Productivity of theOcean: Present and Past W WYW.

Group Report Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes into the Sedimentary Record

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Productivityof theOcean:Present and Past


Productivity of the Ocean:Present and Past

Productivity and paleoproductivity of the ocean are important topics in the study of

the carbon bycle of the ocean and atmosphere which link ocean chemistry and climate.

Marine biologists, geochemists, and geologists met in Berlin to assess the state of

the art in the field of research.

The central themes which emerged during the workshop were: (a) continuous versus

episodic production and associated export from the photic zone, (b) carbon flux fromtransfer of particulate carbon versus transfer of dissolved organic matter, (c) role ofseafloor processes in remobilization of carbon and nutrients, and (d) long-termreconstruction of productivity and its relationships to the fluctuations of carbon dioxidethrough geologic time. These topics are discussed in the background papers writtenby reCognised authorities in the field. ln addition, four group reports summarize theresults of discussions and outline areas of consensus and controversy'

This volume will be of interest to readers concerned with ocean productivity, plankton

dynamics, particle sedimentations, early diagenesis of biogenous materials,

paleoproductivity, and the carbon cycle in general'



Produttivitt of the Ocrun; Present antl PuSteds. W.H. Bcrgcr. V.S. Smctacck and G. Wcfer. pp.29i,311John Wilcv & Sons Limitcd@ S. Bcrrihard, Dahlem Konfcrcnzcn. 1989

Group ReportTransformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxesinto the Sedimentary Record

P.A. Jumars, RapporteurA.V AltenbachG J. De LangeS.R. EmersonB.T. HargraveP.J. Muller

F G. PrahlC.E. ReimersT. SteigerE. Suess


Seafloor processes control the transfer of biogenous detritus into thesediment by burial or into the overlying water by nutrient reflux andresuspension. Either transfer is in part biologically mediated and can involvecomplex interactions among micro-. meio-, and macrofauna. Recent reportsshow that phytodetritus that reaches the seafloor hosts vigorous bacterialand protozoan activity (Lochte and Turley 1988; Gooday 1988), so initialbreakdown may be surprisingly rapid and direct. This flnding at first seemsto contradict observations on microbes attached to sinking particlesintercepted in the water column (Karl et al. 1988; Cho and Azam 1988).These latter authors showed that biomass as well as microbial activity onsinking particles diminishes with increasing water depth. How then is itpossible that the microbial population attached to particles recovered fromthe seafloor is so unusually active? Could it be that only after thephytodetritus reaches the seafloor is it populated by specialized, barophilicheterotrophs that would metabolize the most labile material first (Demingand Colwell 1985; Suess 1988)? The most labile material arriving on thebottom comes in the form of rapidly sinking particles, whose residence timein the water column is short and exposes attached organisms to rapidlyincreasing pressure. Clearly, the mechanism of turnover of incoming flux atthe seafloor is not merely an extension of that in the water column: thebiological species that mediate that turnover are different from those in thewater column; a suite of oxidants rarely used in organic matter degradationin the water column often comes into play at the seafloor; solute transport



292 GrouP RePort; P.A. Jumars et al.

is dominated by moleculiir diffusion and animal pumping from the sediment-

water interface downward; and, unlike the case in the water column, virtuallyall benthic bacteria live attached to particles.

Our specific focus thus was to understand (well enough to identify and

evaluate indicators of past surface-water productivities and bottom-arrivingfluxes) transformation into the sedimentary record of the flux of matterarriving at the bottom. As addressed by Groups 1 and 2 (see Williams et

al. and Bruland et al., both this volume), there is no simple proportionalitybetween surface production and the bottom-arriving flux. New productionarriving at the bottom below 1000 m water depth is significant in the carbon

cycle because even the major fraction that is oxidized to CO2 is kept outof contact with the atmosphere by circulation patterns for roughly 103 yr.

We emphasize that there are differences in benthic processes between

continental margins and "open-ocean," depositional environments. Theformer contain the bulk of buried organic carbon and are sites of injectionfrom the benthos of remineralized and resuspended material into midwatercirculation systems (Romankevich 1984; Jahnke and Jackson 1987). Open-ocean sediments appear stratigraphically and diagenetically less complicated,however, and may thus allow easier reconstruction of the paleoenvironment.

We selected a limited goal, avoiding in general environments of turbiditeand slump deposition. contourites and reworked facies that produce records

difficult or impossible to interpret in terms of paleoproductivity. Thus forthe most part we do not treat deep-sea regions of episodic erosion, althoughthey may be quite widespread (Hollister et al. 1984). We also made no

attempt to include in our goal estimates of past contributions to seafloor

focld supplies from chemolithoautotrophy at hydrothermal or cold-seep sites,

except insofar as this chemoautotrophic signal might be confused with the

rain of material from the surface ocean. Chemolithotrophic production and

its effect on the sedimentary record is just emerging as a field of research.


The key in the generation of vertical geochemical structure is the ratio influxes of organic carbon versus oxygen into the seabed. The succession ofdissolved oxidants is the focus of the classic approach to defining geochemical

structure. It varies strongly with sedimentation rate. Oxygen flux is usually

calculable from pore water gradients (Fig. 1) and is generally proportionalto bottom-water 02 concentration if organic carbon is supplied in excess.

Even complete knowledge of organic carbon flux and bottom-water 02concentration, however, is insufficient to allow accurate prediction of theproportion of organic carbon that will survive diagenesis, for organic matterarriving at the seabed is a chemically heterogeneous mixture. This









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Transformation of Seafloor_arriving Fluxes

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Orgonic C, wt 0/6

o.4 0.6 0.8

294 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

heterogeneity is most often represented via multicomponent models thatassume first-order behavior for each component (Reimers, this volume,Eq. 1).

There is a wide and no doubt very complex spectrum of reactivities amongthe organic carbon molecules arriving at the seabed. Although carrying theidea of a full spectrum is clearly more accurate, for the sake of conveniencewe will adopt a less accurate three-component, qualitative model (cf.Reimers, this volume). Seasonality of benthic flux measurements (Smithand Baldwin 1984) requires that a major fraction of the bottom-arriving fluxof organic matter have a lifetime of several months or less and that it notbe mixed extensively into the sediments by bioturbation. Recent laC

measurements of organic carbon in the bioturbated layer (Emerson et al.1987) imply that a substantial component (30-40%) of this layer's organicmatter has a degradation residence time of less than 1000 yr, with theremaining refractory portion degraded on time scales much longer than thebioturbated layer residence time (> 10* yr). The most refractory materialappears to be degraded more readily by aerobic than anaerobic processes

(Reimers, this volume; Emerson and Hedges 1988). At present, a glaringlack exists in our knowledge of the chemical identities of these classes oforganic matter. These patterns are consistent, however, with the existenceof organic compound classes that yield too few kcal mol I when oxidizedwith SO]- to repay the capital and operating costs of the metabolicmachinery that would be required to carry out the oxidation.

Another pair of related problems that would beneflt from more preciseknowledge of chemical structure and classification at the level of chemicalcompounds are those of the terrestrial contribution and of the contributionof marine material originally deposited elsewhere to the sedimentary recordat a given site (e.g., Prahl and Muehlhausen, and Walsh, both this volume).Conventional wisdom formulated primarily from analysis of 613C holds thatsedimentary organic carbon in the open ocean is predominantly marinederived. Illumination of aeolian fluxes, geochemical evidence of horizontalmidwater transport from continental margins to the open ocean (Martin etal. 1985) and uncertainty in 613C values previously assigned to the marineendmember all have led to skepticism about earlier assessments. That 20"hof sedimentary organic matter in the open ocean is terrestrially produced is

now within reasonable model estimates based on biomarker analyses (Prahl,this volume, Fig. 1). If this terrestrial material has slow reaction kineticsdue either to decomposition during its extensive horizontal transit, to itsinitially highly degraded chemical form on entry into the ocean, or toprotective incorporation within detrital particles, it may make a majorcontribution to the sedimentary organic carbon preserved in the geologicalrecord. The problem of horizontal redistribution is a most thorny one. Byworking only at sites of apparently continuous sedimentary accretion, one


must L\e :resuspen jon resi!':IIlOIe tI:-top sedr::

Pror io=

geo-sraP::carbon ;indirectl,,record p:in palet-::carbon c,:

this r c-rlu:

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could pr-(aeolian :

of terre.::term cii:

A ct=fraction ::

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organi; :in a sed::because :

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indices :terrestr::.particur::pyrolr zrr.

Both ,:

determi:,to be :'.

. -*ars et al.

--....Jels that.-:s rolume,

..:ias among, irr\ ing the: -.nr enience

: rodel (cf .

::-:is (Smith: - ,:iir ing flux- i ihat it not

R:cent 1'lC

-:::on et al.,.=:S OrganiC,.. riith the.:r than the

:r :\ material^:- processes

-: .. a glaring.-; classes of-.- L-\istence-r oridized:- metabolic

-. -rre precise

-. .'; chemical

- : --ntribution- : Li-lIv f eCOf d

...": \ olume).C holds that-:.,:lV marine: horizontal

...- r\lartin et: :he marine-:. That 20%. :roduced is

- -:.'. !cS (Prahl,-. - .:on kinetics::.,nsit. to its

a-an. Or to- .,.rr- & major:-.r'seological

::1\ one. By.-,::etion, one

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 295

must be biased towards sites that are the ultimate resting places for materialresuspended after initial deposition elsewhere. Perhaps this bias of focusing

on regions from which present-day erosion is unlikely helps, together withmore traditional explanations, to account for anomalies in laC ages of core-

top sediments.Provided reliable calibration of terrestrial biomarkers can be achieved,

geographic maps of terrestrial contributions to total sedimentary organic

carbon could be constructed. This information would provide, albeit

indirectly, an assessment of marine contributions to the organic carbon

record preserved in sediment cores, thus facilitating the use of such records

in paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Lipid biomarkers of terrestrial organic

carbon occur as homologous series of compounds (Prahl and Muehlhausen,

this volume, and references therein). Compositional characteristics of those

series can vary with source region (Gagosian et al. 1987). Variations in the

intensive properties of these series deposited with depth in marine sediments

could provide indications of how source regions or mechanisms of delivery(aeolian transport versus riverine transport and tubidity current dispersal)

of terrestrial organic carbon to a given oceanic location changed with long-

term climatic variations.A commonly used method to estimate the terrigenous organic matter

fraction in marine sediments is Rock-Eval pyrolysis. This method, originallydeveloped to screen the quality and maturity of hydrocarbon source rocks

(Espitalie et al. 1977), has also become one of the standard methods fortyping organic matter in paleoceanographic studies, e.g. , in the ocean drillingprogram (Peters and Simoneit 1982). The hydrogen index obtained by Rock-

Eval pyrolysis is the amount of pyrolyzable hydrocarbons normalized to

total organic carbon (mgHC/gC.,.g) and equivalent to the H/C ratio of the

organic material. The proportions of marine and terrigenous organic matter

in a sediment sample, in principle, can be partitioned by its hydrogen index

because the material derived from marine plants is richer in hydrogen than

the organic remains of terrestrial vegetation. A problem associated with the

Rock-Eval technique, however, is that bulk sediment samples may yieldspuriously low hydrogen index values due to the adsorption of hydrocarbons

onto clay mineral surfaces ("mineral matrix effect," e.g., Espitalie et al'

1984), This effect is particularly important in sediments with low organic

carbon contents (<1% C.,,8) which dominate the geological record. Hydrogen

indices basecl on whole-rock samples therefore tend to overestimate the

terrestrial component in marine sediments. Low hydrogen index values, in

particular, should therefore be verified by some other means, e'g., by

pyrolyzing organic matter concentrated via chemical extraction.

Both inherent organic matter properties and the agents arcting on itdetermine the fraction buried. Much organic matter consumption is thought

to be bacterial but to be strongly modulated by the numerous kinds of

296 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

animals that graze bacteria. The water-column view has shifted from oneof bacteria as the overwhelmingly dominant remineralizers of labile organicsto one of the predators of bacteria as remineralizers and regenerators ofDOM (Blackburn and Fenchel 1979), and there is no reason to expect thebenthos to differ in this regard. Feeders on bacteria (e.g., foraminiferans,many meiofauna, and deposit feeders) increase mineralization by bothdigesting and respiring assimilated bacterial organic matter and also bymaking room for younger, more rapidly growing and respiring bacterialindividuals on fresh surfaces. As organic material becomes more refractory,greater inefficiency in bacterial assimilation becomes evident (Benner et al.1988), and bacteria relative to bacterivores assume a correspondingly greaterdirect role in respiration and mineralization (e.g., Cho and Azam 1988).Studies under simulated in slru conditions of organic carbon cycling insediment-trap and box-core samples from the Biscay and Demerara abyssalplains showed that <I0% of the flux was buried and 13-30% of biologicalconsumption was due to bacteria (Rowe and Deming 1985).

This line of argument emphasizes the paucity of direct information ondeep-sea organisms. There is little information on standing stocks andidentities of species under the open ocean, and there are almost no directmeasurements of activities or rates of population change (Rowe 1983).Surprises in animal abundance patterns continue to arise. There is now goodreason to suspect that foraminiferans dominate many and perhaps mostdeep-sea biotas in biomass (Altenbach and Sarnthein, this volume; Fig. 2).A carbon budget partitioning benthic boundary layer respiration exists forbut a single deep-sea site, Santa Catalina Basin (Smith et al. 1987). It liesat about 1300 m and has bottom-water oxygen concentrations of only about15 pM/liter because the basin's sill lies within the oxygen minimum zone ofthe eastern North Pacific. Measurements suggest that 38-68% of benthiccarbon mineralization occurs above surface sediments (but within the bottomboundary layer), with 18-55% being due to free-living bacterioplankton.This study site, whose surface sediments contain 5-7"/o organic carbon,cannot be considered representative of abyssal plains far from land, or evenof slope depths outside semi-enclosed basins. The fact that the overallbudget does not balance, i.e., that vertical sedimentation into sediment trapscan account for only 17-43% of benthic respiration emphasizes the need toevaluate the role of horizontal transport in the deep sea.

Although Smith et al. (1987) did not attempt to partition communiryrespiration on the basis of animal size, some speculation on partitioning ofroles at their and other deep-sea sites seems safe based on shallow waterinformation. Larger organisms dominate the process of bioturbation (Jumarsand Wheatcroft, this volume), but small organisms almost always dominatethe process of POC degradation in terms of any overall rate measure(because metabolic rate scales as body volume or weight to some exponent


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297Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes

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298 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

between 213 and 3/4). It is important to remember. however, that this overallrate would fall (at least for all but the most labile and initially poorlycolonized organics) if the bacteria (and their immediate predators in turn)were not being eaten. This consideration underscores the fallacy-demonstrated long ago in studies of forest litter decomposition (e.g., Bocock1964)-of concluding from work with an isolated animal component or an

isolated bacterial component that degradation rates in the deep sea are

slow. Removal of the influence of metazoans may be one of the reasons

for enhanced efficiency of preservation of organic matter in anaerobic

environments (Kristensen and Blackburn 1987).

Interaction between sediment- and water-moving animals and organicmatter-digesting bacteria helps to explain the seeming paradox that a greaterfraction of organic matter is buried where particulate bioturbation is deeper

and more intense (Aller and Cochran 1976: Emerson et al. 1985). The same

phenomenon can be seen in radioisotopes whose decay constants roughlymatch those of the organic matter in question. The effects of this mixingdownward by animals are compounded in organic matter, however. byshifting material of intermediate reactivity to anaerobic strata where itsdecay rate may drop dramatically. An understanding of what chemicalspecies and what proportions of them succeed in running the interfacialgantlet is thus unlikely to be achieved by contemplation of mean verticalsnapshots such as those of Fig. 1. Spatial and temporal variability on the

scales of organisms is the rule. Aggregations of a few bacteria can make

the space among them anoxic. Tube and burrow environments differ radicallyfrom the horizontal mean condition (Reimers, this volume).

A nearly completely unexplored environment is that of animal guts. Evervparticle in oxic deposits passes through them more than once judging byanalogy with shallow water. We know deep-sea animal guts are sites ofelevated microbial abundance and probably elevated activity. Some ofthe fastest growing bacterial species isolated from deep-sea sedimentaryenvironments have come from animal guts (Deming and Colwell 1982).

Animal guts may have either high or low pH and may be aerobic oranaerobic, but we know of no direct measurements on a single deep-sea

species. We suspect that degradation within animal guts or in fecal pelletssupporting high bacterial growth rates may be a major cause for the lackof entry of the labile component into even the first centimeter of the

seclimentary record. Furlong and Carpenter (1988) found, for example, that< l"/, of the pheopigment flux out of the water column of a coastal fjordaccumulated in the upper 2 cm of sediment. A corollary is that earlydegradation is likely to be poorly modeled by incubation experiments withparticles that are not continuously transiting among these heterogeneous gut

and external microenvironments. Particularly steep redox gradients in the

horizontal are likely to result at high organic fluxes; in order to fulfill its

Transf o'- a: : '

respirat..:'. --intense '.i :-. -

sedimen:. ' -Upu;.;; ""

formatirri.--'diversitr '': - -

contineni-, --

and diss.' ', - -signals u. -. -,

interfere :- -.of benth:; : :

>,co.. T: -

benthic ; --*-even ilt >. ,1

At pres.-:: .

by uprr ai:. - , .

benthic F ,. -'in the l'r...-before i: .

oceanic I ::the Orei :interface ., -1988). a .--'are pre:a:.. ,'much de:-,

be help :: . -

otherui:.' , 'conjunci.. -environr--.'::'


Among :.-, . -utilizatit :.matter t R: -'populatic::-Data ar; :

&fe Se &:r'l -:

Among t:. -in situ e \r:l

PerhaP. :- -

been car:..--experime ::.:'

- j's et al.

- . tlverall. poorly

.- .n turn). -,llacv-

: . Bocock":l.l 0I OI]

: >a ii are_ :iesons--- -,erobic

I 'rganic-r iieater. -reeper

l:..'same' : ru_shly

- :ri\ing, h.,- ,-, . .,]

--:e its- .-. : mical- .:-:;eCial- . r'rtical- rthe-.- inake':-,-:ically

. - E\crv,-. r_c by- :--r'S Of

)::te of. --:ltiifV. -;i]).- r t.!- or- : : f-Se8, : -llets

L^t-,J IdLN- . thc.

' " :. :hat.. :- -ltlId-.-. -.1r1\

- -') \\ lth-- ..> gut

:- :: the: -...i lts

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 299

respiratory function. animal ventilation of burrows will have to be most

intense when animals are large and oxygen demand of the surroundingsediments is great.

Upward pore-water florv due to pressure differentials itl geological

formations-created by tectonics or sediment loading-adds further to the

diversity of benthic interfacial environments. Pore fluids venting along active

continental margins and seepage along passive margins provide nutrientsand dissolved gases to the benthos and might. in places, mask those benthicsignals usually controlled by supply from the sea surface. Particularly severe

interference with the paleoproductivity reconstructions using 6'3C contentsof benthic foraminiferan tests is expected from the injection of r3C-depleted

:CO2. This depletion is generated by methane-based chemoautotrophicbenthrc communities (Kulm et al. i986; Childress et al. 1986) and mimics.even at slow venting rates, enormous fluxes of phytodetritus to the seafloor.

At present it is unclear how much of the ocean floor sediments are affectedby upward expulsion of pore fluids, but any stable carbon isotope signal ofbenthic Foraminifera that indicates abnormally lrC-depleted metabolic ICO2in the benthic environment should be examined for evidence of ventingbefore it is interpreted in terms of apparent oxygen utilization of normaloceanic bottom waters. The degree of r-rC depletion in pore waters fromthe Oregon subduction zone is betrveen -5%" PDB at the sediment-water

interface and -31%, PDB at about 100 cm depth below (Suess and Whiticar1988), a substantial change over normal profiles (Fig. 1). Benthic foramsare present at these vent environments but have not been examined in as

much detail as the macrofauna. If this problem proves severe, there may

be help in the form of biomarkers. Chemoautotrophic bacteria are rich inotherwise exotic structural compounds (Langworthy 1985; Taylor 1984). Inconjunction with depleted 6r3C, they might be used to diagnose ventenvironments.


Among the most far-reaching conclusions of recent modeling is the rapidutilization, on time scales of < 1 y., of rapidly deposited pulses of organicmatter (Reimers, this volume). Equally supportive is the observed speed ofpopulation response to such pulses (Gooday 1988; Lochte and Turley 1988).

Data are too sparse, however, to know whether such inputs and responses

are seasonally predictable or more episodic both within and between years.

Among the many implications of such rapidity in benthic response is thatin situ experiments of relatively short duration might be very informative.

Perhaps the most informative experimental manipulations, however, have

been carried out by nature herself on time scales normally inaccessible toexperimenters. Sediments initially deposited under high fluxes of organic

300 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

matter have been redeposited by turbidity currents to regions of presentl,low organic carbon rain rates. Organic matter of distally deposited andungraded silty clays, now buried under a thin and well oxidized pelagicsediment cover of the Madeira abyssal plain, is presently being remineralizedwith oxygen from bottom water (Colley et al. 1984; Wilson et al. 1985; deLange et al. 1987). Total organic content of the turbidite is much lowerabove than below the oxygen front, illustrating the slow kinetics of anaerobicprocesses when operating on organic material of intermediate reactivity.Furthermore, to achieve such penetration, oxygen must diffuse past lessreactive organic matter in sediments now overlying the turbidite to consumethe more oxidizable material below. Similar "burn down" phenomena mayoperate at a given locality, without redeposition by turbidity currents,following a decrease in organic carbon flux or increase in bottom wateroxygen concentration. Such changes occurred after the last glacial periodand may be continuing today (Wilson et al. 1986). This phenomenondramatically illustrates the importance of oxygen to organic matter degra-dation in deep-ocean marine sediments.

A similar "carbon burn-down" phenomenon may have affected Mediter-ranean sapropels, organic carbon-rich sediments originally deposited underanoxic conditions, whose upper portions are now peculiarly depleted inorganic carbon (Emeis et al. 1988; de Lange et al.. submitted). Reestablish-ment of oxic bottom waters may have mineralized this reactive organicmatter and produced a redox front similar to that seen in the Madeiraabyssal plain. Conversely, increased organic sedimentation effectively capsoff organic matter that would otherwise decompose.

A major under-explored arena in diagenesis comprises regions in whicherosion, physical reworking, and redeposition occur sporadically (e.g., Nowelland Hollister 1985). Such regions are difficult operating environments forequipment as well as steady-state chemical models, and neither fluxchambers nor pore water gradients in solute concentration may indicate thequantitatively important fluxes during sediment transport episodes. We knowthat floras and faunas of such regions differ from those where sedimenttransport is infrequent (Jumars and Wheatcroft, this volume), but we donot know whether mean remineralization rates and net long-term burialrates of organic carbon are radically out of line with those found atcomparable depths in the presence of steady accretion. Similarly, we do notknow what fraction of the organic carbon being buried below animalreworking depths is contained in major turbidity flows and slumps.


Based on the preceding background, which details recent insights into earlydiagenesis and seafloor processes, we again emphasize that most buried


signals recorc r,There are no :-.immune to d;::taken as ? J.r:The problen-.quantifying ti:r(new produc::.:arriving flur ":.burial flur. \\ r

consideration .

recommendu::,:both this roi;:--,surface prod:;:-

The first "::.these subdir i.:, :

buried sedimc::complexities :.empirical fur-:.approach 1," tincorporatin_t :.between e\F-'::degradation :: :

bulk sedime::,:essence the --'::the sedimen:":,not without ;. :instead the :,::stressing bio:;::pathway. i.;,. ::depth belos ;:is obsen'ed r. -1,:

by Mr.iller ;n: :

1988), is a :;:carbon pre s=:-.:feedback in ;:,reactive mala:-:penetration -:resolved. L'u: ;=of reactir.e .-:..within the br.:-high and Ic ",-

pinpointinr::. :

fraction of .:i.

*a's et al,

,:::!antl-' . tr'd and,:i t.la_gic-. r. rllized. --*-<: de..'.1 l,.r$ er

" :::eIfrbiC::'r.-Iir itr'.

j:;:I leSS

. ':lsume:;]ll ma\-

- -.:rents.I :i 1\ ater- '- reriod:1 ,lile IlOIl::': Je_gra-

: \1-tliter-:.J under::.;:ed in:;::.rblish-:' lisaniC: \l.rdeira:" i,1, caps

.: * hich: . \oqell::. : xts for.::-ir flux: :r:e the'ilr a \nOW::- iiment-: ,'\e do:: burial: lad at. .- Jo not,i inimal

::'-r eafly!: luried

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 301

signals record bottom-arriving flux and not surface-ocean paleoproduction.There are no biogenic particles or organic chemicals known to be completelyimmune to degradation, whose accumulation rate in the sediments could betaken as a direct measure of their production rate at the sea surface.The problem of estimating paleoproduction is conceptually divicled intoquantifying the relationship between (a) total production and export flux(new productron), (b) export flux and bortom-arriving flux, (c) bottom-arriving flux and shallow burial flux, and (ct) shallow burial flux ancl deepburial flux. we examined primarily the third relationship, with somiconsideration of the fourth, whereas one would have to combine therecommendations of Groups 1 and 2 (see williams et al. and Bruland et al..both this volume) with ours in order to evaluate the prospects for recordingsurface production in bulk sedimentary variables.

The first attempt to estimate surface ocean production short-circuitedthese subdivisions and predicted surface production directly from the deeplyburied sedimentary record (Mriller and Suess 1979). tnso dting the immensecomplexities of all the intervening transformations were re-duced to oneempirical function. Recently, Sarnthein et al. (19gg) have improved thisapproach by greatly expanding the data base for calibration and byincorporating relationships between surface procluction and export flux andbetween export flux and water depth, the latter to take into accountdegradation in the water column. Both approaches contain as a variable thebulk sedimentation rate, ostensibly to account for seafloor processes. Inessence the loss of organic matter by benthic degradation is higher whenthe sedimentation rate is slower, but this control tf carbon preservation isnot without controversy. Emerson (19g5) and Emerso,

"t ui. (19g5) stress

instead the rate of bioturbation as another of the controlling factors. Instressing bioturbation they introduce another subdivision in the carbon burialpathway, i.e., the relationship between shallow burial and deep burial (thedepth below which little additionar decrease in sedimentary organic carbonis observed). According to this view, the loss at the interfaie (as envisionedby Mtiller and Suess 1979; Reimers ancl Suess 19g3; and Sarnthein et al.1988), is a two-step process whereby higher bioturbation rate increasescarbon preservation. The mechanism can perhaps best be envisioned as afeedback in which more intense bioturbation more rapidly buries morereactive material and the degradation of that material in turn limits furtherpenetration of oxygen into the sediments. The issue is far from beingresolved, but we suspect that explicit models exploring more than two typesof reactive organic matter, different magnitudei of cirbon residence timeswithin the bioturbated layer, fast and slow sedimentation rate regimes, andhigh and low bottom-arriving fluxes of organic matter may iucceed inpinpointing the mechanism(s) behind the empirical observation ihat a greaterfraction of organic carbon is preserved under greater absolute flux rates.

302 GrouP RePort; P.A. Jumars et al.

At present the sole means, independent of sedimentary organic matter,to estimate surface production on the basis of sedimentary evidence derives

from the relation between qualitative structure of the planktonic death

assemblage and surface-ocean productivity (Mix, this volume). Interestingly,the approach gives results divergent from those based on bulk organiccarbon preservation. Nevertheless, so long as they are relatively insensitive

to taphonomic (preservational) artifacts, species compositions of buried

planktonic microfossils can provide useful estimates of surface production.

For hindcasting of bottom-arriving fluxes, several direct and indirectmeans are promising enough to warrant further investigation. Interpretationsof any of them are still aided by correlative measurements of TOC, totalcarbonate, and biogenic opal in the same stratum. Especially exciting is the

recent flnding of species of benthic forams that respond opportunistically topulsed inputs of organic matter (Gooday 1988). Not only may analysis ofbenthic foram community structure allow hindcasting of the magnitude offlux (Altenbach and Sarnthein, this volume), but the presence or abundance

of these "event opportunists" might also provide an indication of the short-term variation in the flux.

Among the refractory materials whose abundances may yield estimates

of paleofluxes, the long-chained alkenones of coccolithophorids discussed

by Prahl and Muehlhausen (this volume) are particularly promising

biomarkers. They are relatively well characterized chemically and appear tobe highly refractory. Their decomposition kinetics require additional study,however, in order to test their adequacy as paleoflux estimators' If the

kinetics are genuinely flrst order and the same is true of the majorconstituents of TOC, then it is not clear that these alkenones provide a

better estimate of bottom-arriving organic flux due to coccolithophorids thanTOC itself provides of the bulk arriving organic flux. To be superior wouldrequire that the alkenone degradation rate is both slower and more constant

than the rate for TOC decomposition at the site. Nevertheless, biomarkerssuch as those produced by coccolithophorids exist as a series of molecules

both structurally and functionally different from each other. Hence, the series

potentially displays differential reactivities under variable environmentalconditions (Prahl et al. 1988). Such differences can be exploited by studyingstratigraphic changes in composition of the chemical series. Examinationsof this sort could resolve to what extent preservational factors for the

biomarkers vary with time and location. Parallel information cannot be

obtained from the single measurement of a bulk property such as TOC.A very promising indirect method is to measure a fossil signature of the

gradients in bottom-water oxygen concentration as derived from the

metabolic !CO2 input (Fig. 1). Required is a pair of preserved' calciumcarbonate-containing species that record, at two distinct and known levels

within (or one level within and one above) the sediment, at least one of


the par.:::carbon :-paramela:'Uvigeri': ":

AltenL,r;:-within ; :,protrutlli.Thus it :.containir.would :;the lee .':from th.pore \\ ;:.:This er.:informir:principiroppori';:.:


Source an

A fund.:arrir.i n s

knou Ie;;,and the .:,unknt u ---.

precise:.,carbon ,chemil.,, '

acids." i.categ(r1chemi.'.. :

the cii::that trn; r-

of the :::attack - .

subdir.',No\1 ::.

mode- ,.been - --::,it seer -

treat J..:

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 303

the parameters whose gradients correlate with magnitude of the organiccarbon flux. The most useful combination of species and geochemicalparameters found to date appears to be Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi andUvigerina peregrina, with 613C measurements of the tests (Zahn et al. 1986;Altenbach and Sarnthein, this volume). C. wuellerstorfi is not found livingwithin a diffusive sublayer; it lives attached to worm tubes and other objectsprotruding above the bed, usually at heights of several mm above the bed.Thus it is clearly above any concentration gradient and is bathed in watercontaining bottom-water characteristics of lCO2 and 6'3C. The sole exceptionwould be those rare individuals poised in a secondary circulation (e.g., inthe lee of a tube or nodule, Nowell and Jumars 1984) that entrains waterfrom the diffusive sublayer. U. peregrina lives infaunally and is bathed inpore waters enriched in the lighter isotope via organic matter degradation.This example clearly demonstrates the need for, and value of, ecologicalinformation at the level of species, individuals, and microenvironments. Inprinciple, Cd/Ca ratio in the same foram tests should afford the sameopportunity as 13C, but the method remains to be explored.


Source and Chemical Identification of Organic Carbon Fractions

A fundamental block to further understanding of transformation of bottom-arriving organic carbon fluxes into the sedimentary record is the lack ofknowledge concerning the identities of chemical compounds in those fluxesand the specific reactions in which they engage. One of the most troublesomeunknowns in hindcasting bottom-arriving fluxes is the lack of a sufflcientlyprecise means of estimating the terrigenous contribution to the total organiccarbon preserved. The bulk of the terrigenous contribution remainschemically unidentified beyond crude operational catch-alls such as "humicacids." Acute problems with this imprecise identification are that thecategory includes a broad spectrum of reactivities and that numerouschemical transformations of a substance can occur without removing it fromthe category. Casual use of the analysis and the term lull one into believingthat one knows more about a sample's chemistry than is true. Until estimatesof the terrigenous contribution converge, we recommend a two-prongedattack combining a search for additional biomarkers with finer chemicalsubdivision of the bulk terrigenous component.

Now that it has become clear that a two-component, flrst-order degradationmodel is inadequate to treat the deep-sea sedimentary record and we havebeen forced to a three-component model for even a qualitative understanding,it seems appropriate to ask whether the best approach is to continue totreat degradation as a first-order, multi-component process or whether more

304 Group Report; p.A. Jumars et al.

complex kinetics should be explored. Most degradation is biochemical, andeven the simplest degradation of one substrate by one enzyme is poorlytreated as simply first order. Resolution of the best kinetic approach againseems unlikely, however, until the substances whose kinetics are beingstudied are better identified. The problem also is acute in benthic biologicaloceanography, where the specific identities of organic substrates digestedand assimilated in nature by benthic organisms, in particular by heterotrophicbacteria and deposit feeders, are unknown.

Use should be made of the turbidite burn-down effect as a natural"experiment" on very long time scales. Chemical analyses should be doneon both sides of the oxidation front to examine the sensitivity of specificbiomarkers to long-term differences in redox conditions. The ideal indicatorof terrigenous source? paleotemperature or paleoflux (although for theturbidite no such flux determination would be attempted), should not changein its intensive or extensive properties across the front. Those chemicalspecies that do fall in concentration on the oxic side of the front are lessresistant to oxic degradation than to anaerobic degradation on time scalesotherwise beyond experimental reach.

Calibration of Paleoflux Estimators

All the paleoflux estimators require calibrations, which should take the formof field programs that measure fluxes arriving at the seabed and comparemodel-estimated and directly measured fluxes of organic matter. At present,two methods appear to provide the most reliable organic carbon fluxmeasurements. The first involves sediment trapping above the bottomboundary layer. Within the bottom boundary layer material can beresuspended or at least be held turbulently in resuspension to heights of50-100 m. The second method is to (a) estimate burial rates and add themto chamber measurements of total benthic respiration of those organismsIiving on and in the seabed and (b) to estimate respiration of organismsnot caught in such chambers (Smith et al. 1987). Calibration should be overthe entire range of fluxes for which hindcasts are to be made and shouldcover a variety of sediment types (oozes, clays, and hemipelagic sediments)and a range of bottom boundary layer flow regimes and oxygen concen-trations. Ideally, several promising methods would be intercalibrated toassess relative precision and accuracy. Furthermore, such a set of observationswould allow multivariate statistical analysis (e.g., multiple regression) toassess the added value of using several independent measurements. Inaddition to alkenone biomarker concentrations in bulk sediments and b13Cand cd/ca ratios in foraminiferal tests, more traditional measurements(TOC, total carbonate, reactive silica) should be taken for objectivemultivariate evaluation of their utilitv.


Development r-r,

The dem..r.:additional s:.::be sousht. l-:..The excitir._; :,fluxes can :"that C. ]i ir: _.: .

fluxes sinc; ..

studies of --'. :

alreadr in;.:,:rate recons::-:

Xenoph'. --:.inhabits t:= :(Schulze . - :benthic b,i::::this volur::. :

xenophr r.p: :-

, ,.r''lars et al.

:-=rrical. and:.:.; is poorly::::.rach againr..:> rre being

-::.:: riological!tr:t:! dieested.,,-:srotrophic

l:> r1 natufal' ,.J be done

:'. !rf specific::.1 indicator..:h ior the

-.-' nt)t change, - .; chemical, ::- nt are leSS

, :ime scales

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 305

Development of Additional Paleoflux Estimators

The demonstrated utility of using benthic foraminiferans suggests thatadditional species indicators of fluxes and seasonal variation in fluxes shouldbe sought. The basic natural history of foraminiferans is poorly understood.The exciting possibility exists, however, that horizontal as well as verticalfluxes can be bracketed by species composition. It is likely, for example,that C. wuellerstorfi is responding to horizontal fluxes or turbulent verticalfluxes since it resides above the diffusive sublayer (Fig. 3). The limitedstudies of living forams (Altenbach et al. 1987 and references therein)already indicate that some combination of paleo-flow and paleo-carbon rainrate reconstruction for the bottom boundary layer is feasible.

Xenophyophorans should also be examined. This phylum of protozoansinhabits the deep-sea floor and secretes barite that may be fossilizable(Schulze 1905; Tendal and Gooday 1981). This biological production ofbenthic barite and its effect on the sedimenting Ba flux (see Bruland et al.,this volume) needs to be evaluated. The exciting possibility exists thatxenophyophorans may preserve or even amplify the seabed-arriving Ba

Fig. 3-A scanning electron micrograph of {ive individ:uals of Cibicidoides wuellerstorfiattached to a hydrozoan (photograph provided by A. Altenbach).

- .:(a the form- :ri compare:r \t present,, --:rbon fluxr :r. bottom

:.:tt:l Can be- : heights of.:: rrdd them

- :: organisms- : rrrganisms- -rid be over.-:' :ild should-: - :ediments)

,. .:an concen-::::.ilrated tO

:servations: ::.eSSiOn) tO

.:-:a-ments. In-::-: and E13C

-. a -::Ufements,: objective

306 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

signal. The long-known association of barite. organic matter, and opalinesilica has now been identilied as largely due to svngenetic formation ofBaSOa precipitates during aggregation, aging, and settling of siliceousphytodetritus (Bishop 1988). Previous interpretation favored direct biologicalproduction by siliceous phytoplankton, but culturing experiments consistentlyhave failed to show it. Marine haptophytes (Pavlova lutherii) are known tosecrete barite along with energy storage products in their intraceliularvacuoles (Fresnel et al. 1919). Little is known, however, about thecontribution of microflagellates to total primary production. Syngeneticformation within decomposing particles explains several of the characteristicfeatures of dissolved and particulate Ba patterns in the water column as

well as an increase in Ba flux with water depth. The mechanism proposedby Bishop (1988) also encourages, albeit circuitously, application of Baaccumulation as a paleoproductivity indicator (Schmitz 1987).

Tentatively, the accumulation of barite in the sediment would be somefunction, as yet unknown, of total supply of siliceous phytodetritus andresidence time in the water column. Bio-barite produced by haptophyteswould modulate such a function but would not be expected to be anindependent source of significant magnitude. Excretion of bio-barite and itsincorporation into tests by Xenophyophora might affect accumulation ofbarite in those areas where increased supply of detritus also stimulates thegrowth of xenophyophore populations. It is intriguing to pursue the utilityof bio-barite as a proxy for productivity because, unlike any of the otherindicators (Co.r, opal, CaCO.) which suffer extensive loss during transferfrom the sea surface to the ocean floor, barite abundance actually increasesduring transfer.

Systematic means of identifying additional biomarkers for studies of high-and low-productivity regions of the ocean are beginning to become evident.Lipids are generally the most structurally diverse biochemicals and hencedisplay the greatest source specificity to the organisms that produce them,allowing in the ideal situation unique identification of the species thatproduce them. Lipid components traceable to protective coatings or cellwalls of autotrophs are typically the most refractory biochemicals in organismsand as such are found preserved in sediments. Although most reportedbiomarkers are for organisms at the base of the food web (de Leeuw 1986and references therein), too few studies have been conducted to generalizethat distinctive lipids are restricted to organisms of low trophic position. Inaddition to the alkenones of coccolithophorids, compounds such as 4-methylsterols of dinoflagellates (de Leeuw 1986) and the hopanoids ofcyanobacteria (Rohmer et al. 1984) should be investigated as biomarkers ofpaleoflux in the geological record. Given the above patterns and theirphysical presence in the fossil record, the resting cysts of dinoflagellates andspores of diatoms would seem to be promising candidates as sources for

Transf o'- a:

nelr pa.. . -bottom- j 'r :that pers:-:distincti".'to be frr r-. . -sedimen:- -,-1983). \:.-'their bo; .-potentia.,',.largelr :i-.1serendip::',

Use r.: ::.past gra.]:;-'species r r:.range ui:..the strat;::uSe ful frr: r . .

kle and E:-.be caliL,:-.:. -

species ::,:however.,.:in the itr:>.

Assessment ,:'

Rapid poi -flux in th. -widespre -,:shelf or s. : -

in preprir.:to bioltr:.- -interfac.-. \biologicr,l :. 'distributir, 'pore \\al-: :deposititr: :studies h''. :

Experir:..-needed tc :


conditions :

in ambienl ..

--a"s et al.

j.."t 0paline.::i-rIiOn Of:.ilicc-t.lus

a: -rolrrqical

-,i:islentlr'-:, (llt)\\.Il tO

:rireliular:lriUt the>'. n_gcnetic


- .Jmn as

:: lrrlPOS€d,:rrf Ba

- te some;i:liUS arld

: i::,.rph\ tes: :. be an.:':: Jnd its: ...,iion of-.-i--rteS the:]l. utility

- ::- other-.:ransfer.,:n.-reases

.. ..f high--.\ident..l.i hence:t;a them,',::ies that- -i: tlr Ce ll

, rganisms. :eported;::.lu 1986

:sneralize, :1iion. In-;:i as 4-'::ttridS Of:-rrkers of.rd their

;.-:teS and*:ces for

Transformation of Seafloor-arriving Fluxes 307

new paleoenvironmental biomarkers. Nearly unexplored is the potential ofbottom-dwelling bacterial or animal species to produce diagnostic biomarkersthat persist in the sedimentary record. Functional groups oi bu.t".iu proclucedistinctive lipids (Goosens et ar. 19g7), but refra-ctory .o*pon"nts remainto be found, with the exception of ether ripids of Archaebacteria in ancientsediments and Recent hydrothermal environments (comita and Gagosian1983). Animals produce a range of antibiotics to prevent bacterial attack oftheir bodies and structures (tubes and burrowsj. oespite these ideas onpotentially good candidates for sources of biomarkers, the search is stilllargely empirical, and new biomarkers are found primarily throughserendipity.

Use of the carbon isotopic ratio in benthic foraminiferans for estimatingpast gradients in 6'3c of marine pore waters would benefit if additionalspecies (beyond IJ. peregrina) coulcl be identified that cover a greater clepthrange within diagenetic chemical gradients. Species that appJr ro occupythe stratum where oxygen falrs to uncletectable levels (corriss 19g5) .nuy t.useful for estimating paleoceanographic bottom water oxygen levels (Mcbor-kle and E,merson 1988) if they are abundant enough geog"raptrically and canbe calibrated using recent in<iividuals and preseit b."t"r"tr. Ii pairs ofspecies that are widely separated vertically in life positions are used,however, care must be taken to determine tirat they aie contemporaneousin the fossil record.

Assessment of Biological Responses and Effects

Rapid population response of benthic foraminiferans to seasonallv enhancedflux in the deep sea (Gooday 1988) came as a surprise but may well bewidespread. Metazoan meiofauna have shown similai seasonal responses atshelf or slope depths off both U.S. coasts (cammen, in preparatior; Fleege.,in preparation). Seasonal changes in sedimentation flux need to be linkedto biological and geochemical changes occurring at the secliment-waterinterface. No deliberately seasonal studies have b-een initiated to correlatebiological responses (changes in numbers, reproductive conditions, verticaldistributions of organisms) or geochemicar chinges in particulate matter andpore water profiles to variable supply rates of particulate organic matterdeposition (Reimers, this volume). In general geochemicat aria biologicalstudies have been poorly coupled.

Experiments under actual or simulat ed in situ deep-sea conditions areneeded to investigate the impact of invertebrate feeding and bioturbation onpreservation of inorganic and organic material. The unique microenvironment(physically mixed and anaerobic) within some animal guts can createconditions for dissolution, precipitation, or degradation ttr"at do not occurin ambient sediments and are not yet reproducible in the laboratorv. Animal

308 Group Report; P.A. Jumars et al.

feeding should also stimulate microbial activity and thus increase the rateof organic matter degradation inferred from simple microbial incubationsalone.


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Demine. -i ',1

in sarn:.:'Plain.,i:

Emeis. I.. -fPleist.-c.:ODP L..vol. 1' r-

E.merson. S

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Emerson- S

dvnamr--.Emerson- !

of ope: .

Emerson. S

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Espitalie. IBoutel; -poten:::.

Espitalie. --

keroge: :Fresnel. J .

of tsr -:sp.. r F.::813-!t:

Furlong. E iin e-rri.- : "

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te rTe s::::Goodar. -{

phrtoc;::Goosens- li

196-, B:':of lipr; ::

Hollister. C2501 -1 '. :-

Jahnke. R Iconsun:ti

Jumars. P .:


Kar1. D,\[orgafli: :4Ji*-

Kristenx:- lin erp<:::J. "\l;.:zt

Kulm. L"DThor:'l:'::

.: ::: rlte-, -lrIions

-:-,:-:htlrg' : Lril.

- 3:rthtls-: -i/-l 6:

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:. R.: and'" I . :rlidae)

-, -ures in

,:: -,litionali - -rnceS in

i:.:hermal:-- 1i31.

. -'iiments.

ii -rmmon,:l 1988.

- ....J. Mar.

':1.:iics and.. Piain. N.: \\'eaver

-:::\. spec.

- -Jternary.'..tfiology,

.:-..J Marine- Soc.:.. digestive

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