qoo10 Indonesia http://www.qoo10.co.id/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tIJ37eANQtE/VchnQRe6qpI/AAAAAAAABfc/uc-os6bF93I/s1600/Qoo10-Indonesia.jpg Namanya mungkin tidak setenar, keempat situs online e-commerce yang sudah saya sebutkan diatas, namun jangan salah, meski demikian, Qoo10 termasuk salah satu online marketplace dengan pertumbuhan paling cepat dunia. Situs Qoo10 Indonesia sebenarnya lebih dari situs untuk jual beli online, karena di situs ini kita juga akan diajakarkan bagaimana cara menjadi penjual sukses melalui berbagai halaman yang sudah disediakan oleh pihak Qoo10 seperti misalnya : * Success Stories : Berisi kisah para penjual sukses berkat situs Qoo10 * Tips Menjual : Panduan untuk para penjual pemula agar bisa sukses Sekedar informasi saja, bahwa Qoo10 Indonesia bermitra dengan Yahoo! Indonesia jadi hampir bisa dipastikan bahwa kualitas dari situs marketplace Qoo10 tidak main-main. Blanja http://www.blanja.com/

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http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-E53N8XKY6uE/VchnK8Hj4LI/AAAAAAAABe0/MK9lOpsy0oY/s1600/Blanja.jpg Blanja adalah situs online marketplace hasil join venture antara Telkom Indonesia dan eBay yang saat ini memiliki lebih dari 1 juta produk yang dijual oleh lebih dari 1.000 penjual. Dari data tersebut, maka bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa potensi menjadi penjual di Blanja masih terbuka lebar, karena dari sisi persaingan terbilang smasih 'sedikit'. Blanja juga memiliki sistem pembayarannya sendiri yang mereka beri nama TCash (Telkomsel Cash) sistemnya adalah dengan melakukan deposit terlebih dahulu, bisa melalui kartu kredit atau kartu debit, setelah saldo masuk, selanjutnya Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk membayar Merchant. Keuntungan dari menggunakan TCash adalah adanya diskon spesial yang hanya akan diberikan untuk mereka yang melakukan pembayaran melalui metode TCash. Zalora Indonesia http://www.zalora.co.id/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-8Znzcll16eo/VchnTbGy7oI/AAAAAAAABf0/90T_X50FthI/s1600/Zalora-Indonesia.jpg Zalora merupakan situs toko online fashion yang juga menyediakan marketplace untuk penjual yang ingin memasarkan produk fashion mereka. Di Zalora Anda hanya akan menemukan produk fashion saja, seperti baju, celana, tas, jam tangan, aksesoris. Karena memang fokus dari Zalora adalah menjadi situs e-commerce fashion terbesar. Jika Anda berfikir bahwa Zalora memiliki nama yang hampir sama dengan Lazada hal tersebut wajar saja, karena memang keduanya berada pada satu perusahaan yang sama yaitu Rocket Internet. Jadi untuk cabangnya juga hampir sama dengan Lazada, dimana situs e-commerce Zalora juga bisa kita temui di ketujuh negara, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Filipina, Vietnam, dan Brunei. Ketujuh situs online e-commerce diatas pada dasarnya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangannya masing-masing, jadi silahkan Anda coba dan bandingkan sendiri antara situs marketplace diatas agar bisa merasakan sendiri mana situs online e-commerce terbaik di Indonesia (versi Anda). <hr> 2015-12-11 07:37 AM http://www.kompasiana.com/heryamedia/pilih-jualan-buku-di-toko-buku-besar-atau-toko-ritel-mandiri_552e069d6ea834c3218b456f Pilih Jualan Buku di Toko Buku Besar atau Toko Ritel (Mandiri)? 13 Februari 2014 08:25:26 sebuah judul buku untuk dapat masuk ke Gramedia harus cetak minimal 2000-3000 eksemplar. Biayanya bisa nembus Rp 25-30 jutaan. Sedangkan Gramedia meminta upeti sebanyak 55% dari harga buku pereksemplar buku yang kejual. penerbit yang setuju menerbitkan naskah Anda mencetak 3000 eksemplar. Harga buku sebut saja Rp 50.000. Kemudian dijual di Gramedia. Penjualannya, katakanlah, per enam bulan sekitar 200 eksemplar. Maka hitung-hitungannya seperti ini:

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Buat Gramedia = 200 x Rp 50.000 x 55%= Rp 5.500.000 Buat penerbit = 200 x Rp 50.000 x 35%= Rp 3.500.000 Buat penulis = 200 x Rp 50.000 x 10%= Rp 1.000.000/ 6 bulan naskahnya berulang kali ditolak oleh penerbit mayor dengan berbagai alasan (alasan yang utama tentu saja naskahnya tidak marketable, tidak menjual katanya). jangan bingung atau galau ketika naskah Anda ditolak penerbit mayor dan tidak dijual di Gramedia. Masih banyak jalan untuk menerbitkan buku sendiri yang berkualitas tentunya baik untuk tujuan bisnis maupun hanya sekadar keren-kerenan, eksis, kenangan, kado dan seterusnya. Jika memerlukan bantuan untuk menerbitkan buku Anda jangan sungkan untuk mengontak kami ya di [email protected] atau weblog: www.heryamedia.wordpress.com. <hr> 2015-12-11 07:46 AM http://www.halamanmoeka.net/2009/11/memasarkan-buku-indie.html Memasarkan Buku Indie Halaman Moeka, 21.06 Andrie Wongso dengan AW Publishing, Ary Ginanjar dengan ARGA Publishing, AA Gym (MQ Pub.), dll Nukman Luthfie - Online Strategist - memperkirakan omzet dari semua toko buku online di Indonesia mencapai lebih dari 200 juta per bulan (ini perkiraan tahun 2007). Sekarang (tahun 2009) toko buku online kutubuku.com mengaku menjual rata 2000 eksemplar per bulan dengan oplah tak kurang dari 60 juta. Sementara bukukita.com mengklaim menjual 3000 eks per bulan dengan omzet 1 miliar (sumber duniabuku.wordpress.com). Pada umunya, distributor meminta diskon kepada penerbit/penulis berkisar antara 45-60%. Distributor yang besar dan mampu mendistribusikan buku dari penerbit ke seluruh Indonesia tentu meminta diskon lebih besar kepada penerbit. Pada umumnya perjanjian buku dengan distributor menggunakan sistem konsinyasi dan bagi hasil. Konsinyasi artinya kita menitipkan barang (buku) terlebih dahulu dan dibayar setelah dan sesuai jumlah buku terjual. Bagi hasil artinya uang buku yang kita terima harus dibagi antara kita dengan distributor. Besarnya pembagian sesuai dengan kesepakatan. Misalnya pada perjanjian, distributor meminta diskon 52% dari buku yang terjual. Jika buku harganya 50.000 dan terjual 1000 eksemplar, maka untuk distributor 50.000 X 1000 X 52% = Rp26.000.000. Sedangkan untuk kita 50.000 X 1000 X 42% = Rp24.000.000. Laporan penjualan dan pembayaran distributor kepada penerbit biasanya dilakukan tiap bulan. Halaman Moeka Production: Penerbit dan Jasa Penerbitan Buku http://halamanmoeka.blogspot.com Toko Buku Online Halaman Moeka http://halamanmoeka.com Email: [email protected] Hp. 081325494096 | 081210698852 <hr> 2015-12-11 07:58 AM

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http://www.kampus.marketing.co.id/90-persen-omzet-dari-toko-buku/ 90 Persen Omzet dari Toko Buku Sigit Kurniawan Utomo, Head of Sales Gramedia Pustaka Utama, karena porsi terbesar masih ada di ritel buku, kegiatan sales pun difokuskan di area tersebut. Menurut Utomo, di Jakarta sendiri ada sekitar 40 toko buku Gramedia, 25 Toko Buku Gunung Agung, 40 outlet dalam jaringan toko buku lain, maupun 20-an toko kecil. “Dari sekian toko, kita konsentrasi 70 persen ada di Toko Buku Gramedia sebagai salah satu grup kami. Tapi, meski pun satu grup Kompas Gramedia, kami tetap mendapat perlakukan yang sama dengan penerbit lain,― katanya. Untuk mengelola jaringan toko buku di Jakarta, GPU mengerahkan delapan orang untuk sales force dan sekitar 43 untuk sales promotion. Masing-masing toko buku, minimal dikelola oleh seorang sales promotion. Kekuatan sales force ini sangat penting mengingat pertempuran yang nyata terjadi di toko buku. Apalagi sekarang sudah ada sekitar 1.300 penerbit dari seluruh Indonesia yang bermain di toko buku ini. Sementara space di toko buku terbatas. Nah, sales force kita harus pandai-pandai dalam bermain di area tersebut,• imbuhnya. Utomo menyadari kompetisi yang terjadi adalah kompetisi memperebutkan ruang dan display agar produknya bisa dilihat dengan mudah oleh konsumen. Mengingat dalam satu bulan ada sekitar 800 judul baru yang masuk ke toko buku. “Dari jumlah judul baru tersebut, kita ditantang untuk merebutkan tempat-tempat strategis,― tandasnya. Training dilakukan dan dibantu oleh lembaga khusus bernama PSDM. perputaran para penjaga toko tersebut sangat cepat sekali. Utomo tidak bisa menebak kapan sebuah buku itu laku terjual. Untuk GPU, fiksi masih yang terbesar. Disusul kamus dan pengembangan diri katanya. <hr> olx.co.id OLX.co.id - Cara Tepat Jual Cepat.png bit.ly/1O3mMMT http://s6.postimg.org/kdtnofsrl/OLX_co_id_Cara_Tepat_Jual_Cepat.png lazada.co.id Lazada.co.id- Belanja Online Fashion, Elektronik, TV, Tas, HP, Laptop.png bit.ly/1lMAM7W http://s6.postimg.org/vrg6zn3a5/Lazada_co_id_Belanja_Online_Fashion_Elektronik.jpg Toko Buku Online - Jual Buku Original & Terlengkap - Lazada ID.png bit.ly/1J9RMJY http://s6.postimg.org/7ozd4rmn1/Toko_Buku_Online_Jual_Buku_Original_Terlengk.jpg Buku Pendidikan - Jual Buku Pendidikan Online Terlengkap & Harga Murah Indonesia - Www.lazada.co.id.png bit.ly/1m4FtcC http://s6.postimg.org/8sjhgq7a5/Buku_Pendidikan_Jual_Buku_Pendidikan_Online_Te.jpg produkanda.com produkanda.png bit.ly/1m4FHRd

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Masukan Detail Barang seperti nama barang yang menarik dan detail, seperti Merek[spasi]seri[spasi]tahun.

3. Gunakan foto barangmu yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan minat pembeli. Upload foto asli barang yang ingin dijual. Pastikan kualitas foto yang terbaik dan barang terlihat jelas dari berbagai sisi.

4. Pantau lapak kamu dengan secara periodik memeriksa halaman Transaksi (https://www.bukalapak.com/payment/transactions#seller) untuk mengetahui jika ada yang membeli barang yang Kamu jual.

Kelola Transaksi Kamu bisa mengelola dan memantau transaksi secara langsung di halaman Transaksi. Setiap transaksi memiliki 5 status, Menunggu, Dibayar, Dikirim, Diterima, dan Selesai. Warna pada Icon status menunjukan status yang sedang aktif atau telah berlalu. Menunggu Menunggu, Barang telah dipesan oleh pembeli Dibayar Dibayar, Pembeli sudah melakukan pembayaran. Silakan kirim barang ke alamat yang

dituju kemudian lakukan konfirmasi pengiriman Dikirim Dikirim, Barang sudah dikirim Diterima Diterima, Barang sudah diterima oleh pembeli Selesai Selesai, Uang hasil penjualan sudah ditransfer ke rekeningmu Kamu akan menerima e-mail dan notifikasi setiap terjadi perubahan status transaksi

e-attachment – 5 Lampiran 5 – Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (5) – Indonesia Case


Pengemasan dan Pengiriman Barang Kamu akan menerima e-mail, notifikasi, dan sms apabila pembeli berhasil melakukan pembayaran. Pada tahap ini status transaksi adalah Dibayar. Kamu dapat mengemas barang daganganmu lalu mengirimkannya (melalui kurir, dll). Ingat, pengemasan yang bagus dan pengiriman yang cepat akan meningkatkan reputasi Kamu. 1. Kemas barang jualanmu dengan baik dan menarik 2. Alamat tujuan pengiriman dapat dilihat di halaman detail transaksi 3. Kirim barang tersebut melalui jasa pengiriman yang dipilih pembeli 4. Selesai dikirim, tekan Kirim Barang pada halaman Transaksi

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* 80% (100 feedback) Artinya Dari 100 feedback yang dimiliki oleh Udin, 80 orang memberikan feedback positif dan 20 orang memberikan feedback negatif. Karena memiliki 80 feedback positif maka emblem Udin adalah Pedagang. Pelajari cara aman belanja (https://panduan.bukalapak.com/buyer/) di Bukalapak Ikuti Aturan Penggunaan (https://www.bukalapak.com/terms) Bukalapak.com untuk kenyamanan & keamanan transaksi online tokopedia.com Jual Beli Online Aman dan Nyaman – Tokopedia.png bit.ly/1ZauI7c http://s6.postimg.org/hvck1hwf1/Jual_Beli_Online_Aman_dan_Nyaman_Tokopedia.jpg Jual Buku – Tokopedia.png bit.ly/1QK7m5n http://s6.postimg.org/t8z3cp6xp/Jual_Buku_Tokopedia.jpg Jual Buku Sekolah – Tokopedia.png bit.ly/1MfrS7L http://s6.postimg.org/s7yunkpy5/Jual_Buku_Sekolah_Tokopedia.jpg Jual Produk Buku Lainnya – Tokopedia.png bit.ly/1RmWhIU http://s6.postimg.org/5xaznlsnx/Jual_Produk_Buku_Lainnya_Tokopedia.jpg Keuntungan Jualan Online di Tokopedia? 1. Dapatkan Kepercayaan Pembeli Baru. Tidak perlu lagi repot COD! Pembeli akan merasa aman

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3. Terhubung ke Berbagai Logistik. Tidak perlu lagi membalas pesan seputar biaya ongkos kirim! Toko online Anda kini terhubung ke 6 logistik terbesar Indonesia. Hitung ongkos kirim, dan tracking pesanan semua bisa dilakukan secara otomatis dan real time.

4. Harga Pas. Harga sudah pas, penjual tidak perlu pusing melayani negosiasi harga. Penjual bisa fokus melayani calon pembeli yang serius. Harga Grosir. Penjual bisa menentukan minimum pembelian dan sistem diskon untuk pembelian grosir.

5. Dagangan Semakin Laris! Sebagai mal online terbesar Indonesia, Tokopedia dikunjungi jutaan pengunjung yang berpotensi menjadi calon pembeli di toko online Anda. Dengan halaman toko online pribadi yang cantik dan elegan, brand toko online Anda pun semakin dikenal!

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e-attachment – 5 Lampiran 5 – Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (5) – Indonesia Case


Lihat selengkapnya tentang Ketentuan Upload Produk https://www.tokopedia.com/terms.pl Kamu akan menerima notifikasi jika ada pesanan baru. Kamu bisa melihat pesanan baru dengan klik "Penjualan" di menu "Toko Saya". Bisa juga dengan klik ikon "Inbox" Menu Notifikasi di header menu, lalu pilih "Pesanan Baru". Untuk menerima pesanan, centang pada kolom pesanan yang kamu kamu proses, lalu klik "Terima Pesanan". Selanjutnya, klik "Respon Pesanan". Catatan : Jika ada suatu hal yang membuat kamu tidak bisa memenuhi pesanan, pilih "Tolak Pesanan" dan isi alasan yang sesuai di kolom "Alasan Penolakan". Gold Merchant (Listing Fee) Gold Merchant merupakan program berlangganan dari Tokopedia, nikmati fitur istimewa bagi yang berlangganan. Hanya 100ribu/Bulan. Pilih paket yang Anda inginkan dan langsung gunakan. Tanpa tambahan biaya apapun. Paket Lama Berlangganan Biaya BONUS Kredit TopAds Standar 3 Bulan Rp 300.000 Rp. 75.000 Best Deal! 6 Bulan Rp 600.000 Rp. 150.000 Free 1 Bulan 1 Tahun Rp 1.200.000 Rp. 300.000 Free 3 Bulan 2 Tahun Rp 2.400.000 Rp. 600.000 1. Dapatkan lambang khusus Gold Merchant untuk toko Anda. 2. Lihat Perkembangan Toko. Mengatur strategi penjualan produk menjadi lebih mudah dengan

fitur statistik. Pantau perkembangan toko Anda, bahkan hingga detail penjualan produk per-harinya!

3. Pusing Kebanyakan Order? Sekarang Anda bisa menambahkan user lain sebagai Admin toko Anda tanpa kemampuan menarik dana hasil penjualan. Aman bukan?

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5. Download Laporan Penjualan. Mau tahu data penjualan Anda setiap harinya? Dengan fitur ini, Anda bisa mendownload laporan harian toko dalam format Excel.

6. Upload Sampul Foto Untuk Halaman Toko. Jadikan halaman toko Anda menjadi lebih menarik dengan kreasi foto Anda sendiri.

7. Tambahan Jumlah Etalase 8. Pantau Permintaan Pasar 9. Tampilkan Toko Fisik Di Catalog TopAds (Promotional Fee) Fitur TopAds (Beta) untuk saat ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh pelanggan Gold Merchant. Tingkatkan penjualan anda dengan fitur promo dari Tokopedia TopAds! Keuntungan TopAds: 1. Tingkatkan penjualan. TopAds membantu anda untuk menarik calon pembeli secara lebih

efektif. Toko dan produk anda akan lebih mudah ditemukan oleh pengunjung Tokopedia. 2. Menjangkau dengan tepat. TopAds membantu Anda menjangkau calon pembeli yang sesuai,

melalui pencarian produk dan penelusuran kategori produk. 3. Efektif dan Efisien. Dengan TopAds, hasil yang anda harapkan sesuai dengan biaya yang anda

keluarkan. Dimana iklan promo Anda akan muncul?

e-attachment – 5 Lampiran 5 – Kemana Mau Jual Buku Online (5) – Indonesia Case


Beranda, Toko Favorit, Pencarian Produk, Kategori Produk, Hot List, Mobile Apps Berapa biaya berpromosi menggunakan Tokopedia TopAds? Biaya flexible. TopAds menyediakan sistem anggaran tanpa batas waktu atau secara harian yang dihitung mulai dari Rp.50,- per-klik. Hanya bayar bila di-klik. Anda akan membayar HANYA jika pengunjung meng-klik iklan promo yang anda pasang. Bagaimana mulai berpromosi menggunakan Tokopedia TopAds? Bila Anda sudah berjualan di Tokopedia,Anda bisa masuk dan memilih menu "TopAds" di sebelah kiri 1. Tambah Kredit. Anda perlu membeli kredit untuk memulai promo. Pada bagian kanan atas,

tombol "Tambah Kredit" akan membawa Anda ke tampilan untuk memilih paket yang Anda inginkan.

2. Tambah promo dan cari produk. Anda bisa menambahkan promo melalui 2 halaman di bawah ini: a. Pengaturan TopAds. Pada bagian kanan atas, tombol 'Tambah Promo' akan membawa Anda

ke tampilan untuk memilih produk yang Anda ingin promosikan. b. Halaman Produk. Anda juga dapat mempromosikan produk dari halaman produk Anda. Tekan

tombol "Promosikan" di bagian kanan halaman. 3. Tetapkan biaya dan jadwal. Anda dapat mengendalikan biaya dan waktu iklan promo yang akan

ditampilkan. Setelah puas dengan pengaturan yang diinginkan, Anda dapat langsung mulai berpromosi di Tokopedia.

elevenia.co.id PT XL Planet sebagai pihak pengelola situs www.elevenia.co.id tidak bertanggung jawab atas kebenaran informasi dan tampilan produk yang didaftarkan oleh penjual. PT XL Planet, a joint venture between PT XL Axiata and SK Planet ltd. All Right Reserved. elevenia - Surga Belanja Online Anda.png bit.ly/224Zv7U http://s6.postimg.org/saiqaetlp/elevenia_Surga_Belanja_Online_Anda.jpg Koleksi Buku dan Majalah Terlengkap & Terjangkau - elevenia.png bit.ly/1k0FAES http://s6.postimg.org/os6qe0spp/Koleksi_Buku_dan_Majalah_Terlengkap_Terjangkau.jpg Cara Berjualan http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/how-to-sell.do 1. Daftar sebagai Seller. Kunjungi www.elevenia.co.id, lalu klik register

(https://www.elevenia.co.id/register/memberRegistForm/memberRegist.do?isSSL=Y) dan daftarkan dirimu sebagai seller.

2. Pendaftaran Produk. Buka http://soffice.elevenia.co.id untuk mendaftarkan produk anda. 3. Cek Status Produk. elevenia akan memberikan notifikasi mengenai order dan pembayaran yang

dilakukan oleh member. 4. Kirim Produk. Paketkan produk anda dan datangi agen JNE terdekat untuk melakukan

pengiriman. 5. Konfirmasi Pembeli. elevenia akan memberikan notifikasi kepada member untuk melakukan

konfirmasi status pengiriman. 6. Hasil Penjualan Diterima. Setelah member melakukan konfirmasi penerimaan barang maka

elevenia akan segera mengirimkan uang ke rekening bank anda.

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Fasilitas untuk Penjual di elevenia 1. Photo Studio 2. Training 3. Seminar 4. Konsultasi Penjual Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan lihat Seller Policy http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/seller-policy.do Pendaftaran Seller http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/become-seller.do 1. Cara menjadi penjual elevenia. Langkah pertama, Anda harus terdaftar sebagai penjual untuk mulai membuka toko online Anda di elevenia dan menata produk jualan Anda. Untuk produk pastikan Anda telah membaca ketentuan produk di elevenia. 1.1 Pendaftaran menjadi anggota elevenia. Pilih tipe klasifikasi anda. Apakah anda penjual yang tidak terdaftar sebagai perusahaan (individual seller) atau penjual pemegang ijin usaha (corporate seller). 1.2 Mengisi informasi penjual. Informasi penjual akan berkaitan dengan kelengkapan data pengelola Toko. Untuk diingat, bahwa nama toko TIDAK DAPAT DIGANTI, jangan gunakan nama perusahaan/merek yang sudah terdaftar. elevenia berhak menghapus atau menangguhkan toko anda, jika pemilik perusahaan/merek yang bersangkutan mengajukan laporan. 1.3 Informasi Rekening Bank. Informasi ini digunakan untuk melihat kesesuaian antara nama pemilik toko dan nama pemilik Rekening. 1.4 Verifikasi. Anda harus mengunggah KTP, salinan buku rekening dan NPWP, untuk penjual pemegang ijin usaha (corporate seller) sebagai bukti kepemilikan informasi rekening Anda atau mengunggah scan, foto maupun screenshot/screen capture internet/mobile banking dari informasi rekening Anda. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari terjadi kesalahan/kekeliruan saat transfer antar rekening dikarenakan informasi rekening yang diberikan kepada elevenia tidak sesuai dengan rekening penjual. 1.5 Menyetujui Terms & Agreement. Mencentang persetujuan Perjanjian Penggunaan Layanan (Ketentuan dan Persyaratan) dan Perjanjian Penjual. 2. Mengelola produk di elevenia 2.1 Hapus Produk. Gunakan fungsi Hapus, untuk menghilangkan produk tertentu dari daftar informasi produk yang ada di toko Anda. 2.2 Sembunyikan Produk. Gunakan fungsi Sembunyikan Produk, untuk mengubah status produk dari "aktif" menjadi "tidak aktif". Hal ini dilakukan Penjual apabila terdapat penyesuaian yang harus dilakukan terhadap produk tertentu. 2.3 Aktifkan Produk Tersembunyi. Gunakan fungsi Aktifkan Produk Tersembunyi , untuk mengubah status produk dari "tidak aktif" menjadi "aktif". Hal ini dilakukan Penjual apabila penyesuaian telah dilakukan terhadap produk tertentu, dan produk siap dijual kembali. 2.4 Ubah Periode Penjualan. Gunakan fungsi Ubah Periode Penjualan, untuk mengatur periode aktif dari sebuah produk. Selama produk tayang dalam periode penjualan, maka status produk tersebut adalah "Aktif". Dan apabila periode penjualan telah terlewati maka status produk tersebut akan secara otomatis menjadi "Tidak Aktif". 2.5 Ubah Harga Produk. Gunakan fungsi Harga Produk, untuk mengatur harga jual yang di inginkan. 2.6 Atur Diskon. Gunakan fungsi Atur Diskon, untuk mengatur besar diskon dan periode berlakunya diskon yang di inginkan untuk suatu produk.

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2.7 Atur Pemberian Reward Kepada Pembeli. Gunakan Fungsi Atur Pemberian Reward Kepada Pembeli, untuk mengatur jenis reward yang ingin anda berikan kepada Pembeli dan detailnya. 3. Product Registration 3.1 Klasifikasi Produk. Masukan nama toko, pilih klasifikasi produk untuk menentukan apakah produk adalah baru atau barang bekas, dan pilih kategori level. 3.2 Informasi Produk. Silahkan masukan nama produk, kondisi produk, terbuka untuk 17 tahun kebawah, silahkan mengunggah gambar produk untuk gambar utama dan gambar tambahan, lalu mengisi deskripsi produk, dan keterangan lainnya. 3.3 Informasi Penjualan. Silahkan tentukan untuk mengatur periode penjualan, harga produk dan jumlah produk. Silahkan masukan informasi tambahan untuk meningkatkan penjualan, seperti untuk mengatur diskon penjual, pemberian token, pemberian poin, diskon untuk pembelian lebih dari satu, pilihan produk, minimum pembelian, maksimum pembelian, dan informasi hadiah. 3.4 Informasi Pengiriman. Silahkan pilih profil pengiriman, lokasi, serta atur biaya pengiriman, berat, menentukan garansi pengiriman penjual, informasi garansi, dan informasi pengembalian/penukaran. Silahkan juga untuk menggunakan fungsi pasang iklan, dimana Anda dapat menentukan jenis dan periode iklan. 3.5 Pembayaran Biaya Transaksi. Silahkan atur mengenai biaya transaksi, harga paket diskon, total pembayaran serta pembayaran. 4. Settlement. Jumlah yang harus dibayar oleh elevenia ke Penjual Anggota untuk setiap transaksi diselesaikan melalui website. Jumlah pembayaran akan dihitung dengan mengurangi seluruh biaya jasa dari jumlah yang dibayar oleh pembeli. Penjual harus memilih metode pembayaran setelah pendaftaran, baik pembayaran melalui transfer langsung ke rekening bank penjual atau melalui deposit penjual. Penjual dapat menyimpan deposit sampai dengan maksimal 6 bulan dan atau sampai dengan jumlah maksimum IDR 200.000.000. Penjual dapat setiap saat mengajukan permintaan untuk menarik rekening di elevenia dan jumlah yang diminta akan dikirimkan ke rekening bank penjual sesuai yang diminta dalam 2 (dua) hari kerja. Jika saldo penjual melebihi jangka waktu maksimum atau jumlah, elevenia secara otomatis akan mentransfer semua uang ke rekening bank penjual. Ketentuan Seller http://www.elevenia.co.id/static/seller-policy.do 1. Seller 1.1 Tentang Seller 1.1.1 Pengertian Seller. Siapakah Seller? Anggota yang terdaftar di elevenia untuk melakukan aktifitas jual beli. 1.1.2 Jenis-jenis Seller Seller di elevenia dapat diklasifikan menjadi, "Seller Perorangan", "Seller Badan Usaha", dan "Seller Global". Jenis Seller Definisi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Anggota yang mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai penjual perorangan / Individual Seller untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen - dokumen sebagai berikut: * Wajib : Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan Nomor Rekening Tabungan (Mandiri & BCA) * Opsional : Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller)

Anggota yang mendaftarkan dirinya sebagai perusahaan untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen seperti berikut : * Wajib : Lisensi Bisnis (SIUP/TDP), Nomor (NPWP) & Nomor

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Rekening (Mandiri & BCA) & Surat Pernyataan (Statement Letter)(Jika nama yang tertera di buku rekening berbeda dengan nama yang terdaftar di SIUP/TDP) * Opsional : PKP (Pengusaha Kena Pajak) dan Surat Pernyataan & Buku Tabungan

Penjual Global (Global Seller)

Anggota yang berlokasi di luar Indonesia yang mendaftarkan diri untuk melakukan transaksi jual beli. Diwajibkan untuk menyediakan dokumen-dokumen seperti berikut : * Wajib : Passport atau Sertifikat Pendaftaran Pajak, Nomor Rekening & Buku Tabungan dalam mata uang US Dollar

1.2 Kebijakan Umum untuk Seller 1.2.1 Kebijakan ID Seller elevenia memiliki hak untuk menghapus ID Seller dengan ketentuan seperti berikut : 1. Seller di bawah 17 tahun 2. Seller yang mendaftarkan brand/nama perusahaan yang tidak memiliki bukti valid 3. Seller yang menggunakan kata-kata terlarang atau ilegal 1.2.2 Penarikan Keanggotaan 1. Hal-hal yang akan terjadi ketika penarikan keanggotaan langsung : * Data poin non-tunai, nilai, informasi anggota, informasi perdagangan dan lain-lain akan dihapus ketika terjadinya pembatalan keanggotaan * Informasi identitas seperti kata sandi, alamat e-mail, dan nomor KTP akan disimpan, untuk menghindari hal-hal seperti pembatalan yang tidak disengaja & pendaftaran ulang setelah anggota menarik keanggotaannya * Jika masih ada informasi transaksi, informasi dasar yang mungkin masih berhubungan dengan informasi produk, pembelian, ID dan informasi transaksi akan disimpan selama 5 tahun setelah kepergian anggota untuk manajemen informasi transaksi penjualan 2. Hal-hal yang TIDAK AKAN terjadi ketika penarikan keanggotaan langsung : Jenis Hal Metode Penarikan Informasi Transaksi yang sedang berjalan (pembelian atau penjualan)

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah transaksi selesai.

Siaga atau dijadwalkan untuk pengembalian dana

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah anggota menarik seluruh uang yang tersisa.

Poin tunai yang dapat ditarik Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah anggota menarik seluruh uang yang tersisa.

Produk dan spanduk yang berada ditampilan iklan

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah masa periode iklan selesai.

Informasi yang dicek oleh Pusat Transaksi Aman/"Safe Transaction Center"

Memungkinkan untuk membatalkan keanggotaan setelah pihak kartu kredit mengkonfirmasi informasi tersebut.

Data mengenai point yang tidak dapat dicairkan, scores, informasi keaggotaan, informasi transaksi, dan lain-lain akan dihapus secara bersamaan di saat pembatalan keanggotaan jika anggota menyetujui poin-poin di atas. 1.2.3 Pendaftaran Kembali Setelah Penarikan Keanggotaan Setelah masa tenggang penarikan keanggotaan, pendaftar hanya dapat mendaftar sebagai Anggota Baru. Jadi pendaftar hanya dapat mendaftar dengan ID baru karena ID lama mereka tidak tersedia.

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Anggota Seller yang biasanya menjual produk, dapat mendaftar sebagai Anggota Baru setelah 2 bulan (60 hari) dari waktu penarikan keanggotaan mereka. 1.3 Pindah Keanggotaan 1.3.1 Tentang Pindah Keanggotaan Pindah keanggotaan terjadi jika ada perubahan informasi terkini anggota ke informasi anggota baru. Transfer keanggotaan diperbolehkan untuk Pembeli Umum menjadi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller) dengan menggunakan ID yang sama. Untuk Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller) menjadi Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller), Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller) harus menarik keanggotaan mereka saat ini dan mendaftar ulang sebagai anggota baru. Perpindahan Ketersediaan Catatan Dari Pembeli Ke Penjual

Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Tersedia Penggunaan ID yang sama, menyetujui "Layanan Kesepakatan Penggunaan elevenia"/"elevenia's Service Usage Agreement" memberikan informasi tambahan dan dokumen pendukung serta melakukan prosedur verifikasi sebagaimana ditentukan dalam halaman pendaftaran

Dari Penjual Perorangan (Individual Seller)

Ke Penjual Badan Usaha (Business Seller)

Tersedia Pengguna ID yang sama memberikan dokumen pendukung untuk dilakukan verifikasi dokumen

2. Fasilitas Dasar Para Seller akan mendapatkan beberapa fasilitas dasar seperti berikut: Tipe Penjelasan Seller Balance Akun Seller di Web Site digunakan sebagai akun untuk melakukan

pencairan dana/Settlement di Web Site. Seller Balance akan ditransfer ke rekening bank Seller sebagaimana terdaftar dalam database elevenia dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah permintaan Seller.

Seller Reward Points

Poin yang diberikan kepada Seller. Seller Reward Points tidak dapat diuangkan, ditarik, dan / atau ditransfer antar anggota. Seller Reward Points dapat digunakan untuk membeli iklan, dan / atau layanan yang tersedia di Web Site.

Seller Credit Points Poin yang ditawarkan kepada Seller dengan metode pembelian langsung di Web Site. Seller Credit Points tidak dapat diuangkan, ditarik dan / atau ditransfer antar anggota. Seller Credit Points dapat digunakan untuk membeli iklan dan / atau layanan yang tersedia di Web Site.

Seller Score Skor yang diberikan oleh elevenia ke Seller berdasarkan nilai transaksi dalam 1 (satu) keranjang belanja. Seller Score tidak hanya akan diakumulasi tetapi juga dapat dipotong. Akumulasi skor menentukan Status Seller, ditunjukkan oleh Seller Grade.

Seller Grade Seller Grade/Klasifikasi Seller ditentukan oleh Seller Score yang diperoleh oleh masing-masing Seller selama bulan sebelumnya.

Official Store Seller Resmi yang melakukan aktifitas Penjualan di elevenia. Safety Delivery Garansi pengiriman dari Seller; Seller akan bertanggung jawab untuk semua

insiden yang mungkin terjadi selama pengiriman produk mereka kepada Pembeli.

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3. Seller Grade Semua Seller Baru yang terdaftar di elevenia secara otomatis akan menjadi Seller Basic. Seller Score menentukan Seller Grade masing-masing Seller, dihitung menurut jumlah akhir yang dicetak pada faktur transaksi (mis. Jumlah setelah diskon). Seller score diakumulasi untuk jangka waktu 1 bulan dan tergantung pada akumulasi rekening. Seller Grade dapat ditingkatkan atau diturunkan. Tipe Seller Scores Platinum ≥100 Skor Gold 50 - 99 Skor Silver 20 - 49 Skor Bronze 1 - 19 Skor Basic ≤0 Skor Meningkatkan Skor Seller dapat meningkatkan Seller Score berdasarkan nilai transaksi. Nilai dari 1 transaksi yang selesai di 1 keranjang belanja menentukan jumlah skor yang akan diakumulasi. Nilai Skor < IDR 1.000.000 +1 Skor IDR 1.000.000 - IDR 5.000.000 +2 Skor > IDR 5.000.000 +4 Skor Pengurangan Skor elevenia dapat mengurangi Seller Score - Seller dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: Kasus Seller Scores Pembatalan & Pengembalian Pemesanan - untuk alasan yang disebabkan oleh Seller: * Pengiriman diperkirakan terlambat * Salah memasukkan harga/informasi produk * Barang habis terjual(semua pilihan) * Pilihan habis terjual(berlaku untuk pilihan yang berkaitan) * Pembatalan pemesanan barang pre-order * Dan lain-lain

* -4 Skor * -4 Skor * -4 Skor * -4 Skor * -10 Skor * -4 Skor

Penundaan pengiriman: * Pengiriman ditunda ≥ 3 hari kerja setelah pembayaran selesai (setelah status "payment complete") * Pengiriman ditunda sampai 3 hari kerja untuk sales lokal dan 8 hari kerja untuk sales global setelah order sedang diproses (setelah status "preparing delivery") * Ketika melakukan pengumuman keterlambatan pengiriman

* -2 Skor * -2 Skor * -2 Skor

Memperpanjang tanggal pengiriman Pre-Order -2 Skor Tidak memasukkan nomor resi yang valid -5 Skor Pelanggaran dari ketentuan garansi pengiriman oleh Seller -10 Skor Tidak menjawab pertanyaan buyer (Q/A) dalam 1x24 jam hari kerja

-1 Skor

Keuntungan dari Seller Grade Tipe Seller Reward Point Platinum 300.000 Reward Points Gold 200.000 Reward Points Silver 100.000 Reward Points Bronze 50.000 Reward Points Basic Tanpa Keuntungan

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Masa berlaku seller grade points adalah 30 hari sejak diberikan oleh elevenia. 4. Biaya Transaksi elevenia mengenakan biaya pelayanan kepada Seller untuk setiap transaksi yang telah selesai (Biaya Transaksi). Di bawah ini adalah detil dari Biaya Transaksi oleh elevenia:

Kategori Biaya Transaksi Barang tersedia Barang Bekas

Fashion 10% 5% Beauty and Health 10% Baby and Kids 10% 5% Home and Garden 10% 5% Gadget and Computer 5% 5% (Untuk Biaya Transaksi aksesoris dan suplai kantor 10%) Electronics 5% 5% (Untuk Biaya Transaksi aksesoris dan suplai kantor 10%) Sports, Hobbies, and Automotive

10% 5%

Services and Foods 10% 5.A. Produk Terlarang 1. Produk palsu. 2. Narkotika, obat-obat tidak terdaftar, atau terlarang, obat dengan resep dan obat bebas. 3. Produk suplemen dan vitamin tanpa ijin dari BPOM atau Dinas Kesehatan. 4. Pornografi, barang cetakan atau benda yang dianggap bertentangan dengan norma-norma kesusilaan. 5. Senjata tajam, senjata api termasuk airsoft gun, dan segala benda yang digolongkan sebagai senjata sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yg berlaku. 6. Kosmetik bekas, tidak terdaftar, berbahaya atau terlarang. 7. Emas, berlian dan logam mulia serta batuan mulia lainnya. 8. Barang-barang yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan dan kepolisian atau kemiliteran. 9. Bagian atau organ tubuh manusia. 10. Barang-barang yang dianggap dapat melecehkan pihak atau ras tertentu atau dapat menyinggung perasaan orang lain. 11. Barang-barang curian atau barang yg terduga didapatkan secara tidak sah. 12. Bahan atau barang berbahaya dan atau mudah meledak. 13. Barang cetakan atau rekaman yang isinya dapat mengganggu keamanan dan ketertiban serta stabilitas nasional. 14. Tanaman dan hewan yang dilindungi oleh undang-undang. 15. Uang tunai dan surat berharga lainnya. 16. Perlengkapan dan peralatan judi. 17. Minuman beralkohol dan produk bertembakau. 18. Produk yang menggunakan logo elevenia tanpa izin. 5.B. Produk dengan Ketentuan/Pembatasan Penjualan 1. Susu Formula Bayi dibawah 1 Tahun: Tidak diperkenankan dijual dengan menggunakan promosi dalam bentuk apapun. 2. Produk direct selling / multi level marketing: Penjualan produk Direct selling dan MLM hanya boleh dijual dengan metode penjualan dan distribusi sesuai ketentuan masing masing pemilik usaha. 3. Produk yang memerlukan dokumen/syarat pengiriman khusus: Produk tertentu tidak dapat dikirimkan atau memerlukan dokumen dan penanganan khusus untuk pengiriman dengan jasa kurir. Penjual harus memastikan opsi pengiriman yang sesuai untuk masing masing produk.

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4. Gesek tunai kartu kredit: tidak diperkenankan menjual produk apapun yang memungkinkan terjadinya pengembalian dana tunai, seluruh atau sebagian atas pembayaran dengan kartu kredit. 5. Produk khusus dewasa: Produk khusus dewasa, mengandung konten dewasa dalam gambar/nama/deskripsi produk harus dijual dengan menerapkan pembatasan usia pembeli. 6. Pengiriman Dan Pembatalan Dari payment ke preparing delivery http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_2.png Dari preparing delivery ke on delivery (input AWB) Pengecualian : Pembatalan otomatis tidak akan terjadi apabila Seller memberikan notifikasi keterlambatan melalui seller office http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_1.png Dari on delivery (input AWB) ke product delivered http://image.elevenia.co.id/targetMail/20150630/t2/sd1/sellerPolicy_6_4.png Type of Process Limitation Period Notes Order Placed - Payment

2 Hari Kerja 1. XL Tunai, Pembayaran Tagihan: Pesanan akan dibatalkan secara otomatis pada Hari Kerja ke 3

2. Bank Transfer: Order akan secara otomatis dibatalkan padaà ‚ Hari Kerja ke 5

Payment - Preparing Delivery

2 Hari Kerja (normal) ≥3 Hari Kerja (- 2 Scores)

1. SMS pemberitahuan otomatis ke Seller pada Hari +1 & Email pemberitahuan otomatis ke Seller pada Hari +2 (dari tanggal pembayaran)

2. Batalkan Pesanan otomatis pada hari ke 3 dari tanggal pembayaran

3. Pembatalan berlaku bagi segala jenis Seller dan jenis pengiriman (Global/Lokal & Kurir/Pengiriman Langsung)

4. Seller harus menginformasikan kepada pembeli melalui sistem sebelum hari ke 3 setelah pembayaran untuk menjaga proses pembelian

Preparing Delivery - Input AWB

2 Hari Kerja (Local) 7 Hari Kerja (Global) ≥3 Hari Kerja (Local) (-2 Scores) ≥7 Hari Kerja (Global) (-2 Scores)

1. SMS pemberitahuan otomatis kepada Seller pada Hari +1 dari tanggal persiapan

2. Email pemberitahuan otomatis kepada Seller pada Hari +2 dari tanggal persiapan

3. Batalkan Pesanan secara otomatis pada hari ke-3 dari tanggal persiapan (SELLER LOCAL)

4. Batalkan Pesanan secara otomatis pada hari ke-8 dari tanggal persiapan (SELLER GLOBAL)

5. Sebelum hari ke-3, Seller local perlu memasukkan nomor AWB dalam sistem untuk menjaga proses pembelian dan untuk Seller global sebelum hari ke-8 perlu memasukkan nomor AWB ke system.

Delivery (Input AWB) - Delivered

2-3 Hari Kerja (Local) 6 Hari Kerja (Global)

PENGIRIMAN OLEH KURIR 1. 3 hari setelah pesanan diterima pembeli (status

product delivered),apabila tidak ada konfirmasi pembelian oleh pembeli, maka sistem akan secara otomatis melakukan konfirmasi dan pencairan dana akan diberikan kepada Seller pada hari kerja +2 dari tanggal konfirmasi otomatis

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2. Konfirmasi pembelian secara otomatis pada hari kerja ke 13 dari tanggal pengiriman (Tanggal Pendaftaran AWB)

PENGIRIMAN LANGSUNG Konfirmasi pembelian secara otomatis sejak 3 (Tiga) hari setelah diinput tanggal penerimaan

Untuk pengiriman dengan menggunakan partner kurir kami, apabila nomor resi yang dimasukkan tidak akurat, maka tidak akan terjadi pergantian status menjadi pengiriman selesai, sehingga tidak akan ada perubahan otomatis menjadi konfirmasi pembelian, kecuali dikonfirmasi oleh pihak Buyer. Pembatalan otomatis oleh system hanya berlaku bagi pengiriman local dan global. Untuk metode Pre-Order; Seller harus memasukan tanggal ketika produk siap. Saat produk telah siap, kebijakan yang sama dengan metode normal akan dikenakan. Untuk metode pengiriman langsung; 1. Seller mengirimkan barang langsung ke pembeli dengan bukti penerimaan 2. Seller harus menginput tanggal dan informasi penerimaan di system 3. Email notifikasi bahwa barang telah diterima akan dikirimkan secara otomatis ke pembeli 4. Pembeli harus melakukan konfirmasi pembelian bahwa barang telah diterima. Apabila tidak ada

konfirmasi dari pembeli, maka system akan secara otomatis malakukan konfirmasi penerimaan setelah 3 hari kerja dari tanggal pengiriman email notifikasi.

http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy_6_5.jpg Seller harus melakukan pengiriman dan memasukkan informasi pengiriman termasuk nama perusahaan pengiriman, nomor pelacakan, dll. melalui Seller Office dalam waktu 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal konfirmasi penerimaan perintah pengiriman. Jika Seller gagal melakukannya, elevenia dapat memotong Seller Score, dan memiliki kewenangan penuh untuk memberikan pilihan kepada Pembeli untuk membatalkan transaksi pada hari kalender pertama setelah hari kerja ke 7 (tujuh) setelah konfirmasi penerimaan perintah pengiriman. elevenia tidak bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban atas kerugian kepada Seller sehubungan dengan pembatalan tersebut. Jika terdapat permintaan dari pembeli untuk melakukan pembatalan pesanan, Seller harus merespon permintaan ini dalam sistem. Jika Seller tidak merespon pembatalan dalam 2 hari kerja sejak permintaan pembatalan, maka sistem akan melakukan pembatalan otomatis. Untuk pengembalian dana, jika ada permintaan pengembalian dana dari Pembeli, Seller akan menerima email dan sms dari elevenia.co.id. Jika tidak ada respon dari Seller dalam sistem seller office dalam 4 hari kalender dari hari yang diminta, akan dianggap bahwa Seller setuju dan akan otomatis disetujui oleh sistem pada seller office. Untuk pengiriman kurir, Seller harus menggunakan kurir yang sama yang dipilih oleh pembeli. Jika Seller gagal untuk melakukannya, elevenia akan mengurangi poin dan memiliki hak untuk membatalkan pesanan dan tanpa melalui proses klaim dari pembeli. elevenia dalam hal ini juga dapat melakukan penonaktifan produk Seller dari website. Segala macam bentuk administrasi yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan proses pengiriman hanya dapat dan wajib dilakukan oleh Seller yang nama dan identitasnya terdaftar di elevenia. Pihak elevenia

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tidak menerima segala bentuk penunjukan kepada pihak ketiga atau vendor lainnya oleh Seller. Seller bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap nomor resi pengiriman untuk setiap pesanan di elevenia. elevenia akan menyarankan kepada pembeli untuk melakukan pengiriman dengan menggunakan asuransi. Untuk pengiriman produk dengan menggunakan asuransi dan terjadi kehilangan barang, maka elevenia memiliki kondisi sebagai berikut: 1. Apabila pembeli memilih menggunakan pengiriman berasuransi, tetapi penjual tidak

mengirimkan menggunakan asuransi, elevenia akan melakukan refund kepada pembeli dan elevenia tidak melakukan pencairan dana kepada penjual.

2. Apabila pembeli memilih menggunakan pengiriman berasuransi dan melakukan pengiriman menggunakan asuransi tetapi terjadi kehilangan barang, elevenia akan melakukan refund kepada pembeli dan Penjual harus melakukan claim kepada kurir dan elevenia tidak melakukan pencairan dana ke Penjual.

3. Apabila system telah menyarankan pengiriman produk dengan menggunakan asuransi, tetapi pembeli memilih untuk tidak menggunakan asuransi maka elevenia akan memberikan pencairan dana ke Penjual. Nominal penggantian yang diberikan akan mengikuti kebijakan dari jasa ekspedisi yang digunakan.

4. Apabila terjadi kehilangan maupun kerusakan terhadap seluruh ataupun sebagian dari produk yang dipesan, maka proses klaim ke pihak ekspedisi dapat dilakukan oleh pihak penjual, setelah proses pengecekan dilakukan oleh ekspedisi tersebut.

5. Dalam hal adanya ketidaksepakatan atau perbedaan pendapat antara Penjual dan Pembeli mengenai hal ini, maka Ketentuan elevenia yang akan berlaku.

Pembeli berhak melakukan pengembalian/penukaran apabila menerima order dengan kondisi produk yang telah/mendekati tanggal kadaluarsa. Produk kadaluarsa yang akan dikembalikan atau ditukarkan harus dalam keadaan utuh. 7. Settlement Jumlah yang harus dibayar / "Settlement Amount" oleh elevenia ke Seller untuk setiap transaksi yang terjadi di Website akan dihitung dengan mengurangi biaya jasa/ komisi dari jumlah yang dibayar oleh Pembeli. Seller harus memilih metode pencairan dana pada saat pendaftaran, baik pencairan dana melalui transfer langsung ke rekening bank Seller atau deposit ke Seller Balance. Jumlah pembayaran pada proses pencairan dana akan mengikuti proses seperti yang ditetapkan di bawah ini: Buyer Confirmation http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy6a.jpg Non Buyer Confirmation AWB Tracking http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy7a.jpg Non - AWB Tracking - 1 http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy8.jpg Non - AWB Tracking - 2 http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy9.jpg Tipe Proses Penyelesaian (Settlement) Buyer Confirmation Dalam 2 hari kerja (setelah konfirmasi dari Pembeli) Logistic Tracking Dalam 5 hari kerja (setelah konfirmasi dari Pembeli)

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Direct Delivery Dalam 2 hari kerja (setelah menerima bukti pengiriman dari Seller dan konfirmasi dari Pembeli)

Seller dapat setiap saat mengajukan permintaan untuk menarik sejumlah uang dari "Seller Balance" dan jumlah yang diminta akan dikirimkan ke rekening bank Seller yang telah didaftarkan dalam 2 (dua) hari kerja. Deposito Periode Penyimpanan Maksimum Jumlah Maksimum Seller Balance 6 Bulan IDR 200.000.000 Jika saldo Seller melebihi jangka waktu maksimum atau jumlah maksimum, elevenia secara otomatis akan mentransfer semua jumlah "Seller Balance" ke rekening bank Seller yang terdaftar. 8. Bagian Internasional A. Perdagangan Internasional Seller yang berada di luar negeri (Global Seller) dapat mendaftarkan produk mereka di Web Site untuk perdagangan internasional dan adalah penting untuk diketahui bahwa semua pencatatan produk dan transaksi mengikuti sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku. Global Seller bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan bahwa transaksi mereka sah menurut hukum di kedua negara, yaitu negara Global Seller dan Indonesia. elevenia sangat menyarankan Global Seller untuk mempelajari tentang hokum di negara mereka dan juga hukum Indonesia. Global Seller harus memastikan bahwa produk yang mereka jual dapat secara sah diposting di luar negeri di mana Global Seller berada dan juga memastikan bahwa Global Seller dapat secara sah mengekspor produk ke Indonesia sebelum mengirim produk tersebut. Global Seller harus mendiskusikan kemungkinan ekspor dan / atau masalah impor dengan pembeli potensial, melakukan penelitian yang cermat, dan menyewa seorang ahli jika diperlukan untuk memastikan bahwa semua transaksi mematuhi semua hukum yang berlaku. B.Pabean/Customs Pembeli di Indonesia dianggap sebagai importir produk dan harus mematuhi semua hukum dan peraturan Indonesia. Pembeli harus memastikan bahwa mereka secara sah dapat mengimpor produk ke Indonesia sebelum membeli produk apapun. Pembeli dapat dikenakan bea masuk dan pajak, yang dikenakan setelah pengiriman sampai di Indonesia. Pada prinsipnya, biaya tambahan untuk pemeriksaan kepabeanan harus ditanggung oleh Global Seller jika tidak ditentukan secara eksplisit dalam halaman detail produk/ "Product Detail Page". elevenia tidak memiliki kontrol atas tuduhan ini karena ini tidak dapat diprediksi. Global Seller dapat menghubungi kantor bea cukai setempat untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai kebijakan pabean Indonesia karena ini bervariasi dari satu negara ke negara lain. elevenia menyarankan pembeli internasional dari Indonesia dan Global Seller yang akan mengirimkan secara internasional untuk menyadari bahwa pengiriman lintas-perbatasan tunduk pada pembukaan dan pemeriksaan oleh pihak pabean. elevenia atau Global Seller dapat memberikan permintaan tertentu, pengiriman, dan informasi produk - seperti judul - untuk perantara internasional, dan informasi tersebut dapat disampaikan oleh perantara kepada pihak pabean untuk memfasilitasi bea cukai dan sesuai dengan hukum setempat. Otoritas Bea Cukai berhak meminta elevenia atau Global Seller untuk menyatakan nilai dari produk yang dibeli langsung.

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C. Cancellation and Refund Untuk pembelian dari luar negeri, pengembalian disebabkan oleh Pembeli mungkin tidak praktis dilakukan karena biaya pengembalian yang tinggi. elevenia atau Global Seller tidak bertanggung jawab dan menganggap tidak ada kewajiban untuk kasus tersebut. D. Proses Penyelesaian (Settlement) Untuk Global Seller 'Seller Global' dan 'produk yang dijual ke Indonesia', terdapat peraturan konfirmasi penerimaan produk terpisah ditetapkan sebagai berikut: 1. Untuk 'produk yang dijual ke Indonesia', 22 (dua puluh dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal

pengiriman, konfirmasi pembelian otomatis akan dibuat dan penyelesaian pembayaran secara otomatis akan diproses setelah 2 (dua) hari kerja setelah tanggal penyelesaian tersebut;

2. Email konfirmasi akan dikirim 15 hari kerja setelah produk dikirim oleh Seller. 3. Semua jumlah penyelesaian (Settlement) dari 'Global Seller' harus dibayar sesuai "Seller

Balance". Pada permintaan transfer bank, jumlah pembayaran tidak termasuk biaya transfer dari bank ke rekening terdaftar yang dibuat;

4. Ketika Global Seller tidak menindaklanjuti permintaan untuk pembayaran "Seller Balance" selama lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan, elevenia akan secara otomatis mentransfer ke rekening bank terdaftar Seller dengan jumlah total tidak termasuk biaya transfer bank. Namun jika Global Seller memiliki "Seller Balance" di bawah Rp 500.000 (lima ratus ribu Rupiah Indonesia), transfer bank tidak dilakukan.

5. Jika rekening bank terdaftar di luar negeri, permintaan pembayaran transfer bank harus diproses secara terpisah dan seluruh jumlah yang diminta akan ditransfer via bank pada hari Selasa. Hari tersebut dapat berubah tergantung pada berbagai situasi yang ditentukan oleh elevenia.

6. Konfirmasi Pembelian -> Verifikasi Transaksi -> Permintaan Pembayaran -> Verifikasi Bank -> Konfirmasi antar rekening bank di luar negeri -> periode yang cukup dari waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk prosedur verifikasi umum, misalnya. transfer bank, dll Jika tanggal transfer pembayaran jatuh pada hari libur umum/bank, transfer akan diproses pada hari kerja berikutnya.

Biaya transaksi dan biaya lainnya yang ditentukan oleh elevenia, yang mungkin timbul karena transfer bank luar negeri ditanggung oleh Global Seller, dan nilai tukar harus mematuhi nilai pada saat transfer bank. http://www.elevenia.co.id/img_11ia/static/sellerPolicy10.jpg <hr> 2015-12-11 07:17 AM http://www.aribowo.net/7-toko-buku-online-terpercaya-di-indonesia/ 7 Toko Buku Online Terpercaya di Indonesia Mar 21, 2015 bukukita.com Toko Buku Online BukuKita.COM - Komunitas Buku Indonesia.png bit.ly/1mmh8PS http://s6.postimg.org/j5eyuafkt/Toko_Buku_Online_Buku_Kita_COM_Komunitas_Buku_I.jpg bukabuku.com BukaBuku.com - Toko Buku Online - Selection, Convenience & Price.png bit.ly/1O3qRAX http://s6.postimg.org/3xyz9xnq5/Buka_Buku_com_Toko_Buku_Online_Selection_Con.jpg

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belbuk.com belbuk.com- Toko Buku Online - Cukup diklik, buku tiba di rumah.png bit.ly/1k0Gd1b http://s6.postimg.org/s2zorn80t/belbuk_com_Toko_Buku_Online_Cukup_diklik_buk.jpg kutukutubuku.com Toko Buku Online - Kutukutubuku.com - Toko Buku, Belanja Buku, Belanja Buku Online.png bit.ly/1mmhR3H http://s6.postimg.org/grx13a15p/Toko_Buku_Online_Kutukutubuku_com_Toko_Buku.jpg palasarionline.com PALASARI Toko Buku Online - Bursa Buku Murah dan Terlengkap di Indonesia.png bit.ly/1Ye8W5v http://s6.postimg.org/jna4a555p/PALASARI_Toko_Buku_Online_Bursa_Buku_Murah_dan.jpg bukupedia.com - bookoopedia.com Toko Buku Online Indonesia Terlengkap – Bukupedia.png bit.ly/22519Gw http://s6.postimg.org/432qjlv19/Toko_Buku_Online_Indonesia_Terlengkap_Bukupedi.jpg gramedia bukuqu.com mizanstore <hr> 2015-12-15 11:52 PM http://trustedcompany.com/id/reviews-tokopedia.com Review Tokopedia 3.7 / 5 denty dayanti http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/denty-dayanti, Sat, 05/12/2015 - 10:33 " tokopedia mengecewakan " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/97078/view banyak akun ga aktif ujung'' nya cancel !!!!!! lama fetivikasi yang katanya 1x24 jam eh ini 3 hari blum di ferifikasi juga....tempat jualan yang ga mutu banget...harusnya block akun jualan yang sering di komplain bukannya di diemin...hari kerja apanya ??? tidurrr kaliiii....!!!!! Henny 76 http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/henny-76 Wed, 02/12/2015 - 10:05 " sangat mengecewakan " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/96031/view Saya melakukan penarikan dana ke rekening BCA [private info removed] sebesar 218.000 per tanggal 27 november dengan no INV/20151125/XV/XI/21535447. Per tgl 27 november sudah ada email dari tokopedia bahwa sudah berhasil di transfer ke rekening saya. Tapi sampai tgl 2 desember dana tidak juga masuk. Sudah mencoba mengirimkan keluhan ke cs tokopedia. Tapi malah disuruh tunggu 2X24 jam. Padahal jelas2 sudah melebihi waktu 2X24 jam. Bahkan disuruh mengirimkan rekening koran. Aneh banget. Di coba telp pun selalu sibuk. Dana saya jadi ga jelas nasibnya. Rahasia Cantik http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/rahasia-cantik Mon, 30/11/2015 - 23:03 " KAPOK BELANJA DI JURAGAN KOSMETIK ONLINE GK BERTANGGUNG JAWAB " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/95758/view barang yg dijual palsu smua.. tidak layak jual, barang busuk kotor, sabun glutera dicampur air.. saya beli selusin di complain masuk pusat resolusi PIHAK TOKOPEDIA LEBIH MEMBELA PENJUAL!!! Mungkin karena tokopedia memang terima uang, sangat tidak adil.. sudah JELAS PENJUAL SALAH, MALAH DIBELA!!!

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SAYA AKAN ADUKAN KE PIHAK YLKI UNTUK TOKOPEDIA!!! Bukan cuma kali ini saja, tp saya ud sering complaim di pusat resolusi dan Tokopedia membela penjual.. 12 sabun busuk yg sy beli tidak layak jual, ud disertakan foto, tetap pada akhirnya saya tidak mendapatkan apa2.. apa bedanya belanja di tokopedia dan online penipu lain?? HATI2 YG MAU BELANJA DGN TOKO JURAGAN KOSMETIK ONLINE, BARANG BEDA SERIBU AJA TERNYATA OPLOSAN!! PENJUAL MACAM APA DI COMPLAIN TIDAK MAU BERTANGGUNG JAWAB, NO COMPLAIN, NO RETUR, NO REFUND, YG DIA MAU CUMA NIPU.. MANTAP NIH TOKO!! SEMOGA BERKAH YA JUALAN DARI HASIL NIPU DAN MENGECEWAKAN PEMBELI Yudhi Arie Baskoro http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/yudhi-arie-baskoro Sat, 28/11/2015 - 00:22 " Banyak penjual abal2 " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/95345/view TOkopedia penuh penjual abal-abal pesen lama2 gak taunya di batalin karena gak punya barang real. suggestion: upload produk harus di sertai foto asli barang. indentifikasi foto barang harus dengan kertas bertulis nama toko bersangkutan di tokopedia. terlalu banyak penjual dropship yang gak punya barang cuma pake foto yang sama yang ada di internet. lama2 males belanja di tokopedia Dewi Wahyundari http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/dewi-wahyundari Fri, 27/11/2015 - 15:01 " kejelasan transaksi " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/95223/view Saya melakukan pembelian online melalui toped, dgn no. Pembayaran : PYM / 20151123/XV/XI/15337192. Pada tanggal 23 november 2015. sdh sy konfirmasi pembayaran tgl 23 november 2015, kmdn tgl 24 sesuai email dr toped, ktnya pesanan sy sdh diproses oleh toko yg bersangkutan. Dgn no faktur : INV / 20151121/XV/XI/21314348. Namun smp skrg tgl 27 november blm ada email yg masuk lg, pesanan saya dah dikirim pa blm. Pdhl pesanan lain yg saya lakukan dr toko online lain, setelah pesanan dgn invoice tersebut, sdh dikirim oleh penjualnya. Bgmn kejelasan transaksi tersebut, dan uang yg sy kirimkan sebesar 526.077 bgmn ? Sebenarnya brp lama batas waktu penjual untuk mengirim barang, setelah ada vetifikasi dr toopedia nya ? Dewi. Imelda Hansopaheluwakan http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/imelda-hansopaheluwakan Thu, 26/11/2015 - 16:50 " tidak bisa konfirmasi bayar lalu uang tidak bisa kembali " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/95021/view saya menulis ini dengan harapan Tokopedia memberi perhatian serius terhadap masalah ini demi peningkatan pelayanan di masa mendatang. Tanggal 24 Nov 2015 saya hendak membeli buku lalu segera melakukan transfer pembayaran melalui internet banking BCA. namun ternyata saya tidak bisa melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran. Saat mengecek ulang hal ini sepertinya karena saat memilih opsi cara bayar pertama kali saya memilih "klik bca" yang ternyata tidak sama dengan transfer internet banking. Akhirnya saya mengirim email ke tokopedia disertai bukti transfer yang telah saya lakukan, dengan harapan transfer tersebut dapat segera di konfirmasi oleh tokopedia dan diteruskan kepada penjual untuk proses kirim. Namun entah mengapa tokopedia tidak melakukannya, sehingga saya kemudian mengirim pesan lain yang meminta agar dana tersebut dikembalikan ke saya entah dalam bentuk saldo belanja di akun tokopedia ataupun mentransfer balik ke rekening saya. Sampai hari ini saya masih belum menerima respon dari pihak tokopedia mengenai kejelasan uang yang telah ditransfer tersebut. Terlepas dari kesalahan teknis saat konsumen salah memilih opsi cara bayar seharusnya menurut saya tokopedia bisa melanjutkan proses hingga ke penjual atau setidaknya mengembalikan uang tersebut ke konsumen karena jelas dana tersebut belum terpakai untuk pembelian dan saya sebagai konsumen telah memberikan bukti transfer yang jelas.

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Apabila tokopedia benar benar ingin menjadi layanan penjualan ecommerce terbaik di Indonesia sebaiknya tokopedia memperbaiki sistem teknis dan layanannya sehingga kepercayaan konsumen terhadap tokopedia bisa kembali. Bayu Nurizal http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/bayu-nurizal Sat, 21/11/2015 - 09:14 " Kecewa berat " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/93958/view Saya pesan sweater dishop sudah lewat waktu max barang ga datang yang otomatis pemesanan batal dan menjadi saldo. Saya checkout lagi dishop lain dengan barang yang sama sudah 4 hari belum muncul no resi Intinya ko bisa pesan barang yang sama dengan toko berbeda masalahnya sama ga dikirim Tolong dong maintainance shop nya ditingkatkan lagi Eiffel 8989 http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/eiffel-8989 Mon, 16/11/2015 - 13:55 " barang yang datang tidak sesuai pesanan..nama tokonya KECEBONG T " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/92772/view Sebenarnya saya senang sekali dengan tokopedia ini. Karena saya menemukan banyak penjual dgn hrga2 murah ..pertama saya pesan di KECEBONG TOKOPEDIA , pesan hanya 3 pensil alis merk viva.. Tapi yg dikirimkan hanya 2. Admin sudah confirm bhwa pihak mereka melakukan kesalahan.. Trnyta tidak direfund dan malah mereka tiba2 berkelit.. Ribet deh pdhl 1 viva pensil alis itu hanya 3.500perak.intinya adalah 3500 perak aja sprti ini kok , apalg kalau kita berhubungan dgn uang dlm jumlah besar.. Pdhl sy liat poin KECEBONG TOKOPEDIA ini sudah besar n sudah bgs ratingnya.. Ckck..okelah lbi brhati2 lg dalam membeli online ya teman2.. David Lasini http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/david-lasini Thu, 12/11/2015 - 13:04 " Sistem sudah sangat bagus " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/92129/view Saya pernah beli dari lapak lain, sialnya barang salah kirim isinya, direspond lebih dari 1x24 jam setiap 1 pertanyaan saya dari penjual. "Servernya" Tokopedia suka overload, apalagi kalau lagi Discount/Promo Ugal-ugalan hahaha. Tips : Lihat jgn selalu Badge segambreng/Gold Merchant, yang penting seberapa cepat dia respond pertanyaan di Pesan / Diskusi Produk. Muhammad Rifai http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/muhammad-rifai Sat, 07/11/2015 - 07:27 " membingunkan " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/91319/view Sudah sering saya belanja di tokped dan baru kali ini barang yang saya beli tidak sesuai dengan yang saya pesan...alhasil masuk ke pusat resolusi dengan solusi tukar dengan barang sesuai pesan....sempat diskusi sama pemilik toko buat ganti barang,saya beli memori 32 yang dikirim 16.kalo saya return otomatis saya harus ngeluarin budget lag buat ongkir secara yg diganti cuma barang nya saja ongkir tidak termasuk... tu sama artinya menambah pengeluaran saya padahal saya pihak yang dirugikan..akhirnya saya minta refund,..pemilik toko pun setuju trs nyuruh saya ganti solusinya ke refund...bingung saya sama pusat resolusi masalahnya gak sa diganti solunyinya...akhirnya saya coba batalkan komplain...setatusnya malah berubah terselesaikan...padahal saya belum terima refundnya... gak tau kelanjutanya gimana ni masih saya tunggu balasan dari penjual sama tokped..kalo bisa diatasi ya saya bkl blnja trs ditokped,kalo gak bisa ya saya pindah tempat lain...sekedar info review penjual di tokped bukan jaminan toko bagus...barang yang saya beli ini termasuk toko dengan rating 4.7 dan point yang tinggi..jd beli ditoko online itu ya tergantung nasib kita.moga ja tokopedia bisa kasih solusi terbaik buat pembelinya Jhony Chandra http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/jhony-chandra Sat, 31/10/2015 - 13:02 " Di buat kecewa sama penjual tokopedia " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/89737/view Awal saya membeli tempered glass kingkong seharga Rp.105.000 yg jual dynasty distributor saya pun melihat review tanggapan pada postip..saya pun membelinya...pengiriman emang cepat packing

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pun bagus , alangkah terkejutnya saya mendapatkan cuma kotak tempered glass merek kingkong tampa ada kacanya.... Saya pun komplain kepada dynasty distributor cuma membeli tanggapan 1x saja habis itu tidak ada tanggapan sama sekali tidak membalas komplain saya...terus saya sms ke dynasty distributornya sms di balas sama penjualnya katanya barang merka jual tidak di otak atik faktanya kacanya tidak ada cuma kotaknya..... habis itu pihak dynasty pun tidak membalas sms saya... Sekarang si penjual tidak percaya bahwa kaca tempered glass tidak ada,fakta emang tidak ada.. Jadi pembeli rugi cuma di kasih kotak saja , penjual mendapat Rp.105.000 Solusinya apa kalau sudah begini... Aries Ryha http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/aries-ryha Tue, 27/10/2015 - 14:12 " MENGECEWAKAN " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/88846/view Saya sudah melakukan pembayaran disertai dengan bukti transfer via ATM BNI, saya juga telah melakukan konfirmasi pembayaran tetapi proses dibatalkan tanpa uang dikembalikan, saya sudah komplain ke layanan pengguna tokopedia katanya diproses 1x 24 jam ternyata 2 hari aja belum ada tanggapan..? Susanto Vivi http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/susanto-vivi Thu, 24/09/2015 - 01:09 " penjualnya banyak yang nipu " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/82135/view Penjualnya banyak yang nipu. Barang kw ditanya ori atau gak di jawab ori. Contohnya baby liss. Baby liss yang asli harga 2.950.000. Di tokopedia bisa di dapet dengan harga 200.000 sampai 800.000. Tapi mereka bilang produknya ori. Padahal facebook resmi baby liss indonesia sudah mengumumkan kalau barang yang di tokopedia bukan ori. Tolong tindak penjual yang tidak jujur. Bikin rusak nama tokopedia Dwi Joko Suwasono http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/dwi-joko-suwasono Fri, 28/08/2015 - 14:09 " Janji pengiriman molor " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/76531/view Saya beli produk dgn invoice INV/20150826/XV/VIII/16504766 tanggal 26 Agustus 2015, tokopedia menjanjikan 2-3 hari barang datang tapi sampai hari ketiga baru diproses padahal pihak penjual pada saat tgl 26 saya tanya katanya stok ada, lunas dan diverifikasi hari itu juga. Tp tokopedia juga memberi aturan batasan yg tidak sesuai kpd pihak pembeli 2-3 hari tp disisi lain kepada penjual max 3 hari blm diproses transaksi gagal. harusnya bukan max 3 hari tapi 1x24 jam Brad Pitt http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/brad-pitt-0 Wed, 01/07/2015 - 15:25 " Tokopedia adlh toko online terbaik dari bbrp yg sdh saya coba " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/66354/view Saya pernah mengalami terlambat klik komplain krn kesibukan sy dan akhirnya duitnya sdh ditranfer dr tokopedia ke penjual. Brg yg sy terima ternyata bermasalah dan si penjual cuma janji2 utk menyelesaikan mslh tsb tetapi tdk terealisasi krn alasan2 yg tdk jelas dari si penjual. Krn tdk ada kejelasan dari si penjualnya, akhirnya sy datang ke ktr tokopedia di kb jeruk. Pihak tokopedia menjadi penengah/ mediasi dari masalah ini antara saya dan penjual dan tokopedia jg menahan uang transaksi dari pembeli lain kpd penjual tsb sampai masalahnya selesai. Akhirnya si penjual mengembalikan uang saya. Tetap anda harus cek dulu brg2 yg dibeli, satu barang yg sama bisa dijual oleh bbrp penjual. Lakukan komunikasi dulu dgn penjualnya dan cek review2 yg sdh ada. Silakan dicoba.. :) Ifan Ghofiqi http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/ifan-ghofiqi Wed, 24/06/2015 - 11:59 " kembalikan uang gold merchan saya " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/65165/view saya selaku pembisnis yang baru awalnya melakukan gold merchant dan membayar gold merchan dan sehari sesudah nya toko saya di blokir sya tidak bisa mengambil uangya payah sekali dan sangat payah saya merasa ditipu oleh tokopedia uang gold merchan 300 saya tidak bisa kembali

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saya seperti membeli barang tapi barangya rusak dan penjual tidak bertanggung jawab jika ada itikad baik untuk mengembalikan uang saya silahkan email ke [private info removed] Sutrisno Kario http://trustedcompany.com/id/user/sutrisno-kario Sat, 11/04/2015 - 23:59 " @William Tanuwijaya ; sy sebagai langganan tokped sangat kecewa " http://trustedcompany.com/id/comment/55648/view @William Tanuwijaya ; sy sebagai langganan tokped sangat kecewa dgn pusat resolusi ,sdh 2x ini selalu membela seller apakah di sebabkan seller ada memberi uang ke tokped,sedangkan kenyamanan ke buyer sampai tdk di perhatikan <hr> http://benysalim.com/2014/12/18/modus-penipuan-di-tokopedia/ MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA By benysalim - 18/12/2014 TOLONG DI SHARE SEMOGA MENDAPAT PERHATIAN DARI PEMERINTAH INI RINCIAN : TANGGAL 17 DESEMBER 2014 : SAYA CHATING AMA PENJUAL NYA KATA NYA READY DI TOKOPEDIA DAN MEMESAN BARANG DI TOKOPEDIA CHAT TOKOPEDIA modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA CHAT TOKOPEDIA BAYAR modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA BAYARTANGGAL 17 SAYA JUGA MEMBAYAR TELAH DI BAYAR modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA TELAH DI BAYAR TELAH DI VERIFIKASI modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA TELAH DI VERIFIKASITANGGAL 17 MALAM SAYA MENDAPAT PESAN PRIBADI YANG TAK SANGKA ITU ADALAH LINK PALSU VERIFIKASI SAMBUNGAN modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA VERIFIKASI SAMBUNGANSAMBUNGAN 2 modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA SAMBUNGAN 2PAGI NYA SAYA MENDAPAT EMAIL BAHWA BARANG SAYA TELAH DI PROSES PROSES modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA PROSESDAN SAYA MENDAPAT EMAil bahwa barang saya telah di kirim lewat jne dengan no resi MUG873857292734 dan setelah saya cek kok di jne ga ada track nya…DI KIRIM modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA DI KIRIM dan tiba tiba saya mendapat email lagi bahwa barang saya telah di terima, padahal blum saya terima barang nya…trsu saya komplain donk ke tokopedia,, nanya ke customer tokopedia nya, kata nya akun saya telah di hacker, trus saya tanya lagi itu gimana proses penyelesaian nya, trus dari pihak tokopedia sarankan agar ke bank mandiri untuk blokir dana dari penjual nya….saya ke bank mandiri nanya kata nya dana nya uda kosong baru ditarik…kaget saya…trsu saya ke tempat tokopedia di graha handaya,,saya di sarankan lapor polisi..aduh dalam hati…gimana lapor nya… ini akun mandiri penipu atau penjual nya dapat dari tokopedia… 2014-12-18 15.57.11 modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA 2014 12 18 15 yang saya bingung gimana laporin polisi…kalau ada teman2 yang bisa membantu share ini saya sangat berterima kasih..tolong di sharekan biar ga ada korban lain lagi….semoga dari pihak kepolisan bisa membantu setelah membaca thread ini….

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TANGAL 19 DESEMBER 2014 SAYA KE MANDIRI TANYA AKUN NYA APA MASIH AKTIF ATAU ADA DANA GA, KATA DARI PIHAK BANK MANDIRI, ASAL REKENING NYA BERASAL DARI PADANG, KEMUNGKINAN BESAR ITU IDENTITAS PALSU. KATA DARI PIHAK BANK MANDIRI ORANG NYA AGAK LICIK, ADA DANA LANGSUNG DI TARIK SAMPAI NOL… HARI INI SAYA KE KANTOR POLISI MINTA SURAT PENIPUAN… 2014-12-19 13.49.05 modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA 2014 12 19 13 DARI PENGALAMAN POLISI, KATA NYA KEMUNGKINAN DIA PUNYA BANYAK AKUN DI TOKOPEDIA, JADI BERHATI-HATI LAH KALAU BELANJA ONLINE DI TOKOPEDIA…. MINGGU DEPAN SAYA AKAN DI PANGGIL LAGI DARI PIHAK POLRI UNTUK PENYELIDIKAN LEBIH LANJUT. DAN SAYA LUPA KASIH TAHU DIA JUGA REVIEW AKUN SAYA SUPAYA DI CAIRIN DANA DI TOKOPEDIA…INI GAMBAR NYA….BAYANGKAN SAJA DIA BISA REVIEW AKUN KITA… 2014-12-18 12.45.17 modus penipuan di tokopedia MODUS PENIPUAN DI TOKOPEDIA 2014 12 18 12ITU REVIEW PALSU YANG DIA BUAT…POKOK NYA BERHATI-HATILAH KALAU BELANJA DI TOKOPEDIA…PRESTASI TOKO ONLINE TERBESAR INDONESIA TIDAK BISA MENJAMIN ANDA AMAN DALAM BELANJA, ITU HANYA SEBUAH NAMA…. BAGI TEMAN-TEMAN YANG TAHU TOKO INI BENAR ATAU GA STATUS NYA , TOLONG DI CEK APA TOKO INI ADA ATAU GA, PENIPU NYA MEMAKAI ALAMAT DI BAWAH TERSEBUT…. # amememex 26/12/2014 at 4:02 AM Bukan saya bermaksud membela tokopedia, tapi sepertinya anda kurang tepat kalau menyalahkan sistem tokopedia. Karena setelah saya membaca keseluruhan kronologi kasus ini, poin penting terletak pada saat anda menerima email palsu dari seller yang berisi link phising dengan iming-iming voucher belanja dan verifikasi tersebut, Pada saat itu saya yakin anda mengisi email dan password tanpa memperhatikan URL halaman yang dibuka, alias anda kena phising. Seller (hacker) pun langsung membuka akun tokopedia anda lalu melakukan konfirmasi barang telah diterima padahal belum dikirim sama sekali. Sehingga dana yang ditampung di tokopedia otomatis dicairkan ke rekening seller. Saran saya. sebaiknya untuk kedepannya bisa lebih cermat, jangan pernah dengan mudahnya mengisi email dan password di sembarang tempat, dan bedakan antara password email dan password akun lainnya. Semoga uang anda bisa kembali atau tergantikan beberapa kali lipat, terima kasih. * ivankc 05/01/2015 at 12:47 AM meluruskan, yg ditanyakan penipu bukan password, tapi hanya nama, email dan hp pembeli… jadi penipu disini sangat ahli krn dgn informasi diatas dapat melakukan hack sistem tokopedia. o totomeyo 14/01/2015 at 10:08 PM

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duh mas ivankc ini pasti belum pernah denger kasus phishing ya? ini bukan si penipu bisa hack sistem tokopedia. Jadi kronologisnya begini. Penipu ngaku sbg CS tokopedia kirim pm ke mas Benny –> Mas Benny informasikan nama, email, no.hp —> Kemudian penipu MENGIRIM EMAIL berisi link phishing, ngakunya email itu adalah untuk aktivasi —> Mas Benny klik email, saya yakin tampilan halaman tersebut mirip seperti login landing page Tokopedia. Kemudian Mas Benny isi password dan alamat email login dia karena dia mengira itu website Tokopedia, padahal kalo Mas Benny teliti kalo ngecek URL pasti bukan tokopedia.com Hasilnya, si penipu dapat alamat email dan password login mas benny lalu login di alamat tokopedia yg asli dan mengubah data transaksi dgn klik “konfirmasi penerimaan” Kalo masih bingung jg sama phishing, baca ini deh copasan dari tetangga sebelah dan penjelasan dr pihak Tokopedia: Perlu Bapak ketahui bahwa Tokopedia sangat concern dengan keamanan dalam transaksi, oleh karena itu kami juga menyediakan OTP (one time password) yang diberikan melalui SMS ke nomor HP yang terdaftar, oleh karena itu di fitur pesan yang ada di Tokopedia pun sangat melarang untuk pemberian data pribadi, semisal email, apalagi password karena data tersebut sangatlah vital. Untuk kejadian ini Tokopedia turut prihatin karena masih banyak user yang sepertinya belum membaca pesan waspada tersebut di header setiap message kami. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian ini bukanlah karena sistem Tokopedia yang lemah, namun ini adalah salah satu trick “social engineering” yang menjebak pengguna lain agar terpancing masuk ke perangkap yang berada di luar Tokopedia, yang biasa disebut dg “phising” (https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/75061?hl=id), diambil dari “fishing”. Demikian yang dapat kami sampaikan, semoga ke depannya para user kami pun juga lebih waspada mengenai jebakan-jebakan tersebut. Sembari kami mengedukasi user mengenai keamanan di dunia Internet, tentunya Tokopedia akan terus mengembangkan sistem keamanan yang lebih baik lagi sehingga para user Tokopedia dapat merasa aman dan nyaman. Salam hangat dari Tokopedia” o tumpahantinja 01/02/2015 at 3:20 PM kalo lu dapet email “Liat siapa pengirimnya” Kalo pengirim/sender gak jelas dan gak ada hubungannya dengan toko online tsb, hati-hati. Biasanya yahh, kalau website resmi, apalagi toko online yg udh terkenal dan nyebut dirinye toko yg aman, biasanya tuh toko online ngirim email apapun pasti dengan [email protected] misalnya [email protected] bukan sender noreply gk jelas. buat ivankc, emank gk ngerti istilah phising dia, info di atas emank rawan, jangankan tokopedia, sosial media, forum, toko online lainnya juga kan ngebutuhin informasi di atas untuk bikin akun nya. o Arta-laewink 25/11/2015 at 3:57 PM Dengan email yg anda berikan itulah penipu mengirimi sebuah email untuk verifikasi yang tampilanya sama persis dengan toko pedia padahal hanya digunakan untuk menyimpan user name dan password anda kedalam data base mereka dan dengan data itu penipu dengan mudah masuk menggunakan akun anda ke toko pedia, intinya bukan sistem toko pedia yang di hack melainkan anda memberikan informasi user name dan pasword ada ke penipu secara tidak sengaja karna anda memansukkan data pada web yang palsu tanpa memperhatikan alamat link.a karna pada dasarnya kalau ada link dari toko pedia jika kita klik maka ada pilihan buka dengan web atau aplikasi toko pedia jika pilihan aplikasi toko pedia tidak muncul harap berhati” cermati dengan baik alamat link yang tertera di browser apakah asli milik tokopedia https://tokopedia.com atau link palsu https://tokopedio.com http://tokopedia.esy.es tokopedia.blogspot.co.id

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Intinya cek dengan cermat alamat link.a pastikan alamat awal https://www.tokopedia.com bukan yang lain dan lihat ext dot .com bukan yang lain .esy.es .pusku .holes. cc.uk atau ext domain gratisan yg lain o Arta-laewink 25/11/2015 at 4:14 PM Disini masalahnya TANGGAL 17 MALAM SAYA MENDAPAT PESAN PRIBADI YANG TAK SANGKA ITU ADALAH LINK PALSU Saat anda dapat link anda login layaknya masuk pada tokopedia yg asli, disitulah penipu menyimpan akun dan pasword anda. Dan dia langsung mengunakan akun anda untuk masuk ke tokopedia untuk mengverifikasi pembelian bahwa barang telah diterima. Hal ini yang digunakan banyak peretas karna dengan tidak sadar kita memberikan username dan pasword kita dan bukan toko pedia yang di hack melainkan korban yang dikadalin maka cermat lah saat mendapat penawaran via email perhatikan dengan jelas link apa benar asli atau link aspal. Krna web sebesar apapun akan bisa dimasuki dengan cara ini makanya google menerapakan verifikasi 2 langkah untuk layanan mereka jadi saat ip adress baru mencoba login dengan akun kita maka secara otomatis meminta no verifikasi yg di kirim ke ponsel semoga kedepan semua olshop bisa menerapkan hal yang sama dengan mbah google. # laynardi 28/12/2014 at 2:33 PM Selamat siang pak benny Mengenai pengalaman anda ini saya turut prihatin. Saya sebagai salah satu penjual di tokopedia sangat prihatin akan penipuan seperti ini. Kebetulan saya berlokasi di roxy mas. Saya tergerak membantu memberikan info. Ruko roxy mas blok c4-34 beneran ada. Tp lbh mirip kantor dibanding toko. Tidak ada plang ataupun nama jd tidak diketahui. Saya berharap pelaku bisa ditelusuri dan ditangkap. Smoga info ini membantu * benysalim 10/01/2015 at 11:22 AM terima kasih pak * lendy 30/07/2015 at 8:11 AM Pak, bisa tolong saya gak? cek in.. toko di roxy square lantai 1 blok B2 28, apakah disitu benar menjual laptop macbook gitu2 pak… makasih… :) o benysalim benysalim 30/07/2015 at 10:54 AM sorry,…saya bukan di daerah roxy..kalau kita ga yakin mendingan ga usah beli, daripada nyesal nanti * lendy 30/07/2015 at 8:14 AM Pak bisa tolong saya gak? Cek in di roxy squarenya di lantai 1 blok B2 28 jl. Kyai tapa 1 no. 1, jkrta… apa bener disitu menjual laptop macbook atau semacamnha gitu pak?… makasih :) o benysalim benysalim 30/07/2015 at 10:54 AM sorry,…saya bukan di daerah roxy..kalau kita ga yakin mendingan ga usah beli, daripada nyesal nanti # ivankc 30/12/2014 at 2:41 PM

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kesimpulan sistem jual beli di tokopedia belum aman, krn mudah diretas… seharusnya tokopedia mencairkan dana apabila brg sudah diterima oleh pembeli. jadi sistem checking tokopedia jelek, tidak bisa membedakan konfirmasi penerima brg sesungguhnya atau oleh hacker. E-KTP susah dipalsukan sehingga rekening palsu seharusnya lebih susah dibikin, kalau bank mandiri punya niat menelusuri, pasti ketangkep deh… Tokopedia seharusnya juga ikut campur tangan dengan melaporkan kepolisi dan aktif membantu mencari dalang penipuan. * RIO 31/10/2015 at 10:38 PM aq ada pengalaman jg di tokopedia,boro’ urusan selesai ,admin di resolusi BEGO semua,jawaban berulang-ulang yg sama,n pertanyaan yg sama,pdhl jelas’ BUKTI LENGKAP di sana,tp jwban bisa di ulang-ulang ,yg jawab banyak orng jadi MALAS lht awal bukti n percakapan yg ada, MANA BISA RESOLUSI HANDLE UANG CS DGN baek,isi nya srh tekan tombol BANTUAN melulu amper berhari’ dan tanya hal yg sama diulang’ trus,tujuan supaya uang cs lama di tokped n bisa di putar duit nya kale wkwkwkk,PAYAH!!!!!!,bukannya bantu cs yg TOKO PENJUAL UDH GA ADA BARANGNYA,UANGKU MALAH DI ENDAPKAN BERHARI’, DAN 1 LG UANG ONGKIR REFUND BARANG MLH AQ SRH BYR,KESALAHAN PENJUAL SALAH KASE BARANG ,LOGIKA DAGANG DI MANA SIH OTAK PARA ADMIN RESOLUSI????????? PAYAH TOKPEDIA KALO ADA MASALAH o benysalim benysalim 02/11/2015 at 1:48 PM Mesti nya ada solusi dari tokopedia…sampai sekarang saya ga berani buka situs tokopedia…. # froindin 10/01/2015 at 10:57 AM Mas kalau boleh tau. Apa nama toko online nya mas? saya juga pelanggan tokopedia mas. Baca berita ini jadi ada keraguan untuk menggunakan jasa olshop ini lagi. * benysalim 10/01/2015 at 11:21 AM dia banyak akun di sana, hati2 aja kalau belanja… # nurul 15/01/2015 at 10:03 AM saya juga kemarin kena penipuan gan… modusnya dia berpura pura kalau akun login dia di tokopedia sedang error/ dan tidak dapat di akses, padahal di tokonya itu sudah ada produk terjual dan review bintang. otomatis saya percaya dunks…, dan dia ( si penjual ) meminta saya untuk mentransfer sejumlah uang langsung ke rekeningnya.. dan setelah uang saya transfer uangnya.. sampai sekarang barang tidak pernah sampai.. ini link tokonya di tokopedia : https://www#tokopedia*com/twelvemay … . hati hati gan dengan apa yang saya alami.. bantu sharing yaaa… semoga apa yang saya alami tidak terjadi pada anda… terserah mau percaya atau tidak.. ini cuma pengalaman saya.. # nurul 15/01/2015 at 10:08 AM saya juga kemarin kena penipuan gan… modusnya dia berpura pura kalau akun login dia di tokopedia sedang error/ dan tidak dapat di akses, padahal di tokonya itu sudah ada produk terjual dan review bintang. otomatis saya percaya dunks…, dan dia ( si penjual ) meminta saya untuk mentransfer sejumlah uang langsung ke rekeningnya.. dan setelah uang saya transfer uangnya.. sampai sekarang barang tidak pernah sampai.. ini link tokonya di tokopedia : www#tokopedia*com/twelvemay … . hati hati gan dengan apa yang saya alami.. bantu sharing yaaa… semoga apa yang saya alami tidak terjadi pada anda… terserah mau percaya atau tidak.. ini cuma pengalaman saya..

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* totomeyo 15/01/2015 at 3:03 PM Hai nurul bisa dibantu penjelasan mengenai penipuan yang terjadi? mohon email saya di [email protected] terima kasih :) # batagoreng 15/01/2015 at 9:59 PM Sependapat dengan Bang amememex, bang Beny bleh tau ga alamat link aktivasi untuk mengaktifkan kode voucher yg dikirim “CS Hidayat” ku curiga si “CS Hidayat” ini mengirim link yg namanya mirip dgn nama domain tokopedia dengan membuat “domain plesetan”, yaitu domain yang mirip dengan nama domain orang lain. (Seperti kasus klikbca.com diplesetin jadi clickbca.com) Istilah yang digunakan saat ini adalah typosquatting. sehingga bang beny secara tidak sadar telah menuliskan username dan password di link aktivasi palsu yg di kirimkan si “CS Hidayat”, # echoe15 19/01/2015 at 9:25 PM Pak Beny, saya alami hal serupa spt yg dialami pak Beny dimana saya membeli Kawai CN35 Rp. 8.500.000,- dari Toko Keyboard Elektronik melalui Tokopedia ditambah ongkos kirim & asuransi total hampir Rp. 9 juta pada tanggal 28 Des 2013 dan dikonfirmasi terima oleh Tokopedia tgl 30 Des 201*. Singkatnya, saya dikirimkan email dari [email protected] sebanyak 3-4 kali lalu dari email tsb diarahkan ke email [email protected] yg menurut saya phisingnya disini. Tp bila dilihat email awalnya semua berasal dari [email protected] dan apakah email ini bisa dibuat oleh orang yg bukan pegawai dari tokopedia. Saya buat email kantor pasti sdh terdaftar dikantor saya krn bekerja disana misal saya kerja di indosat, pastinya email dari kantor utk saya [email protected] dsb. Kemudian saya tdk menjawab email tsb pd tgl 30 Des 2014, ttp saya jawab pada tgl 31 Des 2014 jam 10.45 stlh saya dikirimkan email dari Tokopedia bhw barang telah dikirim penjual dgn no resi dari Wahana ternyata palsu. Lalu saya minta transaksi saya diblokir dfn layanan pengguna tapi tidak direspon CS Tokopedia dimana baru dijawab tgl 4 Jan 2015. Sblmnya saya dapat email norifikasi dari Tokopedia dimana permintaan perubahan email berhasil, krn saya tdk ada mengganti email di akun Tokopedia maka saya batalkan. Tapi setelah saya batalkan, kenapa hacker/penjual tsb bisa mengkonfirmasi saya terima barang sebgmn pak Beny alami dan membuat review yg tdk pernah saya lakukan. Dimana saya diinfokan lwt email bhw brg sdh dikirim pd tgl 31 Des 2015 pkl 10.39 dgn no resi palsu Wahana, lalu jam 11.00 dibuat review saya sdh terima barang dgn COD, dimana penjual antar barang ke rumah saya, padahal saya tinggal diluar Pulau Jawa. Lalu Tokopedia langsung bayar ke penjual tanpa memperhatikan jam pengiriman, no resi palsu, laporan saya agar transaksi ini diblokir, mengevaluasi si penjual dan identitas penjual serta laporan saya tsb tidak ada ditanggapi. Saya cari no telpon Tokopedia di Akun saat itu tdk saya temukan, dan saya tdk terpikir cari di google. Hanya saja disini spt apa ada hal yang disembunyikan Tokopedia. Bagaimana mungkin di Iklan TV Tokopedia menyebutkan dgn Toko-2 Penjual Online Terpercaya dan aman serta nyaman. Pada kenyataannya berlawanan dan tidak ada sistem pengawasan dan evaluasi thd penjual dan kasus yang Pak Beni alami seharusnya tidak saya alami bila Tokopedia punya sistem perlindungan Konsumen/pembeli yang baik. Bukannya menyalahkan konsumen/pembeli krn tdk hati-2 dgn phising. Seharusnya yg Tokopedia mengamankan pembeli dari phising tsb dgn tdk langsung membayar ke penjual bila ada konfirmasi barang dari pembeli dan menotifikasi ke email dan telpon yg sesuai saat pembukaan akun di Tokopedia. Sekarang tergantung polisi dalam mengusut kasus ini apakah bisa menangkap pelakunya shg tdk ada korban lainnya spt saya dan pak Beni yg ditipu dalam berbelanja online pada akun spt

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Tokopedia. Jadi buat yang mau belanja dgn harga jutaan di Tokopedia, sebaiknya pikir-2 dulu agar tdk alami kerugian spt saya dan pak Beni. * benysalim 20/01/2015 at 9:04 AM dia punya banyak akun di sana,,,saya sekarang trauma belanja di situ… # jejak 24/01/2015 at 4:24 AM sepertinya bapak benny terkena phising. dimana dugaan saya hacker tersebut mengambil data anda melalui ” KLIK LINK UNTUK MENGAKTIFKAN KODE VOUCHER ANDA ” boleh tau nama web / domain yang di tautkan dalam “LINK” nya ?? karena saya beranggapan hacker tersebut tidak akan mengetahui password anda melainkan anda sendiri memberikan password melalui “LINK PALSU ” <<< ini masih abu abu karena saya belum mengetahui linknya.. bila link untuk verifikasi bukan dari web asli http://www.tokopeda.co.id bisa dipastikan anda terkena phising. semoga cepat tertangkap pelakunya pak # tumpahantinja 01/02/2015 at 3:07 PM Bos, Kalau dapat email tolong hati-hati, pastikan sender atau pengirim email nya jelas. Kalau ada Link Aktifasi atau apapun tetapi sender nya tidak jelas jangan dulu di klik. Anda kalau ragu dengan sender nya, bisa di tanyakan langsung sama toko online nya melalui form yg disediakan, kemudian tunggu balasannya, samakan balasan dari toko online tsb dengan sender yg bos raguin. Metode “Phising”(cari di google istilah nya) ini paling banyak di gunain sama black hat buat nyari duit, apalagi email nya sudah jadi target spammer. Yang bos alamin ini hasil dari phising tersebut. Belanja di toko online bisa aman kalau paham dengan hal yg berhubungan dgn email, seperti email konfirmasi, sender, email yg masuk di inbox / spam, dsb. Periatin gw liat nye, cuman gara” klik link abis itu disuruh masukin paswod, eh duit ilank. Semoga jadi pelajaran buat yang laen. # mandacarolin 17/02/2015 at 3:38 PM halo, pak beny.. saya sebagi penjual di tokopedia, turut prihatin dg kasus yang bapak alami. sebagi penjual saya juga bermain dalam peran pembeli. ketika melihat kasus yang dialami bpak Beny, jujur saja, sya kurang mengerti dengan metode phising. tapi pengalaman yang bapak alami, bisa sya jadikan pelajaran. Nah, untuk Bapak Beny saya sarankan saja untuk pembelian barang elektronik dengan harga hingga 1jt ke atas hingga mencapai nominal 5jt, akan lebih baik jangan membeli di online shop bapak, meskipun itu di toko online yg katanya paling aman, karena kita tidak tahu hacker bisa masuk kemana saja untuk bisa mendapatkan uang. kenapa sya bilang untuk tidak membeli barang elektronik di online shop karena : 1. kita tidak tahu barang itu asli atau tidak.. 2. kita tidak tahu barang itu baru atau second, 3. kemungkinan besar penjual adalah seorang penipu kelas kakap. akan lebih baik bapak membeli di toko fisik yang benar2 ada, * benysalim 17/02/2015 at 3:40 PM Terima kasih # Andi 28/02/2015 at 1:02 PM

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Menurut analisa saya ini yang dinamakan phising kronologinya mungkin begini : si penipu meminta atau sudah tau email korban lalu Penipu mengirim email yang dapat dirubah nama pengirimnya misal [email protected] email ini bisa saja ditiru dengan software dan isi pesannya di tiru juga sama persis seperti transaksi normal. lalu si korban klik isi email itu dan dialhikan ke situs baru yang tampilannya sama hanya saja ini untuk mengambil email, dan password dan langsung di alihkan ke tokopedia asli. Cara menangkal modus beginian : – Ketika ada transaksi dan isi emailnya menuju situs yang mencurigakan pastikan lihat apakah webtersebut memiliki domain sama dan ada SSL/Https nya , apa itu ssl ? ssl adalah sertifikat yang memverifikasi suatu website misal https://tokopedia.com berarti web ini terpercaya dan asli – kalo ragu mending stop atau cancel saja # alexclaire 10/03/2015 at 10:14 PM Halo ,pak benny sebelumnya yah saya tidak tahu bapak habis berapa tapi yah ini pengalaman walau ngeselin saya disini mau bagi info bagi yang nanti baca juga bagi yang lain saya di tokopedia pun menemukan banyak kejanggalan tips yang bisa saya beri : -CROSSCHECK antara benda yang ingin dibeli dengan informasi yang terpercaya, cth : anda ingin beli HP pastikan benda yang akan anda terima itu original,mis minta dikirimkan gambar keadaan hp,no seri(bila second anda dapat cek di service centernya),dll -JANGAN TERGODA PROMO ,setiap penjualan menghasilkan keuntungan pastikan anda tahu motif penjual -PERHATIKAN REVIEW : pembeli yang memberi review,cek histori orang tersebut atau bertanya langsung (cara ini lebih rawan krn bs saja akun sudah di hack) -CEK BEBERAPA HISTORY PENJUAL,bila REVIEW YANG DILAKUKAN ORG YG SAMA kemungkinan besar adalah PENIPUAN (saya menemukan beberapa yang beginian)apalagi bila kalimatnya sama – cara lainnya yaitu KONFIRMASI LANGSUNG pada CS TOKOPEDIA atau cs web online lain sebelum membeli -PERHATIKAN URL dan biasakan CURIGA ITU BAIK,cek beberapa review orang atas penjual dan pengalaman org,info dari internet harus slalu disaring -BILA ANDA SUDAH TERTIPU ,LAPORKAN ,walau anda mungkin tidak percaya pada polisi ,hal ini meminimalisir korban lain * benysalim 10/03/2015 at 11:34 PM Thanks # merpatiweb 07/04/2015 at 10:45 PM sebenarnya untuk pelaku kejahatan mengirimkan email atas nama [email protected] sangatlah mudah… jadi kita sebagai konsumenlah yg hrus bnar2 hati2 # Hasnan fix 15/04/2015 at 7:03 AM Seblumnya terima kasih kepada Bang Beny karena sdh mau berbagi informasi ini, terus terang saya baru tau istilah phising ini. ternyata ada saja modus2 baru dalam kejahatan dengan media informatika. Syukur Alhamdulillah Saya sebagai seller di tokopedia sdh hampir 4 tahun tidak pernah ada masalah semacam ini. Memang saya perhatikan beberapa bulan belakangan di tokopedia banyak sekali seller2 baru terutama yang menjual Handphone class High End dengan harga yang sangatlah tidak wajar seperti contoh yang di alami oleh Bang Beny mengorder BB Passport hanya dengan harga 5jtan saja. Menurut saya Tokopedia sebagai Owner yang memfasilitasi penjual dan pembeli juga harus lebih pro-aktif dalam memberantas Seller2 Abal2 yang hanya akan merusak citra Tokopedia itu sendiri,

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dan saya setuju dengan bang ivankc bahwa tokopedia lemah sekali dalam hal verifikasi penerimaan barang. Saran saya untuk pihak Tokopedia mungkin bisa melakukan hal yang sama untuk menjebak Seller Abal2 ini dengan istilah yang sama “phising ” sebagai contoh Tokopedia membuat akun buyer palsu lalu melakukan order dengan toko yang dicurigai sebagai Seller penipu lalu tunggu sampai akhirnya si Seller penipu ini melakukan phising kepada buyer (palsu /tokopedia) bila terbukti si Seller penipu ini telah melakukan pembajakan akun dengan melakukan sendiri verifikasi penerimaan barang maka Tokopedia berhak langsung melakukan jalur hukum yang tentunya dibantu oleh pihak kepolisian untuk melacak keberadaan si Seller penipu kan di kepolisian tentunya alat pelacak atau semacamnya pasti canggih mampu mengetahui keberadaan si Seller Penipu ini…. sekali lagi ini hanya sekedar saran mungkin belum tentu efektif…yang pasti tokopedia harus mengambil tindakan tepat untuk membuat jera para pelaku kejahatan bukan semata mata buyer yang harus berhati hati… * benysalim 15/04/2015 at 7:05 AM Thank you # ucup 09/06/2015 at 8:31 PM kalian ini kok pada repot to,, mau belanja aja kok pada buka email,, emng dengan tanpa buka email kalian gak bisa belanja?,,, toh tanpa buka email dr tokopedia kalian juga udah bisa belanja dan barang juga nyampek,,aneh kalian ini semua,, saya belanja bolak balik di toko pedia yo gak pernah pake buka email,,daftar konfrim gt aja repot,, # inosutarno 11/06/2015 at 11:59 AM saya juga baru mengalami hal seperti itu,saya mau minta pendapat anda nih.kronologinya tgl 9 saya pesan barang lewat tokopedia.tgl 10 saya transfer dan confirmasi,hari itu juga saya dapat email dari pihak tokopedia bahwa pembayaran sudah di proses berhasil sukses dan sedah di lanjutkan ke seller,tgl 11 saya kontak ke seller menanyakan apa sudah di urus barang pesenan saya. seller bilang kalo dia belum dapat konfirmasi dari toko pedia,dan saya tanya lagi masih nunggu dari tokopedia belum ada kata seller,padahal saya sudah terima email dari tokopedia bahwa sudah di lanjutkan ke tokonya.saya bingung siapa yg lambat soal ini.pendapat anda gimana? * benysalim benysalim 11/06/2015 at 12:10 PM Kalau menurut saya…kalau ga ada kepastian…minta di refund aja…inti nya jangan sampai dana uda di cairin ke seller…kalau uda di cairin…tokopedia uda lepas tanggung jawab…mesti berhati2…harus ada kepastian…kalau masih ragu atau khawatir…secepat nya aja minta refund…kan si seller blum terima email…jangan sampai dia cairin… # inosutarno 11/06/2015 at 12:26 PM saya sudah menanyakan ke pihak tokopedia.jawabannya bahwa sudah di lanjutkan ke sellernya kalo memang seler yang lambat memproses harusnya pihak tokopedia berhak beri teguran/peringatan ke seller agar semua harus dengan prosedur tokopedia.saya sih berharap pihak tokopedia dan seller harus beri kenyamanan ke buyer.saya sebagai buyer ingin yg terbaik nyaman sesuai prosedur. # inosutarno 11/06/2015 at 12:40 PM iya sama saya pun tinggal klik beres.cuma akhir2 ini pelayanan kadang tidak sesuai.semoga pihak tokopedia menanggapi dan meningkatkan kualitas. * benysalim benysalim 11/06/2015 at 3:12 PM Kalau ada pihak yang menyebut nama nya cs hidayat atau apa…jangan di ladenin…jangan sampai di pisshing….kmrn saya lewat chatting dia…ngaku nya cs tokopedia…

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# arieshary 27/07/2015 at 10:05 PM Ternyata mulai ga aman juga ya belanja online. * benysalim benysalim 28/07/2015 at 9:35 AM boleh..tapi hati2… # corry 21/10/2015 at 3:00 PM pak Benny saya juga pada tgl 8 oktober 2015 kemarin saya juga baru tertipu toko santoso77012 di Tokopedia. Saya membeli komputer seharga Rp 2.275.000 dari batam dan setelah penjual mengirim barang keesokan harinya saya ditelephone oknum yang mengaku bernama DRa Heru Prambudi dari bea cukai. Pak Heru ini mengatakan bahwa saya terlibat pembeliaan barang ilegal yg belum membayar ppn dan pph dan saya dapat didakwa secara hukum. untuk penyelidikan saya harus memberikan username dan password tokopedia saya. dalam keadaan panik ya saya berikan saja….eh ternyata malah laptop asus yg saya pesan ditulis “sudah diterima” bahkan “saya” menulis review yg sangat bagus, padahal barang belum saya terima. SECEPATNYA saya klik “laporkan” link yang ada di bawah kanan di halaman penjual laptop tersebut. Saya jelaskan apa yang terjadi di laporan tersebut beserta screenshoot nomer tracking pengiriman yang palsu. Saya secepatnya juga merubah password tokopedia saya. Kemudian saya mendapat email dari tokopedia bahwa account saya dan juga account penjual penipu tersebut di blokir. Ini SANGAT PENTING supaya account saya tidak terus di hack oleh penipu tersebut. Tokopedia menghubungi saya melalui email dan nomer telphone saya yg terdaftar. pada tanggal 20 oktober 2015 seluruh uang saya yang ada di tokopedia account TELAH DITRANSFER KEMBALI KE BANK SAYA OLEH TOKOPEDIA ? TERIMA KASIH TOKOPEDIA, jika anda tertipu dan punya bukti2 kuat secepatnya klik “LAPORKAN” link yang ada dihalaman barang penjual tsb lalu hubungi 02180647333 tokopedia CS. Semoga para penipu tersebut dibimbing Tuhan untuk kembali kejalan yang benar dan saya juga sudah laporkan ke polisi dan dimasukkan ke penyelidikan cybercrime. karena setelah saya selidiki penipu tersebut juga membuka toko komputer di bukalapak. * benysalim benysalim 21/10/2015 at 7:42 PM Mesti hati-hati sekarang kalau belanja online di internet. Banyak penipuan …berarti itu modus baru…. <hr>