¯ Indus Seals and Human Evolution S.N.Mahalingam Superintending Engineer TN PWD(Retd) A generation which ignores history has no past – and no future - Oliver Wendell Holmes Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty. -Anne Louise Germaine de Stael. ABSTRACT All humans are suffering from one ailment or other and some suffer from multiple ailments which are attributed to environment, lifestyle and diet. This can be fully understood only when the initial factors mentioned above are known. Biologists say that ‘There’s been no biological change in humans in 40,000 years or 50,000 years’. For this information on human evolution before the fossil Lucy, is essential. The belief of ancient people who lived thousands of years ago may be useful. The interpretation of three Indus seals indicates that humans evolved from the aquatic species or along with them and then entered the land to make it as their living space along with the flora and fauna. The diet habits of humans as aquatic species can only be speculated upon. But the experiments in the last century by Dr.Arnold Ehret and his followers proved that humans can lead normal life on water. The diet habit of humans on land as herbs, fruits and roots of plants are supported by the practitioners of Naturopathy. To keep the humans free of ill health a personalized a therapy undergone by the author is suggested for further trials. GENESIS: All humans sometimes receive unsolicited communications, spaced apart in time, without asking for it or without expectation. These could be communications from persons, information gathered by occasional reading of News Papers or magazines of different types and books chosen at random. Only a few recognizes that they are special communications directed towards them, to think over them and react. The first part of this article is the result of two such communications received spaced several years apart. The second part of this article is based upon an unexpected event of acting as a patient-volunteer in a trial of personalized therapy for allergic rhinitis of which the author is suffering from his childhood. In this connection it is to be pointed out that at a time Poincare, Lorentz and Einstein had the notion of Relativity but only the last much junior physicist succeeded and proclaimed the discovery. The first communication from an engineering consultant who met the author, about a decade ago, at a gathering of consultants who later sent the details of his experiment to prove that humans can lead a normal life by just on water and ingesting vegetables from time to time. Mr. Egbert Richter Ushanas, Indologist, sent the second communication, his power point presentation, Lord of the Beasts, on Indus seals to this author.. The first communication was instinctively preserved by the author. It is generally accepted by the molecular biologists that genes may become inactive over the years due to environment, lifestyle and food. Perhaps by activating the inactive genes it could be possible to survive on water as is proved by experiments of some persons.

Indus Seals And Human Evolution

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Indus Seals and Human Evolution

S.N.MahalingamSuperintending Engineer TN PWD(Retd)

A generation which ignores history has no past – and no future- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.-Anne Louise Germaine de Stael.


All humans are suffering from one ailment or other and some suffer from multiple ailments which are attributed to environment, lifestyle and diet. This can be fully understood only when the initial factors mentioned above are known. Biologists say that ‘There’s been no biological change in humans in 40,000 years or 50,000 years’. For this information on human evolution before the fossil Lucy, is essential. The belief of ancient people who lived thousands of years ago may be useful. The interpretation of three Indus seals indicates that humans evolved from the aquatic species or along with them and then entered the land to make it as their living space along with the flora and fauna. The diet habits of humans as aquatic species can only be speculated upon. But the experiments in the last century by Dr.Arnold Ehret and his followers proved that humans can lead normal life on water. The diet habit of humans on land as herbs, fruits and roots of plants are supported by the practitioners of Naturopathy. To keep the humans free of ill health a personalized a therapy undergone by the author is suggested for further trials.


All humans sometimes receive unsolicited communications, spaced apart in time, without asking for it or without expectation. These could be communications from persons, information gathered by occasional reading of News Papers or magazines of different types and books chosen at random. Only a few recognizes that they are special communications directed towards them, to think over them and react. The first part of this article is the result of two such communications received spaced several years apart. The second part of this article is based upon an unexpected event of acting as a patient-volunteer in a trial of personalized therapy for allergic rhinitis of which the author is suffering from his childhood. In this connection it is to be pointed out that at a time Poincare, Lorentz and Einstein had the notion of Relativity but only the last much junior physicist succeeded and proclaimed the discovery.

The first communication from an engineering consultant who met the author, about a decade ago, at a gathering of consultants who later sent the details of his experiment to prove that humans can lead a normal life by just on water and ingesting vegetables from time to time. Mr. Egbert Richter Ushanas, Indologist, sent the second communication, his power point presentation, Lord of the Beasts, on Indus seals to this author.. The first communication was instinctively preserved by the author. It is generally accepted by the molecular biologists that genes may become inactive over the years due to environment, lifestyle and food. Perhaps by activating the inactive genes it could be possible to survive on water as is proved by experiments of some persons.

The later part is on a personalized therapy undergone by the author which gave protection against allergic rhinitis for almost two decades. It is suggested some studies could be undertaken to evaluate its effectiveness on other ailments of humans.

Several attempts have been made to decipher the Indus Valley scripts with varying interpretations which may not be considered as final. Reports that a German scholar has decoded the Indus Valley script should excite all those who are interested in that vanished civilization. He claims to have decoded 1,000-odd seals, which will clearly give a clue to their lost meaning. Others too had made similar claims. Some time ago Robertson Medical Institute and Ayurveda Director Goplaji Agarwal said in Allahabad that his discover had brought to surface mysteries shrouding the Indus archaeological finds. Though we are not sure which is authentic, it would be of immense importance if these secrets could be unlocked and some sense made of them. The greatest stumbling block in unraveling the hidden meanings of the Indus Valley script has been the absence of a bilingual key, like the Rosetta stone or the Philae Obelisk (which had equivalent Greek texts) by which French scholar Jean François Champollion and others deciphered the hieroglyphics. It was a transliteration of a cartouche (a set of symbols surrounded by an oval) of Ptolemy from the Rosetta stone and one of Cleopatra from the Philae obelisk that led to unlocking the secrets that lay hidden in the deep recesses of the Pyramids.

According to Asko Parpola, an Indologist, “the Indus script is an unknown writing system, and the inscriptions discovered are very short, comprising no more than five signs on the average. With good reasons, the prospects of a successful decipherment have been considered meagre at best. But great problems wield a power of attraction, and many attempts have been made to crack that posed by the Indus script. Most of the tries, however, have been quite uncritical and poorly informed”.

Whatever the investigators say on the seals could be based on their best guess. The interpretation of the images suggested by the author is also his best guess but that supported by experiments of people on its plausibility. Whatever may be the outcome of deciphering of the Indus Script it is almost evident some of the seals indicate episodes in the history of humans. The use of these seals as teaching aids like those of Mesopotamian tablets is also not ruled out. This envisages the using the cylindrical and stone seals to make copies of them for distribution to various centers. Of course interpretation of the engravings in the seals will vary individual to individual.

The Second Communication

On seeing the power point presentation on Indus Seals, Lord of the Beasts, my immediate reaction on seeing the seals 2774, 2886 and 2420 was that they could represent the episodes of creation or evolution.

According the Puranas, the first Avatar of Visnou was Fish and there were numerous episodes in Puranas on the visit of humans to the abode of aquatic beings. There are also several references to mermaids and etc., in Scandinavian tales. A Babylonian legend says that fish like being (monster?) with human face taught them everything and it survived without taking food. So if humans evolved from water, they could have survived with water.

The images of the seals 2774, 2886 and 2420 were found in the PowerPoint presentation of Mr. Egbert Richter Ushanas sent by him and relevant seals are presented below with the interpretation suggested by this author as well as by Mr.Ushanas.

Seals 2774, 2886The top impression contains a human in Siddha Asana posture with two human figures, female on the left and male on the right. A figure to represent a fish on the left and a snake on the right is also seen. This may be considered as the second phase of creation or evolution, whereas, the bottom figure is to be considered as the first phase of creation or evolution where only amphibians were represented. Have the humans jumped the tree of evolution.

Mr. Ushanas interpretation of the above seal : The horns on the head of the figures are an attribute of deities on the Indus Valley seals. As the animals correspond to the five Vedic seasons, the figure in the middle must be the Lord of the year or the father of beings, in Sanskrit Prajāpati. The Lord of beings is identical with the cosmic man, the Puruşa, by whose self-sacrifice the world comes into being.

Seal 2420This figure represents the third phase of creation or evolution wherein on either side of the three faced figure in Siddha Asana posture land based animals as well as a human figure between a tiger and an elephant, were seen. Perhaps the ancient people believed that first aquatic species were evolved, and then humans evolved either from the aquatic species or along with them. Later the humans emerged from the water and entered land to live among the animals’.

Mr. Ushanas interpretation of the above seal : This is an impression of seal 2420, whose central motif is called paśupati, lord of the animals. Since paśu refers to the animals of the house and the animals around the main figure are wild except perhaps the buffalo, this designation of the motif is debated.

On this tablet we see a crocodile surrounded by animals, and a figure similar to an ape. We can also see two human figures one below the elephant’s head and another in front of an animal which could be either a horse or a donkey. This indicates that the apes and humans existed during the prehistory or all forms of life forms emerged from fish in the seas and went through a process of modification once they were established on land as suggested by Anaximander (610 – 546 BC), a Greek philosopher.

Mr. Ushanas interpretation of the above seal : On this tablet we see a crocodile surrounded by animals, and a figure similar to an ape is trying to carve a sign in a tablet. The ape, who is a friend of Indra in ŖV X.86, finds instruments of writing there. Likewise, the Ŗşis can have learned writing from the priests of the Indus Valley, though nobody would admit this today.

As per this interpretation the phases of human evolution could be divided and subdivided into many parts based on the developments that have taken place since the aquatic phase of the evolution. The first phase is the aquatic phase and the second phase could be the land phase. The later one is to be divided into several phases such as, the period when he was a herbivore, carnivore before the invention of fire and after its invention, discovery of agriculture, domesticating the animals when he started consuming dairy products and etc.

What could be the alimentation of the humans in the aquatic phase? The best guess could be water and perhaps aquatic plants such as moss, weeds and etc. This phase could have lasted several thousands of years. During this phase the humans survived as their metabolizing produced all the required nutrients such as vitamins, enzymes and etc. They could have lived for a long time that too without any ailments. The some genes responsible for this could be active during this phase and when they started to live on land and commenced to eat herbs some of the above genes might have modified or inactivated and some other genes might have become active. Due to the change of environment they might have acquired some disabilities or ailments and their lifespan might have got shortened. This continued to happen due to changes in environment, lifestyle, diet and changes in their exertion levels due to mechanization of tasks due to technological advances. These are called as methylation, acetylisation and phosphorilation which modify the components of the DNA and the cells. These processes are said to be fully or partly reversible. At present humans suffer from a number of disorders, infectious and non-infectious diseases affecting their quality of life. They continuously undergo various therapies to alleviate their suffering and without any hope for permanent cure or relief. In other words many modern diseases – obesity, diabetes and auto immune disorders – come about, in part, because of the mismatch between human genes and an environment that change more quickly than human genome can evolve. Understanding this disparity may help convince a patient to make a change in diet to better conform to the demands of a genetic heritage that leaves us unable to accommodate excess, refined carbohydrates and saturated fats from a steady intake of starchless fruits and green leafy vegetables and the like. This conclusion testifies that Modern Man evolved from fish.

Details of the experiments carried out by Dr.Arnold Ehret and his followers and later a decade ago by an engineering consultant in Tamilnadu are furnished.

Dr.Arnold Ehret (1866 – 1922) by self experimentation have discovered that the human body is an “air-gas engine” that is powered exclusively by oxygen and that a diet consisting of starchless fruits and green-leafy vegetables is the only food fit for human consumption. Ehret produced a dietetic treatise entitled the Mucusless Diet Healing System. Within a period of 14 months Ehret completed a fast of 21 days, one of 24 days, one of 32 days, and one of 49 days. He lectured throughout Europe.

Er.S.Venkatesan, a consulting engineer of Tamilnadu, one of Dr.Arnold Ehret’s disciples followed his diet and reduced his weight from 93 kg., to 64 kg., during 12-07-94 to 06-12-94 and continued his diet that “consists of only water filtered through ceramic filter. I am attending to my normal work schedule. As usual I travel to various places on work and take with me drinking water. For a few days after commencing fasting, the body waste products will leave through urine. Then due to the deposit of mucous in the alimentary canal vomiting sensation occurs. To prevent this happening, boiled greens or cabbage should be taken to clean the mucous. It is enough to keep the alimentary canal moist. I have taken the decision to take only water as my diet with the courage.” He informed in his letter in which the details of his experiment was sent that he continues to have the same diet and had got rid of all his ailments.. But this can be tried by a person if only he has a strong will and faith in the system like Mr. Venkatesan as one has to endure the process of de-addiction of carbohydrates from the system. However it can be tried by the Naturopathy Hospitals as described by the practitioners.

For more details consult Appendices A and B.

Personalized Therapy.

In many parts of the world the therapy called Shivambu or auto urine therapy is practiced to get cure for various ailments. There are Uropathy – Naturopathy Hospital in some states like, Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. An allopathic medical practitioner in Tamilnadu discovered that by injecting a one day culture of patient’s urine and blood will cure some ailments. By clinical trials proved that the therapy is effective to obtain cure for asthma and related ailments. I am one of his patients and was cured of allergic rhinitis, but the effectiveness lasted only for about twenty years and I could not get a booster therapy due to which the ailments recurred. Due to the severity of allergic rhinitis I had developed hernia in my groin and have to be operated. Now I am practicing Shivambhu to get relief not only from allergic rhinitis but all other ailments due to old age.

The therapy given to me is like this. The doctor will mix about 2ml. of my urine and blood and keep it for about 24 hours in room temperature and place the clear fluid under the skin. I got only three injections one every week and the cure withstood exposure to snowfall and severe dust storms during my work at Algerian Sahara.

It is my fond hope that one day someone with open mind and scientific temper will see this, conduct trials and extend this therapy for other ailments also.

The aforesaid discussions are based on the author’s intuitive contemplation and the unsolicited information’s received by him which may be summarizes as below:

1. Some of the Indus Seals were used as teaching aids as some of the Mesopotamian tablets are.2. The cylinder seals were used for making copies of them3. Humans evolved from aquatic species jumping the tree of evolution. Perhaps the tendency to

jump a ‘Q’ may be an indication.

4. The ailments of humans were due to the mismatch of the genes and the accelerated changes of his environment, lifestyle and food etc which modified the characteristics of the genes.

5. Eliminating carbohydrates and fats in the diet reverses the epigenetic process and restores fully or partly the original characteristics of the genes leading to cure or relief of the ailments.

The author is indebted to Mr. Egbert Richter Ushanas, an Indologis for furnishing me his power point presentation, “The lord of the Beasts”. The author is grateful to Alliance Française of Madras, ICHR Southern Regional Centre at Bangalore, Mythic Society, Bangalore, and Wikipedia (November 2008).

Appendix - A(Extracts from Wikipedia (November 2008).

Arnold Ehret (1866–1922) was the author of several health and fitness books.

Professor Arnold Ehret, revered as the original father of naturopathy.[citation needed] , is considered to be the most important researcher and author regarding the health and preservation of the human body by his followers. These followers, called Ehretists, believe that no other scientist, doctor, dietitian, or author has surpassed Ehret’s work concerning the cause and cure of chronic disease and human illness. Ehret is claimed to have discovered that the human body is an “air-gas engine” that is powered exclusively by oxygen and that a diet consisting of starchless fruits and green-leafy vegetables is the only food fit for human consumption. Ehret produced a dietetic treatise entitled the Mucusless Diet Healing System.


Arnold Ehret was born July 25, 1866, near Freiburg, in Baden, Germany. His father was a farmer who crafted all of his own farming equipment. Like his father, Ehret would be endowed with a passion for studying the cause and effect of phenomena. His interests were physics, chemistry, drawing and painting. He also had an affinity for linguistics and could speak German, French, Italian, and English.

At the age of 21 he graduated as a professor of drawing and was drafted into the military only to be discharged because of heart trouble. At the age of 31 he was diagnosed with Bright's disease (inflammation of the kidneys), and pronounced incurable by 24 of Europe’s most respected doctors. He then explored natural healing and visited sanatoriums to learn holistic methods and philosophies. In a desperate attempt to quench his misery Ehret decided to stop eating. To his amazement, he did not starve, but gained in strength and vitality.[citation needed]

In 1899 he traveled to Berlin to study vegetarianism, followed by a trip to Algiers in northern Africa where he experimented with fasting and fruit diet. Due to his new lifestyle, Ehret claimed to have cured himself of his diseases and to be able to perform feats of physiological strength, including an 800-mile bicycle trip from Algiers to Tunis. He claimed that pus- and mucus-forming foods are the cause for all human disease and that “fasting (simply eating less) is Nature’s omnipotent method of cleansing the body from the effects of wrong and too much eating.”(Hirsch 1994, 9)

In the early 1900’s Ehret opened a hugely popular sanitarium in Ascona, Switzerland where he treated thousands of patients considered incurable. During the latter part of the decade Ehret engaged in a series of fasts monitored by German and Swiss officials. Within a period of 14 months Ehret completed a fast of 21 days, one of 24 days, one of 32 days, and one of 49 days. He lectured throughout Europe. In 1914 Ehret moved his sanitarium to California.

On October 9, 1922, at the age of 56, Arnold Ehret fell sustaining a fatal blow to his skull. According to Ehret’s disciple Fred Hirsch, he was walking briskly on a wet, oil-soaked street during foggy conditions when he slipped and fell backward onto his head. Hirsch did not actually witness the fall but found Ehret lying on the street. Another one of Ehret’s disciples, Benedict Lust, maintained that Ehret was wearing his first pair of new dress shoes and slipped as a result of his unfamiliarity with the footwear. (Lust 2002, page preceding i) To this day the true nature of Ehret’s death raises many suspicions among Ehretists. Ehret’s powerful healing successes along with his influential and revolutionary new lifestyle terribly threatened the medical, meat, and dairy industries. Due to these factors many believe that foul play was involved in Ehret’s untimely death. Another theory states that he had a very thin skull, possibly due to such a frugal diet.

Arnold Ehret was protagonist of the emerging back-to-nature renaissance in Germany and Switzerland during the latter part of the 19th century. (Kennedy 1998, 9-10) The influence of this renaissance spread to America and influenced many of the countercultural movements including the beat generation, the vegetarian driven “hippie” movement, veganism, fruitarianism, and breatharianism.

[edit] Mucusless Diet Healing System

The Mucusless Diet Healing System consists of all kinds of raw and cooked fruits, starchless vegetables, and cooked or raw, mostly green-leaf vegetables. It uses a combination of long and short-term fasts, menus that progressively change to non-mucus-forming foods, and colonic irrigation. Ehretists believe that by using Ehret's “transition diet” any serious practitioner can move away from mucus (disease) forming foods to cleansing, non-mucus forming foods. Ehret also asserts that the body is an air-gas engine that is not designed to eat mucus and pus forming foods and offers the equation Vitality=Power-Obstruction (V=P-O) to demonstrate his assertion. Finally, he claims that the lungs are the pump in the body while the heart acts as a valve, a premise that is now being investigated by people within the field of medicine.[1]

Appendix – B

I furnish here the details sent by him for the benefit of the readers. Some information is in Tamil and I am giving the English translation of his communication:

First page: On reverse of this page, I have submitted the step by step method in which, I reduced my weight and conducted experiments on my health – which is now in better condition than it was nine months before;

The evolutionary process is that the life started in OCEAN”: millions of years) occupied earth, and in future shall develop and expand in space, nature has designed the human body, suitable for the above evolution – to live on water and air which are available in space, or may be taken from earth to space and recycled, within the space structures to be built in future.

Experiments done on animal body may not be suitable to human body. There may be more forces which a pure human body may be able to able to deal with than an animal body..

At any time within seven days prior intimation, I can bring down my weight to 60 kgs – clean the alimentary canal with a course of pure fruit diet (ten plantains or one pine apple etc.,) and be ready for a long fast only on water and air – my weight shall not decrease below 60 kgs, even if I live only on water for any length of time.

I want to demonstrate in a Medical college, under the close supervision of experts the above phenomenon within 4 walls for 10 days and observe which portion of human body gathers energy from “infinite”, what happens actually in “pure human body during fasting, and how does it get energy from space.

Experience = Reducing Weight

1. After fasting four days the accumulated toxin in the alimentary canal caused inflammation of anus, during its elimination by fruit diet. Hence it is advisable to remove the toxins of earlier starch food once in two days by eating vegetables or fruits, during fasting in the latter stages.

2. Sometimes due to unexpected abnormal hard physical work, we are forced to eat starch. In that case, clear the stomach by loading it fully and then restart fasting again. We can reduce failures by experience.

3. at the lowest level of “purified” body weight (To me 60 kg.,), one meal in four days is allowed by nature and that too as luxury and not as necessity./

4. During reducing the body weight, “ you are lying on nature’s operating table” (Page: 154=M.D.H.S) It is advisable, any physical work has to be done with half of your normal speed.

(This manuscript was written in capital letters throughout. The phrases underlined as found in the manuscript. M.D.H.S : refers to a book on fasting (2) below.. The exact name will be furnished by me in the future if I find other communications from M.r. S.Venkatesan).

Page 2 of Mr. S.Venkatesan’s communication.

The matter is in Tamil which I have translated into English.S. Venkatesan. Consulting Engineer, Room. No. 13=171, East Raja Street,Mannargudi – 614 001.Visiting hours : 8.00 Am t0 10.AM


In kg.Details

12-7-94 93 Fasting undertaken by me step by step. First the toxins built up in the body was excreted through urine and mucous and the weight reduced little by little.

17-10-94 76 When the excretion of “mucous” reduced only water was ingested. Weight got reduced through air.



71 Went to “Gomukam” in Himalayas through train, bus and walking 18 kilometres and returned back. Food was taken once a day with water upto 4-1-94. weight has not reduced.

5-11-94 71 Fasting started by me and only water was consumed. I decided to consume boiled vegetables as food to excrete toxic materials built up in the body on 13, 20, 29 dates.

11-11-94 71 No reduction in weight13-11-9420-11-9429-11-94


Due to excretion of “Mucous” the weight reduced to 68kg. Experimented with coconuts, cabbage and guava fruits as food on the above dates. Found coconut ia not a suitable food





Only water ingested as food and continued

Mannargudi:12-3-95FromS.Venkatesan., B.E., A.M.I.E.,R.No. 13=171, Keezza Raja Veedhi,Mannargudi – 614001.

ToDr. R.Virudhagiri., M.B.B.S., D.C.H.,Srinagar Colony, Kumbakonam.Dear Sir,

Sub: Continuous Natural Life on Water Diet – Yogic Method.Ref : My two sheets of Xerox copies personally handed over to you on 11-3.95 on the above subject.

I thank you for your kind consideration on the above subject.

I have mentioned the word “Continuous” as adjective for the title because the person who has attained the above stage, does not have a physical weakness, and ends his life by yoga.(Kabala Moksham) i.e., spirit leaving the body, opening the top of his skull at his own will. Thirukkural quotation: Kural stanza No. 269

The evolutionary process is, that “Life” started in ocean “in millions of years) occupied earth, and in future shall develop and expand space. Nature has designed the human body suitable for the above evolution – to live on water and air which is available in space or may be taken from earth to space and recycled within the space structures to be built in future.

Experiments done on animal body may not be suitable to human body. There may be more forces which a pure human body may be able to deal with, than animal body.

Indian method of research is from “WHOLE “to the part. But the European method of research is from “PART” to the whole. Therefore, controversy occurs. Now Europeans have started recognizing the Eastern Culture. Another example for this change is “Vaastu shastra” in which residential structures are designed based on the human body, which is now a developing science and is recognized by the western architects. The basic assumptions are, structures have LIFE, and they affect the inhabitants.

A change is now necessary in the right direction.

Kindly call me as often as it may be necessary. I shall go over to you with my books and answer your questions. My opinion is during the ten days of confined study on my body, the DOCTORS COMMITTEE may be able to report to the press, :Sun TV” etc., so that this message reaches the public.

Thiagarajar Polytechnic( Autonomous)” , Salem,is considering to take up this subject as one of their courses in their Canada – India Institutional Cooperation Project under the heading “Community Programmes”.

Thanking you, Sir Yours faithfully,

(Sd). S.Venkatesan12-3-95

I found an earlier communication from Er. S.Venkatesan dated 17.9.94 which is again in Tamil and furnish a translation;

For your kind attention

(1) Thirukkural stanza (942) he has furnished this stanza and explains as per this it is enough if one takes water continuously just to prevent dehydration of his body.

(2) Dr. Arnold Ehret’s Book “Mucous less Diet Healing System” – contents of page 59 & 60. “The Human Body is an air machine with water used as a lubricating and cleaning agent and so called “Food” is unnecessary and is often damaging to the human body”

(3) Dr. Arnold Ehret’s Book:- “Rational Fasting”

I have practiced step by step diet control based on the directions contained in the above three books to arrive at my present condition of the body.

My diet consists of only water filtered through ceramic filter. I am attending to my normal work schedule. As usual I travel to various places on work and take with me drinking water. For a few days after commencing fasting, the body waste products will leave through urine. Then due to the deposit of mucous in the alimentary canal vomiting sensation occurs. To prevent this happening, boiled greens or cabbage should be taken to clean the mucous. It is enough to keep the alimentary canal moist. I have taken the decision to take only water as my diet with the courage by my faith in Thirukkural and my own interpretation without gave me the courage to take up this diet. I did not have faith in the popular commentaries to Thirukkural. Do not have faith in the popular commentaries. Have your own interpretation.

Man can survive with robust health by consuming air and water alone. Savants followed this. There must be “Kuda Olai” method of politics and “Gurukul Education” in the world.Again he has quoted stanza (261) of Thiurukkural.S.Venkatesan., B.E., A.M.I.E., R.No. 13=171, Keezza Raja Veedhi,Mannargudi – 614001.Dated: 17.9.94.Next page of the above communication contained this;

Clean human body can extract the energy from the air, planets and earth (“Manavalakkalai”Part “2” page “16”- editor: Vedanthri Maharshi). (“Mucousless Diet Healing System” – Page “60” By. Dr. Arnold Ehret) gets the energy from the nitrogen in air, sunlight and Ozone. Having only air and water as diet is the way of life of Yogis. From 93 kg., of my weight on 13.7.94 to 64 kg. on 19.12.94 was reduced mostly by having the diet of air and water.The reasons for living by this way:

(1) Two hours after eating fruits, they are excreted through the alimentary canal with the smell of boiled fruits.

(2) If I eat, rice, chapattis etc.,, the following day my weight increases by 4 kg. It is possible to bring back the weight to original weight by having only water as diet in about three days. Due taking rice or chapattis, due to the ‘poison’ (mucus) accumulated in the alimentary canal results in a bitter taste. This poison is excreted by eating boiled cabbage,

Mannargudi, Rotary Club, at their expense, under the supervision of Dr. Ashok Kumar, medically examined me on 20.12.94. Results as follows:

1. blood Urea : 14 : 14 mgs %2. Random Blood Sugar : 64 mgs %3. Serum Creatinine : 0.4 mgs %

30.1.951. Blood urea : 15 mgs %Serum creatinine : 0.5 mgs 5

Urine :Colour : Pale yellow:Reaction : acidicSp. Gravity ; 1.006:Albumin : NilSugar : Nil;:B.P. ; 140/100 mm Mg.

There is no Food Famine in the World