Israeli Historical Snapshots A Compilation of News on Israel

Historical Notes on Israel

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Israeli Historical Snapshots

A Compilation of News on Israel


On that day, the Lord formed a covenant with Avram, saying, “To your seed I have given this land, from the river of Egypt until the great river, the Euphrates river. The Kenites, the Kenizzites, and the Kadmonites, And the Hittites and the Perizzites and the Rephaim, And the Amorites and the Canaanites and the Girgashites and the Jebusites.”(Bereishit 15:18-21)

And … here exactly were the 12 Tribes of Israel located, take a look

Ancient Israel was part of modern day Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria… AND IT WILL BE OURS AGAIN ONE DAY SOON

Is there any effort to distort the Koran Allah has promised Israel to the

Jews — so says Sheikh Ahmad Adwan, a Muslim scholar living in Jordan, who declared on his Facebook page recently that “Palestine” doesn’t exist.Blogger Elder of Ziyon translated Arab news sources that this Saturday reported on Adwan’s statements, in which he quotes the Koran saying Allah assigned Israel to the Jews until the Day of Judgement (Sura 5 Verse 21), and that Jews are the inheritors of Israel (Sura 26 Verse 59).

“I say to those who distort…the Koran: from where did you bring the name Palestine, you liars, you accursed, when Allah has already named it ‘The Holy Land’ and bequeathed it to the Children of Israel until the Day of Judgment,” argued Adwan. “There is no such thing as ‘Palestine’ in the Koran.”“Your demand for the Land of Israel is a falsehood and it constitutes an attack on the Koran, on the Jews and their land. Therefore you won’t succeed, and Allah will fail you and humiliate you, because Allah is the one who will protect them (i.e. the Jews),” warns Adwan.The sheikh had more harsh words for the “Palestinians,” calling them “the killers of children, the elderly and women” in using them as human shields in order to falsely accuse the Jews of targeting them. He reports having seen the same tactic used by “Palestinians” against the Jordanian army in the 1970s

It is the truth …

Jerusalem is holy to Muslims for any reason other than they don’t want the Jews to have it …

Who are PalestiniansWhere ARE all those Palestinians, the proclaimed one million of them who lived in Israel before they were ‘displaced’? Nowhere.Nowhere, because they never existed. And where are all the mosques for those “over 1 million Palestinians” who are suppose to have lived there already in the early 1800’s like “Palestinians” claim? If they had been 1 million at the turn of the Century, or even in 1920 after they began immigrating to fight the British, with their rapid population growth Palestine would consist of over 40 million people today and not 4 million. That alone proves the jihad lies. Their population is small because they are new invaders and occupiers who arrived late with an aim to commit jihad. They never lost land that was never theirs to begin with!

What is the Real Palestine

The British army permitted merely a few Ottomans to remain due to religious observations, the rest was Jewish. In reality according to eyewitness reports the barren British Mandate had a very small number of people living on it. Félix Bonfils (1831-1885) was a French photographer and writer who was active in the Middle East. Four years after his arrival he reported 15,000 prints of Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Greece, and 9,000 stereoscopic-views. He traveled to the region several times and we hear of no mass population of Palestinians, which contradicts everything the Palestinians lie about to the world.

Women in Western Wall 1899

Who are the JewsHis pictures did not manage to capture any photographs of a single so-called ‘Palestinian’ who are suppose to have lost land to Jewish occupation, if we believe Arab propaganda. All he found was a few bedouines passing through and some remnants of the Ottoman Turks. Guess why? Because the “Palestinian” people as we know them today never existed.The original philistines which the Arab jihadi’s named themselves after were a small group of lawless bandits who occupied the region near Gaza by force and died out before the birth of Christ. Islam was created over 600 years after the death of Christ and is the world’s youngest religion.

Jewish people in 1870

Palestine is a FakePalestinians are a fake creation ordered and constructed by the Grand Mufti Haj Mohammed Effendi Amin el-Husseini [1889-1974]. They were basically discovered (formed and invented) and originate from mass immigration from Egypt and Saudi Arabia with purpose to commit jihad. The Egyptian fighters ended up in Gaza and the Saudi fighters ended up in the West Bank according to their rout of entry. This has been well documented by British government reports from Transjordan. It also fits the video clips and rants by Hamas leaders, who seem well aware that Palestinians are fake yet continue to argue that they ‘lost land’. We are dealing with a terrorist organization here, and not a people who became victims of loss of land.

A Palestinian man on spying

Today’s Palestinian People

It is also important to pay attention to the fact that once Israel had been assigned to be returned to the Jewish people in 1917, Muslims rapidly began to pour into the region from other countries with a purpose to kill them. The first conflict and killing in Israel/Palestine was initiated by the Muslims. At that point to control the population influx the British government stopped Jewish people from entering the area. So for a short span, the Muslim population suddenly became a majority. Not for natural reasons but due to their rapid invasion and occupation. Therefore, if we look at timeline of events in history we will quite easily see that the REAL occupiers of the region are the Muslims.

PA’s Governmental House

This is the house of Palestinian Authority where the president has managed their recent political problems

Palestinian Political Movements

Arab workers filmed with large Hamas flags on construction truck by busy highway outside capital, a week after Jew warned for Israeli flag. A shocking video said to be filmed Sunday near the town of Shoresh on the outskirts of Jerusalem on busy Highway 1, which connects the capital and Tel Aviv, is making the rounds on Facebook.In the video the site of Arab construction workers laboring on the new train and highway projects connecting Israel’s two largest cities is seen – and unbelievably, two large green Hamas flags are visible flying openly from the mirrors of their construction truck. The video can be viewed by clicking the image below.The terrorist organization Hamas is outlawed in Israel; the group, which has the genocide of all Jews written into its charter, last summer launched its third terror war from Gaza seeking to destroy Israel.Comments on Facebook to the video post pointed out the irony of the incident, given that an Ashkelon resident last Sunday was given a warning by police for riding into a hospital where protests had taken place with an Israeli flag on his motorbike.

Golan Plateau in Conflict

A picture of four rockets fired on Galilee came from the new Iranian terror front on the Golan

Israeli Response at GolanIsrael’s top government and military went on a high level of preparedness Tuesday, Aug. 18 in expectation of the first terrorist attack to be orchestrated by Iran from Syrian or Lebanese borders. That is what brought Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gady Eisenkott on a tour of inspection to the Golan and Northern Command headquarters. Netanyahu said then that Israel is ready for any scenario and would “harm anyone trying to harm us.”debkafile’s military sources report that these events were sparked by the knowledge reaching Israeli intelligence that Iranian Al Qods and Hizballah officers were building a new terrorist network for mounting large-scale terrorist attacks on Israel from the Syrian border opposite the Golan.The officers had handed out anti-tank and anti-air rockets to the terrorists, raising Israeli suspicions that one of their plans was to seize an Israeli location or part of one and try and hold out against an Israeli counter-offensive of tanks and assault helicopters.

The Israeli way to encounter

Our counter-terrorism sources disclose that three radical terrorist movements staff the new network:1. One is the hard-line rejectionist

Popular Front for Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC).

2. Another is the Golan-based Syrian Druze group known as Liberators of the Golan. It is headed by the notorious Samir Kuntar, a Lebanese Druze who has set up a Golan terror ring based in the Druze village of Al-Khadar opposite the Israeli border fence.

Also harnessed to Iran’s new Golan terror organization is the Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP) which is made up of radical Christian terrorists. This old timer violent group, which is run by Syrian intelligence, took part in the 1982-3 Hizballah bombing massacres at the US Embassy and Marine headquarters in Beirut.

A counter attack to Syrian poke

Reports of Iranian Solders Along the Golan Have Been CensoredCarmon and Yehoshua further cite published statements in Iran from May 2014—which were censored immediately after they appeared—that “130,000 trained Iranian Basij fighters [are] waiting to enter Syria” for deployment at command posts on the Syrian Golan. Meanwhile, with Lebanese Hizbullah in control of Lebanon, Iran is reportedly now building a new force, Hizbullah Syria, that already numbers 70,000 fighters.

Is it true that there are 130,000 Iranian Fighters on Israel’s Border?

MEMRI, an essential resource for translations of Middle Eastern media—has published an alarming report on Iran’s growing military presence along Israel’s border with Syria. The authors are Yigal Carmon, founder of MEMRI and a former counterterrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers, and MEMRI director Yossi Yehoshua

Today’s Israeli Cities

A picture of the Baha’i Garden in Jerusalem, overlooking to the beach

Rosh Pina ObservationRosh pina is not only a beautiful and magical town it also has one of the most beautiful observation in Israel overlooking the beautiful Golan Heights.  So if you are on the way to Golan area dont forget to have a short visit to this observation.

Gamla ObservationGamla is a small town located on the southern part of the Golan Heights overlooking the beautiful Sea of Galilee.

The Urban spot – The Summit Garden (Gan Hapisga) Tel Aviv. This spot located in the old city of Jaffa, just take a good wine and enjoy the nice breeze from the sea and beautiful view of Tel Aviv shore line.

Israel plans to solve housing crisis by building homes on artificial islands off the coast of HerzilyaA new plan beginning its way through the planning institutions

in recent months is revisiting an idea once widely discussed the construction of an artificial island in the Mediterranean Sea.The novel plan to tackle Israel’s housing shortage is being promoted by the Herzliya municipal engineer and his team, and involves the construction of two artificial islands 1.5 kilometers from the southern coast of Herzliya, opposite the existing marina. NIS 650,000 will be spent on an initial feasibility study. The Herzliya municipality engineering department has already approached international companies for an estimate of the cost of a project on this scale.

The World’s largest shipping company to begin docking in Haifa, Israel

The emerging plan for Israel’s development

Israel Railways reached a major landmark in the construction of the high-speed railway to Jerusalem – the first line to run on electricity. The company began laying tracks on the western section of the line, in the Ayalon Valley region.The project is estimated to cost around NIS 7 billion, including the construction of two 56-kilometer tracks from Tel Aviv’s HaHagana Station to the entrance of Jerusalem, near the International Convention Center, as well as five tunnels – totaling 20 kilometers – and eight bridges.

The Tomb of Beersheba for Israeli Patriarchs Contrary to claims made by

Palestinian leadership and others in the international community, international law fully recognizes Jewish claims in Judea and Samaria. These areas were part of the Palestine Mandate, which granted Jews the right to settle anywhere west of the Jordan River and to establish a national home there.History reminds us that the Palestine Mandate, supported by all 51 members of the League of Nations at the time, and codified in international law, is recognized as legally valid by the United Nations in Article 80 of the UN Charter. In addition, the International Court of Justice has reaffirmed this on three different occasions.While some people argue that the Palestine Mandate became obsolete following its termination in 1947, international legal scholars claim otherwise